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Bioelectronics Corp (PK)

Bioelectronics Corp (PK) (BIEL)

Closed September 18 4:00PM

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ddls ddls 40 minutes ago
ActiPitch best seller ranking at Amazon #224 currently😎
walker_429 walker_429 1 hour ago
They have the coverages and no matter how many times you repeat the LIES it won't make them true.
Please post a link comparing your revenues to Biel's so the message board can determine what a real failure looks like. Take your time Soy Boy!
👍️ 1 😆 1
InvestInBiel InvestInBiel 1 hour ago
"They do not have CMS Pain coverage, which means they are not eligible for reimbursement under the NOPAIN Act."

You still don't have a clue and keep pretending.

Biel is ready for lift off.
Does this mean you're going back to selling insurance?
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 2 hours ago
No, I specifically said that I did not SELL insurance.

I am on the same penny stock message board that YOU are on, but I'm not pumping bullshit. Yes, I am criticizing this company -- because this company merits criticism.

They do not have CMS Pain coverage, which means they are not eligible for reimbursement under the NOPAIN Act.

They have many UNSUCCESSFUL clinical trials, and the SUCCESSFUL clinical trials were all underpowered, which means they proved substantial equivalence and got FDA clearance but they did not get insurance coverage.

"Very bright future?" says who? Other than Bagholders I mean.

I call them a "Failure" for their lack of revenues. They have FDA OTC clearance and they can't sell the product. How is that not a FAIL?
walker_429 walker_429 2 hours ago
Actually, what you are saying is that after 25 years selling insurance you have ended up on a penny stock message board criticizing a company with many accomplishments like 5 FDA clearances , CMS Wound coverage, VA coverage , Successful clinical trials with a very bright future etc. etc. with a product that helps relieve pain and edema and to eliminate or reduce NSAIDS with no side effects and YOU"RE calling them a failure. How pathetic can one be.

The deck has been stacked against Biel for a very long time, but that is about to change.

Go Biel!
👍️ 2 🤣 1
prussian4profit prussian4profit 3 hours ago
"This from a poster who once said this to me: "

This poster believes phantom limb pain is fake. Consider the source. This poster doesn't like the fact that one of their colluding crew is a rat. Like I stated, loose lips sink ships.

The military community has taken notice and is currently doing something about it.

It's coming.
👍️ 1
prussian4profit prussian4profit 3 hours ago
"LMAO, YOU keep saying I said it was FAKE. Show me the post where I said it was 'FAKE'? I have asked before -- but nothing!"

Anyone willing to look at this poster's history will see MULTIPLE posts indicating they believe PLP to be FAKE. Consider the source.

ZERO credibility.
art2426 art2426 3 hours ago
This from a poster who once said this to me: "You had your chance to take over the company and you failed miserably. TOO BAD."

WOW, where an earth did you dream THAT up? FALSELY ACCUSING someone of something as serious as THAT? Dreaming up things to accuse someone of, when you have no idea of the validity of that statement. I would think you would have to have something to verify THAT before stating THAT publicly, NO? Seems like someone is teetering on the edge here, NO?

But I guess 'obsession' makes you do some things without thinking, NO?
art2426 art2426 3 hours ago
LMAO, YOU keep saying I said it was FAKE. Show me the post where I said it was 'FAKE'? I have asked before -- but nothing!
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 4 hours ago
What I'm SAYING is that Big Pharma is not responsible for BIEL's failure to sell the device.

And Insurance Companies are not responsible for BIEL's failure to sell the device.

BIEL is responsible for their failure to sell the device and I don't see how anyone could believe that will ever change.

I worked in IT in the insurance industry for 25 years. I didn't sell insurance but I know one thing about insurance: it's a business. If an insurance company thought they could profit in the long run by covering the ActiPatch -- say, by preventing opioid addiction or improving healing time or reducing doctor visits or reducing any other covered expenses -- they would cover the ActiPatch.

They don't believe the ActiPatch will result in profit because the clinical evidence is underwhelming and unconvincing. The studies are underpowered, leaving too much to chance, and the results are contradicting. Take Ilfeld's opioid study, for example, or this study that shows the device doesn't work:

Most trials that fail don't get published, while most trials the succeed DO get published. The insurance industry knows this.

But I am rocking the boat here. I'll stop until there's news. Carry on with naming your yachts and planning your golf courses and building new garages for your Lamborghinis.
art2426 art2426 4 hours ago
And another post of no content to counter the numbers and how sad they are. Only posts that are always directed at the poster with feeble attempts at mocking.

And threats coming from someone who admitted using circuit court records to find personal information of posters on a penny stock message board! --- WOW!

Can you say ----- obsession?
👍️ 1
gimmee greenbacks gimmee greenbacks 4 hours ago
Looks like Biel farmed that out to domestic distributors who are doing a fantastic job.

Smart move and should reap rewards soon imo..

prussian4profit prussian4profit 4 hours ago
"LOL! Maybe because I point out the FACTUAL..."

Again, another long winding post from someone who believes phantom limb pain is fake. Consider the source.

The military community has taken notice. It's coming.
🚽 1 🪠 1
art2426 art2426 4 hours ago
>>>Why would anyone even consider ANYTHING from someone with this point of view?<<<

LOL! Maybe because I point out the FACTUAL numbers that the company posts in THEIR financials while so many others 'dream', 'pray' and 'hope' for this to be successful, when all those 'number' point out how unsuccessful this company and their investment has been. Have you read those financials yet? Have you seen that this company reported another annual net loss? This one was for $722,812. Add that to every other year of NET LOSSES and see that they have reported an 'accumulated deficit' on their books of $39,814,419. That looks a little concerning, NO? Have you seen that they have nearly 25 BILLION shares outstanding and there are notes that have matured that will convert to MORE shares that will add to that? Some of those notes convert to 50% discounted priced stock, so double those shares to satisfy their conversions ------ OUCH! Those note/loans are over $12,000,000 worth and like I said, they have all matured but unable to be paid back due to lack of CASH, as seen in those financials, that had 'cash on hand' of only $4686. That's a 'little' concerning, NO? Only $4686 when you have to pay over $12,000,000. The financials also show total assets of $144,388 and total liabilities of $16,627,807. That is an asset to liability ratio of 1:115. That can't be good, NO? That much more of what you OWE than what you OWN? OUCH! It also shows that the authorized shares is 25 billion, so when those notes convert and they want to pay them off, they will have to raise the A/S to satisfy, NO? You DO know that will cause more DILUTION and the 'market' NEVER sees dilution as a positive and always as a negative, that will be reflected in the stock price. You DO know that?

