RNS Number : 1155A

Jersey Electricity PLC

18 December 2014


Preliminary Announcement of Annual Results

Year Ended 30 September 2014

At a meeting of the Board of Directors held on 17 December 2014, the final accounts for the Group for the year to 30 September 2014 were approved, details of which are attached.

The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 2014 or 2013, but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2013 have been delivered to the Jersey Registrar of Companies and those for 2014 will be delivered in early 2015. The auditor has reported on those accounts and their reports were unmodified.

A final dividend of 7.20p on the Ordinary and 'A' Ordinary shares in respect of the year ended 30 September 2014 was recommended (2013: 6.80p). Together with the interim dividend of 5.00p the proposed total dividend declared for the year was 12.20p on each share.

The final dividend will be paid on 27 March 2015 to those shareholders registered in the books of the Company on 20 February 2015. A dividend on the 5% cumulative participating preference shares of 1.5% (2013: 1.5%) payable on 1 July 2015 was also recommended.

The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held on 5 March 2015.

John Stares, who has served as a non-executive director for the last five years will be retiring at our next Annual General Meeting on 5 March 2015.

   M.P. Magee                                                                           P.J. Routier 

Finance Director Company Secretary

Direct telephone number : 01534 505321 Direct telephone number : 01534 505253

Direct fax number : 01534 505466 Direct fax number : 01534 505515

Email : mmagee@jec.co.uk Email : proutier@jec.co.uk

17 December 2014

The Powerhouse

PO Box 45

Queens Road

St Helier

Jersey JE4 8NY


Preliminary Announcement of Annual Results

Year ended 30 September 2014

The Chairman, Geoffrey Grime, comments :

"2014 was the Company's 90th anniversary and there could be no better way to mark this celebration than with the landmark achievement of the successful installation of our third interconnector to France, Normandie 3 (N3) - under budget and ahead of its 2015 schedule. The N3 project, co-invested under our joint venture with Guernsey Electricity, our partners in the Channel Islands Electricity Grid, has been 10 years in the making and more than doubles our importation capacity which had been severely restricted since June 2012 when our oldest interconnector, EDF1, failed and was removed from service. I said that last year we delivered a foundation for recovery. This year we have built further on this with an expected upward movement in Energy profit, which reached the level of GBP8.0m on an operating basis, restoring it to pre-2012 levels. Importantly, this profitability reflects the return necessary to support continued investment."

  Financial Summary               2014         2013        % change 
-----------------------------  ---------  -------------  ---------- 
 Revenue                        GBP98.4m    GBP102.3m        (4)% 
 Profit before tax              GBP 6.5m     GBP 5.4m        21% 
 Earnings per share              16.10p       13.27p         21% 
 Dividends paid per ordinary 
  share                          11.80p       11.25p          5% 

The 2013 profit figure was restated downwards by GBP1.2m to reflect the adoption of a new accounting policy to comply with changes to the revised International Accounting Standard 19, "Employee Benefits", in respect of pension costs as highlighted in our 2013 Annual Report. The original charge of GBP1.2m in 2013 was restated as GBP2.4m.

Group revenue for the year to 30 September 2014 at GBP98.4m was 4% lower than in the previous financial year. Unit sales volumes of electricity were 6% lower than last year due to mild weather with revenues falling 3% to GBP79.5m as tariff rises reduced the impact of the units shortfall. Turnover in our Retail business decreased by 6% from GBP12.1m to GBP11.4m. The floor space utilised by the business was reduced as a substantial proportion was let to an external tenant from May 2014. Revenue in the Property business, including internal sales, fell from GBP2.9m to GBP2.6m mainly linked to changes in tenancy arrangements during the year including our disposal of Foreshore. Revenue in Building Services, including internal sales, rose 3% from levels experienced in 2013 to GBP4.2m. Turnover in our Other Businesses, including internal sales, remained at GBP3.2m.

