RNS Number : 5109K 
Renewable Power and Light Plc 
21 April 2010 

                          Renewable Power & Light plc 
                            ("RPL" or "the Company") 
21 April 2010 
          Posting of Annual Report and Accounts, Shareholder Circular 
                          and Notice of General Meeting 
The Company announces today that it has posted its Annual Report and Accounts 
and Notice of AGM for the year ended 31 December 2009 to shareholders. 
The Company also announces that a circular convening a general meeting of 
shareholders has also been posted to shareholders ("the Circular") in respect of 
the requisition made by Thalassa Holdings Limited and CityPoint Holdings Limited 
(together "Thalassa"), two shareholders who together control 29.8% of the shares 
in the Company for the purpose of proposing resolutions to replace the Company's 
board of directors (other than Timothy Hunstad) with nominees of Thalassa (the 
"Resolutions").  The receipt of this requisition from Thalassa was announced by 
the Company on 31 March 2010. 
The Directors unanimously recommend that shareholders vote AGAINST the 
Resolutions.  Each of the Directors intends to vote AGAINST all of the 
Resolutions in respect of his own beneficial holding in the Company amounting 
to, in aggregate 508,175 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 0.57% of 
the current issued Ordinary Share capital of the Company. 
Key Information set out in the Circular 
-    Thalassa has shown a pattern of behaviour trying to gain control of the 
Company by attempting to influence board composition  rather than paying full 
value to shareholders 
-    Despite repeated requests, Thalassa has failed to provide the Company and 
its shareholders with sufficient information regarding its proposed investing 
policy to enable them to make an informed decision 
-    Thalassa's actions have caused repeated delay and, in the Board's view, 
resulted in a decrease in shareholder value while the Company has been in a 
state of uncertainty, unable to implement its existing previously approved 
investing policy with no adequate proposals for a new investing policy 
-    Pursuant to the requirements of the AIM Rules, the Company's shares will be 
suspended from trading on AIM on 19 August 2010, and de-listed from AIM six 
months thereafter, if a new investing policy is not only adopted, but also 
implemented, prior to those dates 
-    If the Company is de-listed from AIM, the liquidity and marketability of 
the Company's shares would be severely reduced and the value of any such shares, 
the Board believes, would be adversely affected as a consequence. Under these 
circumstances, the Company would no longer be subject to the AIM Rules and there 
would be limited restrictions on the manner in which Thalassa and the proposed 
new board can control the business and operations of the Company, and 
independent minority shareholders would have very limited protections in respect 
of their interests. 
-    As Thalassa holds 29.8% of the shares in the Company, and Novus Capital, 
another major shareholder in the Company, has a 26.9% holding,  the resolutions 
will be passed, and the Board will be replaced by Thalassa's nominees, if Novus 
Capital votes in favour of the resolutions.  Accordingly, the Board believes 
that it may be replaced at the general meeting regardless of how any other 
shareholders vote their shares. 
-    a vote against the resolutions will send a message to the proposed new 
board of sharholders' displeasure with how Thalassa has sought to control the 
future direction of the Company. 
An extract of the Circular regarding the requisitioned general meeting is set 
out below. 
Both the AGM and the general meeting, will be held at 10 Dominion Street, 
London, EC2M 2EE on 18 May 2010. The AGM will take place at 10.00 a.m. and the 
general meeting will take place at 11.00 a.m. or one hour after the conclusion 
or adjournment of the AGM, whichever shall be later. 
The full Circular and notice for the requisitioned general meeting, as well as 
the Company's Annual Report and Accounts and Notice of AGM are available to be 
downloaded from the Company's website (www.rplplc.com). 
For further information, please contact: 
Renewable Power & Light plc 
Timothy Hunstad                                    Telephone: + 1 952 746 0393 
Grant Thornton Corporate Finance 
(Nominated Adviser) 
Gerald Beaney                                       Telephone: +44 207 383 5100 
Extract of the Circular set out below, excluding the enclosures and the notice: 
"To the holders of Ordinary Shares 
                    Notice of Requisitioned General Meeting 
Unanimous Recommendation of Your Board to Vote Against the Proposed Resolutions 
Dear Shareholder 
Background to Requisition of General Meeting 
Thalassa Holdings Limited and CityPoint Holdings Limited (together "Thalassa"), 
two shareholders who together control 29.8% of the shares in the Company, served 
a notice on the Company on 16 March 2010  to requisition a general meeting for 
the purpose of replacing the existing board (other than Timothy Hunstad) with 
their nominees and to propose a new investing policy for the Company (the "First 
Requisition").  After the Company advised  Thalassa that it considered its 
proposed new investing policy was inadequate and did not comply with the AIM 
Rules, Thalassa withdrew the First Requisition and served a further notice on 
the Company on 30 March 2010 to requisition a general meeting on the same terms, 
save that the proposal to approve a new investing policy had been removed from 
the requisition altogether (the "Second Requisition"). 
