Jupiter Second Split PLC

Announcement of Unaudited Interim Results for the half year to 30th April 2006
                              CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

During the six months to 30th April 2006 the Companys total assets rose by 29.3
per  cent.   This  compares  with a rise of 14.8  per  cent.  in  the  Companys
composite benchmark index.

Revenue before tax for the six months was �395,000 as compared with �129,000 for
the  corresponding  period to 30th April 2005.  As with last  year,  no  interim
dividend  has  been declared.  However, a dividend is expected  to  be  paid  in
January  2007  which  will  reflect the bulk of net  revenues  for  the  current
financial year.

Strong outperformance during the period under review resulted principally  from
a  heavy emphasis within the portfolio on oil and mining shares.  There was also
a  benefit  from  investing in European financial companies  which  have 
significant  operations  in  capital  and  emerging  markets.   Resource  prices
continued to be strong and equity markets performed well, especially in emerging

Since  the end of the period there has been a sharp correction in equity markets
and a much more risk averse mood has set in.  As at 30th June 2006 the growth in
your  Companys total assets since the last financial year end (on 31st  October
2005)  had reduced to 19.5 per cent., which compares with a return of  10.2  per
cent.  on  the  Companys composite benchmark index over the same period.   This
correction appears to us to have been too severe in the context of a  number  of
factors.   Firstly,  equities  as an asset class continue  to  look  attractive.
Indeed, relative to bonds, equities are at one of the cheapest valuation  levels
seen  in the last thirty years.  Secondly, inflationary concerns appear overdone
in  the  context of a weakening US housing market and strong global  competitive
forces,  partly the result of technological advances.  Thirdly, economic  growth
continues  to be healthy, especially in China and India, as capitalism  develops
from a low base.

Resource  prices have been strong for a significant period, but it is  generally
accepted  that  major  oil  and  commodity stocks  are  discounting  significant
reversals  in  oil and commodity prices.  Such reversals may not materialise  in
the  context  of  likely  further strong demand and some  supply  shortages.   A
cautious  stance  on  UK banks still look appropriate given high  consumer  debt
levels but valuations on many European banks look exceptionally low.

We  continue  to  draw  down a loan facility of �10 million  and  are  therefore
employing   a  modest  element  of  gearing  to  take  advantage  of  investment

Gordon Campbell
20th July 2006
                           TWENTY LARGEST INVESTMENTS
                              as at 30th April 2006

                                                            Market               Percentage of
      Company                                                Value           Total Investments
      BP                                                    12,177                         8.8
      Cairn Energy                                           9,300                         6.7
      UBS                                                    7,803                         5.6
      Templeton Emerging Markets                             7,136                         5.1
      Societe Generale                                       6,294                         4.5
      Kazakhmys                                              5,918                         4.3
      Deutsche Bank                                          5,374                         3.9
      Premier Oil                                            5,135                         3.7
      RAB Capital Energy Class A                             4,038                         2.9
      RAB Special Situations                                 3,828                         2.8
      Vodafone                                               3,238                         2.3
      Absolute Capital Management                            3,043                         2.2
      Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group                         3,018                         2.2
      Vedanta Resources                                      2,755                         2.0
      Skandia Enskilda                                       2,722                         2.0
      Anglo American                                         2,569                         1.9
      KBC Group                                              2,549                         1.8
      RAB Capital Index Opportunities                        2,484                         1.8
      Equest Balkan Properties                               2,442                         1.8
      BHP Billiton                                           2,258                         1.6
                                                            ______                        ____
                                                            94,081                        67.9


As at 30th April 2006, 9.4 per cent. of the Companys Total Assets were invested
in  the  securities of other UK listed investment companies. It is the Companys
stated policy that not more than 10 per cent., in aggregate, of Total Assets may
be  invested  in  other listed investment companies unless such  companies  have
stated  investment policies to invest no more than 15 per cent. of  their  Total
Assets  in  other  listed  investment  companies  (including  listed  investment
trusts).   As  at 30th April 2006, 1.3 per cent. of the Companys  Total  Assets
were  invested  in  listed  investment companies  that  have  not  made  such  a

                          CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT
                      for the six months to 30th April 2006

