RNS Number : 8108U

JLEN Environmental Assets Group Ltd

27 November 2023

The following amendment has been made to the 'Half-year results for the period to 30 September 2023' announcement released on 27 November 2023 at 07h00 under RNS No. 6694U.

The original announcement incorrectly stated the NAV total return for the six-month period as 1.4% and the announcement below has been updated to state the NAV total return for the period as 0.3%. All other details remain unchanged.

The full amended text is shown below.

27 November 2023

JLEN Environmental Assets Group Limited

("JLEN" or the "Company")

Half-year results for the period to 30 September 2023

JLEN Environmental Assets Group Limited, the listed environmental infrastructure fund, is pleased to announce the Company's half-year results to 30 September 2023.

Resilient earnings and Net Asset Value

-- NAV per ordinary share of 119.7 pence (31 March 2023: 123.1 pence), a decrease of 3.4 pence from 31 March 2023

   --      NAV total return of 0.3% over the first six months of the year 

-- NAV total return since IPO of 122.9%, which is 8.8% annualised (31 March 2023: 119.9% / 9.1% annualised)

   --      Portfolio valuation remains flat at GBP898.9m (31 March 2023: GBP898.5m) 

Healthy cash generation from underlying assets

-- Second consecutive period of record distributions received from investments, underpinning a dividend cover of 1.32 times for the first six months of the financial year, or 1.54 times before payment of the Electricity Generator Levy (31 March 2023: 1.51 times)

-- Total dividends declared for the six months to 30 September 2023 of 3.78 pence, on track to meet full year target of 7.57 pence set out in the 2023 Annual Report

-- Prudent project level gearing of 17.7% and overall fund gearing of 28.7% after inclusion of JLEN's revolving credit facility (31 March 2023: 18.3% and 27.3% respectively)

Diversified portfolio reduces risk and enhances returns

   --      42 assets across ten principal sectors 

-- Acquisitions in the period include the securing of rights to fund a second German green hydrogen investment opportunity through JLEN's development partner, HH2E, with final investment decision due in the coming months

-- Progress made on asset disposals to recycle capital in line with the Company's approach to capital allocation

-- Weighted average discount rate 9.4% (31 March 2023: 8.4%) following an average increase of 0.75% since 31 March 2023, providing real return of 6.9% above average long-term inflation assumption

-- Good progress made on JLEN's development and construction stage investments, which now account for at 9.0% of portfolio value and provide potential for capital growth as they progress through the construction stage and become operational

-- The renewable energy generating portion of the portfolio delivered 660GWh, an increase year on year (30 September 2022: 655GWh)

Key metrics

                                As at           As at          As at 
                                 30 September    31 March       30 September 
                                 2023            2023           2022 
 Net Asset Value ("NAV")          GBP792.1m      GBP814.6m       GBP829.6m 
                               --------------  -------------  -------------- 
 NAV per share                     119.7p          123.1p         125.4p 
                               --------------  -------------  -------------- 
 Gross Asset Value ("GAV")      GBP1,109.8bn    GBP1,119.8bn   GBP1,111.4bn 
                               --------------  -------------  -------------- 
 Total dividend per share 
  declared for the period           3.78p          7.14p           3.57p 
                               --------------  -------------  -------------- 
 Weighted Average Discount 
  Rate ("WADR")                     9.4%            8.4%           8.4% 
                               --------------  -------------  -------------- 
 Overall portfolio gearing          28.7%          27.3%           25.5% 
                               --------------  -------------  -------------- 
 Annualised Total NAV Return 
  since IPO                         8.8%           9.14%           9.5% 
                               --------------  -------------  -------------- 

Dividend timetable

   Ex-dividend date     7 December 2023 
   Record date            8 December 2023 
   Payment date         29 December 2023 

Ed Warner, Chair of JLEN, said:

"As JLEN approaches its tenth anniversary, the Board is encouraged by the prospects for the portfolio and proud of its track record of delivering consistent dividend and NAV growth over its life. Our valuation during the period has been resilient in the face of macro-economic headwinds and cash generation from our underlying assets has been healthy.

"The Board and the Investment Manager believe that the discount to NAV at which JLEN's shares are currently trading materially undervalues the Company, and so represents an attractive investment opportunity. The outlook for sustainable infrastructure investment remains positive as the UK and European economies decarbonise to meet net zero emissions targets and find ways to live more sustainably. We will be suitably cautious in our approach given the prevailing uncertainties, but considering this is a long-term asset class, we view the future with confidence."

Half-year report

A copy of the half-year report has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and is available at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism .

The half-year report is available on the Company's website at www.jlen.com

Details of the conference call for analysts and investors

A webinar for the half-year results will be held at 10:00 a.m. (UK time) on Monday 27 November 2023, hosted by Chris Tanner and Edward Mountney, Investment Managers to JLEN. To register for the webinar, please contact SEC Newgate on JLEN@secnewgate.co.uk .

Presentation materials will be posted on the Company's website, http://www.jlen.com , from 9:00am.

Investor results summary video

Please follow this link to view a summary of the results, presented by Investment Managers Chris Tanner and Edward Mountney: https://vimeo.com/888003389

This announcement contains information that is inside information for the purposes of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014.

For further information please contact:

 Foresight Group 
  Chris Tann er 
  Edward Mountney                  +44(0)20 3667 8100 
 Wilna de Villiers                 institutionalir@foresightgroup.eu 
 Winterflood Securities Limited 
  Neil Langford                     +44(0)20 3100 0000 
 SEC Newgate                       +44 (0)20 3757 6882 
  Elisabeth Cowell                  Jlen@secnewgate.co.uk 
  Alice Cho 
  Harry Handyside 
 Sanne Fund Services (Guernsey) 
  Matt Falla 
  Gemma Berry                      +44 (0)20 3530 3600 

About JLEN

JLEN's investment policy is to invest in a diversified portfolio of Environmental Infrastructure. Environmental Infrastructure is defined by the Company as infrastructure assets, projects and asset-backed businesses that utilise natural or waste resources or support more environmentally friendly approaches to economic activity, support the transition to a low carbon economy or which mitigate the effects of climate change. Such investments will typically feature one or more of the following characteristics:

-- long-term, predictable cash flows, which may be wholly or partially inflation-linked cash flows;

-- long-term contracts or stable and well-proven regulatory and legal frameworks; or

-- well-established technologies, and demonstrable operational performance.

JLEN's aim is to provide investors with a sustainable, progressive dividend per share, paid quarterly and to preserve the capital value of the portfolio over the long term on a real basis. The target dividend for the year to 31 March 2024 is 7.57 pence per share(1) .

JLEN is an Article 9 fund under the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and has a transparent and award winning approach to ESG.

Further details of the Company can be found on its website www.jlen.com


(1) These are targets only and not profit forecasts. There can be no assurance that these targets will be met or that the Company will make any distributions at all.

JLEN Environmental Assets Group Limited

Half-year Report for the six months ended 30 September 2023


JLEN Environmental Assets Group Limited ("JLEN" or the "Company") is an environmental infrastructure investment fund that invests in a diversified portfolio of assets that support the drive towards decarbonisation, resource efficiency and environmental sustainability. The Company's portfolio comprises 42 assets located across the UK and mainland Europe.

JLEN is Guernsey-registered with a premium listing on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 250 index. The Company has an award -- winning approach to Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG").


JLEN aims to invest in a diversified portfolio of environmental infrastructure that supports more environmentally friendly approaches to economic activity whilst generating a sustainable financial return. It seeks to integrate consideration of sustainability and ESG management into its activities, which help to manage risks and identify opportunities.

View our half-year results highlights here:



This year, as part of our ongoing commitment to sustainability, we have taken a "digital-first" approach, printing only a small number of copies of the report.


1 Sustainable financial return

2 Diversified Portfolio

3 Expert investment management

4 Award-winning approach to ESG

Read more about our investment case on page 4 in the Annual Report 2023

JLEN provides investors with a unique opportunity to invest in a diversified portfolio of sustainable infrastructure assets that offer long term growth and income. The Company aims to provide its shareholders with a sustainable, progressive dividend, paid quarterly, and to preserve the capital value of its portfolio.

Dividend progression

   2015        6.00p 
   2016        6.05p 
   2017        6.14p 
   2018        6.31p 
   2019        6.51p 
   2020        6.66p 
   2021        6.76p 
   2022        6.80p 
   2023        7.14p 
   2024        7.57p(1) 
   (1)   This is a target only, there can be no guarantee this target will be met. 

JLEN has a track record of delivering predictable, sustainable returns and has generated a Net Asset Value ("NAV") total return of 122.9% since IPO.


Our results summary for the six months ended 30 September 2023.

NAV total return since IPO(1)


(8.8% annualised)

FY 2023: 119.9%

Net Asset Value


FY 2023: GBP814.6m

Net Asset Value per share(1)


FY 2023: 123.1p

Portfolio value


FY 2023: GBP898.5m

Dividend cover(1,2)


(1.54x pre-EGL)(3)

FY 2023: 1.51x

Half-year dividend per share(4)


HY 2022: 3.57p

Renewable energy generated


HY 2022: 655GWh

GHG emissions avoided

95,788 tCO(2) e(5)

HY 2022: 96,500 tCO(2) e(5)

Tonnes of waste diverted from landfill


HY 2022: 351,500

Wastewater treated

17.3 billion litres

HY 2022: 14.5 billion litres

UK homes powered by renewable electricity(6)


HY 2022: 120,731

Summary of financial performance:

Resilient earnings and Net Asset Value ("NAV"):

-- NAV per share of 119.7 pence following payment of dividends to shareholders in line with annual targets

   --     Positive NAV total return of 1.4% in the period 
   --     On track to meet full year dividend target of 7.57 pence 

Record cash generation from underlying assets:

   --     Second consecutive period of record distributions received from investments 
   --     Prudent balance sheet management maintaining low levels of gearing 
   --     GBP7 million reinvested into the portfolio 

Diversified portfolio reduces risk and enhances returns

-- Good progress on development and construction assets - unlocking potential for capital growth

   --     WADR now 9.4% - providing real return of 6.9% above average long-term inflation assumption 

(1) The NAV total return, Net Asset Value per share and dividend cover are alternative performance measures ("APMs"). The APMs within the financial statements are defined on pages 61 to 63 of the Half-year report 2023.

   (2)   On a paid basis. 

(3) The dividend cover is calculated after payment of the first instalment of the EGL tax of GBP5.2 million. Comparative dividend cover also shows before payment of EGL to aid comparison with prior year.

   (4)   On a declared basis. 

(5) Despite overall energy production increasing in 2023, the avoided emissions figure is lower for the half year 2023 than the half year 2022 - this decrease in avoided emissions is due to the change in the composition of the electricity produced.

   (6)   Excludes anaerobic digestion ("AD") portfolio. 


JLEN's portfolio comprises a diversified mix of environmental infrastructure assets.

Portfolio value split by geography

UK               92% 
Rest of Europe   8% 

Portfolio value split by sector

Wind                       28% 
Waste & bioenergy          24% 
Anaerobic digestion        19% 
Solar                      14% 
Low carbon & sustainable 
 solutions                 9% 
Controlled environment     5% 
Hydro                      1% 

Portfolio value split by operational status

Operational    91% 
Construction   8% 
Development    1% 

Norway | 1 asset

United Kingdom | 39 assets

Germany | 1 asset

Italy | 1 asset

Total assets


See our website for more information:


   (1)    Does not include investment into Foresight Energy Infrastructure Partners ("FEIP"). 


"In spite of a challenging operating environment, JLEN remains in a strong position to deliver on its operational and financial objectives."

Ed Warner


On behalf of the Board, I'm pleased to report that JLEN delivered a resilient NAV performance for the six months ended 30 September 2023.

The period under review has continued to be marked by uncertainty. Persistent inflation and rising interest rates, both short- and long term, make it difficult to predict the point at which the peak in the rate tightening cycle might be reached. While electricity prices, key to the prospects for many of JLEN's assets, were less volatile than in the preceding 12 months, geopolitical tensions remained a troubling backdrop against which to forecast and plan.

In spite of a challenging operating environment, JLEN remains in a strong position to deliver on its operational and financial objectives. Whilst the portfolio value was modestly up, NAV per share declined slightly, but the Company continued to pay a dividend that is well covered by returns from its diversified portfolio of environmental infrastructure assets.

JLEN's NAV per share declined by 2.8% in the period, from 123.1 pence to 119.7 pence. This is after the payment of two dividends to shareholders in the period totalling 3.68 pence. Dividend cover in the period was 1.32 times (1.54 times prior to paying the Electricity Generator Levy ("EGL")). The Board is pleased to be able to reaffirm the dividend target of 7.57 pence per share for the full year.

The Board is acutely aware of the discount to NAV at which JLEN's shares and those of its peers continue to trade in the current environment. It is very disappointing nonetheless that JLEN's shares have dropped below their underlying asset value. In light of this derating of JLEN's shares, the Board has worked closely with our Investment Manager, Foresight Group, to establish a clear, disciplined strategy for the allocation of capital that will ensure the continued long -- term success of the Company while reflecting the challenge and opportunity posed by the discount to NAV at which the shares trade. This capital allocation strategy includes active consideration of potential asset disposals, should attractive prices be achievable, that would free up capital for deployment in other ways to benefit shareholders.

In the current market environment, capital generated from JLEN's portfolio and from future asset sales will likely be prioritised towards existing commitments, planned follow-on investments and asset enhancements within our current portfolio, alongside managing the Company's credit facility to maintain a robust balance sheet, as well as the potential for share buybacks.

The Board and the Investment Manager believe that the discount to NAV at which JLEN's shares are currently trading materially undervalues the Company, and so represents an attractive investment opportunity. Share buybacks consequently form an important part of our capital allocation considerations.

The current discount to NAV has heightened significance because, when the Company launched, the Board committed to put forward a discontinuation vote if the Company's shares trade at an average discount of 10% or more over the course of any financial year. The average discount at which the shares have traded in the current financial year to date has been approximately 13%. If a discontinuation vote is triggered, it will be proposed as a special resolution at the 2024 Annual General Meeting. The Board is actively monitoring the share price discount, and will be engaging with shareholders in the coming months to discuss any concerns they may have.

As JLEN approaches its tenth anniversary, the Board is encouraged by the prospects for the portfolio and proud of its track record of delivering consistent dividend growth and NAV growth over its life. The outlook for sustainable infrastructure investment remains positive as the UK and European economies decarbonise to meet net zero emissions targets and find ways to live more sustainably.

We will be suitably cautious in our approach given the prevailing uncertainties, but considering this is a long-term asset class, we view the future with confidence. Thank you to all shareholders for your continued support.

Ed Warner


24 November 2023


JLEN is managed by Foresight Group LLP ("Foresight" or "Foresight Group") as its external alternative investment fund manager ("AIFM") with discretionary investment management authority for the Company.

Chris Tanner

Investment Manager

Edward Mountney

Investment Manager

Chris Holmes

Investment Manager

For detailed biographies of the team, please see our website https://jlen.com/

About Foresight Group

Foresight Group was founded in 1984 and is a leading listed infrastructure and private equity investment manager with three core investment divisions: Sustainable Infrastructure; Private Equity; and Foresight Capital Management. With a long-established focus on ESG and sustainability -- led strategies, it aims to provide attractive returns to its institutional and private investors from hard-to-access private markets.

Foresight manages over 400 infrastructure assets with a focus on solar and onshore wind assets, bioenergy and waste, as well as renewable energy enabling projects, energy efficiency management solutions, social and core infrastructure projects and sustainable forestry assets. Its private equity team manages 11 regionally focused investment funds across the UK and an SME impact fund supporting Irish SMEs. This team reviews over 2,500 business plans each year and currently supports more than 250 investments in SMEs. Foresight Capital Management manages four strategies across seven investment vehicles.

Foresight operates in eight countries across Europe, Australia and the United States with assets under management ("AUM") of GBP12.1 billion(1) . Foresight Group Holdings Limited listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange in February 2021 and is a constituent of the FTSE 250 index. www.fsg-investors.com

   (1)    Based on unaudited AUM as at 30 September 2023. 

Performance summary

The portfolio continues to benefit from the Company's diversification strategy. Solid operational performance combined with elevated revenues from power sales and RPI-linked cashflows underpinned a dividend cover of 1.32 times for the first six months of the financial year, or 1.54 times before payment of the Electricity Generator Levy. The resulting cash performance of the portfolio added 0.3 pence to the NAV this period.

Anaerobic digestion ("AD") and solar performance have been high points, with above-budget generation, while wind and energy-from-waste have detracted due to low wind resource and occasional unplanned outages respectively.

Electricity and gas prices have continued to fall back modestly over the period, although JLEN continues to benefit from the practice of having a substantial proportion of generation for both electricity and gas on fixed price arrangements, partially insulating the portfolio from price fluctuations. The portfolio is fixed 68% for winter 2023 and 50% for summer 2024. In addition to the changes in power prices, flexible generation revenues available to UK battery storage projects have also reduced. The Company has also made its first payments under the EGL.

JLEN's construction projects progressed well during the period. West Gourdie, its first grid-scale battery storage project, started commercial operations. The controlled environment ("CE") Glasshouse project substantially completed and started growing the first batch of plants post the period end, and conversations are underway with pharmaceutical companies interested in offtake arrangements. The CE Rjukan project is progressing well and on target to begin partial operations early in the new year.

Ongoing build -- out of construction-stage investments provide potential for capital appreciation once they become operational and continue to provide further diversification for the portfolio while balancing the overall risk profile.

Market and opportunities

The investment thesis for environmental infrastructure remains strong. The markets and opportunities remain largely unchanged from those discussed on pages 12 to 16 in the Company's Annual Report 2023.

We continue to be very encouraged by the prospects for the Company's green hydrogen interests in Germany through its investment in developer HH2E. Regulatory developments underpin the case for hydrogen in key markets such as transport and blending with natural gas. Discussions are ongoing with a range of offtakers and we expect a significant proportion of gas produced to be under contract at the point of financial close of the first project.

Although we continue to see opportunities across the spectrum of environmental infrastructure, further investment into new projects will be limited in light of the wider market position and the focus on capital allocation. Additional deployment will be to meet existing firm commitments for construction-stage assets and into opportunities that support or enhance the Company's portfolio.

Risks and risk management

The Company's approach to risk governance and its risk review process, as well as the principal risks to the achievement of the Company's objectives, remain unchanged to those set out in the risks and risk management section on pages 38 to 48 of the Company's Annual Report 2023.

Developments in relation to those principal risks, particularly those which could potentially have a short to medium-term impact during the period to 31 March 2024, are outlined below.

Energy prices

Energy prices have fallen back significantly from the extraordinary levels seen during 2022 and the beginning of 2023. The Company attempts to mitigate the valuation risks associated with forecasted power prices being different to the actual prices achieved by using short-term price fixes and assumptions informed by market forward prices and a blend of three different specialist forecasters where fixes are not in place. Ongoing global events, including the war in Ukraine and the developing crisis in Israel and the Gaza Strip which threatens stability in the region, continue to create volatility for oil and gas prices, with knock-on implications for wholesale markets that the Company's assets sell into. Risks to the valuation related to power price assumptions exist both to the upside and the downside.

