London Finance & Investment Group P.L.C. 
                                (the 'Company') 
   Unaudited Interim Results for the six months ended 31st December 2017 and 
                             dividend declaration 
The Company today announces its unaudited interim results and dividend 
declaration for the six months ended 31st December 2017 (the 'Interim 
Chairman's Statement 
As an investment company our target is to achieve growth in shareholder value 
in real terms over the medium to long term.  In the short term our results can 
be influenced by overall stock market performance, particularly the valuation 
of our Strategic Investments.  We continue to believe that a combination of 
Strategic Investments and a General Portfolio is the most effective way of 
achieving our aims.  Strategic Investments are significant investments in 
smaller UK quoted companies where we have expectations of above average growth 
over the medium to longer term and these are balanced by a General Portfolio 
which consists of investments in major U.S., U.K. and European equities. 
At 31st December 2017, we held two Strategic Investments: Western Selection 
P.L.C., and Finsbury Food Group plc. Detailed comments on our Strategic 
Investments are given below. 
Change in accounting policies 
The Board has adopted IFRS 9, and the comparatives in the income statement have 
been restated to reflect the resulting change in accounting policy.  Strategic 
investments are a fundamental part of the Company's investment strategy to 
secure long term capital appreciation and by their very nature the investments 
are largely illiquid. Consequently, the directors have elected to present the 
unrealised changes in value of these specific investments as part of other 
comprehensive income as it better reflects the underlying performance of the 
Company within its primary statements.  This does not change the basis of 
valuation or the amounts reported in the statement of financial position.  The 
effect of the change in accounting policy is further described in Note 1 below. 
Our net assets per share increased 1.8% to 66.8p at 31st December 2017 from 
65.6p at 30th June 2017.  Our Strategic Investments decreased in value by 0.8% 
during the period.  Our General Portfolio increased by 4.9%, compared with 
increases of 5.1% and 2.5% in the FTSE 100 index and the FTSEurofirst 300 Index 
respectively, over the half year.  At the close of business on 31st January 
2018, our net asset value was 67.1p per share. 
The Group profit before tax for the half year was GBP615,000 compared to a 
restated profit of GBP426,000 for the same period last year. Our total 
comprehensive income after tax and minority interest was GBP524,000 (2016: GBP 
1,247,000 restated) giving earnings per share of 1.8p (2016: 0.2p restated). 
On 4th October 2017, the Company entered into an interest rate swap agreement 
with Coutts & Co, expiring on 30th September 2022, in the sum of GBP1,500,000 at 
a fixed rate of 1.06% per annum over base rate and margin, with a view to 
providing insurance against rising interest rates. 
Strategic Investments 
Western Selection P.L.C. ("Western") 
The Group owns 7,860,515 Western shares, representing 43.8% of Western's issued 
share capital. Western is a strategic investment which is technically a 
subsidiary of the Company that has not been consolidated due to the application 
of the investment entity exemption under IFRS 10. 
On 5th February 2018, Western announced a profit before tax of GBP170,000 for its 
half year to 31st December 2017 and earnings per share of 0.91p (2016: earnings 
per share of 2.5p).  Western's net assets at market value were GBP17,115,000 
equivalent to 95p per share. Western also announced an interim dividend of 1.1p 
per share (2016: 1.1p per share). 
The market value of the Company's investment in Western at 31st December 2017 
was GBP4,166,000 representing 20% of the net assets of Lonfin.  The underlying 
value of the investment in Western, valuing Western's own investments at market 
value, was GBP5,266,000 (30th June 2017: GBP5,348,000). 
I am the Chairman of Western and Edward Beale is a non-executive director. 
Michael Robotham was a non-executive director of Western until his resignation 
on 5th December 2017. 
Western's main Core Holdings are Northbridge Industrial Services Plc, 
Swallowfield Plc, Bilby Plc and Tudor Rose International Limited. 
An extract from Western's interim results announcement relating to its main 
Core Holdings is set out below: 
Core Holdings 
Northbridge Industrial Service plc ("Northbridge") 
Northbridge hires and sells specialist industrial equipment to a non-cyclical 
customer base.  With offices or agents in the UK, USA, Dubai, Germany, Belgium, 
France, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Brazil, Korea and Azerbaijan, 
Northbridge has a global customer base. This includes utility companies, the 
oil and gas sector, shipping, construction and the public sector. The product 
range includes loadbanks, transformers and oil tools.  Further information 
about Northbridge is available on its website: www.northbridgegroup.co.uk 
Northbridge's latest results, for the half year to 30th June 2017, showed a 
loss after tax of GBP2,308,000 for the period (2016: loss after tax of GBP 
2,338,000).  No interim dividend was declared (2016: none). 
