RNS Number : 6891J

Centaur Media PLC

03 April 2018

Centaur Media plc

Incorporated in England and Wales

Registration number: 04948078

LEI: 2138005WK87G7DQRQI62

ISIN: GB0034291418

Centaur Media Plc

(the "Company")


London, UK - 3 APRIL 2018 - Centaur Media plc (the "Company") (LSE: CAU), the business to business information, insight and events group, announces that its Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 3 May 2018 at 12.30pm at Wells Point, 79 Wells Street, London, W1T 3QN.

In compliance with Listing Rule 9.6.1R, the following documents have today been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available at www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM

Annual Report 2017

Notice of 2018 Annual General Meeting

Form of Proxy for 2018 Annual General Meeting

The Annual Report 2017 and Notice of 2018 Annual General Meeting are also available in the Investors section of the Centaur Media plc website at http://www.centaurmedia.com

The information set out in the appendices to this announcement, which is extracted from the Annual Report 2017, constitutes the material required by Disclosure & Transparency Rule 6.3.5 which is required to be communicated to the media in full unedited text through a Regulatory Information Service. This announcement is not a substitute for reading the Annual Report and Accounts for the period ended 31 December 2017.


Helen Silver

Company Secretary

020 7970 4000

Note to editors

Centaur Media is an award-winning UK-based multi-platform content group that inspires and enables people to excel at what they do, raising the standard for market insight, interaction and impact.

Leading brands include: Econsultancy, Marketing Week, Festival of Marketing, Creative Review, Celebrity Intelligence, Fashion & Beauty Monitor, Oystercatchers, MarketMakers, Money Marketing, Platforum, The Lawyer, Employee Benefits, The Engineer, Subcon, The Business Travel Show and The Meetings Show.


Appendix A: Statement of Directors' Responsibilities

The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law the Directors have prepared the Group financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union and Company financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union. Under company law the Directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and the Company and of the profit or loss of the Group and Company for that period. In preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required to:

   --      Select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 

-- State whether applicable IFRSs as adopted by the European Union have been followed for the Group financial statements and IFRSs as adopted by the European Union have been followed for the Company financial statements, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements;

   --      Make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and 

-- Prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Group and Company will continue in business.

The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the Group and Company's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Group and Company enable them to ensure that the financial statements and the Directors' Remuneration Report comply with the Companies Act 2006 and, as regards the Group financial statements, Article 4 of the IAS Regulation.

The Directors are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Group and the hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the Company's website. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

The Directors consider that the Annual Report and Financial Statements, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Group and Company's performance, business model and strategy.

Each of the Directors, whose names and functions are listed in the Board of Directors summary on pages 28 and 29, confirms that, to the best of their knowledge:

-- The Company financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and loss of the Company;

-- The Group financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit of the Group; and

The Directors' Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Group and Company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces. In the case of each director in office at the date the Directors' Report is approved:

-- So far as the Director is aware, there is no relevant audit information which the Group and Company's auditors are unaware; and

-- They have taken all steps that they ought to have taken as a director in order to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Group and Company's auditors are aware of that information.

By order of the Board

Helen Silver

Company Secretary

20 March 2018

Appendix B: Principal Risks

Risk management approach

The Board has overall responsibility for the effectiveness of the Group's system of risk management and internal controls and these are regularly monitored by the Audit Committee.

Details of the activities of the Audit Committee in this financial year can be found in the Audit Committee Report on pages 37 to 40.

The Executive Committee is responsible for identifying, managing and monitoring material risks in each area of the business and for regularly reviewing and updating the risk register, as well as reporting to the Audit Committee in relation to risks, mitigations and controls. As the Group operates principally from one office and with relatively short management reporting lines, members of the Executive Committee are closely involved in day-to-day matters and able to identify areas of increasing risk quickly and respond accordingly. The responsibility for each risk identified is assigned to a member of the Executive Committee. The Audit Committee considers risk management and controls regularly and the Board formally considers risks to the Group's strategy and plans as well as the risk management process as part of its strategic review.

