Dreamstime, a leading stock photography community, today launched Stockfreeimages.com, a royalty free image database for designers, advertisers, webmasters and bloggers. According to a recent study, content that contains photos generates 47 percent more click-throughs than those without photos.

Stockfreeimages.com currently offers the largest collection of free images on the web, featuring almost 400,000 images that are safe to download and legal to use anywhere. The images span a wide range of topics, addressing whatever visual requirement creative users may have. Whether they seek images to liven up a cooking blog or want to add color to the monthly recycling newsletter, Stockfreeimages.com has every need covered.

Despite the costly repercussions of copyright infringement, illegal downloads from sites like Google Images and Flickr are still a common occurrence. Stockfreeimages.com helps users protect themselves from the costly fines that often result from these violations. Image use is completely free of charge, but site terms do require users to provide attribution via a credit line.

"With Stockfreeimages.com, users can rest assured that any image they download is not only free and safe, but is also completely legal and will not put them at risk for high infringement fines," says Serban Enache, CEO, Dreamstime. "The site offers a reliable alternative for users who previously downloaded illegally -- whether intentionally or not -- and the wide image selection meets the diverse creative needs of users ranging from SMB executives, to mommy bloggers, to college students."

The availability of Stockfreeimages.com allows Dreamstime to offer high-quality free images in a separate space, without jeopardizing sales from existing customers or creating additional competition for the site's dedicated contributor community. Image copyright violation had been an ongoing issue for stock photographers, causing not only extreme frustration but also significant income reduction, an unwelcome obstacle in an already competitive industry. In addition to providing a valuable resource to the general stock image user, Stockfreeimages.com also serves as the next step in image copyright protection for contributors.

About Dreamstime Dreamstime is a distinguished leader in stock photography, a major supplier of high quality digital images to the world's largest advertising agencies, national and international magazines, and film and television production companies. Today, with more than 13.3 million images, Dreamstime is currently the second leading agency in total customers with more than 12 million unique visitors monthly to the site, making it one of the most popular web sites in the world. The acceleration in numbers overall makes it the fastest growing stock photo agency worldwide. In addition to the current 383,605 free images available, Dreamstime's active gallery is updated by the second with photos from the site's 132,000-plus contributors. For more information on Dreamstime, please visit: www.Dreamstime.com.

Media Contact: Lillian Dunlap LEWIS PR Phone: 617-226-8881 Email: Email Contact