7 years ago
knew all too well what was going on behind the Synergy scenes;
if you make a multinational company lose a couple billion $ in short order & leave them stuck with trial deaths, AND expect anyone in the pharmaceutical industry ever to trust you again, you need to have your head examined imo. he's probably looking under his car every morning...
there's a really nice package deal available for you though from the experienced crew, if you're still game for it:
Synergy, $6 in January, now on sale at $1.90, Trovagene, went public at $24, now marked down to 51 cents for quick clearance, and ContraVir, $5 as recently as 2015, but now available for just 49 cents! Yes, you get all three of these made-to-be-sold companies for just $2.90! And, if you act now, we'll throw in 10 shares of Callisto Pharmaceuticals, a company which sank beneath the waves with Cap'n Gary at the helm!
10 years ago
no pain data, skewed side effect profile = no partner IMO.
no partner = slim chance, if any, of competing in the marketplace for a primary care drug with an army of people promoting the first-to-market competitor, IMO.
simple as that.
rant all you want. doesn't change the fact that Phase III CIC data are out - and still no buyout & no partnership despite the "hey we're for sale" press article LOL.
that, and the low (~30%) institutional ownership of SGYP compared with IRWD (~100%), combined with the ~22 mill. short volume for SGYP speak volumes...
10 years ago
from an IRWD board? nice, just a little biased. Don't try to be naïve, you have no idea what is going on behind the scenes. and like I said you have lots of holders, but yahoo stats says 3 percent own over 5 percent, and that 3 percent includes insider holdings. Everyone owns a little. Cerrone TOOK 1/2 year with inhibitex, to get top buck, we have only been a month here. 4 catalysts by year end. we are up 165 percent, you? your short at 4 dollars is a FAILED trade
10 years ago
sooner or later the Wall Street hysteria, fanned by a couple of hyperbolic analyst op ed pieces, will be over; - the music will stop, people will wake up & valuations will adjust to reality. they always do.
I quote a comment of someone from "the trenches" posted on the IRWD CP board, who puts it in quite simple (& blunt) terms:
anonymous, Jul 22, 2015 at 9:37 AM
(quote) ...." Less diarrhea, yes but with that is less efficacy. You can't treat cic with no diarrhea and have the same efficacy. So you think you can hire a third of the reps ? So roughly 1 rep per state to grow the constipation market of 50 million? This is a primary care drug linzess has over 3000 people promoting it. When it is all said and done 80 percent of volume will come from pcp. You need a partner and despite your so called stellar efficacy and no side effects no one is stepping up. No pain data and skewed side effect data equals no partner. We developed plecanatide and linaclotide and kept linzess. I'm gonna go with the MIT scientists who discovered GCC on this one..."
10 years ago
6/15 was days before the phase 3 results. I bet some more shorted the 9 down to 8 to cover the earlier bad trade. We hire 2 more big guns today, and the pump articles and increasing price targets are like ants around a popsicle on a picnic, they are everywhere. Synergy will do ma secondary at 13, pay back the loan, and actually lower their share count, and knock off the interest