Western owns 3,223,632 Northbridge shares, representing 12.45% of Northbridge's 
issued share capital.  The market value of this investment at 31st December 
2017 was GBP2,966,000 (30th June 2017: GBP3,320,000), representing 17% (2016: 24%) 
of Western's net assets. 
I am a non-executive director of Northbridge. 
Swallowfield plc ("Swallowfield") 
Swallowfield is a market leader in the development, formulation, manufacture 
and supply of cosmetics, toiletries and related household products for global 
brands and retailers operating in the cosmetics, personal care and household 
goods market.  Further information about Swallowfield is available on its 
website: www.swallowfield.com 
Swallowfield announced its annual results for the 52 weeks ended 24th June 2017 
in September 2017 showing a profit after tax of GBP2,572,000 compared to a profit 
of GBP2,001,000 for the comparable period last year.  Swallowfield paid a final 
dividend of 3.5p per share in December 2017 which provided us with income of GBP 
The market value of the Company's holding of shares in Swallowfield on 31st 
December 2017 was GBP4,950,000 (30th June 2017: GBP5,700,000), representing 29% of 
the Company's net assets. 
Western owns 1,500,000 Swallowfield shares (representing 8.90% of 
Swallowfield's issued share capital). 
Edward Beale is a non-executive director of Swallowfield. 
Bilby Plc ("Bilby") 
Bilby is an established, and award winning, provider of gas installation, 
maintenance and general building services to local authority and housing 
associations across London and South East England.  It has a strategy of 
growing organically and by acquisition.  Further information about Bilby is 
available on its website: www.bilbyplc.com. 
Bilby announced its interim results for the six month period to 30th September 
2017 on 21st 
November 2017 showing a loss after tax of GBP1,966,000 (2016: loss after tax of GBP 
833,000).  Bilby will pay an interim dividend of 0.5p per share in January 2018 
which will provide us with income of GBP13,500. 
Western owns 2,699,280 Bilby shares, which represent 6.8% of Bilby's issued 
share capital.  The market value of the Company's holding in Bilby on 31st 
December 2017 was GBP3,051,000 representing 18% of the Company's net assets. 
Tudor Rose International Limited (previously Hartim Limited) ("Tudor Rose 
Tudor Rose International works closely with a number of leading UK branded 
fast-moving consumer goods companies, offering a complete sales, marketing and 
logistical service.  Based in Stroud, Gloucestershire, Tudor Rose International 
sells into 78 countries worldwide including USA, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Czech 
Republic, Russia, Turkey, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Malaysia, Australia 
and China. 
Our share of Tudor Rose International's estimated results for the period ended 
31st December 2017 is a profit after tax of GBP81,000 (2016: profit after tax of 
At 31st December 2017, Western owned 49.5% of Tudor Rose International.  The 
carrying value of the Company's equity investment in Tudor Rose International 
on 31st December 2017 was GBP1,674,000 (2016: GBP654,000) representing 9.8% of the 
Company's net assets.  In addition, loans of GBP191,756 (equivalent to a further 
1% of the Company's net assets) were outstanding at 31st December 2017 from 
Tudor Rose International's executive directors. 
Western has two nominees on the board of Tudor Rose International: Edward Beale 
and I are the directors. 
Finsbury Food Group plc ("Finsbury") 
Finsbury is one of the largest producers and suppliers of premium cakes, bread 
and morning goods in the UK and currently supplies most of the UK's major 
supermarket chains.  Further information about Finsbury, which is admitted to 
trading on AIM, is available on its website: www.finsburyfoods.co.uk 
At 31st December 2017, Lonfin held 6,000,000 Finsbury shares, representing 
approximately 4.6% of Finsbury's issued share capital.  The market value of the 
holding was GBP6,420,000 as at 31st December 2017 (cost - GBP1,724,000) and 
represents approximately 31% (2016: 34%) of Lonfin's net assets. 
On 18th September 2017, Finsbury announced audited profits on continuing 
operations after tax and minority interests of GBP12,958,000 for the 52 weeks 
ended 1st July 2017 (2016: GBP12,754,000). 
Finsbury paid a final dividend of 2.0 per share, making 3.0p for the year 
(2016: 2.8p). This provided the Company with further income of GBP120,000. 
