Toledo Mining Corporation plc ("Toledo" or the "Company") (AIM:TMC) 
Sale and Purchase Transactions 
Toledo announces that the Company, DMCI Mining Corporation ("DMCI Mining") and 
ENK PLC have agreed the Closings on 31 December 2012 of the Company's sale of 
the 31% shareholding in Nickeline Resources Holdings Inc to DMCI Mining ("Sale") 
and purchase of the 18.7% interest in Berong Nickel Corporation ("BNC") from ENK 
PLC  ("Purchase"). 
Interim Results 
Toledo's Interim Results for the six months ended 30 September 2012 reflect a 
 GBP1.1 million contribution by BNC to the Company's pre-tax profit of  GBP0.3 
  * BNC shipped  420,000 WMT of ore yielding 4,700 tonnes of contained nickel 
    metal in the period 
  * BNC maintained its annualised production plan of 750,000 WMT 
  * Toledo half-year attributable profit before tax of  GBP0.265 million (30 
    September 2011: loss  GBP0.310 million) 
  * Toledo had cash holdings at the end of the period of  GBP1.6 million (30 
    September 2011:  GBP3.8 million) 
  * Consolidated net assets at 30 September 2012 were  GBP26.5 million, equivalent 
    to 53 pence per share 
Since the period end: 
  * Sale and Purchase Transactions completed and Toledo's direct interest in BNC 
    increased to 40% 
  * BNC repaid US$2.774 million ( GBP1.7 million) cash to Toledo 
  * DMCI Mining acquired 17.01% interest in Toledo; Mr Isidro Consunji appointed 
    non-executive director 
  * Fevamotinico  SARL  and associate Forth Asset Management Ltd;  aggregate 
    holding of 25. 18% in Toledo 
  * Mr Robert Jenkins appointed independent non-executive director 
Commenting on the half-year result and events since the Company's period end, 
Victor Kolesnikov, CEO, said, "These results reflect your Company's continued 
investment in our projects and the strength of our local management team in the 
Philippines, as BNC returned a healthy net profit despite challenging market 
conditions and a constrained operating environment.  I believe that Toledo is 
stronger now in our shareholder base, in the composition of its board of 
directors,  with  our  strategic partners and throughout our operations in the 
Philippines, and we can look ahead to driving the Company forward in 2013 to 
unlock further value for shareholders as we expand and develop our nickel 
For further information, please see financial statements below, visit 
www.toledomining.com or contact: 
Victor Kolesnikov, Chief Executive Officer, Toledo Mining Corporation   +44 (0) 
20 7290 3100 
Richard Morrison / Jen Boorer, RFC Ambrian Ltd 
                                 +44 (0) 20 3440 6800 
Anthony Shewell, Fin Public Relations 
+44 (0) 20 7608 2280 
Carina Corbett,  4C Communications Ltd 
+44 (0) 20 3170 7973 
                         Toledo Mining Corporation Plc 
                    Interim Results for the six month period 
                             ended 30 September 2012 
The first six months of the financial year saw the Company report a modest 
profit, reflecting our economic share in the results of a solid performance by 
Berong Nickel Corporation (BNC) notwithstanding the persistently demanding 
economic environment.  Mining companies in the Philippines continue to face the 
challenges of tough trading conditions in global commodity markets and in 
responding to constraints on operations domestically, while suspension of mining 
laws continues pending implementation of the new Presidential Executive Order 
Number 79. Against this background, we have also continued to work with our 
local partners to pursue and meet obligations for the permitting and further 
development necessary to take the Ipilan project towards production. 
Following the various changes to our shareholder register in October, we are 
pleased to welcome DMCI Mining Corporation (DMCI), a wholly owned subsidiary of 
DMCI Holdings Inc. both as a shareholder in Toledo and in December as one of our 
partners in BNC. DMCI Holdings Inc. is a major Philippines-listed public company 
with significant experience in major project development. 
In October DMCI acquired a 17.1% interest in Toledo from Daintree Resources 
Limited (Daintree) which, in line with its revised investment strategy, divested 
of its entire 22.1% holding in Toledo in two separate transactions; Mr Jason 
Cheng, the controlling shareholder of Daintree has remained a non-executive 
director of Toledo.  In the second transaction Daintree sold its remaining 
interest to Forth Asset Management Ltd, an associate of major shareholder 
Fevamotinico SARL, with the result that together they hold an aggregated 
interest of 25.2% in your Company.  Further, the Company was informed in October 
that Mr Jason Cropper has increased his holding in Toledo to 20.3%. 
Having two such renowned Philippine companies as DMCI and Atlas Consolidated 
Mining and Development Corporation (Atlas) as our partners positively reinforces 
BNC's identity as an emerging business in the Philippines, which will give BNC a 
significant advantage as the project gears up to progress to its next stage of 
Complementing DMCI's strategic investment in Toledo and BNC, I am pleased to 
welcome as a member of Toledo's Board Mr Isidro Consunji, President of DMCI 
Holdings Inc. and a director of DMCI, as non-executive director.  I am also 
pleased to welcome to the Board Mr Robert Jenkins as an independent non- 
executive director.  Mr Jenkins has over thirty years' experience in investment 
management and corporate finance and in January, will also become chairman of 
the Company's Audit Committee.  These appointments expand and provide balance in 
the Board structure and bring considerable depth and breadth of experience which 
will be invaluable going forward. 