I think all that hope and prayers are for MUCH BETTER numbers in the financials, NO? But NOW stockholders will have to wait a year, every year, to see if those numbers improve because this leadership has decided to NOT report their financials quarterly anymore and only annually. ---- OH WELL!

Thank you for the opportunity again, to post those sad numbers that the COMPANY posts, so that all present and potential investors can see.

Yours truly.
Mr. FUN GUY ---------- cause it IS!
👍️ 1
gimmee greenbacks gimmee greenbacks 4 hours ago
“Insurance is business and Insurance is not "Big Pharma." I worked in IT for an insurance company for many years. If an insurance company thought a device or drug would reduce their costs, they would cover that device or drug”

So you seriously don’t think the U.S. insurance companies and Big Pharma doesn’t have an incestuous relationship?

And you worked in the insurance industry for how long? As our favorite puppet would say.. C’mon man!

Do you think the people who own Big Pharma and the insurance companies aren’t the same people? Ever heard of BlackRock? How about State Street?

Just like Big Pharma and the FDA doesn’t have a incestuous relationship even though Big Pharma funds the FDA and the medical schools huh?

You’re not a dumb guy..I would have thought you would have figured this out by now.

prussian4profit prussian4profit 5 hours ago
"LOL, STILL waiting for a BIG PHARMA buyout? Really?..."

Such a long winding post from a poster who believes phantom limb pain is fake. Why would anyone even consider ANYTHING from someone with this point of view?

Phantom limb pain ISN'T fake. This poster has ZERO credibility. Always consider the source.

The military community has taken notice and as I mentioned before, they are EXTREMELY good at organizing and mobilizing. It's just beginning.
👍️ 2 💤 1 😴 1
ddls ddls 6 hours ago
Yeah! That should be a hot market. LMAO😎
ddls ddls 6 hours ago
BioElectronics first-time peeps know-what a family/friends scam this-is?😎
Hawk05 Hawk05 7 hours ago
Thanks Srin!
srinsocal srinsocal 7 hours ago
The ability to treat Canine OA via the Vagus nerve with RecoveryRx was a big deal, hence the patent submittal by BIEL. No FDA Clearance needed for animal use.

<<<<<< advertising efforts coming straight from BIEL is for only RecoveryRX for Pets >>>>>>
srinsocal srinsocal 7 hours ago
About 10x more spent, $300 billion vs $30 billion, on Veteran Healthcare than Pet Healthcare but Veteran RecoveryRx use requires a doctor writing a prescription and the VA bureaucratic maze.
bobby1151 bobby1151 7 hours ago
Just maybe it is cheaper to advertise to pet doctors!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hawk05 Hawk05 7 hours ago
I would agree but why does it seem that the Pet market is getting the most advertising attention?
bobby1151 bobby1151 7 hours ago
Correct - I would think Recovery RX for Veterans would be a much bigger market than PETS!!!
Hawk05 Hawk05 7 hours ago
Question only for BIEL longs!!

Anyone else feel that all the advertising efforts coming straight from BIEL is for only RecoveryRX for Pets.

RecoveryRX for humans and ActiPatch seems quiet.

3331 3331 7 hours ago
How could good management capitalize on positive momentum in their stock price?

Good management can capitalize on positive momentum in their stock price through several strategic actions:

Communicate Effectively: Transparent and frequent communication with investors can build trust and confidence. This includes regular updates on company performance, strategic initiatives, and future outlooks.

Leverage Positive News: Highlighting recent achievements, such as successful product launches, partnerships, or financial milestones, can sustain investor interest and confidence.

Engage with Analysts and Media: Proactively engaging with financial analysts and media can help shape positive narratives about the company, attracting more investor interest.

Innovative Marketing: Utilizing innovative marketing strategies to highlight the company’s strengths and future potential can attract new investors and retain existing ones.

By implementing these strategies, management can effectively capitalize on positive momentum and drive sustained growth in their stock price.
👍️ 1 😀 1
ddls ddls 9 hours ago
Who exactly is in charge of this junk? 😎

I know one thing, a lot of investors are seeing through that fake paint.

But I guess the MM's job is trying to keep liquidity in junk like this.
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 9 hours ago
Uh huh.

I've learned that one can't argue with conspiracy theorists because conspiracy theorists are too stupid and close-minded to understand truths, logic, or reasoning.

So believe what you want. Believe that Big Pharma and Insurance Companies and the CMS and the FDA and Market Makers and the USPTO and the US Government and the State of Maryland are all conspiring to keep poor little BIEL down.

Oh and add Ilfeld to the list. Big Pharma and the Insurance Companies must have paid him to falsely report the results of his RecoveryRx Pilot Study.
👍️ 1
ddls ddls 9 hours ago
I see old Nite-Capital is really jacking with-this-again.😎

But it could be X, Y or Z market maker, who knows!

One of them likes seeing a bloodbath, despite that green we see on the board.

