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Payment Data Systems, Inc.

Payment Data Systems, Inc. (PYDS)

Closed March 07 4:00PM
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Pre Market: 8:00PM

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asp42001 asp42001 2 years ago
Mgmts., MSFT Dot Net Connection In Past

Bodes well for USIO & 3rd. party backup transaction security?

asp42001 asp42001 4 years ago
Microsoft Dot Net Verification & PYDS/USIO Fusion?

USIO Mgmt., was Microsoft dot net qualified in the past.

Hi-tech identification Billserv/Payserv "digital" security needed, before Ransomware and other cyber-attacks can be held at bay.

PYDS, now USIO, was MSFT dot net affiliated (connected) in the past.

21st. Century E2E Billserv/Payserv transaction ID security, or Ransomware?

( ?:}} --- Bought more USIO. GLTA!

asp42001 asp42001 5 years ago
GDOT Prepaid Visa "Cards-of-Networking-Opportunity?"

Management's past connection with Green Dot, bodes well for better USIO 3rd party helping-hand recognition, understanding and stock appreciation.

At $1.67 per share, Topline Capital Partners purchase of fUSIOn shares, has more upside stock potential, than downside risk... IMO!

Green Dot Visa smart-cards are getting attention. Will USIO's FiCentive/Akimbo smart-cards get attention?

I'm Texas Software & Smart-Card networking solution "ALL-IN!"

asp42001 asp42001 5 years ago
PYDS/USIO & Microsoft Dot Net fUSIOn?

I own PYDS/USIO stock and believe the connection in the past between Microsoft dot net and PYDS, might draw attention to USIO stock:

PYDS/USIO stretch-of-imagination? Friday 10/25, MSFT beat the competition and won a government contract worth 10 billion dollars !!!

2019 fUSIOn between USIO and MSFT dot net speculation... What went around in the 20th Century, can come around in the 21st. IMO!

I'm an application software, TX Hold'em, EBPP&H, fUSIOneer shareholder.

iRemote 1-877-PDS-PAYS, a penny-ante FiCentive-card DEAL I can't refuse.

asp42001 asp42001 5 years ago
Microsoft Dot Net Connection To 3rd Parties?

Microsoft beat Amazon, won a 10 billion dollar contract.

USIO... MSFT Dot Net connected in past, with Payment Data Systems.

Real-Time-Payments, when new rules and regulations governing the payment industry iron-out, could draw attention to Micro-Cap, back-office SaaS fUSIOneers, working in Texas & Tennessee.

T for Texas, T for Tennessee. fUSIOn shares fits me to a "T"



asp42001 asp42001 5 years ago
Bank-Independent Consumer Cards Vs. Bank Cards

Bank-Independent "Cards-of-Networking-Opportunity" proliferate, when back-office software fUSIOneers join forces to compete with AMZN.

The non-banked on E&M Commerce Planet Earth, outnumber banked consumers.

Bank-Independent fUSIOneers catering to the non-banked Hispanic population and others, have more "growth" potential, than investors realize. The ability to buy fractions of a share, as well as round-lots, can draw attention to USIO trading at $2.00, or lower, imo.

The recent agreement between USIO and One-Church-Software, suggests the word can get out, about bank-independent, load and reloadable, prepaid smart-cards, that enable the non-banked, to network in the fast-lanes; Heretofore, available only to consumers with bank accounts.

Demand for back-office fUSIOneer payment pals, outweighs supply.

Working "smack-dab" in the middle where billing, payment, security and record keeping cross-paths, USIO once known as Billserv and Payment Data Systems, is in the right place at the right time, while Real-Time-Payment solutions hone-to-perfection; albeit slow.


asp42001 asp42001 5 years ago
Billserv/Payserv Real-Time-Payment Data fUSIOneer

PYDS is now USIO. A Micro-Cap Software Rodeo, Austin, TX., Oct 15 & 16 will lasso attention. USIO stock could appreciate, before December, when consumers buy load & reloadable smart-cards for XMAS stockings.

Ficentive/Akimbo prepaid cards sporting MasterCard, or other logos can become a helping-hand for people in need. One Church Software fUSIOneers. Demand outweighs supply.

