RNS Number : 0379H

Maruwa Co Ld

14 May 2014

                                                                                             13 May 2014 
 3-83, Minamihonjigahara-cho, Owariasahi-city, 
  Aichi-pref., 488-0044 JAPAN 
                                   Final Results for Fiscal Year 2013 
 MARUWA CO., LTD. has announced its consolidated business results for the 
  full fiscal year ended 31th March, 2014 as follows; 
 *The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the accounting 
  principles generally accepted in Japan. 
 *US dollar amounts are converted by USD1 = JPY99.99 for your convenience 
 *Number of consolidated subsidiaries: 14 companies (Maruwa (Malaysia) 
  Maruwa Co., Ltd., MARUWA Electronics (Taiwan) Co., Ltd., Maruwa Europe 
  Ltd., Maruwa America Corp., Maruwa Korea Co.,Ltd. 
 I. Summary of Consolidated 
 (1) Summary of consolidated statement 
  of income 
                                                                      million                   thousand 
                                                                          JPY                        USD 
                                                 --------------  ------------  ----------  ------------- 
                                                       For year      For year      Change       For year 
                                                          ended         ended           %          ended 
                                                     31th March    31th March                 31th March 
                                                           2013          2014                       2014 
                                                 --------------  ------------  ----------  ------------- 
 Net sales                                               24,399        33,475       37.2%        334,783 
 Operating income                                         2,287         3,350       46.5%         33,503 
 Income before income taxes                               3,119         3,614       15.9%         36,143 
 Net income                                               2,040         2,586       26.8%         25,862 
                                                                          JPY                        USD 
 Net income per share (Basic)                            165.76        209.60       26.4%           2.10 
                                   (Diluted)             165.70        209.50          --             -- 
                                                 --------------  ------------  ----------  ------------- 
 *Average number of issued 
  shares                                             12,308,175    12,336,985 
 (2) Summary of consolidated financial 
                                                                      million                   thousand 
                                                                          JPY                        USD 
                                                 --------------  ------------  ----------  ------------- 
                                                     As of 31th    As of 31th      Change     As of 31th 
                                                          March         March           %          March 
                                                           2013          2014                       2014 
                                                 --------------  ------------  ----------  ------------- 
 Total Assets                                            45,610        49,569        8.7%        480,738 
 Total net 
  assets                                                 37,141        40,016        7.7%        400,190 
 Equity ratio                                             81.4%         80.7%       -0.7% 
                                                                          JPY                        USD 
 Total net assets per share                            3,014.90      3,239.88        7.5%          32.40 
 *Number of issued shares 
  at the year end                                    12,308,327    12,350,117 
 (3) Summary of consolidated statement 
  of cash flows 
                                                                      million               USD thousand 
                                                 --------------  ------------  ----------  ------------- 
                                                       For year      For year      Change       For year 
                                                          ended         ended           %          ended 
                                                     31th March    31th March                 31th March 
                                                           2013          2014                       2014 
                                                 --------------  ------------  ----------  ------------- 
 Net cash provided by operating 
  activities                                              4,147         4,056       -2.2%         40,563 
 Net cash used in investing 
  activities                                            (3,438)       (1,927)       43.9%       (19,272) 
 Net cash used in financing 
  activities                                              (947)           170      118.0%          1,701 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of term                                         10,010        12,507       24.9%        125,082 
 II. Dividends                                                    III. Outlook for FY 2014 ending 
                                                                   31th March 2015 
                                                  JPY per share                              million JPY 
                           --------------------  --------------                            ------------- 
                                Fiscal 2013        Fiscal 2014                  Half year    Full year 
                                                                               ----------  ------------- 
                                                   (forecast)     Net sales        16,000         36,500 
                           --------------------  -------------- 
 Interim                                     17              18    income           1,680          4,300 
 Year-end                                    17              18   Net income        1,100          2,700 
                           --------------------  --------------                            ------------- 
                                                                  Net income 
 Annual                                      34              36    per share        89.07         218.62 
                           --------------------  --------------                ----------  ------------- 
 *Cautionary statements: the above forecasts are forward-looking statements 
  involving risks and uncertainties. Due to a number of factors, actual 
  results may differ significantly from these estimates. 
 Review of Operations and Financial 
 I. Operating 
                     FY2012                             FY2013 
                    -------  ------  ------  --------  ------- 
                         1Q      2Q      3Q        4Q       1Q      2Q      3Q        4Q 
                    -------  ------  ------  --------  -------  ------  ------  -------- 
 Net sales            5,310   5,393   5,146     8,551    7,713   7,633   8,811     9,318 
 Operating income       625     618     467       578      828     487   1,007     1,029 
 Net income             334     322     578       807      679     402     809       696 
                    -------  ------  ------  --------  -------  ------  ------  -------- 
                        Previous          Current 
                    ---------------  ----------------  -------  ------  ------ 
                           For year          For year               variance 
                              ended             ended 
                         31th March        31th March       amount              % 
                               2013              2014 
                    ---------------  ----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Net sales                   24,399            33,475            9,076             37.2% 
 Operating income             2,287             3,350            1,063             46.5% 
 Net income                   2,040             2,586              546             26.8% 
                    ---------------  ----------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
   (1)   Review of Operations 