                 Note               Six months to               Six months to               Period ended
                                  30th April 2006             30th April 2005         31st  October 2005
                                                                   (Restated)                 (Restated)
                       Revenue  Capital    Total   Revenue    Capital   Total   Revenue   Capital   Total
                        Return   Return             Return     Return            Return    Return        
                         �000    �000    �000     �000      �000   �000     �000     �000   �000
Gains on            3        -   34,726   34,726         -      1,126   1,126         -     7,376   7,376
at fair value
                        ______    _____    _____    ______    _______  ______     _____     _____  ______
                             -   34,726   34,726         -      1,126   1,126         -     7,376   7,376
Income from                                                                                              
fixed asset                                                                                              
investments              1,166        -    1,166       853          -     853     1,910         -   1,910
Bank interest              192        -      192        38          -      38       132         -     132
Other income                 -        -        -         1          -       1         1         -       1
its of                     
subsidiary                   -        -        -      (138)          -   (138)      526         -     526
                        ______    _____    _____    ______    _______ _______     _____     _____  ______
Total income             1,358   34,726   36,084       754      1,126   1,880     2,569     7,376   9,945
                        ______    _____    _____    ______    _______ _______     _____     _____ _______
fee                       (537)        -    (537)     (396)          -   (396)     (817)        -    (817)
fee                          -    (4,384) (4,384)         -          -      -         -         -       -

expenses                  (177)        -    (177)     (157)          -   (157)     (305)        -    (305)
                        ______    _____    _____    ______    _______  ______     _____     _____  ______
expenses                  (714)  (4,384)  (5,098)     (553)         -    (553)   (1,122)        -  (1,122)
                        ______    _____    _____    ______     ______  ______    ______    ______  ______
Net return
finance costs
& tax                     644   30,342    30,986       201      1,126  1,327     1,447      7,376  8,823

payable                  (249)       -      (249)      (72)         -    (72)     (335)         -   (335)
Zero Dividend
shares                     -    (2,181)   (2,181)        -     (2,040)(2,040)        -     (4,135)(4,135)

                        ______    _____    _____    ______     ______  ______    ______    ______  ______
Net return
taxation                   395   28,161   28,556       129       (914)  (785)     1,112     3,241   4,353
Taxation                   (87)       -      (87)      (91)         -    (91)        64      (892)   (828)
                        ______    _____    _____    ______    _______  ______     _____     _____  ______
taxation                   308   28,161   28,469        38       (914)  (876)     1,176     2,349   3,525

                        ______    _____    _____    ______    _______  ______     _____     _____  ______
Earnings per     
Geared Growth
share (p)           2     0.32    29.67    29.99      0.04     (0.97)  (0.93)      1.25      2.49    3.74
The total column of this statement is the income statement of the Group,
prepared in accordance with IFRS. The supplementary revenue return and capital
return columns are both prepared under guidance produced by the Association of
Investment Trust Companies. All items in the above statement derive from
continuing operations.

No operations were discontinued or acquired in the period.

The  financial information does not constitute accounts as defined in  section
240 of the Companies Act 1985.
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                               at 30th April 2006
                                                               30th  April     30th April   31st October
                                                                      2006           2005           2005
                                                                               (Restated)      (Restated)
                                                    Note             �000          �000          �000
Non-Current assets                                                                                       
Investments held at fair value through profit or                                                         
loss                                                               138,710         93,625         101,991
                                                                   _______        _______         _______
Current assets                                                                                           
Investment in subsidiary                                             5,586          7,662           5,586
Prepayments and accrued income                                         520            275              62
Sales awaiting settlement                                                -          1,888              -
Taxation recoverable                                                    84              2              84
Cash and cash equivalents                                            6,654          1,714           4,892
                                                                   _______        _______         _______
                                                                    12,844         11,541          10,624
                                                                   _______        _______         _______
Total assets                                                       151,554        105,166         112,615
                                                                   =======        =======          ======
Current liabilities                                                                                      
Bank loan                                                         (10,000)       (10,000)        (10,000)
Interest payable                                                      (73)           (69)            (72)
Taxation payable                                                     (779)              -           (779)
Accruals                                                             (375)          (299)           (305)
Performance fee                                                    (4,384)              -               -
Purchases awaiting settlement                                      (5,319)          (293)           (458)
                                                                   _______        _______         _______
                                                                  (20,930)       (10,661)        (11,614)
                                                                   _______        _______         _______
Total assets less current liabilities                              130,624         94,505         101,001
Non-Current liabilities                                                                                  
Zero Dividend Preference shares                                    (62,000)       (57,724)       (59,819)
                                                                   _______        _______         _______
Net Assets                                                          68,624         36,781          41,182
                                                                   =======        =======          ======
Equity Attributable to Equity Holders                                                      
Called up share capital                                                949            949             949
Share premium                                                          476            476             476
Special reserve                                                     36,249         36,232          36,232
Retained earnings                                         6         30,950           (876)          3,525
                                                                   _______        _______         _______
Total equity shareholders funds                                    68,624         36,781          41,182
                                                                   =======        =======          ======
Net Asset Value per Geared Growth share (pence)           7          72.31          38.76           43.39