Looking ahead we shall continue to build on our growing success with our 
strengthened local partnerships in the Philippines.  BNC will maintain its 
production profile for next year at the same level as 2012, while at the same 
time will actively pursue its goals, subject to receipt of and further 
applications for permitting, of expanding exploration and mine production. We 
shall also determinedly pursue the value-added HPAL processing project to bring 
us closer to our ultimate goal of nickel metal production. 
We remain indebted to our shareholders for their continued support, extend our 
thanks to all our employees for their hard work and loyal commitment, and 
congratulate our staff and management in the Philippines on an excellent 
performance throughout 2012. 
Constantine Thanassoulas 
Toledo Mining Corporation PLC 
                        CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REVIEW 
Financial Results 
For the six months to 30 September 2012, Toledo recorded an attributable profit 
of  GBP265,853 after accounting for foreign exchange losses of  GBP152,692 which arose 
primarily from currency translation of the US dollar denominated loans advanced 
by Toledo to its Philippines associated undertakings. The attributable profit 
was a significant improvement on the loss of  GBP310,127 for the comparable 2011 
After accounting for attributable profits, consolidated net assets as at 30 
September 2012 were  GBP26.5 million, equivalent to 53 pence per ordinary share. 
Toledo had cash holdings of  GBP1.558 million at 30 September 2012. On 9 October 
2012, Toledo received from BNC a loan repayment of US$2.774 million ( GBP1.726 
million) which has substantially improved the Company's cash position. 
Berong has continued to perform strongly during 2012.  Favourable weather 
conditions gave rise to a longer than usual shipping window with the result that 
in this calendar year, 15 shipments containing more than 776,000 wmt of  ore 
 (above our stated objective of 750,000 tonnes) have been successfully 
completed, yielding over 9,000 tonnes of contained nickel metal.  Of this total 
shipped ore, 420,000 wmt yielding nearly 4,700 tonnes of contained metal were 
shipped during the period under review. 
Permitting delays, following the implementation of the new presidential 
Executive Order, continue to present challenges, but all requirements for our 
tree cutting permit have been complied with and since publication of the 
Executive Order and the Implementation of Rules and Regulations earlier this 
year, BNC's application has been recommended for approval and we are hopeful it 
will receive final sign-off in 2013.  In any event, having reviewed and 
optimised the mining plan for 2013, BNC is confident that production tonnages 
and grades can be maintained at 2012 levels, while awaiting receipt of the new 
tree cutting permit. 
There were some positive outcomes resulting from the constrained conditions in 
which BNC found itself during the year: the team was able to gain invaluable 
experience in the simultaneous production of different ore grades which 
substantially improved efficiencies both in personnel and in the operation 
itself.  I am in no doubt that the difficulties faced by our team at BNC during 
the year have strengthened and equipped them to deal with the big challenge to 
improve productivity and to expand our mining operations when the tree cutting 
permit is issued. 
Stable cash flows from BNC have provided the necessary funding to commence 
evaluation of HPAL technology to treat the lower grade ores at Berong, in 
pursuit of our value-added processing strategy and to that end, we have engaged 
well established consultants such as GHD and SNC-Lavalin to conduct the 
necessary studies. 
Corporate Activity 
In May, ENK plc announced that it intended to sell its 18.7% interest in BNC for 
US$6,552,000.  Over the summer, the Board took the decision to exercise the 
Company's pre-emption right under the Berong Shareholders Agreement to acquire 
this interest, the result of which will increase Toledo's direct interest in BNC 
to 40%. 
Subsequent to the end of the period under review, Toledo exchanged contracts 
with DMCI whereby they would acquire from Toledo a 31% interest in Nickeline 
Resources Holdings Inc. (NRHI) for a cash consideration of US$6,552,000.  NRHI 
holds 60% of BNC and this sale represents an 18.6% indirect interest in Berong. 
The proceeds from this sale are being applied to the purchase of ENK's interest 
in BNC and although Toledo's overall interest in BNC will not change materially 
as a result of these two transactions, the Company's increased direct interest 
will give it greater representation on the Board of BNC. 
Market conditions 
Despite ongoing difficult global commodities markets, there continues to be a 
positive dynamic in the nickel ore market with strong and stable demand from 
China which has resulted in improving payable factors for our ore.  The general 
consensus is that the coming years will see a supply deficit in the nickel 
market and this adds to our confidence that our plans for a value-added 
processing project are well timed. 
Environment, Health & Safety and Corporate Social Responsibility 
Berong continues to set the regional benchmark in best practice for its 
environmental protection and safety.  The high standards of environmental 
protection and enhancement activities are used as a yardstick for other mining 
companies in the Philippines. 
Funds from the Company's Social Development and Management Programme and royalty 
payments made to the indigenous people, continue to provide essential services 
to the community as well as establishing livelihood projects which aim to 
empower the local community in generating its own sustainable income. 
