RNS No 9523q
26th November 1997

   (Interim results for the half year to 30 September 1997)

Comino   plc,  the  group  of  specialist  computer   software
companies  which  floated  on AIM  in  April  this  year,  has
reported its maiden interim results.

    Turnover at #5.1million
    Profit before tax increased by 40% to #830,000
    Earnings per share up 11% to 5.3p
    Improved performance across all subsidiary companies:
          - Excelsis acquired to complement Context
          - ISE and Prologic both expanded customer base
    Purchased minority interest in ISE


"The Group has established a solid platform from which it  can
now  move  forward and generate strong results. In particular,
ISE  with Workflow applications for the efficient delivery  of
services  to customers via 'call centre' style operations,  is
now   positioned   to  contribute  to  the  Group's   existing
applications  as  well  as  those  that  result  from  further

                                                 Comino plc/1
                     CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

Comino is pleased to announce its maiden interim results since
listing on AIM in April of this year.  The group has performed
well  to  30 September 1997 and the improvement in performance
for  the period was reflected across all subsidiary companies.
Prospects are good and in addition Comino has achieved notable
business progress.

The  recent fluctuation in your company's share price reflects
speculation  and  general  market anxieties  rather  than  the
underlying strength of the Group.  Comino's focus is  business
solutions using proven technology for specific market  sectors
and  as such it is unaffected by a range of factors which have
caused  market  concern in the technology sector.   The  Group
continues  to apply prudent accounting and revenue recognition

Immediately prior to the publication of these results,  Comino
purchased the remaining 37% of Image Systems Europe  (ISE)  to
cement   the  Group's  market  lead  in  the  application   of
specialist   Workflow   and  Electronic  Document   Management
Systems.  The consideration was 802,106 shares and #880,000 in
cash and loan notes and this acquisition will enhance earnings
per share.

On  6  October 1997, Comino acquired the business of  Excelsis
Ltd, a competitor in Housing Systems, and transferred this  to
its Context subsidiary.  The total consideration was #2.25m of
which  #657,000 was paid in cash.  The benefits are  a  strong
technical fit, the addition of 100 Housing Associations to the
existing base of 68 customers, a new product which extends the
target  market to small and medium sized Housing  Associations
and  establishment of the Group as a force in Local  Authority
Housing  with  twenty  new  sites.   The  gross  profit   from
recurring revenue in Context now exceeds #3m per annum and the
acquisition  will  bring the critical mass  and  economics  of
scale  important  to  a market leader.  The  acquisition  will
contribute   to   profits  in  the  second   half   and   more
significantly in the next financial year.
                                                 Comino plc/2

ISE  has  added  a  further five Local Authorities  and  three
Pension Fund Management companies to its customer list and has
opened up the potential for Workflow in both areas.  Prologic,
with  its  enterprise  resource management  solution  for  the
fashion  and clothing industry, has performed well  and  added
four new names to its base of thirty-four customers.

The  Group has established a solid platform from which it  can
now  move forward and generate strong results.  In particular,
ISE  with Workflow applications for the efficient delivery  of
service  to  customers via 'call centre' style operations,  is
now   positioned   to  contribute  to  the  Group's   existing
applications  as  well  as  those  that  result  from  further
acquisition.  The Board of Directors looks forward confidently
to  the  future  and  wishes to thank  the  hard  working  and
professional staff in all the Comino companies for their  very
positive contribution.


Comino plc
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
                            6 months to       8 March   8 March
                                     30       1996 to   1996 to
                                     30            30   31 March
                              September     September     1997
                                   1997          1996       
                                  #'000         #'000        #'000
Turnover                          5,087         3,258        7,792
Cost of sales                   (1,839)       (1,380)      (2,875)
Gross profit                      3,248         1,878        4,917
Administrative expenses         (2,510)       (1,314)      (3,563)
Operating profits                   738           564        1,354
Interest receivable                  92            31           71
Interest payable                      0           (1)          (5)
Profit on ordinary                  830           594        1,420
activities before taxation
Tax on profit on ordinary         (201)         (146)        (292)
Profit on ordinary                  629           448        1,128
activities after taxation
Minority interest - equity         (54)          (33)        (130)
Profit for the financial            575           415          998
Dividend proposed                     0             0        (201)
Retained profit for the             575           415          797
Earnings per share                5.30p         4.76p       11.46p
Fully diluted earnings per        4.89p         4.25p        9.95p

In  line with statements made at the time of the flotation  no
interim dividend will be paid in respect of the year ending 31
March  1998  but  the  Directors intend  to  propose  a  final
dividend  to  be paid in July 1998.  In respect of  subsequent
years,  the  Directors  propose to pay  interim  dividends  in
January and final dividends in July.

