RNS Number : 1117B
  Caza Oil & Gas, Inc.
  12 August 2008


    August 12, 2008    



    Financial and Operating Results for the three Months Ended June 30, 2008

    Houston, Texas - August 12, 2008 - Caza Oil & Gas, Inc. ("Caza" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its financial and operating
results for the three months ended June 30, 2008.

    Second Quarter 2008 Highlights

    *     Total revenue of US$1,067,365 (Q2 2007 - US$266,597).
    *     Net loss of US$536,701 (Q2 2007 - US$420,057).
    *     Capital expenditures totaled US$3,237,141 (Q2 2007 - US$1,277,200).

    *     Sales volumes averaged 1,005 Mcfe/d, 148% higher than the volumes recorded in the comparative three-month period ended 2007.
    *     On a Mcf equivalent basis, natural gas accounted for 97% of second quarter 2008 volumes and NGLs 3%.  
    *     Caza's realized price increased 61% to $11.66/Mcfe from $7.22/Mcfe in the comparative three-month period ended 2007.  

    Commenting on the results, Mike Ford, CEO of Caza said, "In addition to the reported financial results for the 2nd quarter 2008, we are
very pleased to have closed the �11.5 million private placing that has fully funded our drilling program for the remainder of 2008. Caza has
had considerable drilling success so far in 2008 and we hope to continue that success and continue to increase production volumes, revenue
and cash flow with the investment of these additional funds."

 (in United States dollars)
 Three Months Ending June 30,                        2008         2007  % change

 Financial (US$)
 Gas and Condensate revenue                    1,067,365      266,597        300
 Net Income (loss)                              (536,701)    (420,057)        28
 Per share - basic and diluted                     (0.01)       (0.01)
 Capital expenditures (net)                    3,237,141    1,277,200        153
 Operations (US$)
 Sales volumes
 Natural gas (Mcf/d)                                 979          390        151
 Natural gas liquids (bbls/d)                          4            3         33
 Combined (Mcfe/d)                                 1,005          406        148
 Operating netbacks ($/Mcfe)
 Average selling prices                            11.66         7.22         61
 Production expenses                                0.54         1.32        -59
 Severance Taxes                                    0.79         0.58         36
 Transportation expenses                            0.12             -
 Operating netback                                 10.21         5.32         92
 Share Data
 Weighted average outstanding (including      97,723,874   73,000,000         34
 Equity outstanding - end of period 
 Common                                      119,319,000   46,498,000       157 
 Warrants                                     20,500,000   22,400,000         -8
 Stock options                                 6,338,333    3,965,000         60

    About Caza:
    Caza is engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development and production of hydrocarbons in the Texas Gulf Coast (on-shore), south
Louisiana, southeast New Mexico and the Permian Basin of West Texas regions of the United States of America through its subsidiary, Caza
Petroleum, Inc.

    For further information contact:

    Caza Oil & Gas, Inc.
    John McGoldrick
    Executive Chairman
    +1 281 363 4442
    Website: www.cazapetro.com


    Noble & Company Limited
    Nick Naylor / Jamie Boyd
    Nominated Adviser
    +44 (0) 20 7763 2200


    Aquila Financial Ltd.
    Peter Reilly
    Financial Public Relations Advisers
    +44 (0)118 979 4100

    The following interim Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") of the financial results for Caza Oil & Gas, Inc. ("Caza" or the
"Company") should be read in conjunction with the unaudited consolidated interim financial statements as at and for the three and six month
periods ended June 30, 2008, the annual information form, the audited consolidated financial statements and corresponding MD&A for the year
ended December 31, 2007. Additional information relating to the Company can be found on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. All figures herein have been
prepared in accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP") unless otherwise stated. This MD&A is dated August
11, 2008.
    Forward Looking Information
    In addition to historical information, the MD&A contains forward-looking statements that are generally identifiable as any statements
that express, or involve discussions as to, expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, assumptions or future events of performance (often,
but not always, through the use of words or phrases such as "will likely result," "expected," "is anticipated," "believes," "estimated,"
"intends," "plans," "projection" and "outlook"), are not historical facts and may be forward-looking and may involve estimates, assumptions
and uncertainties which could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those expressed in such forward-looking statements.

