RNS Number : 5497Y 
IFR Capital PLC 
07 September 2009 

IFR Capital Plc 
Interim Results for the Period ended 30 June 2009 
IFR Capital Plc ("IFR Capital" or the "Company"), the investment company focused 
on consolidation opportunities in the European food retail sector, today 
announces its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2009. 
  *  Strong increase in EBITDA of 19.4% from EUR15.5m (2008) to EUR18.5m (2009). 
  *  Lower sales volume from termination of unprofitable Hamker contracts, resulting 
  in significant gross margin improvement 
  *  Significant efficiency improvements from integration of Hamker into Homann 
  *  Acquisition of the food dressings production line from Walter Rau 
  *  Disposal of low margin Hamker margarine business 
  *  Internationalisation of the Nordsee franchise is on track - 7 store openings 
  during 2009. 
  *  Improvement of capital structure by partial switch of preference shares into 
  ordinary shares. 
  *  No agreement with ACP regarding sale of its investment in IFR Capital 
Operational and Financial Review 
The reporting period include full 6 month contributions from Nordsee GmbH 
("Nordsee"), Homann Chilled Food GmbH ("Homann"), Hamker Lebensmittel 
Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG ("Hamker") and Bastian's GmbH ("Bastian's"). 
The Company's revenues for the six months ended 30 June 2009 were EUR363.0 million 
(2008: EUR374.0 million), while EBITDA before exceptional items amounted to EUR18.5 
million (2008: EUR15.5 million). Both reported sales and EBITDA are in line with 
the Board's expectations and have remained so for the period since 30 June 2009. 
The equity to total asset ratio at the end of the period was 23.0%. IFR Capital 
currently has EUR162 million of interest bearing debt and EUR114 million of 
preferred equity in issue (including accrued interest). 
The Nordsee division in Germany and Austria generated an EBITDA of EUR4.9 million. 
Sales increased by 0.8% on a like for like basis. The Directors believe that 
Nordsee is well positioned and growing faster than the wider German gastronomy 
market. Nordsee is expanding its international business to the Middle East and 
to Southern and Eastern Europe with further openings planned in Bratislava, 
Palma de Mallorca, Bucharest, Istanbul, Riga, Sofia and Athens. It is the 
intention to enter the Scandinavian and Polish markets in the near term. 
The Homann / Hamker division generated EUR211 million of sales for the period and 
almost doubled its EBITDA from EUR 6.8 million to EUR 13.4 million. An overall 
decline in net sales of EUR 5.5 million (of which EUR 3.9 million can be attributed 
to a reclassification of listing fees) was deliberately enforced in the private 
label and hard discount channel as Homann renegotiated its sales prices 
favouring increased margins over volume. Supported by decreased raw material 
costs, these measures resulted in a significant improvement in gross profit 
margins throughout all sales channels. The integration projects lead to savings 
in direct costs, especially variable labour resulting from the closure of the 
Lintorf salad factory (Hamker). Compared to previous year efficiency 
improvements stabilised the co-packing production for Kraft and Unilever. 
Overhead cost decreased from the integration of the sales force and several 
administrative functions. 
Bastian's, the premium bakery concept, continued to generate strong growth of 
13% on like for like sales. The new store in Cologne has proven a success and 
further locations are being investigated for future development and growth. 
The High Court proceedings between IFR Capital and ACP Capital plc ("ACP") 
relating to the claim by ACP for an increase of the margin on a part of the 
Company's debt are currently stayed. IFR Capital has in the meantime started 
legal proceedings in the Royal Court of Jersey against ACP for breach of 
contractual and fiduciary obligations. IFR Capital is seeking damages in the 
amount of at least EUR 28.4 million as of the end of May 2009, continuing to 
accrue at a rate of approximately EUR 50,000 per day. 
Share Exchange 
As announced on 18 March 2009, with effect of 17 March 2009, Theo Müller, the 
sole holder of the Class B Preference Shares and a substantial shareholder in 
IFR Capital, has restructured his investments in the IFR group and converted a 
part of his Class B Preference Shares in IFR Jersey Limited into 200,000,000 new 
ordinary shares in IFR Capital and Heiner Kamps, CEO of the Company, has 
increased his shareholding in the Company significantly. As a result of this 
transaction, the preference share capital held by shareholders outside the group 
has been reduced considerably. As explained at the time of the share exchange 
the Directors believe that the share exchange is in the best interests of IFR 
Capital and its shareholders and has reduced the financial burden from the 
preferential dividend without any cash outflow. 
