Timestrip Plc                                 

             INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE 6 MONTHS ENDED 30TH JUNE 2005             

Timestrip Plc is pleased to announce its unaudited interim results for the 6
months to 30 June 2005.

Timestrip Plc develops, manufactures and sells patented Timestrip smart labels
which monitor for how long perishable food and other replaceable products have
been open or in use.

  * Maiden interims following reverse takeover of Timestrip UK Limited in March
  * A full-scale commercial trial with Nestle FoodServices UK recently
    announced (16th September 2005)
  * Joint Development project agreed with Pfizer for pharmaceutical application
  * Significant progress made across core targeted international markets
Highlights include:

  * In preparation for the new EU Food Hygiene Directive, distribution secured
    in Germany and Benelux through a 3-year exclusive supply contract with
    Label Lord, part of the NSD Labelling Group. Good progress in North America
    with new orders from Taylor Precision Products, the leading manufacturer of
    measurement related products in North America, and Daymark Food Safety
  * For the food retailing sector, The Lifetime Cap(tm) project with Crown Zeller
    (announced in April 2005) is progressing well with further product
    development underway.
  * New EU labelling regulations driving demand in cosmetic and beauty care
  * Additional production machinery on line to fulfill future demand
  * Commercialisation strategy moving towards revenue generation
  * Directors confident of continued progress
Paul Freedman, Timestrip's joint CEO commented:-

"Timestrip has made significant progress to date in the marketing of our smart
label technology in key sectors. Timestrips are now perceived to be a highly
desirable packaging innovation for companies wishing either to differentiate
their products in competitive markets or improve their compliance with new
labelling regulations. We are confident of reporting further progress in due
course and delivering significant value to our shareholders."

For further information:

Paul Freedman, Joint CEO and founding Director, Timestrip     01462 440700
Shane Dolan, Biddicks                                         020 7448 1000
John Frederick, Athanor Capital                               020 7430 1991
Roland Cornish, Beaumont Cornish                              020 7638 3396

Chairman's Statement

The past six months have seen some exciting changes for the Company as it made
the transition from Internet Music & Media Plc, a shell company, into Timestrip
Plc, a smart label technology business, through the reverse takeover of
Timestrip UK Limited in March. At this time, the Company raised just over �2
million by way of an equity placing, most of which was allocated as working

We are making significant progress in commercialising this exciting technology
through commercial trials and development projects with a wide range of
international customers and are confident that this can be developed into
significant future revenue streams.

The addition of key personnel to our Research and Development and Business
Development team has enabled us to introduce more customers to the technology
and respond to their individual development requirements more effectively than
in the past. The Company is operating well within its internal budget forecasts
and retains a very disciplined approach to controlling costs.

We expect the current momentum to continue to accelerate over the year ahead as
we look to our goal of establishing Timestrip as the new international standard
in product labelling.

Stephen Oakes
23rd September 2005

Joint Chief Executives' Statement

Timestrip has developed a patented smart label, the `Timestrip', which enables
users of perishable food and other products to monitor for how long an item has
been open or in use. The Timestrip is a disposable multi-layer laminated label
which contains a timing device consisting of a specialised porous material and
a non-toxic liquid. Upon squeezing the label to activate, the liquid starts to
move through the porous material by micro-capillary action. A printed
calibration on the top layer of the label allows the user to tell at any point
in time how long the label has been active. The label is currently manufactured
with adhesive backing enabling it to be attached to perishable goods as a
reminder to use or replace the product. The label is designed to be easily
customised and is capable of being embedded into the product packaging or the
product itself. It can be activated automatically either upon first opening the
package or upon first use of the product.

The solution provided by Timestrip relates to the difficulty in monitoring
relative expiry dates, such as "Use within two weeks of opening". The Timestrip
addresses this problem by reliably monitoring the lapse of time, providing a
visual indication that the relative expiry date is approaching, thereby giving
the user the opportunity to manage perishable items in a way that was
previously problematic.