In this fiscal year, the United States economy has gradually recovered due to a steady recovery of employment environment, a rising trend of share prices and an improvement of personal consumption. European financial market has also regained stability. Meanwhile, in Asian economy including China, its prospects have been uncertain by the slowdown in the growth rate and unstable political situation.

In the Japanese economy, signs of upturn from the long deflationary trend are gradually shown by economic and fiscal policy of 'Abenomics'. However, the economic condition has still been uncertain because of a stagnation of personal consumption by the raising of the consumption tax.

Under the uncertain market condition, the MARUWA Group's business results during this fiscal year has stayed firm especially in the field of ceramic products for power modules. In the lighting equipment field, YAMAGIWA Corporation (called as YAMAGIWA hereafter) contributed to the sales. In addition, MARUWA and YAMAGIWA have developed and released new products together with their both technologies.

As a result, our consolidated net sales were 33,475 million yen (this is up 37.2% compared to the same period last fiscal year). Our operating income was 3,350 million yen (this is up 46.4% compared to the same period last fiscal year). Ordinary profit was 3,645 million yen (this is up 16.2% compared to the same period last fiscal year). Net income was 2,586 million yen (this is up 26.7% compared to the same period last fiscal year).

   (2)   Operating Results by Business Division 
                       ---------------  --------------- 
                        For year ended   For year ended 
                            31th March       31th March 
                                  2013             2014 
                       ---------------  --------------- 
 Ceramic Components: 
 Net sales                      19,250           21,279 
  income                         2,963            3,939 
                       ---------------  --------------- 
 Lighting Equipment: 
 Net sales                       5,150           12,196 
  income                           190              426 
                       ---------------  --------------- 
 Net sales                      24,399           33,475 
  income                         3,153            4,365 
                       ---------------  --------------- 
 Net sales                          --               -- 
  income                         (866)          (1,015) 
                       ---------------  --------------- 
 Net sales                      24,399           33,475 
  income                         2,287            3,350 
                       ---------------  --------------- 

1. The Ceramic Components Division

The total sales for this business segment was 21,279 million yen (this is up 10.5% compared to the same period last fiscal year). Operating profit was 3,939 million yen (this is up 32.9% compared to the same period last fiscal year).

Energy saving market and environment-related products market are still brisk and the sales of ceramic products for HEV and LED remained strong. Moreover, general electronic parts for digital home appliances and products for semiconductor manufacturing equipment have generally recovered.

2. Lighting Equipment Division

The total sales for this business segment was 12,196 million yen (this is up 136.8% compared to the same period last fiscal year). Operating profit was 426 million yen (this is up 124.3% compared to the same period last fiscal year).

Reported sharply higher revenues because YAMAGIWA became a consolidated subsidiary in 2012. However, in profit, expenses contemporarily increased by rationalization of YAMAGIWA.

