announced an exploration update for its Mercedes and Pilar projects, the Pampa 
Augusta Victoria regional discovery at its El Penon mine as well as exploration 
results at its Jacobina and Fazenda Brasileiro mines. The Company's Mercedes 
and Pilar mines are currently under construction and production will commence 
in 2012 and 2013, respectively, as previously announced. 
    Mercedes, Mexico 
        Results:       Expansion of the new Diluvio zone within the Lupita 
                       vein system and extension of the Lagunas zone, a 
                       bonanza grade area in the Barrancas vein system 
        Significance:  Results support significant increases in mineral 
                       resources and opportunity for development of multiple 
                       vein structures 
        Opportunity:   Mineral resources expansion and the availability of 
                       ore from multiple vein structures will allow the 
                       Company to evaluate opportunities for production 
                       increases above original feasibility study levels 
    Pilar, Brazil 
        Results:       Deposit continues to be open along strike and down dip 
                       with a further down dip extension that almost doubles 
                       dip length from 450 to 850 metres. In addition, a step 
                       out hole confirms mineralization two kilometres from 
                       known mineral resource 
        Significance:  Results support significant increases in mineral 
        Opportunity:   Mineral resource expansion will extend mine life and 
                       allow the Company to evaluate opportunities for 
                       production increases above original feasibility study 
    Fazenda Brasileiro, Brazil 
        Results:       Increase in size and confirmation of continuity of the 
                       Lagoa do Gato deposit and CLX2 deposit 
        Significance:  Results support an increase in mineral resources 
        Opportunity:   Extension of mine life at the level of at least 
                       current production requiring modest development work 
                       primarily as CLX2 is located at the footwall of 
                       existing mine workings 
    Jacobina, Brazil 
        Results:       More extensive mineralization at Canavieras and Morro 
                       do Vento at better grades than reserve grade 
        Significance:  Higher grade mineralized zones are expected to 
                       increase overall mineral resources and mineral 
                       reserves at higher than current reserves grade 
        Opportunity:   Higher grade ore would increase production without 
                       requiring any change to plant design or increase in 
                       plant capacity 
    Pampa Augusta Victoria, El Penon, Chile 
        Results:       Extension of Victoria and Victoria Este vein systems, 
                       discovered earlier this year, which form part of the 
                       Pampa Augusta Victoria vein structure at El Penon 
                       along with the discovery of the "Elizabeth system", a 
                       sub parallel vein structure which has been traced for 
                       170 metres 
        Significance:  Results will support an initial mineral resource 
                       estimate in a completely new area for discovery 
        Opportunity:   Further supports a regional exploration effort at El 
                       Penon and creates the possibility for additional ore 
                       bodies within hauling distance of the El Penon mine 
"2010 has been an excellent year for exploration success at Yamana. For the 
full year, we will have spent over $80 million," commented Darcy Marud, Senior 
Vice President, Exploration. "The results highlighted here are those that we 
believe will have the biggest impact on the overall increases to mineral 
resources and mineral reserves expected this year. We have also had other 
successes which will contribute to future growth of mineral resources and will 
create numerous opportunities for production increases and expansions. Our 2011 
program will again be aggressive as we continue to pursue known targets and 
identify new mineral resources." 
Mercedes is Yamana's development stage project located in Sonora, Mexico. The 
project is currently under construction and is expected to commence production 
in 2012. 
Mercedes is a gold-silver, low-sulphidization vein/stockwork system. 
Mineralization at Mercedes is contained in four main target areas: Mercedes, 
Barrancas, Klondike and Lupita (see Figure 1). A total 40,450 metres of 
drilling has been completed in 141 holes in 2010. There are currently four 
drill rigs on site. 
Following the significant mineral resource increase at Mercedes in 2009, the 
Company has undertaken an extensive exploration program in 2010 advancing 
concurrently with mine construction with the following core objectives: 
        1) Upgrade of mineral resources and mineral reserves in areas of 
           known mineralization and existing ore bodies with infill drilling 
        2) Increase mineral resources and mineral reserves with step-out 
           drilling around areas of known mineralization 
        3) Discovery of new areas of mineralization 
The Company was successful in achieving all of these objectives, primarily at 
the Barrancas and Lupita vein structures. Drilling efforts are detailed below. 