Profit before tax for the year to 30 September 2014 rose 21% to GBP6.5m from GBP5.4m reflecting a recovery in our Energy business. As anticipated at the half year we incurred exceptional costs of around GBP0.6m and GBP1.2m in restructuring our Retail business and exiting our investment in Foreshore Ltd respectively. In addition, a GBP1.8m provision was made for our share of a preventative repair to the interconnector between Guernsey and Jersey which is scheduled to take place in January 2015. The cable, which was repaired in 2012, has been showing similar issues to those experienced two years ago and Guernsey Electricity is also currently seeking permissions to lay a replacement cable as soon as possible. Profit before tax pre-exceptional items, and post the restatement of the 2013 pension costs, rose from GBP5.9m last year to GBP10.0m in 2014.

Our Energy business unit sales saw volumes down 6%, falling from 663m to 621m kWh, due to a combination of the temperatures being above the seasonal norm last winter and the corresponding period in the 2013 financial year being particularly cold. Each of the six winter months in this financial year experienced higher temperatures than its corresponding month in 2012/13 and were at, or above, the long-term average level. Despite lower unit sales in our Energy business, profits recovered substantially to GBP8.0m, a level commensurate with the recognized rate of return required to advance sustainable investment in infrastructure assets.

Two main factors contributed to this increase in performance - lower generation and the impact of tariff rises. As reported previously, until the new interconnector to France was commissioned,

which occurred at the end of this financial year, we have been capacity constrained on importation and reliant on a heavier mix of more expensive on-island oil-fired generation, particularly in winter, when volumes are higher.

In the financial year we generated 15% of our electricity on-island (compared to 21% last year) and imported 80% of our requirements from France (up from 75% in 2013). The remaining 5% of our electricity came from the local Energy from Waste plant against 4% in the same period in 2013. The Energy revenue, and profitability, was also aided by an average 1.5% increase in customer tariffs from 1 April 2014 and the full year impact of the tariff increase in January 2013. In spite of these price rises, our tariffs continue to remain competitive with other jurisdictions.

Profits in our Property division, excluding the impact of investment property revaluation, fell from GBP1.6m to GBP1.4m with movements in tenancy arrangements being the main driver. It has been a positive year with 11k square feet of space previously used by our internal Retail business now being let to a UK retailer with a good covenant (SportsDirect.com). In addition, with the sale of our shareholding in Foreshore, we now have the local telecom operator, Sure (Jersey) Ltd, as tenants with a larger footprint than previously let. Our investment property portfolio was revalued upwards by GBP0.1m to GBP20.5m this year. Our Retailing business had a challenging year with turnover falling from GBP12.1m to GBP11.4m albeit the space utilised has reduced. A profit of GBP0.2m last year moved to a loss of GBP0.1m. As reported at the half year an exceptional cost of GBP0.6m was incurred in restructuring the Retail operation as the business has been facing increasing pressure on margins from UK on-line sales into Jersey. The Building Services business produced a marginal loss, being GBP0.1m behind last year due to competitive pressures on margin. Our other business units - Jersey Energy, Jendev and Jersey Deep Freeze all had a profitable year. Our shareholding in Foreshore, a data centre joint venture in which we have been involved since 2000, was sold in July and, as reported at the half year, an exceptional cost of GBP1.2m was associated with this exit.

Interest paid in 2014 was negligible as most of this cost was capitalised up to the date of commissioning of our new interconnector. The taxation charge at GBP1.5m was higher than in 2013 due to higher profits. Group earnings per share increased 21% to 16.10p (24.26p pre-exceptional costs) compared to restated 13.27p in 2013 due mainly to an increase in profitability.

Dividends paid in the year, net of tax, rose by 5%, from 11.25p in 2013 to 11.80p in 2014. The proposed final dividend for this year is 7.20p, a 6% rise on the previous year. Dividend cover rose from 1.2 times in 2013 to 1.4 times (and to 2.1 times if exceptional costs are excluded) due to a higher level of profits.