As required by the Companies Act 2006, a statement by Thalassa which accompanied 
the Second Requisition (the "Members' Statement") has also been enclosed with 
this Circular.  Your Board believes that a number of statements in the Members' 
Statement are incorrect and misleading, as will be discussed in further detail 
later in this Circular. 
The purpose of this Circular is to give notice of the general meeting ("GM"), as 
requisitioned by the Second Requisition, to be convened for 18 May 2010 at 11.00 
a.m. or one hour after the conclusion or adjournment of the AGM convened for the 
same day, whichever shall be later.  Notice of the GM is set out at the end of 
this Circular. 
As Thalassa holds 29.8% of the shares in the Company, and Novus Capital, another 
major shareholder in the Company, has a 26.9% holding,  the resolutions will be 
passed, and your Board (other than Timothy Hunstad) will be replaced by 
Thalassa's nominees, if Novus Capital votes in favour of the resolutions. 
Accordingly, your Board believes that it will in fact be replaced at the GM 
regardless of how any other shareholders vote their shares. 
In the face of this virtual inevitability, your Board could have chosen to 
resign and simply hand control of the direction of the Company over to its major 
shareholders.  However,  as the additional information and safeguards for the 
benefit of all shareholders which the Board has repeatedly requested from 
Thalassa were not forthcoming,  the Board considers it to be its duty to ensure 
that all shareholders have the benefit of the information in this Circular so 
that they can make as informed a decision regarding their voting intentions and 
their shareholding in the Company going forward as is possible in the 
circumstances, given Thalassa has not yet provided any meaningful indication of 
its future strategy for the Company. 
While unlikely to affect the outcome of the GM, your vote against the 
resolutions could however send a message to the proposed new board of your 
displeasure with how they have sought to control the direction of the Company 
going forward. 
For the reasons set out in this Circular, the board of RPL plc unanimously 
recommends that you vote against the resolutions at the GM. 
All defined terms in this Circular are defined terms used and defined in 
previous circulars issued by the Company 
                                KEY INFORMATION 
-    Thalassa has shown a pattern of behaviour trying to gain control of the 
Company by attempting to influence board composition  rather than paying full 
value to shareholders 
-    Despite repeated requests, Thalassa has failed to provide the Company and 
its shareholders with sufficient information regarding its proposed investing 
policy to enable them to make an informed decision 
-    Thalassa's actions have caused repeated delay and, in your Board's view, 
resulted in a decrease in shareholder value while the Company has been in a 
state of uncertainty, unable to implement its existing previously approved 
investing policy with no adequate proposals for a new investing policy 
-    Pursuant to the requirements of the AIM Rules, the Company's shares will be 
suspended from trading on AIM on 19 August 2010, and de-listed from AIM six 
months thereafter, if a new investing policy is not only adopted, but also 
implemented, prior to those dates 
-    If the Company is de-listed from AIM, the liquidity and marketability of 
the Company's shares would be severely reduced and the value of any such shares, 
the Board believes, would be adversely affected as a consequence. Under these 
circumstances, the Company would no longer be subject to the AIM Rules and there 
would be limited restrictions on the manner in which Thalassa and the proposed 
new board can control the business and operations of the Company, and 
independent minority shareholders would have very limited protections in respect 
of their interests. 
-    As Thalassa holds 29.8% of the shares in the Company, and Novus Capital, 
another major shareholder in the Company, has a 26.9% holding,  the resolutions 
will be passed, and the Board will be replaced by Thalassa's nominees, if Novus 
Capital votes in favour of the resolutions.  Accordingly, the Board believes 
that it may be replaced at the GM regardless of how any other shareholders vote 
their shares. 
-    Your vote against the resolutions will send a message to the proposed new 
board of your displeasure with how Thalassa has sought to control the future 
direction of the Company. 
Current Board 
The Board is currently comprised of two executive and two non-executive 
directors.  Details of their roles and their background are set out below. 
The three directors proposed to be removed by Thalassa at the GM have indicated 
their willingness to continue to implement the currently approved investing 
strategy or a new strategy working together with the Company's shareholders, 
including nominees of Thalassa.  However, as set out further below, despite 
making repeated invitations to Thalassa for board representation alongside the 
current Board, and requests for additional information on its proposed investing 
policy, nothing has been forthcoming from Thalassa other than the First 
Requisition and the Second Requisition. 
                      Michael Gainey Reynolds (aged 61) - Non-executive Chairman 
    Mr. Reynolds is a senior power industry professional, with a career spanning 
     over 30 years, much of it occupying executive positions in some of Europe's 
 largest power utilities.  From 2004 to April 2006, Mr. Reynolds was Chairman of 
 Carron Energy, a company formed to acquire Uskmouth Power Station, a 363 MW net 
   coal fired power station near Newport in South Wales.  From 2000 to 2003, Mr. 