Regulation and tax risk


The UK Government launched a far-ranging consultation about the future of the GB electricity market ("REMA") in 2022, intended to ensure that market arrangements promote affordability for consumers and energy security as the GB system decarbonises. In some scenarios considered in the initial consultation, the basis on which GB electricity -- generating assets and battery storage assets in the JLEN portfolio receive revenues could be profoundly changed.

The government issued initial findings in March 2023, including confirmation that some of the more radical proposals would not be taken forward following market participants' feedback.

Nevertheless, options representing significant change are still being explored, including locational pricing and splitting the wholesale market by technology. The government has said that it will return with a further consultation during the remainder of 2023. Realistic timelines for adoption will probably see the current system remaining in place until the late 2020s. Nevertheless, the assets in the Company's portfolio are long-term infrastructure assets and there is a risk that the current basis for valuing the assets over the long term will need to change to reflect the ultimate outcome of REMA.

Read more about markets and opportunities on pages 12 to 16 in the Annual Report 2023

Renewables Obligation consultation - Fixed Price Certificates

The UK Government launched a consultation into the practicalities of introducing Fixed Price Certificates ("FPCs") into the Renewables Obligation regime in place of Renewable Obligation Certificates ("ROCs") that are issued to qualifying renewables generators for electricity generated. ROCs are the primary subsidy mechanism for onshore wind and large-scale solar. While the introduction of FPCs has always been expected and should be mildly beneficial for ROC-based assets by removing some uncertainty, the consultation asks for industry views on some measures that would be detrimental to the valuation of ROC-based assets. The Investment Manager has engaged with trade bodies and other interested investors in responding to the consultation and notes consistent opposition to these measures; consequently the risk is assessed to be low.

The consultation ended in October 2023 and government has not said when it will publish its findings.

Electricity Generator Levy

The Company has made the first payments on account for tax due under the new EGL. In doing so, the Company has taken advice on the way in which the EGL should apply to its diversified portfolio of assets, including some that pay for feedstock. The legislation is new and there is a moderate risk that the calculation of tax due under the Levy is incorrect.

Inflation, interest rates and discount rates

Inflation in the UK economy has remained high over the period, giving rise to fears for "higher for longer" interest rates to drive inflation down. Higher inflation taken in isolation is helpful for valuations of JLEN assets as many of them benefit from revenue streams that are explicitly linked to the Retail Price Index ("RPI"), including ROCs, Feed-in Tariffs ("FITs") and biomethane-producing assets under the Renewable Heat Incentive ("RHI"). However, higher interest rates have a negative effect; while the large majority of JLEN's debt is project-level finance, fully hedged against interest rate rises, higher interest rates read across into higher discount rates for valuing infrastructure assets. Since 30 September 2022, the Directors have increased discount rates for the portfolio by an average 150 bps, leading to the current weighted average discount rate of 9.4%.

Fear of prolonged high interest rates and resulting lower asset valuations is partly responsible for the discount to NAV at which the listed renewables infrastructure sector is trading; the current share price implies a WADR of 13.4%. This is the highest implied portfolio return since IPO. It is possible that the end of the current rising rate cycle will lead to a reassessment of the appropriate discount rate for assets.

Investment outlook

While the listed renewable infrastructure sector as a whole is facing headwinds and equity markets are likely to remain closed to JLEN and its peers for some time, the fundamental growth story for the sector and for JLEN remains as strong as ever. In the current environment we are focusing our efforts on laying the foundations for future NAV growth through the Company's construction-stage assets, currently 9% of the portfolio.

These assets provide potential for capital growth as they pass through the construction stage and become operational. We are particularly optimistic about the outlook for green hydrogen and its potential to decarbonise many carbon-intensive sectors of the economy, with some analysts predicting that the green hydrogen market will grow exponentially (by 500 times) by 2050(1) to meet net zero targets. We also remain focused on effective allocation of capital and so have paused on starting construction of the two remaining battery energy storage projects given the volatility seen in that market.

Although we see a healthy pipeline of potential investments, for now, available cash generated through the portfolio will be prioritised to meet existing capital commitments, earmarked follow-on investments and targeted enhancements, all with the aim of maintaining and increasing the value of the current portfolio. The Company has sufficient funding to meet its revolving credit facility ("RCF") commitments and will consider asset disposals, as it has successfully done before, where attractive opportunities exist to recycle capital.

We are cautiously optimistic about the future for JLEN and the sector. We have a strong team in place and we will continue to focus on our portfolio management activities to ensure that the Company maximises returns from its existing portfolio. We have confidence in the investment case, and remain committed to continue delivering long -- term sustainable financial returns for shareholders.

   (1)    The International Energy Agency - https://www.iea.org/. 

Read more about risks and risk management on pages 38 to 48 in the Annual Report 2023


Investment portfolio

Diversification continues to play a key role for the Company, reducing dependency on a single market, technology type or set of climatic conditions, whilst allowing exposure to a wide opportunity set, as illustrated in the analysis below at 30 September 2023, according to share of portfolio value:

Sector split

Wind                       28% 
Waste & bioenergy          24% 
Anaerobic digestion        19% 
Solar                      14% 
Low carbon & sustainable 
 solutions                 9% 
Controlled environment     5% 
Hydro                      1% 


UK               92% 
Rest of Europe   8% 

Remaining asset life(1)

Up to 10 years       9% 
11 to 20 years       62% 
More than 20 years   29% 

Weighted average(1) remaining asset life of the portfolio is 16.8 years.

(1) Based on project revenues from volumes/generation during the period and assumes project cash flow distributions reflect revenue split at each project.

Operational status

Operational    91% 
Construction   8% 
Development    1% 

Valuation method

Discounted cash flow   92% 
Cost                   8% 

Operator exposure

SGRE                         17% 
Future Biogas                16% 
BWSC                         11% 
Brighter Green Engineering   7% 
Vestas                       6% 
Other                        43% 

Asset concentration

Largest asset      11% 
2nd largest asset  6% 
3rd largest asset  6% 
4th largest asset  5% 
5th largest asset  4% 
Top 6-10           16% 
Other              52% 

Portfolio valuation

The Investment Manager is responsible for carrying out the fair market valuation of the Company's investments, which is presented to the Directors for their approval and adoption. The valuation is carried out on a quarterly basis as at 30 June, 30 September, 31 December and 31 March each year.

The valuation is based on a discounted cash flow analysis of the future expected equity and loan note cash flows accruing to the Group from each operational portfolio investment. Assets under construction are valued at cost until such time as the risks associated with construction have substantially passed. For some technologies with more complex construction activities, this will be when the asset reaches the start of commercial operations, while for others this may be during late-stage construction.

This valuation uses key assumptions which are recommended by Foresight using its experience and judgement, having considered available comparable market transactions and financial market data in order to arrive at a fair market value. An independent verification exercise of the methodology and assumptions applied by Foresight is performed by a leading accountancy firm and an opinion is provided to the Directors. The Directors have satisfied themselves as to the methodology used and the assumptions adopted and have approved the valuation.

The Directors' valuation of the portfolio at 30 September 2023 was GBP898.9 million, compared to GBP898.5 million at 31 March 2023. The increase of GBP0.4 million is the net impact of new acquisitions, cash received from investments, changes in macroeconomic, power price and discount rate assumptions, and underlying growth in the portfolio. A reconciliation of the factors contributing to the growth in the portfolio during the period is shown in the chart in the Half-year report 2023.

The movement in value of investments during the period ended 30 September 2023 is shown in the table below:

                                                                30 Sep 2023  31 Mar 2023 
                                                                       GBPm         GBPm 
--------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Valuation of portfolio at opening balance                             898.5        795.4 
Acquisitions in the period (including deferred consideration)          30.0         72.1 
Cash distributions from portfolio                                    (46.2)       (83.6) 
--------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Rebased opening valuation of portfolio                                882.3        783.9 
Changes in forecast power prices                                     (17.4)         57.7 
Changes in economic assumptions                                        13.5         67.7 
Changes in discount rates                                            (31.4)       (39.1) 
Changes in exchange rates                                             (0.7)          1.0 
Balance of portfolio return                                            52.6         27.3 
--------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Valuation of portfolio                                                898.9        898.5 
Fair value of intermediate holding companies                        (104.8)       (81.7) 
--------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Investments at fair value through profit or loss                      794.1        816.8 
--------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

Allowing for investments of GBP30.0 million (including deferred consideration) and cash receipts from investments of GBP46.2 million, the rebased valuation is GBP882.3 million. The portfolio valuation at 30 September 2023 is GBP898.9 million (31 March 2023: GBP898.5 million), representing an increase over the rebased valuation of 1.9% during the period.

Valuation assumptions

Each movement between the rebased valuation and the 30 September 2023 valuation is considered below:

Forecast power prices

The project cash flows used in the portfolio valuation at 30 September 2023 reflect contractual fixed price arrangements under PPAs, where they exist, and short -- term market forward prices for the next two years where they do not.

After the initial two-year period, the project cash flows assume future electricity and gas prices in line with a blended curve informed by the central forecasts from three established market consultants, adjusted by the Investment Manager for project-specific arrangements and price cannibalisation.

For the Italian investment, project cash flows assume future electricity prices informed by a leading independent market consultant's long -- term projections.

The overall change in forecasts for future electricity and gas prices compared to forecasts at 31 March 2023, net of the EGL, has decreased the valuation of the portfolio by GBP17.4 million.

The graph in the Half-year report 2023 represents the UK blended weighted power curve used by the Company, reflecting the forecast of three leading market consultants, adjusted by the Investment Manager to reflect PPA/GPA discounts as well as its judgement of capture discounts and a normalised view across the portfolio of expectations of future price cannibalisation resulting from increased penetration of low marginal cost, intermittent generators on the GB network.

Revenue analysis

The graph in the Half-year report 2023 shows the way in which the revenue mix of the portfolio changes over time for future financial years, given the assumptions made regarding future power prices set out above. As expected, merchant revenues increase in later years as the subsidies that projects currently benefit from expire.

On a net present value ("NPV") basis (using the discount rate applicable to each project), the relative significance of each revenue category illustrated is as follows:

Revenue NPV

Subsidy                   46% 
Merchant power            29% 
Long term contracts       11% 
Flexible generation       4% 
Other merchant revenues   10% 

Energy generating portfolio

JLEN's energy generating portfolio includes wind, solar, anaerobic digestion, biomass, EfW and hydropower investments. Revenues in these projects typically consist of a combination of government-backed inflation-linked subsidies, short-term price fixes contracted under a PPA, merchant revenue or other revenues such as those earned from private wire contracts.

Although merchant prices remain elevated compared to long-term projections, there is clear evidence of a decline since the record highs seen during 2022. The Company seeks to minimise the impact of power price volatility by maintaining a programme of rolling price fixes for its energy generating projects, typically having the majority of projects on fixed price arrangements in the near term.

At 30 September 2023, 68% of the renewable energy portfolio's electricity and gas price exposure was subject to fixed prices for the winter 2023/24 season and 50% for the summer 2024 season. See the power price hedging section in the operational review of the Half-year report 2023 for more detail about the latest price fixes in place across the portfolio.

The proportion of Fund revenues that come from the sale of merchant electricity and gas is 24% and 5%, respectively. Despite elevated energy prices, merchant power revenue remains a low proportion and reflects the broader diversification of JLEN's portfolio.

Development-stage investments are not included within the revenue and other analyses in this section due to the nature of their early stage investment lifecycle.

Waste and wastewater treatment concessions

This category consists of availability-based assets structured under the Private Finance Initiative ("PFI")/Public Private Partnership ("PPP") procurement models, whereby revenue is derived from long-term contracts with local authorities.

Other non-energy generating portfolio

The desire to mitigate the effects of climate change stimulates not only opportunities connected to the energy transition but also in wider environmental infrastructure that has improved sustainability credentials over traditional infrastructure approaches in sectors such as transport and food production.

This is reflected in JLEN's diversified portfolio, which includes both grid-scale batteries and non-energy generating assets such as low carbon transport (CNG Foresight) and controlled environment projects, CE Glasshouse (sustainable agriculture) and CE Rjukan (sustainable aquaculture).

Low carbon transport

In the case of JLEN's investment into CNG Foresight, a portfolio of compressed natural gas ("CNG") refuelling stations for heavy goods vehicles located across the UK, the sites generate revenue through a specified margin on CNG dispensed.

Per the terms of the fuel supply contracts, the asset reserves the right to revise pricing to reflect changes in the wholesale price of natural gas and fuel duty, and will annually adjust prices (upwards only) in line with inflation.


JLEN's portfolio includes one operational and three c.50MW Battery Energy Storage Systems at varying stages of construction at 30 September 2023. Independent market analysis continues to indicate the importance of prioritising the capture of trading margins over the finite opportunity from revenues generated by the provision of grid services. Therefore, merchant revenues are likely to make up the largest part of the revenue model for these assets.

Whilst these investments do not currently have long-term contractual inflation linkage, revenues are driven by a margin over costs which is expected to be sustained regardless of inflation.

Controlled environment

Controlled environment projects typically face a greater level of market risk than environmental infrastructure projects with subsidy support or long-term contracts. Therefore, the Company has only invested in projects that enjoy a privileged market position over competitors, for example due to physical location, technology or product differentiation.

In the case of JLEN's glasshouse, Foresight's investment is primarily built around the debt service on its senior secured shareholder loan, with some equity participation over time from growth of the underlying horticultural products. The glasshouse is co-located with an existing JLEN anaerobic digestion facility, which itself will receive an additional source of revenue via a private wire supplying low carbon heat and power to the glasshouse. Wastage from the glasshouse produce may also be returned to the AD digester, creating a circular ecosystem.

In the case of CE Rjukan, revenues will primarily be generated from the production of approximately 8,000 tonnes of trout annually, once the site is fully operational in 2025. This will be sold to European and international salmonid markets via an offtake agreement with an established Norwegian seafood distribution company with global reach.

The CE Rjukan investment case is built on the premise of achieving average historic prices evidenced by the Fish Pool Index; however, our experienced operational partner is targeting sales at levels between c.5% and 50% higher than this, underpinned by the higher quality of fish production at CE Rjukan versus the typical fish sold in commodity-based markets.

Whilst these investments do not currently have long-term contractual inflation linkage, the projects retain pricing power and are able to increase prices to maintain margins as the underlying cost base inflates.

The degree of contractual inflation linkage of each category illustrated above is as follows:

The Company's diversification strategy ensures the portfolio benefits from a significant proportion of contracted revenues and revenues earned by non-energy generating assets. Under current forecasts, dividend cover is expected to be healthily covered for the years ahead, with a particularly strong year forecast next financial year - where the Company will benefit from several high price fixes secured in recent years.

Useful economic lives

Useful economic lives ("UELs") of assets are based on the Investment Manager's estimates of the period over which the assets will generate revenue and are periodically reviewed for continued appropriateness. The assumption used for the useful life of investments is the lower of lease duration and 35 years for solar assets, 30 years for wind farms and 20 years for anaerobic digestion facilities - being the life of the RHI subsidy, after which point the Investment Manager conservatively assumes that facilities will cease to operate.

In light of growing evidence to suggest AD facilities may be able to successfully operate for longer durations, the Investment Manager has provided a sensitivity on page 17 of the Half-year report 2023 to illustrate the potential impact on extending the maximum UEL for AD by five years to 25 years.

Economic assumptions

The valuation reflects an uplift in inflation assumptions based on a combination of actual historic inflation and recent independent economic forecasts.

Valuation assumptions for operational assets are set out below:

Economic assumptions used in the portfolio valuation (31 March 2023 figures shown in brackets)

   Oct 23-Dec                  Full year 
           23                 equivalent      2024      2025      2026      2027      2028      2029     2030+ 
 ------------  -------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
RPI                   6.5%          6.7%      3.5%      3.0%      3.0%      3.0%      3.0%      3.0%     2.25% 
                                  (6.5%)    (3.0%)    (3.0%)    (3.0%)    (3.0%)    (3.0%)    (3.0%)   (2.25%) 
  --------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
CPI                   4.6%         4.77%      2.5%     2.25%     2.25%     2.25%     2.25%     2.25%     2.25% 
                                  (4.4%)   (2.25%)   (2.25%)   (2.25%)   (2.25%)   (2.25%)   (2.25%)   (2.25%) 
  --------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
Deposit               2.0%          2.0%      2.0%      2.0%      2.0%      2.0%      2.0%      2.0%      2.0% 
                                  (2.0%)    (1.5%)    (1.5%)    (1.5%)    (1.5%)    (1.5%)    (1.5%)    (1.5%) 
  --------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
Corporation          25.0%         25.0%     25.0%     25.0%     25.0%     25.0%     25.0%     25.0%     25.0% 
                                 (25.0%)   (25.0%)   (25.0%)   (25.0%)   (25.0%)   (25.0%)   (25.0%)   (25.0%) 
  --------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
Inflation             2.0%          2.0%      2.0%      2.0%      2.0%      2.0%      2.0%      2.0%      2.0% 
                                  (5.3%)    (2.9%)    (2.2%)    (1.9%)    (1.8%)    (2.0%)    (2.0%)    (2.0%) 
  --------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
Deposit                  -             -         -         -         -         -         -         -         - 
 rates                                 -         -         -         -         -         -         -         - 
------------  ------------  ------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
Corporation          24.0%         24.0%     24.0%     24.0%     24.0%     24.0%     24.0%     24.0%     24.0% 
 tax (IRES) 
                                 (24.0%)   (24.0%)   (24.0%)   (24.0%)   (24.0%)   (24.0%)   (24.0%)   (24.0%) 
  --------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
Regional              4.8%          4.8%      4.8%      4.8%      4.8%      4.8%      4.8%      4.8%      4.8% 
 tax (IRAP) 
                                  (4.8%)    (4.8%)    (4.8%)    (4.8%)    (4.8%)    (4.8%)    (4.8%)    (4.8%) 
  --------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 

The euro/sterling exchange rate used to value euro-denominated investments was EUR1.15/GBP1 at 30 September 2023 (EUR1.14/GBP1 at 31 March 2023).

The overall uplift in value resulting from changes to economic assumptions in the period is GBP13.5 million.

Discount rates

The discount rates used in the valuation exercise represent the Investment Manager's and the Board's assessment of the rate of return for assets with similar characteristics and risk profile. The market discount rates are reviewed on a regular basis and updated to reflect changes in the market and in the project risk characteristics.

Reflecting the sustained increase in UK gilt yields since the start of the year, discount rates have been increased by an average of 0.75% since 31 March 2023 - of which 0.50% was applied at the 30 June 2023 valuation and a further 0.25% at the 30 September 2023 valuation date.

