Foresight Solar Fund Limited: Unaudited Consolidated Interim Report and 
Financial Statements for the period 1 January 2017 to 30 June 2017 
   -- At 30 June 2017, the underlying portfolio, which is fully operational and 
      accredited, totalled 18 assets with an installed capacity of 470MW. A 
      substantial average size of over 26MW per solar installation means the 
      portfolio benefits from efficiencies of scale particularly in terms of 
      lower asset management costs and operating and maintenance charges. Total 
      revenues earned across the portfolio amounted to GBP23.28 million. During 
      the period the portfolio generated 223.5 GWh of clean energy, sufficient 
      to power approximately 67,716 UK homes 
   -- Two significant acquisitions, Shotwick and Sandridge, 72MW and 50MW 
      respectively, were completed by 30 June 2017. These acquisitions were 
      primarily funded using the Company's revolving credit facilities. 
   -- Having delivered the target dividend of 6.17 pence for the year ended 
      31 December 2016, the first 2017 interim dividend of 1.58 pence per share 
      will be paid on 25 August 2017. The Company is on track to pay the target 
      dividend of 6.32 pence per share for the year ended 31 December 2017. 
      Since IPO, all target dividends have been achieved. 
   -- The Net Asset Value ("NAV") increased to GBP432.8 million over period, 
      taking the NAV per Ordinary Share to 104.6 pence, an increase of 1.7% 
      since 31 December 2016 (102.9 pence).  The NAV has decreased slightly by 
      0.7% since the last reported NAV as at 31 March 2017 (105.3 pence), 
      primarily due to a reduction in short to medium term power price 
      forecasts. The discount rate has decreased by 0.25% to 7.25% to better 
      reflect market conditions and operational risk 
   -- A Placing Programme for 250 million new shares was launched earlier this 
      year. The first Placing under this Programme took place in March 2017 
      with the Company raising total gross proceeds of GBP78.5 million from new 
      and existing investors in an oversubscribed issuance. Since the Company's 
      IPO, this brings the total equity capital raised to GBP424.2 million. 
   -- While the UK market remains competitive, the Company continues to 
      successfully identify attractive opportunities to add to its portfolio. 
   -- The Company is currently actively looking to acquire solar projects in 
      selected markets outside of the UK, with stable economies and regulatory 
      regimes, where attractive returns can be achieved in line with the 
      current risk profile and investment policy 
   Dividend Timetable 
Dividend Timetable  Date 
Ex-dividend Date    10 August 2017 
Record Date         11 August 2017 
Payment Date        25 August 2017 
   Key Metrics 
                                          As at 30 June 2017 
Market Capitalisation                      GBP465.0 million 
Share Price                                  112.38 pence 
Total Dividend per Share for the period       1.58 pence 
Gross Asset Value                         GBP625.3 million* 
Net Asset Value                            GBP432.8 million 
NAV per Share                                104.6 pence 
NAV Change per Share                          1.7 pence 
Total Return (NAV)                             6.97%** 
Total Shareholder Return                       8.35%*** 
Equity Discount Rate                                   7.25% 
Profit after Tax                             GBP11.5 million 
Number of Shares with Voting Rights              413,801,536 
   * Of Company and its subsidiaries 
   ** Annualised from IPO on 29 October 2013 and calculated in line with 
AIC methodology, which does not include dividends approved but not paid. 
   *** Annualised from IPO on 29 October 2013 
   Commenting on today's results, Alex Ohlsson, Chairman of Foresight Solar 
Fund Limited said: 
   "During the first half of 2017, the Company made two significant 
purchases; the first being the 72MW acquisition of Shotwick and second 
the 50MW acquisition of Sandridge, resulting in a total installed 
capacity of 470MW. 
   As the solar industry becomes increasingly competitive, acquiring assets 
at attractive prices is becoming more challenging. However, Foresight 
Solar Fund Limited continues to make asset purchases at attractive 
valuations and sees significant opportunities in the UK secondary solar 
market as well as other developed overseas countries with stable 
   The Company continues to be supported by existing and new shareholders, 
as evidenced by the oversubscribed share placing earlier this year. This 
signals investor support for the stable income flows generated by the 
portfolio. The majority of the capital raised was used to repay the 
short term credit facilities and the remainder will be used to support 
growth. The Company will continue capital raising while there is 
investor demand for infrastructure assets. 
   The Company has achieved all target dividends to date and is on track to 
deliver a 6.32 pence dividend for the year ended 31 December 2017." 
   A conference call for analysts will be held at 9:00am on Wednesday 16 
August 2017. 
   To register, please contact Shabnam Bashir at Citigate Dewe Rogerson by 
email Shabnam.Bashir@citigatedr.co.uk or by phone +44 (0) 20 7282 2822 
   A presentation will be provided separately before the call. 
   A copy of the Report can be found on the Fund's website 
For further information, please contact: 
 Foresight Group 
  Romy Abrahams RAbrahams@ForesightGroup.eu     +44 (0)20 3763 6956 
Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited                  +44 (0)20 7710 7600 
Mark Bloomfield 
 Neil Winward 
 Tunga Chigovanyika 
 J.P. Morgan Cazenove 
 William Simmonds                               +44 (0)20 7742 4000 
   Notes to Editors 
   About Foresight Solar Fund Limited ("The Company" or "FSFL") 
   FSFL is a Jersey-registered closed-end investment company. The Company 
invests in ground based UK solar power assets to achieve its objective 
of providing Shareholders with a sustainable and increasing dividend 
with the potential for capital growth over the long-term. Having raised 
GBP150 million at IPO in October 2013, FSFL has since raised a further 
GBP274.2 million from institutional investors and private investors. 
   About Foresight Group 
   Foresight is a leading independent infrastructure and private equity 
investment manager which has been managing investment funds on behalf of 
institutions and retail clients for more than 30 years. 
   Foresight has GBP2.7 billion of Assets under Management across a number 
of funds, including Listed Vehicles, Limited Partnerships, Enterprise 
Investment Schemes (EISs) and Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs). 
   Foresight is the second largest solar asset manager in the UK with over 
780MW of installed capacity. In total, the team manages c. GBP1.6 
billion invested in over 85 operating solar plants totalling over 900MW 
of existing operational capacity across the UK, Italy, Australia and the 
   Foresight Group is headquartered in London, with international offices 
in Rome, San Francisco and Sydney and regional UK offices in Nottingham, 
Manchester and Guernsey. 
   Foresight Solar Fund Limited: Unaudited Consolidated Interim Report and 
Financial Statements for the period 1 January 2017 to 30 June 2017 
   Financial Highlights as at 30 June 2017 
                                      As at 30 June 2017 
Market Capitalisation                  GBP465.0 million 
Share Price                              112.38 pence 
Dividend per Share for the period         1.58 pence 
Gross Asset Value                     GBP625.3 million* 
Net Asset Value                        GBP432.8 million 
NAV per Share                            104.6 pence 
NAV Change per Share                      1.7 pence 
Total Return (NAV)                         6.97%** 
Total Shareholder Return                   8.35%*** 
Equity Discount Rate                               7.25% 
Profit after Tax                         GBP11.5 million 
Number of Shares with Voting Rights          413,801,536 
   * Of Company and its subsidiaries 
   ** Annualised from IPO on 29 October 2013 and calculated in line with 
AIC methodology, which does not include dividends approved but not paid. 
   *** Annualised from IPO on 29 October 2013 
   -- At 30 June 2017, the underlying portfolio, which is fully operational and 
      accredited, totalled 18 assets with an installed capacity of 470MW. A 
      substantial average size of over 26MW per solar installation means the 
      portfolio benefits from efficiencies of scale particularly in terms of 
      lower asset management costs and operating and maintenance charges. Total 
      revenues earned across the portfolio amounted to GBP23.28 million. During 
      the period the portfolio generated 223.5 GWh of clean energy, sufficient 
      to power approximately 67,716 UK homesTwo significant acquisitions, 
      Shotwick and Sandridge, 72MW and 50MW respectively, were completed by 30 
      June 2017. These acquisitions were primarily funded using the Company's 
      revolving credit facilities. 
   -- Having delivered the target dividend of 6.17 pence for the year ended 
      31 December 2016, the first 2017 interim dividend of 1.58 pence per share 
      will be paid on 25 August 2017. The Company is on track to pay the target 
      dividend of 6.32 pence per share for the year ended 31 December 2017. 
      Since IPO, all target dividends have been achieved. 
   -- The Net Asset Value ("NAV") increased to GBP432.8 million over period, 
      taking the NAV per Ordinary Share to 104.6 pence, an increase of 1.7% 
      since 31 December 2016 (102.9 pence).  The NAV has decreased slightly by 
      0.7% since the last reported NAV as at 31 March 2017 (105.3 pence), 
      primarily due to a reduction in short to medium term power price 
      forecasts. The discount rate has decreased by 0.25% to 7.25% to better 
      reflect market conditions and operational risk. 
   -- A Placing Programme for 250 million new shares was launched earlier this 
      year. The first Placing under this Programme took place in March 2017 
      with the Company raising total gross proceeds of GBP78.5 million from new 
      and existing investors in an oversubscribed issuance. Since the Company's 
      IPO, this brings the total equity capital raised to GBP424.2 million. 
   -- While the UK market remains competitive, the Company continues to 
      successfully identify attractive opportunities to add to its portfolio. 
   -- The Company is currently actively looking to acquire solar projects in 
      selected markets outside of the UK, with stable economies and regulatory 
      regimes, where attractive returns can be achieved in line with the 
      current risk profile and investment policy. 
   Chairman's Statement 
   Alexander Ohlsson 
   During the first half of 2017, the Company made two significant 
purchases; the first being the 72MW acquisition of Shotwick and second 
the 50MW acquisition of Sandridge, resulting in a total installed 
capacity of 470MW. 
   As the solar industry becomes increasingly competitive, acquiring assets 
at attractive prices is becoming more challenging. However, Foresight 
Solar Fund Limited continues to make asset purchases at attractive 
valuations and sees significant opportunities in the UK secondary solar 
market as well as other developed overseas countries with stable 
   The Company continues to be supported by existing and new shareholders, 
as evidenced by the oversubscribed share placing earlier this year. This 
signals investor support for the stable income flows generated by the 
portfolio. The majority of the capital raised was used to repay the 
short term credit facilities and the remainder will be used to support 
growth. The Company will continue capital raising while there is 
investor demand for infrastructure assets. 
   The Company has achieved all target dividends to date and is on track to 
deliver a 6.32 pence dividend for the year ended 31 December 2017. 
   Alexander Ohlsson, Chairman 
   On behalf of the Board, I am pleased to present the Unaudited Interim 
Financial Statements for Foresight Solar Fund Limited (the "Company") 
for the six months ended 30 June 2017. 
   During the period, the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share increased by 
1.7 pence from 102.9 pence as at 31 December 2016 to 104.6 pence as at 
30 June 2017. The increase in net asset value is detailed in the 
Investment Management report and was primarily driven by the 
acquisitions of Shotwick and Sandridge. The Profit after Tax for the 
period was GBP11.5 million resulting in Earnings per Share of 3.04 
   At the period end and following the acquisitions of Shotwick and 
Sandridge, the fully operational and accredited portfolio totalled 18 
assets across the UK with an installed capacity of 470MW. 
   Dividend and Dividend Growth 
   In keeping with the Company's Prospectuses, subject to market conditions 
and Company performance, it is the Directors' intention to pay a 
sustainable and inflation-linked level of dividend income to 
Shareholders. The Company continues to achieve its dividend objectives 
and has paid all target dividends since IPO. The Company remains on 
track to deliver the targeted inflation-linked dividend of 6.32 pence 
for the year ending 31 December 2017, to be paid in four equal quarterly 
distributions. (2016: 6.17 pence). 
   Operational Performance 
   As described more fully in the Asset Manager's Report, the production of 
the underlying portfolio during the period was 8% below expectations, 
mainly attributable to specific and isolated operational issues. The 
issues identified early on by the Asset Manager are currently being 
rectified and are not expected to impact the long term performance of 
the assets. When the portfolio production is adjusted for compensation 
received as set out in the Asset Manager's report, the performance is 
1.9% below expectations against irradiance variance of minus 1.4%. The 
intervention by the Asset Manager was successful in minimising further 
impact. The technical expertise and proactive negotiations of the Asset 
Manager have also been instrumental in driving discussions with EPC 
contractors resulting in satisfactory outcomes with regard to other 
technical issues. 
   Specific events for which compensation will not be paid include external 
grid outages as well as material rectification works being undertaken on 
certain sites. These latter works have impacted availability during the 
period, but lost revenues have already been made up from the work 
undertaken and further benefits will accrue from the longer term 
performance of the assets. The works have been funded by EPC 
   Capital Raising and Financing 
   In the first half of 2017, the Company took advantage of strong market 
demand and raised total additional equity capital of GBP78.5 million, 
exceeding the GBP50 million initial target. This brings the total funds 
raised in the last 12 months to GBP139.3 million. A total of 72,850,624 
shares were issued by the Company in March 2017 under the Company's new 
250 million share Placing Programme, with a balance of 177,149,376 
shares available to be placed by 2 March 2018. Future issuances under 
the Placing Programme will be subject to the Company identifying and 
acquiring new solar assets. 
   In February 2017, a new short-term revolving credit facility of GBP55 
million was agreed with Santander Global Corporate Banking at attractive 
terms. This facility was primarily used to fund the acquisition of 
Sandridge and repaid using the proceeds from the March Placing. 
   Portfolio Development 
   As a result of its successful capital raising activities, the Company is 
well-placed to selectively pursue further acquisitions. During the 
period, the Investment Manager evaluated over 700MW of solar assets from 
primary and secondary vendors in the UK, demonstrating the availability 
of assets in the market. The purchase of Sandridge and Shotwick was in 
line with the Company's cautious growth strategy, minimising the impact 
of cash drag for investors and demonstrating that NAV accretive 
opportunities exist in the secondary market and continue to be sourced 
by the Company. 
   Following the period end, the Company acquired a 1.2 ROC 5MW operational 
project known as Wally Corner in Berinsfield, South Oxfordshire. This 
acquisition was funded using the Company's existing short-term revolving 
credit facility. 
   Solar Market Outlook 
   While there remains political uncertainty following the UK's decision in 
June 2016 to withdraw from the European Union ('Brexit') and the recent 
snap election, which resulted in a hung parliament, current indications 
suggest that the UK Government remains committed to a carbon reduction 
agenda. On 24 July 2017, as part of the Industrial Strategy, the 
Business and Energy Secretary, Greg Clark, announced a plan to give UK 
homes and businesses more control over their energy use and support 
innovative new technologies. It is expected that this initiative will 
maximise the use of renewable energy such as solar, while potentially 
saving consumers up to GBP40 billion by 2020. A ban on the sale of new 
petrol and diesel fuelled vehicles by 2040 has also been announced; 
these will predominantly be replaced with electric cars. 
   There is now c.12GW of solar capacity in Great Britain with over 8GW of 
ground mounted solar. The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial 
Strategy ("BEIS") reported that at the end of 2016 energy from 
renewables represented 24.4% of all electricity generation in the UK, 
with solar PV representing c.12.4% of renewable generation in 2016. On 
Friday 28 May 2017, the UK saw a new record for solar power generation, 
when a quarter of the nation's electricity mix in one afternoon was 
derived from solar generation. The UK produced more electricity from 
solar than nuclear and coal power combined. 
   The end of March 2017 saw the closure of the Renewable Obligation scheme 
to new solar projects, and as a result no new solar projects will 
receive Renewable Obligation Certificates ("ROC") for energy generated. 
ROCs have been replaced by the Contract for Difference ("CfD") subsidy 
regime, however solar technology is currently not eligible for CfD 
allocation. Although the lack of regulatory support for large scale 
solar projects has reduced the availability of primary market solar 
assets, the Company continues to see significant opportunities available 
in the secondary market. The Investment Manager expects that between 1 
and 2GW of projects will be sold in the secondary market in the coming 
12-18 months. Post the approvals received at the General Meeting in 
March 2017, the Company can now acquire assets with debt at asset level 
which has provided greater flexibility and wider opportunities. 
   The Company is able to invest up to 25 percent of Gross Asset Value* 
("GAV") in other jurisdictions, including Australia, the USA and other 
European countries. The Investment Manager feels that this international 
strategy offers considerable scope for value-accretive growth. As costs 
fall, the deployment of solar power in other developed markets continues 
to grow at a rapid pace with Bloomberg New Energy Finance predicting 
global solar capacity will reach 92GW in 2018. Investing in solar 
projects, however, remains a relatively niche activity in many countries 
creating attractive risk/return investment opportunities for an 
experienced investor such as Foresight Solar Fund Limited. The Board 
believes that the Company is well-positioned to benefit from the 
Investment Manager's existing knowledge and access to pipeline in 
markets such as Australia and USA. While investors will not be exposed 
to significantly different risk profiles compared to UK assets, the 
acquisitions will be priced taking into account the cost of managing and 
mitigating currency risk, using hedging strategies where appropriate. 
Any overseas acquisitions will be in line with the Company's investment 
policy and returns are expected to be in line with those of current UK 
assets. *GAV including Company and Subsidiaries 
   The Investment Manager is actively reviewing a pipeline of more than 
500MW of potential investments in the UK and other international markets, 
but it will maintain a prudent approach to new acquisitions, making its 
investment decisions based on NAV accretive projects within the remit of 
the Company investment mandate. 
   The Investment Manager's fundraising strategy is also planned so as to 
capitalise on the availability of assets and minimise investor cash 
drag. The Company continues to be supported by existing and new 
shareholders, illustrated through the oversubscribed equity issuance 
earlier this year, evidencing strong investor support for the stable 
income flows generated by the portfolio. The majority of the capital 
raised was used to repay the short term credit facilities and the 
remainder will be used to support growth. The Company will continue 
raising capital through a combination of equity and debt, particularly 
while the current low interest rate environment prevails and investor 
sentiment remains positive for solar infrastructure assets. 
