RNS Number : 4606F

Hochschild Mining PLC

21 February 2018


21 February 2018

Hochschild Mining plc

Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2017

Financial highlights

-- Revenue of $722.6 million (2016: $688.2 million)([1])

-- Adjusted EBITDA of $300.8 million (2016: $329.0 million)([2])

-- Profit before income tax of $64.1 million (2016: $108.3 million)

-- Basic earnings per share of $0.08 (2016: $0.09)

-- Adjusted basic earnings per share of $0.08 (2016: $0.11)([3])

-- Cash and cash equivalent balance of $257.0 million as at 31 December 2017 (2016: $140.0 million)

-- Net debt of $102.8 million as at 31 December 2016 (2016: $187.4 million)

-- Final proposed dividend of 1.965 cents per share ($10 million) up 42% versus 2016 final dividend (1.38 cents per share)

2017 operational delivery exceeding guidance

-- 2017 AISC per silver equivalent ounce from operations of $12.3 (2016: $11.2) in line with guidance of $12.2-12.7([4])

-- Inmaculada AISC per gold equivalent ounce of $721 (2016: $646)

-- Full year attributable production of 513,598 gold equivalent ounces (38.0 million silver equivalent ounces) exceeding guidance([5])

-- Record production of 239,479 gold equivalent ounces at Inmaculada (2016: 229,033 ounces)

-- First results from surface drilling confirming strong geological potential at Inmaculada

2018 Outlook

-- Production target of 514,000 attributable gold equivalent ounces (38.0 million silver equivalent ounces)

-- AISC expected to be $960-$990 per gold equivalent ounce ($13.0-13.4 per silver equivalent ounce)([6])

o Inmaculada costs expected to be $700-750 per gold equivalent ounce

-- Total sustaining and development capital expenditure expected to be approximately $125-135 million including $14 million for hydraulic backfill project at San Jose

-- $10million budget approved for greenfield exploration programme in 2018

o 4-6 projects across three countries to be drilled in 2018

-- 7.75% Senior Notes repaid on 23 January 2018 financed by cash resources and significantly lower rate short-to-medium term debt

-- Reduction in Argentina corporate tax rates expected to be a significant positive impact on cash generation

 $000 unless stated                                      Year ended 31 Dec 2017   Year ended 31 Dec 2016   % change 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  --------- 
 Attributable silver production (koz)                    19,141                   17,284                         11 
 Attributable gold production (koz)                      255                      246                             4 
 Revenue                                                 722,572                  688,242                         5 
 Adjusted EBITDA                                         300,750                  329,014                       (9) 
 Profit from continuing operations (pre-exceptional)     53,355                   69,306                       (23) 
 Profit from continuing operations (post-exceptional)    53,881                   62,862                       (14) 
 Basic earnings per share (pre-exceptional) $            0.08                     0.11                         (27) 
 Basic earnings per share (post-exceptional) $           0.08                     0.09                         (11) 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  --------- 

Commenting on the results, Ignacio Bustamante, CEO, said:

"We have delivered another set of solid results driven by record production and costs in line with expectations. We have completed a very successful refinancing and along with strong operational cashflow, we have consequently been able to reward shareholders for their support with a proposed increase in the final dividend for 2017. In 2018, we can look forward to the ramp up of production from the Pablo vein and continued investment in our brownfield exploration programme."


A presentation will be held for analysts and investors at 9.30am (UK time) on Wednesday 21 February 2018 at the offices of JP Morgan, 60 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0JP (Entrance at 1 John Carpenter Street)

The presentation and a link to the live audio webcast of the presentation can be found at the Hochschild website:


To join the event via conference call, please see dial in details below:

UK: +44(0)330 336 9105 (Please quote confirmation code 7595580)



Hochschild Mining plc

Charles Gordon +44 (0)20 3709 3264

Head of Investor Relations

Hudson Sandler

Charlie Jack +44 (0)207 796 4133

Public Relations


Non-IFRS Financial Performance Measures

The Company has included certain non-IFRS measures in this news release. The Company believes that these measures, in addition to conventional measures prepared in accordance with IFRS, provide investors an improved ability to evaluate the underlying performance of the Company. The non-IFRS measures are intended to provide additional information and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS. These measures do not have any standardised meaning prescribed under IFRS, and therefore may not be comparable to other issuers.

About Hochschild Mining plc:

Hochschild Mining plc is a leading precious metals company listed on the London Stock Exchange (HOCM.L / HOC LN) with a primary focus on the exploration, mining, processing and sale of silver and gold. Hochschild has over fifty years' experience in the mining of precious metal epithermal vein deposits and currently operates four underground epithermal vein mines, three located in southern Peru and one in southern Argentina. Hochschild also has numerous long-term projects throughout the Americas.


I am delighted with the progress made operationally and geologically in 2017 as well as with our long term goal of balance sheet optimisation. This has been demonstrated with our enviable track record of meeting our production and cost forecasts, as well as the delivery of our ambitious brownfield exploration programme which we believe is now starting to bear fruit. Whilst a complex permitting situation in Peru and unpredictable precious metal prices have at times impacted both the management of our core assets and our ability to execute our drilling campaigns, Hochschild Mining has maintained a consistent strategy over the last few years which places geological expertise at the heart of how we manage our deposits and how we generate further low cost organic growth in the long term. The Board is pleased, therefore, to be able to recommend an increased final dividend of $1.965 cents per share.

Operationally we were able to continue to grow our output reaching another Company record in 2017 with key contributions from Inmaculada and San Jose (both production records) and a vastly improved performance at Pallancata. With a positive gold price performance, we were still able to generate solid cashflow throughout the year despite a fall in profitability due to a rise in overall costs. With regards to our balance sheet, we took a decisive step in January 2018 with the early redemption of the high yield bonds, issued in 2014 to finance the construction of Inmaculada, using existing cash and lower cost local Peruvian debt. We are now in an advantageous financial position with a manageable debt profile and the firepower to meet the requirements of our brownfield and greenfield programmes, consider acquisitions and continue to return capital to shareholders.

Towards the end of the year we started to receive some positive results from our brownfield drilling campaigns. In particular, I would like to mention that geological developments at Inmaculada which have confirmed our long-held confidence in the prospectivity of the district and I look forward to the team continuing to add high quality resources in 2018 and beyond. The majority of our assets are still underexplored and following positive changes to the permitting process in Peru, I believe that our organic growth programme is beginning to gain real momentum. Furthermore, it is pleasing to see an increasing number of greenfield targets come through the pipeline as well as some earn-in joint venture opportunities being evaluated.

Safety and Environment

As mentioned in my statement last year, an accident at the Inmaculada mine early in 2017 resulted in two fatalities. With great regret, we disclosed that a second accident occurred at the Arcata mine in July 2017 which also claimed the lives of two colleagues. On behalf of the Board, I would like to again convey our deepest condolences to the families of the victims involved. Our resolve to make Hochschild Mining a safe place to work is as strong as ever and management has responded by instigating a wide-ranging programme to reinforce our safety culture which: includes senior management reviewing all high-risk activities; involves even more frequent training; focuses on initiatives to motivate and incentivise safe working; and implements the most up-to-date safety risk management information systems. Over the course of a mine's life, geological conditions and mining methods may change but our commitment to safety remains constant and is one of our values which we are not willing to compromise.

Our focus on environmental performance continues to be one of our key priorities. During 2017, we introduced a new environmental corporate objective as part of the Company's overall Performance Objectives Plan (the base for calculating employee bonuses), which has historically been only based on production, safety and financial indicators. We believe that this new objective will help us in further promoting a strong environmental culture, achieve our goal of operating with the least environmental footprint possible and generate long-term value for our stakeholders.

Our People

Our employees are pivotal to the Company's performance and, to them, I wish to express my gratitude for their contribution in making 2017 a record year of profitable production. I also wish to thank my fellow Board colleagues for their support over the year. I am delighted that Dionisio Romero Paoletti joined the Board at the start of the year as a Non-Executive Director, bringing a wealth of business experience in Peru and internationally. Finally, I wish to express the Board's utmost gratitude to Enrico Bombieri who, having served as a Non-Executive Director since 2012 and as Senior Independent Director for four years, retired at the end of 2017.


After an encouraging year for metal prices in 2017, particularly for gold, the prospects for precious metals in 2018 remain strong with robust global equity markets and inflation on the rise. We are aiming to continue our long-term growth strategy based around low cost brownfield investment, selective greenfield exploration and a targeted approach to acquisitions. Safety, operational excellence and cost control will remain of paramount importance and we will also continue repaying debt as and when the opportunity arises.

Eduardo Hochschild, Chairman

20 February 2018


Hochschild delivered another record year of production whilst maintaining cost increases within expectations, excellent environmental performance, advancing our brownfield programme and continuing our drive to repay debt and optimise our balance sheet. We have also begun to widen our exploration focus to include selected greenfield projects across the Americas as well as assessing a wide variety of joint ventures and acquisitions that could supplement our long-term growth profile at a low cost.

No less important and in response to the fatalities that occurred during the year, I would like to highlight that the management team has designed and is implementing the "Hochschild Safety Transformation" plan which will reinforce the entire Company's commitment to a safe working environment.


Our core operations produced over half a million attributable gold equivalent ounces (38.0 million silver equivalent ounces) for the first time since the IPO - achieving a fifth year of output increases and improving on our original 37.0 million ounce silver equivalent target. This, yet again, demonstrates the value of our long-term organic growth strategy. Inmaculada was a key driver, delivering another record year of almost 240,000 gold equivalent ounces at a competitive all-in sustaining cost of $721 per gold equivalent ounce ($9.7 per silver equivalent ounce). San Jose also achieved a record (7.1 million attributable silver equivalent ounces) and Pallancata moved strongly into a new phase with 7.7 million silver equivalent ounces at a cost of $10.7 per silver equivalent ounce. At our Arcata mine, the effects of a lengthy permit delay to brownfield exploration in 2016 began to be fully felt with the accessing of increasingly narrower veins and a reduced number of stopes lowering production to 5.5 million silver equivalent ounces. We remain optimistic that, despite the impairment recognised in 2017, there is still geological potential in the Arcata deposit area and expect that our current drilling programme will enable an improvement in resource quality and quantity in the future. Finally, I am pleased to report that, during 2017, we achieved an excellent score in our newly implemented environmental corporate objective at all our operations. We will continue to work to maintain and improve our environmental culture and performance based on a strong belief that responsible mining is fully compatible with respect for the environment.


Our ambitious brownfield exploration programme in Peru started to gain momentum in the second half of 2017 when, with all requisite permits in place, we were able to commence our surface drilling programmes at Inmaculada and Arcata. Early results from the first campaign in six years at Inmaculada are very encouraging and confirmed the presence of the Millet vein as well as eight other structures close to our mining infrastructure at the Angela vein. In Argentina, we had some success in discovering new structures close to the San Jose mine and we also continued to drill in the Aguas Vivas area to the north-west where we are currently assessing the nature of this polymetallic orebody which has significant quantities of zinc and lead as well as precious metals. At Pallancata, the focus was on developing the Pablo vein in preparation for mining in 2018 whilst the discovery of the Marco vein nearby has added further resources and prompted a new regional geological hypothesis which we will be testing in 2018. Finally, at Arcata we were able to discover additional inferred resources and throughout 2018, an intensive campaign will continue to explore for resources with the goal of utilising the plant's significant spare capacity.

Financial position

Strong cashflow from our operations combined with some balance sheet management opportunities has left us in a healthy financial position. On 23 January 2018, we were able to redeem the remaining $295 million of our 7.75% Senior Notes. We replaced a portion of these bonds with short to medium term debt from local banks in Peru with an average rate of 2.2% and approximately $100 million was repaid from existing cash resources. Consequently, our cash balance after this transaction remains a healthy $85m and we expect our interest costs to fall by approximately $20 million per year from 2019 onwards.

Financial results

Whilst an increased average gold price received was offset by a moderate fall in the silver price received, record production once again ensured a rise in revenue of 5% to $723 million (2016: $688 million). The operational all-in sustaining cost of $12.3 per silver equivalent ounce (2016: $11.2 per ounce) was in line with forecasts although the increase reflected an increased investment in brownfield exploration as well as one-off project costs at Inmaculada and consequently this resulted in Adjusted EBITDA of $300 million (2016: $329 million). Finally, with finance costs reduced despite the high yield bonds (now repaid), basic earnings per share and adjusted earnings per share was $0.08 per share (2016: $0.11 and $0.09 per share respectively).


We expect attributable production in 2018 to be 514,000 gold equivalent ounces (38 million silver equivalent ounces driven by another 240,000 gold equivalent ounces from Inmaculada, an increased contribution of 9.5 million silver equivalent ounces from the revitalised Pallancata mine and another 7.1 million silver equivalent ounces from the dependable San Jose mine. At Arcata, where we expect production of 4 million silver equivalent ounces, management will continue to closely monitor performance to ensure production is optimised whilst maintaining the asset's optionality with regards to prices, exploration results and cost efficiencies. All in sustaining costs for operations are expected at between $960 to $990 per gold equivalent ounce ($13.0 to $13.4 per silver equivalent ounce) with the slight increase versus the $12.3 per ounce in 2017 resulting from further development costs of the Pablo vein and a one-off highly profitable investment in a hydraulic backfill project at San Jose. We are also pleased to note that the corporate tax rate in Argentina has been reduced from 35% to 30% from 2018 (and to 25% from 2020) and, hence we can look forward to a significant positive impact on San Jose's net profitability although taxes on dividends have also been reinstated to 7% through to 2020 and then to 13% thereafter.

A further $17 million is expected to be invested in our brownfield exploration in 2018 as we look to maintain the current momentum and an additional budget of $10 million is assigned to greenfield projects with some exciting prospects to be drilled in Peru, Chile, Canada and the United States. Low cost, early stage acquisition opportunities will continue to be pursued across the Americas and, in particular, earn-in joint ventures where operations can benefit from Hochschild's technical expertise. We are confident that our exploration-led growth strategy will continue to add high quality ounces to our existing assets, generate new early-stage projects and deliver long-term shareholder value.

Ignacio Bustamante, Chief Executive Officer

20 February 2018



Note: silver/gold equivalent production and cost figures assume a gold/silver ratio of 74:1. Hochschild has increased the use of gold equivalent figures throughout the release to provide comparability to the gold industry peer group and due to the Company's Inmaculada mine being a majority gold producer.


In 2017, Hochschild once again exceeded its full year production target, a record 513,598 gold equivalent ounces or 38.0 million silver equivalent ounces, comprising 254,932 ounces of gold and 19.1 million ounces of silver. The overall production target for 2018 is 514,000 gold equivalent ounces (38.0 million silver equivalent ounces).

Total group production

                          Year ended 31 Dec   Year ended 31 Dec 
                                       2017                2016 
-----------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
      Silver production 
                  (koz)              22,301              20,562 
        Gold production 
                  (koz)              304.16              292.63 
           Total silver 
       equivalent (koz)              44,809              42,217 
  Total gold equivalent 
                  (koz)              605.52              570.50 
      Silver sold (koz)              22,295              21,088 
        Gold sold (koz)              300.21              298.96 
-----------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 

Total production includes 100% of all production, including production attributable to Hochschild's joint venture partner at San Jose.

Attributable group production

                      Year ended 31 Dec   Year ended 31 Dec 
                                   2017                2016 
-------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
  Silver production 
              (koz)              19,141              17,284 
    Gold production 
              (koz)              254.93              246.08 
  Silver equivalent 
              (koz)              38,006              35,493 
    Gold equivalent 
              (koz)              513.60              479.64 
-------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 

Attributable production includes 100% of all production from Arcata, Inmaculada, Pallancata and 51% from San Jose.

2018 Production forecast split

        Operation   Gold production   Silver production 
                        (oz approx)       (m oz approx) 
-----------------  ----------------  ------------------ 
       Inmaculada           160,000                 5.6 
           Arcata            10,000                 3.3 
       Pallancata            27,000                 7.5 
  San Jose (100%)           100,000                 6.5 
            Total           297,000                22.9 
-----------------  ----------------  ------------------ 


All-in sustaining costs from operations in 2017 was $910 per gold equivalent ounce or $12.3 per silver equivalent ounce (2016: $829 per gold equivalent ounce or $11.2 per silver equivalent ounce) driven by Inmaculada's very competitive $721 per gold equivalent ounce (2016: $644 per ounce) and Pallancata's low costs ($10.7 per silver equivalent ounce) driven by better than forecast tonnage and silver grades. Please see page 13 of the Financial Review for further details on costs.

The all-in sustaining cost from operations in 2018 is expected to be between $960 and $990 per gold equivalent ounce (or $13.0 and $13.4 per silver equivalent ounce) which includes a full year of the new detoxification process at Inmaculada, further development costs at the Pablo vein and an investment of $14 million in a highly value accretive hydraulic backfill project at San Jose. Arcata's costs are expected to be higher in line with its resource base and despite the implementation of significant cost control measures. An intense drilling campaign is expected to add higher quality resources during the year in order to provide continuity to the operation

2018 AISC forecast split

 Operation         AISC ($/oz) 
-----------  ----------------- 
 Inmaculada   700-750 Au Eq[7] 
 Arcata        18.0-18.5 Ag Eq 
 Pallancata    13.0-13.5 Ag Eq 
 San Jose      14.5-15.0 Ag Eq 
-----------  ----------------- 

Inmaculada (Peru)

The 100% owned Inmaculada gold/silver underground operation is located in the Department of Ayacucho in southern Peru. It commenced commissioning in June 2015.

 Inmaculada summary          Year ended     Year ended     % change 
                              31 Dec 2017    31 Dec 2016 
--------------------------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Ore production (tonnes)     1,295,701      1,306,606           (1) 
 Average silver grade 
  (g/t)                      145            133                   9 
 Average gold grade 
  (g/t)                      4.15           4.21                (1) 
 Silver produced (koz)       5,506          4,908                12 
 Gold produced (koz)         165.07         162.71                1 
 Silver equivalent 
  produced (koz)             17,721         16,948                5 
 Gold equivalent produced 
  (koz)                      239.48         229.03                5 
 Silver sold (koz)           5,498          5,004                10 
 Gold sold (koz)             162.32         164.75              (1) 
 Unit cost ($/t)             85.4           64.4                 33 
 Total cash cost ($/oz 
  Au co-product)             486            370                  31 
 All-in sustaining 
  cost ($/oz Au Eq)          721            646                  12 
--------------------------  -------------  -------------  --------- 


In 2017, Inmaculada delivered record gold equivalent production of 239,479 ounces, a 5% improvement on 2016 (2016: 229,033 ounces) and represents a very successful result following the unexpected stoppage at the operation in the first quarter of the year.


All-in sustaining costs were in line with expectations at $721 per gold equivalent ounce or $9.7 per silver equivalent ounce (2016: $646 per ounce). Costs rose versus 2016 due to the previously-disclosed investment in the expansion of the tailings dam and other infrastructure as well as reduced mined tonnage resulting from the stoppage in the first quarter and budgeted lower mined gold grades. These effects were partially offset by the processing of a high grade stockpile as well as operational efficiencies versus plan.

Arcata (Peru)

The 100% owned Arcata underground operation is located in the Department of Arequipa in southern Peru. It commenced production in 1964.

 Arcata summary              Year ended     Year ended     % change 
                              31 Dec 2017    31 Dec 2016 
--------------------------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Ore production (tonnes)     499,385        677,309            (26) 
 Average silver grade 
  (g/t)                      308            337                 (9) 
 Average gold grade 
  (g/t)                      1.07           1.24               (14) 
 Silver produced (koz)       4,391          6,343              (31) 
 Gold produced (koz)         15.15          22.54              (33) 
 Silver equivalent 
  produced (koz)             5,512          8,011              (31) 
 Gold equivalent produced 
  (koz)                      74.49          108.26             (31) 
 Silver sold (koz)           4,357          6,346              (31) 
 Gold sold (koz)             14.96          22.03              (32) 
 Unit cost ($/t)             124.8          101.1                23 
 Total cash cost ($/oz 
  Ag co-product)             14.5           11.0                 32 
 All-in sustaining 
  cost ($/oz Ag Eq)          18.4           13.7                 34 
--------------------------  -------------  -------------  --------- 


Production for the year was 5.5 million silver equivalent ounces (2016: 8.0 million ounces) a result which reflected significantly reduced tonnage and lower grades following a revision of the mine plan to accommodate a lower number of available stopes and narrower veins.


In 2017, as expected, Arcata's all-in sustaining cost rose substantially versus 2016 to $18.4 per silver equivalent ounce (2016: $13.7 per ounce) reflecting the significantly reduced tonnage (affecting unit costs) and grades resulting from the above mentioned revised mine plan as well as the increased investment in the mine's brownfield exploration programme.

Pallancata (Peru)

The 100% owned Pallancata silver/gold property is located in the Department of Ayacucho in southern Peru. Pallancata commenced production in 2007. Ore from Pallancata is transported 22 kilometres to the Selene plant for processing.

 Pallancata summary          Year ended     Year ended     % change 
                              31 Dec 2017    31 Dec 2016 
--------------------------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Ore production (tonnes)     470,903        244,765              92 
 Average silver grade 
  (g/t)                      442            381                  16 
 Average gold grade 
  (g/t)                      1.78           1.86                (4) 
 Silver produced (koz)       5,956          2,620               127 
 Gold produced (koz)         23.47          12.37                90 
 Silver equivalent 
  produced (koz)             7,693          3,536               118 
 Gold equivalent produced 
  (koz)                      103.95         47.78               118 
 Silver sold (koz)           5,940          2,660               123 
 Gold sold (koz)             23.29          12.41                88 
 Unit cost ($/t)             101.5          131.0              (23) 
 Total cash cost ($/oz 
  Ag co-product)             7.8            12.4               (37) 
 All-in sustaining 
  cost ($/oz)                10.7           16.3               (34) 
--------------------------  -------------  -------------  --------- 


The full year result was 7.7 million silver equivalent ounces, a 118% improvement on 2016 (2016: 3.5 million ounces) driven by better than forecast tonnage and silver grades.


All-in sustaining costs at Pallancata in 2017 fell by 34% versus the same period of 2016 to $10.7 per silver equivalent ounce (2016: $16.3 per ounce). The reduction was due to higher than expected tonnage and silver grades resulting from the accessing of high grade ancillary veins with the wider but lower grade Pablo vein forecast to provide the majority of the ore in 2018. Cost were also reduced due Pablo development capex being delayed into 2018 which is expected to increase all-in sustaining costs to be between $13.0 to $13.5 per silver equivalent ounce.