In addition to gilt driven changes, the weighted average discount rate has also increased as a result of continued investment into JLEN's ongoing construction projects, with discount rates in excess of the portfolio weighted average.

Mitigating these movements is a reduction in the discount rate applied to JLEN's controlled environment glasshouse investment, reflecting successful delivery of key construction milestones as the project nears operational status. The impact of the change is an uplift in value of GBP4.2 million (0.6 pence per share).

As in previous valuations, the discount rate used for energy generating asset cash flows which have received lease extensions beyond the initial investment period of 25 years retains a premium of 1% for subsequent years, reflecting the merchant risk of the expected cash flows beyond the initial 25-year period.

Taking the above into account and including an increase in the number and value of assets in construction, the overall weighted average discount rate ("WADR") of the portfolio is 9.4% at 30 September 2023 (31 March 2023: 8.4%).

The WADR applied to each of the principal operational sectors within the portfolio is displayed in the table in the Half-year report 2023, noting this represents a blend of levered and unlevered investments and therefore the relevant gearing of each sector is also shown.

                      Weighted average 
                         discount rate  Gearing 
--------------------  ----------------  ------- 
Wind                              8.7%      35% 
Waste & bioenergy                 9.9%      11% 
Anaerobic digestion               8.6%       -- 
Solar                             7.6%       9% 
Batteries                        10.6%        - 
Hydropower                        8.0%      42% 
--------------------  ----------------  ------- 
Aggregate portfolio               9.4%    17.7% 
--------------------  ----------------  ------- 

Sectors in which the Investment Manager retains proprietary information, such as controlled environment and low carbon transport, are not disclosed in the table above, although discount rates used in these sectors feed into the portfolio WADR of 9.4%.

The overall decrease in value resulting from changes to discount rates in the period is GBP31.4 million.

Balance of portfolio return

This represents the balance of valuation movements in the period excluding the factors noted above. The balance of the portfolio return mostly reflects the impact on the rebased portfolio value, all other measures remaining constant, of the effect of the discount rate unwinding and also some additional valuation adjustments from updates to individual project assumptions. The total represents an uplift of GBP52.6 million.

Of this, in addition to the discount rate unwind, the key valuation adjustments include an uplift of GBP11.7 million (1.8 pence per share) arising from a sustained uplift in pricing for Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin ("REGO") certificates and Green Gas Certificates ("GGCs") achieved by the portfolio. REGO prices are now assumed to be GBP5/MWh until 2028 and GBP2/MWh for the remaining life of the asset (31 March 2023: GBP5/MWh for 2024, GBP3/MWh for 2025 and GBP0.45/MWh thereafter).

In addition to this, the Company has recognised a number of other low-value cost adjustments and generation reforecasts following the normal course of ongoing reassessment throughout the period.

Valuation sensitivities

The Net Asset Value ("NAV") of the Company is the sum of the discounted values of the future cash flows of the underlying asset financial models, construction and development spend, the cash balances of the Company and UK HoldCo, and the other assets and liabilities of the Group less Group debt.

The portfolio valuation is the largest component of the NAV and the key sensitivities are considered to be the discount rate applied in the valuation of future cash flows and the principal assumptions used in respect of future revenues and costs.

A broad range of assumptions is used in our valuation models. These assumptions are based on long -- term forecasts and are not affected by short -- term fluctuations in inputs, whether economic or technical. The Investment Manager exercises its judgement in assessing both the expected future cash flows from each investment based on the project's life and the financial models produced by each project company and the appropriate discount rate to apply.

The sensitivities below include the impact of the Electricity Generator Levy.

The key assumptions are as follows:

Discount rate

The WADR of the portfolio at 30 September 2023 was 9.4% (31 March 2023: 8.4%). A variance of plus or minus 0.5% is considered to be a reasonable range of alternative assumptions for discount rates.

An increase in the discount rate of 0.5% would result in a downward movement in the portfolio valuation of GBP19.8 million (3.0 pence per share) compared to an uplift in value of GBP20.7 million (3.1 pence per share) if discount rates were reduced by the same amount.


Base case forecasts for intermittent renewable energy projects assume a "P50" level of electricity output based on reports by technical consultants. The P50 output is the estimated annual amount of electricity generation (in MWh) that has a 50% probability of being exceeded - both in any single year and over the long term - and a 50% probability of being underachieved. Hence the P50 is the expected level of generation over the long term.

The P90 (90% probability of exceedance over a 10 -- year period) and P10 (10% probability of exceedance over a 10 -- year period) sensitivities reflect the future variability of wind, hydropower and solar irradiation and the uncertainty associated with the long -- term data source being representative of the long-term mean.

Separate P10 and P90 sensitivities are determined for each asset and historically the results presented on the basis they are applied in full to all wind, hydro and solar assets. This implies individual project uncertainties are completely dependent on one another; however, a Portfolio Uncertainty Benefit analysis performed by a third-party technical adviser identified a positive portfolio effect from investing in a diversified asset base.

That is to say that the lack of correlation between wind, hydro and solar variability means P10 and P90 sensitivity results should be considered independent. Therefore, whilst the overall P90 sensitivity decreases NAV by 5.9 pence per share, the impact from wind, hydro and solar separately is only 4.3 pence per share, 0.2 pence per share and 1.4 pence per share respectively, as shown in the chart overleaf.

Agricultural anaerobic digestion facilities do not suffer from similar deviations as their feedstock input volumes (and consequently biogas production) are controlled by the site operator.

For the waste & bioenergy projects, forecasts are based on projections of future input volumes and are informed by both forecasts and independent studies where appropriate. Revenues in the PPP projects are generally not very sensitive to changes in volumes due to the nature of their payment mechanisms.

Electricity and gas prices

Electricity and gas price assumptions are based on the following: for the first two years, cash flows for each project use forward electricity and gas prices based on market rates unless a contractual fixed price exists, in which case the model reflects the fixed price followed by the forward price for the remainder of the two -- year period. For the remainder of the project life, a long -- term blend of central case forecasts from three established market consultants and other relevant information is used, and adjusted by the Investment Manager for project-specific arrangements and price cannibalisation.

The sensitivity assumes a 10% increase or decrease in power prices relative to the base case for each year of the asset life. While power markets can experience movements in excess of +/-10% on a short -- term basis, as has been the case recently, the sensitivity is intended to provide insight into the effect on the NAV of persistently higher or lower power prices over the whole life of the portfolio. The Directors feel that +/-10% remains a realistic range of outcomes over this very long time horizon, notwithstanding that significant movements will occur from time to time.

An increase in electricity and gas prices of 10% would result in an uplift in the portfolio valuation of GBP38.5 million (5.8 pence per share) compared to a downward movement in value of GBP38.7 million (5.9 pence per share) if prices were reduced by the same amount.

Should electricity and gas prices fall by 50%, the Company would maintain a resilient dividend cover for the next three financial years, with the dividend being fully covered for two years if prices fell by 100% to GBP0/MWh and 95% covered in the third year.

Useful economic lives

In line with JLEN's original investment case for anaerobic digestion, the Company continues to apply the conservative valuation assumption that facilities will simply cease to operate beyond the life of their RHI tariff. In recent months, the Investment Manager has seen a growing case of evidence, including several transactional datapoints, pointing towards a positive change in market sentiment for valuing these assets - including the potential to run anaerobic digestion facilities on an unsubsidised basis.

In light of this change, the Investment Manager has provided a sensitivity extending the useful economic lives of its AD portfolio by up to five years - capped at the duration of land rights already in place. Such an extension would result in an uplift in the portfolio valuation of GBP22.8 million (3.5 pence per share).

Uncontracted revenues on non-energy generating portfolio

Non-energy generating assets, such as batteries and controlled environment agriculture and aquaculture are not materially affected by either scarcity of natural resource nor power price markets. Therefore, the Investment Manager has presented a sensitivity illustrating an assumed 10% change in all uncontracted revenues for each year of the asset lives.

An increase in uncontracted revenues of 10% would result in an upward movement in the portfolio valuation of GBP14.2 million (2.2 pence per share) compared to a decrease in value of GBP18.7 million (2.8 pence per share) if those revenues were reduced by the same amount.

Feedstock prices

Feedstock accounts for over half of the operating costs of running an AD plant. As feedstocks used for AD are predominantly crops grown within existing farming rotation, they are exposed to the same growing risks as any agricultural product. The sensitivity assumes a 10% increase or decrease in feedstock prices relative to the base case for each year of the asset life.

An increase in the feedstock prices of 10% would result in a downward movement in the portfolio valuation of GBP7.6 million (1.1 pence per share) compared to an uplift in value of GBP7.5 million (1.1 pence per share) if prices were reduced by the same amount.

No such sensitivity is applicable to JLEN's biomass investment, where fuel costs are tied under long-term contract.


Most projects in the portfolio receive a revenue stream which is either fully or partially inflation -- linked. The inflation assumptions are described in the macroeconomic section on page 13 of the Half-year report 2023. The sensitivity assumes a 0.5% increase or decrease in inflation relative to the base case for each year of the asset life.

An increase in the inflation rates of 0.5% would result in an uplift in the portfolio valuation of GBP18.3 million (2.8 pence per share) compared to a decrease in value of GBP19.5 million (2.9 pence per share) if rates were reduced by the same amount.

In light of the current economic environment, actual near-term inflation may vary from assumptions applied within the portfolio valuation. For illustrative purposes, where inflation is higher than JLEN's valuation assumption by 2% for the next two years, NAV would be expected to increase by GBP18.0 million (2.7 pence per share).

Euro/sterling exchange rates

As the proportion of the portfolio assets with cash flows denominated in euros represents a small proportion of the portfolio value at 30 September 2023, the Directors consider the sensitivity to changes in euro/sterling exchange rates to be insignificant.

Corporation tax

The UK corporation tax assumptions applied in the portfolio valuation are outlined in the notes to the accounts on page 56 of the Half-year report 2023. The sensitivity below assumes a 2% increase or decrease in the rate of UK corporation tax relative to the base case for each year of the asset life.

An increase in the UK corporation tax rate of 2% would result in a downward movement in the portfolio valuation of GBP14.6 million (2.2 pence per share) compared to an uplift in value of GBP14.0 million (2.1 pence per share) if rates were reduced by the same amount.

Sensitivities - impact on NAV at 30 September 2023

The chart in the Half-year report 2023 shows the impact of the key sensitivities on NAV per share, with the GBP labels indicating the impact of the sensitivities on portfolio value.

Investment portfolio

At 30 September 2023, the Group's investment portfolio comprised interests in 42 investments into several European projects through its investment in FEIP.

                                                                              Capacity          Commercial 
  Type              Asset                           Location       Ownership      (MW)          operations 
----------------  ----------------------------  ------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
Wind              Bilsthorpe                         England            100%      10.2            Mar 2013 
 Burton Wold Extension                               England            100%      14.4            Sep 2014 
 Carscreugh                                         Scotland            100%      15.3            Jun 2014 
 Castle Pill                                           Wales            100%       3.2            Oct 2009 
 Dungavel                                           Scotland            100%      26.0            Oct 2015 
 Ferndale                                              Wales            100%       6.4            Sep 2011 
 Hall Farm                                           England            100%      24.6            Apr 2013 
 Llynfi Afan                                           Wales            100%      24.0            Mar 2017 
                                                                                                Jan 2003 & 
 Moel Moelogan                                         Wales            100%      14.3            Sep 2008 
 New Albion                                          England            100%      14.4            Jan 2016 
 Wear Point                                            Wales            100%       8.2            Jun 2014 
 ----------------------------  -----------------------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
                                                                       Total     161.0 
  ----------------------------------------------------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
Waste &           Bio Collectors waste 
 bioenergy         management                        England             70%   11.7(1)            Dec 2013 
 Codford Biogas waste 
  management                                         England            100%    3.8(2)                2014 
                  ELWA waste management              England             80%       n/a                2006 
 Cramlington biomass 
  combined heat and 
  power                                              England            100%   32.0(3)                2018 
 Energie Tecnologie 
  Ambiente ("ETA") 
  energy -- from-waste                                 Italy          45%(4)      16.8                2012 
                  Tay wastewater treatment          Scotland             33%       n/a            Nov 2001 
----------------  ----------------------------  ------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
                                                                       Total      64.3 
  ----------------------------------------------------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
 digestion        Biogas Meden                       England            100%    5.0(5)            Mar 2016 
 Egmere Energy                                       England            100%    5.0(6)            Nov 2014 
 Grange Farm                                         England            100%    5.0(6)            Sep 2014 
 Icknield Farm                                       England             53%    5.0(5)            Dec 2014 
 Merlin Renewables                                   England            100%    5.0(6)            Dec 2013 
 Peacehill Farm                                     Scotland             49%    5.0(7)            Dec 2015 
 Rainworth Energy                                    England            100%    2.2(2)            Sep 2016 
 Vulcan Renewables                                   England            100%     13(6)            Oct 2013 
 Warren Energy                                       England            100%    5.0(6)            Dec 2015 
 ----------------------------  -----------------------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
                                                                       Total      50.2 
  ----------------------------------------------------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
Solar             Amber                              England            100%       9.8            Jul 2012 
 Branden                                             England            100%      14.7            Jul 2013 
                                                                                                Mar 2014 & 
 CSGH                                                England            100%      33.5            Mar 2015 
 Monksham                                            England            100%      10.7            Mar 2014 
 Panther                                             England            100%       6.5           2011-2014 
 Pylle Southern                                      England            100%       5.0            Dec 2015 
 ----------------------------  -----------------------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
                                                                       Total      80.2 
  ----------------------------------------------------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
Low carbon        West Gourdie battery              Scotland            100%       n/a           June 2023 
 & sustainable     storage 
                  Clayfords battery                 Scotland             50%       n/a      Ready to build 
                  Lunanhead battery                 Scotland             50%       n/a      Ready to build 
                  Sandridge battery                  England             50%       n/a  Under construction 
                  CNG Foresight low                  England          25%(8)       n/a             Various 
                   carbon transport 
                  HH2E green hydrogen                Germany             n/a       n/a         Development 
----------------  ----------------------------  ------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
                                                                       Total       n/a 
----------------  ----------------------------  ------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
Controlled        Glasshouse                         England  Minority stake       n/a  Under construction 
                  Rjukan aquaculture                  Norway  Minority stake       n/a  Under construction 
----------------  ----------------------------  ------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
                                                                       Total       n/a 
----------------  ----------------------------  ------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
                                                                                                Oct 2011 & 
Hydro             Northern Hydropower                England            100%    2.0(9)            Oct 2017 
                                                                                                Oct 2015 & 
 Yorkshire Hydropower                                England            100%    1.8(9)            Nov 2016 
 ----------------------------  -----------------------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
                                                                       Total       3.8 
  ----------------------------------------------------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
FEIP              Avalon solar and                     Spain             n/a       n/a         Development 
                   green hydrogen 
 JLEN has 
 EUR25 million 
 to FEIP 
                  Carna pumped storage              Scotland             n/a       n/a  Under construction 
                   hydro and co-located 
                  Kölvallen wind                 Sweden             n/a       n/a  Under construction 
                  MaresConnect interconnector       Republic             n/a       n/a         Development 
                                                  of Ireland                                     and under 
                  Puskakorpi wind                    Finland             n/a       n/a  Under construction 
                  Quartz battery storage             England             n/a       n/a         Development 
                  Skaftåsen Vindkraft            Sweden             n/a       n/a  Under construction 
                   AB wind 
                  Torozos wind                         Spain             n/a       n/a            Dec 2019 
                  85 Degrees geothermal          Netherlands             n/a       n/a   Operational/under 
                   heat                                                                       construction 
                  Beleolico                            Italy             n/a       n/a           July 2022 
                  Blue Jay                          Scotland             n/a       n/a         Development 
                                                                                                 and under 
----------------  ----------------------------  ------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
                                                                       Total       n/a 
----------------  ----------------------------  ------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
Total portfolio                                                        Total     359.5 
------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  --------  ------------------ 
   (1)   10MWth and an additional 1.7MWe capacity through two CHP engines. 
   (2)   Electrical exporting plant measured as MWe. 
   (3)   26MWe (electrical) and 6MWth (thermal). 
   (4)   Not including FEIP's 45% ownership. 
   (5)   MWth (thermal) and an additional 0.4MWe CHP engine for onsite power provision. 
   (6)   MWth (thermal) and an additional 0.5MWe CHP engine for onsite power provision. 
   (7)   MWth (thermal) and an additional 0.25MWe CHP engine for onsite power provision. 

(8) JLEN holds 25% of the "A" shares. "A" shares have a different economic entitlement than "B" shares, including a priority return.

   (9)   Includes a 1.2MW battery storage. 


The portfolio has performed well, with financial performance delivering a covered dividend of 1.32 times for the first six months of the financial year, or 1.54 times prior to payment of the Electricity Generator Levy, reinforcing the view that the dividend will be strongly covered by cash generated for the full financial year.

Investment performance

The NAV per share at 30 September 2023 was 119.7 pence, down from 123.1 pence at 31 March 2023.

JLEN has announced an interim dividend of 1.89 pence per share for the quarter ended 30 September 2023, payable on 29 December 2023, in line with the full -- year target of 7.57 pence per share for the year ending 31 March 2024 as set out in the Annual Report 2023.

The Fund experienced a solid six months of financial performance, narrowly missing its budget by 4.1%. The portfolio provided good operational performance, with variances to budget primarily arising from changes in power prices since the start of the year or temporary working capital fluctuations which will be recouped prior to the year end.

Financial performance

As the portfolio diversifies and the proportion of non-energy generating assets increases, the Investment Manager has presented detailed information to better illustrate the financial performance of all sectors within the portfolio.

The chart in the Half-year report 203 shows the budgeted proportion of cash distributions forecast to be received from underlying investments at the start of the financial year, versus the relative over or under-performance during the period under review.

The average all-in price received by the differing technology classes in the UK for their energy volumes generated in the six months ended 30 September 2023 is shown in the table below:

                              Half year ended           Year ended 
Average all -- in energy          30 Sep 2023          31 Mar 2023 
------------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
Wind                       GBP140.89 per MWhe   GBP383.29 per MWhe 
AD electric                GBP306.71 per MWhe   GBP197.99 per MWhe 
AD gas-to-grid            GBP142.04 per MWhth  GBP128.59 per MWhth 
Biomass                    GBP230.75 per MWhe   GBP306.92 per MWhe 
Energy-from-waste           EUR95.36 per MWhe   EUR128.73 per MWhe 
Solar                      GBP243.63 per MWhe   GBP241.82 per MWhe 
Hydro                       GBP279.77per MWhe   GBP285.66 per MWhe 
------------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 

Power price hedging

JLEN's exposure to wholesale power prices is mitigated by the practice of having a substantial proportion of generation for both electricity and gas on fixed price arrangements for durations ranging from six months out to three years. The extent of generation subject to fixes at 30 September 2023 is as follows:

                    Winter 2023  Summer 2024  Winter 2024  Summer 2025 
------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Wind                        98%          79%          74%          38% 
Solar                      100%         100%          80%            - 
Biomass                       -            -            -            - 
Energy-from-waste             -            -            -            - 
AD - electric              100%          63%          63%          26% 
AD - gas                    72%          46%          48%          23% 
Hydro                       39%            -            -            - 
Weighted average            68%          50%          48%          22% 
------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 

The Investment Manager continues to monitor the market beyond September 2025 for opportunities to fix prices to mitigate risk across the portfolio.