   Reynolds was Chief Executive Officer of Endesa Europe, responsible for all of 
Endesa's European operations.  His principal achievements were the setting up of 
 a European management team, the successful EUR8 billion expansion of the European 
    business base, consisting of 10,000 MW of power asset acquisitions.  Between 
  1997 and 2000, Mr. Reynolds was president and Chief Executive Officer of Sithe 
  Energies Europe, the power subsidiary of Vivendi.  He established Sithe Europe 
   and formed a team to expand Vivendi's European, Middle East and Africa energy 
  portfolio.  From 1996 to 1997, Mr. Reynolds was European Director for National 
Power, responsible for all other National Power's business development and asset 
 management operation on mainland Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe and 
 North Africa.  Mr. Reynolds holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering 
 (Honours) and a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Studies, both from Birmingham 
    Victor James Fryling (aged 62) Interim President and Chief Executive Officer 
 Mr. Fryling has over 30 years experience in the energy industry.  Until 2000 he 
was the President and Chief Operating Officer of NYSE listed CMS Energy ("CMS"), 
  a US$18 billion diversified energy company, and owner of Consumers Energy.  At 
   CMS for over 16 years, he held various officer positions including Regulatory 
        Affairs, Strategic and Financial Planning, Investor Relations, and Chief 
      Financial Officer.  In 2001, Mr. Fryling became the President of the North 
American Division of Renewable Energy Systems Inc. ("RES"), the global wind farm 
business of the McAlpine family.  Under his guidance for three years, RES became 
  profitable and grew significantly in both assets and operating profits.  It is 
        currently one of the most successful renewable energy companies in North 
       America.  In 2005 he became Chairman of the North American business.  Mr. 
   Fryling holds degrees in Business Administration and Finance from Wayne State 
                                                                University, USA. 
  Timothy Patrick Hunstad (aged 52) - Vice President and Chief Financial Officer 
     Mr. Hunstad is a finance professional with over 25 years of energy industry 
       experience with both public and private companies.  During this time, Mr. 
        Hunstad has had significant experience in managing complex projects from 
  initiation through to completion.  Mr. Hunstad also has significant experience 
      in matters related to acquisitions and divestitures, financing, regulatory 
     compliance and investor relations.  From 2000 to 2006, Mr. Hunstad provided 
  financial and management consulting services to the energy industry on matters 
    related to regulatory permitting, transmission and fuel planning, financing, 
     procurement, construction management, coordination of internal and external 
consultants and evaluation of private placements and acquisitions.  From 1996 to 
1999, Mr. Hunstad was Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer of Cogeneration 
    Corporation of America.  He was responsible for all aspects of the company's 
  financial management from its emergence from bankruptcy in 1996 through to the 
   sale of the company in 1999.  From 1992 to 1996, Mr. Hunstad held a number of 
 management positions with NRG Energy Inc.  Mr. Hunstad holds a Bachelors degree 
     from Concordia College (Moorhead, Minnesota, USA) and a Masters in Business 
                      Administration from the University of South Dakota, USA. 
                         Alexander Scott Lambie(aged 54) -Non-executive Director 
    Mr. Lambie, the Chief Executive Officer of the Welsh Power Group Limited and 
  Carron Energy Limited, has over 30 years experience in the commercial arena of 
    energy, specifically in oil, gas and electricity.  In December 2003, he left 
  Endesa Europa to focus on the development of Carron Energy, a company which he 
  founded in February 2003 to target the acquisition of generation assets in the 
           UK and Europe.  Mr. Lambie has significant private and public company 
  experience, having held directorships in various companies including Amsterdam 
  Power Exchange from 2001 to 2004 and Endesa Netherlands and Endesa France from 
      2002 to 2004.  He has also held senior executive positions with Endesa SA, 
  British Gas, National Power Plc, Amec Plc, Dawson International Inc and George 
     Wimpey Plc and was a member of the Supervisory Board of the Amsterdam Power 
 Exchange and on Endex, the futures exchange.  Mr. Lambie has wide experience in 
bottom line management, corporate development, business planning and large scale 
 merger and acquisitions including post acquisition integration.  Mr. Lambie has 
    been actively involved in the privatisation and opening up of energy markets 
  starting with the privatisation of the Central Electricity Generating Board in 
         the UK through to the un-bundling of integrated energy utilities in the 
                                         Netherlands, France, Germany and Spain. 
Summary of Events 
We have set out below a summary of the key events which have led to the Second 
Requisition and the GM being convened. 
Adoption and Implementation of Existing Investing Policy 
On 19 August 2009, the Company's shareholders approved its current investing 
policy (the "Investing Policy") in connection with the proposed sale of its 
Elmwood and Massena power plants (the "Plant Disposal") and its "mothballed" 
biodiesel production equipment (the "Biodiesel Facility Disposal").  As these 
transactions constituted a fundamental disposal under the AIM Rules, the Company 
became an investing company and was required to adopt an investing policy which 
complied with the AIM Rules. 
The Investing Policy was unanimously approved by the shareholders who voted at 
the meeting, which gave your Board a clear and unambiguous mandate on the future 
direction of the Company. 