   Alexander Ohlsson 
   15 August 2017 
   Corporate Summary and Investment Objective 
   Foresight Solar Fund Limited invests in a portfolio of predominantly UK 
ground-based solar PV assets with the aim of achieving its objective of 
providing Shareholders with a sustainable and increasing dividend with 
the potential for capital growth over the long term. 
   The Company's Initial Public Offering on 24 October 2013 raised GBP150 
million, creating the largest dedicated solar investment company listed 
in the UK at the time. Gross proceeds of GBP134.9 million were raised 
under a subsequent 12 month placing programme initiated in September 
2014. In September 2016, GBP28.9 million was raised through the 
oversubscribed reissue of Shares out of Treasury and in October 2016 a 
further GBP31.9 million was raised through a tap issue, which was also 
oversubscribed. In March 2017 the Company announced a new Placing 
Programme relating to the issue of up to 250 million new ordinary shares 
in aggregate over a 12 month period. An oversubscribed Initial Placing 
raised GBP78.5 million on 29 March 2017. To date, the Company has raised 
a total of GBP424.2 million through equity issuance. 
   The Company had a market capitalisation at the end of the period of 
GBP465.0 million and owns a portfolio of 18 large scale, ground based 
solar power plants across the UK with a total installed capacity of 
   Foresight Solar Fund Limited ("the Company") is a closed-ended company 
with an indefinite life and was incorporated in Jersey under the 
Companies (Jersey) Law 1991, as amended, on 13 August 2013, with 
registration number 113721. 
   The Company has 413,801,536 Ordinary Shares in issue which are listed on 
the premium segment of the Official List and traded on the London Stock 
Exchange's Main Market. 
   The Company makes its investments through intermediate holding companies 
and underlying Project Vehicles/Special Purpose Vehicles ("SPVs") which 
are ultimately wholly-owned by the Company. 
   The Company's objective is to provide investors with a sustainable and 
inflation-linked quarterly dividend and to aim to preserve and where 
possible enhance capital value, through the reinvestment of excess cash 
flows, not required for the payment of dividends, in a diversified 
portfolio of predominantly UK ground-based solar PV assets. 
   The Company will pursue its investment objective by acquiring 
ground-based, operational solar power plants predominantly in the UK. 
Investments outside the UK and assets which are still, when acquired, 
under construction will be limited to 25 percent of the Gross Asset 
Value of the Company and subsidiaries, calculated at the time of 
   The Company will seek to acquire majority or minority stakes in 
individual ground-based solar assets. When investing in a stake of less 
than 100 per cent in a solar power plant SPV, the Company will secure 
its shareholder rights through shareholders' agreements and other legal 
transaction documents. 
   Power purchase agreements ("PPAs") will be entered into between each of 
the individual solar power plant SPVs in its portfolio and creditworthy 
offtakers in the UK. Under the PPAs, the SPVs will sell solar generated 
electricity and green benefits to the designated offtaker. The Company 
may retain exposure to UK power prices through PPAs that avoid 
mechanisms such as fixed prices or price floors. 
   Investment may be made in equity or debt or intermediate instruments but 
not in any instruments traded on any investment exchange. 
   The Company is permitted to invest cash held for working capital 
purposes and awaiting investment in cash deposits, gilts and money 
market funds. 
   In order to spread risk and diversify its portfolio, at the time of 
investment no single asset shall exceed in value (or, if it is an 
additional stake in an existing investment, the combined value of both 
the existing stake and the additional stake acquired) 30 percent of the 
Company's Gross Asset Value post-acquisition. The Gross Asset Value of 
the Company will be calculated based on the last published gross 
investment valuation of the Company's portfolio, including cash, plus 
acquisitions made since the date of such valuation at their cost of 
acquisition. The Company's portfolio will provide diversified exposure 
through the inclusion of not less than five individual solar power 
plants and the Company will also seek to diversify risk by ensuring that 
a significant proportion of its expected income stream is derived from 
regulatory support, (which will consist of for example, without 
limitation ROCs and FiTs for UK assets). Diversification will also be 
achieved by the Company using a number of different third party 
providers such as developers, EPC contractors, O&M contractors, panel 
manufacturers, landlords and distribution network operators. 
   The Articles provide that gearing, calculated as Group borrowings 
(including any asset level gearing) as a percentage of the Company's 
Gross Asset Value will not exceed 50 percent at the time of drawdown. It 
is the Board's current intention that long-term gearing (including 
long-term, asset level gearing), calculated as Group borrowings 
(excluding intra-group borrowings (i.e. borrowings between members of 
the Group) and  revolving credit facilities) as a percentage of the 
Company's Gross Asset Value will not exceed 40 percent  at the time of 
   Any material change to the investment policy will require the prior 
approval of Shareholders by way of an ordinary resolution (for so long 
as the Ordinary Shares are listed on the Official List) in accordance 
with the Listing Rules. 
   The Company's Shareholders include a substantial number of blue-chip 
institutional investors. 
   Shareholders in the Company with more than a 5% holding as at 30 June 
2017 are as follows: 
Investor                                  % Shareholding in Fund 
Blackrock Investment Management Limited                   12.79% 
Newton Investment Management Limited                        9.3% 
Schroders Plc                                              7.91% 
Legal & General Investment Mgmt. Ltd                       7.17% 
Rathbone Investment Management Limited                     5.42% 
Total                                                     42.59% 
   The AIFMD, which was implemented across the EU on 22 July 2013 with the 
transition period ending 22 July 2014, aims to harmonise the regulation 
of Alternative Investment Fund Managers ("AIFMs") and imposes 
obligations on managers who manage or distribute Alternative Investment 
Funds ("AIFs") in the EU or who market shares in such funds to EU 
investors. Under the AIFMD, the Company is self-managed and acts as its 
own Capitalised Alternative Investment Fund Manager. 
   Both the Company and the Investment Manager are located outside the 
European Economic Area ("EEA") but the Company's marketing activities in 
the UK are subject to regulation under the AIFMD. 
   The Investment Manager 
   The Company's Investment Manager is Foresight Group CI Limited 
("Foresight Group CI"), which is responsible for the development and 
management of the assets of the Company including the sourcing and 
acquisition of future ground-based solar power plants predominantly 
located in the UK, advising on the Group's borrowing strategy, the sale 
of the electricity and the administering of green benefits. The 
Investment Manager is a Guernsey registered company, incorporated under 
the Guernsey Law with registered number 51471. The Investment Manager is 
licensed and regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission. 
   Foresight, defined here as Foresight Group CI and its subsidiaries, is a 
privately-owned infrastructure and private equity Investment Manager, 
managing assets of c. GBP2.7 billion, raised from pension funds and 
other institutional investors, UK and international private and high net 
worth individuals and family offices. Founded in 1984, in total 
Foresight manages 27 funds on behalf of institutional and retail 
investors including three venture capital trusts which are listed on the 
premium segment of the Official List and are admitted to trading on the 
Main Market. Headquartered in The Shard, London, with further offices in 
Guernsey, Nottingham, Manchester, Rome, San Francisco and Sydney, 
Foresight has over 190 staff. 
   Foresight established its solar investment team in 2007 and launched its 
first solar fund, Foresight European Solar Fund, in early 2008. 
Foresight Solar VCT plc was launched in November 2010 and the Group has 
since raised over GBP200 million for solar-focused Enterprise Investment 
Schemes. In 2013, Foresight-managed funds issued the largest UK solar 
index linked bond at that date. 
   Foresight is the second largest solar asset manager in the UK with over 
780MW of installed capacity. In total, the team manages c. GBP1.6 
billion invested in over 85 operating solar plants totalling over 900MW 
of existing operational capacity across the UK, Italy, Australia and the 
USA. In February 2017, Foresight Group announced the acquisition of the 
25MW Barcaldine Remote Community Solar Farm in Queensland, Australia to 
bring its first Australian solar project under management. In July 2017, 
Foresight made its first investment in an unsubsidised solar farm of 7.2 
MW purchase in Portugal. This project represents the first investment in 
a utility scale solar asset which does not benefit from any government 
subsidy and is the first part of a larger unsubsidised solar portfolio 
acquisition plan Foresight is implementing across Southern Europe. 
   In June 2017, Foresight Group also made its first battery storage 
investment, acquiring the 35MW Port of Tyne project in the North East of 
England. This investment consolidates Foresight's position as a leader 
in not only renewable energy generation and also the flexible grid 
infrastructure required to accommodate increasing penetration of 
renewables, such as energy storage. 
   The Group's dedicated multinational infrastructure team consists of an 
Investment Team of 36 investment professionals and an Asset Management 
Team of 31 specialist portfolio accountants, in-house legal personnel 
and specialised engineers. The team possesses a comprehensive suite of 
capabilities, from investment origination and execution, including 
sourcing and structuring transactions, to ongoing active asset 
management within the specialist sector of energy infrastructure. 
   The team is supported by an extensive back office team comprising of 
finance, investor relations, sales, marketing, HR and administration. 
   The Company's Investment Management team is led by four experienced 
UK-based fund managers and is responsible for new asset acquisitions, 
pipeline development, value enhancement of the Company and also advises 
the Board on the optimal borrowing strategy of the Company. The 
management team is supported by a team of UK-based solar investment 
analysts with additional resource obtained from Foresight's US, Italian 
and Australian investment teams. Foresight is overseen by an Executive 
Committee of which Jamie Richards and Gary Fraser are members. 
Foresight's Executive Committee provides strategic investment advice to 
the management team and the Board. 
   The Asset Manager 
   The underlying investments have appointed Foresight Group LLP, a 
subsidiary of Foresight Group CI, to act as Asset Manager. The Asset 
Manager is responsible for the management of the operating assets 
including relationships with contractors, asset performance, portfolio 
optimisation and commercial negotiations during the operating phase. 
Foresight Group LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct 
Authority. It is overseen by an experienced and majority independent 
   The Company's Asset Management team is led by a Director, responsible 
for the financial and commercial operations of the assets, and a 
Technical Director with over 12 years of European solar experience who 
supervises the operational management of the Company's portfolio on a 
day to day basis. 
   Foresight has developed a leading, in-house solar asset management team 
through the active management of a large portfolio of operational and 
construction stage assets. The team incorporates portfolio managers, 
electrical engineers, legal assistants and accountants and is further 
enhanced by an outsourced back office support function which provides 
back office and administrative functions such as invoicing and financial 
reporting for each solar power plant. 
   Foresight's experience in asset optimisation has been attained through 
continual emphasis on operational efficiencies achieved through the 
consolidation of costs across O&M activities and insurances, negotiating 
attractive offtake pricing and ongoing equipment improvements. 
   Being an early entrant into the solar market, Foresight has a wealth of 
experience in the sector and has been able to develop its own 
centralised monitoring system so that all sites can be remotely 
monitored in real time. This sophisticated asset management database 
forms the basis of all performance analysis and reporting as well as 
enabling the enforcement of contractual compliance. This a powerful tool 
for being able to assess the performance of the portfolio of sites on a 
continuous basis and ensures that all information is consistent, 
accurate and relevant. It also allows Foresight's engineers to identify 
and notify onsite contractors of incidents quickly and work with them in 
order to minimise the impact on portfolio production. Foresight also 
oversees each of the O&M contractors' performance, incident control and 
technical reporting in order to ensure that each solar power plant is 
operated and managed so as to maximise profits and reduce operating 
   Portfolio Assets 
                                                      Peak     Connection   Acquisition               Original     Fair 
 Asset            Location         Status     ROCs  Capacity      Date          Date       Ownership   Cost(2)     Value 
                                    and       2.0      32                  November 2013 
Wymeswold(1)   Leicestershire    accredited    1.4      2      March 2013    March 2015      100%     GBP45.0m   GBP50.0m 
Castle Eaton      Wiltshire      accredited    1.6         18  March 2014       June 2014       100%   GBP22.6m   GBP21.3m 
Highfields          Essex        accredited    1.6         12  March 2014       June 2014       100%   GBP15.4m   GBP14.6m 
High Penn         Wiltshire      accredited    1.6         10  March 2014       June 2014       100%   GBP12.7m   GBP11.7m 
Pitworthy        North Devon     accredited    1.4         16  March 2014       June 2014       100%   GBP19.3m   GBP17.8m 
Hunters Race     West Sussex     accredited    1.4         11   July 2014  September 2014       100%   GBP13.3m   GBP13.4m 
Spriggs Farm        Essex        accredited    1.6         12  March 2014   November 2014       100%   GBP14.6m   GBP14.6m 
                                     and                        September 
Bournemouth        Dorset        accredited    1.4         37        2014   December 2014       100%   GBP47.9m   GBP50.1m 
                                     and                         December 
Landmead         Oxfordshire     accredited    1.4         46        2014   December 2014       100%   GBP52.4m   GBP52.6m 
                                     and                        September 
Kencot           Oxfordshire     accredited    1.4         37        2014      March 2015       100%   GBP49.5m   GBP48.4m 
                                     and                         December 
Copley          Lincolnshire     accredited    1.3         30        2015       June 2015       100%   GBP32.7m   GBP37.5m 
                                     and                                        July 2015 
Atherstone      Warwickshire     accredited    1.4         15  March 2015   November 2016       100%   GBP16.2m   GBP16.3m 
                                     and                                        July 2015 
Paddock Wood        Kent         accredited    1.4          9  March 2015   November 2016       100%   GBP10.7m   GBP11.4m 
                                     and                                        July 2015 
Southam         Warwickshire     accredited    1.4         10  March 2015   November 2016       100%   GBP11.1m   GBP11.7m 
Port Farm         Wiltshire      accredited    1.4         35  March 2015     August 2015       100%   GBP44.5m   GBP44.8m 
Membury           Berkshire      accredited    1.4         16  March 2015  September 2015       100%   GBP22.2m   GBP21.6m 
Shotwick         Flintshire      accredited    1.3         72  March 2016   February 2017       100%   GBP75.5m   GBP86.6m 
Sandridge         Wiltshire      accredited    1.3         50  March 2016   February 2017       100%   GBP57.3m   GBP58.3m 
Total Portfolio                                        470                                            GBP562.9m  GBP582.7m 
   1              The 1.4 ROC banding and March 2015 acquisition date refer 
to the 2.3MW Wymeswold extension finalised in March 2015. 
   2              Original cost at time of acquisition, including 
transaction costs. 
   Investment Manager's Report 
   For the period ended 30 June 2017 
                                                As at              As at 
                                             30 June 2017     31 December 2016 
Market Capitalisation                     GBP465.0 million   GBP354.9 million 
Share Price                                 112.38 pence       104.10 pence 
Total Dividend per Share for the period      1.58 pence         6.17 pence 
Gross Asset Value                         GBP625.3 million*  GBP549.0 million* 
Net Asset Value                           GBP432.8 million   GBP350.8 million 
NAV per Share                                104.6 pence        102.9 pence 
NAV Change per Share                          1.7 pence          3.9 pence 
Total Return (NAV)                                    6.97%              7.04% 
Total Shareholder Return since IPO                    8.35%              6.58% 
Equity Discount Rate                                  7.25%               7.5% 
Profit after Tax                           GBP11.5 million    GBP30.7 million 
   * of Company and its subsidiaries 
   At the period end, the Company's portfolio consisted of 18 solar 
installations across England and Wales with a total generating capacity 
of 470MW. The portfolio's average size of over 26MW per solar 
installation means the Company benefits from efficiencies of scale 
particularly in terms of lower asset management costs and operating and 
maintenance charges. 
   Assets have been selected to ensure diversification by geography, while 
aiming to maximise exposure to regions with favourable irradiation 
patterns. The portfolio is also diversified by technology and 
counterparties in order to minimise risk. The individual selection of 
solar assets also takes into account pricing, driven by the aim of 
achieving portfolio growth but not at the expense of securing good value 
for investors. 
   To minimise exposure to construction risk, 17 of the 18 assets within 
the portfolio were operational when acquired, thus maintaining the 
Company's low risk strategy when making acquisitions. 
   In February 2017, the Company completed two significant solar site 
acquisitions, the first being Shotwick solar park in Flintshire, North 
Wales (72MW) ("Shotwick"), and the second Sandridge solar park located 
in Wiltshire (50MW) ("Sandridge"). Shotwick solar farm is the largest 
operational solar asset in the UK and is the biggest acquisition made by 
the Company to date. 
   Shotwick was connected to the grid in March 2016 and has received ROC 
accreditation of 1.3ROCs/MWh. The Company acquired the economic benefit 
of all project cash flows from Shotwick since 1 December 2016. 
   Through a 25-year private wire agreement Shotwick provides renewable 
electricity to the neighbouring Shotton paper mill owned by UPM, a 
Finnish conglomerate with a market cap of EUR11.87 billion. The project 
benefits from a shared grid connection and private wire agreement which 
means the project can sell electricity directly to the paper mill but 
can also export to the national grid. The private wire agreement created 
the opportunity to enter a corporate PPA with UPM, allowing the Company 
to obtain power prices materially above traditional utility PPAs 
available in the market. The overall arrangement is attractive for both 
the solar park and UPM as a major local employer, delivering long-term 
environmental and economic benefits to the local community. The project 
also sets a unique precedent for solar energy suppliers working with 
energy intensive industry, and can be seen as part of a wider shift 
towards corporates sourcing renewable electricity to better manage 
ongoing energy costs and lower carbon emissions. The park enables the 
business to run on up to 100% green energy during daylight hours and to 
save up to 22,500 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year. 
   Sandridge, the second largest asset acquired during the period, was 
connected to the National Grid in March 2016 and has received ROC 
accreditation of 1.3ROCs/MWh. The Company acquired the economic benefit 
of all project cash flows since 1 January 2017. Sandridge was acquired 
from Goldbeck, a developer the Investment Manager has worked with before 
on previous deals. Established relationships such as this allows the 
Company to gain access to high quality assets at attractive valuations. 