The outlook for Toledo looks positive.  We move forward with a firmer position 
in BNC, enhanced by two highly regarded local Philippine partners, DMCI and 
Atlas, whose presence substantially improves our position to bring the Berong 
project to a different level by increasing the capacity of our current direct 
ore shipping operation as well as our added-value project to use HPAL technology 
to process the lower grade ore at Berong.  Aided by a prolonged shipping window, 
BNC has enjoyed a good year, exceeding its output target, maintaining its end- 
user markets in China and opening up new channels to Japan. We shall continue 
our efforts to seek to consolidate and develop Berong's market position as a 
reputable ore supplier and despite ongoing global economic difficulties, BNC is 
better placed now to enhance its performance and make an increased contribution 
to the real underlying value of Toledo's investment. 
I am grateful for the enduring support and hard work demonstrated by our staff, 
both in the Philippines and in London, and I thank our shareholders for their 
continued support.  I wish also to acknowledge the co-operation and support of 
the local community in the Philippines, the Local Government Units and the 
Provincial and National Governments as we continue to forge strong 
Victor Kolesnikov 
Chief Executive Officer 
Toledo Mining Corporation PLC 
We  have been engaged  by the Company  to review the  condensed set of financial 
statements  in the  half-yearly financial  report for  the six  months ended 30 
September   2012 which  comprises  the  Condensed  Consolidated  Interim  Income 
Statement,  the  Condensed  Consolidated   Interim  Statement  of  Comprehensive 
Income,  the  Condensed   Consolidated  Statement  of  Financial  Position,  the 
Condensed   Consolidated   Statement   of   Changes  in  Equity,  the  Condensed 
Consolidated Interim Statement of Cash Flows and the related notes numbered 1 to 
9. We  have read  the other  information contained  in the half-yearly financial 
report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material 
inconsistencies   with  the  information  in  the  condensed  set  of  financial 
Directors' responsibilities 
The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved 
by,  the  directors.  The  AIM  Rules  require  that the accounting policies and 
presentation  applied to the  half-yearly figures must  be consistent with those 
applied  in the  latest published  annual accounts  except where  the accounting 
policies  and presentation are to be  changed in the subsequent annual financial 
statements, in which case the new accounting policies and presentation should be 
followed,  and the changes and the reason for the changes should be disclosed in 
the half-yearly financial report. 
As  disclosed  in  note  2, the  annual  financial  statements  of the group are 
prepared  in  accordance  with  IFRSs  as  adopted  by  the  European Union. The 
condensed  set of  financial statements  included in  this half-yearly financial 
report  has been prepared  in accordance with  International Accounting Standard 
34, "Interim Financial Reporting," as adopted by the European Union. 
Our Responsibility 
Our  responsibility is to express a conclusion on the condensed set of financial 
statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review. 
Scope of Review 
We  conducted our  review in  accordance with  International Standard  on Review 
Engagements  (UK  and  Ireland)  2410, 'Review  of Interim Financial Information 
Performed  by  the  Independent  Auditor  of  the Entity' issued by the Auditing 
Practices  Board for use  in the United  Kingdom. A review  of interim financial 
information  consists of making enquiries,  primarily of persons responsible for 
financial  and  accounting  matters,  and  applying  analytical and other review 
procedures.  A review is substantially less in  scope than an audit conducted in 
accordance  with  International  Standards  on  Auditing  (UK  and  Ireland) and 
consequently  does not enable us to obtain  assurance that we would become aware 
of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we 
do not express an audit opinion. 
Based  on   our  review,  nothing  has  come  to our attention that causes us to 
believe  that  the  condensed  set  of  financial  statements in the half-yearly 
financial  report for the six months ended 30 September 2012 is not prepared, in 
all  material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 
as adopted by the European Union. 
Sawin & Edwards 
Chartered Accountants 
Suite 1.3, Vernon House 
23 Sicilian Avenue 
28 December 2012 
                    Six month period ended 30 September 2012 
                        Six months period   Six months period 
                                    ended               ended 
                             30 September        30 September        Year ended 
                                     2012                2011     31 March 2012 
                              (Unaudited)         (Unaudited)         (Audited) 
                                         GBP                    GBP                  GBP 
 Revenue                                -              98,753           154,912 
 Gross profit                           -              98,753           154,912 
 expenses                       (795,630)           (782,737)       (1,560,583) 
 Foreign exchange 
 (losses)/gains                 (152,692)             436,621            67,615 
 Other operating 
 income                            24,943              44,763            94,145 
 Unrealized losses on 
 investments                            -           (304,764)         (304,763) 
 Share of results of 
 associates                     1,150,595             178,072         1,088,739 
 Profit/(loss) from 
 operations                       227,216           (329,292)         (459,935) 
 Investment income                  4,516               9,504            11,373 
                                  _______             _______           _______ 
 Profit/(loss) before 
 taxation                         231,732           (319,788)         (448,562) 
 Income tax expense                     -                   -                 - 
 Profit/(loss) for 
 the period                       231,732           (319,788)         (448,562) 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of 
 the parent                       265,853           (310,127)         (416,382) 
 interest                        (34,121)             (9,661)          (32,180) 
                                  231,732           (319,788)         (448,562) 
 Earnings/(loss) per 
 share (pence) - 
 including share of 
 associates results   4 
 Basic                               0.53              (0.62)            (0.84) 
 Diluted                             0.53              (0.62)            (0.84) 
 Earnings/(loss) per 
 share (pence) - 
 excluding share of 
 associates results   4 
 Basic                             (1.77)              (0.98)            (3.02) 
 Diluted                           (1.77)              (0.98)            (3.02) 
The  Group has  no recognised  gains or  losses other  than the  results for the 
periods as set out above. 
