RNS Number:1716E
TDK Corporation
21 November 2002


5)       Consolidated Statements of Earnings

                                                                                               (Millions of yen)
               Period          April 1, 2002 -                 April 1, 2001 -               
                             September 30, 2002              September 30, 2001              Increase or Decrease

  Items                     Amount        Ratio (%)         Amount        Ratio (%)         Amount         Ratio (%)
Net sales:                  296,380           100.0         270,786           100.0          25,594              9.5
Cost of sales:              223,738            75.5         213,309            78.8          10,429              4.9
    Gross profit             72,642            24.5          57,477            21.2          15,165             26.4
Selling, general and         59,196            20.0          60,288            22.2          ^1,092             ^1.8
administrative expenses:                                                                                            
Restructuring                 3,427             1.1               -               -           3,427                -
 Operating profit (^loss)    10,019             3.4          ^2,811            ^1.0          12,830                -
Non-operating income and loss
 Interest and dividend income   708                           1,288                            ^580
 Interest paid                 ^198                            ^672                             474
 Exchange gain (^loss)      ^ 1,699                            ^514                          ^1,185
 Others                     ^ 1,194                            ^373                            ^821
  Total                      ^2,383            ^0.8            ^271           ^0.1           ^2,112           ^779.3
Earnings (^loss)                                                              
before income taxes           7,636             2.6          ^3,082           ^1.1           10,718                -
Income taxes:                 2,756             1.0          ^3,577           ^1.3            6,333                -
  Earnings before           
  minority interests          4,880             1.6             495            0.2            4,385            885.9
Minority interests (^loss):    ^235               -           1,337            0.5           ^1,572                -
Net earnings                  4,645             1.6           1,832            0.7            2,813            153.5
Net earnings per share            34.98 yen                      13.78 yen

Weighted average number of shares           
in issue                     132,802 thousand shares         132,940 thousand shares


 1.        Net earnings per share for the interim period are calculated on weighted basis of the average number of
           shares of common stock in issue (the aggregate number of issued shares).

 2.        "Accounting for Consideration Given by a Vendor to a Customer (Including a Reseller of the Vendor's
           Products)" (the Emerging Issues Task Force ("EITF") 01-9) has been adopted for the year ending March 31,
           2003. Accordingly, the figures of the corresponding period of the previous business year have been restated.


6)       Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                                                                     (Millions of yen)
                                                        A S S E T
            Period   As at September 30, 2002    As at March 31, 2001    Increase or Decrease   As at September 30,2001
    Items              Amount      Ratio (%)     Amount      Ratio (%)           Amount             Amount     Ratio(%)

Current Assets:        406,300        55.8       399,206        53.2               7,094            404,776        54.0
  Cash on hand and     147,822                   125,761                          22,061            126,709
  in banks
  Trade receivables    137,796                   142,827                          ^5,301            129,004
  Inventories           83,714                    91,149                          ^7,435            117,409
  Other current assets  36,968                    39,469                          ^2,501             31,654
Fixed Assets:          321,374        44.2       350,704        46.8             ^29,330            344,159        46.0
 Investments and loans  19,309                    24,265                          ^4,956             22,173
 Tangible fixed assets 244,040                   265,590                         ^21,550            277,477
 Other assets           58,025                    60,849                         ^ 2,824             44,509
Total Assets           727,674       100.0       749,910       100.0             ^22,236            748,935       100.0

                                                                                                (Millions of yen)
                                        LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                  
               Period   As at September 30, 2002     As at March 31, 2001     Increase or    As at September 30, 2001

    Items                  Amount      Ratio (%)      Amount      Ratio (%)      Amount         Amount      Ratio (%)
Current Liabilities:        99,683        13.7        110,341        14.7       ^10,658        106,866        14.3
 Short-term loan                                       
  payables                   1,834                      2,312                      ^478          3,654
 Trade payables             55,896                     52,609                     3,287         49,583
 Accrued expenses           26,231                     23,757                     2,474         30,632
 Taxes payables              2,484                      2,546                       ^62          2,730
 Other current                                        
  liabilities               13,238                     29,117                   ^15,879         20,267

Fixed Liabilities:          58,971         8.1         51,049         6.8         7,922         33,915         4.5
 Long-term loan               
  payables                     255                        459                      ^204            612                  
 Accrued expenses           
  for retirement
  annuity                   58,318                     49,992                     8,326         33,294
  Deferred tax                 398                        598                      ^200              9
Total Liabilities          158,654        21.8        161,390        21.5        ^2,736        140,781        18.8

