Preliminary results announcement                        
                      for the year ended 31 December 2004                      

CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT                                                           
The accounts for the year ended 31st December 2004 reflect the company's       
position post the Creditors Voluntary Arrangement and prior to the             
acquisition of Timestrip Limited which was approved by shareholders in         
February 2005. Therefore these figures are of historic interest and reflect    
the position of the then Internet Music and Media Plc in its 'shell' form.     
Timestrip Plc in its new form will publish interim accounts to 30 June 2005    
within the next 3 months and shareholders will be updated on current trading   
at that time.                                                                  
29 June 2005                                                                   

PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT                                                        
FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2004                                            
                                                   2004                  2003  
                            Notes                     �                     �  
Administrative expenses                        (33,784)             (135,887)  
                                                *******               *******  
Operating loss                                 (33,784)             (135,887)  
Amounts written off           2                      -            (3,054,538)  
Interest payable and          3                   (158)              (31,066)  
similar charges                                                                
                                                *******               *******  
Loss on ordinary                               (33,942)           (3,221,491)  
activities before taxation                                                     
Tax on loss on ordinary       4                      -                     -   
                                                *******               *******  
Loss on ordinary              9                (33,942)           (3,221,491)  
activities after taxation                                                      
                                                *******               *******  
The profit and loss account has been prepared on the basis that all            
operations are continuing operations.                                          
There are no recognised gains and losses other than those passing through      
the profit and loss account.                                                   
                                                   2004                  2003  
Earnings per share                                    �                     �  
Before and after exceptional items                                             
Basic and diluted                               (0.12)p               (9.08)p  
The loss per share for the year ended 31 December 2004 has been calculated     
based on the weighted average number of shares in issue in the period of       
28,484,103 (2003 - 33,908,535).                                                

BALANCE SHEET                                                                       
AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2004                                                              
                                              2004                     2003         
                             Notes          �            �           �            � 
Current assets                                                                      
Debtors                        6       2,618                    9,917               
Cash at bank and in hand                   -                      212               
                                      *******                  *******              
                                       2,618                   10,129               
Creditors: amounts falling     7     (14,173)              (2,209,083)              
due within one year                                                                 
                                      *******                  *******              
Total assets less current liabilities             (11,555)              (2,198,954) 
                                                   *******                  ******* 
Capital and reserves                                                                
Called up share capital        8                3,550,807                3,560,767  
Share premium account          9               15,869,426               13,638,124  
Profit and loss account        9              (19,431,788)             (19,397,845) 
                                                   *******                  ******* 
Shareholders' funds            10                 (11,555)              (2,198,954) 
                                                   *******                  ******* 
Equity interests                               (3,555,402)              (5,405,073) 
Non-equity interests                            3,543,847                3,206,119  
                                                   *******                  ******* 
                                                  (11,555)              (2,198,954) 
                                                   *******                  ******* 
The financial statements were approved by the Board on 29 June 2005                 
S.V. Oakes                                                                          

CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                            
FOR THE YEARENDED 31 DECEMBER 2004                                             
                                                     2004                 2003 
                                            �           �         �          � 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities                            
and exceptional items                         (2,221,515)           1,226,569  
Returns on investments and                                                     
servicing of finance                                                           
Interest paid                           (158)              (31,066)            
                                      *******               *******            
Net cash outflow for returns on                     (158)             (31,066) 
investments and servicing of                                                   
Financial investment                                                           
Payments to acquire investments            -              (484,815)            
                                      *******               *******            
Net cash outflow for capital                           -             (484,815) 
                                                  *******              ******* 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before              (2,221,673)             710,688  
management of liquid resources and                                             
Issue of ordinary share capital    2,231,302                     -             
Cancellation of issued share         (15,562)                    -             
Shares issued in the period            5,601                                   
                                      *******               *******            
Issue and purchase of shares       2,221,341                     -             
                                      *******               *******            
Repayment of long term bank loan           -              (700,000)            
                                      *******               *******            
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                 2,221,341             (700,000) 
                                                  *******              ******* 
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the                  (332)              10,688  
                                                  *******              ******* 

NOTES TO THE CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                               
FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2004                                            
1  Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash                2004       2003 
   (outflow)/inflow from operating activities                                  
                                                                  �          � 
   Operating loss                                          (33,784)  (135,887) 
   Decrease/(increase) in debtors                            7,299          -  
   (Decrease)/increase in creditors within one year     (2,195,030) 1,362,456  
                                                            *******    ******* 
   Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities  (2,221,515) 1,226,569  
                                                            *******    ******* 
2  Analysis of net (debt)/funds    1 January  Cash flow       Other         31 
                                        2004               non-cash   December 
                                                            changes       2004 
                                           �          �           �          � 
   Net cash:                                                                   
   Cash at bank and in hand             212       (332)          -       (120) 
                                     *******    *******     *******    ******* 
                                        212       (332)          -       (120) 
                                     *******    *******     *******    ******* 
                                     *******    *******     *******    ******* 
   Net funds/(debt)                     212       (332)          -       (120) 
                                     *******    *******     *******    ******* 
3  Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net          2004       2003 
                                                                  �          � 
   (Decrease)/increase in cash in                             (332)    10,688  
   the year                                                                    
   Cash outflow from increase in liquid resources                -    700,000  
                                                            *******    ******* 
   Movement in net (debt)/funds in the year                   (332)   710,688  
   Opening net funds                                           212   (710,476) 
                                                            *******    ******* 
   Closing net (debt)/funds                                   (120)       212  
                                                            *******    ******* 