San Jose (Argentina)

The San Jose silver/gold mine is located in Argentina, in the province of Santa Cruz, 1,750 kilometres south-southwest of Buenos Aires. San Jose commenced production in 2007 and is a joint venture with McEwen Mining Inc. Hochschild holds a controlling interest of 51% in the mine and is the mine operator.

 San Jose summary(*)         Year ended   Year ended   % change 
                              31           31 
                              Dec 2017     Dec 2016 
--------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Ore production (tonnes)     532,676      536,024           (1) 
 Average silver grade 
  (g/t)                      436          444               (2) 
 Average gold grade 
  (g/t)                      6.71         6.28                7 
 Silver produced (koz)       6,448        6,691             (4) 
 Gold produced (koz)         100.47       95.01               6 
 Silver equivalent 
  produced (koz)             13,883       13,721              1 
 Gold equivalent produced 
  (koz)                      187.60       185.42              1 
 Silver sold (koz)           6,501        7,081             (8) 
 Gold sold (koz)             99.63        99.76               - 
 Unit cost ($/t)             240.1        202.4              19 
 Total cash cost ($/oz 
  Ag co-product)             10.5         9.7                 8 
 All-in sustaining 
  cost ($/oz)                14.0         11.5               22 
--------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 

(*) The Company has a 51% interest in San Jose


The overall production results for 2017 were 6.4 million ounces of silver and 100,474 ounces of gold which is 13.9 million silver equivalent ounces, a slight improvement on 2016.


At San Jose, all-in sustaining costs increased to $14.0 per silver equivalent ounce (2016: $11.5 per ounce) mainly due to the Q4 2016 elimination of the Patagonian port rebate which had lowered costs significantly. In addition, lower than expected currency devaluation in Argentina in 2017 only partially offset ongoing high local inflation.

In December 2017, the Argentine government sanctioned a series of fiscal measures that include a reduction in the 35% rate of corporate income tax, taking it to 30% for the years 2018 and 2019, and then to 25% for 2020 onwards. In addition, a withholding tax was imposed on dividends at a rate of 7% for 2018 and 2019, increasing to 13% from 2020. It is expected that the overall net effect on profitability will be positive.


Brownfield exploration


27,662m of resource drilling and 11,200m of potential drilling was carried out at Arcata in 2017 and centred on the Tunel 3, Tunel 4, Paralela 3, Paralela Sur, Ramal Marion, Michele, Soledad, Baja, Ramal 4, Ruby 2 and Ruby 3 veins. In addition, long horizontal drilling for potential resources was also executed in the Pamela and Paralelas vein systems.

Selected results are provided in the table below:

 Vein             Results 
---------------  ------------------------------- 
 Ramal Marion     DDH-018-GE-17: 1.0m @ 1.0g/t 
                   Au & 326g/t Ag 
                   DDH-023-GE-17: 0.8m @ 0.6g/t 
                   Au & 154g/t Ag 
                   DDH-049-EX-17: 0.8m @ 0.6g/t 
                   Au & 146g/t Ag 
                   DDH-054-EX-17: 0.8m @ 0.4g/t 
                   Au & 201g/t Ag 
                   DDH-023-GE-17: 0.8m @ 0.9g/t 
                   Au & 246g/t Ag 
                   DDH-043-EX-17: 1.2m @ 0.3g/t 
                   Au & 159g/t Ag 
                   DDH-058-EX-17: 1.0m @ 2.1g/t 
                   Au & 712g/t Ag 
                   DDH-066-EX-17: 1.3m @ 0.4g/t 
                   Au & 167g/t Ag 
                   DDH-018-GE-17: 1.2m @ 2.6g/t 
                   Au & 1,229g/t Ag 
                   DDH-023-GE-17: 0.8m @ 1.0g/t 
                   Au & 227g/t Ag 
                   DDH-043-EX-17: 0.8m @ 0.2g/t 
                   Au & 477g/t Ag 
                   DDH-058-EX-17: 0.9m @ 0.5g/t 
                   Au & 309/t Ag 
                   DDH-043-EX-17: 0.8m @ 0.2g/t 
                   Au & 132g/t Ag 
                   DDH-052-EX-17: 0.8m @ 0.4g/t 
                   Au & 106g/t Ag 
                   DDH-066-EX-17: 1.2m @ 1.1g/t 
                   Au & 408g/t Ag 
                   DDH-018-GE-17: 0.8m @ 0.9g/t 
                   Au & 303g/t Ag 
                   DDH-023-GE-17: 1.1m @ 3.8g/t 
                   Au & 1,025g/t Ag 
---------------  ------------------------------- 
 Paralela         DDH-036-GE-17: 0.8m @ 4.9g/t 
                   Au & 605g/t Ag 
                   DDH-038-GE-17: 0.8m @ 1.5g/t 
                   Au & 198g/t Ag 
                   DDH-048-DI-17: 0.4m @ 3.9g/t 
                   Au & 389g/t Ag 
                   DDH-074-DI-17: 1.2m @ 1.8g/t 
                   Au & 176g/t Ag 
                   DDH-056-DI-17: 0.8m @ 1.5g/t 
                   Au & 177g/t Ag 
---------------  ------------------------------- 
 Paralela 1       DDH-036-GE-17: 0.8m @ 5.2g/t 
                   Au & 692g/t Ag 
                   DDH-038-GE-17: 0.8m @ 1.4g/t 
                   Au & 240g/t Ag 
                   DDH-048-DI-17: 0.8m @ 6.6g/t 
                   Au & 765g/t Ag 
---------------  ------------------------------- 
 Paralela 2       DDH-057-DI-17: 1.1m @ 3.0g/t 
                   Au & 244g/t Ag 
                   DDH-028-GE-17: 0.9m @ 2.6g/t 
                   Au & 226g/t Ag 
---------------  ------------------------------- 
 Paralela 3       DDH-056-DI-17: 1.1m @ 2.1g/t 
                   Au & 331g/t Ag 
                   DDH-074-DI-17: 1.8m @ 12.2g/t 
                   Au & 1,339g/t Ag 
                   DDH-041-DI-17: 1.3m @ 1.4g/t 
                   Au & 173g/t Ag 
                   DDH-038-GE-17: 0.8m @ 1.7g/t 
                   Au & 117g/t Ag 
                   DDH-107-DI-17: 1.3m @ 1.9g/t 
                   Au & 192g/t Ag 
---------------  ------------------------------- 
 Socorro+800      DDH-074-DI-17: 2.5m @ 12.2g/t 
                   Au & 399g/t Ag 
---------------  ------------------------------- 
 Tunel 4          DDH-087-GE-17: 0.8m @ 1.6g/t 
                   Au & 850g/t Ag 
                   DDH-097-DI-17: 1.8m @ 0.9g/t 
                   Au & 397g/t Ag 
                   DDH-103-DI-17: 0.8m @ 0.8g/t 
                   Au & 126g/t Ag 
                   DDH-109-DI-17: 1.3m @ 4.2g/t 
                   Au & 636g/t Ag 
                   DDH-555-S-17: 0.4m @ 1.6g/t 
                   Au & 516g/t Ag 
                   DDH-557-S-17: 1.9m @ 1.5g/t 
                   Au & 205g/t Ag 
                   DDH-576-S-17: 0.6m @ 1.0g/t 
                   Au & 268g/t Ag 
                   DDH-579-S-17: 2.8m @ 1.1g/t 
                   Au & 276g/t Ag 
---------------  ------------------------------- 
 Alexia Techo 2   DDH-094-ST-17: 1.0m @ 1.4g/t 
                   Au & 454g/t Ag 
---------------  ------------------------------- 
 Ruby 2           DDH-155-DI-17: 1.0m @ 0.4g/t 
                   Au & 241g/t Ag 
                   DDH-190-EX-17: 1.3m @ 1.2g/t 
                   Au & 551g/t Ag 
---------------  ------------------------------- 
 Ruby 3           DDH-155-DI-17: 2.0m @ 0.7g/t 
                   Au & 250g/t Ag 
                   DDH-184-DI-17: 1.3m @ 0.3g/t 
                   Au & 207g/t Ag 
                   DDH-198-EX-17: 1.1m @ 0.5g/t 
                   Au & 407g/t Ag 
                   DDH-197-DI-17: 1.7m @ 1.3g/t 
                   Au & 735g/t Ag 
---------------  ------------------------------- 

In 2018, an intensive 32,000m resource drilling campaign is scheduled for all areas surrounding the main mining area.


At Pallancata, 1,000m of resource drilling was carried out in the Marco vein, a structure identified close to the Pablo vein with just over 1 million ounces of silver equivalent resources identified. Selected results are below:

 Vein    Results 
------  ------------------------------ 
 Marco   DLYU-A92A: 1.4m @ 0.7g/t Au 
          & 235g/t Ag 
          DLYU-A88: 1.1m @ 2.2g/t Au & 
          1,108g/t Ag 
          DLNE-A05: 0.6m @ 1.1g/t Au & 
          470g/t Ag 
          DLYU-A92A: 2.0m @ 0.7g/t Au 
          & 169g/t Ag 
          DLNE-A07: 0.6m @ 1.1g/t Au & 
          152g/t Ag 
------  ------------------------------ 

During 2018, mapping and geophysics will be carried out at the Pablo South area whilst an 8,400m potential drilling programme will be carried out to test continuity between the Marco and the Farallon veins to the North West of Pablo.


At Inmaculada, following receipt of the requisite permits from the government in the fourth quarter, a 56,000 metre surface drilling programme began in early November with four drill rigs onsite. Results in the area to the south west of the Angela vein have so far confirmed the presence of nine new veins close to the existing mine infrastructure. The first results from almost 5,000 metres of drilling are detailed below and show, in particular, the potential of the Millet vein. The current campaign will continue throughout 2018 and will include further potential drilling as well as infill drilling and resource conversion. The Company expects to provide further updates on drill results throughout the year.

In addition, mine development during the third quarter allowed a reinterpretation of the geological model at the deposit and identified a further 9.7 million silver equivalent ounces of resources.

 Vein            Results 
--------------  ------------------------------- 
 Millet          MIL-17-002: 36.5m @ 3.3g/t Au 
                  & 73g/t Ag 
                  MIL-17-003: 3.8m @ 3.8g/t Au 
                  & 109g/t Ag 
                  MIL-17-004A: 3.0m @ 1.4g/t Au 
                  & 80g/t Ag 
                  MIL-17-005: 38.5m @ 4.4g/t Au 
                  & 96g/t Ag 
                  MIL-17-006: 1.2m @ 1.8g/t Au 
                  & 88g/t Ag 
                  MIL-17-007: 2.5m @ 2.0g/t Au 
                  & 19g/t Ag 
                  MIL-17-009: 13.0m @ 6.8g/t Au 
                  & 68g/t Ag 
--------------  ------------------------------- 
 Thalia          MIL-17-001: 1.1m @ 3.0g/t Au 
                  & 125g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-017: 1.5m @ 11.0g/t Au 
                  & 67g/t Ag 
                  LIA17-001: 0.7m @ 2.3g/t Au 
                  & 174g/t Ag 
                  LIA17-002: 3.0m @ 5.1g/t Au 
                  & 60g/t Ag 
--------------  ------------------------------- 
 Alessandra      MIL-17-001: 1.2m @ 2.9g/t Au 
                  & 227g/t Ag 
                  MIL-17-001: 1.5m @ 1.5g/t Au 
                  & 82g/t Ag 
                  MIL-17-002: 2.5m @ 2.2g/t Au 
                  & 122g/t Ag 
--------------  ------------------------------- 
 Barbara         BAR17-001: 3.9m @ 1.6g/t Au 
                  & 119g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-003: 1.3m @ 2.4g/t Au 
                  & 419g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-004: 3.0m @ 2.6g/t Au 
                  & 175g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-008: 4.3m @ 10.0g/t Au 
                  & 751g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-009: 3.6m @ 1.9g/t Au 
                  & 348g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-010: 6.0m @ 15.2g/t Au 
                  & 3,042g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-011: 2.7m @ 6.6g/t Au 
                  & 780g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-012: 3.8m @ 6.5g/t Au 
                  & 692g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-013: 4.1m @ 11.1g/t Au 
                  & 1,449g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-014: 3.5m @ 16.2g/t Au 
                  & 1,227g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-017: 2.05m @ 1.38g/t Au 
                  & 82g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-018: 3.6m @ 3.5g/t Au 
                  & 132g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-019: 2.25m @ 3.55g/t Au 
                  & 242g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-020: 1.2m @ 7.9g/t Au 
                  & 665g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-021: 0.8m @ 1.1g/t Au 
                  & 92g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-022: 1.2m @ 1.7g/t Au 
                  & 720g/t Ag 
--------------  ------------------------------- 
 Ramal Barbara   BAR 17-019: 1.0m @ 1.7g/t Au 
                  & 314g/t Ag 
--------------  ------------------------------- 
 Xiomara         BAR17-017: 1.0m @ 1.0g/t Au 
                  & 45g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-018: 1.5m @ 2.1g/t Au 
                  & 76g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-019: 1.8m @ 3.6g/t Au 
                  & 242g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-020: 2.1m @ 2.5g/t Au 
                  & 123g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-021: 0.7m @ 0.6g/t Au 
                  & 16g/t Ag 
                  BAR17-022: 1.0m @ 5.7g/t Au 
                  & 122g/t Ag 
--------------  ------------------------------- 

During 2018, mapping and geophysics is planned for the Inmaculada East zone whilst a programme of 4,500 metres of drilling for potential as well as 53,000 metres of resource drilling is scheduled in the same area.

San Jose

At San Jose, 8,624 m of drilling for potential resources was carried out during the year at the Aguas Vivas zone with results indicating an intermediate sulphide deposit with associated zinc and lead mineralisation. A further 3,000 metres of drilling at Aguas Vivas is scheduled for Q1 2018. In addition, 5,000 metres of further resource and potential drilling was carried out during the year in the Molle, Odin, Ramal Ayelen and Frea E-W veins with selected results of both campaigns shown below.

 Vein              Results 
----------------  ------------------------------- 
 Aguas Vivas NW    SJD-1627: 2.6m @ 0.1g/t Au, 
                    43g/t Ag, 8.2% Pb & 5.5% Zn 
                    SJD-1616: 2.8m @ 0.3g/t Au, 
                    40g/t Ag, 7.0% Pb & 6.0% Zn 
                    SJD-1686: 1.1m @ 3.6g/t Au, 
                    86g/t Ag, 19.0% Pb & 10.3% Zn 
                    SJD-1686: 1.5m @ 1.0g/t Au, 
                    29g/t Ag, 1.1% Pb & 2.9% Zn 
                    SJD-1687: 0.4m @ 0.2g/t Au, 
                    65g/t Ag, 3.1% Pb & 7.2% Zn 
                    SJD-1687: 1.0m @ 6.5g/t Au, 
                    14g/t Ag 
----------------  ------------------------------- 
 Molle             SJD-1651: 0.8m @ 8.4g/t Au & 
                    141g/t Ag 
                    SJM-320: 2.5m @ 5.2g/t Au & 
                    427g/t Ag 
                    SJM-321: 1.2m @ 46.7g/t Au & 
                    2,256g/t Ag 
                    SJD-1696: 2.9m @ 3.8g/t Au & 
                    913g/t Ag 
                    SJD-1697: 1.3m @ 92.3g/t Au 
                    & 2,429g/t Ag 
                    SJM-340: 0.6m @ 5.5g/t Au & 
                    316g/t Ag 
                    SJM-341: 0.6m @ 0.6g/t Au & 
                    31g/t Ag 
                    SJM-342: 1.1m @ 9.9g/t Au & 
                    496g/t Ag 
----------------  ------------------------------- 
 Odin              SJM-338: 1.4m @ 1.0g/t Au & 
                    472g/t Ag 
----------------  ------------------------------- 
 Ramal Ayelen      SJM-339: 0.6m @ 0.7g/t Au & 
                    329g/t Ag 
                    SJM-339: 1.0m @ 0.8g/t Au & 
                    461g/t Ag 
----------------  ------------------------------- 
 Ramal Ayelen SE   SJD-1689: 0.6m @ 1.2g/t Au & 
                    49g/t Ag 
                    SJD-1690: 0.5m @ 0.8g/t Au & 
                    225g/t Ag 
----------------  ------------------------------- 
 Frea (E-W)        SJM-331: 0.6m @ 15.9g/t Au & 
                    405g/t Ag 
                    SJM-333: 1.2m @ 3.3g/t Au & 
                    262g/t Ag 
                    SJD-1693: 1.6m @ 13.8g/t Au 
                    & 184g/t Ag 
----------------  ------------------------------- 

In 2018, mapping and geophysics will continue on the Aguas Vivas zone as well as approximately 3,000m of both potential and resource drilling.


The reporting currency of Hochschild Mining plc is U.S. dollars. In discussions of financial performance the Group removes the effect of exceptional items when indicated. The income statement results are shown both pre and post such exceptional items. Exceptional items are those items, which due to their nature or the expected infrequency of the events giving rise to them, need to be disclosed separately on the face of the income statement to enable a better understanding of the financial performance of the Group and to facilitate comparison with prior years.


Gross revenue

Gross revenue from continuing operations increased by 5% to $759.1 million in 2017 (2016: $722.0 million) driven by an increase in sales resulting from increases in production from the Company's Inmaculada and Pallancata mines as well as a rise in gold prices.[8]


Gross revenue from gold increased 5% in 2017 to $381.3 million (2016: $363.4 million) mainly as a result of a 4% rise in the average gold price as well as a small increase in the total amount of gold ounces sold in 2017. The increase in gold sales came from the recovery in the Pallancata mine offsetting a fall in gold sales from the Arcata mine.


Gross revenue from silver increased by 5% in 2017 to $377.8 million (2016: $358.7 million) as a result of a 6% increase in the total amount of silver ounces sold to 22,295 koz (2016: 21,088 koz) driven by a recovery at the primarily silver mine of Pallancata as well as increased sales from Inmaculada . This was partially offset by a 31% decrease in the silver sales from the Arcata operation.

Gross average realised sales prices

The following table provides figures for average realised prices (which are reported before the deduction of commercial discounts and include the effects of the hedging agreements in place during the prior year) and ounces sold for 2017 and 2016:

 Average realised prices       Year ended     Year ended 
                                31 Dec 2017    31 Dec 2016 
----------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Silver ounces sold (koz)      22,295         21,088 
 Avg. realised silver price 
  ($/oz)                       16.9           17.0 
 Gold ounces sold (koz)        300.21         298.95 
 Avg. realised gold price 
  ($/oz)                       1,270          1,215 
----------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

Commercial discounts

Commercial discounts refer to refinery treatment charges, refining fees and payable deductions for processing concentrate, and are deducted from gross revenue on a per tonne basis (treatment charge), per ounce basis (refining fees) or as a percentage of gross revenue (payable deductions). In 2017, the Group recorded commercial discounts of $36.9 million (2016: $34.1 million). The increase is explained by the higher production of concentrate mainly from the Pallancata mine. The ratio of commercial discounts to gross revenue in 2017 was 5% (2016: 5%).

Net revenue

Net revenue increased by 5% to $722.6 million (2016: $688.2 million), comprising net gold revenue of $372.3 million and net silver revenue of $349.8 million. In 2017, gold accounted for 52% and silver 48% of the Company's consolidated net revenue (2016: gold 51% and silver 49%) with the increase in the gold contribution mainly due to the increase in the gold price received.

Revenue by mine[9]

 $000                    Year ended 31 Dec 2017   Year ended 31 Dec 2016   % change 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  --------- 
 Silver revenue 
 Arcata                  74,452                   106,206                      (30) 
 Inmaculada              91,943                   83,642                         10 
 Pallancata              100,285                  44,500                        125 
 San Jose                111,088                  124,316                      (11) 
 Commercial discounts    (27,926)                 (25,139)                       11 
 Net silver revenue      349,842                  333,525                         5 
 Gold revenue 
 Arcata                  19,183                   25,717                       (25) 
 Inmaculada              204,651                  196,466                         4 
 Pallancata              29,877                   14,994                         99 
 San Jose                127,602                  126,174                         1 
 Commercial discounts    (8,998)                  (8,993)                         - 
 Net gold revenue        372,315                  354,358                         5 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  --------- 
 Other revenue           415                      359                            16 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  --------- 
 Net revenue             722,572                  688,242                         5 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  --------- 


Total cost of sales was $549.0 million in 2017 (2016: $487.7 million). The direct production cost excluding depreciation was higher at $345.4 million (2016: $293.8 million) explained by higher backfill and detoxification costs at Inmaculada and the impact of the net inflation in Argentina. Depreciation in 2017 was $195.7 million (2016: $185.7 million) with the increase due to Pallancata's higher tonnage extraction. Other items was higher at $3.2 million in 2017 (2016: $1.8 million) due to costs related to the community stoppage at Pallancata in January. Change in inventories was $4.7 million in 2017 (2016: $6.5 million).

 $000                          Year ended   Year ended   % Change 
                                31 Dec       31 Dec 
                                2017         2016 
----------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Direct production cost 
  excluding depreciation       345,436      293,810            18 
 Depreciation in production 
  cost                         195,699      185,655             5 
 Other items                   3,241        1,750              85 
 Change in inventories         4,673        6,487            (28) 
----------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Cost of sales                 549,049      487,702            13 
----------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 

Unit cost per tonne

The Group reported unit cost per tonne at its operations of $125.0 per tonne in 2017, an 18% increase versus 2016 ($106.2 per tonne) mainly as a result of new detoxification and backfill processes at Inmaculada, stoppages at Pallancata and Inmaculada, local inflation in Argentina and higher costs at Arcata, partially offset by reduced costs at Pallancata.

Unit cost per tonne by operation (including royalties)[10]:

 Operating unit ($/tonne)    Year ended   Year ended   % change 
                              31 Dec       31 Dec 
                              2017         2016 
--------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Peru                        97.7         83.2               17 
 Arcata                      124.8        101.1              23 
 Inmaculada                  85.4         64.4               33 
 Pallancata                  101.5        131.0            (23) 
--------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 San Jose                    240.1        202.4              19 
--------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Total                       125.0        106.2              18 
--------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 

Cash costs

Cash cost reconciliation[11]:

 $000 unless otherwise indicated      Year ended   Year ended   % change 
                                       31 Dec       31 Dec 
                                       2017         2016 
-----------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Group cash cost                      403,552      358,800            12 
-----------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 (+) Cost of sales                    549,049      487,702            13 
 (-) Depreciation and amortisation 
  in cost of sales                    (196,150)    (180,317)           9 
 (+) Selling expenses                 11,024       14,175           (22) 
 (+) Commercial deductions[12]        39,629       37,240              6 
     Gold                             9,256        11,486           (19) 
     Silver                           30,373       25,754             18 
-----------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Revenue                              722,572      688,242             5 
-----------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Gold                                 372,315      354,358             5 
 Silver                               349,842      333,525             5 
 Others                               415          359                16 
-----------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Ounces sold 
-----------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Gold                                 300.2        298.9               - 
 Silver                               22,295       21,088              6 
-----------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Group cash cost ($/oz) 
-----------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Co product Au                        693          618                12 
 Co product Ag                        8.8          8.2                 7 
 By product Au                        78           (2)           (4,000) 
 By product Ag                        1.0          (0.3)           (430) 
-----------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 

Co-product cash cost per ounce is the cash cost allocated to the primary metal (allocation based on proportion of revenue), divided by the ounces sold of the primary metal. By-product cash cost per ounce is the total cash cost minus revenue and commercial discounts of the by-product divided by the ounces sold of the primary metal.

