Medoro Resources Announces 2007 Year-end Results

    TORONTO, April 30 /CNW/ - Medoro Resources Ltd. ("Medoro") (TSX-V:
MRS/AIM: MRL) announced today results for the year ended December 31, 2007.
For the year ended December 31, 2007, Medoro reported a net loss of
$1.5 million or $0.03 per share as compared to a net loss of $2.1 million or
$0.05 per share in the previous year. The 2007 decrease in net loss of $0.6
million was primarily a result of a increase in operating costs of $0.1
million offset by an increase in other income of $0.6 million and an increase
in future tax recovery of $0.1 million. The loss in the previous year included
a gain on the sale of the Monte Ollasteddu property of $0.3 million, a
recovery on note and share receivable of $0.9 million, foreign exchange gains
and other income of $1.2 million, partially offset by corporate and operating
costs of $4.8 million. Net earnings for the fourth quarter ended December 31,
2007 was $1.0 million or $0.02 per share compared to a net loss of $0.9
million or $0.04 per share in the previous year. As at December 31, 2007 the
company had cash and short-term investments of $2.0 million and no debt.
    Subsequent to year-end, the company completed a brokered private
placement of 30,810,000 units at a price of $0.40 per unit, for gross proceeds
of $12,324,000.
    The company is continuing its diamond drilling program at its Lo
Increible gold property in Venezuela. The program is intended to increase and
enhance existing resources at La Cruz, La Sofia and Tapon. The company expects
to prepare an updated resource estimate in the fourth quarter of this year. A
drilling program is expected to commence at its Sindo property in Mali this
    The company also announced that its report and accounts for the year
ended December 31, 2007 and the information circular, notice of meeting and
proxy for the company's annual meeting to be held on May 27, 2008 at 10:00
a.m. (Toronto time) in the Thames Room at the offices of Blake, Cassels &
Graydon LLP, 199 Bay Street, Suite 2800, Commerce Court West, Toronto Ontario,
Canada, have been sent to its shareholders. Copies of these documents may be
obtained during normal business hours on weekdays (except Saturdays, Sundays
and public holidays) free of charge from the Secretary of the company at the
company's head office at 220 Bay Street, Suite 1400, Toronto, Ontario, M5J
2W4, (416) 603-4653. In addition, these documents are also available on the
SEDAR website at

    Medoro Resources is a gold exploration and development company focused on
acquiring properties of merit for potential joint ventures with senior
producers. The company holds a 100% interest in the Lo Increible 4A and 4B
concessions in Venezuela and interests in eleven gold exploration areas in the
Republic of Mali. Additional information on the company can be found by
visiting the company's website at Medoro's Nominated
Adviser for the purposes of AIM is Canaccord Adams Ltd. (Ryan Gaffney/Robin
Birchall), +44 (0) 20 7050 6500.


    This press release contains forward-looking statements based on
assumptions, uncertainties and management's best estimates of future events.
Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated.
Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and
uncertainties. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements
are detailed from time to time in the company's periodic reports filed with
the British Columbia Securities Commission and other regulatory authorities.
The company has no intention or obligation to update or revise any
forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future
events or otherwise.

    Consolidated financial statements of
    Medoro Resources Ltd.
    December 31, 2007

    Auditors' Report

    To the Shareholders of
    Medoro Resources Ltd.

    We have audited the consolidated balance sheets of Medoro Resources Ltd.
as at December 31, 2007 and 2006 and the consolidated statements of
operations, comprehensive loss and deficit and of cash flows for the years
then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's
management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial
statements based on our audits.
    We conducted our audits in accordance with Canadian generally accepted
auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit
to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation.
    In our opinion, these consolidated financial statements present fairly,
in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as at December
31, 2007 and 2006 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the
years then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting

    (Signed) "Deloitte & Touche LLP"

    Chartered Accountants
    Licensed Public Accountants

    Toronto, Ontario
    April 29, 2008

    Medoro Resources Ltd.
    Consolidated statements of operations, comprehensive loss and deficit
    Year ended December 31, 2007 and 2006
    (Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except share and per share

                                                           2007         2006

    Operating expenses
      General and administrative (Schedule)         $     4,811  $     3,486
      Stock-based compensation (Note 5)                     140        1,333
                                                          4,951        4,819

    Other income and expenses
      Accreted interest on note and shares
       receivable                                             -           34
      Foreign exchange gain                               2,806          633
      Interest income                                         8          529
      Recovery on note and shares receivable                  -          881
      Gain on disposal of mineral properties                  -          315
      Other income                                          267           38
                                                          3,081        2,430

    Net loss before income taxes                         (1,870)      (2,389)
    Future income tax recovery (Note 6)                    (393)        (292)