Six month period ended 30 September 2012 
                                  Six months         Six months 
                                period ended       period ended      Year ended 
                                30 September       30 September        31 March 
                                        2012               2011            2012 
                                 (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                       Note                 GBP                   GBP                GBP 
 Profit/(loss) for the 
 period                              231,732          (319,787)       (448,562) 
 Foreign currency 
 differences for 
 foreign operations                  (7,129)             22,242           2,925 
 Other comprehensive 
 (expense)/income for 
 the period                          (7,129)             22,242           2,925 
 Total comprehensive 
 income/(expense) for 
 the year                            224,603          (297,545)       (445,637) 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the 
 parent                              261,853          (297,649)       (414,740) 
 interest                           (37,250)                104        (30,897) 
                                     224,603          (297,545)       (445,637) 
                                As at 30 September 2012 
                                                        As at 
                                     As at       30 September             As at 
                         30 September 2012               2011     31 March 2012 
                               (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)         (Audited) 
                    Note                  GBP                   GBP                  GBP 
 Non-Current Assets 
 Property, plant 
 and equipment                       6,927                933               683 
 Investments in 
 undertakings                   10,434,124          8,309,112         9,283,529 
 Loans and 
 receivables                    14,055,101         14,127,422        14,049,297 
 Trade and other 
 receivables                        41,400                  -            41,400 
 Total non-current 
 assets                         24,537,552         22,437,467        23,374,909 
 Current Assets 
 Trade and other 
 receivables                     1,106,815            932,405           816,649 
 Taxation                           25,612             31,395            86,344 
 Cash and cash 
 equivalents                     1,623,830          3,781,521         2,619,846 
 Total current 
 assets                          2,756,257          4,745,321         3,522,839 
                         _________           _______                  _________ 
 Total Assets                   27,293,809         27,182,788        26,897,748 
 Trade and other 
 payables                          771,461            752,192           600,003 
                                    ______             ______              ____ 
 Total current 
 liabilities                       771,461            752,192           600,003 
                                   _______            _______           _______ 
 Total Liabilities                 771,461            752,192           600,003 
                            As at 30 September 2012 
                                      As at               As at           As at 
                          30 September 2012   30 September 2011   31 March 2012 
                                (Unaudited)         (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                     Note                  GBP                    GBP                GBP 
 Equity and Reserves 
 Called up share 
 capital              5           2,492,267           2,492,267       2,492,267 
 Share premium                   28,714,157          28,714,157      28,714,157 
 Share based 
 payments reserve                    24,393             193,801          86,168 
 Translation reserve                 76,448              91,283          80,448 
 Profit and loss 
 account                        (5,099,330)         (5,443,576)     (5,426,958) 
 Equity attributable 
 to equity holders 
 of the parent                   26,207,935          26,047,932      25,946,082 
 interest                           314,413             382,664         351,663 
                                  _________           _________       _________ 
 Total Equity                    26,522,348          26,430,596      26,297,745 
 Total equity and 
 liabilities                     27,293,809          27,182,788      26,897,748 
These interim results were approved by the Board on 28 December 2012 and signed 
on its behalf by: 
  Constantine Thanassoulas 
                    Six month period ended 30 September 2012 
                                       Share                           Trans- 
                                       Based                    Non-   lation 
                   Share      Share Payments    Retained controlling Exchange 
                 Capital    Premium  Reserve        Loss    Interest  Reserve      Total 
                        GBP           GBP         GBP            GBP            GBP         GBP           GBP 
 Balance at 1 
 April 2012    2,492,267 28,714,157   86,168 (5,426,958)     351,663   80,448 26,297,745 
 for the 
 period                -          -        -     265,853    (34,121)        -    231,732 
 Total other 
 /(expense)            -          -        -           -     (3,129)  (4,000)    (7,129) 
 for the 
 period                -          -        -    265,853     (37,250)  (4,000)    224,603 
 Transfer from 
 reserve               -          - (61,775)      61,775           -        -          - 
 Balance at 
 30 September 
 2012          2,492,267 28,714,157   24,393 (5,099,330)     314,413   76,448 26,522,348 
Six month period ended 30 September 2011 
                                       Share                           Trans- 
                                       Based                    Non-   lation 