    These statements are based on certain factors and assumptions regarding the results of operations, the performance of projected
activities and business opportunities. Specifically, we have used historical knowledge and current industry trends to project budgeted
expenditures for 2008.  While we consider these assumptions to be reasonable based on information currently available to us, they may prove
to be incorrect.
    Actual results achieved during the forecast period will vary from the information provided herein as a result of numerous known and
unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors. Such factors include, but are not limited to: risks associated with the Company's stage
of development; competitive conditions; share price volatility; risks associated with crude oil and natural gas exploration and development;
risks related to the inherent uncertainty of reserves and resources estimates; possible imperfections in title to properties; the volatility
of crude oil and natural gas prices and markets; environmental regulation and associated risks; loss of key personnel; operating and
insurance risks; the inability to add reserves; risks associated with industry conditions; the ability to obtain additional financing on
acceptable terms if at all; non-operator activities; the inability of investors in certain jurisdictions to bring actions to enforce
judgments; equipment unavailability; potential conflicts of interest; risks related to operations through subsidiaries; risks related to foreign operations; currency exchange rate risks and other
factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Accordingly, there is no representation by Caza that actual results achieved
during the forecast period will be the same in whole or in part as that forecast. Further, Caza undertakes no obligation to update or revise
any forward-looking statement or statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such statement is made or to reflect
the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by applicable securities laws.
    Financial outlook information contained in this MD&A about prospective results of operations, financial position or cash flows is based
on assumptions about future events, including economic conditions and proposed courses of action, based on management's assessment of the
relevant information currently available. Readers are cautioned that such financial outlook information contained in this MD&A should not be
used for purposes other than for which it is disclosed herein.
    Non-GAAP Measures
    The financial data presented herein has been prepared in accordance with GAAP. The Company has also used certain measures of financial
reporting that are commonly used as benchmarks within the oil and natural gas production industry in the following MD&A discussion. The
measures are widely accepted measures of performance and value within the industry, and are used by investors and analysts to compare and
evaluate oil and natural gas exploration and producing entities. Most notably, these measures include operating netback and funds flow from
(used in) operations. Operating netback is a benchmark used in the crude oil and natural gas industry to measure the contribution of oil and
natural gas sales and is calculated by deducting royalties and operating expenses from revenues. Funds flow from (used in) operations is
cash flow from operating activities before changes in non-cash working capital, and is used to analyze operations, performance and
liquidity. These measures are not defined under GAAP and should not be considered in isolation or as an alternative to conventional GAAP measures. These measures and their underlying calculations are
not necessarily comparable to a similarly titled measure of another entity. When these measures are used, they are defined as "non GAAP" and
should be given careful consideration by the reader.
    Note Regarding Boe and Mcfe
    In this MD&A, Boes are derived by converting gas to oil in the ratio of six thousand cubic feet of gas to one barrel of oil (6 Mcf:1
bbl) and Mcfes are derived by converting oil to gas in the ratio of one barrel of oil to six thousand cubic feet of gas (1 bbl:6 Mcf). Per
barrel oil equivalent amounts ("boe") and one thousand cubic feet of gas equivalent ("Mcfe") amounts may be misleading, particularly if used
in isolation. A boe conversion of 6 Mcf of natural gas to 1 bbl of oil, or a Mcfe conversion ratio of 1 bbl of oil to 6 Mcf of natural gas
is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the
well head.
    References to "dollars" and "$" are of U.S. dollars and references to "CDN$" are to Canadian dollars.  

    Operating Netback Summary
    The following table reconciles the Company's operating netback which is considered to be a non-GAAP measure:

                               Three months ended  Six months ended
                                    June 30,           June 30,
 (on a Mcfe basis)                 2008      2007      2008    2007
 Oil and natural gas revenue    $ 11.66     $7.22   $ 10.08  $ 7.35
 Production expense              (0.54)    (1.32)    (0.72)  (1.35)
 Severance expense               (0.79)    (0.58)    (0.69)  (0.61)
 Transportation expense          (0.12)         -    (0.12)       -
 Operating netback (non-GAAP)     10.21      5.32      8.55    5.39


    Petroleum and Production Revenue
                      Three months ended   Six months ended
                           June 30,            June 30,
                           2008     2007       2008     2007
 Natural gas
 Production (Mcf)        89,073   35,499    173,927   66,365
 Revenue ($)          1,017,719  251,351  1,710,627  480,467
 Price ($/Mcf)            11.43     7.08       9.84     7.24
 Natural gas liquids
 Production (bbls)          408      236        723      438
 Revenue ($/bbl)         49,646   15,247     86,022   26,693
 Price ($/bbl)           121.78    64.61     118.97    60.94
 Production (Mcfe)       91,519   36,917    178,267   68,997
 Revenue ($)          1,067,365  266,597  1,796,648  507,160
 Price ($/Mcfe)           11.66     7.22      10.08     7.35