The risk register is the core element of the Group's risk management process. The register is maintained by the Company Secretary with input from the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee initially identifies the material risks facing the Group and then collectively assesses the severity of each risk (by ranking both the likelihood of occurrence of the risk and its potential impact on the business) and the related mitigating controls.

As part of its risk management processes, the Board considers both strategic and operational risks, as well as its risk appetite in terms of the tolerance level it is willing to accept in relation to each principal risk, which is recorded in the Company's risk register. This approach recognises that risk cannot always be eliminated at an acceptable cost and that there are some risks which the Board will, after due and careful consideration, choose to accept. The Group's risk register, its method of preparation and the operation of the key controls in the Group's system of internal control are regularly reviewed and overseen by the Audit Committee with reference to the Group's strategic aims and its operating environment. The register is also reviewed and considered by the Board.

As part of the ongoing enhancement of the Group's risk monitoring activities, we reviewed and updated the procedures by which we evaluate principal risks and uncertainties during the year.

Principal risks

The Group's risk register currently includes operational and strategic risks. The principal risks faced by the Group in 2017, taken from the register, together with the potential effects and mitigating factors, are set out below. The Directors confirm that they have undertaken a robust assessment of the principal risks facing the Group. Financial Risks are shown in note 29 to the Financial Statements.

