RNS No 6905r
20 September 1999




* Turnover up 53% to #7.715 million (1998: #5.054 million)
* Operating profit (before goodwill amortisation)up 37% to
  #639,000  (1998: #468,000)
* Adjusted earnings per share 4.24p
* First revenues from e-commerce
* Two acquisitions successfully integrated

I  am  delighted to report that first half-year results for 1999
show continued growth in both turnover and profitability.
Turnover of #7.7 million was achieved (#5.1 million in first half-
year 1998). This represents a 53% uplift, following sizeable deployment
of new  systems,  successes  in  solution  sales  and  the  emergence
of electronic commerce as a business line for the company.
Operating  profit  before  goodwill  amortisation  and  interest
was #639,000 (#468,000), an increase of 37%.
Adjusted  earnings per share (EPS) was 4.24p and is  based  on
profit attributable to equity shareholders excluding goodwill.

An interim dividend of 1.0 pence per ordinary share will be paid
on 29 October 1999 to all shareholders on the register at the
close of business on 1 October 1999.

Principal sales growth has been achieved from the new sales areas
introduced since the first half of 1998. These include:

* Sirius Solutions to insurance companies and larger
* Aquarius software packages to the smaller brokers
* Special Projects to the affinity and tied agent broker market
* The Swift range of software for Independent Financial Advisers.

Included  within  the  solutions revenue line are  the  Group's
first revenues  from  electronic commerce projects.  More  importantly,
the period has seen the arrival of e-commerce in the Insurance market.
The Group has adopted a strategy of selling the enabling
technology to both  existing and new entrant insurance providers. The Group 
is now handling  a significant prospect pipeline in this area and
confidently expects  revenues in the second half-year and beyond to  show
further growth.

The  Group has identified this very real opportunity for growth
which needs to be supported by proper investment. In response, the Group
has taken a number of actions during the period:

* Continued  conversion of existing products such as  GEMINInet
to  be  web-enabled
* Development  of  new  solutions such as  PM  Online  and  of
digital television capabilities
* The  launch  of  a new team under the PMe brand, to provide  a
total solution  to  customer needs, interfacing with key partners  such
as Compaq and Microsoft
* Enhancing  the  capabilities of the team by  the  addition  of
Media Maker.

As  a  consequence,  the Group has invested heavily in
infrastructure that  has, in part, impacted upon the net margins achieved. The
other sizeable  impact  upon margins results directly from the  higher
than usual  level  of  hardware sales emanating from the  Special
Projects channel to tied agents.

During the period, the Group successfully entered into
negotiations to acquire  MediQuote and Media Maker. These acquisitions were
completed on 29 June and 20 July 1999 respectively.
The  MediQuote  business  is based upon the  industry's  only
Private Medical  Insurance comparative quotation software. It is  intended
to develop  an  improved version of this product that will be capable
of realising  the  considerable e-commerce potential  for  this  line
of business.

Media  Maker  was  acquired to allow the Group to  present
specialist internet,  intranet and multi-media design capabilities to
complement its existing e-commerce solutions.

Policy  Master  is  well  placed to lead the  adoption  of
electronic commerce  in  the general insurance market. It is close to
completion and  delivery of our first digital television project and has
recently been  awarded another major development project from a new entrant
in the market.

Our  capabilities span a range of access channels (internet,
extranet, internet,  digital and interactive television) and several classes
of insurance.   Solutions   developed  can  support  insurer-to-
consumer, insurer-to-intermediary and consumer-to-intermediary

In  conclusion  the Board are confident of its trading performance
in the balance of the year

John Kimberley

Group Balance Sheet

                      Unaudited        Audited
                          As at          As at
                        30 June    31 December
                          1999            1998
                         #'000           #'000

Fixed Assets
Intangible assets        3,087           2,992
Tangible assets          1,500           1,462
                        -------         ------
                         4,587           4,454
                        -------         ------
Current Assets
Stocks                      36             144
Debtors                  5,160           3,195
Cash at bank and in hand    79             123
                        -------         ------
                         5,275           3,462

amounts falling due
within one year         (3,353)         (2,816)
                        -------         ------
Net current assets       1,922             646

Total assets less current
liabilities              6,509           5,100

Creditors: amounts falling
due after more than one
year                    (1,346)          (745)