                for the six months to 30th April 2006 (Unaudited)

                                                        Share      Share  Special    Retained    
                                                      Capital    Premium  Reserve    Earnings      Total
                                                        �000      �000    �000       �000      �000
Six months to 30th April 2006                                                                           
31st October 2005 (restated)                              949        476   36,232       3,525     41,182
Net profit for the period                                   -          -        -      28,469     28,469
Issue expenses recovered                                    -          -       17           -         17
Dividends paid and declared:                                                                            
   First interim dividend for period ended                                                              
   31st October 2005                                        -          -        -      (1,044)    (1,044)
                                                       ______      _____    _____     _______    _______
Balance at 30th April 2006                                949        476   36,249      30,950     68,624
                                                       ______      _____    _____     _______    _______
Period ended 31st October 2005                                                                          
1st November 2004 (restated)                              939     36,232        -           -     37,171
Cancel share premium                                        -    (36,232)  36,232           -          -
Shares issued                                              10        476        -           -        486
Net profit for the period                                   -          -        -       3,525      3,525
                                                       ______      _____    _____     _______    _______
Balance at 31st October 2005 (restated)                   949        476   36,232       3,525     41,182
                                                       ______      _____    _____     _______    _______
Six months to 30th April 2005                                                                           
1st  November 2004 (restated)                             939     36,232        -           -     37,171
Cancel share premium                                        -    (36,232)  36,232           -          -
Shares issued                                              10        476        -           -        486
Net profit for the period                                   -          -        -        (876)      (876)
                                                       ______      _____    _____     _______    _______
Balance at 30th April 2005 (restated)                     949        476   36,232        (876)     36,781
                                                       ______      _____    _____     _______    _______
                      for the six months to 30th April 2006

                                                       Six months to     Six months to      Period ended
                                                     30th April 2006   30th April 2005 31st October 2005
                                                                             (Restated)        (Restated)
                                                               �000             �000             �000
Cash flows from operating activities                                                                    
Investment income received                                       710               611             1,891
Deposit interest received                                        177                32               111
Investment management fee paid                                  (462)             (204)             (607)
Sales less purchases of dealing subsidiary                         -            (7,800)           (5,060)
Other cash receipts                                               13               (25)              (20)
Other cash expenses                                             (164)              (50)             (228)
                                                             _______           _______           _______
Cash generated from operations                                   274            (7,436)           (3,913)
Interest paid                                                   (248)               (2)             (263)
Dividend paid                                                 (1,044)                -                 -
Taxation                                                         (87)              (94)             (133)
                                                             _______           _______           _______
Net cash outflow from operating activities                    (1,105)           (7,532)           (4,309)
                                                             _______           _______           _______
Cash flows from investing activities                                                                    
Purchases of investments                                     (82,654)         (161,974)         (224,310)
Sales of investments                                          85,521            67,879           130,153
                                                             _______           _______           _______
                                                               2,867           (94,095)          (94,157)
                                                             _______           _______           _______
Cash flows from financing activities                                                                    
Shares issued                                                      -            94,983            94,983
Cost of share issue                                                -            (1,642)           (1,625)
Short term loan received                                           -            10,000            10,000
                                                             _______           _______           _______
                                                                   -           103,341           103,358
                                                             _______           _______           _______
Increase in cash                                               1,762             1,714             4,892
Change in cash and cash equivalents                                                                     
Cash and cash equivalents at start of period                   4,892                 -                 -
                                                             _______           _______           _______
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                     6,654             1,714             4,892
                                                             _______           _______           _______