General Portfolio 
The portfolio is diverse with material interests in Food and Beverages, Natural 
Resources, Chemicals and Tobacco.  We believe that the portfolio of quality 
companies we hold has the potential to outperform the market in the medium to 
long term. 
At 31st December 2017, the number of holdings in the General Portfolio was 30 
(2016: 26). 
Board Change 
On 31st January 2018, the Company announced the appointment of Warwick Marshall 
to the Board.  His substantial business experience in the development of the 
Monteagle Group in South Africa and particularly its trading division will 
assist the Board in the assessment of the performance of investments and will 
complement the skills and experience of existing board members.  He has 
extensive investment experience in his private capacity and he now resides in 
Zug, Switzerland. 
Although markets have shown resilience and strength over the course of the last 
year, they are close to an all-time high. The Board remains cautious about the 
potential impact of major geo-political risks. Accordingly, the Board expects 
to see continued volatility in the equity and currency markets. These may have 
a material impact on the value of our investments. 
The Board has declared an interim dividend of 0.55p per share (2016: 0.55p). 
6th February 2018 
                                                                  D.C. MARSHALL 
Interim Dividend 
The Board recommends an interim gross dividend of 0.55p per share (9.36442 SA 
cents) (2016: 0.55p) which will be paid on Friday 6th April 2018 to those 
members registered at the close of business on Friday 16th March 2018 (SA and 
UK). Shareholders on the South African register will receive their dividend in 
SA Rand converted from sterling at the closing rate of exchange on Thursday 1st 
February 2018 being GBP 1 = SA Rand 17.02622. 
In respect of the normal gross cash dividend, and in terms of the South African 
Tax Act, the following dividend tax ruling only applies to those shareholders 
who are registered on the South African register on Friday 16th March 2018. 
All other shareholders are exempt. 
Shareholders registered on the South African register are advised that the 
dividend withholding tax will be withheld from the gross final dividend amount 
of 9.36442 SA cents per share at a rate of 20% unless a shareholder qualifies 
for an exemption; shareholders registered on the South African register who do 
not qualify for an exemption will therefore receive a net dividend of 7.49154 
SA cents per share. The dividend withholding tax and the information contained 
in this paragraph is only of direct application to shareholders registered on 
the South African register, who should direct any questions about the 
application of the dividend withholding tax to Computershare Investor Services 
(Pty) Limited, Tel: +27 11 370 5000 
  * The number of shares in issue now and as at the dividend declaration date 
    is 31,207,479; 
  * The interim gross dividend in SA cents is 9.36442 cents. 
  * The dividend has been declared from income reserves, which funds are 
    sourced from the Company's main bank account in London and is regarded as a 
    foreign dividend by South African shareholders; and 
  * The Company's UK Income Tax reference number is 948/L32120. 
    Dividend dates: 
Last day to trade (SA)                    Tuesday 13th March 2018 
Shares trade ex-dividend (SA)             Wednesday 14h March 2018 
Shares trade ex-dividend (UK)             Thursday 15th March 2018 
Record date (SA and UK)                   Friday 16th March 2018 
Pay date                                  Friday 6th April 2018 
Share certificates may not be de-materialised or re-materialised between 
Wednesday 14th March 2018 and Friday 16th March 2018, both dates inclusive. 
Shares may not be transferred between registers in London and South Africa 
between Wednesday 14th March 2018 and Friday 16th March 2018, both dates 
Statement of Directors' responsibility 
The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge: 
- the unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31st December 2017, 
have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the EU; and 
- the Interim Statement includes a fair review of the information required by 
DTR 4.2.7R and DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules. 
Neither this Interim Statement nor any future interim statements of the Company 
will be posted to shareholders.  The Interim Statement is available as follows: 
  * on the Company's website at  www.city-group.com/ 
    london-finance-investment-group-plc/; and 
  * by writing to City Group P.L.C., the Company Secretary, at 6 Middle Street, 
    London EC1A 7JA 
This Interim Statement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 
7 of EU Regulation 596/2014. 
The Directors accept responsibility for the contents of this Interim Statement. 
For further information, please contact: 
London Finance & Investment Group P.L.C        +44(0) 20 7796 9060 
Sasfin Capital (a member of the Sasfin group). 
