Sanditon Investment Trust plc 
For the six months to 31 December 2017 
Investment Objective 
The Company's investment objective is to: 
* deliver absolute returns of at least 2% per annum, compounded annually, above 
RPIX; and 
* be an asset diversifier for shareholders by targeting low correlation with 
leading large capitalisation equity indices. 
Investment Objective 
Chairman's Statement                                                                1 & 2 
Investment Manager's Report                                                        3 to 6 
Portfolio                                                                               7 
Income Statement                                                                    8 & 9 
Statement of Financial                                                                 10 
Statement of Changes in                                                                11 
Notes to the Interim Accounts                                                    12 to 14 
Interim Management Report                                                        15 to 17 
Directors and Officers                                                                 18 
Chairman's Statement 
for the six months to 31 December 2017 
2017 was a disappointing year for the performance of your Company, but given 
the Company's positioning at the start of the year, and the subsequent market 
outturn, not entirely surprising. The net asset value (NAV) finished the year 
at 92.51p, which combined with a dividend of 0.9p paid in December resulted in 
a loss for the first half of the financial year of 7.0%. Your company's share 
price fared worse, falling by 12.4% to finish the year at 85.4p, to leave the 
shares trading at a 7.6% discount to NAV. 
The Company's bearish positioning in being net short for most of the period and 
with an investment portfolio biased to value has been unhelpful in a global 
equity market which has made consistent progress and been dominated by cyclical 
and growth stocks. With RPIX inflation in the UK reaching 4.2% by the end of 
2017, the Company remains far behind its target return of 2% ahead of RPIX. 
Unsurprisingly given its net short position for most of 2017, its correlation 
with the UK equity market since launch remains extremely low at 0.03x. 
The investment manager gives a comprehensive review of performance in his 
report that follows. All fund managers have to tread a fine line between 
patience and obstinacy. Your fund manager has a clear view that most asset 
prices have been heavily distorted by quantitative easing and offer poor value. 
He is bearish, and the Board, whilst challenging him regularly and thoroughly 
in view of the disappointing performance, is supportive of this stance. 
However, his partial retreat at the beginning of December, removing the 
Company's 15% plus net short position ahead of an expected Christmas rally, 
shows flexibility. 
Stake in Sanditon Asset Management 
Sanditon Asset Management (SAM) finished the year with assets under management 
(AUM) of GBP585m, a decrease of 10.1% from the end of your Company's financial 
year, as a result of outflows primarily from its UK funds. SAM alerted the 
Company's shareholders in recent quarterly fact sheets that as a result of 
MiFID II it will be paying the costs of research from its own resources. Total 
annualised costs are expected to be in the order of GBP150,000-GBP200,000. 
As SAM has a lean cost base, little mitigation is available, and these payments 
for research will inevitably impact SAM's profitability. Ahead of the annual 
revaluation of its holding in SAM in June, the Board will review whether any 
alterations to the formula used for the valuation (the simple average of 1% of 
AUM and 5x after tax profits) should be made. 
Charges and Fees 
Our total ongoing charges at 31 December 2017 were 1.3% per annum. No 
performance fees have been paid or have accrued at 31 December 2017. 
Share Buy Back 
The Board has been approached by some shareholders about the potential use of 
share buy backs. The Board does not currently have permission to buy back 
shares. Moreover, given the relatively small size of the Company the Board 
would be concerned that a buy back policy would not necessarily remove the 
current discount the shares are trading at and that remaining shareholders 
would not be best served by an increase in the total expense ratio that a 
smaller Company would entail. I would remind shareholders that your Company has 
an unusually shareholder friendly structure with a first continuation vote in 
December 2020 at the latest. 
Weaker market conditions or a broadening of the market away from highly rated 
stocks are probably needed for your Company to deliver better performance. 