                   Share      Share Payments    Retained controlling Exchange 
                 Capital    Premium  Reserve        Loss    Interest  Reserve      Total 
                        GBP           GBP         GBP            GBP            GBP         GBP           GBP 
 Balance at 1 
 April 2011    2,492,267 28,714,157  193,801 (5,133,449)     382,560   78,806 26,728,142 
 Loss for the 
 period                -          -        -   (310,127)     (9,661)        -  (319,788) 
 Total other 
 /(expense)            -         -         -           -       9,765   12,477     22,242 
 for the 
 period                -  -                -   (310,127)         104   12,477  (297,545) 
                ________  _________  _______     _______      ______   ______    _______ 
 Balance at 
 30 September 
 2011          2,492,267 28,714,157  193,801 (5,443,576)     382,664   91,283 26,430,596 
                            Year ended 31 March 2012 
                                         Share                           lation 
                                         Based                    Non- 
                   Share      Share   Payments    Retained controlling Exchange 
                 Capital    Premium    Reserve        Loss    Interest  Reserve      Total 
                        GBP           GBP           GBP            GBP            GBP         GBP           GBP 
 Balance at 1 
 April 2011    2,492,267 28,714,157    193,801 (5,133,449)     382,560   78,806 26,728,142 
 for the year 
                       -          -          -   (416,382)    (32,180)        -  (448,562) 
 Total other 
 expense               -          -          -   -               1,283    1,642      2,925 
 expense for 
 the year              -          -          -  (416,382)     (30,897)    1,642  (445,637) 
 Transfer from 
 reserve               -          -  (122,873)     122,873           -        -          - 
 Share options 
 granted in 
 year                  -          -     15,240           -           -        -     15,240 
                ________  _________    _______     _______      ______   ______    _______ 
 Balance at 
 31 March 2012 2,492,267 28,714,157     86,168 (5,426,958)     351,663   80,448 26,297,745 
                    Six month period ended 30 September 2012 
                                Six months         Six months 
                              period ended       period ended 
                              30 September       30 September        Year ended 
                                    2012               2011      31 March 2012 
                               (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)         (Audited) 
                                          GBP                   GBP                  GBP 
 Net cash outflow from 
 operating activities            (827,531)          (474,326)       (1,319,963) 
 Investing Activities 
 Capital expenditure               (7,316)                  -                 - 
 Investment income                   4,516              9,504            11,373 
 Investments                             -                  -          (63,752) 
 Loan investments 
 repaid/(advanced)               (165,685)          2,369,101         2,114,946 
                                 _________          _________         _________ 
 Net cash flow from 
 investing activities            (168,485)          2,378,605         2,062,567 
 (Decrease) / increase 
 in cash and cash 
 equivalents                     (996,016)          1,904,279           742,604 
 Cash and cash 
 equivalents brought 
 forward                         2,619,846          1,877,242         1,877,242 
                                  ________           ________          ________ 
 Cash and cash 
 equivalents carried 
 forward                         1,623,830          3,781,521         2,619,846 
                    Six month period ended 30 September 2012 
1.   General information 
Toledo  Mining Corporation PLC ("Toledo" or "Company") is a company incorporated 
in  England and  Wales under  the Companies  Act 1985.  The Company's registered 
office is First Floor, 10 Dover Street, London, W1S 4LQ. The registration number 
of the Company is 5055833. 
The  principal activity of the Company is  the investment in and exploration and 
development  of mining projects, specifically  in associated companies (together 
with Company and its subsidiaries the "Group") in the Philippines. 
The  Group's principal  activity is  carried out  in US  dollars.  The financial 
statements  are presented in pounds  sterling as this is  the currency of United 
Kingdom,  the country where the Company  is incorporated and its ordinary shares 
admitted for trading. 
The  Board of directors has authorised the issue of these interim results on the 
date of the statement as set out above. 
2.   Accounting policies 
Basis of accounting 
The  interim  results  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with  International 
Accounting Standard 34 "Interim Financial Reporting". 
The   annual   financial  statements  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with 
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). 
The  interim results have been prepared on the historical cost basis except that 
certain  financial  instruments  are  accounted  for  at  fair values.  The same 
principal  accounting policies and methods of  computation have been followed in 
the  interim results as  compared with the  Group's financial statements for the 
year ended 31 March 2012. 
Going Concern 
The  interim  results  have  been  prepared  on  a  going  concern  basis, which 
contemplates  continuity of  normal business  activities and  the realisation of 
assets and settlement of liabilities in the ordinary course of business. 
The  directors believe that it is appropriate to prepare the financial report on 
a  going concern basis as they are  confident that the Company has adequate cash 
resources for at least the next twelve months. 