    Net loss and comprehensive loss for the year         (1,477)      (2,097)
    Deficit, beginning of year                          (30,262)     (28,165)
    Deficit, end of year                            $   (31,739) $   (30,262)

    Basic and diluted loss per share                $     (0.03) $     (0.05)

    Basic and diluted weighted average number
     of common shares outstanding                    51,329,196   46,018,943

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial

    Medoro Resources Ltd.
    Consolidated balance sheets
    as at December 31, 2007 and 2006
    (Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars)

                                                           2007         2006

    Current assets
      Cash and cash equivalents                     $     2,026  $       910
      Short-term investments                                  -       12,520
      Prepaid and other assets                            1,332          583
                                                          3,358       14,013

    Property, plant and equipment, net (Note 4)          34,880       19,677
                                                    $    38,238  $    33,690

    Current liabilities
      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities      $     1,881  $       760

    Future income taxes (Note 6)                          5,118        5,759
                                                          6,999        6,519

    Shareholders' equity
    Share capital (Note 5)                               57,937       53,663
    Contributed surplus (Note 5)                          5,041        3,770
    Deficit                                             (31,739)     (30,262)
                                                         31,239       27,171
                                                    $    38,238  $    33,690

    Nature of operations (Note 1)

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial

    Medoro Resources Ltd.
    Consolidated statements of cash flows
    Year ended December 31, 2007 and 2006

                                                           2007         2006

    Operating activities
      Net loss                                      $    (1,477) $    (2,097)
      Items not affecting cash
        Gain on disposal of mineral properties                -         (315)
        Depreciation                                         50           61
        Recovery on note and shares receivable                -         (881)
        Future income tax recovery                         (393)        (292)
        Stock-based compensation                            140        1,333
        Unrealized foreign exchange (gain) loss          (3,724)         185
        Accreted interest on note and shares
         receivable                                           -          (34)
      Changes in non-cash working capital items
        Prepaid and other assets                           (749)        (518)
        Accounts payable and accrued liabilities            321          412
                                                         (5,832)      (2,146)

    Investing activities
      Short-term investments                             12,520       (7,340)
      Acquisition of Panwest                                  -       (1,402)
      Proceeds on sale of Sardinia and SGM Ricerche           -        2,867
      Acquisition of African Gold Resources S.A          (3,270)           -
      Acquisition of property, plant and equipment       (4,700)      (3,201)
                                                          4,550       (9,076)

    Financing activities
      Private placement (note 5(d))                       2,250       12,008
      Issuance of common shares for cash                     36            6
                                                          2,286       12,014

    Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and
     cash equivalents                                       112            -

    Increase in cash and cash equivalents                 1,116          792
    Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year            910          118
    Cash and cash equivalents, end of year          $     2,026  $       910

    Cash and cash equivalents are comprised of:
      Cash                                          $     1,452  $       910
      Short-term money market instruments                   574
                                                    $     2,026  $       910

    See note 8 for supplemental cash flow information

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial

    Medoro Resources Ltd.
    Notes to the consolidated financial statements
    December 31, 2007
    (Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except share
    and per share amounts)

    1.  Nature of operations

        Medoro Resources Ltd. (the "Company") is currently engaged in the
        exploration and development of mineral properties; as such, the
        Company is considered to be in the development stage.

        On May 24, 2006, the Company completed a share consolidation whereby
        7 pre-consolidation shares were exchanged for 1 post-consolidation
        share. All information related to common shares has been restated to
        give effect to the share consolidation.

        These financial statements have been prepared under the assumption
        that the Company will be able to realize its assets and discharge its
        liabilities in the normal course of business rather than through a
        process of forced liquidation. To date, the Company has not generated
        revenue from its principal business activities and has relied on
        equity financings to meet its obligations. The ability of the Company
        to continue as a going concern is dependent on the Company's ability
        to receive continued financial support, the discovery of economically
        recoverable reserves and the ability to obtain the necessary
        financing to complete exploration and ultimately development, and
        generate profitable operations in the future. If the going concern
        assumption was not appropriate, the Company may not be able to
        realize its assets and satisfy its liabilities in the normal course
        of business.

    2.  Significant accounting policies

        These consolidated financial statements have been prepared by the
        Company in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting
        principles and are expressed in Canadian dollars. The principal
        accounting policies are outlined below:

        (a) Basis of consolidation

            These consolidated financial statements include the accounts of
            the Company and all of its incorporated subsidiaries. All
            intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated.