Whilst 2018 starts with the global economy in a synchronised upswing, we have 
also seen an increase in market volatility and it should also see an 
acceleration in tapering of remaining asset purchase programmes as well as 
further interest rate increases which will result in tighter liquidity 
conditions. We hope this will create a more favourable backdrop for your 
Rupert Barclay 
1 March 2018 
Investment Manager's Report 
for the six months to 31 December 2017 
2017 was not a good year to be bearish. Hindsight shows we were wrong to have 
been net short and to have had a defensive skew in our portfolio. Whilst the UK 
equity market's progress was relatively pedestrian at the headline level, until 
a strong December surge left it up 13% for the year, this hid a wide variation 
between the winners and losers in the market. Defensive and domestic shares 
remained deeply out of favour whilst investors chased industrial cyclicals, 
commodity cyclicals and highly rated shares. After a dull first six months of 
the year, we had a very poor second half with the net asset value falling by 
7.0%, as both our long and short books lost money. 
In a relatively quiet year for portfolio activity, our problems are best 
illustrated by the change in the average P/Es of our long and short book which 
moved from the beginning of 2017 from an average P/E of 14x and 24x 
respectively to 15x and 40x by the end of the year. Growth stocks were 
aggressively rerated and the market largely ignored value stocks. This trend 
accelerated in the second half. 
Shareholders will know our bearish thesis has been based on the view that 
quantitative easing (QE) has inflated an asset bubble, as the collapse in the 
risk-free rate has increased the appetite of investors to chase riskier assets. 
The chart opposite shows the expansion of the big three central banks' balance 
sheets against the S&P index demonstrating the link between QE and equity 
[Graphic removed} 
Source: Federal Reserve Board, Standard & Poor's 
Shareholders will see, in our modest defence, that it looked as though QE 
programmes were peaking at the end of 2016, but a renewed surge from both the 
ECB and the Bank of Japan dwarfed the tightening measures the Fed has announced 
so far. As we wrote in the Company's annual report, it is staggering that 
nearly a decade on from the financial crisis, central banks should have 
expanded their balance sheets at the fastest rate since 2009, particularly 
given the strength of most economic data released through the year. We started 
the year modestly net short and told shareholders we were likely to increase 
the short into market strength, and we did indeed move the net short from 6% at 
the beginning of the year to 18% by September. With no signs of market weakness 
in the often weak autumn months, and mindful that the progress of Mr. Trump's 
tax reforms were likely to be welcomed by the US equity market, we retreated by 
covering our futures short to leave us modestly net long at the start of 
December in case of a strong Christmas rally, which duly occurred. 
The question remains are we closer to policy unwind now? We still believe the 
answer is definitively yes. The US has continued to raise interest rates in 
2017 and has given a steer of a further three interest rate increases in 2018 
and it has also started to unwind its $4.4 trillion QE programme. Admittedly it 
is taking tentative steps, now selling just $20 billion of assets a month, 
rising by $10 billion a quarter until it reaches $50 billion a month. The ECB 
persists with negative interest rates but it has at last cut back its monthly 
buying programme from EUR60 billion a month to EUR30 billion and the Germans are 
still putting pressure on them to stop QE. The Bank of England reversed its 
misguided post-referendum interest rate cut but has made no noises about 
reversing its QE programme and it continues to have an asymmetric attitude to 
inflationary pressures. With the old measure of inflation hitting 4% and CPI 
over 3%, quite why they think 0.5% interest rates are appropriate remains 
puzzling. The Japanese have taken QE to extraordinary levels with the Bank of 
Japan's balance sheet at $4.6 trillion representing 93% of GDP, but December 
did see the first month of modest shrinkage in their balance sheet. With signs 
of China tightening credit as well, it seems very likely that 2018 will see 
only a very modest expansion of the global central banks' balance sheet at best 
and quite possibly will be the first year of shrinkage since the 2008 crash. We 
believe this withdrawal of stimulus will be very important. 