Dial-Up 1-877-PDS-PAYS (737-7297) Talk to fUSIOneers in 2019 & beyond.

asp42001 & beyond!

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
fUSIOn Information & Feedback Sign-Up Sheet

I signed-up to receive USIO PR news, the soon as it's released.

Prepaid MasterCards & 5 Akimbo smart-card attachments. Someone(s) must P&H "Prepaid Accounts" catering to the non-banked masses.

PYDS/USIO Sunrise Bank. More banks will "fuse" with what fUSIOn offers.

USIO stock should trade above $5.00, when iRemote-Pay Pass, MA & Akimbo cards are adopted by consumers with, or w/o banking accounts.

Billsync-Paysync GrubHub, UBER-Eats & AG record keeping security??

$$$ Inbound/Outbound transactions need Appointment Guardian Security!

Perform your own due diligence. Access USIO's sign-up sheet.

Back-Office, digital, ACH, hi-speed, least-cost USIO transactions?

I'm Texas & Tennessee USIO Hold'em All-In!


asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Digital Billsync-Paysync fUSIOn & The Roaring 20's

Starting in 2020, or before, digital Billsync-Paysync records will help develop & deploy hi-speed blockchains & artificial intelligence.

fUSIONn will draw attention to back-office operations. Few if any retail investors follow 21st Century, back-office, digital Billsync-Paysync record keeping.

17 M PYDS shares could get gobbled-up like a Turkey going-thru-the-corn, with or w/o patent 7,021,530 in-play, in 2019 & beyond.

USIO goes under the EBPP business microscope, when "LA" Hoch & upper management, ring NASDAQ's closing-bell, Monday, 7-1-19.

USIO digital Billsync-Paysync-Healthcare software in the Roaring 20's?

Will USIO Akimbo MasterCards & iRemotePay-Pass methods help streamline the business of America [business]??

USIO back-office modular server upgrades, are invisible to most individual retail investors.

Billsync-Paysync fUSIONn, or BUST!

Dial-Up the EBPP Appointment Guardian... 1-877-PDS-PAYS.


asp42001 & beyond!
asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
6X & More Recurring Transaction Power Than A Single Card

Akimbo MasterCard can connect to 5 other smart cards. MasterCard takes on a new meaning when 5 more load & reloadable cards are added:

iRemotePay-Pass, load & reload 6 cards. A USIO WIN for stockholders.

6 card Akimbo MasterCard "fusion" needs a U.S.A. based multi-lingual Call-Center, operated by a USIO Appointment Guardian.

"LA" Hoch started Appointment Guardian in 2008 and help build & operate a multi-lingual Call-Center, San Antonio, TX., circa 1998.

FUSION... drop the F, drop the N.... PYDS becomes USIO. "LA" Hoch's Team will ring the closing bell, Monday July 1st.

PYDS Volume Friday 30,739, Hi 3.46 Lo 3.29, last 3.46. 21,000 shares of the 30,739 traded at the last minute. Was it a short-squeeze?

Healthcare & payment rules will iron-out; albeit slow. 1-877-PDS-PAYS!

Google Akimbo MasterCard. Perform due diligence before investing.

I'm Texas & Franklin TN USIO Hold'em "ALL-IN!"

asp42001 & beyond!
asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
USIO Billsync/Paysync Appointment Guardian Fusion?

Electric powered Small SUVs & UBER delivery. There's a need to lease and/or buy small electric SUV's with enough room, to pick-up 300 Lb. passengers & fans, after a night-on-the-town. FAN Cards can pay for rides home. Dodge DUI's... FAN Cards pay for themselves 100X over.

A multi-lingual USIO Appointment Guardian Call-Center? A safer way to deliver goods & passengers?

"LA" Hoch built a multi-lingual billing service Call-Center in San Antonio. Educated on what's needed, Mr. Hoch & USIO could turn the back-offices in Texas & Franklin, TN., into beehives-of-activity.

You can't develop or deploy payment security software, without billing security software. 7,021,530 COULD turn USIO into a patent-play, imo.

U.S.A. Multi-Lingual Call-Center adoption rate... UNKNOWN !!

