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Comstock Inc

Comstock Inc (LODE)

( 2.72% )
Updated: 09:47:00

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ice_n_ak ice_n_ak 24 hours ago
I think yesterdays news was huge. Unlike Greenshift losing the patent battle with the industry ethanol technology, Comstock has everything lined up for what could be an industry changing bio fuel industry.

Liking the business Comstock has though not sure what to make about their satellite stuff.

Lignin, the new frontier.

bistouriman bistouriman 1 day ago
We were right my friend ! Now

we should be fine...

Crossed fingers and just need to wait....

Keep strong
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ice_n_ak ice_n_ak 2 days ago
1hot toddy 1hot toddy 2 days ago
1hot toddy 1hot toddy 2 days ago
yes soon gen mat will find where the gold and silver is on their land. co has bunch of hot subsidies $$$$$$$$
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jobynimble jobynimble 3 days ago
Comstock Metals Secures New and Larger Revenue Contracts
September 17 2024 - 6:00AM

Comstock Inc. (NYSE: LODE) (“Comstock” and the “Company”) and its subsidiary, Comstock Metals Corporation (“Comstock Metals”), a technology leader in efficiently recycling end-of-life solar panels into reusable aluminum, copper, silver, glass and other minerals, that delivers a 100% closed-loop, zero-landfill solution, today announced over $150,000 in new revenues from one new commercial customer that has engaged Comstock Metals for the decommissioning and disposal of their solar panels.
Comstock Metals strives to recycle materials efficiently and effectively at industrial scales, such that these materials are carefully recovered in a manner whereby they can be recycled and reused over and over again, representing the true definition of circularity, and the process and service that Comstock Metals strives to perfect and offer.

“Our team is capturing more and more business, including decommissioning services that act as a feeder for the zero-landfill and, if needed, full-service solutions we can now provide,” stated Corrado De Gasperis, Executive Chairman and CEO of Comstock Inc. “Our team continues engaging with various local, regional and nationally recognized commercial customers to decommission, transport and process end-of-life solar panels installed at their facilities.”

Comstock Metals currently operates a commercial, demonstration facility in Silver Springs, NV, and recently, in direct response to customer needs, now provides and manages deinstallation services for customers. The Company receives a tipping fee for the receipt and storage of end-of-life solar panels while now also receiving additional fees for decommissioning and transporting the panels. With the recently permitted capacity to store large volumes of solar panels, Comstock Metals is poised to lead the solar panel recycling sector, contributing to the reduction of landfilled electronic waste, recovery and reuse of precious and valuable materials.

“As we expand our market presence, we have increased our relationships, longer term opportunities, and now the expanded services that we can provide to ensure that we keep these materials out of our landfills and eco-systems,” concluded Dr. Villamagna. “This recent project represents our third and largest, new decommissioning in just the past few weeks with six figure revenue, about two-thirds for the high labor component decommissioning work and one third for our advanced recycling services fees.”

Comstock Metals has now received materials from new, local, regional and nationally recognizable customers where the Company coordinated and enabled the decommissioning of the end-of-life panels from their facilities and coordinated the transportation of these panels to the facility in Silver Springs, where the materials will be processed and recycled. This entire segment was in response to demand from the industry, where expertise, resources, and assets are often difficult to provide. Comstock Metals recognized the gap in the market, the opportunity to expand our service offering, and to capitalize on and further strengthen the Company’s business development activities.

About Comstock

Comstock Inc. (NYSE: LODE) commercializes innovative technologies that contribute to global decarbonization by efficiently converting under-utilized natural resources, primarily, woody biomass into net zero renewable fuels, end-of-life metal extraction, and generative AI-enabled advanced materials synthesis and mineral discovery. To learn more, please visit

Comstock Social Media Policy

Comstock Inc. has used, and intends to continue using, its investor relations link and main website at in addition to its Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube accounts, as means of disclosing material non-public information and for complying with its disclosure obligations under Regulation FD.