   (3)   Outlook for the next fiscal year 
                                    For year         For year   variance 
                                       ended            ended 
                                  31th March       31th March      % 
                                        2014             2015 
                             ---------------  ---------------  --------- 
 Net sales                            33,475           36,500       9.0% 
  income                               3,350            4,300      28.4% 
 Net income                            2,586            2,700       4.4% 
                             ---------------  ---------------  --------- 
 Sales by                                             million 
  segment                                                 JPY 
                                    For year         For year   variance 
                                       ended            ended 
                                  31th March       31th March      % 
                                        2014             2015 
                             ---------------  ---------------  --------- 
 Ceramic Components                   21,279           23,200       9.0% 
  Equipment                           12,196           13,300       9.1% 
 Total                                33,475           36,500       9.0% 
                             ---------------  ---------------  --------- 
 *Cautionary statements: the above forecasts are forward-looking 
  statements involving risks and uncertainties. 
 Due to a number of factors, actual results may 
  differ significantly from these estimates. 

The outlook of the world economy is still uncertain because of economic slowdown of emerging markets including China and Ukraine crisis. It is anticipated that Japanese economy would still be under uncertain condition.

It is expected that an environment-related product market, which is identified as our growth strategy, would continue strong. Continuous expansion of LED lighting market and increasing demand in a luxury properties market, which is the most respective areas for YAMAGIWA, are also expected. We will continue to focus on development of new products and sales expansion by combining material and component technologies from MARUWA with brand power and solution providing from YAMAGIWA.

We forecast that consolidated net sales for the next fiscal year will be 36,500 million yen (up 9.0% compared to last fiscal year). In terms of operating income is expected to be 4,300 million yen (up 28.4% compared to last fiscal year), net income 2,700 million yen (up 4.4% compared to last fiscal year).

For capital investment, we will continue to invest energy saving, environmental-related, information, communication, medical and optical communication business to meet customers' needs. In addition, we have a plan to strengthen R&D with human resources and development of new value-added products.

MARUWA Group will strengthen the corporate structure and improve profitability, which will benefit all stakeholders, including shareholders.

(Cautionary statements about forecast)

The above forecasts are based on the present business environment and currently-available information, and including forward-looking statements involving risks and uncertainties. The reader is cautioned not to place reliance entirely on the above forecast for making investment decisions. Due to a number of factors, such as future economic situations and market environment changes, actual results may differ significantly from these estimates.

                                                        million   million 
                                                            JPY       JPY 
                                    As of 31th       As of 31th        Change 
                                         March            March 
                                          2013             2014   Amount      % 
                              ----------------  ---------------  --------  ------- 
 Total assets                           45,610           49,569     3,959     8.7% 
 Total liabilities                       8,469            9,554     1,085    12.8% 
 Total net assets                       37,141           40,016     2,874     7.7% 
 Equity ratio                            81.4%            80.7%     -0.7% 
                               ---------------  ---------------  --------  ------- 
                                                        million   million 
                                                            JPY       JPY 
                                For year ended   For year ended        Change 
                                    31th March       31th March   Amount      % 
                                          2013             2014 
                              ----------------  ---------------  --------  ------- 
 Net cash provided 
  operating activities                   4,147            4,056       -91    -2.2% 
 Net cash used in 
  investing activities                 (3,438)          (1,927)     1,512    43.9% 
 Net cash used in 
  financing activities                   (947)              170     1,117   118.0% 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
 at end of year                         10,010           12,507     2,497    24.9% 
                               ---------------  ---------------  --------  ------- 
 Net sales                              24,399           33,475     9,076    37.2% 
 Capital expenditure                     3,237            3,032      -205    -6.3% 
 Depreciation                            1,958            2,308       350    17.9% 
                               ---------------  ---------------  --------  ------- 

Total assets as of this fiscal year were 49,569 million yen, up 8.7% compared to the end of last fiscal year. The main factor is the increase of cash and deposit. Total liabilities were 9,554 million yen, up 12.8% compared to the end of last fiscal year. The main factor is the increase of notes payable and accounts amount payable. Total net assets were 40,016 million yen, up 7.7% compared to the end of last fiscal year. The main factor is the increase of earned surplus.