                        Notes to the Financial Statements
1. Accounting Policies

   The  consolidated  accounts  comprise the unaudited  financial  results  of  the
   Company  and its subsidiary JSST Securities Limited for the six months  to  30th
   April  2006.   The accounts are presented in pounds sterling,  as  this  is  the
   functional currency of the Group.

   The  consolidated  accounts have been prepared in accordance with  International
   Financial  Reporting  Standards (IFRS) currently  issued  by  the  International
   Accounting   Standards  Board  (IASB),  and  interpretations   issued   by   the
   International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee of the IASB  (IFRIC)
   effective for 2006 reporting, as adopted by the European Union.

   These  are the first accounts of the Group that have been prepared in accordance
   with  IFRS  and   have been prepared in accordance with the  policies  that  the
   directors anticipate will be complied with in the next annual statements of  the
   Group.  Previous accounts were prepared in accordance with UK Generally Accepted
   Accounting  Principles  (UK GAAP) and the Statement  of  Recommended  Practice
   (SORP)  for investment trust companies issued by the Association of Investment
   Trust Companies (AITC) in January 2003.

   In  preparing  these  accounts, the Group was required  to  determine  its  IFRS
   accounting  policies  and apply them retrospectively to  establish  its  opening
   balance  sheet under IFRS.  The Group prepared its restatement on  a  transition
   date  of 1st November 2004.  The Group has not relied on any exemptions in  IFRS

   The  accounting and valuation methods below that previously applied in  UK  GAAP
   accounts have been amended to comply with IFRS as follows:

     Under  IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement,  quoted
     investments  previously reported at mid-market value are now shown  at  bid
     price  and classified as investments held at fair value through profit  or
     loss.  The effect of this change is recorded in the Income Statement.
     Under  IAS  10 Events After the Balance Sheet Date, dividends payable  to
     the  Geared  Growth  shareholders that are declared or proposed  after  the
     balance sheet date, are no longer recognised as a liability in the accounts
     in the period to which they relate, but are carried forward and expensed in
     the following periods accounts.  The effect of this change is reflected in
     an increase or decrease of equity shareholders funds.

     Under IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation, the Zero
     Dividend  Preference shares are now classed as a liability in the  accounts
     to  reflect  more appropriately the rights and obligations attributable  to
     the  Zero Dividend Preference and Geared Growth shareholders.   Accordingly
     the  redemption reserve, share capital, special reserve and  share  premium
     accounts are reduced and long term creditors increased.  These changes  are
     presentational and have no impact on the Companys net assets per share  or
     returns per share.

   Under UK GAAP the profit and loss account of the Group was the revenue column of
   the Statement of Total Return.  However, under IFRS, the profit and loss account
   is  now the total column of the Income Statement.  As a result all of the  items
   in the capital column of the Income Statement form part of the profit or loss of
   the Group.

   Under   IFRS,   there  is  no  differentiation  between  capital   and   revenue
   gains/losses.  The previous headings of Capital reserve  realised  and  Capital
   reserve  unrealised are now included under the heading Retained earnings.

   As  required  by  IFRS  1  (First  Time  Adoption  of  International  Accounting
   Standards) reconciliations showing the effect of the transition from UK GAAP  to
   IFRS  are given in notes 8 and 9.  Where presentational guidance set out in  the
   SORP  is consistent with the requirement of IFRS, the financial statements  have
   been prepared on a basis compliant with the SORP.

   The  principal  accounting policies all of which have been applied  consistently
   throughout the period are set out below.

   Basis of Consolidation

   The  consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial  statements  of
   the  Company and entities controlled by the Company (its subsidiaries).  Control
   is  achieved  where  the  Company has the power  to  govern  the  financial  and
   operating  policies  of  an investee entity so as to obtain  benefits  from  its

   Where   necessary,  adjustments  are  made  to  the  financial   statements   of
   subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies used into line with those used  by
   the Group.