Minority Interests           4,425         0.6          4,593         0.6          ^168          4,220         0.6
  Paid-in capital           32,641                     32,641                          -         32,641
  Capital surplus           63,051                     63,051                          -         63,051
  Legal reserve             15,955                     15,683                        272         15,710
  Other retained           
  earnings                 521,859                    520,143                      1,716        551,705
  Aggregate amount of                                           
  other comprehensive                                                       
  income (^loss)           ^64,100                   ^43,999                     ^20,101        ^55,591
  Treasury stock            ^4,811                    ^3,592                      ^1,219         ^3,582
      Equity)               564,595       77.6       583,927        77.9         ^19,332        603,934       80.6

Total Liabilities and      
Stockholders' Equity        727,674      100.0       749,910       100.0         ^22,236        748,935      100.0      
Number of shares
issued                        132,634                      132,860                                    132,861
                            thousand shares            thousand shares                           thousand shares


7)       Consolidated Capital Account

                                                                                          (Millions of yen)
                                 Period      April 1, 2002 -        April 1, 2001 -        April 1, 2001 -
                                           September 30, 2002       March 31, 2002       September 30, 2001

    Items                                        Amount                 Amount                 Amount
Paid-in capital:
   Balance as at the beginning of the             32,641                 32,641                 32,641

   Balance as at the end of the year              32,641                 32,641                 32,641

Additional paid-in capital:
   Balance as at the beginning of the             63,051                 63,051                 63,051

   Balance as at the end of the year              63,051                 63,051                 63,051

Legal reserve:
   Balance as at the beginning of the             15,683                 13,409                 13,409
   Transfer from retained earnings                   272                  2,274                  2,301

   Balance as at the end of the year              15,955                 15,683                 15,710

Other retained earnings:
   Balance as at the beginning of the            520,143                556,165                556,165
   Net earnings (^loss)                           4,645                 ^25,771                  1,832
   Cash dividends                                ^2,657                  ^7,977                 ^3,991
   Transfer to legal reserve                       ^272                  ^2,274                 ^2,301
   Balance as at the end of the year            521,859                 520,143                551,705

Other comprehensive profits (^losses):
   Balance as at the beginning of the           
   year                                          ^43,999                ^24,851                ^24,851
   Other comprehensive income (^loss)                                       
   - after tax effect adjustment                 ^20,101                ^19,148                ^30,740

   Balance as at the end of the year             ^64,100                ^43,999                ^55,591

Treasury stock:
   Balance as at the beginning of the Year        ^3,592                 ^2,666                 ^2,666
   Acquisition of treasury stock                  ^1,219                   ^926                   ^916

   Balance as at the end of the year              ^4,811                 ^3,592                 ^3,582

   Total amount of capital                       564,595                583,927                603,934

General profit (^loss):
   Net earnings (^loss):                           4,645                ^25,771                  1,832
   Other comprehensive income (^loss)         
   - after tax effect adjustment                 ^20,101                ^19,148                ^30,740

   General profit for the business year(^ loss): ^15,456                ^44,919                ^28,908


8) Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                       (Millions of yen)
                                              Period        April 1, 2002 -             April 1, 2001 -
                                                           September 30, 2002          September 30, 2001

    Items                                                        Amount                      Amount
Cash flows in operating activities:
   Net earnings                                                    4,645                       1,832
   Net cash of operating activities
   Adjustment with respect to income
      Depreciation and amortization                               28,503                      29,062
      Loss on disposal of fixed assets                             2,441                         226
      Deferred tax                                                 2,533                      ^5,363
      Loss related to investment securities (^gain)                  949                        ^117
      Increase or decrease of assets and liabilities
         Decrease in trade receivables                               306                      24,980
         Decrease in inventory (^increase)                         4,616                      ^3,218                    
         Decrease in trade payables (^decrease)                    5,451                     ^13,874
         Increase in tax payables (^decrease)                         62                     ^16,838
      Others                                                      ^5,436                       5,752
   Net cash income in operating activities                        44,070                      22,442

Cash flows in investment activities:
   Acquisition of fixed assets                                   ^14,472                     ^38,094
   Proceeds from sale of investments, etc.                            11                         326
   Payment for acquisition of investment, etc.                       ^30                      ^1,859
   Others                                                          1,146                       2,568

   Net cash expenses in investment activities                    ^13,345                     ^37,059
Cash flows in financing activities:
   Fund raised by long-term debt                                      35                          46
   Repayment of long-term debt                                      ^439                        ^459
   Decrease in short-term loan payables                              ^60                      ^1,973
   Payment for acquisition of own shares                          ^1,219                        ^916
   Dividends paid                                                 ^2,657                      ^3,991
   Net cash expenses in financing activities                      ^4,340                      ^7,293
Influence on cash and cash equivalents due to exchange fluctuations^4,324                     ^2,298
Increase in cash and cash equivalents (^decrease)                 22,061                     ^24,208
Balance of cash and cash equivalents as at the                   
beginning of the business year                                   125,761                     150,917 
Balance of cash and cash equivalents as at the end               
of the interim period                                            147,822                     126,709


9)     Principal Accounting Principles and Procedures adopted for the Preparation of the Consolidated Financial

1.     The consolidated financial statements of the Company have been prepared
in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States of America (Statements of the Accounting Standard Board, Statements of
Financial Standards reported by the Financial Accounting Standard Board, etc.).