We hope it goes without saying that given the broad strength of global economic 
data, relatively tight labour markets and a commodity backdrop which is no 
longer helpful for inflation, central bankers should be tightening monetary 
policy. Markets remain convinced that tightening will be negligible, 
conditioned as they are to believing in the central bank put. We are often 
asked what the catalyst will be for causing the significant market setback we 
expect and of course one never knows until after a fall what particular piece 
of data or event was seen as the catalyst. Throughout my career, I have always 
seen extreme valuation as the biggest risk to market corrections and the market 
we are currently in bears similarities with other bull markets. Inflation, both 
consumer and wage, is the dog that has yet to bark in this cycle but given 
where rates are it should not need much of a pick up to make investors reassess 
the interest rate outlook. As QE slows or reverses, it is very difficult to 
believe that this, in itself, will not cause some upward pressure on market 
rates. Mr. Trump's fiscal largesse will also add further pressure as the 
Treasury will need to pick up debt issuance as tax receipts drop, and it is 
also highly likely that US corporates will respond to the tax cuts by raising 
2018 has started with US bond yields looking as though they are about to break 
out of their long-term downtrend. Whether the denouement this cycle is like 
1987 (rising bond yields), 2000 (TMT hysteria) or 2008 (high leverage) is 
slightly beside the point. The current market has many of the characteristics 
of recent bull markets and we are again hearing of the possibility of equity 
markets 'melting up', even from well-known value investors, some of whom have 
joined the equity party (as though the 45% move in the US market since Mr. 
Trump was elected a mere 15 months ago was not already a 'melt up'!). It is 
also true that many hedge funds have given up shorting with record net longs in 
the industry and private investors are pouring money into equity funds 
(particularly in the US where the fear of missing out has always encouraged 
greed) at record pace. This behaviour is very typical near market peaks. 
Another of the refrains we have heard often in the last two years has been 
'what is the alternative to equities?' This, of course, has been the point of 
QE - to drive investors into riskier assets by depriving them of any safe low 
risk return. We can at least counter now, that with US interest rates likely to 
be raised north of 2% this year, that the dollar cash yield is close to the 
equity yield on the US market. With highly elevated equity valuations, that is 
becoming an attractive alternative. 
Portfolio Structure and Performance 
Over the first six months of your Company's financial year, your portfolio lost 
6.5% before fees. The long book lost 1.8% and the short book lost 4.7% against 
the market return of 7.2%. These represented returns on capital of -3.9% and 
-11.8% respectively. Whilst being net short cost us in the last financial year, 
the reasonably well-timed covering of our FTSE futures short during this period 
ensured a relatively small 0.4% loss to asset value as a result of being net 
short through the period. So the overall result was largely down to our 
investment skew - long defensive and value against short cyclical and growth - 
which for the first time since launch saw both our long and short book 
underperform the market. The long book was particularly disappointing, with 
stocks that had performed poorly in the first half of the year getting much 
worse in the second. We wrote last time that our largest holding Babcock had 
been derated, despite performing broadly in line with expectations to trade on 
just 10x earnings. A further 20% price fall in the second half of 2017 (with no 
negative news released during the period), left it trading on 8x and cost us 
1.25% over the half. Our short in Just Eat conversely rose a further 20% to 
trade on over 45x earnings and costing a further 1.2%, as the shares responded 
to the Competition and Markets Authority's surprising approval of their 
takeover of Hungry House, its largest competitor in the UK market. Whilst this 
had no impact on the numbers for 2017, which were modestly downgraded through 
the year to the same tune as Babcock's earnings, it is modestly enhancing for 
2018 earnings, as almost any cash financed deal is in a zero-interest rate 
environment. This sort of disparity between lowly rated and highly rated stocks 
was replicated across the market and overall our long positions in value 
defensive stocks cost 1.6% and our shorts in growth cost 2.9%. 
Whilst we retreated from being net short to very modestly net long at the end 
of the period, we have not changed the overall skew of the portfolio. We accept 
that it is the skew that has caused us most problems over the last year, but we 
do believe the performance in the market over 2017 does suggest that our skew 
will work well in a down market. We believe that is now particularly the case 
given the growing disparity between the P/Es of our long and short book. 
However, if the market maintains its current enthusiasm for highly rated stocks 
your portfolio is likely to continue to struggle. 
