BW20030528002025  20030528T113150Z UTC

( BW)(MITSUBISHI-TOKYO-FIN)(MTF) Final Results - Part 4 of 5

    Business Editors

    TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 28, 2003--

(5) Assets newly categorized as problem assets during first half of fiscal 2002 based on the FRL
                                                                       (in billions of yen)
                                                            As of    As of
                                                          September  March   (b)-(a)
                                                             30,      31,
                                                           2002 (a) 2003 (b)
Claims to bankrupt and substantially bankrupt debtors         24.6    19.0     (5.5)
Claims under high risk                                       279.9   124.2   (155.6)
Total                                                        304.5   143.3   (161.2)
                                                                      (I)      (J)

Progress in the disposal of problem assets  (in billions of yen)
                                                           Second half of
                                                             fiscal 2002
Disposition by borrowers' liquidation                          4.4
Re-constructive disposition                                   13.2
Improvements in financial status due
 to re-constructive disposition                                 --
Loan sales to secondary market                                40.4
Charge-off                                                     5.9
Other                                                         97.1
   Collection of claims                                       86.7
   Improvements in financial status                           10.3
Total                                                        161.2 (J)

Above (I) includes the following figures which facilitates the final disposal of problem loans.
                                                      (in billions of yen)
                                                           Second half of
                                                             fiscal 2002
Legal liquidation                                              9.8
Quasi-legal liquidation                                         --
Split-off of problem loans                                      --
Partial charge-off of smaller balance loans                    6.9
Entrust through the managed trust method
 to the Resolution and Collection Corporation                   --
Total                                                         16.7

(6) Assets newly categorized as problem assets during second half of fiscal 2002 based on the FRL
                                                     (in billions of yen)
                                                         As of March 31,
Claims to bankrupt and substantially bankrupt debtors         25.1
Claims under high risk                                       380.9
Total                                                        406.1

Histrical trend of problem assets based on the FRL
                                                                                                  (in billions of yen)
                                                         As of    As of     As of     As of    As of   As of
                                                       September  March   September   March  September March  (b)-(a)
                                                          30,       31,      30,       31,      30,      31,
                                                         2000     2001      2001      2002    2002(a)  2003(b)
Claims to bankrupt and substantially bankrupt debtors     274.3    251.2    276.1    322.3     341.5   136.6   (204.9)
Claims under high risk                                  1,053.5  1,580.2  1,590.9  1,442.0     985.3   772.0   (213.3)
Total                                                   1,327.8  1,831.4  1,867.0  1,764.4   1,326.9   908.6   (418.2)

7. Classification of Loans by Type of Industry

(1) Loans by type of industry  (Non-Consolidated)
                                                                                        (in millions of yen)
                                                   As of     Increase/   Increase/      As of        As of
                                                 March 31,   (Decrease)  (Decrease)   March 31,   September
                                                   2003 (A)   (A)-(B)     (A)-(C)      2002 (B)     2002 (C)
Domestic offices (excluding loans booked at
              offshore markets)                 29,656,931    (194,264)    680,151   29,851,195   28,976,779
 Manufacturing                                   4,304,829    (288,853)   (181,059)   4,593,682    4,485,888
 Agriculture                                        14,021      (3,105)     (1,163)      17,126       15,184
 Forestry                                            5,325        (330)         41        5,655        5,284
 Fishery                                             2,654        (403)       (403)       3,057        3,057
 Mining                                             33,449      (7,672)       (971)      41,121       34,420
 Construction                                      956,403    (209,055)    (93,202)   1,165,458    1,049,605
 Utilities                                         265,547       1,996      19,977      263,551      245,570
 Media and Communication                           650,340    (567,761)   (559,363)   1,218,101    1,209,703
 Wholesale and Retail                            4,402,155    (378,244)   (282,321)   4,780,399    4,684,476
 Banks and other financial institutions          1,891,000    (414,681)   (216,240)   2,305,681    2,107,240
 Real estate                                     3,431,293    (212,966)    (39,150)   3,644,259    3,470,443
 Services                                        4,105,321     476,854     631,741    3,628,467    3,473,580
 Municipal government                               32,709       2,578       1,042       30,131       31,667
 Other industries                                9,561,885   1,407,377   1,401,222    8,154,507    8,160,662
Overseas offices and loans booked at offshore
 markets                                         5,067,905    (701,716)   (118,760)   5,769,622    5,186,665
                    Total                       34,724,836    (895,980)    561,391   35,620,817   34,163,445
(2) Domestic consumer loans   (Non-Consolidated)
                                                                                           (in millions of yen)
                                                     As of     Increase/   Increase/      As of        As of
                                                   March 31,   (Decrease)  (Decrease)   March 31,   September
                                                     2003 (A)   (A) - (B)   (A) - (C)     2002 (B)     2002 (C)
Total domestic consumer loans                      7,199,314     459,437     185,029    6,739,877    7,014,285
Housing loans                                      6,693,677     523,964     216,503    6,169,713    6,477,174
Others                                               505,637     (64,527)    (31,474)     570,164      537,111

(3) Domestic loans to small and medium-sized companies
                                                                                             (in millions of yen)
                                                     As of     Increase/   Increase/      As of        As of
                                                   March 31,   (Decrease)  (Decrease)   March 31,   September
                                                     2003 (A)   (A) - (B)   (A) - (C)     2002 (B)     2002 (C)
Domestic loans to small and
 medium-sized companies                            17,200,890  (803,853)    (71,785)   18,004,743   17,272,676
Percentage to total domestic loans                     57.99%     (2.31)%     (1.60)%       60.31%       59.60%

8. Loans and Deposits  (Non-Consolidated)

                                                                                                         (in millions of
                                                    As of        Increase/     Increase/       As of          As of
                                                  March 31,     (Decrease)     (Decrease)    March 31,    September 30,
                                                   2003 (A)      (A) - (B)     (A) - (C)      2002 (B)       2002 (C)
 Deposits (ending balance)                         47,827,174      2,485,120     2,111,520    45,342,053     45,715,654
 Deposits (average balance)                        46,254,741      2,922,918       730,712    43,331,822     45,524,028
 Loans (ending balance)                            34,724,836       (895,980)      561,391    35,620,817     34,163,445
 Loans (average balance)                           34,818,393        460,943       253,258    34,357,449     34,565,134

9. Domestic Deposits  (Non-Consolidated)

                                                                                                        (in millions of
                                                   As of        Increase/     Increase/       As of          As of
                                                 March 31,     (Decrease)     (Decrease)    March 31,    September 30,
                                                     2003 (A)      (A) - (B)     (A) - (C)      2002 (B)       2002 (C)
Individuals                                       25,483,181      2,218,763     1,099,211    23,264,417     24,383,970
Corporations and others                           16,844,358        844,554       882,143    15,999,804     15,962,215
Domestic deposits                                 42,327,540      3,063,318     1,981,354    39,264,221     40,346,185
Note: Amounts do not include negotiable certificates of deposit, deposits of overseas offices and JOM accounts.