Current Tradingand Future Prospects

We are pleased to report significant progress in the five international mass
markets in which relative expiry dates are predominately found, as well as a
new market - cosmetics and beauty care:

  * Catering and Food Services
      + Our exclusive distributor in this category for North America, Daymark
        Food Safety Systems, have now sold packs of Food Service Timestrips to
        approximately 1000 restaurants in the US. We are delighted with the
        investment in marketing from Daymark, who are proving to be a dynamic
        and committed partner.
      + We have also increased our market presence in North America by securing
        an order from Taylor Precision Products, the leading manufacturer of
        measurement related products, who will launch the "Taylor Timestrip" at
        the NAFEM Show in California this month.
      + For Europe, the adoption of new EU Food Hygiene Legislation in January
        2006 represents a significant opportunity for us, as caterers look to
        improve compliance with the new labelling regulations. Existing
        distribution in the UK and Ireland has been augmented by a 3-year
        exclusive distribution agreement covering Germany and Benelux, with
        LabelLord, part of the NSD Group, leader in Food Safety labels. We
        expect to open new channels to market across Southern Europe in the
        coming months.
      + Recent efforts to develop the technology for custom applications in
        this market have yielded a new order from Daymark for a 7-day
        FoodService Timestrip that will be launched in North America in
        October. We expect the range of products to expand further in response
        to customer feedback and market trends.
  * Food Retailing
      + We are now working in partnership with plastic closure, carton and tray
        manufacturers as well as labelling companies, in order to develop
        systems for integrating the Timestrip into the packaging of food
        products. The Lifetime Cap(tm) project with Crown Zeller (announced in
        April 2005) is progressing well with further product development
        underway. Encouraging feedback has been received from a number of
        international brand owners in the food and beverage sector.
      + Ocado (one of the UK's leading online grocers) has reported positively
        on early sales of Timestrip multipacks since their introduction in May
        2005. Demonstrable retail success is creating a platform to take the
        proposition of a stand alone retail pack to other retailers both in the
        UK and abroad. We are also pursuing options for co-branding the retail
        pack with established brand names, as an alternative route to retail
  * Non-Food/Consumables
      + In the last three months we have experienced a significant increase in
        interest from a wide range of non-food companies that wish to
        communicate the useful life of their products more effectively to
      + Joint Development projects have produced customised Timestrips that are
        now undergoing performance testing with a number of companies. We will
        report progress on these projects as soon as confidentiality
        restrictions are lifted and supply contracts are secured.
      + In the Admission Document of 2nd February reference was made to an
        order for tooling that had been received from a customer. This project
        has now yielded working prototypes of a household product with
        near-universal usage that contain fully integrated Timestrips. Consumer
        testing and focus groups will commence in the coming weeks.
  * Pharmaceuticals
      + A Joint Development project was recently started with Pfizer who are
        interested in using the Timestrip technology to more effectively
        communicate the lifetime of products once they have been opened.
      + We maintain an excellent relationship with Bayer who are currently
        testing a new batch of Timestrips that have been developed to meet
        their specific requirements.
  * Medical Devices
      + We have recently entered into a confidential Joint Development project
        to integrate the Timestrip technology into a medical device used in
        hospitals, and hope to report progress in the near future.
  * Cosmetics/Personal Care Products
      + This is a very exciting new category with the recent introduction of EU
        labelling regulations which require the addition of a "Period After
        Opening" instruction on all cosmetic products which have a shelf-life
        of over 3 years. For example, mascara now carries an instruction to use
        within six months of opening.
      + We have already been approached by two leading cosmetic/personal care
        brands interested in the potential use of Timestrips and look forward
        to reporting progress in this sector in the future.

The interim results include the results of Timestrip UK Limited from the date
of acquisition on 25 February 2005. Turnover in the period since the
acquisition amounted to �50,283 (2004 : �nil). Pre-tax loss including research
and development and re-listing costs amounted to �378,786 (2004 : profit - �
2,940). Costs attributable to the re-listing of Timestrip plc amounted to �
27,004. Research and development ("R&D") costs including subcontracted R&D
costs in the period since acquisition amounted to �100,338. Loss per share
0.02p (2004 : profit per share - 0.009p).


