acn 061 899 634


MONDAY, 9 JULY 2007 AT 9.30AM (WST)
Celtic Club, 48 Ord Street, West Perth 6005 WA

This is an important document. It should be read in its entirety. If you are in
doubt as to the course you should follow, consult your financial or other
professional advisor.

                           NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING

NOTICE IS HEREBY given for a general meeting of Kimberley Diamond Company NL
(KDC or Company) to be held at the Celtic Club, 48 Ord Street, West Perth on
Monday, 9 July 2007 at 9.30am WST.

This Notice of General Meeting should be read in conjunction with the
accompanying Explanatory Statement.


Resolution 1 - Ratification of allotment and issue of shares

To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolution as an ordinary

"THAT, for the purpose of Listing Rule 7.4 of the Listing Rules of ASX and for
all other purposes, the Company approves and ratifies the allotments of the
shares set out below, which were issued on terms and conditions set out in the
Explanatory Statement accompanying this Notice.

   Date      Issued to     Number of    Terms of    Price    Gross amount raised
  Issued                   securities  securities securities                    
                             issued                 issued          (A$)        
4/12/2006  Sophisticated  30,000,000   Ordinary   $0.85      $25,500,000        
           or                          shares                                   
9/2/2007   Mine Plant     2,000,000    Ordinary   Deemed     Nil - issued in    
           Construction                shares     price -    full and final     
           Pty Ltd                                $0.85      settlement of the  
                                                             liabilities and    
                                                             obligation under   
                                                             the terms of an    
                                                             agreement between  
                                                             the Company and    
                                                             Mine Plant         
                                                             Construction Pty   
                                                             Ltd for the        
                                                             construction of the
                                                             processing plant at
                                                             Ellendale 4.       
11/4/2007  Mine Plant     1,227,163    Ordinary   Deemed     Nil - issued in    
           Construction                shares     price -    settlement of      
           Pty Ltd                                $0.85      amounts owing to   
                                                             Mine Plant         
                                                             Construction Pty   
                                                             Ltd for further    
                                                             capital works at   
                                                             Ellendale minesite 
                                                             including mobile   
                                                             plant and equipment
                                                             previously hired   
                                                             but now purchased  
                                                             by the Company.    
7/5/2007   Sophisticated  20,558,500   Ordinary   $0.70      $14,390,950        
           or                          shares                                   

Voting Exclusion: The Company will disregard any votes cast on this resolution
by a person who participated in the issues or any associates of those persons.
However, the Company need not disregard a vote if it is cast by a person as
proxy for a person who is entitled to vote in accordance with the directions on
the proxy form, or it is cast by the person chairing the meeting as proxy for a
person who is entitled to vote in accordance with the direction on the proxy
form to vote as the proxy decides.

Resolution 2 - Ratification of grant of options

To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolution as an ordinary

"THAT, for the purpose of Listing Rule 7.4 of the Listing Rules of ASX and for
all other purposes, the Company approves and ratifies the grant of the
1,000,000 unlisted options to Soci�t� G�n�rale Australia Branch, as more fully
particularised in the Explanatory Statement to this Notice."

Voting Exclusion: The Company will disregard any votes cast on this resolution
by a person who participated in the issues or any associates of those persons.
However, the Company need not disregard a vote if it is cast by a person as
proxy for a person who is entitled to vote in accordance with the directions on
the proxy form, or it is cast by the person chairing the meeting as proxy for a
person who is entitled to vote in accordance with the direction on the proxy
form to vote as the proxy decides.

Resolution 3 - Approval to issue options to Executive Director

To consider, and if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an
ordinary resolution.

"That for the purposes of Listing Rule 10.11 and for all other purposes, the
shareholders of the Company hereby approve the issue and allotment of 3,000,000
May 2010 Options to Gordon Maxwell Gilchrist, or his nominee, for no cash
consideration, each of such May 2010 Options being subject to the terms and
conditions set out and described in the Explanatory Statement accompanying this
Notice of Meeting and carrying the right, exercisable on or before the third
anniversary of the date of issue of the May 2010 Options, to subscribe for one
ordinary fully paid share in the Company at an issue price of $0.80, and
resolve that this constitutes reasonable remuneration for the purposes of
Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act and hereby authorise the directors to
execute such documents and do all such acts and things as shall be necessary or
desirable in order to implement and give full effect to this resolution."