            Variable interest entities ("VIE's"), which include, but are not
            limited to, special purpose entities, trusts, partnerships, and
            other legal structures, as defined by Canadian Institute of
            Chartered Accountants ("CICA") Accounting Guideline 15,
            Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities, are subject to
            consolidation by the primary beneficiary who will absorb the
            majority of the entities' expected losses and/or expected
            residual returns. The Company does not have any entities that
            qualify for treatment under this guidance.

        (b) Use of estimates

            The preparation of financial statements, in conformity with
            Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, requires
            management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the
            reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of
            contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
            statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses
            during the reporting year. On an ongoing basis, management
            evaluates its estimates, including those related to the
            recoverability of mineral properties, mineral exploration and
            development costs and volatility assumptions for stock
            compensation valuation. Management bases its estimates on
            historical experience and on various other assumptions that are
            believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of
            which form the basis for making judgments about the carrying
            values of assets and liabilities that are not readily available
            from other sources. Actual results could differ from those
            estimates under different assumptions or conditions.

        (c) Cash and equivalents

            Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash on hand, deposits in
            banks and highly liquid investments, with an original term to
            maturity of three months or less.

        (d) Short-term investments

            Short-term investments include those short-term money market
            instruments which, on acquisition, have a term to maturity of
            greater than three months but less than one year.

        (e) Mineral properties

            The Company considers its mineral properties to have the
            characteristics of property, plant and equipment. As such, the
            Company defers all exploration costs, including acquisition
            costs, field exploration and field supervisory costs relating to
            specific properties until those properties are brought into
            production, at which time they will be amortized on a unit-of-
            production basis based on proven and probable reserves or until
            the properties are abandoned, sold or considered to be impaired
            in value, at which time an appropriate charge will be made.
            Administrative costs are expensed as incurred.

            The recoverability of the amounts shown for mineral properties is
            dependent on the existence of economically recoverable reserves,
            the ability to obtain financing to complete the development of
            such reserves and meet the Company's obligations under various
            agreements and the success of future operations or dispositions.

        (f) Impairment of long-lived assets

            The Company monitors the recoverability of the carrying amount of
            its long-lived assets by estimating the undiscounted cash flows
            expected to result from their use and eventual disposition. This
            assessment is based on the carrying amount of the asset at the
            date it is tested for recoverability, whether it is in use or
            under development. If the carrying amount exceeds the sum of the
            undiscounted cash flows expected to result, an impairment loss is
            recognized and the adjusted carrying amount becomes the new cost

            Non-producing mineral properties are also evaluated for
            impairment based on management's intentions and are written down
            when the long-term expectation is that the net carrying amount
            will not be recovered.

        (g) Reclamation and site restoration costs

            The Company records the present value of asset retirement
            obligations, including reclamation costs, when the obligation is
            incurred. It is recorded as a liability with a corresponding
            increase in the carrying value of the related mining assets. The
            carrying value is amortized over the life of the related mining
            asset on a units-of-production basis commencing with initial
            commercialization of the asset. The liability is accreted to the
            actual liability on settlement through charges each period in the
            statement of operations.

        (h) Foreign currency translation

            The Company's functional currency is the Canadian dollar. The
            Company's foreign subsidiaries are considered to be integrated
            operations. Accordingly, the Company utilizes the temporal method
            to translate the financial statements of these subsidiaries into
            Canadian dollars. An exchange gain or loss that arises on
            translation or settlement of a foreign currency denominated
            monetary item or a non-monetary item carried at market is
            included in the determination of net income for the current
            period. At each balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in
            a foreign currency are adjusted to reflect the exchange rate in
            effect at the balance sheet date. Revenues and expenses are
            translated into Canadian dollars at the exchange rates prevailing
            on the transaction dates. Non-monetary assets and liabilities are
            translated using historical rates of exchange.

        (i) Income taxes

            Future income tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the
            future income tax consequences attributable to differences
            between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing
            assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases, and for
            net operating loss carryforwards. Future income tax assets and
            liabilities are measured using enacted or substantively enacted
            tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in
            which those temporary differences are expected to reverse or be
            settled. The effect of a change in tax rates is recognized in the
            year that includes the substantive enactment date. A valuation
            allowance is recorded against any future income tax asset if it
            is not more likely than not that the asset will be realized.

        (j) Stock-based compensation

            The Company has in effect a stock option plan which is described
            in Note 5 - Share Capital. The Company accounts for stock options
            granted using the fair value based method of accounting for
            stock-based compensation. Accordingly, the fair value of the
            options at the date of grant is accrued and charged to
            operations, with a corresponding credit to contributed surplus,
            on a straight-line basis over the vesting period. If and when the
            stock options are ultimately exercised, the applicable amounts of
            contributed surplus are transferred to share capital.