Renewable energy generating assets

The chart in the Half-year report 2023 shows the forecast generation target expected to be achieved at the start of the financial year, versus the relative sector-level over or under-performance against this target during the period under review.

Over this half-year period the renewables segment of the portfolio produced 660GWh (six months to 30 September 2022: 655GWh) of energy, 1.58% below target. The negative variance against the target can be attributed to unseasonably low wind speeds being experienced in the first quarter of the financial year (April to June 2023). Particularly good performances were recorded for the agri-AD and hydro portfolios, both being >5% above the sector targets. All other technologies were at or above the generation targets for the period.

Anaerobic digestion

The AD portfolio is the largest producer of energy on a GWh basis and generated 38% of the GWh energy produced by the JLEN portfolio to 30 September 2023. Generation (measured in GWh thermal generated) was 250GWh, 5% ahead of the sector target, continuing the trend of outperformance that has been seen since the Fund started to acquire AD assets in 2017.

Notable strong performers were Peacehill Gas and Icknield, which significantly outperformed their generation targets by more than 10%. All other sites, with the exception of Grange Farm Energy, exceeded their generation targets.

Due to the optimal growing conditions experienced over the summer, the maize yields realised in the 2023 harvest have met or exceeded expectations, which have allowed specific sites to replenish their buffer stocks following the difficult 2022 harvest. Feedstock prices appear to have stabilised following the reduction fertiliser prices.

Waste & bioenergy

The renewable energy generating segment of the waste & bioenergy portfolio is the second largest producer of energy on a GWh basis and generated 32% of the GWh energy produced by the JLEN portfolio to 30 September 2023. The waste & bioenergy portfolio generated 210GWh over the period to 30 September 2023, 0.4% below its sector target.

The Cramlington biomass plant has recovered extremely well following the completion of the remedial works in early 2023. Power generation was 4% above the generation targets set for this period. Cramlington makes up over 50% of the waste & bioenergy portfolio's generating capacity.

The minor negative variance is explained by occasional unplanned outages at the Italian energy-from-waste plant in June. This was a standard piece of maintenance work required to service the boiler.


Electricity generation from the wind assets of 142GWh (representing 22% of the portfolio's energy generation for the period) was 13.6% below its sector target due to below -- average wind resource during the period. Total availability for the portfolio was 1.5% below the anticipated levels due to unrelated mechanical issues experienced at four of the wind assets. One of the events involved a gearbox failure which is expected to be compensated via the O&M Liquidated Damages mechanism.


The solar portfolio generated 55GWh (representing 8% of the portfolio's energy generation for the period), and was 1.9% above its sector generation target.

Both high irradiance levels and good availability across the portfolio contributed to the overperformance recorded for this sector. The Amber and Brandon sites were impacted by Distribution Network Operator ("DNO") outages and inverter issues resulting in periods of curtailed export. The latter is being investigated by the asset managers.


The hydro portfolio generated 2GWh (which represents less than 1% of the portfolio's energy generation for the period) and saw a 6.3% positive variance against its sector target. The overperformance was due to high rainfall levels in April 2023 and good operational availability throughout the period.

Assets that support the transition to a lower carbon economy

Waste processing assets

Waste tonnages processed at the ELWA waste project have continued at levels above target. Operational performance targets are consistently exceeded with diversion from landfill at 99.98%, substantially ahead of the 67% contract target. Recycling, at 32%, is ahead of the 22% target.

Tay Wastewater plant in Scotland performed well, with no operational or performance issues in the half -- year period.

Both projects continue to perform well financially.

Low carbon transport

The portfolio of CNG refuelling stations continues to grow and now consists of 11 operational refuelling stations following the completion of sites at Newton Aycliffe and Corby, plus the acquisition of the existing site at Newark. A further two sites are currently under construction, bringing the total to 13. Over the period, the portfolio has performed 3.5% below its fuel dispensed target, due mainly to problems in the supply chain delaying customer uptake of CNG fuelled vehicles. The asset manager has however recently reported that vehicle delivery durations are expected to shorten, resulting in an increase in the expected number of CNG vehicles to be onboarded in the coming six months.

Battery storage assets

Operational assets

The operational batteries that are co-located at two of the Company's hydro assets were traded exclusively in Firm Frequency Response over the period, receipts for which were in line with expectations.

Construction and development projects

Battery storage assets

JLEN owns three construction-stage 49.9MW battery storage assets in the UK. While there have been delays to the construction of the two sites acquired in 2021/22 due to increased lead times for components and grid connection delays, we are pleased that the West Gourdie project concluded its construction phase in May 2023. Achieving this key project milestone enabled the asset to enter its operational phase and actively trade.

The Sandridge project continues to progress through its construction phase and is expected to conclude and commence operations in 2024. The Investment Manager has paused starting construction of the two remaining battery energy storage projects, Lunanhead and Clayfords, given the volatility seen in that market.

Controlled environment

Rjukan project

The CE aquaculture project, Rjukan, is on track to meet its operational commencement date in 2024.

Glasshouse project

The construction phase of the CE agriculture Glasshouse project substantially completed. The first batch of plants has been received and the facility is on track to begin partial operations this year.

Green hydrogen

HH2E development platform

JLEN's first investment into the green hydrogen sector is expected to reach the Final Investment Decision in the coming months.


Lubmin green hydrogen investment

In July, the Company announced its second green hydrogen development opportunity alongside a consortium including other Foresight-managed funds and its development partner HH2E, a specialist in developing green hydrogen projects to decarbonise industry. The production site is located in Lubmin, Germany. The consortium of investors has approved the Preliminary Investment Decision and the initial investment of up to EUR9.2 million is being utilised for detailed engineering designs and the procurement of long lead items. The Final Investment Decision is expected in the coming months.

Other investments

Given JLEN's broad mandate, its investment activities can overlap with other Foresight-managed funds. Foresight maintains a clear allocation policy that sets out the way in which common interest in an investment across funds shall be managed. In keeping with this policy, JLEN currently is co-invested in seven projects with other Foresight funds, enabling JLEN to achieve greater diversification with the same level of funds and amplifying JLEN's influence on these assets. All co-investments have market-standard shareholder protections and are ultimately subject to the approval of JLEN's Board, which will take independent advice as appropriate.


In January 2020, JLEN announced a commitment of EUR25 million to Foresight Energy Infrastructure Partners SCSp ("FEIP"), a Luxembourg limited partnership investment vehicle. At 30 September 2023, EUR14.9 million had been drawn on this commitment.


In May 2021, JLEN announced that it had signed a new revolving credit facility ("RCF") with a three-year facility agreement which provides for a committed multi -- currency RCF of GBP170 million and an uncommitted accordion facility of up to GBP30 million. In April 2023, JLEN announced that it had signed a one-year extension to its RCF and activated the accordion facility.

The RCF provides an increased source of flexible funding outside of equity raisings, with both sterling and euro drawdowns available. The facility will be used to make future acquisitions of environmental infrastructure to add to the current portfolio, as well as covering any working capital requirements.

The interest charged in respect of the renewed RCF is linked to the Company's ESG performance, with JLEN incurring a premium or discount to its margin and commitment fee based on performance against defined targets. Those targets include:

   --     environmental: increase in the volume of clean energy produced; 
   --     social: the value of contributions to community funds; and 

-- governance: maintaining a low number of work -- related accidents, as defined under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences ("RIDDOR") by the Health and Safety Executive.

Performance against these targets will be measured annually with the cost of the RCF being amended in the following financial year. Lenders to the facility include HSBC, ING, National Australia Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland and Clydesdale Bank. The margin can vary between 195 bps and 205 bps over SONIA ("Sterling Overnight Index Average") for sterling drawings and EURIBOR for euro drawings, depending on performance against the ESG targets. As reported in the Company's Annual Report 2023, good progress was made against these ESG targets and the Board remains committed to further improving performance against these targets prior to the end of the facility agreement.

As at 30 September 2023, drawings under the RCF were GBP125.0 million. Under its investment policy, JLEN may borrow up to 30% of its NAV.

In addition to the RCF, several projects have underlying project-level debt. The project-level gearing at 30 September 2023 across the portfolio was 17.7% (31 March 2023: 18.3%). Taking into account the amount drawn down under the RCF, the overall fund gearing at 30 September 2023 was 28.7% (31 March 2023: 27.3%).

At the half-year mark, the weighted average cost of project-level debt was 4.5%, and the weighted average cost of debt after including the RCF was 5.3%.

As at 30 September 2023, the Group, which comprises the Company and the intermediate holding companies, had cash balances of GBP15.9 million (31 March 2023: GBP18.0 million).


ESG overview

Sustainability and ESG considerations are at the heart of the Investment Manager's ethos and operations. They are embedded throughout the investment process and asset management, from initial investment screening through due diligence and into ongoing monitoring and reporting. Overall responsibility for ESG resides with the Board of JLEN, with analysis and reporting against ESG criteria provided by the Fund's Investment Manager. JLEN's approach to ESG is based on three core principles: Assess, Monitor and Engage. JLEN has been focused on progressing each of these principles in order to maintain a robust ESG framework.

JLEN's three ESG objectives are:

   --     Promote the efficient use of resources 
   --     Develop positive relationships with the communities in which JLEN works 
   --     Ensure effective, ethical governance across the portfolio 

Read more about JLEN and the Investment Manager's approach to ESG and sustainability

Read JLEN's 2023 Sustainability and ESG Report

Read Foresight's 2023 Sustainability Report

Developments in the period

JLEN is in the process of developing a Transition Plan in line with the Transition Plant Taskforce ("TPT") Disclosure Framework. The Transition Plan is anticipated to be published within the next year. It believes that the application of the TPT disclosure framework to JLEN is a valuable tool in developing out the Fund's net zero strategy. While JLEN continues to embed assessment and monitoring of ESG criteria into its business-as-usual activities, the Company will review its current ESG KPIs in line with the Transition Plan to ensure they are fit for purpose.

The Investment Manager is making good progress with its plan to complete biodiversity assessments across the portfolio by the end of FY 2024. The majority of sites will benefit from a habitat management plan detailing biodiversity baseline and suggested enhancements which will be implemented in line with the recommended timelines. A few sites where JLEN is not the sole owner are not able to complete the surveys as the works have not yet been approved by the other owners.

Work is underway across the portfolio to address cyber security vulnerabilities that were identified through a recent survey conducted by cyber security specialists, KryptoKloud.

JLEN contributes towards various community benefit funds in the areas where its assets are located. Funds go towards a variety of academic, cultural, economic, environmental, recreational or social benefit projects to uplift communities and provide support where necessary.



JLEN is delighted and proud to have been named 'Best Sustainable Alternative Assets Fund' in the 2023 Investment Week Sustainable Investment Awards. The awards recognise fund providers, research and ratings teams, service providers and individuals who have a key part to play in the evolution of sustainable investing.


AIC Communication Awards 2023

Best ESG communication

National Sustainability Awards 2023

Sustainable Fund of the Year

Investment Week's 2023 Investment

Company of the Year Awards

Best Renewable Energy Infrastructure fund

IR Society Best Practice Awards 2023

Best communications of sustainability

Corporate Reporting Awards 2023

Best ESG report



Objective: Promote the efficient use of resources

HY 2023  660GWh 
HY 2022  655GWh 


Renewable energy generated

HY 2023   359,428 
HY 2022   351,500 

359,428 tonnes

Waste diverted from landfill

HY 2023   123,779 
HY 2022   120,731 


UK homes powered by renewable electricity(4)

HY 2023   95,788 
HY 2022   96,500 

95,788tCO(2) e(1)

GHG emissions avoided

HY 2023   233,355 
HY 2022   231,267(2) 

233,355 tonnes(3)

Organic fertiliser produced

HY 2023   17.3 
HY 2022   14.5 

17.3 billion litres

Wastewater treated

HY 2023   1 
HY 2022   0 


Reportable environmental incident

(1) Despite overall energy production increasing in 2023, the emissions figure is lower for the half year 2023 than the half year 2022. This decrease in avoided emissions is due to the change in the composition of the electricity produced.

   (2)   Estimate based on the asset production value as this figure was not reported in H1 2022. 

(3) In some instances, the six months of data was not available and in that case the tonnages were estimates based on the previous year's figures.

   (4)   Excludes AD portfolio. 


Objective: Develop positive relationships with the communities in which JLEN works

HY 2023   235 
FY 2023   201 


Number of FTE jobs supported(1)

HY 2023   2 
HY 2022   0 


Reportable H&S incidents


Objective: Ensure effective, ethical governance across the portfolio

HY 2023   14 
HY 2022   19 


H&S audits undertaken

HY 2023      22 
FY 2023(2)   20 


Site visits conducted by Foresight

Environmental Health and Safety Incidents

JLEN takes its environmental and health and safety responsibilities very seriously and seeks to ensure effective management of these issues in both its own operations and in its investment portfolio. JLEN aims to manage risks and incidents in a fair and transparent manner with appropriate action to reduce risk wherever possible. This report identifies the reportable environmental and health and safety incidents in the JLEN portfolio for the six months to 30 September 2023.

H&S incidents (RIDDOR or equivalent)(3)                                       2 
Environmental incidents (reportable to Environment Agency or equivalent)(4)   1 

(1) Full-time equivalent ("FTE") jobs are calculated using total hours worked over the course of the year.

(2) This metric was not reported on in HY 2022, as a result, the FY 2023 figure is disclosed instead.

(3) RIDDOR 1: CNG - High pressure gas release - near miss. Action taken: staff education on proper equipment use.

RIDDOR 2: Cramlington - Finger injury, caused by manual handling. Action taken: improving staff education on manual handling.

(4) ETA Manfredonia - nitrogen oxides ("NOx") limit exceeded due to equipment breakage - safety mechanism prevented further release of NOx, action taken: equipment replaced.


ESG reporting

JLEN continues to embed assessment and monitoring of its ESG KPIs into its business -- as -- usual activities. Regular monitoring of the portfolio against the ESG KPIs occurs through monthly management team meetings, which discuss:

   --     the performance of the investment portfolio against the KPIs; and 
   --     progress made in improving data collection and reporting. 

JLEN has mapped its portfolio against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"); it presents quantitative reporting against eight of the 17 goals. For details, see pages 99 and 100 of the Annual Report 2023.(1)

The Board and the Investment Manager believe that the nature of JLEN's business and strategy is intrinsically aligned to the goal of a greener and less carbon intensive future and consider the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures ("TCFD") to be a positive step in driving that direction. As a result, JLEN has voluntarily included climate-related financial disclosures in its Annual Report 2023. Work is ongoing to further understand its portfolio risks and opportunities and to further develop its approach to climate-related issues.

JLEN is proud to be an Article 9 fund under the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation. For recent disclosures, please see our Annex III(2) and Annex V(2) disclosures available on the JLEN website: www.jlen.com

Emissions reporting

Although JLEN's investment activities make a significant and quantifiable contribution to climate change mitigation, there are still emissions associated with the operation and maintenance of the portfolio.

To minimise its direct carbon footprint, the Company is aiming to increase the number of its operational sites on renewable tariffs, and update on the progress thereof will be provided at the year end.

   (1)   https://jlen.com/investor-relations/publications/. 
   (2)   https://jlen.com/sustainability/publications/. 


Cultivating a circular economy

Bio Collectors(1) and New Covent Garden Market are powering towards a greener future together.


New Covent Garden Market ("NCGM") in Nine Elms London, is the largest fruit, vegetable and flower market in the United Kingdom. It covers a site of 35 acres and is home to 152 fruit, vegetable and flower wholesalers. The market provides ingredients to many of London's restaurants, hotels, schools, prisons, hospitals and catering businesses.


In January 2021, Bio Collectors were contracted to manage food waste collections from the New Covent Garden Market with the goal to provide a more sustainable solution for the process of transportation and recycling of the food waste.


Bio Collectors implemented daily collections of a bulk trailer, which is transported on specialist CNG trucks powered by biogas from the food waste collected from their customers, including NCGM. The use of CNG vehicles powered by biogas has helped to significantly reduce the carbon footprint and the reliance on fossil fuels. The food is processed at their AD facility in Mitcham, which is strategically located within eight miles of the market, reducing congestion and pollution in central London by limiting the distance the waste has to travel. The biogas produced from recycling the food waste is fed directly into the National Grid and used by local homes and businesses as well as powering Bio Collectors' CNG vehicles, further reducing reliance on less sustainable sources. Bio Collectors, through its AD facility, produces electricity which is used to power the plant. The process also produces a nutrient-rich fertiliser, called digestate, which is provided to local farms in Surrey, helping to rejuvenate the

soil and improve the quality of their crops without the need for damaging, and environmentally unfriendly, chemical alternatives.

The partnership delivered(2) :

4,543 tonnes food waste. Bio Collectors waste removal and AD process produced Enough electricity to potentially power

1,218 homes per year and Gas produced can heat up to 439 homes per year. Avoid use of 5,000 litres diesel =13 tonnes of CO(2) avoided, 3,453 tonnes of bio-fertiliser =284 acres of land fertilised, 3,453 tonnes of bio-fertiliser =284 acres of land fertilised


Analysis of financial results

The financial statements of the Company for the six -- month period ended 30 September 2023 are set out on pages 38 to 60 of the Half-year report 2023.

The Company prepared the condensed unaudited financial statements for the six -- month period to 30 September 2023 in accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the UK and issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. In order to continue providing useful and relevant information to its investors, the financial statements also refer to the "Group", which comprises the Company, its wholly owned subsidiary (JLEN Environmental Assets Group (UK) Limited ("UK HoldCo")) and the indirectly held wholly owned subsidiary HWT Limited (which holds the investment interest in the Tay project).

Key investment metrics

                                                          Period ended  Period ended  Year ended 
                                                                30 Sep        30 Sep      31 Mar 
All amounts presented in GBPmillion (except as noted)             2023          2022        2023 
--------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
Net assets(1)                                                    792.1         829.6       814.6 
Portfolio value(2)                                               898.9         890.2       898.5 
Operating income and gains on fair value of investments            6.9          94.9       108.4 
Net Asset Value per share(3)                                    119.7p        125.4p      123.1p 
Distributions, repayments and fees from portfolio                 46.2          43.5        83.6 
Profit before tax                                                  1.9          89.7        98.3 
Gross Asset Value(3)                                           1,109.8       1,111.4     1,119.8 
Market capitalisation(3)                                         653.6         787.2       791.2 
Share price(3)                                                   98.8p        119.0p      119.6p 
Total shareholder return(3)                                      70.1%         92.4%       99.0% 
Annualised total shareholder return(3)                            5.7%          8.0%        7.9% 
--------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
   (1)   Also referred to as "NAV". 