   All  intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are  eliminated  on

   Presentation of Income Statement

   In  order to better reflect the activities of an investment trust company and in
   accordance  with  guidance issued by the AITC, supplementary  information  which
   analyses the Income Statement between items of a revenue and capital nature  has
   been presented alongside the Income Statement.  In accordance with the Companys
   status  as a UK investment company under section 266 of the Companies Act  1985,
   net capital returns may not be distributed by way of dividend.

   An  analysis of retained earnings broken down into revenue (distributable) items
   and  capital (non-distributable) items is given in note 6.  In arriving at  this
   breakdown,  expenses have been presented as revenue items except any performance
   fees  payable which are allocated wholly to capital, reflecting the  fact  that,
   although  they are calculated on a total return basis, they are expected  to  be
   attributable largely, if not wholly, to capital outperformance.

   Revenue Recognition

   Revenue  is  measured  at  the  fair  value of  the  consideration  received  or
   receivable and represents amounts receivable for goods and services provided  in
   the normal course of business.

   Revenue includes dividends from investments quoted ex-dividend on or before  the
   balance  sheet date and is classified within operating activities  in  the  cash
   flow statement.

   Income  on  fixed income securities is recognised on a time apportionment  basis
   according to the period for which these investments are held.  Deposit and other
   interest  receivable,  expenses and interest payable are  accounted  for  on  an
   accruals  basis.  These are classified within operating activities in  the  cash
   flow statement.


   Investments are recognised and derecognised on a trade date where a purchase and
   sale  of  an  investment is under contract whose terms require delivery  of  the
   investment  within  the timeframe established by the market concerned,  and  are
   initially   measured   at   cost,  including  transaction   costs,   being   the

   All  investments  are classified as held at fair value through profit  or  loss.
   All  investments  are measured at fair value with changes in  their  fair  value
   recognised in the income statement in the period in which they arise.  The  fair 
   value  of  listed investments is based on their quoted bid market price  at  the
   balance  sheet  date without any deduction for estimated future  selling  costs.
   The  fair value of any unquoted investments is based on the market price on  the
   balance  sheet  date  where  an  organised market  exists;  otherwise,  unquoted
   investments  are  valued by the Directors at the balance  sheet  date  based  on
   dealing prices or stockbrokers valuations where available, net asset values  or
   other relevant information.

   Foreign  exchange  gains  and  losses on fair  value  through  profit  and  loss
   investments are included within the changes in its fair value.

   Bank borrowings

   Interest-bearing  bank  loans  and  overdrafts  are  recorded  at  the  proceeds
   received,  net  of  direct  issue costs.  Finance  charges,  including  premiums
   payable on settlement or redemption and direct issue costs, are accounted for on
   an  accrual  basis  to the profit and loss account using the effective  interest
   method and are added to the carrying amount of the instrument to the extent that
   they are not settled in the period in which they arise.

   Borrowing costs

   Borrowing costs are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they are
   incurred.  All borrowing costs are charged directly to revenue.

   Foreign currencies

   Transactions in currencies other than pounds sterling are recorded at the  rates
   of  exchange prevailing on the dates of the transactions.  At each balance sheet
   date, monetary assets and liabilities that are denominated in foreign currencies
   are  retranslated  at  the  rates prevailing on the balance  sheet  date.   Non-
   monetary  assets and liabilities carried at fair value that are  denominated  in
   foreign  currencies are translated at the rates prevailing at the date when  the
   fair  value  was  determined.   Gains and losses arising  on  retranslation  are
   included  in  net profit or loss for the period, except for exchange differences
   arising  on non-monetary assets and liabilities where the changes in fair  value
   are recognised directly in equity.


   The  tax  expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable  and  deferred

   The  tax  currently  payable is based on taxable profit for the  year.   Taxable
   profit  differs from net profit as reported in the Income Statement  because  it
   excludes  items  of  income or expense that are taxable or deductible  in  other
   years  and it further excludes items that are never taxable or deductible.   The
   Groups  liability for current tax is calculated using tax rates that have  been
   enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date.