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                              
FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2004                                            
1      Accounting policies                                                     
1.1    Accounting convention                                                   
       The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost         
       The financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis, 
       as subsequent to the year end, the company acquired Timestrip Limited   
       and raised sufficient funds by way of a placing to allow the Group to   
       continue to operate for the foreseeable future.                         
1.2    Investments                                                             
       Fixed asset investments are stated at cost less provision for diminution
       in value. Funding supplied by the parent company to its subsidiaries was
       capitalised as a part of the parent company's investment as a capital   
       contribution and reviewed annually for impairment. The fixed asset      
       investments have been written off during the year.                      
1.3    Deferred taxation                                                       
       Deferred tax is provided in full in respect of taxation deferred by     
       timing differences between the treatment of certain items for taxation  
       and accounting purposes.                                                
1.4    Consolidation                                                           
       The accounts do not consolidate the financial statements of its         
       subsidiary undertakings as their accounting records were transferred to 
       and are held by the Administrative Receivers. Subsequent to the year end
       the subsidiary undertakings were sold to a third party. For these       
       reasons the directors have not consolidated the subsidiary undertakings 
       as they believe severe long-term restrictions substantially hinder the  
       exercise of rights of the company over the assets and management of     
       those undertakings.                                                     
2   Amounts written off investments                          2004        2003  
                                                                �           �  
    Amounts written off fixed asset investments:                               
    - permanent diminution in value                            -   3,054,538   
                                                          *******     *******  
    Included within the amount above is �Nil (2003 : �110,000), which relates  
    to the reassigning of intellectual property rights and trade marks of      
    Groovetech LLC.                                                            
3   Interest payable                                         2004        2003  
                                                                �           �  
    On bank loans and overdrafts                             158         418   
    Other interest                                             -      30,648   
                                                          *******     *******  
                                                             158      31,066   
                                                          *******     *******  

4   Taxation                                                                     
                                                         *******      *******    
    Current tax charge                                        -            -     
                                                         *******      *******    
    Factors affecting the tax charge for the year                                
    Loss on ordinary activities before taxation         (33,942)  (3,221,491)    
                                                         *******      *******    
    Loss on ordinary activities before taxation            6,449     612,083     
    multiplied by standard rate of UK corporation tax                            
    of 19.00% (2003: 19.00%)                                                     
    Effects of:                                                                  
    Other tax adjustments                                (6,449)    (612,083)    
                                                         *******      *******    
    Current tax charge                                        -            -     
                                                         *******      *******    
5   Fixed asst investments                                                       
                                                                    Shares in    
    At 1 January 2004 & 31                                        19,012,340     
    December 2004                                                                
    Provisions for diminution in                                                 
    At 1 January 2004 & 31                                        19,012,340     
    December 2004                                                                
    Net book value                                                               
    At 31 December 2004                                                     -    
    At 31 December 2003                                                     -    
    Holdings of more than 20%                                                    
    The company holds more than 20% of the share capital of the following        
   Company                         Country of regis           Shares held        
                                   tration or                                    
                                   incorporation        Class                 %  
    Subsidiary undertakings                                                      
   Lupine Ventures Limited         England              Ordinary            100  
    Groovetech LLC                 USA                  Membership units    100  
    Groovetech Limited             England              Ordinary            100  
    As set out in note 1.4, the subsidiary undertakings at the year end were in  
    Administrative Receivership and no relevant information is available         
    pertaining to the capital and reserves and the results of these              

