RNS No 7475d
8th April 1998

                                CASSELL PLC

                            Preliminary results
                     for the year ended 31 December 1997

                                 KEY POINTS

*  Turnover of #23.3 million, following the disposal of the Victor Gollancz
   children's list in the first half and difficult trading in overseas markets
   (1996: #24.4 million)

*  The sale of the children's list in April resulted in a profit of #234,000
*  Pre-tax profit of #396,000, after an exceptional charge of #210,000
   (1996: #712,000 after an exceptional charge of #127,000)

*  Final dividend of 1.5p per share recommended, making a total of 3.0p for
   the year (1996: 4.5p)

*  Overhead reduction programme, in line with group strategy of a
   streamlined publishing programme

*  Progress in working capital management resulted in gearing reduced to 20%
   at the year end (1996: 35%)

*  New marketing agreement with, and option to buy, US publisher Continuum

*  Promising first quarter - the release of new Nick Hornby, About a Boy
   leads a strong publishing programme which will also include a mass market
   edition of Poems on the Underground, Jools Holland's Beat Route - with TV  
   tie in and Terry Pratchett's The Death Trilogy

Issued on behalf of Cassell plc through Biddick Associates Limited.  
Tel: 0171 377 6677


Philip Sturrock, Chairman and Chief Executive
Tel: 0171 420 5555

Zoe Biddick/Katie Tzouliadis, Biddick Associates
Tel: 0171 377 6677


On  behalf  of the Board I have pleasure in presenting our Annual  Report  and
Accounts for the year ended 31 December 1997.


Following  our  success in 1996, we had expected that our 1997  results  would
show  further improvement in operating profit.  In the event, despite  several
high  profile  successes and chart appearances for our bestsellers,  our  good
performance  in  the  UK  was  insufficient  to  offset  the  difficulties  in
international markets widely shared by other book publishers.

Although UK turnover advanced to #15.9 million (1996: #15.4 million) the  last
quarter  of  the year did not match up to our expectations and, together  with
disappointing  sales  to international markets, this meant  that  total  sales
reduced to #23.3 million from #24.4 million in 1996.  Of this reduction, about
#650,000  related to the strategic sale of our children's list in April  1997.
Whilst  gross  margins improved overall, the relatively fixed  nature  of  our
overheads meant that the effect of this reduced turnover dropped to the bottom
line  with  the  result  that operating profit for 1997  was  #549,000  (1996:
#1,022,000).  In both 1997 and 1996, there were exceptional charges.  In 1997,
the  charge  of  #210,000  relates primarily to  rationalisation  designed  to
improve productivity in 1998, to legal and professional fees incurred  in  the
reorganisation  of  the group's subsidiaries and to an  acquisition  that  was
terminated  after  due diligence enquiry.  In 1996 the exceptional  charge  of
#127,000 was in relation to group restructuring.

Adding  in  the profit on the sale of our small children's list in  the  first
half  which  delivered  #234,000, profit before  tax  for  1997  was  #396,000
compared with #712,000 for 1996.

We  have  made  good  progress  in improving our working  capital  management.
Inventory  was reduced from #7.6 million in 1996 to #7.2 million in  1997  and
gearing dropped to 20% (1996: 35%).  The reduction in bank borrowings to  #1.9
million at 1997 year end (1996: #3.3 million) resulted in a positive net  cash
flow  of  #1.4 million, roughly half of which came from trading and half  from
the disposal of the children's list.


In  line  with  the results for 1997, the directors have recommended  a  final
dividend  of  1.5p  per share payable on 2 June 1998 to  shareholders  on  the
register  on 24 April 1998.  This makes the total dividend for the  year  3.0p
(1996: 4.5p).

Divisional Performance

General Division

Turnover in this division fell from #18.9 million in 1996 to #18.1 million  in
1997.  As mentioned previously, we estimate that about 80%, #650,000, of  this
reduction  is due to the strategic sale of the children's list in April  1997.
UK  turnover grew by 4.1% but the international markets declined.  In the  USA
this  was  due  to  both currency and difficulties in the retail  market.   In
Australia  the  main reason was an agency change at the end of 1996  where  we
sold  opening inventory to the new agent in late 1996 and it took longer  than
anticipated for replenishment orders to come through in 1997. However, despite
a  drop  in  turnover, our focus on gross margins was particularly successful,
raising margins by 2.7 percentage points.