 Risk                         Description                 Risk mitigation           Movement in 
                               of risk and                 / control procedure       risk 
---------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Fraudulent or                -A serious                  - Appropriate             -> 
  accidental breach            occurrence                  IT security               The Board 
  of our security,             of a loss,                  is undertaken             considers 
  or ineffective               theft or misuse             for all key               this risk 
  operation of                 of personal                 processes to              to be broadly 
  IT and data management       data or sensitive           keep the IT               the same as 
  systems leads                or confidential             environment               the prior 
  to loss, theft               information                 safe.                     year 
  or misuse of                 could result                -Websites are 
  personal data                in reputational             hosted by specialist 
  or confidential              damage, a                   third-party 
  information or               breach of                   providers who 
  other breach                 data protection             provide warranties 
  of data protection           requirements                relating to 
  requirements.                or direct                   security standards. 
                               financial                   -All of our 
                               impact. See                 websites have 
                               The General                 been migrated 
                               Data Protection             onto a new and 
                               Regulation                  more secure 
                               ('GDPR') below.             platform which 
                               -Centaur                    is cloud hosted 
                               collects and                and databases 
                               processes                   have been cleansed 
                               personal data               and upgraded 
                               and confidential            during 2015, 
                               information                 2016 and ongoing 
                               from some                   in 2017. 
                               of its customers,           - External access 
                               users and                   to data is protected 
                               other third                 and staff are 
                               parties. Centaur            instructed to 
                               is at risk                  password protect 
                               from a serious              or encrypt where 
                               occurrence                  appropriate. 
                               of a loss,                  -The Director 
                               theft or misuse             of Data and 
                               of personal                 Analytics ensures 
                               data or confidential        that rigorous 
                               information                 controls are 
                               on our software/hardware    in place to 
                               due to the                  ensure that 
                               actions of                  warehouse data 
                               a Centaur                   can only be 
                               employee,                   downloaded by 
                               partner or                  the data team. 
                               third party.                Integration 
                               See also GDPR               of the warehouse 
                               below                       with current 
                                                           databases and 
                                                           data captured 
                                                           and stored elsewhere 
                                                           is ongoing. 
                                                           -Centaur has 
                                                           a business continuity 
                                                           plan which includes 
                                                           its IT systems 
                                                           and there is 
                                                           daily, overnight 
                                                           back-up of data, 
                                                           stored off-site. 
                                                           -Please see 
                                                           below for specifics 
                                                           relating to 
                                                           GDPR compliance 
                                                           / Data 
---------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Regulatory; GDPR.            The General                 Centaur has               New Risk 
  Stricter requirements        Data Protection             engaged Wiggin 
  regarding how                Regulation                  LLP to provide 
  Centaur handles              ('GDPR'),                   legal advice 
  personal data,               which is the                on what changes 
  including that               new data protection         we are required 
  of customers                 law coming                  to make in order 
  and the risk                 into force                  to comply with 
  of a fine from               in May 2018,                GDPR. The measures 
  the ICO, third               involves much               we are taking 
  party claims                 stricter requirements       include: 
  (e.g. from customers)        for Centaur                 -Updating the 
  as well as reputational      regarding                   'consent' wording 
  damage if we                 its handling                on our websites 
  do not comply.               of personal                 and event registration 
                               data.                       pages to ensure 
                                                           language is 
                               This includes:              specific/ unambiguous 
                               -customers                  -updating our 
                               having greater              unsubscribe 
                               rights on                   process 
                               how we use                  -improving our 
                               their data                  data complaints 
                               -Centaur having             procedures 
                               to provide                  - improving 
                               specific information        our procedures 
                               to our customers            for removing 
                               on how we                   individuals 
                               use their                   from databases 
                               data                        where details 
                               -new rules                  are inaccurate/ 
                               around how                  not needed 
                               we obtain                   -updating our 
                               customer's                  standard terms 
                               consent to                  and conditions 
                               being contacted             across all products 
                               - personal                  -updating our 
                               data being                  privacy and 
                               kept more                   cookies policy 
                               securely;                   and website 
                               time and access             terms and conditions 
                               - new contracts             - amending our 
                               being put                   contract with 
                               in place between            suppliers who 
                               us and suppliers            provide us with 
                               that handle                 personal data 
                               our data                    (ie lists) or 
                               -new rules                  who handle data 
                               about notifying             on our behalf. 
                               the ICO in 
                               the event 
                               of a breach 
                               of GDPR 
                               - a shorter 
                               time period 
                               for responding 
                               to "subject 
                               access requests" 
                               from customers 
                               - a requirement 
                               to demonstrate 
                               HOW we comply 
                               with GDPR, 
                               which means 
                               we need to 
                               improve our 
                               internal record-keeping, 
                               In the event 
                               of a serious 
                               breach of 
                               the GDPR, 
                               Centaur could 
                               be subject 
                               to a significant 
                               fine from 
                               the regulator 
                               (the ICO) 
                               and claims 
                               from third 
                               parties including 
                               as well as 
                               The new maximum 
                               fine for breach 
                               of GDPR is 
                               much higher 
                               than the current 
                               maximum fine 
                               under current 
                               UK data protection 
---------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Serious systems              -Centaur relies             Centaur has               -> 
  failure (affecting           on its IT                   invested significantly    The Board 
  core systems                 network to                  in its IT systems         considers 
  and multiple                 conduct its                 and several               this risk 
  products or functions)       operations.                 key IT system             to be broadly 
  or breach of                 The IT network              upgrades have             the same as 
  IT network security          is at risk                  taken place               for the prior 
  (as a result                 of a serious                during 2017;              year 
  of a deliberate              systems failure             - the ongoing 
  cyber-attack                 or breach                   development 
  or unintentional             of its security             of CRM (PCI 
  event)                       controls.                   compliance ) 
                               This could                  and finance 
                               result from                 systems introduced 
                               deliberate                  in 2015. 