Barrancas Vein - Lagunas Zone 
A total of 45 infill holes have been completed in the Lagunas zone (formerly 
Barrancas Norte) and the new Lagunas northwest extension area, covering a 
strike length of 400 metres and a vertical range of up to 250 metres (see 
Figure 2a). Drilling has confirmed the high grade intercepts first discovered 
in 2009, and expanded the dimensions of the vein zone. 
Infill Program 
The drill program is expected to convert mineral resources to mineral reserves. 
The best results from the infill drilling include the intercepts below at a 
cutoff of 2.0 grams per tonne gold equivalent. 
    Hole          Width (metres)     Gold grams/tonne     Silver grams/tonne 
    M10-547D:          15.24                12.87                 59.8 
    M10-556D:           1.45                57.80                178.0 
    And                 6.02                11.01                 70.7 
    M10-557D:           4.88                20.58                 31.4 
    M10-572D:           20.3                 8.74                 57.3 
A complete table of results to date can be found at www.yamana.com. 
Northwest Extension Program 
Step-out drilling on the northwest extension of Lagunas has encountered local 
bonanza-grade gold values in two parallel vein zones. These zones are open on 
strike to the northwest and at depth (see Figure 2a). These newly discovered 
mineralized zones are expected to add additional mineral resources. The best 
results include the intercepts below at a cutoff of 2.0 grams per tonne gold 
    Hole          Width (metres)     Gold grams/tonne     Silver grams/tonne 
    M10-581D:           1.53               128.81                280.3 
    M10-584D            6.09                13.26                 57.9 
    And                 3.25                37.48                110.3 
A complete table of results can be found at www.yamana.com. 
Barrancas Vein - Centro Zone 
A total of 34 additional holes were drilled to complete 30-metre infill 
drilling of the Centro Zone, covering a strike length of 270 metres and 
vertical range up to 225 metres (see Figure 2a). 
Best results include the intercepts below at a cutoff of 2.0 grams per tonne 
gold equivalent. 
    Hole          Width (metres)     Gold grams/tonne     Silver grams/tonne 
    M10-519D:          16.88                 4.68                 57.7 
    M10-521D:           5.18                10.85                 80.4 
    M10-535D:           3.48                10.06                 50.1 
    M10-538D:           3.79                 5.68                 34.7 
    And                 4.10                 7.30                 60.5 
A complete table of results can be found at www.yamana.com. 
Lupita Vein - Diluvio Zone 
The Diluvio zone is a 2010 discovery made by the Company within the Mercedes 
project area. As originally announced on August 4, 2010, a 13 hole widely 
spaced drill program completed earlier in the year intersected a broad zone of 
multi-stage low sulphidation carbonate-quartz-adularia veins and stockworks 
ranging from 10 to 150 metres in true width. This zone is approximately 600 
metres northeast of the known mineral resource in the Lupita area. 
Drilling of the Diluvio zone in the Lupita vein has continued with eight new 
drill holes completed further to the northeast along strike. The goal of this 
additional drilling was to define the mineralized zone on a 60 x 60 metre drill 
grid (see Figure 2b). All holes drilled to-date continue to intersect broad 
zones of high and low angle multi-stage veins and stockwork hosted within 
lithic tuff and andesite flows. Preliminary results indicate the extension of 
strike length of the Diluvio zone by approximately 50 metres along strike. The 
zone is still open down-dip and to the northwest. Oriented core is being 
measured in order to determine orientations on the multitude of high and low 
angle vein zones that have been intersected in the Diluvio zone. This drill 
program will likely result in an increase to the overall mineral resources in 
the Lupita vein structure. Assay results have been received for the upper third 
of hole L10-076D, which returned 4.66 metres at 12.06 grams per tonne gold and 
63.8 grams per tonne silver from 194.22 to 198.88 metres. All other assays are 
still pending. 
Additional exploration results from the 2010 program are expected at Mercedes 
in the first quarter of 2011, along with an update on the development of the 
Pilar is Yamana's development stage project located in Goias, Brazil 
approximately 80 kilometres from the Company's Chapada mine. A construction 
decision was made in 2010 and the project is currently in the permitting stage 
with production expected to begin in 2013. 
Pilar is an orogenic gold deposit hosted in graphite and chlorite schists. 
Three main mineralized areas have been outlined along a strike length of 
approximately four kilometres. They are from south to north, Jordino, Ogo and 
Tres Buracos. The main deposit, Jordino, has been previously drilled 
continuously along a strike length of two kilometres and a dip extension in 
excess of 400 metres. Three main, structurally controlled ore bodies, HG1, HG2 
and HG3, have been defined to date. 
