14 August 2019 
   2019 Interim Results Highlights 
                                  30 June 2019     30 June 2018    % change 
Group's share of profit before 
 tax(*1)                          GBP220 million   GBP212 million       +4% 
Group statutory profit before 
 tax                              GBP218 million   GBP211 million       +4% 
Earnings per share                    63.0 pence       61.6 pence       +2% 
Interim dividend                 63.0p/per share  60.0p/per share       +5% 
Return on equity(*1)                         47%              54%      -13% 
Group turnover(*1)               GBP1.76 billion  GBP1.66 billion       +6% 
Group net revenue                GBP0.65 billion  GBP0.60 billion       +8% 
Group customers(*1)                 6.74 million     6.23 million       +8% 
UK Insurance customers(*1)          5.32 million     5.07 million       +5% 
International Car Insurance 
 customers(*1)                      1.36 million     1.12 million      +21% 
Group's share of Comparison 
 profit(*1)                       GBP7.4 million   GBP3.5 million     +111% 
Statutory Comparison profit       GBP5.4 million   GBP2.6 million     +108% 
Solvency ratio (post dividend)              190%             196% 
   (*1Alternative Performance Measures -- refer to the end of the report 
for definition and explanation.) 
   Around 10,000 staff receive free shares worth up to GBP1,800 under the 
employee share scheme based on the interim 2019 results. 
   Comment from David Stevens, Group Chief Executive Officer 
   If it's a can't-put-down, read-in-one-go page-turner that you're after, 
then I'm afraid our half-year results don't fit the bill. Frankly, they 
are a bit dull. Turnover up mid-single digits, profit up low-single 
digits. Hardly "hold the front page". 
   However, for dedicated aficionados who look behind the headlines, 
there's some reward for reading on. Profit growth, even if modest, is 
more exciting considering the GBP33 million Ogden headwind. Low growth 
in UK Motor policy count reflects a consciously reduced competitiveness, 
as we price rationally in the face of any rising claims costs across the 
market as a whole. 
   And potentially lost amidst the worthy tome that is the UK, there's the 
racier continental novella that is the European insurance business which 
has delivered another profitable half year whilst adding a record 
209,000 customers over the last year (and 125,000 over the last six 
months alone). 
   Plus, there's a chapter devoted to Admiral's emerging Loans business -- 
not the fully finished article, but an encouraging debut from a young 
   The Board has declared an interim dividend of 63.0 pence, representing a 
normal dividend of 41.8 pence per share and a special dividend of 21.2 
pence per share. The dividend will be paid on 4 October 2019. The 
ex-dividend date is 5 September 2019 and the record date is 6  September 
   Management presentation 
   Analysts and investors will be able to access the Admiral Group 
management presentation which commences at 9.00 BST on Wednesday 14 
August 2019 by registering at the following link 
https://pres.admiralgroup.co.uk/admiral036/vip_connect. A copy of the 
presentation slides will be available at 
   H1 2019 Group overview 
                                       30 June  30 June  30 June  31 Dec 
  GBPm                                   2017     2018     2019     2018 
-------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
  Turnover (GBPbn)(*1)                    1.45     1.66     1.76     3.28 
  Underwriting profit(*1)                 88.9     93.4     96.0    211.2 
  Profit commission                       30.0     29.6     36.1     93.2 
  Net other revenue and expenses(*1)      80.1     93.3     92.3    183.1 
  Operating profit                       199.0    216.3    224.4    487.5 
  Group statutory profit before 
   tax                                   193.4    210.7    218.2    476.2 
  Group's share of profit before 
   tax                                   194.5    211.7    220.2    479.3 
  Analysis of profit: 
  UK Insurance                           225.8    247.0    254.7    555.6 
  International Insurance               (10.1)    (0.6)    (2.7)    (1.1) 
  Comparison                               3.1      3.5      7.4      8.8 
  Admiral Loans                          (1.6)    (6.4)    (4.3)   (11.8) 
  Other                                 (22.7)   (31.8)   (34.9)   (72.2) 
  Group's share of profit before 
   tax(*1)                               194.5    211.7    220.2    479.3 
  Key metrics 
  Group loss ratio(*1*2)                 68.0%    65.2%    69.1%    67.3% 
  Group expense ratio(*1*2)              22.0%    22.2%    23.2%    22.9% 
  Group combined ratio(*1)               90.0%    87.4%    92.3%    90.2% 
  Customer numbers (million) 
   (*1)                                   5.46     6.23     6.74     6.51 
  Earnings per share                    57.3 p   61.6 p   63.0 p  137.1 p 
  Dividends                             56.0 p   60.0 p   63.0 p  126.0 p 
  Return on Equity(*1)                     55%      54%      47%      56% 
  Solvency ratio(*1)                      214%     196%     190%     194% 
   (*1 Alternative Performance Measures -- refer to the end of the report 
for definition and explanation.) 