 3. Segmental analysis 
The  turnover and profit/(loss) are attributable  to the principal activities of 
the Group. Segmental information on a geographical basis is set out below: 
                                              Period ended 30 September  2012 
                                         UK Philippines       China       Total 
                                           GBP            GBP            GBP            GBP 
                                          -           -           -           - 
 Loss for the period 
 excluding associates             (841,138)           -    (77,725)   (918,863) 
 Share of associates 
 results                                  -   1,150,595           -   1,150,595 
 Total assets                     3,630,881  22,936,117     726,811  27,293,809 
 Total liabilities                (337,907)   (432,950)       (604)   (771,461) 
 Loan investment 
 additions                                -     165,685           -     165,685 
                                              Period ended 30 September  2011 
                                          UK Philippines       China      Total 
                                            GBP            GBP            GBP           GBP 
 Revenue                                   -           -      98,753     98,753 
 Loss for the period 
 excluding associates              (475,853)           -    (22,007)  (497,860) 
 Share of associates results               -     178,072           -    178,072 
 Total assets                      3,848,134  22,452,982     881,672 27,182,788 
 Total liabilities                 (287,814)   (464,378)           -  (752,192) 
 Loan investment net 
 repayments                                -   1,999,986           -  1,999,986 
                                                 Year ended 31 March 2012 
                                        UK Philippines        China       Total 
                                          GBP            GBP             GBP            GBP 
 Revenue                                 -           -      154,912     154,912 
 Profit/(Loss) for the 
 year excluding 
 associates                    (1,463,998)           -     (73,303) (1,537,301) 
 Share of associates 
 results                                 -   1,088,739            -   1,088,739 
 Total assets                    3,140,476  22,930,313      826,959  26,897,748 
 Total liabilities                 146,325     437,780       15,898     600,003 
 Loan investment 
 reduction                               - (2,078,111)            - (2,078,111) 
4.   Profit/(Loss) per share - including share of associates results 
Profit/(loss)  per share has  been calculated by  dividing the profit/(loss) for 
the  period after taxation  including share of  associates profits of  GBP1,150,595 
(30   September  2011: profits   GBP178,072;  31 March  2012:  profits   GBP1,088,739) 
attributable  to  the  equity  holders  of  the  parent  company of  GBP265,853 (30 
September  2011: loss  GBP310,127) (31  March 2012: loss  GBP416,382)  by the weighted 
average  number of  shares in  issue for  the period  of 49,845,333 (and for 30 
September 2011 and 31 March 2012). 
Diluted  profit per share has been  calculated using the weighted average number 
of  shares in issue for  the period, diluted for  the effect of share options in 
existence  at  the  period  end  of  340,000 (  30 September  2011 and  31 March 
2012: 665,000). 
Loss per share - excluding share of associates results 
Loss  per share has  been calculated by  dividing the loss  for the period after 
taxation  excluding  share  of  associates  profits  of  GBP1,150,595 (30 September 
2011: profits   GBP178,072 and  31 March 2012: profits   GBP1,088,739) attributable to 
the  equity  holders  of  the  parent  company  of  GBP884,742 (30 September 2011: 
 GBP488,199; 31 March 2012:  GBP1,505,121) by the weighted average number of shares in 
issue  for  the  period  of  49,845,333 (and  for 30 September 2011 and 31 March 
5.  Called up share capital 
                     Six months period    Six months period 
                    ended 30 September   ended 30 September      Year ended 31 
                                  2012                 2011          March 2012 
                           (Unaudited)          (Unaudited)           (Audited) 
 Ordinary shares 
 of 5p each 
 Number                     66,460,453           66,460,453          66,460,453 
 Nominal value               3,323,023            3,323,023           3,323,023 
 Allotted and 
 fully paid 
 Ordinary shares 
 of 5p each 
 Number                     49,845,333           49,845,333          49,845,333 
 Nominal value               2,492,267            2,492,267           2,492,267 
6.        Material related party transactions 
Atlas  Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation ('Atlas') and ENK PLC are 
joint venture partners with the Company under the Berong Venture Agreement. 
Brooks   Nickel   Ventures,  Inc.  (Brooks)  and  Celestial  Nickel  Mining  and 
Exploration  Corporation  ('Celestial')  are  joint  venture  partners  with the 
Company under the Celestial/Ipilan Venture Agreement. 
Atlas  is  joint  venture  partner  with  the  Company  under the Ulugan Venture 
Under  the Berong, Celestial/Ipilan  and Ulugan Venture  Agreements, the Company 
has  through the expenditure of  qualifying costs of  GBP10,464,306  (and as at 30 
September  2011 and 31 March  2012) acquired equity  interests in  the following 
Philippines' registered companies. 
                   TMM     Ulugan  Ulugan  Nickeline  Berong     Nickel  Ipilan 
            Management  Resources  Nickel  Resources  Nickel   Laterite  Nickel 
                   Inc   Holdings   Corp.   Holdings   Corp.  Resources   Corp. 
                              Inc                Inc                Inc 
 Direct            40%        30%     40%        40%   21.3%        20%     40% 
 Indirect            -          -     18%        18%   34.8%          -     12% 
 Total             40%        30%     58%        58%   56.1%        20%     52% 
In  May 2007, the  Company entered  into an  agreement to  make a  loan facility 
available to Brooks of up to US$2.5 million principal, subsequently increased on 
4 March  2010 to  US$10  million.  On  7 September  2012 the  Company  agreed to 
increase  the facility to US$10,592,329. During the period, the Company advanced 
a  further US$260,000 (period to 30 September 2011: US$520,000; year to 31 March 
2012: US$910,400)  to  Brooks  and  principal  outstanding at 30 September 2012 
amounted  to US$10,485,329. This amount forms part of the total principal amount 
advanced  as shown under non-current loan  investments. Since the period end, on 
7 December 2012 the Company agreed by letter to further increase the facility to 
US$10,832,329  and has  advanced a  further US$347,000  bringing the facility to 
fully drawn as at the date of these financial statements. Under the terms of the 
agreement  the loan facility bears interest  at 10% cumulative per annum and, as 
amended  by  the  agreement  in  March  2010, is  repayable four years from each 
drawdown.  Under terms of the letter  of 7 December 2012, the Company has agreed 
to extend the moratorium since 1 April 2011 on interest charges, and to not make 
immediate  demand  of  repayments  falling  due,  until  31 March 2013 while the 
parties  continue to discuss an appropriate  restructuring of facilities for the 
ongoing  funding  for  development  of  the  Ipilan  nickel project. The loan is 
presently  secured over Brooks' share of earnings from the Ipilan nickel project 
and is repayable out of Brooks' share of the Ipilan future cash flows. 