As a result, capital ratio of this fiscal year were 80.7%, down 0.7 compared to the end of last fiscal year.

Cash from operating activities was 4,056 million yen, down 91 million yen compared to the end of last fiscal year.

Cash for investing activities was 1,927 million yen, down 1,512 million yen compared to the end of last fiscal year. The main factor is the decrease of purchase of tangible and fixed assets.

Cash from financing activities was 170 million yen (947 million yen purchase last fiscal year). The main factor is the increase of proceeds from sales of treasury stock.

As a result, the total cash from operating activities and investing activities exceeded cash for investing activities. Cash and cash equivalents by the end of fiscal year was 12,507 million yen, up 2,497 million yen compared to the end of last fiscal year.

 Trends of cash-flows 
                           For year ended   For year ended   For year ended 
                               31th March       31th March       31th March 
                                     2012             2013             2014 
                         ----------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Equity ratio                       84.2%            81.4%            80.7% 
 Equity ratio at 
  market value                     110.8%            71.4%           100.2% 
  debt to 
  cash flows ratio 
  (year)                              0.1              0.2              0.4 
 Interest coverage 
  ratio                           1,141.9            925.1            368.7 
                          ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Consolidated Balance Sheets 
                                 million JPY   million JPY                thousand 
                                ------------  ------------  ---------  ----------- 
                                  As of 31th    As of 31th   variance   As of 31th 
                                       March         March                   March 
                                        2013          2014                    2014 
                                ------------  ------------  ---------  ----------- 
 Current assets: 
 Cash & deposits                      11,312        13,362      2,050      133,633 
 Trade notes and accounts 
  receivable                           8,560         8,870        310       88,709 
 Electronically recorded 
  monetary claims-operating               32           374        342            0 
 Inventories                           5,493         6,025        532       60,256 
 Deferred tax assets                     260           439        179        4,390 
 Other current assets                    620           727        107        7,271 
 Allowance for doubtful 
  accounts                              (23)          (15)          8        (150) 
 Total current assets                 26,254        29,782      3,528      294,109 
                                ------------  ------------             ----------- 
 Property, plant & equipment: 
 Land                                  3,625         3,512      (113)       35,124 
 Buildings & structures                4,039         4,981        942       49,815 
 Machinery & equipment                 6,447         6,169      (278)       61,696 
 Other                                   622           543       (79)        5,431 
 Construction in progress              1,792         1,539      (253)       15,392 
 Total property, plant & 
  equipment                           16,525        16,744        219      167,458 
                                ------------  ------------             ----------- 
 Intangible assets: 
 Goodwill                              1,006           716 
 Other                                   368           410 
 Total Intangible assets               1,374         1,126 
                                ------------  ------------ 
 Investments & other assets: 
 Investment securities                   243           264         21        2,640 
 Deferred tax assets                      73           218        145        2,180 
 Property & equipment for 
  investments                            900         1,021        121       10,211 
 Other                                   282           434        152        4,340 
 Allowance for doubtful 
  accounts                              (41)          (20)         21        (200) 
 Total investments & other 
  assets                               1,457         1,917        460       19,171 
                                ------------  ------------             ----------- 
 Total noncurrent assets              19,356        19,788 
                                ------------  ------------ 
 Total assets                         45,610        49,569      3,959      480,738 
                                ------------  ------------             ----------- 
 Current liabilities: 
 Trade notes & accounts payable        3,086    3,639     553    36,394 
 Current portion of long-term 
  debt                                   339      445     106     4,450 
 Accrued income taxes                    607      896     289     8,961 
 Accrued bonus                           391      436      45     4,360 
 Accrued bonus for directors               5       10      --       100 
 Notes payable for property 
  acquisitions                           315      453     138     4,530 
 Other current liabilities             1,718    1,727       9    17,272 
 Total current liabilities             6,461    7,606   1,145    76,067 
                                     -------  -------          -------- 
 Long-term liabilities: 
 Long-term debt                          789    1,160     371    11,601 
 Deferred tax liabilities                104      175      71     1,750 
 Provision for retirement benefits       876        -      --         - 
 Provision for environmental 
  measures                                 -       26      --       260 
 Other                                   239      587     348     5,871 
