RNS Number : 0259P

Celtic PLC

15 February 2021

Celtic plc (the "Company")


Operational Highlights

   --    Currently second in the SPFL Premiership. 

-- Winners of the Scottish FA Cup (season 19/20) for the fourth season in a row, securing an unprecedented fourth consecutive domestic treble.

   --    17 home fixtures (2019: 21). 
   --    Conclusion of the most successful decade in the history of the club with 20 trophies won. 

Financial Highlights

   --    Revenue decreased by 23.7% to GBP40.7m (2019: GBP53.3m) 
   --    Loss from trading was GBP0.3m (2019: profit of GBP7.1m) 

-- Profit from transfer of player registrations (shown as profit on disposal of intangible assets) GBP1.0m (2019: GBP23.0m)

   --    Loss before taxation of GBP5.9m (2019: profit of GBP24.4m) 
   --    Acquisition of player registrations of GBP12.7m (2019: GBP15.0m) 
   --    Period end net cash at bank of GBP19.7m (2019: GBP32.9m) 


The results for the six months ended 31 December 2020 show revenues of GBP40.7m (2019: GBP53.3m) and a loss before taxation of GBP5.9m (2019: profit of GBP24.4m). The loss from trading, representing the loss excluding player related gains and charges, amounted to GBP0.3m (2019: profit of GBP7.1m). Period end net cash at bank was GBP19.7m (2019: GBP32.9m). The introductory page to these interim results summarises the main highlights.

Season 2020/21 started with further significant investment into our playing squad as we prepared for the season ahead, commencing with the Champions League qualification fixtures, featuring challenging single leg knock out ties as a result of the restricted football environment. We acquired the registrations of Albian Ajeti, Vasilis Barkas and David Turbull, retained Mohamed Elyounoussi on loan and brought in experienced internationals Shane Duffy and Diego Laxalt on loan. We also retained key players who had contributed so much to the team in previous seasons.

At the time of writing we currently sit second in the league 18 points behind the leaders having played one game less and with 10 games remaining. The prolonged summer transfer window, the impact of Covid-19 and, crucially, the loss of our passionate support at matches have undoubtedly had a damaging effect on our performance levels in domestic and European competitions, but we recognise that our performance has not been good enough. Amidst this challenging environment, however, we secured victory in the postponed 2019/20 Scottish Cup Final to deliver an incredible fourth consecutive treble, following on from securing our ninth consecutive league title. The scale of this achievement cannot be underplayed and should be a cause for pride and celebration for years to come.

The two key factors that adversely affected our financial results for the period under review were: firstly, reduced gains from player trading as we sought to keep intact our squad this season; and, secondly, the unforeseen and prolonged value destructive impact of Covid-19. Our strategy for season 2020/21 was to invest in the team and to retain our best players, with the objective of delivering the league championship. As a result, gains from player trading were minimal. The effects of Covid-19 have persisted longer than many could have envisaged and, as a result, our crucial match day and other income streams derived from our stadium have been reduced to negligible proportions. These two factors largely explain the reduction in our profit before tax. No football club is immune from the effects of Covid-19.

Looking forward, the football and financial environment is still volatile and very uncertain because of the ongoing effects of Covid-19. At the time of writing, it is unclear when the 2020/21 Scottish Cup will re-commence following its suspension. Neither are we able to say at this stage when we will be able to welcome our supporters back to Celtic Park but we continue to work with the football authorities and the Scottish Government with a view to ensuring that fans are able to return to football safely as soon as possible. All of this will continue to affect our financial results meaning we are unable to offer any outlook guidance on revenue or earnings. Trading seasonality means that financial performance in the second half of the financial year will be lower than the first half owing to lower UEFA income along with less matches played.

I would like to thank our outgoing Chief Executive Peter Lawwell for his contribution to Celtic over the last 17 years. His role in transforming Celtic into a modern, highly respected European football club cannot be underestimated and has been nothing short of outstanding. It has been a pleasure to serve alongside him and we look forward to welcoming Dominic McKay as our new Chief Executive to continue to grow the Club.

Finally, on behalf of the Board I would like to reiterate to our supporters, shareholders and partners that their support has been crucial over the last 12 months, in what has been one of the most challenging times for the Club. We recognise their support and we thank them for the loyalty they have shown.