Raising margins at a time when retailers are demanding higher discounts to
fund price discounting is no mean achievement.  It is in part the result of
our strategy of concentrating our publishing on the bigger books with their
longer print runs and consequent lower unit costs.  It is also due to good
housekeeping across the whole of the list.  In relation to the 'best-sellers'
aspect, the division scored notable successes.  High Fidelity and Fever Pitch,
both from Nick Hornby, continued to appear in the paperback charts.  The Lost
Gardens of Heligan was number one in hardback non-fiction and at the British
Book Awards for 1997 won the BCA Illustrated Book of the Year award.  Our
latest edition of the Cassell Concise English Dictionary, with a CD-ROM
option, sold well as did another authoritative reference work - the Cassell
Atlas of World History.  Mrs Beeton's Best of British Cookery was a favourite
Christmas title and Practical Feng Shui led the list of books on this popular
subject.  Jingo, the last Discworld novel from Terry Pratchett that we shall
publish, was in the hardback fiction charts for 16 weeks, four of them at
number one.

Academic Division

This  division performed less well with both turnover and margins  failing  to
match  the 1996 performance.  Gross margins reduced by 5.5 percentage  points.
UK sales remained steady year on year at #3.1 million, but international sales
were down to #2.1 million (1996: #2.4 million).  As with the general division,
one  of the main reasons was a change in agency arrangements in late 1996 but,
in  this  division,  the change was in the USA.  Whilst we retained  the  same
agent,  we changed the basis from consignment to firm sales and sold  backlist
stock  in  late 1996.  New stock orders took longer than anticipated  to  come
through  in  1997.  This factor, together with currency issues, saw  US  sales
fall from #1.2 million in 1996 to #0.7 million in 1997.

Nonetheless  the Division had some notable publishing successes in  the  year.
The  Revised Common Lectionary, which was introduced in the Church of  England
from Advent Sunday 1997, was published in both Lectern and Pew editions by our
Mowbray  imprint.   The  textbook  programme  scored  several  successes  with
Production & Operations Management, Reflective Teaching in Primary Schools and
The Theory & Practice of Counselling.

Improving Profitability

We  have  been  focusing  our  programme to  improve  profitability  on  three
particular  areas.  These are improving margins, developing  our  US  academic
marketing  and  reducing  group overheads.  As I  have  discussed  above,  our
attention   to  generating  increased  gross  margins  has  been  particularly
successful in the general division.  In addition, by concentrating on margins,
we will also continue the trend evidenced in 1997 of improving working capital
management.   We  are  examining carefully the  rates  of  return  on  capital
employed in each of our imprints.

In  relation  to  academic  business in the USA, I  am  pleased  to  report  a
significant  positive  move.   We would like our  marketing  to  be  alongside
another US academic publishing company.  Ideally we would like to have such  a
company as part of our group but our focus in 1998 is to ensure that our  core
UK  business  performs better.  We believe that we have got the best  of  both
worlds  by  negotiating an arrangement with The Continuum  Publishing  Company
Incorporated,  based  in New York, whereby we appoint them  as  our  marketing
agent for the academic division and in return obtain an option to purchase the
business  which  in 1997 had a turnover of about $2.8 million.   This  option,
which  is  at  an  agreed  but  confidential  price,  is  exercisable  at  our
discretion, at any time before 31 March 1999.  During the period of the option
Continuum's  owner and chief executive, Werner Mark Linz, will  advise  us  on
international publishing, especially in the USA, and I shall join the Board of
Directors of Continuum.

Continuum's publishing programmes are complementary to our own.  Our marketing
needs  coincide,  our publishing culture is shared and we have  established  a
good  rapport with Mr Linz.  While the new arrangements cannot be expected  to
produce instant  results  they  will  strengthen  our  marketing  and  give 
our commissioning  editors  more power when they compete for  good  authors.  
The profile  of academic publishing, with its strong backlist and more
predictable performance,  is  a  useful  balance to the potentially  more 
volatile  trade publishing.

In  line  with  our new strategy of streamlining our publishing programme,  we
have  completed  a  major review of our overheads and have reduced  our  staff
overheads and consequently our space requirement.  We estimate that this  will
produce significant cost savings.


The  first quarter of the year is never a guide to the full year.  Most of our
sales  and profit comes from the last quarter.  However, the first quarter  of
1998  has  seen the release of a new book, About a Boy, from Nick Hornby,  the
publication  of  the  mass market edition of Poems on the  Underground  and  a
strong  paperback programme from Indigo and Vista, the paperback  imprints  we
launched in 1996.

