2 years ago
yes, they will receive shares, currently worth about .84/share
CS shareholders will not receive cash. 1 share in UBS for 22.48 shares in CS. So, it should trade in lockstep with UBS.
my point was bidding above makes no sense, nor does the theory it could magically go up absent any pps movement from ubs. Market seems to be punishing UBS on this deal will be interesting to see the market action on the day CS peeps get their shares of UBS, and what the short sellers may or may not do leading up to it. Has a share transfer date been set?
glta have a great weekend
2 years ago
Is the deal done today
still trying to figure out why the PPS isn't around .82 what are peeps thinking? maybe with the UBS pop in price it works out to 90 something cents per share....IDK SMH
cs shareholders will receive .82 cents a share, in equivalent UBS stock
UBS up quite a bit past few days ...may put a few more shares in CS shareholders' pockets
be glad you're not one of the bondholders!
A number of Credit Suisse
bondholders said Tuesday that they were considering legal action after $17 billion of the bank’s additional tier-one (AT1) bonds were wiped out as part of its emergency sale to UBS
Swiss regulator FINMA announced Sunday that the AT1s, widely regarded as relatively risky investments, will be written down to zero, while stock investors will receive payouts as part of the takeover, angering bondholders.