10. Number of Employees   (Non-Consolidated)

                                                   As of        Increase/     Increase/       As of          As of
                                                 March 31,     (Decrease)     (Decrease)    March 31,    September 30,
                                                  2003 (A)      (A) - (B)     (A) - (C)      2002 (B)       2002 (C)
Number of Employees                                15,179         (541)         (673)        15,720         15,852

11. Number of Offices   (Non-Consolidated)

                                                   As of        Increase/     Increase/       As of          As of
                                                 March 31,     (Decrease)     (Decrease)    March 31,    September 30,
                                                     2003 (A)      (A) - (B)     (A) - (C)      2002 (B)       2002 (C)
Domestic:                                            282            (14)           (5)          296            287
     Head office and Branches                        260            (10)           (3)          270            263
     Sub Branches & Agencies                          22             (4)           (2)           26             24
Overseas:                                             72             (3)           (3)           75             75
     Branches                                         42             (2)           (2)           44             44
     Sub - branches                                   13             (1)           (1)           14             14
     Representative offices                           17                                         17             17
Total                                                354            (17)           (8)          371            362

12. Earning Projections for the Fiscal Year Ending
 March 31, 2004

 (Consolidated)                                               (in billions of yen)
                                    For the year ending         For the year ended
                                       March 31, 2004              March 31, 2003

  Ordinary income                           2,300.0                2,186.1
  Ordinary Profit (loss)                      300.0                 (272.6)
  Net income (loss)                           155.0                 (138.1)

 (Non-consolidated)                                            (in billions of yen)
                                   For the year ending         For the year ended
                                      March 31, 2004              March 31, 2003

  Operating income                          1,700.0                1,611.2
  Ordinary profit (loss)                      185.0                 (300.0)
  Net income (loss)                           115.0                  (92.1)

  Net business profits before provision
   for formula allowance for loan losses      540.0                  511.5

                    Selected Financial Information
                          under Japanese GAAP
               For the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2003

             The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation


1  Financial Highlights under Japanese GAAP for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2003

  1. Consolidated Balance

  2. Consolidated Statements of

  3. Consolidated Statement of Capital Surplus and Retained

  4. Notional principal or contract amount, market value and valuation gains (losses) on

  5. Comparison of Statement of Trust Assets and Liabilities(Trust),  (Non-Consolidated)
  6. Financial Results                                                (Consolidated), (Non-Consolidated)
  7. Average interest rate spread

  8. Valuation Differences on Securities                              (Consolidated), (Trust)
  9. Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio Based on the Standards of the

2 Loan Portfolio and Other

  1. Risk-Monitored Loans                                             (Consolidated), (Non-Consolidated), (Trust)
(Consolidated and Trust), (Non-Consolidated and Trust)
  2. Allowance for Loan Losses                                        (Consolidated), (Non-Consolidated), (Trust)

  3. Coverage Ratio against Risk-Monitored Loans                       (Consolidated), (Non-Consolidated)

  4. Disclosed Claims under the Financial Reconstruction Law (the"FRL") (Non-Consolidated),
                                                                        (Non-Consolidated and Trust)

  5. Status of Secured Coverage on Disclosed Claims under the FRL       (Non-Consolidated), (Trust)
                                                                        (Non-Consolidated and

  6. Progress in the Disposal of Problem Assets                         (Non-Consolidated and Trust)

  7. Classification of Loans by Type of Industry                        (Non-Consolidated), (Trust)
                                                                        (Non-Consolidated and Trust)
  8. Loans and Deposits                                                 (Non-Consolidated)

  9. Domestic Deposits                                                  (Non-Consolidated)

  10. Number of Employees

  11. Number of Offices

  12. Earning Projections for the Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2004     (Consolidated), (Non-Consolidated)

1 Financial Highlights under Japanese GAAP for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2003

(Japanese GAAP)

1.Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                      As of March 31,                        Increase/
                                                           2003(A)           2002(B)         (Decrease)
(in millions of yen)                                                                         (A) - (B)
 Cash and due from banks                                1,333,630         1,023,093           310,536
 Call loans and bills bought                              256,132           300,000           (43,867)
 Receivables under securities borrowing
  transactions                                          1,535,155                 -         1,535,155
 Commercial paper and other debt purchased                 16,418             9,175             7,243
 Trading assets                                           350,573           427,000           (76,426)
 Money held in trust                                        9,675                 -             9,675
 Investment securities                                  7,577,895         6,757,663           820,231
 Loans and bills discounted                             8,287,748         9,081,942          (794,193)
 Foreign exchanges                                         19,228            14,256             4,971
 Pledged money for securities borrowing
  transactions                                                  -         1,580,670        (1,580,670)
 Other assets                                           1,143,264         1,175,019           (31,754)
 Premises and equipment                                   184,212           186,968            (2,756)
 Deferred tax assets                                      353,929           249,468           104,460
 Deferred tax assets on land revaluation losses             1,593             4,985            (3,391)
 Customers' liabilities for acceptances and
  guarantees                                              410,230           490,893           (80,663)
 Allowance for loan losses                               (281,027)         (399,978)          118,950
     Total assets                                      21,198,661        20,901,159           297,501
 Deposits                                              10,986,946        11,250,776          (263,829)
 Negotiable certificates of deposit                     1,453,650         1,283,592           170,057
 Call money and bills sold                              1,125,546           895,608           229,938
 Payables under repurchase agreements                     333,746           468,757          (135,011)
 Payables under securities lending transactions         2,601,972                 -         2,601,972
 Commercial paper                                         451,000           460,000            (9,000)
 Trading liabilities                                      125,897           109,665            16,232
 Borrowed money                                           220,247           240,958           (20,711)
 Foreign exchanges                                         20,280            23,359            (3,079)
 Bonds and notes                                          358,600           354,600             4,000
 Due to trust account                                   1,401,617         2,282,224          (880,607)
 Pledged money for securities lending
  transactions                                                  -         1,251,772        (1,251,772)
 Other liabilities                                      1,000,431         1,020,331           (19,900)
 Reserve for employees' bonuses                             4,418             4,042               376
 Reserve for employees' retirement benefits                 9,261            13,157            (3,896)
 Reserve for losses on real estate-collateralized
  loans sold                                                    -               342              (342)
 Reserve for expenses related to EXPO 2005 Japan               19                 -                19
 Deferred tax liabilities                                      51                68               (16)
 Deferred tax liabilities on land revaluation
  excess                                                      196               190                 6
 Acceptances and guarantees                               410,230           490,893           (80,663)
     Total liabilities                                 20,504,115        20,150,342           353,772
Minority interest                                           2,951             4,129            (1,178)
Shareholder's equity:
 Capital stock                                            324,279           305,143            19,135
 Capital surplus                                          274,752           255,617            19,135
 Retained earnings                                        102,888           210,676          (107,787)
 Land revaluation excess                                   (2,071)           (7,700)            5,629
 Unrealized gains (losses) on securities
  available for sale                                       (3,228)          (13,396)           10,167
 Foreign currency translation adjustments                  (5,025)           (3,653)           (1,371)
     Total shareholder's equity                           691,594           746,687           (55,092)
     Total liabilities, minority interest              21,198,661        20,901,159           297,501
         and shareholder's equity