Currently sells are 65 times the buys. YIKES! , SUPER YIKES!!
ddls ddls 10 hours ago
Maybe this company should make dog food instead!😎

I don't think a medical product is exactly their lane.
👍️ 1 🤣 2
art2426 art2426 10 hours ago
>>>BIG PHARMA..BILLIONS to be made.<<<

LOL, STILL waiting for a BIG PHARMA buyout? Really? The true longs have been waiting for that for YEARS and not a bite. This little family business that is trading 2 ticks from ROCK BOTTOM, has sales that cannot create a PROFIT in any year for over 20 YEARS, is on the radar of BIG PHARMA??? C'MON! Why pay anything, the way this is going why not just wait for the 'going out of business sale'. Have you read the financials? And as I have said before, I am not so sure that the stockholders would really want a buyout if by some miracle, it is possible. BIG $$$$ companies did not become BIG by being stupid. This little family business has NEVER been in the green, yes losing money annually, so what exactly would that BIG PHARMA offer them. Right now (before note/loan conversions to common stock), they are valued by the market at .0003 X 25,000,000,000 = $7,500,000. More with those conversions, so Is anyone that stupid to pay THAT to a company that loses money every year? And do not forget that all those NOTES have to be paid back before the stockholders see anything, so add over $12,000,000 to the sales price. And also add Stalien's loan to that before a stockholder sees a penny. Would the family take that $12,000,000 as a sales price and stiff the stockholders? LOL, IMO --- in heartbeat! Because as this is going, THAT is MUCH better than NOTHING. Have you read those 2023 financials?

No this is sad in every scenario you want to hope for, IMO!
👍️ 2
walker_429 walker_429 11 hours ago
The ignorance in your post proves you really know nothing about the relationship insurance companies have with big pharma nor what the real world is about.
🚽 1
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 12 hours ago
The Bullshit isn't coming from me at all. I'm not repeating bullshit, I'm stating facts about insurance companies.

Insurance is business and Insurance is not "Big Pharma." I worked in IT for an insurance company for many years. If an insurance company thought a device or drug would reduce their costs, they would cover that device or drug.

You put the word "pandemic" in quotation marks? You don't think that was actually a pandemic? You don't know anyone who died from COVID?

And you don't think BIEL's lack of revenues from 2021 - 2023 were caused by a pandemic? Kelly Whelan certainly thinks that was the cause. You disagree with Kelly Whelan on that one. That's interesting.
🎯 1 👍️ 1
rodman rodman 13 hours ago
Ha! Your posts have mini value!
ddls ddls 14 hours ago
BioElectronics has a mini PEMF and mini stock value.😎
edbi46 edbi46 15 hours ago
Here are the FACTS about Bioelectronics corp. below ( BIEL ), backed by LINKS, NOT some made up LIES, like "BioElectronics is done, finished, THE END!" or "There's ZERO medical or investment value with BIEL" or "Sales-Track" BS, etc......(. ,,, )................

( Lets see how high our beloved BIEL gets TRUMPed up by Jan. 1, before NOPAIN Act is activated!!! )
Jan. 1, 2025

Just to highlight a few points::


Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, with respect to a covered OPD service (or group of services) furnished on or after January 1, 2022, and before January 1, 2027, the Secretary shall not package, and shall make a separate payment as specified in clause (ii) for, a non-opioid treatment (as defined in clause (iii)) furnished as part of such service (or group of services).

The amount of the payment specified in this clause is, with respect to a non-opioid treatment that is—

“(I) a drug or biological product, the amount of payment for such drug or biological determined under section 1847A; or

II) a medical device, the amount of the hospital’s charges for the device, adjusted to cost.

A ‘non-opioid treatment’ means—

“(I) a drug or biological product that is indicated to produce analgesia without acting upon the body’s opioid receptors; or

“(II) an implantable, reusable, or disposable medical device cleared or approved by the Administrator for Food and Drugs for the intended use of managing or treating pain;

that has demonstrated the ability to replace, reduce, or avoid opioid use or the quantity of opioids prescribed in a clinical trial or through data published in a peer-reviewed journal.”.>>>>

Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System.—Section 1833(i)(2)(D) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395l(i)(2)(D)) is amended—

(1) by aligning the margins of clause (v) with the margins of clause (iv);

(2) by redesignating clause (vi) as clause (vii); and

(3) by inserting after clause (v) the following new clause:

“(vi) In the case of surgical services furnished on or after January 1, 2022, and before January 1, 2027, the payment system described in clause (i) shall provide, in a budget-neutral manner, for a separate payment for a non-opioid treatment (as defined in clause (iii) of subsection (t)(16)(G)) furnished as part of such services in the amount specified in clause (ii) of such subsection.”.

(c) Evaluation Of Therapeutic Services For Pain Management.—

Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (in this subsection referred to as the “Secretary”), acting through the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, shall submit to Congress a report identifying—

(A) limitations, gaps, barriers to access, or deficits in Medicare coverage or reimbursement for restorative therapies, behavioral approaches, and complementary and integrative health services that are identified in the Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force Report and that have demonstrated the ability to replace or reduce opioid consumption; and

(B) recommendations to address the limitations, gaps, barriers to access, or deficits identified under subparagraph (A) to improve Medicare coverage and reimbursement for such therapies, approaches, and services.>>>>

.—In developing the report described in paragraph (1), the Secretary shall consult with relevant stakeholders as determined appropriate by the Secretary.

—Any drug, biological product, or medical device that is a non-opioid treatment (as defined in section 1833(t)(16)(G)(iii) of the Social Security Act, as added by subsection (a)) shall not be considered a therapeutic service for the purpose of the report described in paragraph (1).


CY 2025 Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System Proposed Rule (CMS 1809-P)
“Access to Non-Opioid Treatments for Pain Relief
…We are proposing that seven drugs and one device qualify as non-opioid treatments for pain relief, and we propose these products be paid separately in both the HOPD and ASC settings starting in CY 2025…”

Nasdaq news:
BioElectronics Corporation Announces Utility Patent Application Filing

MAY 21, 2024 8:09AM EDT
Non-Invasive Device Addresses the Treatment of Chronic Inflammation

FREDERICK, MD - (NewMediaWire) - May 21, 2024 - BioElectronics Corporation ( OTC: BIEL a developer of medical technology products, today announces the filing of a new USPTO utility patent application addressing the treatment of chronic inflammation. This patent application, numbered 18/667,971, was a collaborative effort of John Martinez, Kenneth McLeod, PhD, and Richard Staelin, PhD. It outlines methods, systems, apparatuses, and devices that modify the immune response through non-invasive stimulation of the vagal nerves. The application draws from the results of a recently completed double-blind, placebo-controlled, canine study, published in Veterinary Medicine and Science which demonstrated that Pulsed Short Wave Therapy (PSWT) Technology applied to the vagal nerves of dogs diagnosed with osteoarthritis resulted in significant reductions in systemic discomfort.