Voting Exclusion: The Company will disregard any votes cast on this Resolution
by Gordon Maxwell Gilchrist and any associate of Gordon Maxwell Gilchrist.
However, the Company need not disregard a vote if it is cast by a person as a
proxy for a person who is entitled to vote, in accordance with the directions
on the proxy form, or if it is cast by a person chairing the meeting as a proxy
for a person who is entitled to vote, in accordance with a direction on the
proxy form to vote as the proxy decides.


Jean Mathie
Company Secretary
Dated: 28 May 2007

                             EXPLANATORY STATEMENT

This Explanatory Statement has been prepared for the information of members of
Kimberley Diamond Company NL (KDC or Company) in connection with the business
to be conducted at the general meeting of members to be held at the Celtic
Club, 48 Ord Street, West Perth on Monday, 9 July 2007 at 9.30am.

RESOLUTION 1 - Ratification of Security Issues

 1. On 4 December 2006, the Company placed 30,000,000 ordinary fully paid 
    shares at an issue price of $0.85 per share to raise $25,500,000. The
    placement was made to professional and sophisticated investors in
    accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 to clients of Argonaut Securities
    Pty Ltd of Perth WA. The shares were credited as fully paid and rank pari
    passu with all other ordinary fully paid shares on issue. The funds raised
    from the share placement have been for working capital purposes.
 2. On 9 February 2007, the Company issued 2,000,000 ordinary fully paid shares
    to Mine Plant Construction Pty Ltd at a deemed issue price of $0.85 per
    share in fully and final settlement of the Company's liabilities and
    obligations to release the retention moneys to Mine Plant Construction
    under the terms of the contract between the Company and Mine Plant
    Construction Pty Ltd for the construction of the diamond processing plant
    at Ellendale 4. The shares were credited as fully paid and rank pari passu
    with all other ordinary fully paid shares on issue.
 3. On 11 April 2007, the Company issued 1,227,163 ordinary fully paid shares
    to Mine Plant Construction Pty Ltd at a deemed issue price of $0.85 per
    share in settlement of amounts owing to Mine Plant Construction Pty Ltd for
    further capital works at Ellendale minesite including mobile plant and
    equipment previously hired but now purchased by the Company. The shares
    were credited as fully paid and rank pari passu with all other ordinary
    fully paid shares on issue.
 4. On 7 May 2007, the Company placed 20,558,500 ordinary fully paid shares at
    an issue price of $0.70 per share to raise $14,390,950. The placement was
    made to professional and sophisticated investors in accordance with the
    Corporations Act 2001. The shares were credited as fully paid and rank pari
    passu with all other ordinary fully paid shares on issue.
From the funds raised by this placement, the Company holds $6.4 million in its
debt service reserve bank account. On or before 1 July 2007, the Company's
scheduled Project Facility repayment of $5.0 million will be made from this
account. A further $1.3 million will be used towards new environmental bonding
required for the expanded Ellendale 9 East Plant. The Company also allocated
$2.0 million to plant remediation works at the Ellendale 9 East Plant to
complete the reinstallation of scrubbers to achieve the production ramp-up to
450 tonnes per hour operation (3.3 million tonnes per annum). The balance of
the funds will be used to supplement working capital for improving the
Ellendale Operation and to assist towards financing a build up of diamond
inventory for a planned significant sales campaign during June 2007.

