First Calgary Petroleums Ltd. Reports Third Quarter Results


    TSX: FCP   LSE: FPL                                                      


    CALGARY, Nov. 11 /CNW/ - First Calgary Petroleums Ltd. is pleased to

report financial results for the nine months ended September 30, 2004.


    Report to Shareholders


    First Calgary Petroleums Ltd. ("FCP" or the "Company"), an international

exploration company active in Algeria, operates Ledjmet Block 405b and

Yacoub Block 406a in the Berkine Basin. In this report, $ refers to the

U.S. dollar and C$ refers to the Canadian dollar.


    During the third quarter FCP continued to achieve outstanding drilling

results. On Block 405b, the 2004 drilling programme moved west of the

MLE Field with discoveries at LEC-1, MZLN-1, LES-1, MZLS-1 and LEW-1. Drilling

operations commenced on LES-2 in late October. On Block 406a, the Company

tested the ZCH-1 discovery during the quarter and commenced a 613 km(2) 3D

seismic programme which will be integral to selecting 2005 drilling locations

on this Block.


    Ledjmet Block 405b


    On Block 405b, there are currently ten cased gas and condensate wells, of

which the Company has drilled nine. On a cumulative basis, the wells

production tested 176,309 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d) consisting

of 765 million cubic feet of gas per day (mmcf/d), 35,236 barrels of

condensate per day (bbls/d) and 13,515 barrels of light oil per day (bbls/d).

The following is a summary of the wells and test results obtained to date:




                      Normalized Rates


              Total     Gas    Condensate   Oil

             (boe/d)  (mmcf/d)  (bbls/d)  (bbls/d)

    Well       (1)      (2)        (2)      (3)     Category      Status


    MLE-1     6,019      31        784            Exploration  Cased & tested


    MLE-2    45,151     192     13,098             Appraisal   Cased & tested


    MLE-3    24,743     127      3,643             Appraisal   Cased & tested


    MLE-4     5,090      23      1,223             Appraisal   Cased & tested


    MLE-5     8,546      42      1,596             Appraisal   Cased & tested


    LEC-1    20,059     105      2,602            Exploration  Cased & tested


    LES-1    21,105      31      2,427   13,515   Exploration  Cased & tested


    MZLN-1   45,596     214      9,863            Exploration  Cased & tested


    MZLS-1                                        Exploration  Cased & logged


    LEW-1                                         Exploration  Cased & logged


    LES-2                                          Appraisal      Drilling




    TOTALS  176,309     765     35,236   13,515



    FWHP - Flowing Wellhead Pressure

    FBHP - Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure

    (1) Using a conversion ratio of 6 thousand cubic feet of gas to 1 barrel

        of oil equivalent

    (2) Rate normalized to a FWHP of 2,000 psi

    (3) Rate normalized to a FBHP of 2,000 psi

    (4) Test rates are from multiple zones.


    Readers are referred to the map of Block 405b which is available on the

Company's website at

    Block 405b operations during, and subsequent to, the third quarter are

summarized below:


    MLE Field  -  Development work is continuing with Sonatrach respecting

                  the commercialisation.

               -  Independent engineers are developing reservoir models.

               -  Conceptual engineering designs for facilities and pipelines

                  are in progress.

    LEC-1      -  Drilled to evaluate a structural high, separate from the

                  MLE Field.

               -  Production tests confirmed the continuation of the prolific

                  Devonian zones to the west of the MLE Field.

    LES-1      -  Drilled to evaluate an undrilled structure on the southern

                  part of the Block.

               -  Testing operations confirmed the extension of reserves in

                  the lower Devonian zones.

               -  Tested significant oil volume.

    MZLN-1     -  Drilled to evaluate the hydrocarbon pay identified in the

                  MZL-1 borehole and to explore for new reserves in

                  additional geological horizons.

               -  Testing operations confirmed the extension of reserves in

                  the lower Devonian zones.

    MZLS-1     -  Drilled to evaluate another separate structure and confirm

                  the westerly extension of the lower Devonian zones.

