RNS Number : 6209E
  Deal Group Media PLC
  30 September 2008

 Press Release   30 September 2008

    Deal Group Media plc

    (The "Group")

    Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2008

    Deal Group Media plc (AIM:DGM), the independent online marketing group, today announces its unaudited interim results for the six months
ended 30 June 2008.

    Financial Highlights 
 *   Revenue increased by 72% to �6.69 million (H1 2007: �3.90 million)
 *   Gross Profits up by 54% to �2.06 million (H1 2007: �1.34 million)
 *   EBITDA* from continued operations showed a 39% reduction in loss to �0.34
     million (H1 2007 �0.55 million) after a net investment in Asia Pacific
     expansion of �0.20 million (H1 2007 �0.16 million)
    *Calculated as profit before interest, tax, amortisation, depreciation, share based payments and share of associated company loss

    Operational Highlights 

 *   Continued growth in revenue and gross profits from our core Australia
 *   First material revenues from the new satellite operations in India and
      These operations have delivered:
     * 16% of total revenue for H1 2008 (H1 2007: � NIL) and 39% of revenue
     * 18% of total gross profit for H1 2008 (H1 2007: � NIL) and 51% of gross
     profit growth
 *   Operating expenses increased predominantly through investment in the Asia
     Pacific operations and also through staff cost increases in the
     Australian operations
 *   Central costs reduced by 30% following the UK disposal and strong cost
 *   Material working capital improvements achieved through improved focus on
     cash collection and associated processes
 *   Further evolution of the Singapore-based hub which services multiple
     operating businesses and centralises finance and human resources

      Commenting on the results, Adrian Moss, Chief Executive Officer, said: "We are delighted with our achievements in Asia, to date. The
growth and traction we have attained are a key and an exciting step in achieving growth and a return to profitability. We look forward to
the future with confidence."

    For further information, please contact:
 Deal Group Media plc
 Adrian Moss, Chief Executive        Tel: 00 65 6508 9202

 Daniel Stewart & Company plc
 Lindsay Mair / Stewart Dick   Tel: +44 (0) 20 7776 6550

 Abchurch Communications
 Ariane Comstive / Nick Probert      Tel: +44 (0) 20 7398 7705
 ariane.comstive@abchurch-group.com     www.abchurch-group.com

      Chief Executives Statement

    Trading Results

    The disposal of a majority share in the UK business at the end of H2 2008 and the refocus of the Group on the Asia Pacific region entail
reporting on a very different operation for the first half of our trading year to 30 June 2008 as compared to the prior year interim

    We are pleased to report
 *   Revenue increased by 72% to �6.69 million (H1 2007: �3.90 million)
 *   Gross Profits up by 54% to �2.06 million (H1 2007: �1.34 million)
 *   EBITDA* from continued operations showed a 39% reduction in loss to �0.34
     million (H1 2007: �0.55 million) after a net investment in Asia Pacific
     expansion of �0.20 million (H1 2007: �0.16 million)
    *Calculated as profit before interest, tax, amortisation, depreciation, share based payments and share of associated company loss

    Our well established Australian operations represent 57% of our revenue growth and 43% of our growth in Gross Profit. It is encouraging
to see such strong growth from a relatively mature market place.

    The strong performance from Australia in particular helped drive the Group into positive EBITDA* for the last two months of the second

    It is notable and very pleasing that the new Asia Pacific businesses, with satellite operations in Singapore and India, accounted for
39% of revenue growth and 51% of our growth in Gross Profit over the period.

    The Asia Pacific region represented 16% of total revenues for H1 2008, (H1 2007: � NIL) and 18% of total gross profit for H1 2008 (H1
2007: � NIL).

    Although the new operations are yet to deliver consistent positive contribution it should be noted that the Indian operations, launched
in the second quarter of 2007, has produced consistently positive contribution since the end of the first quarter 2008.

    As we progress through the remainder of this year and 2009 we expect the new Asia Pacific businesses to account for the majority of
trading performance. 

    Continued investment in the Asia Pacific region in the first half of 2008 has been the main driver of a 65% increase in business unit
operating costs to �1.6 million (H1 2007: �1.0 million). A secondary driver of operating cost increases has been pressure on staff costs in
the more mature and competitive Australian operation.

    However, the benefits of the UK disposal combined with strong cost control have facilitated a 30% reduction in our central cost base to
�0.8 million (H1 2007: �1.1 million (of which �0.2 million of technology development costs were capitalised)). 

    The Group is currently trading slightly below EBITDA positive. 

    UK Operations
    The residual holding in the UK is accounted for as an associated undertaking and is represented as one line in the consolidated income
statement beneath the operational results. As they are currently trading slightly below breakeven we recognise in our interim results a
share of their losses for the same period.