                               cyber-attacks               - IT system 
                               or unintentional            improvements 
                               events and                  in 2017 and 
                               may include                 ongoing into 
                               third parties               2018, following 
                               gaining unauthorised        completion of 
                               access to                   an external 
                               Centaur's                   audit of the 
                               IT network                  security of 
                               and systems                 our main IT 
                               resulting                   infrastructure 
                               in misappropriation         carried out 
                               of its financial            by a specialist 
                               assets, proprietary         third party 
                               or sensitive                provider i.e. 
                               information,                Microsoft security 
                               corruption                  against Ransomware 
                               of data, or                 attacks 
                               operational                 - where services 
                               disruption,                 are outsourced 
                               such as unavailability      to suppliers, 
                               of our websites             contingency 
                               and our digital             planning is 
                               products to                 carried out 
                               users or unavailability     to mitigate 
                               of support                  risk of supplier 
                               platforms.                  failure. 
                               -If Centaur                 Lockton's is 
                               suffers further             advising us 
                               serious cyber-attacks,      in relation 
                               whether by                  to any additional 
                               a third party               cover that is 
                               or insider,                 appropriate 
                               any operational             to insure against 
                               disruption                  a serious failure 
                               may directly                of IT network 
                               affect our                  security controls. 
                               revenues or                 -Migration of 
                               collection                  Econ to our 
                               activities.                 secure platform 
                               - Centaur                   Wordpress in 
                               may incur                   2018 is underway 
                               significant                 - we are upgrading 
                               costs and                   our policies 
                               suffer other                in Q1 2018 to 
                               negative consequences,      further ensure 
                               such as remediation         our staff are 
                               costs (including            clear and accountable 
                               liability                   for their IT 
                               for stolen                  compliance. 
                               assets or 
                               and repair 
                               of any damage 
                               caused to 
                               IT network 
                               and systems). 
                               Centaur may 
                               also suffer 
                               damage and 
                               loss of investor 
                               from any operational 
---------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Trends in advertising        Print advertising           Our Business 
  and direct sales             revenues and                Plans take into 
  of our print                 direct sales                account the                The Board 
  products result              of our print                market shrinkage           considers 
  in declining                 products continued          and where appropriate      that our exposure 
  revenues from                to decline                  print products             to this risk 
  these sources                more steeply                are being replaced.        has decreased 
                               during the                  Our strategy               since the 
                               latter part                 includes identifying       prior year 
                               of 2016 as                  the type of                due to the 
                               direct revenue              content our                specific actions 
                               from print                  audiences want             we have taken 
                               products dipped             and how they               to reduce 
                               more sharply                want to consume            our dependency 
                               than expected               the content,               on print advertising. 
                               at the start                meaning that 
                               of the year,                we are not simply 
                               and are not                 putting print 
                               being replaced              products online 
                               like-for-like               to try to replace 
                               with online                 diminishing 
                               or digital                  print revenues 
                               products.                   for traditional 
                               The non-print               brands. Centaur 
                               media sector                has been rapidly 
                               has high levels             reducing the 
                               of competition              company's exposure 
                               from a wider                to print advertising 
                               group and                   and has significantly 
                               low barriers                increased revenues 
                               to entry.                   from digital 
                               This leads                  paid-for content. 
                               to different                In 2017 we reduced 
                               pressures                   print volumes 
                               on audience                 by over 60% 
                               and customer                across the financial, 
                               retention                   legal, marketing 
                               as well as                  and HR portfolios. 
                               pricing.                    This involved 
                                                           changes in frequency 
                               This risk                   (weekly to monthly) 
                               has increased               and for some 
                               since the                   brands moving 
                               2015 reporting              to digital-only 
                               period due                  formats supported 
                               to volatility               by profitable 
                               in advertising              events and awards. 
                               spend across 
                               our markets                 We continue 
                               in the weeks                to monitor the 
                               leading up                  decline in our 
                               to and following            print products 
                               the UK's EU                 while at the 
                               referendum.                 same time investing 
                               The uncertainty             in developing 
                               following                   our digital 
                               the EU referendum           capability and 
                               result in                   ability to scale 
                               specific markets            cross-media 
                               including                   marketing solutions. 
                               financial                   In addition 
                               services continued          to a new, flexible 
                               throughout                  web platform 
                               2016 and in                 we are developing 
                               the first                   new revenues 
                               half of 2017                streams from 
                               and is expected,            products, such 
                               at the very                 as the Marketing 
                               least, until                Week Mini MBA, 
                               firm plans                  which are exclusively 
                               for the UK's                digital and 
                               exit from                   derive no revenue 
                               the EU are                  from print. 
                               by the UK                   We support our 
                               government.                 product innovation, 
                                                           by hiring people 
                                                           with experiences 
                                                           and skills in 
                                                           new areas of 
                                                           the market where 
                                                           The role of 
                                                           our Executive 
                                                           Committee includes 
                                                           future changes 
                                                           in the market 
                                                           and ensuring 
                                                           that our business 
                                                           reacts or accelerates 
                                                           our plans accordingly 
                                                           However spend 
                                                           cannot be assumed 
                                                           to flow directly 
                                                           to replacement 
                                                           products and 
                                                           therefore volatility 
                                                           on advertising 
                                                           in our core 
                                                           sectors remain 
                                                           a risk factor. 
---------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Key to movement 
  in risk from 
  last year (after 
  taking into 
  account mitigating 
  Increase in 
  -> Risk unchanged 
  Decrease in 