               -  Wireline logs indicated 51 metres of net hydrocarbon pay.

               -  Production testing anticipated to commence in November.

    LEW-1      -  Located over twenty kilometers west of the MLE Field, it is

                  the furthest westerly well drilled to date on the Block.

               -  Drilled to evaluate an undrilled structure and confirm the

                  westerly extension of the lower Devonian zones.

               -  Wireline logs indicated 67 metres of net hydrocarbon pay.

               -  Production testing anticipated to commence in November.

    LES-2      -  Drilling of this appraisal of the LES-1 exploration well

                  has commenced.


    Yacoub Block 406a


    During the third quarter, production testing of the ZCH-1 discovery well

was completed with a cumulative test rate of 8,545 barrels per day of

hydrocarbon liquids (comprised of 6,376 barrels of light oil and 2,169 barrels

of condensate) and 56.2 million cubic feet of natural gas per day from several

geological zones at various wellhead pressures.

    Encouraged by the ZCH-1 test results, FCP commenced a 613 km(2) 3D

seismic programme on the Block to define both appraisal and further

exploration drilling locations. The acquisition, processing and initial

interpretation of this survey are expected to be completed early in 2005.

    The ZCH-1 discovery on Block 406a is significant for the Company. With a

sizeable unexplored acreage position on this structural trend, it has the

potential to add materially to the Company's reserves. This discovery also

provides an excellent complement to the gas and condensate discoveries on

Ledjmet Block 405b.



    Management's Discussion and Analysis


    Management's discussion and analysis ("MD&A") should be read in

conjunction with the unaudited interim financial statements for the three and

nine month periods ended September 30, 2004 and 2003 and the audited financial

statements and MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2003.




    FCP operates in Algeria where it has the rights to explore and appraise

two large acreage blocks, Ledjmet Block 405b and Yacoub Block 406a. The

Company's rights and obligations are set out in hydrocarbon agreements with

Sonatrach, the national oil company of Algeria, which represents the interest

of the state.

    On Block 405b, FCP is party to a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with

Sonatrach. The PSC allocates hydrocarbon production between FCP and Sonatrach

in accordance with a sliding scale formula based on such factors as production

levels, product prices and project investment. Pursuant to the formula, the

Company's annual share of production may range from 27.72% to 8.16%. All

Algerian state royalties and income taxes are paid by Sonatrach from its share

of hydrocarbon production.

    On Block 406a, FCP has a Joint Venture Agreement (JV) with Sonatrach. The

JV allocates 49 percent of the hydrocarbon production or equivalent volume

thereof to the Company. FCP is responsible for paying Algerian state royalties

and income taxes on its share of production. A portion of the total

recoverable natural gas reserves will be considered strategic reserves and

excluded by Algerian law from the JV.

    The hydrocarbon agreements require FCP to conduct certain drilling and

seismic activities over periods of time. The exploration and appraisal phases

of the agreements that extend for five years are divided into two periods with

each period containing a minimum work commitment. In each agreement, the first

period was for three years, and the Company then had the option to enter a

second exploration period of two years. Following the exploration and

appraisal phase of each agreement, the Company and Sonatrach will obtain

exploitation permits for any reserves determined to be commercial and all

lands not subject to an exploitation permit will be returned to the



    Ledjmet Block 405b


    The Company is in the third year of the first exploration period of the

Block 405b hydrocarbon agreement and has satisfied all the work commitments

relating thereto. The first exploration period will end in December 2004 at

which time the hydrocarbon agreement requires 30% of the Block's acreage to be

relinquished. Based upon the drilling results obtained to date and the seismic

data on the Block, the Company is optimistic about the exploration potential

of the undrilled lands to the west of the MLE Field. Accordingly, FCP has

committed to the second exploration period. The remaining work commitment for

the two year second exploration period is to drill one exploration well by

December 31, 2006, estimated to cost $9 million. If the Company fails to

satisfy this work obligation, the rights, other than for which an exploitation

permit has been granted or requested, will be returned and the Company will be

liable to pay Sonatrach a penalty of $6.25 million.