   Deferred  tax  is the tax expected to be payable or recoverable  on  differences
   between  the  carrying  amounts  of  assets and  liabilities  in  the  financial
   statements  and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation  of  taxable
   profit, and is accounted for using the balance sheet liability method.  Deferred
   tax  liabilities are generally recognised for all taxable temporary  differences
   and  deferred  tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable  that
   taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences
   can  be  utilised.   Such  assets and liabilities  are  not  recognised  if  the
   temporary difference arises from goodwill or from the initial recognition (other
   than in a business combination) of other assets and liabilities in a transaction
   that affects neither the tax profit nor the accounting profit.

   Deferred  tax  liabilities  are  recognised for  taxable  temporary  differences
   arising  on investments in subsidiaries and associates, and interests  in  joint
   ventures,  except  where  the  group is able to  control  the  reversal  of  the
   temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference  will  not
   reverse in the foreseeable future.

   The  carrying  amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each  balance  sheet
   date  and  reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable  that  sufficient
   taxable  profits  will be available to allow all or part  of  the  asset  to  be

   Deferred  tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply  in  the
   period when the liability is settled or the asset is realised.  Deferred tax  is
   charged  or  credited in the Income Statement, except when it relates  to  items
   charged  or credited directly to equity, in which case the deferred tax is  also
   dealt with in equity.

   Investment  Trusts  which have approval under section  842  of  the  Income  and
   Corporation Taxes Act 1988 are not liable for taxation on capital gains.

2  Earnings per Geared Growth share

   The earnings per Geared Growth share figure is based on the net gain for the six
   months  of �28,469,000 (six months to 30th April 2005: net loss �876,000; period
   ended  31st  October 2005: �3,525,000) and on 94,905,683 Geared  Growth  shares,
   being  the number of Geared Growth shares in issue during the period (six months
   to 30th April 2005: 93,922,859; period ended 31st October 2005: 94,418,310 being
   the  weighted  average  number  of Geared Growth  shares  in  issue  during  the

   The  earnings  per  Geared Growth share figure detailed  above  can  be  further
   analysed between revenue and capital, as below.

                                    Six months to               Six months to               Period ended
                                  30th April 2006            30th  April 2005          31st October 2005
                                                                    (Restated)                 (Restated)
                                            �000                       �000                      �000
Net revenue profit                            308                          38                      1,176
Net capital profit                         28,161                        (914)                     2,349
                                         ________                    ________                   ________
Net total profit                           28,469                        (876)                     3,525
                                         ========                    ========                   ========
Number of Geared Growth                                                                                 
shares in issue during                                                        
the period                             94,905,683                                                       
Weighted average number                                                                                 
of Geared Growth shares                                                                                 
in issue                                                           93,922,859                 94,418,310
                                            pence                       pence                      pence
Revenue earnings per                                                                                    
Geared Growth share                          0.32                        0.04                       1.25
Capital earnings per                                                                                    
Geared Growth share                         29.67                       (0.97)                      2.49
                                         ________                    ________                   ________
Total earnings per                                                            
Geared Growth share                         29.99                       (0.93)                      3.74
                                         ========                    ========                   ========

3   Gains on Investments

                                      Six months to 30th          Six months to             Period ended
                                              April 2006        30th April 2005        31st October 2005
                                                                      (Restated)               (Restated)
                                                   �000                  �000                    �000
Net gains realised on sale of                                                                           
investments                                       14,000                  7,241                    2,755
Movement in unrealised gains                                                                            
                                                  20,726                 (6,115)                   4,621
                                                ________               ________                 ________
Gains on investments                              34,726                  1,126                    7,376
                                                ========               ========                 ========

4    Transaction Costs

The following transaction costs were incurred during the period:

                                      Six months to 30th     Six months to 30th        Period ended 31st
                                              April 2006             April 2005             October 2005
                                                   �000                  �000                    �000
Purchases                                            302                    575                      902
Sales                                                152                    112                      224
                                                ________               ________                 ________
                                                     454                    687                    1,126
                                                ========               ========                 ========

5. Comparative Information

   The financial information contained in this interim report does not constitute
   statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The
   financial information for the six months to 30th April 2006 and 30th April 2005
   has not been audited.