We only made one change to the long book over the second half of the year, 
replacing Inmarsat (in a well-timed sale in August) with Aviva, the insurance 
group. With a yield of almost 6% and a strong balance sheet following some 
non-core disposals, shareholders can expect improved returns. On the short book 
we covered shorts in Merlin Entertainments (after a profit warning), Weir 
(recovery in oil price likely to help their US shale related business), Tesco 
(signs of improved trading momentum) and Elementis (one of very few 
disappointing industrial cyclicals in the last two years). 
Within the confines of our bearish view, which is clearly not in tune with 
current market conditions, we are trying to manage risk by keeping our gross 
leverage low. We hope 2018 sees a turn in our performance and shareholders can 
follow our progress by reading our detailed quarterly fact sheets which can be 
found on our website (www.sanditonam.com). We are also open to contact from 
shareholders at any time. 
Tim Russell Sanditon Asset Management Limited 
1 March 2018 
as at 31 December 2017 
Business Cycle Groupings (% of NAV)* 
                               Long             Short               Net             Gross 
Commodity                       4.3               0.0               4.3               4.3 
Consumer Cyclical               5.5              -3.0               2.5               8.5 
Industrial                      6.9             -11.8              -4.9              18.7 
Growth                          0.5             -19.7             -19.2              20.2 
Financial                       8.4               0.0               8.4               8.4 
Growth Defensive               10.1              -5.6               4.5              15.7 
Value Defensive                11.0               0.0              11.0              11.0 
                            _______           _______           _______           _______ 
Total                          46.7             -40.1               6.6              86.8 
                             ======            ======            ======            ====== 
Country Breakdown (% of NAV)* 
                               Long             Short               Net             Gross 
Denmark                         1.4               0.0               1.4               1.4 
France                          0.0              -7.8              -7.8               7.8 
Germany                         0.0              -3.0              -3.0               3.0 
Italy                                             0.0              -4.2              -4.2 
Netherlands                     5.7               0.0               5.7               5.7 
United Kingdom                 39.6             -25.0              14.6              64.6 
                            _______           _______           _______           _______ 
Total                          46.7             -40.0               6.7              86.7 
                             ======            ======            ======            ====== 
*Excluding holdings in Sanditon Asset Management and TM Sanditon UK Select 
Top 20 Long Positions (% of NAV)** 
1                             TM Sanditon UK Select Fund                              9.9 
2                             RELX                                                    5.7 
3                             Babcock International                                   5.6 
4                             Diageo                                                  4.4 
5                             Melrose Industries                                      3.9 
6                             Sanditon Asset Management                               3.4 
7                             Man Group                                               2.9 
8                             HSBC                                                    2.7 
9                             Aviva                                                   2.7 
10                            ITV                                                     2.5 
11                            J Sainsbury                                             2.3 
12                            BHP Billiton                                            1.6 
13                            Laird                                                   1.6 
14                            GlaxoSmithKline                                         1.6 
15                            BT Group                                                1.5 
16                            AP Moller-Maersk 'B'                                    1.4 
17                            GKN                                                     1.4 
18                            Ophir Energy                                            1.3 
19                            Dixons Carphone                                         1.1 
20                            Greene King                                             1.0 
                              Total                                                  58.5 
                              Total number of positions**                              36 
**Including holdings in Sanditon Asset Management and TM Sanditon UK Select 
Income Statement 
for the six months to 31 December 2017 
                   (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) (Audited) (Audited) 
                    Six months  Six months  Six months  Six months  Six months  Six months   For the   For the   For the 
                         to 31       to 31       to 31       to 31       to 31       to 31      year      year      year 
                      December    December    December    December    December    December  ended 30  ended 30  ended 30 
                          2017        2017        2017        2016        2016        2016 June 2017 June 2017 June 2017 
                       Revenue     Capital       Total     Revenue     Capital       Total   Revenue   Capital     Total 
             Notes        GBP000        GBP000        GBP000        GBP000        GBP000        GBP000      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
(Losses)/          -               (3,552)     (3,552)           -       (525)       (525)         -   (2,116)   (2,116) 
gains on 
held at fair 
profit or 
Income             314                   -         314         365           -         365       874         -       874 
Management   2     (45)              (134)       (179)        (49)       (149)       (198)      (96)     (291)     (387) 
Other              (127)                 -       (127)       (123)           -       (123)     (235)         -     (235) 
                   _______         _______     _______     _______     _______     _______   _______   _______   _______ 
Return on          142             (3,686)     (3,544)         193       (674)       (481)       543   (2,407)   (1,864) 
Taxation on        (8)                  13           5        (20)          20           -      (45)        40       (5) 
                   _______         _______     _______     _______     _______     _______   _______   _______   _______ 
Return on          134             (3,673)     (3,539)         173       (654)       (481)       498   (2,367)   (1,869) 
                   ======           ======      ======      ======      ======      ======    ======    ======    ====== 
Return per         0.27             (7.35)      (7.08)        0.35      (1.31)      (0.96)      0.99    (4.73)    (3.74) 
                   ======           ======      ======      ======      ======      ======    ======    ======    ====== 
The notes on pages 12 to 14 form part of these accounts. 