    As part of the Block 405b hydrocarbon agreement, FCP obtained the right

to appraise and develop the MLE reserves discovered with the MLE-1 well. FCP

has now drilled four MLE appraisal wells: MLE-2, MLE-3, MLE-4 and MLE-5. As

compensation for the right to access the MLE discovery, the Company is

committed to pay Sonatrach a reserve-based access fee of $0.25 per barrel of

oil equivalent calculated on the total estimated recoverable MLE reserves. The

access fee will be determined at the time the MLE reserves are declared

commercial by Sonatrach and will be payable as a deduction from Sonatrach's

share of the MLE development expenditures.


    Yacoub Block 406a


    The Company is in the second exploration period of the Block 406a

hydrocarbon agreement, which will end in November 2005. The remaining second

exploration period work commitment is the drilling of two exploration wells by

November 11, 2005. The cost of this commitment is currently estimated at

$15 million. If the Company fails to satisfy this work obligation, the rights,

other than for which an exploitation permit has been granted or requested,

will be returned and the Company will be liable to pay Sonatrach a penalty of

$12.75 million.


    Capital Expenditures


    Capital expenditures for the nine months ended September 30, 2004 totaled

$69.1 million compared to $28.6 million in the comparable period in 2003. Of

the 2004 expenditures, $58 million related to drilling, completion and testing

activities, $7.1 million was spent on seismic and $4 million related to

administrative and support services for the Algerian operations.

    Capital expenditures for the three months ended September 30, 2004

totaled $30.6 million compared to $11 million in 2003. Of the third quarter

2004 expenditures, $27.5 million related to drilling, completion and testing

activities, $2.1 million was spent on seismic and $1 million related to

administrative and support services for the Algerian operations.


    Liquidity and Capital Resources


    FCP continues to rely on equity to fund its operations and capital

programmes. The Company had working capital of $19.9 million at September 30,

2004 compared to $83.1 million at December 31, 2003. Changes in the Company's

working capital are primarily a function of the timing and magnitude of its

equity financings and capital expenditures. The net reduction in working

capital in the nine months ended September 30, 2004 can be attributed to

$69.1 million of capital expenditures, $7.4 million in proceeds from the

exercise of options and warrants, $2.3 million to fund operations and a

positive foreign currency change of $0.8 million.

    During the three months ended September 30, 2004, the $28.8 million net

reduction in the Company's working capital can be attributed to $30.6 million

of capital expenditures, $0.4 million in proceeds from the exercise of options

and warrants, $0.8 million to fund operations and a positive foreign currency

change of $2.2 million.

    Subsequent to September 30, 2004, the Company entered into an agreement

with Canaccord Capital Corporation, whereby Canaccord has agreed to purchase

for resale to the public on a bought deal basis, 6,000,000 common shares of

FCP at a price of C$14.46 (pnds stlg 6.50) per share, resulting in gross

proceeds of approximately $72.4 million (pnds stlg 39 million). This financing

is subject to certain conditions, including normal regulatory approvals, and

is anticipated to close on or about December 2, 2004. Net proceeds of the

offering will be used to fund capital expenditures on Blocks 405b and 406a and

for working capital purposes.

    The Company is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and on the AIM market

of the London Stock Exchange. During the nine months ended September 30, 2004

the Company received $7.4 million for the issuance of 2,506,058 common shares

from the exercise of stock options and warrants. For the three months ended

September 30, 2004, $0.4 million has been received from the issuance of 83,333

common shares pursuant to the exercise of stock options and warrants. In

October 2004, FCP issued 10,150,000 common shares to acquire a 5% net profits

interest held by a third party on the net future cash flow of Blocks 405b and


    The fully-diluted number of shares outstanding at November 10, 2004,

September 30, 2004 and December 31, 2003 were as follows:


                                     November 10, September 30,  December 31,

                                         2004          2004          2003


    Common shares                    175,712,744   165,562,744   163,056,686

    Employee stock options             8,877,668     8,877,668     9,018,401

    Common share purchase warrants       154,549       154,549     1,913,209

    Non-employee stock options           900,000       900,000       900,000


    Fully-diluted shares

     outstanding                     185,644,961   175,494,961   174,888,296





    Operating Results and Selected Quarterly Information


                            2004                           2003

    (000's of U.S.