Under  the  Celestial  joint  venture  agreement,  the  Company has an option to 
acquire  a 40% holding  in Celestial.   During the  year ended 30 March 2007 the 
Company  agreed to an advance of US$900,000, against the option exercise amount. 
 If  the Company decides not to exercise the option to purchase, or is prevented 
by  any cause  from exercising  the option  to purchase,  then the borrowers are 
required  to  reimburse  the  US$900,000.   The  advance  is  interest  free and 
guaranteed by Celestial but is otherwise unsecured. The amount forms part of the 
total principal amount advanced as shown under non-current loan investments. 
Celestial owns 40% of the issued share capital of Nickel Laterite Resources Inc. 
which  owns  60% of  Ipilan  Nickel  Corporation  ('INC').  There  is  a royalty 
agreement  in  place  such  that  the  Company  has a commitment to make certain 
payments to Celestial as described in note 7. 
A  potential  claim  for  an  unspecified  sum  for  breach of contract has been 
notified  to the Company in respect of  a dispute with Celestial.  The directors 
are  firmly of the opinion that the claim is without foundation and no provision 
has been made in these accounts in respect of this. 
The  Company's expenditure commitment under the  Ulugan Venture Agreement at the 
period end is US$700,000 (and as at 30 September 2011 and 31 March 2012). 
Under  the Berong  Venture Agreement,  the Company  has advanced funds to Berong 
Nickel  Corporation ('BNC') to meet ongoing  mine development costs.  During the 
period,  the Company  made no  further advances  (period to  30 September 2011: 
US$112,200; year to 31 March 2012: US$392,588) to BNC. The amount outstanding at 
30 September  2012 was  US$8,345,593.  These  amounts  form  part  of  the total 
principal  amount advanced  as shown  under non-current  loan investments. On 9 
October  2012 BNC repaid to  the Company an  amount of US$2,774,310 reducing the 
advances  outstanding  to  US$5,571,283  as  at  the  date  of  these  financial 
statements.  The amounts advanced are interest free, unsecured and have no fixed 
terms of repayment. 
The  Company has two  subsidiaries, China Nickel  Corporation ('CNC'), and China 
Nickel & Steel Corporation (not trading). 
During  the period  CNC made  no charges  to BNC  (period to 30 September 2011: 
US$112,074; year to 31 March 2012 US$173,086; in respect of consulting fees). At 
the  period end BNC owed to CNC US$935,886 (30 September 2011: US$1,184,166; 31 
March 2012: US$1,138,604). 
During  the period  CNC made  no charges  to INC  US$Nil (period to 30 September 
2011: US$48,032;  year  to  31 March  2011: US$74,180)  in respect of consulting 
fees.  At  the  period  end  INC  owed  to  CNC  US$104,328 (30 September 2011: 
US$78,215) (31 March 2012: US$104,328). 
7.        Commitments and contingencies 
Under  a royalty agreement,  the Company has  made a commitment  to make certain 
payments to Celestial under the Ipilan Venture Agreement as follows: 
   Upon completion of positive bankable feasibility study   US$   500,000 
   Upon the commencement of construction of plant           US$1,200,000 
A  potential  claim  for  an  unspecified  sum  for  breach of contract has been 
notified  to the Company in respect of  a dispute with Celestial.  The directors 
are  firmly of the opinion that the claim is without foundation and no provision 
has been made in these accounts in respect of this. 
8.        Associate Undertakings 
The  Company had equity holdings in  the following associate undertakings at 30 
September 2012 (and at 30 September 2011 and 31 March 2012): 
                   TMM     Ulugan  Ulugan  Nickeline  Berong     Nickel  Ipilan 
            Management  Resources  Nickel  Resources  Nickel   Laterite  Nickel 
                   Inc   Holdings   Corp.   Holdings   Corp.  Resources   Corp. 
                              Inc                Inc                Inc 
 Direct            40%        30%     40%        40%   21.3%        20%     40% 
 Indirect            -          -     18%        18%   34.8%          -     12% 
 Total             40%        30%     58%        58%   56.1%        20%     52% 
The  principal place of  business and country  of incorporation of the associate 
undertakings is the Philippines. 