This is just a few FACTS to help with INTELLIGENT DD and to INVEST in BIEL, which, i/we agree with this post worth a reasonable investment:
(;; )

A SDVOSB Owned Exclusive Provider of RecoveryRx for VA ( Veterans ) Hospitals!!!

Veterans, connect with us to learn more about RecoveryRx®
New PAIN RELIEF TECHNOLOGY at the push of a button!!!

RecoveryRX Major General Livingston, a Medal of Honor recipient, who had 6 operations for back, does a fantastic job describing his experience with RecoveryRx Pain Relief!!!!!

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Enhances Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester-induced Death of MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells

BioElectronics’ pulsed shortwave therapy device is effective for limb pain: study says


Actipatchicco kit for muscle and joint pain for pulsed electromagnetic field therapy lasting 720 hours
La pfarmacia che cercavi

MD Medical
MD Medical is the fastest growing medical company in kuwait.
SIster Company @socheck_kuwait
Kuwait, Hawally Governorate, Salmiya, Block 2, Abdullah Bin Masoud Street, Al-Ras Tower, Floor 3, Office No.B3, Kuwait City 13091

BioElectronics’ pulsed shortwave therapy device is effective for limb pain: study says
Staff Writer February 26, 2024

This is just a few FACTS to help with INTELLIGENT DD and to INVEST in BIEL, which, i/we agree with this post worth a reasonable investment:
(;; )

A SDVOSB Owned Exclusive Provider of RecoveryRx for VA Hospitals!!!

Veterans, connect with us to learn more about RecoveryRx®
New PAIN RELIEF TECHNOLOGY at the push of a button!!!

RecoveryRX Major General Livingston, a Medal of Honor recipient, who had 6 operations for back, does a fantastic job describing his experience with RecoveryRx Pain Relief!!!!!
This is just a few FACTS to help with INTELLIGENT DD and to INVEST in BIEL, which, i/we agree with this post worth a reasonable investment:
(;; )

A study investigating the efficacy of our FDA-cleared (human use) pulsed-shortwave-therapy (PSWT) device in initiating a systemic anti-inflammatory response to improve the functionality of canines diagnosed with osteoarthritis. 96% of the treatment group showed either increased passive range of motion, improved behavioral changes, or both compared to 4% for the placebo group. It was published today online in "Veterinary Medicine and Science." Medical professionals can contact us at info @newbie00 to request sample products.
Pulsed shortwave electromagnetic field therapy increases quality of life in canines with symptoms of osteoarthritics
Tanya Ella Sprunks, Kenneth J. McLeod, Richard Staelin
First published: 22 March 2024
Sree Koneru and Jack Merrifield contributed equally to this study.

BioElectronics’ pulsed shortwave therapy device is effective for limb pain: study says

Ortho Alliance, 11 Orthopedic Surgery Centers, 'Optimal Recovery' with Pre/Post-Op RecoveryRx

Smart Approach Recovery

Kelly Cove Mobility

RecoveryRx Veterinary

TES Veterinary Physiotherapist

ActiPatch Bulgaria

Actipatch Finland

BIEL announces publication of Canine OA Study

Vagus Nerve Patent Application Filing RecoveryRx


This is just a few FACTS to help with INTELLIGENT DD and to INVEST in BIEL, which, i/we agree with this post worth a reasonable investment:
(;; )

RecoveryRx Veterinary
Drug-Free Pain Relief Device
For Indoor and Outdoor Pets

Vet Recovery RX
"An innovation in drug-free pain and edema management. RecoveryRx is a class II, USA FDA-cleared, non-thermal shortwave therapy device which utilizes radio-frequency electromagnetic energy to modulate nerve activity",energy%20to%20modulate%20nerve%20activity

Alpha Animal Rehab and Fitness is at Alpha Animal Rehab and Fitness.
Exciting news at #AARF—we have two new products to support your pup’s health and recovery: RecoveryRX and YuMove! 🐾 RecoveryRX is a wearable device that uses low-level electromagnetic therapy to help reduce pain and inflammation, perfect for dogs recovering from surgery or dealing with chronic conditions.

PEMF Ring is Saving a 14 Year Old Labrador

Alpha Animal Rehabilitation and Fitness | NJ
Pet Service
Certified Canine Rehab Therapists helping pets with conditions/injuries/post surgery to manage pain and recover holistically through Physical Therapy
316 3rd Ave, Alpha, New Jersey 08865

"As the sole UK and European distributor of Recovery RX Veterinary, Tanya Sprunks offers advanced long-lasting pain relief for pets using Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy. She operates several successful clinics across Devon, focusing on Veterinary Physiotherapy."

A SDVOSB Owned Exclusive Provider of RecoveryRx for VA ( Veterans ) Hospitals!!!

Veterans, connect with us to learn more about RecoveryRx®
New PAIN RELIEF TECHNOLOGY at the push of a button!!!

RecoveryRX Major General Livingston, a Medal of Honor recipient, who had 6 operations for back, does a fantastic job describing his experience with RecoveryRx Pain Relief!!!!!