     dollars)       Q3       Q2       Q1       Q4       Q3       Q2       Q1


    Interest   $   251  $   238  $   415  $   315  $    81  $   118  $   124



      General and


       trative     904    1,048      910      962      660      539      442



       sation      975    1,375    1,389    3,579      233      214      653




       (gain)   (2,151)   1,137      292     (320)    (192)     633      421



       investment    -        -        -    1,035        -        -        -


       donation      -        -        -        -        -    1,000        -


       expenses    109       92       90      290       34       97        8


                  (163)   3,652    2,681    5,546      735    2,483    1,524


    Income (loss)  414   (3,414)  (2,266)  (5,231)    (654)  (2,365)  (1,400)

    Loss per

     share        0.00    (0.02)   (0.01)   (0.03)   (0.01)   (0.02)   (0.01)



     capital   172,895  172,376  171,897  165,181   62,463   62,295   62,194





     iency)     19,858   48,664   74,659   83,110   (1,150)  10,383   19,947


     assets    137,911  107,267   82,886   68,708   52,106   41,061   29,085


     liabilities  (239)    (174)    (151)    (123)     (92)     (91)     (61)



     equity   $157,530 $155,757 $157,394 $151,695 $ 50,864 $ 51,353 $ 48,971





    (000's of U.S.

     dollars)           Q4


    Interest      $     75



      General and


       trative         543


       compensation     31


       exchange loss

       (gain)          (81)



       investment        -


       donation          -


       expenses          5




    Income (loss)     (423)

    Loss per

     share           (0.01)



     capital        40,351





     iency)          6,640


     assets         18,862


     liabilities       (22)



     equity      $ 25,480



    The Company's interest income for the three and nine month periods ended

September 30, 2004, was higher compared with the 2003 comparable periods as a

result of higher average cash and term-deposit balances during 2004.

    The Company's general and administrative expenses were $2.9 million for

the nine months ended September 30, 2004 compared with $1.6 million in the

comparable 2003 period. For the three months ended September 30, 2004 and

2003, the general and administrative expenses were $0.9 and $0.7 million,

respectively. The increased expense during 2004 is attributed to additional

resources required for the operation of the Algeria petroleum and natural gas

projects (including employee levels and administrative support), professional

fees and annual public company listing fees.

    Stock-based compensation expense was $3.7 million for the nine months

ended September 30, 2004 compared with $1.1 million in the comparable 2003

period. For the three months ended September 30, 2004 and 2003, the stock-

based compensation expense was $1 and $0.2 million, respectively. The

increased 2004 expense is primarily attributed to the vesting of options

granted in the fourth quarter of 2003 and to higher estimated option fair


    The Company recorded a net foreign exchange gain of $0.7 million for the

nine months ended September 30, 2004, of which $2.2 million was incurred

during the third quarter. The gain primarily resulted from the effects of the

weakening U.S. dollar against Canadian dollar deposits held. A $0.9 million

loss was recorded in the comparable 2003 period due primarily from foreign

exchange rate changes on British pound holdings generated from the February

2003 public share offering. The Company changed its functional currency in the

fourth quarter of 2003 from the Canadian dollar to the U.S. dollar. The

functional currency is the unit of reference by which all foreign currency

transactions are measured and foreign exchange gains or losses determined.


    Business Risks and Uncertainties


    The MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2003 includes an overview of

certain of the business risks and uncertainties facing the Company. Those

risks remain in effect as at September 30, 2004.




    The Company has an active exploration and appraisal programme planned for

the remainder of 2004. Interpretation and analysis of the 3D seismic programme

on Block 405b is ongoing and the Company has identified a number of drillable

locations. In addition, reservoir modeling and conceptual facilities

engineering work is continuing respecting the MLE development. Acquisition and

interpretation of the 3D seismic programme on Block 406a is ongoing and will

be used to identify 2005 drilling locations.