For investor inquiries:
RB Milestone Group LLC
Tel (203) 487-2759

For media inquiries or questions:
Comstock Inc., Zach Spencer
Tel (775) 847-7532
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MasterBlastr MasterBlastr 4 days ago
Company isn't worth 15x just because that's how much you paid for it.
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MasterBlastr MasterBlastr 4 days ago
Do they mine anything, or is it worth it? What's $700 worth of gold when it costs $800 million and 30 years to mine it?
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1hot toddy 1hot toddy 4 days ago
they still have their land and gold has gone up 50% in last year. market cap 55 mil and they got 315 mil for 40%. just on that 700 mil for that not including all the gold and silver they own in nv.

company worth over 15x from here.
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ice_n_ak ice_n_ak 7 days ago
KK is like the shadow. Lurking in the background. Waiting for you to send him more moola. Regardless of KK I think the CEO buying a LOT of shares at .40 speaks well for the confidence of what might happen in a perfect world filled with Unicorns.
ice_n_ak ice_n_ak 7 days ago
That's what I'm thinking (in a world perfect and free from politics and barking corgi's)
MasterBlastr MasterBlastr 7 days ago
I thought these guys dumped all their mining stuff and went into turpentine. Anyone ask KK, or even seen him lately? Or did he dump out too?
1hot toddy 1hot toddy 1 week ago
refinitiv from schab maintains current price of $2.60 a share $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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1hot toddy 1hot toddy 1 week ago
company worth way over 12x up from here just from 325 mil $ investment at 40%. just from value from the 325 mil at 40%. hope co issues buy back real soon. companies gold land up 60% from year ago. i bought ton and buying more. stock only going up.
up up and away see u all at $2 in a year and $5 in two and that still undervalues whole co as divisions r killing it
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1hot toddy 1hot toddy 1 week ago
$2/3 easy
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1hot toddy 1hot toddy 1 week ago
We had to get over 33 cents. Company getting 315 mil and market cap 60 mil. When stock was $3 and gold was $1500, CEO said co worth over $25. Upper management gets 2nd half of bonus at $20. Company very very undervalued even at $3.
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ice_n_ak ice_n_ak 1 week ago
where do you believe the pps of LODE will be next year at this time?
sblzng sblzng 1 week ago
LODE Moving up nicely.Bought a ton 200k shares.I'm a believer
jobynimble jobynimble 1 week ago
Comstock Metals Secures Multiple New Revenue Contracts
September 10 2024 - 6:00AM

Comstock Inc. (NYSE: LODE) (“Comstock” and the “Company”) and its subsidiary, Comstock Metals Corporation (“Comstock Metals”), a technology leader in efficiently recycling end-of-life solar panels into reusable aluminum, copper, silver, glass and other minerals, that delivers a 100% closed-loop, zero-landfill solution, today announced additional revenues from two commercial companies that have engaged Comstock Metals for the decommissioning and disposal of end-of-life solar panels.
Comstock Metals strives to efficiently and effectively recycle materials at industrial scales, such that these materials are carefully recovered in a manner whereby they can be recycled and reused over and over again, representing the true definition of circularity, and the process and service that Comstock Metals strives to perfect and offer.

"We recognized our first in-take revenues from the receipt and processing of end-of-life solar panels and our first off-take revenues from reprocessed and shipped materials, such as recycled aluminum,” stated Corrado De Gasperis, Executive Chairman and CEO of Comstock Inc. “Now, our team is engaged with various, nationally recognized commercial customers to decommission, transport and process end-of-life solar panels installed at their facilities.”

Comstock Metals currently operates a commercial, demonstration facility in Silver Springs, NV, and recently, in direct response to customer needs, now provides and manages deinstallation services for customers. The Company receives a tipping fee for the receipt and storage of end-of-life solar panels while now also receiving additional fees for decommissioning and transporting the panels. With the recently permitted capacity to store large volumes of solar panels, Comstock Metals is poised to lead the solar panel recycling sector, contributing to the reduction of landfilled electronic waste, recovery and reuse of precious and valuable materials.

