RNS Number:3744H
Perpetual Trustee Co Ld
08 August 2006

                         PERPETUAL TRUSTEE COMPANY LTD

                  as Trustee for the KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                                 CLASS A NOTES

                               ISIN: US49572QAA58

Pursuant to Rule 17.3.4 of the UKLA Listing Rules (Release 056 - July 2006) we
attach a copy of the audited Financial Report for the above issuer of Specialist
Securities for the year ended 30 September 2005.

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                               ABN 68 093 096 044

                                FINANCIAL REPORT

                               30 SEPTEMBER 2005

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                                MANAGER'S REPORT

                            AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2005

ANZ Capel Court Limited (ABN 30 004 768 807), the Manager of Kingfisher Trust
2001-1G, presents its report together with the financial statements of
Kingfisher Trust 2001-1G (the "Trust") for the year ended 30 September 2005 and
the auditor's report thereon.

Principal Activity

The principal activity of the Trust for the year was the securitisation of
residential mortgages from Australian and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ABN
11 005 357 522) (the "ANZ").

Review of Operations

The Trust was established under the Kingfisher Master Trusts Master Trust Deed
dated 1 August 2000 (the "Master Trust Deed") and the Notice of Creation of
Trust dated 16 May 2001 for the purpose of securitising residential mortgages.
The securitisation of residential mortgages by the Trust was funded by the
issuance of Floating Rate Notes ("Notes") by Perpetual Trustee Company Limited
(ABN 42 000 001 007) (the "Trustee") on behalf of the Trust, and funds provided
by the Residual Income and Residual Capital Unitholders.


The net profit from ordinary activities of the Trust for the year ended 30
September 2005 was $2,445,107 (2004: $3,485,295).


Distributions were made to the Residual Income class Unitholder of $2,445,107
(2004: $3,485,295).

Significant Changes in the State of Affairs

There were no significant changes in the state of affairs of the Trust that
occurred during the year, other than those that are disclosed in this report.

Significant Events after Balance Date

The Manager is not aware of any other matter or circumstances not otherwise
dealt with in this report or the financial statements that has significantly
affected or may significantly affect the operations of the Trust, the results of
those operations or the state of affairs of the Trust in subsequent financial

                                    -  2  -

Environmental Issues

The Trust's operations are not regulated by any significant environmental
regulation under a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory.

Leave of Court

No person has applied for leave of Court to bring proceedings on behalf of the
Trust or intervene in any proceedings to which the Trust is a party for the
purpose of taking responsibility on behalf of the Trust for all or any part of
those proceedings

This statement is made for and on behalf of ANZ Capel Court Limited, as Manager
of the Kingfisher Trust 2001-1G.

Nick Chew

Manager,  Transaction Management

ANZ Capel Court Limited

Date:   14 MAR 2006

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                              STATEMENT BY MANAGER

                            AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2005

In the opinion of the Manager

(a)  the financial statements are drawn up to give a true and fair view of the
results and cash flows for the year ended 30 September 2005 and the state of
affairs as at 30 September 2005 of the Trust.

(b)  to the best of our knowledge, in all material respects the Trust has
operated throughout the year ended 30 September 2005 in accordance with the
provisions of the Master Trust Deed and the Kingfisher Trust 2001-1G
Supplemental Deed (the "Supplemental Deed") dated 17 May 2001;

(c)   at the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe the
Trust will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due;  and

(d)  the register of Unitholders has, during the year ended 30 September 2005
been properly drawn up and maintained so as to give a true account of the
Unitholders of the Trust.

The financial statements have been made out in accordance with the provisions of
the Master Trust Deed and the Supplemental Deed, applicable Australian
Accounting Standards and Urgent Issues Group Consensus Views.

This statement is made for and on behalf of ANZ Capel Court Limited, as Manager
of Kingfisher Trust 2001-1G.

Nick Chew

Manager,  Transaction Management

ANZ Capel Court Limited

Dated:            14 MAR 2006

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                              STATEMENT BY TRUSTEE

                            AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2005

The financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2005 have been prepared
by the Manager, ANZ Capel Court Limited, as required by the Master Trust Deed.

The auditor's of the Trust, BDO Chartered Accountants, who have been appointed
by us in accordance with the Master Trust Deed has conducted an audit of these
financial statements.

Based on our ongoing program of monitoring of the Trust, the Manager and our
review of the financial statements, we believe that:

(a)  the Trust has been conducted in accordance with the Master Trust Deed and
the Supplemental Deed; and

(b)  the financial statements have been appropriately prepared and contain all
relevant and required disclosures.