   The acquisition of Sandridge was primarily funded via the new GBP55m 
revolving credit facility, announced on 23 February 2017, provided by 
Santander Global Corporate Banking at competitive rates. 
   These large acquisitions reflect the prudent investment strategy and 
preferred approach of acquiring assets that will be accretive in value 
to Shareholders and also offer economies of scale. 
   More than 1GW of potential asset acquisitions were evaluated by the 
Investment Manager during the first half year period in 2017. Of these, 
750MW were considered appropriate for the Company, of which 148MW were 
progressed to exclusivity and ultimately 122MW of additional installed 
capacity acquired during the period. 
   On 21 July 2017, the Company acquired a 5MW operational project known as 
Wally Corner in Berinsfield, South Oxfordshire. The asset was acquired 
from Ethical Power, a contractor the Investment Manager has worked with 
in the past. This acquisition was funded using the short-term revolving 
credit facility and will receive 1.2 ROC accreditation. 
   This now brings the total operational portfolio size to 475MW. 
   The past six months have seen new records being set for the level of 
solar production as well as in relation to the wider energy mix with 
historic lows for coal generation. According to the National Grid, 
Friday 21 April 2017 was the first working day without coal power since 
the Industrial Revolution. 
   The UK's total solar capacity has continued to grow even after the 
closure of the Renewable Obligation scheme, which closed to new solar 
projects at the end of March 2017. The ROC deadline led to many 
acquisitions and installations and while there is often a lag in the 
official statistics until all newly commissioned projects have been 
accredited which can take some months, there is now c.12GW of solar 
capacity in Great Britain with over 8GW in ground mounted solar. 
   Following the significant reduction of the Feed in Tariff for large 
scale solar and the lack of visibility of future CfD auctions, it is 
expected that there will be very limited new solar capacity added in the 
near future. However, there has been a marked increase in secondary 
market activity. 
   With the reduction in solar installation costs experienced in recent 
periods, industry participants are also working to develop unsubsidised 
projects and it is expected that the first of these projects will be 
commissioned in the next 12 months, either benefitting from private wire 
or PPA arrangements with corporates. In the short term however, the 
economic viability of unsubsidised projects will remain marginal and 
limited projects will be realised. This situation is expected to shift 
over time as the cost of solar panels and the balance of system 
continues to reduce, making projects cost competitive with other forms 
of electricity generation. 
   In March 2017, Ofgem launched its Targeted Charging Review consultation 
which will focus on network charging for embedded generation and could 
result in a Significant Code Review for the industry. This has the 
potential to materially affect the Embedded Benefits received by the 
Portfolio, but represent less than 2.5% of future annual revenue. 
   There are further material changes to the Capacity and Balancing markets 
which do not have a direct impact on the Portfolio, but which are likely 
to affect the future energy mix and therefore wholesale power prices. 
   The UK triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty on 29 March 2017 to 
formally initiate the two year process for withdrawing from the European 
Union ('Brexit'). The uncertainty generated by Brexit continue to effect 
the UK power market. It's unclear to what extent the UK market will 
remain integrated with the wider EU power market and therefore what the 
Impact on wholesale power prices will be. For the moment however, a 
number of interconnector projects with EU members are still being 
progressed, which is a positive indication. The Company will continue to 
carefully monitor any potential effects of Brexit. 
   On the 8 June 2017, the UK voted in a snap General Election in which the 
governing Conservative party lost its parliamentary majority. The 
purpose of calling the snap election was an attempt by the Prime 
Minister to strengthen the Governments' position in Brexit negotiations, 
but this unexpectedly resulted in a hung parliament with the 
Conservatives forming a minority government and having to team up with 
the Democratic Unionist Party of Northern Ireland. The effects of this 
election result are currently uncertain; however, the Company will 
continue to monitor the newly formed Government's renewable energy 
   The General Election campaigns saw a focus on consumer energy costs, but 
limited discussion of decarbonisation or energy policy more generally so 
it is yet to be seen what direction the Government will take. The 
Government's Emissions Reduction Plan which is due to set out how it 
intends to meet the targets detailed in the Fifth Carbon Budget, was due 
to be released in the first half of 2017, but is now expected prior to 
the end of the year. Given the expectation that further renewable 
generation will be required to comply with the budget, the Commission 
for Energy Regulation may point to future markets or mechanisms to 
enable new renewable generating capacity, including solar. 
   Following a winter of relatively high power prices, the spot price has 
now returned to GBP42 per MWh as at  30 June 2017 (GBP50 per MWh 
December 2016). 
   The average power price achieved across the portfolio during the 
reporting period was GBP40.61 per MWh. 
   During the period 1 January 2017 to 30 June 2017 there was a downward 
movement of c. 5.3% in the medium to long term power price forecast. The 
Investment Manager uses forward looking power price assumptions to 
assess the likely future income of the portfolio assets for valuation 
purposes. The Company's assumptions are formed from a blended average of 
the forecasts provided by third party consultants and are updated on a 
quarterly basis. Between its IPO in October 2013 and 30 June 2017, the 
Company revised its power price forecasts downwards 11 times. The 
Investment Manager's forecast for future power prices remains 31.4% 
below the level at IPO. The Company's forecasts continue to assume an 
increase in power prices in real terms over the medium to long-term of 
1.7% per annum (31 December 2016: 1.7%), driven by higher gas and carbon 
   During the period, 61% of the Company's operational portfolio revenue 
came from the sale of ROCs and other green benefits to an offtaker. 
These revenues are directly and explicitly linked to inflation for 20 
years from the accreditation date under the ROC regime and subject to 
Retail Price Index ("RPI") inflationary increases applied by Ofgem in 
April of each year. 
   The majority of the remaining 39% of revenues derive from electricity 
sales which are subject to wholesale electricity price movements. 
Electricity prices in the UK are a component of the RPI index basket of 
goods and services and as a result present a degree of correlation with 
the long term RPI. This direct indexation of revenues derived from ROC 
benefits and the degree of inflation linkage of the wholesale 
electricity price provides a significant percentage of cash flows 
correlated with long-term inflation. 
   PPAs are entered into between each individual solar power asset and 
offtakers in the UK electricity supply market. Under the PPAs, other 
than Shotwick, each asset will sell the entirety of the generated 
electricity and ROCs to the designated offtaker. 
   The Company's PPA strategy seeks to optimise revenues from the power 
generated, while keeping the flexibility to manage the portfolio 
appropriately. As of 30 June 2017, 16 of the 18 assets in the portfolio 
had in place a floating rate PPA expiring March 2021, which tracks 
market power prices. Wymeswold, which represents 7% of total installed 
capacity, has fixed price arrangements in place until Q3 2017. Shotwick 
has a short term floating PPA in place whilst metering works are carried 
out. Once these works are complete, Shotwick will join the other 16 
sites on the long term floating rate PPA expiring in March 2021. The 
Company expects c. 50% of power generated from Shotwick to be sold 
through a private wire agreement to UPM at a premium to market prices. 
   The Investment Manager is constantly reassessing conditions in the 
electricity market and updating its view on likely future movements. The 
Company retains the option to fix the PPAs of its portfolio assets at 
any time. As part of the Investment Manager's ongoing efforts to 
maximise the commercial performance of the portfolio, a PPA tendering 
process across all assets has been undertaken. This process has seen a 
significant reduction in fees charged by our offtakers. 
   In March 2017 the Company announced a Placing Programme relating to the 
issue of up to 250 million new Ordinary Shares over the next 12 months. 
An oversubscribed Initial Placing raised GBP78.5 million on 29 March 
Date                      Placing Price  Shares Issued (million)  Funds Raised 
30 June 2016 
 (cumulative)                         -                    281.8     GBP284.9m 
13 September 2016          102.9 pence            28.2              GBP28.9m 
                                             Treasury Shares 
28 October 2016            103.0 pence            31.0              GBP31.9m 
                                                New Shares 
29 March 2017              107.8 pence       72.8 New shares        GBP78.5m 
30 June 2017                    -                 413.0            GBP424.2m 
   The GAV of the Company is GBP433.4 million as at 30 June 2017. The 
reconciliation below shows the GAV as it would be on a consolidated 
basis when all external debt at the intermediate holding level is 
included. There is no external debt at asset level. 
GAV of Company                                 GBP433.40m 
Less: Valuation of Investment                 (GBP376.61m) 
Add: Valuation of underlying solar portfolio   GBP582.70m 
Less: other net assets of subsidiaries        (GBP14.23m) 
GAV of Company and Subsidiaries                GBP625.26m 
   Long Term Facilities 
   The current long-term facilities at a subsidiary level are shown in the 
table below. Macquarie Infrastructure Debt Investment Solutions 
("MIDIS") and Abbey National Treasury Services ("Santander") are the 
providers of these loans. 
Long- Term 
Lender                Tranche        Size    Maturity Dates   Applicable Rate 
MIDIS                amortising     GBP63m     March 2034                3.78% 
MIDIS                Inflation      GBP63m     March 2034       RPI index + 
                    linked, fully                                  1.08% 
Santander         Term Loan, fully  GBP34m     March 2024      LIBOR + 1.70% 
   The Term Loan tranche is priced over the London Interbank Offered Rate 
("LIBOR") and benefits from an interest rate swap hedging 80% of the 
outstanding debt during the term of the loan. At 30 June 2017 the 
average cost of long-term debt was 2.39% per annum. 
   As at 30 June 2017, the total outstanding long-term debt was GBP155.8 
million, representing 25% of GAV of the Company and Subsidiaries. 
   In addition, the terms under which the debt has been secured do not 
limit the Company's flexibility and have not caused it to compromise on 
any commercial terms that would be potentially disadvantageous. The 
Company is fully able to maintain its strategy of retaining exposure to 
UK power prices through PPAs that do not require mechanisms such as 
fixed prices or price floors. 
   On 23 February 2017, a subsidiary of the Company entered into a new, 
short-term revolving credit facility with Santander at a favourable rate 
of LIBOR + 2.00%. 
   Below is a summary of the short term facilities to date: 
Short -Term Lenders   Size   Maturity Dates  Applicable rate 
Santander            GBP40m    March 2019     LIBOR + 2.05% 
Santander            GBP55m  February 2020    LIBOR + 2.00% 
   The applicable rate of 2.00% represents a decrease of five basis points 
against the average applicable rate of the revolving facilities 
refinanced in April 2016. 
   The credit facilities provide additional financial flexibility for 
future pipeline opportunities. Of the total GBP95.0 million acquisition 
facility, GBP67.5 million was repaid by 30 June 2017, leaving GBP27.5 
million outstanding. At the 30 June 2017 the all-in annualised cost of 
the short term facilities was 1.69%. The Investment Manager expects to 
refinance the remaining balance either through future equity raisings or 
other long term refinancing arrangement. 
   As at 30 June 2017, the total outstanding debt, including short term 
facilities, was GBP183.3 million, representing 29% of GAV. 
   At the time of the IPO, the Company targeted a 6.0 pence annual dividend 
per Ordinary Share increasing in line with inflation from 1 January 
2014, net of all fees and expenses. Since the IPO, the Company has met 
all target dividends. The Company is targeting a full year dividend for 
the period ending 31 December 2017 of 6.32 pence. 
Dividend     Amount     Status     Payment Date 
Interim 1  1.58 pence  Approved   25 August 2017 
Interim 2  1.58 pence  Expected  24 November 2017 
Interim 3  1.58 pence  Expected   February 2018 
Interim 4  1.58 pence  Expected      May 2018 
TOTAL      6.32 pence 
   The first quarterly dividend of 1.58p was approved by the Board on the 
12 June 2017 and will be paid on 25 August 2017. 
Dividend Timetable 2017 - Interim 1        Date 
Ex-dividend Date                      10 August 2017 
Record Date                           11 August 2017 
Payment Date                          25 August 2017 
Dividend Timetable 2017 - Interim 2        Date 
Ex-dividend Date                     9 November 2017 
Record Date                          10 November 2017 
Payment Date                         24 November 2017 
   The Company remains on target to pay the full dividend for the year. 
   Due to seasonality of cash flows the Investment Manager only provides 
dividend cover analysis over a 12 month period, in the Annual Report. 
   Total dividends of GBP16.4 million were paid in the year to 30 June 
2017. Against the relevant net cash flows of the Company and underlying 
investments, these dividends were covered 1.34 times when dividends paid 
to newly issued equity are excluded. 
   Only three dividends were paid during the year to June 2017 due to a 
change in the dividend timetable. Including the fourth dividend related 
to the period, this would have equated to a dividend cover of 1.01 times, 
before any financial compensation is included. Including the financial 
compensation, the dividend cover is 1.06 times. 
   The ongoing charges ratio for the year to 30 June 2017 is 1.20% (2016: 
1.21%). This has been calculated using methodology as typically 
recommended by the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC"). 
Foresight Group LLP charge Asset Management Fees directly to the assets. 
These fees are not included within the ongoing charge ratio. These fees 
are disclosed on a regular basis and are charged at levels materially 
below that of other listed renewable funds. 
   Over the last 18 months Foresight has contributed to the Infrastructure 
Forum's response to the Treasury's proposed legislation regarding the 
OECD's BEPS recommendations. 
   New rules determining the tax deductibility of corporate interest 
expense were due to be included in the Finance Bill 2017. These provided 
some clarity and the Investment Manager expects that the portfolio will 
be subject to a new Fixed Ratio Rule, which broadly limits the amount of 
deductible interest to a level equivalent to 30% of EBITDA. However, due 
to the sudden general election the new rules were dropped from the 
Finance Bill and are now expected to be introduced in the Autumn. A 
further update on the likely impact on the Company will be provided in 
the Annual Report once details are confirmed. 
   Investment Performance 
   The NAV per share for the Company as at 30 June 2017 increased to 104.6 
pence compared to 102.9 pence as at 31 December 2016. 
   A breakdown in the movement of the NAV during the reporting period is 
shown in the table below. 
                                         NAV        per share 
NAV as at 31 Dec 2016                350,769,982     102.9p 
Dividend paid                         (6,413,924)      (1.5)p 
Equity raise                           76,876,750        0.0p 
Interest earned                        15,923,611        4.2p 
Management fee                        (2,176,511)      (0.6)p 
Finance costs                         (3,474,825)      (1.0)p 
Other cost (incl. Corporation Tax)    (3,960,972)      (1.0)p 
Inflation assumption                    (998,142)      (0.3)p 
Acquisitions                           10,717,322        3.1p 
Valuation date                          1,176,653        0.3p 
Performance Ratio ("PR")                3,232,543        0.8p 
Power curve                          (18,712,974)      (4.9)p 
Discount Rate                          12,204,409        2.9p 
Other movements                       (2,365,083)      (0.3)p 
NAV as at 30 June 2017               432,798,841     104.6p 
   The Investment Manager is responsible for providing fair market 
valuations of the Company's underlying assets to the Directors. The 
Directors review and approve these valuations following appropriate 
challenge and examination. Valuations are undertaken quarterly. A broad 
range of assumptions are used in our valuation models. These assumptions 
are based on long-term forecasts and are not affected by short-term 
fluctuations, be it economic or technical. 
   The current portfolio consists of non-market traded investments and 
valuations are based on a Discounted Cash Flow ("DCF") methodology. This 
methodology adheres to both IAS 39 and IFRS 13 accounting standards as 
well as International Private Equity and Venture Capital ("IPEV") 
Valuation Guidelines. 
   It is the policy of the Investment Manager to value with reference to 
Discounted Cash Flows ("DCF") at the later of commissioning or 
completion. The reason for this is partly due to the long periods 
between agreeing an acquisition price and financial completion of the 
acquisition. Quite often this delay incorporates construction as well as 
time spent applying for, and achieving, ROC accreditation upon which the 
Company's acquisition of assets is usually contingent. Revenues 
generally accrue for the benefit of the purchaser. Revenues accrued do 
not form part of the DCF calculation when making a fair and proper 
   The Company's Board reviews the operating and financial assumptions, 
including the discount rates, used in the valuation of the Company's 
portfolio and approves them based on the recommendation of the 
Investment Manager. These assumptions are reviewed as part of the annual 
audit by KPMG. 
   Where possible, assumptions are based on observable market and technical 
data. In many cases, such as the forward power prices, professional 
independent advisors are used to provide reliable and evidenced 
information allowing the Investment Manager to adopt a prudent approach. 
We set out the inputs we have ascertained would have a material effect 
upon the NAV in note 16 of the financial statements. All sensitivities 
are calculated independently of each other. 
   The Company paid dividends of GBP6.4 million during the period 1 January 
2017 to 30 June 2017. 
   In March 2017 a Share Placing took place, raising net proceeds of 
GBP76.9m from new and existing investors. 
   On a consolidated basis the Group accrued GBP15.9 million of investment 
income during the reporting period. 
   Total costs of GBP9.6 million which include management fees, finance 
costs and other costs were incurred by the Group on a consolidated basis 
during the period. 
   At the end of June 2016 the Investment Manager increased its 
medium/long-term inflation assumption from 2.50% to 2.75% this remains 
unchanged as at 30 June 2017. This movement represents updates to our 
valuation models as a result of changes to published actual inflation 
   During the period the Company made two significant acquisitions, 
Shotwick and Sandridge. These acquisitions brought an uplift of GBP10.7 
million to the NAV calculation representing the difference between the 
acquisition price paid and the current valuation. 
   This movement represents the impact of moving from one valuation date to 
another. Over the life of the asset this movement will reduce the asset 
valuation to nil. Short term increases arise from moving towards higher 
cash yields (and therefore discounting them less). 