    The UK business provides the Group's technology platform under a contract that runs through to the end of June 2009, whilst the Group
provides the UK business with accounting services under a contract that runs through to the end of the current calendar year.

    Board Changes
    As announced on 23 September 2008 the Board has appointed Tang Mei Lin Zoe ("Zoe Tang") as Financial Director. Her significant
experience in the Asia Pacific region will be invaluable as the Group continues its growth strategy. 

    At the same time the Group announced that Dominic Trigg was stepping down from the Board as Non-Executive Director to pursue other
business opportunities.  

    The current offering of the Group consists of three distinct operations all servicing different segments of the digital advertising
space. Although the DGM business currently dominates the sales mix it is expected that new offerings will account for increased revenues in
the future. In particular, these are:

    *     Deploy, a digital media strategy and execution service covering both brand and direct response campaigns, and;
    *     AKTIV, an advertising network aggregating and selling digital advertising space on behalf of web sites

    There has been considerable focus on building a solid route to market both client direct and through strategic alliances with relevant
third parties that have our target customers as their existing clients. This is showing signs of success with much ongoing dialogue between
different business units within the Group and large international advertising groups that wish to supply their client base with elements of
our product mix.

    Additionally, we have also evolved a Singapore based hub providing finance, accounting and human resource functions to other businesses
within the Group. By centralising these functions and creating a more structured management reporting systems, the Group has seen a material
improvement in working capital during the period. 

    There is a great sense of excitement about the possibilities of a Group seasoned by over nine years of operation, with many lessons
learned, and operating in the relatively under-developed digital marketplace of the Asia Pacific region.  

    In addition, it should be noted that our offering is dominated by the delivery of a demonstrable and trackable return to advertisers
from their digital advertising budget. This is of key importance in an economic climate that leads to global brands and advertisers
demanding improved returns on investment. 

    These factors, combined with the Group's financial performance in the six months to 30 June 2008, encourage us to look to the future
with confidence. 

    Adrian Moss
    Chief Executive Officer
    29 September 2008

      Independent review report to Deal Group Media PLC 
    We have been engaged by the Company to review the financial information in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30
June 2008 which comprises the consolidated income statement, consolidated balance sheet, consolidated interim statement of changes in
equity, consolidated cash flow statement and the related explanatory notes that have been reviewed. We have read the other information
contained in the half yearly financial report which comprises only the chief executive's statement and considered whether it contains any
apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements. 
    This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with guidance contained in International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and
Ireland) 2410, 'Review of Interim Financial Information performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity'. Our review work has been
undertaken so that we might state to the company those matters we are required to state to them in a review report and for no other purpose.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company, for our review work, for
this report, or for the conclusion we have formed.

    Directors' responsibilities 
    The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors.
    As disclosed in Note 1, the annual financial statements of the group are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European
Union. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with
International Accounting Standard 34, 'Interim Financial Reporting,' as adopted by the European Union.

    Our responsibility 
    Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the financial information in the half-yearly financial report based on
our review. 

    Scope of review 
    We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, 'Review of Interim
Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity' issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United
Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and
accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would
become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. 

    Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the
half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2008 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with
International Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by the European Union. 

    29 September 2008
    Consolidated interim income statement for the six months ended 30 June 2008

                                     6 months         6 months           Year
                                   to 30 Jun 2008  to 30 Jun 2007   to 31 Dec 2007
                                                      Restated         Restated
                                       �'000            �'000           �'000
 Continuing operations           
 Revenue                                    6,694            3,904           9,432
 Cost of sales                            (4,635)          (2,563)         (6,487)
 GROSS PROFIT                               2,059            1,341           2,945
  - Amortisation                            (137)            (103)           (293)
  - Depreciation                             (61)             (10)            (23)
  - Share based payment                     (160)            (150)           (177)
  - Other administrative                  (2,400)          (1,896)         (4,598)
 LOSS FROM OPERATIONS                       (699)            (818)         (2,146)
 Interest received                              6                8              16
 Interest payable                             (1)                -             (4)
 Share of (loss) of associates               (49)                -            (10)
 LOSS BEFORE TAX                            (743)            (810)         (2,144)
 Taxation                                       -                -              81
 FOR PERIOD FROM CONTINUING                 (743)            (810)         (2,063)
 Discontinued operations         
 LOSS AFTER TAX FROM                         (76)            (120)         (5,072)
 TOTAL LOSS                                 (819)            (930)         (7,135)
 Loss per share                  
 BASIC AND DILUTED LOSS PER               (0.18p)          (0.23p)         (1.69p)
 BASIC AND DILUTED LOSS PER               (0.16p)          (0.20p)         (0.49p)
 BASIC AND DILUTED LOSS PER               (0.02p)          (0.03p)         (1.20p)
 SHARE FROM                      
      Consolidated interim balance sheet as at 30 June 2008