Net cash inflow from operating activities, at GBP20.1m, was GBP9.2m higher than in 2013 with increased profitability, and a working capital benefit from a lower level of oil stocks, being the main reasons. Capital expenditure, at GBP33.06m rose from GBP26.9m last year with Normandie 3 project spend at GBP24.0m, being the most material. Proceeds of GBP1.8m were received from the sale of assets associated with our Foreshore disposal. Net debt, at the year-end was GBP20.2m being GBP15.0m higher than last year.

Our defined benefits pension scheme, which had a GBP0.8m deficit, net of deferred tax, at the 2013 year end marginally increased to a GBP1.1m deficit as at 30 September 2014. Although the year-on-year movement was relatively small there were material swings in both assets and liabilities which largely offset each other. Scheme assets rose 11% since the last year end but liabilities increased 12% due to a reduction in the discount rate applied reflecting sentiments in financial markets.

 Consolidated Income Statement 
 for the year ended 30 
  September 2014 
                                                                  2014                          2013 
                                                                GBP000                        GBP000 
 Revenue                                                        98,443                       102,338 
 Cost of sales                                                (68,468)                      (75,922) 
 Gross profit                                                   29,975                        26,416 
 Revaluation of investment 
  properties                                                       145                           155 
 Operating expenses                                           (20,079)                      (20,663) 
                                                           -----------         --------------------- 
 Group operating profit 
  before exceptional items                                      10,041                         5,908 
 Exceptional item - disposal 
  of investment                                                (1,178)                         (600) 
                              - provision                      (1,800)                             - 
                              for subsea 
                             - restructuring                     (570)                             - 
                             in Retail 
 Group operating profit                                          6,493                         5,308 
 Interest (payable)/receivable                                    (26)                            53 
 Finance costs                                                    (11)                          (11) 
                                                           -----------         --------------------- 
 Profit from operations 
  before taxation                                                6,456                         5,350 
 Taxation                                                      (1,478)                       (1,243) 
                                                           -----------         --------------------- 
 Profit from operations 
  after taxation                                                 4,978                         4,107 
                                                           ===========         ===================== 
 Attributable to: 
 Owners of the Company                                           4,932                         4,067 
 Non-controlling interests                                          46                            40 
                                                           -----------         --------------------- 
                                                                 4,978                         4,107 
                                                           ===========         ===================== 
 Earnings per share 
 - basic and diluted                                            16.10p                        13.27p 
 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive 
 for the year ended 30 September 
                                                                  2014                          2013 
                                                                GBP000                        GBP000 
 Profit for the year                                             4,978                         4,107 
 Items that will not be 
  reclassified subsequently 
  to profit or loss 
 Actuarial (loss)/gain on 
  defined benefit scheme                                         (392)                         5,498 
 Reclassification of investment 
  properties                                                         -                         4,822 
 Income tax relating to 
  items not reclassified                                            78                       (1,249) 
                                                           -----------         --------------------- 
                                                                 (314)                         9,071 
 Items that will be reclassified 
  subsequently to profit 
  or loss 
 Fair value (loss)/gain 
  on cash flow hedges                                          (4,567)                         3,809 
 Income tax relating to 
  items that may be reclassified                                   913                         (842) 
                                                           -----------         --------------------- 
                                                               (3,654)                         2,967 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the year                                                   1,010                        16,145 
 Attributable to: 
 Owners of the Company                                             964                        16,105 
 Non-controlling interests                                          46                            40 
                                                           -----------         --------------------- 
                                                                 1,010                        16,145 
                                                           ===========         ===================== 
    Balance Sheets at 30 
    September 2014                                                         Group                                        Company 
                                                                         2014                   2013                 2014                 2013 
                                                                      GBP 000                    000              GBP 000              GBP 000 
  NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                                      (restated)                                (restated) 
  Intangible assets                                                        20                     26                   20                   26 
  Property, plant and 
   equipment                                                          184,846                155,191              184,841              155,177 
  Investment properties                                                20,505                 20,360               20,505               20,360 
  Other investments                                                         5                      5                  482                  482 