   The performance ratio assumptions in the valuation models have 
historically been linked to contractually guaranteed performance and the 
initial technical due diligence findings at the time of acquisition. The 
long term assumptions are adjusted on an ongoing basis as more data 
becomes available, recognising the actual performance ratios experienced 
across the portfolio on an asset by asset basis. This approach is 
applied on a quarterly basis to ensure valuation assumptions better 
reflect the actual performance of the sites. The conservative movements 
in assumed performance ratios are implemented at a rate that ensures 
short term fluctuations do not inflate performance potential. Assumed 
performance ratios can move up as well as down. 
   The Company's power price assumptions are formed from a blended average 
of the forecasts provided by third party consultants. 
   Following a winter of relatively high power prices the spot price 
returned to GBP42 per MWh at the 30 June 2017. There remains volatility 
within the spot market, especially during the early morning and 
evenings. As hours of sunlight reach their peak, the portfolio does 
marginally benefit from this. The average power price achieved during 
the first half of the year was GBP40.61 per MWh. 
   For the six month period the Manager made downwards revisions in the 
long term power price forecast representing an average fall in prices of 
   The Company's forecasts continue to assume an increase in power prices 
in real terms over the medium to long-term of 1.7% per annum (2016: 
   The Company's equity discount rate was reduced by 0.25% to 7.25% to 
reflect the current macro-economic environment and the increasing market 
value for UK operating solar assets. The Investment Manager believes the 
discount rate appropriately reflects current market valuations, the risk 
profile of the operational assets that have been acquired, and the total 
installed capacity at portfolio level and asset diversification. The 
Investment Manager reviews the discount rate on a regular basis to 
ensure it remains in line with any changes to the risk profile of the 
Company and any changes in the macro-economic environment. 
   This includes other factors behind the valuation movement such as 
revisions in underlying assumptions regarding operational efficiencies, 
such as insurance. 
   Pipeline AND OUTLOOK 
   The UK solar sector experienced another period of significant growth 
driven by the closure of the Renewable Obligation scheme to new solar 
projects in March 2017. The growth in total installed capacity was 
predominantly achieved by the commissioning of solar parks of up to 5MW 
in capacity and accredited under the 1.2 ROCs regime. This resulted in 
the total installed solar capacity in the UK reaching c.12GW, with over 
8GW of large scale solar. 
   Following the closure of the Renewable Obligation scheme the sector will 
enter a period of limited regulatory support for new installed capacity 
as solar technologies are not expected to receive allocation in the 
upcoming CfD auction, based on the information published by BEIS in 
relation to the second CfD allocation round. 
   In addition to the pipeline of 1,2 ROC portfolios commissioned by March 
2017, there has been a marked increase in secondary market activity with 
over 1GW of operational portfolios available for sale in the market over 
the past six months. Market analysis shows these large portfolios are 
being held by planned exit investors, including EPC contractors and 
panel manufacturers. 
   The level of activity in the secondary market will continue in the short 
and medium term with 1 to 2GW of operational projects expected to be 
sold in the next 12 to 18 months. With the scarcity value of UK 
operational portfolios increasing the Company will maintain a prudent 
approach to acquisitions in the UK secondary market and making its 
investment decisions based on NAV accretive projects within the remit of 
the Company investment mandate. 
   As the UK enters a period of limited new regulatory support, global 
solar markets continue to expand. In 2016 78 GW of new installed 
capacity was commissioned globally, representing the tenth consecutive 
year of growth of solar installation rates, resulting in a total global 
solar installed capacity in excess of 300GW. 
   Investment opportunities in markets outside of the UK are expected to 
deliver value-accretive growth opportunities while adding further 
diversification to the Company's investment portfolio. 
   Any acquisition in jurisdictions outside of the UK will be priced taking 
into account the cost of managing and mitigating currency risk through 
hedging strategies where appropriate. New acquisitions will be in line 
with the Company's investment policy and expected to deliver 
risk-adjusted returns in line with current UK assets. 
   The Investment Manager is currently reviewing a pipeline of more than 
500MW of potential investments in the UK and other international markets 
including Western Europe, Australia and the USA, sourced through the 
Investment Manager's local presence in each market and existing 
relationships with asset managers, contractors and developers that build 
solar power plants. 
   Asset Manager's Report 
   Portfolio Performance 
   Total electricity production for the period amounted to 223.5 GWh and 
was 8% below expectations, but once compensation is included the 
normalised production is equivalent to 1.9% below expectations. This 
short term underperformance was largely attributable to specific issues 
at a handful of sites. The Company remains confident in long term 
production targets. 
   The Asset Manager is confident that all LDs received to date will more 
than compensate the Fund for losses incurred while performing 
rectification works. The Company has received c. GBP3 million from EPC 
contractors to compensate for lost production across five sites. This 
amount was funded by the claim submitted to the EPC contractors. This 
amount is not included in the NAV or cashflow analysis. 
   Overall the Asset Manager is extremely pleased with the progress made in 
rectifying known problems and expects production to exceed technical 
assumptions in the medium to long term. 
   The production expectations of the Asset Manager are set at the time of 
acquisition and are not adjusted for reporting purposes. The specific 
issues identified in the first half of the year, have been resolved 
quickly by the Asset Manager and its operators. The production figures 
disclosed do not take into account compensation due, or already received, 
by the Company. Compensation takes the form of insurance proceeds or 
contractual protections provided by EPC contractors in the form of 
Liquidated Damages ("LDs"). Insurance proceeds are recognised upon 
receipt and LDs will only be recognised once technical advisors confirm 
that the plants are no longer suffering from the problems that caused 
the LDs to be payable. LDs are payable by EPC contractors based on the 
recorded performance of the plants over the first two years of 
operations and compensate the owner for extrapolated losses over a 25 
year term based on the initial performance. 
   Annual irradiation forecasts are subject to an approximate 4% standard 
deviation against long term historical averages across a 12 month 
period. This means that annual variation of irradiation is typically 
less than 4%, but occasionally can be more. This can be seen in the 
table below. 
   The table below sets out the performance of the portfolio for the 
                   Irradiation    Production     Production       Production 
                     Variance      (MW hours)     Variance        Variance* 
Atherstone                  0.3%        7,306            -0.1%           -0.1% 
Bournemouth                -3.9%       20,853            -1.5%           -1.5% 
Castle Eaton               -1.9%        7,606           -16.0%           -3.0% 
Copley Farm                -1.4%       14,890            -1.3%           -1.3% 
High Penn                  -2.6%        3,534           -30.8%           -4.2% 
Highfields farm            -0.4%        4,906           -23.4%           -2.6% 
Hunters Race                1.3%        5,872             2.1%            2.1% 
Kencot Hill                -1.5%       19,202             0.2%            0.2% 
Landmead                    3.8%       23,577             2.7%            2.7% 
Membury                    -3.1%        8,509            -3.1%           -3.1% 
Paddock Wood                4.4%        5,285             7.4%            7.4% 
Pitworthy Farm             -8.4%        5,222           -38.4%           -1.0% 
Port Farms                 -1.7%       17,999            -1.6%           -1.6% 
Southam                    -2.3%        4,960            -4.8%           -4.8% 
Spriggs Farm               -0.8%        5,263           -17.0%          -17.0% 
Wymeswold                  -3.0%       16,606            -1.8%           -1.8% 
Shotwick                   -2.4%       27,275           -24.4%           -2.9% 
Sandridge                  -0.6%       24,625            -5.3%           -5.3% 
Total                                 223,490            -8.0%           -1.9% 
Weighted Average          -1.43% 
* Adjusted production is calculated by including production 
 losses covered under insurance or EPC contracts 
   A transformer failure on 16 March 2017 prevented the site from 
generating for a 28 day period. In line with the Asset Manager's 
strategy of ensuring essential replacements are readily available, the 
requirement for a spare transformer was identified prior to acquisition 
and the equipment was already on order at the time of the failure. The 
length of the outage was unusual due to the long lead time for the 
specific parts. The site now has protections in place, similar to all 
other assets, to cover such an incident occurring In future. 
   Castle Eaton, High Penn, Highfields and Pitworthy 
   The Asset Manager had previously identified varying degrees of 
underperformance across Castle Eaton, High Penn, Highfields and 
Pitworthy - the four sites constructed by SunEdison. The reasons behind 
the underperformance were quickly identified and the relevant 
notifications made to the EPC contractor at the appropriate time. The 
Asset Manager remains confident that the decline in performance will be 
   By 1 January 2017 the Investment Manager had appointed Brighter Green 
Engineering ("BGE") as O&M contractor for the four assets. Since then 
BGE has successfully completed a range of remedial works throughout the 
sites. These works have resulted in a significant improvement in 
technical performance but, in carrying them out, availability and 
production levels have been reduced during the period. Across three of 
the sites where works are suitably advanced, the performance ratios have 
increase by an average of 2.3% compared to the performance during the 
first two years of operations. The Asset Manager expects these works to 
continue into the winter, but is confident that damages already received 
from the EPC contractor will compensate for the cost of these works and 
the lost production over the year. 
   Spriggs Farm 
   As disclosed in the 2016 Annual Report, Potential Induced Degradation 
("PID") was identified as one of the causes of underperformance at 
Spriggs Farm. 
   PID is a widely acknowledged module defect that, if not resolved, causes 
the PV modules to degrade faster than would usually be expected, 
reducing their efficiency over time. The effects of PID can be stopped 
or reversed (with the EPC contractor required to meet the cost if 
identified at an appropriate stage) through the implementation of 
site-specific technical solutions. 
   The Investment Manager has been working closely with the EPC contractor; 
remedial works on site have been carried out and are materially 
completed. Results are encouraging and show a continuous improvement in 
technical performance on a monthly basis. 
   Spriggs Farm also suffered from transformer failures during the period. 
By 30 June 2017, all defective transformers had either been fully 
refurbished or replaced, and were operating at 100% availability. 
   The Asset Manager is now processing a claim against the EPC in relation 
to the failures. 
   On 18 April 2017, approximately 7% of the site was affected by a 
localised fire. The damage was repaired and the site returned to full 
capacity at the cost of the EPC contractor. The site also suffered from 
some short term grid disconnections due to major upgrades of local 
infrastructure. The Investment Manager was aware of the upgrades prior 
to acquisition and the vendor will compensate the project for lost 
revenue related to grid works during 2017 and 2018. 
   During the period the Asset Manager has run a number of concurrent 
processes to maximise the free cash being generated by the portfolio. As 
well as focusing on increasing the technical efficiency of the sites, 
the asset management team has been able to significantly improve the 
commercial terms across a number of contracts. 
   The size of the portfolio, the average MW per site under management and 
the scale of the Asset Management operations allows for a cost efficient 
structure at asset level at very competitive rates in the UK market. 
   Power Purchase Agreements 
   To date, the Company has adopted a PPA strategy that seeks to optimise 
revenues from power generated, whilst maintaining the flexibility to 
manage a rapidly growing portfolio appropriately. 
   As at 30 June 2017, 16 out of 18 assets in the portfolio have in place a 
floating rate PPA expiring in March 2021. Through such PPAs, the Company 
is able to take advantage of wholesale market movements through the 
flexibility of being able to fix power prices at any point in time. As a 
result, the risk of dividend reductions from significant downward 
movements in price is successfully mitigated. It should also be noted 
that the PPAs provide the flexibility to incorporate new technologies 
such as batteries and storage, which may provide potential upside in the 
   Maximising Value through the Final Acceptance Certificate ("FAC") 
   As further assets in the portfolio approach the end of the two year EPC 
warranty period in preparation for the issuance of a Final Acceptance 
Certificate ("FAC"), Foresight continues to carry out a rigorous 
analysis of the site. This aims to identify any possible defects and 
ensure construction, planning and all equipment is in-line with 
contractual obligations. In addition to a thorough site audit by 
Foresight's engineers and a full evaluation of performance data for the 
asset, the modules are tested by an accredited laboratory and 
independent experts test the high voltage equipment including 
transformers and switchgear. If deemed necessary cables are tested for 
insulation faults. Through this process, the Asset Manager has become 
aware of issues, minor in many cases. Subsequently, the EPC contractor 
is notified of any operational underperformance relative to the levels 
guaranteed at acquisition, or defects with the plant. Before the FAC is 
issued, the Asset Manager negotiates with the EPC contractor for the 
remedy of any faults or seeks to enforce the financial settlement agreed 
in the EPC contract to fully compensate the Company for any lost 
earnings likely to be incurred as a result of underperformance over the 
life of the asset. 
   Through its extensive operating experience, the Asset Manager has 
managed the FAC process with numerous EPC contractors and fully utilises 
the opportunity presented to support the future value of the assets in 
the Company's portfolio and safeguard their long term performance. 
   Useful Economic Life of Assets 
   The DCF methodology used to value the assets within the portfolio 
assumes a 25-year asset life with no residual value at the end of this 
period. This assumption is based upon the market standard lease terms 
for the properties on which the Company's solar assets are located and 
planning consent periods initially granted by local planning offices. 
   The Investment Manager believes that this is a sensible approach, 
however there are several factors that could justify the incorporation 
of residual value within the portfolio valuation including: 
   -- The useful operating life of the equipment in the portfolio is 
      anticipated to be, according to independent technical advisers, up to 
      40 years. 
   -- All of the assets' connection agreements provide the right to generate 
      electricity into the grid with no specified expiry date; and 
   -- Six of the lease agreements in place have the option to extend beyond the 
      initial consented period to an average of 35 years. 
   As such, the Asset Manager has begun to explore the option of extending 
leases and planning authority across the portfolio. Six sites, which 
together represent 32% of installed portfolio capacity, already have in 
place extended lease periods and planning authority for periods ranging 
from 30 to 40 years from the start of operations. Applying the current 
discount rate and extending current model assumptions as well as 
incorporating enhanced capital expenditure to a capped life of 35 years 
would have an immediate uplift on NAV of 3.2 pence. 
   For illustration purposes, in addition to incorporating the extensions 
mentioned above, if the remaining 12 assets were to be valued on a 
35-year basis from connection, the Company's NAV would increase by 10.1 
pence. The table below illustrates the impact on NAV should the extended 
asset lives be recognised 
  NAV (using    Alternate NAV (recognising extended life where lease  Alternate NAV (recognising extended life of all other 
current lease              and planning already available;                                   assets) 
 assumptions)                         6 assets) 
    104.6p       107.8p                                                114.7p 
   The Investment Manager expects to incorporate lease extensions into the 
valuations as and when it is comfortable with the underlying assumptions 
relevant to the extended periods of time. 
   Brighter Green Engineering has ultimate Shareholders in common with 
Foresight Group although they operate as separate entities and share no 
common executive personnel. The tender process of O&M contracts for 
Foresight's assets remains competitive and these are awarded on merit. 
   Further to the reduction in cost that the new O&M contracts bring, BGE 
offers strong technical expertise and market leading incident response 
times. BGE provides a comprehensive scope of work in excess of that 
typically offered by competitors. 
   We expect efficiencies to be secured for the remaining assets in the 
portfolio once the existing O&M contractual terms reach either the end 
of their two year guaranteed performance period, when applicable, or 
final contract term, further reducing costs to the Company. 
   As at 30 June 2017, Brighter Green Engineering ("BGE") is appointed as 
O&M contractor to nine out of 18 assets in the portfolio, which 
represent 188MW of total installed capacity. 
   The Company is renegotiating its O&M arrangements as part of contractual 
benchmarking options and expect to conclude the process before year end 
resulting in additional savings for the Company. 
   Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
   The Directors consider the following as relevant risks and uncertainties 
and mitigants to the Company at this time: 
   -- Risks relating to regulatory changes in the UK electricity market 
   -- Risks relating to the sale of electricity 
   -- Risks relating to gearing 
   -- Risks relating to RPI 
   -- Risks relating to operation and maintenance contracts 
   -- Risks relating to the taxation of the Company 
   More detailed information on the risks and uncertainties affecting the 
Company can be found on pages 19-37 of the Company's recent Prospectus 
issued on the 3 March 2017 and the Risk Management section in the 
Company's latest Full Year Results Report dated 31 December 2016. 
   The Directors, who are Non-Executive and, other than Mr Dicks, 
independent of the Investment Manager, are responsible for the 
determination of the investment policy of the Company, have overall 
responsibility for the Company's activities including its investment 
activities and for reviewing the performance of the Company's portfolio. 
The Directors are as follows: 
   Mr Ohlsson is Managing Partner for the law firm Carey Olsen in Jersey. 
He is recognised as a leading expert in corporate and finance law in 
Jersey and is regularly instructed by leading global law firms and 
financial institutions. He is the independent chairman of the States of 
Jersey's Audit Committee and an Advisory Board member of Jersey Finance, 
Jersey's promotional body. He is also a member of the Financial and 
Commercial Law Sub-Committee of the Jersey Law Society which reviews as 
well as initiates proposals for legislative changes. He was educated at 
Victoria College Jersey and at Queens' College, Cambridge, where he 
obtained an MA (Hons) in Law. He has also been an Advocate of the Royal 
Court of Jersey since 1995. 
   Mr Ohlsson was appointed as a Non-Executive Director and Chairman on 16 
August 2013. 
   Mr Ambler has been the Chief Executive of Jersey Electricity Plc since 1 
October 2008. He has experience in a number of senior positions in the 
global industrial, energy and materials sectors working for major 
corporations including ICI/Zeneca, The BOC Group and Centrica/British 
Gas, as well as in strategic consulting roles. He is a Director on other 
boards including a Non-Executive Director of Apax Global Alpha Limited, 
a listed fund which launched on the London Stock Exchange on 15 June 
   Mr Ambler is a Chartered Director, a Chartered Engineer and a Member of 
the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. He holds a First Class Honours 
Degree from Queens' College Cambridge and an MBA from INSEAD. 
   Mr Ambler was appointed as a Non-Executive Director on 16 August 2013. 