   The information for the period ended 31st October 2005 has been extracted from
   the latest published audited financial statements, as restated to comply with
   IFRS (see note 8). The audited financial statements for the period ended 31st
   October 2005 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The report of the
   auditors on those accounts contained no qualification or statement under section
   237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

6. Retained earnings

   The table below shows the movement in the retained earnings analysed between
   revenue and capital items.

                                                     Revenue              Capital                  Total
                                                       �000                �000                  �000
At 31st October 2005 (as restated)                                                                      
                                                       1,176                2,349                  3,525
Movement during the period:                                                                             
Net income for the period                               (736)              28,161                 27,425
                                                    ________             ________               ________
At 30th April 2006                                       440               30,510                 30,950
                                                    ========             ========               ========

7. Net asset value per Geared Growth share

   The net asset value per Geared Growth share is based on the net assets
   attributable to the equity shareholders of �68,624,000 (30th April 2005:
   �36,781,000 as restated; 31st October 2005: �41,182,000 as restated) and on
   94,905,683 (30th April 2005: 94,905,683; 31st October 2005: 94,905,683) Geared
   Growth shares, being the number of Geared Growth  shares in issue at the period

8  (a) Restatement of balances as at and for the period ended 31st October 2005

   At  1st  November  2005  the Company adopted International  Financial  Reporting

   The  reconciliation of equity at 31st October 2005 (the date of the last UK GAAP
   financial statements) and the reconciliation of profit for 2005 are required  by
   IFRS  1 (First Time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards)  in
   the year of transition.

                              Note       Previously reported   Effect of transition       Restated
                                               UK GAAP               to IFRS                IFRS
                                          31st October 2005                          31st October 2005
                                                        �000                 �000                �000
Investments                   1                       102,155                  (164)             101,991
Current assets                                         10,624                                     10,624
Creditors: amounts falling                                                          
due within one year           2                       (12,658)                1,044              (11,614)
                                                     ________                                   ________
Total assets less current                                                                               
liabilities                                           100,121                                    101,001
Creditors: amounts falling                                                                              
due after more than one year                                                                            
                              3                             -               (59,819)             (59,819)
                                                     ________                                   ________
                                                      100,121                                     41,182
                                                     ========                                   ========
Capital and reserves                                                                                    
Called up share capital       3                         1,898                 (949)                  949
Share premium                 3                         1,103                 (627)                  476
Special reserve               3                        90,340              (54,108)               36,232
Redemption reserve            3                         4,135               (4,135)                    -
Capital reserve  realised    4                        (1,645)               1,645                     -
Capital reserve  unrealised  4                         4,158               (4,158)                    -
Revenue reserve /Retained     4                                                     
earnings                                                  132                 3,393                3,525
                                                     ________                                   ________
                                                      100,121                                     41,182
                                                     ========                                   ========

Notes to the reconciliation

1.    Investments (excluding derivatives) are designated as held at fair value
      under IFRS and are carried at bid prices which total their fair value of
      �101,991,000. Previously, under UK GAAP they were carried at mid prices.
      The difference being a revaluation downwards of �164,000, also decreases
      retained earnings.

2.    No  provision  has been made for the 2005 first interim  dividend  on  the
      Geared  Growth  shares  for  the  period   ended   31st  October  2005  of
      �1,044,000.   Under IFRS, dividends payable by the Company  are  now  only
      recorded as a liability following a dividend declaration by the Board  and
      therefore  the 2005 first interim dividend of 1.1p per share, declared  on
      8th  December 2005, is not recognised as a liability of the Company as  at
      31st October 2005.

      This change has the effect of decreasing creditors falling due within one
      year and increasing retained revenue by �1,044,000.

3.    Under IFRS the Zero Dividend Preference shares are now classed as a
      liability and accordingly the redemption reserve, share capital, special
      reserve and share premium accounts are reduced as illustrated to transfer
      the ZDP entitlement accruing at 31st October 2005 to creditors and being
      recognised as a long term liability.