  Total non-current assets                                            205,376                175,582              205,848              176,045 
 ------------------------------------------------   -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
  Inventories                                                           7,334                  9,434                7,268                9,365 
  Trade and other receivables                                          16,750                 16,498               16,576               16,360 
  Derivative financial 
   instruments                                                              -                  1,273                    -                1,273 
  Cash and cash equivalents                                             9,776                  4,798                9,659                4,621 
  Total current assets                                                 33,860                 32,003               33,503               31,619 
                                                    -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
  Total assets                                                        239,236                207,585              239,351              207,664 
 -------------------------------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
  Trade and other payables                                             24,113                 14,332               24,049               14,272 
  Derivative financial 
   instruments                                                          4,246                    952                4,246                  952 
  Total current liabilities                                            28,359                 15,284               28,295               15,224 
  NET CURRENT ASSETS                                                    5,501                 16,719                5,208               16,395 
                                                    -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
  Trade and other payables                                             18,279                 17,851               18,279               17,851 
  Retirement benefit deficit                                            1,372                  1,018                1,372                1,018 
  Financial liabilities 
   - preference shares                                                    235                    235                  235                  235 
  Borrowings                                                           30,000                 10,000               30,000               10,000 
  Deferred tax liabilities                                             14,852                 14,365               14,852               14,365 
  Total non-current liabilities                                        64,738                 43,469               64,738               43,469 
                                                    -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
  Total liabilities                                                    93,097                 58,753               93,033               58,693 
                                                    -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
  Net assets                                                          146,139                148,832              146,318              148,971 
 -------------------------------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
    Share capital                                                       1,532                  1,532                1,532                1,532 
  Revaluation reserve                                                   5,270                  5,270                5,270                5,270 
  ESOP reserves                                                          (36)                   (58)                 (36)                 (58) 
  Other reserves                                                      (3,515)                    139              (3,515)                  139 
  Retained earnings                                                   142,878                141,925              143,067              142,088 
                                                    -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
  Equity attributable 
   to owners of the company                                           146,129                148,808              146,318              148,971 
  Non-controlling interests                                                10                     24                    -                    - 
                                                    -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
  Total equity                                                        146,139                148,832              146,318              148,971 
 -------------------------------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
 Cash Flow Statements 
 for the year ended 30 September 2014 
                                                Group                  Company 
                                            2014         2013       2014         2013 
                                             GBP                     GBP          GBP 
                                             000      GBP 000        000          000 
 Cash flows from operating 
  activities                                       (restated)              (restated) 
  Operating profit                        10,041        5,908      9,989        5,901 
 Depreciation and amortisation 
  charges                                  8,259        8,166      8,256        8,163 
 Gain on revaluation of investment 
  properties                               (145)        (155)      (145)        (155) 
 Pension contributions paid 
  less expense in Income Statement          (38)          448       (38)          448 
 Adjustment for foreign exchange 
  hedges                                      63        (513)         63        (513) 
 Loss on sale of fixed assets               (11)         (21)       (11)         (21) 
                                       ---------  -----------  ---------  ----------- 
 Operating cash flows before 
  movement in working capital             18,169       13,833     18,114       13,823 
 Decrease/(increase) in inventories        2,100      (2,189)      2,097      (2,199) 
 (Increase)/decrease in trade 
  and other receivables                    (252)        1,472      (216)        1,377 
 Increase/(decrease) in trade 
  and other payables                         513      (1,545)        507      (1,559) 
 Interest (paid)/received                   (28)           97       (28)           97 
 Preference dividends paid                   (9)          (9)        (9)          (9) 
 Cash amounts relating to 
  exceptional item                         (353)            -      (353)            - 
 Income taxes paid                             -        (762)          -        (762) 
 Net cash flows generated 
  from operating activities               20,140       10,897     20,112       10,768 
                                       ---------  -----------  ---------  ----------- 
 Cash flows from investing 
 Purchase of property, plant 
  and equipment                         (33,048)     (26,910)   (33,048)     (26,898) 
 Investment in intangible 
  assets                                     (6)          (8)        (6)          (8) 
 Net proceeds from disposal 
  of investment                            1,579            -      1,579            - 
 Net proceeds from disposal 