Strong BUY!

asp (application software provider) 42001 & beyond USIO Shareholder.
asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Billing & Payment Fusion. Drop f & n.... USIO


The word means β€œinfinite” in Swahili but that’s not what the company had in mind. (Only time will tell if Usio lasts.)
β€œOver the years, we’ve acquired a few companies and we have a whole bunch of brands,” CEO Louis Hoch explained. β€œPeople were finding us by all these different brands. We thought it was time to consolidate, so we wanted to fuse all of our brands together. We started talking about β€œfuse” and β€œfusion.” And then we took the β€œf” and the β€œn” off fusion and we ended up with Usio.
β€œIt’s kind of a very techie kind of name,” he added. β€œWe wanted a more fintech-like name.”
The company didn’t pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a marketing genius to dream up the moniker.

Above cut and paste from S.A. Biz Journal 6/26/19.

USIO could help build blockchains & AI in the future, in my opinion.

USIO FiCenitve/Akimbo, iRemotePay-Pass & ACH straight-thru-processing?

USIO can "fuse" the data needed to help build AI in the U.S.

Stay (You-See-Oh!) ALERT! Higher stock price to come, imo.

asp (application software provider) 42001 & beyond shareholder

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
USIO Blockchain & AI Development & Deployment

United Service Industry Operation in America. You-See-Oh a helping-hand, enabling the biz of America [business] adopt blockchain & AI data.

21st Century Blockchains & AI streamlines healthcare, billing & payments.

America must adopt blockchains & AI, before others eat its business lunch, on E&M Commerce planet Earth.

21st Century prepaid cards, iRemotePay, blockchain & AI... USIO, or BUST!

PYDS symbol change 7-1-19. Let USIO blockchain & AI adoption begin!

Dial-Up a USIO Appointment Guardian, streamline operations.

asp (application software provider)) 42001 & beyond!

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
USIO Phones Could Ring-Off-The-Hook After 7-1-19?

Management to ring the bell after markets close 7-1-19. This could cause company phones to ring-off-the-hook, imo.

Bought more shares...

Strong Buy,

asp42001 & beyond !
asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Healthcare Exec Ord... Bill & Pay Data Going Public

Once called Billserv (BLLS) starting in 1998, PYDS/USIO Mgmt., could help provide accountability and transparency, for U.S.A. Healthcare, now that Trump's Executive Order, placed some wheels-in-motion.

Back-office healthcare bill & pay match-ups. Data goes public; albeit-slow.

Healthcare Office, Franklin, TN, could become a beehive-of-activity.

877-PDS-PAYS (737-7297) + Prepaid "Smart Cards-of-Networking-Opportunity?"


asp (application software provider) 42001 & beyond.

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Sunrise-Goal-FAN-Payjr-Paymissy Prepaid Smart Cards?

USIO (You-See-Oh!) Sunrise Bank expansion & Prepaid Account Industry!

Outsource prepaid cards... Banks add money to their bottom-line.

877-PDS-PAYS. FiCentive Akimbo Cards could sell like 'hot cakes!"

Bank-independent prepaid smart cards. You can monitor inbound/outbound card transactions 24/7, using BillX dot com.

SD: I own shares. USIO name change should get attention. And you can take that to banks helping expand the prepaid card footprint.

Strong BUY!

asp42001 & beyond!

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
USIO Dealer-Pay & Appointment Guardian Sales Teams?

Dealer-Pay's agreement. "LA" Hoch's Appointment Guardian, COULD go digital, re-activate & help provide Billsync, Paysync security:

Billserv/Payserv E2E Appointment Guardian Security? Billserv (BLLS) Now PYDS, operated a San Antonio TX., Call-Center circa 1998. BLLS stock swapped one-for-one to PYDS June 2003.

Back-office E2E S2S networking gets little, or no attention. This changes [IF] AG can reboot and connect digitally with UBER & others.

Digital software upgrades... USIO Inc., "You-See-Oh!" an attention-getter, when PYDS changes to USIO Inc., imo.

Dial-Up AG Sales! Deal "Prepaid Cards-of-Networking-Opportunity."