(2) Classified as investments at fair value through profit or loss on the statement of financial position.

(3) Net Asset Value per share, share price, market capitalisation and gross asset value are alternative performance measures ("APMs"). The APMs within the accounts are defined on pages 61 to 63.

Net assets

Net assets decreased from GBP814.6 million at 31 March 2023 to GBP792.1 million at 30 September 2023.

The net assets of GBP792.1 million comprise GBP898.9 million portfolio value of environmental infrastructure investments and the Company's cash balances of GBP0.4 million, partially offset by GBP104.8 million of intermediate holding companies' net liabilities and other net liabilities of GBP2.4 million.

The intermediate holding companies' net liabilities of GBP104.8 million comprise a GBP125.0 million credit facility loan, partially offset by cash balances of GBP15.5 million and other net assets of GBP4.7 million.

Analysis of the Group's net assets at 30 September 2023

                                                              At 30 Sep    At 31 Mar 
All amounts presented in GBPmillion (except as noted)              2023         2023 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Portfolio value                                                   898.9        898.5 
Intermediate holding companies' cash                               15.5         17.9 
Intermediate holding companies' revolving credit facility       (125.0)      (103.5) 
Intermediate holding companies' other assets                        4.7          3.9 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Fair value of the Company's investment in UK HoldCo               794.1        816.8 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Company's cash                                                      0.4          0.1 
Company's other net liabilities (excluding cash)                  (2.4)        (2.3) 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Net Asset Value                                                   792.1        814.6 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Number of shares                                            661,531,229  661,531,229 
Net Asset Value per share                                        119.7p       123.1p 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

At 30 September 2023, the Group (the Company plus intermediate holding companies) had a total cash balance of GBP15.9 million (31 March 2023: GBP18.0 million), including GBP0.4 million in the Company's statement of financial position (31 March 2023: GBP0.1 million) and GBP15.5 million in the intermediate holding companies (31 March 2023: GBP17.9 million), which is included in the Company's statement of financial position within "investments at fair value through profit or loss".

At 30 September 2023, UK HoldCo had drawn GBP125.0 million of its revolving credit facility (31 March 2023: GBP103.5 million) which is included in the Company's statement of financial position within "investments at fair value through profit or loss".

The movement in the portfolio value from 31 March 2023 to 30 September 2023 is summarised as follows:

                                                                                  Period ended  Year ended 
                                                                                        30 Sep      31 Mar 
All amounts presented in GBPmillion                                                       2023        2023 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ---------- 
Portfolio value at start of the period/year                                              898.5       795.4 
Acquisitions/further investments (net of post -- acquisition price adjustments)           30.0        72.0 
Distributions received from investments                                                 (46.2)      (83.6) 
Growth in value of portfolio                                                              16.6       114.7 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ---------- 
Portfolio value                                                                          898.9       898.5 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ---------- 

Further details on the portfolio valuation and an analysis of movements during the year are provided in the investment portfolio and valuation section on pages 9 to 19 of the Half-year 2023 report.

Profit before tax

The Company's profit before tax for the six -- month period was GBP1.9 million (six -- month period ended 30 September 2022: GBP89.7 million), generating earnings of 0.3 pence per share (six -- month period ended 30 September 2022: 13.6 pence per share).

                                                          Six months  Six months 
                                                               ended       ended 
                                                              30 Sep      30 Sep 
All amounts presented in GBPmillion (except as noted)           2023        2022 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Interest received on UK HoldCo loan notes                       15.7        15.7 
Dividend received from UK HoldCo                                13.8        10.2 
Net (loss)/gain on investments at fair value                  (22.6)        69.0 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Operating income and gains on fair value of investments          6.9        94.9 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Operating expenses                                             (5.0)       (5.2) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Profit before tax                                                1.9        89.7 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Earnings per share                                              0.3p       13.6p 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

In the six months to 30 September 2023, the operating income and gains/(losses) on fair value of investments was GBP6.9 million, including the receipt of GBP15.7 million of interest on the UK HoldCo loan notes, GBP13.8 million of dividends also received from UK HoldCo and a net loss on investments at fair value of GBP22.6 million.

The operating expenses included in the income statement for the period were GBP5.0 million, in line with expectations. These comprise GBP4.2 million of Investment Manager fees and GBP0.8 million operating expenses. The details on how the Investment Manager fees are charged are set out in note 14 to the condensed unaudited financial statements.

Financing at 30 September 2023


drawn on RCF


fund gearing(1)

(1) Gearing is an alternative performance measure ("APM"). The APMs within the accounts are defined on pages 61 to 63 of the Half-year report 2023.

Ongoing charges

The "ongoing charges"(1) ratio is an indicator of the costs incurred in the day-to-day management of the Fund. JLEN uses the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC") recommended methodology for calculating this ratio, which is an annual figure.

For the year ended 31 March 2023 the ratio was 1.18%. The ongoing charges percentage is calculated on a consolidated basis and therefore takes into consideration the expenses of UK HoldCo as well as the Company's.

Cash flow

The Company had a total cash balance at 30 September 2023 of GBP0.4 million (31 March 2023: GBP0.1 million). The breakdown of the movements in cash during the period is shown below.

Cash flows of the Company for the period (GBPmillion):

                                                                Six months  Six months 
                                                                     ended       ended 
                                                                    30 Sep      30 Sep 
                                                                      2023        2022 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Cash balance at 1 April                                                0.1         2.0 
Net proceeds from share issue/(expenses from previous issues)            -       (0.2) 
Interest on loan notes received from UK HoldCo                        15.7        15.7 
Dividends received from UK HoldCo                                     13.8        10.2 
Directors' fees and expenses                                         (0.2)       (0.2) 
Investment Manager fees                                              (4.1)       (3.8) 
Administrative expenses                                              (0.6)       (0.4) 
Dividends paid in cash to shareholders                              (24.3)      (23.0) 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Company cash balance at 30 September                                   0.4         0.3 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

The Group had a total cash balance at 30 September 2023 of GBP15.9 million (31 March 2023: GBP18.0 million) and borrowings under the revolving credit facility of GBP125.0 million (31 March 2023: GBP103.5 million). The breakdown of the movements in cash during the period is shown in the following table.

Cash flows of the Group for the period (GBPmillion):

                                                                   Six months  Six months 
                                                                        ended       ended 
                                                                       30 Sep      30 Sep 
                                                                         2023        2022 
-----------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Cash distributions from environmental infrastructure investments         46.2        43.5 
Administrative expenses                                                 (0.7)       (0.5) 
Directors' fees and expenses                                            (0.2)       (0.2) 
Investment Manager fees                                                 (4.1)       (3.8) 
Financing costs (net of interest income)                                (3.8)       (1.2) 
Electricity Generator Levy                                              (5.2)           - 
-----------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Cash flow from operations (2)                                            32.2        37.8 
Net proceeds from share issues                                              -           - 
Expenses from previous share issues                                         -       (0.2) 
Acquisition of investment assets and further investments               (30.0)      (40.1) 
Disposal of asset                                                           -         1.6 
Acquisition costs (including stamp duty)                                (0.3)       (0.3) 
Short-term projects debtors                                             (0.7)       (0.2) 
Debt arrangement fee cost                                               (1.0)           - 
Drawdown under the revolving credit facility                             22.0        16.6 
Dividends paid in cash to shareholders                                 (24.3)      (23.0) 
-----------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Cash movement in the period                                             (2.1)       (7.8) 
Opening cash balance                                                     18.0        18.0 
Exchange (losses)/gains on cash                                             -         0.3 
-----------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Group cash balance at 30 September                                       15.9        10.5 
-----------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

(1) The ongoing charges ratio is an alternative performance measure ("APM"). The APMs within the accounts are defined on pages 61 to 63 of the Half-year report 2023.

(2) "Cash flow from operations" is an alternative performance measure ("APM"). The APMs within the accounts are defined on pages 61 to 63 of the Half-year report 2023.

During the period, the Group received cash distributions of GBP46.2 million from its environmental infrastructure investments.

Cash received from investments in the period covered the operating and administrative expenses and financing costs, as well as the dividends declared to shareholders in respect of the six -- month period ended 30 September 2023. Cash flow from operations of the Group of GBP32.2 million covered dividends paid in the six -- month period to 30 September 2023 of GBP24.3 million by 1.32x.

The Group anticipates that future revenues from its environmental infrastructure investments will continue to be in line with expectations and therefore will continue to cover future costs as well as planned dividends payable to its shareholders..(1)


During the period, the Company paid a final interim dividend of 1.79 pence per share in June 2023 (GBP11.8 million) in respect of the quarter to 31 March 2023. Interim dividends of 1.89 pence per share were paid in September 2023 (GBP12.5 million) in respect of the quarter to 30 June 2023.

On 24 November 2023, the Board approved an interim dividend of 1.89 pence per share in respect of the quarter ended 30 September 2023 (GBP12.5 million), which is payable on 29 December 2023.

In line with the 2023 Annual Report, the target dividend for the year to 31 March 2024 is 7.57 pence per share..(1)

(1) These are targets only and not profit forecasts. There can be no assurance that these targets will be met.


The Directors are responsible for preparing the Half-year Report and unaudited condensed interim financial statements in accordance with applicable regulations.

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

-- the condensed set of unaudited financial statements has been prepared in accordance with United Kingdom adopted International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Reporting and in accordance with the accounting policies set out in the audited Annual Report to 31 March 2023; and

-- the Chair's statement and Investment Manager's report meet the requirements of an interim management report and include a fair review of the information required by:

a) DTR 4.2.7R, being an indication of important events during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of unaudited financial statements and a description of principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and

b) DTR 4.2.8R, being the disclosure of related parties' transactions that have taken place during the first six months of the financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the Company during that period; and any changes in the related party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so.

The Board is responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's website, and for the preparation and dissemination of financial statements. Legislation in Guernsey governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

This responsibility statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 24 November 2023 and is signed on its behalf by:

Ed Warner


24 November 2023


to JLEN Environmental Assets Group Limited


We have been engaged by JLEN Environmental Assets Group Limited (the "Company") to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 September 2023 of the Company, which comprises the condensed unaudited statement of financial position, the condensed unaudited income statement, the condensed unaudited statement of changes in equity, the condensed unaudited statement of cash flows and the related explanatory notes.

Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 September 2023 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting and the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules ("the DTR") of the UK's Financial Conduct Authority ("the UK FCA").

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK) 2410 Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity ("ISRE (UK) 2410") issued by the Financial Reporting Council for use in the UK. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. We read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and consider whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

Conclusions relating to going concern

Based on our review procedures, which are less extensive than those performed in an audit as described in the Scope of review section of this report, nothing has come to our attention to suggest that the Directors have inappropriately adopted the going concern basis of accounting or that the Directors have identified material uncertainties relating to going concern that are not appropriately disclosed. This conclusion is based on the review procedures performed in accordance with ISRE (UK) 2410.

However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern, and the above conclusions are not a guarantee that the Company will continue in operation.

Directors' responsibilities

The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for preparing the interim financial report in accordance with the DTR of the UK FCA. As disclosed in note 2 (a), the annual financial statements of the Company are prepared in accordance with UK-adopted international accounting standards. The Directors are responsible for preparing the condensed set of financial statements included in the half -- yearly financial report in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting.

In preparing the half-yearly financial report, the Directors are responsible for assessing the Company's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless they either intend to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review. Our conclusion, including our conclusions relating to going concern, are based on procedures that are less extensive than audit procedures, as described in the scope of review paragraph of this report.

The purpose of our review work and to whom we owe our responsibilities

This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with the terms of our engagement letter to assist the Company in meeting the requirements of the DTR of the UK FCA. Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have reached.

Barry Ryan

For and on behalf of KPMG Channel Islands Limited

Chartered Accountants, Guernsey

24 November 2023


for the six months ended 30 September 2023

                                    Six months   Six months 
                                         ended        ended 
                                   30 Sep 2023  30 Sep 2022 
                                   (unaudited)  (unaudited) 
                            Notes     GBP'000s     GBP'000s 
--------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Operating income                8        6,884       94,918 
Operating expenses              4      (5,018)      (5,170) 
--------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Operating profit                         1,866       89,748 
--------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Profit before tax                        1,866       89,748 
Tax                             5            -            - 
--------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Profit for the period                    1,866       89,748 
--------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Earnings per share 
Basic and diluted (pence)       7          0.3         13.6 
--------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the condensed set of financial statements.

All results are derived from continuing operations.

There are no items of other comprehensive income in either the current or preceding period, other than the profit for the period, and therefore no separate statement of comprehensive income has been presented.


as at 30 September 2023

                                                          30 Sep 2023  31 Mar 2023 
                                                          (unaudited)    (audited) 
                                                   Notes     GBP'000s     GBP'000s 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Non-current assets 
Investments at fair value through profit or loss       8      794,140      816,800 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Total non-current assets                                      794,140      816,800 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables                            9          105          143 
Cash and cash equivalents                                         401          143 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Total current assets                                              506          286 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Total assets                                                  794,646      817,086 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                              10      (2,557)      (2,518) 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Total current liabilities                                     (2,557)      (2,518) 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Total liabilities                                             (2,557)      (2,518) 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Net assets                                                    792,089      814,568 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Share capital account                                 12      664,401      664,401 
Retained earnings                                     13      127,688      150,167 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Equity attributable to owners of the Company                  792,089      814,568 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Net assets per share (pence per share)                          119.7        123.1 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the condensed set of financial statements.

The condensed set of unaudited financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue on 24 November 2023.

They were signed on its behalf by:

Ed Warner


Stephanie Coxon



for the six months ended 30 September 2023

                                                                Six months ended 30 Sep 2023 
                                                              Share capital  Retained 
                                                                    account  earnings     Total 
                                                       Notes       GBP'000s  GBP'000s  GBP'000s 
-----------------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  --------  -------- 
Balance at 1 April 2023                                             664,401   150,167   814,568 
-----------------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  --------  -------- 
Profit and total comprehensive income for the period                      -     1,866     1,866 
Dividends paid                                         6, 13              -  (24,345)  (24,345) 
-----------------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  --------  -------- 
Balance at 30 September 2023                                        664,401   127,688   792,089 
-----------------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  --------  -------- 
                                                                Six months ended 30 Sep 2022 
                                                              Share capital  Retained 
                                                                    account  earnings     Total 
                                                       Notes       GBP'000s  GBP'000s  GBP'000s 
-----------------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  --------  -------- 
Balance at 1 April 2022                                             664,401    98,504   762,905 
-----------------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  --------  -------- 
Profit and total comprehensive income for the period                      -    89,748    89,748 
Dividends paid                                             6              -  (23,021)  (23,021) 
-----------------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  --------  -------- 
Balance at 30 September 2022                                        664,401   165,231   829,632 
-----------------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  --------  -------- 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the condensed set of financial statements.


for the six months ended 30 September 2023

                                                                              Six months   Six months 
                                                                                   ended        ended 
                                                                             30 Sep 2023  30 Sep 2022 
                                                                             (unaudited)  (unaudited) 
                                                                      Notes     GBP'000s     GBP'000s 
--------------------------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Profit for the period                                                              1,866       89,748 
Adjustments for: 
Interest received                                                               (15,701)     (15,744) 
Dividends received                                                              (13,800)     (10,200) 
Net loss/(gain) on investments at fair value through profit or loss               22,617     (68,974) 
--------------------------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Operating cash flows before movements in working capital                         (5,018)      (5,170) 
Decrease in receivables                                                               38           35 
Increase in payables                                                                  82          677 
--------------------------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Net cash outflow from operating activities                                       (4,898)      (4,458) 
--------------------------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Investing activities 
Investments in subsidiaries                                                            -            - 
Interest received                                                                 15,701       15,744 
Dividends received                                                                13,800       10,200 
--------------------------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Net cash generated from investing activities                                      29,501       25,944 
--------------------------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Financing activities 
Proceeds on issue of share capital                                                     -            - 
Expenses relating to issue of shares                                                   -        (150) 
Dividends paid                                                            6     (24,345)     (23,021) 
--------------------------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Net cash outflow from financing activities                                      (24,345)     (23,171) 
--------------------------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                 258      (1,685) 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                     143        2,022 
--------------------------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                           401          337 
--------------------------------------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ----------- 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the condensed set of financial statements.


for the six months ended 30 September 2023

1. General information

JLEN Environmental Assets Group Limited (the "Company" or "JLEN") is a closed -- ended investment company domiciled and incorporated in Guernsey, Channel Islands, under Section 20 of the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. The shares are publicly traded on the London Stock Exchange under a premium listing. The condensed unaudited financial statements of the Company are for the six -- month period ended 30 September 2023 and have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out below. The financial statements comprise only the results of the Company as its investment in JLEN Environmental Assets Group (UK) Limited ("UK HoldCo") is measured at fair value as detailed in the significant accounting policies below. The Company and its subsidiaries invest in environmental infrastructure projects that utilise natural or waste resources or support more environmentally friendly approaches to economic activity.

2. Significant accounting policies

(a) Basis of preparation

The condensed set of unaudited financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 24 November 2023. The condensed set of unaudited financial statements included in this Half -- year Report have been prepared in accordance with United Kingdom adopted International Accounting Standard 34 "Interim Financial Reporting".

As a result of adopting the amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 28 first adopted in the Company's Annual Report to 31 March 2015, the Company is required to hold its subsidiaries that provide investment services at fair value, in accordance with IFRS 9 Financial Instruments.

The Company accounts for its investment in its wholly owned direct subsidiary UK HoldCo at fair value. The Company, together with its wholly owned direct subsidiary UK HoldCo and the intermediate holding subsidiary HWT Limited, comprise the Group (the "Group") investing in environmental infrastructure assets.

The net assets of the intermediate holding companies (comprising UK HoldCo and HWT Limited), which at 30 September 2023 principally comprise working capital balances, the RCF loan and investments in projects, are required to be included at fair value in the carrying value of investments.

Consequently, the Company does not consolidate its subsidiaries or apply IFRS 3 Business Combinations when it obtains control of another entity as it is considered to be an investment entity under IFRS. Instead, the Company measures its investment in its subsidiary at fair value through profit or loss.

The condensed unaudited financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Company only.

The accounting policies and significant judgements are consistent with those used in the latest audited financial statements to 31 March 2023 and should be read in conjunction with the Company's annual audited financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2023.

The following standards became effective during the period and did not have a material impact on the Company's reported results:

-- IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts (applicable for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023);

-- Definition of Accounting Estimates - Amendments to IAS 8 (applicable for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023);

-- Disclosure of Accounting Policies - Amendments to IAS 1 and IFRS Practice Statement 2 (applicable for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023);

-- Deferred Tax Related to Assets and Liabilities Arising from a Single Transaction - Amendments to IAS 12 Income Taxes (applicable for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023); and

-- Initial Application of IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 - Comparative Information (Amendments to IFRS 17) (applicable for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023).