Old sports injury trying to bench you from the summer fun? 🌞🌊 Get back in there with ActiPatch® on your team! 🌟
✅ Pain relief can be felt after just 2-3 hours
✅ Safe to use during regular physical activity and during sweating
✅ Sensation-free
✅ 720 hours targeted pain relief

" RecoveryRx repairs and regenerates damaged cells by reducing pain and inflammation and accelerating blood flow. Whereas, TENS is only blocking pain signals and has no healing effect. The major difference between the two is that a TENS unit is a short term solution that “turns off” the pain signal but CANNOT perform the function of repairing damaged tissue like RecoveryRx. "

7 Well-Being Benefits of PEMF Therapy

BioElectronics’ pulsed shortwave therapy device is effective for limb pain: study says

"Literally, there are so many benefits to a regular PEMF therapy session. Research by NASA and other bodies has found that PEMF therapy can deliver the following results:
Better circulation
Pain reduction
Improved muscle relaxation and performance
Decreased inflammation and swelling
Improved oxygenation in tissue
Enhanced cellular repair and recovery
Improved immune system
Better sleep "

BIEL $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Actipatch ranked #1 in NASA Electromagnetic Pain Relief/Blocking: Feasibility Assessment !!!!!!!!

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058
( pages 14, 15 )........


Astronauts use pharmaceuticals during spaceflight to manage acute and chronic pain, but use of analgesics will have drawbacks for exploration-class missions because the shelf life of these medications is limited, resupply will be curtailed, astronauts may develop tolerance and/or addiction to these medications, and side effects can include impairment of
cognitive abilities. Electromagnetic devices have been developed that treat pain terrestrially by affecting neuromodulation–dubbed “electroceuticals”, these devices have varied mechanisms of action that either stimulate or suppress neural activity in the central nervous system or peripheral nerves.


The available literature was reviewed and FDA-approved pain treatments (both pharmacological and non-pharmacological), as well as those currently under development, were assessed for their suitability for use in exploration class spaceflight missions.


An overwhelming majority of the literature focuses on the treatment of chronic rather than acute pain because it is assumed that acute pain only rarely fails to resolve and instead transitions into chronic pain when the central nervous system becomes hypersensitized. The available electromagnetic devices marketed for pain treatment have varying levels of
invasiveness, use different mechanisms of action, and have demonstrated varying efficacy when evaluated scientifically. A truly noninvasive, highly efficient device is desired for use during spaceflight. One portable, self-contained, FDA-approved device was identified that, from preliminarily assessment, best met these criteria; the device noninvasively applies pulsed
shortwave therapy (PSWT) to modify pain signals from peripheral nerves, however, the device has limited battery life and the effects are relatively non-selective in type of neural signal modified.


The treatment method ranked first in this review was pulsed
shortwave therapy (PSWT), a low-power RF (MHz range) transmitter operated adjacent to biological tissue at maximum output (saturation) to modulate peripheral nerve activity. ActiPatch is a very small wearable PSWT device that is FDA approved for “adjunctive treatment of musculoskeletal pain”
[Anwar-Deen 2020]. It is low cost, low power, and boasts 97% efficacy in reducing pain (85% over a 6-month period) [Staelin 2019]. The device can be secured to the body by physio tape and the area causing pain is bounded by the device’s ring. The device can be turned on and off, and the non-rechargeable battery is capable of 720 hours of operation
(one month continuous use). ActiPatch is sold OTC in local pharmacies for ~$30 [ActiPatch 2020].

The information obtained in the execution of this review effort leads to 2 recommendations for forward work:

1. Tie into DoD and NIH research funding efforts to improve pain treatment: the NIH has a federal partners workgroup for their HEAL Initiative that could conceivably be joined by NASA, and the DoD CPMRP’s initial solicitation only recently completed so that program is young and potentially synergies could be identified with NASA.

2. Obtain an ActiPatch device for evaluation and determine whether it could be beneficial and adapted to spaceflight use.


This is just a few FACTS to help with INTELLIGENT DD and to INVEST in BIEL, which, i/we agree with this post worth a reasonable investment:
(;; )

RecoveryRx Veterinary
Drug-Free Pain Relief Device
For Indoor and Outdoor Pets
BIEL $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Vet Recovery RX
"An innovation in drug-free pain and edema management. RecoveryRx is a class II, USA FDA-cleared, non-thermal shortwave therapy device which utilizes radio-frequency electromagnetic energy to modulate nerve activity"

Alpha Animal Rehab and Fitness is at Alpha Animal Rehab and Fitness.
Exciting news at #AARF—we have two new products to support your pup’s health and recovery: RecoveryRX and YuMove! 🐾 RecoveryRX is a wearable device that uses low-level electromagnetic therapy to help reduce pain and inflammation, perfect for dogs recovering from surgery or dealing with chronic conditions.

PEMF Ring is Saving a 14 Year Old Labrador

Alpha Animal Rehabilitation and Fitness | NJ
Pet Service
Certified Canine Rehab Therapists helping pets with conditions/injuries/post surgery to manage pain and recover holistically through Physical Therapy
316 3rd Ave, Alpha, New Jersey 08865

A SDVOSB Owned Exclusive Provider of RecoveryRx for VA ( Veterans ) Hospitals!!!

Veterans, connect with us to learn more about RecoveryRx®
New PAIN RELIEF TECHNOLOGY at the push of a button!!!

RecoveryRX Major General Livingston, a Medal of Honor recipient, who had 6 operations for back, does a fantastic job describing his experience with RecoveryRx Pain Relief!!!!!

"As the sole UK and European distributor of Recovery RX Veterinary, Tanya Sprunks offers advanced long-lasting pain relief for pets using Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy. She operates several successful clinics across Devon, focusing on Veterinary Physiotherapy."


•skymedicalsupply's profile picture
Introducing the EME BACK WRAP with ActiPatch® Technology, a revolutionary pain relief solution for your back. This innovative wrap utilizes ActiPatch® technology, clinically proven to alleviate pain by regulating the activity of sensitized nerves and reducing abnormal pain signaling. With its ability to deliver 1,000 sensation-free electromagnetic pulses per second, this wrap offers effective relief for up to 720 hours.