The Company's existing, shareholder approved, Investing Policy is set out below, 
as it was described in the Company's circular to shareholders dated 29 July 2009 
for the purpose of approving the Plant Disposal, the Biodiesel Facility Disposal 
and the Investing Policy (a full copy of which is available on the Company's 
website www.rplplc.com): 
"In December 2008, the details of the Board's strategy to maximise and realise 
value for shareholders was announced.  The strategy had three key elements: 
·      Return of an initial 10 pence per Ordinary Share to shareholders via a 
capital distribution; 
·      Execution of the ongoing asset sale processes; and 
·      An orderly realisation of the net value of the remaining business for 
shareholders, considering the remaining assets and liabilities of the Company 
and the ongoing working capital requirements. 
With the initial return of 10 pence per Ordinary Share completed in February 
2009 and assuming completion of the Plant Disposal, the remaining business of 
the Company will be to dispose of the Biodiesel Facility (if the Biodiesel 
Facility Disposal has not already taken place) and complete RPL Holdings' 
obligations under the rail car lease which expires in October 2009 and 
potentially to consummate a transaction for the Company's net operating loss tax 
As soon as practicable after completion of the Plant Disposal, the Board will 
determine the appropriate level and timing of a further capital distribution to 
shareholders, taking into consideration the timing of the Plant Disposal of the 
Biodiesel Facility Disposal and the other working capital requirements of the 
Company.   It is intended that the proceeds of the Plant Disposal (and of the 
Biodiesel Facility Disposal, as and when it takes place) will form part of this 
proposed capital distribution to shareholders. 
In addition, the Company intends to take steps to reduce overheads and preserve 
cash (including staffing levels, board composition, and other appropriate 
measures). This evaluation of working capital requirements will include the need 
to fund termination/severance liabilities as well as any ongoing contingencies 
as a result of the Plant Disposal. 
The Company considers the October termination of the rail car lease as the date 
when steps will be taken to commence the winding up approval process which may 
take up to 12 months to complete depending on the working capital requirements 
of the Company. 
It is likely that there will be an interim capital distribution and a final 
capital distribution.  The timing of the distributions has not been determined 
but it is currently anticipated that, assuming closing of the Plant Disposal has 
occurred, the interim distribution will be made as early as October 2009 to 
release the funds from the Plant Disposal. 
The Company will seek the approval of shareholders prior to making any capital 
distribution and/or winding up of the Company, including for the purposes of 
complying with Rule 21.1 of the Takeover Code if required (in the event the 
Company is in an "offer period" as defined in the Takeover Code). 
Following approval of the Investment Policy by the shareholders at the GM, 
pursuant to AIM Rule 15, the Company must implement the Investing Policy within 
12 months of such approval, otherwise trading in the Company's Ordinary Shares 
on AIM will be suspended in accordance with AIM Rule 40. If following suspension 
of the Ordinary Shares in accordance with AIM Rule 40, the Ordinary Shares have 
not been re-admitted to trading on AIM within six months, the admission of the 
Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM will be cancelled." 
Since the approval of Investing Policy, the Board diligently continued to 
implement it, in particular by: 
-    Streamlining the board with the departures of Mr Donald Verbick 
(Senior-Vice President) and Mr Mark Draper (Non Executive Director) on 24 
September 2009 
-    Completing the Plant Disposal 
-    Completing the Biodiesel Facility Disposal 
-    Completing a second return of capital of 8p per share in December 2009 
-    Conceiving, negotiating and seeking to implement the proposed True North 
Transaction (as further discussed below) throughout the period from November 
2009 to February 2010, the True North Transaction having been announced on 28 
January 2010. 
All of the above, save for the True North Transaction, had been publicly 
announced at the time Thalassa acquired its major shareholding in the Company in 
January 2010. 
Thalassa acquires its stake 
Thalassa acquired its combined stake of 29.8% of the Company on 18 January 2010. 
 Thalassa announced on 19 January 2010 that the price paid was 3p per share, and 
that "additional consideration, of up to 1p per share, may be due if RPL's net 
assets are subsequently found and announced to be greater than 3.75p per share." 
 The announcement also confirmed that Thalassa and CityPoint are deemed to be 
acting in concert under the Takeover Code. 
It is your Board's view that this acquisition was executed with the intention of 
Thalassa seeking to obtain control of the Board, and the future direction of the 
Company, notwithstanding the existing shareholder approved Investing Policy that 
was in place. 
Announcement of True North Transaction 
The proposed transaction with True North Power Group LLC ("True North") 
represented an opportunity to extinguish the existing contractual liabilities of 
the Company's US subsidiary RPL Holdings Inc., ("RPL Holdings") by selling RPL 
Holdings to True North, a company controlled by current and former management of 
RPL Holdings.  Your Board believes that this would have enabled the Company to 
become a clean cash shell with minimal liabilities and would have achieved a 
speedier return of capital to shareholders. 