The Company has undertaken an aggressive exploration program concurrently with 
mine development which began this year. The objective of the 2010 exploration 
program at Pilar was threefold: 
        1) to infill drill the areas containing mineral reserves to support 
           mine development 
        2) to infill drill areas containing mineral resources in order to 
           upgrade to mineral reserves 
        3) to extend the known areas of mineralization 
During 2010, the focus of exploration was on extending the main Jordino 
mineralization down dip and to that end, 30,000 metres of diamond drilling has 
been completed this year (see Figure 3). In the north portion of Jordino, 
mineralization has been confirmed at over a 900 metre extent with significant 
gold grades (see Figure 4). This down dip extension is currently almost double 
the dip extent of the current mineral resource implying significant exploration 
upside and mineral resource growth. The deepest hole in this northern 
extension, JD-357, intersected 0.48 metres of 9.3 grams per tonne gold (g/t Au) 
at a depth of 508.02 metres indicating that mineralization remains open. 
Holes JD-362 and JD-365 returned significant intersections indicating that 
mineralization remains open to the south. Hole JD-367, the northernmost hole 
intersected all three mineralized horizons, HG1, HG2 and HG3 establishing that 
the Jordino deposit remains open northwards. Results are detailed in the table 
    Hole         Depth       Width (metres)    Gold grams/tonne      Horizon 
    JD-357:      508.02           0.48                 9.3             HG1 
    JD-362:      443.09           6.91                7.48             HG2 
    and          467.60           0.50                2.03             HG1 
    JD-365:      364.00           1.00                6.42             HG2 
    and          391.00           1.00                4.29             HG1 
    JD-367        35.93           0.51                5.33             HG3 
    and          123.03           0.53               16.30             HG2 
    and           150.0           1.17                1.53             HG1 
In addition, an exploration step out hole JD364 was drilled two kilometres down 
dip from existing mineralization and intersected the HG1 and HG2 mineralized 
zones at a vertical drill depth of greater than 800 metres. The best results 
from JD364 were 0.5 metres of 6.2 g/t Au in HG1 and 0.5 metres of 4.58 g/t Au 
in HG2 (see Figure 3). 
This step out hole has demonstrated mineralization down a dip extent of at 
least two kilometres which is more than three times the current strike length 
of the current mineral resource. Drilling continues on this target to further 
confirm the down dip extent through infill drilling. 
These results are expected to increase and upgrade existing mineral resources 
and mineral reserves as well as adding additional mineral resources. An updated 
mineral resource estimate will be completed for the 2010 year end. 
    Fazenda Brasileiro 
The Fazenda Brasileiro mine is one of Yamana's underground mines which is 
located in northeast Brazil and currently produces approximately 70 - 80,000 
ounces of gold a year. The mine has been in operation for over 20 years and is 
known to have produced historically at rates of up to 150,000 ounces of gold 
per year. 
In 2009, the Company undertook a comprehensive exploration program to find new 
areas of mineralization at Fazenda Brasileiro and two significant mineralized 
zones have been discovered: Lagoa do Gato and more recently, CLX2 (see Figure 
Lagoa do Gato and CLX2 represent potential higher grade sources of ore for the 
The discovery of CLX2 is significant for the following reasons: 
        (a) CLX2 is at the footwall contact of the principal area being mined 
            at Fazenda Brasiliero and is therefore easily and immediately 
            accessible from existing mine workings and capital requirements 
            for development are expected to be very modest 
        (b) The strike length is currently 500 metres (see Figure 6) and it 
            is completely open with only 15 per cent of the area having been 
            drill tested 
        (c) Widths and grades are better than areas currently being mined and 
            are comparable to historical widths and grades of previous ore 
            bodies that produced well in excess of 100,000 ounces per year 
            and as much as 150,000 ounces per year 
        (d) CLX2 represents the best and most immediate opportunity for an 
            increase in grades, increase in mineral resources, extension of 
            mine life and possibly production increases at Fazenda Brasiliero 
    Best results include the intercepts below. 