Welcome to the largest
health and beauty store in Europe! PromoFarma is the marketplace which groups the catalogues from more than 1.000 pharmacies and other sellers into one single website, selects the basket of products at the best price, collects the order from the selected pharmacies and delivers it wherever you want.
ActiPatch effective knee-pain relief !!!!!!!!


? iAsk.AI ( Thank you, Probity!!! )
Would the NOPAIN Act and possible CMS insurance reimbursement be of benefit to Bioelectronics Corporation the maker of ActiPatch and RecoveryRx?

According to Ask Ai Answer Engine:

Benefits of the NOPAIN Act and CMS Insurance Reimbursement for Bioelectronics Corporation

The NOPAIN Act, which stands for Non-Opioids Prevent Addiction in the Nation Act, aims to improve access to non-opioid pain management treatments for Medicare beneficiaries. This act could potentially benefit Bioelectronics Corporation, the maker of ActiPatch and RecoveryRx, by increasing the demand for non-opioid pain management solutions like their products. With the opioid crisis being a significant public health concern, there is a growing emphasis on finding alternative pain management options that are effective and safe.

Impact of the NOPAIN Act on Bioelectronics Corporation

Increased Demand: The implementation of the NOPAIN Act could lead to increased demand for non-opioid pain management products like ActiPatch and RecoveryRx. Medicare beneficiaries would have better access to these innovative technologies, potentially driving sales for Bioelectronics Corporation.

Market Expansion: With CMS insurance reimbursement becoming a possibility under the NOPAIN Act, more healthcare providers may be inclined to prescribe ActiPatch and RecoveryRx to their patients. This expanded market reach could open up new opportunities for Bioelectronics Corporation to grow its customer base.

Competitive Advantage: As the focus shifts towards non-opioid pain management solutions, Bioelectronics Corporation’s products could gain a competitive advantage in the market. Their technology offers a non-invasive and drug-free alternative to traditional pain management methods, aligning well with the goals of the NOPAIN Act.

Overall Benefit to Bioelectronics Corporation

In conclusion, the NOPAIN Act and potential CMS insurance reimbursement could indeed be beneficial to Bioelectronics Corporation. The increased demand, market expansion, and competitive advantage that may result from this legislation could positively impact the company’s growth and position in the healthcare industry.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS): Information from CMS was crucial in understanding how insurance reimbursement policies can impact healthcare providers and medical device companies like Bioelectronics Corporation.

National Institutes of Health (NIH): NIH research on pain management alternatives and opioid addiction provided valuable insights into the importance of non-opioid solutions like ActiPatch and RecoveryRx.

American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA): The ASA’s stance on opioid addiction and their support for non-opioid pain management strategies helped in evaluating the potential benefits of the NOPAIN Act for companies like Bioelectronics Corporation.

Accelerated recovery of post-operative dental implant patients using drug-free RecoveryRx.
Read the paper here:

#painrelief #neuromodulation #fdacleared #drugfree #clinicallyproven #painmanagement #oralsurgery #dentalimplants #postsurgical

BioElectronics’ pulsed shortwave therapy device is effective for limb pain: study says


BioElectronics Chairman Updates Investors
Thu, February 15, 2024 at 9:00 AM EST

Voices for Non-Opioid Choices Coalition Applauds Introduction of Alternatives to PAIN Act in Senate

ActiPatch Muscle and Joint Pain Therapy Devices


ActiPatch is the drug-free solution for pain. It interrupts abnormal pain signaling in the nerves. You won't feel anything but relief. $$$ BACK GUARANTEE USA: 📷

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ActiPatch reaches deep into the painful area to provide real relief at the source. Can be used 24/7. You won't feel anything but PAIN RELIEF.
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ITS coming to BIEL $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Washington State poised to extend coverage for SCS

ActiPatch SA
February, 6 at 1:35 Am

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NANS Advocacy Results in HCSC Adding Closed-Loop Spinal Cord Stimulation to Coverage!!


Get the sleep you deserve with relief from ActiPatch! ActiPatch doesn't just put a band-aid on pain. It dives deep with its Pulsed Shortwave Therapy & takes on pain at its root for sustained relief! Order at: FREE SHIPPING. #painmanagement #painfreesleep


Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia and Plantar Fasciitis Help --- ACTIPATCH!!!

BioElectronics’ pulsed shortwave therapy device is effective for limb pain: study says


ActiPatch SA
If tennis injuries are following you off the court, ActiPatch® can help lessen your downtime by serving up clinically proven joint and muscle pain relief!²,³
🎾 Drug free¹
🎾 Can be worn 24/7, even during physical activity and sweating¹

Old sports injury trying to bench you from the summer fun? 🌞🌊 Get back in there with ActiPatch® on your team! 🌟
✅ Pain relief can be felt after just 2-3 hours
✅ Safe to use during regular physical activity and during sweating
✅ Sensation-free
✅ 720 hours targeted pain relief

ActiPatch SA
There's a champion inside all of us – don’t let chronic pain hold you back! If life is the #2024Olympics, then ActiPatch® is your #1 supporter. 💪

SAI has Registered with FDA to Sell ActiPatch in USA and Canada for 2024

You might have thought chronic pain would be with you for life, but now there's something that can help. 🌟 Meet ActiPatch®: pain relief

Establishment Registration and Device Listing:
Establishment Name ....................... Reg number ..Current Reg Yr

AIRWAY SURGICAL APPL .CANADA 9611956 ...........2024

Nonthermal Shortwave Therapy Device Indicated For Over The Counter Use For The Treatment Of Pain / Repackager/Relabeler


Nonthermal Shortwave Therapy Device Indicated For Over The Counter Use For The Treatment Of Pain

KT Health, LLC ......................... UT/USA 3007282994 2024

Nonthermal Shortwave Therapy Device Indicated For Over The Counter Use For The Treatment Of Pain

(Airway Surgical is SAI's Canadian branch)


PEMF Alzheimer’s Treatment Pilot Underway at Hackensack University Medical Center

BioElectronics’ pulsed shortwave therapy device is effective for limb pain: study says


BioElectronics Corporation’s Post
View organization page for BioElectronics Corporation
BioElectronics Corporation

Both NSAID therapy and neuromodulation therapy using PSWT resulted in statistically and clinically important reductions in pain level and improvement in functionality associated with cervical osteoarthritis, when used for 4 weeks. However, the PSWT intervention demonstrated superior improvements in all outcome measures when compared to the etoricoxib therapy arm, including patient satisfaction rating and decreased use of rescue pain medication. These results suggest that neuromodulation using PSWT may be a superior pain treatment option, when compared to COX-2 NSAIDS for neck osteoarthritis, and as well, represents a non-invasive, non-pharmacologic treatment option.