The principal terms of the True North Transaction were set out in the circular 
posted to shareholders on 28 January 2010 (the "True North Circular").  A copy 
of the True North Circular can be viewed on the Company's website at 
It should be emphasised that the fairness of the True North Transaction was 
considered by the Board in consultation with Grant Thornton Corporate Finance 
acting as Nominated Adviser for the purposes of the AIM Rules. Grant Thornton 
Corporate Finance also stated that in their opinion, the terms of the True North 
Transaction were fair and reasonable for the purposes of Rule 16 of the Takeover 
Discussions with Thalassa 
Following the announcement of the True North Transaction, Thalassa advised the 
Board that it had concerns about the transaction and was not minded to vote in 
favour of it.  As the Board had devoted considerable effort and resources to 
negotiate the True North Transaction, the Board was keen not to waste that 
investment of shareholder funds without a bona fide better alternative. 
Accordingly, in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance the 
Board felt it appropriate to enter into a dialogue with Thalassa in order to 
clarify any matters regarding the Company's historic operations and strategy as 
previously approved by the Company's shareholders and to assist their 
understanding of the commercial rationale behind the transaction. 
The Independent Directors (as defined in the True North Circular) concluded that 
it would be in shareholders' interests to provide such information that would 
encourage Thalassa to vote in favour of these resolutions, as recommended to all 
shareholders.  Whilst the board considered that there was adequate information 
in the public domain, it entered into a non-disclosure agreement with Thalassa 
(the "NDA"). 
After the provision of such information, Mr Soukop, a director of Thalassa, told 
the Company that Thalassa would not be voting in favour of the True North 
Transaction as, in his view, the True North Circular did not contain all the 
information  that shareholders should have been provided with and he was unhappy 
with the $1.513 million of costs to be incurred in discharging RPL Holdings' 
liabilities, which was disclosed in the Circular. 
The Company's share price declined by approximately 25% between 8 February and 
11 February 2010.  In order to eliminate any rumours and speculation regarding 
the Company's cash position, the Company decided to clarify the Company's cash 
position to the market and, accordingly, it made an announcement on 12 February 
2010 with this information. 
In light of subsequent events described below it is your Board's belief that 
Thalassa had no intention of ever approving the True North Transaction, or any 
other transaction proposed by the current Board, unless and until they 
controlled the board. 
"Thalassa Offer" 
On 12 February 2010, the final business day prior to the general meeting to 
approve the True North Transaction, the Company received a letter from Thalassa 
purporting to make an offer to acquire RPL Holdings, the Company's US subsidiary 
which was proposed to be sold to True North pursuant to the True North 
Transaction (the "Thalassa Offer"). 
The Thalassa Offer is discussed below. 
Thalassa Announcement on 12 February 2010 
Later on 12 February 2010, Thalassa made a public announcement that it had 
received material non-public information which had led it to decide to vote 
against the True North Transaction. 
In that announcement Thalassa also alleged there was insufficient information in 
the True North Circular. The Board is, and remains, of the view that all 
material information was included in the True North Circular or was available in 
the public domain by virtue of prior regulatory notifications. 
The Board therefore believes that Thalassa's statement was irresponsible and 
misleading, designed to leave the incorrect impression with other shareholders 
of the Company that Thalassa had received considerable non-public material 
information.  The Board is also of the view that Thalassa's statements amounted 
to a breach of the NDA, which demonstrated to the Board the approach which 
Thalassa takes to complying with contractual obligations.  Given subsequent 
events, Thalassa made no further mention whatsoever of the fact that it had made 
the Thalassa Offer for RPL Holdings. 
In this announcement Thalassa also stated its intention to block any future cash 
distributions. As a shareholder holding more than 25% of the voting rights in 
the Company, Thalassa is able to block certain aspects of the existing Investing 
Policy, as a special resolution requiring 75% approval would be required to 
return further capital to shareholders or to put the Company into liquidation. 
 This announcement therefore suggested that Thalassa was against the Company's 
existing shareholder approved Investing Policy from the time it acquired its 
shareholding in the Company. 
True North General Meeting 
At the general meeting held on 15 February 2010, the True North Transaction was 
not approved by shareholders. 
First Requisition 
On 16 March 2010, the Company received the First Requisition and Members' 
The First Requisition was subsequently withdrawn following the Company's 
announcement on 17 March that it did not consider Thalassa's proposed investing 
policy contained in the First Requisition complied with the AIM Rules. 
Further Discussions 
Following the First Requisition, further discussions were held with a view to 
bringing nominees of the Company's major shareholders onto the Board without the 
need for a general meeting, and any appointments made could then have been 
confirmed at the AGM. 