Ian P Bankier

15 February 2021


For further information contact:

  Celtic plc                                      Tel: 0141 551 4235 
   Ian Bankier 
   Peter Lawwell 
  Canaccord Genuity Limited, Nominated Adviser    Tel: 020 7523 8350 
   and Broker 
   Simon Bridges 
   Richard Andrews 

This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014 as amended by regulation 11 of the Market Abuse (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019/310. Upon the publication of this announcement, this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.



We have been engaged by the Company to review the financial information in the interim report for the six months ended 31 December 2020 which comprises the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated balance sheet, the consolidated statement of changes in equity, the consolidated cash flow statement and the related notes.

We have read the other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is the responsibility of and has been approved by the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the rules of the London Stock Exchange for companies trading securities on AIM which require that the interim report be presented and prepared in a form consistent with that which will be adopted in the Company's annual financial statements having regard to the accounting standards applicable to such annual financial statements.

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the financial information in the interim report based on our review.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity", issued by the Financial Reporting Council for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the financial information in the interim report for the six months ended 31 December 2019 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the rules of the London Stock Exchange for companies trading securities on AIM.

Use of our report

Our report has been prepared in accordance with the terms of our engagement to assist the Company in meeting the requirements of the rules of the London Stock Exchange for companies trading securities on AIM and for no other purpose. No person is entitled to rely on this report unless such a person is a person entitled to rely upon this report by virtue of and for the purpose of our terms of engagement or has been expressly

authorised to do so by our prior written consent. Save as above, we do not accept responsibility for this report to any other person or for any other purpose and we hereby expressly disclaim any and all such liability.


Chartered Accountants

Manchester, United Kingdom

Date: 15 February 2021

BDO LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (with registered number OC305127)



                                                                         2020            2019 
                                                                       Unaudited       Unaudited 
                                                             Note      GBP000          GBP000 
  Revenue                                                     2        40,688          53,335 
  Operating expenses (before intangible asset 
   transactions)                                                      (40,966)         (46,274) 
                                                                   ------------    ------------- 
    (Loss)/profit from trading before intangible 
    asset transactions                                                   (278)           7,061 
    Amortisation of intangible assets                                  (6,583)         (5,874) 
    Profit on disposal of intangible assets                                993         23,021 
    Operating (loss)/profit                                             (5,868)         24,208 
  Finance income                                              3           515            743 
  Finance expense                                             3         (516)           (532) 
    (Loss)/profit before tax                                            (5,869)         24,419 
  Income tax credit/(expense)                                 4           730          (5,091) 
                                                                   -------------   ------------- 
    (Loss)/profit and total comprehensive loss 
    for the period                                                      (5,139)         19,328 
                                                                   -------------   ------------- 
    Basic (loss)/earnings per Ordinary Share                   5        (5.45p)         20.51p 
                                                                   =============   ============= 
    Diluted (loss)/earnings per Share                          5        (5.45p)         14.36p 
                                                                   =============   ============= 


                                                     2020              2019 
                                                  Unaudited          Unaudited 
                                    Notes          GBP000            GBP000 
  Property plant and equipment                     57,781            59,550 
  Intangible assets                   6            25,912            23,180 
  Trade and other receivables         7            9,082             13,175 
                                                   92,775            95,905 
  Inventories                                      3,000              1,772 
  Trade and other receivables         7            21,064            25,388 
  Cash and cash equivalents           9            23,183            37,604 
                                           --------------------  ------------- 
                                                   47,247            64,764 
                                           --------------------  ------------- 
  TOTAL ASSETS                                    140,022            160,669 
                                           ====================  ============= 
  Issued share capital                8            27,168            27,167 
  Share premium                                    14,912            14,848 
  Other reserve                                    21,222            21,222 
  Accumulated profits                              13,091            37,926 
                                           --------------------  ------------- 
  TOTAL EQUITY                                     76,393            101,163 
                                           ====================  ============= 
  Interest bearing liabilities/ 
   bank loans                                      2,212              3,476 
  Debt element of Convertible 
   Cumulative Preference Shares                    4,174              4,174 
  Trade and other payables                         4,068              3,443 
  Lease Liabilities                                  431               778 
  Deferred tax                        4               906             1,754 
  Provisions                                                128        37 
  Deferred income                                     14               42 
                                           --------------------  ------------- 
                                                   11,933            13,704 
                                           --------------------  ------------- 
  Trade and other payables                         24,997            25,572 
  Current borrowings                                1,364             1,364 
  Lease Liabilities                                   568               722 
  Provisions                                        6,402             3,531 
  Deferred income                                  18,365            14,613 
                                           --------------------  ------------- 
                                                   51,696            45,802 
                                           --------------------  ------------- 
  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                63,629            59,506 
                                           ====================  ============= 
  TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                    140,022            160,669 
                                           ====================  ============= 

Approved by the Board on 15 February 2021.


