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Zorax Zorax 40 seconds ago
Whelp, it may not sound good for the US Marshalls to come to our rescue or even arrest shitface. It seems they have to get orders from the DOJ when processing a court order. And we know who the DOJ is right? So without even closing the Marshalls down, they're still neutered.

Even thou
georgie18 georgie18 52 seconds ago
Cheetah Man Iowa Cheetah Man Iowa 54 seconds ago
Toodles doesn't need to worry about other people and how they want to invest their money. 

I am still very optimistic with my UNVC investment. I have all of my multiple millions of shares still  and will continue to hold until each share is worth multiple dollars. 

Dead On Arrival Dead On Arrival 1 minute ago
Institutions were blindsided by the termination of Lebby. The company has zero credibility now. From Marcelli,Zelibor,and Lebby it has been a big fat zero. The con job to get the price higher in 2021 resulted in massive profits for a select few. Nothing has materialized since then and Lebby finally
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 1 minute ago
Green close!
ddls ddls 1 minute ago
3/4/25, Buy: 3,144,315, Neutral: 6,811,428, Sell: 9,326,619...😩
TightCoil TightCoil 2 minutes ago
Be Safe - Protect Your Positions - HOLD
Never Reveal How Many Shares You Hold
Never Reveal Your Cost Basis
Messageboard Bots Can Ruin You, and Lastly,
Refrain From Posting Here Until Opening Bell Manana (Spanish for Tomorrow)
No Posts Until Opening
vlispxpert vlispxpert 2 minutes ago
CRML "zone" play, this is why I don't sell zone's, I just add dips ;)
KenFresno KenFresno 2 minutes ago
Nasdaq won't magically turn the company profitable and suddenly able to bring actual products to market. Nasdaq does make the stock easier to short though.
billydburger billydburger 2 minutes ago
Waiting patiently
gfp927z gfp927z 2 minutes ago
Bigworld, That's good news about the Panama Canal ports. Having Blackrock and Larry Fink in control of them isn't great, but it's a lot better than the Chinese. Panama also reportedly quit China's Belt + Road program, after Sec of State Rubio's recent visit.

Next on the foreign p
skitahoe skitahoe 3 minutes ago
Out of curiosity, it's been said that CNBC quotes are 15 minute delayed, and that appears to be the case at the end of the day. First thing in the morning, at the open, I can still see quotes there and they're moving. How is it real time at the open, and delayed at the close.

michael702/ michael702/ 3 minutes ago
This is more complicated then I originally thought lots of moving parts, might take longer then I thought unless everyone works together to finalize! 
gitreal gitreal 3 minutes ago
I don't write the story here; the crooks who stole your money create the script. SRGE, CRGP and now AABB have bought them massive loot over the last dozen years from hundreds of gullible dreamers just like you.
Jetmek_03052 Jetmek_03052 3 minutes ago
I just got to the end of the CAFC hearing.

I was under the impression that a rep from Samsung would speak also. But obviously I was incorrect.

Two speakers spoke, both for Netlist.

I guess it sort of makes sense - Samsung already won the IPR - why
Redoocs Redoocs 3 minutes ago
There we kind of agree. Europe has to grow a pair and step up.
If it wasn't just obammy that allowed that to happen, then why is it President Trump's fault if Putin gets to keep what he has taken over in Ukraine already.
I agree he should just retreat and give ALL Ukrainian land back,
Ricco79 Ricco79 3 minutes ago
KThomp=Milhouse van Houten (Simpsons)
RealDutch RealDutch 3 minutes ago
Laxmi also shared a video of him walking around in the hotel lobby and towards the newspaper stand.
Sure, he is in India. And the video would also suffice as evidence IMO but I couldn't post it here.
SmoothTrader61 SmoothTrader61 3 minutes ago
Selling slowing down, Green Day can't complain 
Should be back close to 01 in 2-3 weeks time 
Phaedrus77 Phaedrus77 4 minutes ago
After a quick search, all I could find is:

Certain legal expenses associated with specified litigation matters, in each case, comprising a CVR Adjustment, that are incurred in a CVR Accrual Period that cannot be fully offset against Proceeds will carry over to the following CVR Accrua
JJ8 JJ8 4 minutes ago
Do you have any criteria? If yes what are you watching? TIA
BKSanch BKSanch 4 minutes ago
Awesome close today lol
kenjiroo kenjiroo 4 minutes ago
correct Sloppy .. looked it up

1,250,000 publicly traded shares outstanding on the listing, without including shares held by the directors or officers of the company.
Company's stock listed at a price of at least $4.00 a share.
At least 100 shares and 550 shareholders.
hondobud hondobud 4 minutes ago
If / when this comes out of EM, it depends on if there is other news released. IMHO it will only come out for a good reason since the BOD really doesn't seem to have a fire under their butt about leaving EM now, so you might want to hold off on setting a sell order. If you are a US shareholder, you

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