Product samples are available to licensed medical care providers in the USA. Request via email - info[ @newbie00


New product added

BioElectronics’ pulsed shortwave therapy device
is effective for limb pain: study says

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BIEL $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Top 5 Actipatch In The US



BIEL $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


This is just a few FACTS to help with INTELLIGENT DD and to INVEST in BIEL, which, i/we agree with this post worth a reasonable investment:
(;; )

" RecoveryRx repairs and regenerates damaged cells by reducing pain and inflammation and accelerating blood flow. Whereas, TENS is only blocking pain signals and has no healing effect. The major difference between the two is that a TENS unit is a short term solution that “turns off” the pain signal but CANNOT perform the function of repairing damaged tissue like RecoveryRx. "

A SDVOSB Owned Exclusive Provider of RecoveryRx for VA ( Veterans ) Hospitals!!!!

Veterans, connect with us to learn more about RecoveryRx®
New PAIN RELIEF TECHNOLOGY at the push of a button!!!

RecoveryRX Major General Livingston, a Medal of Honor recipient, who had 6 operations for back, does a fantastic job describing his experience with RecoveryRx Pain Relief!!!!!

"Literally, there are so many benefits to a regular PEMF therapy session. Research by NASA and other bodies has found that PEMF therapy can deliver the following results:
Better circulation
Pain reduction
Improved muscle relaxation and performance
Decreased inflammation and swelling
Improved oxygenation in tissue
Enhanced cellular repair and recovery
Improved immune system
Better sleep "

BIEL $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Watch till the end!

BIEL $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

This is just a few FACTS to help with INTELLIGENT DD and to INVEST in BIEL, which, i/we agree with this post worth a reasonable investment:
(;; )

RecoveryRx Veterinary
Drug-Free Pain Relief Device
For Indoor and Outdoor Pets
BIEL $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Vet Recovery RX
"An innovation in drug-free pain and edema management. RecoveryRx is a class II, USA FDA-cleared, non-thermal shortwave therapy device which utilizes radio-frequency electromagnetic energy to modulate nerve activity",energy%20to%20modulate%20nerve%20activity

Alpha Animal Rehab and Fitness is at Alpha Animal Rehab and Fitness.
Exciting news at #AARF—we have two new products to support your pup’s health and recovery: RecoveryRX and YuMove! 🐾 RecoveryRX is a wearable device that uses low-level electromagnetic therapy to help reduce pain and inflammation, perfect for dogs recovering from surgery or dealing with chronic conditions.

PEMF Ring is Saving a 14 Year Old Labrador

Alpha Animal Rehabilitation and Fitness | NJ
Pet Service
Certified Canine Rehab Therapists helping pets with conditions/injuries/post surgery to manage pain and recover holistically through Physical Therapy
316 3rd Ave, Alpha, New Jersey 08865

"As the sole UK and European distributor of Recovery RX Veterinary, Tanya Sprunks offers advanced long-lasting pain relief for pets using Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy. She operates several successful clinics across Devon, focusing on Veterinary Physiotherapy."


Old sports injury trying to bench you from the summer fun? 🌞🌊 Get back in there with ActiPatch® on your team! 🌟
✅ Pain relief can be felt after just 2-3 hours
✅ Safe to use during regular physical activity and during sweating
✅ Sensation-free
✅ 720 hours targeted pain relief

Once, pay ATTENTION Everyone -- NOT if, IMO, NHL, NFL, NBA, WBA, MLB, PGA, Lacrosse, etc...... adopts Actipatch as a must protocol, after all those HITS, CHECKS, TRIPS, LIGAMENT PULLS/RIPS, etc.......Possibilities are ENDLESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BIEL $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


ATTENTION all the Respected, Smart, Intelligent Investors !!!!!!! Do your OWN, INTELLIGENT, THOROUGH DD, without ANY influence from KNOWN PAID BASHERS / LIARS / MANIPULAYOTS / MISINFORMERS !!!!!!!!! Make sure, if you decide to invest ( and to decide you MUST !! ) :

#1 -- Don't put all the money you are willing to invest in one basket ( buy only one stock ), be diverse......VERY IMPORTANT -- Do your OWN, INTELLIGENT DD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#2 -- If you decide/willing to buy BIEL shares, know, that this is a HIGH RETURN / HIGH LOSS RISK ratio, but a MIRACLE PRODUCT ( ACTIPATCH ) is the key !!!!

#3 -- if you decide/willing to buy BIEL shares, invest only as much as you are willing
to loose, without being hurt, FINANCIALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck to all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BIEL $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
ddls ddls 21 hours ago
After all these years, BIEL still-can't convince investors😎

They've gone from full SEC reporting to this. OTC Pink Limited unaudited financials.

They're still trying to convince investors it's a legitimate business.

Meanwhile sales are 700K per year...supposedly. While AW said in 2017..."should do 5 to 10 million in sales this year". This was after their FDA OTC first clearances. Yeah sure! Everyone wants the gizmo. While the distributors that did try selling it never want to again.
ddls ddls 23 hours ago
The MM could be X,Y or Z it makes no difference, BIEL is micro cap junk.😎
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 1 day ago
It's not bullshit. I proved that with my AETNA link. For every insurance company (including the CMS) that you research, you will find the same thing: they all say that there's not enough evidence to reimburse for PEMF. Yes, there were trials and studies that showed positive results, but they were too small. That's what "underpowered" means.