All-in sustaining cost reconciliation

Year ended 31 Dec 2017

  $000 unless otherwise indicated    Arcata  Inmaculada  Pallancata  San         Main         Corporate  Total 
                                                                      José   operations   & others 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
  (+) Production cost excluding 
   depreciation                      62,340  109,005     46,874      127,217     345,436      -          345,436 
  (+) Other items in cost of 
   sales                             -       -           1,461       1,780       3,241        -          3,241 
  (+) Operating and exploration 
   capex for units                   17,557  52,903      19,186      33,998      123,644      453        124,097 
  (+) Brownfield exploration 
   expenses                          3,029   1,127       1,279       3,407       8,842        4,041      12,883 
  (+) Administrative expenses 
   (excl depreciation)               880     3,351       1,362       8,701       14,294       35,425     49,719 
  (+) Royalties and special mining 
   tax(14)                           -       2,987       1,214       -           4,201        2,229      6,430 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
  Sub-total                          83,806  169,373     71,376      175,103     499,658      42,148     541,806 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
  Au ounces produced                 15,146  165,074     23,471      100,474     304,165      -          304,165 
  Ag ounces produced (000s)          4,391   5,506       5,956       6,448       22,301       -          22,301 
  Ounces produced (Ag Eq 000s 
   oz)                               5,512   17,721      7,693       13,883      44,809       -          44,809 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
  Sub-total ($/oz Ag Eq)             15.2    9.6         9.3         12.6        11.2         -          12.1 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
  (+) Commercial deductions          15,695  2,134       9,633       12,167      39,629       -          39,629 
  (+) Selling expenses               1,931   1,118       1,298       6,677       11,024       -          11,024 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
  Sub-total                          17,626  3,252       10,931      18,844      50,653       -          50,653 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
  Au ounces sold                     14,963  162,323     23,287      99,634      300,207      -          300,207 
  Ag ounces sold (000s)              4,357   5,498       5,940       6,501       22,296       -          22,296 
  Ounces sold (Ag Eq 000s oz)        5,464   17,510      7,663       13,874      44,511       -          44,511 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
  Sub-total ($/oz Ag Eq)             3.2     0.2         1.4         1.4         1.1                     1.1 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
  All-in sustaining costs ($/oz 
   Ag Eq)                            18.4    9.7         10.7        14.0        12.3                    13.2 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  ------- 
  All-in sustaining costs ($/oz 
   Au Eq)[13]                        1,362   721         792         1,036       910          -          977 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  ------- 

Year ended 31 Dec 2016

  $000 unless otherwise indicated    Arcata  Inmaculada  Pallancata  San         Main         Corporate  Total 
                                                                      José   operations   & others 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
  (+) Production cost excluding 
   depreciation                      68,155  83,796      33,650      108,209     293,810      -          293,810 
  (+) Other items in cost of 
   sales                             462     506         241         541         1,750        -          1,750 
  (+) Operating and exploration 
   capex for units                   20,819  54,199      16,130      32,670      123,818      255        124,073 
  (+) Brownfield exploration 
   expenses                          1,305   1           733         1691        3,730        2,806      6,536 
  (+) Administrative expenses 
   (excl depreciation )              1,441   3,420       674         8,180       13,715       32,932     46,647 
  (+) Royalties and special mining 
   tax[14]                           -       3,243       639         -           3,882        3,869      7,751 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
  Sub-total                          92,182  145,165     52,067      151,291     440,705      39,862     480,567 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
  Au ounces produced                 22,541  162,710     12,374      95,006      292,631      -          292,631 
  Ag ounces produced (000s)          6,343   4,908       2,620       6,691       20,562       -          20,562 
  Ounces produced (Ag Eq 000s 
   oz)                               8,011   16,948      3,536       13,721      42,216       -          42,216 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
  Sub-total ($/oz Ag Eq)             11.5    8.6         14.7        11.0        10.4         -          11.4 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
  (+) Commercial deductions          15,383  1,650       5,038       15,169      37,240       -          37,240 
  (+) Selling expenses               1,973   1,130       721         10,351      14,175       -          14,175 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
  (-) Export credits                 -       -           -           (19,029)    (19,029)                (19,029) 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
  Sub-total                          17,356  2,780       5,759       6,491       32,386       -          32,386 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
  Au ounces sold                     22,043  164,754     12,407      99,761      298,965      -          298,965 
  Ag ounces sold (000s)              6,343   5,004       2,660       7,081       21,088       -          21,088 
  Ounces sold (Ag Eq 000s oz)        7,977   17,196      3,578       14,463      43,214       -          43,214 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
  Sub-total ($/oz Ag Eq)             2.2     0.2         1.6         0.4         0.7          -          0.7 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
  All-in sustaining costs ($/oz 
   Ag Eq)                            13.7    8.7         16.3        11.5        11.2         -          12.1 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  -------- 
  All-in sustaining costs ($/oz 
   Au Eq)                            1,014   644         1,206       851         829          -          895 
-----------------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  -------- 

Administrative expenses

Administrative expenses increased by 7% to $51.3 million (2016: $48.0 million) primarily due to increased share-based compensation affecting personnel expenses.

Exploration expenses

In 2017, exploration expenses increased to $17.2 million (2016: $9.2 million) in line with the overall rise in the Company's investment in brownfield exploration. In addition, the Group capitalises part of its brownfield exploration, which mostly relates to costs incurred converting potential resource to the Inferred or Measured and Indicated category. In 2017, the Group capitalised $2.3 million relating to brownfield exploration compared to $1.3 million in 2016, bringing the total investment in exploration for 2017 to $19.5 million (2016: $10.5 million).

Selling expenses

Selling expenses decreased by 22% versus 2016 to $11.0 million (2016: $14.2 million) mainly due to the elimination of export duties at San Jose. Selling expenses in 2017 consisted mainly of logistic costs for the sale of concentrate whilst 2016 expenses also included approximately 1.5 months of export duties on concentrate until their elimination on 12 February 2016. Previously, export duties in Argentina were levied at 10% of revenue for concentrate.

Other income/expenses

Other income before exceptional items was $10.2 million (2016: $33.1 million). The reduction is mainly due to the elimination of the Patagonian port rebate (2016: $16.7 million) in the fourth quarter of 2016.

Other expenses before exceptional items were reduced to $11.5 million (2015: $13.9 million).

Adjusted EBITDA

Adjusted EBITDA decreased by 9% over the period to $300.8 million (2016: $329.0 million) driven primarily by production costs.

Adjusted EBITDA is calculated as profit from continuing operations before exceptional items, net finance costs and income tax plus non-cash items (depreciation and changes in mine closure provisions) and exploration expenses other than personnel and other exploration related fixed expenses.

 $000 unless otherwise indicated                            Year ended 31 Dec 2017   Year ended 31 Dec 2016   % change 
---------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  --------- 
 Profit from continuing operations before exceptional 
  items, net finance cost, foreign exchange 
  loss and income tax                                       92,255                   148,188                      (38) 
 Depreciation and amortisation in cost of sales             196,150                  180,317                         9 
 Depreciation and amortisation in administrative expenses   1,564                    1,331                          18 
 Exploration expenses                                       17,199                   9,193                          87 
 Personnel and other exploration related fixed expenses     (5,395)                  (3,947)                        37 
 Other non-cash income[15]                                  (1,023)                  (6,068)                      (83) 
---------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  --------- 
 Adjusted EBITDA                                            300,750                  329,014                       (9) 
---------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  --------- 
 Adjusted EBITDA margin                                     42%                      48% 
---------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  --------- 

Finance income

Finance income before exceptional items of $5.9 million increased from 2016 ($1.1 million) primarily due to the impact of a higher net present value of the Patagonian port rebate ($1.9 million) which was discounted in 2016 but collected in 2017. The remainder consists of interest received on deposits ($1.6 million) and other financial income ($2.4 million) which included a gain on sale of shares ($1.4 million) and a gain on derivative instruments ($0.6 million).

Finance costs

Finance costs decreased from $30.5 million in 2016 to $26.1 million in 2017, principally due to the reduction of interest resulting from the repayment of Scotiabank medium term loan in H1 2016 and from lower average short-term borrowings.

Foreign exchange losses

The Group recognised a foreign exchange loss of $5.3 million (2016: $1.8 million loss) as a result of exposures in currencies other than the functional currency - primarily the Argentinean Peso.

Income tax

The Group's pre-exceptional income tax charge was $13.5 million (2016: $47.6 million). The substantial decrease in the charge is explained by the Group's decrease in profitability in the year in addition to a deferred tax credit recognised as a result of a progressive tax rate reduction in Argentina from 35% to 30%.

The effective tax rate for the period was 20.2% (2016: 40.7%). The reduction in the effective tax rate is mainly due to the positive deferred tax impact of the Argentina tax rate reduction which is non-recurring.

Exceptional items

Exceptional items in 2017 totalled a $0.5 million gain after tax (2016: $6.4 million loss). Exceptional items principally included impairment reversals of $31.9 million for Pallancata and $8.4 million at San Felipe partially offset by a $43.0 million impairment of Arcata.

The tax effect of exceptional items amounted to a $3.3 million tax charge (2016: $2.2 million tax credit) although this did not include the impairment reversal at San Felipe which did not attract a deferred tax liability as no tax asset arose when the impairment was originally carried out.

Cash flow and balance sheet review

Cash flow:

 $000                            Year ended   Year ended     Change 
                                  31 Dec       31 Dec 
                                  2017         2016 
------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Net cash generated from 
  operating activities           233,919      316,073      (82,154) 
 Net cash used in investing 
  activities                     (121,054)    (127,364)       6,310 
 Cash flows generated/(used 
  in) in financing activities    4,919        (132,165)     137,084 
------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Net increase in cash 
  and cash equivalents 
  during the year                117,784      56,544         61,240 
------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 

Operating cash flow decreased from $316.1 million in 2016 to $233.9 million in 2017. Lower operating cash flow is mainly due to: (i) income tax payments in 2017 of $26 million in Argentina of which $17 million corresponded to income tax from 2016 and the rest to income tax advances for the 2017 period; (ii) the reduction of working capital achieved in 2016 (excluding the income tax effect) of $37 million and maintained during 2017; (iii) higher production costs and exploration expenses partially offset by stronger revenue.

Net cash used in investing activities decreased to $121.1 million in 2017 from $127.4 million in 2016 mainly due to reduced capital expenditure at Arcata, Inmaculada and care and maintenance expenditure at the Azuca and Crespo projects, partially offset by an increase in Pallancata investment.

Finally, cash flows generated from financing activities resulted in a net inflow of $4.9 million in 2017 from $132.2 million used in 2016. In 2016, the $132.2 million used was due to $107.4 million of debt repayment and the remainder by equity dividends of $7.0 million paid to Hochschild shareholders and also $13.0 million to McEwen Mining. The change in 2017 is primarily due to the net increase in short term credit lines of $31.5 million ($25 million repaid in January 2017 in Peru, $50 million raised in December 2017 in Peru to re-purchase the bonds and $6.5 million raised in Argentina during the year). This was partially offset by dividends paid to Hochschild's shareholders of $14.0 million and to minority shareholders in Argentina of $12.3 million. As a result, total cash flows resulted in a net increase of $117.8 million from $56.5 million in 2015 ($61.2 million improvement).

Working capital

 $000                                       Year ended 31 Dec 2017   Year ended 31 Dec 2016 
-----------------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Trade and other receivables                88,553                                   93,837 
 Inventories                                56,678                                   57,056 
 Other financial assets/(liability)         2,591                                   (1,726) 
 Income tax receivable/(payable)            15,442                                  (9,025) 
 Trade and other payables and provisions    (228,170)                             (211,277) 
-----------------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Working capital                            (64,906)                               (71,135) 
-----------------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 

The Group's working capital position changed by $6.2 million to $64.9 million in 2017 from $71.1 million in 2016. Key drivers were: higher income tax receivable ($24.5 million) resulting from $24.2 million of tax payments in Argentina; a negative movement in other financial assets/(liability) of $4.3 million from a liability position in 2016, to an asset position in 2017 resulting from the embedded derivative associated with provisional pricing and higher trade. These were partially offset by: an increase in trade and other payables and provisions of $(16.9) million mainly due to Pallancata's trade payables in line with its higher production.

Net debt

 $000                         Year ended       Year ended 
                               31 Dec 2017    31 Dec 2016 
---------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents    256,988             139,979 
 Long term borrowings         (291,955)         (291,073) 
 Short term borrowings[16]    (67,863)           (36,312) 
---------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net debt                     (102,830)         (187,406) 
---------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

The Group reported net debt position was $102.8 million as at 31 December 2017 (2016: $187.4 million). The reduction in 2017 is mainly due to the operating cash generated mainly in Inmaculada and Pallancata.

Capital expenditure([17])

 $000            Year ended     Year ended 
                31 Dec 2017    31 Dec 2016 
------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Arcata              17,557         20,819 
 Pallancata          19,186         16,130 
 San Jose            36,288         35,311 
 Inmaculada          52,903         54,199 
------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Operations         125,934        126,459 
 Other                2,614          5,186 
------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total              128,548        131,645 
------------  -------------  ------------- 

2017 capital expenditure of $128.5 million (2016: $131.6 million) mainly comprised of operational capex of $125.9 million (2016: $126.5 million) with the small decrease versus 2016 comprising decreases at Inmaculada and Arcata partially offset by an increase in capital expenditure at Pallancata.

Forward looking Statements

This announcement contains certain forward looking statements, including such statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. In particular, such forward looking statements may relate to matters such as the business, strategy, investments, production, major projects and their contribution to expected production and other plans of Hochschild Mining plc and its current goals, assumptions and expectations relating to its future financial condition, performance and results.

Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements typically containing words such as "intends", "expects", "anticipates", "targets", "plans", "estimates" and words of similar import. By their nature, forward looking statements involve risks and uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will or may occur in the future. Actual results, performance or achievements of Hochschild Mining plc may be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to differences between the actual results, performance or achievements of Hochschild Mining plc and current expectations include, but are not limited to, legislative, fiscal and regulatory developments, competitive conditions, technological developments, exchange rate fluctuations and general economic conditions. Past performance is no guide to future performance and persons needing advice should consult an independent financial adviser.

The forward looking statements reflect knowledge and information available at the date of preparation of this announcement. Except as required by the Listing Rules and applicable law, Hochschild Mining plc does not undertake any obligation to update or change any forward looking statements to reflect events occurring after the date of this announcement. Nothing in this announcement should be construed as a profit forecast.

Statement of Directors' responsibilities

The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

- the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the applicable set of accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole; and

- the Management report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face.


For the year ended 31 December 2017

                                         Year ended 31                         Year ended 31 
                                          December 2017                         December 2016 
                              ====================================  ==================================== 
                                            Exceptional                           Exceptional 
                                    Before        items                   Before        items 
                               exceptional        (note              exceptional        (note 
                                     items          11)      Total         items          11)      Total 
                       Notes        US$000       US$000     US$000        US$000       US$000     US$000 
====================   =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
====================   =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Revenue                  3,5       722,572            -    722,572       688,242            -    688,242 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Cost of sales              6     (549,049)            -  (549,049)     (487,702)            -  (487,702) 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Gross profit                       173,523            -    173,523       200,540            -    200,540 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
 expenses                  7      (51,283)            -   (51,283)      (47,979)            -   (47,979) 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Exploration expenses       8      (17,199)            -   (17,199)       (9,193)            -    (9,193) 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Selling expenses           9      (11,024)            -   (11,024)      (14,175)            -   (14,175) 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Other income              12        10,192            -     10,192        33,131        2,667     35,798 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Other expenses            12      (11,549)            -   (11,549)      (13,858)     (10,675)   (24,533) 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Impairment and 
 of non-current 
 net                      11         (405)      (2,753)    (3,158)         (278)      (1,634)    (1,912) 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Profit/(loss) from 
 before net finance 
 exchange loss and 
 income tax                         92,255      (2,753)     89,502       148,188      (9,642)    138,546 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Finance income            13         5,927            -      5,927         1,100          974      2,074 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Finance costs             13      (26,095)            -   (26,095)      (30,541)            -   (30,541) 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Foreign exchange loss              (5,257)            -    (5,257)       (1,800)            -    (1,800) 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Profit/(loss) from 
 operations before 
 income tax                         66,830      (2,753)     64,077       116,947      (8,668)    108,279 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Income tax 
 (expense)/benefit        14      (13,475)        3,279   (10,196)      (47,641)        2,224   (45,417) 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Profit/(loss) for 
 the year from 
 operations                         53,355          526     53,881        69,306      (6,444)     62,862 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Attributable to: 
====================   =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Equity shareholders 
 of the Company                     41,035          526     41,561        53,154      (7,604)     45,550 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
 interests                          12,320            -     12,320        16,152        1,160     17,312 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
                                    53,355          526     53,881        69,306      (6,444)     62,862 
                       =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
Basic earnings/(loss) 
 per ordinary share 
 from continuing 
 for the year 
 in US dollars per 
 share)                   15          0.08            -       0.08          0.11       (0.02)       0.09 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 
 per ordinary share 
 from continuing 
 for the year 
 in US dollars per 
 share)                   15          0.08            -       0.08          0.10       (0.01)       0.09 
=====================  =====  ============  ===========  =========  ============  ===========  ========= 


For the year ended 31 December 2017

                                                           Year ended 
                                                           31 December 
                                                           2017      2016 
                                                 Notes   US$000    US$000 
==============================================   =====  =======  ======== 
Profit for the year                                      53,881    62,862 
===============================================  =====  =======  ======== 
Other comprehensive income to be reclassified 
 to profit or loss in subsequent periods: 
==============================================   =====  =======  ======== 
Exchange differences on translating 
 foreign operations                                         139     (249) 
===============================================  =====  =======  ======== 
Change in fair value of available-for-sale 
 financial assets                                   19    (323)       774 
===============================================  =====  =======  ======== 
Recycling of the gain on available-for-sale 
 financial assets                                       (1,354)      (66) 
===============================================  =====  =======  ======== 
Change in fair value of cash flow 
 hedges                                                       -  (39,989) 
===============================================  =====  =======  ======== 
Recycling of the loss on cash flow 
 hedges                                                       -    18,722 
===============================================  =====  =======  ======== 
Deferred income tax relating to components 
 of other comprehensive income                      14        -     5,955 
===============================================  =====  =======  ======== 
Other comprehensive loss for the year, 
 net of tax                                             (1,538)  (14,853) 
===============================================  =====  =======  ======== 
Total comprehensive income for the 
 year                                                    52,343    48,009 
===============================================  =====  =======  ======== 
Total comprehensive income attributable 
==============================================   =====  =======  ======== 
Equity shareholders of the Company                       40,023    30,697 
===============================================  =====  =======  ======== 
Non-controlling interests                                12,320    17,312 
===============================================  =====  =======  ======== 
                                                         52,343    48,009 
                                                 =====  =======  ======== 


As at 31 December 2017

                                                  As at      As at 
                                                     31         31 
                                               December   December 
                                                   2017       2016 
                                       Notes     US$000     US$000 
====================================   =====  =========  ========= 
====================================   =====  =========  ========= 
Non-current assets 
====================================   =====  =========  ========= 
Property, plant and equipment             16    895,666    975,483 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Evaluation and exploration assets         17    147,399    138,985 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Intangible assets                         18     24,544     26,379 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Available-for-sale financial assets       19      6,264        991 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Trade and other receivables               20      7,487     25,717 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Other financial assets                            1,333          - 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Deferred income tax assets                27      2,400      1,027 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
                                              1,085,093  1,168,582 
                                       =====  =========  ========= 
Current assets 
====================================   =====  =========  ========= 
Inventories                               21     56,678     57,056 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Trade and other receivables               20     81,066     68,120 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Income tax receivable                            21,241     20,988 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Other financial assets                            1,258          - 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Cash and cash equivalents                 22    256,988    139,979 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
                                                417,231    286,143 
                                       =====  =========  ========= 
Total assets                                  1,502,324  1,454,725 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
====================================   =====  =========  ========= 
Capital and reserves attributable 
 to shareholders of the Parent 
====================================   =====  =========  ========= 
Equity share capital                            224,315    224,315 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Share premium                                   438,041    438,041 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Treasury shares                                   (140)      (426) 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Other reserves                                (217,061)  (217,288) 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Retained earnings                               286,356    258,269 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
                                                731,511    702,911 
                                       =====  =========  ========= 
Non-controlling interests                        90,177     90,442 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Total equity                                    821,688    793,353 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Non-current liabilities 
====================================   =====  =========  ========= 
Trade and other payables                  24      1,081      1,266 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Borrowings                                25    291,955    291,073 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Provisions                                26    104,107    106,121 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Deferred income                           23     30,409     25,000 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Deferred income tax liabilities           27     56,040     65,971 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
                                                483,592    489,431 
                                       =====  =========  ========= 
Current liabilities 
====================================   =====  =========  ========= 
Trade and other payables                  24    116,779     98,484 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Other financial liabilities                           -      1,726 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Borrowings                                25     67,863     36,312 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Provisions                                26      6,203      5,406 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Deferred income                           23        400          - 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Income tax payable                                5,799     30,013 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
                                                197,044    171,941 
                                       =====  =========  ========= 
Total liabilities                               680,636    661,372 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Total equity and liabilities                  1,502,324  1,454,725 
=====================================  =====  =========  ========= 

These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 20 February 2018 and signed on its behalf by:

Ignacio Bustamante

Chief Executive Officer

20 February 2018


For the year ended 31 December 2017

                                                          Year ended 
                                                          31 December 
                                                          2017       2016 
                                              Notes     US$000     US$000 
==========================================    =====  =========  ========= 
Cash flows from operating activities 
==========================================    =====  =========  ========= 
Cash generated from operations                         287,799    345,856 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Interest received                                        1,445        860 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Interest paid                                         (23,942)   (27,074) 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Payment of mine closure costs                    26    (4,359)    (3,355) 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Income tax paid                                              )      (214) 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Net cash generated from operating 
 activities                                            233,919    316,073 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Cash flows from investing activities 
==========================================    =====  =========  ========= 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment            (119,630)  (126,495) 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Purchase of evaluation and exploration 
 assets                                          17    (4,878)    (3,478) 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Purchase of intangibles                          18       (16)       (14) 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Purchase of available-for-sale financial 
 assets                                          19    (4,383)          - 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Net proceeds from sale of subsidiary              4          -        807 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Proceeds from sale of available-for-sale 
 financial assets                                19      1,567        149 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Proceeds from sale of other assets                       1,570      1,550 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Proceeds from deferred income                    23      4,000          - 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Proceeds from sale of property, plant 
 and equipment                                             716        117 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Net cash used in investing activities                (121,054)  (127,364) 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Cash flows from financing activities 
==========================================    =====  =========  ========= 
Proceeds of borrowings                           25     69,500     70,000 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Repayment of borrowings                          25   (38,000)  (177,431) 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Dividends paid to non-controlling 
 interests                                       28   (12,585)   (17,736) 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Dividends paid                                   28   (13,996)    (6,998) 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Cash flows generated from/(used in) 
 financing activities                                    4,919  (132,165) 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 
 during the year                                       117,784     56,544 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Exchange difference                                      (775)      (582) 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
 of year                                               139,979     84,017 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
 year                                            22    256,988    139,979 
============================================  =====  =========  ========= 


For the year 31 December 2017

                                                                                    Other reserves 
                                                              Unrealised                                                                    attributable 
                                                                    gain  Unrealised                                                                  to 
                                                                      on       gain/                           Share-                       shareholders 
                           Equity                     available-for-sale      (loss)   Cumulative               based      Total                      of 
                            share    Share  Treasury           financial          on  translation     Merger  payment      other  Retained           the  Non-controlling     Total 
                          capital  premium    shares              assets      hedges   adjustment    reserve  reserve   reserves  earnings        Parent        interests    equity 
                   Notes   US$000   US$000    US$000              US$000      US$000       US$000     US$000   US$000     US$000    US$000        US$000           US$000    US$000 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
Balance at 
 1 January 
 2016                     223,805  438,041     (898)                  32      15,312     (13,602)  (210,046)    4,655  (203,649)   218,093       675,392           90,113   765,505 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
 income/(expense)               -        -         -                 708    (15,312)        (249)          -        -   (14,853)         -      (14,853)                -  (14,853) 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
Profit for 
 the year                       -        -         -                   -           -            -          -        -          -    45,550        45,550           17,312    62,862 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
 for the year                   -        -         -                 708    (15,312)        (249)          -        -   (14,853)    45,550        30,697           17,312    48,009 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
 of share 
 options                      510        -       472                   -           -            -          -  (2,223)    (2,223)     1,241             -                -         - 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
Dividends             28        -        -         -                   -           -            -          -        -          -   (6,998)       (6,998)                -   (6,998) 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
 to non - 
 interests            28        -        -         -                   -           -            -          -        -          -         -             -         (16,983)  (16,983) 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
 payments                       -        -                             -           -            -          -    3,437      3,437       383         3,820                -     3,820 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
Balance at 
 31 December 
 2016                     224,315  438,041     (426)                 740           -     (13,851)  (210,046)    5,869  (217,288)   258,269       702,911           90,442   793,353 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
 income/(expense)               -        -         -             (1,677)           -          139          -        -    (1,538)         -       (1,538)                -   (1,538) 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
Profit for 
 the year                       -        -         -                   -           -            -          -        -          -    41,561        41,561           12,320    53,881 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
 for the year                   -        -         -             (1,677)           -          139          -        -    (1,538)    41,561        40,023           12,320    52,343 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
 of share 
 options                        -        -       286                   -           -            -          -     (48)       (48)     (238)             -                -         - 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
Dividends             28        -        -         -                   -           -            -          -        -          -  (13,996)      (13,996)                -  (13,996) 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
 to non - 
 interests            28        -        -         -                   -           -            -          -        -          -         -             -         (12,585)  (12,585) 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
 payments                       -        -                             -           -            -          -    1,813      1,813       760         2,573                -     2,573 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 
Balance at 
 31 December 
 2017                     224,315  438,041     (140)               (937)           -     (13,712)  (210,046)    7,634  (217,061)   286,356       731,511           90,177   821,688 
=================  =====  =======  =======  ========  ==================  ==========  ===========  =========  =======  =========  ========  ============  ===============  ======== 

1 Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 31 December 2017

The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2017 and 2016 contained in this document does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the years ended 31 December 2017 and 2016 have been extracted from the consolidated financial statements of Hochschild Mining plc for the year ended 31 December 2017 which have been approved by the directors on 20 February 2018 and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies in due course. The auditor's report on those financial statements was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006.

2 Significant accounting policies

Basis of preparation

Having considered financial forecasts and projections which take into account (i) possible changes in commodity price scenarios; and (ii) the contingency measures that could be taken to alleviate pressure on the balance sheet in the event of a fall in prices, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Group have adequate resources, including access to contingent resources, that would see it continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Thus they continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting.

Changes in accounting policy and disclosures

The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements are consistent with those applied in the preparation of the consolidated financial statement for the year ended 31 December 2016. Amendments to standards and interpretations which came into force during the year did not have a significant impact on the Group's financial statements.

Standards, interpretations and amendments to existing standards that are not yet effective and have not been previously adopted by the Group

Certain new standards, amendments and interpretations to existing standards have been published and are mandatory for the Group's accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018 or later periods but which the Group has not previously adopted. Those that are applicable to the Group are as follows:

-- IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers, applicable for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018. The IASB has issued a new standard for the recognition of revenue arising from contracts with customers. The new revenue standard will supersede all current revenue recognition requirements under IFRS. The new standard is based on the principle that revenue is recognised when control of a good or service transfers to a customer. The Group has evaluated recognition and measurement of revenue based on the five-step model in IFRS 15 and has not identified significant financial impacts, hence no adjustments will be recorded derived from the adoption of IFRS 15 other than certain reclassifications as explained below. The Group will adopt the new standard from 1 January 2018 applying the simplified transition method and modified retrospective approach. Certain disclosures will change as a result of the requirements of IFRS 15. The key issues identified, and the Group's views and perspective are set below. These are based on the Group's current interpretation of IFRS 15 and may be subject to changes as interpretations evolve more generally. Furthermore, the Group is considering and will continue to monitor any further development.

Embedded derivatives arising from the sales: some of the Group's sales of gold and silver contain provisional pricing features which are currently considered to be embedded derivatives recorded within sales. Under IAS 18, revenue is recognised at the estimated fair value of the total consideration received or receivable when the gold and silver is delivered, which is usually when title has passed to the customer. The fair value is based on the most recent determined estimate of metal content and the estimated forward price that the entity expects to receive at the end of the quotational period stipulated in the contract. The revaluation of provisionally priced contracts is recorded as an adjustment to revenue. IFRS 15 will not change the assessment of the provisional price adjustment, however as they are not considered within the scope of IFRS 15, the Group will account for these in accordance with IFRS 9. Therefore, subsequent changes in fair value will be recognised in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income as part of "other income/other expenses".

Impact of shipping terms: The Group sells a portion of its production on CIF Incoterms and therefore the Group is responsible for shipping services after the date at which control of the gold and silver passes to the customer. Under IAS 18, these shipping services are currently not considered to be part of the revenue transaction and thus the Group has disclosed them as selling expenses. However, under IFRS 15 the group should reclassify the portion of those selling expenses relating to transport of gold and silver from the Group's production plants to the ports and reclassify those costs to cost of sales. The Group estimates that US$4,800,000 would be reclassified from selling expenses to cost of sales, based on 2017 figures. In addition, the Group needs to assess the amount of remaining costs related to shipping services which are considered a separate performance obligation under IFRS 15 and therefore, a portion of the revenue currently recognised when the tittle has passed to the customer will need to be deferred and recognised as the shipping services are subsequently provided. Based on the analysis performed during 2017, the Group determined that the overall impact on the timing of revenue recognition related to these shipping services will not be material and consequently such revenue will not be disclosed separately.

-- IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, applicable for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018. IFRS 9 Financial Instruments addresses the classification, measurement and derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities, introduces new rules for hedge accounting and a new impairment model for financial assets. Based on the assessment performed, the group expect the new guidance to have the following impacts on the classification and measurement of its financial instruments:

Classification and measurement of the embedded derivatives arising from sales: The financial assets and liabilities arising from the revaluation provisional priced contracts is currently disclosed separately in the balance sheet as part of "other financial assets/liabilities". Under IFRS 9, the embedded derivative will no longer be separated from the host contract and therefore the revaluation of provisionally priced contracts will be disclosed within the receivable of the host contract in "trade and other receivables".

Available-for sale financial assets: The equity instruments that are currently classified as available-for-sale financial assets satisfy the conditions for classification as at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI) and therefore there is no impact in classification. However, as opposed to the current IFRSs, under IFRS 9 gains and losses accumulated in other comprehensive income are not recycled to the income statement. Furthermore, under IFRS 9 there is no exception to carry investments in entities at costs less any recognised impairment and therefore, fair value will need to be calculated. There are no other significant changes to the accounting treatment of these assets.

Impairment: The new impairment model requires the recognition of impairment provisions based on expected credit losses (ECL) rather than only incurred credit losses as is the case under IAS 39. The Group will apply the simplified approach and record lifetime expected losses on all trade receivables. However, given the short term nature of the Groups receivables, these are not expected to have a significant impact in the financial statements.

Disclosures: The new standard also introduces expanded disclosure requirements and changes in presentation. These are expected to change the nature and extent of the group's disclosures about its financial instruments particularly in the year of the adoption of the new standard.

The Group has also assessed other changes introduced by IFRS 9 that will have no impacts in the financial statements as explained below: The Group does not expect any impact on the accounting for financial liabilities, as the new requirements of IFRS 9 only affect the accounting for financial liabilities that are designated at fair value through profit or loss and the group does not have any such liabilities. The Group does not currently apply hedge accounting and therefore there are no impacts in the financial statements. No impacts are expected in relation to derecognition of financial instruments as the same rules have been transferred from IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement.

-- IFRS 16 Leases, applicable for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019. IFRS 16 specifies how an IFRS reporter will recognise, measure, present and disclose leases. The standard provides a single lessee accounting model, requiring lessees to recognise assets and liabilities for all leases unless the lease term is 12 months or less or the underlying asset has a low value. Lessors continue to classify leases as operating or finance, with IFRS 16's approach to lessor accounting substantially unchanged from its predecessor, IAS 17.The Group is analysing the adoption of this new standard and expected not to have a significant impact on the Group's financial position or performance.

-- IFRS 2 Classification and Measurement of Share-based Payment Transactions - Amendments to IFRS 2, applicable for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018.The amendments are related to the classification and measurement of share-based payment transactions and it does not require to restate prior periods. The adoption of these amendments would not have impact on the Group's financial position or performance.

-- IFRIC 23 Uncertainty over income tax treatments, applicable for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019. IFRIC 23 clarifies the accounting for uncertainties in income taxes. This interpretation is to be applied to the determination of taxable profit (tax loss), tax bases, unused tax losses, unused tax credits and tax rates, when there is uncertainty over income tax treatments under IAS 12. The Group will adopt. The Interpretation specifically addresses the following: whether an entity considers uncertain tax treatments separately; the assumptions an entity makes about the examination of tax treatments by taxation authorities; how an entity determines taxable profit (tax loss), tax bases, unused tax losses, unused tax credits and tax rates; and how an entity considers changes in facts and circumstances

The interpretation is effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019, but certain transition reliefs are available. The Group will apply interpretation from its effective date, however we do not expect significant impacts on the financial statements on the implementation as the Group's current treatment is in line with the requirements of the interpretation.

The Group is analysing the effect of the standards and plans to adopt the new standards on the required effective date.

3 Segment reporting

The Group's activities are principally related to mining operations which involve the exploration, production and sale of gold and silver. Products are subject to the same risks and returns and are sold through similar distribution channels. The Group undertakes a number of activities solely to support mining operations including power generation and services. Transfer prices between segments are set on an arm's length basis in a manner similar to that used for third parties. Segment revenue, segment expense and segment results include transfers between segments at market prices. Those transfers are eliminated on consolidation.

For internal reporting purposes, management takes decisions and assesses the performance of the Group through consideration of the following reporting segments:

-- Operating units - Arcata and San Jose, which generate revenue from the sale of gold, silver, dore and concentrate.

   --     Operating unit - Pallancata, which generates revenue from the sale of concentrate. 
   --     Operating unit - Inmaculada, which generates revenue from the sale of gold, silver and dore. 

-- Exploration, which explores and evaluates areas of interest in brownfield and greenfield sites with the aim of extending the life of mine of existing operations and to assess the feasibility of new mines. The exploration segment includes costs charged to the profit and loss and capitalised as assets.

-- Other - includes the profit or loss generated by Empresa de Transmisión Aymaraes S.A.C. (a power transmission company that absorbed Empresa de Transmisión Callalli S.A.C. on 1 June 2016).

The Group's administration, financing, other activities (including other income and expense), and income taxes are managed at a corporate level and are not allocated to operating segments.

Segment information is consistent with the accounting policies adopted by the Group. Management evaluates the financial information based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted for use in the European Union.

The Group measures the performance of its operating units by the segment profit or loss that comprises gross profit, selling expenses and exploration expenses.

Segment assets include items that could be allocated directly to the segment.

(a) Reportable segment information

                                              San                                              and 
                     Arcata  Pallancata      Jose  Inmaculada  Exploration  Other(1)  eliminations      Total 
                     US$000      US$000    US$000      US$000       US$000    US$000        US$000     US$000 
================   ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Year ended 
 31 December 
================   ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Revenue from 
 customers           77,940     120,529   227,094     296,594            -       415             -    722,572 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Inter segment 
 revenue                  -           -         -           -            -     5,712       (5,712)          - 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Total revenue        77,940     120,529   227,094     296,594            -     6,127       (5,712)    722,572 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
 profit/(loss)      (4,212)      48,926    43,162      73,737     (17,393)    10,832       (9,752)    145,300 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Others(2)                                                                                            (81,223) 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Profit from 
 before income 
 tax                                                                                                   64,077 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Other segment 
================   ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Depreciation(3)    (17,447)    (19,479)  (49,019)   (107,489)        (413)   (5,228)             -  (199,075) 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Amortisation              -           -   (1,247)           -        (462)     (142)             -    (1,851) 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
 and write-off 
 of assets,net     (43,135)      31,872     (205)        (31)        8,364      (23)             -    (3,158) 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
================   ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
 expenditure         17,557      18,906    36,288      52,903        2,026       868             -    128,548 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Current assets        5,483      21,699    47,398      22,707           30     2,570             -     99,887 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Other non-current 
 assets               5,859      91,065   182,138     535,840      194,777    57,930             -  1,067,609 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Total segment 
 assets              11,342     112,764   229,536     558,547      194,807    60,500             -  1,167,496 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Not reportable 
 assets(4)                -           -         -           -            -   334,828             -    334,828 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Total assets         11,342     112,764   229,536     558,547      194,807   395,328             -  1,502,324 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 

1 'Other' revenue relates to revenues earned by Empresa de Transmisión Aymaraes S.A.C.

2 Comprised of administrative expenses of US$51,283,000, other income of US$10,192,000, other expenses of US$11,549,000, impairment and write-off of assets (net) of US$3,158,000, finance income of US$5,927,000, finance expense of US$26,095,000, and foreign exchange loss of US$5,257,000.

3 Includes depreciation capitalised in the Crespo project (US$831,000), and San Jose unit (US$2,290,000).

4 Not reportable assets are comprised of available-for-sale financial assets of US$6,264,000, other receivables of US$45,344,000, other financial assets of US$2,591,000, income tax receivable of US$21,241,000, deferred income tax asset of US$2,400,000 and cash and cash equivalents of US$256,988,000.

                                              San                                              and 
                     Arcata  Pallancata      Jose  Inmaculada  Exploration  Other(1)  eliminations      Total 
                     US$000      US$000    US$000      US$000       US$000    US$000        US$000     US$000 
================   ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Year ended 
 31 December 
================   ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Revenue from 
 customers          117,358      54,456   235,961     280,108            -       359             -    688,242 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Inter segment 
 revenue                  -           -         -           -            -     2,062       (2,062)          - 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Total revenue       117,358      54,456   235,961     280,108            -     2,421       (2,062)    688,242 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
 profit/(loss)       22,924      11,284    57,259      97,595      (9,155)   (2,273)         (462)    177,172 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Others(2)                                                                                            (68,893) 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Profit from 
 before income 
 tax                                                                                                  108,279 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Other segment 
================   ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Depreciation(3)    (22,196)    (10,606)  (53,012)    (98,243)      (1,834)   (4,877)             -  (190,768) 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Amortisation              -           -   (1,060)           -        (462)     (138)             -    (1,660) 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
 and write-off 
 of assets             (87)       (885)     (278)       (414)          (2)     (246)             -    (1,912) 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
================   ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
 expenditure         20,819      16,105    35,311      54,199        4,910       301             -    131,645 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Current assets        6,721       7,017    53,299      22,899           30     3,911             -     93,877 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Other non-current 
 assets              48,843      55,380   196,056     589,666      185,825    65,077             -  1,140,847 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Total segment 
 assets              55,564      62,397   249,355     612,565      185,855    68,988             -  1,234,724 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Not reportable 
 assets(4)                -           -         -           -            -   220,001             -    220,001 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 
Total assets         55,564      62,397   249,355     612,565      185,855   288,989             -  1,454,725 
=================  ========  ==========  ========  ==========  ===========  ========  ============  ========= 

1 'Other' revenue relates to revenues earned by Empresa de Transmisión Callalli S.A.C.and Empresa de Transmisión Aymaraes S.A.C.

2 Comprised of administrative expenses of US$47,979,000, other income of US$35,798,000, other expenses of US$24,533,000, impairment and write-off of assets of US$1,912,000, finance income of US$2,074,000, finance expense of US$30,541,000, and foreign exchange loss of US$1,800,000.

3 Includes depreciation capitalised in the Crespo project (US$2,215,000), San Jose unit (US$2,640,000), Arcata unit (US$117,000) and the Pallancata unit (US$3,000).

4 Not reportable assets are comprised of available-for-sale financial assets of US$991,000, other receivables of US$57,016,000, income tax receivable of US$20,988,000, deferred income tax asset of US$1,027,000 and cash and cash equivalents of US$139,979,000.

(b) Geographical information

The revenue for the period based on the country in which the customer is located is as follows:

                        Year ended 
                        31 December 
                        2017     2016 
                      US$000   US$000 
==================   =======  ======= 
External customer 
==================   =======  ======= 
USA                  370,035  225,073 
===================  =======  ======= 
Peru                  45,274   78,248 
===================  =======  ======= 
Canada                60,991  181,569 
===================  =======  ======= 
Germany               34,777    4,506 
===================  =======  ======= 
Switzerland           73,186   89,838 
===================  =======  ======= 
United Kingdom(1)          -  (1,689) 
===================  =======  ======= 
Korea                102,596   92,769 
===================  =======  ======= 
Bulgaria              27,211   16,334 
===================  =======  ======= 
Japan                  8,502    1,594 
===================  =======  ======= 
Total                722,572  688,242 
===================  =======  ======= 
==================   =======  ======= 
Peru                   5,712    2,062 
===================  =======  ======= 
Total                728,284  690,304 
===================  =======  ======= 

1 Corresponds to the realised loss on the silver zero cost collar contract with JP Morgan Chase Bank, National Association, London Branch, settled on 30 December 2016 (refer to note 5).

In the periods set out below, certain customers accounted for greater than 10% of the Group's total revenues as detailed

in the following table:

                       Year ended 31 December           Year ended 31 December 
                                 2017                             2016 
                   ===============================  =============================== 
                    US$000  % Revenue      Segment   US$000  % Revenue      Segment 
================   =======  =========  ===========  =======  =========  =========== 
Asahi Refining 
 USA               130,024        18%   Inmaculada   30,304         4%       Arcata 
=================  =======  =========  ===========  =======  =========  =========== 
                                        Inmaculada                       Inmaculada 
Republic Metals                            and San                          and San 
 Corporation       116,274        16%         Jose  103,405        15%         Jose 
=================  =======  =========  ===========  =======  =========  =========== 
                                        Pallancata                       Pallancata 
                                           and San                          and San 
LS Nikko           102,596        14%         Jose   92,769        14%         Jose 
=================  =======  =========  ===========  =======  =========  =========== 
Asahi Refining                                                           Arcata and 
 Canada Ltd.        17,492         2%   Inmaculada  160,312        23%   Inmaculada 
=================  =======  =========  ===========  =======  =========  =========== 
Auramet Trading                                                          Arcata and 
 Llc.               53,585         7%   Inmaculada   97,616        14%   Inmaculada 
=================  =======  =========  ===========  =======  =========  =========== 

Non-current assets, excluding financial instruments and deferred income tax assets, were allocated to the geographical areas in which the assets are located as follows:

                                             As at 31 
                                            2017       2016 
                                          US$000     US$000 
====================================   =========  ========= 
Peru                                     782,659    850,605 
=====================================  =========  ========= 
Argentina                                182,139    196,056 
=====================================  =========  ========= 
Mexico                                    38,841     30,990 
=====================================  =========  ========= 
Chile                                     63,970     63,196 
=====================================  =========  ========= 
Total non-current segment assets       1,067,609  1,140,847 
=====================================  =========  ========= 
Available-for-sale financial assets        6,264        991 
=====================================  =========  ========= 
Trade and other receivables                7,487     25,717 
=====================================  =========  ========= 
Other financial assets                     1,333          - 
=====================================  =========  ========= 
Deferred income tax assets                 2,400      1,027 
=====================================  =========  ========= 
Total non-current assets               1,085,093  1,168,582 
=====================================  =========  ========= 

4 Disposals of subsidiaries

HMX S.A. de C.V.

On 22 February 2016 the Group sold its Mexican subsidiary HMX S.A. de C.V. to Sergio Salinas and Servicios de Integración Fiscal S.A. de C.V., for nil consideration. The carrying value of the net assets disposed was US$60,000 and the transaction resulted in a loss of US$60,000.