As part of the proposals to appoint such shareholder nominees to the board, the 
Company requested certain safeguards, including: 
-     the appointment of independent non-executives at the same time 
-     an indication as to remuneration expectations, if any, of their proposed 
nominees;  and 
-     the provision of further information regarding Thalassa's new investing 
policy proposed to be adopted 
Your Board and Grant Thornton considered that a new investing policy should be 
put to shareholders at the same time as the proposals for a board change at the 
AGM (thereby saving the expense of an additional shareholder meeting to consider 
the adoption of a new investing policy).  Your Board believes this to be 
fundamental as a matter of corporate governance, because Thalassa, together with 
Novus Capital, would be in a position to approve any ordinary resolution. 
Accordingly your Board believes that the remaining shareholders of the Company 
must have a clear (and AIM Rules-compliant) description of the proposed 
investing policy so they could make an informed decision on their vote to 
appoint (or re-appoint) directors at the AGM. 
Repeated requests were made during this period for information regarding the new 
investing policy but none has been provided. 
Thalassa Second Requisition 
On 30 March 2010, Thalassa served the Second Requisition, in which the proposal 
for a new investing policy was removed altogether and no mention was made as to 
a future strategy for the Company. This appeared contrary to the previously 
announced Thalassa view that the current investing policy is to be changed. 
Your Board's Response to Recent Events and Members' Statement 
Your Board considers Thalassa's conduct since acquiring its shareholding has 
been aggressive and unresponsive and not what should be expected from a public 
company  that is aware that  directors need to have regard to the interests of 
all shareholders and stakeholders. 
Your Board believes that Thalassa's announcements and the Members' Statement 
contain certain inaccuracies and misleading statements and omissions and has set 
out a detailed response to certain of these issues below. 
The Thalassa Offer 
Thalassa stated in its announcement of 17 March that its proposal to replace the 
board of RPL was reached following the Company's general meeting to consider the 
True North Transaction , "most importantly because the board of RPL failed to 
inform shareholders that they had received, prior to that general meeting, a 
competing and substantially higher offer for RPL's US subsidiary, at a 100,000% 
premium to the $1 price that the board of RPL was recommending." (the "Thalassa 
The Company received a letter from Thalassa which contained the Thalassa Offer 
made by Thalassa on 12 February, the last business day prior to the general 
meeting held on 15 February. The Thalassa Offer was promptly and duly considered 
by the Independent Directors of the Company in accordance with their fiduciary 
The headline consideration in the Thalassa Offer was stated to be "not less than 
$1,001"; hence the factual, but sensationalist, reference to the "100,000% 
premium" in the 17 March announcement, but which in the Board's view, misleads 
shareholders as to the true economic effect of the Thalassa Offer when compared 
to the True North Transaction. 
This proposed $1,000 increase in the cash consideration was only a fraction of 
the amount the Company would have had to incur in considering, re-negotiating, 
executing and seeking shareholder approval for the Thalassa Offer.  Such costs, 
consisting of legal, accounting and other professional fees, and the additional 
costs of paying the US-based employees for an additional period, make  it easy 
to see why your Board concluded the Thalassa Offer, coming as it did on the last 
business day prior to the GM, should not be pursued or communicated to 
shareholders.  Even the cost of holding a further meeting would have been 
several multiples of the supposed "premium" on the value of the Thalassa Offer. 
Moreover, the Thalassa Offer was not legally binding and subject to certain 
conditions.  Therefore the Board believes the statement in the Members' 
Statement that the Thalassa Offer was "on exactly the same terms" as the 
transaction with True North is misleading.  The terms of the True North 
Transaction included detailed provisions on how existing contractual liabilities 
of RPL Holdings (approximately US$1.5 million as set out in the True North 
Circular) were to be dealt with, which was the key aspect of the transaction, 
not the nominal value of the cash consideration. 
Taking into account the significant additional costs and time lag involved, as 
well as the uncertainty of the outcome of the Thalassa Offer, your Board 
concluded that the Thalassa Offer was not in the best interests of shareholders 
as a whole or likely to promote the success of the Company.    Your Board 
therefore believes it did not in any way act otherwise than in accordance with 
its fiduciary duties as directors, contrary to the assertion made in the 
Members' Statement. 
If Thalassa had wanted all shareholders to know about the existence of the 
Thalassa Offer, it seems strange that Thalassa did not mention it in its 
announcement made on 12 February 2010 which was after the Thalassa Offer was 
made.  The inference drawn by your Board is that Thalassa did not have any 
intention of ever proceeding with the Thalassa Offer to acquire RPL Holdings, 
and would have served the First Requisition and the Second Requisition, whether 
or not your Board had advised shareholders of the existence of the Thalassa 
Adoption of New Investing Policy 
The First Requisition contained a resolution purporting to approve a new 
investing policy in generic terms which was inadequate and does not comply with 
the AIM Rules.  The  AIM Rules provide that a company's investing policy must be 
sufficiently precise and detailed to allow the assessment of it, and, if 
applicable, the significance of any proposed changes to the policy: 
"[an investing policy] must contain as a minimum: 
-     assets or company in which it can invest; 
-     the means or strategy by which the investing policy will be achieved; 
-     whether such investments will be active or passive and, if applicable, the 
length of time that investments are likely to be held for; 
-     how widely it will spread its investments and its maximum exposure limits, 
if applicable; 
-     its policy in relation to gearing and cross-holdings, if applicable; 
-     details of investing restrictions, if applicable; and 
-     the nature of returns it will seek to deliver to shareholders and, if 
applicable, how long it can exist before making an investment and/or before 
having to return funds to shareholders." 
