RNS Number : 9060T
Power Metal Resources PLC
20 November 2023
20 November 2023
Power Metal Resources PLC
("Power Metal" or the "Company")
Exploration Update - Significant Uranium Targets
Follow Up Exploration Confirms Significant Uranium
Mineralisation at Tait Hill and Soaring Bay
Power Metal Resources PLC (AIM:POW), the London listed
exploration company with a global project portfolio, announces key
developments to its currently 100% owned uranium business, covering
a combined 1,012km(2) across 17 properties (collectively the
"Uranium Portfolio") in and around the prolific Athabasca Basin in
Saskatchewan, Canada.
Initial radon gas sampling results from Tait Hill and Soaring
Bay were announced to the market on 11 October 2023 and can be
found at the link below.
The results presented herein are the soil geochemical sampling
results over the same targets which have further demonstrated
significant uranium prospectivity and enabled refinement of
potential drill targets.
Tait Hill
-- At Tait Hill's Mullis Lake Target, very significant uranium
("U") anomalies (up to 164ppm U) in soil were encountered which is
strongly coincident with radon anomalies announced on 11 October
2023 as well as historical radiometric anomalies, highlighting the
prospectivity of this target area.
-- The Company believes that the Mullis Lake Target has
geological similarities to the Rössing uranium deposit located in
Namibia, and the results obtained from this soil and radon gas
sampling point to a large target for future exploration.
Soaring Bay
-- At Soaring Bay, the soil geochemistry results highlight areas
of strong anomalism which supplement and support the strong radon
results presented on 11 October 2023, which highlighted a
significant >3km long northwest-southeast trending mineralised
shear zone.
Kernaghan and Durrant Lake
-- High-resolution airborne electromagnetic ("EM") geophysics
surveys have now been completed on the Kernaghan and Durrant Lake
properties with results pending.
Sean Wade, Chief Executive Officer of Power Metal Resources plc,
"Power Metal provides one of the few opportunities for UK
investors to get meaningful exposure to uranium exploration. We
hold the largest ground footprint of any UK listed entity in and
around the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada currently
amounting to over 1,000km(2) .
"The 2023 Athabasca uranium exploration work continues to
deliver exceptional results, with today's news confirming and
refining significant uranium prospective targets at the Tait Hill
and Soaring Bay properties. Added to the results announced in
September at Perch River and Badger Lake, so far, four of the nine
Athabasca properties we have explored in the 2023 programme have
delivered major tangible results.
"Further updates from this programme are expected in the near
term, together with news in respect of the planned admission of
Uranium Energy Exploration, where significant progress has been
made recently.
"It is notable that our work continues whilst the spot price of
uranium is approaching US$80/lb, a level last seen around 15 years
ago. This underlying commodity strength has been bolstered by the
increasing global acceptance that expanding nuclear power
generation is critical for reliable low-carbon energy with a
growing supply deficit facing the industry.
"In response, Power Metal will continue to advance its uranium
interests at pace, and we believe the considerable tangible
progress being generated through this work will, in due course,
translate into substantial value for shareholders."
Tait Hill Project - 2023 Recap
During the 2023 field season, Power Metal successfully completed
the most comprehensive exploration programme across the Tait Hill
Project in the last several years. The work was focussed on the
Mullis Lake as well as Tait Lake targets and included the
completion of high-resolution radon gas and soil geochemical
sampling grids, as well as general prospecting, rock sampling and
geological mapping. A member of Power Metal's technical team was
onsite for the first week of the Tait Hill Project programme to aid
in sampling and ensure company protocols were met.
Mullis Lake Target:
The Mullis Lake Target is of great interest to Power Metal
Resources due to the geological similarities it shares with the
Rössing uranium deposit located in Namibia. These deposits are
characterised by large footprint, high tonnage, but relatively
low-grade mineralisation, and are spatially and temporally related
to fertile intrusions - thus they are known as 'intrusive-type'
uranium deposits.
Three sub-targets have now been defined at the broader Mullis
Lake Target. Sub-target A - located to the north of the main mapped
intrusion, which historically returned up to 825 ppm U-in-rock chip
and is defined by multiple radiometric anomalies. A total of 81
soil and 22 in-situ radon gas samples were collected at this sub
target. Sub-target B is located to the northeast of the intrusion
on which 92 soil samples and 17 in-situ radon gas samples were
collected. Sub-target C is located to the southeast of the main
mapped intrusion. A total of 70 soil samples were collected over
sub-target C.
All soil samples from the 2023 campaign were collected from the
B-horizon and analysed at the Saskatchewan Research Council Geolab
in Saskatoon for a partial leach (aqua regia). Details of the
methodology of the radon sampling are present in the prior RNS
release (dated 11 October 2023).