        (k) Loss per share

            Loss per share is computed by dividing the net loss available to
            common shareholders by the weighted average number of shares
            outstanding during the reporting year. Diluted loss per share is
            computed similar to basic loss per share except that the weighted
            average shares outstanding are increased to include additional
            shares for the assumed exercise of stock options, warrants and
            convertible debentures, if dilutive. The number of additional
            shares is calculated by assuming that outstanding stock options
            and warrants were exercised and convertible debentures converted
            and that the proceeds from such exercises and conversion were
            used to acquire common stock at the average market price during
            the reporting years. Options and warrants as disclosed in Note 5
            are anti-dilutive and, therefore, have not been taken into
            account in the per share calculations.

        (l) Financial instruments and financial risks

            The fair values of cash and cash equivalents, short term
            investments, and accounts payable and accrued liabilities
            approximate their carrying values due to the short term to
            maturity of these financial instruments. The Company has no
            derivative financial instruments.

        (m) Adoption of new accounting standards

            Effective January 1, 2007, the Company adopted CICA Handbook
            Section 1530, Comprehensive Income, CICA Handbook Section 3855,
            Financial Instruments - Recognition and Measurement, CICA
            Handbook Section 3861, Financial Instruments - Disclosure and
            Presentation, CICA Handbook Section 3865, Hedges, and CICA
            Handbook Section 3251, Equity. These accounting policy changes
            were adopted on a retrospective basis with no restatement of
            prior period financial statements. The new standards and
            accounting policy changes are as follows:

            (a)  Comprehensive income (Section 1530)

                 Comprehensive income is the change in shareholders' equity
                 during a period from transactions and other events and
                 circumstances from non-owner sources. In accordance with
                 this new standard, the Company now reports a statement of
                 comprehensive income and a new category, accumulated other
                 comprehensive income, in the shareholders' equity section of
                 the consolidated balance sheet. The components of this new
                 category may include unrealized gains and losses on
                 financial assets classified as available-for-sale, exchange
                 gains and losses arising from the translation of financial
                 statements of a self-sustaining foreign operation and the
                 effective portion of the changes in fair value of cash flow
                 hedging instruments.

                 During the year ended December 31, 2007, there were no
                 changes in shareholders' equity that resulted from the non-
                 owner sources and consequently, the adoption of the standard
                 noted above had no material effect on the presentation of
                 the Company's consolidated financial statements.

            (b)  Financial instruments - recognition and measurement (CICA
                 Handbook Section 3855) and disclosure and presentation (CICA
                 Handbook Section 3861)

                 In accordance with these new standards, the Company now
                 classifies all financial instruments as either held-for-
                 trading, available for sale, held-to-maturity, loans and
                 receivables or other financial liabilities. Financial
                 instruments classified as held-for-trading are measured at
                 fair value with unrealized gains and losses recognized in
                 operating results. Financial instruments classified as
                 available for sale are measured at fair value with
                 unrealized gains and losses recognized in other
                 comprehensive income. Financial instruments classified as
                 held-to-maturity, loans and receivables or other financial
                 liabilities are measured at amortized cost.

                 Upon adoption of these new standards, the Company has
                 designated its cash and cash equivalents and short-term
                 investments as held-for-trading, which are measured at fair
                 value. Accounts payable and accrued liabilities are
                 classified as other liabilities, which are measured at
                 amortized cost. As at December 31, 2007, the Company did not
                 have any financial assets classified as available for sale
                 and did not undertake any hedging activities therefore, the
                 adoption of the standard noted above had no material effect
                 on the presentation of the Company's consolidated financial

            (c)  Equity (CICA Section 3251)

                 The Company's adoption of CICA section 3251 resulted in
                 expanded disclosure of its components of shareholders'
                 equity in the notes to the consolidated financial

            (d)  Hedges (CICA Section 3865)

                 This section establishes the standard for when and how hedge
                 accounting may be applied. The Company currently does not
                 have any hedges in place, and therefore this standard had no
                 impact on the consolidated financial statements

            (e)  Transaction costs

                 Transaction costs with respect to instruments not classified
                 as held-for-trading are recognized as an adjustment to the
                 cost of the underlying instruments and are recognized and
                 amortized using the effective interest method. Application
                 of this new accounting policy did not have a material impact
                 on the financial position or results of operations as at or
                 for the year ended December 31, 2007.

        (n) New accounting pronouncements

            In November 2006, the CICA issued the new handbook Section 1535,
            "Capital Disclosures," effective for annual and interim periods
            related to fiscal years beginning on or after October 1, 2007.
            This section establishes standards for disclosing information
            about a Company's capital and how it is managed in order that a
            user of the financial statements may evaluate the Company's
            objectives, policies, and processes for managing capital. This
            new standard is not expected to have a material effect on the
            Company's consolidated financial statements.