   (*2 See notes 13b and 13c for a reconciliation of reported loss and 
expense ratios to the financial statements.) 
   Key highlights for the Group results in H1 2019 include: 
   -- Continued growth with turnover up 6% to GBP1.76 billion (H1 2018: GBP1.66 
      billion) and customer numbers 8% higher at 6.74 million (30 June 2018: 
      6.23 million) 
   -- Group share of pre-tax profits of GBP220.2 million (H1 2018: GBP211.7 
      million) and statutory profit before tax of GBP218.2 million (H1 2018: 
      GBP210.7 million) both growing by 4% 
   -- UK Insurance recorded modest growth in turnover to GBP1.34 billion (H1 
      2018: GBP1.32 billion) with customer numbers reaching 5.32 million (30 
      June 2018: 5.07 million) 
   -- Significant underlying profit growth (before Ogden rate impact) of 
      GBP41.0 million in UK Insurance, primarily attributable to favourable 
      development in prior year loss ratios for UK Motor. Profit growth 
      including the Ogden rate impact is GBP7.7 million 
   -- The adverse impact of the recent announcement of the new Ogden rate of 
      minus 0.25% on the H1 2019 result is GBP33.3 million. Refer to the UK 
      Motor Insurance section below for further detail 
   -- UK Household result improved in H1 2019 to a profit of GBP4.2 million (H1 
      2018: loss of GBP1.9 million) with more benign weather experience 
      compared to the prior period 
   -- Losses in International Insurance businesses totalled GBP2.7 million 
      (GBP0.6 million loss in H1 2018), with continued profit in the European 
      operations offset by higher claims costs in the US 
   -- Combined International insurance turnover grew strongly by 23% to 
      GBP319.5 million (H1 2018: GBP260.1 million) and customer numbers by 21% 
      to 1.36 million (30 June 2018: 1.12 million) 
   -- The Comparison result improved by GBP3.9 million to GBP7.4 million, with 
      notably higher profits from Confused.com of GBP8.7 million (H1 2018: 
      GBP5.8 million) in addition to growth in European profits and lower 
      losses from compare.com. 
   Earnings per share 
   Earnings per share is 2% higher than in H1 2018 at 63.0 pence (H1 2018: 
61.6 pence), broadly consistent with the growth in pre-tax profit. The 
adverse Ogden impact reduced earnings per share by 10.0 pence. 
   Dividends and solvency 
   The Group's dividend policy is to pay 65% of post-tax profits as a 
normal dividend and to pay a further special dividend comprising 
earnings not required to be held in the Group for solvency or buffers. 
   The Board has declared a total interim dividend of 63.0 pence per share 
(approximately GBP180 million), split as follows: 
   -- 41.8 pence per share normal dividend, based on the dividend policy of 
      distributing 65% of post-tax profits; plus 
   -- A special dividend of 21.2 pence per share 
   The total 2019 interim dividend is 5% ahead of the 2018 interim dividend 
(60.0 pence per share), with a pay-out ratio of 100% of Earnings per 
share.  The 100% payout is higher than usual and is a result of the 
Group's strong capital position at 30 June 2019.  The payment date is 4 
October 2019, ex-dividend date 5 September 2019 and record date 6 
September 2019. 
   The Group maintained a strong solvency ratio at 190% (post-dividend), 
which has reduced from 194% at 31 December 2018. Both Own Funds and the 
SCR increased in the period, with the SCR increase reflecting the 
one-off change in treatment resulting from the implementation of IFRS 
16, the new leases accounting standard, and an increase in the capital 
requirement for the Loans business. 