                                              Share            Share        Other        Accumulated        Total 
                                             capital          premium      reserve         profits 
                                                 GBP000      GBP000       GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
   AS AT 1 JULY 2019 (Audited)                   27,157      14,785       21,222          18,598          81,762 
    Share capital issued                            1           63            -               -              64 
    Reduction in debt element 
    convertible cumulative 
    preference shares                              9            -            -               -               9 
    Profit and total comprehensive 
    income for the period                          -            -            -            19,328          19,328 
   AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2019 (Unaudited)             27,167      14,848       21,222          37,926          101,163 
   AS AT 1 JULY 2020 (Audited)                   27,167      14,849       21,222          18,230          81,468 
    Share capital issued                            1           63            -               -              64 
  Reduction in debt element                        -            -            -               -               - 
   of convertible cumulative 
   preference shares 
  Loss and total comprehensive 
   loss for the period                             -            -            -            (5,139)         (5,139) 
   AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2020 (Unaudited)            27,168      14,912       21,222          13,091          76,393 
                                              ==========  ===========  ===========  =================  =========== 



                                                                  2020                2019 
                                                                Unaudited           Unaudited 
                                                                 GBP000              GBP000 
  Cash flows from operating activities 
  (Loss)/profit for the period after 
   tax                                                              (5,139)          19,328 
  Taxation (credit)/charge                                        (730)              5,091 
  Depreciation                                                    1,241              1,300 
  Amortisation                                                    6,583              5,874 
  Profit on disposal of intangible assets                         (993)             (23,021) 
  Finance costs *                                                  516                532 
  Finance income *                                                (515)              (743) 
                                                            ---------------      ------------ 
                                                                   963               8,361 
  (Increase)/decrease in inventories                             (1,730)              871 
  (Increase) in receivables                                       (737)              (400) 
  (Decrease) in payables and deferred 
   income                                                        (4,029)            (8,097) 
                                                            ---------------      ------------ 
  Cash (used in)/generated from operations                       (5,533)              735 
  Tax paid                                                          -                  - 
  Interest paid *                                                 (67)               (101) 
  Interest received *                                              29                 120 
                                                            ---------------      ------------ 
  Net cash flow from operating activities                        (5,571)              754 
                                                            ---------------      ------------ 
  Cash flows from investing activities 
  Purchase of property, plant and equipment                       (214)              (792) 
  Purchase of intangible assets                                  (6,306)            (13,824) 
  Proceeds from sale of intangible assets                        14,346              18,512 
                                                            ---------------      ------------ 
  Net cash generated from investing 
   activities                                                     7,826              3,896 
                                                            ---------------      ------------ 
  Cash flows from financing activities 
  Repayment of debt                                               (640)              (640) 
  Payments on leasing activities                                  (379)                - 
  Dividend on Convertible Cumulative 
   Preference Shares                                              (459)              (462) 
                                                            ---------------      ------------ 
  Net cash used in financing activities                          (1,478)            (1,102) 
                                                            ---------------      ------------ 
  Net increase in cash equivalents                                  777              3,547 
  Cash and cash equivalents at 1 July                            22,406              34,057 
                                                            ---------------      ------------ 
  Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December            9          23,183              37,604 
                                                            ===============      ============ 

*The cash flow statement for 2019 has been restated to correctly present finance income and finance costs as well as interest paid and interest received on a gross rather than the previously net basis. There is no change to the overall reported cash flows from operating activities.



The financial information in this interim report comprises the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income, Consolidated Balance Sheet, Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity, Consolidated Cash Flow Statement and accompanying notes. The financial information in this interim report has been prepared under the recognition and measurement requirements of IFRSs as adopted for use in the European Union but does not include all of the disclosures that would be required under those accounting standards. The accounting policies adopted in the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2021 will be in accordance with international accounting standards in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.