Mullis Lake - Sub-target A
The 2023 results show a strong, sustained, enrichment of radon
(up to 3.47 pCi/m(2) /sec) within the sub-target, which is
supported by a strongly anomalous 164 ppm U-in-soil result. In the
north of the grid, two elevated radon results (3.42 and 3.54
pCi/m(2) /sec), with two further high results, provide a broad
east-west target approx. 800 m long, supported by high U-in-soil
(30 & 29 ppm U). Approx 450 m to the south, a further
occurrence of high uranium in soil (up to 54 ppm) is present. This
area is also coincident with multiple historical radiometric
Finally, near the eastern edge of the grid, a highly anomalous
4.47 pCi/m(2) /sec radon reading was recorded approx. 150 m to the
northern edge of the mapped granite; this was not accompanied with
an elevation in uranium soil geochemistry but suggests the
potential for a buried uraniferous source.
Mullis Lake - Sub-target B
The 2023 results indicate a sustained 1,800 m long area of
elevated radon extending to the northeast from the granite, which
is also coincident with a historical radiometric anomaly. Soil
results over this sub-target confirmed localised areas of uranium
enrichment in soils. Additionally, samples from the eastern part of
the sub-target area recorded phosphorus enrichment.
The previously noted elevated radon results located in the
northeastern part of this sub-target (up to 3.46 pCi/m(2) /sec) do
not appear to be associated with elevated uranium in soil, thus
suggesting the potential for a further buried uriniferous
Mullis Lake - Sub-target C
Work on the Mullis Lake Sub-target C targeted radiometric highs
parallel to the mapped granite. Results from this grid returned
localised areas with uranium enrichment in soil up to 22 ppm U,
which was also associated with a coincident radiometric high.
The work completed this field season has provided the first
systematic soil sampling and the first radon gas sampling over the
Mullis Lake Target. The results successfully generated multiple
robust targets for follow-up work.
In particular, the identification of sustained elevated radon
results which extend for approximately 1.8 km in a
northeast-southwest orientation, which originate from the main
mapped granitic body, is very exciting. In addition, at sub-target
A, the work completed has yielded two areas of significant
interest, including 1) near the southern extend of the sub-target
where a highly anomalous soil result of 164 ppm U was encountered
which is coincident with elevated radon results, and 2) to the
north where radiometric anomalies are strongly coincident with
sustained elevated radon and soil results. In summary, the results
now received from the Mullis Lake Target have greatly enhanced the
areas prospectivity, through systematic and cost-effective
Figure 1: Mullis Lake Target Results
Tait Lake Target:
The Tait Lake Target area is defined by multiple historical
peat/marsh samples which returned highly anomalous uranium results
(up to 14,359 ppm U)(1) . In addition, the Saskatchewan Mining
Development Corporation in 1980 completed a detailed lake-sediment
sampling programme across Tait Lake where they defined 308,000kg of
uranium with an in-situ value of US $25.6 million (c. US$50 million
at US$78/lb uranium).(2) No modern sampling has been completed over
this target. Two sampling grids, completed at 100 m sample and line
spacing, were completed by Power Metal.
Tait Lake Target - Western Grid
The western grid was centred over the highly anomalous
historical uranium geochemical results, which are believed to be
peat/marsh samples. This area is also defined by a broad historical
radiometric anomaly. The 2023 results returned sustained, as well
as localised, uranium enrichment over this target area with
B-horizon results up to 33 ppm U and a sustained anomaly located
within the defined radiometric anomaly. The results suggest that
uranium within the highly anomalous historical samples has been
transported from the surrounding uranium-rich geology and
accumulated in swamps and marshes. Therefore, the prospectivity of
the grid, and the 'catchment' area of these depressions makes them
highly prospective for further uranium occurrences.
Tait Lake Target - Eastern Grid
Designed to investigate an area with 1) a historical peat/marsh
sample which returned 13,200 ppm U; 2) highly anomalous U-in-lake
sediment results; as well as 3) multiple radiometric anomalies.
Significantly, the 2023 results returned a highly anomalous
U-in-soil result of 111 ppm which is located in close proximity to
the historical result of 13,200 ppm U; this was taken within a
small swamp, and thus, is artificially enriched in uranium. In
addition, within the footprint of the nearby radiometric uranium
high, multiple highly elevated results (compared to the surrounding
samples collected within this fieldwork) 36, 55 and 21 ppm U are
present. These results suggest a local source of uranium, over
approx. 500 x 200 m.
Figure 2: Tait Lake Target
Soaring Bay Project - 2023 Recap
The 2023 programme included a soil and radon gas survey focussed
along a prominent northwest-southeast trending structural
lineament. In total, 64 soil samples, 36 in-situ radon samples and
16 rock samples were collected proximal and within this structural
lineament across two grid areas. Both soil and radon sampling was
completed along the linear feature and in multiple survey lines
oriented 90 deg off the fault - designed to test for buried
mineralisation along the extent of the fault. This feature had not
been tested since the 1980s, and thus, it was determined that a
systematic radon and soil survey combined with analysis utilising
modern assay methods would provide highly valuable information for
future field campaigns.