   The Group's results are presented in the following sections: 
   -- UK Insurance -- including UK Motor (Car and Van), Household and Travel 
   -- International Car Insurance -- including L'olivier (France), Admiral 
      Seguros (Spain), ConTe (Italy), and Elephant (US) 
   -- Comparison -- including Confused.com (UK), LeLynx (France), Rastreator 
      (Spain), compare.com (US), and Preminen (new markets) 
   UK Insurance 
                                  30 June  30 June  30 June  31 Dec 
  GBPm                              2017     2018     2019     2018 
--------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
  Turnover(*1)                    1,144.1  1,319.1  1,338.8  2,575.7 
  Total premiums written(*1)      1,022.6  1,167.1  1,186.0  2,269.8 
  Net insurance premium revenue     241.0    254.6    264.7    523.9 
  Underwriting profit(*1)           105.7    101.6    106.7    227.7 
  Profit commission and other 
   income                           120.1    145.4    148.0    327.9 
  UK Insurance profit before 
   tax                              225.8    247.0    254.7    555.6 
   (*1 Alternative Performance Measures -- refer to the end of this report 
for definition and explanation) 
   Split of UK Insurance profit before tax 
                        30 June  30 June  30 June  31 Dec 
  GBPm                    2017     2018     2019    2018 
  Motor                   224.2    249.5    251.7   561.7 
  Household                 1.6    (1.9)      4.2   (3.0) 
  Travel                     --    (0.6)    (1.2)   (3.1) 
  UK Insurance profit     225.8    247.0    254.7   555.6 
   Key performance indicators 
                                 30 June  30 June  30 June  31 Dec 
  GBPm                             2017     2018     2019    2018 
  Vehicles insured at period 
   end                             3.79m    4.26m    4.33m   4.32m 
  Households insured at period 
   end                             0.55m    0.78m    0.92m   0.87m 
  Travel Insurance customers          --    0.03m    0.07m   0.05m 
  Total UK Insurance customers     4.34m    5.07m    5.32m   5.24m 
   Highlights for the UK insurance business for H1 2019 include: 
   -- Modest growth in Motor resulting from Admiral's premium rates moving up 
      ahead of the wider market (recent indicators point to evidence of market 
      rates rising) 
   -- Continued strong growth in Household, with customers 18% higher than one 
      year ago at 0.92 million (30 June 2018: 0.78 million) 
   -- An increase in UK Motor profit to GBP251.7 million, including an adverse 
      impact of GBP33.3 million arising from the change in the Ogden rate to 
      minus 0.25% (0% best estimate assumption at 31 December 2018), with 
      significant favourable development in prior year loss ratios 
   -- Household profit of GBP4.2 million (H1 2018: GBP1.9 million loss), with 
      lesser impact of weather events compared to H1 2018 and positive 
      development on prior year claims. 
   UK Motor Insurance 
                                     30 June  30 June  30 June  31 Dec 
  GBPm                                 2017     2018     2019     2018 
-----------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
  Turnover(*1)                       1,095.7  1,247.2  1,255.2  2,423.1 
  Total premiums written(*1)           978.9  1,102.3  1,110.1  2,132.1 
  Net insurance premium revenue        214.7    221.1    225.4    452.5 
  Investment income                     15.8     15.8     15.9     32.2 
  Net insurance claims               (100.9)  (104.1)  (106.2)  (189.2) 
  Net insurance expenses              (30.1)   (33.9)   (36.1)   (72.0) 
  Underwriting profit(*1*2)             99.5     98.9     99.0    223.5 
  Profit commission                     28.8     30.8     35.0     95.0 
  Underwriting profit and profit 
   commission                          128.3    129.7    134.0    318.5 
  Net other revenue(*3)                 95.9    119.8    117.7    243.2 
  UK Motor Insurance profit before 
   tax                                 224.2    249.5    251.7    561.7 
   (*1 Alternative Performance Measures -- refer to the end of this report 
for definition and explanation.) 
   *2 Underwriting profit excludes contribution from underwritten 
ancillaries (included in net other revenue) 
   (*3 Net other revenue includes instalment income and contribution from 
underwritten ancillaries and is analysed later in the report.) 