                                      Length        Gold 
    Hole         From         To     (metres)    grams/tonne    Structure/ML 
    FSS-935        155        156          1        4.97           Canto 
    FSS-937      136.5     138.45       1.95        7.32           CLX 2 
    FSS-940      121.6      123.8        2.2        2.35           Canto 
    FSS-942        111      115.2        4.2        2.56 
    ---------------------------------------------------------      Canto 
    incl.          114      115.2        1.2        7.42 
    FSS-945       83.8       84.6        0.8        4.93           CLX 2 
    FSS-945         98         99          1        2.84           Canto 
    FSS-946      154.8      162.1        7.3        6.87           CLX 2 
    FSS-948          6          7          1        6.26           CLX 2 
    FSS-952     139.45      154.7      15.25        4.59 
    ---------------------------------------------------------      CLX 2 
    Incl.        142.5      146.5          4        7.21 
    FSS-953      170.6      172.4        1.8        8.37           CLX 2 
    FSS-957      152.9        163         11        7.48 
    incl.        152.9      156.1        3.2       21.79           CLX 2 
    incl.          160        163          3        6.42 
    FSS-958        161        169          8        4.17           CLX 2 
    FSS-960        168     170.85       2.85        10.4           CLX 2 
    FSS-965        164        174         10        8.76           CLX 2 
    FSS-1024     152.1      153.4        1.3        1.82           Canto 
    FSS-1024       163        164          1        1.51           Canto 
    FSS-1025        95         96          1       24.00           CLX 2 
    FSS-1027        31      35.15       4.15        2.25           CLX 1 
    FSS-1027       170        172          2        1.68           CLX 2 
    FSS-1029     160.3     165.35       5.05        6.65 
    ---------------------------------------------------------      CLX 2 
    incl.       163.05      164.2       1.15        21.6 
A complete table of results to date can be found at www.yamana.com 
Lagoa Do Gato 
The Lagoa do Gato deposit was also discovered in 2009 and to date, just one 
quarter of the mineralized trend has been drilled. During the first half of 
2010 the focus of exploration was on converting inferred mineral resources to 
indicated mineral resources and only a few extension holes have been completed 
(see Figure 7). Both infill and extension drilling of 8,000 metres to date, 
confirm the continuity of mineralization. 
Lagoa do Gato is characterized by mineralized ore shoots within a 10 kilometre 
long by 400 metre wide shear zone at the northwestern extension of the Weber 
Best results include the intercepts below. 
                                  Length        Gold 
    Hole         From     To     (metres)    grams/tonne        Location 
    FLG-050        42      43         1         70.7          SW Extension 
    FLG-059     179.2     185       5.8          2.3       Central Extension 
    incl.         183     185         2         4.37       Central Extension 
    FLG-059       258     261         3         3.19       Central Extension 
    incl.         259     260         1         6.69       Central Extension 
    FLG-059       351     354         3         2.19       Central Extension 
    FLG-063    122.85     126      3.15         5.28             Infill 
    incl.         124     125         1        14.95             Infill 
    FLG-063     136.5     143       6.5         1.56             Infill 
    FLG-066       141     144         3         4.37             Infill 
    FLG-066       159     164         5         3.12             Infill 
    incl.         159     160         1         9.68             Infill 
    FLG-066       200     203         3         3.01             Infill 
    FLG-067       187     188         1         3.69             Infill 
A complete table of results to date can be found at www.yamana.com. 
Further Exploration 
The Weber Belt containing the CLX2 zone has been identified as having 
significant additional potential. There remains 10 kilometres of prospective 
stratigraphy and structure to be drilled. 
Jacobina is located in northeast Brazil and currently produces approximately 
100,000 - 120,000 ounces of gold per year. 
The 2010 exploration program at Jacobina has been focused primarily on 
extending and upgrading current mineral resources and identifying and 
delineating higher grade mineral resources primarily at the Morro do Vento and 
Canavieiras areas in order to increase the average feed grade to the mill (see 
Figure 8). 
A total of 13,000 metres in 18 holes have been completed year-to-date, 
including infill and step out drilling. Initial results indicate that the 
exploration effort has been very successful in achieving its goals. 
Drilling at both Morro do Vento and Canavieiras will continue through the 
fourth quarter of 2010 and into 2011. In 2011, efforts will focus on converting 
the majority of inferred mineral resources at Canavieiras to mineral reserves. 
The Canavieiras deposit and the Main Reef zone in the Morro do Vento deposit 
are the highest grade mineralized zones which have been discovered to date in 
the mining complex and represent the most significant near mine targets likely 
to increase the grade of the mineral resources and mineral reserves. 