Asociación Sumac Tarpuy

On 17 May 2016 the Group transferred all its rights over its non-for-profit subsidiary Asociación Sumac Tarpuy to Inversiones ASPI S.A. ("ASPI"), recognising a gain on disposal of US$811,000. The gain on disposal was determined as follows:

---------------------------------   ------ 
Cash consideration                   1,100 
----------------------------------  ------ 
Assets and liabilities disposed: 
---------------------------------   ------ 
    Cash and cash equivalents          293 
----------------------------------  ------ 
    Other payables                     (4) 
----------------------------------  ------ 
Net assets disposed                    289 
----------------------------------  ------ 
Gain on disposal                       811 
----------------------------------  ------ 
----------------------------------------------------   -------- 
Net cash inflow arising on disposal 
----------------------------------------------------   -------- 
Consideration received in cash and cash equivalents       1,100 
-----------------------------------------------------  -------- 
Less: cash and cash equivalents disposed 
 of:                                                      (293) 
-----------------------------------------------------  -------- 

5 Revenue

                                Year ended 
                                31 December 
                                2017     2016 
                              US$000   US$000 
==========================   =======  ======= 
Gold (from dore bars)        266,214  263,010 
===========================  =======  ======= 
Silver (from dore bars)      144,762  177,450 
===========================  =======  ======= 
Gold (from concentrate)      106,101   91,348 
===========================  =======  ======= 
Silver (from concentrate)    205,080  156,075 
===========================  =======  ======= 
Services                         415      359 
===========================  =======  ======= 
Total                        722,572  688,242 
===========================  =======  ======= 

Included within revenue is a gain of US$2,578,000 relating to provisional pricing adjustments representing the change in the fair value of embedded derivatives (2016: loss of US$6,667,000) arising on sales of concentrates and dore.

In 2016, revenue includes realised loss on gold and silver swaps and zero cost collar contracts of US$18,722,000 (gold: US$10,030,000, silver: US$8,692,000).

Other sources of revenue are disclosed at note 13.

6 Cost of sales

Included in cost of sales are:

                                                 Year ended 
                                                 31 December 
                                                 2017     2016 
                                               US$000   US$000 
===========================================   =======  ======= 
Depreciation and amortisation in cost of 
 sales(1)                                     196,150  180,317 
============================================  =======  ======= 
Personnel expenses (note 10)                  124,507  103,130 
============================================  =======  ======= 
Mining royalty (note 30)                        6,677    7,506 
============================================  =======  ======= 
Change in products in process and finished 
 goods                                          4,131    6,487 
============================================  =======  ======= 
Other items(2)                                  3,241    1,750 
============================================  =======  ======= 

1 The depreciation and amortisation in production cost is US$196,241,000 (2016: US$185,655,000)

2 Other items includes costs related to the stoppage at Pallancata and San Jose mine units (2016: Personnel related provisions in Arcata, Pallancata, Inmaculada and San Jose mining units).

7 Administrative expenses

                                               Year ended 
                                               31 December 
                                               2017     2016 
                                             US$000   US$000 
=========================================   =======  ======= 
Personnel expenses (note 10)                 34,775   33,028 
==========================================  =======  ======= 
Professional fees                             3,233    3,075 
==========================================  =======  ======= 
Social and community welfare expenses(1)        586      384 
==========================================  =======  ======= 
Lease rentals                                 1,474    1,455 
==========================================  =======  ======= 
Travel expenses                               1,020      598 
==========================================  =======  ======= 
Communications                                  415      438 
==========================================  =======  ======= 
Indirect taxes                                2,173    2,057 
==========================================  =======  ======= 
Depreciation and amortisation                 1,564    1,798 
==========================================  =======  ======= 
Technology and systems                          686      678 
==========================================  =======  ======= 
Security                                        773      656 
==========================================  =======  ======= 
Supplies                                        123      109 
==========================================  =======  ======= 
Other(2)                                      4,461    3,703 
==========================================  =======  ======= 
Total                                        51,283   47,979 
==========================================  =======  ======= 

1 Represents amounts expended by the Group on social and community welfare activities surrounding its mining units.

2 Predominantly related to third party services of US$1,273,000 (2016: US$972,000), technical services of US$553,000 (2016: US$533,000), repair and maintenance of US$388,000 (2016: US$492,000) and impairment of receivables of US$79,000 (2016: US$312,000).

8 Exploration expenses

                               Year ended 
                               31 December 
                               2017     2016 
                             US$000   US$000 
=========================   =======  ======= 
Mine site exploration(1) 
=========================   =======  ======= 
Arcata                        3,029    1,305 
==========================  =======  ======= 
Ares                             69      297 
==========================  =======  ======= 
Inmaculada                    1,127        1 
==========================  =======  ======= 
Pallancata                    1,279      733 
==========================  =======  ======= 
San Jose                      3,407    1,691 
==========================  =======  ======= 
                              8,911    4,027 
                            =======  ======= 
=========================   =======  ======= 
Peru                            336      316 
==========================  =======  ======= 
Argentina                        30       11 
==========================  =======  ======= 
Chile                           267       26 
==========================  =======  ======= 
                                633      353 
                            =======  ======= 
=========================   =======  ======= 
Peru                          1,862      866 
==========================  =======  ======= 
USA                             398        - 
==========================  =======  ======= 
                              2,260      866 
                            =======  ======= 
Personnel (notes 10)          4,646    3,476 
==========================  =======  ======= 
Others                          749      471 
==========================  =======  ======= 
Total                        17,199    9,193 
==========================  =======  ======= 

1 Mine-site exploration is performed with the purpose of identifying potential minerals within an existing mine-site, with the goal of maintaining or extending the mine's life.

2 Prospects expenditure relates to detailed geological evaluations in order to determine zones which have mineralisation potential that is economically viable

for exploration. Exploration expenses are generally incurred in the following areas: mapping, sampling, geophysics, identification of local targets and reconnaissance drilling.

3 Generative expenditure is early stage exploration expenditure related to the basic evaluation of the region to identify prospects areas that have the geological conditions necessary to contain mineral deposits. Related activities include regional and field reconnaissance, satellite images, compilation of public information and identification of exploration targets.

The Group determines the cash flows which relate to the exploration activities of the companies engaged only in exploration. Exploration activities incurred by Group operating companies are not included since it is not practicable to separate the liabilities related to the exploration activities of these companies from their operating liabilities.

Cash outflows on exploration activities were US$2,600,000 in 2017 (2016: US$1,168,000).

9 Selling expenses

                                              Year ended 
                                              31 December 
                                              2017     2016 
                                            US$000   US$000 
========================================   =======  ======= 
Transportation of dore, concentrate and 
 maritime freight                            6,477    8,250 
=========================================  =======  ======= 
Personnel expenses (note 10)                   296      254 
=========================================  =======  ======= 
Warehouse services                           1,742    1,861 
=========================================  =======  ======= 
Taxes(1)                                        16    1,495 
=========================================  =======  ======= 
Other                                        2,493    2,315 
=========================================  =======  ======= 
Total                                       11,024   14,175 
=========================================  =======  ======= 

1 The export tax on concentrates in Argentina was reduced to zero percent on 12 February 2016.

10 Personnel expenses(1)

                                 Year ended 
                                 31 December 
                                 2017     2016 
                               US$000   US$000 
===========================   =======  ======= 
Salaries and wages            116,597   98,741 
============================  =======  ======= 
Other legal contributions      26,937   20,552 
============================  =======  ======= 
Statutory holiday payments      7,124    6,361 
============================  =======  ======= 
Long Term Incentive Plan        9,348   10,528 
============================  =======  ======= 
Restricted share plan           2,090    3,181 
============================  =======  ======= 
Termination benefits            2,228    2,577 
============================  =======  ======= 
Other                           2,670    1,951 
============================  =======  ======= 
Total                         166,994  143,891 
============================  =======  ======= 

1 Personnel expenses are distributed in cost of sales, administrative expenses, exploration expenses, selling expenses, other expenses and capitalised as property plant and equipment amounting to US$124,507,000 (2016: US$103,130,000), US$34,775,000 (2016: US$33,028,000), US$4,646,000 (2016: US$3,476,000), US$296,000 (2016: US$254,000), US$1,621,000 (2016: US$2,406,000) and US$1,149,000 (2016: US$1,597,000) respectively.

Average number of employees for 2017 and 2016 were as follows:

                    Year ended 
                    31 December 
                    2017    2016 
---------------   ------  ------ 
Peru               2,920   2,825 
----------------  ------  ------ 
Argentina          1,175   1,125 
----------------  ------  ------ 
Chile                  3       3 
----------------  ------  ------ 
United Kingdom        10      11 
----------------  ------  ------ 
Total              4,108   3,964 
----------------  ------  ------ 

11 Exceptional items

Exceptional items are those significant items which, due to their nature or the expected infrequency of the events giving rise to them, need to be disclosed separately on the face of the income statement to enable a better understanding of the financial performance of the Group and facilitate comparison with prior years. Unless stated, exceptional items do not correspond to a reporting segment of the Group.

                                                         Year       Year 
                                                        ended      ended 
                                                           31         31 
                                                     December   December 
                                                         2017       2016 
                                                       US$000     US$000 
=================================================   =========  ========= 
Other income 
=================================================   =========  ========= 
Reversal of reserves tax(3)                                 -      2,667 
==================================================  =========  ========= 
Total                                                       -      2,667 
==================================================  =========  ========= 
Other expenses 
=================================================   =========  ========= 
Work stoppage at Pallancata mine unit(4)                    -    (2,474) 
==================================================  =========  ========= 
Penalty for termination of agreement(5)                     -    (4,254) 
==================================================  =========  ========= 
Damage of tailing dump in Ares mine unit(6)                 -    (2,150) 
==================================================  =========  ========= 
Provision for impairment of other receivables(7)            -    (1,797) 
==================================================  =========  ========= 
Total                                                       -   (10,675) 
==================================================  =========  ========= 
(Impairment)/impairment reversal and write-off 
 of non-financial assets, net 
=================================================   =========  ========= 
Impairment of assets(1)                              (43,009)          - 
==================================================  =========  ========= 
Reversal of impairment of assets(1)                    40,256          - 
==================================================  =========  ========= 
Write-off of non-current assets(8)                          -    (1,634) 
==================================================  =========  ========= 
Total                                                 (2,753)    (1,634) 
==================================================  =========  ========= 
Finance income 
=================================================   =========  ========= 
Reversal of interests on reserves tax(3)                    -        974 
==================================================  =========  ========= 
Total                                                       -        974 
==================================================  =========  ========= 
Income tax benefit(2, 9)                                3,279      2,224 
==================================================  =========  ========= 
Total                                                   3,279      2,224 
==================================================  =========  ========= 

The exceptional items for the year ended 31 December 2017 are as follows:

1 Corresponds to the impairment of the Arcata mine unit of US$43,009,000, and the reversal of impairment related to the Pallancata mine unit of US$31,892,000 and the San Felipe project of US$8,364,000.

2 Corresponds to the deferred tax credit generated by the impairment of the Arcata mine unit, net by the reversal on impairment of the Pallancata mine unit.

The exceptional items for the year ended 31 December 2016 are as follows:

3 Corresponds to the reversal of the reserves tax liability recorded in previous periods and their associated interests as a result of the settlement agreed between Minera Santa Cruz S.A.C. and the Fiscal Authority in Argentina.

4 From 16 November 2016 until the end of the year, due to actions by the communities surrounding the Pallancata mine unit, the extracting and treatment operations were temporarily suspended. At 31 December 2016 the fixed indirect costs related to abnormal decrease in production from the work stoppage amounted to US$2,474,000, corresponding to the Pallancata reporting segment.

5 Penalty for early termination of the energy supply contract between Compañia Minera Ares S.A.C. and SDF Energia.

6 A section of the Ares tailings dam lateral walls showed unusual decay. A comprehensive study was conducted to determine long-term stability and the conclusion was that certain areas needed to be repaired. This failure was not anticipated and required works aimed at repairing and reinforcing the walls and ensuring the long term sustainability of the dam had to be conducted. The expenditure incurred was not part of our mine closure provision and reflects an unexpected, one-off event.

7 Provision for impairment of the account receivable with a third party due to the uncertainty surrounding the outcome of the legal dispute and hence its recoverability.

8 As at 31 December 2016 corresponds to the write-off of non-current assets of Compañia Minera Ares S.A.C. of US$1,634,000 arising from events falling outside the entity's ordinary activities. The charge was generated by the change of the exploitation method in the Pallancata mine unit, from mechanised to conventional.

9 Mainly corresponds to the current tax credit arising from the costs of the work stoppage at Pallancata mine unit, the penalty for early termination of agreement in Compañia Minera Ares S.A.C., the costs incurred due to the damage of the tailings dam in Ares mine unit and the reversal of reserves tax in Argentina (US$1,212,000) and the deferred tax credit arising from the write-off of non-current assets and the account receivable (US$1,012,000).

12 Other income and other expenses before exceptional items

                                                        Year         ended 
                                                       ended            31 
                                                 31 December      December 
                                                        2017          2016 
                                                ============  ============ 
                                                      Before        Before 
                                                 exceptional   exceptional 
                                                       items         items 
                                                      US$000        US$000 
=============================================   ============  ============ 
Other Income 
=============================================   ============  ============ 
Decrease in provision for mine closure 
 (note 26(3))                                          1,428         6,346 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Export credits(1)                                      1,613        19,029 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Lease rentals                                            253           391 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Gain on sale of other assets(2)                        1,495         1,550 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Gain on sale of subsidiaries (note 4)                      -           751 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Logistic services                                      3,552         4,288 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Other                                                  1,851           776 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Total                                                 10,192        33,131 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Other expenses 
=============================================   ============  ============ 
Provision of obsolescence of supplies                  (542)       (2,162) 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Contingencies                                          (347)         (570) 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Donations (note 29)                                    (754)       (1,000) 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Write off of value added tax                           (221)       (1,208) 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Corporate social responsibility contribution 
 in Argentina(3)                                     (3,063)       (3,146) 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Other(4)                                             (6,622)       (5,772) 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Total                                               (11,549)      (13,858) 
==============================================  ============  ============ 

1 Corresponds to the benefit of the silver refund in Argentina. In 2016, the amount includes income recognised with respect to the Patagonian port rebate of US$16,900,000. This benefit was eliminated in December 2016.

2 Corresponds to the gain generated by the sale of mining rights of the Ricky project (2016: Corresponds to a gain generated by the sale of a royalty purchase agreement signed with Minera Bateas S.A.C. to Lemuria Royalties Corp).

3 Relates to a new contribution in Argentina to the Santa Cruz province, effective since January 2016 and calculated as a proportion of sales.

4 Mainly corresponds to the expenses in Ares mine unit of US$4,369,000 (2016: US$1,910,000), concessions of US$491,000 (2016: US$1,210,000) and rentals of US$205,000 (2016: US$440,000)

13 Finance income and finance costs before exceptional items

                                                        Year         ended 
                                                       ended            31 
                                                 31 December      December 
                                                        2017          2016 
                                                ============  ============ 
                                                      Before        Before 
                                                 exceptional   exceptional 
                                                       items         items 
                                                      US$000        US$000 
=============================================   ============  ============ 
Finance income 
=============================================   ============  ============ 
Interest on deposits and liquidity funds               1,696         1,011 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Interest income                                        1,696         1,011 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Gain from changes in the fair value of 
 financial instruments                                   647             - 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Gain on exchange of available-for-sale 
 financial assets                                      1,386             - 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Gain on discount of other receivables                  1,946             - 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Other                                                    252            89 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Total                                                  5,927         1,100 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Finance costs 
=============================================   ============  ============ 
Interest on secured bank loans (note 
 25)                                                   (185)       (2,602) 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Other interest                                         (813)       (1,106) 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Interest on bond (note 25)                          (24,088)      (23,925) 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Interest expense                                    (25,086)      (27,633) 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Unwind of discount on mine rehabilitation 
 (note 26)                                             (280)          (46) 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Loss on discount of other receivables                      -       (2,257) 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Loss on sale of available-for-sale financial 
 assets                                                 (32) 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Other                                                  (697)         (605) 
==============================================  ============  ============ 
Total                                               (26,095)      (30,541) 
==============================================  ============  ============ 

14 Income tax expense

                                             Year ended 31                       Year ended 31 
                                             December 2017                        December 2016 
                                  ===================================  ================================== 
                                        Before                               Before 
                                   exceptional  Exceptional             exceptional  Exceptional 
                                         items        items     Total         items        items    Total 
                                        US$000       US$000    US$000        US$000       US$000   US$000 
===============================   ============  ===========  ========  ============  ===========  ======= 
Current corporate income 
 tax from 
 continuing operations 
===============================   ============  ===========  ========  ============  ===========  ======= 
Current corporate income 
 tax charge                             15,070            -    15,070        31,701      (1,212)   30,489 
================================  ============  ===========  ========  ============  ===========  ======= 
Current mining royalty 
 charge (note 30)                        4,201            -     4,201         3,882            -    3,882 
================================  ============  ===========  ========  ============  ===========  ======= 
Current special mining 
 tax charge (note 30)                    2,229            -     2,229         3,869            -    3,869 
================================  ============  ===========  ========  ============  ===========  ======= 
Withholding taxes                            -            -         -           552            -      552 
================================  ============  ===========  ========  ============  ===========  ======= 
                                        21,500            -    21,500        40,004      (1,212)   38,792 
                                  ============  ===========  ========  ============  ===========  ======= 
Deferred taxation 
===============================   ============  ===========  ========  ============  ===========  ======= 
Origination and reversal 
 of temporary differences 
 from continuing operations              2,755      (3,279)     (524)         6,364        (961)    5,403 
================================  ============  ===========  ========  ============  ===========  ======= 
Effect of change in 
 tax rate(1)                          (10,780)            -  (10,780)         1,273         (51)    1,222 
================================  ============  ===========  ========  ============  ===========  ======= 
                                       (8,025)      (3,279)  (11,304)         7,637      (1,012)    6,625 
                                  ============  ===========  ========  ============  ===========  ======= 
Total taxation charge/(credit) 
 in the income statement                13,475      (3,279)    10,196        47,641      (2,224)   45,417 
================================  ============  ===========  ========  ============  ===========  ======= 

1 On 29 December 2017, the Argentinian government enacted the tax reforms. The main change is the decrease of the statutory income tax rate, from its current level of 35% to 30% with effect from 1 January 2018 and to 25% with effect from 1 January 2020 (2016: In December 2016, the Peruvian government approved an increase of the statutory income tax rate, from its current level of 28% to 29.5% with effect from 1 January 2017).

The weighted average statutory income tax rate was 29.0% for 2017 and 30.1% for 2016. This is calculated as the average of the statutory tax rates applicable in the countries in which the Group operates, weighted by the profit/(loss) before tax of the Group companies in their respective countries as included in the consolidated financial statements.

The change in the weighted average statutory income tax rate is due to a change in the weighting of profit/(loss) before tax in the various jurisdictions in which the Group operates.

The tax related to items charged or credited to equity is as follows:

                                                  As at 31 
                                                 2017     2016 
                                               US$000   US$000 
===========================================   =======  ======= 
Deferred taxation: 
===========================================   =======  ======= 
Deferred income tax relating to fair value 
 losses on cash flow hedges                         -  (5,955) 
============================================  =======  ======= 
Total tax credit in the statement of other 
 comprehensive income                               -  (5,955) 
============================================  =======  ======= 

The total taxation charge on the Group's profit before tax differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the weighted average tax rate applicable to the consolidated profits of the Group companies as follows:

                                                       As at 31 
                                                       2017     2016 
                                                     US$000   US$000 
================================================   ========  ======= 
Profit from continuing operations before 
 income tax                                          64,077  108,279 
=================================================  ========  ======= 
At average statutory income tax rate of 
 29.0% (2016: 30.1%)                                 18,562   32,570 
=================================================  ========  ======= 
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                776    1,051 
=================================================  ========  ======= 
Deferred tax recognised on special investment 
 regime                                             (1,819)  (1,715) 
=================================================  ========  ======= 
Movement in unrecognised deferred tax(1)            (1,324)    2,705 
=================================================  ========  ======= 
Change in statutory income tax rate(2)             (10,780)    1,222 
=================================================  ========  ======= 
Withholding tax                                           -      552 
=================================================  ========  ======= 
Special mining tax and mining royalty(3)              6,430    7,751 
=================================================  ========  ======= 
Derecognition of deferred tax asset                       -      316 
=================================================  ========  ======= 
Foreign exchange rate effect(4)                     (1,043)    2,383 
=================================================  ========  ======= 
Utilisation of losses not previously recognised     (1,618)        - 
=================================================  ========  ======= 
Other                                                 1,012  (1,418) 
=================================================  ========  ======= 
At average effective income tax rate of 
 15.9% (2016: 41.9%)                                 10,196   45,417 
=================================================  ========  ======= 
Taxation charge attributable to continuing 
 operations                                          10,196   45,417 
=================================================  ========  ======= 
Total taxation charge in the income statement        10,196   45,417 
=================================================  ========  ======= 

1 Includes the income tax credit on mine closure provision of US$3,010,000 (2016: US$1,925,000).

2 The Argentinian government approved a decrease of the statutory income tax rate, from its current level of 35% to 30% with effect from the 1 January 2018 and 25% with effect from 1 January 2020 (2016: Peruvian government approved an increase of the statutory income tax rate, from its current level of 28% to 29.5% with effect from the 1 January 2017).

3 Corresponds to the impact of a mining royalty and special mining tax in Peru (note 30).

4 Mainly corresponds to the foreign exchange effect of converting tax bases and monetary items from local currency to the functional currency.

The effective tax rate for corporate income tax for the period ended 31 December 2017 is 15.9% (2016: 41.9%), compared to the weighted average statutory tax rate of 29.0% (2016: 30.1%), and 39.0% (2016: 37.3%) taking into account the mining royalty and the special mining tax which are income taxes under IAS 12. The main factor that reduced the effective tax rate for corporate income tax is the deferred tax impact of the reduction of the Argentina tax rate and the reversal of San Felipe impairment, which does not attract a deferred tax liability, on the basis that no deferred tax asset arose when the impairment was originally recognised.

15 Basic and diluted earnings per share

Earnings per share ('EPS') is calculated by dividing profit for the year attributable to equity shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares issued during the year.

The Company has dilutive potential ordinary shares.