(Japanese GAAP)

2.Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                                  For the year
                                                     ended                            Increase/
                                                    March 31,                         (Decrease)
(in millions of yen)                                 2003(A)          2002(B)         (A) - (B)
Ordinary income:
   Trust fees                                        82,927           96,233          (13,306)
   Interest income:                                 367,962          425,647          (57,684)
       (Interest on loans and discounts)            128,412          160,143          (31,730)
       (Interest and dividends on
        securities)                                 166,982          168,445           (1,463)
   Fees and commissions                              54,017           48,661            5,355
   Trading profits                                    3,501            2,303            1,197
   Other business income                             60,104           32,264           27,839
   Other ordinary income                             41,098           58,960          (17,862)
Total ordinary income                               609,611          664,072          (54,461)
Ordinary expenses:
   Interest expense:                                169,362          242,485          (73,123)
       (Interest on deposits)                        55,466          110,092          (54,625)
   Fees and commissions                               7,146            6,020            1,125
   Trading losses                                       248                -              248
   Other business expenses                           54,105           49,794            4,311
   General and administrative expenses              179,737          173,610            6,126
   Other ordinary expenses                          399,574          248,644          150,930
Total ordinary expenses                             810,175          720,556           89,618
Ordinary loss                                      (200,564)         (56,484)        (144,080)
Special gains                                        12,754           21,450           (8,696)
Special losses                                       10,412           59,459          (49,047)
Loss before income taxes and others                (198,221)         (94,492)        (103,728)
Income taxes-current                                  3,989            3,688              300
Income taxes-refund                                   3,839                -            3,839
Income taxes-deferred                              (100,783)         (11,072)         (89,711)
Minority interest                                      (219)             548             (768)
Net loss                                            (97,369)         (87,657)          (9,711)

(Japanese GAAP)

3. Consolidated Statement of Capital Surplus and Retained Earnings

                                                                      For the year ended
(in millions of yen)                                                    March 31, 2003

Balance of capital surplus at beginning of fiscal year                        255,617

Increase:                                                                      19,135

   Issuance of common stock due to capital increase                            19,135

Balance of capital surplus at end of fiscal year                              274,752

Balance of retained earnings at beginning of fiscal year                      210,676

Decrease:                                                                    (107,787)

   Net loss                                                                   (97,369)

   Cash dividends                                                              (4,683)

   Reduction in land revaluation excess                                        (5,551)

   Decrease in companies accounted for by the equity method                      (184)

Balance of retained earnings at end of fiscal year                            102,888

Consolidated Statement of Retained Earnings

                                                                      For the year ended
(in millions of yen)                                                    March 31, 2002

Balance of retained earnings at beginning of fiscal year                     312,190

Increase:                                                                      5,657

   Increase due to merger                                                      5,271

   Increase in companies accounted for by the equity method                      385

Decrease:                                                                    (19,513)

   Cash dividends                                                            (19,513)

Net loss                                                                     (87,657)

Balance of retained earnings at end of fiscal year                           210,676

(Japanese GAAP)

4.Notional principal or contract amount, market value and valuation gains (losses) on derivatives

a. Interest rate-related transactions
                                                                                              (in millions of yen)
                                             As of March 31, 2003
                                     Notional principal with maturity     Market value        Valuation gains
                                     or contract amount of over 1 year                            (losses)

         Futures          sell
                           buy                   4,741           4,058                 38                      38
         Options          sell
                           buy                   2,914                                  0                      (2)
          Swaps      receive-fix/pay-
                          floater            2,740,596       1,516,029            160,295                 160,295
                      floater/pay-fix        2,728,185       1,525,830           (162,073)               (162,073)
                          floater               18,330          18,330                (12)                    (12)
       Caps/Floors        sell                 162,677         148,431               (258)                   (232)
                           buy                 152,954         136,798                231                     191
          Others          sell                 150,821          23,760               (120)                    384
          Others           buy                 158,669          27,519                132                    (207)
 Total                                                                             (1,767)                 (1,620)
 Notes: 1.Valuation gains (losses) are recognized in the consolidated statement of operations. Derivatives which
        qualify for hedge-accounting are not included in the above table.
        2. Market values of exchange-traded transactions are based on closing prices on the Tokyo International
        Financial Futures Exchange, etc.
           Market values of over-the-counter transactions are based on discounted cash flow method, option
        pricing models, etc.

b. Foreign exchange-related transactions
                                                                                              (in millions of yen)
                                             As of March 31, 2003
                                     Notional principal with maturity     Market value        Valuation gains
                                     or contract amount of over 1 year                            (losses)

          Swaps                                119,876          78,163                 65                      65
 Total                                                                                 65                      65
 Notes: 1. Valuation gains are recognized in the consolidated statement of operations. Derivatives which qualify
           for hedge-accounting and/or which are applicable to notes 3. are not included in the above table.
        2. Market values of over-the-counter transactions are based on discounted cash flow method.
        3. Currency swaps which are accounted for by an accrual basis are not included in the above table.
           Notional principal amount, market value and valuation gains of currency swaps which are accounted
           for by an accrual basis are as follows:
                                                                       (in millions of yen)
                                                     As of March 31, 2003
                                         Notional principal   Market value    Valuation gains (losses)
          Swaps                              2,970,237            (315)              (315)