Viability statement

In accordance with provision C.2.2 of the UK Corporate Governance Code April 2016, the Directors have assessed the viability of the Group over a three-year period to December 2020, taking account of the Group's current position, the Group's strategy, the Board's risk appetite and, as documented above, the principal risks facing the Group and how these are managed. Based on the results of this analysis, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company will be able to continue in operation and meet its liabilities as they fall due over the period to December 2020.

The Board has determined that the three-year period to December 2020 is an appropriate period over which to provide its viability statement because the Board's financial planning horizon covers a three-year period. In making their assessment, the Directors have taken account of the Group's existing financing arrangements to 2019 (and assumed that financing will be available to replace the current facility on similar terms), cash flows, dividend cover and other key financial ratios over the period. These metrics are subject to stress testing which involves sensitising a number of the main assumptions underlying the forecasts both individually and in unison. The assumptions sensitised include forecasted EBITDA, cash conversion4 and capital expenditure. Where appropriate, this analysis is carried out to evaluate the potential impact of the Group's principal risks actually occurring, such as print and advertising revenues continuing to shrink, staff attrition, UK economic conditions and replication of products by competitors. Sensitising the model for changes in the assumptions and risks affirmed that the Group would remain viable over the three year period to 2020.

Going concern basis of accounting

In accordance with provision C.1.3 of the UK Corporate Governance Code April 2016, the Directors' statement as to whether they consider it appropriate to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the financial statements and their identification of any material uncertainties to the Group's ability to continue to do so over a period of at least twelve months from the date of approval of the financial statements and for the foreseeable future can be found on page 32.

Appendix C: Related Party Transactions


Key management compensation is disclosed in note 5. There were no other material related party transactions for the Group in the current or prior year.


During the year, interest was recharged from subsidiary companies as follows:

                      2017    2016 
                      GBPm    GBPm 
------------------  ------  ------ 
 Interest payable      1.0     0.4 
------------------  ------  ------ 

Borrowings of GBP17.5m were repaid (2016: GBP3.5m) by subsidiaries on behalf of the Company.

The balances outstanding with subsidiary companies are disclosed in notes 18 and 20.

There were no other material related party transactions for the Company in the current or prior year.

Audit Exemption

For the year ended 31 December 2017 the Company has provided a guarantee pursuant to sections 479A-C of the Companies Act 2006 over the liabilities of the following subsidiaries and as such they are exempt from the requirements of the Act relating to the audit of individual financial statements, or preparation of individual financial statements, as appropriate, for this financial year.

 Name                                    Company    Outstanding 
                                          number    liabilities 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 
 Centaur Communications Limited         01595235           10.6 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 
 Chiron Communications Limited          01081808           56.3 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 
 The Forum for Expatriate Management 
  Limited                               06776955            0.2 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 
 Pro-Talk Ltd                           03939119            0.2 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 
 Taxbriefs Holdings Limited             03572069              - 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 
 Taxbriefs Limited                      01247331            0.4 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 
 Investment Platforms Limited           06439194            0.1 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 
 Venture Business Research 
  Limited                               05663936            1.4 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 
 The Profile Group (UK) Limited         05243851            0.7 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 
 Econsultancy.com Limited               04047149            0.8 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 
 Mayfield Publishing Ltd                02034820              - 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 
 Your Business Magazine Limited         01707331            0.3 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 
 MarketMakers Incorporated              05063707              - 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 

The newly acquired business MarketMakers Incorporated Limited will have its statutory audit for the year ended 31 December 2017 performed by RSM UK.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 03, 2018 11:15 ET (15:15 GMT)

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