Southern Structural Lineation Target
The 2023 radon results show a significant enrichment along the
structural lineation itself, with results up to 6.46 pCi/m(2) /sec,
a significant level of enrichment compared against the lowest
sample result from the survey of 0.59 pCi/m(2) /sec. Results are
sustained along two occurrences between 300 and 200 m long. To the
southwest of these occurrences, further elevated radon results (in
the north, up to 4.71 pCi/m(2) /sec, and the centre 2.27 pCi/m(2)
/sec.) are present. 300m of sustained strong radon responses were
present in the southernmost line of the grid, with three results
above 4.39 pCi/m(2) /sec, and the greatest of 6.13 pCi/m(2)
The 2023 soil results show three areas of interest; 1) near the
northern part of the southern structural target soil sample results
returned 20ppm U (incl. 63pp Lanthanum and 71ppm Yttrium) which is
coincident with strongly elevated radon results; 2) near the
central part of the grid a highly anomalous soil result returned
127 ppm U which also recorded 2.67 pCi/m(2) /sec radon, this sample
is also elevated for Rare Earth Elements ("REE"), with Lanthanum
(153 ppm) and Yttrium (80 ppm) potentially suggesting a common link
between the two most enriched soil samples; and 3) in the extreme
southeast of the grid, in the same samples which have a strong,
sustained radon response (discussed above), results of between 2
and 7 ppm U were also identified. This area represents the
strongest sustained radon response over a broad area.
Northern Structural Lineation Target
Radon results along the northern structural lineation target
highlighted moderate anomalism. They were also coincident with
sustained and moderately anomalous U-in-soil results with a maximum
result of 13ppm U.
The results from the soil and radon sampling over the structural
lineament target at Soaring Bay has proven the existence of
products of uranium decay along a significant structural lineation,
with elevated U-in-soil. This has proven the historical radon
occurrences and added further targets to the southwest of the
structural lineation. Rock sampling targeting areas of historical
REE enrichment have returned moderately elevated results. Further
analysis will be completed by the Company in order to determine any
significance of the presence of these pegmatites within Soaring
Figure 3: Tait Lake Target
1: D. Car and G. Dickson, Saskatchewan Mineral Development
Corporation Exploration, Geological and Geochemical Sruveys and
Prospecting - Tait Lake CBS 5479, April 1977,
2: C. E. Roy and S. A. Earle, Saskatchewan Mineral Development
Corporation Exploration - Summer 1980, Grease River-Scott Lake
Project, CBS 5479, 5539, 5869 (74O09-0022). December, 1980
Power Metal has a 100% subsidiary Power Metal Canada Inc ("Power
Canada"), which acts as the holding company for certain Canadian
project operations. Power Canada has a wholly owned subsidiary,
102134984 Saskatchewan Ltd, which is the holder of the Company's
Athabasca uranium portfolio.
The technical information contained in this disclosure has been
read and approved by Mr Nick O'Reilly (MSc, DIC, MIMMM, MAusIMM,
FGS), who is a qualified geologist and acts as the Qualified Person
under the AIM Rules - Note for Mining and Oil & Gas Companies.
Mr O'Reilly is a Principal consultant working for Mining Analyst
Consulting Ltd which has been retained by Power Metal Resources PLC
to provide technical support.
This announcement contains inside information for the purposes
of Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014 as it
forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union
(Withdrawal) Act 2018 ("MAR"), and is disclosed in accordance with
the Company's obligations under Article 17 of MAR.
For further information please visit
https://www.powermetalresources.com/ or contact:
Power Metal Resources plc
Sean Wade (Chief Executive Officer) +44 (0) 20 3778 1396
SP Angel Corporate Finance (Nomad and Joint Broker)
Ewan Leggat/Charlie Bouverat +44 (0) 20 3470 0470
SI Capital Limited (Joint Broker)
Nick Emerson +44 (0) 1483 413 500
First Equity Limited (Joint Broker)
David Cockbill/Jason Robertson +44 (0) 20 7330 1883
BlytheRay (PR Advisors) +44 (0) 20 7138 3204
Tim Blythe
Megan Ray
Power Metal Resources plc - Background
Power Metal Resources plc (LON:POW) is an AIM listed metals
exploration company which finances and manages global resource
The Company has a principal focus on opportunities offering
district scale potential across a global portfolio including
precious, base and strategic metal exploration in North America,
Africa and Australia.
Project interests range from early-stage greenfield exploration
to later-stage prospects currently subject to drill programmes.
Power Metal will develop projects internally or through
strategic joint ventures until a project becomes ready for disposal
through outright sale or separate listing on a recognised stock
exchange, thereby crystallising the value generated from our
internal exploration and development work.
Value generated through disposals will be deployed internally to
grow the Company or may be returned to shareholders through share
buy backs, dividends or in-specie distributions of assets.
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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
November 20, 2023 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)
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