The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 
Company. All the revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
continuing operations. 
There is no other comprehensive income. 
Statement of Financial Position 
as at 31 December 2017 
                                        (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)          (Audited) 
                                        31 December        31 December            30 June 
                                               2017               2016               2017 
                           Notes               GBP000               GBP000               GBP000 
Fixed assets 
Investments at fair value  4                 13,869             16,173             15,899 
through profit or loss 
                                            _______            _______            _______ 
Current assets 
Debtors                                          60                 52                165 
Amounts due in respect of                       890              2,038              1,907 
contracts for difference 
Collateral paid in respect                    8,977             10,890              9,633 
of contracts for 
UK Treasury Bills                            16,989             20,983             18,988 
Cash and short term                           8,610              5,775              8,981 
                                            _______            _______            _______ 
Total current assets                         35,526             39,738             39,674 
                                            _______            _______            _______ 
Current liabilities 
Creditors                                     (109)              (113)              (114) 
Amounts payable in respect                  (3,033)            (4,168)            (5,217) 
of contracts for 
                                            _______            _______            _______ 
Total current liabilities                   (3,142)            (4,281)            (5,331) 
                                            _______            _______            _______ 
Net current assets                           32,384             35,457             34,343 
Total assets less current                    46,253             51,630             50,242 
                                            _______            _______            _______ 
Net assets                                   46,253             51,630             50,242 
                                             ======             ======             ====== 
Capital and reserves 
Share capital              5                    500                500                500 
Share premium                                48,872             48,872             48,872 
Capital reserve                             (3,368)              2,018                305 
Revenue reserve                                 249                240                565 
                                            _______            _______            _______ 
Total shareholders' funds                    46,253             51,630             50,242 
                                             ======             ======             ====== 
Net asset value per share                     92.51             103.26             100.48 
- Ordinary Share (pence) 
The notes on pages 12 to 14 form part of these accounts. 
Statement of Changes in Equity 
Six months to 31 December 2017 (unaudited) 
                        Share        Premium        Capital        Revenue 
                      Capital        Account        Reserve        Reserve          Total 
                         GBP000           GBP000           GBP000           GBP000           GBP000 
Balance at 1              500         48,872            305            565         50,242 
July 2017 
                      _______        _______        _______        _______        _______ 
Return on                   -              -        (3,673)            134        (3,539) 
after taxation 
Dividends paid              -              -              -          (450)          (450) 
                      _______        _______        _______        _______        _______ 
Balance at 31             500         48,872        (3,368)            249         46,253 
December 2017 
                       ======         ======         ======         ======         ====== 
Six months to 31 December 2016 (unaudited) 
                        Share        Premium        Capital        Revenue 
                      Capital        Account        Reserve        Reserve          Total 
                         GBP000           GBP000           GBP000           GBP000           GBP000 
Balance at 1              500         48,872          2,672            617         52,661 
July 2016 
                      _______        _______        _______        _______        _______ 
Return on                   -              -          (654)            173          (481) 
after taxation 
Dividends paid              -              -              -          (550)          (550) 
                      _______        _______        _______        _______        _______ 
Balance at 31             500         48,872          2,018            240         51,630 
December 2016 
                       ======         ======         ======         ======         ====== 
For the year ended 30 June 2017 (audited) 
                        Share        Premium        Capital        Revenue 
                      Capital        Account        Reserve        Reserve          Total 
                         GBP000           GBP000           GBP000           GBP000           GBP000 
Balance at 1              500         48,872          2,672            617         52,661 
July 2016 
                      _______        _______        _______        _______        _______ 
Return for the              -              -        (2,367)            498        (1,869) 
Dividends paid              -              -              -          (550)          (550) 
                      _______        _______        _______        _______        _______ 
Balance at 30             500         48,872            305            565         50,242 
June 2017 
                       ======         ======         ======         ======         ====== 
The notes on pages 12 to 14 form part of these accounts. 