“Frankly, this was an unanticipated request from our continuously evolving customer base, to which we were able to quickly respond, address, organize, and successfully provide,” added Dr. Fortunato Villamagna, President of Comstock Metals. “The result has been the rapid and successful completion of several deinstallations, with several other deinstallation projects that are currently under negotiation and/or under bid. These services meet an important and growing market need and act as a tremendous feeder for the recycling services that we provide.”

Comstock Metals has now received materials from new, nationally recognizable customers where we coordinated and enabled the decommissioning of the end-of-life panels from their facilities and coordinated the transportation of these panels to the facility in Silver Springs, where the materials will be processed and recycled.

“As we expand our market presence, we have increased our relationships, our longer terms agreements and even the services that we can provide to ensure that we keep these materials out of our landfills and eco-systems,” said Dr. Villamagna. He concluded, “We are now expanding decommissioning services with additional, potential large-scale customers for high-volume, longer-term, revenue-generating supply commitments.”

About Comstock

Comstock Inc. (NYSE: LODE) commercializes innovative technologies that contribute to global decarbonization by efficiently converting under-utilized natural resources, primarily, woody biomass into net zero renewable fuels, end-of-life metal extraction, and generative AI-enabled advanced materials synthesis and mineral discovery. To learn more, please visit

Comstock Social Media Policy

Comstock Inc. has used, and intends to continue using, its investor relations link and main website at in addition to its Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube accounts, as means of disclosing material non-public information and for complying with its disclosure obligations under Regulation FD.


For investor inquiries:
RB Milestone Group LLC
Tel (203) 487-2759

For media inquiries or questions:
Comstock Inc., Zach Spencer
Tel (775) 847-7532
bistouriman bistouriman 2 weeks ago
I totally agree and,

as they say, there's no smoke without fire. They may be saving “their” announcement for themselves, which would then make a big splash.

And very very nice for me too... crossed fingers
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ice_n_ak ice_n_ak 2 weeks ago
Yes, the last sentence is mine. I found this article which is a 'coincidence' relating to green aviation fuel in Australia.
Somehow the article published regarding Comstock and Singapore on the same day is too much of a coincidence. Especially the part about wood mass.

Did some minor research regarding the wood industry in Australia and it is huge.

I also found it interesting in how quickly Comstock management filed an SEC filing and statement saying how the article published contained wrong/misleading information.

There is always snippets of truth in misdirection, a wonderful tool used by some. Somehow Comstock got involved in what is currently happening in Australia regarding green aviation fuel.

So, Australia for Comstock? Maybe. Maybe not. We shall all see but regardless I feel good that something is being mentioned in the news regarding the potential of Comstock which could translate into some potential for me investing in LODE.
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bistouriman bistouriman 2 weeks ago
Thank you very much for this information. But let me know ... the last sentence is from you or someone else ?
ice_n_ak ice_n_ak 2 weeks ago
Southern Asian Carbon Limited (SACL), an outfit that helps organisations develop carbon reduction strategies, has kicked off a $US2.5 billion ($3.7 billion) raise to manufacture three biofuel refineries across Australia’s east coast.

EagleHawk Capital’s Tony Newham is leading the effort and began reaching out to interested parties last week. Sources said 10 parties have already expressed interest including one of Australia’s largest superannuation funds, a large infrastructure company, ESG investors, a family office and a global bank. Global private equity is also in their sights.

In an ideal world, SACL would have between one and three partners for the plants they intend to build. The firm has set its heart on three sites – Portland, Victoria, which would be fed woodchips, Moree, NSW, which would also produce bio-methanol, and Mulgrave Queensland, which would be fed savannah grasses. Estimates are Portland and Moree will cost around $US500 million to get up and running while Mulgrave will hog the lion’s share of the funding, costing $US1.5 billion to build. This speaks to the sheer quantity of feedstock available in the Sunshine State, producing 750,000 tones of savannah grasses a year.