In line with strategy, we have strengthened our R&D team with the appointment
of a chemical and a mechanical engineer. These appointments will play a key
role in strengthening our current production systems as well as developing our
future capabilities as we make rapid progress in commercialising our
technology. In addition, we have recruited a Business Development Director to
consolidate and build upon our strategic partnerships with packaging companies
as well as introduce new customers to the technology. We now have in place a
dedicated team of professionals who are committed to driving forward the
Timestrip business.


Our manufacturing process and prevailing market dynamics lend themselves to a
strategy under which Timestrip will license the rights to manufacture and
distribute in local markets to customers, joint venture partners and
distributors. The implementation of this strategy requires a level of in-house
production in order to seed markets in the early stages and new production
machinery has recently increased our production capacity to levels that will
enable us to satisfy initial contracts. Royalty revenues will be enhanced
through the supply of key raw materials and technical support to licensees.

We stipulate the use of our registered trademark on all Timestrip products, and
there has been, to date, no objection to this policy from even the largest of
international brand owners. It is our belief that the exposure to be gained by
Timestrip within the marketing campaigns of leading brands will lead to the
creation, over time, of an internationally recognised brand of significant


It is anticipated that the commercialisation of Timestrip will stimulate
competition at some point in the future, but we are not aware at this time of
any direct competition to our technology. Our first patent has now been granted
in Europe and South Africa and is pending review in all other territories. It
is our intention to continue building an Intellectual Property portfolio to
protect the technology as it evolves.


We are making very good progress in all relevant market sectors, which we
believe will translate into significant revenue generation in the future,
building substantial value for our shareholders. Timestrip smart labels are now
perceived to be a highly desirable packaging innovation for companies wishing
either to differentiate their products in competitive markets or improve their
compliance with new labelling regulations. There is clear evidence that the
communication to consumers of a product's life has become a high priority with
a wide range of brands. The widespread adoption of the Timestrip technology
will not happen overnight but we expect momentum to build in the coming months
in relation to this exciting and innovative technology.

Paul Freedman                         Reuben Isbitsky
Joint Chief Executive Officer         Joint Chief Executive Officer
23rd September 2005                   23rd September 2005




Profit and Loss Account

                                         6 months       6 months      12 months
                                            ended          ended          ended
                                          30 June        30 June    31 December
                                             2005           2004           2004
                                        Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited
                                              GBP            GBP            GBP
                                            `000s          `000s          `000s
Turnover                                       50              -              -
Cost of sales                                (26)              -              -
Gross Profit                                   24              -              -
Administration costs                        (419)           (13)           (34)
Amounts written off investments                 -             16              -
Interest payable                                -              -              -
Other operating income                         16              -              -
Profit/(Loss) on Ordinary Activities        (379)              3           (34)
before Taxation                                                                
Taxation                                        -              -              -
Profit/(Loss) on Ordinary Activities        (379)              3           (34)
After Taxation                                                                 
Retained profit/(loss)                      (379)              3           (34)
Basic and diluted earnings per            (0.02)p         0.009p        (0.12)p
ordinary share                                                                 




Summary Balance Sheet

                                        30 June         30 June     31 December
                                           2005            2004            2004
                                      Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                                            GBP             GBP             GBP
                                          `000s           `000s           `000s
Fixed assets                                                                   
Investments                                   -               -               -
Intangible assets                         6,490                                
Tangible assets                             312               -               -
                                          6,802               -               -
Current assets                                                                 
Stock                                        74               -               -
Debtors                                      64              10               3
Cash                                      1,206               -               -
                                          1,344              10               3
Creditors: amounts falling due            (122)         (2,222)            (15)
within one year                                                                
Net current liabilities                   1,222         (2,212)            (12)
Creditors: amounts falling due            (138)               -               -
over one year                                                                  
Total assets less current                 7,886         (2,212)            (12)
Capital and reserves                                                           
Called-up share capital                   3,593           3,545           3,551
Share premium account                    24,103          13,638          15,869
Reserves                               (19,810)        (19,395)        (19,432)
                                          7,886         (2,212)            (12)
Shareholders' Funds                                                            
Equity                                    4,342         (5,418)         (3,556)
Non-equity                                3,544           3,206           3,544
                                          7,886         (2,212)            (12)