Notes to the Interim Accounts 
A summary of the principal accounting policies is set out below: 
Basis of accounting 
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the applicable 
UK Accounting Standards, being FRS102 - The Financial Reporting Standard - and 
with the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment 
Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" (issued in November 2014 and 
updated in January 2017). The half-year accounts are prepared in accordance 
with Financial Reporting Standard 104 - Interim Financial Reporting. 
The financial information for the period ended 30 June 2017 included in this 
report has been taken from the Company's full accounts. 
They have also been prepared on the assumption that approval as an investment 
trust will continue to be granted. The financial statements have been prepared 
on a going concern basis. 
                                (Unaudited)           (Unaudited)             (Audited) 
                                 Six months            Six months                  Year 
                                      ended                 ended                 ended 
                                31 December           31 December               30 June 
                                       2017                  2016                  2017 
                                       GBP000                  GBP000                  GBP000 
Basic fee: 
25% charged to                           45                    49                    96 
75% charged to                          134                   149                   291 
                                    _______               _______               _______ 
                                        179                   198                   387 
                                     ======                ======                ====== 
Performance fee 
charged 100% to 
Performance fee                           -                     -                     - 
                                    _______               _______               _______ 
                                          -                     -                     - 
                                     ======                ======                ====== 
The Company's investment manager is Sanditon Asset Management Limited. With 
effect from Admission, the Manager is entitled to receive from the Company in 
respect of its services provided under the Management Agreement, a management 
fee accrued daily and payable monthly in arrears calculated at the rate of 
one-twelfth of 0.75 per cent. per calendar month of the Company's Net Asset 
Value. In accordance with the Directors' policy on the allocation of expenses 
between income and capital, in each financial period 75 per cent. of the 
management fee payable is expected to be charged to capital and the remaining 
25 per cent. to income. 
The Manager is also entitled to a performance fee which equals 15 per cent. of 
the amount by which the Reference Amount at the end of a Performance Period 
exceeds the higher of (a) the Hurdle (the "Hurdle" means the Initial Gross 
Proceeds adjusted for the total amount of any dividends paid or payable) 
increased by RPIX plus 2 per cent. per annum, compounded annually (on a 
pro-rata basis where applicable) from Admission and (b) the High Watermark (the 
"High Watermark" means, as at the end of the relevant Performance Period, the 
highest of (i) the Reference Amount of the previous Performance Period, (ii) 
the Reference Amount of the most recent Performance Period in respect of which 
a performance fee was paid; and (iii) the Initial Gross Proceeds; and in each 
case adjusted for any repurchases by the Company of Ordinary Shares or any 
dividends paid or payable during the relevant Performance Period multiplied by 
the time weighted average of the total number of Shares in issue during that 
Performance Period). 
The first "Performance Period" is the period from 27 June 2014 (the date of 
Admission to the London Stock Exchange) to the end of the Company's third 
accounting period and each subsequent Performance Period begins immediately 
after the previous Performance Period and ends at the end of the Company's 
third accounting period thereafter; provided that where the Management 
Agreement is terminated the date of such termination shall be the end of the 
then current Performance Period. 