Strong BUY!

asp (application software provider) 42001 & BYD. I'm TX Hold'em All-In!

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
USIO Marine As Your Crypto Billsync, Paysync Security Guardian?

Smart cards & iRemotePay w/o an Appointment Guardian, becomes a nothing burger!

Working in the middle with bills, payments, records & record keeping since 1998. PYDS/USIO must acquire others, or get acquired, with or w/o 7,021,530 bill payment protection patent, in-play.

SD: I've owned BLLS/PYDS for years. I dollar cost average. You can't develop & deploy blockchains, AI & security without an ACH billing service.

Stay Tuned!

asp42001 & beyond!
asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Crypto Billsync, Paysnyc, USIO Appointment Guardian?

Ransomware a.k.a crypto malware captures hospital & other sensitive data. Billsync, Paysync Appointment Guardian security stymies attacks.

Best Crypto hack-attack defense... best Crypto attack offense!

"LA" Hoch an Ex-marine, launched "Appointment Guardian" for real-estate agents in 2008. Fast-forward to 2019 and the need to monitor E2E communicaton, UBER pick-ups, delivery, billing & payments 24/7 365.

Could Appointment Guardian update & adopt Crypto security Tokens?

An Appointment Guardian can draw attention to back-office (unrecognized-underfollowed) operations, in S.A. TX & Franklin, TN.

Image is EVERYTHING! PYDS/USIO stock appreciation, or BUST!


asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
You-See-Oh More World-Wide Blockchains & AI

[IF] politicians vote to allow U.S.A. "digital" encryption on E&M Commerce planet Earth to compete. LQQk for PYDS/USIO to get a piece of the click-fee pie, simmering in the oven.

The world-wide business of America [business] must be enabled to compete.

Dial-Up USIO/PDS-PAYS, Encrypt Billsync Paysync transactions, or lose!

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Ripple Effect Between MGI & PYDS $$$ Transfers

MGI's agreement with Ripple. More Crypto for Payment Systems (Service.)

PYDS & MGI trading below $4.00.

Birds-of-a-Feather... Together they fly, divided they die. And you can take that to banks that outsource encryption to 3rd. parties.

asp42001 & beyond!

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Do You-See-OH (USIO) A LIBRA Prepaid Helping-Hand?

Banks will outsource hi-speed, hi-tech, (LIBRA) transactions to back-office payment pal experts. They can't compete with I.B.M and others, developing & deploying LIBRA enabled blockchains & AI.

Back-office application software providers, working with billing, payment, security, records & record keeping... demand outweighs supply!

In the past, ApplePay, GooglePay & SamsungPay were mentioned. [IF] digital USIO smart cards & iRemotePay continue to update, add LIBRA-PAY!

SD: Rate of USIO back-office LIBRA-Pay adoption UNKNOWN!

Dial-Up U.S.A. multi-lingual payment pal Call-Centers & Deal.

I'm "ALL-IN!"

asp42001 & beyond

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
USIO Crypto Billsync, Paysync Transaction Security?

Without billing & payment crypto security, recurring transactions become nothing-burgers.

Rules & regs governing payments & crypto, must iron-out before years end.

Bought some "You See Oh" PYDS/USIO stock at 3.22. Crypto Billsync, Paysync "security" with help from an Appointment Guardian, is doable.

SD: You take calculated risks a.k.a. [gambles], while "digital" E2E encrypted transactions hone-to-perfection, in the 21st. Century.

Strong BUY!

Dial-Up, Encrypt Prepaid Account Transactions, or BUST!

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Billing "Presentment" & Transparency Since 1998?

The billing presentment part of the EBPP&H equation, placed on a back burner, at the June 2003 BLLS/PYDS shareholder's meeting.

Medical billing presentment & transparency will lower costs. For this and other reasons, PYDS/UNIO should get some attention in 2019 & beyond.

Strong BUY!

Dial-Up 877-PDS-PAYS & DEAL.

asp (application software provider) 42001 & beyond!
asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
United Software Bargains, Divided IT Begs!

Working with Billsync, Paysync, Security and records since 1998, BLLS/PYDS new name & symbol is USIO, Inc.