                                           As at      As at       As at
                                                      30 Jun
                                        30 Jun 2008            31 Dec 2007
                                           �'000      �'000       �'000
 NON-CURRENT ASSETS                   
 Property, plant and equipment                  212       352          234
 Intangible assets                              579     6,717          678
 Investment in associates                       428         -          478
 Available for sale financial assets              -       256            -
 Deferred tax                                    10         -            3
                                              1,229     7,325        1,393
 CURRENT ASSETS                       
 Trade and other receivables                  3,811     4,905        3,163
 Cash and cash equivalents                      873      (77)          670
                                              4,684     4,828        3,833
 TOTAL ASSETS                                 5,913    12,153        5,226
 Called up share capital                      4,537     4,107        4,537
 Capital redemption reserve                  13,188    13,188       13,188
 Share based payment reserve                    864       677          704
 Share premium account                       22,683    22,014       22,683
 Translation reserve                          (105)      (20)           54
 Retained earnings                         (39,642)  (32,618)     (38,823)
 TOTAL EQUITY                                 1,525     7,348        2,343
 CURRENT LIABILITIES                  
 Trade and other payables                     4,388     4,805        2,883
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                            4,388     4,805        2,883
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                 5,913    12,153        5,226

    The consolidated interim financial statements were approved by the board of directors and signed on their behalf on 29 September 2008

      Consolidated interim statement of changes in equity for the six months ended 30 June 2008

                                 Share capital  Share premium    Capital redemption  Share based payment  Translation reserve  Retained
earnings  Total equity
                                                                            reserve              reserve

                                        �'000           �'000                                                           �'000             
�'000         �'000

 As at 1 January 2007                    3,816         21,505                13,188                  527                 (18)          
(31,688)         7,330
 Changes in equity
 Exchange difference on                      -              -                     -                    -                  (2)               
  -           (2)
 translation of foreign

 Net income recognised directly              -              -                     -                    -                  (2)               
  -           (2)
 in equity
 Retained loss for the period                -              -                     -                    -                    -             
(930)         (930)

 Total recognised income and                 -              -                     -                    -                  (2)             
(930)         (932)
 expense for the period
 Share option grants                         -              -                     -                  150                    -               
  -           150
 Shares issued in the period               291            509                     -                    -                    -               
  -           800

 As at 30 June 2007                      4,107         22,014                13,188                  677                 (20)          
(32,618)         7,348
 Changes in equity
 Exchange difference on                      -              -                     -                    -                   74               
  -            74
 translation of foreign

 Net income recognised directly              -              -                     -                    -                   74               
  -            74
 in equity
 Retained profit for period                  -              -                     -                    -                    -           
(6,205)       (6,205)

 Total recognised income and                 -              -                     -                    -                   74           
(6,205)       (6,131)
 expense for the period
 Share option grants                         -              -                     -                   27                    -               
  -            27
 Shares issued in the period               430            669                     -                    -                    -               
  -         1,099

 As at 31 December 2007                  4,537         22,683                13,188                  704                   54          
(38,823)         2,343
 Changes in equity
 Exchange difference on                      -              -                     -                    -                (159)               
  -         (159)
 translation of foreign

 Net income recognised directly              -              -                     -                    -                (159)               
  -         (159)
 in equity
 Retained profit for period                  -              -                     -                    -                    -             
(819)         (819)

 Total recognised income and                 -              -                     -                    -                (159)             
(819)         (978)
 expense for the period
 Share option grants                         -              -                     -                  160                    -               
  -           160
 Shares issued in the period                 -              -                     -                    -                    -               
  -             -

 As at 30 June 2008                      4,537         22,683                13,188                  864                (105)          
(39,642)         1,525
    Consolidated interim cash flow statement for the six months ended 30 June 2008