   Mr Dicks is currently a Director of a number of quoted and unquoted 
companies. In addition, he was the Chairman of Foresight VCT plc and 
Foresight 2 VCT plc from their launch in 1997 and 2004 respectively 
until 2010 and since then he has continued to serve on the Board of the 
now merged Foresight VCT plc. He is also on the Board of ICG Enterprise 
Trust plc and Mears Group plc. and Chairman of Unicorn AIM VCT plc, and 
SVM Emerging Fund. 
   Mr Dicks was appointed as a Non-Executive Director on 16 August 2013. 
   Asset Summaries 
Wymeswold, Leicestershire 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 2.0/1.4 
 Acquisition Date 
 November 13/March 15 
 Solar Panels 142,000 
 Technology Polycrystalline Silicon 
 Panel Supplier 
 Trina Solar; Suntech Power 
 EPC Party Lark Energy 
 O&M Counterparty 
 Brighter Green Engineering 
 Inverter Supplier LTi REEnery 
 Grid Operator 
 Western Power Distribution 
Castle Eaton, Wiltshire 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.6 
 Acquisition Date June 14 
 Solar Panels 60,000 
 Technology Polycrystalline Silicon 
 Panel Supplier Canadian Solar 
 EPC Party SunEdison 
 O&M Counterparty 
 Brighter Green Engineering 
 Inverter Supplier Bonfiglioli 
 Grid Operator 
 Southern Electric Power 
Highfields, Essex 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.6 
 Acquisition Date June 14 
 Solar Panels 38,000 
 Technology Monocrystalline 
 Panel Supplier SunEdison 
 EPC Party SunEdison 
 O&M Counterparty 
 Brighter Green Engineering 
 Inverter Supplier Ingeteam 
 Grid Operator 
 UK Power Networks 
High Penn, Wiltshire 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.6 
 Acquisition Date June 14 
 Solar Panels 30,000 
 Technology Monocrystalline 
 Panel Supplier SunEdison 
 EPC Party SunEdison 
 O&M Counterparty 
 Brighter Green Engineering 
 Inverter Supplier Bonfiglioli 
 Grid Operator 
 SSE Power Distribution 
 UK Power Networks 
Pitworthy, North Devon 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.4 
 Acquisition Date June 14 
 Solar Panels 48,000 
 Technology Monocrystalline 
 Panel Supplier SunEdison 
 EPC Party SunEdison 
 O&M Counterparty 
 Brighter Green Engineering 
 Inverter Supplier Bonfiglioli 
 Grid Operator 
 Western Power Distribution 
Hunters Race, West Sussex 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.4 
 Acquisition Date September 14 
 Solar Panels 41,000 
 Technology Polycrystalline Silicon 
 Panel Supplier Hareon Solar 
 EPC Party Hareon Solar 
 O&M Counterparty 
 Brighter Green Engineering 
 Inverter Supplier Power One 
 Grid Operator 
 SSE Power Distribution 
Spriggs Farm, Essex 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.6 
 Acquisition Date November 14 
 Solar Panels 50,000 
 Technology Polycrystalline Silicon 
 Panel Supplier Talesun 
 EPC Party Bester Generation 
 O&M Counterparty 
 Brighter Green Engineering 
 Inverter Supplier Green Power Tech 
 Grid Operator 
 UK Power Networks 
Bournemouth, Dorset 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.4 
 Acquisition Date December 14 
 Solar Panels 146,000 
 Technology Polycrystalline Silicon 
 Panel Supplier REC 
 EPC Party Goldbeck 
 O&M Counterparty 
 Brighter Green Engineering 
 Inverter Supplier SMA 
 Grid Operator 
 SSE Power Distribution 
Landmead, Oxfordshire 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.4 
 Acquisition Date December 14 
 Solar Panels 483,000 
 Technology Thin film 
 Panel Supplier First Solar 
 EPC Party Belectric 
 O&M Counterparty Belectric 
 Inverter Supplier 
 GE Power Conversion 
 Grid Operator 
 SSE Power Distribution 
Kencot, Oxfordshire 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.4 
 Acquisition Date March 15 
 Solar Panels 144,000 
 Technology Polycrystalline Silicon 
 Panel Supplier Astronergy 
 EPC Party Conergy 
 O&M Counterparty 
 Brighter Green Engineering 
 Inverter Supplier SMA 
 Grid Operator 
 Southern Electric Power 
Copley, Lincolnshire 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.3 
 Acquisition Date June 15 
 Solar Panels 115,200 
 Technology Polycrystalline Silicon 
 Panel Supplier Renesola 
 EPC Party Cofely Fabricom N.V./S.A 
 O&M Counterparty 
 Cofely Fabricom N.V./S.A 
 Inverter Supplier SMA 
 Grid Operator 
 Western Power Distribution 
Atherstone, Warwickshire 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.4 
 Acquisition Date July 15 
 Solar Panels 154,200 
 Technology Thin film 
 Panel Supplier First Solar 
 EPC Party Belectric 
 O&M Counterparty Belectric 
 Inverter Supplier SMA 
 Grid Operator 
 Western Power Distribution 
Paddock Wood, Kent 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.4 
 Acquisition Date July 15 
 Solar Panels 97,200 
 Technology Thin film 
 Panel Supplier First Solar 
 EPC Party Belectric 
 O&M Counterparty Belectric 
 Inverter Supplier SMA 
 Grid Operator 
 UK Power Networks 
Southam, Warwickshire 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.4 
 Acquisition Date July 15 
 Solar Panels 103,350 
 Technology Thin film 
 Panel Supplier First Solar 
 EPC Party Belectric 
 O&M Counterparty Belectric 
 Inverter Supplier SMA 
 Grid Operator 
 Western Power Distribution 
Port Farm, Wiltshire 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.4 
 Acquisition Date August 15 
 Solar Panels 135,768 
 Technology Polycrystalline Silicon 
 Panel Supplier ReneSola 
 EPC Party Renesola UK Limited 
 O&M Counterparty 
 Renesola UK Limited 
 Inverter Supplier Schneider Electric 
 Grid Operator 
Membury, Berkshire 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.4 
 Acquisition Date September 15 
 Solar Panels 63,288 
 Technology Polycrystalline Silicon 
 Panel Supplier ReneSola 
 EPC Party Renesola UK Limited 
 O&M Counterparty 
 Renesola UK Limited 
 Inverter Supplier ABB 
 Grid Operator 
Shotwick, Flintshire 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.3 
 Acquisition Date February 17 
 Solar Panels 227,728 
 Technology Polycrystalline Silicon 
 Panel Supplier Jetion 
 EPC Party China Triumph International Engineering 
 Corporation ("CTIEC") 
 O&M Counterparty CTIEC 
 Inverter Supplier SMA 
 Grid Operator 
 Scottish Power 
Sandridge, Wiltshire 
 Ownership 100% 
 ROCs 1.3 
 Acquisition Date February 17 
 Solar Panels 191,760 
 Technology Polycrystalline Silicon 
 Panel Supplier 
 Canadian Solar Inc: S-Energy 
 EPC Party Goldbeck 
 O&M Counterparty Goldbeck 
 Inverter Supplier Schneider Electric 
 Grid Operator 
   Statement of Directors' Responsibilities 
   For the period 1 January 2017 to 30 June 2017 
   The Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules ("DTR") of the UK Listing 
Authority require the Directors to confirm their responsibilities in 
relation to the preparation and publication of the Unaudited Half-Yearly 
Financial Report for the six months ended 30 June 2017. 
   The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that: 
   (a)           the summarised set of financial statements has been 
prepared in accordance with the pronouncement on interim reporting 
issued by the Accounting Standards Board; 
   (b)           the Unaudited Half-Yearly Financial Report for the six 
months ended 30 June 2017 includes a fair review of the information 
required by DTR 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the first 
six months of the year and a description of principal risks and 
uncertainties that the Company faces for the remaining six months of the 
   (c)           the summarised set of financial statements give a true and 
fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or 
loss of the Company as required by DTR 4.2.4R; and 
   (d)           the interim management report includes a fair review of 
the information required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related parties' 
transactions and changes therein). 
   For and behalf of the Board 
   Alexander Ohlsson 
   15 August 2017 
   Statement of Comprehensive Income 
   For the period 1 January 2017 to 30 June 2017 
                                                              Unaudited Period 1 January 2017                                                                             Period 
                                                                      to 30 June 2017          Unaudited Period 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016 (Restated)   1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 
                                                       Notes              GBP'000                                        GBP'000                                         GBP'000 
Interest income                                            4                           17,366                                                      14,253                               29,462 
Gain / (Loss) on investments at fair value through 
 profit or loss                                           14                          (4,222)                                                     (3,254)                                4,775 
                                                                                       13,144                                                      10,999                               34,237 
Management fees                                            5                          (1,306)                                                     (1,396)                              (3,054) 
Administration and accountancy expenses                    6                            (134)                                                        (75)                                (228) 
Directors' fees                                            7                             (73)                                                        (76)                                (140) 
Other expenses                                             8                            (162)                                                       (161)                                 (76) 
Total expenditure                                                                     (1,675)                                                     (1,708)                              (3,498) 
Profit before tax for the year                                                         11,469                                                       9,291                               30,739 
Taxation                                                                                    -                                                           -                                    - 
Profit and total comprehensive income for the year                                     11,469                                                       9,291                               30,739 
Earnings per Ordinary Share (pence per Share)              9                             3.04                                                        3.30                                10.38 
   All items above arise from continuing operations, there have been no 
discontinued operations during the year. 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Financial 
   Statement of Financial Position 
   As at 30 June 2017 
                                   Unaudited    Unaudited 
                                    30 June    30 June 2016      Unaudited 
                                      2017      (Restated)    31 December 2016 
                            Notes   GBP'000      GBP'000          GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Investments held at fair 
 value through profit or 
 loss                          14    372,092        254,905            273,614 
Total non-current assets             372,092        254,905            273,614 
Current assets 
Interest receivable            10     50,391         18,888             33,044 
Trade and other 
 receivables                   11      5,513          4,128              4,847 
Cash and cash equivalents      12      5,401          2,871             39,381 
Total current assets                  61,305         25,887             77,272 
Total assets                         433,397        280,792            350,886 
Retained earnings                     16,822            343             11,767 
Stated capital                 17    415,977        279,403            339,003 
Total equity                         432,799        279,746            350,770 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables       13        598          1,046                116 
Total current liabilities                598          1,046                116 
Total liabilities                        598          1,046                116 
Total equity and 
 liabilities                         433,397        280,792            350,886 
Net Asset Value per 
 Ordinary Share                18     104.59          99.27             102.88 
   The Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors and 
signed on its behalf on 15 August 2017 by: 
   Alexander Ohlsson 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Financial 
   Statement of Changes in Equity 
   For the period 1 January 2017 to 30 June 2017 (unaudited) 
                                   Stated Capital  Retained Earnings   Total 
                            Notes      GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000 
Balance as at 1 January 
 2017                                     339,003             11,767   350,770 
Total comprehensive income 
 for the period:                                -             11,469    11,469 
Profit for the period 
Transactions with owners, 
recognised directly in 
Dividends paid in the 
 period                        21               -            (6,414)   (6,414) 
Issue of Ordinary Shares       17          78,497                  -    78,497 
Issue costs                    17         (1,523)                  -   (1,523) 
Balance as at 30 June 2017                415,977             16,822   432,799 
   For the period 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016 (Restated): 
                                   Stated Capital  Retained Earnings   Total 
                            Notes      GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000 
Balance as at 1 January 
 2016:                                    279,403              (297)   279,106 
Total comprehensive income 
for the period: 
Profit for the period                           -              9,291     9,291 
Transactions with owners, 
recognised directly in 
Dividends paid in the 
 period                        21               -            (8,651)   (8,651) 
Issue of Ordinary Shares       17               -                  -         - 
Issue costs                    17               -                  -         - 
Balance as at 30 June 2016                279,403                343   279,746 
   For the period 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 (unaudited): 
                                   Stated Capital  Retained Earnings   Total 
                            Notes      GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000 
Balance as at 1 January 
 2016:                                    279,403              (297)   279,106 
Total comprehensive income 
for the year: 
Profit for the year                             -             30,739    30,739 
Transactions with owners, 
recognised directly in 
Dividends paid in the year     21               -           (18,675)  (18,675) 
Issue of Ordinary Shares       17          60,781                  -    60,781 
Issue costs                    17         (1,181)                  -   (1,181) 
Balance as at 31 December 
 2016                                     339,003             11,767   350,770 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Financial 
   Statement of Cash Flows 
   For the period 1 January 2017 to 30 June 2017 
                                                                                                                                                                  1 January 2016 
                                                                                                                                                                  to 31 December 
                                                    Unaudited Period 1 January 2017 to 30 June 2017  Unaudited Period 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016 (Restated)        2016 
                                                                        GBP'000                                                GBP'000                               GBP'000 
Profit for the year before tax from continuing 
 operations                                                                                  11,469                                                       9,291           30,739 
Adjustments for: 
Unrealised loss/(gain) on investments                                                         4,222                                                       3,254          (4,775) 
Investment income                                                                          (17,366)                                                    (14,253)         (29,462) 
Operating cash flows                                                                        (1,675)                                                     (1,708)          (3,498) 
(Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables                                            (666)                                                       8,024            7,305 
Decrease/(increase) in trade and other payables                                                 482                                                         770            (160) 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating 
 activities                                                                                 (1,859)                                                       7,086            3,647 
Investing activities 
Increase in loan notes to subsidiary                                                              -                                                    (34,000)         (34,000) 
(Increase)/decrease in shareholder loan to/from 
 subsidiary                                                                               (102,700)                                                      25,501           14,821 
Investment income received                                                                       19                                                          10            1,064 
Net cash outflow from investing activities                                                (102,681)                                                     (8,489)         (18,115) 
Financing activities 
Dividends paid                                                                              (6,414)                                                     (8,651)         (18,675) 
Issue costs paid                                                                            (1,523)                                                           -          (1,181) 
Proceeds from issue of shares                                                                78,497                                                           -           60,781 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing 
 activities                                                                                  70,560                                                     (8,651)           40,925 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash 
 equivalents                                                                               (33,980)                                                    (10,054)           26,457 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the 
 period                                                                                      39,381                                                      12,925           12,924 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                                            5,401                                                       2,871           39,381 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Financial 
   Notes to the Financial Statements 
   For the year ended 1 January 2017 
   1. Company information 
   Foresight Solar Fund Limited (the"Company") is a closed-ended company 
with an indefinite life and was incorporated in Jersey under the 
Companies Law (Jersey) 1991, as amended, on 13 August 2013, with 
registered number 113721. The address of the registered office is: 28 
Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3QA. 
   The Company has one investment, Foresight Solar (UK Hold Co) Limited 
("UK Hold Co"). Up to 31 March 2016, UK Hold Co invested in further 
holding companies (the"SPVs") which then invested in the underlying 
investments. On 11 January 2016, UK Hold Co incorporated a subsidiary, 
FS Holdco Limited ("FS Holdco"). On 31 March 2016, UK Hold Co 
transferred all equity investments and related shareholder loans in the 
SPVs to FS Holdco in return for 16 ordinary shares issued by FS Holdco 
Limited and a loan receivable equal to the fair value of the investments 
transferred on 31 March 2016. FS Holdco 2 Limited ("FS Holdco 2") was 
incorporated on 1 December 2016. FS Debtco Limited ("FS Debtco") was 
incorporated on 2 December 2016. FS Holdco 2 is a subsidiary of UK Hold 
Co and FS Debtco is a subsidiary of FS Holdco 2. The principal activity 
of the Company, UK Hold Co, FS Holdco, FS Holdco 2 and FS Debtco 
(together"the Group") is investing in operational UK ground based solar 
power plants. 
   1. Summary of significant accounting policies 
   2.1.      Basis of presentation 
   The Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements (the"Interim 
Financial Statements") for the period 1 January 2017 to 30 June 2017 
have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 
34 'Interim Financial Reporting' ("IAS 34"). 
   The Interim Financial Statements do not include all the information and 
disclosures required in the annual financial statements, and should be 
read in conjunction with the annual financial statements as at 31 
December 2016. 
   These are not statutory accounts in accordance with Article 105 of the 
Companies Law (Jersey) 1991, as amended and the financial information 
for the period ended 30 June 2017 and 30 June 2016 has been neither 
audited nor formally reviewed. Statutory accounts in respect of the 
period to 31 December 2016 have been audited and reported on by the 
Company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies and 
included the report of the auditors which was unqualified and did not 
contain a statement under Article 113B (3) or 113B (6) of the Companies 
Law (Jersey) 1991. No statutory accounts in respect of any period after 
31 December 2016 have been reported on by the Company's auditors or 
delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 
   For the period ended 30 June 2016 the Company consolidated its holding 
in the UK Hold Co (including UK Hold Co's investments in the SPVs). 
Further amendments to IFRS 10 effective 1 January 2016 were subsequently 
implemented and have resulted in an accounting policy change in relation 
to consolidation of subsidiaries. These changes are explained in note 
2.3 Changes in Accounting Policy and note 2.4 Consolidation. 
   2.2.      Going concern 
   The Directors have considered the Company's cash flow projections for a 
period of no less than twelve months from the date of approval of these 
Financial Statements together with the Company's borrowing facilities. 
These projections show that the Company will be able to meet its 
liabilities as they fall due. 
   The Directors have therefore prepared the Financial Statements on a 
going concern basis. 
   2.3.      Changes in accounting policies and disclosures 
   Changes in accounting policy 
   Amendments to IFRS 10, 'Consolidated Financial Statements' and IAS 28, 
'Investments in Associates', or 'Investment entities' became effective 
for accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2016 was applied 
for the first time in the annual accounts for the year ended 31 December 
   The amendments to IFRS 10 confirm that an investment entity should 
consolidate a subsidiary which is not an investment entity and whose 
main purpose and activity is to provide services in support of the 
investment entity's investment activities. However, the amendments 
clarify that if the subsidiary is itself an investment entity, the 
investment entity parent should measure its investment in the subsidiary 
at fair value through profit or loss. This approach is required 
regardless of whether the subsidiary provides investment-related 
services to the parent or to third parties. This means that the Company 
has to value its holding in UK Hold Co at fair value through profit or 
loss rather than consolidating its holding in UK Hold Co. 
