4 months ago
Spoke with a research scientist today at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center who told me about MPO712, a radioDARPin targeted against DLL3-, which is a promising therapeutic target in a wide variety of aggressive tumors, including small cell lung cancer and the neuroendocrine form of prostate cancer. This scientist told me that there are now at least 20 drugs in development targeting DLL3, including bispecific antibodies, tri specific antibodies, radioligands, and antibody-drug conjugates. Apparently DARPins are an entirely new class of drugs, being pioneered by Molecular Partners. These drugs are characterized by structural simplicity and low molecular weight, in contrast to antibody-based drugs which are large, heavy macromolecules.
A little research on the Molecular Partners website confirmed what the scientist told me, including that MPO712 is being prepared for entry into clinical trials in 2025. MOLN will also present posters about 2 other drugs next month at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH), one about MPO533 in acute myeloid leukemia, the other MPO621 an anti-CD47 agent designed as a conditioning agent for patients undergoing stem cell transplant.
-- OJ