 (1)       Marketable securities:

                 "Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities" of the Statement of Financial
                 Accounting Standards No. 115, issued by the Financial Accounting Standard Board of the United States,
                 has been adopted.

 (2)       Inventories:

                 Valuation of inventories is based on the lower of cost, and cost thereof is calculated based on the
                 average cost method.

 (3)       Method of depreciation:

                 In calculating expenses for depreciation of tangible fixed assets, the declining balance method is
                 applied for assets existing in Japan and assets owned by a part of overseas subsidiaries, and the
                 straight line method is applied for assets owned by other overseas subsidiaries.

 (4)        Tax:

                 Accounting treatments for income taxes, etc. are based on the assets and liabilities method whereby
                 differences between assets and liabilities for the purpose of accounting and assets and liabilities
                 for the purpose of taxes, and carries forward losses and the future tax effected amount concerned with
                 carries forward tax deduction be recognized to be carried forward tax assets or, as the case may be,
                 carried forward tax liabilities.

 (5)       Financial derivative instruments:

                 "Accounting for Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedge Activities" of the Statement of Financial
                 Accounting Standards No. 133 and the amendment of No. 133 "Accounting Derivative Financial Instruments
                 and Hedge Activities" of the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 138 issued by the
                 Financial Accounting Standard Board of the United States, have been adopted.

 (6)       Goodwill and other intangible assets:

                 "Business Combination" of the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 141 and "Goodwill and
                 Other Intangible Assets" of the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 142 issued by the
                 Financial Accounting Standard Board of the United States, have been adopted.


2.     The number of consolidated subsidiaries of the Company as of September
30, 2002 totaled 73, consisting of 21 domestic companies and 52 overseas
companies. The number of affiliates as to investments in which the equity method
has been carried out totaled seven, consisting of four domestic companies and
three overseas companies. Major changes during the interim period ended
September 30, 2002 are the integration of domestic production subsidiaries (see
the footnote in the page 3 in English translation of the immediate release) and
the incorporation of a subsidiary in Shanghai, China.

3.     Comprehensive income is net earnings for the interim period under review
added by other comprehensive income. Other comprehensive income includes foreign
currency translation adjustment, minimum pension liability adjustments and
increase or decrease in unrealized gains (losses) on securities. Net earnings,
other comprehensive income (^ loss) and comprehensive income (^
loss) for the previous interim period and for the interim period under review
are stated as follows:

                                            Period      April 1, 2002 -        April 1, 2001 -
    Items                                             September 30, 2002     September 30, 2001

Net earnings                                                  4,645                  1,832
Other comprehensive income (^loss) - after
tax effect adjustment:
   Breakdown: Foreign currency translation                  ^15,542                 ^7,457
      Minimum pension liability adjustments                  ^2,600                ^23,411
   Unrealized gains on securities (^loss):                   ^1,959                    128
Comprehensive income (^loss)                                ^15,456                ^28,908

4.     New Accounting Standards Adopted for the Interim Period Under Review:

(1)  Accounting for Consideration Given by a Vendor to a Customer (Including a
Reseller of the Vendor's Products)

         In May 2000, the Emerging Issues Task Force reached a final consensus
on Issue 00-14 ("EITF 00-14"), "Accounting for Certain Sales Incentives". EITF
00-14 addresses accounting and reporting standards for sales incentives such as
coupons or rebates that are provided by vendors or manufacturers and are
exercisable by customers at the point of sale.

         In April 2001, the Emerging Issues Task Force also reached a final
consensus on a portion of Issue 00-25 ("EITF 00-25"), "Vendor Income Statement
Characterization of Consideration to a Purchaser of the Vendor's Products or
Services". EITF 00-25 addresses the income statement characterization of
consideration, other than that directly addressed in EITF 00-14, from a vendor
(typically a manufacturer or distributor) to a customer (typically a retailer or
wholesaler) in connection with the sale to the customer of the vendor's products
or promotion of sales of the vendor's products by the customer.

         EITF 00-14 and EITF 00-25 were subsequently codified in and superseded
by Issue 01-9 ("EITF 01-9"), "Accounting for Consideration Given by a Vendor to
a Customer (Including a Reseller of the Vendor's Products)" on which the
Emerging Issue Task Force reached a final consensus. The Company adopted EITF
01-9 on April 1, 2002. The adoption of EIFT 01-9 did not have a material effect
on the Company's consolidated financial position or results of operations.