   In the 31 December 2016 Financial Statements the Company restated its 
comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 2015 to no longer 
consolidate its holding in UK Hold Co, but rather value its holding at 
fair value through profit or loss. This accounting policy change was not 
applied in the 30 June 2016 Interim Report and therefore the 30 June 
2016 comparatives have been restated to implemented this change 
   These changes have affected the Statement of Comprehensive Income, the 
Statement of Financial Position, the Statement of Changes in Equity, 
Statement of Cash Flows and the accompanying notes. 
   New standards, interpretations and amendments adopted by the Company 
   The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the interim 
financial statements are consistent with those followed in the 
preparation of the Company's annual financial statements for the year 
ended 31 December 2016. The Company has not early adopted any other 
standard, interpretation or amendment that has been issued but is not 
yet effective. 
   New and revised IFRSs in issue but not yet effective 
   At the date of authorisation of these Financial Statements, the 
following standards and interpretations, which have not been applied in 
these Financial Statements and which are applicable to the Company, were 
in issue but not yet effective: 
   -- IFRS 15, 'Revenue from Contracts with Customers'. Effective for 
      accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2018. 
   -- IFRS 9, 'Financial Instruments - Classification and Measurement'. 
      Effective for accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2018. 
   -- IFRS 16, 'Leases'. Effective for accounting periods commencing on or 
      after 1 January 2019 (Endorsed by the EU). 
   These standards and interpretations will be adopted when they become 
effective. The directors do not expect that the adoption of the 
Standards listed above will have a material impact on the financial 
statements in future periods, except that IFRS 9 may impact both the 
measurement and disclosures of financial instruments and IFRS 15 may 
have an impact on revenue recognition and related disclosures. Beyond 
the information above, it is not practicable to provide a reasonable 
estimate of the effects of IFRS 9 and IFRS 15 until a detailed review 
has been completed. 
   2.4.      Consolidation 
   All subsidiaries are entities over which the Company has control. The 
Company controls an entity when the Company is exposed to, or has the 
rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has 
the ability to affect those returns through its power over the entity. 
   Under IFRS 10 "Consolidated Financial Statements", qualifying entities 
that meet the definition of an investment entity are not required to 
produce a consolidated set of Financial Statements and instead account 
for subsidiaries at fair value through profit or loss. The directors 
deem that the Company is an investment entity and therefore the Company 
does not consolidate any of its subsidiaries but carries them at fair 
value through profit or loss. 
   The defined criteria of an 'investment entity' are as follows: 
   -- It holds more than one investment; 
   -- It has more than one investor; 
   -- It has investors that are not related parties to the entity; and 
   -- It has ownership interests in the form of equity or similar interests. 
   However, the absence of one or more of these characteristics does not 
prevent the entity from qualifying as an 'investment entity', provided 
all other characteristics are met and the entity otherwise meets the 
definition of an 'investment entity': 
   -- It obtains funds from one or more investors for the purpose of providing 
      those investor(s) with professional investment management services; 
   -- It commits to its investor(s) that its business purpose is to invest 
      funds solely for returns from capital appreciation, investment income or 
      both; and 
   -- It measures and evaluates the performance of substantially all of its 
      investments on a fair value basis. 
   The Company does not meet all the defined criteria of an 'investment 
entity' as the Company only has one investment. However, the Directors 
deem that the Company is nevertheless an 'investment entity' as the 
remaining requirements has been met and, through UK Hold Co, FS Holdco 
and FS Holdco 2, there is a diverse investment portfolio which will fill 
the criteria of having more than one investment. The Company 
consolidated its holding in UK Hold Co for the year ended 31 December 
2015 as UK Hold Co provides investment related services to the Company 
and was viewed as being simply an extension of the investment entity's 
investing activities. However as a result of the amendments to IFRS 10 
effective 1 January 2016, intermediate investment entities are not 
permitted to be consolidated and must be held at fair value through 
profit or loss. The Company therefore restated its comparative figures 
for the period ended 30 June 2016 and 31 December 2015 to no longer 
consolidate its holding in the UK Hold Co, but rather value its holding 
at fair value through profit or loss. These changes have affected the 
Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Statement of Financial Position, 
the Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cash Flows and its 
accompanying notes. 
   UK Hold Co does not meet all the defined criteria of an"investment 
entity" as it is 100% owned by the Company. However, the Directors deem 
that UK Hold Co is nevertheless an intermediate investment entity as 
through FS Holdco and FS Holdco 2, there is a diverse investment 
portfolio which will fill the criteria of having more than one 
investment and, the Company that holds 100% of share capital has a 
number of investors. 
   FS Holdco and FS Holdco 2 do not meet all the defined criteria of an 
'investment entity' as they are 100% owned by UK Hold Co. However, the 
Directors deem that the companies are nevertheless 'investment entities' 
as the remaining requirements have been met and the Company that holds 
100% of the share capital of UK Hold Co has a number of investors. 
   Therefore, the Company meets the requirements of an 'investment entity'. 
The Company accounts for its subsidiary at fair value through profit or 
loss in accordance with IAS 39"Financial Statements: Recognition and 
Measurement". The financial asset at fair value through profit or loss 
carried in the Statement of Financial Position represents the Company's 
investments in UK Hold Co. See note 14 and 16 for more detail on the 
investments held at fair value through profit or loss. 
   As the UK Hold Co is no longer consolidated, its investments (plus their 
underlying investments) are no longer separately presented at fair value 
through profit or loss in the Company's accounts. However accounting 
standards require that if an investment entity is the parent of another 
investment entity, the parent shall also provide the additional 
disclosures required by IFRS 12 interest in other entities. These 
disclosures are set out in notes 15 and 16. 
   1. Critical accounting estimates and judgements 
   Disclosure is required of judgements and estimates made by management in 
applying the accounting policies that have a significant effect on the 
financial statements. The Company makes estimates and judgements 
concerning the future. The resulting accounting estimates will, by 
definition, seldom equal the related actual results. Revisions to 
accounting estimates are recognised in the year in which the estimate is 
revised if the revision only affects that year, or in the year of the 
revision and future years if the revision affects both current and 
future years. The estimates and judgements that have a significant risk 
of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and 
liabilities within the next financial year are addressed below: 
   3.1.      Fair value of underlying investments 
   The fair value of the underlying investments held by the Company's 
subsidiaries, which impact the value of the company's subsidiaries, are 
determined by using valuation techniques. The Directors base the fair 
value of the investments based on information received from the 
Investment Manager. The Investment Manager's assessment of fair value of 
investments is determined in accordance with the International Private 
Equity and Venture Capital ("IPEVC") Valuation Guidelines, using 
unlevered Discounted Cash Flow principles (unless a more appropriate 
methodology is applied). As described more fully in note 16, valuations 
such as these entail assumptions about solar irradiance, power prices, 
technological performance, discount rate, operating costs and inflation 
over a 25 year period. It is in the opinion of the Investment Manager 
that the IPEVC valuation methodology used in deriving a fair value is in 
accordance with the fair value requirements of IAS 39. 
   The fair value of UK Hold Co is made up of the fair value of its net 
assets. In the Director's opinion, this value represents the fair value 
of the investments at the valuation date as all available information is 
used in the valuation process. UK Hold Co has two direct subsidiary FS 
Holdco and FS Holdco 2 and these investments are fair valued using the 
FS Holdco and FS Holdco 2's net asset value as reported at period end. 
   The fair value of the underlying investments held by FS Holdco and FS 
Holdco 2's subsidiaries are determined by using valuation techniques. 
The Directors base the fair value of the investments based on 
information received from the Investment Manager. 
   3.2.      Determination of investment entities 
   The Directors of the Company have determined that it meets the 
definition of an Investment Entity as per IFRS 10. Details of this 
judgement is disclosed in note 2.4 Consolidation. 
   1. Interest income 
                       30 June 
                         2017    30 June 2016 (Restated)  31 December 2016 
                        GBP'000          GBP'000               GBP'000 
Bank interest income         19                       10                13 
Loan interest income     17,347                   14,243            29,449 
                         17,366                   14,253            29,462 
   Loan interest comprises interest on loan notes and interest on 
shareholder loans. 
   Loan notes were issued by the company to UK Hold Co for the purchase of 
investments. Interest is payable at 9% per annum in arrears on each 
Interest Payment Date (28 / 29 February and 31 August each year). Where 
interest is not paid on payment date, it will compound and future 
interest shall accrue at 11% per annum from the due date up to the date 
of actual payment compounding on each Interest Payment Date. Total 
interest of GBP15,549,068 was accrued during the period (1 January 2016 
to 30 June 2016: GBP10,196,236, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: 
GBP27,314,252), GBP42,863,304 was receivable at period end (1 January 
2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP13,791,052, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: 
GBP27,314,252). The loan notes balance at period end on which interest 
is charged is GBP250,000,000 (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: 
GBP250,000,000, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: GBP250,000,000). 
These loans form part of the fair value of the investments as per note 
   A Shareholder loan is created when the total amount paid by the Company 
on behalf of UK Hold Co for the cost of investments is more than the 
total loan notes issued by the Company to UK Hold Co. Interest was 
receivable at 9% per annum (reduced to 2% from 1 April 2017) and is 
repayable in full on demand. Total interest of GBP1,797,936 was accrued 
during the period (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP4,046,291, 1 
January 2016 to 31 December 2016: GBP2,135,009). GBP7,527,776 was 
receivable at period end (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP5,097,230, 
1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: GBP5,730,000). The shareholder loan 
balance at period end is GBP126,609,725 (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: 
GBP13,229,995, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: GBP23,910,000). These 
loans form part of the fair value of the investments as per note 14. 
   1. Management fees 
   The Investment Manager of the Company, Foresight Group CI Limited, 
receives an annual fee of 1% of the Net Asset Value ("NAV") of the 
Company. This is payable quarterly in arrears and is calculated based on 
the published quarterly NAV. For the period ended 30 June 2017, the 
Investment Manager was entitled to a management fee of GBP1,306,418 (1 
January 2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP1,395,586, 1 January 2016 to 31 
December 2016: GBP3,053,551) of which GBP498,574 was outstanding as at 
30 June 2017 (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP699,064, 1 January 2016 
to 31 December 2016: GBP17,066). 
   1. Administration and Accountancy fees 
   Under an Administration Agreement, the Administrator of the Company, JTC 
(Jersey) Limited, is entitled to receive minimum annual administration 
and accountancy fees of GBP156,000 (2016: GBP100,000) payable quarterly 
in arrears. For the period ended 30 June 2017, total administration and 
accountancy fees were GBP133,534 (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: 
GBP74,985, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: GBP227,452) of which 
GBP39,000 was outstanding as at 30 June 2017 (1 January 2016 to 30 June 
2016: GBP58,985, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: GBP50,002). 
   1. Directors' fees 
   Remuneration of the Directors of the Company is currently paid at a 
total rate of GBP73,000 (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP76,000, 1 
January 2016 to 31 December 2016: GBP140,000). All of the Directors are 
Non-Executive Directors. Remuneration paid for the period ended 30 June 
2017 is detailed below: 
                     30 June 
                       2017    30 June 2016 (Restated)  31 December 2016 
                      GBP'000          GBP'000               GBP'000 
Peter Dicks                18                       19                35 
Alexander Ohlsson          31                       32                60 
Christopher Ambler         24                       25                45 
                           73                       76               140 
   1. Other Expenses 
                           30 June 
                             2017    30 June 2016 (Restated)  31 December 2016 
                            GBP'000          GBP'000               GBP'000 
Annual fees                      17                       17                32 
Audit fees                        6                       18                17 
Legal and professional 
 fees                           139                      126                27 
                                162                      161                76 
   1. Earnings per Ordinary share - basic and diluted 
   The basic and diluted profits per Ordinary Share for the Company are 
based on the profit for the period of GBP11,469,047 (1 January 2016 to 
30 June 2016: GBP9,291,019, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: 
GBP30,738,374) and on 377,780,949 (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: 
281,803,232, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: 296,123,500) Ordinary 
Shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the 
   1. Interest receivable 
                           30 June 
                             2017    30 June 2016 (Restated)  31 December 2016 
                            GBP'000          GBP'000               GBP'000 
Interest receivable on 
 loan notes                  42,863                   13,791            27,314 
Interest receivable on 
 shareholder loan             7,528                    5,097             5,730 
                             50,391                   18,888            33,044 
   1. Trade and other receivables 
                           30 June 
                             2017    30 June 2016 (Restated)  31 December 2016 
                            GBP'000          GBP'000               GBP'000 
Prepaid expenses                 14                       34                 - 
Amounts due from 
 subsidiaries                 4,694                    4,094             4,694 
Other receivables               805                        -               153 
                              5,513                    4,128             4,847 
   1. Cash and cash equivalents 
                30 June 
                   2017  30 June 2016 (Restated)  31 December 2016 
                GBP'000                  GBP'000           GBP'000 
Cash at bank      5,401                    2,871            39,381 
                  5,401                    2,871            39,381 
   1. Trade and other payables 
                    30 June 
                       2017  30 June 2016 (Restated)  31 December 2016 
                    GBP'000                  GBP'000           GBP'000 
Accrued expenses        598                    1,046               116 
                        598                    1,046               116 
   1. Investments at fair value through profit or loss 
   The following table presents the Company's investments at fair value 
through profit or loss: 
                           30 June 
                             2017    30 June 2016 (Restated)  31 December 2016 
                            GBP'000          GBP'000               GBP'000 
Investment in UK 
Hold Co           Equity      -                 -                    - 
 Loans                      372,092                  254,905           273,614 
                            372,092                  254,905           273,614 
Book cost as at 1 January   273,909                  254,730           254,730 
Opening investment 
 holding (losses)/gains       (295)                  (5,070)           (5,070) 
Valuation as at 1 January   273,614                  249,660           249,660 
Movements during 
the period 
Purchase at cost            102,700                   34,000            34,000 
Disposal proceeds                 -                 (25,501)          (14,821) 
Investment holding 
 (losses)/gains             (4,222)                  (3,254)             4,775 
Valuation as at 30 June/ 
 31 December                372,092                  254,905           273,614 
Book cost as at 30 June/ 
 31 December                376,609                  263,229           273,909 
Closing investment 
 holding (losses)/gains     (4,517)                  (8,234)             (295) 
                            372,092                  254,905           273,614 
   The Company has one investment in Foresight Solar (UK Hold Co) Limited 
("UK Hold Co"). This investment consists of both debt and equity and is 
not quoted in an active market. Accordingly, the investment in UK Hold 
Co has been valued using its net assets. 
   In turn, UK Hold Co has two investments in FS Holdco Limited ("FS 
Holdco") and FS Holdco 2 Limited ("FS Holdco 2"). These investments also 
consists of both debt and equity and are not quoted in an active market. 
Accordingly, the investments in FS Holdco and FS Holdco 2 have been 
valued using their net assets. 
   In turn, FS Holdco and FS Holdco 2's investment portfolio consists of 
unquoted investments in solar projects, the valuations of which are 
based on a discounted cash flow methodology (as set out in note 16). 
   Fair value hierarchy 
   IFRS 13"Fair Value Measurement" requires disclosures relating to fair 
value measurements using a three-level fair value hierarchy. The level 
within which the fair value measurement is categorised in its entirety 
is determined on the basis of the lowest level input that is significant 
to the fair value measurement. Assessing the significance of a 
particular input requires judgement, considering factors specific to the 
asset or liability. The following table shows investments recognised at 
fair value, categorised between those whose fair value is based on: 
   (a)   Level 1 - Quoted (unadjusted) market prices in active markets for 
identical assets or liabilities; 
   (b)   Level 2 - Valuation techniques for which the lowest level input 
that is significant to the fair value measurement is directly or 
indirectly observable; and 
   (c)   Level 3 - Valuation techniques for which the lowest level input 
that is significant to the fair value measurement is unobservable. 
   All investments held at fair value through profit or loss are classified 
as level 3 within the fair value hierarchy. 
   As UK Hold Co's net asset value is not considered observable market data 
the investment in UK Hold Co has been classified as level 3. There were 
no movements between levels during the year. 
   As at 30 June 2017: 
                       Level 1   Level 2   Level 3     Total 
                       GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Unquoted investment          -         -   372,092   372,092 
                             -         -   372,092   372,092 
   As at 30 June 2016 (Restated): 
                       Level 1   Level 2   Level 3     Total 
                       GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Unquoted investment          -         -   254,905   254,905 
                             -         -   254,905   254,905 
   As at 31 December 2016: 
                       Level 1   Level 2   Level 3     Total 
                       GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Unquoted investment          -         -   273,614   273,614 
                             -         -   273,614   273,614 
   Sensitivity Analysis 
   Due to the nature of the Group structure and the underlying valuation 
basis of UK Hold Co, FS Holdco, FS Holdco 2 and the underlying solar 
project investments, the valuation of the Company's investment at fair 
value through profit or loss is directly linked to the valuation of the 
underlying solar investments. Therefore, the unobservable inputs driving 
the valuation of the Company's investments in UK Hold Co are directly 
attributable to the valuation of the unquoted investments in FS Holdco 
and FS Holdco 2 which is discussed further in note 16. 