However, the Company strongly believes that the capital structure needs to be 
further improved. Given the terms of the preferred equity, it is essential that 
the preferred equity is wholly refinanced, either by way of redemption or 
conversion into ordinary equity on acceptable terms to the Board. Theo Müller, 
one of the owners of the preferred equity, is still strongly supportive of 
further converting the preferred equity into ordinary equity. However, ACP, the 
other external owner of the preferred equity, does not wish to convert its 
preferred equity into ordinary equity but rather wants to sell its whole 
investment in IFR Capital. Given the shareholder structure of the Company, only 
investors in line with the intentions of Heiner Kamps and Theo Müller are 
willing to purchase the investment of ACP in IFR Capital. Whilst in the 
Directors' opinion, ACP has received a fair cash offer for its investment in IFR 
Capital no agreement to date has been reached. 
For further information please contact: 
IFR Capital PLC 
Michael Ioannou    +357 (0) 22 318734 
Charles Stanley Securities - NOMAD and broker 
Rick Thompson / Philip Davies / Ben Johnston+44 (0) 20 7149 6000 
| IFR Capital PLC                        |   |                 |      |                 |      |                | 
| Consolidated Income Statement          |   |                 |      |                 |      |                | 
| for the period ended 30 June 2009      |   |                 |      |                 |      |                | 
+                                        +---+-----------------+------+-----------------+------+----------------+ 
|                                        |                      |                 |   |                 |      |                 | 
+                                        +----------------------+-----------------+---+-----------------+------+-----------------+ 
|                                        |                      |                 |   |                 |      |                 | 
|                      |                 |   |                 |      |                 |      |                | 
|                      |                 |   |      Six month  |      |       Six month |      |   12 months to | 
|                      |                 |   |      period to  |      |       period to |      |    31 December | 
|                      |                 |   |    30 June 2009 |      |    30 June 2008 |      |           2008 | 
|                      |                 |   |          EUR'000s |      |          EUR'000s |      |         EUR'000s | 
|                      |                 |   |                 |      |                 |      |                | 
|                      |                 |   |                 |      |                 |      |                | 
| Revenue                                |   |         362,992 |      |         374,012 |      |        758,546 | 
| Changes in inventories                 |   |         (6,165) |      |           1,238 |      |            423 | 
| Other operating income                 |   |           7,128 |      |          16,199 |      |         29,095 | 
| Cost of materials                      |   |       (198,369) |      |       (222,507) |      |      (430,348) | 
| Personnel expenses                     |   |        (85,668) |      |        (79,797) |      |      (182,245) | 
| Other operating expenses               |   |        (61,401) |      |        (73,641) |      |      (117,800) | 
| EBITDA                                 |   |          18,517 |      |          15,504 |      |         57,671 | 
| Depreciation and amortization          |   |        (14,024) |      |        (14,015) |      |       (28,729) | 
| EBIT                                   |   |           4,493 |      |           1,489 |      |         28,942 | 
| Exceptional items:                     |   |                 |      |                 |      |                | 
| - Integration costs                    |   |         (1,022) |      |         (2,100) |      |       (17,600) | 
| Impairment losses                      |   |               - |      |               - |      |       (42,164) | 
| Profit / (loss) from operations        |   |           3,471 |      |           (611) |      |       (30,822) | 
| Finance income                         |   |              15 |      |             561 |      |            899 | 
| Finance costs                          |   |        (21,830) |      |        (21,298) |      |       (46,659) | 
| Loss before income taxes               |   |        (18,344) |      |        (21,348) |      |       (76,582) | 
| Income tax credit / (expense)          |   |         (1,384) |      |           2,705 |      |          4,414 | 
| Profit / (loss) for the period         |   |        (19,728) |      |        (18,643) |      |       (72,168) | 
| IFR Capital PLC                                                       |  |                 |  |                 | 
| Consolidated Balance Sheet as of 30 June 2009                         |  |                 |  |                 | 
+                                                                       +--+-----------------+--+-----------------+ 
|                                                                       |  |                 |  |                          | 
|  |                 |  |                          |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  |                 |  |                          |  |    30 June 2009 |  |    30 June 2008 |  |     31 December | 
|  |                 |  |                          |  |                 |  |                 |  |            2008 | 
|  |                 |  |                          |  |          EUR'000s |  |          EUR'000s |  |          EUR'000s | 
| ASSETS                                           |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  |                 |  |                          |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  | Non-current assets                            |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  |                 | Property, plant and         |  |         129,052 |  |         128,491 |  |         130,390 | 
|  |                 | equipment                   |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  |                 | Intangible assets           |  |         445,751 |  |         493,630 |  |         449,164 | 