 Total long-term liabilities           2,008    1,948    (60)    19,482 
                                     -------  -------          -------- 
 Total liabilities                     8,469    9,554   1,085    95,549 
                                     -------  -------          -------- 
 Shareholders' equity: 
 Common stock                          8,647    8,647      --    86,479 
 Capital surplus                      11,909   11,947      --   119,482 
 Retained earnings                    17,181   19,372   2,191   193,739 
 Treasury stock, at cost               (134)     (47)      87     (470) 
 Total shareholders' equity           37,603   39,919   2,316   399,230 
                                     -------  -------          -------- 
 Valuation and translation 
 Net unrealized gains (losses)            16       48      32       480 
 Foreign currency translation 
  adjustment                           (511)       46     557       460 
                                     -------  ------- 
 Total valuation and translation 
  adjustments                          (495)       94     589       940 
                                     -------  -------          -------- 
 A subscription warrant and 
  Minority stockholders share             33        2       -        20 
 Total shareholders' equity               33        2    (31)        20 
                                     -------  -------          -------- 
 Total net assets                     37,141   40,016   2,874   400,190 
                                     -------  -------          -------- 
 Total liabilities & net assets       45,610   49,569   3,959   495,739 
                                     -------  -------          -------- 
 Consolidated Statements of 
                                      million JPY   million JPY                thousand 
                                     ------------  ------------  ---------  ----------- 
                                         For year      For year   variance     For year 
                                            ended         ended                   ended 
                                       31th March    31th March              31th March 
                                             2013          2014                    2014 
                                     ------------  ------------  ---------  ----------- 
 Net sales                                 24,399        33,475      9,076      334,783 
 Cost of sales                             17,418        22,492      5,074      224,942 
 Gross profit                               6,981        10,983      4,002      109,841 
                                     ------------  ------------             ----------- 
 Selling, general & administrative 
  expenses                                  4,694         7,634      2,939       76,338 
                                     ------------  ------------ 
 Operating income                           2,287         3,350      1,063       33,503 
                                     ------------  ------------             ----------- 
 Other income (expenses): 
 Interest and dividend income                  45            60         15          600 
 Interest expenses                            (4)          (12)        (8)        (120) 
 Rent income                                   93           104         11        1,040 
 Rent expenses on real estates 
  for investments                            (53)          (56)        (3)        (560) 
 Environmental expenses                      (23)             -         --            - 
 Settlement package                             -          (19)                   (190) 
 Foreign exchange gain (loss), 
  net                                         703           166      (537)        1,660 
 Gain on sales of property, 
  plant and equipment                           1             2          1           20 
 Loss on disposal or sales 
  of property, plant and equipment          (137)          (54)         83        (540) 
 Gain on sales or valuation 
  of investment securities                     18             7       (11)           70 
 Pension plan change benefit                  128             -         --            - 
 Gain on reduction of noncurrent              207             -         --            - 
 Loss on reduction of noncurrent            (207)             -         --            - 
 Compensation income                            -            65         --          650 
 Impairment loss                                -          (12)         --        (120) 
 Provision for environmental 
  measures                                      -          (26)         --        (260) 
 cancellation penalty                           -          (12)         --        (120) 
 Other, net                                    61            51       (10)          510 
 Other income (expenses), net                 832           264      (568)        2,640 
                                     ------------  ------------             ----------- 
 Income before income taxes                 3,119         3,614        495       36,143 
 Income tax expenses: 
 Current                                      892         1,273        381       12,731 
 Deferred                                     187         (245)      (432)      (2,450) 
 Total income taxes                         1,079         1,027       (51)       10,281 
                                     ------------  ------------             ----------- 
 Net income                                 2,040         2,586        546       25,862 
                                     ------------  ------------             ----------- 
 Consolidated Statement of Cash 
                                          million JPY   million JPY                thousand 
                                         ------------  ------------  ---------  ----------- 
                                             For year      For year   variance     For year 
