RNS Number:3252I
TDK Corporation
10 August 2001

      TDK Corporation(Tokyo)     Corporate Communications Department
                                 Michinori Katayama            +81 (3) 5201-7102

      TDK U.S.A. Corporation     Francis J. Sweeney            +1 (516) 535-2600

      TDK UK Limited             Ron Matier                    +44 (1737) 773773

TOKYO-August 7, 2001  TDK Corporation today announced its consolidated business
results for the first quarter of fiscal 2002, the three-month period ended June
30, 2001 is as follows:

1) Consolidated results
Consolidated results for the first quarter of fiscal 2002, the three-month
period from April 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001, is as follows:

                     Yen millions         US$ thousands     % change

Net sales              141,000            1,128,000         ( -19.6%)

Operating profit (%)     2.589  ( 1.8%)      20,712         ( -86.5%)

Income before 
income taxes     (%)     2,564  ( 1.8%)      20,512         ( -86.6%)

Net income       (%)     1,207  ( 0.9%)       9,656         ( -90.6%)

The amounts shown in U.S. Dollars are converted at the rate of U.S.$1=Yen 125,
the opening rate on the Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market on June 29, 2001.

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2) Summary

Consolidated results for the first quarter of fiscal 2002, the three-month
period from April 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001, are as follows:

Net sales decreased 19.6% to Y141,000 million (US$1,128,000 thousand), while
operating profit fell 86.5% to Y2,589 million (US$20,712 thousand). Income
before income taxes fell 86.6% to Y2,564 million (US$20,512 thousand) and net
income dropped 90.6% to Y1,207 million (US$9,656 thousand). Net income per
common share was Y9.07 (US$0.07).

Income taxes as a proportion of income before income taxes for the three-month
period increased relative to the same period of the previous fiscal year. This
reflected the fact that there were no tax benefits from losses posted by certain
overseas subsidiaries due to local tax regulations.

Average first quarter yen exchange rates for the U.S. dollar and euro were Y123
and Y107, respectively, as the yen depreciated 15% versus the dollar and 7%
versus the euro, compared with the previous year's first quarter. This had the
effect of increasing net sales by approximately Y10.3 billion and operating
profit by approximately Y2.7 billion.

In the electronic materials and components segment, net sales decreased 23.7% to
Y110,351 million (US$882,808 thousand).

Within this segment, sales in the electronic materials sector declined 16.6% to
Y43,900 million (US$351,200 thousand). The fourth-quarter slowdown of the U.S.
economy in the previous fiscal year prompted inventory corrections at TDK's
customers in a broad range of product categories, hampering sales. The effects
of these corrections lingered in the three-month period under review. In terms
of products, sales of multilayer chip capacitors for mobile phones and PCs and
peripherals decreased. Sales of ferrite cores used in audio and visual products
and PCs and peripherals fell sharply. Although magnet sales decreased, the
increasing use of electronics in automobiles kept demand strong in this market
sector. In this quarter, sales volumes of automotive magnets decreased only
slightly but monetary sales rose marginally due to fall in the yen's value.

In the electronic devices sector, sales decreased 21.4% to Y28,550 million
(US$228,400 thousand) due to the residual effects of the U.S. slowdown, as in
the electronic materials sector. High-frequency component sales fell sharply,
reflecting a cooling mobile phone market and inventory reductions at
manufacturers. A high proportion of TDK's high-frequency components are used in
mobile phones. Sales of inductive devices also decreased due to falling demand
in the audio and visual products, PC and peripherals and communications markets.
Inductors for automotive applications, although a small share of sales, continue
to perform well. In this quarter, volumes were down marginally but the weaker
yen lifted monetary sales somewhat. Demand for power supplies for audio and
visual products and video game systems was relatively strong, with sales
increasing slightly.

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                                                                TDK CONSOLIDATED

Recording devices sales decreased 33.5% to Y32,834 million (US$262,672
thousand), reflecting lower demand for HDD heads. This was the result of TDK's
delay, relative to competitors, in supplying mainstream 30gigabyte/disk HDD
heads, which resulted in TDK losing market share. The sales decline also
reflected the scaling back of HDD production at customers, which was prompted by
lackluster PC demand.