Comino plc
Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                        30          30    31 March
                                 September   September
                                      1997        1996        1997
                                     #'000       #'000       #'000
Tangible fixed assets                  254         230         256
Current assets                                                    
Freehold property                        0         450           0
Stocks                                 226          62         175
Debtors                              3,105       2,655       2,491
Cash at bank and in hand             4,005       1,012       1,894
                                     7,336       4,179       4,560
Creditors falling due within       (1,964)     (1,473)     (1,866)
one year
Net current assets                   5,372       2,706       2,694
Total assets less current            5,626       2,936       2,950
Creditors falling due after          (201)       (478)         (4)
more than one year
Deferred income                    (2,003)     (1,603)     (1,667)
                                     3,422         855       1,279
Capital and reserves                                              
Share capital                          552         479         479
Share premium account                1,867         426         426
Merger reserve                       (434)       (379)       (434)
Profit and loss account              1,372         415         797
Shareholders' fund                   3,357         941       1,268
Minority interests                      65        (86)          11
                                     3,422         855       1,279

Comino plc
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                6 months  8 March 1996            8
                                      to     to 1996to    March1996
                                      30  30 September     31 March
                                    1997          1996         1997
                                   #'000         #'000        #'000
Net inflow from operating            589         (407)        1,006
Net returns on investments                                         
and servicing
of finance                                                         
Interest received                     92            31           71
Interest paid                          0           (1)          (5)
                                      92            30           66
Tax paid                               0             0        (289)
Capital expenditure                                                
Purchase of tangible fixed          (81)          (17)        (110)
Sale of tangible fixed                 2             0            3
Net cash outflow from               (79)          (17)        (107)
capital expenditure
Acquisitions and deposits                                    
Acquisition of subsidiary              0         1,135        1,135
Disposal of subsidiary                 0             0           50
Net cash inflow from                   0         1,135        1,185
Issue of shares (net of            1,514             0            0
Repayment of borrowings              (5)             0          (6)
Net cash inflow/(outflow)          1,509             0          (6)
from financing
Management of liquid                                               
Increase in short term            (2150)             0      (1,000)
Increase/(decrease in cash)         (39)           741          855
Comino plc
Notes to the Interim Accounts
1    The  charge  for  taxation  is  based  on  the  estimated
     effective  rate for the financial year allowing  for  tax
     losses brought forward from prior periods.

2    The  calculation of earnings per share for the six months
     ended  30 September 1997 is based on the profit  for  the
     financial  period  of #575,000 (1996:  #415,000)  and  on
     10,860,917 (1996:  8,708,282) ordinary shares  being  the
     average number of shares in issue during the period.

3    The  interim  statement, which has been prepared  on  the
     same  accounting basis as those set out in the  financial
     statements  for  the  period ended  31  March  1997,  was
     approved by the board on 26 November 1997.  The foregoing
     financial information does not represent accounts  within
     the meaning of S240 of the Companies Act 1985 and has not
     been  reported  on  by the auditors or delivered  to  the
     Registrar of Companies.

4    The above results for the period ended 31 March 1997 have
     been  abridged  from  the full Group  accounts  for  that
     period,  which  received an unqualified auditors'  report
     and  which  have  been  delivered  to  the  Registrar  of

5    Copies of the interim report will be sent to shareholders
     and  are  also  available  at  the  company's  registered
     office, 2 The Courtyard, Meadowbank, Furlong Road, Bourne
     Road, Bucks, SL8 5AJ.

Review Report by the Auditors to Comino plc

We have reviewed the interim financial information for the six
months  ended 30 September 1997 set out on pages 2 to 4  which
is  the  responsibility  of, and has  been  approved  by,  the
Directors.  Our responsibility is to report on the results  of
our review.

Our  review  was  carried out having regard  to  the  Bulletin
'Review  of  Interim  Financial  Information'  issued  by  the
Auditing  Practices Board.  This review consisted  principally
of  applying analytical procedures to the underlying financial
data,   assessing  whether  accounting  policies   have   been
consistently  applied,  and  making  enquiries  of  management
responsible for financial and accounting matters.  The  review
excluded  audit  procedures  such  as  test  of  controls  and
verification  of  assets and liabilities,  and  was  therefore
substantially  less  in  scope  than  an  audit  performed  in
accordance with Auditing Standards.  Accordingly,  we  do  not
express an audit opinion on the interim financial information.

On the basis of our review:

i    in our opinion the interim financial information has been
     prepared using accounting policies consistent with  those
     adopted by Comino plc in its financial statements for the
     period ended 31 March 1997; and

ii   we  are  not  aware  of any material  modifications  that
     should  be  made to the interim financial information  as

For further information:

Garth Selvey,    Chief Executive          Shirley Whiting
Paul  Clifford,  Finance  Director        Citigate Communications Ltd
Comino plc                                Tel (today)      0171 282 8000
Tel (today)      0171 282 8000                (thereafter) 0113 297 9899
    (thereafter) 01628 525433




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