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Rep Fse 01 32 O A T Bond

Rep Fse 01 32 O A T Bond (ETAAH)

Closed March 07 11:30AM

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justus1 justus1 4 minutes ago
Waiting for the day an injunction is put in place.
Flobewan Flobewan 4 minutes ago
I suppose I shouldn't tell you it's gonna be 73 here on Monday, LOL 30 right now, crazy weather.
art2426 art2426 4 minutes ago
Speaking of the stock price, have you seen the volume of trading today of 710,500 shares? What is that in $$$, about $175.00?

Seems like not many are listening to that "BUY BUY BUY"! Yep, NOT a very good thing to happen for a company's stock, ie --- 'no interest'!
plexrec plexrec 4 minutes ago
Great reading Pj--"Worth a read...." Jesse----very knowledgeable--re:Anavex---what he posted today says things exactly as they are--true and factual--if the EMA happens to see the same (he has their name posted on the bottom of the his post)--they (the EMA)have no other choice than to approve 2-73.
capgain capgain 4 minutes ago
The Wind Cries Mary
crazy horse 0 crazy horse 0 4 minutes ago
Need more Mods all I can do is one sticky post
blackcat blackcat 5 minutes ago
Works for me! Now- how do we make it happen? I'm pretty sure he's afraid to ride in one.
JMCK6193 JMCK6193 5 minutes ago
Please before that happens Please pump this POS one more time to  .0013 so I can break even. 
onehundredmph onehundredmph 6 minutes ago
Motion granted. It has begun!
Daboombooms Daboombooms 6 minutes ago
BoBo….you said you bought multiple bottles
familyof5 familyof5 7 minutes ago
.10694 +0.00344 (3.32%)

.....better close than I was anticipating! Enjoy your weekend!
onehundredmph onehundredmph 7 minutes ago
Maybe 1 share lol
DaJester DaJester 8 minutes ago
You keep saying the same things and asking the same questions, and continue to misread the situation.

The jury verdict can still be appealed, was for a pittance in damages, and has no precedential power at all.

And pray tell all-knowing KThomp - what percentage probabi
Orange Cassidy Orange Cassidy 8 minutes ago
Shortbus sped price target! How did you come up with that number?
STL Stock STL Stock 8 minutes ago
Thx. Not the first time someone scoffed at only being on the hub a few years. But a few here have have the same like mind with this ticker. Theyre called pumpers and what not but whatever. Good luck to you as well and all invested here. I have no ill will on anyone here and i want everyone to succee
fuagf fuagf 8 minutes ago
JimmyTwoTimes JimmyTwoTimes 9 minutes ago
Thanks for this Sello…I did not get an email notification about this either or see it until now. We can only hope that the name change comes with something big for the shareholders!
johnydollar johnydollar 9 minutes ago
Was the guy who made a 100k on the subject also a con artist........

It takes one to know one.........

That is what they say........

Right.......Right...... .

😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 &
Orange Cassidy Orange Cassidy 9 minutes ago
Imagine writing a novel about defending a stink pink stock. Too long did not read! Still a scam 
thundersteel thundersteel 10 minutes ago
Maybe that's why Venkat went back to India.

Try to convince iron pillar capital or someone else to go public with them. I know there was a shareholder revolt over there at rsls
12yearplan 12yearplan 10 minutes ago
Means right now. I don't like the booing but the American support has been incroyable!. Did you watch the Boston game a few weeks ago?.
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 10 minutes ago
0.0035 -0.001 (-22.22%)

There's your L2.


This scam - from a group of known fraudsters - is done. Only a moron thinks this regulatory nightmare is going anywhere.
crazy horse 0 crazy horse 0 10 minutes ago
Trump and Hungary

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