RESOLUTION 2 - Ratification of grant of options

On 17 May 2007, the Company announcement the grant of 1,000,000 unlisted
options on 15 May 2007 to Soci�t� G�n�rale Australia Branch in accordance with
the terms and conditions of a letter agreement between the Company and Soci�t� 
G�n�rale dated 3 May 2007 entitled "15 April 2005 Facility agreement as amended
- Financial Covenant Compliance". The unlisted options were issued for nil cash
consideration as they were issued in accordance with the said letter agreement.
The terms and conditions of the unlisted options are set out hereunder "Terms
and Conditions of 2010 Unlisted Options".


 a. The options are not to be listed on Australian Stock Exchange Limited
 b. Each option has the right to subscribe for one ordinary fully paid share in
    the capital of the Company.
 c. Each option may be exercised at any time prior to 5pm (WST) on the third
    anniversary of date of grant and any option not exercised on or before that
    date will expire and cease to carry any rights or benefits.
 d. The exercise price of each option is $0.80.
 e. Options can be exercised by an option holder delivering to the Company's
    registered office or share registry a notice (in a form prescribed by the
    Company from time to time) stating the number of options to be exercised
    and accompanied by the relevant holding statement(s) and a cheque (in
    Australian currency) made payable to the Company for an amount being the
    result of the exercise price multiplied by the number of options being
 f. Within five business days of receipt of a properly executed exercise notice
    and application monies in respect of the exercise of any options, the
    Company will issue the resultant shares and deliver notification of share
 g. The Company shall make application to have shares (issued pursuant to an
    exercise of options) listed for official quotation by ASX within three
    business days of the date of issue.
 h. Shares issued pursuant to an exercise of options shall rank, from the date
    of allotment, pari passu with existing shares of the Company in all
 i. The options have no right to participate in pro-rata issues of securities
    to shareholders unless the options are exercised prior to the record date
    for determining entitlements to the relevant pro-rata issue.
 j. Each option holder will be notified by the Company of any proposed pro-rata
    issue of securities to shareholders at least 10 business days prior to the
    record date and, if the option is exercised before the record date, the
    option holder can participate in a pro-rata issue to shareholders.
 k. In the event of a reorganisation (including reconstruction, consolidation,
    subdivision, reduction, or return) of the capital of the Company, the terms
    of the options will be changed to the extent necessary to comply with the
    requirements of ASX Listing Rules (in force at the time of the
    reorganisation) for the reorganisation of capital.
 l. Each share issued pursuant to an exercise of an option shall be issued free
    of any encumbrance.  
The ASX Listing Rules set out a rule commonly known as the "15% rule" which
limits the capacity of a company to issue securities without the approval of
its shareholders. The 15% rule provides that a company may not, in any twelve
month period, issue securities equal to more than 15% of the total number of
securities of the same class on issue at the beginning of the twelve month
period unless the issue is approved by shareholders or otherwise comes within
one of a number of exceptions.

One of those exceptions provides that where a company in general meeting
ratifies a prior issue of securities then those securities shall be deemed to
have been issued at the beginning of the 12 month period if the notice of
meeting includes details in respect of the matters set out below.

If resolutions 1 and 2 are passed, then the Company capacity to issue
securities under the 15% rule will immediately be refreshed.

RESOLUTION 3 - Approval to issue options to Executive Director


On 7 May 2007 Gordon Maxwell Gilchrist was appointed as an executive director
of the Company as an addition to its Board of Directors. Mr Gilchrist is 62
years of age and has extensive experience in the resource industry, both in
Australia and internationally. He was Managing Director of Argyle Diamond Mines
based in Perth, Western Australia from 1993 to 2002 and his most recent
position was that of Managing Director of Rio Tinto Diamonds, based in Antwerp,
Belgium. Earlier in his career, Mr Gilchrist held a number of senior positions
in the resource sector including as President and CEO of An Mau Steel, based in
Taiwan, from 1991-1993 and General Manager Sales and Marketing for Pasminco
based in Melbourne from 1989-1991. Mr Gilchrist, an Australian citizen, holds
an MA in Physics and Diploma of Education from Oxford University and an MBA
from London Business School. Mr Gilchrist, who moved overseas to take up his
role as Managing Director of Rio Tinto Diamonds, will sell his overseas
residence and return to Perth to pursue his executive role with the Company.