Trading  so  far  in  1998  is  in  line with  our  expectations.   Despite  a
disappointment in 1997 the Board is determined to implement its clear strategy
and deliver enhanced shareholder value.

Philip Sturrock
Chairman and Chief Executive

for the year ended 31 December 1997

                                             1997         1996
                                             #'000       #'000
Turnover                           1        23,250      24,434
Cost of sales                              (14,736)    (15,682)
                                         __________   __________
Gross profit                                 8,514       8,752
Net operating expenses                      (7,755)     (7,603)
Exceptional operating expenses     2          (210)       (127)
                                         __________   __________
Operating profit                               549       1,022
Profit on sale of operations       3           234           -
                                         __________   __________
Profit before interest and                                      
taxation                                       783       1,022
Interest receivable and similar                                 
income                                           3           7
Interest payable and similar                                    
charges                                       (390)       (317)
                                         __________   __________
Profit on ordinary activities                                   
before taxation                                396         712
Taxation                           4          (55)         (83)
                                         __________   __________
Profit on ordinary activities                                   
after taxation                                 341          629
Dividends                          5          (220)        (330)
                                         __________   __________
Retained profit for the year                   121          299
                                         __________   __________
Earnings per share                 6           4.6p         8.6p

All of the group's operations are continuing.

The  group has no recognised gains and losses other than those included in the
profits  above  and therefore no separate statement of total recognised  gains
and losses has been presented.

There  is  no  difference  between the profit on  ordinary  activities  before
taxation  and  retained profit for the year stated above and their  historical
cost equivalents.

as at 31 December 1997
                        Notes          1997          1996
                                      #'000         #'000
Fixed assets                                           
Intangible fixed assets    7          4,035         3,810
Tangible fixed assets                   379           461
                                    _______       _______
                                      4,414         4,271
                                    _______       _______
Current assets                                         
Stocks                                7,222         7,632
Debtors                               8,186         9,864
                                    _______       _______
                                     15,408        17,496
Creditors: amounts                                     
falling due within one year          (9,883)      (11,888)

                                    _______       _______
Net current assets                    5,525         5,608
                                    _______       _______
Total assets less                                      
current liabilities                   9,939         9,879
Creditors: amounts falling                                    
due after more than one year            (58)          (82)

                                    _______       _______
Net assets                            9,881         9,797
                                    _______       _______
Capital and reserves                                   
Called up share capital               1,468         1,468
Share premium account                 8,004         8,004
Profit and loss account                 409           325
                                    _______       _______
Equity shareholders'funds             9,881         9,797
                                    _______       _______

for the year ended 31 December 1997

                                            1997         1996
                                           #'000        #'000
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                        
operating activities                       2,006       (1,178)
(reconciliation to operating           
profits on next page)                   _________    _________
Returns on investments and                                   
servicing of finance
Interest received                             3            7
Interest paid                              (391)        (307)
Interest paid on hire purchase              
contracts                                   (11)         (10)
                                       _________    _________
                                           (399)        (310)
                                       _________    _________
Advance corporation tax paid                (83)         (83)
                                       _________   __________

Capital expenditure                   
Publishing rights expenditure                 -         (106)    
Dictionary database expenditure            (266)           -     
Purchase of tangible fixed assets           (27)         (36)                
                                       _________    _________
                                           (293)        (142)
                                       _________    _________
Acquisitions and disposals                                   
Additional consideration for                                 
subsidiary undertakings                     (65)            -
Net proceeds from sale of operations         666            -
                                       _________    _________
                                             601            -
                                       _________    _________
Equity dividends paid                      (330)        (330)
                                       _________    _________
Cash inflow/(outflow) before financing    1,502       (2,043)
Repayment of principal under hire                            
purchase contracts                          (68)         (43)
                                       _________    _________
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the                   
year  (see next page)                     1,434      (2, 086)