(2)  Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets

         In August 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 144 ("SFAS 144"), "Accounting
for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets" which supersedes both
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 121 ("SFAS 121"), "Accounting
for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed
Of" and the accounting and reporting provisions of APB Opinion No. 30 ("Opinion
30"), "Reporting the Results of Operations-Reporting the Effects of Disposal of
a Segment of a Business, and Extraordinary, Unusual and Infrequently Occurring
Events and Transactions", for the disposal of a segment of a business (as
previously defined in that Opinion).

         SFAS 144 retains the fundamental provisions in SFAS 121 for recognizing
and measuring impairment losses on long-lived assets held for use and long-lived
assets to be disposed of by sale, while also resolving significant
implementation issues associated with SFAS 121. The Company adopted the
provision of SFAS 144 on April 1, 2002. The Company does not expect the adoption
of SFAS 144 to have a material effect on the Company's consolidated financial
position or results of operations.

(3)  Accounting for Costs Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities

         In June 2002, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement
of Financial Accounting Standards No. 146 ("SFAS 146"), "Accounting for Costs
Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities". SFAS 146 addresses accounting and
reporting standards for costs associated with exit or disposal activities, as
well as nullified the previous accounting guidance provided by EITF Issue No.
94-3, "Liability Recognition for Certain Employee Termination Benefits and Other
Costs to Exit an Activity (including Certain Costs Incurred in a Restructuring
"). The provisions of SFAS 146 are to be applied prospectively to exit or
disposal activities initiated after December 31, 2002, but it is recommended
that the provisions of SFAS 146 are to be applied in advance. Currently, the
effect on the Company's consolidated financial statements of adopting SFAS 146
has not yet been determined.


10)      Segment Information

         1.     Segment information by business category and 2. Geographical
segment information stated below are required to be disclosed under the
Securities Exchange Law of Japan and are not subject to the audit required by
the U.S. GAAP.

         "Accounting for Consideration Given by a Vendor to a Customer
(Including a Reseller of the Vendor's Products)" (the Emerging Issues Task Force
("EITF") 01-9) has been adopted for the year ending March 31, 2003. Accordingly,
the figures of the corresponding period of the previous business year have been

1.     Segment information by business category

                                                                                               (Millions of yen)
                     Period         April 1, 2002 -                April 1, 2001 -
                                  September 30, 2002             September 30, 2001            Increase or Decrease

Business                         Amount       Ratio (%)         Amount        Ratio (%)        Amount       Ratio (%)

Electronic materials and
  Net Sales                     234,272          100.0         209,607           100.0         24,665           11.8
  1) Unaffiliated customers     234,272                        209,607                         24,665           11.8
  2) Intersegment                     -                              -                              -              -
  Operating Expenses            223,557           95.4         210,329           100.3         13,228            6.3
  Operating Profit (^loss)      10,715            4.6            ^722            ^0.3         11,437              -
Recording media & systems
  Net Sales                      62,108          100.0          61,179           100.0            929            1.5
  1) Unaffiliated customers      62,108                         61,179                            929            1.5
  2) Intersegment                     -                              -                              -              -
  Operating Expenses             62,804          101.1          63,268           103.4           ^464           ^0.7
  Operating Profit (^loss)         ^696           ^1.1          ^2,089            ^3.4          1,393              -
  Net Sales                     296,380          100.0         270,786           100.0         25,594            9.5
  1) Unaffiliated customers     296,380                        270,786                         25,594            9.5
  2) Intersegment                     -                              -                              -              -
  Operating Expenses            286,361           96.6         273,597           101.0         12,764            4.7
  Operating Profit (^loss)       10,019            3.4          ^2,811            ^1.0         12,830              -

2.     Geographical segment information

                                                                                                     (Millions of yen)
                    Period         April 1, 2002 -                April 1, 2001 -
                                  September 30, 2002             September 30, 2001            Increase or Decrease

Location                         Amount        Ratio (%)        Amount        Ratio (%)        Amount        Ratio (%)

Net Sales                       173,895           100.0        167,127           100.0          6,768             4.0
Operating profit (^loss)          2,664             1.5            738             0.4          1,926           261.0

North and South America
Net Sales                        50,938           100.0         47,660           100.0          3,278             6.9
Operating profit (^loss)           ^309            ^0.6         ^4,928           ^10.3          4,619               -

Net Sales                        34,162           100.0         37,501           100.0         ^3,339            ^8.9
Operating profit (^loss)         ^2,295            ^6.7           ^872            ^2.3         ^1,423               -

Asia, other
Net Sales                       148,987           100.0        123,320           100.0         25,667            20.8
Operating profit (^loss)          9,870             6.6              5               -          9,865               -

Elimination of intersegment
Net Sales                       111,602                        104,822                          6,780
Operating profit                    ^89                         ^2,246                          2,157
Net Sales                       296,380           100.0        270,786           100.0         25,594             9.5
Operating profit (^loss)         10,019             3.4         ^2,811            ^1.0         12,830               -


  Net Sales are classified by origins of sales (a location of shipment) and includes intersegment transactions.