As an AIM company itself, Thalassa could reasonably be expected to be aware of 
these requirements.   Nevertheless Thalassa did not mention in its announcement 
of the First Requisition that a further shareholders' meeting would need to be 
convened for this purpose.  This is, in your Board's view, misleading given 
Thalassa implies that it would be beneficial for the current board (other than 
Timothy Hunstad) to resign in order to save the Company and its shareholders the 
time and expense of convening a meeting. 
The Second Requisition, rather than including more information about the 
adoption of the new investing policy, removed all reference to it, seeking 
instead solely to take control of the direction of the Board without giving any 
further information to shareholders about its intentions. 
Following the First Requisition, your Board made a number of requests for 
Thalassa to provide further information on its proposed investing policy but no 
such information has yet been provided.  Your Board is concerned that 
shareholders do not, and will not, have sufficient information about the 
proposed new directors' strategy for the Company on which they can make an 
informed decision on whether to vote in favour of replacing the majority of the 
current Board.Your Board believes that withholding such information will be to 
the detriment of minority shareholders.  Thalassa has not, for example, provided 
any explanation as to whether it believes a US presence is still required for 
the Company in light of the fact all of its US assets have been sold. 
If Thalassa is successful in replacing your Board then a further general meeting 
would be required to approve a new investing policy.  Your Board again 
re-iterates its request for Thalassa to provide full details of its proposed new 
investment policy as a matter of urgency and well in advance of the date of the 
GM so that shareholders may make an informed decision on how to vote at the GM. 
It should be stressed that your Board is not opposed to a new investing policy 
if that is what the majority of its shareholders support as your Board wishes to 
maximise shareholder value.  It stands by its previous strategy as having been 
the most appropriate way to preserve and maximise shareholder value but your 
Board is and has been willing to listen to shareholders about alternative 
strategies.  It is however concerned that all requests for further information 
as to what that investing policy should be have gone unanswered. 
Thalassa Delay & Timing Implications 
If the Company's investing policy is not implemented prior to 19 August 2010 
(being 12 months from the date of shareholder approval of the Company's existing 
investing policy) then trading in the Company's ordinary shares on AIM will be 
suspended in accordance with AIM Rule 40.  If following suspension of the 
ordinary shares in accordance with AIM Rule 40, the ordinary shares have not 
been re-admitted to trading on AIM, within a further six months, the admission 
of the ordinary shares to trading on AIM will be cancelled.     The adoption of 
a new investing policy does not restart this timeline. 
Your Board believes that the failure of Thalassa to mention in any of its 
announcements or to the Board whether it is capable of implementing its proposed 
new investing policy within the time frame mandated by the AIM Rules is, in the 
Board's view, an important omission from its public announcements. 
Following the voting down of the True North Transaction, your Board have been 
concerned about this impending deadline under AIM Rule 40 and the need for the 
Company to consider proposals from Thalassa for a new investing policy as soon 
as possible in order to preserve shareholder value.  Your Board believes that as 
every month passes with no progress made towards implementing a shareholder 
approved investing policy, it reduces available time and resources. 
Accordingly, as set out in the Company's announcement on 15 February, a letter 
to Thalassa on 19 February and thereafter, the Company has made numerous 
requests of Thalassa and its advisers to provide proposals for a new investing 
Your Board is concerned that the extensive delay in approving and implementing a 
new investing policy may lead to a point when the AIM Rules will no longer apply 
to the Company, to the detriment of minority shareholders in the Company. 
If the Company is de-listed from AIM,the liquidity and marketability of the 
Company's shares would be severely reduced and the value of any such shares, the 
Board believes, would be adversely affected as a consequence. Under these 
circumstances, the Company would no longer be subject to the AIM Rules and there 
would be limited restrictions on the manner in which Thalassa and the proposed 
new board can control the business and operations of the Company, and 
independent minority shareholders would have very limited protections in respect 
of their interests. 
Tactics to Gain Control 
In order to acquire control of the Company by the more conventional means of 
making a formal offer to remaining shareholders to acquire their shares, 
Thalassa would have been required to pay at least 3p per share in accordance 
with the Takeover Code.   As at 15 April 2010, the latest practicable date prior 
to the posting of this Circular, the Company's closing share price on AIM was 
1.625p.   Your Board would unanimously recommend an offer made by Thalassa at 3p 
per share. 
Instead,  your Board believes that in light of Thalassa's actions it is 
reasonable to believe that its ulterior motive is, and has been since it 
acquired its shareholding in the Company, to gain control of the Company without 
having to make an offer to all shareholders to acquire their shares. 