Summary Cash Flow Statement

                                       6 months        6 months       12 months
                                          ended           ended           ended
                                        30 June         30 June     31 December
                                           2005            2004            2004
                                      Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                                            GBP             GBP             GBP
                                          `000s           `000s           `000s
Net cash outflow from operating           (545)               -         (2,222)
Returns on investment and                                                      
servicing of finance                                                           
Interest received                            16               -               -
Net cash outflow from returns on          (529)               -         (2,222)
investments and servicing of                                                   
Capital expenditure and financial                                              
Capital contributions to                      -               -               -
Payments to acquire fixed assets          (108)               -                
intangible assets                                                              
Net cash outflow for capital              (637)               -               -
expenditure and financial                                                      
Acquisitions and disposals                                                     
Net cash acquired from subsidiary            43               -               -
Net cash outflow before financing         (594)               -               -
Issue and purchase of ordinary            2,023               -           2,222
Share issue expenses                      (273)               -               -
New short term loan                          50               -               -
Net cash inflow from financing            1,800               -           2,222
Increase in cash in the period            1,206               -               -




Notes to the Cash Flow Statement

                                       6 months        6 months       12 months
                                          ended           ended           ended
                                        30 June         30 June     31 December
                                           2005            2004            2004    
                                      Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                                            GBP             GBP             GBP
                                           `000            `000            `000
Net cash outflow from operating                                                
Operating profit/(loss)                   (395)               3            (34)
Depreciation                                129               -               -
Increase in stocks                         (16)               -               -
Decrease in debtors                          69               -               7
Decrease in creditors                     (332)             (3)         (2,195)
                                          (545)               -         (2,222)
Reconciliation of net cash flow                                                
to movement in net debt                                                        
Increase in cash                          1,206               -               -
Cash inflow from new loans                 (50)               -               -
Loans acquired with subsidiary             (88)                                
Movement in net funds                     1,068               -               -
Opening funds                                 -               -               -
Closing funds                             1,068               -               -




Notes To The Interim Results:-

1. Basis of preparation

The results for the six months ended 30 June 2005 are unaudited. They have been
prepared on accounting bases and policies that are consistent with those used
in the preparation of the financial statements of the company for the period
ended 31 December 2004.


The financial statements contained in this report do not constitute statutory
accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.


Full accounts for the period ended 31 December 2004, upon which the auditors
issued an unqualified opinion, have been delivered to the Registrar of

2. Basis of consolidation

The consolidated profit and loss account and balance sheet include the
financial statements of the company and its subsidiary undertakings made up to
30 June 2005. The results of Timestrip UK Limited have been included from the
date of acquisition on 25 February 2005.

3. Goodwill, patents and trademarks

Goodwill is the difference between the amount paid on the acquisition of
Timestrip UK Limited and the aggregate fair value of its separable net assets.
Goodwill, patents and trademarks are capitalised and classified as an
intangible asset on the balance sheet. The directors have concluded that
goodwill arising on the acquisition of Timestrip UK Limited should be amortised
over its useful economic life of 20 years. Patents and trademarks are also
amortised over their useful economic life which is estimated to be 20 years.

4. Share capital

On 25 February 2005, the company acquired the entire issued share capital of
Timestrip UK Limited for a consideration of �6.4 million. The purchase price
was satisfied by the issue of 160,000,000 new Ordinary Shares of 0.02p each at
4p per share to the vendors on the sale of their Timestrip UK Limited shares.

Furthermore on 25 February 2005, 50,581,250 new Ordinary Shares of 0.02p were
issued pursuant to a placing to raise a total of �2,023,250 before expenses.

5. Dividends

No dividend is proposed for the period ended 30 June 2005.

6. Taxation

No taxation is expected to arise on the results for the period.

7. Loss per Share

The loss per share for the six months ended 30 June 2005 has been calculated on
the basis of the loss after taxation for the period of (�378,786) (June 2004:
profit - �2,940 and December 2004: �(33,942)) and the weighted average number
of shares in issue during the period of 194,262,829 (2004: 28,484,103).


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