Both Canavieiras and Morro do Vento drill results show grades in intersections 
that are substantially higher than, in some case a multiple of, overall reserve 
grade at Jacobina of 2.14 g/t. Much of the 2010 exploration focus has been on 
these areas. 
Drilling at the Canavieiras deposit has intersected substantial widths of very 
high grade mineralization especially in the LU reefs as highlighted by holes 
CANIF02, CANIF04, CANIF05, CANIF06 and CANIF07 (see Figure 9). 
                     From      To     True Thickness    Gold 
    Hole           (metres) (metres)     (metres)    grams/tonne   Reef/Unity 
    CANIF02         337.00    340.78       2.17         2.14        MSPC/LVL 
    CANIF02         357.00    361.50       2.58         4.50        MSPC/LVL 
    CANIF02         436.50    438.20       0.98         3.44         MU/LU 
    CANIF02         458.80    464.00       2.98         5.93         MU/LU 
    CANIF04         278.44    280.40       1.26         1.45        HOLANDEZ 
    CANIF04         362.94    368.61       3.64        15.09        HOLANDEZ 
    CANIF04         408.00    413.50       3.54         1.50          MSPC 
    CANIF04  incl.  408.00    409.50       0.96         2.60          MSPC 
    CANIF04         423.00    426.00       1.93         2.40          LVL 
    CANIF04         475.75    485.13       6.03         4.94          MU 
    CANIF04         510.00    519.00       5.79        10.58          LU 
    CANIF05         346.49    349.50       1.60         2.17          MSPC 
    CANIF05         371.00    376.11       2.71         2.88          LVL 
    CANIF05         392.50    395.50       1.59         6.93          LVL 
    CANIF05         434.00    442.00       4.24         1.34         MU/QTO 
    CANIF05         466.81    470.00       1.69         2.27         MU/QTO 
    CANIF05         478.38    479.52       0.60         3.33          MU 
    CANIF05         495.00    509.40       7.63         5.68          LU 
    CANIF05         568.13    574.57       3.41         6.63          SPC 
    CANIF06         437.00    440.00       1.81         4.33          MSPC 
    CANIF06         449.64    459.50       5.93         1.73          LVL 
    CANIF06         475.00    480.00       3.01         3.78          LVL 
    CANIF06         502.40    514.50       7.28         5.31          MU 
    CANIF06         528.00    536.00       4.81        11.00          LU 
    CANIF07         339.00    344.00       3.66         1.52          MSPC 
    CANIF07         349.50    357.00       5.49         2.64          MSPC 
    CANIF07         400.00    407.50       5.49         2.45          LVL 
    CANIF07         415.00    431.63      12.16         2.66          MU 
    CANIF07  incl.  415.00    419.64       3.39         4.19          MU 
    CANIF07         442.00    450.30       6.07         5.91          LU 
    CANIF07  incl.  444.50    448.70       3.07         8.48          LU 
    CANIF11         310.50    337.15      13.73         3.30        HOLANDEZ 
    CANIF11  incl.  319.75    337.15       8.96         4.61        HOLANDEZ 
These intersections will significantly add to the 2010 mineral resource. 
    Morro do Vento 
At Morro do Vento the most significant results have been intersected in the 
Main Reef (see Figure 10). The Main Reef was the principal mine exploited by 
past owners and remains open to depth and along strike. Drill holes MVTEX03 and 
MVTEX06 both intersected the Main reef with wide intersections of high grade 
gold. Additional drilling will be completed to better define the ultimate size 
potential of the Main Reef deposit. 
                 From       To      Thickness      Gold 
    Hole       (metres)  (metres)   (metres)    grams/tonne     Reef/Unity 
    MVTEX01      61.00     72.00      9.43         8.22      ULTRAMAFIC ROCKS 
    MVTEX01     400.70    404.60      3.16         1.27            MU/LU 
    MVTEX03     736.00    738.31      2.30         6.90          MAIN REEF 
    MVTEX04     361.82    369.00      6.45         2.04            MU/LU 
    MVTEX04     378.50    381.00      2.25         2.24            MU/LU 
    MVTEX05      13.00     14.00      0.42         3.45      ULTRAMAFIC ROCKS 
    MVTEX06     485.40    489.50      4.06         1.97          HANGWALL 
    MVTEX06     497.00    502.54      5.49         7.27          MAIN REEF 
    Pampa Augusta Victoria, El Penon 
The exploration at Yamana's El Penon mine in northern Chile was expanded in 
2010 to include a regional exploration program in addition to mine and 
near-mine exploration efforts. In the first of these regional exploration 
programs, the Company discovered the Pampa Augusta Victoria vein structure 
within 30 kilometres of the El Penon mine. 