As at 31 December 2017 and 2016, EPS has been calculated as follows:

                                                     As at 31 
                                                   2017    2016 
================================================   ====  ====== 
Basic earnings/(loss) per share from continuing 
================================================   ====  ====== 
Before exceptional items (US$)                     0.08    0.11 
=================================================  ====  ====== 
Exceptional items (US$)                               -  (0.02) 
=================================================  ====  ====== 
Total for the year and from continuing 
 operations (US$)                                  0.08    0.09 
=================================================  ====  ====== 
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share from 
 continuing operations 
================================================   ====  ====== 
Before exceptional items (US$)                     0.08    0.10 
=================================================  ====  ====== 
Exceptional items (US$)                               -  (0.01) 
=================================================  ====  ====== 
Total for the year and from continuing 
 operations (US$)                                  0.08    0.09 
=================================================  ====  ====== 

Profit from continuing operations before exceptional items and attributable to equity holders of the parent is derived as follows:

                                                   As at 31 
                                                  2017    2016 
=============================================   ======  ====== 
Profit attributable to equity holders of 
 the parent - continuing operations (US$000)    41,561  45,550 
==============================================  ======  ====== 
Exceptional items after tax - attributable 
 to equity holders of the parent (US$000)        (526)   7,604 
==============================================  ======  ====== 
Profit from continuing operations before 
 exceptional items attributable to equity 
 holders of the parent (US$000)                 41,035  53,154 
==============================================  ======  ====== 
Profit from continuing operations before 
 exceptional items attributable to equity 
 holders of the parent for the purpose 
 of diluted earnings per share (US$000)         41,035  53,154 
==============================================  ======  ====== 

The following reflects the share data used in the basic and diluted earnings per share computations:

                                                     As at 31 
                                                    2017     2016 
==============================================   =======  ======= 
Basic weighted average number of ordinary 
 shares in issue (thousands)                     507,204  505,521 
===============================================  =======  ======= 
Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares 
 related to contingently issuable shares 
 (thousands)                                       7,768    9,435 
===============================================  =======  ======= 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
 in issue for the purpose of diluted earnings 
 per share (thousands)                           514,972  514,956 
===============================================  =======  ======= 

16 Property, plant and equipment

                             Mining                                              Construction 
                         properties                                               in progress 
                                and        Land       Plant                Mine           and 
                        development         and         and             closure       capital 
                           costs(1)   buildings   equipment  Vehicles     asset      advances      Total 
                             US$000      US$000      US$000    US$000    US$000        US$000     US$000 
=====================   ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Year ended 31 
=====================   ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
=====================   ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
At 1 January 2017         1,180,904     488,486     536,929     6,210    95,390        24,943  2,332,862 
======================  ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Additions                    79,054         187      16,339        29         -        28,045    123,654 
======================  ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Change in discount 
 rate                             -           -           -         -       575             -        575 
======================  ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Change in mine 
 closure estimate                 -           -           -         -     2,572             -      2,572 
======================  ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Disposals                         -           -     (2,927)       (3)         -             -    (2,930) 
======================  ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Write-offs                        -       (127)     (3,492)     (172)         -          (19)    (3,810) 
======================  ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Transfers and other 
 movements(2)                  (56)       8,378      10,633       547         -      (19,560)       (58) 
======================  ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
At 31 December 
 2017                     1,259,902     496,924     557,482     6,611    98,537        33,409  2,452,865 
======================  ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
and impairment 
=====================   ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
At 1 January 2017           791,641     218,123     277,692     4,554    64,480           889  1,357,379 
======================  ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Depreciation for 
 the year                   109,642      44,431      40,356       325     4,321             -    199,075 
======================  ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Disposals                         -           -     (2,564)       (3)         -             -    (2,567) 
======================  ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Write-offs                        -        (98)     (3,152)     (155)         -             -    (3,405) 
======================  ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
 of impairment), 
 net                        (2,369)       3,613       8,631        24   (1,646)           143      8,396 
======================  ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Transfers and other 
 movements(2)                   467           -     (2,146)         -         -             -    (1,679) 
======================  ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
At 31 December 
 2017                       899,381     266,069     318,817     4,745    67,155         1,032  1,557,199 
======================  ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Net book amount 
 at 31 December 
 2017                       360,521     230,855     238,665     1,866    31,382        32,377    895,666 
======================  ===========  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 

There were borrowing costs capitalised in property, plant and equipment amounting to US$601,000 (2016: US$825,000). The capitalisation rate used was 8.27% (2016: 7.23%).

1 Mining properties and development costs related to Crespo project (US$26,016,000) are not currently being depreciated.

2 Net of transfers and other movements of US$1,607,000 were transferred from evaluation and exploration assets (note 17).

Management determined there were triggers of impairment in the Arcata mine unit as it has experienced difficulties to replace production with incremental resources and to convert resources into reserves, and there was a significant decrease in production during the year. An impairment test was carried out resulting in an impairment charge of US$43,009,000 (US$39,905,000 in property, plant and equipment and US$3,104,000 and evaluation and exploration assets).

In the case of the Pallancata mine unit, there was an increase in terms of tonnage, grades and resources and reserves due to the Pablo vein. The Group is currently operating the vein, converting inferred resources into reserves, and the process is showing better results than expected in terms of tonnage and grades. An impairment test was carried out resulting in an impairment reversal of US$31,892,000 (US$31,509,000 in property, plant and equipment and US$383,000 and evaluation and exploration assets).

In addition, management evaluated the carrying value of the San Felipe Project, recognising an impairment reversal of US$8,364,000 (all in evaluation and exploration assets) due to the proceeds received in the year (refer to note 23) and the significant increase in zinc market prices over the year resulting in an increase of the in-situ value (refer to notes 11 and 17).

No indicators of impairment or reversal of impairment were identified in the other CGUs, which includes other exploration projects.

The recoverable values of the Arcata and Pallancata CGUs were determined using a fair value less costs of disposal (FVLCD) methodology with the exception of San Felipe, where the recoverable value was determined using a value in use (VIU). FVLCD was determined using a combination of level 2 and level 3 inputs to construct a discounted cash flow model to estimate the amount that would be paid by a willing third party in an arm's length transaction.

In assessing the recoverable value of the San Felipe CGU, given the early stage of the project, the Group applied a value in-situ methodology which applies a realisable 'enterprise value' to unprocessed mineral resources. The enterprise value used is based on observable external market information. Together with the US$29,396,000 recognised as a deferred income (refer to note 23) that will be realised once the option is exercised or terminated; the total recoverable value of the project under a value in use approach amounts to $37,081.

The key assumptions on which management has based its determination of FVLCD and the associated recoverable values calculated are gold and silver prices, production costs, the discount rate and the value per in-situ regarding the San Felipe project. Gold and silver prices used, discount rate applied and value per in-situ per zinc equivalent tonne are presented below.

US$ per oz.     2018   2019   2020  Long-term 
============   =====  =====  =====  ========= 
Gold           1,298  1,300  1,303      1,300 
=============  =====  =====  =====  ========= 
Silver            18     18     19         19 
=============  =====  =====  =====  ========= 
                                         Arcata  Pallancata(1)      San 
======================================   ======  =============  ======= 
Discount rate (post tax)                   4.3%           5.4%      n/a 
=======================================  ======  =============  ======= 
Value per in-situ per zinc equivalent 
 tonne (US$)                                n/a            n/a    29.53 
=======================================  ======  =============  ======= 

1 The Pallancata CGU was assessed for impairment reversal at 30 June 2017 and therefore the above reflects the relevant assumption at that date.

Current carrying value of CGU, net    Arcata  Pallancata      San 
 of deferred tax (US$000)                                  Felipe 
===================================   ======  ==========  ======= 
31 December 2017                       5,859      91,065   37,081 
====================================  ======  ==========  ======= 

Sensitivity analysis

Other than as disclosed below, management believes that no reasonably possible change in any of the key assumptions above would cause the carrying value of any of its cash generating units to exceed its recoverable amount.

The estimated recoverable amounts of the following of the Group's CGUs are equal to, or not materially greater than, their carrying values.

As the Arcata CGU was fully impaired at 31 December 2017, a negative change in any of the key assumptions would not have an impact on the impairment charge recognised. However a positive change in the following key assumptions would, in isolation, decrease the impairment charge recorded by:

====================================   ====== 
Prices (increase by 10%)               11,696 
=====================================  ====== 
Post tax discount rate (decrease by 
 3%)                                       30 
=====================================  ====== 
Production costs (decrease by 10%)      9,535 
=====================================  ====== 

As the impairment charge previously recognised at the Pallancata CGU was fully reversed at 30 June 2017, a positive change in any of the key assumptions would not have an impact on the impairment reversal recognised. Similarly, an adverse change in the key assumptions (10% decrease in price, 3% increase in post tax discount rate and 10% increase in production costs), in isolation, would still result in a full reversal of the impairment previously recognised.

With respect to the impairment assessment performed at the San Felipe CGU, a decrease of 10% in the value in-situ per tonne would result in a reversal of impairment of US$7,595,000, whilst an increase of 10% would result in a reversal of previously recognised impairment of US$9,132,000.

                             Mining                                              Construction 
                         properties                                               in progress 
                                and        Land       Plant                Mine           and 
                        development         and         and             closure       capital 
                           costs(1)   buildings   equipment  Vehicles     asset      advances      Total 
                             US$000      US$000      US$000    US$000    US$000        US$000     US$000 
====================   ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Year ended 31 
====================   ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
====================   ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
At 1 January 2016         1,097,107     472,093     480,747     6,151   103,386        62,392  2,221,876 
=====================  ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Additions                    80,565       6,695      15,379         -         -        25,514    128,153 
=====================  ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Change in discount 
 rate                             -           -           -         -   (2,367)             -    (2,367) 
=====================  ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Change in mine 
 closure estimate                 -           -           -         -   (5,629)             -    (5,629) 
=====================  ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Disposals                         -           -     (3,420)     (298)         -          (56)    (3,774) 
=====================  ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Write-offs                        -           -     (8,500)      (85)         -             -    (8,585) 
=====================  ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Transfer to 
 intangibles                      -           -           -         -         -          (44)       (44) 
=====================  ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Transfers and other 
 movements(2)                 3,232       9,698      52,723       442         -      (62,863)      3,232 
=====================  ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
At 31 December 
 2016                     1,180,904     488,486     536,929     6,210    95,390        24,943  2,332,862 
=====================  ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
and impairment 
====================   ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
At 1 January 2016           678,547     179,036     253,388     4,447    59,790         1,152  1,176,360 
=====================  ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Depreciation for 
 the year                   112,526      39,243      33,921       462     4,616             -    190,768 
=====================  ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Disposals                         -           -     (3,361)     (283)         -             -    (3,644) 
=====================  ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Write-offs                        -           -     (6,591)      (82)         -             -    (6,673) 
=====================  ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Transfers and other 
 movements(2)                   568       (156)         335        10        74         (263)        568 
=====================  ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
At 31 December 
 2016                       791,641     218,123     277,692     4,554    64,480           889  1,357,379 
=====================  ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 
Net book amount 
 at 31 December 
 2016                       389,263     270,363     259,237     1,656    30,910        24,054    975,483 
=====================  ============  ==========  ==========  ========  ========  ============  ========= 

1 Mining properties and development costs related to Crespo project (US$27,321,000) are not currently being depreciated.

2 Net of transfers and other movements of US$2,664,000 were transferred from evaluation and exploration assets (note 17).

17 Evaluation and exploration assets

                                                San   Volcan 
                            Azuca   Crespo   Felipe   US$000   Others    Total 
                           US$000   US$000   US$000            US$000   US$000 
=======================   =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
=======================   =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Balance at 1 January 
 2016                      80,165   25,780   55,950   92,993   12,970  267,858 
========================  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Additions                   1,237      251        -      691    1,299    3,478 
========================  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Transfers to property, 
 plant and equipment            -        -        -        -  (3,232)  (3,232) 
========================  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Balance at 31 December 
 2016                      81,402   26,031   55,950   93,684   11,037  268,104 
========================  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Additions                     197      208        -      768    3,705    4,878 
========================  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Disposals                       -        -    (500)        -        -    (500) 
========================  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Transfers to property 
 plant and equipment            -        -        -        -  (2,074)  (2,074) 
========================  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Balance at 31 December 
 2017                      81,599   26,239   55,450   94,452   12,668  270,408 
========================  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Accumulated impairment 
=======================   =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Balance at 1 January 
 2016                      45,876    9,878   25,834   44,381    3,718  129,687 
========================  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Transfers to property, 
 plant and equipment            -        -        -        -    (568)    (568) 
========================  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Balance at 31 December 
 2016                      45,876    9,878   25,834   44,381    3,150  129,119 
========================  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Transfers to property, 
 plant and equipment            -        -        -        -    (467)    (467) 
========================  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
 of impairment) (1)             -        -  (8,364)        -    2,721  (5,643) 
========================  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Balance at 31 December 
 2017                      45,876    9,878   17,470   44,381    5,404  123,009 
========================  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Net book value as at 
 31 December 2016          35,526   16,153   30,116   49,303    7,887  138,985 
========================  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Net book value as at 
 31 December 2017          35,723   16,361   37,980   50,071    7,264  147,399 
========================  =======  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 

There were no borrowing costs capitalised in evaluation and exploration assets.

1 At 31 December 2017, the Group has recorded an impairment charge with respect to evaluation and exploration assets of the Arcata mine unit of US$3,104,000, and reversals of impairment with respect to the Pallancata mine unit of US$383,000 and the San Felipe project of US$8,364,000. The calculation of recoverable values is detailed in note 16.

18 Intangible assets

                                    Transmission         Water   Software       Legal 
                                         line(1)    permits(2)   licences   rights(3)    Total 
                                          US$000        US$000     US$000      US$000   US$000 
=================================   ============  ============  =========  ==========  ======= 
=================================   ============  ============  =========  ==========  ======= 
Balance at 1 January 2016                 22,157        26,583      1,798       6,686   57,224 
==================================  ============  ============  =========  ==========  ======= 
Additions                                      -             -         14           -       14 
==================================  ============  ============  =========  ==========  ======= 
Transfer                                       -             -         44           -       44 
==================================  ============  ============  =========  ==========  ======= 
Balance at 31 December 2016               22,157        26,583      1,856       6,686   57,282 
==================================  ============  ============  =========  ==========  ======= 
Additions                                      -             -         16           -       16 
==================================  ============  ============  =========  ==========  ======= 
Balance at 31 December 2017               22,157        26,583      1,872       6,686   57,298 
==================================  ============  ============  =========  ==========  ======= 
Accumulated amortisation 
 and impairment 
=================================   ============  ============  =========  ==========  ======= 
Balance at 1 January 2016                 12,070        12,686      1,315       3,172   29,243 
==================================  ============  ============  =========  ==========  ======= 
Amortisation for the year(4)               1,004             -         56         600    1,660 
==================================  ============  ============  =========  ==========  ======= 
Balance at 31 December 2016               13,074        12,686      1,371       3,772   30,903 
==================================  ============  ============  =========  ==========  ======= 
Amortisation for the year(4)               1,089             -        158         604    1,851 
==================================  ============  ============  =========  ==========  ======= 
Balance at 31 December 2017               14,163        12,686      1,529       4,376   32,754 
==================================  ============  ============  =========  ==========  ======= 
Net book value as at 31 December 
 2016                                      9,083        13,897        485       2,914   26,379 
==================================  ============  ============  =========  ==========  ======= 
Net book value as at 31 December 
 2017                                      7,994        13,897        343       2,310   24,544 
==================================  ============  ============  =========  ==========  ======= 

1 The transmission line is amortised using the units of production method. At 31 December 2017 the remaining amortisation period is approximately 8 years (2016: 9 years).

2 Corresponds to the acquisition of water permits of Andina Minerals Group ("Andina"). They have an indefinite life according to Chilean law. To determine the fair value less costs of disposal of the Volcan cash-generating unit, which includes the water permits held by the Group, the Group used the value-in-situ methodology. This methodology applies a realisable 'enterprise value' to unprocessed mineral resources which was US$7.10 per gold equivalent ounce of resources at 31 December 2017 (2016: US$6.90). The risk adjusted enterprise value figure has been determined using a combination of level 2 and level 3 inputs to estimate the amount that would be paid by a willing third party in an arm's length transaction, taking into account the water restrictions imposed by the Chile government.

3 Legal rights correspond to expenditures required to give the Group the right to use a property for the surface exploration work, development and production.

At 31 December 2017 the remaining amortisation period is from 10 to 20 years (2016: 8 to 20 years).

4 The amortisation for the period is included in cost of sales and administrative expenses in the income statement.

The carrying amount of the Volcan CGU, which includes the water permits, is reviewed annually to determine whether it is in excess of its recoverable amount.

Key assumptions

                                                                 2017    2016 
------------------------------------------------------------   ------  ------ 
Risk adjusted value per in-situ (gold equivalent ounce) US$      7.10    6.90 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  (US$000)                                                       2017    2016 
------------------------------------------------------------   ------  ------ 
 Current carrying value of Volcan CGU                          63,968  63,187 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 

Sensitivity analysis

Other than as disclosed below, management believes that no reasonably possible change in any of the key assumptions above would cause the carrying value exceed its recoverable amount.

The estimated recoverable amount is not materially greater than its carrying value. A change in the value in situ assumption could cause an impairment loss or reversal of impairment to be recognised as follows:

Approximate impairment/reversal of impairment resulting from 
 the following changes (US$000)                                    2017     2016 
=============================================================   =======  ======= 
Value per in-situ ounce (10% decrease)                          (2,667)  (3,896) 
==============================================================  =======  ======= 
Risk factor (increase by 5%)                                    (1,095)  (2,376) 
==============================================================  =======  ======= 
Risk factor (decrease by 5%)                                      9,384    7,760 
==============================================================  =======  ======= 

19 Available-for-sale financial assets

                                           Year ended 
                                           31 December 
                                           2017     2016 
                                         US$000   US$000 
=====================================   =======  ======= 
Beginning balance                           991      366 
======================================  =======  ======= 
Acquisitions(1)                           7,163        - 
======================================  =======  ======= 
Fair value change recorded in equity      (323)      774 
======================================  =======  ======= 
Disposals(2)                            (1,160)    (149) 
======================================  =======  ======= 
Exchange of shares(2)                     (407)        - 
======================================  =======  ======= 
Ending balance                            6,264      991 
======================================  =======  ======= 

1 Corresponds to the purchase of 4,886,538 shares of Cobalt Power Group (Cobalt) (US$500,000), 14,545,454 shares of Red Eagle Mining Corporation (Red Eagle) (US$3,314,000), and 153,616 shares of Goldspot Discoveries Inc. (US$569,000). In addition, 13,415,000 shares of Santa Cruz Silver Mining were received in payment (US$2,780,000) of the option for the San Felipe project (refer note 23) and thus no cash consideration was received.

With the acquisition of the shares, the Group also acquired 14,545,454 warrants of Red Eagle and 2,443,269 warrants of Cobalt respectively, The warrants were recognised at fair value on acquisition and presented as other financial assets.

2 As at 31 December 2016 the Group held an investment in Mariana Resources Ltd which was acquired by Sandstorm Gold on 12 July 2017. In consideration for the exchange of shares the Group received cash proceeds of $407,000 and shares of Sandstorm Gold generating a gain of US$1,386,000. On 17 July 2017 the Group disposed its investment in Sandstorm Gold realising a loss on sale of available-for-sale-financial assets of US$32,000.

The fair value of the listed shares is determined by reference to published price quotations in an active market.

Investments held in Pembrook Mining Corp. (US$11,745,000), ECI Exploration and Mining Inc.(US$2,639,000) and Goldspot Discoveries Inc. (US$581,000) are unlisted and recognised at cost less any recognised impairment loss as there is no active market for these investments. The investments in Pembrook Mining Corp and ECI Exploration and Mining Inc. are fully impaired as at 31 December 2016 and 2017.

20 Trade and other receivables

                                                 As at 31 December 
                                                     2017                  2016 
==================================   ====================  ==================== 
                                     Non-current  Current  Non-current  Current 
                                          US$000   US$000       US$000   US$000 
==================================   ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Trade receivables                              -   43,209            -   36,821 
===================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Advances to suppliers                          -    4,482            -    2,458 
===================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Duties recoverable from exports 
 of Minera Santa Cruz (1)                  1,570    2,681       19,065        - 
===================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Receivables from related parties 
 (note 29(a))                                  -      160            -       71 
===================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Loans to employees                           877      353          856      230 
===================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Interest receivable                            -      402            -      151 
===================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Receivable from Kaupthing, Singer 
 and Friedlander Bank                          -      208            -      198 
===================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Other(2)                                   1,810    9,397        2,188   10,205 
===================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Provision for impairment(3)                    -  (4,594)            -  (6,342) 
===================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Assets classified as receivables           4,257   56,298       22,109   43,792 
===================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Prepaid expenses                              91    3,720           44    2,590 
===================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Value Added Tax (VAT)(4)                   3,139   21,048        3,564   21,738 
===================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Total                                      7,487   81,066       25,717   68,120 
===================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 

The fair values of trade and other receivables approximate their book value.

1 Relates to export benefits through Port Patagonico and silver refunds in Minera Santa Cruz, discounted over 19 months (2016: 24 months) at a rate of 5.40% (2016: 6.39%) for dollars denominated amounts and 29.60% (2016: 23.31%) for Argentinian pesos. The gain on the unwinding of the discount is recognised within finance income (2016: loss on discount is recognised within finance costs).

2 Mainly corresponds to account receivables from contractors for the sale of supplies of US$4,773,000 (2016: US$3,968,000), and other tax claims of US3,903,000 (2016: US$5,333,000).

3 Includes the provision for impairment of trade receivable from a customer in Peru of US$1,080,000 (2016: US$1,043,000), the impairment of deposits in Kaupthing, Singer and Friedlander of US$208,000 (2016: US$198,000), the impairment of the account receivable from a third party of US$2,501,000 (2016: US$1,797,000) and other receivables of US$805,000 (2016: US$3,304,000) that mainly relates to an exploration project that would be recovered through an ownership interest if it succeeds.

4 Primarily relates to US$12,829,000 (2016: US$16,030,000) of VAT receivable related to the San Jose project that will be recovered through future sales of gold and silver and also through the sale of these credits to third parties by Minera Santa Cruz S.A. It also includes the VAT of Compañía Minera Ares S.A.C. of US$6,519,000 (2016: US$4,776,000) and Empresa de Transmisión Aymaraes S.A.C. of US$4,034,000 (2016: US$3,665,000). The VAT is valued at its recoverable amount.

Movements in the provision for impairment of receivables:

=============================   ============ 
At 1 January 2016                      5,327 
==============================  ============ 
Provided for during the year           2,061 
==============================  ============ 
Released during the year             (1,046) 
==============================  ============ 
At 31 December 2016                    6,342 
==============================  ============ 
Provided for during the year           1,065 
==============================  ============ 
Released during the year(1)          (2,813) 
==============================  ============ 
At 31 December 2017                    4,594 
==============================  ============ 

1 Corresponds to the reversal of the provision of US$9,000 (2016: US$1,046,000) and write-off of US$2,804,000 (2016: US$nil)

As at 31 December 2017 and 2016, none of the financial assets classified as receivables (net of impairment) were past due.

