11 months ago
PXMD: Indeed, Sir. HOWEVER, Ultrasound --- as you elaborated very well --- obviously DAMAGES the Human Genes which normally sustain NON-Autistic children & adults throughout their (short Human) lives. And your concerns regarding Ultrasound exposure are identical to exposure to all manner of EMF's, including merely living in close proximity to HIGH-POWER transmission lines. (All Scandinavian nations are hip to ALL of such 'radiations' generated my Humans, including even Microwave Ovens.) But the FIX for all of the above is easy --- if Humans weren't so patently ignorant --- simply REPAIR the Genomic damage in the patients in question. Our Human "DNA" is a PROPERTY of the Universe, Bro. As such, it is incumbent upon Mankind ITSELF to REMOVE all of the death-&-aging-&-disease-causing DEFECTS therein --- most of which were put there by "GOD" or "EVOLUTION" or "MOTHER NATURE" (i.e., the ARCH ENEMIES of Human Civilization!!!)
PS: You surely heard awhile back on the radio, TV, or wherever, that legendary comedian DON RICKLES "passed away at age 90 of NATURAL CAUSES" (quote, unquote). Oh, really??? WRONG!!! He died of the pathetic IGNORANCE of his reprobate "DOCTORS" who don't know SHIT-FROM-SHINOLA about how to stop the Human aging & death process by ONE FUCKING MINUTE!!!!
11 months ago
PXMD: This "company" is a SCAM by ignorant clowns, at its core. So-called "AUTISM" is in truth a simple DEFECT in the GENOMES of those Humans afflicted with such defects. The FACT that "Mankind" is so incorrigibly STUPID that they cannot FIX that defect SHOCKS me every day of my life, Dude!!!! So, WHEN would I be impressed by the state of "Medical Science" on this reprobate planet called Earth??? Well, for starters, when "GERIATRICS DEPARTMENTS" no longer even exist in any hospital upon Earth --- because Mankind has REMOVED all of those Aging-&-Death-Genes from our Genomes that "GOD", "MOTHER NATURE", or "EVOLUTION" put in there in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And, as such, Humans NO LONGER EVEN AGE AT ALL BEYOND CIRCA AGE 25, or so.)
11 months ago
PXMD: Well then, monster CONGRATS to ya, as you obviously scored HUGE here!!! NICE TRADING, DUDE!!! Assuming, that is, that you must have AT LEAST grabbed this in the Pre-M today at not much more than circa 100% UP therein, & then dumped it all no later than circa 10-minutes or so into the Open when it ran up to about 220% or so --- or, you already had this days ago, of course. (That's how one REALLY gets revenge vs. conspicuously-SCAMMING "companies" like this one. I.e., you make bank off them, BEFORE they sucker you like the rest of Planet Earth today.)
11 months ago
PXMD: Flip it quick, Timmy, if you had it yesterday!! (FLUFF "news", if there ever was any anywhere!! REAL "Medical Research" firms do NOT deploy such baloney terminology like "MILESTONE" when they do NOT even have anything whatsoever ready to help Mankind in any frickin' fashion!!! Nor at such early, early, early, stages of "development".)/b]
1 year ago,2);SMA(13);PTP(50);ADX(14);SMA(50);SMACD(12,26,9);RSI(14,100);ACCUM;STOSL(14,3)&sym=CNNA&grid=1&height=500&studyheight=100
Positive chart action for PXMD