Sales in the semiconductors & others sector dropped 20.9% to Y5,067 million
(US$40,536 thousand). Sales of semiconductors for WAN/LAN and set-top box modems
fell sharply due to the continuing downturn in the semiconductor market as
demand for communications infrastructure equipment declined. Higher sales of
anechoic chambers and measurement systems due to orders received in the previous
fiscal year partly offset the fall in semiconductor sales.

In the recording media & systems segment, sales increased 0.1% to Y30,649
million (US$245,192 thousand). Sales of CD-Rs increased on higher volumes,
despite lower year-on-year prices. Also contributing to higher sales in this
segment were the yen's depreciation and the beginning of sales of recording
equipment last fall. Negating these gains to a large extent were lower audiotape
and videotape sales as total demand fell.

By region, sales in Japan decreased 23.3% to Y43,505 million (US$348,040
thousand), reflecting lower sales in all categories, most notably recording
devices. In Europe, sales declined 9.1% to Y19,836 million (US$158,688 million)
due to soft demand for high-frequency components for mobile phones, which
reflected a cooling mobile phone market. This outweighed sales growth in the
recording media & systems segment, where CD-Rs turned in a strong performance.
In Asia (excluding Japan) and Others, sales decreased 24.0% to Y50,027 million
(US$400,216 thousand). Mirroring Japan, sales fell in all product sectors,
noticeably in recording devices. In the Americas, sales declined 10.7% to
Y27,632 million (US$221,056 thousand), despite higher sales in the recording
media & systems segment, which were fueled by sales of recording equipment that
were launched last fall. Dragging down results were lackluster performances in
electronic materials and electronic devices.

The overall result was a 17.8% fall in overseas sales year on year to Y97,495
million (US$779,960 thousand). Overseas sales accounted for 69.1% of
consolidated net sales, a 1.5 percentage point increase from 67.6%.

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Fiscal 2002 Projections

TDK has revised downward its consolidated projections for fiscal 2002, the year
ending March 31, 2002, which were announced in May this year, as detailed below.
The consolidated projections are based principally on the following assumptions:
*  The yen-U.S. dollar exchange rate during the fiscal year was initially       
   estimated to be Y120. TDK currently estimates the same rate for the second   
   and subsequent quarters.
*  In the electronic materials and components segment, as of May 2001, TDK
   expected that there would be a gradual, across-the-board recovery for PCs,   
   mobile phones and audio and visual products from the second quarter onward,  
   after the markets bottomed out in the first quarter. However, no signs of    
   such an upturn have materialized. TDK thus expects results in the electronic 
   materials and components segment for the first half of fiscal 2002 to fall   
   short of its May projections.
*  In the recording media & systems segment, TDK expects demand for CD-Rs and   
   recording equipment to fall slightly short of its May projections due to the 
   economic slowdown.

At present, TDK believes that the second-half recovery which was the basis for
its May 2001 projections is extremely unlikely. However, because there are many
uncertainties concerning present second-half projections, TDK has not revised
projections for the full year based on this outlook. Therefore, the revised
full-year projections shown below incorporate only the new projections for the
second quarter. TDK will review second-half projections at a later date and
announce revised full-year projections if necessary to reflect any revisions.

Consolidated Projections for Fiscal 2002

                                       Revised        % change        As of May
                                    Projection       from FY01             2001
                                    Y millions                       Y millions

Net sales                             Y645,000           -6.5%         Y690,000
Operating profit                        30,000          -46.7%           40,000
Income before income taxes              31,000          -51.9%           42,000
Net income                              21,000          -52.3%           28,500

Cautionary Statement About Projections
Projections for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2002 are based on assumptions
and beliefs of TDK and its group companies in accordance with data currently
available. Consequently, these projections should not be relied upon as the sole
basis for evaluating TDK. Actual results may differ substantially from the
projections depending on a number of factors.