            Other foreign exchange-related transactions such as forward exchange contracts and currency options,
            which valuation gains (losses) had been recognized in the consolidated statement of operations,
            are not included in the above table.
            Notional principal or contract amounts of those foreign exchange-related transactions are as follows:

                                                                                  As of March 31, 2003
                                                                          Notional principal or contract amount
                                           Forward           sell
                                           contracts                                                    2,323,309
                                                             buy                                        3,370,153
                                           Options           sell                                          66,090
                                                             buy                                           73,378

(Japanese GAAP)

c. Equity-related transactions : N/A

d. Bond-related transactions
                                                                                   (in millions of yen)
                                                          As of March 31, 2003
                                  Notional principal  with maturity     Market value  Valuation gains
                                  or contract amount  of over 1 year                       (losses)

         Futures         sell                13,987                 -             (32)             (32)
                          buy                     -                 -               -                -
 Total                                                                            (32)             (32)
 Notes: 1.Valuation gains (losses) are recognized in the consolidated statement of operations.
        Derivatives which qualify for hedge-accounting are not included in the above table.
       2. Market values of exchange-traded transactions are based on closing prices on the Tokyo Stock
          Exchange, etc. Market values of over-the-counter transactions are based on option pricing
          models, etc.

e. Commodity-related transactions : N/A

f. Credit derivatives : N/A

(Japanese GAAP)

Derivatives qualified for hedge-accounting
                                                                                                 (in billions of yen)
                                                              As of March 31, 2003
                           Notional principal or Market value  Deferred hedge Deferred hedge loss   Deferred hedge
                              contract amount                       profit                          profit and loss
Interest Rate futures                     215.4            0.1            0.7                 0.5                0.1
Interest Rate Swaps                    21,694.0           70.3          313.3               284.0               29.3
(interest rate-related
 transactions)                            226.2           (0.0)           0.5                 0.2                0.2
Others                                    117.1           (0.9)           0.2                 1.2               (1.0)
Total                                                     69.5          314.8               286.1               28.6
Notes: 1. Derivatives which qualify for hedge-accounting are included in the above table.
       2. The transactions in the table above are reported on a mark-to-market basis on the consolidated balance
          sheet. The valuation differences which do not correspond to the income/expenses accruing on hedged items
          are deferred assets/liabilities.

  Notional principal by the remaining life of the interest rate swaps above is as follows:
                                                                              (in billions of yen)
                                                    As of March 31, 2003
                             Due within 1 year   Due after 1    Due after 5          Total
                                                 year through 5     years
  Receive-fix/pay-floater               5,135.6        7,908.1           91.5            13,135.3
  Receive-floater/pay-fix               3,478.3        4,358.8           95.6             7,932.9
   floater                                287.0          338.0            0.7               625.7
  Total                                 8,901.0       12,605.0          187.9            21,694.0

(1) Comparison of Statement of Trust Assets and Liabilities

The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation
                                                                          As of March 31,               Increase/
                                                                     2003 (A)         2002 (B)          (Decrease)
(in millions of Yen)                                                                                          (A) - (B)
 Loans and bills discounted                                             1,107,555        1,383,437            (275,882)
 Securities                                                             6,659,887       29,585,083         (22,925,196)
 Securities held for investment trusts                                          -        3,349,256          (3,349,256)
 Foreign investments held for investment trusts                                 -        1,048,300          (1,048,300)
 Beneficiary rights                                                     8,988,740          189,162           8,799,578
 Securities held in custody accounts                                    3,205,694        3,431,739            (226,045)
 Money claims                                                           2,926,071        2,612,238             313,832
 Premises and equipment                                                 1,532,783          967,340             565,442
 Lease rights                                                              21,819           21,911                 (92)
 Other claims                                                             973,227        1,014,480             (41,252)
 Bills bought                                                                   -           13,524             (13,524)
 Call loans                                                               294,567        2,279,456          (1,984,889)
 Due from banking account                                               1,401,617        2,282,224            (880,607)
 Cash and due from banks                                                1,484,012        2,043,534            (559,521)
 Total assets                                                          28,595,978       50,221,692         (21,625,713)
 Money trusts                                                           7,989,136       17,678,364          (9,689,228)
 Pension trusts                                                            73,937        7,604,453          (7,530,515)
 Property formation benefit trusts                                         12,174           12,675                (501)
 Loan trusts                                                            1,128,339        1,997,536            (869,197)
 Investment trusts                                                      8,758,551        5,803,288           2,955,263
 Money entrusted other than money trusts                                  231,072        2,792,466          (2,561,393)
 Securities trusts                                                      5,689,577        5,900,215            (210,637)
 Money claim trusts                                                     3,040,282        1,900,922           1,139,360
 Equipment trusts                                                             225              345                (119)
 Land and fixtures trusts                                                 174,931          183,409              (8,478)
 Other trusts                                                           1,497,749        6,348,014          (4,850,264)
 Total liabilities                                                     28,595,978       50,221,692         (21,625,713)

 Joint trust assets under the management of other companies      as of March 31, 2003 :  31,929,580 millions of yen
                                                                 as of March 31, 2002 :  10,133,641 millions of yen

 Of the joint trust assets the management of other companies mentioned above Note, the balance at the end of the
 business period of fiscal 2002 includes the trust assets of 22,289,006 millions of yen which were entrusted to The
 Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation and Master Trust assets of the Service-Shared Co-Trusteeship (here in after
 referred to as Trust Assets under Service-Shared Co-Trusteeship). The comparison of statement of trust assets and
 liabilities which is obtained by adding up Trust Assets under Service-Shared Co-Trusteeship is given on the next