3.        Sales by area

                                                                                               (Millions of yen)
                          Period     April 1, 2002 -            April 1, 2001 -
                                   September 30, 2002         September 30, 2001        Increase or Decrease

Area                              Amount      Ratio (%)      Amount      Ratio (%)      Amount       Ratio (%)

North and South America           56,294          19.0       50,463          18.6        5,831           11.6
Europe                            34,368          11.6       37,817          14.0       ^3,449           ^9.1
Asia, other                      121,429          41.0       97,336          35.9       24,093           24.8
Total of Overseas Sales          212,091          71.6      185,616          68.5       26,475           14.3

Japan                             84,289          28.4       85,170          31.5         ^881           ^1.0
Net Sales on a Consolidated      
 Basis                           296,380         100.0       270,786        100.0       25,594            9.5


  Net sales of sales by area are classified based on the area of purchasers.

11)      Market Price Information concerning Marketable Securities

                                                                                               (Millions of yen)

                                                    Total unrealized gross      Total unrealized gross           
                                 Acquisition cost         profit held                 loss held            Fair Value
As at September 30, 2002
 Stocks                                5,766                 150                        2,622                3,294
 Debt securities                       3,287                  12                            -                3,299
 Total                                 9,053                 162                        2,622                6,593

As at March 31, 2002
 Stocks                                4,389                 596                            -                4,985
 Debt securities                       3,274                  24                            -                3,298
 Total                                 7,663                 620                            -                8,283

As at September 30, 2001
 Stocks                                3,695                  99                          435                3,359
 Debt securities                       2,864                  32                            -                2,896
 Total                                 6,559                 131                          435                6,255


12)      Contract Price of Derivative Transactions and Market Prices

                                                                                                     (Millions of yen)
                         Period                                          As at September 30, 2002

Types of Securities                             Contract Price             Sheet Value                   Fair Value

 Forward exchange contracts                         17,549                     ^84                          ^84
 Currency swap contracts and interest                       
  rate and currency swap contracts for
  investment, etc. into subsidiaries                13,613                     ^84                          ^84

                                                                                                    (Millions of yen)
                         Year                                            As at March 31, 2002

Types of Securities                            Contract Price             Sheet Value                   Fair Value

 Forward exchange contracts                        7,576                      ^59                          ^59
 Currency swap contracts and interest                 
  rate and currency swap contracts for
  investment, etc. into subsidiaries              13,268                     ^315                         ^315

                                                                                                    (Millions of yen)
                                    Period                                    As at September 30, 2001

Types of Securities                                      Contract Price          Sheet Value              Fair Value

 Forward exchange contracts                                  34,336                  358                      358

 Currency option contracts
       for buying                                               123                   ^1                       ^1
       for selling                                            1,661                   ^1                       ^1
 Currency swap contracts and interest rate and currency     
  swap contracts for investment, etc. into subsidiaries      18,406                  ^68                      ^68


13)      Non-Consolidated Interim Statements of Earnings (Non-consolidated)

                                                                                                      (Millions of yen)

                   Period    April 1, 2002 -                  April 1, 2001 -                    Increase or
                             September 30, 2002               September 30, 2001                  Decrease
Items                        Amount        Ratio (%)          Amount          Ratio (%)       Amount         Ratio (%)

Recurring Profit and
  Operating profit and
    Operating income:
      Net sales            167,260           100.0           164,023           100.0          3,237              2.0
    Operating expenses:   (163,779)          (97.9)         (164,342)         (100.2)          ^563             ^0.3
     Cost of sales         136,194                           134,770
     Selling, general       27,585                            29,572
      and administrative
    Operating profit         3,480             2.1              ^319           ^0.2           3,799               -
    (^ loss):                                                                           
  Non-operating profit
  and loss:
    Non-operating           (5,815)           (3.5)          (15,248)          (9.3)         ^9,433           ^61.9
      Interest and           2,687                            12,904
      dividend income
      Other                  3,128                             2,344
    Non-operating           (2,358)           (1.5)             (958)          (0.6)          1,400           146.1
      Interest paid              8                                37
      Exchange loss            483                               414
      Other                  1,866                               506
  Recurring profit:          6,937             4.1            13,970            8.5          ^7,033           ^50.3
Extraordinary Profit and
  Extraordinary profit:       (253)           (0.2)             (376)          (0.2)           ^123           ^32.7
      Gain on prior year       147                                 -
       adjustment of
       patent fees, etc.
      Gain on sales of          85                                 -
      metal magnet
      Reversal of                -                               305
      allowance for
      doubtful accounts
      Other                     20                                70
  Extraordinary loss:       (5,102)           (3.1)             (704)          (0.4)          4,398           624.7
     Extraordinary loss      2,958                                 -
      on business
      structural reform
     Loss from                 952                               442
      devaluation of
     Loss resulting            725                                 -
      from devaluation
      of shares of
     Loss on disposal          465                               261
      of fixed assets
  Net earnings before        2,088              1.2           13,642            8.3         ^11,554          ^84.7
  income taxes:                                                                                                         
     Income tax,                27                             2,050
      resident tax and
      enterprise tax
     Refunded income          ^509                                 -
      Reversal of prior       ^595                                 -
      year corporation                        
     Adjustment for          2,109                             1,840
      income taxes
  Net earnings for the       1,056              0.6            9,752            5.9          ^8,696         ^89.2
  current business year:                                                                                                
     Retained earnings      20,090                            30,481
      brought forward
Unappropriated retained     21,147                            40,233
 earnings for the current
 business year:


14)      Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                                                                    (Millions of yen)

            Period                                                                 Increase or
                    (As at September 30, 2002)        (As at March 31, 2001)       Decrease       (As at September 30,  

Items                  Amount      Ratio (%)         Amount         Ratio (%)      Amount         Amount       Ratio (%)

Current Assets:       220,153       43.1%           208,854          40.0%         11,299        235,248          43.5%
 Cash on hand          51,904                        50,673                                       16,509
  and in banks
 Trade                  5,230                         5,179                                        5,607
  receivables -
 Trade                 79,395                        74,825                                       83,083
  receivables -
 Securities             7,899                             -                                       30,059
 Products               9,901                        11,936                                       17,301
 Raw materials          6,215                         7,541                                        9,054
  and supplies
 Work in                9,639                         9,981                                       13,149
 Advance                6,350                         6,979                                        6,273
 Income taxes             807                         2,867                                            -
 Deferred tax           2,309                         1,516                                        1,631
 Short-term            35,199                        31,950                                       47,635
 Other current          5,416                         5,673                                        5,273
 Allowance for           ^116                          ^270                                         ^328
Fixed Assets:         290,771       56.9            313,286          60.0         ^22,515        305,589          56.5
 Tangible Fixed       131,533       25.7            139,109          26.6          ^7,576        144,988          26.8
  Buildings            44,925                        46,899                                       49,053
    Machinery          57,992                        60,159                                       51,300
    Vehicles,           5,302                         5,727                                        6,026
    and fixtures
    Land               16,515                        16,511                                       15,491
    Construction        6,796                         9,811                                       23,116
    in progress
Intangible fixed        3,556        0.7              3,687           0.7            ^131          3,554          0.7
Investments,          155,682       30.5            170,489          32.7         ^14,807        157,046         29.0
  Investment            4,200                         8,267                                        7,008
  Investment in       105,807                       106,472                                      106,624
  Long-term            19,433                        25,630                                       14,835
  Long-term             4,039                         4,642                                        5,182
  Long-term            21,708                        24,509                                       18,608
  deferred tax
  Treasury stock            -                             -                                        3,581
  Other                 1,546                         1,709                                        1,930
  Allowance for        ^1,052                          ^741                                         ^726

Total Assets          510,925      100.0            522,140        100.0        ^11,215          540,838        100.0

       (1)      Accumulated amount of depreciation of 
                 tangible fixed assets                      Y246,681 million
       (2)      Balance at the end of the year of 
                 guarantee liabilities                      Y7,414   million



            Period                                                                  Increase or
                      (As at September 30, 2002)       (As at March 31, 2001)         Decrease     (As at September 30, 

Items                  Amount       Ratio (%)       Amount             Ratio (%)       Amount       Amount     Ratio (%)

Current                61,733         12.1%         73,308               14.0%        ^11,575       69,687       12.9%
 Trade payables -      38,055                       35,999                                          34,671
 Accounts               4,295                       21,109                                          11,847
 Income taxes              27                            -                                           1,792
 Accrued                9,589                        8,985                                          11,777
 Deposit                9,636                        6,625                                           9,540
 Other current            129                          587                                              58
 Fixed Liabilities:    25,720          5.0          22,392                4.3           3,328       23,725        4.4
  Accrued              25,417                       21,803                                          23,201
 Reserve for              302                          589                                             523
  grants for
   Total                87,453         17.1         95,701                18.3         ^8,248       93,412       17.3
 Paid-in Capital:       32,641          6.4         32,641                 6.3              -       32,641        6.0
 Capital surplus:       59,256         11.6         59,256                11.3              -       59,256       11.0
 Additional             59,256                      59,256                                          59,256
  paid-in capital
 Earned surplus:       336,399         65.8        337,999                64.8         ^1,600      355,531       65.7
  Legal reserve          8,160                       8,160                                           8,160
  Voluntary            307,090                     307,137                                         307,137
    Special              1,037                       1,084                                           1,084
    General            306,053                     306,053                                         306,053
  Retained              21,147                      22,700                                          40,233
 (Net earnings or       (1,056)                    (^3,794)                                         (9,752)
  net loss                                            
  (^) for
  the interim
Unrealized gain or         ^15         ^0.0            133                 0.0           ^148           ^4       ^0.0
Treasury stock:         ^4,810         ^0.9         ^3,592                ^0.7         ^1,218            -        0.0