    The development of the Block 405b reserves through to commercial

production is a unique opportunity that will require significant capital. In

October, FCP retained Lehman Brothers as a financial adviser and Canaccord

Capital (Europe) Limited as a strategic adviser to assist the Company in

seeking and evaluating strategic alternatives. The review of strategic

alternatives may include the consideration of a number of transactions,

including an outright sale of the Company, a strategic partnership for the

development of Blocks 405b and 406a as well as potential capital markets



    Advisory Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


    Certain information with respect to the Company contained in this report

contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are

based on assumptions and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, some

of which are beyond FCP's control, including the impact of general economic

conditions, industry conditions, volatility of commodity prices, currency

exchange rate fluctuations, reserve estimates, environmental risks,

competition from other explorers, stock market volatility and the ability to

access sufficient capital. FCP's actual results, performance or achievement

could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-

looking statements and, accordingly, no assurance can be given that any events

anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur.


    November 10, 2004





    Consolidated Balance Sheets


    (Expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars)




                                                  September 30   December 31

                                                          2004          2003


                                                    (Unaudited)     (Audited)



    Current assets:

      Cash and short-term deposits (note 3)        $    41,648  $    95,185

      Accounts receivable                                  114          144

      Deposits and prepaid expenses                        239          326


                                                        42,001       95,655


    Property, plant and equipment                      137,911       68,708



                                                   $   179,912  $   164,363




    Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity


    Current liabilities:

      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities

       (note 4)                                    $    22,143  $    12,544


    Asset retirement obligations                           239          124


    Shareholders' equity:

      Capital stock (note 5)                           172,895      165,181

      Contributed surplus (note 5)                       8,236        4,849

      Cumulative translation adjustment                  6,502        6,502

      Deficit                                          (30,103)     (24,837)


                                                       157,530      151,695


    Operations and commitments (note 1)

    Subsequent events (note 7)



                                                   $   179,912  $   164,363




    See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.





    Consolidated Statements of Operations and Deficit


    (Expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars)




                                     Three months ended     Nine months ended

                                         September 30          September 30

    (Unaudited)                        2004       2003       2004       2003


                                                (Restated          (Restated

                                               see note 2)        see note 2)



      Interest                     $    251   $     81   $    904   $    323




      General and administrative        904        659      2,862      1,642

      Stock-based compensation

       (note 5)                         975        233      3,739      1,100

      Foreign exchange loss (gain)   (2,151)      (192)      (722)       861

      Algerian earthquake relief

       donation                           -          -          -      1,000

      Capital taxes                      89         23        232        111

      Depreciation                       16         10         51         23

      Accretion of asset retirement

       obligations                        4          2          8          5


                                       (163)       735      6,170      4,742



    Income (loss) for the period        414       (654)    (5,266)    (4,419)


    Deficit, beginning of period    (30,517)   (18,951)   (24,837)   (15,186)



    Deficit, end of period         $(30,103)  $(19,605)  $(30,103)  $(19,605)




    Loss per share (note 5)        $   0.00   $  (0.01)  $  (0.03)  $  (0.04)




    See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.





    Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


    (Expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars)




                                      Three months ended    Nine months ended

                                         September 30          September 30

    (Unaudited)                        2004       2003       2004       2003


                                                (Restated          (Restated

                                               see note 2)        see note 2)


    Operating activities:

      Income (loss) for the period $    414   $   (654)  $ (5,266)  $ (4,419)

      Items not involving cash:

        Stock-based compensation        975        233      3,739      1,100

        Foreign exchange loss

         (gain)                      (2,110)         -       (770)         -

        Depreciation                     16         10         51         23

       Accretion of asset retirement

        obligations                       4          2          8          5


                                       (701)      (409)    (2,238)    (3,291)

      Change in non-cash working

       capital                           33        748       (160)       489


                                       (668)       339     (2,398)    (2,802)


    Financing activities:

      Proceeds from issuance of

       shares                             -          -          -     23,121

      Proceeds from exercise of

       warrants                         188        101      6,523        408

      Proceeds from exercise of

       options                          196         67        853        305

      Issue costs                         -          -        (14)    (1,722)


                                        384        168      7,362     22,112


    Investing activities:

      Capital expenditures          (30,599)   (11,030)   (69,147)   (28,583)

      Change in non-cash working

       capital                        8,940       (588)     9,876        824


                                    (21,659)   (11,618)   (59,271)   (27,759)



    Decrease in cash and short-

     term deposits                  (21,943)   (11,111)   (54,307)    (8,449)


    Effect of exchange rate

     fluctuations on cash and

     short-term deposits              2,110       (294)       770      2,992


    Cash and short-term deposits,

     beginning of period             61,481     18,370     95,185     12,422



    Cash and short-term deposits,

     end of period                 $ 41,648   $  6,965   $ 41,648   $  6,965




    See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.





    Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements


    Nine months ended September 30, 2004 (unaudited)

    (Expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated)





    The interim consolidated financial statements of First Calgary Petroleums

Ltd. ("the Company") have been prepared by management in accordance with

accounting principles generally accepted in Canada and following the same

accounting policies as the annual consolidated financial statements for the

year ended December 31, 2003. The disclosures included below are incremental

to those included with the annual consolidated financial statements. The

interim consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with

the annual consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto in the

Company's annual report for the year ended December 31, 2003.


    1.  Operations and commitments:


        The Company's operations are in Algeria where it has the rights to

        explore, appraise and develop two acreage blocks, Yacoub Block 406a

        ("Block 406a") and Ledjmet Block 405b ("Block 405b"). The Company's

        rights and obligations in each Block are set out in hydrocarbon

        agreements with Sonatrach, the national oil company of Algeria. These

        hydrocarbon agreements are structured such that the Company has

        committed to conduct certain minimum exploration activities over a

        period of time and in return earns an interest in commercial



        (a) Block 406a:


            In 2000 the Company entered into a joint venture agreement with

            Sonatrach to explore Block 406a in the Berkine Basin. The Company

            is in the second exploration period which expires in November

            2005. The remaining work obligation for the second exploration

            period is to drill two exploration wells, estimated to cost

            $15 million. If the Company fails to satisfy the work

            obligations, the rights, other than for areas for which an

            exploitation permit has been granted or requested, could be

            forfeited and the Company will be liable to pay Sonatrach a

            penalty of $12.75 million. In addition to the work commitments,

            the Company is obligated to pay an annual training bonus in the

            amount of $150 thousand for the duration of the contract.


        (b) Block 405b:


            In 2001 the Company entered into a production-sharing contract

            with Sonatrach to explore and appraise Block 405b in the Berkine

            Basin. The Company has fulfilled its first exploration period

            work obligations and has elected to enter into the second

            exploration period which expires in December 2006. The remaining

            work obligation for the second exploration period is to drill one

            exploration well. The estimated cost of this work is $9 million.

            Should the Company fail to satisfy the work obligation, the

            rights, other than for areas for which an exploitation permit has

            been granted or requested, could be forfeited and the Company

            will be liable to pay Sonatrach a penalty of $6.25 million. In

            addition to the work commitments, the Company is obligated to pay

            an annual training bonus in the amount of $150 thousand for the

            duration of the contract.


            The contract provides the Company with the right to appraise and

            develop the MLE reserves discovered with the MLE-1 well. As

            compensation for the right to access the MLE discovery, the

            Company is committed to pay Sonatrach a reserve-based access fee

            of $0.25 per barrel of oil equivalent calculated on the total

            estimated recoverable MLE reserves. The access fee will be

            determined at the time the MLE reserves are declared commercial

            by Sonatrach and will be payable as a deduction from Sonatrach's

            share of the MLE development expenditures.


            The Company's current financial resources combined with the

            proceeds expected from the planned equity financing (see note 7)

            will be sufficient to meet its required work commitments,

            however, these resources may be directed to other optional

            capital programmes and other opportunities which become available

            to the Company. In addition, the development of the Block 405b

            reserves through to commercial production will require additional

            funding in the form of equity, debt, joint ventures or some

            combination thereof.