The May 2010 Options described below are to be issued to Mr. Gilchrist as part
of his remuneration package for his services as an Executive Director of the
Company, and are intended as a long term performance incentive to provide added
value for shareholders and to reward him if he is successful in that regard.

ASX Listing Rule 10.11 requires a listed company to obtain shareholder approval
by ordinary resolution prior to the issue of securities (including options) to
a related party of the company. If Resolution 3 is passed, securities will be
issued to Mr. Gilchrist, who is a related party of the Company, or to his

Accordingly, shareholder approval for the issue of securities to Mr. Gilchrist
or his nominee is required under the ASX Listing Rules before the May 2010
Options are issued to him or his nominee.

Approval under ASX Listing Rule 7.1 is not required in order to issue the
May 2010 Options to Mr. Gilchrist or his nominee as approval is being obtained
under ASX Listing Rule 10.11. Shareholders should note that the issue of
May 2010 Options will be included in the 15% calculation for the purposes of
ASX Listing Rule 7.1.

Terms of May 2010 Options

The May 2010 Options referred to in Resolution 3 will be issued upon and
subject to the following principal terms and conditions:

 1. Each May 2010 Option entitles the holder to subscribe for one ordinary
    fully paid share (Share) in the capital of the Company.
 2. The May 2010 Options are exercisable at any time prior to 5.00pm WST on
    7 May 2010, being the third anniversary of the date of Mr. Gilchrist's
    appointment as an executive director of the Company Any May 2010 options
    not exercised on or before that date will expire and cease to carry any
    rights or benefits.
 3. May 2010 Options can be exercised by the option holder completing a
    May 2010 Option exercise form (in a form prescribed by the Company from
    time to time) and delivering it, together with the payment for the number
    of Shares in respect of which the May 2010 Options are exercised, to the
    registered office of the Company.
 4. The May 2010 Option exercise price is $0.80 per May 2010 Option.
 5. Each May 2010 Option is unlisted and is not transferable.
 6. There are no participating rights or entitlements inherent in the May 2010
    Options themselves, and they will not entitle holders of the May 2010
    Options to participate in new issues of capital offered to shareholders
    during the currency of the May 2010 Options.
 7. If, at any time, the issued capital of the Company is reconstructed, all
    rights of the holder of the May 2010 Options are to be changed in a manner
    consistent with the requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and ASX
    Listing Rules.
 8. Except as noted in paragraph 7 above, a May 2010 Option does not confer the
    right to a change in exercise price or a change in the number of underlying
    securities over which the May 2010 Option can be exercised.
 9. All Shares issued upon exercise of the May 2010 Options will rank pari
    passu in all respects with the Company's then issued Shares. The Company
    will apply for official quotation of all Shares issued upon exercise of the
    May 2010 Options on ASX within three business days of the date of issue.
Maximum Number of May 2010 Options

The maximum number of May 2010 Options to be issued to Mr. Gilchrist or his
nominee under Resolution 3 is 3,000,000.

Date of Issue

If approved by the shareholders, the Company will issue the May 2010 Options to
Mr. Gilchrist, or his nominee, within 1 month of the date of the General
Meeting or within such longer period as the ASX may approve if the Company
applies for a waiver of the relevant ASX Listing Rules.

Use of Funds

No funds will be raised from the issue of the May 2010 Options under Resolution

Voting Exclusion Statement

Please refer to the Voting Exclusion Statement contained in the Notice of
General Meeting.

Other Information

The primary purpose of the issue of May 2010 Options to Mr. Gilchrist is, as
indicated above, to provide an incentive. Given this purpose, the Company does
not believe that there are any significant opportunity costs or benefits
forgone by the issue of these May 2010 Options.

The market price of the Company's Shares during the term of the May 2010
Options would normally determine whether or not the optionholder exercises the
May 2010 Options. At the time any May 2010 Options are exercised and Shares
issued pursuant to the exercise of any May 2010 Option, the Company's Shares
may be trading on ASX at a price which is higher than the exercise price of
those May 2010 Options. Where this is the case, the opportunity cost may be
that the Company could have received greater consideration for the issue of the
Shares than the $0.80 issue price payable on the exercise of the
May 2010 Options.