The electronics markets in which TDK operates are highly susceptible to rapid
changes. Furthermore, TDK operates not only in Japan, but in many other
countries. As such, factors that can have significant effects on its results
include, but are not limited to, shifts in technology, demand, prices,
competition, economic environments and foreign exchange rates.

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3) Consolidated results for the first quarter of fiscal 2002

(1) Financial highlights
               The first quarter of FY2002        The first quarter of FY2001  
             (April 1, 2001 - June 30, 2001)     (April 1, 2000 - June 30, 2000)
                    (Yen                (US$           (Yen              Change
                millions)      %   thousands)      millions)       %          % 

Net sales        141,000   100.0   1,128,000        175,322    100.0      -19.6
 profit            2,589     1.8      20,712         19,233     11.0      -86.5 
 taxes             2,564     1.8      20,512         19,091     10.9      -86.6 
Net income         1,207     0.9       9,656         12,835      7.3      -90.6
Net income                      
 per common                                                                  
 share and                                                                   
 per ADS        Yen 9.07            US$ 0.07         Yen 96.37                  
1. The financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting
   principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
2. The figures for net income per common share are calculated based upon the
   weighted average number of shares of common stock (the total outstanding     
3. During this consolidated accounting period, the company had 77 subsidiaries  
   (26 in Japan and 51 overseas). The company also had 8 affiliates whose       
   financial statements are accounted for by the equity method. 
4. U.S.$1- Yen 125 

(2) Sales breakdown 

               The first quarter of FY2002         The first quarter of FY2001  
             (April 1, 2001 - June 30, 2001)     (April 1, 2000 - June 30, 2000)
                    (Yen                (US$           (Yen              Change
                millions)      %   thousands)      millions)       %          % 

 components      110,351     78.3    882,808        144,708     82.5     -23.7
   materials      43,900     31.1    351,200         52,614     30.0     -16.6  
   devices        28,550     20.3    228,400         36,308     20.7     -21.4  
  devices         32,834     23.3    262,672         49,383     28.2     -33.5 
  & Others         5,067      3.6     40,536          6,403      3.6     -20.9  
 media &                                                                     
 systems          30,649     21.7    245,192         30,614     17.5       0.1  
 Total sales     141,000    100.0  1,128,000        175,322    100.0     -19.6

 Overseas sales   97,495     69.1    779,960        118,603     67.6     -17.8

1. Overseas sales for the first quarter of FY2001 have been revised 
    (see P8 "(5) Sales by Region" for details).

2. U.S.$1=Yen 125 

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(3) Statements of income 

               The first quarter of FY2002         The first quarter of FY2001  
             (April 1, 2001 - June 30, 2001)     (April 1, 2000 - June 30, 2000)
                    (Yen              (U.S.$           (Yen              Change
                millions)      %   thousands)      millions)       %          % 

Net sales        141,000   100.0   1,128,000         175,322   100.0      -19.6
Cost of sales    106,202    75.3     849,616         124,503    71.0      -14.7
 Gross profit     34,798    24.7     278,384          50,819    29.0      -31.5
 general and                                                                 
 expenses         32,209    22.9     257,672          31,586    18.0        2.0 
   profit          2,589     1.8      20,712          19,233    11.0      -86.5 
Other income                                                                
  Interest and                            
  dividend income    713               5,704           1,240                    
   expense          (360)             (2,880)           (179)                   
   gain (loss)       (92)               (736)           (935)                   
  Other, net        (286)             (2,288)           (268)                 
  Other Income          
  total              (25)      -        (200)           (142)   -0.1      -82.4 
 Income before         
  income taxes     2,564     1.8      20,512          19,091    10.9      -86.6 
Income taxes       1,257     0.9      10,056           6,072     3.5      -79.3
  Income before    
   interests       1,307     0.9      10,456          13,019     7.4      -90.0 
 interests         (100)       -        (800)           (184)   -0.1      -45.7 
 Net income       1,207      0.9       9,656          12,835     7.3      -90.6
Net income per                   
 common share  Yen 9.07             US$ 0.07      Yen 96.37                     
Average common            
  outstanding  133,019 thousands                      133,190 thousands         
1.  The figures for net income per common share are calculated based upon the
    weighted average number of shares of common stock (the total outstanding
2.  U.S.$1-Yen 125
3.  Statements of income for the first quarter of fiscal 2001 and 2002 are
    unaudited by independent auditors.