                                                ended         ended                   ended 
                                           31th March    31th March              31th March 
                                                 2013          2014                    2014 
                                         ------------  ------------  ---------  ----------- 
 Cash flows from operating activities: 
 Income before income taxes                     3,119         3,614        495       36,143 
 Adjustments for: 
 Depreciation                                   1,958         2,308        350       23,082 
 Amortization of negative goodwill                 73           290          0        2,900 
 Increase (decrease) in provision 
  for retirement benefits                       (181)         (877)          0      (8,771) 
 Decrease in allowance for doubtful 
  accounts                                          2          (28)       (30)        (280) 
 Loss on disposal of property, 
  plant & equipment                               135            52       (83)          520 
 Interest & dividend income                      (51)          (63)       (12)        (630) 
 Foreign exchange (gain) loss                    (25)          (19)          6        (190) 
 Gain on sales of investment                        3             -         -- 
 Loss on valuation of inventories                (18)           (7)         11         (70) 
 Decrease (increase) in trade 
  notes & accounts receivable                   (327)         (580)      (253)      (5,801) 
 Increase in inventories                          873         (454)    (1,327)      (4,540) 
 Decrease in trade notes & accounts 
  payable                                         101           519        418        5,191 
 Increase (decrease) in provision 
  for environmental measures                        -            26                     260 
 Impairment loss                                    -            12                     120 
 Other                                          (426)           135        561        1,350 
 Sub-total                                      5,236         4,928      (308)       49,284 
                                         ------------  ------------             ----------- 
 Interest & dividend income 
  received                                         53            64         11          640 
 Interest expenses paid                           (5)          (11)        (6)        (110) 
 Income taxes paid                            (1,137)         (925)        212      (9,251) 
 The amount of corporation tax 
  return                                            -             -          -            0 
 Net cash provided by operating 
  activities                                    4,147         4,056       (91)       40,563 
                                         ------------  ------------             ----------- 
 Cash flows from investment 
 Payments into time deposits          (610)     (118)     492    (1,180) 
 Proceeds from withdrawal 
  of time deposits                       30       627      --      6,271 
 Payments for purchase 
  of                                (3,721)   (2,555)   1,166   (25,553) 
 Proceeds from sales of                 366       302    (64)      3,020 
 Payments for purchase 
  of                                    (4)       (4)       0       (40) 
 Proceeds from purchase 
  of investments in subsidiaries 
  resulting in change in 
  scope of consolidation                365         -                  0 
 Proceeds from sales of                 109        27    (82)        270 
 Purchase of intangible 
  assets                               (16)      (56)    (40)      (560) 
 Other                                   43     (150)   (193)    (1,500) 
 Net cash used in investing 
  activities                        (3,438)   (1,927)   1,511   (19,272) 
                                   --------  --------          --------- 
 Cash flows from financing 
 Payments of long-term 
  debt                              (1,688)     (339)   1,349    (3,390) 
 Cash dividends paid                  (369)     (394)    (25)    (3,940) 
 Proceeds from long-term 
  loans payable                       1,100       807       0      8,071 
 Payments for purchase 
  of treasury stock                     (1)       (1)       0       (10) 
 Proceeds from sales of 
  treasury stock                         11        97                970 
 Net cash used in financing 
  activities                          (947)       170   1,117      1,701 
                                   --------  --------          --------- 
 Effect of exchange rate                174       198      24      1,980 
                                   --------  -------- 
  changes on cash & cash 
 Net increase (decrease) 
  in                                   (64)     2,497   2,561     24,972 
  cash & cash equivalents 
 Cash and cash equivalents           10,074    10,010    (64)    100,110 
  at beginning of year                                                 0 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of year                     10,010    12,507   2,497    125,082 
                                   --------  --------          --------- 
 Consolidated Statements of Changes in 
  Net Assets 
                         -------  ---------  ----------  ---------  --------------- 
                                            Shareholders' equity 
                          Common   Capital    Retained    Treasury       Total 
                           stock    surplus    earnings     stock     shareholders' 
                         -------  ---------  ----------  ---------  --------------- 
 Balance at 31th March 
  2013                     8,647     11,909      17,181      (134)           37,603 
 Increase in legal 
 Cash dividends                                   (394)                       (394) 
 Net income                                       2,586                       2,586 