Summarised results of the associate undertakings as translated into Sterling are 
as follows: 
                                          Period ended 30 September 2012 
                     Berong Nickel   Ipilan Nickel       Remaining 
                       Corporation     Corporation      Associates        Total 
                                  GBP                GBP                GBP             GBP 
 Revenue                 9,844,979               -         193,402   10,038,381 
 Profit / (loss) 
 for the period          1,948,623         104,366           8,176    2,061,165 
 Total assets           18,373,424       7,680,111       2,228,815   28,282,350 
 liabilities          (10,681,607)     (8,529,187)     (2,078,878) (21,289,672) 
                                          Period ended 30 September 2011 
                      Berong Nickel    Ipilan Nickel       Remaining 
                        Corporation      Corporation      Associates      Total 
                                   GBP                 GBP                GBP           GBP 
 Revenue                  3,893,349                -         197,316  4,090,665 
 Profit / (loss) 
 for the period             373,080         (74,461)          18,670    317,289 
 Total assets            15,438,200        7,146,667       2,184,616 24,769,483 
 Total liabilities       11,485,493          109,545       1,703,630 13,298,668 
                                             Year ended 31 March 2012 
                      Berong Nickel    Ipilan Nickel       Remaining 
                        Corporation      Corporation      Associates      Total 
                                   GBP                 GBP                GBP           GBP 
 Revenue                 11,053,650                -         416,687 11,470,337 
 Profit / (loss) 
 for the year             2,055,970        (129,398)           6,846  1,933,418 
 Total assets            17,840,329        7,291,689       2,160,643 27,292,661 
 Total liabilities       12,263,983        8,220,221       1,977,416 22,461,620 
9.        Post balance sheet events 
On  9 October 2012 BNC repaid to the  Company an amount of US$2,774,310 reducing 
the advances outstanding to US$5,571,283. 
On  24 October 2012 Daintree Resources Limited, a company controlled by Mr Jason 
Cheng, a director of the Company, sold a 17.01% holding in Toledo to DMCI Mining 
Corporation, reducing its holding in Toledo to 4.99%. 
On  30 October 2012 Daintree sold its remaining 4.99% holding in Toledo to Forth 
Asset  Management Limited, a company  under    common    ultimate   beneficial 
ownership     with     Fevamotinico  SARL  and  therefore deemed an associate of 
Fevamotinico  which holds  20.19% of Toledo.  Accordingly, Fevamotinico  and its 
associate hold a total of 25.18% of the voting rights of the Company. 
On  7 December 2012 the  Company agreed  by letter  to further  increase the INC 
facility  to  US$10,832,329  and  has  advanced  a  further US$347,000 since the 
balance  sheet date,  bringing the  facility to  fully drawn,  and to extend the 
moratorium  since 1 April  2011 on interest  charges and  to not  make immediate 
demand of repayments falling due, until 31 March 2013. 
On  14 December 2012 the  Company appointed  Mr Isidro  Consunji, a  director of 
DMCI,  as  a  non-executive  director  of  Toledo  and  Mr  Robert Jenkins as an 
independent non-executive director of the Company. Mr Jenkins was also appointed 
Audit Committee Chairman effective 1 January 2013. 
On 19 December 2012, pursuant to the Company's announcement on 22 October 2012, 
Toledo  exchanged contracts  for the  sale of  an 18.6% indirect interest in BNC 
('Sale')  to DMCI  for cash  consideration of  US$6,552,000 comprised  of a 31% 
shareholding in Nickeline Resource Holdings Inc on which the Company estimates a 
capital  gains  liability  to  UK  corporation  tax  will arise of approximately 
US$489,000.  DMCI acquired a 17.01% holding in Toledo on 24 October 2012. 
As  DMCI is a related party by virtue  of its 17.01% holding in Toledo, the Sale 
is  a  related  party  transaction  as  defined  by Rule 13 of the AIM Rules for 
Companies. Accordingly, the directors of the Company (Mr Consunji being recused) 
considered,  having  consulted  with  the  Company's nominated adviser, that the 
terms  of the Sale were fair and reasonable as far as the Company's shareholders 
are concerned. 
On  24 December 2012, pursuant to the Company's announcement on 29 June 2012 for 
the  purchase of an 18.7% direct  interest in BNC ('Purchase')  from ENK PLC for 
cash  consideration of US$6,552,000  (comprised of an  18.7% shareholding in BNC 
and  rights to stockholder advances of  US$1,789,220), Toledo and ENK PLC agreed 
to  Closing of contracts on 31 December  2012. On completion of the Purchase the 
balance  of Company's loan to BNC will be US$7,360,503.  ENK PLC sold its 5.01% 
holding  in  Toledo  on  8 May  2012. On 12 October 2012 DMCI Mining Corporation 
announced, as joint offeror, unconditional control of ENK PLC. 
Following  completion  of  the  Purchase  and  Sale,  the  Company will have the 
following equity holdings in the associate undertakings: 
                   TMM     Ulugan  Ulugan  Nickeline  Berong     Nickel  Ipilan 
            Management  Resources  Nickel  Resources  Nickel   Laterite  Nickel 
                   Inc   Holdings   Corp.   Holdings   Corp.  Resources   Corp. 
                              Inc                Inc                Inc 
 Direct            40%        30%     40%         9%   40.0%        20%     40% 
 Indirect            -          -     18%        18%   16.2%          -     12% 
 Total             40%        30%     58%        27%   56.2%        20%     52% 
TMC Interim Results to 30 Sept 2012: 
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Source: Toledo Mining Corporation PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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