The Comparison of Statement of Trust Assets and Liabilities which is obtained by adding up Trust Assets under Service-
Shared Co-Trusteeship
                                                                         As of March 31,                Increase/
                                                                       2003 (A)           2002 (B)     (Decrease)
(in millions of Yen)                                                                                    (A) - (B)
 Loans and bills discounted                                          1,107,555          1,383,437             (275,882)
 Securities                                                         26,349,274         29,585,083           (3,235,809)
 Securities held for investment trusts                                       -          3,349,256           (3,349,256)
 Foreign investments held for investment trusts                              -          1,048,300           (1,048,300)
 Beneficiary rights                                                  9,806,748            189,162            9,617,586
 Securities held in custody accounts                                 3,206,357          3,431,739             (225,382)
 Money claims                                                        2,932,873          2,612,238              320,635
 Premises and equipment                                              1,532,783            967,340              565,442
 Lease rights                                                           21,819             21,911                  (92)
 Other claims                                                        1,344,798          1,014,480              330,317
 Bills bought                                                                -             13,524              (13,524)
 Call loans                                                          1,069,204          2,279,456           (1,210,252)
 Due from banking account                                            1,732,451          2,282,224             (549,772)
 Cash and due from banks                                             1,706,589          2,043,534             (336,945)
 Total assets                                                       50,810,455         50,221,692              588,762
 Money trusts                                                       18,867,760         17,678,364            1,189,396
 Pension trusts                                                      7,423,101          7,604,453             (181,351)
 Property formation benefit trusts                                      12,174             12,675                 (501)
 Loan trusts                                                         1,128,339          1,997,536             (869,197)
 Investment trusts                                                   8,758,551          5,803,288            2,955,263
 Money entrusted other than money trusts                             2,223,773          2,792,466             (568,693)
 Securities trusts                                                   5,690,240          5,900,215             (209,974)
 Money claim trusts                                                  3,040,282          1,900,922            1,139,360
 Equipment trusts                                                          225                345                 (119)
 Land and fixtures trusts                                              174,931            183,409               (8,478)
 Other trusts                                                        3,491,074          6,348,014           (2,856,940)
 Total liabilities                                                  50,810,455         50,221,692              588,762

 Service-Shared Co-Trusteeship started at May, 2002, at the end of the business period of fiscal 2001 mentioned The
 Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation.

 (2) Supplemental Data (As of March 31, 2003)

  The component items of trusts with contracts for compensating the principal, including trusts
  for which the beneficiary interests are re-entrusted for investing in trust assets, are
  presented below.

  Money trusts (Jointly operated designated money in trust)                      (in millions of Yen)
  Assets:                                              Liabilities:
  Loans and bills discounted                   372,091 Principal                             850,217
  Securities                                   232,328 Reserve for possible loan losses        1,002
  Other                                        247,242 Other                                     442
  Total                                        851,663 Total                                 851,663

  Loan trusts
  Assets:                                              Liabilities:
  Loans and bills discounted                   511,409 Principal                           1,560,989
  Securities                                   201,780 Special reserve funds                   8,425
  Other                                        861,096 Other                                   4,871
  Total                                      1,574,287 Total                               1,574,287

 (3) Financial Highlights  (Non-Consolidated)

                                               As of March 31,      Increase/
                                               2003 (A)    2002 (B) (Decrease)
 (in millions of Yen)                                                 (A) - (B)
 Total funds                                40,028,638  39,851,231     177,406
  Deposits                                  11,143,611  11,275,630    (132,019)
  Negotiable certificates of deposit         1,453,650   1,282,570     171,079
  Money trusts                              18,867,760  17,678,364   1,189,396
  Pension trusts                             7,423,101   7,604,453    (181,351)
  Property formation benefit trusts             12,174      12,675        (501)
  Loan trusts                                1,128,339   1,997,536    (869,197)

 Loans and bills discounted                  9,369,278  10,424,475  (1,055,196)
  Banking account                            8,261,722   9,041,037    (779,314)
  Trust account                              1,107,555   1,383,437    (275,882)

 Investment securities                      33,938,480  36,346,517  (2,408,036)
  The balance at the end of the business period of fiscal 2002, trust accounts figures adding up
  trust assets and liabilities which were entrusted to The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation
  and Master Trust assets of the Service-Shared Co-Trusteeship.

6. Financial Results (The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation and Consolidated Subsidiaries)

                                                                                             (in millions of yen)
                                                           For the year ended    Increase/    For the year ended
                                                                March 31,       (Decrease)         March 31,
                                                                2003 (A)         (A) - (B)         2002 (B)
 Gross profits                                                       337,688           30,717            306,971
 (Gross ordinary profit before trust accounts charge-offs)          (345,824)         (19,533)          (326,290)
   Trust fees                                                         82,927          (13,306)            96,233
    Credit costs for trust accounts (1)                               (8,136)          11,183            (19,319)
   Net interest income                                               198,638           15,316            183,322
   Net fees and commissions                                           46,870            4,229             42,640
   Net trading profits                                                 3,253              949              2,303
   Net other business income                                           5,998           23,528            (17,529)
    Net gains (losses) on debt securities                              5,799           25,220            (19,421)
 General and administrative expenses                                 169,297            1,283            168,014
 Net business profits before credit costs for trust
  accounts                                                           176,526           18,249            158,276
     and provision for formula allowance for loan
 Provision for formula allowance for loan losses
  (2)                                                                 (4,478)         (16,627)            12,149
 Net business profits**                                              172,869           46,061            126,807
 Net non-recurring losses                                           (373,433)        (190,141)          (183,291)
   Credit related costs (3)                                         (142,459)          12,425           (154,884)
    Losses on loan charge-offs                                       (45,331)           2,273            (47,605)
    Provision for specific allowance for loan losses                 (77,937)           1,100            (79,038)
    Losses on sales of loans to the Resolution and
     Collection Corporation                                           (2,232)              23             (2,256)
    Other credit related costs                                       (16,956)           9,027            (25,984)
   Net losses on equity securities                                  (220,253)        (200,576)           (19,677)
    Gains on sales of equity securities                               26,534          (25,394)            51,928
    Losses on sales of equity securities                            (151,982)        (118,252)           (33,730)
    Losses on write down of equity securities                        (94,804)         (56,929)           (37,875)
   Equity in loss of affiliates                                       (1,335)            (374)              (960)
   Other                                                              (9,385)          (1,615)            (7,769)
 Ordinary loss                                                      (200,564)        (144,080)           (56,484)
 Net special gains                                                     2,342           40,351            (38,008)
 Loss before income taxes and others                                (198,221)        (103,728)           (94,492)
 Income taxes-current                                                  3,989              300              3,688
 Income taxes-refund                                                   3,839            3,839                  -
 Income taxes-deferred                                              (100,783)         (89,711)           (11,072)
 Minority interest                                                      (219)            (768)               548
 Net loss                                                            (97,369)          (9,711)           (87,657)
 *  Net business profit before credit costs for trust accounts and provision for formula allowance for loan
    = Consolidated net business profit + credit costs for trust accounts + provision for formula allowance for
     loan losses
 ** Net business profits = Net business profits of The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation + Other
     consolidated entities' gross profits
     - Other consolidated entities' general and administrative expenses - Other consolidated entities' provision
       for formula allowance for loan losses - Intercompany transactions.

