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TheGlobe com Inc (PK)

TheGlobe com Inc (PK) (TGLO)

Closed September 26 4:00PM

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tweedking tweedking 2 days ago
Sierra Club

NIMBY Karens pretending to be difference makers as climate activists when what they really want to protect is their property values.
Mr. C Mr. C 2 days ago
Oh, I’ve gotten a few things wrong that people have pointed out.

I will feel extremely good about this company under a new admin.

Glad they are taking action early though.

I think the 7 years was egregious and definitely in complete violation of the congressional mandate of 1 year.

It’s good they have other means to challenge the decision before having to reapply or file suit.

Both of which will take too long. It took 7 years just to get a rejection on the first app.

They‘ll likely still file the new app as they claimed in the DOE filing and do the limited FID before possibly filing suit simultaneously, but glad to see they’re fighting it and maybe having a means to challenge it earlier
dinogreeves dinogreeves 2 days ago
From your lips to God's ear, so far, everything you have said has been precisely correct. Keep that spirit
🤥 1 ⚰️ 1
Mr. C Mr. C 3 days ago
2025 will be $TGLO & Delfin’s year.

NYT polling has DT pulling away in 3 key battlegrounds. DT has never led a NYT poll in NC.

I think we see a rise in the share price as the election gets closer and more certain.

Might have some tax-loss harvesting, but I wouldn’t want to give this stock up on the verge of a new friendly admin.

SHOCK POLL: Trump leads BIG, per the New York Times (A+)

🟥Trump 50% (+5)
🟦Harris 45%

🟥Trump 49% (+4)
🟦Harris 45%

North Carolina
🟥Trump 49% (+2)
🟦Harris 47%

The New York Times/Siena College | September 17-21 | ~700 LV (each)— Election Time (@ElectionTime_) September 23, 2024
👍️ 2
Brapp Brapp 3 days ago
🫡 Hang in there, brethren. You'll be back for the playoffs
JAB65 JAB65 4 days ago
Excellent post TweedK! We now know that Duds and company are not just sitting around in London having high tea. Lots of things going on that point to a successful roll out in the not-too-distant future.

Brapp, NP has been placed on season ending IR. Chen on the 4-week IR to return in October and Dino and I subjected to what seems a never ending one a day purgatory. Jerry too.

Also, if anyone has researched the crap out of the float since we washed up on this deserted island, it is XL. His guess/research is as good as anyone's on this board.
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tweedking tweedking 4 days ago
📈 Asian-US LNG Roundtable: Dudley Poston with Delfin LNG said despite current regulatory uncertainty -- "the US is not going to leave Asia high and dry completely without without LNG." #GasTech #LNG #ONGT #NatGas #Shale #OOTT #Houston #APAC— Sergio Chapa (@SergioChapa) September 16, 2024
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dinogreeves dinogreeves 4 days ago
Some fu*k*ry going on with the DTC held shares on OTC Markets. 1051 shares were added since last update which was on 9/17.... If that is float like some of you think it is, that would indicate some measly insignificant dilution. Since we know that the float is not revealed, I will tell you again the float is around 17-18 million and that DTC belongs to Delfin's or their investors at some point in the future. No way, no how that is held by retail. There is definitely something suspicious with the way they are behaving, not revealing what the actual float is. Between Delfin and Egan they own 76%, I will continue to believe with all my conviction, 71% control is just not enough for a viable merger of Delfin's caliber. Now it would be different if they merged with the current control and at some point those shares in DTC slowly get allocated to Delfin's control, so essentially that DTC could be the "Shrouded" entities, which is approximately the block that Delfin needs to bring their control to 96% percent control, which will leave about 4% in retail hands, which is approximately 17-18 million shares in retail hands. XL175 was probably right all this time.
🤥 1 ☠️ 1
Brapp Brapp 4 days ago
Thanks for the share, Northpeak and JAB.
Has NP been banned from the board or just "lurking in the shadows" like Delfin?

Good to see signs of the fight going on. I can't believe any administration would indefinitely end LNG exports. Nor does any administration last forever with free reign outside its jurisdiction. The good thing with political footballs is that they're first in line for attention when the winds change.