Key sources of estimation uncertainty

The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period, or in the period of the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods.

The fair value of environmental infrastructure investments is calculated by discounting at an appropriate discount rate future cash flows expected to be received by the Company's intermediate holdings, from investments in both equity (dividends and equity redemptions), shareholder and inter-company loans (interest and repayments).

Estimates such as the cash flows are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of making judgements about the fair value of assets not readily available from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

The project cash flows used in the portfolio valuation at 30 September 2023 reflect contractual fixed price arrangements under PPAs, where they exist, and short -- term market forward prices for the next two years where they do not. After the initial two-year period, the project cash flows assume future electricity and gas prices in line with a blended curve informed by the central forecasts from three established market consultants, adjusted by the Investment Manager for project-specific arrangements and price cannibalisation.

For the Italian investment, project cash flows assume future electricity prices informed by a leading independent market consultant's long -- term projections.

The power price assumptions, including the discount to the near-term power price assumptions, are a key source of estimation and uncertainty. Information on the sensitivity of the portfolio to movement in power price is disclosed in note 15.

The discount rates used in the valuation exercise represent the Investment Manager's and the Board's assessment of the rate of return in the market for assets with similar characteristics and risk profile. The discount rate is deemed to be one of the most significant unobservable inputs and any change could have a material impact on the fair value of investments. Underlying assumptions and discount rates are disclosed in note 8 and sensitivity analysis is disclosed in note 15.

Due to the current economic environment, the rate of inflation is also considered a key source of estimation uncertainty. Information on the sensitivity of the portfolio valuation to movements in the inflation rate is disclosed in note 15.

(b) Going concern

The Directors, in their consideration of going concern, have reviewed comprehensive cash flow forecasts prepared by the Company's Investment Manager, Foresight Group, which are based on prudent market data, a reasonable worst case and a stress test scenario and believe, based on those forecasts and an assessment of the Company's subsidiary's banking facilities, that it is appropriate to prepare the financial statements of the Company on the going concern basis.

In arriving at their conclusion, the Directors assessed the potential risks of the continued energy market disruption, volatility of energy prices and the potential triggering of a discontinuation vote. In addition to these risks, the Directors have also considered the sustainability-related risks covering environmental, social and governance factors, including climate change (in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures ("TCFD"), outlined in the financial disclosures in the Annual Report 2023). The Investment Manager has reviewed the portfolio's exposure to these risks in the period under review and has concluded that it is currently not material to the Company, although it continues to monitor the market attentively.

The Board considers the going concern assessment period of 15 months to 31 December 2024 to be appropriate. A longer period than the typical requirement of 12 months has been adopted to factor in the full payment of the September 2024 dividend.

The Company has sufficient headroom in its revolving credit facility to finance its hard commitments relating to construction assets held within the portfolio.

The Directors also considered that the Company has adequate financial resources, and were mindful that the Group had unrestricted cash of GBP15.9 million (including GBP0.4 million in the Company) as at 30 September 2023 and a revolving credit and accordion facility (available for investment in new or existing projects and working capital) of GBP200 million. As at 30 September 2023, the Company's wholly owned subsidiary UK HoldCo had borrowed GBP125.0 million under the facility, leaving GBP75.0 million undrawn, of which GBP2.4 million (EUR2.8 million) was allocated to letters of credit due to expire during FY 2024. All key financial covenants under this facility are forecast to continue to be complied with for the duration of the going concern assessment period.

The Manager and Directors have assessed the headroom available to meet the revolving credit covenants. The covenants have been tested on downside risk scenarios, with the assumption of 10% lower power price projections compared to the base case, reduced generation levels assuming a P90, a proportion of the portfolio not yielding and a combination of these scenarios. In all scenarios run, including the combined downside case, the Company remained compliant with its key covenants.

The Directors are satisfied that the Company has sufficient resources to continue to operate for the foreseeable future, a period of not less than 12 months from the date of this report. Accordingly, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparation of these financial statements.

(c) Segmental reporting

The Board is of the opinion that the Company is engaged in a single segment of business, being investment in environmental infrastructure to generate investment returns while preserving capital. The financial information used by the Board to allocate resources and manage the Company presents the business as a single segment comprising a homogeneous portfolio.

(d) Statement of compliance

Pursuant to the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020 the Company is a registered closed-ended investment scheme. As a registered scheme, the Company is subject to certain ongoing obligations to the Guernsey Financial Services Commission, and is governed by the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 as amended.

3. Seasonality

Neither operating income nor profit are impacted significantly by seasonality. While meteorological conditions resulting in fluctuation in the levels of wind and sunlight can affect revenues of the Company's environmental infrastructure projects, due to the diversified mix of projects, these fluctuations do not materially affect the Company's operating income or profit.

4. Operating expenses

                                Six months   Six months 
                                     ended        ended 
                               30 Sep 2023  30 Sep 2022 
                               (unaudited)  (unaudited) 
                                  GBP'000s     GBP'000s 
-----------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Investment management fees           4,227        4,237 
Directors' fees and expenses           172          160 
Administration fee                      56           55 
Other expenses                         563          718 
-----------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                     5,018        5,170 
-----------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

5. Tax

Income tax expense

The Company has obtained exempt status from income tax in Guernsey under the Income Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 1989. JLEN is charged an annual exemption fee of GBP1,200.

The income from its investments is therefore not subject to any further tax in Guernsey, although the investments provide for and pay taxation at the appropriate rates in the jurisdictions in which they operate. The underlying tax within the subsidiaries and environmental infrastructure assets, which are held as investments at fair value through profit or loss, is included in the estimate of the fair value of these investments.

6. Dividends

                                                                                              Six months   Six months 
                                                                                                   ended        ended 
                                                                                             30 Sep 2023  30 Sep 2022 
                                                                                             (unaudited)  (unaudited) 
                                                                                                GBP'000s     GBP'000s 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Amounts recognised as distributions to equity holders during the period (pence per share): 
Final dividend for the year ended 31 March 2023 of 1.79 (31 March 2022: 1.70)                     11,842       11,246 
Interim dividend for the quarter ended 30 June 2023 of 1.89 (30 June 2022: 1.78)                  12,503       11,775 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                                                                  24,345       23,021 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

A dividend for the quarter to 30 September 2023 of 1.89 pence per share was approved by the Board on 24 November 2023 and is payable on 29 December 2023. The dividend has not been included as a liability at 30 September 2023.

7. Earnings per share

Earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period:

                                                                                               Six months   Six months 
                                                                                                    ended        ended 
                                                                                              30 Sep 2023  30 Sep 2022 
                                                                                              (unaudited)  (unaudited) 
                                                                                                 GBP'000s     GBP'000s 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Earnings for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings per share, being net profit 
 to owners of the Company                                                                           1,866       89,748 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Number of shares 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings 
 per share                                                                                    661,531,229  661,531,229 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

The denominator for the purposes of calculating both basic and diluted earnings per share is the same, as the Company has not issued any share options or other instruments that would cause dilution.

                                                Six months   Six months 
                                                     ended        ended 
                                               30 Sep 2023  30 Sep 2022 
                                               (unaudited)  (unaudited) 
                                                  GBP'000s     GBP'000s 
---------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Basic and diluted earnings per share (pence)           0.3         13.6 
---------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

8. Investments at fair value through profit or loss

As set out in note 1, the Company accounts for its interest in its 100% owned subsidiary UK HoldCo as an investment at fair value through profit or loss. UK HoldCo in turn owns investments in intermediate holding companies and environmental infrastructure projects.

The table below shows the movement in the Company's investment in UK HoldCo as recorded on the Company's statement of financial position:

                                                         30 Sep 2023  31 Mar 2023 
                                                         (unaudited)    (audited) 
                                                            GBP'000s     GBP'000s 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Fair value of environmental infrastructure investments       898,941      898,539 
Fair value of intermediate holding companies               (104,801)     (81,739) 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Total fair value of investments                              794,140      816,800 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

Reconciliation of movement in fair value of portfolio of assets

The table shows the movement in the fair value of the Company's portfolio of environmental infrastructure assets. These assets are held through other intermediate holding companies. The table also presents a reconciliation of the fair value of the asset portfolio to the Company's condensed unaudited statement of financial position as at 30 September 2023, by incorporating the fair value of these intermediate holding companies.

                                        Six months to 30 Sep 2023 (unaudited)        Year to 31 Mar 2023 (audited) 
                                      -----------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
                                                        Cash, working                          Cash, working 
                                                     capital and debt                       capital and debt 
                                                      in intermediate                        in intermediate 
                                        Portfolio             holding            Portfolio           holding 
                                            value           companies     Total      value         companies     Total 
                                         GBP'000s            GBP'000s  GBP'000s   GBP'000s          GBP'000s  GBP'000s 
------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------  --------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
Opening balance                           898,539            (81,739)   816,800    795,408          (32,553)   762,855 
Portfolio of assets acquired/further 
 investment                                29,954                   -    29,954     72,050                 -    72,050 
Disposal of assets                              -                   -         -          -                 -         - 
------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------  --------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
                                           29,954                   -    29,954     72,050                 -    72,050 
Growth in portfolio(1)                     16,680                   -    16,680    114,690                 -   114,690 
Cash yields from portfolio to 
 intermediate holding companies          (46,232)                             -   (83,609)            83,609         - 
------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------  --------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
Yields from intermediate holding 
Interest on loan notes(1)                       -            (15,701)  (15,701)          -          (31,401)  (31,401) 
Dividends from UK HoldCo to the 
 Company(1)                                     -            (13,800)  (13,800)          -          (23,100)  (23,100) 
------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------  --------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
                                                -            (29,501)  (29,501)          -          (54,501)  (54,501) 
Other movements 
Investment in working capital in UK 
 HoldCo                                         -             (8,512)   (8,512)          -          (22,145)  (22,145) 
Administrative expenses borne by 
 intermediate holding companies(1,2)            -             (9,796)   (9,796)          -           (6,245)   (6,245) 
Drawdown of UK HoldCo revolving 
 credit facility borrowings                     -            (21,485)  (21,485)          -          (49,904)  (49,904) 
------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------  --------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
Fair value of the Company's 
 investment in UK HoldCo                  898,941           (104,801)   794,140    898,539          (81,739)   816,800 
------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------  --------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 

(1) The net loss on investments at fair value through profit or loss for the period ended 30 September 2023 is GBP22,617,000 (year ended 31 March 2023: gain of GBP53,944,000, six-month period ended 30 September 2022: gain of GBP68,974,000). This, together with interest received on loan notes of GBP15,701,000 (year ended 31 March 2023: GBP31,401,000, six-month period ended 30 September 2022: GBP15,744,000) and dividend income of GBP13,800,000 (year ended 31 March 2023: GBP23,100,000, six-month period ended 30 September 2022: GBP10,200,000) comprises operating income in the condensed income statement.

(2) Administrative expenses borne by intermediate holding companies includes the payment of the Electricity Generator Levy.

The balances in the table above represent the total net movement in the fair value of the Company's investment. The "cash, working capital and debt in intermediate holding companies" balances reflect investment in, distributions from or movements in working capital and are not value generating.

Fair value of portfolio of assets

The Investment Manager has carried out fair market valuations of the investments as at 30 September 2023. The Directors have satisfied themselves as to the methodology used and the discount rates applied for the valuation. Investments are all investments in environmental infrastructure projects and are valued using a discounted cash flow methodology, being the most relevant and most commonly used method in the market to value similar assets to the Company's. The Company's holding of its investment in UK HoldCo represents its interest in both the equity and debt instruments. The equity and debt instruments are valued as a whole using a blended discount rate and the value attributed to the equity instruments represents the fair value of future dividends and equity redemptions in addition to any value enhancements arising from the timing of loan principal and interest receipts from the debt instruments, while the value attributed to the debt instruments represents the principal outstanding and interest due on the loan at the valuation date.

The valuation techniques and methodology have been applied consistently with the valuation performed in the Company's latest annual audited financial statements.

Discount rates applied to the operating portfolio of assets range from 7.0% to 18.4% (weighted average 9.4%) (at 31 March 2023: from 5.75% to 10.30% - weighted average 8.4%).

The following economic assumptions were used in the discounted cash flow valuations:

                                 30 Sep 2023 (unaudited)          31 Mar 2023 (audited) 
-------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
UK - RPI inflation rates        6.7% in 2023, decreasing      6.5% for 2023, decreasing 
                                    to 3.5% for 2024, 3%   to 3% until 2030, decreasing 
                            to 2030 and 2.25% thereafter             to 2.25% from 2031 
-------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Italy - inflation rates                     2% flat rate        5.3% for 2023, stepping 
                                                           to 2.9% for 2024, decreasing 
                                                           to 2.2% for 2025, decreasing 
                                                           to 1.9% for 2026, decreasing 
                                                           to 1.8% for 2027, increasing 
                                                                     to 2.00% from 2028 
UK - deposit interest               2.0% for the life of      2.0% for 2023, decreasing 
 rates                                        each asset              to 1.5% from 2024 
Italy - deposit rates                                 0%                             0% 
-------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
UK - corporation tax                 25% from April 2023    25% from April 2023 onwards 
 rates                                           onwards 
-------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Italy - corporation tax            National rate of 24%,          National rate of 24%, 
 rates                          plus applicable regional       plus applicable regional 
                                                premiums                       premiums 
Euro/sterling exchange 
 rate                                               1.15                           1.14 
-------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 

Refer to note 15 for details of the sensitivity of the portfolio to movements in the discount rate and economic assumptions.

The assets in the intermediate holding companies substantially comprise working capital, cash balances and the outstanding revolving credit facility debt; therefore, the Directors consider the fair value to be equal to the book values.

Details of investments made during the period

In July 2023, the Company announced its second green hydrogen development opportunity alongside a consortium including other Foresight managed funds and its development partner HH2E, a specialist in developing green hydrogen projects to decarbonise industry. The production site is located in Lubmin, Germany. The consortium of investors has approved the Preliminary Investment Decision and the initial investment of up to EUR9.2 million. As at 30 September 2023, the amount invested was EUR8.1 million.

During the period, GBP5.9 million was invested in CNG Foresight Limited. The portfolio holds 13 natural gas refuelling stations, 2 of which are in construction phase.

The Group invested EUR2.0 million into the Thierbach green hydrogen development project during the period.

The Group also invested GBP7.2 million into the CE Rjukan project, GBP2.3 million into the Sandridge battery construction asset, GBP2.0 million into FS West Gourdie battery construction asset, GBP1.9 million into the CE Glasshouse project, EUR1.3 million into FEIP and GBP0.9 million to various other projects.

9. Trade and other receivables

                  30 Sep 2023  31 Mar 2023 
                  (unaudited)    (audited) 
                     GBP'000s     GBP'000s 
----------------  -----------  ----------- 
Prepayments               105          143 
----------------  -----------  ----------- 
Closing balance           105          143 
----------------  -----------  ----------- 

10. Trade and other payables

                  30 Sep 2023  31 Mar 2023 
                  (unaudited)    (audited) 
                     GBP'000s     GBP'000s 
----------------  -----------  ----------- 
Accruals                2,557        2,518 
----------------  -----------  ----------- 
Closing balance         2,557        2,518 
----------------  -----------  ----------- 

11. Loans and borrowings

The Company had no outstanding loans or borrowings at 30 September 2023 (31 March 2023: none), as shown in the Company's condensed unaudited statement of financial position.

As at 30 September 2023, the Company held loan notes of GBP348.9 million which were issued by UK HoldCo (31 March 2023: outstanding amount of GBP348.9 million).

As at 30 September 2023, UK HoldCo had an outstanding balance of GBP125.0 million under a revolving credit facility (31 March 2023: GBP103.5 million). The loan bears interest of SONIA + 195 to 205 bps and is intended to be repaid by proceeds from future capital raises.

There were no other outstanding loans or borrowings in either UK HoldCo or HWT at 30 September 2023.

12. Share capital account

                   30 Sep 2023 (unaudited)    31 Mar 2023 (audited) 
                       Number of                 Number of 
                          shares   GBP'000s         shares  GBP'000s 
----------------  --------------  ---------  -------------  -------- 
Opening balance      661,531,229    664,401    661,531,229   664,401 
----------------  --------------  ---------  -------------  -------- 
Closing balance      661,531,229    664,401    661,531,229   664,401 
----------------  --------------  ---------  -------------  -------- 

All new shares issued rank pari passu and include the right to receive all future dividends and distributions declared, made or paid.

13. Retained earnings

                             30 Sep 2023  31 Mar 2023 
                             (unaudited)    (audited) 
                                GBP'000s     GBP'000s 
---------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Opening balance                  150,167       98,504 
Profit for the period/year         1,866       98,300 
Dividends paid                  (24,345)     (46,637) 
---------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Closing balance                  127,688      150,167 
---------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

14. Transactions with Investment Manager and related parties

Transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries, which are related parties of the Company, are fair valued and are disclosed within note 8. Details of transactions between the Company and related parties are disclosed below.

This note also details the terms of the Company's engagement with Foresight Group as Investment Manager.

Transactions with the Investment Manager

Foresight Group is the Company's Investment Manager. Foresight's appointment as Investment Manager is governed by an Investment Management Agreement.

Foresight Group is entitled to a base fee equal to:

a) 1.0% per annum of the Adjusted Portfolio Value(1) of the Fund(2) up to and including GBP500 million; and

   b)   0.8% per annum of the Adjusted Portfolio Value of the Fund in excess of GBP500 million. 

The total Investment Manager fee charged to the condensed unaudited income statement for the six months ended 30 September 2023 was GBP4,227,425 (six-month period ended 30 September 2022: GBP4,237,233) of which GBP2,137,494 remained payable as at 30 September 2023 (31 March 2023: GBP2,057,000).

   (1)   Adjusted Portfolio Value is defined in the Investment Management Agreement as: 
   a)    the fair value of the investment portfolio; plus 
   b)    any cash owned by or held to the order of the Fund; plus 

c) the aggregate amount of payments made to shareholders by way of dividend in the quarterly period ending on the relevant valuation day, less

   i.     any other liabilities of the Fund (excluding borrowings); and 
   ii.    any uninvested cash. 

(2) Fund means the Company and JLEN Environmental Assets Group (UK) Limited together with their wholly owned subsidiaries or subsidiary undertakings (including companies or other entities wholly owned by them together, individually or in any combination, as appropriate) but excluding project entities.

Other transactions with related parties

The Directors of the Company, who are considered to be key management, received fees for their services for the six -- month period of GBP167,250 (six-month period ended 30 September 2022: GBP154,879). The Directors were paid expenses of GBP4,907 in the six -- month period (six-month period ended 30 September 2022: GBP5,959).