|  |                 | Other financial assets      |  |             432 |  |             432 |  |             432 | 
|  |                 | Other assets                |  |           2,146 |  |           2,605 |  |           2,324 | 
|  |                 |  |                          |  |         577,381 |  |         625,158 |  |         582,310 | 
|  |                 |  |                          |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  | Current assets                                |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  |                 | Inventories                 |  |          31,346 |  |          32,300 |  |          31,253 | 
|  |                 | Trade receivables           |  |          16,957 |  |          19,859 |  |          18,152 | 
|  |                 | Other financial assets      |  |          15,966 |  |          13,517 |  |          29,230 | 
|  |                 | Other assets                |  |           5,926 |  |          12,078 |  |           4,579 | 
|  |                 | Cash and cash equivalents   |  |          21,164 |  |          24,710 |  |          21,182 | 
|  |                 |  |                          |  |          91,359 |  |         102,464 |  |         104,396 | 
| TOTAL ASSETS                                     |  |         668,740 |  |         727,622 |  |         686,706 | 
|  |                 |  |                          |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                           |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  |                 |  |                          |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  | Equity                                        |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  |                 | Issued capital              |  |           4,228 |  |           2,228 |  |           2,228 | 
|  |                 | Share premium               |  |         227,229 |  |         213,229 |  |         213,229 | 
|  |                 | Other reserves              |  |             208 |  |             (2) |  |              95 | 
|  |                 | Retained earnings /         |  |        (73,598) |  |         (1,882) |  |        (53,566) | 
|  |                 | (losses)                    |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  |                 |  |                          |  |         158,067 |  |         213,573 |  |         161,986 | 
|  |                 |  |                          |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  | Non-current liabilities                       |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  |                 |  |                          |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  |                 | Interest-bearing loans and  |  |         156,660 |  |         162,507 |  |         157,683 | 
|  |                 | borrowings                  |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  |                 | Pension provisions and      |  |          58,156 |  |          60,566 |  |          57,652 | 
|  |                 | similar obligations         |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  |                 | Other provisions            |  |          11,757 |  |          10,291 |  |          12,335 | 
|  |                 | Other financial liabilities |  |         119,465 |  |          98,642 |  |         122,729 | 
|  |                 | Deferred tax liabilities    |  |          59,560 |  |          60,708 |  |          59,005 | 
|  |                 |  |                          |  |         405,598 |  |         392,714 |  |         409,404 | 
|  |                 |  |                          |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  | Current liabilities                           |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  |                 | Interest-bearing loans and  |  |           4,304 |  |           8,867 |  |           6,819 | 
|  |                 | borrowings                  |  |                 |  |                 |  |                 | 
|  |                 | Other provisions            |  |          16,156 |  |          29,626 |  |          19,644 | 
|  |                 | Trade payables              |  |          49,397 |  |          50,589 |  |          58,898 | 
|  |                 | Other financial liabilities |  |           2,888 |  |          10,130 |  |           1,828 | 
|  |                 | Other liabilities           |  |          30,491 |  |          21,607 |  |          26,933 | 
|  |                 | Income tax liabilities      |  |           1,839 |  |             516 |  |           1,194 | 
|  |                 |  |                          |  |         105,075 |  |         121,335 |  |         115,316 | 
|  | Total liabilities                             |  |         510,673 |  |         514,049 |  |         524,720 | 
| TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                     |  |         668,740 |  |         727,622 |  |         686,706 | 
| IFR Capital PLC                                                     |            |              |              |             | 
| Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity                         |            |              |              |             | 
| for the period ended 30 June 2009                                   |            |              |              |             | 
+                                                                     +------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+ 
|                                                                     |            |          |                               |             | 
+                                                                     +------------+----------+-------------------------------+-------------+ 
|                                                                     |            |          |                               |             | 
|            |          |                               |             |            |              |     Retained |             | 
|            |          |                               |      Issued |     Share  |        Other |    earnings/ |       Total | 
|            |          |                               |             |    premium |              |              |             | 
+------------+----------+-------------------------------+-------------+            +--------------+--------------+-------------+ 