  of fixed assets                             16           14         16           14 
 Short-term investments                        -        9,020          -        9,020 
 Net cash flows used in investing 
  activities                            (31,459)     (17,884)   (31,459)     (17,872) 
                                       ---------  -----------  ---------  ----------- 
 Cash flows from financing 
 Equity dividends paid                   (3,703)      (3,526)    (3,615)      (3,446) 
 Repayment of borrowings                (10,000)            -   (10,000)            - 
 Proceeds from borrowings                 30,000       10,000     30,000       10,000 
 Net cash flows generated 
  from financing activities               16,297        6,474     16,385        6,554 
                                       ---------  -----------  ---------  ----------- 
 Net increase/(decrease) in 
  cash and cash equivalents                4,978        (513)      5,038        (550) 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at beginning of period                   4,798        5,311      4,621        5,171 
                                       ---------  -----------  ---------  ----------- 
 Net cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of period                         9,776        4,798      9,659        4,621 
                                       ---------  -----------  ---------  ----------- 
   Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
   for the year ended 30 September 2014 
                                                    Revaluation       ESOP     Other      Retained 
                                    Share capital       reserve    reserve    reserves    earnings         Total 
                                                                       GBP         GBP          GBP          GBP 
 Group:                                   GBP 000       GBP 000        000         000          000          000 
 At 1 October 2013                          1,532         5,270       (58)         139      141,925      148,808 
 Profit from operations 
  after taxation                                -             -          -           -        4,932        4,932 
 Amortisation of employee 
  share scheme                                  -             -         22           -         (22)            - 
 Unrealised loss on hedges 
  (net of tax)                                  -             -          -     (3,654)            -      (3,654) 
 Actuarial loss on defined 
  benefit scheme (net of 
  tax)                                          -             -          -           -        (314)        (314) 
 Equity dividends                               -             -          -           -      (3,643)      (3,643) 
                                   --------------  ------------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
 At 30 September 2014                       1,532         5,270       (36)     (3,515)      142,878      146,129 
                                                                                         (restated)   (restated) 
 At 1 October 2012                          1,532             -      (100)     (2,381)      137,097      136,148 
 Reclassification of reserves                   -           448          -       (448)            -            - 
 Profit from operations 
  after taxation                                -             -          -           -        5,022        5,022 
 Retrospective application 
  of IAS 19R                                                                                  (955)        (955) 
 Amortisation of employee 
  share scheme                                  -             -         42           -         (42)            - 
 Unrealised gain on hedges 
  (net of tax)                                  -             -          -       2,968            -        2,968 
 Actuarial gain on defined 
  benefit scheme (net of 
  tax)                                          -             -          -           -        4,249        4,249 
 Reclassification of investment 
 properties                                     -         4,822          -           -            -        4,822 
 Equity dividends                               -             -          -           -      (3,446)      (3,446) 
                                   --------------  ------------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
 At 30 September 2013                       1,532         5,270       (58)         139      141,925      148,808 
                                                    Revaluation       ESOP     Other      Retained 
                                    Share capital       reserve    reserve    reserves    earnings         Total 
 At 1 October 2013                          1,532         5,270       (58)         139      142,088      148,971 
 Profit from operations 
  after taxation                                -             -          -           -        4,930        4,930 
 Amortisation of employee 
  share scheme                                  -             -         22           -         (22)            - 
 Unrealised gain on hedges 
  (net of tax)                                  -             -          -     (3,654)            -      (3,654) 
 Actuarial gain on defined 
  benefit scheme (net of 
  tax)                                          -             -          -           -        (314)        (314) 
 Equity dividends                               -             -          -           -      (3,615)      (3,615) 
                                   --------------  ------------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
 At 30 September 2014                       1,532         5,270       (36)     (3,515)      143,067      146,318 
                                   --------------  ------------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                                                         (restated)   (restated) 
 At 1 October 2012                          1,532             -      (100)     (2,381)      137,227      136,278 
 Reclassification of reserves                   -           448          -       (448)            -            - 
 Profit from operations 
  after taxation                                -             -          -           -        5,055        5,055 
 Retrospective application 
  of IAS 19R                                                                                  (955)        (955) 
 Amortisation of employee 
  share scheme                                  -             -         42           -         (42)            - 
 Unrealised gain on hedges 
  (net of tax)                                  -             -          -       2,968            -        2,968 
 Actuarial gain on defined 
  benefit scheme (net of 
  tax)                                          -                        -           -        4,249        4,249 
 Reclassification of investment 
 properties                                     -         4,822          -           -            -        4,822 
 Equity dividends                               -             -          -           -      (3,446)      (3,446) 
                                   --------------  ------------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
 At 30 September 2013                       1,532         5,270       (58)         139      142,088      148,971 
                                   --------------  ------------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 