Since Billserv circa 1998, BLLS/PYDS stock has been on a roller-coaster.

You can't develop and deploy Blockchains, AI, or secure E2E transactions w/o billing. For this & other reasons, USIO.... Strong-Buy! imo.

U.S.A. back-office United Software, when you need to develop & deploy Blockchains & AI world-wide on E&M Commerce Planet Earth.

The MTA is adopting (((NFC))) Tap & Pay fast-lane smart-cards.

USIO billing, payment, secure, "fast-lane" software, or BUST!

asp (application software provider) 42001 & beyond. I'm ALL-IN!
asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Hi-Tech Digital Partnerships Streamlines Healthcare

Doctors... inundated with paper work. Payment Data Systems to the rescue.

FiCentive Healthcare smart-cards, catering to the non-banked masses?

Strong BUY!

Stay Tuned!
asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
More Digital Back-Office Partnerships For PYDS/USIO In 2019?

With help from USIO back-office application software providers, blockchains & AI (artificial intelligence) can develop, deploy, & compete world-wide!

Bought more shares today. Anxious to hear what's discussed June 11th.


asp42001 & beyond!

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
PYDS Demo/Promo, LTS Expo, Noon-To-1pm 5/30/19

Billsync/Paysync back-office E2E solutions, S.A. TX & Franklin, TN.

Today's Expo draws attention to back-office 21st Century Payment Data. And you can take that to the bank.

Stay Tuned!

asp42001 & beyond.

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Bitcoin Encryption, Steve Ehrlich, Voyager & PYDS

Recent uptick in price of Bitcoins has my attention. Steve Ehrlich X CEO of E-Trade and CEO of Voyager, could help develop & deploy the use of 21st Century Blockchains & AI (artificial intelligence):

PYDS & Voyager... military-grade transaction-security potential.

Voyager Tokens accompanying Billsync/Paysync data, stymies theft.

PYDS partnerships... Keep an eye on 21st Century Payment Data Services (Systems.) Upside potential outweighs downside risk, at this juncture.

Dial-Up Voyager Tokens for FiCentive "Cards-of-Networking-Opportunity??

Standard Disclaimer: I own PYDS stock. You bet $$$, you play 7,021,530 patent protected cards, YOU take chances on a "growth" company.

PYDS security...must-have! Management will attend the LTS Expo today. This should be of interest to investors, regardless of their income.


asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Dealer-Pay, PYDS, Billsync, Paysync Digital Apps?

"Presentment" moves upfront to meld seamlessly with payments.

In 2003, during June's BLLS/PYDS shareholder's meeting, Michael R. Long mentioned "presentment" was being placed on a back-burner and payments upfront, because payments generate revenue faster. Billserv stock (BLLS) swapped 1-to-1 to PYDS in 2003.

Since 2003, PYDS has been on a roller-coaster ride, waiting for rules & regulations governing the payment industry to iron-out. "Prepaid Account" R&R's passed. Streamline America. Compete world-wide, or BUST!

More "Partnerships" to come? "Start Those Dealership Engines!"

Dial-Up Dealer-PAYS... I'm ALL-IN!


asp (application software provider) 42001 & Beyond.

whytestocks whytestocks 6 years ago
News: $PYDS Payment Data Systems' Best-in-Class Payment Facilitation Technology Expands With the Addition of New Dealership-Focused Payment Acceptance Platform

Agreement with Dealer Pay extends reach into automotive, truck, motorsports, recreational vehicles, agriculture and marine sectors SAN ANTONIO, May 28, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Payment Data Systems (NASDAQ: PYDS), a tech-enabled payment solutions provider, announced today that it had si...

Find out more
asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Singular Payments, Least-Cost Payment Platforms

PYDS will attend the LTS Expo 5/30/19. LTS has 1,512 employees and can help get the word out about least-cost, S.T.P (straight-thru-processing) solutions, privy to Payment Data Systems.

The aforementioned singular payment blog, suggest PYDS stock will appreciate in 2019 & beyond.

Strong BUY!

asp42001 & beyond!
asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
PYDS, Least-Coast Dealer-Pay Solution & Partnership?