   Key performance indicators 
                                  30 June     30 June     30 June      31 Dec 
                                    2017        2018        2019         2018 
  Reported Motor loss 
   ratio(*1,*2)                       66.6%       60.3%       67.8%        63.5% 
  Reported Motor expense 
   ratio(*1,*3)                       16.5%       17.9%       18.7%        18.4% 
  Reported Motor combined ratio       83.1%       78.2%       86.5%        81.9% 
  Written basis Motor expense 
   ratio                              15.8%       17.1%       17.5%        17.5% 
  Reported loss ratio before 
   releases                           87.5%       85.9%       90.0%        88.1% 
  Claims reserve releases -- 
   original net share(*1,*4)       GBP44.9m    GBP56.5m    GBP50.0m    GBP111.4m 
  Claims reserve releases -- 
   commuted reinsurance(*1,*5)     GBP47.4m    GBP35.2m    GBP52.8m    GBP109.6m 
  Total claims reserve releases    GBP92.3m    GBP91.7m   GBP102.8m    GBP221.0m 
  Vehicles insured at period 
   end                                3.79m       4.26m       4.33m        4.32m 
  Other Revenue per vehicle           GBP61       GBP67       GBP66        GBP67 
   (*1 Alternative Performance Measures -- refer to the end of this report 
for definition and explanation) 
   (*2 Motor loss ratio adjusted to exclude impact of reserve releases on 
commuted reinsurance contracts.) 
   (Reconciliation in note 13b.) 
   (*3 Motor expense ratio is calculated by including claims handling 
expenses that are reported within claims costs in the income statement. 
Reconciliation in note 13c.) 
   (*4 Original net share shows reserve releases on the proportion of the 
account that Admiral wrote on a net basis at the start of the 
underwriting year in question.) 
   (*5 Commuted reinsurance shows releases on the proportion of the account 
that was originally ceded under quota share reinsurance contracts but 
has since been commuted and hence reported through underwriting profit 
and not profit commission.) 
   UK Motor profit was broadly flat for the first six months of 2019 at 
GBP251.7 million (H1 2018: GBP249.5 million). Whilst the reported 
combined ratio rose to 86.5% (H1 2018: 78.2%), this was offset by a 
higher level of claims reserve releases from commuted reinsurance and 
profit commission. Net other revenue was also broadly consistent with 
the prior period, though includes a number of offsetting movements. 
   Highlights for the period were as follows: 
   -- Net insurance premium revenue was just under 2% higher than H1 2018 at 
      GBP225.4 million (H1 2018: GBP221.1 million), mainly resulting from the 
      larger portfolio 
   -- Investment income was GBP15.9 million, in line with H1 2018 
   -- The reported combined ratio increased to 86.5% (H1 2018: 78.2%), with 
      movements as follows: 
  Reported Motor combined ratio 
                                                     Expense  Combined 
                                         Loss ratio    ratio    ratio 
  H1 2018                                     60.3%    17.9%     78.2% 
  Change in current period loss ratio         +2.2%       --     +2.2% 
  Change in claims reserve release 
   -- original net share                      -1.5%       --     -1.5% 
  Change in expense ratio                        --    +0.8%     +0.8% 
  H1 2019 (excluding Ogden change)           +61.0%    18.7%     79.7% 
  Impact of Ogden change (0% to minus 
   0.25%)                                     +6.8%       --     +6.8% 
  H1 2019 (including Ogden change)            67.8%    18.7%     86.5% 
   -- The Ogden discount rate changed to minus 0.25% (best estimate assumption 
      of 0% at 31 December 2018) reducing the UK Motor profit by GBP33.3 
      million, and increasing the reported combined ratio by almost 7% points 
   -- Excluding the impact of the Ogden rate change, the underlying current 
      period loss ratio was just over 2% points higher than H1 2018. Whilst 
      large bodily injury experience improved in H1 2019 compared to 2018 (full 
      year), Admiral continued to experience claims inflation at a similar 
      overall level to the market. The Group continues to reflect a cautious 
      approach in setting reserves early in their development 
   -- Reserve releases on original net share of reserves of GBP50.0 million (H1 
      2018: GBP56.5 million), equating to 22% of premium (H1 2018: 26%). 