21 Inventories

                                              As at 31 
                                             2017     2016 
                                           US$000   US$000 
=======================================   =======  ======= 
Finished goods valued at cost               3,011    3,515 
========================================  =======  ======= 
Products in process valued at cost         17,099   20,727 
========================================  =======  ======= 
Raw materials                                   -       33 
========================================  =======  ======= 
Supplies and spare parts                   41,572   40,241 
========================================  =======  ======= 
                                           61,682   64,516 
                                          =======  ======= 
Provision for obsolescence of supplies    (5,004)  (7,460) 
========================================  =======  ======= 
Total                                      56,678   57,056 
========================================  =======  ======= 

Finished goods include ounces of gold and silver, dore and concentrate.

Products in process include stockpile and precipitates.

The Group either sells dore bars as a finished product or if it is commercially advantageous to do so, delivers the bars for refining into gold and silver ounces which are then sold. In the latter scenario, the dore bars are classified as products in process. At 31 December 2017 and 2016 the Group had no dore on hand included in products in process.

Concentrate is sold to smelters, but in addition could be used as a product in process to produce dore.

As part of the Group's short-term financing policies, it acquires pre-shipment loans which are guaranteed by the sales contracts.

The amount of expense recognised in profit and loss related to the consumption of inventory of supplies, spare parts and raw materials is US$104,689,000 (2016: US$86,754,000).

Movements in the provision for obsolescence comprise an increase in the provision of US$542,000 (2016: US$2,162,000) and the reversal of US$2,997,000 relating to the sale of supplies and spare parts, that had been provided for (2016: US$nil).

22 Cash and cash equivalents

                                                As at 31 
                                               2017     2016 
                                             US$000   US$000 
=========================================   =======  ======= 
Cash at bank                                    335      353 
==========================================  =======  ======= 
Liquidity funds(1)                            2,869      203 
==========================================  =======  ======= 
Current demand deposit accounts(2)           61,612   68,643 
==========================================  =======  ======= 
Time deposits(3)                            192,172   70,780 
==========================================  =======  ======= 
Cash and cash equivalents considered for 
 the statement of cash flows                256,988  139,979 
==========================================  =======  ======= 

The fair value of cash and cash equivalents approximates their book value. The Group does not have undrawn borrowing facilities available in the future for operating activities or capital commitments.

1 The liquidity funds are mainly invested in certificates of deposit, commercial papers and floating rate notes with a weighted average maturity of 29 days as at 31 December 2017 (2016: average of 16 days).

2 Relates to bank accounts which are freely available and bear interest.

3 These deposits have an average maturity of 32 days (2016: Average of 3 days).

23 Deferred income

                               As at 31 
                              2017     2016 
                            US$000   US$000 
========================   =======  ======= 
San Felipe contract(1)      29,396   25,000 
=========================  =======  ======= 
El Mosquito contract(2)      1,413        - 
=========================  =======  ======= 
                            30,809   25,000 
                           =======  ======= 
Current balance              (400)        - 
=========================  =======  ======= 
Non-current                 30,409   25,000 
=========================  =======  ======= 

1. On 3 August 2011, the Group entered into an agreement with Impulsora Minera Santa Cruz ("IMSC") whereby IMSC acquired the right to explore the San Felipe properties and an option to purchase the related concessions. Under the terms of this agreement the Group has received US$29,396,000 as non-refundable payments at 31 December 2017 (2016: US$25,000,000).

These payments will reduce the total consideration that IMSC will be required to pay upon exercise of the option and constitute an advance of the final purchase price, rather than an option premium and, as such, they were recorded as deferred income.

On 30 November 2016, IMSC renegotiated terms of the agreement, extending the validity of the agreement to 1 December 2017. As a result of this extension, on 9 March 2017 the Group received in payment 13,415,000 ordinary shares of Santa Cruz Silver Mining ("SCSM") quoted in the Toronto Stock Exchange, at the unit price of CAD 0.28 amounting to CAD 3,756,000 equivalent to US$2,780,000. The amount received included valued added taxes of US$384,000 and part consideration of US$2,396,000 recognised as deferred income.

On 28 February 2017, the Group signed a new option agreement with IMSC for the San Felipe properties for a total consideration of US$10,000,000. An initial payment of US$2,000,000 was received in cash on 7 March 2017.

In March 2017, IMSC entered into an agreement with Americas Silver Corporation ('ASC') to assign 100% of its interest in the San Felipe Project.

On 1 December 2017, the option to sell the San Felipe property to IMSC was extended to 31 December 2018 based on an amendment to the payment terms and an additional US$8,000,000 is payable by IMSC at 31 December 2017.

2. On 25 April 2017 the Group signed a five year option agreement with Minas Argentinas S.A. ("MASA") giving MASA the right ot explore and the option to purchase the Mosquito property, located in Argentina. The Group has received in cash US$2,000,000, recognising US$1,813,000 as deferred income at 31 December 2017.

24 Trade and other payables

                                                   As at 31 December 
                                               2017                  2016 
                                       ====================  ==================== 
                                       Non-current  Current  Non-current  Current 
                                            US$000   US$000       US$000   US$000 
====================================   ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Trade payables(1)                                -   63,038            -   55,381 
=====================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Salaries and wages payable(2)                    -   36,143            -   28,500 
=====================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Dividends payable                                -      107            -       75 
=====================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Taxes and contributions                         32    6,425           43    4,962 
=====================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Guarantee deposits                               -    6,946            -    5,073 
=====================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Mining royalty (note 30)                         -      684            -      679 
=====================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Accounts payable to related parties 
 (note 29)                                       -      149            -       94 
=====================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Other                                        1,049    3,287        1,223    3,720 
=====================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 
Total                                        1,081  116,779        1,266   98,484 
=====================================  ===========  =======  ===========  ======= 

The fair value of trade and other payables approximate their book values.

1 Trade payables relate mainly to the acquisition of materials, supplies and contractors' services. These payables do not accrue interest and no guarantees have been granted.

2 Salaries and wages payable relates to remuneration payable. There were Board members remuneration payable of US$nil (2016: US$2,000) and long term incentive plan payable of US$7,520,000 (2016: US$6,279,000) at 31 December 2017.

25 Borrowings

                                                                                  As at 31 December 
                                                                                      2017                             2016 
                                                           ===============================  =============================== 
                                                           Effective                        Effective 
                                                            interest  Non-current  Current   interest  Non-current  Current 
                                                                rate       US$000   US$000       rate       US$000   US$000 
========================================================   =========  ===========  =======  =========  ===========  ======= 
Bond payable (a)                                               8.56%      291,955    8,779      8.56%      291,073    8,778 
=========================================================  =========  ===========  =======  =========  ===========  ======= 
Secured bank loans (b) 
========================================================   =========  ===========  =======  =========  ===========  ======= 
                                                               1.80%                            2.70% 
  *    Pre-shipment loans in Minera Santa Cruz (note 21)    to 2.85%            -    9,043   to 3.00%            -    2,524 
=========================================================  =========  ===========  =======  =========  ===========  ======= 
  *    Short-term bank loans                                   1.75%            -   50,041      0.65%            -   25,010 
=========================================================  =========  ===========  =======  =========  ===========  ======= 
Total                                                                     291,955   67,863                 291,073   36,312 
=========================================================  =========  ===========  =======  =========  ===========  ======= 

(a) Bond payable

On 23 January 2014 the Group issued US$350,000,000 7.75% Senior Unsecured Notes of Compañía Minera Ares S.A.C. guaranteed by Hochschild Mining plc and Hochschild Mining (Argentina) Corporation S.A. The interest is paid semi-annually, until maturity in 23 January 2021. During November and December 2015, the Group repurchased bonds amounting to US$55,225,000 for US$54,369,000, giving rise to a gain on repurchase of US$856,000. The balance at 31 December 2017 comprises the carrying value, including accrued interest payable, of US$300,734,000 (2016: US$299,851,000) determined in accordance with the effective interest method.

The following options could be taken before the maturity:

-- Optional Redemption without Make-Whole Premium: The issuer may redeem all or part of the notes on or after 23 January 2018 at

the redemption prices specified plus accrued and unpaid interest and additional amounts, if any, to the redemption date. The Make

Whole Premium requires repayment of 103.875%, 101.938% or 100% of the outstanding principal balance if exercised in 2018, 2019

or 2020 respectively.

-- Optional Redemption Upon Tax Event: 100% of the outstanding principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest and additional amounts, if any.

   --        Change of Control Offer: 101% of principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest. 

(b) Secured bank loans:

Short-term bank loans:

One credit agreement signed by Compañía Minera Ares S.A.C. with BBVA Continental (2016: two credit agreements signed by Compañía Minera Ares S.A.C. with BBVA Continental). The loan has an interest rate of 1.75% (2016: 0.65%). The carrying value including accrued interest payable at 31 December 2017 is US$50,041,000 (2016: US$25,010,000). The due date is 15 December 2018 (2016: Repaid on due date 7 February 2017).

The maturity of non-current borrowings is as follows:

                             As at 31 
                            2017     2016 
                          US$000   US$000 
======================   =======  ======= 
Between 1 and 2 years          -        - 
======================   =======  ======= 
Between 2 and 5 years    291,955  291,073 
=======================  =======  ======= 
Over 5 years                   -        - 
======================   =======  ======= 
Total                    291,955  291,073 
=======================  =======  ======= 

The carrying amount of current borrowings differs their fair value only with respect to differences arising under the effective interest rate calculations described above. The carrying amount and fair value of the non--current borrowings are as follows:

                           amount          Fair value 
                          as at 31          as at 31 
                          December          December 
                      ================  ================ 
                         2017     2016     2017     2016 
                       US$000   US$000   US$000   US$000 
===================   =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Secured bank loans          -        -        -        - 
===================   =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Bond payable          291,955  291,073  306,566  318,062 
====================  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
Total                 291,955  291,073  306,566  318,062 
====================  =======  =======  =======  ======= 

In the case of the bond payable, the fair value was determined with reference to the quoted price of these bonds in an active market, it is Level 1 input.

The movement in borrowings during the year is as follows:

                                As at                                                   As at 
                            1 January                                             31 December 
                                 2017  Additions  Repayments  Reclassifications          2017 
                               US$000     US$000      US$000             US$000        US$000 
========================   ==========  =========  ==========  =================  ============ 
========================   ==========  =========  ==========  =================  ============ 
Bank loans                     27,534     69,686    (38,136)                  -        59,084 
=========================  ==========  =========  ==========  =================  ============ 
Bond payable                    8,778     24,688    (23,805)              (882)         8,779 
=========================  ==========  =========  ==========  =================  ============ 
                               36,312     94,374    (61,941)              (882)        67,863 
                           ==========  =========  ==========  =================  ============ 
========================   ==========  =========  ==========  =================  ============ 
Bond payable                  291,073          -           -                882       291,955 
=========================  ==========  =========  ==========  =================  ============ 
                              291,073          -           -                882       291,955 
                           ==========  =========  ==========  =================  ============ 
Accrued interest              (8,812)   (24,874)      23,941                  -       (9,745) 
=========================  ==========  =========  ==========  =================  ============ 
Before accrued interest       318,573     69,500    (38,000)                  -       350,073 
=========================  ==========  =========  ==========  =================  ============ 

26 Provisions

                                          Provision        Long 
                                                for        Term 
                                               mine   Incentive 
                                         closure(1)       Plan2    Other     Total 
                                             US$000      US$000   US$000    US$000 
                                        ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
At 1 January 2016                           120,080         963    6,474   127,517 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Additions                                         -       9,965      570    10,535 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Accretion                                        46           -        -        46 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Change in discount rate(4)                  (2,367)           -        -   (2,367) 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Change in estimates(4)                  (11,975)(3)           -        -  (11,975) 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Foreign exchange effect                           -           -    (547)     (547) 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Transfer to trade and other payables              -     (6,279)  (2,048)   (8,327) 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Payments                                    (3,355)           -        -   (3,355) 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
At 31 December 2016                         102,429       4,649    4,449   111,527 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Less: current portion                         3,580           -    1,826     5,406 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Non-current portion                          98,849       4,649    2,623   106,121 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
At 1 January 2017                           102,429       4,649    4,449   111,527 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Additions                                         -       8,702      347     9,049 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Accretion                                       280           -        -       280 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Change in discount rate(4)                      863           -        -       863 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Change in estimates(4)                       856(3)           -        -       856 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Foreign exchange effect                           -           -    (352)     (352) 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Transfer to trade and other payables              -     (7,520)        -   (7,520) 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Payments                                    (4,359)           -     (34)   (4,393) 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
At 31 December 2017                         100,069       5,831    4,410   110,310 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Less: current portion                         4,562           -    1,641     6,203 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 
Non-current portion                          95,507       5,831    2,769   104,107 
======================================  ===========  ==========  =======  ======== 

1 The provision represents the discounted values of the estimated cost to decommission and rehabilitate the mines at the expected date of closure of each of the mines. The present value of the provision has been calculated using a real pre-tax annual discount rate, based on a US Treasury bond of an appropriate tenure adjusted for the impact of quantitative easing as at 31 December 2017 and 2016 respectively, and the cash flows have been adjusted to reflect the risk attached to these cash flows. Uncertainties on the timing for use of this provision include changes in the future that could impact the time of closing the mines, as new resources and reserves are discovered. The discount rate used was 0.14% (2016: 0.25%). Expected cash flows will be over a period from one to sixteen years.

2 Corresponds to the provision related to awards granted under the Long Term Incentive Plan ('LTIP') to designated personnel of the Group. Includes the following benefits: (i) 2017 awards, granted in March 2017, payable in March 2020 (ii) 2016 awards, granted in March 2016, payable in March 2019. Only employees who remain in the Group's employment on the vesting date will be entitled to a cash payment, subject to exceptions approved by the Remuneration Committee of the Board. The percentage of the award granted is determined 70% by the Company's TSR ranking relative to a tailored peer group of mining companies, and 30% by the Company's TSR ranking relative to a peer group of FTSE 350 companies. The liability for the LTIP is measured, initially and at the end of each reporting period until settled, at the fair value of the awards, by applying the Monte Carlo pricing model, taking into account the terms and conditions on which the awards were granted, and the extent to which the employees have rendered services to date. Changes to the provision of US$8,702,000 (2016: US$9,965,000) have been recorded as administrative expenses US$8,215,000 (2016: US$9,298,000) and exploration expenses US$487,000 (2016: US$667,000).

The following tables list the inputs to the Monte Carlo model used for the LTIPs as at 31 December 2016 and 2017, respectively:

                                LTIP 2015                   LTIP 2016                   LTIP 2017 
                        ==========================  ==========================  ========================== 
                         31 December   31 December   31 December   31 December   31 December   31 December 
For the period                  2017          2016          2017          2016          2017          2016 
 ended                        US$000        US$000        US$000        US$000        US$000        US$000 
=====================   ============  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============ 
Dividend yield 
 (%)                               -          0.49          0.81          0.49          0.81             - 
======================  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============ 
Expected volatility 
 (%)                               -          3.89          4.02          3.89          4.02             - 
======================  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============ 
Risk-free interest 
 rate (%)                          -          0.12          0.25          0.12          0.25             - 
======================  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============ 
Expected life (years)              -             1             1             2             2             - 
======================  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============ 
Weighted average 
 share price (pence 
 GBP)                              -        100.68         63.07         63.49        239.22             - 
======================  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============  ============ 

The expected volatility reflects the assumption that the historical volatility over a period similar to the life of the awards and is indicative of future trends, which may not necessarily be the actual outcome.

3 Based on the 2017 internal and external review of mine rehabilitation estimates, the provision for mine closure increased by US$856,000 (2016: US$11,975,000 decrease). The net increase (2016: net decrease) mainly corresponds to the Pallancata mine unit of US$1,385,000 (2016: US$447,000 decrease), the Inmaculada mine unit of US$1,191,000 (2016: US$1,651,000 increase), the Crespo project of US$43,000 (2016: US$37,000 decrease), the Ares mine unit of US$22,000 (2016: US$1,622,000 decrease) and the Azuca project of US$7,000 (2016: US$8,000 decrease), net of the decrease in Arcata mine unit of US$1,131,000 (2016: US$6,648,000 decrease), the Selene mine unit of US$607,000 (2016: US$698,000 decrease) and San José mine unit of US$54,000 (US$4,166,000 decrease).

4 US$1,428,000 (2016: US$6,346,000) related to changes in estimate and discount rates for mines already closed and the Arcata mine unit which reduction of the estimated costs exceeded the carrying value of the mine asset, , therefore the effect has been recognised directly in the income statement.

27 Deferred income tax

The changes in the net deferred income tax assets/(liabilities) are as follows:

                                                      As at 31 
                                                     2017      2016 
                                                   US$000    US$000 
==============================================   ========  ======== 
Beginning of the year                            (64,944)  (64,274) 
===============================================  ========  ======== 
Income statement (credit)/charge (note 
 14)                                               11,304   (6,625) 
===============================================  ========  ======== 
Deferred income tax arising on net unrealised 
 gains on cash flow hedges recognised in 
 equity (note 14)                                       -     5,955 
===============================================  ========  ======== 
End of the year                                  (53,640)  (64,944) 
===============================================  ========  ======== 

Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against

current tax liabilities and when the deferred income tax assets and liabilities relate to the same fiscal authority.

The movement in deferred income tax assets and liabilities before offset during the year is as follows:

                                             of          Mine     Financial 
                                           PP&E   development   instruments   Others    Total 
                                         US$000        US$000        US$000   US$000   US$000 
=================================   ===========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 
Deferred income tax liabilities 
=================================   ===========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 
At 1 January 2016                        47,967        60,107         8,064    4,762  120,900 
==================================  ===========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 
Income statement (credit)/charge        (6,319)         8,235             -  (1,938)     (22) 
==================================  ===========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 
Deferred income tax arising 
 on net unrealised gains on 
 cash flow hedges recognised 
 in equity                                    -             -       (5,955)        -  (5,955) 
==================================  ===========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 
Transfer                                      -             -       (2,109)        -  (2,109) 
==================================  ===========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 
At 31 December 2016                      41,648        68,342             -    2,824  112,814 
==================================  ===========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 
Income statement (credit)/charge          2,474           991           201  (1,197)    2,469 
==================================  ===========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 
At 31 December 2017                      44,122        69,333           201    1,627  115,283 
==================================  ===========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 
                              in  Provision 
                            cost        for 
                              of       mine       Tax          Mine     Financial 
                            PP&E    closure    losses   development   instruments   Others    Total 
                          US$000     US$000    US$000        US$000        US$000   US$000   US$000 
==================   ===========  =========  ========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 
Deferred income 
 tax assets 
==================   ===========  =========  ========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 
At 1 January 2016          7,862     22,853    16,814           954         2,253    5,890   56,626 
===================  ===========  =========  ========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 
Income statement 
 credit/(charge)           8,463    (3,319)  (15,868)          (42)           160    3,959  (6,647) 
===================  ===========  =========  ========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 
Transfer                       -          -         -             -       (2,109)        -  (2,109) 
===================  ===========  =========  ========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 
At 31 December 
 2016                     16,325     19,534       946           912           304    9,849   47,870 
===================  ===========  =========  ========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 
Income statement 
 credit/(charge)          14,347       (51)       893         (110)         (304)  (1,002)   13,773 
===================  ===========  =========  ========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 
At 31 December 
 2017                     30,672     19,483     1,839           802             -    8,847   61,643 
===================  ===========  =========  ========  ============  ============  =======  ======= 

The amounts after offset, as presented on the face of the Statement of financial position, are as follows:

                                        As at 31 
                                       2017      2016 
                                     US$000    US$000 
================================   ========  ======== 
Deferred income tax assets             2400     1,027 
=================================  ========  ======== 
Deferred income tax liabilities    (56,040)  (65,971) 
=================================  ========  ======== 

Tax losses expire in the following years:

                               As at 31 
                              2017     2016 
                            US$000   US$000 
========================   =======  ======= 
========================   =======  ======= 
Expire in one year           3,517    2,268 
=========================  =======  ======= 
Expire in two years            493    3,231 
=========================  =======  ======= 
Expire in three years           42    4,594 
=========================  =======  ======= 
Expire in four years         4,320    2,295 
=========================  =======  ======= 
Expire after four years    119,461  111,630 
=========================  =======  ======= 
                           127,833  124,018 
                           =======  ======= 

Other unrecognised deferred income tax assets comprise (gross amounts):

                                     As at 31 
                                    2017     2016 
                                  US$000   US$000 
==============================   =======  ======= 
Provision for mine closure(1)      7,287    9,971 
===============================  =======  ======= 
Impairments of assets(2)           2,509   14,692 
===============================  =======  ======= 

1 This relates to provision for mine closure expenditure which is expected to be incurred in periods in which taxable profits are not expected against which the expenditure can be offset.

2 Related to the reversal of impairment of San Felipe project (2016: Related to the impairment of San Felipe and Volcan project) (note 17).

Unrecognised deferred tax liability on retained earnings

At 31 December 2017 and 2016, there was no recognised deferred tax liability for taxes that would be payable on the unremitted earnings of certain of the Group's subsidiaries as the intention is that these amounts are permanently reinvested.

28 Dividends

                                                   2017     2016 
                                                 US$000   US$000 
=============================================   =======  ======= 
Dividends paid and proposed during the 
=============================================   =======  ======= 
Equity dividends on ordinary shares: 
=============================================   =======  ======= 
Final dividend for 2016: 1.38 US cent per 
 share (2015: nil US cent per share)              6,997        - 
==============================================  =======  ======= 
Interim dividend for 2017: 1.38 US cent 
 per share (2016: 1.38 US cent per share)         6,999    6,998 
==============================================  =======  ======= 
Total dividends paid on ordinary shares          13,996    6,998 
==============================================  =======  ======= 
Proposed dividends on ordinary shares: 
=============================================   =======  ======= 
Final dividend for 2017: 1.965 US cent 
 per share (2016: 1.38 US cent per share)         9,967    6,997 
==============================================  =======  ======= 
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests: 
 1.80 US$ per share (2016: 10.05 US cent 
 per share)                                      12,585   16,983 
==============================================  =======  ======= 
Dividends paid to non-controlling interest 
 related to 2014 and previous periods                 -      753 
==============================================  =======  ======= 
Total dividends paid to non-controlling 
 interests                                       12,585   17,736 
==============================================  =======  ======= 

Dividends per share

The interim dividend paid in September 2017 was US$6,999,000 (1.38 US cents per share). A proposed dividend in respect of the year ending 31 December 2017 of 1.965 US cent per share, amounting to a total dividend of US$9,967,000, is subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting on 25 May 2018 and is not recognised as a liability as at 31 December 2017.