Leased cars, in-lieu of purchases, skyrocket, when UBER & others are involved, delivering goods & people to their destinations.

Payment Data Services (Systems) can help streamline the processing & handling of Dealer-Pay payment methods. For this and other reasons, I will dollar cost average and buy more PYDS shares.

PDS-PAYS.... Dial-Up St. Charles, MO and DEAL!

asp42001 & beyond!
asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Ride Sharing FAN Card Payment, Mentioned During Conf. Call

Billsync/Paysnyc FAN Cards help consumers avoid car wrecks & DUIs:

"Sadly, there have been 741 DUI arrests by CHP in the first 30 hours of the #MemorialDay2019 MEP. There’s no excuse for driving impaired," CHP wrote in the tweet. "Stay Put. Call a cab or ride share co. Arrange for a sober driver in advance. Stop putting your life and the lives of innocent people at risk."
Officers made 1,060 arrests in California for driving under the influence over the three-day summer weekend last year, according to CHP.

5/30/19 Landenburg Thalmann Technical Expo. LTS and 1,512 employees, could help get the word out about prepaid "Cards-of-Networking-Opportunity," if called upon. PYDS will attend LTS Expo.

Prepaid Akimbo/FiCentive smart-cards + load and reloadable Fan Cards... networking and click-fee revenue generating potential.

21st Century hi-speed Blockchains, AI, BillSync/Paysync and a PYDS/USIO multi-lingual Call-Center! You can't have one, without the other.

1-877-PDS-PAYS rings-off-the-hook, [IF] PYDS/USIO iRemote-Pay Pass & smart card combos activate, before others eat the whole EBPP enchilada.

Catering to the non-banked Hispanic population & others since '98. PYDS works under a 7,021,530, patent protected umbrella. Color me PYDS/USIO "ALL-IN," until a better "digital" Billsync/Paysync comes along.

asp (application software provider) 42001 & beyond... DEAL!

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
1 MasterCard + 5 General Purpose Reload Smart Cards

Cards-of-Networking-Opportunity... PYDS FiCentive/Akimbo GPR cards:

If you don't keep large amounts of money in a checking account, it becomes more expensive than a GPR "Prepaid Account." Akimbo/FiCentive 6 GPR's vs one (1) bank card?? I'll settle for 6X click-fee generating potential.

Banks are too busy handling checking & saving accounts. Bank-independent GPR "Prepaid Accounts" are "Diamonds-in-the-Rough!"

21st Century blockchains & AI need GPR card inbound/outbound feedback.

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Barrington Suggests PYDS Will Trade Higher In 2019

Individual retail investors riding coat-tails of Investment Firms like Barrington, could get a nice R.O.I. (return-on-investment.)

News today mentions PYDS management will attend the L.T. Expo.

Back-office operations in San Antonio, TX & Franklin, TN., can get attention at the L.T. Expo.

Billsync, Paysync back-offices in biz since '98, can draw attention, with or w/o Patent 7,021,530 payment umbrella protection.

PYDS is on-the-road-again, helping get the word out, about PYDS/USIO "Prepaid Accounts" & Billsync-Paysync potential.

Barrington & L.T. Expo... PYDS back-office operating attention-getters?

asp42001 & beyond!

whytestocks whytestocks 6 years ago
News: $PYDS Payment Data Systems to Present at the Ladenburg Thalmann Technical Expo 2019 in New York City on May 30, 2019

SAN ANTONIO, Texas, May 23, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Payment Data Systems ( PYDS ), an integrated electronic payment solutions provider, today announced that Louis Hoch, President and CEO,  and Vaden Landers, Chief Revenue Officer , will be presenting at the Ladenburg Thalmann Techn...

In case you are interested
asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
PYDS/USIO "Linchpin" For Bank-Independent Prepaid Accounts?

PYDS trades above $5.00, when banks, healthcare, non-profit orgs & others, "outsource" prepaid accounts, catering to non-banked consumers.

13th Annual Barrington "Research" Spring Investment Conference, can help get the word out, about 21st. Century, bank-independent, prepaid accounts. I'm on the EBPP&H TX Hold'em outside... LQQKing at potential.