The Sustainable Aviation Fuels industry – or SAF – has long been hamstrung by a lack of access to feedstock such as sugar cane, cotton stalks, woodchip and grasses, aka biomass which it converts into fuel, hence SACL’s interest in Australia. Sources said all three of the refineries have committed feedstock from local growers.

Portland is forecast to generate $US363 million revenue and $US124 million in earnings annually once up and running. Moree is on track for $US282 million revenue and $US132 million earnings, while Mulgrave should do $US1.1 billion revenue and $US359 million earnings. All up, that’s annual revenue of $US1.8 billion revenue and $US615 million and came across this: Definitely in the realm of Comstock fuels.
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shurtha2000 shurtha2000 2 weeks ago
I see it
ice_n_ak ice_n_ak 2 weeks ago
Interesting how quickly the company filed an SEC filing following the Australia report. Interesting how the LODE price started getting frisky on the 30th of August before the news. Interesting how a Singapore company filed on Sept 3rd about green aviation fuel. A lot of interesting activities for LODE. Interesting to see if Comstock will actually succeed some day.
jobynimble jobynimble 2 weeks ago
And it won’t be PR’ed, read today’s 8-K I just posted…
jobynimble jobynimble 2 weeks ago
8-K filed in response to the Australian article:

Item 7.01 Regulation FD.

On September 3, 2024, Comstock Inc. (the “Company”) became aware of an article (the “Article”) entitled “US outfit seeks $3.7bn to power up Australia’s green aviation fuel sector,” written by Sarah Thompson, Kanika Sood and Emma Rapaport (the “Authors”) and published online by Australian Financial Review (the “Publisher”).

The Article contains several material false and misleading statements, including, among other statements: the proposed capital raise by a subsidiary of the Company; the existence of an exclusive Asia Pacific license; desired or preferred sites for refinery or other business operations; capital expenditure requirements; raw material tonnage; and forecasted revenues or earnings.

Neither the Company nor any person acting on behalf of the Company contributed any of the content of the Article or had any communications with the Authors or the Publisher prior to the publication of the Article. The Company immediately contacted the Authors and the Publisher to demand that the Article be fully retracted.

This Form 8-K is being furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) pursuant to Item 7.01 of Form 8-K and is therefore not to be considered “filed” with the SEC.

Investors are cautioned to exclusively refer to the Company’s website and filings with the SEC for updates regarding the Company’s activities.
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m_m007 m_m007 2 weeks ago
Not selling this one anytime soon. 3’s coming
shurtha2000 shurtha2000 2 weeks ago
Still not PR'd yet
shurtha2000 shurtha2000 2 weeks ago
That is some serious news from Australia
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 2 weeks ago
shurtha2000 shurtha2000 3 weeks ago
Option guys are going to push this to 50
🙂 1
ice_n_ak ice_n_ak 1 month ago
listened to the latest CC and liked what they said. now I know why the insiders bought shares this year.
Deeznuts Deeznuts 1 month ago
Yikes...this stock is crap...went to AMEX but headed back to pinks
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Deeznuts Deeznuts 1 month ago
This ticker is garbage
MasterBlastr MasterBlastr 1 month ago
No. Still headed down the stool.
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ollik78 ollik78 1 month ago
Lode today?
ice_n_ak ice_n_ak 1 month ago
jobynimble jobynimble 3 months ago
Comstock Metals Receives County Operating and Storage Permit for Recycling Expansion

Accelerates the Development of the first Industry-Scale Solar Panel Recycling Facility

VIRGINIA CITY, NEVADA, June 24, 2024 – Comstock Inc. (NYSE: LODE) (“Comstock” and the “Company”) announced today that its subsidiary, Comstock Metals, received unanimous approval for a conditional use permit (“CUP”) from the Lyon County, Nevada, Board of County Commissioners, for the operations and material storage of solar panels at the company's first planned industrial-scale facility in Silver Springs, Nevada. This permit marks an earlier than expected achievement for deploying the first industry-scale solar panel recycling facility in the region.