   1. Related undertakings 
   Details of the undertakings which the unconsolidated subsidiaries held 
as at 30 June 2017 are listed below: 
                    Direct or                                        Proportion 
                    indirect     Country of     Principal    of shares and voting rights 
Name                 holding   incorporation    activity                held 
Foresight Solar 
 (UK Hold Co) 
 Limited ("UK Hold                               Holding 
 Co")                Direct          UK          Company                            100% 
FS Holdco Limited 
 ("FS Holdco")      Indirect         UK        Subsidiary                           100% 
FS Holdco 2 
 Limited ("FS 
 Holdco 2")         Indirect         UK        Subsidiary                           100% 
FS Debtco Limited 
 ("FS Debtco")      Indirect         UK        Subsidiary                           100% 
FS Wymeswold 
 Limited            Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
FS Castle Eaton 
 Limited            Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
FS Pitworthy 
 Limited            Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
FS Highfields 
 Limited            Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
FS High Penn 
 Limited            Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
FS Hunter's Race 
 Limited            Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
FS Spriggs Limited  Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
FS Bournemouth 
 Limited            Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
FS Landmead 
 Limited            Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
FS Kencot Limited   Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
FS Copley Limited   Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
FS Port Farms 
 Solar Limited      Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
FS Membury Limited  Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
FS Southam Solar 
 Limited            Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
FS Atherstone 
 Solar Limited      Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
FS Paddock Wood 
 Solar Farm 
 Limited            Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
Atherstone Hold Co 
 Limited            Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
Southam Hold Co 
 Limited            Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
Paddock Wood Hold 
 Co Limited         Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
Acquisition Co 1    Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
Acquisition Co 2    Indirect         UK            SPV                              100% 
Wymeswold Solar 
 Farm Limited 
 ("Wymeswold")      Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
Castle Eaton Solar 
 Farm Limited 
 ("Castle Eaton")   Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
Pitworthy Solar 
 Farm Limited 
 ("Pitworthy")      Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
Highfields Solar 
 Farm Limited 
 ("Highfields")     Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
High Penn Solar 
 Farm Limited 
 ("High Penn")      Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
Hunter's Race 
 Solar Farm 
 Race")             Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
Spriggs Solar Farm 
 ("Spriggs")        Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
Bournemouth Solar 
 Farm Limited 
 ("Bournemouth")    Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
Landmead Solar 
 Farm Limited 
 ("Landmead")       Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
Kencot Hill Solar 
 Farm Limited 
 ("Kencot")         Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
Copley Solar 
 ("Copley")         Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
Port Farms Solar 
 Limited (Port 
 Farm")             Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
Membury Solar 
 ("Membury")        Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
Atherstone Solar 
 Farm Ltd 
 ("Atherstone")     Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
Southam Solar Farm 
 Ltd ("Southam")    Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
Paddock Wood Solar 
 Farm Ltd 
 ("Paddock Wood")   Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
Shotwick Solar 
 Limited            Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
Sandridge Solar 
 Power Limited      Indirect         UK        Investment                           100% 
   Period ended 30 June 2017 
   The following table represents the fair values of the investments held 
by FS Holdco Limited as required by IFRS12. 
              Cost at 1 January 2017  Additions/ (Disposals)  Cost as at 30 June 2017  Unrealised gain/(loss) as at 1 January 2017  Movement on unrealised gain/(loss)  Unrealised gain/(loss) as at 30 June 2017  Fair value as at 30 June 2017 
                      GBP'000                 GBP'000                 GBP'000                            GBP'000                                  GBP'000                                GBP'000                              GBP'000 
Wymeswold                     48,590                       -                   48,590                                        1,510                               (100)                                      1,410                         50,000 
Castle Eaton                  21,630                       -                   21,630                                          270                               (600)                                      (330)                         21,300 
Pitworthy                     18,210                       -                   18,210                                           90                               (500)                                      (410)                         17,800 
Highfields                    14,300                       -                   14,300                                          700                               (400)                                        300                         14,600 
High Penn                     11,310                       -                   11,310                                          690                               (300)                                        390                         11,700 
 Race                         13,160                       -                   13,160                                          340                               (100)                                        240                         13,400 
Spriggs                       14,580                       -                   14,580                                          220                               (200)                                         20                         14,600 
Bournemouth                   50,060                       -                   50,060                                        1,240                             (1,200)                                         40                         50,100 
Landmead                      51,580                       -                   51,580                                        2,520                             (1,500)                                      1,020                         52,600 
Kencot                        47,210                       -                   47,210                                        1,790                               (600)                                      1,190                         48,400 
Copley                        35,670                       -                   35,670                                        2,330                               (500)                                      1,830                         37,500 
Paddock Wood                  10,621                       -                   10,621                                          879                               (100)                                        779                         11,400 
Atherstone                    16,004                       -                   16,004                                          596                               (300)                                        296                         16,300 
Southam                       11,145                       -                   11,145                                          655                               (100)                                        555                         11,700 
Port Farms                    44,215                       -                   44,215                                        1,785                             (1,200)                                        585                         44,800 
Membury                       21,160                       -                   21,160                                          740                               (300)                                        440                         21,600 
                             429,445                       -                  429,445                                       16,355                             (8,000)                                      8,355                        437,800 
   Period ended 30 June 2017 
   The following table represents the fair values of the investments held 
by FS Holdco 2 Limited as required by IFRS12. 
            Cost at acquisition  Additions/ (Disposals)  Cost as at 30 June 2017  Unrealised gain/(loss) as at acquisition  Movement on unrealised gain/(loss)  Unrealised gain/(loss) as at 30 June 2017  Fair value as at 30 June 2017 
                  GBP'000                GBP'000                 GBP'000                           GBP'000                                GBP'000                                GBP'000                              GBP'000 
 Solar                   75,517                       -                   75,517                                         -                              11,083                                     11,083                         86,600 
 Power                   57,748                       -                   57,748                                         -                                 552                                        552                         58,300 
                        133,265                       -                  133,265                                         -                              11,635                                     11,635                        144,900 
   FS Holdco 2 commenced trading during the period and therefore no 
comparatives are shown. 
   Year ended 30 June 2016 (Restated) 
   The following table represents the fair values of the investments held 
by FS Holdco Limited as required by IFRS12. 
              Cost at 1 January 2016  Additions/ (Disposals)  Cost as at 30 June 2016  Unrealised gain/(loss) as at 1 January 2016  Movement on unrealised gain/(loss)  Unrealised gain/(loss) as at 30 June 2016  Fair value as at 30 June 2016 
                      GBP'000                 GBP'000                 GBP'000                            GBP'000                                  GBP'000                                GBP'000                              GBP'000 
Wymeswold                     49,090                   (500)                   48,590                                            -                                 440                                        440                         49,030 
Castle Eaton                  21,630                       -                   21,630                                            -                                  58                                         58                         21,688 
Pitworthy                     18,210                       -                   18,210                                            -                               (432)                                      (432)                         17,778 
Highfields                    14,300                       -                   14,300                                            -                                 292                                        292                         14,592 
High Penn                     11,310                       -                   11,310                                            -                                 149                                        149                         11,459 
 Race                         13,160                       -                   13,160                                            -                                   6                                          6                         13,166 
Spriggs                       14,580                       -                   14,580                                            -                                (88)                                       (88)                         14,492 
Bournemouth                   50,060                       -                   50,060                                            -                                  68                                         68                         50,128 
Landmead                      51,580                       -                   51,580                                            -                               1,292                                      1,292                         52,872 
Kencot                        47,210                       -                   47,210                                            -                                 413                                        413                         47,623 
Copley                        35,670                       -                   35,670                                            -                                  95                                         95                         35,765 
Paddock Wood                   6,190                       -                    6,190                                            -                                 336                                        336                          6,526 
Atherstone                    12,520                       -                   12,520                                            -                                 276                                        276                         12,796 
Southam                        7,780                       -                    7,780                                            -                                 209                                        209                          7,989 
Port Farms                    44,720                   (505)                   44,215                                            -                                 872                                        872                         45,087 
Membury                       21,160                       -                   21,160                                            -                                (86)                                       (86)                         21,074 
                             419,170                (10,005)                  418,165                                            -                               3,900                                      3,900                        422,065 
   Year ended 31 December 2016 
   The following table represents the fair values of the investments held 
by FS Holdco Limited as required by IFRS12. 
                                                                   Cost as 
              Cost at 1 January 2016  Additions/ (Disposals)   31 December 2016  Unrealised gain/(loss) as at 1 January 2016  Movement on unrealised gain/(loss)  Unrealised gain/(loss) as at 31 December 2016  Fair value as at 31 December 2016 
                      GBP'000                 GBP'000              GBP'000                         GBP'000                                  GBP'000                                  GBP'000                                  GBP'000 
Wymeswold                     49,090                   (500)             48,590                                            -                               1,510                                          1,510                             50,100 
Castle Eaton                  21,630                       -             21,630                                            -                                 270                                            270                             21,900 
Pitworthy                     18,210                       -             18,210                                            -                                  90                                             90                             18,300 
Highfields                    14,300                       -             14,300                                            -                                 700                                            700                             15,000 
High Penn                     11,310                       -             11,310                                            -                                 690                                            690                             12,000 
 Race                         13,160                       -             13,160                                            -                                 340                                            340                             13,500 
Spriggs                       14,580                       -             14,580                                            -                                 220                                            220                             14,800 
Bournemouth                   50,060                       -             50,060                                            -                               1,240                                          1,240                             51,300 
Landmead                      51,580                       -             51,580                                            -                               2,520                                          2,520                             54,100 
Kencot                        47,210                       -             47,210                                            -                               1,790                                          1,790                             49,000 
Copley                        35,670                       -             35,670                                            -                               2,330                                          2,330                             38,000 
Paddock Wood                   6,190                   4,431             10,621                                            -                                 879                                            879                             11,500 
Atherstone                    12,520                   3,484             16,004                                            -                                 596                                            596                             16,600 
Southam                        7,780                   3,365             11,145                                            -                                 655                                            655                             11,800 
Port Farms                    44,720                   (505)             44,215                                            -                               1,785                                          1,785                             46,000 
Membury                       21,160                       -             21,160                                            -                                 740                                            740                             21,900 
                             419,170                  10,275            429,445                                            -                              16,355                                         16,355                            445,800 
   1. Fair value of the investments in unconsolidated entities 
   Valuation process 
   Valuations are the responsibility of the Board of Directors. The 
Investment Manager is responsible for submitting fair market valuations 
of Group assets to the Directors. The Directors review and approve these 
valuations following appropriate challenge and examination. Valuations 
are carried out quarterly. The current portfolio consists of non-market 
traded investments and valuations are based on a discounted cash flow 
methodology. The Investment manager's assessment of fair value of 
investments is determined in accordance with the International Private 
Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines ("IPEVCV"), using 
unlevered Discounted Cash Flow principles. It is in the opinion of the 
Investment Manager and Directors that the IPEVCV methodology used in 
deriving a fair value is in accordance with the fair value requirements 
of IFRS 13. 
   Sensitivity analysis of significant changes in unobservable inputs 
within Level hierarchy of underlying Investments 
   The Company's investments are valued with reference to the discounted 
value of future cash flows. The Directors consider the valuation 
methodology used, including the key assumptions and discount rate 
applied, to be appropriate. The Board review, at least annually, the 
valuation inputs and where possible, make use of observable market data 
to ensure valuations reflect the fair value of the investments. A broad 
range of assumptions are used in the valuation models. These assumptions 
are based on long-term forecasts and are not affected by short term 
fluctuations in inputs, be it economic or technical. 
   The Directors consider the following assumptions to be significant 
inputs to the DCF calculation. 
   Discount rate 
   The weighted average discount rate used is 7.25%. The Directors do not 
expect to see a significant change in the discount rates applied within 
the Solar Infrastructure sector. Therefore a variance of +/- 0.5% is 
considered reasonable. The Directors review the discount rate on a 
regular basis to ensure it remains in line with any changes to the risk 
profile of the Company and any changes in the macro-economic 
                              -0.50%  -0.25%   Base  +0.25%  +0.50% 
Directors' valuation (GBPm)    607.5   594.9  582.7   570.8   559.3 
NAV per share (pence)          110.6   107.5  104.6   101.7    98.9 
Change vs Base Case (%)         4.25    2.09   0.00  (2.05)  (4.02) 
   Base case production is a function of a number of separate assumptions 
including irradiation levels, availability of the sites and technical 
performance of the equipment. A sensitivity of +/- 10% is considered 
reasonable given stable levels of irradiation, contractual availability 
guarantees and understanding of future performance levels of the 
                                 -10%   Base   +10% 
Directors' valuation (GBPm)     517.7  582.7  643.5 
NAV per share (pence)            88.9  104.6  119.3 
Change vs Base Case (%)       (11.16)   0.00  10.44 
   Power Price 
   DCF models assume power prices that are consistent with the Power 
Purchase Agreements ("PPA") currently in place. At the PPA end date, the 
model reverts to the power price forecast. 
   The power price forecasts are updated quarterly and based on power price 
forecasts from leading independent sources. The Investment Manager 
adjusts where more conservative assumptions are considered appropriate 
and applies expected PPA sales discounts. The forecast assumes an 
average annual increase in power prices in real terms of approximately 
                               -20.0%  -10.0%   Base  +10.0%  +20.0% 
Directors' valuation (GBPm)     520.3   552.2  582.7   612.3   641.6 
NAV per share (pence)            89.5    97.2  104.6   111.7   118.8 
Change vs Base Case (%)       (10.70)  (5.23)   0.00    5.07   10.11 
   A variable of 1.5% is considered reasonable given historic fluctuations. 
A long term inflation rate of 2.75% has been used for 2017. 
                               -1.50%  -0.75%   Base  +0.75%  +1.50% 
Directors' valuation (GBPm)     521.3   551.3  582.7   615.8   652.1 
NAV per share (pence)            89.8    97.0  104.6   112.6   121.4 
Change vs Base Case (%)       (10.53)  (5.38)   0.00    5.68   11.91 
   Operating costs (investment level) 
   Operating costs include operating and maintenance ("O&M"), insurance and 
lease costs. Other costs are fixed and are therefore not considered to 
be sensitive to changes in unobservable inputs. Base case costs are 
based on current commercial agreements. We would not expect these costs 
to fluctuate widely over the life of the assets and are comfortable that 
the base case is prudent. A variance of +/- 5.0% is considered 
reasonable, a variable of 10.0% is shown for information purposes. 
                              -10.0%  -5.0%   Base   +5.0%  +10.0% 
Directors' valuation (GBPm)    590.4  586.5  582.7   578.7   574.8 
NAV per share (pence)          106.4  105.5  104.6   103.6   102.7 
Change vs Base Case (%)         1.32   0.65   0.00  (0.68)  (1.35) 
   1. Stated Capital 
   The stated capital of the Company consists solely of Ordinary Shares of 
nil par value and therefore the value of the stated capital relates only 
to share premium. At any General Meeting of the Company each Shareholder 
will have, on a show of hands, one vote and on a poll one vote in 
respect of each Ordinary Share held. Stated capital is the net proceeds 
received from the issue of Ordinary Shares (net of issue costs 
   Ordinary Shares 
                                     30 June    30 June 2016  31 December 
                                       2017      (Restated)       2016 
                                      Shares       Shares        Shares 
Opening balance                    340,950,912   281,803,232  281,803,232 
Issued during the period            72,850,624             -   59,147,680 
Repurchased and held in Treasury             -             -            - 
Closing balance                    413,801,536   281,803,232  340,950,912 
                                       30 June  30 June 2016  31 December 
                                          2017    (Restated)         2016 
                                       GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000 
Opening balance                        339,003       279,403      279,403 
Proceeds from share issue               78,497             -       60,781 
Less: issue costs                      (1,523)             -      (1,181) 
Closing balance                        415,977       279,403      339,003 
   1. NAV per Ordinary Share 
   The Net Asset Value ("NAV") per redeemable Ordinary Share for the 
Company is based on the Net Asset Value at the reporting date of 
GBP432,798,841 (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP279,745,961, 1 
January 2016 to 31 December 2016: GBP350,769,981) and on 413,801,536 (1 
January 2016 to 30 June 2016: 281,803,232, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 
2016: 340,950,912) redeemable Ordinary Shares, being the number of 
Ordinary Shares in issue at the end of the period. 
   1. Financial instruments and risk profile 
   The Company holds cash and liquid resources as well as having 
receivables and payables that arise directly from its operations. The 
underlying investments of the Company's investment activities indirectly 
expose it to various types of risks associated with solar power. The 
main risks arising from the Company's financial instruments are market 
risk, liquidity risk, credit risk and interest rate risk. The Directors 
regulatory review and agree policies for managing each of these risks 
and these are summarised below: 
   19.1.   Market risk 
   (a)  Foreign exchange risk 
   Foreign currency risk, as defined in IFRS 7, arises as the values of 
recognised monetary assets and monetary liabilities denominated in other 
currencies fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates. As the 
Company to date operates only within the United Kingdom and Jersey, the 
Directors have concluded that the Company is not exposed to foreign 
exchange risk. 
   (b)  Price risk 
   The Company's investments are susceptible to market price risk arising 
from uncertainties about future values of the instruments. The Company's 
Investment Manager provides the Company with investment recommendations. 
The Company's Investment Manager's recommendations are reviewed and 
approved by the Investment Manager before the investment decisions are 
implemented. To manage the market price risk, the Company's Investment 
Manager reviews the performance of the investments on a regular basis 
and is in regular contact with the management of the non current 
investments for business and operational matters. 
   Price risk is the risk that the fair value or cash flows of a financial 
instrument will fluctuate due to changes in market prices. At 30 June 
2017, the Company's only investment was valued at net assets excluding 
the outstanding loans issued by the Company. Were this value to increase 
by 10%, the increase in net assets attributable to shareholders for the 
period would have been GBP37,209,200 (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: 
GBP25,490,500, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: GBP27,361,400). The 
impact of changes in unobservable inputs to the underlying investments 
is considered in note 16. 
   19.2.   Liquidity risk 
   Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will not be able to meet its 
financial obligations as they fall due as a result of the maturity of 
assets and liabilities not matching. An unmatched position potentially 
enhances profitability, but can also increase the risk of losses. 