   Total credit costs  (1)+(2)+(3)                                   146,116          (40,236)           186,353

   Number of consolidated subsidiaries                                    30               (1)                31
   Number of affiliated companies accounted for by the
    equity method                                                         13               (2)                15

Financial Results (The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation)
                                                                                                (in millions of yen)
                                                                  For the year ended  Increase/   For the year ended
                                                                       March 31,      (Decrease)       March 31,
                                                                       2003 (A)       (A) - (B)        2002 (B)
 Gross profits                                                              326,489        29,816           296,672
 (Gross ordinary profit before trust accounts charge-offs)*                (334,625)      (18,633)         (315,992)
  Trust fees                                                                 82,927       (13,306)           96,233
    Trust fees before trust accounts charge-offs*                            91,063       (24,490)          115,553
      Loan trusts and money trusts fees (Jointly operated
       designated money trusts before trust accounts charge-offs)*           48,815       (12,673)           61,488
      Other trust fees                                                       42,247       (11,817)           54,064
    Credit costs for trust accounts** (1)                                    (8,136)       11,183           (19,319)
      Losses on loan charge-offs                                             (5,740)        5,473           (11,213)
      Losses on real estate-collateralized loans sold to
       the CCPC***                                                           (2,010)        5,431            (7,441)
      Other losses incurred from sales of loans                                (385)          279              (664)
  Net interest income                                                       194,193        14,703           179,489
  Net fees and commissions                                                   38,155         2,491            35,663
  Net trading profits                                                         1,699           893               806
  Net other business income                                                   9,514        25,034           (15,519)
    Net gains (losses) on debt securities                                     5,799        25,182           (19,383)
 General and administrative expenses                                        156,212        (3,537)          159,750
  Personnel expenses                                                         71,059         2,728            68,331
  Non-personnel expenses                                                     80,825        (4,609)           85,435
  Taxes                                                                       4,327        (1,656)            5,983
 Net business profits before credit costs for trust
  accounts and provision for formula allowance for loan
  losses*                                                                   178,412        22,170           156,242
 Provision for formula allowance for loan losses (2)                         (3,524)      (15,088)           11,563
 Net business profits                                                       173,801        48,442           125,358
 Net non-recurring losses                                                  (378,320)     (198,581)         (179,739)
  Credit related costs (3)                                                 (140,276)       10,403          (150,680)
    Losses on loan charge-offs                                              (44,582)        2,194           (46,777)
    Provision for specific allowance for loan losses                        (76,731)         (973)          (75,758)
    Losses on real estate-collateralized loans sold to the CCPC***             (193)        2,365            (2,559)
    Provision for allowance for loans to specific foreign
     borrowers                                                                  853        (1,625)            2,479
    Other credit related costs                                              (19,622)        8,442           (28,064)
  Net losses on equity securities                                          (222,054)     (202,405)          (19,648)
    Gains on sales of equity securities                                      26,477       (25,480)           51,957
    Losses on sales of equity securities                                   (151,898)     (118,167)          (33,730)
    Losses on write down of equity securities                               (96,633)      (58,757)          (37,875)
  Others                                                                    (15,989)       (6,579)           (9,410)
 Ordinary loss                                                             (204,519)     (150,138)          (54,380)
 Net special gains                                                            6,560        (5,884)           12,444
  Net gains (losses) on sale of premises and equipment                       (1,943)       (5,022)            3,078
  Gain on loans charged-off                                                   7,754        (8,412)           16,166
  Expenses for retirement benefits                                           (5,141)          123            (5,264)
  Gains on sales of software                                                  7,065         7,065                 -
  Net losses on retirement benefits trust foundation                         (1,174)       (1,174)                -
 Loss before income taxes and others                                       (197,958)     (156,022)          (41,936)
 Income taxes-current                                                         2,121            (4)            2,126
 Income taxes refund                                                          3,459         3,459                 -
 Income taxes-deferred                                                     (101,293)      (89,921)          (11,371)
 Net loss                                                                   (95,327)      (62,636)          (32,691)
 *  Amounts before credit costs for loans in trusts with contracts for compensating the principal
 ** Credit costs for loans in trusts with contracts for compensating the principal
 ***CCPC stands for the Cooperative Credit Purchasing Company, Limited.

  Total credit costs  (1)+(2)+(3)                                           144,888       (36,675)          181,563

7. Average interest rate spread

(Non-Consolidated)                                                                         (percentage per annum)
                                                                     For the year ended           Increase/
                                                                          March 31,              (Decrease)
                                                                        2003 (A)   2002 (B)             (A) - (B)
Total average interest rate on interest-earning assets (a)                1.93       2.53                 (0.59)
   Average interest rate on Loans and bills discounted                    1.42       1.73                 (0.31)
   Average interest rate on Investment securities                         2.34       2.52                 (0.18)
Total average interest rate on interest-bearing liabilities (b)           0.86       1.46                 (0.59)
   Average interest rate on Deposits                                      0.47       0.95                 (0.48)
Total average interest rate spread (a)-(b)                                1.07       1.06                  0.00

Average interest rate spread in domestic business segment:                                (percentage per annum)
Total average interest rate on interest-earning assets (a)                1.03       1.13                 (0.10)
   Average interest rate on Loans and bills discounted                    1.18       1.21                 (0.02)
   Average interest rate on Investment securities                         0.99       1.14                 (0.15)
Total average interest rate on interest-bearing liabilities (b)           0.26       0.40                 (0.14)
   Average interest rate on Deposits                                      0.19       0.31                 (0.11)
Total average interest rate spread (a)-(b)                                0.77       0.72                  0.04

8. Valuation Differences on Securities

(1) Valuation method of securities

Trading securities     Market value (valuation differences are recorded as profits or loses)
Debt securities being  Amortized cost
 held to maturity
Securities available   Market value (valuation differences are included in shareholders' equity,
 for sale               net of income taxes)

  (Reference) Securities in money held in trust
Trading purposes       Market value (valuation differences are recorded as profits or loses)

(2) Valuation differences
 (Consolidated)                                                    (in millions of yen)
                                As of March 31, 2003             As of March 31, 2002
                                 Valuation differences            Valuation differences
                                                Gains   Losses          Gains   Losses
                                 (A)  (A) - (B)                  (B)
 Debt securities being held to
  maturity                      14,019   1,916  14,019          12,102  12,251     148
 Securities available for sale  (2,731) 10,222 207,233 209,964 (12,953)215,075 228,028
  Domestic equity securities  (143,879)(82,338) 20,982 164,862 (61,540)118,943 180,484
  Domestic bonds                56,711  15,994  56,922     210  40,717  41,607     889
  Other                         84,436  76,567 129,328  44,891   7,869  54,524  46,655
 Total                          11,288  12,139 221,252 209,964    (850)227,326 228,177
  Domestic equity securities  (143,879)(82,338) 20,982 164,862 (61,540)118,943 180,484
  Domestic bonds                68,138  18,548  68,349     210  49,590  50,563     972
  Other                         87,029  75,929 131,920  44,891  11,099  57,820  46,720

(3) Market Value Information for Securities in Trusts with Contracts for Compensating the Principal

Money Trusts (jointly operated designated money in trust)

     A. Market Value of Securities                                                               (in millions of yen)
                                                                       Trust Assets  Market Value  Valuation Gains
                                                                      at period end
                                March 31, 2003                               232,328     238,931               6,602
          Note : A fair value is given where a fair value can be calculated for a market-value equivalent.