Dial-Up Bank Independent Prepaid Accounts... 1-877-PDS-PAYS! Provide FiCentive smart cards, enable non-banked consumers, the ability to network in the digital, cashless, paperless, networking fast lanes.

SD: I own PYDS stock.


asp42001 & beyond

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
USIO Digital Appointment Billsync/Paysync Guardian?

A digital Appointment Guardian would help "streamline" healthcare & the payment industry.

"LA" Hoch's (inactive) Appointment Guardian, could digitalize. If so, it could help protect drivers, consumers, billing, payments & recurring transactions.

The 13th Annual Barrrington "Research" Spring Investment Conference 5/23/19 needs to brainstorm the idea of adopting a PYDS/USIO "digital" Appointment Guardian for the healthcare and payment industry.

Fast, provides AG security and digital least-cost-routes thru the ACH?

In business since dot com heydays, BLLS/PYDS survived the dot com bust tsunami, when others lost face and failed. For this and other reasons, the PYDS/USIO calculated risk a.k.a. gamble is worth taking, imo.

Less than 17M shares O/S, 7,021,530 protection and 300K shares short!! I'm looking for stock appreciate, when nobody is LQQking.

asp (application software provider) 42001 & beyond!

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Smart Phones & Smart Card NFC (near field communication) Payments

Drive-thru McDonalds accept smart phone NFC payments & cards. Drive-thru location-after-location, must become NFC payment enabled. [IF] PYDS/USIO gets a Bill-sync, Pay sync foot-in-the-NFC-door, w/o getting its head slammed, PYDS/USIO stock skyrockets. And you can take that to the banks.

Rules & regulations governing "Prepaid Accounts" were voted on. The rest of the payment industry is on "hold," waiting on votes of approval.

NFC iRemote Pay-Pass & NFC smart cards are in an early "growth" stage.

Profits are not determined when you sell. Their determined how cheap you bought a stock in the beginning.

Dial-Up & Deal NFC software payment methods, or BUST!

asp (application software provider) 42001 & beyond... DEAL!
whytestocks whytestocks 6 years ago
News: $PYDS Payment Data Systems and Pineapple Payments Announce Strategic Partnership Creating Best-in-Class Payments Technology

SAN ANTONIO, May 21, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Payment Data Systems (NASDAQ: PYDS), a tech-enabled payment solutions provider, announced today that it had entered into a strategic partnership agreement with Pineapple Payments, a leader in omni-channel payment acceptance solutions, combining ...

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asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Pineapple, Singular Payments, Least-Cost ACH Route?

Least-cost Bill-Centric, Pay Centric software routes thru an ACH. Add PYDS/USIO AG (appointment guardian) security.... WIN-Win!

PYDS stock is trading below my DCA (dollar cost average.) [IF] iRemote Pay-Pass & FiCentive/Akimbo cards meld as one.... I'm in the GREEN.

PYDS Appointment Guardian? Image is everything!

Dial-Up AG, DEAL, record & store data in a TX Hold'em Secure Depository.

Franklin, San Antonio, Barrington Research 5/23/19, potential?

asp42001 & beyond!
asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Bill-Centric, Pay-Centric Pineapple Payment Partnership

You can't develop and deploy complete E2E payment methods, without billing. In the billing "presentment" business starting in 1998, "You-See-Oh!" PYDS/USIO stock appreciation?

Dial-Up Bill-Centric, Pay-Centric, multi-lingual Appointment Guardian?

Will 1-877-PDS-PAYS ring-off-the-hook? I'm All-IN!

asp (application software provider) 42001 & beyond.
asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Appointment Guardian, UBER Eats, Open-Table, Gift Cards

Billing, Payment, Delivery & AG. Can (you-see-oh!) USIO potential, for Payment Data Services (Systems,) that work "smack-dab" in the middle, where recurring transactions must move A-B, in-between & Thru the ACH??

Last two CCs... acquisition of additional software?

ASP (application service provider)? The ASP moniker could change to ASP (application "software" provider!)

Dial-Up a multi-lingual USIO AG Call-Center, phone # 1-877-PDS-PAYS?

SD: You play iRemotePay-Pass, you buy stocks, YOU take chances!


asp (application software provider) 42001 & beyond!