Liquidity could be impaired by an inability to access secured and/or 
unsecured sources of financing to meet financial commitments. The Board 
monitors the Company's liquidity requirements to ensure there is 
sufficient cash to meet the Company's operating needs. 
   30 June 2017 
                                                                      6 to 12 
              Carrying amount  Contractual Total  Less than 6 months   Months   Greater than 12 months 
                  GBP'000           GBP'000             GBP'000        GBP'000          GBP'000 
Investments           372,092            372,092                   -         -                 372,092 
Trade and 
 Receivables            5,513              5,513               5,513         -                       - 
 receivable            50,391             50,391              50,391         -                       - 
Cash and 
 equivalents            5,401              5,401               5,401         -                       - 
 assets               433,397            433,397              61,305         -                 372,092 
Trade and 
 payables               (598)              (598)               (598)         -                       - 
 liabilities            (598)              (598)               (598)         -                       - 
Net position          432,799            432,799              60,707         -                 372,092 
   30 June 2016 (Restated) 
                                                                      6 to 12 
              Carrying amount  Contractual Total  Less than 6 months   Months   Greater than 12 months 
                  GBP'000           GBP'000             GBP'000        GBP'000          GBP'000 
Investments           254,905            254,905                   -         -                 254,905 
Trade and 
 Receivables            4,128              4,128               4,128         -                       - 
 receivable            18,888             18,888              18,888         -                       - 
Cash and 
 equivalents            2,871              2,871               2,871         -                       - 
 assets               280,792            280,792              25,887         -                 254,905 
Trade and 
 payables             (1,046)            (1,046)             (1,046)         -                       - 
 liabilities          (1,046)            (1,046)             (1,046)         -                       - 
Net position          279,746            279,746              24,841         -                 254,905 
   19.2.   Liquidity risk (continued) 
   31 December 2016 
                                                                      6 to 12 
              Carrying amount  Contractual Total  Less than 6 months   Months   Greater than 12 months 
                  GBP'000           GBP'000             GBP'000        GBP'000          GBP'000 
Investments           273,614            273,614                   -         -                 273,614 
Trade and 
 Receivables            4,847              4,847               4,847         -                       - 
 receivable            33,044             33,044              33,044         -                       - 
Cash and 
 equivalents           39,381             39,381              39,381         -                       - 
 assets               350,886            350,886              77,272         -                 273,614 
Trade and 
 payables               (116)              (116)               (116)         -                       - 
 liabilities            (116)              (116)               (116)         -                       - 
Net position          350,770            350,770              77,156         -                 273,614 
   19.3.   Credit risk 
   Credit risk refers to the risk that a counterparty will default on its 
contractual obligations resulting in financial loss to the Company. 
   The Company places cash with authorised deposit takers and is therefore 
potentially at risk from the failure of such institutions. 
   In respect of credit risk arising from other financial assets and 
liabilities, which mainly comprise of cash and cash equivalents, 
exposure to credit risk arises from default of the counterparty with a 
maximum exposure equal to the carrying amounts of these instruments. In 
order to mitigate such risks, cash is maintained with major 
international financial institutions. During the year and at the 
reporting date, the Company maintained relationships with the following 
financial institutions: 
                                                      Credit       30 June 2017 
                                                      Rating          GBP'000 
Cash in hand: 
Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited              P2                       24 
Lloyds Bank International Limited                         P1                    5,377 
Santander UK plc                                          P1                        - 
Total Company cash and cash equivalents and total 
 cash in hand                                                                   5,401 
Total Company cash balances held by banks                                       5,401 
                                                      Credit  30 June 2016 (Restated) 
                                                      Rating                  GBP'000 
Cash in hand: 
Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited              P2                      256 
Lloyds Bank International Limited                         P1                    2,615 
Total Company cash and cash equivalents and total 
 cash in hand                                                                   2,871 
Total Company cash balances held by banks                                       2,871 
   19.3.   Credit risk (continued) 
                                                      Credit  31 December 2016 
                                                      Rating       GBP'000 
Cash in hand: 
Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited              P2               327 
Lloyds Bank International Limited                         P1            18,684 
Santander UK plc                                          P1            20,370 
Total Company cash and cash equivalents and total 
 cash in hand                                                           39,381 
Total Company cash balances held by banks                               39,381 
   19.4.   Interest rate risk 
   Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows 
of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market 
interest rates. The Company's exposure to the risk of changes in market 
interest rates relates primarily to the Company's long-term lending to 
its subsidiary. At period end the Company had no long term borrowings 
with third parties (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: GBPNil, 1 January 
2016 to 31 December 2016: GBPNil). 
                                                                        Weighted average time for which rate 
                  Total portfolio       Weighted average interest rate                is fixed 
                    30 June 2017                 30 June 2017                       30 June 2017 
                       GBP'000                         %                                Days 
Loan notes                     250,000                          11.00%                                   961 
 loans                         126,610                           5.50%                                 1,468 
Cash                             5,401                               -                                     - 
                                                                        Weighted average time for which rate 
                       Total portfolio  Weighted average interest rate                              is fixed 
               30 June 2016 (Restated)         30 June 2016 (Restated)               30 June 2016 (Restated) 
                               GBP'000                               %                                  Days 
Loan notes                     250,000                          10.93%                                   598 
 loans                          13,230                           9.00%                                 1,105 
Cash                             2,871                               -                                     - 
   19.4.   Interest rate risk (continued) 
                                                                 Weighted average time for which rate 
               Total portfolio   Weighted average interest rate                is fixed 
               31 December 2016         31 December 2016                   31 December 2016 
                   GBP'000                      %                                Days 
Loan notes              250,000                          10.93%                                   780 
 loans                   23,910                           9.00%                                 1,287 
Cash                     39,381                               -                                     - 
   19.5.   Other risks 
   Political and economic risk 
   The value of Ordinary Shares may be affected by uncertainties such as 
political or diplomatic developments, social and religious instability, 
changes in government policies, taxation or interest rates, currency 
repatriation and other political and economic developments in law or 
regulations and, in particular, the risk of expropriation, 
nationalisation, and confiscation of assets and changes in legislation 
relating to the level of foreign ownership. 
   Governmental authorities at all levels are actively involved in the 
promulgation and enforcement of regulations relating to taxation, land 
use and zoning and planning restrictions, environmental protection, 
safety and other matters. The introduction and enforcement of such 
regulations could have the effect of increasing the expense and lowering 
the income or rate of return from, as well as adversely affecting the 
value of, the Company's assets. 
   1. Capital Management 
   The Company's objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the 
Group's ability to continue as a going concern in order to provide 
returns for shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders and to 
maintain an optimal capital structure to reduce the cost of capital. 
   In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Company may 
adjust the amount of dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to 
shareholders, issue new shares (up to its authorised number of shares) 
or sell assets to reduce debt. 
   1. Dividends 
   Dividends paid during the year comprise an interim dividend in respect 
of quarter 1 (1 January 2017 to 31 March 2017) and quarter 2 (1 April 
2017 to 30 June 2017) of GBP6,413,924 (1.55 pence per Ordinary Share). 
   1. Related party disclosures 
   For the purposes of these Financial Statements, a related party is an 
entity or entities who are able to exercise significant influence 
directly or indirectly on the Company's operations. 
   As noted in Note 2, the Company does not consolidate its subsidiary. 
However, the Company and its subsidiaries (direct and indirect) are a 
Group and therefore, are considered to be related parties. 
   During the period the Company issued no additional Loan Notes to UK Hold 
Co (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP34,000,000, 1 January 2016 to 31 
December 2016: GBP34,000,000), with the total issued to UK Hold Co 
remaining at GBP250,000,000 (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: 
GBP250,000,000, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: GBP250,000,000), on 
which interest of GBP15,549,068 was receivable for the period (1 January 
2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP10,196,236, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: 
GBP27,314,252). As at the reporting date interest of GBP42,863,304 was 
receivable (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP13,791,052, 1 January 
2016 to 31 December 2016: GBP27,314,940). 
   As at the reporting date, the Company has a Shareholders loan receivable 
from UK Hold Co totalling GBP126,609,725 (1 January 2016 to 30 June 
2016: GBP13,229,995, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: GBP23,910,000). 
Total interest of GBP1,797,936 was receivable for the period (1 January 
2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP4,046,291, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: 
GBP2,135,009). As at the reporting date interest of GBP7,527,776 was 
receivable (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP5,097,230, 1 January 2016 
to 31 December 2016: GBP2,135,009). 
   On 18 January 2017 the Company issued an additional GBP35,200,000 
shareholders loans, funded using equity proceeds raised during the prior 
year, to UK Hold Co. This GBP35,200,000 was utilised in the acquisition 
of Atem Solar Limited (Shotwick Solar) on 2 February 2017 by FS Holdco 
2, a direct subsidiary of UK Hold Co. 
   The Company also issued an additional GBP67,500,000 to UK Hold Co on 7 
April 2017, funded using equity proceeds raised in March 2017 . UK Hold 
Co transferred GBP12,500,000 of this amount to FS Holdco to repay a 
portion of its Short Term Revolving Facility with Abbey National 
Treasury Services ("Santander"). The remaining GBP55,000,000 was paid to 
FS Debtco, a direct subsidiary of FS Holdco 2, to repay its 
GBP55,000,000 loan to Santander that was utilised in the acquisition of 
Sandridge Solar Power Limited. As a result, FS Debtco has a loan payable 
to UK Hold Co of GBP55,000,000 on which interest of GBP632,876 was 
charged during the period and was still outstanding at reporting date. 
   On 31 March 2016, UK Hold Co transferred all shareholder loans which 
formed part of the investment in its subsidiaries, being GBP343,730,873, 
to FS Holdco in return for a loan payable by FS Holdco to UK Hold Co of 
GBP343,730,873, On 14 April 2016, UK Hold Co's outstanding loan balance 
with The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (the"RBS") of GBP149,503,500 was 
paid by FS Holdco on behalf of UK Hold Co. On 23 December 2016, FS 
Holdco increased its loan to UK Hold Co by GBP34,000,000 and on 7 April 
UK Hold Co transferred GBP12,500,000 to FS Holdco. The total interest 
payable for the period was GBP13,560,860 (2016: GBP20,511,723). 
   FS Holdco was entitled to loan interest on the shareholder loans, from 
the SPVs, totalling GBP13,115,111, of which GBP28,834,192 was 
outstanding as at the reporting date. During the period, FS Holdco 
received repayments of shareholder loans from the SPVs totalling GBPNil. 
   During the period UK Hold Co issued a shareholder loan of GBP79,379,733 
to FS Holdco 2. Interest of GBP1,333,726 on this loan was charged during 
the period of which GBP1,333,726 was outstanding at period end. FS 
Holdco 2 used this loan to issue a loan of the exact amount to FS 
Debtco. Interest of GBP1,579,953 was charged during the period and was 
still outstanding at reporting date. 
   All of the SPVs are cash generating solar farms. On occasion revenues 
received and expenses are paid on their behalf by FS Holdco. All of 
these transactions are related parties. At year end, the following SPVs 
had amounts payable and receivable to FS Holdco: 
                                   30 June   30 June 2016  31 December 
                                     2017     (Restated)       2016 
                                    GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000 
Bournemouth                             142             -            - 
Castle Eaton                            258             -            - 
Copley                                   80           116          116 
High Penn                               123             -            - 
Highfields                              244             -            - 
Hunters Race                            229             -            - 
Landmead                                130             -            - 
Pitworthy                               202             -            - 
                                      1,408           116          116 
Kencot                                    -         (293)        (293) 
Membury                                   -         (758)        (758) 
Funds held on behalf of Projects    (6,928)             -            - 
                                    (6,928)       (1,051)      (1,051) 
Total payable to SPVs               (5,520)         (935)        (935) 
   During the prior year, UK Hold Co made use of a tax credit of 
GBP1,003,322 availed by its subsidiary, FS Holdco, to reduce the tax 
liability of the Group at the reporting date. 
   The manager is considered a related party as it provides key management 
services to the Group. Refer to note 23 for transactions with the 
   1. Transactions with the manager 
   Foresight Group CI Limited, acting as investment manager to the Group in 
respect of its investments, earned fees of GBP1,306,418 during the 
period (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP1,395,586, 1 January 2016 to 
31 December 2016: GBP3,053,551), of which GBP498,574 was outstanding as 
at 30 June 2017 (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP699,064, 1 January 
2016 to 31 December 2016: GBP17,066). 
   Foresight Group CI Limited charged fees to FS Holdco of GBPNil (1 
January 2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP680,000, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 
2016: GBP680,000) during the period in relation to the arrangement and 
transaction advice of the long term refinancing of the Group, of which 
GBPNil (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: GBPNil, 1 January 2016 to 31 
December 2016: GBPNil) was outstanding as at period end. 
   Foresight Group LLP, a related party of Foresight Group CI, charged 
asset management fees to the underlying projects of GBP280,000 during 
the period (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP256,000, 1 January 2016 
to 31 December 2016: GBP512,000). 
   Brighter Green Engineering, a related party of Foresight Group LLP, 
charged fees to the underlying projects under both the O&M contracts and 
EPC defect remedial work of GBP1,260,543 during the period (1 January 
2016 to 30 June 2016: GBP20,286, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: 
   Pursuant to the terms of the Prospectus, the total launch costs to be 
borne by the Shareholders of the Company were capped at 2% of the launch 
proceeds of GBP150,000,000 (i.e. GBP3,000,000) with any excess launch 
costs being reimbursed to the Company from Foresight Group CI Limited. 
Launch costs for the period to be reimbursed from Foresight Group CI 
Limited amounted to GBP652,202 (1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016: 
GBP213,644, 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016: GBP213,644). 
   1. Commitments and contingent liabilities 
   There are no commitments nor contingent liabilities. 
   1. Controlling party 
   In the opinion of the Directors, there is no controlling party as no one 
party has the ability to direct the financial and operating policies of 
the Company with a view to gaining economic benefits from its direction. 
   1. Post balance sheet events 
   On 21 July 2017, the Company acquired a 5MW operational project known as 
Wally Corner in Berinsfield, South Oxfordshire, for GBP5,637,631. The 
asset was acquired from Ethical Power, a contractor the Company has 
worked with in the past. This acquisition was funded using equity 
proceeds from the Company's March Share Placing. 
   JTC (Jersey) Limited 
   JTC House 
   28 Esplanade 
   St. Helier Jersey 
   JE4 2QP 
   Computershare Investor Services (Jersey) 
   Queensway House 
   Hilgrove Street 
   St. Helier Jersey 
   JE1 1ES 
   Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited (formerly Oriel Securities) 
   150 Cheapside 
   EC2V 6ET 
   J. P. Morgan Cazenove 
   25 Bank Street, 
   Canary Wharf 
   E14 5JP 
   Foresight Group CI Limited 
   PO Box 156 
   Dorey Court 
   St. Peter Port 
   GY1 4EU 
   Dickson Minto W.S. 
   Broadgate Tower 
   20 Primrose Street 
   EC2A 2EW 
   Ogier House 
   The Esplanade 
   St. Helier 
   JE4 9WG 
   Osborne Clarke 
   One London Wall 
   EC2Y 5EB 
   15 Canada Square 
   E14 5G 
   Glossary of Terms 
AIC                 The Association of Investment Companies 
AIC Code            The Association of Investment Companies Code of Corporate 
AIC Guide           The Association of Investment Companies Corporate 
                     Governance Guide for Investment Companies 
AIFMD               The Alternative Investment Fund Management Directive 
BEIS                The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy 
BEPS                Base Erosion and Profit Shifting 
Brexit              Departure of the UK from the EU 
CfD                 Contract for Difference 
Company             Foresight Solar Fund Limited 
DCF                 Discounted Cash Flow 
DECC                The Department of Energy and Climate Change 
DNO                 Distribution Network Operator 
EPC                 Engineering, Procurement & Construction 
EU                  The European Union 
FAC                 Final Acceptance Certificate 
FiT                 Feed-in Tariff 
GAV                 Gross Asset Value on Investment Basis including debt 
                     held at SPV level 
GWh                 Gigawatt hour 
IAS                 International Accounting Standard 
IFRS                International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted 
                     by the EU 
Investment Manager  Foresight Group CI Limited 
IPEV                International Private Equity and Venture Capital 
IPO                 Initial Public Offering 
KPMG LLP            KPMG is the Company's Auditor 
LCF                 Levy Control Framework 
LD                  Liquidated damages awarded to renewable energy projects 
                     in relation to their clean energy production which 
                     were typically monetised under PPA contracts to offset 
                     levies due under the Climate Change Levy to energy 
LIBOR               London Interbank Offered Rate 
Listing Rules       The set of FCA rules which must be followed by all 
                     companies listed in the UK 
Main Market         The main securities market of the London Stock Exchange 
MIDIS               Macquarie Infrastructure Debt Investment Solutions 
MWh                 Megawatt hour 
MWp                 Megawatt peak 
NAV                 Net Asset Value 
Official List       The Premium Segment of the UK Listing Authority's 
                     Official List 
O&M                 Operation and Maintenance contractors 
PID                 Potential Induced Degradation 
PPA                 Power Purchase Agreements 
PR                  Performance Ratio 
PV                  Photovoltaic 
RO Scheme           Energy suppliers meet their obligations by presenting 
                     Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs) to Ofgem. 
                     Where suppliers do not have sufficient ROCs to cover 
                     their obligation, a payment is made into the buy-out 
ROC                 Renewable Obligation Certificates 
RPI                 The Retail Price Index 
SPV                 The Special Purpose Vehicles which hold the Company's 
                     investment portfolio of underlying operating assets 
UK                  The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 
   This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf 
of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients. 
   The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely 
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information 
contained therein. 
   Source: Foresight Solar Fund Limited via Globenewswire 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 16, 2017 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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