6 days ago
CKPT: It will take likely at least 1,000 more years for stupid Mankind to cure even ONE version of any "CANCER"!!! You want the most indisputable EVIDENCE that Mankind has ZERO "Medical Science" on this reprobate Planet, Sir??? Whelp, simply TWO items of evidence: (1.) That "GERIATRICS" departments exist in EVERY hospital on Earth; and (2.) That CEMETERIES exist in every city, town, county, nation, village, & continent across this plane, & we ALL go there very QUICKLY after birth!!! I REST MY CASE, Your Honor!!!!
6 days ago
CKPT: WRONG!!! I must be SMART, vs. stupid, rather than invest in a crap Cancer routine that is WORSE than the Cancer affliction itself!!! (But, I am "short", per se --- just 3-feet, 4-inches TALL!! And as such, my night job is at local Florida MIDGET-TOSSING contests!! See recent interview of ME, below, last weekend!!)