      Excluding the impact of the Ogden change, releases would have been 1.5% 
      points higher than H1 2018 (27% of premium; GBP61.0 million) following 
      favourable development of prior year claims 
   -- The written basis expense ratio is consistent with 2018, at 17.5%. There 
      are a number of underlying factors that influence the net reported 
      expense ratio, including the split of expenses between acquisition and 
      non-acquisition and the impact of reinsurance expense commissions. The 
      increase in the period relates to higher non-acquisition cost, including 
      higher levies which is partially offset by a lower acquisition cost. 
   -- As noted above, both claims reserve releases from commuted reinsurance 
      and profit commission were higher in H1 2019 than H1 2018, as follows: 
                                         Reserve releases 
                                            -- commuted      Profit 
  GBPm                                      reinsurance     commission  Total 
  H1 2018                                            35.2         30.8   66.0 
  Change in underlying commuted 
   releases                                          -0.3           --   -0.3 
  Change in loss on commutation                     +27.0           --  +27.0 
  Change in underlying profit 
   commission                                          --        +13.1  +13.1 
  H1 2019 (excluding Ogden change)                   61.9         43.9  105.8 
  Impact of Ogden change (0% to minus 
   0.25%)                                            -9.1         -8.9  -18.0 
  H1 2019 (including Ogden change)                   52.8         35.0   87.8 
   -- Releases on reserves originally reinsured but since commuted higher at 
      GBP52.8 million (v GBP35.2 million in H1 2018). Excluding the impact of 
      the Ogden change, the variance is larger (GBP61.9 million, increased by 
      GBP26.7 million), primarily as a result of a lower negative impact of 
      commutation (H1 2019: GBP4.9 million, H1 2018: GBP31.9 million) 
   -- Underlying profit commission (excluding the Ogden impact) was also higher 
      at GBP43.9 million (H1 2018: GBP30.8 million) 
   -- Both releases from commuted reinsurance and profit commission are 
      discussed in more detail in the Co- and reinsurance section below 
   -- Other revenue (including ancillary products underwritten by Admiral) and 
      instalment income remained relatively flat (GBP117.7 million v GBP119.8 
      million in H1 2018). 
   There is some evidence that Motor market rates have increased modestly 
in the latter part of H1 2019, with pressure from claims inflation 
likely being a driver. Over the last 12 months, Admiral has increased 
its rates ahead of the market, prioritising margin over growth. Turnover 
increased marginally to GBP1.26 billion (H1 2018: GBP1.25 billion) 
whilst net revenue rose 2% to GBP436.1 million (H1 2018: GBP425.9 
million). The number of vehicles insured increased by 2% to 4.33 million 
(30 June 2018: 4.26 million). 
   Claims and reserves 
   Notable claims trends for the market in the first half of 2019 include 
slightly higher overall frequency, a flattening out in injury claims 
frequency and continuing elevated levels of damage claims costs 
primarily as a result of advances in technology.  Admiral experienced 
similar overall claims inflation to the market. Large bodily injury 
claims experience (in terms of frequency and total cost) for Admiral was 
more favourable in H1 2019 than in 2018. 
   The Group continues to reserve conservatively, setting claims reserves 
in the financial statements significantly above actuarial best estimates 
to create a margin held to allow for unforeseen adverse development. 
   As noted above, the Group experienced continued positive development of 
claims costs on previous accident years and this led to another 
significant release of reserves in the financial statements in the 
period (GBP50.0 million on Admiral's original net share net of the 
adverse impact of Ogden, H1 2018: GBP56.5 million). The margin held in 
reserves remains prudent and at a consistent level to 31 December 2018. 
   Change in UK discount rate ('Ogden') 
   Following the recent announcement by the UK Government, the Ogden 
discount rate which is used in setting personal injury compensation, was 
changed to minus 0.25% from the existing minus 0.75% rate that had been 
in place since February 2017. The change came into effect on 5 August 
2019 and the minus 0.25% rate is likely to remain in place for the next 
five years. 
