What does the SEAQ/AIM window show?We will use Imagination Technologies Group as an example:
- IMG The EPIC or Symbol (short code/name for the stock). This is a 3 or 4 digit code and is generally a derivative of its full name.
- IMAGINTN.TECH This is the name of the stock.
- Type of Share Quoted In this case its an Ordinary Share(ORD) issued at 10p
- NMS 75,000 This tells us that the normal market size (NMS) for this stock is 75,000 shares. It is calculated for every share in the market and is based on a percentage of that share's average daily customer turnover for the previous year. The percentage is intended to represent the normal institutional bargain. The percentage is set at 2.5 per cent. However, the NMS values of any security may be subject to change without prior notice. If we want to buy or sell more than NMS, we may have to buy or sell at worse prices than shown on the screen.
- Segment SEAQ This displays the set of equities, which the selected share falls under on the London Stock Exchange. In this case it is SEAQ - Stock Exchange Automated Quotations system - the main set of equities traded on the London market. It is a continuously updated computer database containing price quotations and trade reports in UK securities. SEAQ International is the Stock Exchange Automated Quotations system for international equities.
- Spread This is the difference between bid and offer, in this case it is 5p
- Spread % is the percentage that the spread is, based on its current price, in this case 11.9%
- Market Makers shows the total number of market makers showing a price quote on this stock.
- Total Trades is the total number of trades that have occurred so far today, there have been 11.
- Current Price (MID) 39.5 This tells us what the current mid price is. This is based on the middle price between the current bid and offer. The colour denotes the current mid price compared with last night's close. Blue means up, Red means down and Green means no change.
- -3.0 (-7.1%) This is a calculation based on the current mid price compared to yesterday's closing price for this particular share. The mid price is minus 3.0p, or -7.1% on the day so far.
- Price Chg The last time the price changed was at 11:03
- Flags
A - An announcement has been made and will appear on the RNS news service. In this case there are no announcements showing. X - Indicating the stock has gone ex -dividend. In this case there is no X showing.
- Open 42.5 Mid Hi 42.5, Mid Lo 39.5 Today's opening price which can be the same as or higher or lower than last night's close. In this case it opened at the same as last nights close. The highest mid price today was 42.5p. The lowest mid price so far today is 39.5p, which is in fact 3p below last night's mid close.
- Prev. Close 67.5 The previous day's closing price.
- Trade Hi 44.0, Trade Lo 37.25 The highest price traded so far for these shares today is 44.0p, the lowest is 37.25p.
- Trades: 17 Total number of trades made so far today
- Vol Total number of shares that have traded so today is 471,035.
- Trades Column The top line of the trades list shows the most recent trades declared through the Stock Exchange.
- Last Trade 37.25 Vol 2,400 Type of trade. O. Time of Trade 11:03:07
This shows the last trade that went through, it also has a trade code showing the type of trade O (see Trade Types).The trade took place at 11:03 and was a transaction involving a volume of 2,400 shares. It does not indicate whether this trade was a buy or a sell. However, if we had been watching the particular stock and the Bid/Offer was 37/42 at the time, it is a reasonable assumption that the trade was a sale of 2,400 shares. However if you click on Trades button at the top of the ADVFN page, the Trades Analyzer will come up on the screen, and will analysis it for you.