            In March 2007, the CICA issued a new section 3031, "Inventories",
            which is to replace the existing section 3030, "Inventories".
            Under the new section, inventories are required to be measured at
            the "lower of cost and net realizable value", which is different
            from the existing guidance of the "lower of cost and market". The
            new section also requires, when applicable, the reversal of any
            write-downs previously recognized. The new accounting standard
            and any consequential amendments will be effective for the
            Company beginning January 1, 2008. The Company is currently
            evaluating the implications of the new standard as it relates to
            the financial statement presentation of its spare parts and
            servicing equipment currently presented as Property, plant and

            CICA Section 1400, "General Standards of Financial Statement
            Presentation", was amended June 2007 to include guidance on an
            entity's ability to continue as a going concern. The revised
            standard explicitly requires management to assess and disclose
            the entity's ability to continue as a going concern. For
            clarification, these financial statements have been prepared on
            the basis of accounting policies applicable to a going concern,
            which assumes that the Company will continue in operation for the
            foreseeable future and will be able to realize its assets and
            discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business. The
            Company is not aware of any material circumstances that would
            undermine this assumption.

            In February 2008, the CICA issued Section 3064, Goodwill and
            intangible assets, replacing Section 3062, Goodwill and other
            intangible assets and Section 3450, Research and development
            costs. Various changes have been made to other sections of the
            CICA Handbook for consistency purposes. The new Sections will be
            applicable to financial statements relating to fiscal years
            beginning on or after October 1, 2008. Accordingly, the Company
            will adopt the new standards for its fiscal year beginning
            January 1, 2009. It establishes standards for the recognition,
            measurement, presentation and disclosure of goodwill subsequent
            to its initial recognition and of intangible assets by profit-
            oriented enterprises. Standards concerning goodwill are unchanged
            from the standards included in the previous Section 3062. The
            Company is currently evaluating the impact of the adoption of
            this new section on its consolidated financial statements. The
            Company does not expect that the adoption of this new Section
            will have a material impact on its consolidated financial

            In 2006, Canada's Accounting Standards Board ratified a strategic
            plan that will result in Canadian GAAP, as used by public
            companies, being converged with International Financial Reporting
            Standards in 2011. The impact of this transition on the Company's
            consolidated financial statements is still being determined.

    3.  2006 Acquisition

        On July 10, 2006, the Company acquired all of the issued and
        outstanding shares of Panwest Seas Corporation Ltd. ("Panwest", a
        company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands), which holds the
        right to the Lo Increible 4A and 4B exploration properties located in
        the El Callao area of the State of Bolivar, Venezuela for $10,788,545
        (including $276,645 in acquisition costs). In consideration for the
        acquisition of Panwest, the Company issued 15,140,000 common shares,
        paid $1,125,000 (US$1,000,000) in cash and also agreed to pay to the
        sellers a royalty of US$15 per ounce of gold on all production from
        the Lo Increible 4A and 4B mining properties. The properties are held
        under mining contracts granted by Corporacion Venezolana de Guayana.

        The common shares issued have been valued at a price of $0.62 per
        common share, being the average closing price of the common shares of
        the Company for the two days before, the day of, and two days after
        the date of announcement of the acquisition agreement on June 12,

        The business combination has been accounted for as a purchase
        transaction with the Company as the acquirer of Panwest. The
        allocation of the purchase price is based on the consideration paid
        and the fair value of Panwest's net assets acquired.

        Net assets acquired at fair values were as follows:

        Mineral properties (included in
         Property, plant and equipment)                            $  16,346
        Future income tax liability                                   (5,557)
                                                                   $  10,789

        Total consideration paid consists of the following:

        Cash                                                       $   1,125
        Common shares                                                  9,387
        Acquisition costs                                                277
                                                                   $  10,789

    4.  Property, plant and equipment

         a) Asset acquisition

            On September 14, 2007 the Company exercised its option to acquire
            all the issued and outstanding shares of African Gold Resources,
            S.A. ("African Gold") a Panamanian company, which held the
            options to acquire seven properties in Mali for $6,245,000
            (including $163,000 in acquisition costs). In consideration for
            the acquisition of African Gold, the Company paid $2,962,000
            (US$2,810,000) and issued 5,200,000 common shares.

            The cash consideration consisted of $808,000 (US$720,000) paid on
            April 23, 2007 for the option to acquire all of the issued and
            outstanding shares of African Gold, and $2,154,000 (US$2,090,000)
            cash paid on the exercise of the option. The Company will also
            assumed African Gold's obligations under the option arrangements
            it has entered into with the holders of the properties, including
            cash payments totalling US$224,000 and a one time payment of
            US$9.00 per ounce of measured gold resources and US$4.00 per
            ounce of indicated gold resources. The agreement also provides
            that if any of the individual properties contain an aggregate of
            500,000 ounces or more of measured and indicated gold resources,
            then Gold Resources, the seller will receive a one-time payment
            of US$6.00 per ounce of measured gold resources and US$4.00 per
            ounce of indicated gold resources.