Comstock Metals is dedicated to advancing leading technologies and sustainable practices in the solar recycling industry. The new storage capacity enables the company to efficiently manage and process large quantities of end-of-life solar panels and delivers a 100% closed-loop, zero-landfill solution that sets a new standard for solar panel recycling.

Corrado De Gasperis, Executive Chairman and CEO of Comstock Inc., stated, "Once we demonstrated our ability to recycle and reuse 100% of the recycled materials, we accelerated the permitting for the expansion, both for storage and industry-scale operations. Frankly, the market demand has been robust, and we needed to rapidly expand storage to accommodate our customers and our commitment to keeping these materials out of landfills. We are very thankful to Lyon County’s diligence and expedience in enabling this local and regional Nevada-based economic development.”

The Silver Springs facility is strategically located to serve the rapidly expanding solar industry in the western United States. With the capacity to store and process large volumes of solar panels, Comstock Metals is poised to lead the solar panel recycling sector, contributing to the reduction of landfilled electronic waste and recovery of valuable materials.

Dr. Fortunato Villamagna, President of Comstock Metals added, "Our demonstration facility has enabled the acceleration of our design and permitting of our first industry scale facility, targeting 100,000 tons per year of waste solar panel processing capacity. We are already engaged with major, large-scale customers for high-volume, longer-term commitments that we can now accommodate with our expanded storage capability and planned industry-scale site.”

About Comstock Inc.

Comstock Inc. (NYSE: LODE) commercializes innovative technologies that contribute to global decarbonization by efficiently converting under-utilized natural resources, primarily, woody biomass into net zero renewable fuels, end-of-life metal extraction, and generative AI-enabled advanced materials synthesis and mineral discovery. To learn more, please visit

Comstock Social Media Policy

Comstock Inc. has used, and intends to continue using, its investor relations link and main website at in addition to its Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube accounts, as means of disclosing material non-public information and for complying with its disclosure obligations under Regulation FD.

Link to complete release:
ice_n_ak ice_n_ak 3 months ago
KK only appreciates himself, and kittens, and maybe puppies. LODE reminds me of a full load, as in a babies diaper. The kind of diaper colored yellow with chunks of recycled solar panels.
As for mothers milk, too toxic. Diet Mountain Dew is muuuuch better.
ice_n_ak ice_n_ak 3 months ago
Cold fusion is better though.
MasterBlastr MasterBlastr 3 months ago
KK appreciates you. You are his mother's milk.
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ice_n_ak ice_n_ak 3 months ago
did hear though that LODE's satellite spotted bigfoot and an alien probing Oprah.
gotta go to work now to make more money for KK.
oldrogue oldrogue 3 months ago
Comstock applies for patent.

MasterBlastr MasterBlastr 3 months ago
Follow the money. KK has yours.
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ice_n_ak ice_n_ak 3 months ago
Yikes! LODE is sinking. If I had more money I'd buy more as insider buys are nice.
Guess their past is catching up plus I don't really know what to make of the recent news regarding their partnership with Renfuel. Probably not good.
I do like my perfectly stellar record of investing in shitty stocks. I want to die broke and penniless., just about there.
jobynimble jobynimble 4 months ago
8-K filing:

Includes results of shareholders’ proxy votes and other matters…
ice_n_ak ice_n_ak 4 months ago
Interesting... My boat leaks to the point where it sinks. This is why I choose now to walk on the water.
did you listen to the CEO's latest video report? I think he has bailed Comstocks bilges very nicely and it looks like clear sailing.
Also, you must admit that insider buying is a positive sign that should encourage more investors to jump aboard.
So, weigh anchor and lift the colors, Comstock is going to be like a viking ship and invade the investment community.
MasterBlastr MasterBlastr 4 months ago
You personally. You have to float your boat.
ice_n_ak ice_n_ak 4 months ago
Which -YOU- are you referring too? So many minds to choose from.
And yesterday one my minds went out of my minds and bought more LODE.
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