The "Reference Amount" means, in respect of a given Performance Period, the 
lower of (i) the Net Asset Value on the last Business Day of a Performance 
Period and (ii) the average of the closing mid-market prices for the five 
Business Days ending on the last Business Day of a Performance Period of an 
Ordinary Share as derived from the Official List of the UK Listing Authority, 
multiplied by the number of Ordinary Shares in issue on the last Business Day 
of that Performance Period; and in each case adjusted for the total amount of 
any dividends paid or payable during that Performance Period and any accrual 
for unpaid performance fees. 
No interim dividend has been declared in respect of the six months to 31 
December 2017. 
Consideration will be given to an annual dividend in respect of the year ended 
30 June 2018 at a Board meeting to be held in September 2018. An announcement 
will be made shortly after that meeting. 
                                          (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)         (Audited) 
                                           Six months        Six months              Year 
                                                ended             ended             ended 
                                          31 December       31 December           30 June 
                                                 2017              2016              2017 
                                                 GBP000              GBP000              GBP000 
listed on a 
                  UK                           12,320            13,963            14,350 
                  Overseas                          -               857                 - 
                  UK*                           1,549             1,353             1,549 
                                              _______           _______           _______ 
                                               13,869            16,173            15,899 
                                               ======            ======            ====== 
* Investment in Sanditon Asset Management Limited. 
              (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)    (Audited)    (Audited) 
              31 December  31 December  31 December  31 December 30 June 2017 30 June 2017 
                     2017         2017         2016         2016 
                   No. of         GBP000       No. of         GBP000       No. of         GBP000 
                   Shares                    Shares                    Shares 
issued & 
fully paid: 
Ordinary       50,000,000          500   50,000,000          500   50,000,000          500 
Shares of GBP 
                  _______      _______      _______      _______      _______      _______ 
               50,000,000          500   50,000,000          500   50,000,000          500 
                   ======       ======       ======       ======       ======       ====== 
Interim Management Report 
six months ended 31 December 2017 
Investment Objective 
The Company's investment objective is to: 
* deliver absolute returns of at least 2 per cent per annum, compounded 
annually, above RPIX; and 
* be an asset diversifier for shareholders by targeting low correlation with 
leading large capitalisation equity indices. 
Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive ("AIFMD") 
In order to comply with AIFMD, the Company has appointed Sanditon Asset 
Management Limited ("SAM") to act as its Alternative Investment Fund Manager 
("AIFM"). SAM has been approved as a Small Authorised UK Alternative Investment 
Fund Manager by the UK's Financial Conduct Authority. 
Going Concern 
The Directors believe that, having considered the Company's investment 
objectives, risk management policies, capital management policies and 
procedures, nature of the portfolio and expenditure projections, the Company 
has adequate resources and an appropriate financial structure in place to 
continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. The assets of the 
Company consist mainly of securities which are readily realisable. For these 
reasons, they consider that there is reasonable evidence to continue to adopt 
the going concern basis in preparing the accounts. 
As at 31 December 2017 the Company had net assets of GBP46.3 million and it has 
sufficient cash balances to meet current obligations as they fall due. The 
Company continues to meet day-to-day liquidity needs through its cash 
The Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company will continue in 
existence for the foreseeable future. 
Principal risks and uncertainties 
The key risks to the Company fall broadly under the following categories: 
* Investment and strategy 
The Board will regularly review the investment mandate and long-term investment 
strategy in relation to the market and economic conditions. The Board also 
regularly monitors the Company's investment performance against the objective 
to deliver at least 2% above inflation and its compliance with the investment 
* Accounting, legal and regulatory 
In order to qualify as an investment trust, the Company must comply with the 
provisions contained in Section 1158 of the Corporation Taxes Act 2010. A 
breach of Section 1158 in an accounting period could lead to the Company being 
subject to corporation tax on gains realised in that accounting period. Section 
1158 qualification criteria are continually monitored by the Investment Manager 
and the results reported to the Board at its regular meetings. The Company must 
also comply with the Companies Act and the UKLA Listing Rules. The Board relies 
on the services of the administrator, Northern Trust Global Services Limited 
and its professional advisers to ensure compliance with the Companies Act and 
the UKLA Listing Rules. 