The tactics employed by Thalassa to achieve this goal have included: 
-     stake-building by acquiring 29.8% of the Company (just below the 30% 
threshold at which a mandatory offer under the Takeover Code would have been 
required to be made at a price of at least 3p per share) 
-     announcing on 12 February that it would use its voting rights to prevent 
the implementation of the current Investing Policy and would be focussing on a 
revised strategy for the Company 
-     not providing further information about its intentions on a future 
strategy for the Company despite repeated requests for this information 
-     serving requisitions to remove the majority of the board 
-     seeking to retain Timothy Hunstad as a director but making no direct 
contact with him regarding his future role in the Company 
Consequently, the current Board do not believe that they are being replaced (or, 
in the case of Mr Hunstad, retained) for the reasons alleged in the Members' 
Statement, but rather because this behaviour is consistent with the past 
business conduct employed by certain public companies in which Mr Soukop was a 
director to seek to take control of the direction of those companies, rather 
than making an offer to acquire the remaining shares in those companies. 
Your Board have always sought to make the best decisions in the interests of all 
shareholders.  We therefore regrettably cannot recommend the appointment of 
Thalassa's nominees. 
You will find set out at the end of this document a notice convening the 
requisitioned GM to be held on 18 May 2010 at 11.00 a.m. or one hour after the 
conclusion or adjournment of the AGM convened for the same day, whichever shall 
be later, at Ten Dominion Street, London, EC2M 5EE.  Each of the resolutions 
shall be proposed as an ordinary resolution at the GM (the "Resolutions"): 
1.         THAT Mr Charles Duncan Soukop be and is hereby appointed as a 
director of the Company with immediate effect. 
2.         THAT Mr Peter Redmond be and is hereby appointed as a director of the 
Company with immediate effect. 
3.         THAT Mr Robert Porter be and is hereby appointed as a director of the 
Company with immediate effect. 
4.         THAT Mr Michael G Reynolds be and is hereby removed from office as a 
director of the Company with immediate effect. 
5.         THAT Mr Victor J Fryling be and is hereby removed from office as a 
director of the Company with immediate effect. 
6.         THAT Mr Alexander S Lambie be and is hereby removed from office as a 
director of the Company with immediate effect. 
The Directors unanimously recommend that you vote AGAINST the Resolutions. 
How to Vote on the Resolutions 
Shareholders are requested to complete and return the enclosed Form of Proxy for 
use at the GM in accordance with the instructions printed thereon so as to 
arrive at the address printed thereon as soon as possible and in any event not 
later than 3.00pm, on 14 May 2010. Completion of a Form of Proxy will not 
prevent you from attending the GM and voting in person should you so wish. 
If you wish to attend the meeting, please remember to bring with you to the 
meeting your poll card, which is the tear off section above the form of proxy, 
in order that you may use this to vote at the meeting.   Blank poll cards will 
also be available at the meeting. 
The Directors unanimously recommend that you vote AGAINST the Resolutions.  Each 
of the Directors intends to vote AGAINST all of the Resolutions in respect of 
his own beneficial holding in the Company amounting to, in aggregate 508,175 
Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 0.57% of the current issued Ordinary 
Share capital of the Company. 
Your vote AGAINST the Resolutions is important to ensure that the Directors have 
the opportunity to explore all possible strategies to create and deliver value 
for all of its shareholders. 
As Thalassa holds 29.8% of the shares in the Company, and Novus Capital has a 
26.9% holding,  the resolutions will be passed, and your Board (other than 
Timothy Hunstad) will be replaced by Thalassa's nominees, if Novus Capital votes 
in favour of the resolutions.    Accordingly, the Board believes that it will in 
fact be replaced at the GM regardless of how any other shareholders vote their 
While the outcome of the GM may be a foregone conclusion, your vote against the 
resolutions could however send a message to the proposed new board of your 
displeasure with how Thalassa has sought to control the direction of the Company 
going forward. 
In any event, on behalf of each of the current members of the Board I would like 
to take this opportunity to thank the vast majority of shareholders for their 
genuine support and confidence they have provided to the Board. 
We sincerely hope that the Company is able to generate value for all 
shareholders following the GM,  though unfortunately we have serious doubts that 
this will be the case. 
Yours faithfully 
Michael G Reynolds 
This document contains certain forward-looking statements. These statements 
relate to future events or future performance and reflect the Board's 
expectations regarding the Company's growth, results of operations, performance 
and business prospects and opportunities. Such forward-looking statements 
reflect the Board's current beliefs, are based on information currently 
available to the Board and are based on reasonable assumptions as of this date. 
No assurance, however, can be given that the expectations will be achieved. A 
number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the 
projections, anticipated results or other expectations expressed in this 
release. While the Board makes these forward-looking statements in good faith, 
neither the Company, nor its Board, can guarantee that the anticipated future 
results will be achieved." 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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