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
LAW of Accident And AG Recovery Data Solutions.....

IF your mind is elsewhere... you're going to have an accident!

PayFac-In-A-Box will help streamline Tennessee rehab facilities.

Appointment Data Guardian Office in Franklin, becomes a beehive-of-activity, with help from non-profit organizations & others.

Management will attend The 13th Annual Barrington "Research" Spring Investment Conference 5/23/19. Barrington & others will help Payment Data's (invisible) back-office Services (Systems) get attention.

Addiction recovery & FiCentive/Akimbo smart card data input?

Dial-Up AG's (appointment guardian) office in Franklin, TN.

USIO (You-See-Oh) back-office PYDS helping-hands?... I'm "ALL-IN!"


asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Appointment DATA Guardian, Blockchains & AI, USIO Linchpin?

Someone(s) will record and guard data that's created when people pay for rides and/or the delivery of food. UBER Eats? Amazon Eats? GrubHub?

21st Century Payment Data Services (Systems) has potential?

PYDS/USIO shareholder's meeting 6-11-19. Stay Tuned!

Dial-Up An AG & Deal!
asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Re-Birth Of Appointment Guardian Security 6-11-19?

Banks will outsource "prepaid accounts" catering to non-banked consumers.

"You-See-Oh" multi-lingual Appointment Guardian Call-Centers. Demand outweighs supply. Apple-Pay, Google-Pay, Samsung-Pay must join forces, if they want to compete with AMAZON-PAY. PYDS/USION helping-hand?

[IF] Hoch Industry's Appointment Guardian re-activates and includes billing, payment, record keeping, Voyager encryption and a Billserv/Payserv multi-lingual Call-Center.... "It's Katy-Bar-The-Door!" with or w/o 7,021,530 in load & reloadable prepaid account card games.

PDS-PAYS USIO Shareholder meet 6-11-19. If you snooze, you lose!

SD: On an individual retail basis, I own stock in this company.

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
Back-Office Billserv-Payserv Blockchain & AI Endeavors

Connect PYDS billing, payment, security and record keeping dots and USIO (You-See-Oh!) how blockchains & AI will develop & deploy.

E2E Blockchains & AI. The world-wide business of America [business] competes, when R&Rs governing healthcare & the payment industry iron-out.

Banks will "outsource" prepaid accounts catering to the non-banked, to ASPs (application service providers.) Management's billing, payment and Call-Center solution started in 1998.

Dial-Up blockchain & AI Call-Centers, invest and PROSPER!

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
YouTube Appointment Guardian Video . . . A Must-See

Protecting Agents, "LA" Hoch's (inactive) AG solution, can help protect ride-sharing & delivery services, AMZN Pay & others provide.

UBER, LYFT, GrubHub & others, need AG data feedback.

Appointment Guardian protection, provided by PYDS/USIO back-offices?

People, goods, Billserv/Payserv/Secure transactions, must travel A-B, in-between and to final destination(s) without being compromised.

Listen-in to the after market 5/15/19 PYDS CC.

3rd. Party digital AG protection system you can't live without?

Dial-Up AG. Issue FiCenitve/Akimbo "Cards-of-Networking Opportunity"

Profit isn't determined when you sell, it's determined how cheap you bought stock in the early stage of development & deployment.

Listen-in after market's close 5-15-19. Decide for yourself, if back-office operations in TX & Franklin, TN., can turn into click-fee and revenue generating beehives-of-activity.

I'm PYDS/USIO Alert. I'm "All-In!"

asp42001 & beyond!

asp42001 asp42001 6 years ago
6X The Foot Print Of A Single Prepaid Master Card

Add 5 accompanying prepaid Akimbo smart cards to MC, Visa, Discover, AXP and other household recognized logos. Look on back of "MasterCards." On back of Open-Table prepaid cards, the words FiCentive & PYDS are displayed.

Uber-Eats, GrubHub deliveries and FAN Cards with help from PYDS, should draw attention to back-office operations in San Antonio TX & Franklin, TN.

Dial-Up a PYDS Appointment Guardian & DEAL!

asp42001 & beyond!


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