We are not aware of any material matters or significant change in the state of
affairs of the Trust occurring up to the date of this report that requires
disclosures in the financial statements and the notes thereto that has not
already been disclosed.

John Gallagher

Senior Manager

For and on behalf of Perpetual Trustee Company Limited

Dated: 28/3/06

                            INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT

                             TO THE UNITHOLDERS OF

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G


The financial report and directors' responsibility

The financial report comprises the statement of financial position, statement of
financial performance, statement of cash flows, accompanying notes to the
financial statements, and the directors' of the Trustee Company's (the Trustees)
declaration for the Kingfisher Trust 2001-1G (the "Trust"), for the year ended
30 September 2005.

The Manager of the Trust is responsible for the preparation and true and fair
presentation of the financial report in accordance with the trust deed. This
includes responsibility for the maintenance of adequate accounting records and
internal controls that are designed to prevent and detect fraud and error, and
for the accounting policies and accounting estimates inherent in the financial

Audit approach

We conducted an independent audit in order to express an opinion to the
Trustees.  Our audit was conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing
Standards, in order to provide reasonable assurance as to whether the financial
report is free of material misstatement. The nature of an audit is influenced by
factors such as the use of professional judgement, selective testing, the
inherent limitations of internal control, and the availability of persuasive
rather than conclusive evidence. Therefore, an audit cannot guarantee that all
material misstatements have been detected.

We performed procedures to assess whether in all material respects the financial
report presents fairly, in accordance with the trust deed, including compliance
with Accounting Standards and other mandatory financial reporting requirements
in Australia, a view which is consistent with our understanding of the trust's
financial position, and of its performance as represented by the results of its
operations and cash flows.

We formed our audit opinion on the basis of these procedures, which included:

 i. examining, on a test basis, information to provide evidence supporting the
    amounts and disclosures in the financial report, and

ii. assessing the appropriateness of the accounting policies and disclosures
    used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by the

While we considered the effectiveness of management's internal controls over
financial reporting when determining the nature and extent of our procedures,
our audit was not designed to provide assurance on internal controls.


In conducting our audit, we followed applicable independence requirements of
Australian professional ethical pronouncements.

Audit Opinion

In our opinion, the financial report of the Trust is in accordance with:

(a)       the Trust Deed, including:

(i)                 giving a true and fair view of the Trust's financial
position as at 30 September 2005 and of its performance for the financial year
ended on that date; and

(ii)               complying with Accounting Standards and the Trust Deed; and

(b)       other mandatory professional reporting requirements.


    Chartered Accountants

             R D D Collie


Melbourne: 24 July 2006

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                              ABN  68 093 096 044


                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2005

                                                                             2005                  2004

                                                              Note             $                     $

Revenue from Ordinary Activities                               2       36,893,941            50,006,076

Borrowing cost expenses                                        3       (32,254,511)          (43,498,797)
Administration expenses                                                (2,194,323)           (3,021,984)

Profit from ordinary activities before income tax expense

                                                                       2,445,107             3,485,295

Income tax expense relating to

ordinary activities                                                    -                     -

Net profit from ordinary activities after

income tax expense attributable to

beneficiaries of the trust                                             2,445,107             3,485,295

Distributions to unitholders                                           (2,445,107)           (3,485,295)

Total changes in equity                                                -                     -

    The accompanying notes 1 to 16 form part of these financial statements.

                 Figures are in AUD unless otherwise indicated

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                              ABN  68 093 096 044


                            AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2005

                                                                             2005                  2004

                                                              Note             $                     $

Cash assets                                                    4       28,540                35,327
Receivables                                                    5       876,404               1,155,683
Other financial assets                                         6       446,398,476           612,995,707

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                                         447,303,420     614,186,717

TOTAL ASSETS                                                                 447,303,420     614,186,717


Payables                                                       7       905,045               1,191,111
Interest bearing liabilities                                   8             446,398,365     612,995,596

TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                    447,303,410     614,186,707

TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                            447,303,410     614,186,707

NET ASSETS                                                                            10     10

Settlement capital                                             9                      10     10
Retained profits                                                                       -     -

TOTAL EQUITY                                                                          10     10

    The accompanying notes 1 to 16 form part of these financial statements.

Figures are in AUD unless otherwise indicated

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                              ABN  68 093 096 044

                            STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS

                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2005

                                                                          2005                   2004

                                                          Note             $                       $
Cash flows from operating activities

Interest income received                                           36,090,668             48,752,426
Swap receipts                                                      803,216                1,263,039
Swap payments                                                      (237)                  -
Payments to suppliers                                              (2,168,061)            (3,047,799)
Borrowing costs                                                    (32,488,048)           (43,553,062)

Net cash provided by operating activities                 12(b)    2,237,538              3,414,604

Cash flows from financing activities

Payments of redraws                                                (11,407,244)           (11,918,243)
Receipts from redraws                                              -                      -
Receipts from mortgages                                            178,267,764            281,935,999
Repayment of borrowings                                            (166,597,231)          (269,951,270)
Distributions paid                                                 (2,507,614)            (3,462,480)

Net cash provided by financing activities                          (2,244,325)            (3,395,994)

Net increase in cash held                                          (6,787)                18,610

Cash at the beginning of the financial year                        35,327                 16,717

Cash at the end of the financial year                     12(a)    28,540                 35,327

    The accompanying notes 1 to 16 form part of these financial statements.

                 Figures are in AUD unless otherwise indicated

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                              ABN  68 093 096 044


                               30 SEPTEMBER 2005


          This financial report is a general purpose financial report prepared
in order to satisfy the financial report preparation requirements of the Master
Trust Deed. The accounts have been prepared in accordance with applicable
Australian Accounting Standards, other mandatory professional reporting
requirements (Urgent Issue Group Consensus Views) and the Master Trust Deed (as
amended) and the Supplemental Deed.

          The report is prepared on an accruals basis and is based on historic
costs and does not take into account changing money values or, except where
specifically stated, current valuations of non-current assets.

The following is a summary of the material accounting policies adopted by the
Trust in the preparation of the financial report.  The accounting policies have
been consistently applied, unless otherwise stated:

          (a)     Investments

          Investments are carried at cost. They primarily consist of residential
mortgages purchased from the ANZ.

          (b)     Income Tax

                   Under current Australian taxation legislation the Trust is
not subject to income tax as the taxable income is distributed in full to the

          (c)     Revenue

Revenue from investments is accounted for as income at each quarterly payment
date. Interest income is accrued on a daily basis.

          (d)     Swap Income

                   Swap income is recognised on a net basis.

          (e)     Currency

                   Figures reported are in AUD unless otherwise indicated.

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                              ABN  68 093 096 044


                               30 SEPTEMBER 2005


(f)      Impacts of adopting Australian equivalents to IFRS

For reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2005, the Trust must
comply with Australian Equivalents to International Financial Reporting
Standards (AIFRS) as issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB).
The adoption of AIFRS will be first reflected in the Trust's financial
statements for the year ending 30 September 2006.

Entities complying with AIFRS for the first time will be required to restate
their comparative financial statements to amounts reflecting the application of
AIFRS to that comparative period. Most adjustments required on transition to
AIFRS will be made, retrospectively, against opening retained earnings as at 1
October 2004.

Kingfisher Trust 2001-1G has established an IFRS committee to determine the
impact of IFRS on the Trust's financial statements. The committee has analysed
all of the AIFRS and has identified the accounting policy changes that will be
required. In some cases, choices of accounting policies are available, including
elective exemptions under Accounting Standard AASB 1 First-time Adoption of
Australian Equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards. These
choices have been analysed to determine the most appropriate accounting policy
for the Trust.

The Trustees are of the opinion that the key differences in the Trust's
accounting policies which will arise from the adoption of AIFRS is:

1. Financial instruments

Kingfisher Trust 2001-1G will be taking advantage of the exemption available
under AASB 1 to apply AASB 132 Financial Instruments: Disclosure and
Presentation and AASB 139: Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement
only from 1 July 2005. This allows the Trust to apply previous Australian
generally accepted accounting principles (Australian GAAP) to the comparative
information of financial instruments within the scope of AASB 132 and AASB 139
for the 30 September 2006 financial report.

         AASB 139 is likely to have the following impacts:

Classification and measurement of financial assets and liabilities

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                              ABN  68 093 096 044


                               30 SEPTEMBER 2005


(f)      Impacts of adopting Australian equivalents to IFRS (cont'd)

Under AASB 139, financial assets will be classified as either at fair value
through profit or loss, held-to-maturity, available for sale or loans and
receivables and, depending upon classification, measured at fair value or
amortised cost.

Under AASB 139, investments in

-          Non traded equity securities and debentures will be classified as
available for sale and measured at fair value, with changes in fair value
recognised directly in equity until the underlying asset is derecognised,

-          Zero coupon bonds will be classified as held-to-maturity and
recognised initially at fair value with subsequent measurement at amortised
cost, using the effective interest rate method,

-          Traded equity securities will be classified as held for trading and
measured at fair value, with changes in fair value recognised in profit or loss,

-          Loans and receivables and financial liabilities classifications will
remain unchanged. Measurement of these instruments will initially be at fair
value with subsequent measurement at amortised cost, using the effective
interest rate method.

This will result in a change to the current accounting policy, under which
financial assets are carried at the lower of cost and recoverable amount, with
changes recognised in profit or loss.

As a result of the application of the exemption referred to above, there would
have been no adjustment to classification or measurement of financial assets or
liabilities from the application of AIFRS during the year ended 30 September
2005. Changes in classification and measurement will be recognised from 1
October 2005.

Contributed unit capital will be classified as a liability rather than equity.
The expected impact on the Trust for the year ended 30 September 2005 is a
reduction in contributed equity of $10 and an increase in financial liabilities
of $10.

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                              ABN  68 093 096 044


                               30 SEPTEMBER 2005

                                                                           2005                 2004

                                                                             $                    $
2.         REVENUE

Interest income collections on mortgages                             36,089,294           48,749,944
Swap interest                                                        803,216              1,253,518
Interest income - bank                                               1,431                2,614

                                                                     36,893,941           50,006,076


            Profit from ordinary activities before income tax has
been determined after:
                 Borrowing costs
                 - Other persons                                     32,254,511           43,498,797

            Auditors' remuneration
                 - Auditing the company                              5,500                5,500
                 - Other services                                    14,331               21,580

                                                                     19,831               27,080

4.         CASH ASSETS

Cash at bank                                                         28,540               35,327

5.         RECEIVABLES

Amounts receivable from ANZ                                          876,404              1,155,683


Mortgages                                                            446,398,476          612,995,707

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                              ABN  68 093 096 044


                               30 SEPTEMBER 2005

                                                                          2005                   2004

                                                                           $                      $

7.         PAYABLES

Distributions payable                                              63,811                 126,318
Sundry creditors and accruals                                      841,234                1,064,793

                                                                   905,045                1,191,111



Class 'A' Notes                                                    423,286,874            581,258,826
Class ' B ' Notes                                                  23,111,491             31,736,770

Total Notes                                                        446,398,365            612,995,596

The Class 'A' Notes are denominated in US dollars. The exchange rate has been
fixed with a swap agreement at a rate of $1 USD = $0.518 AUD. The currency swap
agreement expires on the Termination date, which is the earlier of the "Final
Maturity Date" or 20 September 2032 as defined in the Supplemental Deed or the
date  Class A Notes have been redeemed in full.


          Movement in Unitholders' Funds during the year were as follows:

                                          Residual Income Unit        Residual Capital Unit

                                               fully paid                  fully paid

                                                  2005                        2005

                                            No of                       No of
                                            Units                       Units
                                                              $                           $              $

Opening Balance                                 1             5             1             5             10
Units Issued                                    -             -             -             -              -
TOTAL UNITHOLDERS'                              1             5             1             5             10


                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                              ABN  68 093 096 044


                               30 SEPTEMBER 2005

9.      UNITHOLDERS FUNDS (cont'd)

          The Residual Capital unit has the right to receive any excess assets
of the Trust, subject to the conditions of the Supplementary Deed.

          The Residual Income unit has the right to receive any excess income of
the Trust as described in the Supplementary Deed.


(a)    Derivative Financial Instruments

(i)                 Derivative financial instruments are used by the Trust to
hedge exposure to interest rate risk associated with movements in interest rates
which impact on the borrowings of the Trust and to hedge movements in currency.
The derivative financial instruments used by the entity are not recognised in
the financial statements. Transactions for hedging purposes are undertaken
without the use of collateral as only reputable institutions with sound
financial positions are dealt with.

          (ii)       Unrecognised Financial Instruments

          Interest Rate Swaps

Interest rate swap transactions are entered into by the Trust to hedge interest
rate payment obligations and to protect long term borrowings from the risk of
movements in interest rates.

The notional principal amounts of the swap contracts approximates the Trust's
Outstanding Floating Rate Note liabilities (the "borrowing facilities"). The
settlement dates of the swap contracts corresponds with interest payment dates
of the borrowings. The swap contracts require settlement of the net interest
receivable or payable and are brought to account as income or expense.

At balance date, the notional balance of the interest rate swap contracts
outstanding is $446,398,365.  This balance is to be settled over the life of the
Notes as each interest payment becomes due.

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                              ABN  68 093 096 044


                               30 SEPTEMBER 2005


Currency Swaps

Currency swap transactions are entered into by the Trust to exchange floating
rate Australian Dollars to a fixed rate United States Dollars in order to hedge
foreign currency payments. The notional principal amounts of the cross currency
swaps equals the borrowings facilities of the Trust. The settlement dates of the
swap contracts corresponds with the interest payment dates of the borrowings.

At balance date, the notional balance of the cross currency swap contracts
outstanding is $446,398,365.  This balance is to be settled over the life of the
Notes as each interest payment becomes due.

(b)          Market Risk

The Trust is exposed to market risk, being defined as the risk of adverse
movement in markets and includes the risk of adverse movements in individual
securities, market volatility and other market variables.

(c)          Credit Risk

Credit risk represents the loss that would be recognised if counterparties
failed to perform as contracted. The credit risk of the portfolio of residential
mortgages is addressed by sufficient credit enhancements in the form of primary
mortgage insurance over a majority of mortgages held by the Trust. The portfolio
of mortgages is also covered in entirety by pool mortgage insurance.

(d)          Liquidity Risk

The ANZ has provided to the Trust a Liquidity Facility for $AUD 33 million. The
liquidity facility may be drawn on by the Trustee to meet the timely payment of
interest in the event of market disruption where the interest due is prevented
from being paid to the bond holders, or to cover timing differences.

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                               ABN 68 093 096 044


                               30 SEPTEMBER 2005


(e)          Redraw Shortfall Risk

                   The ANZ has provided to the Trust a Redraw facility limited
to $AUD 40 million. This facility may be drawn on by the Trustee in order to
meet redraw obligations where the obligation to provide redraws is not met by
principal collections in that year.

          (f)      Net Fair Value

The net fair value of the investments is determined by discounting the cash
flows, at the market interest rates of similar securities, to their present

The net fair value of the Notes is determined by discounting the cashflows, at
the market interest rate of similar securities, to their present value.

The net fair value of the interest rate swap is the present value of the future
net interest cash flows.

The net fair value of the cross currency swap is the current value of the fixed
US Dollar balance translated at the current Australian Dollar rate.

For other assets and other liabilities the net fair value approximates their
carrying value.

Financial assets where the carrying amount exceeds net fair value have not been
written down as the economic entity intends to hold these assets to maturity.

Aggregate net fair value and carrying amounts of financial assets and financial
liabilities at balance date are not materially different at year end.

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                               ABN 68 093 096 044


                               30 SEPTEMBER 2005


          (g)     Interest Rate Risk

The Trust's exposure to interest rate risks, which is the risk that a financial
instrument's value will fluctuate as a result of changes in market rates and the
effective weighted average interest rate of recognised financial assets and
financial liabilities at the balance date are as follows:

                             Weighted Average
                            Effective Interest

                                                       No Interest           Floating Interest Rate
                              2005       2004       2005        2004          2005            2004

                               %          %           $           $             $               $
Financial Assets
Cash at bank               3.35       5.24       -           -           28,540          35,326
Receivables                -          -          876,404     1,155,683   -               -
Residential Mortgages      6.91       6.66       -           -           446,398,476     601,262,983
Total Financial Assets                           876,404     1,155,683   446,427,016     601,298,309

Financial Liabilities
Distributions Payable      -          -          63,811      126,318     -               -
Class 'A' Notes            4.07       2.09       -           -           423,286,874     581,258,826
Class 'B' Notes            6.13       5.89       -           -           23,111,491      31,736,770
Sundry Creditors &                               841,234
                           -          -                      1,064,793   -               -
Total Financial
                                                 905,045     1,191,111   446,398,365     612,995,596

                             Fixed Interest Rate Maturing
                               Within 1 Year to 5 Years
                                2005             2004           2005          2004

                                  $               $               $             $
Financial Assets
Cash at bank               -               -                28,540        35,326
Receivables                -               -                876,404       1,155,683
Residential Mortgages      -               11,732,724       446,398,476   612,995,707
Total Financial Assets     -               11,732,724       447,303,420   614,186,716

Financial Liabilities
Distributions Payable      -               -                63,811        126,318
Class 'A' Notes            -               -                423,286,874   581,258,826
Class 'B' Notes            -               -                23,111,491    31,736,770
Sundry Creditors &
                           -               -                841,234       1,064,793
Total Financial
                           -               -                447,303,410   614,186,707

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                               ABN 68 093 096 044


                               30 SEPTEMBER 2005


The Manager of the Kingfisher Trust 2001-1G is ANZ Capel Court Limited whose
ultimate parent entity is ANZ. The Manager's remuneration for the year was
$76,517 (2004: $107,386).

The Trustee of the Kingfisher Trust 2001-1G is Perpetual Trustee Company
Limited. The Trustee's fees received by the Trustee amounted to $58,841 (2004:

The ANZ has sold mortgages to the Trust, and has acted as counterparty in
providing interest rate and currency swap agreements with the Trust. The ANZ
also holds the Residual Income Unit.

                                                                             2005                  2004

                                                                               $                     $

(a)     Reconciliation of Cash

Cash at the end of the financial year as shown in the Statement of
Cash Flows is reconciled to the related items in the Statement of
Financial Position as follows:

Cash at bank                                                           28,540                35,327

(b)     Reconciliation of Net Cash provided by       by

          Operating Activities to Profit from Ordinary Activities
after Income Tax

Profit from ordinary activities after income tax

                                                                       2,445,107             3,485,295

Non-operating cashflow items included in profit from ordinary

Decrease in receivables                                                (57)                  9,389

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                              ABN  68 093 096 044


                               30 SEPTEMBER 2005
                                                                                  2005               2004

                                                                                    $                  $
12.    CASH FLOW INFORMATION  (cont'd)

Non-cash flows in profit from ordinary activities:

Increase in Prepaid Expenses                                                 4,239               (4,239)
Decrease in Other Creditors and Accruals                                     (211,751)           (75,841)

Net cash provided by operating activities                                    2,237,538           3,414,604

 (c)    The Trust has a liquidity facility with the ANZ amounting to $AUD 33
million. The liquidity facility may be drawn on by the Trustee to meet the
timely payment of interest in the event of market disruption where the interest
due is prevented from being paid to the bond holders, or to cover timing

(d)     The Trust has a redraw facility with the ANZ amounting to $AUD 40
million. This facility may be drawn on by the Trustee in order to meet redraw
obligations where the obligation to provide redraws is not met by principal
collections in that year.


          The Trust operates in the securitisation of residential mortgages
throughout Australia.


          There are no significant events subsequent to balance date.


The Trust does not have any material commitments and contingent liabilities that
require disclosure.


The principal place of business of the trust is 530 Collins Street, Melbourne,
and its principal activity is the securitisation of residential mortgages.

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                               ABN 68 093 096 044

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

                           ON ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

To the Unitholders

Our examination of the financial statements of the trust at 30 September 2005
and for the years then ended included tests of the accounting records from which
the additional information presented in the following page has been taken.  This
additional information is not, in our opinion, necessary for a fair presentation
of the trust's financial position, results of operations, or changes in
financial position.  Our examination was intended primarily for the purpose of
formulating an opinion on the basic financial statements taken as a whole and
was not such as to enable us to express an opinion as to the fairness of all of
the details of the additional information; accordingly, we do not express an
opinion thereon.


    Chartered Accountants

             R D D Collie


Melbourne:      24th July 2006

                            KINGFISHER TRUST 2001-1G

                               ABN 68 093 096 044


                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2005

                                                                             2005                  2004

                                                                               $                     $


Interest collections on mortgages                                      36,089,294            48,749,944
Swap interest                                                          803,216               1,253,518
Interest income                                                        1,431                 2,614

Total Income                                                           36,893,941            50,006,076


Interest expense                                                       32,254,511            43,498,797
Austraclear fees                                                       2,112                 1,815
Liquidity line fees                                                    49,500                49,636
Redraw facility fees                                                   60,000                60,164
Trustee fees                                                           58,841                85,087
Note trustee fees                                                      -                     14,572
Custodian fees                                                         81,683                114,788
Service fees                                                           1,774,902             2,495,163
Trust management fees                                                  69,917                100,786
Audit fees                                                             19,831                27,080
Legal fees                                                             -                     3,566
Ratings fees                                                           70,645                62,133
Bank fees                                                              237                   200
Trust management compliance services fees                              6,600                 6,600
Settlement fees                                                        54                    50
Miscellaneous fees                                                     -                     346

                                                                       34,448,833            46,520,783

NET PROFIT                                                             2,445,108             3,485,295

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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