 Change of scope of 
  consolidation                                                                   0 
 Purchase of treasury 
  stock                                                        (1)              (1) 
 Disposal of treasury 
  stock                                  37                     89              126 
 Other changes                                                                    0 
                         -------  ---------  ----------  ---------  --------------- 
 Total changes during 
  the year                     0         37       2,192         88            2,317 
                         -------  ---------  ----------  ---------  --------------- 
 Balance at 31th March 
  2014                     8,647     11,947      19,372       (47)           39,919 
                         -------  ---------  ----------  ---------  --------------- 
                                       Valuation and translation 
                           Net unrealized        Foreign           Total         A subscription      Total 
                               gains on          currency         valuation          warrant       net assets 
                          available-for-sale    translation    and translation    and Minority 
                              securities        adjustment       adjustment       stockholders 
 Balance at 31th 
  March 2013                              16          (511)              (495)               33        37,141 
 Increase in legal 
  capital                                                                                                   0 
 Cash dividends                                                                                         (394) 
 Net income                                                                                             2,586 
 Change of scope 
  of consolidation                                                                                          0 
 Purchase of treasury 
  stock                                                                                                   (1) 
 Disposal of treasury 
  stock                                                                                                   126 
 Other changes                            32            556                588             (30)           558 
 Total changes during 
  the year                                32            556                588             (30)         2,875 
 Balance at 31th 
  March 2014                              48             46                 94                2        40,015 
                                           Shareholders' equity 
                         Common   Capital    Retained    Treasury       Total 
                          stock    surplus    earnings     stock     shareholders' 
                        -------  ---------  ----------  ---------  --------------- 
 Balance at 31th 
  March 2013             86,479    119,102     171,827    (1,340)          376,068 
 Increase in legal 
  capital                     0          0           0          0                0 
 Cash dividends               0          0     (3,940)          0          (3,940) 
 Net income                   0          0      25,863          0           25,863 
 Change of scope 
  of consolidation            0          0           0          0                0 
 Purchase of treasury 
  stock                       0          0           0       (10)             (10) 
 Disposal of treasury 
  stock                       0        370           0        890            1,260 
 Other changes                0          0           0          0                0 
 Total changes during 
  the year                    0        370      21,922        880           23,172 
 Balance at 31th 
  March 2014             86,479    119,482     193,739      (470)          399,230 
                        -------  ---------  ----------  ---------  --------------- 
                                       Valuation and translation 
                           Net unrealized        Foreign           Total         A subscription      Total 
                               gains on          currency         valuation          warrant       net assets 
                          available-for-sale    translation    and translation    and Minority 
                              securities        adjustment       adjustment       stockholders 
                        --------------------  -------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Balance at 31th 
  March 2013                             160        (5,111)            (4,950)              330       371,447 
 Increase in legal 
  capital                                  0              0                  0                0             0 
 Cash dividends                            0              0                  0                0       (3,940) 
 Net income                                0              0                  0                0        25,863 
 Change of scope 
  of consolidation                         0              0                  0                0             0 
 Purchase of treasury 
  stock                                    0              0                  0                0          (10) 
 Disposal of treasury 
  stock                                    0              0                  0                0         1,260 
 Other changes                           320          5,561              5,881            (300)         5,581 
 Total changes during 
  the year                               320          5,561              5,881            (300)        28,753 
 Balance at 31th 
  March 2014                             480            460                940               20       400,190 
                        --------------------  -------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------ 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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