21 years ago
The stock is showing lots of strength here...
And the MMs are handling this one in classic fashion. The basic technicals are shaping up incredibly well. PPS is holding well above 10-day exp MA. Today's action was a clear signal that the stock is very attractive at these levels and that the price should hold. As has been the case for days, there were very few sellers today. Lots of upside room here, especially as more traders look into the new revenue stream and future expansion plans. Anyone who hasn't climbed on board yet should do so soon, or you're likely to miss the swing back up to former trading levels. A likely scenario is that this trades sideways, trickling upward through the low .20's for 5-10 trading days, bouncing along the upper side of its 10-day mov avg., until we get a momentum swing when more traders realize the trend has really changed.
That's when the seatbelt signs go on and the real action begins. Patience will be rewarded here.
Good trading,
21 years ago
Payroll cards are going to be huge for FNT!
They are at the right place at the right time.
"By 2006, the US stored-value (prepaid) card market will be worth USD 290 billion, and will realize over USD 4 billion in revenues to service providers."
- Financial Insights
"Prepaid debit cards in the US will rise from 6.2 million in 2003, to almost 40 million by 2007."
- Pelorus Group
"The unbanked and underbanked sectorsβ is representing nearly 33 million US households."
- Celent Communications
"Another growth area is in prepaid card products, such as payroll cards, gift cards, and money transfer cards...the global market opportunity for prepaid products stands at over USD $2 trillion."
- Visa International
"Over 2.4 billion ATMs to be deployed globally by 2006, versus 1.2 billion today."
- Celent Communications
21 years ago
Just got in yesterday. There were almost NO sellers at all. This one just looked too good at current price levels.
A little DD paraphrased from the prospectus:
Provo Mexico sells pre-paid telephone cards and airtime provided by Telmex, which is the dominant telecommunications provider in Mexico. After forming in 1995, Provo Mexico quickly became the number one seller of Telmex airtime, and currently maintain their lead of 7% of the entire Mexican market. The pre-paid calling cards sell for 30, 50 and 100 pesos. Provo Mexico buys these cards from Telmex at a 14% discount. They pay internal sales staff 4% commission, and external distributors 9% commission, which results in Provo Mexico making between 5% to 10% for themselves for every airtime minute sold. Based on 2002 sales figures of $100M, Provo Mexico should be grossing up to $14M a year.