 Total                 423,471         82.9        426,439                81.7         ^2,968      447,425       82.7

Total Liabilities      510,925        100.0        522,140              100.00        ^11,215      540,838     100.00
and Stockholders'                                                                                        


15)  Principal Accounting Principles and Procedures adopted for the Preparation 
     of the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Earnings for the Interim Business 
     Period (Consolidated)

 1.  Method of valuation and valuation basis of inventories

 (1) Products, goods and work in progress:
     The lower of cost or market value method on the basis of periodic average 

 (2) Raw materials and supplies:
     The lower of cost or market value method on the basis of the monthly moving 
     average cost method.

 2.  Method of evaluation and evaluation basis of securities

 (1) Shares of subsidiaries and affiliates:
     The cost method on the basis of moving average cost method

 (2) Other securities
     Marketable securities:
     Market price method based on the fair market price as of the end of the 
     interim period (any balance resulting from evaluation of securities shall 
     directly be entered into capital account, while any cost of sales of 
     marketable securities shall be calculated based on a moving average cost 

     Non-marketable securities:
     The cost method on the basis of the moving average cost method.

 3.  Method of evaluation and evaluation basis of derivatives:
     The market price method

 4.  Method of depreciation of fixed assets

 (1) Tangible fixed assets:
     Depreciation of buildings (other than facilities attaching to the 
     buildings) is computed using the straight-line method, and property other 
     than buildings is computed using the declining balance method.


 (2) Intangible fixed assets:
     Depreciation of intangible fixed assets is computed using the straight-line 
     Software is computed using the straight-line method based on the utilizable 
     period (5 years) within the Company.

 5.  Accounting standard for appropriation of important reserves

 (1) Accrued retirement benefits:
     It is stated at such an amount as deemed to have been incurred at the end 
     of the interim period under review based on the estimated value of the 
     liabilities for retirement benefits and pension fund as at March 31, 2003 
     for the future payment of retirement benefits.

 (2) Reserve for retirement grants for officers:
     It is stated as an amount to be required at the end of the interim period 
     for the preparation of the payment of retirement grants to retiring 
     officers in accordance with the internal regulations of the Company. 
     Provided, however, that by the resolution of the Board of Directors, the 
     reserve for retirement grants for directors have been suspended since the 
     next following date of the 106th meeting of stockholders of the Company 
     being held. The reserve for retirement grants for directors, which has
     already been reserved, shall be paid at a retirement of directors upon 
     resolution of the stockholders' meeting of the Company.

 (3) Allowance for doubtful accounts:
     It is stated at such an amount as estimated based on the past experience 
     for bad debt ratio with respect to doubtful accounts in general, but such 
     an amount as deemed necessary in consideration of an individual estimate on 
     possibility of collection with respect to doubtful accounts.

 6.  Method of accounting for lease transactions:

     Finance leases, except for those in which ownership is deemed to be 
     transferred to the lessee, are accounted for as operating leases, that is, 
     the rental of property.

 7.  Method of accounting consumption tax, etc.:

     No consumption tax and local consumption tax are included in the financial 


16)      Lease Transactions (Non-consolidated)

         Finance lease transactions other than those in which the ownership to
the leased property is deemed to have been transferred to the lessor.

 1.        Acquisition cost of the leased property, accumulated depreciation and 
           the balance as at the end of the period:

                                                                                                      (Millions of yen)

     Period             April 1, 2002 -                    April 1, 2001 -                              April 1, 2001 -
                        September 30, 2002                March 31, 2002                              September 30, 2001

            Acquisition   Accumulated  Balance  Acquisition   Accumulated   Balance   Acquisition   Accumulated    Bal.
Items          cost       depreciation  as at      cost      depreciation    as at       cost      depreciation    
                                       period                               period

Machine          -           -           -           -             -             -            -           -          

Vehicle,       3,219      1,616       1,603       3,313         1,601         1,712        3,397       1,420         1

Total          3,219      1,616       1,603       3,313         1,601         1,712        3,397       1,420         1

         (Note)    Acquisition cost is calculated with interest payables
included since its ratio in fixed tangible assets as at September 30, 2002 is

 2.        The balance of lease for the future period:

                                                                                                      (Millions of yen)

                        Period                 April 1, 2002 -             April 1, 2001 -             April 1, 2001 -
Classification                                September 30, 2002            March 31, 2002            September 30, 2001

Less than one year                                    694                         696                         728

More than one year                                    909                       1,015                       1,248

     Total                                          1,603                       1,712                       1,977

         (Note)    The lease for the future period is calculated with interest
payables included since its ratio in fixed tangible assets as at September 30,
2002 is low.


