RNS No 9582v
29th October 1998

                   ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 1998

The  Board  of Atlantic Telecom Group PLC ("Atlantic"  or
"the   Group")  is  pleased  to  announce   the   Group's
telecommunications  operating  statistics  for  the  six-
months ended 30 September 1998.

The total lines installed and pending installation at  30
September  1998 was 40,005 an increase of  4,684  in  the
quarter since 30 June 1998.

The operating statistics are summarised below. The detail
is attached:-

                                      At 30 Sept.     At  30 June
                                        1998            1998

a) Atlantic Telecommunications Ltd
   Lines   installed  and  pending  
   installation*                      23,753          20,083
b) Logicall Telecommunications Ltd
   Lines installed and pending 
   installation                       16,252          15,238

                                      40,005          35,321

* Includes both direct and indirect installations and 
  pending installations

The  average revenue per business customer per  month  on
the  Fixed Radio Access ("FRA") networks has been  stable
and  has  averaged  #89.06 per month over  the  six-month
period.  Business churn has increased  to  15.12%  on  an
annualised  basis.  Although  up  on  last  quarter,  the
calculation is based on relatively low numbers and it  is
encouraging that the increase is caused entirely by  very
small  businesses,  some  of  whom  have  moved  out   of
coverage,  which are being replaced with more substantial
business  customers. The average revenue per  residential
customer  per  month on the Glasgow network has  remained
steady  and has averaged #35.81 per month over  the  six-
month  period.  Churn  in  the  residential  market   has
remained  stable  at  16.44%  in  the  six-month   period
calculated on an annualised basis.

The  most important feature of the statistics this period
was  the launch of commercial service in Aberdeen on  the
last   day  of  the  period,  with  15  operational  base
stations.  During  late  July, we  also  brought  4  base
stations  in  Greater  Glasgow into service,  taking  the
total  in service across the networks to 61. The detailed
statistics  attached,  show total  homes  and  businesses
passed  and the total customers and customer lines across
all  networks. Due to  service having only just commenced
on  19 of the base stations, the overall penetration rate
has  fallen.  However there is continuing growth  on  the
Glasgow  City  network, where underlying penetration  has
increased  to  3.62%,  and  Aberdeen  has  had   a   very
encouraging start.


Logicall  Telecommunications Limited continues to  make  progress
and  its  lines  have increased from 15,238 at 30  June  1998  to
16,252  at  30  September 1998. The "Crest" indirect  residential
service  has had a record quarter and has seen its lines increase
by  1,068, more than double the growth of last quarter, to  reach
5,583 at 30 September 1998.

Commenting, Graham J Duncan, Executive Chairman stated:

"This  quarter  has been one of the best ever achieved  since  we
launched  our  telecommunications  services  two  years  ago.  In
addition, having successfully raised further funds on the  public
markets  seven  weeks prior to the period end, we  are  extremely
well placed to achieve the Group's further expansion plans."

Graham J Duncan
Executive Chairman
Atlantic Telecom Group PLC
Tel: 01224 454000


Certain Operating Data

The  following  table  sets  forth certain  data  concerning  the
Group's telecommunications operations as of and for the six-month
period ended 30 September 1998, for the three-month period  ended
30 June 1998 and for the year ended 31 March 1998.

                                          As of and for the periods ended
                                            31 March,     30 June,    30 Sept,
                                                1998         1998         1998

Direct Telecommunications (Atlantic 
Telecom FRA Service) 
Residential Customer Data 
Estimated residential homes passed (1)       200,000      200,000      283,167
Residential customers                          5,684        6,550        7,533
Residential customer lines (2)                10,637       12,408       14,648
Penetration rate of estimated residential 
homes passed (3)                                2.8%         3.3%         2.5%
Average lines per residential customer (4)      1.87         1.89         1.94
Average monthly revenue per residential 
customer (5)                                  #35.60       #35.80       #35.81
Residential customer churn (7)                16.99%       16.09%       16.44%
Business Customer Data 
Estimated business premises passed (1)       21,000       21,000       26,186
Business customers                              951        1,040        1,084
Business customer lines (2)                   2,945        3,160        3,522
Penetration rate of estimated business 
premises passed (3)                            4.5%         5.0%         4.1%
Average lines per business customer (4)        3.10         3.04         3.25
Average monthly revenue per business 
customer (6)                                 #89.63       #91.81       #89.06
Business customer churn (7)                   9.82%       10.30%       15.12%
Network Data 
Number of base stations                         42           42           61

Indirect Telecommunications (Atlantic 
Telecom Crest Service)
       Residential customers                 3,922        4,331        5,319
       Residential customer lines (2)        4,030        4,515        5,583
       Average lines per residential 
       customer (4)                           1.03         1.04         1.05
       Average monthly revenue per 
       customer (5)                         #11.59       #10.62        #9.46

Least-Cost Routing (Atlantic Logicall)
       Business customers                      393          436          564
       Business customer lines (2)          13,471       15,238       16,252
       Average lines per business 
       customer (4)                           34.3         34.9         28.8
       Average monthly revenue per 
       business customer (6)               #955.35      #876.91      #884.70
       Average monthly revenue per 
       business line (6)                    #37.72       #39.62       #38.43

TOTAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINES              31,083       35,321       40,005

   (1)   Estimated  homes passed or estimated  business  premises
   passed  is the Company's estimate of the residential homes  or
   business  premises seen by the FRA networks which are  capable
   of  connection  to  a base station excluding certain  multiple
   dwelling units which the Company does not presently serve.

   (2)   Residential  or  business customer lines  represent  the
   number  of lines which are connected and in service,  and  the
   number  of  lines for which customers, where applicable,  have
   paid for service in advance but are not yet connected.

   (3)  Penetration rate of estimated homes or estimated business
   premises  passed  is  calculated by  dividing  the  number  of
   residential customers or business customers on the given  date
   by  the  estimated homes or estimated business premises passed
   as of such date, expressed as a percentage.

   (4)   The average lines per customer is calculated by dividing
   the number of lines on a given date by the number of customers
   on that date.

   (5)   The average monthly revenue per residential customer  is
   calculated by dividing (a) line and equipment rental, outgoing
   call  charges and incoming call charges for the period by  (b)
   the average number of active customers (calculated as a simple
   average of the number of active customers at the beginning and
   end  of each month during the period) and dividing that amount
   by the number of months in the period covered.

   (6)   The average monthly revenue per business customer or per
   business customer line is calculated by dividing (a) line  and
   equipment  rental,  outgoing call charges  and  incoming  call
   charges  for  the period by (b) the average number  of  active
   business customers or lines (calculated as a simple average of
   the  number of active customers or lines at the beginning  and
   end  of each month during the period) and dividing that amount
   by the number of months in the period covered.

   (7)  Churn is calculated by dividing net disconnections (total
   disconnections  less the number of disconnected  accounts  for
   which  service  is  later  restored  and  disconnections   for
   customers  moving  premises  and  reconnecting  at  their  new
   premises)  in  a period by the average number of customers  in
   the period (calculated as the simple average of the number  of
   customers  at the end of each month during the period).  Churn
   for  the six  months ended 30 September 1998 is annualised  by
   multiplying the amount calculated as above by 2. Churn for the
   three  months ended 30 June 1998 is annualised by  multiplying
   the amount calculated as above by 4,



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