6   Debtors                                                      2004        2003
                                                                    �           �
    Called up share capital not paid                           2,082       9,917 
    Prepayments and accrued income                               536           - 
                                                              *******     *******
                                                               2,618       9,917 
                                                              *******     *******
7   Creditors: amounts falling due within one year               2004        2003
                                                                    �           �
    Bank loans and overdrafts                                    120           - 
    Trade creditors                                            6,259     149,166 
    Amounts owed to participating interests                        -      46,295 
    Taxes and social security costs                                -       1,796 
    Directors' current accounts                                    -   1,311,526 
    Other creditors                                                -     670,642 
    Accruals and deferred income                               7,794      29,658 
                                                              *******     *******
                                                              14,173   2,209,083 
                                                              *******     *******
8   Share capital                                                2004        2003
                                                                    �           �
    279,388,100 Ordinary shares of 1p each                         -   2,793,881 
    1,228,076,170 Ordinary shares of 0.2p each               279,388           - 
    678,170 Deferred shares of 49.8p each                    337,728           - 
    13,358,829 Deferred shares of 24p each                 3,206,119   3,206,119 
                                                              *******     *******
                                                           3,823,235   6,000,000 
                                                              *******     *******
    Allotted, called up and fully paid                                           
    35,464,800 Ordinary shares of 1p each                          -     354,648 
    3,479,769 Ordinary shares of 0.2p each                     6,960           - 
    678,170 Deferred shares of 49.8p each                    337,728           - 
    13,358,829 Deferred shares of 24p each                 3,206,119   3,206,119 
                                                              *******     *******
                                                           3,550,807   3,560,767 
                                                              *******     *******
    The view has been taken during the year that since Groovetech LLC has ceased 
    trading, the directors are of the opinion that the additional 1,556,190      
    Ordinary shares which has been deemed to be issued in respect of 28% of the  
    Groovetech LLC investment not owned but subject to an unconditional put and  
    call option will not be issued. The share capital in respect of these shares 
    has therefore been written off to the profit and loss account.               
    On 3 November 2004 the company entered into a Creditors Voluntary Arrangement
    under which the existing 33,908,535 Ordinary shares of 1p each were          
    consolidated into 678,170 Ordinary shares of 50p and those shares were       
    divided into 678,170 ordinary shares of 0.2p each and 678,170 new deferred   
    shares of 49.8p each. Subsequently 1,586,666 ordinary shares of 0.2p each    
    were issued to the creditors under the supervision of the CVA supervisor,    
    together with 1,040,874 new ordinary shares of 0.2p each to Lloyds Traders   
    Inc at par and 174,059 new ordinary shares of 0.2p each at par to the CVA    
    Supervisor in respect of their services.                                     
    On 3 November 2004, following the Extraordinary General Meeting the company  
    created 'A' Warrants in respect of 500,000 Ordinary shares for subscription  
    at an issue price of 0.2p per share at any time before 30 November 2006, and 
    all of the said warrants were issued to Lloyd Traders Inc, a company in which
    three of the directors (namely Mr Oakes, Mr Knifton and Mr Weller) are       
9   Statement of movements on reserves                                           
                                                              Share   Profit and 
                                                            premium         loss 
                                                            account      account 
                                                                  �            � 
    Balance at 1 January 2004                           13,638,124  (19,397,846) 
    Retained loss for the year                                   -      (33,942) 
    Premium on shares issued during the year             2,231,302            -  
                                                            *******      ******* 
    Balance at 31 December 2004                         15,869,426  (19,431,788) 
                                                            *******      ******* 
10  Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds           2004        2003
                                                                    �           �
    Loss for the financial year                              (33,942) (3,221,491)
    Proceeds from issue of shares                          2,231,302           - 
    Cancellation of issued share capital (see note 9)        (15,562)            
    Shares issued in the period                                5,602             
                                                              *******     *******
    Net addition to/(depletion in) shareholders' funds     2,187,400  (3,221,491)
    Opening shareholders' funds                           (2,198,954)  1,022,537 
                                                              *******     *******
    Closing shareholders' funds                              (11,555) (2,198,954)
                                                              *******     *******

11  Employees                                                                   
    Number of employees                                                         
    The average monthly number of employees (including directors) during the    
    year was:                                                                   
                                                                 2004       2003
                                                               Number     Number
    Administrative                                                 -          2 
                                                              *******    *******
12  Related party transactions                                                  
    At 31 December 2004 the company had an interest free loan from N.J.Cowan of 
    �Nil (2003 : �1,236,526).                                                   
    At 31 December 2004 the company had an interest free loan from R.B.Cordell  
    of �Nil (2003 : �75,000).                                                   

13  Post balance sheet events                                                  
    Subsequent to the year end, the company acquired the entire issued share   
    capital of Timestrip Limited for �6.4 million. The purchase price was      
    satisfied by the issue of 160,000,000 new Ordinary Shares of 0.02p each at 
    4p per share to the Vendors on the sale of their Timestrip Limited shares. 
    Furthermore, subsequent to the year end a total of 50,581,250 new Ordinary 
    Shares of 0.02p were issued pursuant to a Placing to raise a total of �    
    2,023,250 before expenses.                                                 

Audited financial statements, from which the figures contained in this
statement have been extracted, are being delivered to the Registrar of
Companies and sent to shareholders. They will be available from the Company's
registered office, Finsgate, 5-7 Cranwood Street, London EC1V 9EE, for a period
of 30 days from the date thereof.


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