|            |          |                               |     capital |            |   reserves |     (losses) |       equity | 
|            |          |                               |      EUR'000s |     EUR'000s |       EUR'000s |       EUR'000s |      EUR'000s | 
|            |          |                               |             |            |              |              |             | 
| As of 1 January 2009                                  |       2,228 |    213,229 |           95 |     (53,566) |     161,986 | 
| Issue of share capital                                |       2,000 |     14,000 |            0 |            0 |      16,000 | 
| Foreign currency translation                          |           0 |          0 |         (44) |            0 |        (44) | 
| Cashflow hedges                                       |           0 |          0 |            0 |        (147) |       (147) | 
| Actuarial gains                                       |           0 |          0 |            0 |            0 |           0 | 
| Net income and expense recognized                     |             |            |              |              |             | 
|   directly in equity                                  |           0 |          0 |         (44) |        (147) |       (191) | 
| Consolidated profit for the period                    |           0 |          0 |            0 |     (19,728) |    (19,728) | 
| Total recognized income and expense for the period    |           0 |          0 |         (44) |     (19,875) |    (19,919) | 
| As of 30 June 2009                                    |       4,228 |    227,229 |           51 |     (73,441) |     158,067 | 
|            |          |                               |             |            |              |              |             | 
| IFR Capital PLC                                                                       |  |                  |   |                 | 
| Consolidated Cash Flow Statement                                                      |  |                  |   |                 | 
| for the period to 30 June 2009                                                        |  |                  |   |                 | 
+                                                                                       +--+------------------+---+-----------------+ 
|                                                                                       |  |                  |                            |                 | 
+                                                                                       +--+------------------+----------------------------+-----------------+ 
|                                                                                       |  |                  |                            |                 | 
|  |                  |                            |                 |       Six month  |  |       Six month  |   | 12 months to 31 | 
|  |                  |                            |                 |       period to  |  |       period to  |   |   December 2008 | 
|  |                  |                            |                 |     30 June 2009 |  |     30 June 2008 |   |                 | 
|  |                  |                            |                 |           EUR'000s |  |           EUR'000s |   |          EUR'000s | 
|  |                  |                            |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
| Cash flows from operating activities             |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
| Loss before income tax                           |                 |         (18,344) |  |         (21,348) |   |        (76,582) | 
| Adjustments to reconcile loss before tax to net  |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
| cash flows                                       |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
| Non-cash                                         |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
|  | Depreciation and impairment of property,      |                 |           14,024 |  |           14,015 |   |          70,893 | 
|  | plant and equipment and intangible assets     |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
|  | Gain on disposals of property, plant and      |                 |             (22) |  |            (101) |   |           (100) | 
|  | equipment                                     |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
|  | Interest income                               |                 |             (15) |  |            (561) |   |           (899) | 
|  | Interest expense                              |                 |           21,830 |  |           21,298 |   |          46,659 | 
|  | Movement in provisions, pensions and similar  |                 |          (5,289) |  |            (227) |   |        (12,380) | 
|  | obligations                                   |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
|  | Excess of acquirer's interest in the net fair |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
|  | value of acquiree's identifiable assets,      |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
|  |                  | liabilities and contingent |                 |                  |  |          (8,980) |   |         (8,980) | 
|  |                  | liabilities over cost      |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
| Working capital adjustments                      |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
|  | Increase (-)/decrease (+) of trade            |                 |            1,195 |  |            4,352 |   |          21,003 | 
|  | receivables                                   |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
|  | Increase (-)/decrease (+) of inventories      |                 |             (93) |  |              375 |   |           1,422 | 
|  | Increase (-)/decrease (+) of other            |                 |           10,864 |  |          (4,224) |   |        (13,295) | 
|  | receivables                                   |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
|  | Increase (+)/decrease (-) of trade payables   |                 |          (5,943) |  |          (3,720) |   |          12,581 | 
|  | and other payables                            |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
|  |                  |                            |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