This is the greenest export project around too, but it seems the optics alone made approval untenable this year. With both of them saying they want to frack and drill, you'd think a green export project would get favorable treatment when the rubber meets the road.

I still believe this isn't even that political. It was narrow and specifically targeted to help our old friends John and Tony make some money in Qatar.
dinogreeves dinogreeves 4 days ago
Yes, most definitely thanks to NP and you for mentioning the article on this board. Great to know that Delfin is back on the spotlight again and knowing they are not scratching their balls. Been under the weather since the 18th in the evening, wasn't active nor was I in my comfort zone, NP send me the same article just about the time he sent one to you too, I just discovered it this morning, but I was under the weather till just now.
💀 1 🕳️ 1
Mr. C Mr. C 5 days ago
The court knocking it down and the argument that Congress mandated a 356 day approval timeline, but MARAD basically ignored them for 7 years is a powerful argument that they egregiously violated their own rules
JAB65 JAB65 5 days ago
There is a hyperlink, "complaint" second paragraph in red. This is the original letter sent to the Inspector General of the DOT the day before the freebeacon article was written and provided by NP.

I doubt the letter moves the needle much until after November but good to know things are alive and lurking in the shadows....

Great "CLUE" Xunefox. Well played! Does anyone under 50 even know the reference?
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Mr. C Mr. C 5 days ago
Email the inspector general and let them know what the public thinks
Mr. C Mr. C 5 days ago
Nice! See what happens, but pressure is on
Xunefox Xunefox 5 days ago
Kinda puts the cook with the candle stick in the kitchen… agreed see what comes
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JAB65 JAB65 5 days ago
Thanks to NP for passing this along. Not sure what will come of it but very interesting!
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dinogreeves dinogreeves 6 days ago
Not intended for serious audience.... I find it funny also that Keanu Reeves is on there too. A good friend just told me couple of days ago, this whole fiasco is all about Divide and Conquer, nothing else and it just darned on me. Something is very odd with this whole thing.

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eur06 eur06 6 days ago
Imo in either case Russian gas will never again reach Europe.
It’ll take many many years before some sort of reconciliation, too painful.
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Xunefox Xunefox 1 week ago
Weird times indeed

Mr. C Mr. C 1 week ago
Also the Ukraine thing is super weird with this guy. Def has Oswald vibes.

Likely just a whacko, but creepy stuff and crazy times
Xunefox Xunefox 1 week ago
Second failed assassination attempt…. And both parties commonalities…. Both were in Blackrock commercials
Mr. C Mr. C 1 week ago
I agree, this is swinging with the election tempo.

The dichotomy between the two candidates is clear and it will have a direct effect on the stock.

I maintain that if he wins, this thing goes back to $0.50 in quick time, so why would anyone ever vote for her and put their money here?

Makes no sense, but whatever, their vote and their money
Mr. C Mr. C 1 week ago
Interviewer: So, would you ban offshore drilling?

Her: Yes, and I’ve worked on that. (Insert Cackle) Hahahaha!!!!!


CNN'S ERIN BURNETT: "So would you ban offshore drilling?"

KAMALA HARRIS: "Yes, and I've again, worked on that. HAHAHAHA"

This was 5 years ago today. Kamala can't memory-hole this— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) September 4, 2024
Mr. C Mr. C 1 week ago
Although I agree on the Ukraine War and what it has done for American LNG, that is not enough to still vote for this admin, nor has it been something this company has benefitted from themselves being stuck in permit purgatory.

It’s the attitude towards new permits and the extension in the length of the process which is what has affected us.

These guys haven’t made a dime from Ukraine and it looks like they may never will. Not part of the big boys club. You know how that works.

He does not need to make her radical. Plenty of clips with her saying she will shut down fracking and offshore drilling.

If she changes her mind then she’s either just lying to get elected, too dumb to know it was stupid, or a puppet.