Accruals and
deferred income
Deferred income          (658)           (202)
                        -------         ------
                         4,505           4,153
                        -------         ------
                        -------         ------
Capital and Reserves
Called up share capital    145              143
Share capital to be issued   -              250
Share premium account    2,569            2,321
Merger reserve             453              453
Profit & loss account    1,338              986
                        -------         -------
                         4,505           4,153
                        -------         -------
Shareholders' funds:
Equity                   4,503           4,151
Non-equity                   2               2
                        -------         ------
                         4,505           4,153
                        -------         ------
                        -------         ------

Group Profit and Loss Account
For the six months ended 30 June 1999

                           Unaudited   Audited
                           Six months  Year to
                           to 30 June  31 December
                          1999    1998    1998

                         #'000   #'000   #'000

Turnover                 7,715   5,054  11,338
Cost of Sales          (4,703) (2,886) (6,235)
                       ------- ------- -------
Gross Profit             3,012   2,168   5,103
Distribution costs     (1,047)   (633) (1,534)
Administration costs
(excluding goodwill
amortisation)          (1,326) (1,067) (2,509)
                       ------- ------- -------
Operating profit before
goodwill amortisation      639     468   1,060
Goodwill amortisation     (105)    (57)   (129)
Operating Profit           534     411     931
Interest receivable         41      10      39
Interest payable and
similar charges            (75)   (257)   (273)
                       ------- ------- -------
Profit on ordinary
activities before taxation 500     164     697
Tax on profit on
ordinary activities         -       -       -
Profit for the period      500     164     697
                       ------- ------- -------
Equity dividends on
ordinary shares            (148)     -    (141)
Non-equity dividend on cumulative
participating preferred
ordinary shares              -      (2)    (2)
                       ------- ------- -------
Retained profit
for the period              352     162    554
                       ------- ------- -------
                       ------- ------- -------

Earnings per
ordinary share              3.51p   1.32p   5.88p
Fully diluted earnings
per ordinary share          3.50p   1.32p   5.86p

Dividends per
ordinary share               1.0p    nil     1.0p

There are no recognised gains or losses for the period other than
the profit for the period.

1. Earnings Per Ordinary Share
The  calculation  of basic earnings per ordinary  share  is  based
on earnings  of #500,181 (June 1998: #162,585, December 1998:
#695,549),being  profit  for  the  half year of #500,181  (June  1998:
#164,058, December  1998:  #697,022)  less  cumulative  participating
preferred ordinary dividends of #Nil (June 1998: #1,473, December 1998:
#1,473), and  on  14,265,253  ordinary shares (June 1998:  9,573,077,
December 1998:  11,834,988),  being  the weighted average  number  of
ordinary shares in issue during the period.

The diluted earnings per share is based on profit for the half
year of #500,181  (June  1998:  #162,585, December  1998:  #695,549),  and
on 14,268,411 (June 1998: 9,573,077, December 1998: 11,863,149)
ordinary shares, calculated as follows:

                         June 1999    June 1998    December 1998
Basic weighted average
number of shares        14,265,253    9,573,077    11,834,988

Dilutive potential ordinary shares:

  Executive share options    3,158        -             33
  Deferred consideration        -         -         28,128

                        14,268,411    9,573,077    11,863,149

2. Basis of Preparation of Interim Financial Information
The  interim financial information has been prepared on the  basis
of the  accounting policies set out in the Group financial statements
for the year ended 31 December 1998.

3. Publication of Non-Statutory Accounts
The financial information contained in this interim statement does
not constitute  statutory  accounts  as defined  in  section  240  of
the Companies  Act 1985. The financial information for the full
preceding year  is based on the statutory accounts for the financial year
ended 31  December 1998. Those accounts, upon which the auditors  issued
an unqualified   opinion,  have  been  delivered  to  the  Registrar
of Companies.

Copies  of  the  Interim Financial Statement are  being  sent  to
all shareholders.   Further  copies  are  available  from  the
Company's registered  office, Policy Master House, Reddicroft, Sutton
Coldfield, West Midlands, B73 6BN.

4. Year 2000 Update
We reported in our Report and Accounts, issued in April 1999, that
our plan for delivering products to the market and installing upgrades
to customers  with  maintenance contracts had  been  completed.  We
also reported  that the last internal system would be replaced or
upgraded by the end of this month and this remains the case.
Whilst  it  is  impossible to give absolute assurances, the
Directors believe  that  all of our major systems are year 2000  compliant
and, therefore, we do not expect any significant failures or
disruptions to arise from issues with our systems or products.
As  stated  in our Report and Accounts, the majority of any year
2000 project costs have been incurred and any further costs are not
likely to be material.



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