| Income tax paid                                  |                 |            (120) |  |            (192) |   |           (224) | 
| Cash flows from operating activities             |                 |           18,087 |  |              687 |   |          40,098 | 
|  |                  |                            |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
| Cash flows from investing activities             |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
| Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and   |                 |              704 |  |            5,928 |   |           5,535 | 
| equipment                                        |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
| Purchase of property, plant and equipment        |                 |          (9,597) |  |         (10,846) |   |        (20,840) | 
| Purchase of intangible assets                    |                 |            (394) |  |             (96) |   |           (980) | 
| Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash         |                 |                  |  |         (27,949) |   |        (27,949) | 
| acquired                                         |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
| Interest received                                |                 |             (13) |  |              561 |   |             863 | 
| Cash flows from investing activities             |                 |          (9,274) |  |         (32,402) |   |        (43,371) | 
|  |                  |                            |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
| Cash flows from financing activities             |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
| Proceeds from the issue of shares                |                 |           16,000 |  |                0 |   |               0 | 
| Proceeds from the issue of preference shares     |                 |                  |  |           50,000 |   |          50,000 | 
| Repurchase of preference shares                  |                 |         (16,000) |  |                  |   |                 | 
| Repayments of loans and other short or long-term |                 |          (1,985) |  |          (5,553) |   |        (29,607) | 
| borrowings                                       |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
| Payment of finance lease liabilities             |                 |            (792) |  |                0 |   |         (1,125) | 
| Interest and transaction costs paid              |                 |          (6,010) |  |         (10,489) |   |        (17,377) | 
| Cash flows from financing activities             |                 |          (8,787) |  |           33,958 |   |           1,891 | 
|  |                  |                            |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
| Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash         |                 |               26 |  |            2,243 |   |         (1,382) | 
| equivalents                                      |                 |                  |  |                  |   |                 | 
| Net foreign exchange difference                  |                 |             (44) |  |               12 |   |             109 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January           |                 |           21,182 |  |           22,455 |   |          22,455 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of period       |                 |           21,164 |  |           24,710 |   |          21,182 | 
| IFR Capital PLC                                      |                 |                 |   |                 | 
| Statement of Recognised Income and Expenses          |                 |                 |   |                 | 
| for the period ended 30 June 2009                    |                 |                 |   |                 | 
+                                                      +-----------------+-----------------+---+-----------------+ 
|                                                      |  |                                |                  |                 | 
+                                                      +--+--------------------------------+------------------+-----------------+ 
|                                                      |  |                                |                  |                 | 
|  |                                |       Six month  |                 |       Six month |   | 12 months to 31 | 
|  |                                |       period to  |                 |       period to |   |   December 2008 | 
|  |                                |     30 June 2009 |                 |    30 June 2008 |   |                 | 
|  |                                |           EUR'000s |                 |          EUR'000s |   |          EUR'000s | 
|  |                                |                  |                 |                 |   |                 | 
| Actuarial gains from Pensions     |                0 |                 |               0 |   |           2,219 | 
| and similar obligations           |                  |                 |                 |   |                 | 
| Cashflow hedges                   |            (147) |                 |               0 |   |           (378) | 
|  |                                |                  |                 |                 |   |                 | 
| Foreign currency translation      |             (44) |                 |              12 |   |             109 | 
| Net income recognized directly in |            (191) |                 |              12 |   |           1,950 | 
| Equity                            |                  |                 |                 |   |                 | 
|  |                                |                  |                 |                 |   |                 | 
| Consolidated Profit for the       |         (19,728) |                 |        (18,643) |   |        (72,168) | 
| period                            |                  |                 |                 |   |                 | 
| Total recognized income and       |         (19,919) |                 |        (18,631) |   |        (70,218) | 
| expense for the period            |                  |                 |                 |   |                 | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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