* Loss of investment team or Investment Manager 
A sudden departure of the Investment Manager or several members of the 
investment management team could result in a short-term deterioration in 
investment performance. 
* Discount 
A disproportionate widening of the discount relative to the Company's peers 
could result in loss of value for shareholders. There is a continuation vote in 
December 2020. 
* Operational 
Like most other investment trust companies, the Company has no employees and 
therefore relies upon the services provided by third parties and is dependent 
on the control systems of the Investment Manager, the custodian and the 
Company's other service providers. The security, for example, of the Company's 
assets, dealing procedures, accounting records and maintenance of regulatory 
and legal requirements, depend on the effective operation of these systems. The 
custodian produces reports on its internal controls which are reviewed by its 
auditors and give assurance regarding the effective operation of controls. 
* Market risk 
The fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument held by the 
Company may fluctuate because of changes in market prices. This market risk 
comprises three elements - currency risk, interest rate risk and other price 
risk (see below). 
* Currency risk 
The Company may invest in overseas securities and its assets may be subject to 
currency exchange rate fluctuations. 
* Interest rate risk 
Interest rate movements may affect the level of income receivable on cash 
* Other price risk 
Other price risks (i.e. changes in market prices other than those arising from 
interest rate risk or currency risk) may affect the value of the investments. 
* Credit risk 
The failure of the counterparty to a transaction to discharge its obligations 
under that transaction could result in the Company suffering a loss. 
* Liquidity risk 
This is the risk that the Company will encounter difficulty in meeting 
obligations associated with financial liabilities. 
Transactions with the Investment Manager 
Under AIC Guidance, the Company is required to provide additional information 
concerning its relationship with the Investment Manager, Sanditon Asset 
Management Limited ("SAM"). Details of the investment management fee charged by 
SAM are set out in note 2 on pages 12 and 13. At 31 December 2017, GBP29,400 (31 
December 2016: GBP33,677) of this fee remained outstanding. 
Related party transactions 
During the period no transactions with related parties have taken place which 
materially affected the financial position or performance of the Company. The 
Directors' current level of remuneration is GBP20,000 per annum for each 
Director, with the Chairman of the Audit Committee receiving an additional fee 
of GBP4,000 per annum. The Chairman's fee is GBP30,000 per annum. 
Directors' responsibility statement 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the interim report, in accordance 
with applicable law and regulations. The Directors confirm that, to the best of 
their knowledge: 
* The condensed set of financial statements within the interim report has been 
prepared in accordance with FRS 104 issued by the Accounting Standards board on 
"Half-Yearly Financial Reports"; 
* The Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information 
required by 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the first six months 
of the year, their impact on the condensed set of financial statements, and a 
description of the principal risks and perceived uncertainties for the 
remaining six months of the financial year); and 
* The Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information 
concerning related parties transactions as required by Disclosure and 
Transparency Rule 4.2.8R. 
For and on behalf of the Board 
Rupert Barclay 
1 March 2018 
Directors and Officers 
as at 31 December 2017 
Rupert Barclay, Chairman 
Hugo Dixon 
Christopher Keljik OBE 
Mark Little 
Investment Manager and Secretary 
Sanditon Asset Management Limited 
Fifth Floor 
33 Cannon Street 
London EC4M 5SB 
Telephone: 020 3595 2900 
Northern Trust Global Services Limited 
50 Bank Street 
Canary Wharf 
London E14 5NT 
Registered office 
Fifth Floor 
33 Cannon Street 
London EC4M 5SB 
Company number 
Ernst & Young LLP 
25 Churchill Place Canary Wharf 
London E14 5EY 
Link Asset Services 
The Registry 
34 Beckenham Road 
Kent BR3 4TU 
Email: enquiries@linkgroup.co.uk 
JPMorgan Cazenove 
25 Bank Street 
Canary Wharf 
London E14 5JP 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 01, 2018 09:58 ET (14:58 GMT)

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