4.    Under IFRS, there is no differentiation between capital and revenue
      gains/losses. The previous headings of Capital reserve - realised and
      Capital reserve - unrealised are now included under the heading Retained

(b)Reconciliation of the Statement of Total Return to the Income Statement
   for the period ended 31st October 2005

   Under IFRS the Income Statement is the equivalent of the Statement of Total
   Return reported previously.

                                                              31st October 2005                EPS impact
                                                                          �000                  in pence
Total transfer to reserves per the Statement of Total                                                   
Return                                                                    2,645                     3.91
Investments held at fair value changed from mid to bid                                                  
basis at 31st October 2005                                                 (164)                   (0.17)
Dividend proposed for the period ended                                                                  
31st October 2005                                                         1,044                        -
                                                                       ________                 ________
Net profit per the Income Statement                                       3,525                     3.74
                                                                       ========                 ========

Investments at 31st October 2005 are required to be valued at fair value under
IFRS.  This value differs from the previous valuation by �164,000.

9 (a) Restatement of balances as at and for the period to 30th April 2005

   In addition to the reconciliations required by IFRS 1 (First Time Adoption of
   International Financial Reporting Standards) in the year of transition, the
   reconciliation of equity at 30th April 2005 and the reconciliation of profit for
   the six months ended 30th April 2005 have been included below to enable a
   comparison of the 2006 interim figures with the corresponding period of the
   previous financial period.

                              Note      Previously reported        Effect of             Restated
                                              UK GAAP         transition to IFRS           IFRS
                                          30th April 2005                            30th April 2005
                                                        �000               �000                  �000
Investments                   1                        93,983               (358)                 93,625
Current assets                                         11,541                                     11,541
Creditors: amounts falling                                                                              
due within one year                                   (10,661)                                   (10,661)
                                                     ________                                   ________
Total assets less current                                                                               
liabilities                                            94,863                                     94,505
Creditors: amounts falling                                                                              
due after more than one year                                                                            
                              3                             -             (57,724)               (57,724)
                                                     ________                                   ________
                                                       94,863                                     36,781
                                                     ========                                   ========
Capital and reserves                                                                                    
Called up share capital       3                         1,898               (949)                    949
Share premium                 3                         1,103               (627)                    476
Special reserve               3                        90,340            (54,108)                 36,232
Redemption reserve            3                         2,040             (2,040)                      -
Capital reserve  realised    2                         5,201             (5,201)                      -
Capital reserve  unrealised  2                        (5,757)             5,757                       -
Revenue reserve /Retained     2                                                                         
earnings                                                   38               (914)                   (876)
                                                     ________                                   ________
                                                       94,863                                     36,781
                                                     ========                                   ========

        Notes to the reconciliation

1.    Investments are designated as held at fair value under IFRS and are
      carried at bid prices which equate to their fair value of �93,625,000.
      Previously, under UK GAAP, they were carried at mid prices. The resultant
      difference is �358,000.

2.    Under IFRS, there is no differentiation between capital and revenue
      gains/losses. The previous headings of Capital reserve - realised and
      Capital reserve - unrealised are now included under the heading Retained

      Under IFRS the Zero Dividend Preference shares are now classed as a
      liability and accordingly the redemption reserve, share capital, special
      reserve and share premium accounts are reduced as illustrated to transfer
      the ZDP entitlement accruing at 30th April 2005 to creditors and being
      recognised as a long term liability.

(b)  Reconciliation of the Statement of Total Return to the Income Statement for
the period to 30th April 2005

Under  IFRS  the  Income Statement is the equivalent of the Statement  of  Total
Return reported previously.

                                                                   30th April 2005            EPS impact
                                                                             �000              in pence
Total transfer to reserves per the Statement of Total                                                   
Return                                                                       (518)                (0.55)
Investments held at fair value changed from mid to bid                                                  
basis at 30th April 2005                                                     (358)                (0.38)
                                                                          ________              ________
Net profit per the Income Statement                                          (876)                (0.93)
                                                                          ========              ========

Investments  at  30th April 2005 are required to be valued at fair  value  under
IFRS. This value differs from the previous valuation by �358,000.

The interim report will be sent to all shareholders and copies may be obtained
from the registered office of the Company at 1 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7JJ


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