    2.  Changes in accounting policies and restatement of prior periods:


        In the fourth quarter of 2003, the Company adopted three new

        accounting policies which required restatement of the previously

        reported 2003 interim financial statements. The new accounting

        policies were the change to the U.S. dollar as the Company's

        reporting currency, the recognition of compensation expense for stock

        options granted to employees after January 1, 2003 and the new

        accounting standard for asset retirement obligations.


    3.  Cash and short-term deposits:


        The Company considers deposits in banks, certificates of deposit and

        short-term investments with original maturities of three months or

        less as cash and short-term deposits. The components of cash and

        short-term deposits are as follows:




                                                  September 30   December 31

                                                          2004          2003


        Cash on deposit:

          U.S. dollars                             $    32,868   $    50,912

          Algerian dinars                                1,189            50

          Canadian dollars                                  66           791

          British pounds                                     -           286


        Bank term deposits:

          Canadian dollars                               7,021        42,644

          U.S. dollars                                     504           502


                                                   $    41,648   $    95,185




    4.  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities:




                                                  September 30   December 31

                                                          2004          2003


        Trade payables:

          U.S. dollars                             $     7,709   $     8,312

          Algerian dinars                                3,558           711

          Canadian dollars                                 557           536

          British pounds                                   106            55


        Capital accrual:

          U.S. dollars                                  10,213         2,930


                                                   $    22,143   $    12,544




    5.  Capital stock:


        (a) Issued share capital:




                                                     Number of

                                                        Shares        Amount


        Common shares:


          Outstanding, December 31, 2003           163,056,686   $   165,181

            Issued on exercise of share purchase

             warrants(i)                             1,758,660         6,523

            Issued on exercise of stock options        747,398           853

            Transfer from contributed surplus on

             exercise of stock options and warrants          -           352

            Share issue costs                                -           (14)


          Outstanding, September 30, 2004          165,562,744   $   172,895




            (i) During the nine months ended September 30, 2004, 1,758,660

                common shares were issued pursuant to the exercise of the

                following common share purchase warrants: 44,681 at C$2.60

                per share and 1,713,979 at C$5.00 per share.


        (b) Employee stock options:


            Pursuant to the Stock Option Plan, the Company has 13,464,397

            common shares reserved for issuance at September 30, 2004. Stock

            options granted under the plan have a term of five years and

            vesting terms are at the discretion of the Board. The exercise

            price of each option is equal to the closing market price of the

            shares on the date preceding the date of grant. The following

            table summarizes the changes in stock options outstanding:






                                                     Number of      Exercise

                                                       Options         Price


        Outstanding, December 31, 2003               9,018,401   C$     2.47

          Granted                                      840,000          9.54

          Exercised                                   (747,398)         1.51

          Cancelled                                   (233,335)         6.55


        Outstanding, September 30, 2004              8,877,668   C$     3.11




            The following table summarizes information about the options

            outstanding and exercisable at September 30, 2004:





                                    Options Outstanding           Exercisable



                                      Average  Weighted              Weighted

                                    Remaining   Average               Average

        Range of                  Contractual  Exercise              Exercise

        Exercise price   Options         Life     Price   Options      Price


        C$0.50-0.85     2,175,000   2.0 years  C$  0.63  2,175,000   C$ 0.63

        C$0.95-1.06       425,000   0.2 years      1.05    425,000      1.05

        C$1.23-1.90     1,730,334   1.7 years      1.28  1,713,667      1.27

        C$2.36-2.95     1,062,334   3.4 years      2.60    669,001      2.60

        C$4.72-6.00     2,525,000   4.1 years      4.72    838,335      4.72

        C$7.45-8.00       525,000   4.4 years      7.67    175,000      7.67

        C$10.95-12.05     435,000   4.7 years     11.28     76,667     11.10


                        8,877,668   2.9 years  C$  3.11  6,072,670  C$  1.96




        (c) Common share purchase warrants:






                                                     Number of      Exercise

                                                       Options         Price


        Outstanding, December 31, 2003               1,913,209   C$     4.70

          Exercised                                 (1,758,660)         4.94


        Outstanding, September 30, 2004                154,549   C$     2.02




            At September 30, 2004, all of the 154,549 common share purchase

            warrants outstanding are exercisable; 36,021 expire on April 19,

            2005 and the remaining 118,528 expire on June 9, 2007.