Notes to the accounts

Year ended 30 September 2014

   1.   Basis of Preparation 

The consolidated financial statements of Jersey Electricity plc, for the year ended 30 September 2014 have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union (EU), including International Accounting Standards and Interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC).

While the financial information included in this preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with the appropriate recognition and measurement criteria, this announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS. The Group expects to publish full financial statements that comply with IFRS in early 2015.

The Group has considerable financial resources and as a consequence, the directors believe that the Group is well placed to manage its business risks successfully despite the current uncertain economic outlook. The directors have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Thus they continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the annual financial statements.

   2 Segmental information 
 Revenue and profit information 
  are analysed between the 
  businesses as follows: 
                                                    2014              2014              2014           2013              2013              2013 
                                                External          Internal             Total       External          Internal             Total 
                                                  GBP000            GBP000            GBP000         GBP000            GBP000            GBP000 
   Energy                                         79,459               141            79,600         81,962               166            82,128 
   Building Services                               3,294               907             4,201          3,606               476             4,082 
   Retail                                         11,414                33            11,447         12,145                39            12,184 
   Property                                        1,957               616             2,573          2,191               687             2,878 
   Other                                           2,319               878             3,197          2,434               751             3,185 
                                           -------------  ----------------  ----------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
                                                  98,443             2,575           101,018        102,338             2,119           104,457 
   Intergroup elimination                                                            (2,575)                                            (2,119) 
                                                                            ----------------                                   ---------------- 
   Revenue                                                                            98,443                                            102,338 
                                                                            ----------------                                   ---------------- 
 Operating profit 
   Energy                                                                              7,952                                              3,229 
   Building Services                                                                    (44)                                                104 
   Retail                                                                               (86)                                                188 
   Property                                                                            1,415                                              1,609 
   Other                                                                                 659                                                623 
                                                                            ----------------                                   ---------------- 
 Operating profit before 
  property revaluation                                                                 9,896                                              5,753 
   Revaluation of investment 
   properties                                                                            145                                                155 
 Exceptional items - disposal 
  of investment                                                                      (1,178)                                              (600) 
                           - provision 
                           for subsea 
                           cable repair                                              (1,800)                                                  - 
                           in Retail 
                           business                                                    (570)                                                  - 
 Group operating profit                                                                6,493                                              5,308 
                                                                            ----------------                                   ---------------- 

This information is provided by RNS

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