 3.        Lease paid and depreciation cost:

                                                                                                       (Millions of yen)

                          Period                    April 1, 2002 -          April 1, 2001 -          April 1, 2001 -
Classification                                       September 30,            March 31, 2002           September 30,
                                                          2002                                              2001

Lease paid                                                378                      821                      428
Depreciation cost                                         378                      821                      428

 4.        Method of depreciation:

           The lease period is the years of use and the straight-line method is applied with the balance value being



Ratio of Results on a Consolidated Basis to Results on a Non-Consolidated Basis

                                                                                  Ratio of the            Ratio of the
                                                                                 interim period           corresponding
                                                                                 ended September            period of
                                                                                    30, 2002              the preceding
                                                                                                          business year

Net Sales                                                                              1.8                     1.7
Operating Profit                                                                       2.9                       -
Earnings before income taxes                                                           3.7                       -
Interim Net Earnings                                                                   4.4                     0.2

Exchange rates used for conversion

                     Period                            April 1, 2002 -                         April 1, 2001 -
                                                      September 30, 2002                      September 30, 2001

Items                                             Y/US$1             Y/Euro1              Y/US$1             Y/Euro1

Translation of sales                              123.07              116.92              122.24              107.76

The end of the period                             122.60              120.37              119.40              109.30


                                                                                                    (Millions of yen)

                  Period           April 1, 2002 -        April 1, 2001 -                            April 1, 2001 -
                                  September 30, 2002     September 30, 2001       Increase or         March 31, 2002
                                               Ratio                  Ratio          Ratio                       Ratio
                                                to                     to                                         to
Items                              Amount      Sales      Amount      Sales           (%)            Amount      Sales
                                                (%)                    (%)                                        (%)

  Investment in                     6,999         -       22,146         -          ^68.4            34,563         -
  Depreciation expenses            12,518       7.5       11,057       6.7           13.2            25,272       8.0
  Research and                     10,967       6.6       13,272       8.1          ^17.4            26,776       8.4
  development expenses                                                                

Result of financial                      2,678                   12,866             ^79.2                  13,108

  Number of employees                    6,304                    7,283                                     7,168
  (as of September 30)



                                                                                                      (Millions of yen)

                 Period             April 1, 2002 -         April 1, 2001 -                            April 1, 2001 -
                                   September 30, 2002     September 30, 2001       Increase or         March 31, 2002
                                              Ratio to                 Ratio to        Ratio                   Ratio to
Items                               Amount      Sales      Amount      Sales           (%)           Amount       Sales
                                                 (%)                    (%)                                        (%)

Investment in                       14,472         -       38,094          -          ^62.0          58,777          -
Depreciation expenses               28,503       9.6       29,062       10.7           ^1.9          61,920       10.9
Research and                        15,649       5.3       19,065        7.0          ^17.9          38,630        6.8
 development expenses                                                                     

Result of financial                         510                    616                ^17.2                   769

Number of employees (as                  31,728                 35,428                                     32,249
of September 30)

Ratio of overseas                          55.6%                  53.1%                                      53.8%

         "Accounting for Consideration Given by a Vendor to a Customer
(Including a Reseller of the Vendor's Products)" (the Emerging Issues Task Force
("EITF") 01-9) has been adopted for the year ending March 31, 2003. Accordingly,
the figures of the six months ended Sep. 30, 2001 and the year ended March 31,
2002 have been restated.

Overseas sales by division

                                                                                                       (Millions of yen)

                 Period             April 1, 2002 -          April 1, 2001 -                            April 1, 2001 -
                                   September 30, 2002       September 30, 2001       Increase or         March 31, 2002
                                  Amount      Ratio to     Amount      Ratio to        Ratio         Amount     Ratio to
Items                             (Y Mil.)      Sales      (Y Mil.)      Sales           (%)         (Y Mil.)      Sales
                                                 (%)                      (%)                                        (%)

Electronic materials &             167,212       56.4       142,040       52.4            17.7        305,775       53.6
  Electronic components             64,577       21.8        57,052       21.0            13.2        116,275       20.4
  Electronic devices                29,360        9.9        28,184       10.4             4.2         55,234        9.7
  Recording devices                 69,154       23.3        50,874       18.8            35.9        124,298       21.8
  Semiconductors &                   4,121        1.4         5,930        2.2           ^30.5          9,968        1.7
Recording media &                   44,879       15.2        45,576       16.1             3.0         99,932       17.5

  Overseas Sales                   212,091       71.6       185,616       68.5            14.3         405,707      71.1

         "Accounting for Consideration Given by a Vendor to a Customer
(Including a Reseller of the Vendor's Products)" (the Emerging Issues Task Force
("EITF") 01-9) has been adopted for the year ending March 31, 2003. Accordingly,
the figures of the six months ended Sep. 30, 2001 and the year ended March 31,
2002 have been restated.


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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