        (d) Non-employee stock options:


            In 2002 the Company granted consultants options to acquire

            900,000 common shares at a price of C$0.70 per share. At

            September 30, 2004, all of these options remain outstanding, are

            fully vested and expire January 24, 2007.


        (e) Stock-based compensation expense:


            For the nine months ended September 30, 2004, the Company

            recorded $3.7 million ($1 million for the three months ended) as

            stock-based compensation expense with a corresponding increase in

            contributed surplus. The weighted average fair value of the

            options granted in the nine months ended September 30, 2004 was

            estimated to be C$5.20 per option using the Black-Scholes option

            pricing model with the following assumptions: expected volatility

            of 81%, risk-free interest rate of 3.8% and expected lives of

            3 years.


            Had options granted to employees in 2002 been accounted for using

            the fair value method, the net loss for the nine months ended

            September 30, 2004 would have been higher by $0.1 million (2003 -

            $0.2 million). The pro forma fair values were determined using

            the Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following

            assumptions: expected volatility of 95%, risk-free interest rate

            of 5% and expected lives of 5 years.


        (f) Contributed surplus:






        Balance, December 31, 2003                               $     4,849

          Options granted                                              3,739

          Options and warrants exercised                                (352)


        Balance, September 30, 2004                              $     8,236




        (g) Per share amounts:


            The loss per share is based on the weighted average shares

            outstanding for the period. The weighted average shares

            outstanding for the three and nine month periods ended

            September 30, 2004 were 165,527,237 and 164,892,695, respectively

            (2003 - 124,867,108 and 122,066,578).


    6.  Segmented information:


        The Company's activities are conducted in two geographic segments:

        Canada and Algeria. All activities relate to exploration and

        development of petroleum and natural gas in Algeria. The entire

        Algerian activities are in support of the exploration operations, and

        as a result, are capital in nature. All revenues, expenses and losses

        for the periods presented are related to operations in Canada.


        Three months ended

        September 30              Canada     Algeria       Yemen       Total




        Capital expenditures   $      10   $  30,589   $       -   $  30,599





        Capital expenditures   $      60   $  10,970   $       -   $  11,030




        Nine months ended

         September 30             Canada     Algeria       Yemen       Total




        Capital expenditures   $      16   $  69,131   $       -   $  69,147


        Assets                 $  40,889   $ 139,023   $       -   $ 179,912





        Capital expenditures   $     112   $  28,471   $       -   $  28,583


        Assets                 $   7,085   $  51,388   $     781   $  59,254




    7.  Subsequent events:


        (a) In October 2004, FCP issued 10,150,000 common shares to acquire a

            5% net profits interest held by a third party on the net future

            cash flow of Blocks 405b and 406a.


        (b) In November 2004, the Company agreed to issue, on a bought deal

            basis, 6,000,000 common shares at a price of C$14.46

            (pnds stlg 6.50) per share. The share issue costs are estimated

            to be $4 million, including the agent's commission. This

            financing is subject to certain conditions, including normal

            regulatory approvals, and is anticipated to close on or about

            December 2, 2004.




    For further information: contact Kenneth C. Rutherford, Vice President,

Finance & Chief Financial Officer, First Calgary Petroleums Ltd., Suite 900,

520 - 5 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB  T2P 3R7, tel: (403) 264-6697,

email: info(at), fax: (403) 264-3955, web site:

European contacts: Jim Joseph, COLLEGE HILL, Tel: +44 (0) 207 457 2020;       

Carina Corbett, 4C COMMUNICATIONS LTD., Tel: +44 (0) 207 907 4761











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