   The minus 0.25% rate is 25 basis points lower than the assumed rate of 
0% that was used in setting best estimate claims reserves at 31 December 
   The total impact of the new Ogden rate on profit is expected to be 
approximately GBP50-60 million. The current period impact on profit is 
GBP33.3 million and is shown through higher claims incurred and lower 
profit commission. The remaining amount is expected to flow through in 
future periods through recognition of unearned premium and lower profit 
   Co- and reinsurance, commutations and profit commission 
   Admiral makes significant use of proportional risk sharing agreements, 
where insurers outside the Group underwrite a majority of the risk 
generated, either through co-insurance or quota share reinsurance 
contracts. The Group's net retained share of that business is 22%. These 
arrangements include profit commission terms which allow Admiral to 
retain a significant portion of the profit generated. The proportional 
co- and reinsurance arrangements in place for the motor business are the 
same as those reported in the 2018 Annual Report and will continue into 
   Admiral tends to commute its UK Car Insurance quota share reinsurance 
contracts for an underwriting year 24 months from inception, assuming 
there is sufficient confidence in the profitability of the business 
covered by the reinsurance contract. 
   As at 30 June 2019, all UK car quota share reinsurance contracts for 
underwriting years up to and including 2016 have been commuted, along 
with the majority of contracts for the 2017 underwriting year, meaning 
Admiral assumes a higher net risk for these years than had the 
reinsurance been left in place. The 2016 contracts and the remainder of 
the 2015 contracts were commuted during H1 2018. The majority of the 
contracts relating to the 2017 underwriting year were commuted in H1 
   In H1 2019 profit commission of GBP35.0 million was recognised, 
increased from GBP30.8 million in the prior period. If reserve releases 
from business that was originally ceded under quota share reinsurance 
contracts that have since been commuted are added to profit commission, 
the total for H1 2019 is GBP87.8 million compared to GBP66.0 million in 
H1 2018, an increase of 33%. This increase is due to positive 
development on prior underwriting years and a reduced loss on 
   Note 5 to the financial statements analyses profit commission income and 
reserve releases by underwriting year. 
   Other Revenue and Instalment Income 
   UK Motor Insurance Other Revenue -- analysis of contribution: 
                                                       30      30      30 
                                                      June    June    June   31 Dec 
GBPm                                                  2017    2018    2019    2018 
---------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Contribution from additional products & fees           93.4   105.6   102.4   206.5 
Contribution from additional products underwritten 
 by Admiral(*1)                                         6.8     5.9     7.9    13.6 
Instalment income                                      22.5    37.5    42.0    81.4 
Other revenue                                         122.7   149.0   152.3   301.5 
Internal costs                                       (26.8)  (29.2)  (34.6)  (58.3) 
 Net other revenue                                    95.9    119.8   117.7   243.2 
Other revenue per vehicle(*2)                         GBP61   GBP67   GBP66   GBP67 
---------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Other revenue per vehicle net of internal costs       GBP52   GBP57   GBP56   GBP57 
   (*1 Included in underwriting profit in income statement but re-allocated 
to Other Revenue for purpose of KPIs.) 
   *2 Other revenue (before internal costs) divided by average active 
vehicles, rolling 12 month basis. 
   Admiral generates Other Revenue from a portfolio of insurance products 
that complement the core car insurance product, and also fees generated 
over the life of the policy. 
   The most material contributors to net Other Revenue continue to be: 
   -- Profit earned from motor policy upgrade products underwritten by Admiral, 
      including breakdown, car hire and personal injury covers 
   -- Revenue from other insurance products, not underwritten by Admiral 
   -- Fees such as administration and cancellation fees 
   -- Interest charged to customers paying for cover in instalments 
   Overall contribution (Other Revenue net of costs plus instalment income) 
decreased marginally to 
   GBP117.7 million (H1 2018: GBP119.8 million). Whilst there were a number 
of smaller offsetting changes within the total, the main reason for the 
slight decrease is reduced optional ancillary contribution, partly 
reflecting more transactions completing digitally and changes to the 
customer journey. This was offset slightly by increased instalment 
income primarily arising from growth in the underlying vehicle book. 
   Other revenue was equivalent to GBP66 per vehicle (gross of costs; H1 
2018: GBP67) and Net Other revenue (after deducting costs) per vehicle 
was GBP56 (H1 2018: GBP57). 