El Penon currently produces approximately 400,000 - 420,000 gold equivalent 
ounces per year and has a long track record of replacement of ounces and 
mineral resource expansion. While the focus of the 2010 exploration program at 
El Penon was focused on the North Block and existing vein structures near the 
mine in order to replace mined ounces and increase mineral resources, the focus 
of the regional exploration effort was to identify new mineralization within 
hauling distance of the existing operation. 
During 2010, there have been 91 reverse circulation drill holes and three 
diamond drill holes totaling 38,835 metres completed that focused on extending 
both the Victoria and Victoria Este vein systems within the Pampa Augusta 
Victoria zone. 
Mineralization is structurally controlled and consists of low sulphidation, 
epithermal quartz veins, stockworks and hydrothermal breccias, similar to other 
ore bodies at El Penon. These rocks are exposed in a structurally controlled 
window that is approximately 400 square kilometres in surface area. 
To date, the Victoria vein has been traced along strike for approximately 900 
metres and 250 metres down dip. The Victoria Este vein system consists of three 
different sub parallel structures with variable widths of between one to four 
metres and a drill defined strike length of 500 metres. Neither the Victoria 
nor the Victoria Este veins outcrop and they are still open in all directions. 
A new sub parallel vein system, Elizabeth, was discovered in September 2010. 
Drill holes DAV0032, DAV0089, DAV0090 and DAV0091 (Figure 11) intersected a new 
mineralized structure 200 metres east of the Victoria Este vein system. 
Mineralization is associated with veins, veinlets and hydrothermal breccias 
hosted in andesites and, to date, has been traced along 170 metres of strike 
length with vein widths of between one and five metres. Additional drilling is 
underway to better define the horizontal and vertical dimensions of this new 
The best results received to date at Elizabeth include: 
                                               Gold   Silver 
    Drill    Hole    From      To     Length  grams/  grams/ 
    Hole     type  (metres) (metres) (metres) tonne   tonne        Vein 
    DAV0032   RC      234     236        2     1.96   652.0  Elizabeth System 
    DAV0032   RC      322     324        2     0.13   404.0  Elizabeth System 
    DAV0089   RC      306     312        6     6.33   952.0  Elizabeth System 
    DAV0090   RC      224     226        2     3.62  1179.0  Elizabeth System 
    DAV0091   RC      434     442        8     4.94   712.0  Elizabeth System 
The Company's efforts at Pampa Augusta Victoria have been significant and as a 
result, new mineralized structures have been discovered. This district has 
great potential given the likelihood of these structures to be extended in all 
directions. Pampa Augusta Victoria is significant given the regional nature of 
the discovery and the potential positive impact to current production levels 
and mine life at El Penon. 
Other Exploration 
The 2010 exploration program also includes work at the Suruca gold area of the 
Chapada mine, where a feasibility level study has been undertaken, near pit 
drilling at the main Chapada pit, near mine exploration at El Penon, 
exploration at Minera Florida, and Gualcamayo primarily in relation to the 
extention of QDD Lower West, as well as other green fields exploration. Further 
results from these programs are expected early in 2011. 
Quality Assurance and Quality Control 
Yamana incorporates a rigorous Quality Assurance and Quality Control program 
for all of its mines and exploration projects which conforms to industry Best 
Practices as outlined by the CSE and National Instrument 43-101. This includes 
the use of independent third party laboratories and the use of professionally 
prepared standards and blanks and analysis of sample duplicates with a second 
independent laboratory. 
Qualified Persons 
Sergio Brandao, P. Geo., Director of Exploration, Brazil for Yamana Gold Inc. 
has reviewed and confirmed the scientific and technical information contained 
within this press release relating to Jacobina, Minera Fazenda Brasileiro and 
Pilar and serves as the Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 
Marcos Valencia, P. Geo., Manager of Resource and Geological Modelling for 
Yamana Gold Inc. has reviewed and confirmed the scientific and technical 
information contained within this press release relating to Minera Florida and 
Pampa Augusta Victoria and serves as the Qualified Person as defined in 
National Instrument 43-101. 