 Mcfe/d                   1,005      406        985      381

 Boe/d                      168       68        164       64

    Natural gas and condensate revenues increased 300% to $1,067,365 for the three-month period ended June 30, 2008 from $266,597 for the
three-month period ended June 30, 2007 (the "comparative period") and 46% higher than the first quarter of 2008. Caza production volumes
increased 148% to 91,519 Mcfe for the three-month period ended June 30, 2008 up from 36,917 Mcfe for the comparative period. This represents
an average daily production rate increase of 148% for the three months ended June 30, 2008 of 1,005 Mcfe/d as compared to 406 Mcfe/d for the
comparative period. The average natural gas price received by Caza increased 61% to $11.66 per Mcfe during the three-month period ended June
30, 2008 from $7.22 per Mcfe during the comparative period. The increase in revenues and production from the first half of 2007 are a result
of the Matthys McMillan well coming on line in the third quarter of 2007 and the increase in the North American spot price of natural gas.
Presently the Company has not hedged any of its production and does not have any commodity price management programs in place.
    Production Expenses  
                                            Three Months ended  Six Months ended
                                                 June 30,           June 30,
                                                2008      2007     2008     2007
 Severance tax ($)                            72,619    21,731  123,783   42,510
 Transportation ($)                           11,891         -   22,183        -
 Production ($)                               49,567    49,041  128,998   71,047
 Severance, transportation and production    134,077    70,772  274,964  113,557
 Severance, transportation and production       1.47      1.92     1.54     1.65

    Severance taxes and transportation expenses totaled $84,510 ($0.91/Mcfe) for the three-month period ended June 30, 2008, as compared to
$21,731 ($0.58/Mcfe) in the comparative period. The realized average price of natural gas increased by 61% to $11.66 from $7.22 in the
comparative period. 
    Severance tax is a tax imposed by states on natural resources such as crude oil, natural gas and condensate extracted from the ground.
The tax is calculated by applying a rate to the dollar amount of production from the property or a set dollar amount applied to the volumes
produced from the property. The increase in severance taxes and transportation expenses are a result of the Matthys McMillan well coming on
line in the third quarter of 2007.  
    Production expenses for the three-month period ended June 30, 2008 were $49,567 compared to $49,041 for the comparative period. Caza's
average lifting cost for the three-month period ended June 30, 2008 was $0.54 per Mcfe versus $1.32 per Mcfe for the comparative period. The
decrease in per unit production expense was attributable to the drilling of additional wells in the latter half of 2007 and to date in 2008
along with increased production rates. 
    Depletion, Depreciation and Accretion
    Depletion, depreciation, amortization and accretion expense for the first six months of 2008 increased to $355,741 ($3.88/Mcfe) from
$63,760 ($1.73/Mcfe) in the comparative period.  
                                            Three Months ended  Six Months ended
                                                 June 30,           June 30,
                                                2008      2007     2008     2007
 Depletion and depreciation ($)              352,174    62,925  671,110  108,686
 Accretion ($)                                 3,567       835    7,132    1,671
 Depletion, depletion and accretion ($)      355,741    63,760  678,242  110,357
 Depletion, depletion and accretion             3.88      1.72     3.80     1.60

    The increased expense resulted from drilling costs associated with the drilling of additional wells in the latter half of 2007 and to
date in 2008 along with increased production rates in the 2008 periods.
    Costs of unproved properties of $11,759,027 were excluded from depletable costs in accordance with Canadian Institute of Chartered
Accountants ("CICA") Accounting Guideline 16. A proportionate amount of the carrying value will be transferred to the depletable pool as
reserves are proven up through the execution of Caza's exploration program.
    Accretion expense is the increase in the present value of the asset retirement obligation for the current period and the amount of this
expense will increase commensurate with the asset retirement obligation as new wells are drilled or acquired through acquisitions.

    General and Administrative Expenses
                                       Three Months ended     Six Months ended
                                            June 30,              June 30,
                                            2008      2007       2008       2007
 General and administrative ($)        1,452,935   774,693  2,716,880  1,259,799
 General and administrative recovery    (73,945)  (38,916)  (117,064)   (45,922)
 Net general and administrative ($)    1,378,990   735,777  2,599,816  1,213,877
 General and administrative ($/Mcfe)       15.87     20.98      15.24      18.26
 Net general and administrative            15.06     19.93      14.58      17.59

    On a Mcfe basis the net general and administrative expenses decreased 24% and 17% for the respective three and six month periods ended
June 30, 2008. Stock-based compensation expense in the amount of $134,988 (93,701 in 2007) is included in general and administrative
expenses for the three month period ended June 30, 2008 and $252,226 ($240,112 in 2007) for the six month period ended June 30, 2008.
Increased salaries, wages and consulting fees along with increased professional service expenses were the primary factors responsible for
the increase in total general and administrative expenses when compared to the respective comparative periods. During the six month period
ended June 30, 2008, Caza capitalized general and administrative expenses relating to exploration and development activities of $603,946, of
which $117,587 related to capitalized stock-based compensation. On a Mcfe basis the net general and administrative expenses decreased 24%
and 17% for the respective three and six month periods ended June 30, 2008. 