            The common shares issued have been valued at a price of $0.60 per
            common share, being the closing price on the day of the exercise
            of the Company's option to acquire African Gold.

            The total costs capitalized to Mineral properties on the asset
            acquisition were as follow:

            Cash paid for the option to purchase African Gold      $     808
            Cash paid on the exercise of the option                    2,154
            Common shares issued                                       3,120
            Acquisition costs                                            163
            Future income tax liability                                3,363
                                                                   $   9,608

        (b) The following table summarizes the Company's property, plant and

                                                        December 31, 2007
                                                   Accumulated      Net book
                                        Cost      depreciation         value

            Mineral properties
              Lo Increible A
               and B               $  24,674         $       -     $  24,674
              Mali properties          9,438                 -         9,438
            Plant and equipment
              Lo Increible A and B       484               130           354
              Mali properties            433                19           414
                                   $  35,029         $     149     $  34,880

                                                        December 31, 2006
                                                   Accumulated      Net book
                                        Cost      depreciation         value

            Mineral properties
              Lo Increible A
               and B               $  19,180         $       -     $  19,180
            Plant and equipment          558                61           497
                                   $  19,738         $      61     $  19,677

            During the year ended December 31, 2007, $38,031 (2006 - $14,312)
            of depreciation of plant and equipment used in exploration
            activities has been capitalized in mineral properties.

    5.  Share capital

        (a) Common shares

            Authorized: an unlimited number of common shares with no par

            Issued and outstanding

                                           Number of             Contributed
                                              shares      Amount     surplus
                                                               $           $

            Balance, December 31, 2005    17,816,425      34,111         587
            Issued on acquisition of
              (Note 3)                    15,140,000       9,387           -
            Private placement
             (Note 5 (b))                 14,285,714       8,305         890
            Private placement
             (Note 5 (c))                  2,150,000       1,852         962
            Exercise of stock options          7,142           8          (2)
            Stock-based compensation               -           -       1,333
            Balance, December 31, 2006    49,399,281      53,663       3,770
            Issued on acquisition of
             African Gold
              (Note 4)                     5,200,000       3,120
            Private placement
             (Note 5 (d))                  3,308,809       1,108       1,141
            Exercise of stock options         70,000          46         (10)
            Stock-based compensation               -           -         140
            Balance, December 31, 2007    57,978,090      57,937       5,041

        (b) On February 28, 2006, the Company completed a private placement
            of 14,285,714 common shares at $0.70 per share for net proceeds
            of $9,195,045. In connection with the private placement, 857,143
            agent compensation warrants were issued. Each agent compensation
            warrant entitled the holder to purchase one common share of the
            Company at a price of $0.70 per common share until August 28,
            2007. All securities issued as part of this placement were
            subject to a four-month hold. The agent compensation warrants
            were fair valued using an option pricing model with the following
            assumptions: no dividends are paid, a volatility of the Company's
            share price of 140%, an expected life of the warrants of 18
            months and an annual risk free rate of 3.96%.

        (c) On July 21, 2006, the Company completed a private placement with
            Gold Fields Ltd. of 2,150,000 units at a price of $1.40 for net
            proceeds of $2,813,943. Each unit consisted of a share and one-
            half of a warrant, with each whole warrant being exercisable for
            two years at a price of $2.80. The warrants were fair valued
            using an option pricing model with the following assumptions: no
            dividends are paid, a volatility of the Company's share price of
            134%, an expected life of the warrants of two years and an annual
            risk free rate of 4.16%.

        (d) On November 22, 2007 the Company completed a private placement of
            3,308,809 units at a price of $0.68 per unit, for gross proceeds
            of $2,249,990. Each unit consists of one common share of the
            company and one common share purchase warrant exercisable at a
            price of $1.00 for a period of two years. The warrants were fair
            valued using an option pricing model with the following
            assumptions: no dividends are paid, a volatility of the Company's
            share price of 132%, an expected life of the warrants of two
            years and an annual risk free rate of 4.22%.