Consolidated Statement of Total Comprehensive Income (Unaudited) 
                                                    Half year ended         Year Ended 
                                                     31st December           30th June 
                                                                Restated      Restated 
                                                      2017          2016          2017 
                                                      GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
Operating Income 
Dividends received                                     311           265           608 
Rental and other income                                 50            50           109 
Profit on sales of investments, including               26             3             3 
                                                       387           318           720 
Management service fees                                118           130           296 
                                                       505           448         1,016 
Administrative expenses 
Investment operations                                (229)         (190)         (352) 
Management services                                  (162)         (168)         (389) 
Total administrative expenses                        (391)         (358)         (741) 
Operating profit                                       114            90           275 
Unrealised changes in the carrying value of            501           335           989 
General Portfolio investments 
Interest payable                                       (1)             -          (33) 
Profit before taxation                                 615           425         1,231 
Tax expense                                           (49)         (350)         (121) 
Profit after taxation                                  566            75         1,110 
Non-controlling interest                               (3)           (6)           (7) 
Profit attributable to shareholders                    563            69         1,103 
Other comprehensive income/(expense) - 
Items that may subsequently be reclassified to 
profit or loss 
Unrealised changes in the carrying value of           (87)           819           477 
Strategic Investments 
Profit on sale of strategic investments                  -           217           217 
Deferred tax                                            48           142            99 
Corporation tax                                          -             -         (238) 
Total other comprehensive income                      (39)         1,178           555 
Total comprehensive income attributable to             524         1,247         1,658 
Basic and Diluted earnings per share                  1.8p          0.2p          3.5p 
Adjustment for the unrealised changes in the        (1.5)p        (1.1)p        (2.5)p 
carrying value of investments, net of tax 
Headline earnings per share                           0.3p        (0.9)p          1.0p 
Interim dividend                                     0.55p         0.55p         0.50p 
Final dividend                                           -             -         0.55p 
Total in respect of the period                       0.55p         0.55p         1.05p 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity (Unaudited) 
                                                   Half year ended         Year ended 
                                                    31st December           30th June 
                                                     2017          2016          2017 
                                                     GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
Total comprehensive income attributable to            531         1,247         1,658 
Dividends paid to equity shareholders               (172)         (171)         (343) 
                                                      359         1,076         1,315 
Equity shareholders' funds at start of period      20,483        19,168        19,168 
Equity shareholders' funds at end of period        20,842        20,244        20,483 
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (Unaudited) 
                                                    31st December           30th June 
                                                     2017          2016          2017 
                                                     GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                          15            18            14 
Strategic investments: - 
Finsbury Food Group Plc                             6,420         7,320         6,900 
Western Selection P.L.C.                            4,166         3,694         3,773 
                                                   10,601        11,032        10,687 
Current assets 
Listed investments                                 11,295         8,836        10,766 
Trade and other receivables                            63           178           220 
Cash, at bank                                         277         1,588           222 
                                                   11,635        10,602        11,208 
Total Assets                                       22,236        21,634        21,895 
Capital and Reserves 
Called up share capital                             1,560         1,560         1,560 
Share premium account                               2,320         2,320         2,320 
Unrealised profits and losses on investments        8,514         7,967         8,265 
Share of retained profits and losses of             4,007         3,647         3,794 
Company's retained realised profits and losses      4,441         4,750         4,544 
Total Capital and Reserves attributable to         20,842        20,244        20,483 
Trade and other payables falling due within           483           479           486 
one year 
Deferred taxation                                     818           815           829 
Non-controlling equity interest                        93            96            97 
                                                   22,236        21,634        21,895 
Net assets per share                                66.8p         64.9p         65.9p 
Number of shares in issue                      31,207,479    31,207,479    31,207,479 
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Unaudited) 
                                                    Half year ended         Year ended 
                                                     31st December           30th June 
                                                                Restated      Restated 
                                                      2017          2016          2017 
                                                      GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit before tax                                      615           425         1,231 
Adjustments for non-cash - 
Finance expense                                          1             -            33 
Depreciation charges                                     4             4             8 
Unrealised changes in the fair value of              (501)         (335)         (989) 
Decrease/(Increase)in trade and other                  157            97            52 
(Decrease)/Increase in trade and other payables        (3)          (74)          (66) 
Overseas Taxes paid                                   (11)           (7)          (45) 
Net cash inflow from operating activities              262           110           224 
Cash flows from investment activity 
(Increase)/Decrease in current asset                 (727)       (1,376)       (2,652) 
Disposal of investment                                 698         2,438         2,438 
Purchase of IT software                                (5)             -             - 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from investment             (34)         1,062         (214) 
Cash flows from financing 
Interest paid                                          (1)             -          (33) 
Equity dividends paid                                (172)         (172)         (343) 
Net cash outflow from financing                      (173)         (172)         (376) 
(Decrease)/Increase in cash and cash                    55         1,000         (366) 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of          222           588           588 
the year 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year           277         1,588           222 
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt 
                                                  At start          Cash     At end of 
                                                 of Period          Flow        Period 
Half year ended                                       GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
31st December 2017 
Cash and cash equivalents                              222           205           427 
Bank overdraft                                           0         (150)         (150) 
Net cash and cash equivalents                          222            55           277 
31st December 2016 
Cash and cash equivalents                              588         1,000         1,588 
Year ended 30th June 2017 
Cash and cash equivalents                              588         (366)           222 
Notes: - 
1.   Basis of preparation: 
     The results for the half-year are unaudited.  The information contained in 
     this report does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of 
     the Companies Act 2006.  The statutory accounts of the Group for the year 
     ended 30th June 2017 have been reported on by the Company's auditors and 
     have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The report of the 
     auditors was unqualified. 