The Directors held the following shares:

                                                  Total number of shares  Total number of shares 
                                                     held at 30 Sep 2023     held at 31 Mar 2023 
                                                             (unaudited)               (audited) 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 
Ed Warner                                                         60,000                  60,000 
Alan Bates                                                        12,500                  12,500 
Stephanie Coxon                                                   15,000                  15,000 
Jo Harrison                                                        8,066                   8,066 
Hans Joern Rieks                                                  95,000                  95,000 
Nadia Sood                                                             -                       - 
Richard Ramsay (retired effective 1 April 2023)                        -                  53,813 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 

All of the above transactions were undertaken on an arm's length basis.

The Directors were paid dividends in the period of GBP7,013 (six-month period ended 30 September 2022: GBP8,529).

15. Financial instruments

Financial instruments by category

The Company held the following financial instruments at fair value at 30 September 2023. There are no non -- recurring fair value measurements.

                                                                          30 Sep 2023 (unaudited) 
                                                                       Financial      assets at    Financial 
                                                           Cash and  assets held  value through  liabilities 
                                                                              at                          at 
                                                      cash balances    amortised      profit or    amortised     Total 
                                                                            cost           loss         cost 
                                                           GBP'000s     GBP'000s       GBP'000s     GBP'000s  GBP'000s 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------- 
Non-current assets 
Investments at fair value through profit or loss 
 (Level 3)                                                        -            -        794,140            -   794,140 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables                                       -          105              -            -       105 
Cash and cash equivalents                                       401            -              -            -       401 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------- 
Total financial assets                                          401          105        794,140            -   794,646 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                          -            -              -      (2,557)   (2,557) 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------- 
Total financial liabilities                                       -            -              -      (2,557)   (2,557) 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------- 
Net financial instruments                                       401          105        794,140      (2,557)   792,089 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------- 
                                                                           31 Mar 2023 (audited) 
                                                                       Financial      assets at    Financial 
                                                           Cash and  assets held  value through  liabilities 
                                                                              at                          at 
                                                      cash balances    amortised      profit or    amortised     Total 
                                                                            cost           loss         cost 
                                                           GBP'000s     GBP'000s       GBP'000s     GBP'000s  GBP'000s 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------- 
Non-current assets 
Investments at fair value through profit or loss 
 (Level 3)                                                        -            -        816,800            -   816,800 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables                                       -          143              -            -       143 
Cash and cash equivalents                                       143            -              -            -       143 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------- 
Total financial assets                                          143          143        816,800            -   817,086 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                          -            -              -      (2,518)   (2,518) 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------- 
Total financial liabilities                                       -            -              -      (2,518)   (2,518) 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------- 
Net financial instruments                                       143          143        816,800      (2,518)   814,568 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -------- 

The Company's investments at fair value through profit or loss are classified at Level 3 within the IFRS fair value hierarchy.

The Level 3 fair value measurements derive from valuation techniques that include inputs to the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).

In the tables above, financial instruments are held at carrying value as an approximation to fair value unless stated otherwise.

Reconciliation of Level 3 fair value measurement of financial assets and liabilities

An analysis of the movement between opening to closing balances of the investments at fair value through profit or loss is given in note 8.

The fair value of the investments at fair value through profit or loss includes the use of Level 3 inputs. Please refer to note 8 for details on the valuation methodology.

Sensitivity analysis of the portfolio

The sensitivity of the portfolio to movements in the discount rate is as follows:

30 Sep 2023 (unaudited) 
-----------------------------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
Discount rate                  Minus 0.5%  Base 9.4%  Plus 0.5% 
Change in portfolio valuation   Increases  GBP898.9m  Decreases 
                                 GBP20.7m              GBP19.8m 
Change in NAV per share         Increases     119.7p  Decreases 
                                     3.1p                  3.0p 
-----------------------------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
31 Mar 2023 (audited) 
-----------------------------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
Discount rate                  Minus 0.5%  Base 8.4%  Plus 0.5% 
Change in portfolio valuation   Increases  GBP898.5m  Decreases 
                                 GBP21.7m              GBP20.7m 
Change in NAV per share         Increases     123.1p  Decreases 
                                     3.3p                  3.1p 
-----------------------------  ----------  ---------  --------- 

In light of the current economic environment, actual near-term inflation may vary from assumptions applied within the portfolio valuation. For illustrative purposes, where inflation is higher than JLEN's valuation assumption by 2% for the next two years, NAV would be expected to increase by GBP18.0 million (2.7 pence per share). The sensitivity of the portfolio to movements in long -- term inflation rates is as follows:

30 Sep 2023 (unaudited) 
-----------------------------  ----------  -------------  --------- 
Inflation rates                Minus 0.5%      Base 6.7%  Plus 0.5% 
                                            (2023), 3.5% 
                                            (2024), then 
                                            3% (to 2030) 
                                              then 2.25% 
Change in portfolio valuation   Decreases      GBP898.9m  Increases 
                                 GBP19.5m                  GBP18.3m 
Change in NAV per share         Decreases         119.7p  Increases 
                                     2.9p                      2.8p 
-----------------------------  ----------  -------------  --------- 
31 Mar 2023 (audited) 
-----------------------------  ----------  -------------  --------- 
Inflation rates                Minus 0.5%      Base 6.5%  Plus 0.5% 
                                            (2023), then 
                                              3% to 2030 
                                              then 2.25% 
Change in portfolio valuation   Decreases      GBP898.5m  Increases 
                                 GBP21.1m                  GBP21.4m 
Change in NAV per share         Decreases         123.1p  Increases 
                                     3.2p                      3.2p 
-----------------------------  ----------  -------------  --------- 

The fair value of the investments is based on a "P50" level of electricity generation for the renewable energy assets, being the expected level of generation over the long term.

Wind, solar and hydro assets are subject to electricity generation risks.

The sensitivity of the portfolio to movements in energy yields based on an assumed "P90" level of electricity generation (i.e. a level of generation that is below the "P50", with a 90% probability of being exceeded) and an assumed "P10" level of electricity generation (i.e. a level of generation that is above the "P50", with a 10% probability of being achieved) is as follows:

30 Sep 2023 (unaudited) 
-----------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Energy yield: wind               P90 (10   Base P50    P10 (10 
                                   year)                 year) 
Change in portfolio valuation  Decreases  GBP898.9m  Increases 
                                GBP28.1m              GBP27.1m 
Change in NAV per share        Decreases     119.7p  Increases 
                                    4.3p                  4.1p 
-----------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Energy yield: solar              P90 (10   Base P50    P10 (10 
                                   year)                 year) 
Change in portfolio valuation  Decreases  GBP898.9m  Increases 
                                 GBP9.5m               GBP9.6m 
Change in NAV per share        Decreases     119.7p  Increases 
                                    1.4p                  1.4p 
-----------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Energy yield: hydro              P90 (10   Base P50    P10 (10 
                                   year)                 year) 
Change in portfolio valuation  Decreases  GBP898.9m  Increases 
                                 GBP1.3m               GBP1.4m 
Change in NAV per share        Decreases     119.7p  Increases 
                                    0.2p                  0.2p 
-----------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
31 Mar 2023 (audited) 
-----------------------------  -------------  ---------  ------------- 
Energy yield: wind             P90 (10 year)   Base P50  P10 (10 year) 
Change in portfolio valuation      Decreases  GBP898.5m      Increases 
                                    GBP27.3m                  GBP26.2m 
Change in NAV per share            Decreases     123.1p      Increases 
                                        4.1p                      4.0p 
-----------------------------  -------------  ---------  ------------- 
Energy yield: solar            P90 (10 year)   Base P50  P10 (10 year) 
Change in portfolio valuation      Decreases  GBP898.5m      Increases 
                                    GBP10.7m                  GBP10.5m 
Change in NAV per share            Decreases     123.1p      Increases 
                                        1.6p                      1.6p 
-----------------------------  -------------  ---------  ------------- 
Energy yield: hydro            P90 (10 year)   Base P50  P10 (10 year) 
Change in portfolio valuation      Decreases  GBP898.5m      Increases 
                                     GBP1.4m                   GBP1.7m 
Change in NAV per share            Decreases     123.1p      Increases 
                                        0.2p                      0.3p 
-----------------------------  -------------  ---------  ------------- 

Electricity and gas price assumptions are based on the following: for the first two years, cash flows for each project use forward electricity and gas prices based on market rates unless a contractual fixed price exists, in which case the model reflects the fixed price followed by the forward price for the remainder of the two -- year period. For the remainder of the project life, a long -- term blend of central case forecasts from three established market consultants and other relevant information is used, and adjusted by the Investment Manager for project-specific arrangements and price cannibalisation.

The sensitivity assumes a 10% increase or decrease in power prices relative to the base case for each year of the asset life. While power markets can experience movements in excess of +/-10% on a short -- term basis, as has been the case recently, the sensitivity is intended to provide insight into the effect on the NAV of persistently higher or lower power prices over the whole life of the portfolio. The Directors feel that +/-10% remains a realistic range of outcomes over this very long time horizon, notwithstanding that significant movements will occur from time to time.

The sensitivity of the portfolio to movements in electricity and gas prices is as follows:

30 Sep 2023 (unaudited) 
-----------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Energy prices                  Minus 10%       Base   Plus 10% 
Change in portfolio valuation  Decreases  GBP898.9m  Increases 
                                GBP38.7m              GBP38.5m 
Change in NAV per share        Decreases     119.7p  Increases 
                                    5.9p                  5.8p 
-----------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
31 Mar 2023 (audited) 
-----------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Energy prices                  Minus 10%       Base   Plus 10% 
Change in portfolio valuation  Decreases  GBP898.5m  Increases 
                                GBP40.9m              GBP40.4m 
Change in NAV per share        Decreases     123.1p  Increases 
                                    6.2p                  6.1p 
-----------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

Waste & bioenergy assets (excluding Bio Collectors) do not have significant volume and price risks and therefore are not included in the above volume and price sensitivities.

In line with JLEN's original investment case for anaerobic digestion, the Company continues to apply the conservative valuation assumption that facilities will simply cease to operate beyond the life of their RHI tariff. In recent months, the Investment Manager has seen a growing case of evidence, including several transactional datapoints, pointing towards a positive change in market sentiment for valuing these assets - including the potential to run anaerobic digestion facilities on an unsubsidised basis.

In light of this change, the Investment Manager has provided a sensitivity extending the useful economic lives of its AD portfolio by up to five years - capped at the duration of land rights already in place. Such an extension would result in an uplift in the portfolio valuation of GBP22.8 million (3.5 pence per share).

The sensitivity of the portfolio to movements in AD feedstock prices is as follows:

30 Sep 2023 (unaudited) 
-----------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Feedstock prices               Minus 10%       Base   Plus 10% 
Change in portfolio valuation  Increases  GBP898.9m  Decreases 
                                 GBP7.5m               GBP7.6m 
Change in NAV per share        Increases     119.7p  Decreases 
                                    1.1p                  1.1p 
-----------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
31 Mar 2023 (audited) 
-----------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Feedstock prices               Minus 10%       Base   Plus 10% 
Change in portfolio valuation  Increases  GBP898.5m  Decreases 
                                 GBP7.3m               GBP7.8m 
Change in NAV per share        Increases     123.1p  Decreases 
                                    1.1p                  1.2p 
-----------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

The sensitivity of the portfolio to movements in corporation tax rates is as follows:

30 Sep 2023 (unaudited) 
-----------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Corporation tax                 Minus 2%   Base 25%    Plus 2% 
Change in portfolio valuation  Increases  GBP898.9m  Decreases 
                                GBP14.0m              GBP14.6m 
Change in NAV per share        Increases     119.7p  Decreases 
                                    2.1p                  2.2p 
-----------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
31 Mar 2023 (audited) 
-----------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Corporation tax                 Minus 2%   Base 25%    Plus 2% 
Change in portfolio valuation  Increases  GBP898.5m  Decreases 
                                GBP15.0m              GBP15.3m 
Change in NAV per share        Increases     123.1p  Decreases 
                                    1.8p                  1.7p 
-----------------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

Euro/sterling exchange rate sensitivity

As the proportion of the portfolio assets with cash flows denominated in euros represents a small proportion of the portfolio value at 30 September 2023, the Directors consider the sensitivity to changes in euro/sterling exchange rates to be insignificant.

The Directors consider that the carrying value amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities recorded at amortised cost in the financial statements are approximately equal to their fair values.

Uncontracted revenues on non-energy generating portfolio sensitivity

Non-energy generating assets, such as batteries and controlled environment agriculture and aquaculture are not materially affected by either scarcity of natural resource nor power price markets. Therefore, the Investment Manager has presented a sensitivity illustrating an assumed 10% change in all uncontracted revenues for each year of the asset lives. An increase in uncontracted revenues of 10% would result in an upward movement in the portfolio valuation of GBP14.2 million (2.2 pence per share) compared to a decrease in value of GBP18.7 million (2.8 pence per share) if those revenues were reduced by the same amount.

16. Guarantees and other commitments

As at 30 September 2023, the Company has provided a guarantee over the Company's wholly owned subsidiary UK HoldCo's obligations under the GBP170 million RCF signed on 21 May 2021, the one-year extension to its existing GBP170 million RCF signed in March 2023 and the GBP30 million accordion facility activated in March 2023.

As at 30 September 2023, the Group has the following future investment obligations over a 12-month horizon: EUR8.6 million (equivalent to GBP7.5 million) to FEIP, GBP4.7 million to the CNG Foresight project, 187.1 million NOK (equivalent to GBP15.9 million) to the CE Rjukan project, GBP3.8 million to the CE Glasshouse project, GBP4.5 million to Sandridge battery storage, GBP2.0 million to West Gourdie, EUR2.4 million (equivalent to GBP2.1 million) to HH2E Werk Thierbach GmbH and EUR1.2 million (equivalent to GBP1.1 million) to the Lubmin green hydrogen investment.

The Company had no other commitments or guarantees.

17. Subsidiaries

The following subsidiaries have not been consolidated in these financial statements as a result of applying the requirements of "Investment Entities: Applying the Consolidation Exception (Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 27)":

Name                               Category   Place of business   Registered office  Ownership interest  Voting rights 
--------------------  ---------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------- 
JLEN Environmental 
 Assets Group (UK) 
 Limited(1)            Intermediate holding                  UK                   A                100%           100% 
HWT Limited            Intermediate holding                  UK                   B                100%           100% 
JLEAG Solar 1 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   C                100%           100% 
Croft Solar PV 
 Limited                            Dormant                  UK                   C                100%           100% 
Cross Solar PV 
 Limited                            Dormant                  UK                   C                100%           100% 
Domestic Solar 
 Limited                            Dormant                  UK                   C                100%           100% 
Ecossol Limited                     Dormant                  UK                   C                100%           100% 
Hill Solar PV 
 Limited                            Dormant                  UK                   C                100%           100% 
Share Solar PV 
 Limited                            Dormant                  UK                   C                100%           100% 
Residential PV 
 Trading Limited                    Dormant                  UK                   C                100%           100% 
Angel Solar Limited                 Dormant                  UK                   C                100%           100% 
                            Project holding 
Easton PV Limited                   company                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
                            Project holding 
Pylle Solar Limited                 company                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
Second Energy 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
ELWA Holdings               Project holding 
 Limited                            company                  UK                   E                 80%            80% 
ELWA Limited(2)        Operating subsidiary                  UK                   E                 80%         81%(2) 
JLEAG Wind Holdings         Project holding 
 Limited                            company                  UK                   A                100%           100% 
                            Project holding 
JLEAG Wind Limited                  company                  UK                   A                100%           100% 
Amber Solar Parks           Project holding 
 (Holdings) Limited                 company                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
Amber Solar Park 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
Fryingdown Solar       Operating subsidiary 
 Park Limited                     (dormant)                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
Five Oaks Solar        Operating subsidiary 
 Parks Limited                    (dormant)                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
Bilsthorpe Wind Farm 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   F                100%           100% 
Ferndale Wind               Project holding 
 Limited                            company                  UK                   F                100%           100% 
Castle Pill Wind            Project holding 
 Limited                            company                  UK                   F                100%           100% 
Wind Assets LLP        Operating subsidiary                  UK                   F                100%           100% 
Hall Farm Wind Farm 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   F                100%           100% 
Branden Solar Parks         Project holding 
 (Holdings) Limited                 company                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
Branden Solar Parks 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
KS SPV 3 Limited       Operating subsidiary                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
KS SPV 4 Limited       Operating subsidiary                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
Carscreugh Renewable 
 Energy Park Limited   Operating subsidiary                  UK                   F                100%           100% 
Wear Point Wind 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   F                100%           100% 
                            Project holding 
Monksham Power Ltd                  company                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
Frome Solar Limited    Operating subsidiary                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
BL Wind Limited        Operating subsidiary                  UK                   F                100%           100% 
Burton Wold 
 Extension Limited     Operating subsidiary                  UK                   F                100%           100% 
New Albion Wind 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   F                100%           100% 
Dreachmhor Wind Farm 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   F                100%           100% 
France Wind GP              Project holding 
 Germany GmbH(3)                    company                  DE                   G                100%           100% 
France Wind Germany         Project holding 
 GmbH & Co. KG(3)                   company                  DE                   G                100%           100% 
                            Project holding 
CSGH Solar Limited                  company                  UK                   A                100%           100% 
CSGH Solar (1)              Project holding 
 Limited                            company                  UK                   A                100%           100% 
sPower Holdco 1 (UK)        Project holding 
 Limited                            company                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
sPower Finco 1 (UK)         Project holding 
 Limited                            company                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
Higher Tregarne 
 Solar (UK) Limited    Operating subsidiary                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
Crug Mawr Solar Farm 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
Golden Hill Solar           Project holding 
 (UK) Limited                       company                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
Golden Hill Solar 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
Shoals Hook Solar 
 (UK) Limited          Operating subsidiary                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
CGT Investment              Project holding 
 Limited                            company                  UK                   H                100%           100% 
CWMNI GWYNT TEG CYF    Operating subsidiary                  UK                   H                100%           100% 
Moelogan 2 
 (Holdings)                 Project holding 
 Cyfyngedig                         company                  UK                   H                100%           100% 
Moelogan 2 C.C.C.      Operating subsidiary                  UK                   H                100%           100% 
Vulcan Renewables 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   I                100%           100% 
Llynfi Afan 
 Renewable Energy 
 Park (Holdings) 
 Limited                            Dormant                  UK                   A                100%           100% 
Llynfi Afan 
 Renewable Energy 
 Park Limited          Operating subsidiary                  UK                   A                100%           100% 
Bio Collectors              Project holding 
 Holdings Limited                   company                  UK                   M                 70%            70% 
Bio Collectors 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   M                 70%            70% 
Riverside Bio 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   M                 70%            70% 
Riverside AD Limited   Operating subsidiary                  UK                   M                 70%            70% 
Green Gas Oxon              Project holding 
 Limited                            company                  UK                   J               52.6%          52.6% 
Icknield Gas Limited   Operating subsidiary                  UK                   J               52.6%          52.6% 
Egmere Energy 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   I                100%           100% 
Grange Farm Energy 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   I                100%           100% 
Biogas Meden Limited   Operating subsidiary                  UK                   I                100%           100% 
Yorkshire Hydropower        Project holding 
 Holdings Limited                   company                  UK                   F                100%           100% 
Yorkshire Hydropower 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   F                100%           100% 
Northern Hydropower         Project holding 
 Holdings Limited                   company                  UK                   F                100%           100% 
Northern Hydropower 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   F                100%           100% 
                            Project holding 
Warren Power Limited                company                  UK                   I                100%           100% 
Warren Energy 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   I                100%           100% 
Merlin Renewables 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   I                100%           100% 
Codford Biogas 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   K                100%           100% 
Rainworth Energy 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   L                100%           100% 
FS West Gourdie 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   D                100%           100% 
Spruce Bioenergy            Project holding 
 Limited                            company                  UK                   A                100%           100% 
 Renewable Energy 
 Limited               Operating subsidiary                  UK                   N                100%           100% 
--------------------  ---------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------- 
   (1)   JLEN Environmental Assets Group (UK) Limited is the only entity directly held by the Company. 