During the 12 months preceding this Notice of Meeting the Company's Share price
has traded between $1.475 and $0.685. On the business day prior to the date of
this Notice of Meeting, the Company's share price closed at $0.72.

Using the Black-Scholes option valuation model, the value of each May 2010
Option as at the date of this Notice of Meeting is assessed to be approximately
$0.201 based on the particulars contained in the following table.

Item                                                     May 2010
Exercise price of May 2010 Options                          $0.80
Share price used (Closing ASX price 29/5/2007)              $0.72
Expiry date                                            7 May 2010
Total number of Options                                 3,000,000
Risk fee rate                                               5.25%
Volatility                                                    40%
Black-Scholes total notional value (all Options)         $603,863
Black-Scholes notional value (each Option)           $0.201 (3dp)

The Company currently has the following issued capital.

Listed Securities:                                          
Ordinary fully paid shares (KIM)                 428,062,249
Unlisted Securities:                                        
Options expiring 30 June 2007 exercisable at       2,753,000
Options expiring 24 August 2008 exercisable at     1,100,000
Options expiring 14 January 2008 exercisable       1,000,000
at $1.20                                                    
Options expiring 15 April 2008 exercisable at      1,000,000
Options expiring 23 November 2010 exercisable      2,250,000
at $1.40                                                    
Options expiring 22 May 2009 exercisable at        5,000,000
Options expiring 12 July 2009 exercisable at       2,400,000


 a. if none of the existing listed and unlisted options to acquire Shares are
    exercised but all May 2010 Options are issued and exercised, the total
    dilution effect of the issue and exercise of all 3 million of the May 2010
    Options on the Company's Share capital of 428,062,249 Shares would be
    approximately 0.701%; and
 b. if all of the existing all existing listed and unlisted options to acquire
    Shares are exercised and all May 2010 Options are issued and exercised, the
    total dilution effect of the issue and exercise of all 3 million of the
    May 2010 Options on the Company's fully diluted Share capital of
    443,565,249 would be approximately 0.676%.
Director's Interests

At the date of this Notice of Meeting, Mr. Gilchrist had a direct relevant
interest in 52,000 Shares but, apart from his potential interest in the
May 2010 as a consequence of his contract of employment with the Company, had
no relevant interest in any of the Company's options.

Mr Gilchrist has entered into a contract of employment with the Company for an
initial period of one year (the First Year) commencing on 7 May 2007 with Mr
Gilchrist having the right, subject to certain conditions, to extend the term
of that contract and his employment under it by a further year (the Second Year
) commencing on 6 May 2008 and a further year (the Third Year) commencing on
6 May 2009.

Under his contract of employment (Employment Contract) with the Company:

 a. Mr. Gilchrist is entitled to receive, in consideration of the services to
    be provided by him under that contract, a gross remuneration package of
    $300,000.00 (inclusive of Tax, superannuation contributions, Medicare levy
    and any other amounts required by law to be paid in respect of the
    remuneration payable to Mr. Gilchrist under that contract) for the First
    Year payable by equal monthly instalments. This annual gross remuneration
    package is inclusive of all director's fees for his services as a director
    of the Company. If the term of the Employment Contract is extended, the
    gross annual remuneration package that will be payable to Mr. Gilchrist for
    the Second and Third Years, as applicable, will, in each case, be 15% more
    than the gross remuneration package he was entitled to receive for the
    preceding year of the term;
 b. the Company has agreed to pay the sum of $25,000.00 as a cash contribution
    towards Mr. Gilchrist's costs of relocating from London to Perth, and to
    provide Mr. Gilchrist in each year of the term of his Employment Contract
    with up to 4 airline tickets for return business class air travel from
    Perth, Western Australia for his wife to accompany him on travel he
    undertakes within Australia or overseas in the course of his duties or at
    the direction of the Board. This entitlement is non-cumulative and cannot
    be carried forward to subsequent years and will accordingly lapse if not
    taken in the particular year in which the entitlement arises;
 c. the Company will reimburse Mr. Gilchrist for all costs and expenses
    reasonably and properly incurred by him in carrying out his obligations
    under the Employment Contract, subject to production of relevant invoices
    or such other evidence as the Company may reasonably require;
 d. during each year of the term, Mr. Gilchrist shall receive 4 weeks holidays
    and will be entitled to 6 paid sick leave days. On termination of the
    employment of Mr Gilchrist for any reason, all moneys and other entitlement
    and remuneration, including but not limited, to any accrued but unused
    holidays of Mr Gilchrist, shall be paid, adjusted and calculated as at the
    date of such termination;
 e. a specific clause of the Employment Contract gives the Company the right to
    terminate the Employment Contract and Mr Gilchrist's employment without
    having or giving any reason for that termination by giving 3 months notice
    or paying 3 months remuneration in lieu of notice. If the Company
    terminates the employment of Mr Gilchrist pursuant to that specific clause,
    and that clause alone, during the First Year, the Company must, on the date
    of termination, in addition to paying any amounts then due under the
    Employment Contract, pay to Mr Gilchrist the difference, if any, between
    the gross remuneration package of $300,000.00 payable for the First Year
    LESS the amount paid or payable to Mr Gilchrist under as remuneration under
    the Employment Contract for the period up to the termination as a
    "Termination Fee" in full and final settlement of the salary and all other
    benefits to which Gilchrist would have become entitled under the Employment
    Contract from the termination date to the end of the First Year, if Mr
    Gilchrist had continued to be employed by the Company for the remainder of
    that First Year.
Under a separate agreement to be entered into between Mr Gilchrist and the
Company, Mr Gilchrist will be entitled to rights of indemnity, and access to
records, commonly granted to directors of listed public companies in Australia

Other than the gross remuneration payable to Mr Gilchrist under the Employment
Contract, the issue of the May 2010 Options to Mr Gilchrist, or his nominee,
pursuant to Resolution 3 and his potential entitlement to a "Termination Fee"
if his employment is terminated in the First Year without the Company having or
giving any reason for that termination, the Company currently has no intention
of materially altering the remuneration payable to its directors


All of the directors were available to consider the proposed Resolution 3. Mr.
Gilchrist declined to make a recommendation concerning Resolution 3 on the
basis that he has a material personal interest in the outcome of that
Resolution. Messrs. Kennedy, Simich, Still, Danchin, Somes and Hutton all
consider that:

 i. the terms of the Employment Contract and the remuneration payable under it;
ii. the issue of the May 2010 Options to Mr. Gilchrist
are fair and reasonable and constitutes reasonable remuneration for the
purposes of Chapter 2 E of the Corporations Act 2001, and a proper incentive to
encourage the growth of the Company and to maximize the value of each
shareholder's investment in the Company, and recommend that shareholders vote
in favour of Resolution 3 to approve the issue of the 3 million May 2010
Options to Mr. Gilchrist or his nominee.

The Secretary
Kimberley Diamond Company NL (abn 91 061 899 634)
PO Box 806
West Perth Western Australia 6872
Fax: (+61-8) 9321 5884

Shareholder details

Name of Shareholder:

Address of Shareholder:

Telephone No:

I/We being a member(s) of Kimberley Diamond Company NL, appoint the following
person or failing him/her the Chairman of the Meeting as my/our proxy to vote
in accordance with the following directions (or if no directions have been
given, as the proxy or Chairman sees fit) at the General Meeting (Meeting) of
the Company to be held at the Celtic Club West Perth 6005, Western Australia at
9.30am on Monday, 9 July 2007 (and at any adjournment thereof).

Name of Proxy:

Address of Shareholder:

INSTRUCTIONS AS TO VOTING - refer attached Notes to the Proxy Form

If you wish to direct your proxy how to vote with respect to the proposed
resolutions, pleased indicate the manner in which your proxy is to vote by
placing a "X" in the appropriate box below, otherwise your proxy will vote or
as he/she thinks fit.