     The Company has adopted IFRS 9. Under IFRS 9, the Company has elected to 
     classify its long term Strategic Investments as financial instruments which 
     are held at fair value with unrealised changes in value taken directly to 
     Other Comprehensive Income.  General Portfolio investments are held at fair 
     value with unrealised changes in fair value recognised in Profit or Loss. 
     Strategic and General Portfolio investments are quoted investments, and 
     their fair value continues to be calculated using quoted prices. 
     This report has been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies 
     contained in the Group's 2017 Annual Report and Accounts and International 
     Financial Reporting Standards, and complies with IAS 34. 
2.   Earnings per share: 
     Earnings per share are based on the profit on ordinary activities after 
     taxation and non-controlling interests of GBP563,000 (2016: GBP70,000) and on 
     31,207,479 (2016: 31,207,479) shares being the weighted average of number 
     of shares in issue during the year. There are options outstanding over 
     Reconciliation of headline earnings 
     Headline earnings are required to be disclosed by the JSE.  Headline 
     earnings per share are based on the profit attributable to the shareholders 
     after tax and non-controlling interests, before unrealised changes in the 
     fair value of investments net of tax, of GBP11,000 (2016: GBP279,000 loss) and 
     on 31,207,479 (2016: 31,207,479) shares being the weighted average of 
     number of shares in issue during the year. 
3.   Going Concern: 
     After making enquiries, the Board is satisfied that the Group will be able 
     to operate within the level of its facilities for the foreseeable future. 
     For this reason, the Board considers it appropriate for the Group to adopt 
     the going concern basis in preparing its financial statements. 
4.   Principal risks and uncertainties: 
     The principal risks and uncertainties which could impact the Group's 
     long-term performance are disclosed on pages 9-10 of the Group's 2017 
     Annual Report and Accounts, The key risks and mitigating activities have 
     not changed from these: 
     -           Stock market vulnerability and economic uncertainty including 
     -           Possible volatility of share prices of investments; 
     -           Dividend income; 
     -           Ability to make strategic investments; and 
     -           Liquidity of equity investments in strategic investments. 
Composition of General Portfolio 
                                                  GBP000                   % 
                                                   624                 5.5 
British American Tobacco 
                                                   492                 4.4 
Schindler Holding 
                                                   484                 4.3 
                                                   463                 4.1 
LVMH Moet Hennessy 
                                                   436                 3.9 
HSBC Holdings 
                                                   422                 3.7 
Brown Forman 
                                                   417                 3.7 
Heineken Holding 
                                                   417                 3.7 
                                                   416                 3.7 
Pernod Ricard 
                                                   405                 3.6 
                                                   405                 3.6 
                                                   402                 3.6 
Phillip Morris 
                                                   398                 3.5 
                                                   384                 3.4 
                                                   383                 3.4 
                                                   373                 3.3 
                                                   361                 3.2 
                                                   358                 3.2 
Royal Dutch Shell 
                                                   357                 3.2 
                                                   346                 3.1 
                                                   342                 3.0 
Reckitt Benckiser 
                                                   339                 3.0 
United Technologies 
                                                   321                 2.8 
Exxon Mobil 
                                                   309                 2.7 
Anheuser Busch 
                                                   308                 2.7 
Procter & Gamble 
                                                   306                 2.7 
Kimberley Clark 
                                                   303                 2.7 
Imperial Brands 
                                                   281                 2.3 
Compagnie Financiere Richemont 
                                                   222                 2.0 
Becton Dickinson 
                                                   221                 2.0 
                                                11,295                 100 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 06, 2018 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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