                                       _________    _________

for the year ended 31 December 1997

                                                1997       1996
                                               #'000      #'000
Operating profit                                 549      1,022
Amortisation on intangible fixed assets           41          -
Depreciation on tangible fixed assets            145        160
Decrease/(increase) in stocks                    158       (249)
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                 1,498     (1,069)
Decrease in creditors                           (385)    (1,042)
                                            ________    _______
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating       
activities                                     2,006     (1,178)              
                                            ________    _______
                                                1997       1996
                                               #'000      #'000
RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO                             
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year        1,434    (2,086)
Cash outflow from repayment of debt               68        43 
                                            ________   ________ 
Change in net debt resulting from cash flows  1,502      (2,043)              
Other non-cash items:                                          
New hire purchase contracts                     (36)      (102)
                                            ________    _______
Movement in net debt in the year               1,466    (2,145)
Net debt at 1 January 1997                    (3,475)   (1,330)
                                            ________    _______
Net debt at 31 December 1997                 (2,009)    (3,475)
                                            ________    _______
                            At                 Other      At 31      
                     1 January       Cash   non cash   December
                          1997       flow    changes       1997
                         #'000      #'000      #'000      #'000
ANALYSIS OF NET DEBT                                           
Bank overdraft         (3,330)      1,434          -    (1,896)
Hire purchase            (145)         68       (36)      (113)
contracts             ________   ________  _________  _________
Total                  (3,475)      1,502       (36)    (2,009)
                      ________   ________  _________  _________

1.   The geographical analysis of turnover by destination is stated below:

                                          1997          1996
                                         #'000         #'000
   United Kingdom                       15,913        15,410
   United States of America              3,231         4,262
   Australia                               767         1,234
   Rest of the World                     3,339         3,528
                                 _____________   ___________
                                        23,250        24,434
                                 _____________   ___________
2.   An analysis of exceptional items is stated below:

                                        1997            1996
                                       #'000           #'000
   Group reorganisation costs            183             127
   Terminated acquisition costs           27               -
                                  __________      __________
                                         210             127
                                  __________     ___________

   Exceptional  operating  expenses  comprise  #183,000  (1996:  #127,000)  in
   respect  of  redundancy and other costs resulting from a reorganisation  of
   the  group's  operations  and #27,000 (1996:  #nil)  in  respect  of  costs
   arising from a terminated acquisition.

3. On 7 April 1997, the group sold the Victor Gollancz children's list for a
   cash  consideration of #862,000.  The profit on the sale of the  operation,
   amounting  to #234,000, represents the consideration of #862,000  less  the
   assets that were the subject of the disposal, amounting to #432,000 and    
   less the associated costs of disposal, amounting to #196,000.

4. The  taxation  charge represents irrecoverable advance corporation tax.  

5. The  Board  recommends a final dividend of 1.5p per share (1996:  3p).   If
   approved  at  the  AGM,  the  dividend will be  paid  on  2  June  1998  to
   shareholders  on  the Register on 24 April 1998 and will  bring  the  total
   dividend for the year to 3p per share (1996: 4.5p).

6. The  calculation of earnings per share on the net basis is based on  the
   profit on ordinary activities after taxation, namely #341,000 (1996:       
   #629,000) and on 7,339,540 (1996: 7,339,540) shares in issue and ranking   
   for dividend during the year.

   The  earnings  per share on a nil distribution basis are 5.4p (1996: 9.7p).
   The  calculation  of  earnings  per share on  the  nil  distribution  basis
   assumes no dividend and therefore no write-off of advance corporation tax.

7. Intangible  fixed  assets consist of publishing rights and  the  dictionary
   database.   Publishing rights are recorded at acquisition cost, being  fair
   values  at  the date of acquisition determined by the directors, or  direct
   external  costs associated with the creation of the group's  own  imprints.
   The  dictionary database has been reclassified from a tangible asset to  an
   intangible  asset,  reflecting the directors' view that this  represents  a
   fairer  reflection  of  the nature of this asset.  The  asset  consists  of
   external  and  directly  identifiable  internal  staff  costs  incurred  in
   establishing the database.  The database is being amortised over  a  period
   of  10  years, its estimated economic life, on a straight line  basis  from
   the date sales commenced.

8. The  consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance  sheet  and
   cash  flow  statement  do not constitute financial  statements  within  the
   meaning   of  section  240  of  the  Companies  Act  1985.   The  financial
   statements  for  the  year ended 31 December 1996 received  an  unqualified
   auditors'  report  and have been delivered to the Registrar  of  Companies.
   Copies  of  the  financial statements for the year ended 31  December  1997
   will  be  available  to all shareholders and further copies  will be    
   available from  the  Company  Secretary, Cassell plc, Wellington House,    
   125  Strand, London WC2R OBB.



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