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(4) Balance sheets 

                    As of June 30, 2001         As of March 31, 2001     Change 
                    (Yen                (US$           (Yen    
                millions)      %   thousands)      millions)       %          % 

Current          416,314    52.6   3,330,512        452,913     55.2       -8.1

  Cash and cash 
  equivalents    129,849           1,038,792        150,917                    
   Net trade                          
   receivables   132,123           1,056,984        156,585                     

   Inventories   123,531             988,248        116,423 
   expenses and                                                                
   assets         30,811             246,488         28,988                     
  and advances    22,979     2.9     183,832         21,143      2.6        8.7 

Net property,         
 plant, and                                                                  
 equipment       283,377    35.8   2,267,016        276,625     34.0        1.7 

 pension cost     40,039     5.1     320,312         41,290      5.0       -3.0 

Other assets      28,237     3.6     225,896         26,206      3.2        7.8 
    TOTAL        790,946   100.0   6,327,568        820,177    100.0       -3.6 


                    As of June 30, 2001         As of March 31, 2001     Change 
                    (Yen                (US$           (Yen    
                millions)      %   thousands)      millions)       %          % 
 liabilities     119,232    15.1     953,856        146,142     17.8      -18.4 
   debt            3,795              30,360          5,879                

   payables       53,161             425,288         64,673                 

   expenses and                                                                
   other current                                                               
   liabilities    56,160             449,280         55,952 

   Income taxes    6,116              46,928         19,638                 
   debt, excluding                                                              
  installments       832     0.1       6,656          1,004      0.1      -17.1 

Retirement and         
 benefits and                                                                
 others           32,289     4.1     258,312         31,848      3.9        1.4

   liabilities   152,353    19.3   1,218,824        178,994     21.8      -14.9 

  interests        3,455     0.4      27,640          3,434      0.4        0.6

 Common stock     32,641             261,128         32,641                
   capital        63,051             504,408         63,051                     

  Legal reserve   15,374             122,992         13,409                 

   earnings      551,416           4,411,328        556,165                     

   income (loss) (24,677)           (197,416)       (24,851) 

   Treasury stock (2,667)            (21,336)        (2,666)
 equity          635,138    80.3   5,081,104        637,749     77.8       -0.4 
    TOTAL        790,946   100.0   6,327,568        820,177    100.0       -3.6 
Common shares                 
 outstanding     133,019 thousands                  133,019 thousands           
1. U.S.$1-Yen 125
2. Balance sheet as of June 30, 2001 is unaudited by independent auditors.

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(5) Sales by Region 

                   The first quarter of FY2002   The first quarter of FY2001    
                         (April 1, 2001 -             (April 1, 2000 -    
                          June 30, 2001)               June 30, 2000)   change
                      (yen                (US$           (Yen
                  millions)      %   thousands)      millions      %         %
Americas            27,632    19.6     221,056         30,959   17.7     -10.7

Europe              19,836    14.0     158,688         21,829   12.4      -9.1

Asia and others     50,027    35.5     400,216         65,815   37.5     -24.0

Overseas sales 
 total              97,495    69.1     779,960        118,603   67.6     -17.8
Japan               43,505    30.9     348,040         56,719   32.4     -23.3
Net sales          141,000   100.0   1,128,000        175,322  100.0     -19.6
1. Sales by region are classified by geographic areas of the buyer.
2. Sales to the Americas and Japan for the first quarter of FY2001 have been
   revised (3,876 million yen previously included in Japan has been reclassified
   to the Americas).
3. U.S.$1 = Yen 125

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