The financial information in this interim report for the six months to 31 December 2020 and to 31 December 2019 has not been audited, but it has been reviewed by the Company's auditor, whose report is set out on page 4.

Adoption of standards effective for periods beginning 1 July 2020

The following standards have been adopted as of 1 July 2020:

-- IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements and IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. (Amendment - Disclosure Initiative - Definition of Material)

   --      Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting (revised) 
   --      IBOR Reform and its Effects on Financial Reporting - Phase 1 

Going concern

As part of the Directors' consideration of the going concern assumption used in preparing the Interim Report, different scenarios have been analysed for a minimum period of 12 months from the date of approval of the report with outlook assumptions used beyond this time frame. The main factors considered were:

   --     Current financial stability of the Group and on-going access to funds; 

-- Continuing restrictions on trading conditions as a result of Covid-19, primarily the attendance of fans in football stadia;

   --     Security of revenue streams; 
   --     First team football performance and success; and 
   --     Player transfer market conditions. 

The Directors have adopted a prudent approach in the assumptions used in relation to the above, in order to provide additional comfort around the viability of the Group going forward.

At 31 December 2020 the cash at bank was GBP23.2m. In addition, the Group had a net receivables position with respect to player trading payables/receivables. Despite the challenges of the 6 months under review, there remains strong liquidity in the business and, although trading conditions in some areas remains uncertain, the progress being made around vaccinations and controlling the spread of the Covid-19 virus, provides optimism that normalised trading can resume in the short to medium term.

The Group has retained established contracts with a number of our commercial partners and suppliers providing assurance over future revenues and costs and we have clear visibility over committed labour costs and transfer payables. In addition, the Group has in recent years, achieved significant gains in relation to player trading and manages the movement of players in and out of the team strategically to ensure maximisation of value where required while maintaining a squad of appropriate quality to ensure, as far as possible, continued on field success. This has been illustrated by the sale of Jeremie Frimpong during the January 2021 transfer window.

The non-attendance of football fans in stadia continues to be the most significant factor in planning for the future, however as noted above our assumptions on this matter are considered to be appropriately prudent and do not consider there to be a significant risk in the medium term.

During the 6 months to 31 December 2020, the Group agreed an amended and restated GBP13m RCF with the Co-operative Bank which remains undrawn. This provides additional access to funds should these be required. The current cash flow forecasts over the period of the going concern review do not show a requirement to utilise this facility.

The Group continues to perform a detailed budgeting process each year which looks ahead four years from the current financial year, and is reviewed and approved by the Board. The Group also re-forecasts each month and this is distributed to the Board. As a consequence, and in conjunction with the additional forecasting and sensitivity analysis which has taken place, the Directors believe that the Company is well placed to manage its business risks successfully despite the continuing uncertain economic outlook.

In consideration of all of the above, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Group and Company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Thus they continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the Interim Report.

   2.    REVENUE 
                                       6 months     6 months 
                                         to 31        to 31 
                                        Dec 2020     Dec 2019 
                                       Unaudited    Unaudited 
                                         GBP000       GBP000 
  Football and stadium operations       12,570       26,987 
  Multimedia and other commercial 
   activities                           13,049       15,108 
  Merchandising                         15,069       11,240 
                                        40,688       53,335 
                                     ===========  =========== 
  Number of home games                    17           21 
                                     ===========  =========== 
                                              6 months        6 months 
                                                 to              to 
                                             31 December     31 December 
                                                2020            2019 
                                             Unaudited       Unaudited 
                                               GBP000          GBP000 
  Finance income: 
  Interest receivable on bank deposits           29             120 
  Notional interest income on deferred 
   consideration                                486             623 
                                          --------------  -------------- 
                                                515             743 
                                          ==============  ============== 
                                               6 months        6 months 
                                                  to              to 
                                              31 December     31 December 
                                                 2020            2019 
                                              Unaudited       Unaudited 
                                                GBP000          GBP000 
    Finance expense: 
  Interest payable on bank and other 
   loans                                         (60)           (115) 
  Notional interest expense on deferred 
   consideration                                (172)           (133) 
  Dividend on Convertible Cumulative 
   Preference Shares                            (284)           (284) 
                                           --------------  -------------- 
                                                (516)           (532) 
                                           ==============  ============== 
   4.    TAXATION 

Tax has been charged at 19% for the six months ended 31 December 2020 (2019: 19%) representing the best estimate of the average annual effective tax rate expected to apply for the full year, applied to the pre-tax income of the six month period. After accounting for prior period adjustments and deferred tax, this has resulted in tax credit in the statement of comprehensive income of GBP0.7m (2019: charge of GBP5.1m).