What does MRNA have to do with this? Apples and oranges. Different theaters entirely.

I live in the real world. Anyone who thinks RecoveryRx is covered by insurance, or that it will be without large robust clinical studies, does not.
GetSeriousOK GetSeriousOK 1 day ago
I already gave a constructive critique. Small sample size. Common problem with clinical studies. Even if the study had resulted in positive results, it might not have been enough to convince the CMS, but no matter now.

Another problem with Ilfeld's RecoveryRx study might be that he included hernia repair. Remember how Koneru tried to tell the FDA that the ActiPatch worked better for women than for men, after the Koneru Brothers' study showed decent results for women but little effect for men?

Ilfeld didn't include hernia patients in the SofPulse study. Maybe he'll get better results.
band aid band aid 1 day ago
gimmee greenbacks gimmee greenbacks 1 day ago
“And that's the reason why Pulsed Radiofrequency, including RecoveryRx, is not currently covered by insurance companies or Medicare: they all consider PEMF to still be in the investigational stage because the studies were underpowered.”

That is a Bullshit excuse and everyone who knows anything knows it.

Were the studies for the MRNA injections people were forced to take and insurance companies paid for underpowered? No ? Why not?

Let’s live in the real World please.

gimmee greenbacks gimmee greenbacks 1 day ago
“I was just looking at the results of Ilfeld's opioid study, and it not only failed for the opioid consumption part..“

Why do you suppose that is?

You been here for years, you know these results run counter to the positive results seem in multiple studies with positive VAS scores. You also have self expressed expertise in this area via your wife if I’m not mistaken. about a constructive critique?

srinsocal srinsocal 1 day ago
Per the OTC Markets there are 36 Market Makers on the OTC, list below

There is only one "NITE" on the OTC and it is the MPID symbol for "VIRTU Americas" who bought out Knight Capital Group in 2017.

Broker Dealer Data

...........Broker Dealer MPID $ Vol Share Vol Trades
StoneX Financial Inc.* INTL 195,979,418 127,172,335 35,091
Citadel Securities * ........CDEL 63,775,966 529,835,004 19,934
VIRTU Americas LLC* NITE 49,573,815 128,242,413 14,728
OTC NQB ..............OTCN 41,770,744 171,269,313 7,444
MCAP LLC* ..............MCAP 38,819,083 1,882,797 9,170
GTS Securities LLC......GTSM 18,332,372 187,595,359 6,147
Jane Street Capital, JANE 12,297,795 633,929 882
Puma Capital, LLC .......PUMA 9,638,794 1,163,367 949
G1 Execution Services, ETRF 7,218,216 76,753,922 1,784
CANACCORD GENU CSTI 6,494,308 106,273,774 1,711
Flow Traders U.S. LLC FLTG 3,971,794 131,088 487
Virtu Americas LLC ........VIRT 2,609,437 1,210,302 578
Old Mission Markets OLMN 2,494,000 82,229 429
Raymond James & Ass. RAJA 501,906 22,657 107
Maxim Group LLC ........MAXM 438,401 101,109 157
Ascendiant Capital Mkt ASCM 369,997 7,684,333 560
D.A. Davidson & Co. DADA 130,814 7,137 28
Janney Montgomery JANY 120,540 3,940 14
Wall Street Access Co VNDM 104,891 81,544 49
MONROE FINANCIAL MONR 103,122 6,069 34
R. F. Lafferty & Co., Inc. LAFC 86,334 216,266 105
Cowen And Company, COWN 73,988 15,300 57
JWTT Inc. ................JWTT 68,081 14,188 25
Stifel, Nicolaus & Co STFL 65,110 2,071 10
Celadon Financial Grp CFGN 40,178 783,399 63
BGC Financial Inc. ........BGCE 37,731 1,472 7
Robert W. Baird & Co. BARD 33,425 500 5
The Vertical Trading VERT 30,973 5,375 43
OTC Link ECN ........OTCX 8,285 6,600 5
Alternative Execution AEXG 7,318 18,000 8
Cantor Fitzgerald & Co. CANT 6,605 200 2
Glendale Securities, Inc. GLED 2,591 3,100 3
Buckman, Buckman .......BBAR 1,658 224,985 22
Alpine Securities Corp ALPS 549 499,013 10
Muriel Siebert & Co, Inc. STXG 519 203,194 6
Paulson Investment PAUL 434 1,819 6
art2426 art2426 1 day ago
>>>Regarding the question "what is their backup plan for benefitting from the NOPAIN Act?" Call the CEO and ask. She often says that she wants investors to call her with questions.<<<

Yeah, I am sure she will be honest and polite with stockholders calling her and questioning her. Have you ever read her unprofessional answers to those who have questioned her in facebook? Will she be as honest as she was when she allowed THIS to be posted to the stockholders in 2022? --
ddls ddls 1 day ago
Wrong company, it's Nite, not Knight. BTW, when is BioElectronics going to get their stock going again? I'm betting NEVER, because most investors and traders as you can see have vanished from here, for perfectly good reasons 😎

Gee, I wonder why?
toohot toohot 1 day ago
Fascinating srin. Absolutely fascinating! I love the way you deal up the BIEL stuff. Thank you!!!.

👍️ 1
srinsocal srinsocal 1 day ago
The Knight Capital that you are thinking of went BK due to a 2012 software error that caused the company to purchase $7 billion in stocks in 45 minutes.

Knight ended up in the hands of a new company, VIRTU Americas, who uses the symbol 'NITE' .
👍️ 1 😀 1
ddls ddls 1 day ago
In certain medical cases this device may help some people. Like with a pimple that one has already popped. 😎

But the pimple has to be in the "soft tissue area"
ddls ddls 1 day ago
Don't you think Nite Capital has marked this up a little prematurely? 😎

I think .00003 is a little more suitable.

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