   UK Household Insurance 
GBPm                   30 June 2017  30 June 2018  30 June 2019  31 Dec 2018 
---------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
Turnover(*1)                   48.3          68.3          80.0        146.0 
Total premiums 
 written(*1)                   43.7          61.3          72.2        131.1 
Net insurance premium 
 revenue                       11.0          14.7          18.1         31.2 
 result(1*2)                  (0.6)         (2.9)           0.6        (6.3) 
Profit commission and 
 other income                   2.2           1.0           3.6          3.3 
---------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
UK Household 
 profit/(loss)                  1.6         (1.9)           4.2        (3.0) 
   (*1 Alternative Performance Measures -- refer to the end of this report 
for definition and explanation *2 Underwriting loss excluding 
contribution from underwritten ancillaries) 
   Key performance indicators 
                       30 June 2017  30 June 2018  30 June 2019  31 Dec 2018 
---------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
Reported household 
 loss ratio(*1)               68.7%         87.6%         66.8%        92.3% 
Reported household 
 expense ratio(*1)            36.8%         32.1%         30.1%        28.1% 
Reported household 
 combined ratio(*1)          105.5%        119.7%         96.9%       120.4% 
Impact of extreme 
 weather and 
 subsidence(*1)                  --         25.3%            --        19.1% 
Households insured at 
 period end                 548,200       778,100       920,900      856,800 
---------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
   (*1 Alternative Performance Measures -- refer to the end of this report 
for definition and explanation) 
   Admiral's Household business continued to grow strongly, increasing the 
number of homes insured by 18% to 920,900 (30 June 2018: 778,100), with 
a similar increase in turnover to GBP80.0 million (H1 2018: GBP68.3 
million). New business market volumes continued to increase with more 
customers shopping around and switching insurer, particularly through 
the growing comparison channel. Admiral saw an increasing share of new 
business volumes through comparison as well as direct and via cross sell 
to existing Admiral customers with the Group's MultiCover product 
   The first half of 2019 experienced better weather than the previous 
period, resulting in a profit of GBP4.2 million (H1 2018: GBP1.9 million 
loss). Claims inflation continues albeit with milder weather and 
subsidence at more normal levels compared to the same period in 2018. 
   This resulted in a better reported loss ratio of 66.8% (H1 2018: 87.6%) 
which was also positively impacted by favourable emerging experience on 
the 2018 accident year. Admiral's expense ratio also continued to 
improve (30.1%, down from 32.1%) and similar to the motor business, 
significantly outperforms the market expense ratio of around 45%. 
   International Car Insurance 
                                  30 June  30 June  30 June  31 Dec 
  GBPm                              2017     2018     2019     2018 
--------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
  Turnover(*1)                      221.9    260.1    319.5    538.7 
  Total premiums written(*1)        197.2    234.0    288.0    484.3 
  Net insurance premium revenue      58.2     66.2     80.6    141.7 
  Investment income                   0.2      0.6      0.9      1.3 
  Net insurance claims             (47.3)   (49.7)   (66.0)  (104.0) 
  Net insurance expenses           (28.1)   (25.3)   (26.7)   (55.8) 
  Underwriting result(*1)          (17.0)    (8.2)   (11.2)   (16.8) 
  Net other income                    6.9      7.6      8.5     15.7 
  International Car Insurance 
   result                          (10.1)    (0.6)    (2.7)    (1.1) 
   Key performance indicators 
                                 30 June  30 June  30 June  31 Dec 
                                   2017     2018     2019    2018 
  Loss ratio(*2)                   77.6%    77.8%    75.5%   76.0% 
  Expense ratio(*2)                45.4%    39.4%    38.4%   40.0% 
  Combined ratio(*3)              123.0%   117.2%   113.9%  116.0% 
  Combined ratio, net of Other 
   revenue(*4)                    111.2%   105.8%   103.3%  105.0% 
  Vehicles insured at period 
   end                             0.96m    1.12m    1.36m   1.22m 
   (*1 Alternative Performance Measures -- refer to the end of this report 
for definition and explanation) 
   (*2 Loss ratios and expense ratios adjusted to remove the impact of 
reinsurer caps) 
   (*3 Combined ratio is calculated on Admiral's net share of premiums and 
excludes Other Revenue. It excludes the impact of reinsurer caps. 
Including the impact of reinsurer caps the reported combined ratio would 
be H1 2019: 115%; H1 2018: 113%; H1 2017: 130%.) 