Loss per share and diluted loss per share of 5.45p (2019: earnings per share of 20.51p, diluted earnings per share of 14.36p) has been calculated by dividing the loss for the period of GBP5.1m (2019: profit of GBP19.3m) by the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue 94,315,059 (2019: 94,262,133) in issue during the year.

                                        31 December      31 December 
                                           2020             2019 
                                        Unaudited        Unaudited 
  Cost                                   GBP000           GBP000 
  At 1 July                              49,846           44,652 
  Additions                              12,667           15,008 
  Disposals                              (1,581)          (3,324) 
                                    ---------------  --------------- 
  At period end                          60,932           56,336 
                                    ===============  =============== 
  At 1 July                              30,018           30,496 
  Charge for the period                   6,583            5,874 
  Disposals                              (1,581)          (3,214) 
                                    ---------------  --------------- 
  At period end                          35,020           33,156 
                                    ===============  =============== 
    Net Book Value at period end          25,912           23,180 
                                    ===============  =============== 
                                                   31 December    31 December 
                                                       2020           2019 
                                                    Unaudited      Unaudited 
                                                     GBP000         GBP000 
           Trade receivables                         19,024         28,554 
           Prepayments and accrued income             5,767          7,510 
           Other receivables                          5,355          2,499 
                                                 -------------  ------------- 
                                                     30,146         38,563 
                                                 =============  ============= 
  Amounts falling due after more than one year 
               included above are: 
                                                      2020           2019 
                                                     GBP000         GBP000 
           Trade receivables                          9,082         13,175 
                                                 =============  ============= 
   8.      SHARE CAPITAL 
                                             Authorised                    Allotted, called up and 
                                                                                  fully paid 
                                            31 December                          31 December 
                                            2020        2019        2020         2020        2019         2019 
                                             Unaudited                Unaudited                Unaudited 
                                          No 000      No 000      No 000       GBP000      No 000       GBP000 
  Ordinary Shares of 1p each             223,608     223,605      94,349          944      94,290          943 
  Deferred Shares of 1p each             672,852     672,715     672,852        6,729     672,715        6,727 
  Convertible Preferred Ordinary 
   Shares of GBP1 each                    14,756      14,758      12,769       12,769      12,770       12,770 
  Convertible Cumulative Preference 
   Shares of 60p each                     18,298      18,298      15,798        9,479      15,798        9,480 
    Less reallocated to debt: 
    Initial debt                               -           -           -      (2,753)           -      (2,753) 
                                                  ----------                           ---------- 
                                         929,514     929,376     795,768       27,168     795,573       27,167 
                                      ==========  ==========  ==========  ===========  ==========  =========== 

The reconciliation of the movement in cash and cash equivalents per the cash flow statement to net cash is as follows:

                                      31 December    31 December 
                                          2020           2019 
                                       Unaudited      Unaudited 
                                        GBP000         GBP000 
  Bank Loans due after more than 
   one year                             (2,212)        (3,476) 
  Bank Loans due within one year        (1,264)        (1,264) 
  Cash and cash equivalents: 
  Cash at bank and on hand              23,183         37,604 
                                    -------------  ------------- 
  Net cash at bank at period end        19,707         32,864 
                                    =============  ============= 

Since the balance sheet date, we have secured the temporary registration of Jonjoe Kenny from Everton. We have also permanently transferred the registration of Jeremie Frimpong to Bayer Leverkusen and temporarily transferred the registration Olivier Ntcham to Marseille.

In addition we have temporarily transferred the registrations of development squad players Leo Hjelde to Ross County, Ben Wylie to Ballymena United, Barry Coffey to Cliftonville and Scott Robertson to Doncaster Rovers.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 15, 2021 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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