29 Related-party balances and transactions

(a) Related-party accounts receivable and payable

The Group had the following related-party balances and transactions during the years ended 31 December 2017 and 2016. The related parties are companies owned or controlled by the main shareholder of the parent company or associates.

                                          Accounts          Accounts 
                                        receivable           payable 
                                          as at 31          as at 31 
                                          December          December 
                                  ----------------  ---------------- 
                                     2017     2016     2017     2016 
                                   US$000   US$000   US$000   US$000 
-------------------------------   -------  -------  -------  ------- 
Current related party balances 
-------------------------------   -------  -------  -------  ------- 
Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A.(1)          160       71      149       94 
--------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
Total                                 160       71      149       94 
--------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 

1 The account receivable relates to reimbursement of expenses paid by the Group on behalf of Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A. The account payable relates to the payment of rentals.

As at 31 December 2017 and 2016, all accounts are, or were, non-interest bearing.

No security has been granted or guarantees given by the Group in respect of these related party balances.

Principal transactions between affiliates are as follows:

                                                Year ended 
                                                2017     2016 
                                              US$000   US$000 
==========================================   =======  ======= 
==========================================   =======  ======= 
Gain on sale of Asociacion Sumac Tarpuy 
 to Inversiones ASPI S.A.                          -      811 
===========================================  =======  ======= 
==========================================   =======  ======= 
Donation to the Universidad de Ingenieria 
 y Tecnologia "UTEC"                               -  (1,000) 
===========================================  =======  ======= 
Expense recognised for the rental paid 
 to Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A.                  (200)    (200) 
===========================================  =======  ======= 

Transactions between the Group and these companies are on an arm's length basis.

(b) Compensation of key management personnel of the Group

                                                 As at 31 
Compensation of key management personnel        2017     2016 
 (including Directors)                        US$000   US$000 
------------------------------------------   -------  ------- 
Short-term employee benefits                   6,086    5,459 
-------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Long Term Incentive Plan, Deferred Bonus 
 Plan and Restricted Share Plan                5,446    6,622 
-------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Total compensation paid to key management 
 personnel                                    11,532   12,081 
-------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 

This amount includes the remuneration paid to the Directors of the Parent Company of the Group of US$5,438,873 (2016: US$5,487,769).

30 Mining royalties


In accordance with Peruvian legislation, owners of mining concessions must pay a mining royalty for the exploitation of metallic and non--metallic resources. Mining royalties have been calculated with rates ranging from 1% to 3% of the value of mineral concentrate

or equivalent sold, based on quoted market prices.

In October 2011 changes came into effect for mining companies, with the following features:

a) Introduction of a Special Mining Tax ('SMT'), levied on mining companies at the stage of exploiting mineral resources. The

additional tax is calculated by applying a progressive scale of rates ranging from 2% to 8.4%, of the quarterly operating profit.

b) Modification of the mining royalty calculation, which consists of applying a progressive scale of rates ranging from 1% to 12%,

of the quarterly operating profit. The former royalty was calculated on the basis of monthly sales value of mineral concentrates.

The SMT and modified mining royalty are accounted for as an income tax in accordance with IAS 12 "Income Taxes".

c) For companies that have mining projects benefiting from tax stability regimes, mining royalties are calculated and recorded as they were previously, applying an additional new special charge on mining that is calculated using progressive scale rates, ranging from 4% to 13.12% of quarterly operating profit.

d) In the case of the Arcata mine unit, the company left the tax stability agreement, but has maintained the agreement for the mining royalties, such that the Arcata unit, is liable for the new SMT but the mining royalties remain payable at the same rate as they were, before the modification in 2011.

As at 31 December 2017, the amount payable as under the former mining royalty (for the Arcata mining unit), the new mining royalty (for the Ares, Pallancata and Inmaculada mining units), and the SMT amounted to US$108,000 (2016: US$170,000), US$1,133,000 (2016: US$769,000), and US$492,000 (2016: US$737,000) respectively. The former mining royalty is recorded as 'Trade and other payables', and the new mining royalty and SMT as 'Income tax payable' in the Statement of Financial Position. The amount recorded in the income statement was US$885,000 (2016: US$1,759,000) representing the former mining royalty, classified as cost of sales, US$4,201,000 (2016: US$3,882,000) of new mining royalty and US$2,229,000 (2016: US$3,869,000) of SMT, both classified as income tax.


In accordance with Argentinian legislation, Provinces (being the legal owners of the mineral resources) are entitled to collect royalties from mine operators. For San Jose, the mining royalty applicable to dore and concentrate is 3% of the pit-head value. As at 31 December 2017, the amount payable as mining royalties amounted to US$576,000 (2016: US$509,000). The amount recorded in the income statement as cost of sales was US$5,792,000 (2016: US$5,747,000).

31 Subsequent events

a) A restructuring plan has been established for the Arcata mining unit that includes the dismissal of approximately 165 employees. This reduction is aligned with the exploitation plan 2018, which is lower than budgeted in 2017, and is scheduled to take place between the months of January and February 2018.The process has been coordinated and communicated during January 2018 to the employees and the union. The approximate cost associated with the indemnities is estimated to be around US$1,388,000.

b) On 23 January 2018, the Group redeemed in full all of the US$294,775,000 outstanding principal amount of the Senior Unsecured Notes of Compañía Minera Ares S.A.C. (refer to note 25 (a)). The redemption price was US317,620,062, that includes the principal amount of US$294,775,000, the total amount of unpaid interests of US$11,422,531 and a premium of US$11,422,531.

c) On 10 January 2018 the Group signed a short term loan with Nova Scotia Bank of US$50,000,000 (3 months LIBOR plus 0.32%) and on 17 January 2018 signed a medium term loan with Nova Scotia Bank of US$100,000,000 (3 months LIBOR plus 0.70%). The proceeds were employed to redeem the Senior Unsecured Notes of Compañia Minera Ares S.A.C.

d) On 2 January 2018 the Group issued 1,660,805 ordinary shares under the Restricted Share Plan, to certain employees of the Group.

Profit by operation(1)

(Segment report reconciliation) as at 31 December 2017

                                                                              San     adjustment 
 Company (US$000)                       Arcata  Pallancata  Inmaculada       Jose     and others  Total/HOC 
 -----------------------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -------------  --------- 
 Revenue                                77,940     120,529     296,594    227,094            415    722,572 
 Cost of sales (pre-consolidation)    (80,221)    (70,305)   (221,739)  (177,255)            471  (549,049) 
 -----------------------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -------------  --------- 
 Consolidation adjustment                (159)       (175)       (277)        140            471          - 
 Cost of sales (post-consolidation)   (80,062)    (70,130)   (221,462)  (177,395)              -  (549,049) 
   Production cost 
    excluding depreciation            (62,340)    (46,874)   (109,005)  (127,217)              -  (345,436) 
   Depreciation in production 
    cost                              (17,446)    (20,256)   (110,632)   (47,907)              -  (196,241) 
   Other items                               -     (1,461)           -    (1,780)              -    (3,241) 
   Change in inventories                 (276)     (1,539)     (1,825)      (491)              -    (4,131) 
 -----------------------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -------------  --------- 
 Gross (loss)/profit                   (2,281)      50,224      74,855     49,839            886    173,523 
 -----------------------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -------------  --------- 
 Administrative expenses                     -           -           -          -       (51,283)   (51,283) 
 Exploration expenses                        -           -           -          -       (17,199)   (17,199) 
 Selling expenses                      (1,931)     (1,298)     (1,118)    (6,677)              -   (11,024) 
 Other income/(expenses), 
  net                                        -           -           -          -        (1,357)    (1,357) 
 -----------------------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -------------  --------- 
 Operating (loss)/profit 
  before net impairments               (4,212)      48,926      73,737     43,162       (68,953)     92,660 
 Impairment, net of 
  impairment reversals, 
  and write-off of 
  non-current assets                         -           -           -          -        (3,158)    (3,158) 
 Finance income                              -           -           -          -          5,927      5,927 
 Finance costs                               -           -           -          -       (26,095)   (26,095) 
 Foreign exchange 
  loss                                       -           -           -          -        (5,257)    (5,257) 
 -----------------------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -------------  --------- 
 Profit/(loss) from 
  continuing operations 
  before income tax                    (4,212)      48,926      73,737     43,162       (97,536)     64,077 
 Income tax                                  -           -           -          -       (10,196)   (10,196) 
 -----------------------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -------------  --------- 
 Profit/(loss) for 
  the year from continuing 
  operations                           (4,212)      48,926      73,737     43,162      (107,732)     53,881 
 -----------------------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -------------  --------- 

1 On a post exceptional basis.


Ore reserves and mineral resources estimates

Hochschild Mining plc reports its mineral resources and reserves estimates in accordance with the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves 2004 edition ("the JORC Code"). This establishes minimum standards, recommendations and guidelines for the public reporting of exploration results and mineral resources and reserves estimates. In doing so it emphasises the importance of principles of transparency, materiality and confidence. The information on ore reserves and mineral resources on pages 43 to 45 were prepared by or under the supervision of Competent Persons (as defined in the JORC Code). Competent Persons are required to have sufficient relevant experience and understanding of the style of mineralisation, types of deposits and mining methods in the area of activity for which they are qualified as a Competent Person under the JORC Code. The Competent Person must sign off their respective estimates of the original mineral resource and ore reserve statements for the various operations and consent to the inclusion of that information in this report, as well as the form and context in which it appears.

Hochschild Mining plc employs its own Competent Person who has audited all the estimates set out in this report. Hochschild Mining Group companies are subject to a comprehensive programme of audits which aim to provide assurance in respect of ore reserve and mineral resource estimates. These audits are conducted by Competent Persons provided by independent consultants. The frequency and depth of an audit depends on the risks and/or uncertainties associated with that particular ore reserve and mineral resource, the overall value thereof and the time that has lapsed since the previous independent third-party audit.

The JORC Code requires the use of reasonable economic assumptions. These include long-term commodity price forecasts (which, in the Group's case, are prepared by ex-house specialists largely using estimates of future supply and demand and long-term economic outlooks).

Ore reserve estimates are dynamic and are influenced by changing economic conditions, technical issues, environmental regulations and any other relevant new information and therefore these can vary from year-to-year. Mineral resource estimates can also change and tend to be influenced mostly by new information pertaining to the understanding of the deposit and secondly the conversion to ore reserves.

The estimates of ore reserves and mineral resources are shown as at 31 December 2017, unless otherwise stated. Mineral resources that are reported include those mineral resources that have been modified to produce ore reserves. All tonnage and grade information has been rounded to reflect the relative uncertainty in the estimates; there may therefore be small differences. The prices used for the reserves calculation were: Au Price: US$1,200 per ounce and Ag Price: US$16.5 per ounce.


                     and probable       Ag      Au      Ag      Au   Ag Eq 
Reserve category              (t)    (g/t)   (g/t)   (moz)   (koz)   (moz) 
-----------------   -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
-----------------   -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
-----------------   -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Proved                    318,092      395     1.2     4.0    11.8     4.9 
------------------  -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Probable                  539,625      335     1.1     5.8    18.4     7.2 
------------------  -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Total                     857,717      357     1.1     9.8    30.2    12.1 
------------------  -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
-----------------   -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Proved                  3,124,529      147     4.1    14.8   412.0    45.3 
------------------  -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Probable                1,564,684      214     5.0    10.8   249.5    29.2 
------------------  -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Total                   4,689,213      169     4.4    25.6   661.5    74.5 
------------------  -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
-----------------   -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Proved                    934,208      360     1.4    10.8    41.8    13.9 
------------------  -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Probable                  368,996      289     1.2     3.4    14.4     4.5 
------------------  -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Total                   1,303,204      340     1.3    14.3    56.3    18.4 
------------------  -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
San Jose 
-----------------   -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Proved                    495,980      490     7.0     7.8   111.5    16.1 
------------------  -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Probable                  221,327      384     6.7     2.7    48.0     6.3 
------------------  -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Total                     717,307      457     6.9    10.5   159.5    22.4 
------------------  -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
-----------------   -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Proved                  4,872,809      239     3.7    37.5   577.2    80.2 
------------------  -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Probable                2,694,631      262     3.8    22.7   330.3    47.2 
------------------  -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
TOTAL                   7,567,440      247     3.7    60.2   907.5   127.4 
------------------  -------------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 

Note: Where reserves are attributable to a joint venture partner, reserve figures reflect the Company's ownership only. Includes discounts for ore loss and dilution.

1 Operations were audited by P&E Consulting.



                                                               Ag                        Ag 
Resource            Tonnes     Ag     Au    Zn    Pb    Cu     Eq     Ag        Au       Eq     Zn    Pb     Cu 
 category              (t)  (g/t)  (g/t)   (%)   (%)   (%)  (g/t)  (moz)     (koz)    (moz)   (kt)  (kt)   (kt) 
------------   -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
------------   -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
------------   -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Measured         1,168,941    416   1.26     -     -     -    509   15.6      47.3     19.1      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Indicated        1,933,181    381   1.25     -     -     -    473   23.7      77.5     29.4      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Total            3,102,122    394   1.25     -     -     -    487   39.3     124.8     48.6      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Inferred         4,129,459    334   1.24     -     -     -    426   44.3     164.7     56.5      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
------------   -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Measured         3,023,358    178   4.93     -     -     -    542   17.3     479.1     52.7      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Indicated        1,797,660    253   5.55     -     -     -    664   14.6     321.0     38.4      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Total            4,821,018    206   5.16     -     -     -    588   31.9     800.2     91.1      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Inferred         2,964,567    128   3.28     -     -     -    370   12.2     312.5     35.3      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
------------   -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Measured         1,331,079    426   1.73     -     -     -    554   18.2      74.0     23.7      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Indicated          693,617    311   1.37     -     -     -    412    6.9      30.6      9.2      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Total            2,024,696    387   1.61     -     -     -    506   25.2     104.7     32.9      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Inferred         3,095,641    327   1.31     -     -     -    424   32.5     130.3     42.2      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
San Jose 
------------   -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Measured           805,579    583   8.37     -     -     -  1,202   15.1     216.7     31.1      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Indicated          844,078    427   6.76     -     -     -    927   11.6     183.5     25.2      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Total            1,649,657    503   7.55     -     -     -  1,061   26.7     400.2     56.3      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Inferred           446,885    360   6.68     -     -     -    854    5.2      96.0     12.3      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
------------   -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
------------   -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Measured         5,211,058     47   0.47     -     -     -     82    7.9      78.6     13.7      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Indicated       17,298,228     38   0.40     -     -     -     67   21.0     222.5     37.4      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Total           22,509,286     40   0.42     -     -     -     71   28.8     301.0     51.1      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Inferred           775,429     46   0.57     -     -     -     88    1.1      14.2      2.2      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
------------   -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Measured           190,602    244   0.77     -     -     -    301    1.5       4.7      1.8      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Indicated        6,858,594    187   0.77     -     -     -    243   41.2     168.8     53.7      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Total            7,049,196    188   0.77     -     -     -    245   42.7     173.5     55.5      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Inferred         6,946,341    170   0.89     -     -     -    236   37.9     199.5     52.7      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
------------   -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Measured       105,918,000      -  0.738     -     -     -     55      -   2,513.1    186.0      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Indicated      283,763,000      -  0.698     -     -     -     52      -   6,368.0    471.2      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Total          389,681,000      -  0.709     -     -     -     52      -   8,882.7    657.3      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Inferred        41,553,000      -  0.502     -     -     -     37      -     670.7     49.6      -     -      - 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
------------   -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Measured         1,393,716     69   0.02  7.12  3.10  0.39    315    3.1       0.9     14.1   99.3  43.1    5.5 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Indicated        1,354,261     82   0.06  6.14  2.73  0.31    295    3.6       2.4     12.9   83.2  37.0    4.2 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Total            2,747,977     76   0.04  6.64  2.92  0.35    305    6.7       3.3     27.0  182.4  80.1    9.7 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Inferred        13,445,001      8   0.30  0.58  0.21  1.22    160    3.4     128.6     69.0   77.8  28.5  163.6 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
------------   -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Measured       119,042,333     21   0.89  0.08  0.04  0.00     89   78.7   3,414.5    342.3   99.3  43.1    5.5 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Indicated      314,542,619     12   0.73  0.03  0.01  0.00     67  122.6   7,374.3    677.4   83.2  37.0    4.2 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Total          433,584,952     14   0.77  0.04  0.02  0.00     73  201.3  10,790.4  1,019.8  182.4  80.1    9.7 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 
Inferred        73,356,323     58   0.73  0.10  0.04  0.22    136  136.7   1,716.4    319.8   77.8  28.5  163.6 
-------------  -----------  -----  -----  ----  ----  ----  -----  -----  --------  -------  -----  ----  ----- 

1 Prices used for resources calculation: Au: $1,200/oz and Ag: $16.5/oz.

2 Includes the Jasperoide copper project and the San Felipe zinc/silver project. The silver equivalent grade (147 g/t Ag Eq) has being calculated applying the following ratios, Cu/Ag=96.38 and Au/Ag=60


Ag equivalent                     attributable  December  December 
 content (million                     December      2016      2017          Net 
 ounces)             Category             2017   Att.(1)   Att.(1)   difference  % change 
------------------   ---------   -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
Arcata                Resource             100%     104.2     105.1          0.9      0.9% 
-------------------   ----------  -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
  Reserve                                           17.7      12.1        (5.6)   (31.6%) 
  ----------                     -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
Inmaculada            Resource             100%     143.8     126.4       (17.4)   (12.1%) 
-------------------   ----------  -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
  Reserve                                           89.4      74.5       (14.9)   (16.7%) 
  ----------                     -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
Pallancata            Resource             100%      83.6      75.1        (8.5)   (10.2%) 
-------------------   ----------  -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
  Reserve                                           18.0      18.4          0.4      2.2% 
  ----------                     -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
San Jose              Resource              51%      73.5      68.6        (4.9)    (6.7%) 
-------------------   ----------  -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
  Reserve                                           29.4      22.4        (7.0)   (23.8%) 
  ----------                     -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
Crespo                Resource             100%      53.3      53.3            -         - 
-------------------   ----------  -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
                     Reserve                           -         -            -         - 
------------------   ---------   -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
Azuca                 Resource             100%     108.2     108.2            -         - 
-------------------   ----------  -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
                     Reserve                           -         -            -         - 
------------------   ---------   -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
Volcan                Resource             100%     706.9     706.9            -         - 
-------------------   ----------  -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
                     Reserve                           -         -            -         - 
------------------   ---------   -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
                     Reserve                           -         -            -         - 
------------------   ---------   -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
Other projects 
 total                Resource             100%      96.0      96.0            -         - 
-------------------   ----------  -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
                     Reserve                           -         -            -         - 
------------------   ---------   -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
Total                 Resource                    1,369.5   1,339.6       (29.9)    (2.2%) 
-------------------   ----------  -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 
  Reserve                                          154.5     127.4       (27.1)   (17.5%) 
  ----------  -----------------  -------------  --------  --------  -----------  -------- 

1 Attributable reserves and resources based on the Group's percentage ownership of its joint venture projects.


Company website

Hochschild Mining plc Interim and Annual Reports and results announcements are available via the internet on our website at www.hochschildmining.com. Shareholders can also access the latest information about the Company and press announcements as they are released, together with details of future events and how to obtain further information.


The Registrars can be contacted as follows for information about the AGM, shareholdings, and dividends and to report changes in personal details:


Link Asset Services, The Registry, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 4TU.


If calling from the UK: 0371 664 0300 (calls cost 12p per minute plus your phone company's access charge. Lines are open 9.00am-5.30pm Mon to Fri excluding public holidays in England and Wales).

If calling from overseas: +44 371 664 0300 (Calls charged at the applicable international rate).

Currency option and dividend mandate

Shareholders wishing to receive their dividend in US dollars should contact the Company's registrars to request a currency election form. This form should be completed and returned to the registrars 15 May 2018 in respect of the 2017 final dividend.

The Company's registrars can also arrange for the dividend to be paid directly into a shareholder's UK bank account. To take advantage of this facility in respect of the 2017 final dividend, a dividend mandate form, also available from the Company's registrars, should be completed and returned to the registrars by 15 May 2018. This arrangement is only available in respect of dividends paid in UK pounds sterling. Shareholders who have already completed one or both of these forms need take no further action.

Financial Calendar

 Dividend dates                                     2018 
-----------------------------------------------  ------- 
 Ex-dividend date                                 10 May 
 Record date                                      11 May 
 Deadline for return of currency election forms   15 May 
 Payment date                                     1 June 
-----------------------------------------------  ------- 

17 Cavendish Square



United Kingdom

[1]Revenue presented in the financial statements is disclosed as net revenue and is calculated as gross revenue less commercial discounts plus services revenue

(2) Adjusted EBITDA is calculated as profit from continuing operations before exceptional items, net finance costs, foreign exchange loss and income tax plus depreciation, and exploration expenses other than personnel and other exploration related fixed expenses and other non-cash (income)/expenses

[3]On a pre-exceptional basis

[4]All-in sustaining cost per (AISC) silver equivalent ounce: Calculated before exceptional items and includes cost of sales less depreciation in production cost and change in inventories, administrative expenses, brownfield exploration, operating and exploration capex and royalties (presented with income tax) divided by silver equivalent ounces produced, plus commercial deductions and selling expenses divided by silver equivalent ounces sold using a gold/silver ratio of 74:1

[5]All equivalent figures assume the average gold/silver ratio of 74:1

[6] All in-sustaining cost from operations

[7]$9.0-9.5 per silver equivalent ounce

[8]Excludes revenue from services

[9]Reconciliation of gross revenue by mine to Group net revenue

[10]Unit cost per tonne is calculated by dividing mine and treatment production costs (excluding depreciation) by extracted and treated tonnage respectively

[11]Cash costs are calculated to include cost of sales, treatment charges, and selling expenses before exceptional items less depreciation included in cost of sales

[12]Includes commercial discounts (from the sales of concentrate) and commercial discounts from the sale of dore

[13]Calculated using a gold silver ratio of 74:1

[14]Royalties arising from revised royalty tax schemes introduced in 2011 and included in income tax line

[15]Adjusted EBITDA has been presented before the effect of significant non-cash (income)/expenses related to changes in mine closure provisions and the write-off of property, plant and equipment

[16]Includes pre-shipment loans and short term interest payables

[17]Includes additions in property, plant and equipment and evaluation and exploration assets (confirmation of resources) and excludes increases in the expected closure costs of mine asset

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 21, 2018 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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