Maybe he isn’t as good for LNG or hastening the permit process as I expect, despite doing it once before, but which candidate is the bigger risk for this stock?
rstar rstar 1 week ago
in re: to who wins the election and effect, if any, on flng development- the Russia/ Ukraine war also seems a big consideration- harris would support ukraine whereas trump will accede to putin. a putin win could turn russian gas back on to germany and the EU - whereas Harris support of Ukraine would keep EU more dependent on US FLNG. there are advantages and disadvantages to both of them- but the demand for FLNG remains strong. Harris will not be as radical as Trump portrays her to be- raising taxes/ closing loopholes on those making over 100m isn't any of us and seems everyone should agree on- how it plays out would need to be legislated. ultimately theres a lot more we all agree on than where we differ, though contentious elections focus on differences and more and more of the worst in us.
dinogreeves dinogreeves 1 week ago
Maybe has to do with the assassination attempt again. He is most likely going to win.
LexTrader LexTrader 1 week ago
Sudden up vol 😊
🤥 1 ☠️ 1
Mr. C Mr. C 1 week ago
Bad? Not for this stock he’s not.

Delfin said enough when they bought the shell and continue to say it by investing over a million dollars and keeping the reporting timely and accurate for almost 7 years now.
Mr. C Mr. C 1 week ago
Great argument, convinced everyone I’m sure
Poundthetable Poundthetable 1 week ago
Sheesh with BS politics, they are both bad for the economy, terrible, the showman with 20% tariffs and the booty with her placing levy on your unrealized gains, terrible anyway you look at it. We are doomed with both. Regardless, why are you even rooting for Delfin, not like Delfin has said anything in regards to TGLO?
Fizziks Fizziks 1 week ago
Oh wow, have you put me in my place!

Look, claiming omniscient, demonstrating ignorance on motives for investing, outright lying, and a Convicted Felon's and Sexual Abuser's Kool-Aide drinker does not make what you write worth taking up internet space.

Why do you post this useless drivel?
To make yourself feel important? Or to look ridiculous?

You bore me. Good bye.
LexTrader LexTrader 1 week ago
Yes they are
👍️ 2 🤥 1 ☠️ 1
Mr. C Mr. C 1 week ago
Kamala has said she would ban offshore drilling and fracking. You must be an idiot to put your money here and vote for her
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Mr. C Mr. C 1 week ago
Because it’s 100% true. Not sure how anyone can invest their money here and vote for Kamala. Basically canceling out your bet.

You got a better argument for Kamala? I’m all ears, but you contribute nothing because you have nothing.
👍️ 2
dinogreeves dinogreeves 1 week ago
Know how all of this is going to play out. Market will be a disaster.

Fizziks Fizziks 1 week ago
Why do you post this useless drivel?
To make yourself feel important? Or to look rediculous?
Mr. C Mr. C 2 weeks ago
This stock goes back to $0.50 quick if a certain someone, who shall not be named, wins the election.

The more I think on it, an administration with the other individual is just bad news for this company.

Not saying it won’t happen at all, but it will absolutely not help that is for sure.

If anyone wants an early reverse merger before permits, then I only see them having the confidence and that happening under one president.

🚨 Trump given a 99.9% chance of winning the election under latest national poll

AtlasIntel is known for being the most accurate pollster of 2020 nationally, with its final poll being Biden+4.7 and the final result being Biden+4.5— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) September 14, 2024
👍️ 4
Xunefox Xunefox 2 weeks ago
latest article in this shows Sept 05, 24
Xunefox Xunefox 2 weeks ago
not sure how old
porty porty 2 weeks ago
I saw this also on the website after your first post. Thanks. But when did it appear? One month ago? One year ago?
Mr. C Mr. C 2 weeks ago
All the way back to 2013 in fact. Can’t say what capacity they work in now, but they’ve been around a long time
Mr. C Mr. C 2 weeks ago
They were the attorneys on filings with the DOE going back a while
Xunefox Xunefox 2 weeks ago
Did you know about that MrC ?
Xunefox Xunefox 2 weeks ago

this work?
Mr. C Mr. C 2 weeks ago
It’s not really news, they’ve been around.
porty porty 2 weeks ago
Where and when did this appear? I see it on the Hogan Lovell website but when did it appear?
Xunefox Xunefox 2 weeks ago
Well, I’d damn near say we can officially move forward now
tweedking tweedking 2 weeks ago
Hogan Lovell "Leading Delfin LNG's efforts to obtain federal and state approvals..."
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Xunefox Xunefox 2 weeks ago
Yes sir!!
JAB65 JAB65 2 weeks ago

👍️ 3

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