        (e) Warrants

                                           December 31,          December 31,
                                                  2007                  2006
                                             Weighted               Weighted
                                              average                average
                                       Number   exer-         Number   exer-
                                           of    cise             of    cise
                                     warrants   price       warrants   price
                                                    $                      $
            Balance, outstanding
             beginning of year      4,628,232    2.14      2,837,089    2.38
            Issued on private
             placement              3,308,809    1.00      1,932,143    1.87
            Warrants expired
             during the year       (3,000,000)   1.40       (141,000)   3.92
            Balance, end of year    4,937,041    1.76      4,628,232    2.14

            The following table summarizes information concerning outstanding
            and exercisable warrants at December 31, 2007:

                    and  Exercise
            exercisable     price  Expiry date

                553,232      4.90  December 17, 2008
              1,075,000      2.80  May 8, 2008
              3,308,809      1.00  November 22, 2009

        (e) Incentive stock option plan

            The Company has an incentive stock option plan. Under the plan,
            the exercise price of each option should not be for less than the
            discounted market price as defined in the policies of the TSX
            Venture Exchange, and an option's maximum term is five years.
            Options may be granted by the board of directors at any time, to
            directors, senior officers or employees of the Company and
            consultants to the Company or any of its designated affiliates,
            who, by the nature of their position or duties are, in the
            opinion of the board, upon recommendation of the Compensation
            Committee, in a position to contribute to the success of the

            A summary of the changes in the Company's incentive stock option
            plan are as follows:

                                          December 31,           December 31,
                                                 2007                   2006
                                             Weighted               Weighted
                                              average                average
                                                exer-                  exer-
                                                 cise                   cise
                                      Options   price        Options   price

            Outstanding, beginning
             of year                4,638,571  $ 0.92        720,097  $ 3.64
            Options granted           257,000    0.73      3,970,000    0.52
            Options cancelled         (40,714)   0.71        (44,384)   8.05
            Options exercised         (70,000)   0.51         (7,142)   0.77
            Outstanding, end of
             year                   4,784,857  $ 0.92      4,638,571  $ 0.92

            The following table summarizes information concerning outstanding
            and exercisable options at December 31, 2007:

                        Options outstanding and exercisable
                               Weighted      Weighted
                                average       average
                 Number       remaining      exercise
            outstanding   life in years         price

                382,857            0.80        $ 4.90
                  2,144            0.77          2.66
                272,856            1.63          1.26
                100,000            4.40          0.91
                 90,000            3.63          0.82
                 77,000            4.74          0.70
                 80,000            4.03          0.53
              3,725,000            3.55          0.51
                 10,000            3.82          0.48
                 45,000            3.79          0.45
              4,784,857            3.27        $ 0.92

            The fair value of options issued by the Company in 2007 and 2006
            was determined using the Black-Scholes option pricing model using
            the following weighted average assumptions:

                                                  December 31,   December 31,
                                                         2007           2006

            Weighted average risk-free rate             4.14%          4.10%
            Dividend yield                                Nil            Nil
            Volatility factor of the expected
             market price of the Company's shares        147%           110%
            Average expected option life - years          2.5            2.5
            Weighted average grant date fair value per
             share of options issued during the year    $0.54          $0.34

    6.  Income taxes

        The provision for income taxes reported differs from the amounts
        computed by applying the cumulative Canadian federal and provincial
        income tax rates to the loss before tax provision due to the

                                                     Years ended December 31,
                                                           2007         2006
                                                             $            $

        Statutory tax rate                               36.12%       36.12%

        Recovery of income taxes from continuing
         operations computed at standard rates              675          757
        Differences in tax rates in foreign jurisdiction     (9)
        Effect of non-deductible income and expenses      1,323         (147)
        Differences in future tax rates                    (552)
        Tax losses not recognized in the period that the
         benefit arose                                   (1,044)        (318)
        Future income tax recovery                          393          292

        The approximate tax effect of each type of temporary difference that
        gives rise to the Company's future tax assets and liabilities are as

                                                     Years ended December 31,
                                                           2007         2006
                                                             $            $
        Future income tax assets
          Operating loss carryforwards                    3,016        2,089
          Capital loss carryforwards                      1,297        1,182
          Other temporary differences                       315          324
                                                          4,628        3,595
          Less:  Valuation allowance                     (4,628)      (3,595)
                                                              -            -

        Future income tax liability
          Accumulated cost base differences of assets    $5,118      $5,759

        The Company has reduced the value of the potential future income tax
        asset to $Nil through the application of a valuation allowance as the
        Company does not have any current source of income to which the tax
        losses can be applied.

        Included in the future income tax liability are future income taxes
        relating to the 2006 Panwest acquisition (maintained in the
        Venezuelan Bolivars currency) and the 2007 African Gold acquisition
        (maintained in the Mali CFA currency). An unrealized foreign exchange
        gain of $3.7 million resulted upon the translation at December 31,
        2007 of these balances to the Canadian dollar.

