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Credit Agricole CIB FCIAL SOL Cacib Zc 17apr29

Credit Agricole CIB FCIAL SOL Cacib Zc 17apr29 (FR2CIBFS5200)

Closed March 15 12:30PM

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pos_stock_hoarder pos_stock_hoarder 3 minutes ago
I hear you but some folks are pure hoarders (pos and other things) and they'll never stop!
MiamiGent MiamiGent 4 minutes ago
Had a very difficult time getting the attached post to print.

The workaround for me was to 1. use Full Editor and 2, first do "Preview" (green tab)
Maybe just "Preview" will do it?
BlissBull BlissBull 4 minutes ago
It looks like an extremely bullish breakaway gap to me!
k9narc k9narc 4 minutes ago
You would lose a bit, and don't worry about a fire,
Unless you don't have insurance. She's volatile.

I'd dry roast the spices, mash the herbs and sun age it for a few days.
Filter and drink.
improving improving 4 minutes ago
No way, and miss your valuable commentary???
doorcounty doorcounty 4 minutes ago
You sure are right! Lots of red ink is all past posts of gloom & doom for many stocks. There is an ignore button for some of that if unsubstantiated, right. Didn't deserve the attention of a second reading.      R
IH Geek [Meatloaf] IH Geek [Meatloaf] 5 minutes ago
EmpressMonk25 EmpressMonk25 5 minutes ago
$20,000 shot in November based on a new administration and Gensler on his way out grew to $430,000 in first few days of December. The risk vs. reward was very favorable! While the same tired criticisms persist, I see this as an opportunity to capitalize on yet another potential surge and 0.0002 is I
JamesF1 JamesF1 6 minutes ago
Hi Sharkey1, the brand name capsules are the same price.
vCISO vCISO 6 minutes ago
You know the stronger this company gets the harder it is to see the share price at this level. It's painful but dam it has to head up someday. This is a winner no doubt about it. 
TurboSteve18 TurboSteve18 7 minutes ago
When merge 
exwannabe exwannabe 7 minutes ago
What exactly do you hope to see? The report could simply say that they’re working with MHRA but won’t report the details. Maybe they’re “getting closer” to submitting to NICE.
Funny thing is, nobody knows if NICE will continue to exist. It is also a "quango" (like our semi-private government
MiamiGent MiamiGent 8 minutes ago
Do you know one thing everyone in our age group is involved in? ......................................................................................................, getting rid of things, clutter.
janice shell janice shell 8 minutes ago
From your own quote:

Although it’s still part of the British Commonwealth—a constitutional monarchy that accepts the British monarch as its own. Charles III is King of Canada...
pos_stock_hoarder pos_stock_hoarder 8 minutes ago
Well now, don't that beat all!

All kidding aside, this is way out there!
2can$ 2can$ 9 minutes ago
A quarter of your life has been spent in fear hiding your secrets of protecting a very big short for .........penny stock.

I like quarters
jimr1717 jimr1717 10 minutes ago
✅ How did $102.000 in inventory disappear with no record? The last report filed shows that existing inventory fell from $120,000 of feed stock to $18,000 in a year ... even though there were only $20,000 of sales in the entire year. So, $102,000 of inventory disappeared with no explanation. If this
chereb19 chereb19 10 minutes ago
More whopper of lies.

Mk hit a nerve did he?
sharkey1 sharkey1 10 minutes ago
Just found Takeda’s pricing on the chewables.

1200 bucks a bottle,
johnydollar johnydollar 10 minutes ago
Alpine bad news just decapitated this guys.......

They said the case was not going anywhere........

The poor folks will be dinning with mice and 🐀 rats in the garbage 🗑.........

I doubt 🙋‍♂️ the rodents will be that welcoming......
jimr1717 jimr1717 11 minutes ago
Another EGOmike fraud.
Acme Investments Acme Investments 12 minutes ago
DPLS...........Boom 💥
jimr1717 jimr1717 12 minutes ago
If you haven’t noticed I don’t “load” anything that the CONdog96 🤡™ clown posts on.

No one has pumped on more fka, no bid frauds than the CONdog96 🤡™ clown.

Don’t get Conned by the CONdog96 🤡™

whitegold3 whitegold3 12 minutes ago
why so many posts, from THE FIRM, on a dead co. that no longer exists,
on a SATURDAY? something BIG must be coming