(2) ELWA Holdings Limited holds 81% of the voting rights and a 100% share of the economic benefits in ELWA Limited.

   (3)   Underlying French wind assets were disposed of in January 2022. 

Registered offices

   A.     C/O Foresight Group LLP, The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9SG, United Kingdom 
   B.     50 Lothian Road, Festival Square, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH3 9WJ 

C. C/O Freetricity, 1 Filament Walk, Suite 203, Suite 216, Wandsworth, London SW18 4GQ, United Kingdom

   D.    Long Barn, Manor Farm, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, Radstock BA3 4QF 
   E.     Dunedin House, Auckland Park, Mount Farm, Milton Keynes MK1 1BU 
   F.     C/O Res Limited, Beaufort Court, Egg Farm Lane, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire WD4 8LR 
   G.    Steinweg 3-5, Frankfurt am Main, 60313, Germany 
   H.    Cae Sgubor Ffordd Pennant, Eglwysbach, Colwyn Bay, Conwy LL28 5UN 
   I.      10-12 Frederick Sanger Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7YD 
   J.     Friars Ford, Manor Road, Goring, Reading RG8 9EL 

K. C/O External Services Limited, 20 Central Avenue, St Andrews Business Park, Norwich NR7 OHR, United Kingdom

   L.     C/O Material Change, The Watering Farm, Creeting St. Mary, Ipswich, Suffolk IP6 8ND 
   M.    10 Osier Way, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4NF 
   N.    8 White Oak Square, London Road, Swanley BR8 7AG 

18. Events after balance sheet date

A dividend for the quarter ended 30 September 2023 of 1.89 pence per share was approved by the Board on 24 November 2023. Please refer to note 6 for further details.


APM                    Purpose                Calculation              APM value           Reconciliation 
                                                                                            to IFRS 
---------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
Total shareholder      Measure of financial   Since IPO: closing       70.1%               Calculation 
 return (since          performance,           share price                                  for total shareholder 
 IPO and annualised)    indicating the         as at 30 September                           return since 
                        amount an investor     2023 plus all                                IPO: closing 
                        reaps from investing   dividends since                              share price 
                        since IPO and          IPO assumed                                  as at 30 September 
                        expressed as           reinvested,                                  2023, as per 
                        a percentage           divided by the                               key investments 
                        (annualised            share price                                  metrics on page 
                        or total since         at IPO, expressed                            32 of the Half-year 
                        IPO of the Company)    as a percentage                              report 2023 
                                                                                            plus all dividends 
                                                                                            since IPO assumed 
                                                                                            divided by the 
                                                                                            share price 
                                                                                            at IPO, expressed 
                                                                                            as a percentage 
---------------------  --------------------- 
                                              Annualised:              5.7% annualised     Calculation 
                                               closing share                                for annualised 
                                               price as at                                  total shareholder 
                                               30 September                                 return: closing 
                                               2023 plus all                                share price 
                                               dividends since                              as at 30 September 
                                               IPO assumed                                  2023 as per 
                                               reinvested,                                  key investment 
                                               divided by the                               metrics on page 
                                               share price                                  32 of the Half-year 
                                               at IPO, to the                               report 2023 
                                               power of one                                 plus all dividends 
                                               over the number                              since IPO assumed 
                                               of years since                               reinvested, 
                                               IPO, expressed                               divided by the 
                                               as a percentage                              share price 
                                                                                            at IPO, to the 
                                                                                            power of one 
                                                                                            over the number 
                                                                                            of years since 
                                                                                            IPO, expressed 
                                                                                            as a percentage 
---------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
Net Asset Value        Allows investors       The net assets           119.7 pence         The calculation 
 per share              to gauge whether       divided by the                               divides the 
                        shares are trading     number of ordinary                           net assets as 
                        at a premium           shares in issuance                           per the statement 
                        or a discount                                                       of financial 
                        by comparing                                                        position on 
                        the Net Asset                                                       page 39 of the 
                        Value per share                                                     Half-year report 
                        with the share                                                      2023 by the 
                        price                                                               closing number 
                                                                                            of ordinary 
                                                                                            shares in issue 
                                                                                            as per note 
                                                                                            12 page 48 of 
                                                                                            the Half-year 
                                                                                            report 2023 
---------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
Market capitalisation  Provides an            Closing share            GBP653.6 million    The calculation 
                        indication of          price as at                                  uses the closing 
                        the size of            30 September                                 share price 
                        the Company            2023 multiplied                              as at 30 September 
                                               by the closing                               2023 as per 
                                               number of ordinary                           the key investment 
                                               shares in issuance                           metric table 
                                                                                            on page 32 of 
                                                                                            the Half-year 
                                                                                            report 2023 
                                                                                            and the closing 
                                                                                            number of ordinary 
                                                                                            shares as per 
                                                                                            note 12 of the 
                                                                                            financial statements 
                                                                                            on page 48 of 
                                                                                            the Half-year 
                                                                                            report 2023 
---------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
Gross Asset            A measure of           The sum of total         GBP1,109.8 million  This is the 
 Value ("GAV")          the value of           assets of the                                total debt (RCF 
                        the Company's          Company as shown                             drawn: GBP125.0 
                        total assets           on the statement                             million plus 
                                               of financial                                 project level 
                        Gross Asset            position and                                 debt: GBP192.8 
                        Value on investment    the total debt                               million) plus 
                        basis including        of the Group                                 the Net Asset 
                        debt held at           and underlying                               Value as per 
                        SPV level              investments                                  statement of 
                                                                                            financial position 
                                                                                            on page 39 of 
                                                                                            the Half-year 
                                                                                            report 2023 
---------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
Gearing                Ascertain financial    Total debt of            28.7%               The calculation 
                        risk in the            the Group and                                uses the total 
                        Group's balance        underlying investments                       debt (RCF drawn: 
                        sheet                  as a percentage                              GBP125.0 million 
                                               of GAV                                       plus project 
                                                                                            level debt: 
                                                                                            GBP192.8 million) 
                                                                                            and shows this 
                                                                                            as a percentage 
                                                                                            of the GAV 
---------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
Distributions,         A measure of           Total cash received      GBP46.2 million     As per "Cash 
 repayments and         performance            from investments                             flows of the 
 fees from portfolio    from the underlying    in the period                                Group for the 
                        portfolio                                                           period", also 
                                                                                            titled "Cash 
                                                                                            from environmental 
                                                                                            on page 34 of 
                                                                                            the Half-year 
                                                                                            report 2023 
---------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
Cash flow from         Gauges operating       As per the "Cash         GBP32.2 million     Detailed breakdown 
 operations of          revenues and           flows of the                                 as per page 
 the Group              expenses of            Group for the                                34 of the Half-year 
                        the Group              period" table                                report 2023 
                                               on page 34 of                                in the "Cash 
                                               the Half-year                                flows of the 
                                               report 2023,                                 Group for the 
                                               the calculation                              period" 
                                               takes the cash 
                                               from environmental 
                                               and subtracts 
                                               the following: 
                                               expenses, Directors' 
                                               fees and expenses, 
                                               Investment Manager 
                                               fees, financing 
                                               costs (net of 
                                               interest income) 
---------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
Cash dividend          Investors can          Cash flow from           1.32x               The calculation 
 cover                  gauge the ability      operations of                                uses the cash 
                        of the Group           the Group divided                            flows from operations 
                        to generate            by dividend                                  as per "Cash 
                        cash surplus           paid within                                  flows of the 
                        after payment          the reporting                                Group for the 
                        of dividend            period                                       period" on page 
                                                                                            34 of the Half-year 
                                                                                            report 2023 
                                                                                            and the dividends 
                                                                                            paid in cash 
                                                                                            to shareholders 
                                                                                            as per the cash 
                                                                                            flow statement 
                                                                                            on page 41 of 
                                                                                            the Half-year 
                                                                                            report 2023. 
---------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
Ongoing charges        A measure of           The ongoing              1.18%               Annualised ongoing 
 ratio                  the annual reduction   charges have                                 charges for 
                        in shareholder         been calculated,                             the year ended 
                        returns due            in accordance                                31 March 2023 
                        to operational         with AIC guidance,                           have been calculated 
                        expenses, based        as annualised                                as GBP9.7 million. 
                        on historical          ongoing charges                              The ongoing 
                        data                   (i.e. excluding                              charges ratio 
                                               acquisition                                  divides this 
                                               costs and other                              by the published 
                                               non-recurring                                average Net 
                                               items) divided                               Asset Value 
                                               by the average                               over the last 
                                               published undiluted                          four quarters 
                                               Net Asset Value                              to the calculation 
                                               in the period.                               date (including 
                                               Total annualised                             31 March 2023) 
                                               ongoing charges 
                                               include Investment 
                                               Manager fees, 
                                               legal and professional 
                                               fees, administration 
                                               fees, Directors' 
---------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
NAV total return       Measure of financial   Closing NAV              122.9%              Calculated as 
 since IPO              performance            per ordinary                                 the closing 
                        (annualised),          share as at                                  NAV per ordinary 
                        which indicates        30 September                                 share as per 
                        the movement           2023 plus all                                the Statement 
                        of the value           dividends since                              of Financial 
                        of the Company         IPO assumed                                  Position on 
                        since IPO              reinvested,                                  page 39 of the 
                                               divided by the                               Half-year report 
                                               NAV at IPO,                                  2023. 
                                               to the power 
                                               of 1, over the 
                                               number of years 
                                               since IPO 
---------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 



anaerobic digestion


Alternative Investment Fund Manager

AIFM Directive

the EU Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (No. 2011/61/EU)


alternative performance measures are financial measures that are not currently defined or specified in the applicable financial reporting framework


basis points

business day

means any day (other than a Saturday, Sunday or bank holiday) on which commercial banks are open for non automated business in London and Guernsey

the Company or JLEN or the Fund

JLEN Environmental Assets Group Limited (formerly John Laing Environmental Assets Group Limited)

controlled environment

refers to the science of cultivating human-grade produce in a contained structure that is precisely regulated to ensure control over environmental conditions such as lighting, temperature, humidity, water supply, air quality, nutrient content etc.

discontinuation vote

As part of the Company's discount management policies, the Board intends to propose a discontinuation vote if the ordinary shares trade at a significant discount to Net Asset Value per share for a prolonged period of time. If, in any financial year, the ordinary shares have traded, on average, at a discount in excess of 10% to the Net Asset Value per share, the Board will propose a special resolution at the Company's next annual general meeting that the Company ceases to continue in its present form. If such vote is passed, the Board will be required to formulate proposals to be put to shareholders within four months to wind up or otherwise reconstruct the Company, bearing in mind the illiquid nature of the Company's underlying assets. The discount prevailing on each business day will be determined by reference to the closing market price of ordinary shares on that day and the Net Asset Value per share


Distribution Network Operator


Electricity Generator Levy


Environmental, Social and Governance


European Union


Foresight Energy Infrastructure Partners

Foresight Group or Foresight

Foresight Group LLP


Fixed Price Certificates


greenhouse gas


gas purchase agreement


JLEN Environmental Assets Group Limited and its intermediate holding companies UK HoldCo and HWT Limited


gigawatt hour

intermediate holding companies

companies within the Group which are used as pass-through vehicles to invest in underlying environmental infrastructure assets, namely UK HoldCo and HWT Limited

Investment Manager

Foresight Group


Initial Public Offering


megawatt electric


megawatt hour


megawatt hours of heat


Net Asset Value

Net Asset Value per share

The net assets of the Company divided by the number of ordinary shares in issuance


nitrogen oxides

ordinary shares

means ordinary shares of no par value each in the capital of the Company


the 42 assets in which JLEN had a shareholding as at 30 September 2023

portfolio valuation

the sum of all the individual investments' net present values


Power Purchase Agreements


the Public Private Partnership procurement model


Principles for Responsible Investment

price cannibalisation

the depressive influence on the wholesale power price at timings of high output from intermittent weather-driven generation such as solar and wind


revolving credit facility


review of electricity market arrangements


Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations


Renewables Obligation Certificates


Retail Price Index


Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation


Sterling Overnight Index Average


special purpose vehicle


Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

total shareholder return

total shareholder return combines the share price movement and dividends since IPO expressed as an annualised percentage

UK HoldCo

JLEN Environmental Assets Group (UK) Limited, wholly owned subsidiary of JLEN Environmental Assets Group Limited


weighted average discount rate


Company information       JLEN Environmental Assets Group Limited is a 
                           Guernsey -- registered closed -- ended investment 
                           company (registered number 57682) with a premium 
                           listing on the London Stock Exchange and a constituent 
                           of the FTSE 250 index 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Registered address        1 Royal Plaza, Royal Avenue, St Peter Port, Guernsey 
                           GY1 2HL 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Ticker/SEDOL              JLEN/BJL5FH8 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Company year end          31 March 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Dividend payments         Quarterly in March, June, September and December 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Investment Manager        Foresight Group LLP, No OC300878, registered 
                           in England and Wales and authorised and regulated 
                           by the Financial Conduct Authority 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Company Secretary and     Sanne Fund Services Limited, a company incorporated 
 Administrator             in Guernsey on 13 April 2005 (registered number 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Market capitalisation     GBP653.6 million at 30 September 2023 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Investment Manager fees   1.0% per annum of the Adjusted Portfolio Value 
                           of the investments up to GBP0.5 billion, falling 
                           to 0.8% per annum for investments above GBP0.5 
                           billion. No performance or acquisitions fees 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Investment Manager term   Rolling one-year notice 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
ISA, PEP and SIPP status  The ordinary shares are eligible for inclusion 
                           in PEPs and ISAs (subject to applicable subscription 
                           limits) provided that they have been acquired 
                           in the market, and they are permissible assets 
                           for SIPPs 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
AIFMD status              The Company is classed as an externally managed 
                           Alternative Investment Fund under the Alternative 
                           Investment Fund Managers Regulations 2013 and 
                           the AIFM Directive. The Investment Manager acts 
                           as the Company's AIFM 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Non-mainstream pooled     The Board conducts the Company's affairs, and 
 investment status         intends to continue to conduct the Company's 
                           affairs, such that the Company would qualify 
                           for approval as an investment trust if it were 
                           resident in the United Kingdom. It is the Board's 
                           intention that the Company will continue to conduct 
                           its affairs in such a manner and that independent 
                           financial advisers should therefore be able to 
                           recommend its ordinary shares to ordinary retail 
                           investors in accordance with the FCA's rules 
                           relating to non -- mainstream pooled investment 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
FATCA                     The Company has registered for FATCA and has 
                           a GIIN number 2BN95W.99999.SL.831 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Investment policy         The Company's investment policy is set out on 
                           pages 29 to 31 of the Annual Report 2023 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Website                   www.jlen.com 
------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- 



Ed Warner (Chair)

Stephanie Coxon (Senior Independent Director)

Alan Bates

Jo Harrison

Hans Joern Rieks

Nadia Sood

Administrator to the Company, Company Secretary and registered office

Sanne Fund Services (Guernsey) Limited (formerly Praxis Fund Services)

1 Royal Plaza

Royal Avenue

St Peter Port

Guernsey GY1 2HL

Channel Islands


Link Registrars (Guernsey) Limited

Mont Crevelt House

Bulwer Avenue

St Sampson

Guernsey GY2 4LH

Channel Islands

UK transfer agent

Link Asset Services

The Registry

34 Beckenham Road


Kent B43 4TU

United Kingdom


KPMG Channel Islands Limited

Glategny Court

Glategny Esplanade

St Peter Port

Guernsey GY1 1WR

Channel Islands

Investment Manager

Foresight Group LLP

The Shard

32 London Bridge Street

London SE1 9SG

United Kingdom

Public relations

SEC Newgate

14 Greville Street

London EC1N 8SB

United Kingdom

Corporate broker

Winterflood Securities Limited

The Atrium Building

Cannon Bridge House

25 Dowgate Hill

London EC4R 2GA

United Kingdom

Corporate bankers


PO Box 31

St Peter Port

Guernsey GY1 3AT

Channel Islands


The inside front cover to page 35 of the Half-year report 2023, including about JLEN, our purpose, our investment case, performance highlights, our portfolio at a glance, the Chair's statement, the Investment Manager's report, investment portfolio and valuation, operational review, sustainability and ESG, and the financial review (together, the review section) have been prepared solely to provide additional information to shareholders to assess JLEN's strategies and the potential for those strategies to succeed. These should not be relied on by any other party or for any other purpose.

The review section may include statements that are, or may be deemed to be, "forward-looking statements". These forward -- looking statements can be identified by the use of forward -- looking terminology, including the terms "believes", "estimates", "anticipates", "forecasts", "projects", "expects", "intends", "may", "will" or "should" or, in each case, their negative or other variations or comparable terminology.

These forward -- looking statements include all matters that are not historical facts. They appear in a number of places throughout this report and include statements regarding the intentions, beliefs or current expectations of the Directors and the Investment Manager concerning, amongst other things, the investment objectives and investment policy, financing strategies, investment performance, results of operations, financial condition, liquidity, prospects, opportunities and distribution policy of the Company and the markets in which it invests.

These forward -- looking statements reflect current expectations regarding future events and performance and speak only as at the date of this report. By their nature, forward -- looking statements involve risks and uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future.

Forward -- looking statements are not guarantees of future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indications of whether or not or the times at or by which such performance or results will be achieved. The Company's actual investment performance, results of operations, financial condition, liquidity, prospects, opportunities, distribution policy and the development of its financing strategies may differ materially from the impression created by the forward -- looking statements contained in this report.

Subject to their legal and regulatory obligations, the Directors and the Investment Manager expressly disclaim any obligations to update or revise any forward -- looking statement contained herein to reflect any change in expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any statement is based.

In addition, the review section may include target figures for future financial periods. Any such figures are targets only and are not forecasts.

This Half -- year Report has been prepared for the Group as a whole and therefore gives greater emphasis to those matters which are significant to JLEN Environmental Assets Group Limited and its subsidiary undertakings when viewed as a whole.


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 27, 2023 11:42 ET (16:42 GMT)

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