        At December 31, 2007, the Company has approximately $8,945,000 in
        capital losses available to reduce future capital gains. At
        December 31, 2007, the Company has approximately $8,191,000 in
        Canadian loss carryforwards available for tax purposes that expire
        between 2008 and 2027 as follows:


        2008                                                              94
        2009                                                             216
        2010                                                             230
        2011                                                           1,963
        2012                                                           1,455
        2026                                                             471
        2027                                                           3,948

    7.  Related party transactions

        During the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006, the Company paid
        the following amounts to related parties:

        (a) Consulting fees of $ 62,640 (2006 - $50,058) to a company in
            which a director of the Company is an officer;

        (b) Consulting fees of $ nil (2006 - $337,637) to directors of the
            Company; and

        (c) The Company paid $133,956 (2006 - $323,000) to a related party
            controlled by three directors of the Company in respect of its
            office lease in Caracas, Venezuela.

        These transactions are in the normal course of operations and are
        measured at the exchange amounts, which is the amount of
        consideration established and agreed to by the related parties.

    8.  Supplemental cash flow information

                                                           2007         2006
        a) Interest paid                               $      -    $       -
           Income taxes paid                                  -            -

        b) Non-cash transactions
           Acquisition of Panwest (note 3)             $      -    $ (14,944)
           Acquisition of African Gold (note 4)          (6,483)
           Issue of common shares                         3,120        9,387
           Increase in future tax liability               3,363        5,557

    9.  Segmented information

        (a) The Company currently operates in one reportable operating
            segment, being the acquisition and exploration of mineral

        (b) As at December 31, 2007 the Company's mineral properties are in
            Venezuela and Mali. As at December 31, 2006 all of the Company's
            mineral properties were in Venezuela. During the year ended
            December 31, 2006, the Company disposed of all its properties in
            Italy. The Company's assets and results of operations by
            geographic areas are as follows:

                                                     As at December 31, 2007
                                     Venezuela      Mali    Canada     Total

        Property, plant and
         equipment                    $ 25,028  $  9,849  $      3  $ 34,880

        Total assets                  $ 25,955  $ 10,485  $  1,798  $ 38,238

                                                     As at December 31, 2006
                                     Venezuela      Mali    Canada     Total

        Property, plant and
         equipment                    $ 19,678  $      -  $      -  $ 19,678
        Total assets                  $ 20,004  $      -  $ 13,686  $ 33,690

                                        For the year ended December 31, 2007
                                     Venezuela      Mali    Canada     Total

        General and administrative
         expenses                     $    547  $  1,370  $  2,894  $  4,811
        Stock based compensation             -         -       140       140
        Other income (expenses)          4,302       (16)   (1,205)    3,081
        Future income tax (recovery)      (393)        -         -      (393)
        Net earnings (loss)           $  4,148  $ (1,386) $ (4,239) $ (1,477)

        Capital expenditures
         net of non-cash
         transactions                 $  4,581  $  3,389  $      -  $  7,970

                                        For the year ended December 31, 2006
                                     Venezuela      Mali    Canada     Total
        General and administrative
         expenses                     $    611  $      -  $  2,875  $  3,486
        Stock based compensation             -         -     1,333     1,333
        Other income (expenses)            173         -     2,257     2,430
        Future income tax (recovery)         -         -     (292)      (292)
        Net earnings (loss)           $   (438) $      -  $(1,659)  $ (2,097)

        Capital expenditures
         net of non-cash
         transactions                 $  4,603  $      -  $     -   $  4,603

    10. Subsequent events

        (i) On March 20, 2008 the Company completed a brokered private
            placement of 30,810,000 units at a price of $0.40 per unit, for
            gross proceeds of $12,324,000. Each unit consists of one common
            share of the Company and one-half of a common share purchase
            warrant, with each whole share purchase warrant being exercisable
            at a price of $0.60 for a period of two years.

       (ii)   On April 2, 2008 the Company granted 1,832,000 stock option to
              its employees. The options have an exercise price of $0.40,
              immediately and expire April 2, 2013.

        Consolidated schedules of general and administrative expenses
        Year ended December 31, 2007 and 2006
        (Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars)

                                                              2007      2006
                                                                 $         $

        General and administrative
          Office and administration                          1,820     1,422
          Consulting fees                                    1,689       714
          Directors' fees                                       90       358
          Investor relations, transfer agent
           and filing fees                                     145       347
          Legal and accounting fees                            384       264
          Salaries and benefits                                437       191
          Travel and promotion                                 171       137
          Depreciation                                          50        47
          Bank charges and interest                             25         6
                                                             4,811     3,486

For further information: Robert Doyle, Chief Executive Officer, (416)
603-4653, rdoyle(at)


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