I you do not wish to direct your proxy how to vote please place an "X" in this

By marking this box you acknowledge that the Chairman may exercise your proxy
even if he has an interest in the outcome of the resolution and votes cast by
him other than as proxy holder will be disregarded.

It is the Chairman's intention to vote in favour of all resolutions in relation
to undirected proxies.

                                                   For     AGAINST   ABSTAIN 
Resolution Ratification of allotment and issue                               
1          of shares                                                         
Resolution Ratification of grant of options                                  
Resolution Approval to issue options to                                      
3          Executive Director                                                

PLEASE SIGN HERE This Section must be signed in accordance with the
instructions overleaf to enable your directions to be implemented.

Individual Shareholder       Individual Shareholder     Individual Shareholder 
                             No.2 (where joint          No.3 (where 3 joint    
                             holders)                   holders) - if more     
                                                        holders each additional
                                                        holder must sign       

Sole Director and Sole       Director                   Director/Company       
Company Secretary                                       Secretary              

Date          /            /             

Shareholder's Name and Voting Entitlement

This is the name of the shareholder as it appears on the Company's share
register. For the purposes of this Meeting, shares will be taken to be held by
those persons who are the registered holders thereof 48 hours before the time
appointed for the commencement of the Meeting.

Appointment of Proxy

A shareholder entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting is entitled to appoint
not more than two other persons (whether shareholders or not) as proxy or
proxies to attend in the shareholder's place at the Meeting. The proxy has the
same right as the shareholder to speak and vote at the Meeting. If you leave
this section blank, or your named proxy does not attend the Meeting (or in the
case you appoint two proxies and neither attends the Meeting), the Chairman of
the meeting will be your proxy to vote your shares even if you attend the
meeting (unless you revoke your proxy before the meeting).

Vote on Resolutions

You may direct your proxy how to vote by placing a mark in one of the boxes
opposite the resolution/s you wish to direct your proxy to vote on. If you do
so, all your shares will be voted in accordance with your direction. You can
split your vote on any resolution/s by inserting the number/s of shares you
wish to vote in the appropriate box/es. Please ensure you clearly mark the box
in black or blue ink by placing a mark or the number of shares you are voting.

Appointing a Second Proxy

If a shareholder appoints two proxies, unless each proxy is appointed to
represent a specified proportion of the shareholder's voting rights, each proxy
may exercise half the votes of the appointor.

Contact Telephone

This will help us if there are any problems with your proxy form.


You must sign this form as follows in the spaces provided.

Individual:         Where the holding is in one name, the holder must    
Joint Holding:      Where the holding is in more than one name, all of   
                    the shareholders must sign.                          
Power of Attorney:  To sign under Power of Attorney, you must have       
                    already lodged this document with the registry. If   
                    you have not previously lodged this document for     
                    notation, please attach a certified photocopy of the 
                    Power of Attorney to this form when you return it.   
Companies:          This form must be executed in accordance with        
                    Section 127 of the Corporations Act 2001 or signed by
                    a duly authorised officer or agent.                  

If a representative of the corporation is to attend the meeting the appropriate
"Certificate of Appointment of Corporation Representative" should be produced
prior to admission. A form of the certificate may be obtained from the
Company's share registry.

Lodgement of a Proxy

To be valid, this Proxy Form (and any Power of Attorney under which it is
signed) must be received not later than 48 hours before the time of the Meeting
or resumption of an adjourned meeting at which the person named in the
instrument proposes to vote, either by facsimile on (08) 9321 5884, by mail to
PO Box 806, West Perth, 6872, Western Australia or delivery to the registered
office of the Company at 12 Walker Avenue, West Perth, Western Australia, or
delivery to the Company's share registry Security Transfer Registrars Pty Ltd,
PO Box 535, Applecross 6953, Western Australia or at 770 Canning Highway,
Applecross 6153, Western Australia.


TEL (08) 9321 5887 FAX (08) 9321 5884 EMAIL WWW


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