                                     6 months        6 months       Year to 
                                   to 30 Jun 2008  to 30 Jun 2007  31 Dec 2007
                                       �'000           �'000          �'000
 Operating activities            
 Loss after tax                             (819)           (930)      (7,135)
 Depreciation                                  61             166          320
 Amortisation                                 137             136          293
 Share based payment                          160             150          177
 Decrease/(increase) in                     (656)           (243)           32
 (Decrease)/increase in                     1,469           (374)        (938)
 Foreign exchange differences               (159)               -           72
 Finance income                               (5)            (12)          (7)
 Share of loss from associated                 49               -           10
 Loss on disposal of subsidiary                 -               -        4,804
 Tax credit                                     -               -         (81)
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from               237         (1,107)      (2,453)
 Investing activities            
 Purchase of property, plant                 (39)            (66)        (118)
 and equipment                   
 Purchase of shares in                          -            (76)         (42)
 associated undertakings         
 Consideration for disposal of                  -               -          924
 subsidiary (net of cash         
 Disposal of subsidiary net                     -               -          268
 Purchase of intangible assets                  -           (201)        (399)
 Interest received                              6              14           21
 Net cash used in investing                  (33)           (329)          654
 Net cash inflow/(outflow)                    204         (1,436)      (1,799)
 before financing activities     
 Financing activities            
 Issue of ordinary share                        -             800        1,899
 Interest paid                                (1)             (3)         (14)
 Repayment of loan notes                        -            (22)
 Net cash used/generated from                 (1)             775        1,885
 financing activities            
 Net increase/(decrease) in                   203           (661)           86
 cash and cash equivalents       
 Cash and cash equivalents at                 670             584          584
 start of period                 
 Cash and cash equivalents at                 873            (77)          670
 end of period                   

      Notes to the financial statements


    The condensed interim Financial Statements for the six months ended 30 June 2008 were authorised for issue in accordance with a
resolution of the Board of Directors on 30 September 2008. 

    The Company is a public limited company incorporated in the United Kingdom. The address of its registered office is 19 Cavendish Square,
London, W1A 2AW 

    The Company is listed on the London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market.

    These condensed interim Financial Statements do not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the companies Act
1985. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007 were approved by the Board of the Directors on 17 April 2008 which received an
unqualified auditors report and have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

    The financial information contained in this report is unaudited. The Consolidated Income Statement, Consolidated statement of changes in
equity and Cash Flow Statement for the interim period to 30 June 2008, and the Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2008 and related notes have been
reviewed by the auditors. 


    These condensed interim Financial Statements for the six months ended 30 June 2008 have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, Interim
Financial Reporting, as adopted by the European Union. These condensed interim Financial Statements should be read in conjunction with the
annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2007, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union. 


    The accounting policies applied in these condensed interim Financial Statement are consistent with those of the annual Financial
Statements for the year ended 31 December 2007, as described in the annual Financial Statements. 

    A prior year adjustment was made during the year ended 31 December 2007, due to an error in the sales cut off process in 2006 resulting
in �300,000 of revenue being recognised early. A media cost accrual deficit of �162,000 was also discovered during the year which
represented costs that should have been accounted for during 2006. 

    The loss on disposal of the UK operation in the year to 31 December 2007 has been restated as discontinued operations. 

    Revenue is attributable to the principal activity, which is mainly carried out in Australia, Asia Pacific and Rest of World. 

    An analysis of revenue and segment result by geographical market is given below:

 Six months to 30 June 2008      Australia  Asia Pacific  Rest of   Central  Total
                                                             World  and plc
                                     �'000         �'000     �'000    �'000  �'000

 Revenue                             5,426         1,083       185        -  6,694
 Segment result                        633         (205)        12    (781)  (341)

 Amortisation                                                                (137)
 Depreciation                                                                 (61)
 Share based payment                                                         (160)
 Interest                                                                        5
 Share of loss of associates                                                  (49)
 Tax                                                                             -
 Loss on tax on continuing

 Six months to 30 June 2007      Australia  Asia Pacific  Rest of   Central  Total
                                                             World  and plc
                                     �'000         �'000     �'000    �'000  �'000

 Revenue                             3,827             -        77        -  3,904
 Segment result                        559         (160)      (41)   *(913)  (555)

 Amortisation                                                                (103)
 Depreciation                                                                 (10)
 Share based payment                                                         (150)
 Interest                                                                        8
 Tax                                                                             -
 Loss on tax on continuing
 operations                                                                  (810)

    * Central and plc costs are stated net of �200,000 of development costs, capitalised under IFRS.


    The business of Deal Group Media plc is subject to seasonal fluctuations, with stronger demand for services in the second half of the
year as a result of clients marketing budgets weighted towards the latter part of the year. 


    The calculation for the basic loss per share is based upon the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted
average number of shares in issue during the period.

    Reconciliation of the loss and weighted average number of shares used in the calculations are set out below:

                                       6 months      6 months       Year to 
                                      to 30 Jun 08  to 30 Jun 07  to 31 Dec 07
 Loss on ordinary activities after           (819)         (930)       (7,135)
 tax (�'000)                        
 Weighted average number of shares     453,768,684   405,695,354   422,111,897
 Amount of loss per share in pence         (0.18p)       (0.23p)       (1.69p)

    In view of the loss for the period, options have no dilutive effect.

    7    A copy of the Interim Results will be available on the Group's website at www.dealgroupmediaplc.com. 

    - Ends - 

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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