    Net loss
    Caza incurred a net loss of $536,701 for the three month period ended June 30, 2008 and a net loss of $1,172,386 for the six month
period ended June 30, 2008. As compared to a net loss of $420,057 during the three month period ended June 30, 2007 and a net loss of
$550,073 for the six month period ended June 30, 2007. The increase in net loss from the comparative period occurred as a result of
increases in staff numbers and the expenses related to being a publicly listed company.
    Interest income for the three-month period ended June 30, 2008 was $53,461 and $144,913 for the six month period ended June 30, 2008
down from $279,415 during the same period in 2007. Interest was earned on the proceeds from Caza's initial brokered private placement, which
was principally completed in the fourth quarter of 2006, and from Caza's initial public offering, which was completed December 12, 2007.
Caza invested the proceeds from these financings in short-term money market funds. The Company does not hold any asset backed paper. 

     Funds flow from (used in) operations (Non-GAAP)
    The following is a reconciliation of funds flow from (used) in operations to net loss.
                                     Three Months ended      Six Months ended
                                          June 30,               June 30,
                                         2008       2007         2008       2007
 Net loss                           (536,701)  (420,057)  (1,172,386)  (550,073)

 Non-cash items, net                  209,851    156,271      505,991    245,709
 Asset retirement obligations               -          -      (9,767)          -
 Funds flow from (used) in          (326,850)  (263,786)    (676,162)  (304,364)

 Funds loss per share - basic and      (0.00)     (0.00)       (0.00)     (0.00)

    Funds flow from (used) in operations is cash flow from operating activities before changes in non-cash working capital, and is used to
analyze operations, performance and liquidity and is a non-GAAP measure.

    Capital Expenditures

                                      Three Months ended      Six Months ended
                                           June 30,               June 30,
 By Type ($)                             2008         2007       2008       2007
 Drilling and completions           2,535,063    1,242,463  5,556,436  1,655,767
 Seismic                               16,314            -    166,314     61,100
 Facilities and lease equipment       434,314      554,034  1,375,045    596,163
 Office furnishings and equipment      60,124       77,760    100,156    372,634
 Leasehold geological /geophysical     40,688    1,197,291    178,443  2,405,451
 Other costs (recovery)               150,638  (1,794,348)     13,914    359,663
 Total                              3,237,141    1,277,200  7,390,308  5,450,778

    In the first half of 2008, Caza drilled 5 gross natural gas wells (1.88 net) completing 2 (0.75 net) of the wells and began completion
operations on the remaining 3 wells (1.13 net) to tie these wells into their respective gathering systems. Drilling activities during the
first six months were concentrated in the Wilcox 116 prospect located in Texas and the Lynch property located in New Mexico as well as the
Eland and Puku prospects located in Wharton County, Texas. Caza also participated as a non-operated 50% interest in the drilling of the
Glass Ranch prospect located in Upton County Texas. Given Caza's current working capital surplus of approximately $20.1 million we
anticipate participating in the drilling of 11 gross (3.92 net) wells and completing 3 of the wells drilled during the second quarter.

    Outstanding Share Data
    Caza is authorized to issue an unlimited number of common shares without par value, of which 119,319,000 common shares are currently
issued and outstanding at August 11, 2008. 
    Holders of common shares are entitled to one vote per share on all matters voted on a poll by shareholders, and are entitled to receive
dividends when and if declared by the board of directors out of funds legally available for the payment of dividends. Upon Caza's
liquidation or winding up or other distribution of its assets among its shareholders for the purpose of winding up its affairs, holders of
common shares are entitled to share pro rata in any assets available for distribution to shareholders after payment of all obligations of
the Company. Holders of common shares do not have any cumulative voting rights or pre*emptive rights to subscribe for any additional common
    The following table sets forth the classes and number of outstanding equity securities of the Company and the number of issued and
issuable common shares on a fully diluted basis. 
                                                Issued and Issuable Securities
 Common Shares
     Issued and outstanding                                        119,319,000
     Issuable from exchangeable rights                              26,502,000
     Issuable from exercise of warrants                             19,800,000
     Issuable from exercise of broker warrants                         700,000
     Issuable from exercise of stock options                         6,338,333
 Total Common Shares issued and issuable                           172,659,333

 Warrants Issued and Outstanding
     Warrants to purchase common shares                             19,800,000
      Broker warrants                                                  700,000
   Total warrants                                                   20,500,000

 Stock Options Issued
   Management stock options outstanding                              6,338,333

    The following is a summary of the estimated amounts required to fulfill Caza's remaining contractual commitments as at June 30, 2008:

    Type of Obligation ($)      Total   
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