     B. Valuation Gains of Derivative Transaction :   1,637 millions of yen

Loan Trusts

     A. Market Value of Securities                                                               (in millions of yen)
                                                                       Trust Assets  Market Value  Valuation Gains
                                                                      at period end
                                March 31, 2003                               201,780     226,131              24,350
          Note : A fair value is given where a fair value can be calculated for a market-value equivalent.

     B. Valuation Gains of Derivative Transaction :   12,648 millions of yen

9. Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio Based on the Standards of the BIS
                                                                                                   (in billions of yen)
                                                               As of       Increase/  Increase/   As of       As of
                                                             March 31,     (Decrease)(Decrease) March 31, September 30,
                                                             2003 (A)       (A) - (B)  (A) - (C)  2002 (B)     2002 (C)
                                                        (Preliminary basis)
  (1)Risk-adjusted capital ratio                                     12.00%     1.17%      0.55%    10.83%       11.44%
  (2)Tier ?capital                                                   686.7     (67.1)     (43.6)    753.8        730.4
  (3)Tier ?capital includable as qualifying capital                  556.5     (23.2)      (4.7)    579.7        561.2
   i)The amount of unrealized gains on investment securities,
     includable as qualifying capital                                                      (6.3)                   6.3

  ii)The amount of land revaluation excess includable as
      qualifying capital                                              (1.5)      4.0        4.0      (5.6)        (5.6)

 iii)Subordinated debt                                               431.0     (12.6)      10.9     443.6        420.0
  (4)Deductions from total qualifying capital                          5.9     (18.3)       1.4      24.3          4.5
  (5)Total qualifying capital (2)+(3)-(4)                          1,237.2     (71.9)     (49.8)  1,309.2      1,287.1
  (6)Risk-adjusted assets                                         10,307.2  (1,778.0)    (934.7) 12,085.2     11,242.0

2  Loan Portfolio and Other

1. Risk-Monitored Loans
 Nonaccrual loansaccruing loans contractually past due 3 months or more and restructured loans

                                                                                                   (in millions of yen)
                                                      As of      Increase/   Increase/     As of          As of
                                                    March 31,   (Decrease)   (Decrease)  March 31,    September 30,
                                                    2003 (A)     (A) - (B)   (A) - (C)   2002 (B)        2002 (C)
  Loans to customers in bankruptcy                      42,807        8,429      14,158     34,377              28,649
  Past due loans                                       284,864     (220,954)   (135,760)   505,818             420,624
  Accruing loans contractually                           2,314       (2,940)      1,951      5,254                 362
  past due 3 months or more
  Restructured loans                                   266,948      (75,748)   (108,331)   342,696             375,280
  Total                                                596,934     (291,213)   (227,982)   888,147             824,916

 Loans and bills discounted                          8,287,748     (794,193)   (534,815) 9,081,942           8,822,563

 Percentage of total loans and bills discounted
  Loans to customers in bankruptcy                        0.51%        0.13%       0.19%      0.37%               0.32%
  Past due loans                                          3.43%      (2.13)%     (1.33)%      5.56%               4.76%
  Accruing loans contractually                            0.02%      (0.02)%       0.02%      0.05%               0.00%
  past due 3 months or more
  Restructured loans                                      3.22%      (0.55)%     (1.03)%      3.77%               4.25%
  Total                                                   7.20%      (2.57)%     (2.14)%      9.77%               9.35%

                                                                                                   (in millions of yen)
                                                      As of      Increase/   Increase/     As of          As of
                                                    March 31,   (Decrease)   (Decrease)  March 31,    September 30,
                                                    2003 (A)     (A) - (B)   (A) - (C)   2002 (B)        2002 (C)
  Loans to customers in bankruptcy                      36,984        7,620      13,208     29,364              23,775
  Past due loans                                       290,861     (215,099)   (125,351)   505,961             416,212
  Accruing loans contractually                           2,314       (2,940)      1,951      5,254                 362
  past due 3 months or more
  Restructured loans                                   267,259      (74,827)   (108,011)   342,086             375,271
  Total                                                597,420     (285,246)   (218,202)   882,666             815,622

 Loans and bills discounted                          8,261,722     (779,314)   (530,754) 9,041,037           8,792,477
 Percentage of total loans and bills discounted
  Loans to customers in bankruptcy                        0.44%        0.12%       0.17%      0.32%               0.27%
  Past due loans                                          3.52%      (2.07)%     (1.21)%      5.59%               4.73%
  Accruing loans contractually                            0.02%      (0.03)%       0.02%      0.05%               0.00%
  past due 3 months or more
  Restructured loans                                      3.23%      (0.54)%     (1.03)%      3.78%               4.26%
  Total                                                   7.23%      (2.53)%     (2.04)%      9.76%               9.27%

Tables 111-124

(Trust accounts : Loans in Trusts with Contracts                   (in
 for Compensating the Principal)                              millions
                                                                of yen)
------------------------------------------------ ----------- ----------
                 As of     Increase/  Increase/     As of      As of
               March 31,  (Decrease)  (Decrease)  March 31,  September
                 2003 (A)   (A) - (B)  (A) - (C)    2002 (B)   2002 (C)
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Loans to
 customers in
 bankruptcy        4,369      (4,049)    (5,759)      8,419     10,129
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Past due loans     2,220      (9,795)    (4,224)     12,016      6,445
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Accruing loans
 contractually       919        (180)      (122)      1,100      1,041
past due 3
 months or
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
 loans            33,655     (10,582)    (7,378)     44,237     41,033
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Total             41,165     (24,607)   (17,485)     65,773     58,650
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------

