8 months ago
Official revised revised, definitive definitive headphone list!
The KOSS PRO4s 🎧️s remain in the top 3 and are the best bang for buck overall, but I am moving the AKG712s up to a tie with the HIFIMANs. The AKG712s are actually better than the HIFIMAN HE4XXs, and right up there with the top 3 contenders when playing certain genres of music, but not as good as the HIFIMANs when listening to other types of music. Overall, they are the most comfortable headphones on the list and definitely deserve to be bumped up a notch.
Here is the DEFINITIVE DEFINITIVE headphone🎧️ list!
1: Beyerdynamic DT990s -> These are the undisputed best headphones on the list.
2: Fostex T20RPs with brainwave pads. -> These are my 2nd favorite headphones.Their bass can really make your brain rattle!
3: KOSS PRO4s -> The KOSS PRO4S 🎧️s are IMO BETTER than the V-Moda Crossfade M100s, the HIFIMAN HE4xxs and the AKGs! Clean sound & solid bass.
4: HIFIMAN HE4XXs.. Solid overall mix of sound and bass.
4: AKG 712s -> Most comfortable 🎧️s on list..with clean, crisp sound. Add some extra bass and they could be a top contender. AKG 702s for $100 less may be the better option.
5: VModa Crossfade M-100s -> Solid bass but somewhat flat sound. Not as good as the Koss 🎧️s IMO and double the price.
6: Binshi X6 - This was a bargain basement brand that I bought on Amazon years ago. They are nearly as good as the V-Modas. Great bang for buck purchase!
7: Symphonized Wraith headphones - Also a lesser known brand that are almost as good as the V-Modas but not as comfortable as the Binshi X6s.
8: KOSS Porta Pros Almost as good as the Binshi & Symphonized 🎧️s for $40 dollars. Great for phones!
Unlisted -> Skullcandy GI - Tinny sound and no bass at all. They did come with a bottle opener at least. 🤷
8 months ago
You are not the best chartist, georgie18 is, you are just a clown to them. To me, you are not a clown, you just want to make a quick buck for bread and butter and who is afraid of their own shadow, if they trade goes against you, you dump it right away. You are just in it make ends meet, that's all. I would not consider you a clown, I just see you as beggar with some pride.
9 months ago
KOSS: Merit-based Expectations of the GME collaboration
As we now know, GameStop's CEO Ryan Cohen has already led $GME towards its now-already-successful collaboration with $KOSS on multiple product lines within the last few weeks/months, including Mod-Retro stereo phones.
But, I'm expecting $25 per share in $KOSS for it to be the same price as Ryan Cohen's $GME and Ryan Cohen's associated $CHWY prior to any event/announcement. $KOSS already obtained $18.73 last trading day, and $18.50 today, which shows that it is very-quickly trending towards that $25 'deal-making' price.
Filings in the last year from GameStop Corp mention the word 'Acquisitions' almost a thousand times!
9 months ago
KOSS: Hey, Bro, "FINVIZ" is of course the 'benchmark' place to check any stock's NUMBERS. However, I myself HATE to even LOOK at anything in "FINVIZ"!!! To damn complex, and patently-disorganized Website!!! (Nearly as complex as "PHOTOSHOP" --- which I tried once for ONE-DAY, but could not even figure-out how to LOAD just one of my own PICTURES into that beast!!! Instead, I finally got FOR FREE "Gimp", of which I am a MASTER, & it does everything that Photoshop can do, and more.)
Check-out MY "Gimp"-made images here, as well as MY "The Morpheus Device" Invention Proposal: