RNS Number : 8441P

Aura Energy Limited

14 February 2023

14 February 2023

       Major Resource Upgrade at Aura Energy's Tiris Project 
       KEY POINTS: 
         *    52% increase in Measured and Indicated Resources to 
              29.6 Mlbs U(3) O(8) , 62.1Mt at 216 ppm U(3) O(8) at 
              a 100ppm grade cut-off. 
         *    Global Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) of 58.9 Mlbs 
              U(3) O(8,) 113Mt at 236 ppm U(3) O(8) at a 100ppm 
              grade cut-off. 
         *    Near-term exploration targets identified to further 
              grow the Tiris resource. 
         *    Tiris Reserves estimate with the updated expanded 
              Feasibility imminent 

Aura Energy Limited (ASX: AEE, AIM: AURA) is pleased to announce that the Resource Upgrade program undertaken in 2022 has increased the Measured and Indicated (M&I) Resources at the Tiris Project ("Tiris or the "Project") from 19.5 Mlbs to 29.6 Mlbs, 62.2Mt at 216ppm U(3) O(8) at a 100ppm cut-off .

The significance of the Resource upgrade is that it enables Aura to update the 2019 Tiris Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) [1] project work, assessing the potential to increase the production rate based on the increased M&I resource. This work is expected to be released before the end of Q1 2023.

Aura's Tiris Project differs from other near-term projects in that the carnotite is mostly ultrafine, micron scale in grain size enabling the separation of the uranium without crushing and grinding as demonstrated in the 2019 DFS(1) . In the DFS(1) production averaged 800,000 lbs U(3) O(8) per year with a capital cost of USD 74.8 million and C1 costs of USD 25.43/lb U(3) O(8) . Aura is confident that our existing fast-to-market development strategy will be accentuated in the updated DFS as a result of the economies of scale on the capital and operating costs using a modular expansion of the Tiris Project.

Commenting on the increased MRE, Aura Energy Managing Director Dave Woodall said:

"The significant increase of our M&I resources confirms our confidence that the Tiris province which we believe has great expansion potential. Our immediate focus is now to work with our Mauritanian stakeholders, offtake providers, investors and financing partners to progress towards a decision to Mine in Q3 CY2023, a target construction timeline of Q4 CY2023, and first production expected in late 2024 or early 2025.

"Our exploration success is creating a strong platform for growth for Aura's shareholders and our Mauritanian partners, and an exciting new zero-carbon energy source for an increasingly energy-hungry world."

Figure 1 - Location of the Tiris Project Global Mineral Resource

Upgraded Measured and Indicated Resource

The program successfully delivered an additional Measured and Indicated resource of 23.0Mt at 200ppm U(3) O(8) containing 10.1Mlb U(3) O(8) at 100ppm U(3) O(8) cut-off grade. The detail of the upgraded resource across the project areas and the previous resources are shown in Tables 1 and 2. The drilling program completed in 2022 comprised 1,746 holes (1,680 air-core and 66 diamond-core holes) at an average depth of 7m, from 11,600m of drilling.

                                            Mineral Resource Estimate           Mineral Resource Estimate             % Change 
                                                February 2022 [2]                     February 2023 
====================  ===============  ================================== 
  Resource Location       Category       Tonnes    U(3) O(8)    U(3) O(8)    Tonnes    U(3) O(8)    U(3) O(8)    Tonnes    U(3) O(8) 
                                          (Mt)       (ppm)        (Mlbs)      (Mt)       (ppm)        (Mlbs)      (Mt)       (Mlbs) 
                      ===============  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
 Hippolyte North           Measured       5.7        225          2.8         8.0        236          4.2         40%        50% 
                      ===============  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Indicated                           6.5        217          3.1         5.8        217          2.8        -11%        -10% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Inferred                            7.4        281          4.6         4.7        212          2.2        -36%        -52% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Sub-Total                          19.6        245          10.5       18.5        224          9.1         -6%        -13% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
 Hippolyte Marie 
  & West                   Inferred       8.2       310.0         5.6         8.2        310          5.6         0%          0% 
                      ===============  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
 Hippolyte South           Indicated      4.8        192          2.0         4.6        192          2.0         -4%         0% 
                      ===============  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Inferred                            3.1        176          1.2         2.7        176          1.1        -13%        -8% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Sub-Total                           7.9        177          3.2         7.4        186          3.0         -6%        -6% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
 Lazare North              Measured       1.1        284          0.7         1.0        282          0.6         -9%        -14% 
                      ===============  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Indicated                          10.6        229          5.4        10.1        229          5.1         -5%        -6% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Inferred                            3.9        210          1.8         3.7        210          1.7         -5%        -6% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Sub-Total                          15.6        224          7.9        14.8        228          7.4         -5%        -6% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
 Lazare South              Measured       3.4        239          1.8         8.6        233          4.4        153%        144% 
                      ===============  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Indicated                           2.6        219          1.3         5.2        226          2.6        100%        100% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Inferred                            9.1        214          4.3         4.8        222          2.3        -47%        -47% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Sub-Total                          15.1        225          7.4        18.6        228          9.3         23%        26% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
 Sadi                      Measured                                          11.5        189          4.8 
                      ===============  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Indicated                           4.5        240          2.4         7.4        200          3.2         64%        33% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Inferred                           14.8        266          8.7        10.3        228          5.2        -30%        -40% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Sub-Total                          19.3        301          11.1       29.2        206          13.2        51%        19% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
 Total Tiris East 
  Resource                 Measured      10.2        235          5.3        29.1        218          14.0       185%        164% 
                      ===============  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Indicated                          29.0        248          14.2       33.1        215          15.6        14%        10% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Inferred                           46.5        254          26.2       34.5        237          18.0       -26%        -31% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
      Total                              85.7        242          45.7       96.6        224          47.7        13%         4% 
 ====================================  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
 Oum Ferkik Resource       Inferred      16.4        305          11.2       16.4        305          11.2        0%          0% 
                      ===============  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 
 Total Tiris Project Resource            102.1       253          56.9       113.0       236          58.9        11%         4% 
                                       ========  ===========  ===========  ========  ===========  ===========  ========  =========== 

Table 1 - Comparison of Tiris Project Global Mine Resource Estimate at 100ppm U(3) O(8) cut-off (3)

Tiris Uranium Project Summary

The Tiris Uranium Project is in North-eastern Mauritania (Figure 2), approximately 1,200km northeast of Nouakchott. Access is via Zouérat, 744 km by bitumen road and then a further 700km on hardpan desert roads. The MRE is based on drilling conducted on two Mineral Exploration permits held 100% by Aura Energy: 562B4 Oum Ferkik, 2365B4 Oued EL Foule Sud, and on two Exploitation permits: 2492C4 Oued El Foule, 2491C4 Ain Sder held by Tiris Ressources SA (85% Aura Energy). Oum Ferkik is under application for conversion to an Exploitation Permit, with Oued EL Foule Sud under application for renewal and is expected to be processed by Q2 2023.

Regional Geological Setting

The Tiris Uranium Project lies in the north-eastern part of the Reguibat Craton, an Archaean (>2.5 Ga) and Lower Proterozoic (1.6-2.5 Ga) aged complex composed principally of granitoids, meta-sediments and meta-volcanics. The resources lie within Proterozoic portions of the craton. This part of the craton generally consists of intrusive and high-grade metamorphic rocks of amphibolite facies grade. In addition to the Archaean and Paleoproterozoic basement rocks, two principal types of Cainozoic surficial sediments occur:

-- Hamada: sand and outwash fan material.

-- Cailloutis: flat lying calcrete layers, typically 1 to 3 metres thick, in places partially silicified, which in this area stand out as small mesas up to a few metres above the surrounding land surface.

Figure 2: Regional geology of Mauritania; red dots are Aura uranium resources

Several small uranium occurrences were known in the Reguibat Craton from exploration during the 1950's. These vein deposits such as that at Bir En Nar, point to the existence of a poorly explored uranium province. Economically significant calcrete-type uranium deposits had not been reported in Mauritania prior to Aura's discoveries.

All the resource zones lie beneath flat land surfaces covered by surficial hamada and thin aeolian sand deposits. This shallow overburden largely covers the basement rocks, which only appear as scattered outcrops. Refer to Figure 4.

Figure 4 : Typical landscape within Tiris Project area, trench illustrating soft sandy overburden with gravelly calcrete beneath


The uranium resources generally lie either within weathered, partially decomposed red granite or in colluvial gravels developed on or near red granites. Small portions occur in other rock types such as meta-volcanics and meta-sediments. The resources are believed to have developed within shallow depressions or basins, where colluvial material has accumulated in desert sheet wash events. The pebbles within the gravels are generally unweathered fragments washed in from the nearby exfoliating granites and other crystalline rocks, mixed with sand, silt, calcrete, gypsum and yellow uranium vanadates.

This mineralised veneer of relatively unconsolidated material is typically less than 5 metres in thickness, although locally it can occur up to 12 metres in depth. It forms continuous deposits on the plains or occurs in depressions amongst granite outcrops.

It is inferred that the deposits were formed by near-surface leaching of uranium from the uraniferous red granites by saline groundwaters during the wet Saharan "pluvial" periods. There have been several periods over the past 2.5 million years, the most recent ending only 5,900 years ago. Evaporation during the subsequent arid periods caused the precipitation of uranium vanadates, along with calcium, sodium and strontium carbonates, sulphates and chlorides.

Although the Tiris mineralisation is associated with calcium carbonates, it differs from other well-known calcrete uranium deposits such as Langer Heinrich and Yeelirrie, in that they are river valley-fill deposits. The Tiris deposits have formed in shallow depressions in unconsolidated and uncemented gravels and in partially decomposed granites. In Namibia and Western Australia, the mineralisation is typically within calcareous clays or massive hard calcrete which forms below the water table, often at several levels related to the changing positions of the water table.

In contrast, Aura's Tiris deposits are believed to be pedogenic calcrete occurrences that formed in the vadose zone by capillary action above the permanent water table.

The host material at Tiris is granitic gravel or weathered granite containing powdery calcium carbonate (calcrete) and sulphates. The gravels and weathered granite occur at surface or under a very thin (<30 cm) veneer of wind-blown sand and form laterally continuous, single, thin sheets overlying fresh rock, usually granite. This offers the opportunity for easy, low-cost mining with little or no crushing.

The uranium mineralisation occurs principally as carnotite K(2) (UO(2) )(2) (VO(4) )(2) .1-3H(2) O) and possibly some of the chemically-similar calcium uranium vanadate, tyuyamunite Ca(UO(2) )(2) (VO(4) )(2) .5-8H(2) O) in varying proportions. In this report, "carnotite" refers to any mineral in the carnotite-tyuyamunite series. The carnotite occurs as fine dustings and coatings on granite or granite mineral fragments, and on the surfaces or partly within the calcite cement that forms the patches of calcrete. The carnotite is mostly ultrafine, micron scale in grain size.

The carnotite is distributed erratically in numerous patches and strings over short distances. Collectively it occurs in pods of mineable size, some of which extend for several kilometres in a horizontal direction.

Drilling techniques, hole spacing and mapping

Approximately 5,519 drill holes were used in this Resource Estimate using predominantly air core drilling with diamond drilling programs in 2017 and 2022 utilising triple tube PQ core allowing grade estimation by both chemical analysis and downhole gamma logging for validation purposes. In 3,113 (56%) of these, U(3) O(8) grade was determined by downhole gamma logging with disequilibrium factor applied, and in the remainder (44%), U(3) O(8) grade was determined by chemical assay.

In most cases Measured Resources are based on 50m x 50m spaced drill holes, Indicated Resources are based on 100m x 100m spaced holes, and Inferred Resources on 100m x 200m spaced holes. For the 2022 drilling, the drill spacing for Measured Resources was undertaken at 50m x 50m or 70m by 70m spacing. In 2017, three 100m x 100m squares were drilled at 12.5m hole spacing in both N-S and E-W directions to investigate grade anisotropy. In 2022, a further two such detailed patterns were drilled. Variography constructed by the resource consultants confirmed that the drill spacings are appropriate for the Resource classifications.

The calcrete mineralisation is flat lying to sub-horizontal so vertical holes were drilled, intersecting the mineralisation at a high angle. The collars are spaced in a grid pattern to provide adequate coverage of the mineralisation.

To account for solid outcrop in the resource statements, geological outcrop mapping was undertaken in the field by Aura Geologists for a portion of the work, and where field data was not available the outcrop was digitised from Worldview 3-HD Satellite Imagery to 15 cm resolution provided by Geoimage Pty Ltd. The digitised shapes will be field checked in future field programs. The inferred resource in Hippolyte Zones c, e, f, g was reported on zero outcrop, and these will be updated in future reports.

Logging and Sampling.

For drilling programmes prior to 2017, all drilled material provided by the AC rig was collected in its entirety in 1m intervals except for the first metre which was sampled in 0.5m intervals. All intervals were geologically logged.

For aircore drilling, AC drill cuttings were riffle split on site to extract samples for assay, with the diamond drill core lengths measured to an accuracy of 1 cm immediately on removal from the core barrel to determine & record core recovery. After transportation to the core yard in Nouakchott, the depths were marked on the core at 1-metre intervals and recovery data was checked again. Assays taken from the PQ core were compared against downhole gamma information from the same hole. Table 1 in the appendices contains all the information material to understand the estimates of Mineral Resources.

For holes drilled from 2017 onwards, uranium concentrations were measured by downhole total count gamma logging, which was converted to equivalent uranium grades (eU(3) O(8) ) by applying calibration information, an air correction and minor smoothing. A check was undertaken on the disequilibrium between U238 and its gamma-emitting daughter products. To test for radioactive disequilibrium, 343 pulped-core samples were sent to Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO). Results were compiled and interpreted by D Wilson of 3D Exploration. Disequilibrium factors were produced in two different ways. The first was based on laboratory measurements made at ANSTO, which suggested a disequilibrium factor of 1.29. The second was a comparison of drill core assay results against downhole gamma logging which suggested a conversion factor of 1.16. When the apparent underestimation of grade by ICP analysis (in comparison to the more accurate DNA analysis) by 7% is taken into consideration the drill hole assay data imply a conversion factor of 1.24. Aura personnel decided a disequilibrium factor of 1.25 was appropriate and applied this to convert raw gamma eU(3) O(8) grades to U(3) O(8) grades.

Sample analysis and QAQC

Duplicates, blanks, and standards were inserted in the assay sample stream at regular intervals. The drill core was cut in half longitudinally by a diamond saw. For each half-metre of core, half-core was bagged for assay. This task was completed in 2017 by ALS Laboratories and in 2022 by MMM Laboratories in Nouakchott, under the supervision of an Aura Geologist.

2011/12 AC drill samples were submitted to Stewart Laboratories sample preparation facility near Zouérat in Mauritania. Samples were crushed by jaw crusher to -12mm and 1kg was riffle split for pulverising to +85% passing 75 microns. An 100g split was bagged and sent to Stewart Laboratories in Ireland for analysis by pressed pellet XRF. Previous analysis comparing different analytical methods (XRF, ICP, DNC) had indicated that XRF is an accurate method on this material, if an x-ray band is selected for measurement that is not affected by the presence of strontium, and this was done. This method will measure total uranium.

For the diamond core drilled in 2017, bagged 1/2 core was prepared by ALS Laboratories Nouakchott by Method Prep 22 (Crush to 70% less than 6mm, pulverize entire sample to better than 85% passing 75 microns). A 100g sample of pulp was split off using a mini-riffle splitter. For diamond core drilled in 2022, sample preparation was completed by MMM Laboratories in Nouakchott, using the same method as for the 2017 core samples, except the 100g sample of pulp was split off using rotary splitter. Sample pulps were forwarded by air to ALS in Ireland for uranium analysis by ALS Method U-MS62 (U by ICP-MS after four-acid digestion) which provides near total extraction. ROL-21 agitation was carried out on the pulps before selecting assay aliquot.

Downhole gamma logging was performed by 2 down-hole Auslog gamma sondes utilising an A075 Natural Gamma Tool. Drill holes were gamma logged as soon as possible after drilling to avoid radon build-up. Each borehole was logged in both directions to verify consistency. Logging speed was 2 metres per minute, with a sample interval of 1cm. At least one hole was re-logged after each 20 holes as a repeatability check. A reference hole was established and relogged every 2 days as a check on consistency. Gamma logging procedures & interpretation were supervised by consultant David Wilson who qualifies as a Competent Person in these matters.

QAQC procedures for the 2011/12 AC drilling involved submission of 1 QAQC sample in every 5 samples, comprised of: field duplicates every twelve samples, blanks every 31 samples, umpire assays every 11 samples, certified reference material every 129 samples. Umpire analysis was carried on 427 sample intervals. For each of these the original pressed pellet XRF sample assayed by Stewart Labs was re-assayed by ICP by Stewart Labs. Each of these samples was also assayed by XRF and by ICP by ALS Labs. Accuracy & precision were within acceptable limits. QAQC procedures for the 2017 and 2022 diamond drilling comprise, submission of one standard, blank and field duplicate every 25 samples. In each set of 25 samples, a blank was inserted at every tenth position, standard at every twentieth position and field duplicate every 25th position. Accuracy & precision were within acceptable limits.

Estimation Methodology

The uranium resource estimates for the ore zones Hippolyte, Hippolyte South, Lazare North, Lazare South and Sadi were conducted by H&S Consultants (HSC). These estimates were based on a combination of downhole radiometric logging and chemical analyses of drillhole samples. This update incorporates recent infill drilling completed during 2022 in three areas - Hippolyte North Zone 3, Lazare South and Sadi - as well as updating existing (2018) models for Lazare North and the rest of Hippolyte (North and South) with recent digitising of outcrops from aerial photographs.

The uranium resource estimates for the ore zones Marie, Hippolyte West, Oum Ferkik East, Oum Ferkik West deposits were based on chemical analyses of drillhole samples. These estimates were undertaken by Oliver Mapeto from Coffey Mining and Associates.

Hippolyte North, Hippolyte South, Lazare North, Lazare South and Sadi Resources determined by H&S Consultants Pty Ltd.

The Mineral Resources reported here occur in five separate areas (Hippolyte North, Hippolyte South, Lazare North, Lazare South and Sadi) within a rectangle around 32 km north-south and 42 km east-west. The upper limit of the mineralisation occurs at surface and the uranium mineralisation generally forms thin shallow horizontal tabular bodies ranging in thickness from 1 to 12 m, hosted in weathered granite and granitic sediments. Resources reach a maximum depth of 14 m below surface. Differentiation of the weathered granite from granitic sediments is unreliable from AC sample returns. A purely geological model of the Tiris deposits has not been produced. While the interpretation of the mineralisation as flat lying tabular bodies is undisputed, alternative interpretations of the geology are unlikely to significantly impact estimated resources. The lateral extents of the mineralisation are poorly defined and additional drilling around the edges of the deposits may indicate that mineralisation is more limited than currently interpreted.

HSC created surfaces representing the base of the estimates to limit the extrapolation of grades into volumes that had no data. This is important at Tiris as there is a general decrease in uranium grades with depth. These surfaces nominally represent the top of the less-weathered granite, where AC drilling could penetrate no further. The base surfaces were produced using the locations of the end of the deepest assay from each drill hole. Where drill holes were very close, within around 15 m, the shallower point was generally removed.

Areas of obvious outcrop were excised from the MRE assuming a dip of 45 degrees between weathered granite/granitic sediments and the less-weathered granite. The extent of outcrop/subcrop and its relationship to free-digging mineralisation is somewhat uncertain but a conservative approach has been taken to minimise this risk.

The proportion of each block between the topographic and base surfaces, as well as the proportion of outcrop, were assigned to the block model and used to weight the reported estimates.

The continuity of both grade and geology are affected by the extent of weathering of the granitic host and the distribution of granitic sediments with respect to outcrop. The continuity does not appear to be affected by faulting.

The uranium concentrations were estimated by recoverable Multiple Indicator Kriging (MIK) using the GS3 geostatistical software. The uranium grades at the Tiris deposits exhibit a positively skewed distribution and therefore show reasonable sensitivity to a small number of high grades. MIK is considered an appropriate estimation method for the uranium grade distribution at the Tiris deposits because it specifically accounts for the changing spatial continuity at different grades through a set of indicator variograms at a range of grade thresholds. It also reduces the need to use the practice of top cutting. While no top-cuts were applied, the average of the mean and median grades was applied to the top indicator class to address any potential extreme values.

Only U (3) O (8) was estimated. No assumptions were made regarding the correlation of uranium with any other variable. No deleterious elements or other non-grade variables of economic significance were estimated. No assumptions were made regarding the recovery of by-products. Uranium was assumed to be the only element present in economically significant concentrations, although vanadium is known to occur with the uranium in the main ore mineral carnotite and could potentially be recovered.

All drill hole intervals were composited to 0.5m for estimation.

The five deposits were subdivided into a number of subzones for estimation, with conditional statistics generated for each of the subzones. All class grades used for estimation of the mineralised domains were derived from the class mean grades, except the top indicator class. The Recoverable MIK technique employed by HSC in this case requires a set of 14 variogram models, one for each of the fourteen grade bins used. A set of variogram models were created for Subzones of the Hippolyte North, Lazare South and Sadi deposits. These variogram models were applied to Subzones that did not have sufficient data to generate reliable models. Table 1, in the appendices, in accordance with Listing Rule 5.8.1 contains all information material to understand the estimates of Mineral Resources.

All of the resources reported here have been estimated on the assumption that the deposits will be mined by open pit.

Recoverable MIK allows for block support correction to account for the change from sample size support to the size of a mining block. This process requires an assumed grade control drill spacing and the assumed size of the Selective Mining Unit (SMU). The variance adjustment factors were estimated from the U (3) O (8) metal variogram models assuming a minimum SMU of 10x10x0.5m (east, north, vertical) with high quality grade control sampling on a 10x10x0.5m pattern (east, north, vertical).

The application of the variance adjustments to the resource estimates is expected to provide estimates of recoverable resources without the need to apply additional mining dilution or mining recovery factors. Internal dilution, that is, within the SMU unit is accounted for. If a larger SMU size or a broader grade control drill pattern is implemented the selectivity assumed in the reported resources may not be realised.

The 2023 Tiris Mineral Resource upgrade varies from the previous mineral resource due to:

   --    Additional drilling throughout the project area. 

-- Geological outcrop mapping completed for all zone, excluding Hippolyte Zones c, e, f, g and excised from the MRE assuming a dip of 45 degrees between weathered granite/granitic sediments and the less-weathered granite.

Hippolyte West, Oum Ferkik West and Oum Ferkik East Resources determined by Oliver Mapeto (Coffey Mining).

Mineralisation forms flat lying tabular bodies ranging in thickness from 1 to 12m with some internal waste patches occurring within the mineralisation envelope. In places, the top of mineralisation is covered by sand or waste overburden. Ore surfaces representing the top and base of the mineralisation using a grade cut-off of 100ppm U(3) O(8) were generated across all project areas and mineralised zones. The top and base of ore surfaces were used as hard boundaries to control grade estimation.

The grade varied significantly within the drill hole intersections. In some zones, pods of low-grade mineralisation occur showing moderate continuity of both grade and geology. The mineralisation is recent and unaffected by faulting.

The Mineral Resource Estimates applied a lower a cut-off grade of 100ppm across all project areas. The Marie ore zone occurs in an area 1.2km east-west and 6km north-south. This region is comprised of six separate zones that range in plan dimensions from 200m to 1.2km wide and 500m to 1.4km long. The Hippolyte W zone occurs in an area 0.8km east-west and 2.0km north-south. This region is comprised of three separate zones that range in plan dimensions from 150m to 400m wide and 400m to 1.0km long. Oum Ferkik West occurs as a single zone with dimensions of 1.6km east-west and 2.5km north-south. Oum Ferkik East occurs in an area 2.0km east-west and 2.0km north-south. This region is comprised of six separate zones that range in plan dimensions from 150m to 400m wide and 400m to 1.2km long.

Uranium concentrations were estimated using the Ordinary Kriging estimation method. The sample database has assay samples at a nominal 1m sample interval. Some samples were sampled at 0.5m interval using overburden-ore contact depending on thickness of topsoil (sand). 2m sample composites were created for grade estimation.

Area specific high-grade assay top cuts were applied to minimise grade smearing. The top-cut values were chosen by assessing the high-end distribution of the grade population within each zone and selecting the value at which the distribution became erratic.

Each zone was divided into subzones for grade estimation. The subzones were based on solids defined using a 100ppm lower U(3) O(8) grade cut-off. In addition, upper cut-off grade specific to the ore zones were applied. Each zone was coded and only samples within the same matching zone code were used in estimation. Additional estimation parameters were applied as follows:

A three-pass estimation strategy was adopted to estimate the U (3) O (8) grades. The estimation search parameters are shown below for estimation run pass 1, 2 and 3. The short first axis of the search ellipse is vertical.

Pass 1. 300x200x6m search, 8-24 samples

Pass 2. 360x250x6m search, 6-24 samples

Pass 3. 600x400x6m search, 4-24 samples

Drill hole drill spacing is generally on a regular grid of approximately 100x200 m. Parent block model size was 50 x 50x 2m. Sub-block size 5 x 5 x 0.5m. The vertical dimension was chosen to reflect the anisotropy of the mineralisation and the downhole data spacing.

Block model grade estimates were validated using a statistical comparison of block model grades against drill composite grades by zone, visual check of cross sections, transverse, and long sections, plan views of grade distribution, along with comparison of block model and drill data grade distribution using histograms.

The resources reported here have been estimated on the assumption that the deposits will be mined by open pit mining method. Analysis was done for grade continuity and variography. However, in some cases, no reliable variogram structure could defined on a zone-by-zone basis. The global variogram was assumed as this could have been affected by lack of data due to limited extend of the individual mineralised zones.

The selected sub-blocks were appropriate for minimum selective mining unit.

The metallurgical test work information supplied to the consultant is based on reports by H & S Consultants Pty Ltd, which indicates that the Tiris deposits are amenable to a process of crushing, screening and an alkaline carbonate leach in order to recover uranium. Bench scale test work indicates that a significant upgrade in uranium and decrease in sulphate concentrations can be achieved through screening.

No deleterious elements or other non-grade variables of economic significance have been identified or estimated.

Resource Classification

The relative accuracy and confidence level in the Mineral Resource estimates are in line with the generally accepted accuracy and confidence of the nominated JORC Mineral Resource categories. This has been determined on a qualitative, rather than quantitative, basis, and is based on the estimator's experience with several deposits at NPM and similar deposits elsewhere. The main factors that affect the relative accuracy and confidence of the estimate are the drill hole spacing and the style of mineralisation.

The Mineral Resource estimates for Marie, Hippolyte W, Oum Ferkik West and Oum Ferkik East were based on drill hole drill grid spacing, mineralisation and grade continuity, the grade estimation search pass used to estimate the block. All mineral Resource estimates estimated in 2011 were classified as Inferred. The relative accuracy and confidence level in the Mineral Resource estimates are in line with the generally accepted accuracy and confidence of the nominated JORC CODE (2012) Mineral Resource categories. This has been determined on both qualitative and quantitative basis. The main factor that affects the relative accuracy and confidence of the Mineral Resource estimate is sample data density and high variability in uranium grades. Confidence in mineralisation continuity is moderate. Most blocks were estimated in estimation run Pass 1 and 2.

Bulk Density

Tonnages are estimated on a dry weight basis. The moisture constant was not determined. Dry bulk density of diamond drill core was measured at the ALS facility in Nouakchott using an immersion method (Archimedes principle) on selected PQ diamond drill core intervals ranging in size from 10 to 30cm. Competent pieces of drill core were selected on a nominal interval of 50cm. The samples chosen are believed to be representative of the surrounding rock type. All density samples are wrapped in cling film to avoid water absorption. A total of 412 density measurements have been taken from drill core at the Tiris deposits with values ranging from 1.50 to 2.66t/m (3) and averaging 2.13t/m (3) . Measured density values show that there is a reasonable correlation between density and the depth of the sample. A regression was used to assign densities to each block in the block model based on the depth below surface.

The Mineral Resource estimates for Marie, Hippolyte W, Oum Ferkik West and Oum Ferkik East used an average density of 2.0/g/cc dry bulk density based on tests done by Aura Energy. This was considered realistic for material and ore in similar ore deposits. Tonnages are estimated on a dry weight basis. The moisture constant was not determined.

Cut-Off Grade

A cut-off of 100ppm U (3) O (8) cut off is used to report the resources as it is assumed that ore can be economically mined at this grade in an open pit scenario. This cut-off is relatively low compared to operating uranium mines, but metallurgical test work indicates that a significant upgrade in uranium and decrease in sulphates can be achieved by a simple screening process.

This ASX Release is authorised by the Aura Energy Board of Directors.

The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014 ('MAR') which has been incorporated into UK law by the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018. Upon the publication of this announcement via Regulatory Information Service ('RIS'), this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.

For further information, please contact:

 David Woodall                           Paul Ryan 
  Managing Director and CEO               Citadel-MAGNUS 
  Aura Energy Limited                     Investor & Media Relations 
  info@auraenergy.com.au                  pryan@citadelmagnus.com 
                                          +61 409 296 511 
 SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP          WH Ireland Limited 
  (Nominated Advisor and Joint Broker)    (Joint Broker) 
  David Hignell                           Jessica Cave 
  Kasia Brzozowska                        Andrew de Andrade 
  +44 (0) 203 470 0470                    +44 (0) 207 220 1666 

About Aura Energy (ASX: AEE, AIM AURA)

Aura Energy is an Australian-based minerals company that has major uranium and polymetallic projects with large resources in Africa and Europe. The Company is now focused on uranium production from the Tiris Project, a major greenfields uranium discovery in Mauritania.

Aura also completed a capital estimate update for the Tiris Definitive Feasibility Study, to reflect current global pricing, with these 2021 figures reconfirming Tiris as one of the lowest capex, lowest operating cost uranium projects.

In October 2021, the Company entered a US$10m Offtake Financing Agreement with Curzon, which includes an additional up to US$10m facility, bringing the maximum available under the agreement to US$20m.

In 2022, Aura will continue to transition from a uranium explorer to a uranium producer, to capitalise on the rapidly growing demand for nuclear power as the world continues to shift towards a decarbonised energy sector.

Disclaimer Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This ASX announcement (Announcement) contains various forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to uncertainties in that they may be affected by a variety of known and unknown risks, variables and factors which could cause actual values or results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from the expectations described in such forward-looking statements. The Company does not give any assurance that the anticipated results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied in those forward-looking statements will be achieved.

Notes to Project Description

The Company confirms that the material assumptions underpinning the Tiris Uranium Production Target and the associated financial information derived from the Tiris production target as outlined in the Aura Energy release dated 18 August 2021 for the Tiris Uranium Project Definitive Feasibility Study continue to apply and have not materially changed.

The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the relevant market announcement and that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates in the relevant market announcements continue to apply and have not materially changed.

Concerning the Resource statements, there is a low level of geological confidence associated with the inferred mineral resource and there is no certainty that further exploration work will result in the determination of indicated measured resource or that the production target will be realised.

Competent Persons

The Competent Person for the portion of the 2023 Tiris Mineral Resource Estimate and classification relating to the Hippolyte, Hippolyte South, Lazare North, Lazare South and Sadi deposits is Mr Arnold van der Heyden of H&S Consulting Pty Ltd. The information in the report to which this statement is attached that relates to the 2023 Mineral Resource Estimate is based on information compiled by Mr van der Heyden. Mr van der Heyden has sufficient experience that is relevant to the resource estimation to qualify Mr van der Heyden as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Mr van der Heyden is an employee of H&S Consultants Pty Ltd, a Sydney based geological consulting firm. Mr van der Heyden is a Member and Chartered Professional of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

The Competent Person for the portion of the 2023 Tiris Vanadium Resource Estimate and classification relating to all other deposits within the resource (Marie, Hippolyte West, Oum Ferkik East, Oum Ferkik West deposits) is Mr Oliver Mapeto, an independent resources consultant. The information in the report to which this statement is attached that relates to the 2018 Resource Estimate is based on information compiled by Mr Mapeto. Mr Mapeto has sufficient experience that is relevant to the resource estimation to qualify Mr Mapeto as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Mr Mapeto is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

The Competent Person for drill hole data and for integrating the different resource estimates prior to September 2022 is Mr Neil Clifford. The information in the report to which this statement is attached that relates to compiling resource estimates and to drill hole data is based on information compiled by Mr Neil Clifford. Mr Clifford has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify Mr Clifford as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Mr Clifford is a consultant to Aura Energy. Mr Clifford is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr Clifford consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

The Competent Person for drill hole data and for integrating the different resource estimates from September 2022 is Dr Michael Fletcher. The information in the report to which this statement is attached that relates to compiling resource estimates and to drill hole data is based on information compiled by Dr Michael Fletcher. Dr Fletcher has sufficient relevant experience in the preparation and compilation of exploration data across a broad range of deposits to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Dr Fletcher is a consultant to Aura Energy and a full-time employee of GeoEndeavours Pty Ltd. Dr Fletcher is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Geoscientists and consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

The Competent Person for interpreting downhole gamma information, disequilibrium analysis and assay results is Mr David Wilson. Mr Wilson has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Mr Wilson is a consultant to Aura Energy and is a full-time employee of 3D Exploration. Mr Wilson is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Geoscientists and consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.


JORC Code 2012

Table 1 Appendix 5A ASX Listing Rules

2023 Tiris Vanadium Resource Estimate

Section 1 Sampling Techniques and Data

(Criteria in this section apply to all succeeding sections)

 Criteria       JORC Code explanation                                                        Commentary 
  techniques     *    Nature and quality of sampling (e.g. cut channels,                   -- The data on which this resource 
                      random chips, or specific specialised industry                       estimate is based is from 6 
                      standard measurement tools appropriate to the                        field sampling programs: 
                      minerals under investigation, such as down hole gamma                1. An air-core (AC) drilling 
                      sondes, or handheld XRF instruments, etc). These                     program in 2010/11 with grade 
                      examples should not be taken as limiting the broad                   estimation by chemical analysis 
                      meaning of sampling.                                                 of drill samples 
                                                                                           2. An AC drilling program at 
                                                                                           Lazare in 2012 with grade estimation 
                 *    Include reference to measures taken to ensure sample                 by chemical analysis of drill 
                      representivity and the appropriate calibration of any                samples 
                      measurement tools or systems used.                                   3. An AC drilling program at 
                                                                                           Sadi in 2015 with grade estimation 
                                                                                           by chemical analysis of drill 
                 *    Aspects of the determination of mineralisation that                  samples 
                      are Material to the Public Report.                                   4. An AC drilling program in 
                                                                                           2017 with grade estimation by 
                                                                                           downhole gamma logging 
                 *    In cases where 'industry standard' work has been done                5. An AC drilling program in 
                      this would be relatively simple (e.g. 'reverse                       2022 with grade estimation by 
                      circulation drilling was used to obtain 1 m samples                  downhole gamma logging 
                      from which 3 kg was pulverised to produce a 30 g                     6. Diamond drilling (DD) programs 
                      charge for fire assay'). In other cases, more                        in 2017 and 2022 with grade 
                      explanation may be required, such as where there is                  estimation by both chemical 
                      coarse gold that has inherent sampling problems.                     analysis of core and by downhole 
                      Unusual commodities or mineralisation types (eg                      gamma logging, for validation 
                      submarine nodules) may warrant disclosure of detailed                purposes. 
                      information.                                                         -- The 2011/12 drilling was 
                                                                                           the basis of 2 previous Resource 
                                                                                           Estimation exercises (ASX release: 
                                                                                           announcement 14 July 2011 "First 
                                                                                           Uranium Resource in Mauritania 
                                                                                           - 50 million pounds", & ASX 
                                                                                           release: 16 July 2014 "Reguibat 
                                                                                           Uranium Project Scoping Study 
                                                                                           Complete). The 2018 resource 
                                                                                           estimation exercise has been 
                                                                                           aimed at upgrading a substantial 
                                                                                           portion of Inferred Resource 
                                                                                           to a higher resource category. 
                                                                                           -- The 2011/12 drillhole spacing 
                                                                                           was predominantly 100m x 200m. 
                                                                                           A portion of the 2012 drilling 
                                                                                           was at a spacing of 50m x 100m 
                                                                                           drilled to define Indicated 
                                                                                           Resources. The 2017 drilling 
                                                                                           was predominantly at a spacing 
                                                                                           of 50m x 50m to define Measured 
                                                                                           -- AC drill cuttings were riffle 
                                                                                           split on site to extract approx. 
                                                                                           2 kg samples for assay for the 
                                                                                           downhole intervals 0 to 0.5m, 
                                                                                           0.5 to 1.0m, 1 to 2m, & thereafter 
                                                                                           in 1m intervals to end of hole. 
                                                                                           -- Down hole gamma logging in 
                                                                                           2017 and 2022 was by 2 down-hole 
                                                                                           Auslog gamma sondes operated 
                                                                                           by Poseidon Geophysics (Pty) 
                                                                                           Ltd based in Gaborone Botswana 
                                                                                           using 3 geophysicists employed 
                                                                                           by Poseidon geophysics 
                                                                                           -- The 2 sondes (serial numbers 
                                                                                           T093 and T272) were sent to 
                                                                                           the Department of Environment, 
                                                                                           Water & Natural Resources, Adelaide 
                                                                                           South Australia for calibration 
                                                                                           prior to the surveys in both 
                                                                                           2017 and 2022. 
                                                                                           -- Geological outcrop mapping 
                                                                                           was undertaken in the field 
                                                                                           by Aura Geologists for a portion 
                                                                                           of the work, and where field 
                                                                                           data was not available the outcrop 
                                                                                           was digitised from Worldview 
                                                                                           3-HD Satellite Imagery to 15 
                                                                                           cm resolution provided by Geoimage 
                                                                                           Pty Ltd. The digitised shapes 
                                                                                           will be field checked in future 
                                                                                           field programs. The inferred 
                                                                                           resource in Hippolyte Zones 
                                                                                           c, e, f, g still need to be 
 Drilling                                                                                -- AC drilling in all programs 
  techniques      *    Drill type (eg core, reverse circulation, open-hole                prior to 2022 was conducted 
                       hammer, rotary air blast, auger, Bangka, sonic, etc)               by Wallis Drilling of Perth 
                       and details (eg core diameter, triple or standard                  WA using a Mantis drillrig with 
                       tube, depth of diamond tails, face-sampling bit or                 NQ size bit (outer diameter 
                       other type, whether core is oriented and if so, by                 75.7 mm) except for the 2015 
                       what method, etc).                                                 program which used HQ size bit 
                                                                                          (OD 96mm). Diamond drilling 
                                                                                          (DD) was carried out by Capital 
                                                                                          Drilling Mauritanie SARL utilising 
                                                                                          triple tube PQ coring (122.6 
                                                                                          mm outer diameter bit, 85 mm 
                                                                                          diameter core). In 2017, 1484 
                                                                                          vertical drillholes were gamma 
                                                                                          logged of which 1428 were AC 
                                                                                          drillholes and 56 were cored 
                                                                                          diamond drillholes. 
                                                                                          -- In 2022, AC drilling was 
                                                                                          conducted by Sahara Natural 
                                                                                          Resources (Guinea) using a 650 
                                                                                          model DTH cum-rotary rig. PQ 
                                                                                          triple-tube diamond drilling 
                                                                                          was conducted by Tayssir Drilling 
                                                                                          1742 vertical drillholes were 
                                                                                          gamma logged of which 1676 were 
                                                                                          AC holes and 66 were cored diamond 
 Drill sample                                                                            -- For the 2010, 2011, 2012 
  recovery       *    Method of recording and assessing core and chip                     Aircore programs, no sample 
                      sample recoveries and results assessed.                             recovery information is available. 
                                                                                          -- 2015 AC drilling the total 
                                                                                          drill return for each sample 
                 *    Measures taken to maximise sample recovery and ensure               interval was bagged and weighed 
                      representative nature of the samples.                               to an accuracy of approximately 
                                                                                          0.25 kg to estimate sample recovery. 
                                                                                          The assay results for the 2015 
                 *    Whether a relationship exists between sample recovery               drilling are considered inaccurate 
                      and grade and whether sample bias may have occurred                 due to loss of fine uranium-bearing 
                      due to preferential loss/gain of fine/coarse                        carnotite during the drilling 
                      material.                                                           process, on the basis of 63 
                                                                                          holes which were later gamma 
                                                                                          logged which indicated that 
                                                                                          eU3O8 grades were approx. 3 
                                                                                          times greater than assay grades 
                                                                                          Since 2015, 35% (205) of the 
                                                                                          2015 collars had another hole 
                                                                                          drilled within 15 metres and 
                                                                                          a downhole gamma survey undertaken. 
                                                                                          -- Efforts were made to minimise 
                                                                                          dust loss, eg in most holes 
                                                                                          the first metre was drilled 
                                                                                          without applying compressed 
                                                                                          air, and thereafter minimum 
                                                                                          air necessary to lift the sample 
                                                                                          was applied. In view of the 
                                                                                          ultrafine grain size of the 
                                                                                          uranium mineral carnotite, even 
                                                                                          where high recoveries were recorded, 
                                                                                          it is possible that some carnotite 
                                                                                          was lost in dust emitted from 
                                                                                          the drill rig cyclone. resulting 
                                                                                          in underestimation of uranium 
                                                                                          -- 2017 and 2022 AC drillholes 
                                                                                          were not physically sampled, 
                                                                                          and downhole gamma surveys were 
                                                                                          completed for grade measurement. 
                                                                                          -- All drillcore was transported 
                                                                                          in covered core trays to Nouakchott 
                                                                                          for geological logging, density 
                                                                                          determination, and core cutting. 
                                                                                          -- Drillcore lengths were measured 
                                                                                          to an accuracy of c. 1 cm immediately 
                                                                                          on removal from the core barrel 
                                                                                          to determine & record core recovery. 
                                                                                          After transportation to the 
                                                                                          core yard in Noakchott, the 
                                                                                          depths were marked on the core 
                                                                                          at 1 metre intervals and recovery 
                                                                                          data was checked again. 81% 
                                                                                          of core samples have a recovery 
                                                                                          of 95% or greater, and 85% of 
                                                                                          core samples have a recovery 
                                                                                          of 90% or greater. 
                                                                                          -- Given the ultra-fine-grained 
                                                                                          nature of the carnotite mineralisation, 
                                                                                          loss of uranium is likely in 
                                                                                          any core runs recording less 
                                                                                          than 100% recovery, and even 
                                                                                          where 100% recovery is recorded 
                                                                                          it is possible some loss of 
                                                                                          carnotite may have occurred. 
                  *    Whether core and chip samples have been geologically       *    In 2011/12/15 AC drilling each sample interval was 
                       and geotechnically logged to a level of detail to               geologically logged by an onsite geologist and drill 
                       support appropriate Mineral Resource estimation,                logs were uploaded to Aura's database managed by 
                       mining studies and metallurgical studies.                       Reflex Hub in Perth. A sample of sieved & washed 
                                                                                       chips for each sample interval was retained in chip 
                                                                                       trays for reference. In 2017 and 2022 AC drilling. 
                  *    Whether logging is qualitative or quantitative in               only the bottom hole sample was geologically logged, 
                       nature. Core (or costean, channel, etc) photography.            and a sample retained in chip trays. 
                  *    The total length and percentage of the relevant            *    Drillcore was photographed, geologically logged and 
                       intersections logged.                                           logs were recorded on Aura's logging template and 
                                                                                       uploaded to Aura's database. 
                                                                                  *    In 2011/12/17 drilling, 385 density measurements 
                                                                                       (which included 25 duplicate determinations) were 
                                                                                       taken on drillcore by ALS Laboratories in Nouakchott 
                                                                                       under the supervision of Aura's geologist. In 2022, 
                                                                                       174 density measurements were taken on drill core by 
                                                                                       MMM Laboratories SARL in Noakchott, under the 
                                                                                       supervision of an Aura Geologist. 
                                                                                  *    Database management was undertaken by Reflex Hub in 
                                                                                       Perth prior to July 2019, and by Earth SQL in 
                                                                                       Melbourne after that date. 
  techniques      *    If core, whether cut or sawn and whether quarter,          *    2011/12/15 AC drill samples were riffle split on site 
  and sample           half or all core taken.                                         to provide a minimum 2 kg sample for assay and a 
  preparation                                                                          duplicate split for reference and possible umpire 
                  *    If non-core, whether riffled, tube sampled, rotary 
                       split, etc and whether sampled wet or dry. 
                                                                                  *    Duplicates, blanks, and standards were inserted in 
                                                                                       the assay sample stream at regular intervals as 
                  *    For all sample types, the nature, quality and                   detailed in the next section. 
                       appropriateness of the sample preparation technique. 
                                                                                  *    Drillcore from 2017 was cut in half longitudinally by 
                  *    Quality control procedures adopted for all                      diamond saw by ALS Laboratories after marking up by, 
                       sub-sampling stages to maximise representivity of               and under the supervision of, an Aura geologist. This 
                       samples.                                                        task was completed in 2022 by MMM Laboratories in 
                                                                                       Noakchott, under the supervision of an Aura 
                  *    Measures taken to ensure that the sampling is 
                       representative of the in-situ material collected, 
                       including for instance results for field                   *    For each half-metre of core, half-core was bagged for 
                       duplicate/second-half sampling.                                 assay. 
                  *    Whether sample sizes are appropriate to the grain          *    Given the fine-grained nature of the uranium minerals 
                       size of the material being sampled.                             these sample sizes are appropriate. 
  of assay       *    The nature, quality and appropriateness of the              *    2011/12 AC drill samples were submitted to Stewart 
  data and            assaying and laboratory procedures used and whether              Laboratories sample preparation facility near 
  laboratory          the technique is considered partial or total.                    Zouérat in Mauritania (In 2012 Stewart 
  tests                                                                                Laboratories became part of ALS Laboratories). 
                                                                                       Samples were crushed by jaw crusher to -12mm and 1kg 
                 *    For geophysical tools, spectrometers, handheld XRF               was riffle split for pulverising to +85% passing 75 
                      instruments, etc, the parameters used in determining             microns. An c. 100g split was bagged and sent to 
                      the analysis including instrument make and model,                Stewart Laboratories in Ireland for analysis by 
                      reading times, calibrations factors applied and their            pressed pellet XRF. Previous analysis comparing 
                      derivation, etc.                                                 different analytical methods (XRF, ICP, DNC) had 
                                                                                       indicated that XRF is an accurate method on this 
                                                                                       material, if an x-ray band is selected for 
                 *    Nature of quality control procedures adopted (eg                 measurement that is not affected by the presence of 
                      standards, blanks, duplicates, external laboratory               strontium, and this was done. This method will 
                      checks) and whether acceptable levels of accuracy                measure total uranium. 2015 AC drill samples were 
                      (i.e. lack of bias) and precision have been                      submitted to ALS Laboratories sample preparation 
                      established.                                                     facility in Nouakchott Mauritania. Samples were 
                                                                                       crushed by jaw crusher to -12mm and 1kg was riffle 
                                                                                       split for pulverising to +85% passing 75 microns. An 
                                                                                       c. 100g split was bagged and sent to ALS Global in 
                                                                                       Ireland for analysis by ALS method MC-ICP61 after 
                                                                                       4-acid digestion. This method will measure near total 
                                                                                  *    For diamond core drilled in 2017, bagged 1/2 core was 
                                                                                       prepared by ALS Laboratories Nouakchott by Method 
                                                                                       Prep 22 (Crush to 70% less than 6mm, pulverize entire 
                                                                                       sample to better than 85% passing 75 microns). An c. 
                                                                                       100g sample of pulp was split off using mini-riffle 
                                                                                       splitter, placed in sample envelope and forwarded by 
                                                                                       air to ALS in Ireland for uranium analysis by ALS 
                                                                                       Method U-MS62 (U by ICP-MS after 4 acid digestion). 4 
                                                                                       acid digestion provides near total extraction. 
                                                                                  *    For diamond core drilled in 2022, sample preparation 
                                                                                       was completed by MMM Laboratories in Noakchott. 
                                                                                       Samples were crushed to 70% less than 6mm, pulverize 
                                                                                       entire sample to better than 85% passing 75 microns. 
                                                                                       An c. 100g sample of pulp was split off using rotary 
                                                                                       splitter, placed in sample envelope and forwarded by 
                                                                                       air to ALS in Ireland for uranium analysis by ALS 
                                                                                       Method U-MS62 (U by ICP-MS after 4 acid digestion). 
                                                                                       ROL-21 agitation was carried out on the pulps before 
                                                                                       selecting assay aliquot. 4 acid digestion provides 
                                                                                       near total extraction. 
                                                                                  *    Downhole gamma logging was performed by 2 down-hole 
                                                                                       Auslog gamma sondes comprising: 
                                                                                  *    DLS5 Winch Controller 
                                                                                  *    W600-1 12V Portable Winch 
                                                                                  *    A075 Natural Gamma Tool 
                                                                                  *    Logging procedures involved: 
                                                                                  *    Drill holes were gamma logged as soon as possible 
                                                                                       after drilling to avoid radon build-up. 
                                                                                  *    Each borehole logged in both directions to verify 
                                                                                  *    Logging speed: 2 metres per minute 
                                                                                  *    Sampling interval: 1 cm 
                                                                                  *    At least one hole was re-logged after each 20 holes 
                                                                                       as a repeatability check. 
                                                                                  *    A reference hole was established and relogged every 2 
                                                                                       days as a check on consistency. 
                                                                                  *    Gamma logging procedures & interpretation were 
                                                                                       supervised by consultant David Wilson who qualifies 
                                                                                       as a Competent Person in these matters. 
                                                                                  *    QAQC procedures for the 2011/12 AC drilling comprised, 
                                                                                       on average: 
                                                                                  *    Field duplicates assays: 1 in every 12 samples 
                                                                                  *    Blanks: 1 in every 31 samples 
                                                                                  *    Umpire assays: 1 in every 11 samples Umpire analysis 
                                                                                       was carried on 427 sample intervals. For each of 
                                                                                       these the original pressed pellet XRF sample assayed 
                                                                                       by Stewart Labs was re-assayed by ICP by Stewart 
                                                                                       Labs. Each of these samples was also assayed by XRF 
                                                                                       and by ICP by ALS Labs. 
                                                                                  *    Certified Reference material: 1 in every 129 samples 
                                                                                  *    Total QAQC samples: 1 in every 5 samples 
                                                                                 Accuracy & precision were within 
                                                                                 acceptable limits. 
                                                                                  *    QAQC procedures for the 2017 and 2022 diamond 
                                                                                       drilling comprise, submission of one standard, blank 
                                                                                       and field duplicate every 25 samples. In each set of 
                                                                                       25 samples, a blank was inserted at every tenth 
                                                                                       position, standard at every twentieth position and 
                                                                                       field duplicate every 25(th) position. 
                                                                                  *    190 sample pulps sent to ANSTO Minerals at Lucas 
                                                                                       Heights for U determination by Delayed Neutron Count, 
                                                                                       serving as the Umpire analysis. 
                                                                                  *    Certified reference standards at 128, 264, and 550 
                                                                                       ppm were purchased from African Mineral Standards, 
                                                                                       South Africa. Blanks were prepared from sand 
                                                                                       collected near the University of Noakchott, that had 
                                                                                       been scanned with a hand-held spectrometer. 
 Verification                                                                            -- Approximately 5519 drillholes 
 of sampling     *    The verification of significant intersections by                    were used in this Resource Estimate. 
 and assaying         either independent or alternative company personnel.                In 3113 56%) of these, U grade 
                                                                                          was determined by downhole gamma 
                                                                                          logging, and in the remainder 
                 *    The use of twinned holes.                                           (44%), U grade was determined 
                                                                                          by chemical assay. Diamond drillholes 
                                                                                          were both gamma logged and chemically 
                 *    Documentation of primary data, data entry procedures,               assayed for validation purposes. 
                      data verification, data storage (physical and                       The holes drilled in 2015 were 
                      electronic) protocols.                                              excluded from the resource estimate. 
                                                                                          -- To test for radioactive disequilibrium 
                                                                                          343 samples were sent to Australian 
                 *    Discuss any adjustment to assay data.                               Nuclear Science and Technology 
                                                                                          Organisation (ANSTO) in Australia 
                                                                                          for equilibrium determinations. 
                                                                                          Results were compiled and interpreted 
                                                                                          by D Wilson of 3D Exploration. 
                                                                                          Disequilibrium factors were 
                                                                                          produced in two different ways. 
                                                                                          The first was based on laboratory 
                                                                                          measurements made at ANSTO, 
                                                                                          which suggested a disequilibrium 
                                                                                          factor of 1.29. The second was 
                                                                                          comparison of drill core assay 
                                                                                          results against downhole gamma 
                                                                                          logging which suggested a conversion 
                                                                                          factor of 1.16. When the apparent 
                                                                                          under estimation of grade by 
                                                                                          ICP analysis (in comparison 
                                                                                          to the more accurate DNA analysis) 
                                                                                          by 7% is taken into consideration 
                                                                                          the drill hole assay data imply 
                                                                                          a conversion factor of 1.24. 
                                                                                          Aura personnel decided a disequilibrium 
                                                                                          factor of 1.25 was appropriate 
                                                                                          and applied this to convert 
                                                                                          eU3O8 grades to U3O8 grades. 
                                                                                          A factor of 1.25 needs to be 
                                                                                          applied to all raw gamma grades 
                                                                                          to provide the correct U grade. 
                                                                                          All drillhole data recorded 
                                                                                          was uploaded to Aura's online 
                                                                                          database managed by Reflex Hub 
                                                                                          during the programs prior to 
                                                                                          July 2019 and managed by Earth 
                                                                                          SQL after that date. Analyses 
                                                                                          were forwarded directly from 
                                                                                          the laboratories to the database 
                                                                                          manager for incorporation in 
                                                                                          the database. 
 Location                                                                                -- 2011/12 drillhole collars 
  of data        *    Accuracy and quality of surveys used to locate drill                were surveyed by handheld GPS 
  points              holes (collar and down-hole surveys), trenches, mine                with reported accuracy of +/- 
                      workings and other locations used in Mineral Resource               3 metres. 
                      estimation.                                                         -- All 2017 and 2022 drillhole 
                                                                                          collars were surveyed by differential 
                                                                                          surveying conducted by IRC-Magma 
                 *    Specification of the grid system used.                              (ISO 9001-2015) to an accuracy 
                                                                                          of +/- 20 cm in all dimensions. 
                                                                                          -- The grid projection used 
                 *    Quality and adequacy of topographic control.                        is UTM WGS84 Zone 29N. 
                                                                                          -- An independent check comparing 
                                                                                          data gathered prior to 2022 
                                                                                          to topography was undertaken 
                                                                                          by PhotoSat of Vancouver, using 
                                                                                          satellite data provided to an 
                                                                                          accuracy of +/- 20 cm, confirming 
                                                                                          the quality and adequacy of 
                                                                                          topographic control. 
 Data spacing                                                                            -- Drillholes were spaced in 
 and             *    Data spacing for reporting of Exploration Results.                  different programs at 50m x 
 distribution                                                                             50m, 50m x 100m, 100m x 100m 
                                                                                          or 100m x 200m. 
                 *    Whether the data spacing, and distribution is                       -- In most cases Measured Resources 
                      sufficient to establish the degree of geological and                are based on 50m x 50m spaced 
                      grade continuity appropriate for the Mineral Resource               drillholes, Indicated Resources 
                      and Ore Reserve estimation procedure(s) and                         are based on 100m x 100m spaced 
                      classifications applied.                                            holes, and Inferred Resources 
                                                                                          on 100m x 200m spaced holes. 
                                                                                          -- Downhole gamma data was composited 
                 *    Whether sample compositing has been applied.                        into 0.5m intervals. 
                                                                                          -- Three 100m x 100m areas were 
                                                                                          drilled at 12.5m spacing in 
                                                                                          both N-S & E-W directions for 
                                                                                          geostatistical purposes and 
                                                                                          to examine variability. Variography 
                                                                                          constructed by the resource 
                                                                                          consultants confirmed that the 
                                                                                          drill spacings are appropriate 
                                                                                          for the Resource classifications. 
                                                                                          Resource classification was 
                                                                                          done by the independent resource 
                                                                                          consultants with no input from 
                                                                                          -- For the 2022 drilling, the 
                                                                                          drill spacing for Measured Resources 
                                                                                          was undertaken at 50m x 50m 
                                                                                          or 70 by 70 metre spacing. 
 Orientation                                                                             -- In 2017, three 100m x 100m 
 of data         *    Whether the orientation of sampling achieves unbiased               squares were drilled at 12.5m 
 in relation          sampling of possible structures and the extent to                   hole spacing in both N-S and 
 to                   which this is known, considering the deposit type.                  E-W directions to investigate 
 geological                                                                               grade anisotropy. This indicated 
 structure                                                                                a weak NW-SE trend to the mineralisation. 
                 *    If the relationship between the drilling orientation                The drilling pattern employed 
                      and the orientation of key mineralised structures is                is considered appropriate for 
                      considered to have introduced a sampling bias, this                 the mineralisation orientation. 
                      should be assessed and reported if material.                        In 2022, a further two such 
                                                                                          detailed patterns were drilled. 
                                                                                          -- The calcrete mineralisation 
                                                                                          is flat lying to sub-horizontal 
                                                                                          so vertical holes were drilled, 
                                                                                          intersecting the mineralisation 
                                                                                          at a high angle. 
                                                                                          -- The collars are spaced in 
                                                                                          a grid pattern so provide adequate 
                                                                                          coverage of the mineralisation, 
                                                                                          demonstrating a broad NW_SE 
                                                                                          linearity to the mineralisation. 
 Sample                                                                                  -- Sample collection was supervised 
  security        *    The measures taken to ensure sample security.                      by geologists. Samples were 
                                                                                          transported as soon as practicable 
                                                                                          to independent sample preparation 
                                                                                          -- The core samples were transported 
                                                                                          to the processing facility in 
                                                                                          Noakchott where they were logged, 
                                                                                          and sample selection was undertaken 
                                                                                          by geologists. The core trays 
                                                                                          were then transported to MMM 
                                                                                          laboratories in Noakchott for 
                                                                                          cutting, sampling and sample 
                                                                                          preparation. The pulped samples 
                                                                                          were sent to ALS Ireland for 
                                                                                          -- Approx.67% of drillholes 
                                                                                          were assayed by downhole gamma 
                                                                                          logging and for these, sample 
                                                                                          security is not relevant. 
 Audits                                                                                  -- Resource estimation in 2012 
  or reviews      *    The results of any audits or reviews of sampling                   was conducted by Oliver Mapeto 
                       techniques and data.                                               of Coffey Mining. This was independently 
                                                                                          reviewed and confirmed by Wardell 
                                                                                          Armstrong International in 2016. 
                                                                                          The 2021 Resource Estimate at 
                                                                                          Sadi was done by Oliver Mapeto 
                                                                                          acting then as an independent 
                                                                                          consultant. The 2018 resource 
                                                                                          estimate, and the 2023 Resource 
                                                                                          Estimate have been carried out 
                                                                                          by independent consulting group 
                                                                                          H&S Consultants Pty Ltd. All 
                                                                                          of these consulting groups have 
                                                                                          reviewed and endorsed the sampling, 
                                                                                          grade estimation and QAQC procedures. 
=============  ============================================================  ================================================================ 

Section 2 Reporting of Exploration Results

(Criteria listed in the preceding section also apply to this section)

 Criteria         JORC Code explanation                                            Commentary 
 Mineral                                                                                      -- The Resource Estimates 
  tenement          *    Type, reference name/number, location and ownership                   are based on drilling conducted 
  and land               including agreements or material issues with third                    on 2 mineral exploration permits 
  tenure status          parties such as joint ventures, partnerships,                         held 100% by Aura Energy: 
                         overriding royalties, native title interests,                         562B4 Oum Ferkik, 2365B4 Oued 
                         historical sites, wilderness or national park and                     EL Foule Sud, and on 2 Exploitation 
                         environmental settings.                                               permits: 2492C4 Oued El Foule, 
                                                                                               2491C4 Ain Sder held by Tiris 
                                                                                               Ressources SA. Oued EL Foule 
                    *    The security of the tenure held at the time of                        Sud is currently under application 
                         reporting along with any known impediments to                         for renewal. Tiris Ressources 
                         obtaining a licence to operate in the area.                           SA is owned 85% by Aura Energy 
                                                                                               subsidiary, Aura Energy Mauritania 
                                                                                               and 15% by ANARPAM, a Mauritanian 
                                                                                               Government entity. 
                                                                                               -- Aura has completed an Environmental 
                                                                                               and Social Impact Assessment 
                                                                                               which concluded there are 
                                                                                               no known issues arising from 
                                                                                               native title, historical sites, 
                                                                                               environmental or third-party 
                                                                                               matters which are likely to 
                                                                                               materially affect exploitation. 
 Exploration                                                                                  -- Aura is unaware of any 
  done by           *    Acknowledgment and appraisal of exploration by other                  prior exploration on these 
  other parties          parties.                                                              areas, other than governmental 
                                                                                               data gathering projects such 
                                                                                               as the PRISM-II Mauritania 
                                                                                               Minerals Project (USGS) 
 Geology                                                                                      -- The mineralisation is of 
                    *    Deposit type, geological setting and style of                         the calcrete uranium style. 
                         mineralisation.                                                       It occurs within Proterozoic 
                                                                                               rocks of the Reguibat Craton. 
                                                                                               The mineralisation is developed 
                                                                                               within near surface altered 
                                                                                               and weathered granites, and 
                                                                                               within shallow colluvium lying 
                                                                                               on granite or adjacent metasediments. 
 Drill hole                                                                                   -- Specific drillhole data 
  Information          *    A summary of all information material to the                       is not relevant to the reporting 
                            understanding of the exploration results including a               of this resource estimation 
                            tabulation of the following information for all                    because the topography is 
                            Material drill holes:                                              not significantly variable, 
                                                                                               and all holes are vertical, 
                                                                                               drilled almost perpendicular 
                      1. easting and northing                                                  to sub-horizontal mineralisation 
                      of the drill hole collar                                                 at depth of less than 10 metres. 
                      2. elevation or RL (Reduced 
                      Level - elevation above 
                      sea level in metres) of 
                      the drill hole collar 
                      3. dip and azimuth of 
                      the hole 
                      4. down hole length and 
                      interception depth 
                      5. hole length. 
                       *    If the exclusion of this information is justified on 
                            the basis that the information is not Material and 
                            this exclusion does not detract from the 
                            understanding of the report, the Competent Person 
                            should clearly explain why this is the case. 
 aggregation        *    In reporting Exploration Results, weighting averaging      *    Data aggregation methods are summarised in the 
 methods                 techniques, maximum and/or minimum grade truncations            Resource Estimate report by H&S Consultants which 
                         (eg cutting of high grades) and cut-off grades are              this table accompanies. 
                         usually Material and should be stated. 
                    *    Where aggregate intercepts incorporate short lengths 
                         of high-grade results and longer lengths of low grade 
                         results, the procedure used for such aggregation 
                         should be stated and some typical examples of such 
                         aggregations should be shown in detail. 
                    *    The assumptions used for any reporting of metal 
                         equivalent values should be clearly stated. 
 Relationship                                                                                 -- All drillholes on which 
 between            *    These relationships are particularly important in the                 the resource estimate is based 
 mineralisation          reporting of Exploration Results.                                     were vertical and approximately 
 widths and                                                                                    perpendicular to the thickness 
 intercept                                                                                     of the sub horizontal mineralisation. 
 lengths            *    If the geometry of the mineralisation with respect to 
                         the drill hole angle is known, its nature should be 
                    *    If it is not known and only the down hole lengths are 
                         reported, there should be a clear statement to this 
                         effect (eg 'down hole length, true width not known'). 
 Diagrams                                                                                     -- Refer to the ASX announcement 
                    *    Appropriate maps and sections (with scales) and                       which this table accompanies. 
                         tabulations of intercepts should be included for any 
                         significant discovery being reported These should 
                         include, but not be limited to a plan view of drill 
                         hole collar locations and appropriate sectional 
 Balanced                                                                                     -- 
  reporting         *    Where comprehensive reporting of all Exploration 
                         Results is not practicable, representative reporting 
                         of both low and high grades and/or widths should be 
                         practiced to avoid misleading reporting of 
                         Exploration Results. 
 Other                                                                                        -- Metallurgical testwork 
 substantive        *    Other exploration data, if meaningful and material,                   is ongoing. Information on 
 exploration             should be reported including (but not limited to):                    processing has been reported 
 data                    geological observations; geophysical survey results;                  in ASX announcement: 29 July 
                         geochemical survey results; bulk samples - size and                   2019 "Tiris Uranium Definitive 
                         method of treatment; metallurgical test results; bulk                 Feasibility Study Completed". 
                         density, groundwater, geotechnical and rock                           -- ASX Release 23(rd) June 
                         characteristics; potential deleterious or                             2022 confirms average 550% 
                         contaminating substances.                                             upgrading of uranium with 
                                                                                               simple screening in test-work. 
 Further                                                                                      -- In the Oued El Foule and 
  work              *    The nature and scale of planned further work (eg                      Oued El Foule Sud tenements 
                         tests for lateral extensions or depth extensions or                   drilling is planned to test 
                         large-scale step-out drilling).                                       smaller radiometric anomalies 
                                                                                               that have not been drilled, 
                                                                                               and several larger anomalies 
                    *    Diagrams clearly highlighting the areas of possible                   that have only been assessed 
                         extensions, including the main geological                             by wide-spaced drill lines 
                         interpretations and future drilling areas, provided                   that show promising results. 
                         this information is not commercially sensitive. 
===============  ===============================================================  ======================================================== 
 Section 3. Estimation and Reporting of Mineral Resources - 
  PART 1 
  Note this Section 3 has been prepared by H&S Consultants and 
  relates to the Hippolyte North, Hippolyte South, Lazare North, 
  Lazare South, and Sadi Resources 
 Criteria              JORC Code explanation                                                    Commentary 
====================  =======================================================================  ======================= 
 Database integrity                                                                             Aura's resource 
                              *    Measures taken to ensure that data has not been              database 
                                   corrupted by, for example, transcription or keying           was managed by Reflex 
                                   errors, between its initial collection and its use           Hub 
                                   for Mineral Resource estimation purposes.                    during the programs 
                                                                                                to July 2019 and 
                              *    Data validation procedures used.                             managed 
                                                                                                by Earth SQL after 
                                                                                                that date. 
                                                                                                Analyses were 
                                                                                                forwarded directly 
                                                                                                from the laboratories 
                                                                                                the database manager 
                                                                                                incorporation in the 
                                                                                                H&SC conducted some 
                                                                                                checks for internal 
                                                                                                such as overlapping 
                                                                                                records beyond end of 
                                                                                                depth, unassayed 
                                                                                                and unrealistic drill 
====================  =======================================================================  ======================= 
 Site visits                                                                                    The Competent Person 
                              *    Comment on any site visits undertaken by the                 for 
                                   Competent Person and the outcome of those visits.            the recent Mineral 
                                                                                                Estimate (MRE) has not 
                              *    If no site visits have been undertaken indicate why          visited 
                                   this is the case.                                            the Tiris deposits due 
                                                                                                time and budget 
                                                                                                H&SC bases its view of 
                                                                                                geological setting and 
                                                                                                on drill hole data, 
                                                                                                with Aura geologists 
                                                                                                on information in 
                                                                                                of Coffey Mining and 
                                                                                                site visits in Aril 
                                                                                                and May 2016 
====================  =======================================================================  ======================= 
 Geological                                                                                     The uranium 
 interpretation               *    Confidence in (or conversely, the uncertainty of) the        mineralisation 
                                   geological interpretation of the mineral deposit.            generally forms thin 
                                                                                                horizontal tabular 
                              *    Nature of the data used and of any assumptions made.         bodies 
                                                                                                ranging in thickness 
                              *    The effect, if any, of alternative interpretations on        1 to 12 m hosted in 
                                   Mineral Resource estimation.                                 weathered 
                                                                                                granite and granitic 
                              *    The use of geology in guiding and controlling Mineral        Differentiation of the 
                                   Resource estimation.                                         weathered 
                                                                                                granite from granitic 
                              *    The factors affecting continuity both of grade and           is unreliable from AC 
                                   geology.                                                     sample 
                                                                                                returns. A purely 
                                                                                                model of the Tiris 
                                                                                                has not been produced. 
                                                                                                H&SC created a surface 
                                                                                                the base of the 
                                                                                                in order to limit the 
                                                                                                of grades into volumes 
                                                                                                had no data. This is 
                                                                                                at Tiris as there is a 
                                                                                                decrease in uranium 
                                                                                                with depth. This 
                                                                                                nominally represents 
                                                                                                top of the 
                                                                                                granite, where AC 
                                                                                                could penetrate no 
                                                                                                The base surface was 
                                                                                                using the locations of 
                                                                                                end of the deepest 
                                                                                                from each drill hole. 
                                                                                                drill holes were very 
                                                                                                within around 15 m, 
                                                                                                the shallower 
                                                                                                point was generally 
                                                                                                Areas of obvious 
                                                                                                were excised from the 
                                                                                                assuming a dip of 45 
                                                                                                between weathered 
                                                                                                sediments and the 
                                                                                                The vast majority of 
                                                                                                recent drill collar 
                                                                                                were surveyed using a 
                                                                                                Global Positioning 
                                                                                                (DGPS). H&SC used the 
                                                                                                of all drill hole 
                                                                                                that had been located 
                                                                                                the DGPS to create a 
                                                                                                representing the 
                                                                                                surface. The 
                                                                                                elevations of 
                                                                                                all drill holes that 
                                                                                                been located using a 
                                                                                                GPS were then derived 
                                                                                                this topographic 
                                                                                                At the time that the 
                                                                                                were completed, no 
                                                                                                survey data were 
                                                                                                The proportion of each 
                                                                                                between the 
                                                                                                topographic and 
                                                                                                base surfaces, as well 
                                                                                                the proportion of 
                                                                                                were assigned to the 
                                                                                                model and used to 
                                                                                                the reported 
                                                                                                The interpretation of 
                                                                                                mineralisation as flat 
                                                                                                tabular bodies is 
                                                                                                The lateral extents of 
                                                                                                mineralisation are 
                                                                                                defined and additional 
                                                                                                around the edges of 
                                                                                                the deposits 
                                                                                                may indicate that 
                                                                                                is more limited than 
                                                                                                The extent of 
                                                                                                and its relationship 
                                                                                                to free-digging 
                                                                                                mineralisation is 
                                                                                                uncertain but a 
                                                                                                approach has been 
                                                                                                taken to 
                                                                                                minimise this risk. 
                                                                                                of the geology are 
                                                                                                to significantly 
                                                                                                impact estimated 
                                                                                                The continuity of both 
                                                                                                and geology are 
                                                                                                by the extent of 
                                                                                                of the granitic host. 
                                                                                                continuity does not 
                                                                                                to be affected by 
====================  =======================================================================  ======================= 
 Dimensions                                                                                     The Mineral Resources 
                              *    The extent and variability of the Mineral Resource           reported 
                                   expressed as length (along strike or otherwise), plan        here occur in five 
                                   width, and depth below surface to the upper and lower        separate 
                                   limits of the Mineral Resource.                              areas (Hippolyte 
                                                                                                North, Hippolyte 
                                                                                                South, Lazare North, 
                                                                                                South and Sadi) within 
                                                                                                rectangle around 32 km 
                                                                                                and 42 km east-west. 
                                                                                                mineralisation forms 
                                                                                                lying tabular bodies 
                                                                                                in thickness from 1 to 
                                                                                                The Mineral Resources 
                                                                                                Hippolyte North at a 
                                                                                                of 100 ppm U3O8 occur 
                                                                                                an area 6 km east-west 
                                                                                                5.5 km north-south. 
                                                                                                region is comprised of 
                                                                                                separate areas that 
                                                                                                in plan dimensions 
                                                                                                from 500 
                                                                                                m to 1.1 km wide and 
                                                                                                m to 2.2 km long. The 
                                                                                                limit of the 
                                                                                                occurs at surface and 
                                                                                                reported resources 
                                                                                                a maximum depth of 11 
                                                                                                m below 
                                                                                                The Mineral Resources 
                                                                                                Hippolyte South at a 
                                                                                                of 100 ppm U3O8 occur 
                                                                                                an area 5.6 km 
                                                                                                and 5.4 km 
                                                                                                north-south. This 
                                                                                                region is comprised of 
                                                                                                isolated areas each 
                                                                                                a north-south length 
                                                                                                of around 
                                                                                                1.3 km and an 
                                                                                                east-west length 
                                                                                                that ranges 400 m to 
                                                                                                km. The upper limit of 
                                                                                                mineralisation occurs 
                                                                                                surface and the 
                                                                                                resources reach a 
                                                                                                depth of six metres 
                                                                                                The Mineral Resources 
                                                                                                Lazare North at a 
                                                                                                of 100 ppm U3O8 occur 
                                                                                                an area 4.5 km 
                                                                                                and 2.4 km 
                                                                                                north-south. This 
                                                                                                region is comprised of 
                                                                                                isolated areas. The 
                                                                                                of these areas has an 
                                                                                                length of 900 m and a 
                                                                                                length of 550 m. The 
                                                                                                area has an east-west 
                                                                                                of 2.2 km m and a 
                                                                                                length of 1.8 km. The 
                                                                                                limit of the 
                                                                                                occurs at surface and 
                                                                                                reported resources 
                                                                                                a maximum depth of 12 
                                                                                                m below 
                                                                                                The Mineral Resources 
                                                                                                Lazare South at a 
                                                                                                of 100 ppm U3O8 occur 
                                                                                                an irregular shape 
                                                                                                with an 
                                                                                                east-west length of 
                                                                                                5.5 km 
                                                                                                and a north-south 
                                                                                                of 2.7 km. The largest 
                                                                                                has an east-west 
                                                                                                length of 
                                                                                                2.2 km m and a 
                                                                                                length of 1.8 km. The 
                                                                                                limit of the 
                                                                                                occurs at surface and 
                                                                                                reported resources 
                                                                                                a maximum depth of 10 
                                                                                                m below 
                                                                                                The Mineral Resources 
                                                                                                Sadi at a cut-off of 
                                                                                                ppm U3O8 occur in an 
                                                                                                NNW trending area with 
                                                                                                east-west length of 5 
                                                                                                and a north-south 
                                                                                                of 9 km. The upper 
                                                                                                of the mineralisation 
                                                                                                at surface and the 
                                                                                                resources reach a 
                                                                                                depth of 14 m below 
====================  =======================================================================  ======================= 
 Estimation and                                                                                 New estimates were 
 modelling                    *    The nature and appropriateness of the estimation             generated 
 techniques                        technique(s) applied and key assumptions, including          for Hippolyte North - 
                                   treatment of extreme grade values, domaining,                Zone 
                                   interpolation parameters, maximum distance of                3, Lazare South and 
                                   extrapolation from data points.                              Sadi 
                                                                                                deposits. Existing 
                              *    The availability of check estimates, previous                for the remainder of 
                                   estimates and/or mine production records and whether         Hippolyte 
                                   the Mineral Resource estimate takes appropriate              North, Hippolyte South 
                                   account of such data.                                        and 
                                                                                                Lazare North were 
                              *    The assumptions made regarding recovery of                   using recent outcrop 
                                   by-products.                                                 mapping 
                                                                                                to excise areas that 
                              *    Estimation of deleterious elements or other non-grade        not be amenable to 
                                   variables of economic significance (e.g. sulphur for         free digging. 
                                   acid mine drainage characterisation).                        The uranium 
                                                                                                were estimated by 
                              *    In the case of block model interpolation, the block          recoverable 
                                   size in relation to the average sample spacing and           Multiple Indicator 
                                   the search employed.                                         Kriging 
                                                                                                (MIK) using the GS3 
                              *    Any assumptions behind modelling of selective mining         software. The uranium 
                                   units.                                                       grades 
                                                                                                at the Tiris deposits 
                              *    Any assumptions about correlation between variables.         a positively skewed 
                                                                                                and therefore show 
                              *    Description of how the geological interpretation was         reasonable 
                                   used to control the resource estimates.                      sensitivity to a small 
                                                                                                of high grades. MIK is 
                              *    Discussion of basis for using or not using grade             considered 
                                   cutting or capping.                                          an appropriate 
                                                                                                method for the uranium 
                              *    The process of validation, the checking process used,        grade 
                                   the comparison of model data to drill hole data, and         distribution at the 
                                   use of reconciliation data if available.                     Tiris 
                                                                                                deposits because it 
                                                                                                accounts for the 
                                                                                                spatial continuity at 
                                                                                                grades through a set 
                                                                                                of indicators 
                                                                                                variograms at a range 
                                                                                                grade thresholds. It 
                                                                                                reduces the need to 
                                                                                                use the 
                                                                                                practice of top 
                                                                                                All drill hole 
                                                                                                were composited to 0.5 
                                                                                                for estimation. 
                                                                                                No top-cuts were 
                                                                                                but the average of the 
                                                                                                and median grades was 
                                                                                                to the top indicator 
                                                                                                to address any 
                                                                                                extreme values. 
                                                                                                The five deposits were 
                                                                                                into a number of 
                                                                                                for estimation, with 
                                                                                                statistics generated 
                                                                                                each of the Subzones. 
                                                                                                class grades used for 
                                                                                                of the mineralised 
                                                                                                were derived from the 
                                                                                                mean grades, except 
                                                                                                the top 
                                                                                                indicator class. 
                                                                                                Only U(3) O(8) was 
                                                                                                No assumptions were 
                                                                                                regarding the 
                                                                                                of uranium with any 
                                                                                                variable. No 
                                                                                                elements or other 
                                                                                                variables of economic 
                                                                                                were estimated. 
                                                                                                The base surface 
                                                                                                to represent the top 
                                                                                                of the 
                                                                                                less-weathered granite 
                                                                                                used to limit the 
                                                                                                of grades into volumes 
                                                                                                had no data. 
                                                                                                The proportion of 
                                                                                                was estimated for each 
                                                                                                based on digitising 
                                                                                                by Aura and used to 
                                                                                                the MRE on the 
                                                                                                that this material 
                                                                                                be dug freely. 
                                                                                                No assumptions were 
                                                                                                regarding the recovery 
                                                                                                by-products. Uranium 
                                                                                                assumed to be the only 
                                                                                                present in 
                                                                                                vanadium is known to 
                                                                                                with the uranium in 
                                                                                                the main 
                                                                                                ore mineral carnotite 
                                                                                                could potentially be 
                                                                                                The Recoverable MIK 
                                                                                                employed by H&SC in 
                                                                                                case requires a set of 
                                                                                                variogram models, one 
                                                                                                each of the fourteen 
                                                                                                bins used. A set of 
                                                                                                models were created 
                                                                                                for Subzones 
                                                                                                of the Hippolyte 
                                                                                                North, Lazare 
                                                                                                South and Sadi 
                                                                                                These variogram models 
                                                                                                applied to Subzones 
                                                                                                did not have 
                                                                                                sufficient data 
                                                                                                to generate reliable 
                                                                                                Most deposits have 
                                                                                                that have been drilled 
                                                                                                50x50 m or 70x70 m 
                                                                                                whereas the Hippolyte 
                                                                                                areas have only been 
                                                                                                on a 100x100 m grid. 
                                                                                                block models were 
                                                                                                for Hippolyte North, 
                                                                                                North, Lazar South, 
                                                                                                South and Sadi 
                                                                                                Nominal downhole 
                                                                                                interval is 0.5 m. 
                                                                                                hole grade data were 
                                                                                                to 0.5 m intervals. 
                                                                                                The block 
                                                                                                dimensions were 50 x 
                                                                                                50 m 
                                                                                                in plan view and 1 m 
                                                                                                The plan dimensions 
                                                                                                chosen as it is the 
                                                                                                drill hole spacing 
                                                                                                for MIK estimation). 
                                                                                                vertical dimension was 
                                                                                                to reflect the 
                                                                                                of the mineralisation 
                                                                                                the downhole data 
                                                                                                The minimum selective 
                                                                                                unit size is assumed 
                                                                                                to be 
                                                                                                10x10x0.5 m. 
                                                                                                A three-pass search 
                                                                                                was used to estimate 
                                                                                                U3O8 grades at each of 
                                                                                                deposits. Each pass 
                                                                                                a minimum number of 
                                                                                                with data from a 
                                                                                                number of octants of 
                                                                                                search ellipse to be 
                                                                                                Discretisation was set 
                                                                                                5x5x2 points in X, Y 
                                                                                                Z respectively. The 
                                                                                                criteria are shown 
                                                                                                The last short axis of 
                                                                                                search ellipse is 
                                                                                                1. 80x80x2.0m search, 
                                                                                                samples, minimum 4 
                                                                                                2. 160x160x2.0m 
                                                                                                search, 16-48 
                                                                                                samples, minimum 4 
                                                                                                3. 240x240x3.0m 
                                                                                                search, 8-48 
                                                                                                samples, minimum 2 
                                                                                                The maximum distance 
                                                                                                of extrapolation 
                                                                                                of the reported 
                                                                                                from drill hole data 
                                                                                                is limited to around 
                                                                                                The Hippolyte North 
                                                                                                and Lazar 
                                                                                                North deposits were 
                                                                                                by Mr. Mapeto of 
                                                                                                Coffey Mining 
                                                                                                in 2011. Lazar South 
                                                                                                estimated by Mr. 
                                                                                                Mapeto in 
                                                                                                2012. H&SC has access 
                                                                                                these block models and 
                                                                                                that the current 
                                                                                                Resource Estimate 
                                                                                                takes appropriate 
                                                                                                account of these 
                                                                                                Significant additional 
                                                                                                has occurred since 
                                                                                                estimates were 
                                                                                                produced so 
                                                                                                the volume and 
                                                                                                category have 
                                                                                                Reasonably large 
                                                                                                exist between the 
                                                                                                and previous estimates 
                                                                                                to differences in 
                                                                                                No check estimates 
                                                                                                were produced. 
                                                                                                No mining has occurred 
                                                                                                the Tiris deposits so 
                                                                                                production data were 
                                                                                                for comparison. 
                                                                                                The final H&SC block 
                                                                                                was reviewed visually 
                                                                                                H&SCa, and it was 
                                                                                                that the block model 
                                                                                                represents the grades 
                                                                                                in the drill holes. 
                                                                                                also validated the 
                                                                                                model statistically 
                                                                                                histograms, boxplots, 
                                                                                                plots and summary 
====================  =======================================================================  ======================= 
 Moisture                                                                                       Tonnages are estimated 
                              *    Whether the tonnages are estimated on a dry basis or         on 
                                   with natural moisture, and the method of                     a dry weight basis. 
                                   determination of the moisture content.                       The moisture 
                                                                                                constant was not 
====================  =======================================================================  ======================= 
 Cut-off parameters                                                                             A cut-off of 100 ppm 
                              *    The basis of the adopted cut-off grade(s) or quality         U3O8 
                                   parameters applied.                                          cut off is used to 
                                                                                                the resources as it is 
                                                                                                that ore can be 
                                                                                                mined at this grade in 
                                                                                                open pit scenario. 
                                                                                                This cut-off 
                                                                                                is considered to be 
                                                                                                low compared to 
                                                                                                uranium mines, but 
                                                                                                test work indicates 
                                                                                                a significant upgrade 
                                                                                                uranium and decrease 
                                                                                                in sulphates 
                                                                                                can be achieved by a 
                                                                                                screening process. 
====================  =======================================================================  ======================= 
 Mining factors or                                                                              All of the resources 
 assumptions                  *    Assumptions made regarding possible mining methods,          reported 
                                   minimum mining dimensions and internal (or, if               here have been 
                                   applicable, external) mining dilution. It may not            estimated 
                                   always be possible to make assumptions regarding             on the assumption that 
                                   mining methods and parameters when estimating Mineral        the 
                                   Resources. Where no assumptions have been made, this         deposits will be mined 
                                   should be reported.                                          by 
                                                                                                Recoverable MIK allows 
                                                                                                block support 
                                                                                                to account for the 
                                                                                                from sample size 
                                                                                                to the size of a 
                                                                                                mining block. 
                                                                                                This process requires 
                                                                                                assumed grade control 
                                                                                                spacing and the 
                                                                                                assumed size 
                                                                                                of the Selective 
                                                                                                Mining Unit 
                                                                                                (SMU). The variance 
                                                                                                factors were estimated 
                                                                                                the U3O8 metal 
                                                                                                models assuming a 
                                                                                                SMU of 10x10x0.5 
                                                                                                metres (east, 
                                                                                                north, vertical) with 
                                                                                                quality grade control 
                                                                                                on a 10x10x0.5 metre 
                                                                                                (east, north, 
                                                                                                The application of the 
                                                                                                adjustments to the 
                                                                                                estimates is expected 
                                                                                                provide estimates of 
                                                                                                resources without the 
                                                                                                to apply additional 
                                                                                                dilution or mining 
                                                                                                factors. Internal 
                                                                                                that is, within the 
                                                                                                SMU unit 
                                                                                                is accounted for. If a 
                                                                                                SMU size or a broader 
                                                                                                control drill pattern 
                                                                                                implemented the 
                                                                                                assumed in the 
                                                                                                reported resources 
                                                                                                may not be realised. 
====================  =======================================================================  ======================= 
 Metallurgical                                                                                  The metallurgical test 
 factors or                   *    The basis for assumptions or predictions regarding           work 
 assumptions                       metallurgical amenability. It may not always be              information supplied 
                                   possible to make assumptions regarding metallurgical         to H&SC 
                                   treatment processes and parameters when reporting            indicates that the 
                                   Mineral Resources. Where no assumptions have been            Tiris 
                                   made, this should be reported.                               deposits are amenable 
                                                                                                a process of crushing, 
                                                                                                and an alkaline 
                                                                                                leach in order to 
                                                                                                uranium. Bench scale 
                                                                                                work indicates that a 
                                                                                                upgrade in uranium and 
                                                                                                in sulphate 
                                                                                                can be achieved 
                                                                                                through screening. 
                                                                                                No penalty elements 
                                                                                                in work so far. 
                                                                                                No other assumptions 
                                                                                                been made. 
====================  =======================================================================  ======================= 
 Environmental                                                                                  Aura has informed H&SC 
 factors or                        *    Assumptions made regarding possible waste and process   that 
 assumptions                            residue disposal options. It is always necessary as     an Environmental and 
                                        part of the process of determining reasonable           Social 
                                        prospects for eventual economic extraction to           Impact Assessment has 
                                        consider the potential environmental impacts of the     been 
                                        mining and processing operation. While at this stage    completed which 
                                        the determination of potential environmental impacts,   concluded 
                                        particularly for a greenfields project, may not         there are no known 
                                        always be well advanced, the status of early            issues 
                                        consideration of these potential environmental          arising from native 
                                        impacts should be reported. Where these aspects have    title, 
                                        not been considered this should be reported with an     historical sites, 
                                        explanation of the environmental assumptions made.      environmental 
                                                                                                or third-party matters 
                                                                                                are likely to 
                                                                                                affect exploitation. 
                                                                                                therefore assume that 
                                                                                                are no known unusual 
                                                                                                of the Tiris deposits 
                                                                                                may lead to adverse 
                                                                                                impacts beyond what is 
                                                                                                from a mining 
                                                                                                Waste rock and process 
                                                                                                is expected to be 
                                                                                                of in the areas 
                                                                                                the deposits and 
                                                                                                facility in a 
                                                                                                manner and in 
                                                                                                with all mining lease 
====================  =======================================================================  ======================= 
 Bulk density                                                                                   Dry bulk density of 
                              *    Whether assumed or determined. If assumed, the basis         diamond 
                                   for the assumptions. If determined, the method used,         drill core was 
                                   whether wet or dry, the frequency of the measurements,       measured at 
                                   the nature, size and representativeness of the               the ALS facility in 
                                   samples.                                                     Nouakchott 
                                                                                                using an immersion 
                                                                                                (Archimedes principle) 
                                                                                                selected PQ diamond 
                                                                                                core intervals ranging 
                                                                                                size from 10 to 30 cm. 
                                                                                                pieces of drill core 
                                                                                                selected on a nominal 
                                                                                                of 50 cm. The samples 
                                                                                                are believed to be 
                                                                                                of the surrounding 
                                                                                                rock type. 
                                                                                                All density samples 
                                                                                                are wrapped 
                                                                                                in cling film to avoid 
                                                                                                absorption. A total of 
                                                                                                density measurements 
                                                                                                been taken from drill 
                                                                                                at the Tiris deposits 
                                                                                                values ranging from 
                                                                                                to 2.66 t/m3 and 
                                                                                                2.13 t/m3. 
                                                                                                Measured density 
                                                                                                values show 
                                                                                                that there is a 
                                                                                                correlation between 
                                                                                                and the depth of the 
                                                                                                A regression was used 
                                                                                                assign densities to 
                                                                                                block in the block 
                                                                                                based on the depth 
====================  =======================================================================  ======================= 
 Classification                                                                                 The classification is 
                              *    The basis for the classification of the Mineral              based 
                                   Resources into varying confidence categories.                on the search pass 
                                                                                                used to 
                                                                                                estimate the block. 
                              *    Whether appropriate account has been taken of all            In some cases, the 
                                   relevant factors (i.e., relative confidence in               blocks 
                                   tonnage/grade estimations, confidence in continuity          at surface were 
                                   of geology and metal values, quality, quantity and           populated 
                                   distribution of the data).                                   in a later search pass 
                                                                                                blocks immediately 
                              *    Whether the result appropriately reflects the                below, 
                                   Competent Person's view of the deposit.                      as these blocks did 
                                                                                                not meet 
                                                                                                the minimum search 
                                                                                                due to the fact that 
                                                                                                are no samples above 
                                                                                                topography. In order 
                                                                                                to alleviate 
                                                                                                this, the minimum 
                                                                                                pass from a column of 
                                                                                                was propagated 
                                                                                                Pass one nominally 
                                                                                                to Measured Resources, 
                                                                                                two translates to 
                                                                                                Resources and Pass 
                                                                                                equates to Inferred 
                                                                                                This scheme is 
                                                                                                by H&SC to take 
                                                                                                account of all 
                                                                                                relevant factors, 
                                                                                                including the relative 
                                                                                                in tonnage and grade 
                                                                                                confidence in the 
                                                                                                of geology and metal 
                                                                                                and the quality, 
                                                                                                and distribution of 
                                                                                                the data. 
                                                                                                The classification 
                                                                                                reflects the Competent 
                                                                                                view of the deposit. 
====================  =======================================================================  ======================= 
 Audits or reviews                                                                              This Mineral Resource 
                              *    The results of any audits or reviews of Mineral              estimate 
                                   Resource estimates.                                          has been reviewed by 
                                                                                                personnel. The 
                                                                                                procedure has also 
                                                                                                been internally 
                                                                                                reviewed by H&SC. No 
                                                                                                issues were identified 
                                                                                                a result of these 
                                                                                                No independent 
                                                                                                external audits 
                                                                                                have been completed on 
                                                                                                Mineral Resource 
====================  =======================================================================  ======================= 
 Discussion of                                                                                  The relative accuracy 
 relative accuracy/           *    Where appropriate a statement of the relative                and 
 confidence                        accuracy and confidence level in the Mineral Resource        confidence level in 
                                   estimate using an approach or procedure deemed               the Mineral 
                                   appropriate by the Competent Person. For example, the        Resource estimates are 
                                   application of statistical or geostatistical                 considered 
                                   procedures to quantify the relative accuracy of the          to be in line with the 
                                   resource within stated confidence limits, or, if such        generally 
                                   an approach is not deemed appropriate, a qualitative         accepted accuracy and 
                                   discussion of the factors that could affect the              confidence 
                                   relative accuracy and confidence of the estimate.            of the nominated JORC 
                                                                                                Resource categories. 
                              *    The statement should specify whether it relates to           This 
                                   global or local estimates, and, if local, state the          has been determined on 
                                   relevant tonnages, which should be relevant to               a 
                                   technical and economic evaluation. Documentation             qualitative, rather 
                                   should include assumptions made and the procedures           than 
                                   used.                                                        quantitative, basis, 
                                                                                                is based on the 
                              *    These statements of relative accuracy and confidence         estimator's 
                                   of the estimate should be compared with production           experience with a 
                                   data, where available.                                       number 
                                                                                                of deposits at NPM and 
                                                                                                deposits elsewhere. 
                                                                                                The main 
                                                                                                factors that affect 
                                                                                                the relative 
                                                                                                accuracy and 
                                                                                                confidence of 
                                                                                                the estimate are the 
                                                                                                hole spacing and the 
                                                                                                of mineralisation. 
                                                                                                The estimates are 
                                                                                                in the sense that they 
                                                                                                localised to model 
                                                                                                of a size considered 
                                                                                                for local grade 
                                                                                                The tonnages relevant 
                                                                                                technical and economic 
                                                                                                are those classified 
                                                                                                as Measured 
                                                                                                and Indicated Mineral 
                                                                                                This deposit remains 
                                                                                                so there are no 
                                                                                                records for 
====================  =======================================================================  ======================= 
 Section 3. Estimation and Reporting of Mineral Resources - 
  PART 2 
  Note: This Section 3 has been prepared by Oliver Mapeto and 
  relates to the Hippolyte zones C, E, F, G (Marie, Hippolyte 
  West), Ferkik East & Ferkik West Resources 
 Criteria          Explanation                                                       Deposit Specific Information 
================  ================================================================  ================================== 
 Database                                                                            Aura's database was managed 
  integrity           *    Measures taken to ensure that data has not been            by the independent organisation 
                           corrupted by, for example, transcription or keying         Reflex Hub, based in Perth. 
                           errors, between its initial collection and its use         The consultant conducted 
                           for Mineral Resource estimation purposes.                  data validation checks including 
                                                                                      comparing assay certificates 
                                                                                      to database records and 
                      *    Data validation procedures used.                           a variety of checks for 
                                                                                      internal inconsistencies 
                                                                                      such as overlapping intervals, 
                                                                                      records beyond end of hole 
                                                                                      depth, unassayed intervals, 
                                                                                      and unrealistic drill hole 
                                                                                      data. Additional checks 
                                                                                      included collar details 
                                                                                      checks. Unrealistic RL on 
                                                                                      historical data based on 
                                                                                      new survey data were adjusted 
                                                                                      using nearest neighbour. 
================  ================================================================  ================================== 
 Site visits                                                                         Site visit to the project 
                      *    Comment on any site visits undertaken by the               area was conducted by the 
                           Competent Person and the outcome of those visits.          Consultant in April 2012 
                                                                                      (Coffey Mining). No site 
                                                                                      visit was conducted during 
                      *    If no site visits have been undertaken indicate why        the recent 2015 Sadi South 
                           this is the case.                                          extension drilling campaign. 
                                                                                      However, based on previous 
                                                                                      site visit the consultant 
                                                                                      is familiar with geological 
                                                                                      setting and mineralisation 
================  ================================================================  ================================== 
 Geological                                                                          The uranium mineralisation 
  interpretation      *    Confidence in (or conversely, the uncertainty of) the     generally forms shallow 
                           geological interpretation of the mineral deposit.         horizontal tabular bodies 
                                                                                     ranging in thickness from 
                                                                                     1 to 12m hosted in weathered 
                      *    Nature of the data used and of any assumptions made.      granite, granitic sediments, 
                                                                                     and calcrete. Differentiation 
                                                                                     of the weathered granite 
                      *    The effect, if any, of alternative interpretations on     from granitic sediments 
                           Mineral Resource estimation.                              is unreliable from AC sample 
                                                                                     returns. A purely geological 
                                                                                     model of the Tiris deposits 
                      *    The use of geology in guiding and controlling Mineral     has not been produced. 
                           Resource estimation.                                      The material above the top 
                                                                                     of ore is waste largely 
                                                                                     made of loose sandy material. 
                      *    The factors affecting continuity both of grade and        The base of ore defines 
                           geology.                                                  the top of consolidated 
                                                                                     material, harder going into 
                                                                                     unmineralized granite basement. 
                                                                                     Ore surfaces representing 
                                                                                     the top and base of the 
                                                                                     mineralisation using a grade 
                                                                                     cut-off of 100 ppm U308 
                                                                                     were generated across all 
                                                                                     project areas and mineralised 
                                                                                     zones. The top and base 
                                                                                     of ore surfaces were used 
                                                                                     as hard boundaries to control 
                                                                                     grade estimation. 
                                                                                     A lower cut-off grade of 
                                                                                     75 ppm U308 was used to 
                                                                                     model the Sadi South. Due 
                                                                                     to the nature of the 
                                                                                     the change in lower cut-off 
                                                                                     grade had marginal changes 
                                                                                     on the mineralised volumes. 
                                                                                     The grade varied significantly 
                                                                                     within the drill hole 
                                                                                     At the time that the estimates 
                                                                                     were completed, the natural 
                                                                                     topographical surface was 
                                                                                     not available. The 2012 
                                                                                     drill data had no topographic 
                                                                                     survey data available. Most 
                                                                                     of the 2015 and 2017 drill 
                                                                                     collar locations were surveyed 
                                                                                     using a Differential Global 
                                                                                     Positioning System (DGPS). 
                                                                                     The consultant used drill 
                                                                                     hole collars that had been 
                                                                                     located with the DGPS to 
                                                                                     create a wireframe representing 
                                                                                     the topographic surface. 
                                                                                     The elevations of all drill 
                                                                                     holes with no survey were 
                                                                                     then interpolated using 
                                                                                     the nearest neighbour. 
                                                                                     The interpretation of the 
                                                                                     mineralisation as flat lying 
                                                                                     tabular bodies was defined 
                                                                                     with high confidence by 
                                                                                     the top and base of ore 
                                                                                     In some zones, pods of low-grade 
                                                                                     mineralisation occur showing 
                                                                                     moderate continuity of both 
                                                                                     grade and geology. The 
                                                                                     is recent and unaffected 
                                                                                     by faulting. 
================  ================================================================  ================================== 
 Dimensions                                                                          The Mineral Resource as 
                      *    The extent and variability of the Mineral Resource         reported in the 2011 Resource 
                           expressed as length (along strike or otherwise), plan      estimate lie in the following 
                           width, and depth below surface to the upper and lower      areas, Sadi South, Sadi 
                           limits of the Mineral Resource.                            North, Marie, Hippolyte 
                                                                                      W, Hippolyte E, Oum Ferkik 
                                                                                      West and Oum Ferkik East. 
                                                                                      Sadi South resource has 
                                                                                      since been updated following 
                                                                                      infill and extension drilling 
                                                                                      campaign in 2015. 
                                                                                      The Mineral Resources estimates 
                                                                                      applied a lower a cut-off 
                                                                                      grade of 100 ppm U3O8 was 
                                                                                      applied across all project's 
                                                                                      Marie occurs in an area 
                                                                                      1.2 km east-west and 6 km 
                                                                                      north-south. This region 
                                                                                      is comprised of six separate 
                                                                                      zones that range in plan 
                                                                                      dimensions from 200m to 
                                                                                      1.2 km wide and 500 m to 
                                                                                      1.4km long. 
                                                                                      Hippolyte W occurs in an 
                                                                                      area 0.8 km east-west and 
                                                                                      2.0 km north-south. This 
                                                                                      region is comprised of three 
                                                                                      separate zones that range 
                                                                                      in plan dimensions from 
                                                                                      150m to 400m wide and 400 
                                                                                      m to 1.0km long 
                                                                                      Hippolyte E occurs in an 
                                                                                      area 3.0 km east-west and 
                                                                                      4.0 km north-south. This 
                                                                                      region is comprised of three 
                                                                                      separate zones that range 
                                                                                      in plan dimensions from 
                                                                                      150m to 600m wide and 400 
                                                                                      m to 600m long. 
                                                                                      Oum Ferkik West occurs as 
                                                                                      a single zone with dimensions 
                                                                                      of 1.6 km east-west and 
                                                                                      2.5 km north-south. 
                                                                                      Oum Ferkik East occurs in 
                                                                                      an area 2.0 km east-west 
                                                                                      and 2.0 km north-south. 
                                                                                      This region is comprised 
                                                                                      of six separate zones that 
                                                                                      range in plan dimensions 
                                                                                      from 150m to 400m wide and 
                                                                                      400 m to 1.2km long 
                                                                                      Mineralisation forms flat 
                                                                                      lying tabular bodies ranging 
                                                                                      in thickness from 1 to 12m 
                                                                                      with some internal waste 
                                                                                      patches occurring within 
                                                                                      the mineralisation envelope. 
                                                                                      In places, there the top 
                                                                                      of mineralisation is covered 
                                                                                      by sand or waste overburden. 
================  ================================================================  ================================== 
 Estimation                                                                          The uranium concentrations 
  and                 *    The nature and appropriateness of the estimation          were estimated using the 
  modelling                technique(s) applied and key assumptions, including       Ordinary Kriging estimation 
  techniques               treatment of extreme grade values, domaining,             method. 
                           interpolation parameters, maximum distance of             Sample database has assays 
                           extrapolation from data points.                           samples at a nominal 1m 
                                                                                     sample interval. Some samples 
                                                                                     were sampled at 0.5m interval 
                      *    The availability of check estimates, previous             using overburden-ore contact 
                           estimates and/or mine production records and whether      depending on thickness of 
                           the Mineral Resource estimate takes appropriate           topsoil (sand). 
                           account of such data.                                     2m sample composite were 
                                                                                     created for grade estimation. 
                                                                                     Area specific high-grade 
                      *    The assumptions made regarding recovery of                assays top cuts were applied 
                           by-products.                                              to minimise grade spearing. 
                                                                                     The top-cut values were 
                                                                                     chosen by assessing the 
                      *    Estimation of deleterious elements or other non-grade     high-end distribution of 
                           variables of economic significance (e.g. sulphur for      the grade population within 
                           acid mine drainage characterisation).                     each zone and selecting 
                                                                                     the value at which the 
                      *    In the case of block model interpolation, the block       became erratic 
                           size in relation to the average sample spacing and        Each zone was divided into 
                           the search employed.                                      subzones for grade estimation. 
                                                                                     The subzones were based 
                                                                                     on defined solid using a 
                      *    Any assumptions behind modelling of selective mining      100ppm lower U308 grade 
                           units.                                                    cut-off. Each zone was coded 
                                                                                     and only samples within 
                                                                                     the same matching zone code 
                      *    Any assumptions about correlation between variables.      were used in estimation. 
                                                                                     Additional estimation parameters 
                                                                                     were applied as follows: 
                      *    Description of how the geological interpretation was      A three-pass estimation 
                           used to control the resource estimates.                   strategy was adopted to 
                                                                                     estimate the U(3) O(8) grades. 
                                                                                     The estimation search parameters 
                      *    Discussion of basis for using or not using grade          are shown below for estimation 
                           cutting or capping.                                       run pass 1, 2 and 3. The 
                                                                                     short first axis of the 
                                                                                     search ellipse is vertical. 
                      *    The process of validation, the checking process used,     Pass 1. 300x200x6m search, 
                           the comparison of model data to drill hole data, and      8-24 samples 
                           use of reconciliation data if available.                  Pass 2. 360x250x6m search, 
                                                                                     6-24 samples 
                                                                                     Pass 3. 600x400x6m search, 
                                                                                     4-24 samples 
                                                                                     In addition, upper cut-off 
                                                                                     grade specific to the ore 
                                                                                     zones were applied. 
                                                                                     Vanadium is a potential 
                                                                                     by-product and vanadium 
                                                                                     oxide (V(2) O(5) ) has been 
                                                                                     estimated for the mineral 
                                                                                     resources using the 
                                                                                     V(2) O(5) /U(3) O(8) ratio 
                                                                                     for carnotite group minerals. 
                                                                                     These V(2) O(5) values represent 
                                                                                     potentially recoverable 
                                                                                     vanadium in carnotite and 
                                                                                     not total vanadium occurring 
                                                                                     in mineralisation, which 
                                                                                     is significantly higher 
                                                                                     in almost all cases. These 
                                                                                     potentially recoverable 
                                                                                     V(2) O(5) values are based 
                                                                                     on the analysis of a substantial 
                                                                                     database of available sample 
                                                                                     data and represent average 
                                                                                     values that may be conservative. 
                                                                                     This procedure relies on 
                                                                                     the correlation between 
                                                                                     uranium and vanadium in 
                                                                                     carnotite group minerals, 
                                                                                     which are the only uranium 
                                                                                     minerals identified to date 
                                                                                     at Tiris. 
                                                                                     No deleterious elements 
                                                                                     or other non-grade variables 
                                                                                     of economic significance 
                                                                                     have been identified or 
                                                                                     Vanadium resource was estimated 
                                                                                     using the stoichiometric 
                                                                                     V(2) O(5) /U(3) O(8) ratio 
                                                                                     for carnotite group minerals 
                                                                                     as discussed above 
                                                                                     Drill hole drill spacing 
                                                                                     is generally regular grid 
                                                                                     approximately 100x 200m 
                                                                                     over 2.5 x1.4km 
                                                                                     Parent block model size 
                                                                                     was 50 x 50x 2m 
                                                                                     Sub-block size 5 x 5 x 0.5m 
                                                                                     The vertical dimension was 
                                                                                     chosen to reflect the anisotropy 
                                                                                     of the mineralisation and 
                                                                                     the downhole data spacing. 
                                                                                     A three-pass search strategy 
                                                                                     was used to estimate the 
                                                                                     U(3) O(8) grades in Sadi 
                                                                                     South 2021 Mineral Resource 
                                                                                     update. Each pass required 
                                                                                     a minimum number of samples 
                                                                                     with data from a minimum 
                                                                                     number of samples in the 
                                                                                     search ellipse to be populated 
                                                                                     with discretistion 5x5x2. 
                                                                                     The search criteria are 
                                                                                     shown below. The short first 
                                                                                     axis of the search ellipse 
                                                                                     is vertical. 
                                                                                     Pass 1. 250x250x12m search, 
                                                                                     12-24 samples 
                                                                                     Pass 2. 350x350x12m search, 
                                                                                     8-24 samples 
                                                                                     Pass 3. 500x500x12m search, 
                                                                                     6-24 samples 
                                                                                     Block model grade estimates 
                                                                                     were validated using the 
                                                                                     following methods: 
                                                                                     Statistical comparison of 
                                                                                     block model grades against 
                                                                                     drill composite grades by 
                                                                                     Visual check of cross sections, 
                                                                                     transverse, and long sections 
                                                                                     Plan views of grade distribution 
                                                                                     Comparison of block model 
                                                                                     and drill data grade distribution 
                                                                                     using histograms 
================  ================================================================  ================================== 
 Moisture                                                                            Tonnages are estimated on 
                      *    Whether the tonnages are estimated on a dry basis or       a dry weight basis. The 
                           with natural moisture, and the method of                   moisture constant was not 
                           determination of the moisture content.                     determined. 
================  ================================================================  ================================== 
 Cut-off                                                                             A cut-off of 100 ppm U(3) 
  parameters          *    The basis of the adopted cut-off grade(s) or quality       O(8) cut off is used to 
                           parameters applied.                                        report the resources as 
                                                                                      it is assumed that ore can 
                                                                                      be economically mined at 
                                                                                      this grade in an open pit 
                                                                                      scenario. This cut-off is 
                                                                                      considered to be relatively 
                                                                                      low compared to operating 
                                                                                      uranium mines, but metallurgical 
                                                                                      test work indicates that 
                                                                                      a significant upgrade in 
                                                                                      uranium and decrease in 
                                                                                      sulphates can be achieved 
                                                                                      by a simple 
                                                                                      Mineralisation occurs as 
                                                                                      a Uranium vanadate mineral 
                                                                                      and there is potential of 
                                                                                      recovery of vanadium as 
                                                                                      by product which justifies 
                                                                                      a lower U308 grade cut-off 
                                                                                      based on information supplied 
                                                                                      to the Consultant following 
                                                                                      recent leaching test work 
                                                                                      on the Tiris Uranium Project 
                                                                                      on uranium and Vanadium. 
================  ================================================================  ================================== 
 Mining                                                                              The resources reported here 
  factors               *    Assumptions made regarding possible mining methods,      have been estimated on the 
  or assumptions             minimum mining dimensions and internal (or, if           assumption that the deposits 
                             applicable, external) mining dilution. It may not        will be mined by open pit 
                             always be possible to make assumptions regarding         mining method. 
                             mining methods and parameters when estimating Mineral    Analysis was done for grade 
                             Resources. Where no assumptions have been made, this     continuity and variography. 
                             should be reported.                                      However, in some cases, 
                                                                                      no reliable variogram structure 
                                                                                      could defined on a zone 
                                                                                      by zone basis. The global 
                                                                                      variogram was assumed as 
                                                                                      this could have been affected 
                                                                                      by lack of data due to limited 
                                                                                      extend of the individual 
                                                                                      mineralised zones. 
                                                                                      Parent block model size 
                                                                                      was 50 x 50x 2m 
                                                                                      Sub-block size 5 x 5 x 0.5m 
                                                                                      The selected sub-blocks 
                                                                                      were appropriate for minimum 
                                                                                      selective mining unit. 
================  ================================================================  ================================== 
 Metallurgical                                                                       The metallurgical test work 
  factors             *    The basis for assumptions or predictions regarding        information supplied to 
  or assumptions           metallurgical amenability. It may not always be           the consultant is based 
                           possible to make assumptions regarding metallurgical      on reports by H&SC which 
                           treatment processes and parameters when reporting         indicates that the Tiris 
                           Mineral Resources. Where no assumptions have been         deposits are amenable to 
                           made, this should be reported.                            a process of crushing, screening 
                                                                                     and an alkaline carbonate 
                                                                                     leach in order to recover 
                                                                                     uranium. Bench scale test 
                                                                                     work indicates that a significant 
                                                                                     upgrade in uranium and decrease 
                                                                                     in sulphate concentrations 
                                                                                     can be achieved through 
                                                                                     No penalty elements identified 
                                                                                     in work done to date. 
                                                                                     No other assumptions have 
                                                                                     been made. 
                                                                                     Metallurgical test work 
                                                                                     on Tiris ore has shown that 
                                                                                     about 55% to 58% of vanadium 
                                                                                     was also extracted during 
                                                                                     the alkaline leach. The 
                                                                                     V(2) O(5) /U(3) O(8) ratios 
                                                                                     for the final leach liquor 
                                                                                     are close to the carnotite 
                                                                                     V(2) O(5) /U(3) O(8) ratio, 
                                                                                     indicating that effectively 
                                                                                     only vanadium from carnotite 
                                                                                     is being leached under these 
                                                                                     conditions. To date, no 
                                                                                     vanadium extraction test 
                                                                                     work has been carried out 
                                                                                     for the recovery of vanadium 
                                                                                     from the pregnant leach 
                                                                                     solution, so further work 
                                                                                     is required to demonstrate 
                                                                                     that a marketable vanadium 
                                                                                     product can be produced 
                                                                                     on a commercial basis. 
                                                                                     No further assumptions have 
                                                                                     been made. 
================  ================================================================  ================================== 
 Environmental                                                                       Aura completed an Environmental 
  factors               *    Assumptions made regarding possible waste and process    and Social Impact Assessment 
  or assumptions             residue disposal options. It is always necessary as      which concluded there are 
                             part of the process of determining reasonable            no known issues arising 
                             prospects for eventual economic extraction to            from native title, historical 
                             consider the potential environmental impacts of the      sites, environmental or 
                             mining and processing operation. While at this stage     third-party matters which 
                             the determination of potential environmental impacts,    are likely to materially 
                             particularly for a greenfields project, may not          affect exploitation. The 
                             always be well advanced, the status of early             consultant therefore assumes 
                             consideration of these potential environmental           that there are no known 
                             impacts should be reported. Where these aspects have     unusual aspects of the Tiris 
                             not been considered this should be reported with an      Uranium deposits that may 
                             explanation of the environmental assumptions made.       lead to adverse environmental 
                                                                                      impacts beyond what is expected 
                                                                                      from a mining operation. 
                                                                                      Waste rock and process residue 
                                                                                      is expected to be disposed 
                                                                                      of in the areas surrounding 
                                                                                      the deposits and processing 
================  ================================================================  ================================== 
 Bulk density                                                                        The Mineral Resource estimates 
                      *    Whether assumed or determined. If assumed, the basis       for Marie, Hippolyte W, 
                           for the assumptions. If determined, the method used,       Oum Ferkik West and Oum 
                           whether wet or dry, the frequency of the measurements,     Ferkik East used an average 
                           the nature, size, and representativeness of the            density of 2.0/g/cc dry 
                           samples.                                                   bulk density based on test 
                                                                                      done by Aura Energy. This 
                                                                                      was considered realistic 
                                                                                      for material and ore similar 
                                                                                      ore deposits. 
                                                                                      In the August 2021 Sadi 
                                                                                      South resource update, an 
                                                                                      average density value of 
                                                                                      2.1g/cc dry bulk density 
                                                                                      was applied based on previous 
                                                                                      work as reported by H & 
                                                                                      S Consultants 
================  ================================================================  ================================== 
 Classification                                                                      The Mineral Resource estimates 
                      *    The basis for the classification of the Mineral           for Marie, Hippolyte W, 
                           Resources into varying confidence categories.             Oum Ferkik West and Oum 
                                                                                     Ferkik East were based on: 
                                                                                     Drill hole drill grid spacing 
                      *    Whether appropriate account has been taken of all         Mineralisation and grade 
                           relevant factors (i.e., relative confidence in            continuity 
                           tonnage/grade estimations, confidence in continuity       The grade estimation search 
                           of geology and metal values, quality, quantity, and       pass used to estimate the 
                           distribution of the data).                                block. 
                                                                                     All mineral Resource estimates 
                                                                                     estimated in 2011 were classified 
                      *    Whether the result appropriately reflects the             as Inferred. 
                           Competent Person's view of the deposit.                   Regions where grade was 
                                                                                     assigned an average grade 
                                                                                     due to insufficient drill 
                                                                                     data or isolated drill holes 
                                                                                     were not classified. 
================  ================================================================  ================================== 
 Audits                                                                              This Mineral Resource estimates 
  or reviews          *    The results of any audits or reviews of Mineral            for Marie, Hippolyte W, 
                           Resource estimates.                                        Oum Ferkik West and Oum 
                                                                                      Ferkik east are based on 
                                                                                      2011 models and these were 
                                                                                      reviewed internally by Coffey 
                                                                                      Mining Consultants. No material 
                                                                                      issues were identified as 
                                                                                      a result of these reviews. 
================  ================================================================  ================================== 
 Discussion                                                                          The relative accuracy and 
  of relative         *    Where appropriate a statement of the relative             confidence level in the 
  accuracy/                accuracy and confidence level in the Mineral Resource     Mineral Resource estimates 
  confidence               estimate using an approach or procedure deemed            are in line with the generally 
                           appropriate by the Competent Person. For example, the     accepted accuracy and confidence 
                           application of statistical or geostatistical              of the nominated JORC CODE 
                           procedures to quantify the relative accuracy of the       (2012) Mineral Resource 
                           resource within stated confidence limits, or, if such     categories. This has been 
                           an approach is not deemed appropriate, a qualitative      determined on both qualitative 
                           discussion of the factors that could affect the           and quantitative basis. 
                           relative accuracy and confidence of the estimate.         The main factor that affects 
                                                                                     the relative accuracy and 
                                                                                     confidence of the Mineral 
                      *    The statement should specify whether it relates to        Resource estimate is sample 
                           global or local estimates, and, if local, state the       data density and high variability 
                           relevant tonnages, which should be relevant to            in uranium grades. Confidence 
                           technical and economic evaluation. Documentation          in mineralisation continuity 
                           should include assumptions made and the procedures        is moderate. Most blocks 
                           used.                                                     were estimated in estimation 
                                                                                     run pass 1 and 2. 
                                                                                     In regions where the geology 
                      *    These statements of relative accuracy and confidence      and mineralisation are continuous 
                           of the estimate should be compared with production        and grade was estimated 
                           data, where available.                                    in estimation run pass 1, 
                                                                                     the confidence in the grade 
                                                                                     estimates is high and the 
                                                                                     resource was classified 
                                                                                     as indicated. The rest of 
                                                                                     the resource estimated was 
                                                                                     classified as inferred. 
                                                                                     Some blocks were not estimated 
                                                                                     due to insufficient drill 
                                                                                     data particularly at the 
                                                                                     margins of the mineralised 
                                                                                     pods. Block not estimated 
                                                                                     in were assigned an average 
                                                                                     grade and these blocks were 
                                                                                     not classified. 
                                                                                     Closer spaced drilling is 
                                                                                     necessary prior to detailed 
                                                                                     mine planning studies to 
                                                                                     increase confidence in the 
                                                                                     mineralisation variability. 
                                                                                     There is no record available 
                                                                                     of historical production 
================  ================================================================  ================================== 

[1] ASX & AIM Release: Tiris Uranium Definitive Feasibility Study completed, 29 July 2019

[2] ASX & AIM Release 16 February 2022 "Aura Defines Vanadium JORC Resource at Tiris Uranium Project

(3) Totals may vary due to rounded figures.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 14, 2023 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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