-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Loans and
 discounted      883,501    (240,168)   (85,366)  1,123,669    968,867
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------

Percentage of total loans
 and bills discounted
------------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Loans to
 customers in
 bankruptcy         0.49%     (0.25)%    (0.55)%       0.74%      1.04%
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Past due loans      0.25%     (0.81)%    (0.41)%       1.06%      0.66%
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Accruing loans
 contractually      0.10%       0.00%    (0.00)%       0.09%      0.10%
past due 3
 months or
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
 loans              3.80%     (0.12)%    (0.42)%       3.93%      4.23%
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Total               4.65%     (1.19)%    (1.39)%       5.85%      6.05%
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------

(Banking : Non-                                                    (in
 Consolidated and Trust                                       millions
 Accounts)                                                      of yen)
------------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
                 As of     Increase/  Increase/     As of      As of
               March 31,  (Decrease)  (Decrease)  March 31,  September
                 2003 (A)   (A) - (B)  (A) - (C)    2002 (B)   2002 (C)
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Loans to
 customers in
 bankruptcy       41,354       3,570      7,449      37,783     33,905
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Past due loans   293,082    (224,894)  (129,575)    517,977    422,658
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Accruing loans
 contractually     3,233      (3,120)     1,828       6,354      1,404
past due 3
 months or
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
 loans           300,915     (85,409)  (115,389)    386,324    416,304
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Total            638,585    (309,854)  (235,687)    948,439    874,273
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------

-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Loans and
 discounted    9,145,224  (1,019,482)  (616,120) 10,164,706  9,761,345
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------

Percentage of total loans
 and bills discounted
------------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Loans to
 customers in
 bankruptcy         0.45%       0.08%      0.10%       0.37%      0.34%
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Past due loans      3.20%     (1.89)%    (1.12)%       5.09%      4.32%
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Accruing loans
 contractually      0.03%     (0.02)%      0.02%       0.06%      0.01%
past due 3
 months or
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
 loans              3.29%     (0.51)%    (0.97)%       3.80%      4.26%
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Total               6.98%     (2.34)%    (1.97)%       9.33%      8.95%
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------

(Banking : Consolidated                                            (in
 and Trust Accounts)                                          millions
                                                                of yen)
------------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
                 As of     Increase/  Increase/     As of      As of
               March 31,  (Decrease)  (Decrease)  March 31,  September
                 2003 (A)   (A) - (B)  (A) - (C)    2002 (B)   2002 (C)
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Loans to
 customers in
 bankruptcy       47,176       4,379      8,398      42,796     38,778
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Past due loans   287,085    (230,749)  (139,984)    517,834    427,070
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Accruing loans
 contractually     3,233      (3,120)     1,828       6,354      1,404
past due 3
 months or
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
 loans           300,603     (86,330)  (115,709)    386,934    416,313
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Total            638,099    (315,821)  (245,467)    953,920    883,566
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------

-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Loans and
 discounted    9,171,249  (1,034,362)  (620,181) 10,205,611  9,791,431
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------

Percentage of total loans
 and bills discounted
------------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Loans to
 customers in
 bankruptcy         0.51%       0.09%      0.11%       0.41%      0.39%
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Past due loans      3.13%     (1.94)%    (1.23)%       5.07%      4.36%
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Accruing loans
 contractually      0.03%     (0.02)%      0.02%       0.06%      0.01%
past due 3
 months or
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
 loans              3.27%     (0.51)%    (0.97)%       3.79%      4.25%
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------
Total               6.95%     (2.38)%    (2.06)%       9.34%      9.02%
-------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------

Classification of risk-
 monitored Loans

Classification by
 geographic area
[Banking : Consolidated and                                       (in
 Trust Accounts]                                              millions
                                                               of yen)
----------------------------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------
                      As of   Increase/  Increase/   As of     As of
                      March   (Decrease) (Decrease)  March   September
                        31,                            31,      30,
                     2003 (A)  (A) - (B)  (A) - (C) 2002 (B)  2002 (C)
-------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------
Domestic*            568,137   (359,543)  (261,878) 927,681   830,015
-------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------
Overseas*             69,961     43,722     16,410   26,239    53,551
-------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------
       Asia            9,956       (867)    (2,467)  10,823    12,423
           --------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------
           Indonesia   1,916     (4,034)    (4,516)   5,951     6,433
           Thailand    2,716         27       (525)   2,688     3,241
           Hong Kong   3,474      3,371      3,474      103         -
           Other       1,848       (231)      (900)   2,080     2,748
       ------------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------
       United States
        of America    36,931     24,493     11,694   12,437    25,236
       Other          23,074     20,096      7,183    2,978    15,890
-------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------
Total                638,099   (315,821)  (245,467) 953,920   883,566
-------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------
Note:*     "Domestic" and "Overseas" are
            classified by domicile of

Classification by type of
 industry of borrowers
[Banking : Consolidated and                                       (in
 Trust Accounts]                                              millions
                                                               of yen)
----------------------------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------
                      As of   Increase/  Increase/   As of     As of
                      March   (Decrease) (Decrease)  March   September
                        31,                            31,      30,
                     2003 (A)  (A) - (B)  (A) - (C) 2002 (B)  2002 (C)
-------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------
Domestic*            568,137   (359,543)  (261,878) 927,681   830,015
-------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------
       Manufacturing 104,842     13,013     (4,011)  91,828   108,854
       Construction  140,157    (19,715)   (13,138) 159,872   153,295
       Wholesale and
        Retail        78,774     28,436      5,382   50,337    73,391
       Banks and
        institutions   7,855    (16,737)   (16,440)  24,592    24,295
       Real estate    86,094   (311,952)  (202,897) 398,047   288,991
       Services       77,774    (47,100)   (27,662) 124,874   105,436
        industries    51,288        360       (887)  50,927    52,175
       Consumer       21,351     (5,848)    (2,223)  27,200    23,575
-------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------
Overseas*             69,961     43,722     16,410   26,239    53,551
-------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------
       Banks and
        institutions       -     (5,461)         -    5,461         -
        industrial    55,602     35,116     47,178   20,485     8,423
       Other          14,359     14,067    (30,767)     292    45,127
-------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------
Total                638,099   (315,821)  (245,467) 953,920   883,566
-------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------
Note:*     "Domestic" and "Overseas" are
            classified by domicile of


   Short Name: Mitsubishi Tokyo Fin
   Category Code: FR
   Sequence Number: 00005198
   Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20030526T085822+0100


    CONTACT: Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group Inc

    SOURCE: Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group Inc

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