Mark Hawksworth, P. Geo., Director of Exploration, Mercedes for Yamana Gold 
Inc. has reviewed and confirmed the scientific and technical information 
contained within this press release relating to Mercedes and serves as the 
Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101. 
About Yamana 
Yamana is a Canadian-based gold producer with significant gold production, gold 
development stage properties, exploration properties, and land positions in 
Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Colombia. Yamana plans to continue to 
build on this base through existing operating mine expansions, throughput 
increases, development of new mines, the advancement of its exploration 
properties and by targeting other gold consolidation opportunities with a 
primary focus in the Americas. 
contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States 
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian 
securities legislation. Except for statements of historical fact relating to 
the Company, information contained herein constitutes forward-looking 
statements, including any information as to the Company's strategy, plans or 
future financial or operating performance. Forward-looking statements are 
characterized by words such as "plan," "expect", "budget", "target", "project", 
"intend," "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or 
statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. 
Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions, assumptions and estimates 
of management considered reasonable at the date the statements are made, and 
are inherently subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other known 
and unknown factors that could cause actual events or results to differ 
materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. These 
factors include the Company's expectations in connection with the projects and 
exploration programs discussed herein being met, the impact of general business 
and economic conditions, global liquidity and credit availability on the timing 
of cash flows and the values of assets and liabilities based on projected 
future conditions, fluctuating metal prices (such as gold, copper, silver and 
zinc), currency exchange rates (such as the Brazilian Real, the Chilean Peso 
and the Argentine Peso versus the United States Dollar), possible variations in 
ore grade or recovery rates, changes in the Company's hedging program, changes 
in accounting policies, changes in the Company's corporate mineral resources, 
risk related to non-core mine dispositions, changes in project parametres as 
plans continue to be refined, changes in project development, construction, 
production and commissioning time frames, risk related to joint venture 
operations, the possibility of project cost overruns or unanticipated costs and 
expenses, higher prices for fuel, steel, power, labour and other consumables 
contributing to higher costs and general risks of the mining industry, failure 
of plant, equipment or processes to operate as anticipated, unexpected changes 
in mine life, final pricing for concentrate sales, unanticipated results of 
future studies, seasonality and unanticipated weather changes, costs and timing 
of the development of new deposits, success of exploration activities, 
permitting time lines, government regulation of mining operations, 
environmental risks, unanticipated reclamation expenses, title disputes or 
claims, limitations on insurance coverage and timing and possible outcome of 
pending litigation and labour disputes, as well as those risk factors discussed 
or referred to in the Company's annual Management's Discussion and Analysis and 
Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2009 filed with the 
securities regulatory authorities in all provinces of Canada and available at 
www.sedar.com, and the Company's Annual Report on Form 40-F filed with the 
United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Although the Company has 
attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events 
or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking 
statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results 
not to be anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that 
forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and 
future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such 
statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking 
statements if circumstances or management's estimates, assumptions or opinions 
should change, except as required by applicable law. The reader is cautioned 
not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The forward-looking 
information contained herein is presented for the purpose of assisting 
investors in understanding the Company's expected financial and operational 
performance and results as at and for the periods ended on the dates presented 
in the Company's plans and objectives and may not be appropriate for other 
This news release uses the terms "Measured", "Indicated" and "Inferred" Mineral 
Resources. United States investors are advised that while such terms are 
recognized and required by Canadian regulations, the United States Securities 
and Exchange Commission does not recognize them. "Inferred Mineral Resources" 
have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and as to their 
economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an 
Inferred Mineral Resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under 
Canadian rules, estimates of Inferred Mineral Resources may not form the basis 
of feasibility or other economic studies. United States investors are cautioned 
not to assume that all or any part of Measured or Indicated Mineral Resources 
will ever be converted into Mineral Reserves. United States investors are also 
cautioned not to assume that all or any part of an Inferred Mineral Resource 
exists, or is economically or legally mineable. 
To view the maps associated with this release, please visit http:// 
For further information: Lisa Doddridge, Vice President, Corporate 
Communications and Investor Relations, (416) 815-0220, Email: investor(at) 
yamana.com; or Linda Armstrong, Director, Investor Relations, (416) 815-0220, 
Email: investor(at)yamana.com, www.yamana.com; MEDIA INQUIRIES: Mansfield 
Communications Inc., Hugh Mansfield, (416) 599-0024 

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