   (*4 Combined ratio, net of Other Revenue is calculated on Admiral's net 
share of premiums and includes Other Revenue. Including the impact of 
reinsurer caps the reported combined ratio, net of Other Revenue would 
be H1 2019: 104%; H1 2018: 102%; H1 2017: 118%.) 
   Geographical analysis(*1) 
  30 June 2019                 Spain  Italy  France   US    Total 
-----------------------------  -----  -----  ------  -----  ----- 
  Vehicles insured at period 
   end                         0.28m  0.66m   0.20m  0.22m  1.36m 
  Turnover (GBPm)               40.2  105.2    51.4  122.7  319.5 
  30 June 2018                 Spain  Italy  France     US  Total 
  Vehicles insured at period 
   end                         0.23m  0.54m   0.15m  0.20m  1.12m 
  Turnover (GBPm)               33.8   86.8    39.1  100.4  260.1 
  31 Dec 2018                  Spain  Italy  France     US  Total 
  Vehicles insured at period 
   end                         0.25m  0.59m   0.17m  0.21m  1.22m 
  Turnover (GBPm)               67.6  176.8    80.5  213.8  538.7 
   (*1 Alternative Performance Measures -- refer to the end of this report 
for definition and explanation) 
   International Insurance financial performance 
   Admiral's international insurance businesses continued to grow strongly, 
with customer numbers 21% higher than a year earlier. Turnover grew by 
23% to GBP319.5 million (H1 2018: GBP260.1 million). 
   The combined ratio, net of other revenue improved to 103.3% (H1 2018: 
105.8%). Higher net insurance premium revenue together with continued 
improvement in the European operations' prior year claims costs was 
offset by higher current year claims costs in Elephant. H1 2018 also 
benefitted from a favourable impact of reinsurer caps.  This resulted in 
a higher loss of GBP2.7 million for the first six months of 2019 (H1 
2018: loss of GBP0.6 million). 
   The expense ratio improved to 38.4% (H1 2018: 39.4%) as all businesses 
grew and continued to pursue operational efficiencies. 
   The European insurance operations in Spain, Italy and France insured 
1.13m vehicles at 30 June 2019 -- 23% higher than a year earlier (30 
June 2018: 0.92m). Turnover was up 23% at GBP196.8 million (H1 2018: 
GBP159.7 million). The consolidated result of the businesses was a 
profit of GBP3.5 million (H1 2018: profit of GBP2.5 million) driven by 
continued profitability in Italy. The combined ratio net of other 
revenue (excluding the impact of reinsurer caps) improved materially to 
93% from 99% due to the improved claims experience and expense ratio. 
   Admiral Seguros (Spain) focused on sustainable growth and increased 
retention in a competitive market during the first six months of 2019, 
together with improvements in the customer journey and digital 
capabilities. The business grew by 18% to 274,600 customers over the 
past year (30 June 2018: 233,300). 
   The Group's largest international operation, ConTe in Italy, increased 
vehicles insured by 22% to 656,000 (30 June 2018: 539,600). The company 
also invested in media spend with the launch of a new TV advertising 
campaign which has contributed to brand awareness and subsequent growth. 
   L'olivier - assurance auto (France) continued to pursue growth and 
exceeded the 200,000 vehicle mark, growing by 34% to 203,800 at 30 June 
2019. L'olivier also focused on brand development and improving customer 
experience through digital improvements during the period. The company 
also launched a niche household insurance brand, Homebrella, starting 
with modest volume in line with the Admiral test and learn approach. 
   In the US, Admiral underwrites motor insurance in six states (Virginia, 
Maryland, Illinois, Texas, Indiana and Tennessee) through its Elephant 
Auto business, which increased vehicles insured by 11% to 221,900 at 30 
June 2019. Turnover was up 22% to GBP122.7 million (H1 2018: GBP100.4 
million). Elephant had a higher loss of GBP6.2 million (from GBP3.1 
million in H1 2018) due to deterioration in loss ratio in H1 as a result 
of higher claims inflation. Elephant has increased rates materially in 
   Elephant continues to focus on cost control and improving customer 
service through the digital channel, which has contributed to continued 
improvement in the expense ratio. Overall, the combined ratio net of 
other revenue increased slightly to 116% (115% in H1 2018). 
                                    30 June  30 June  30 June  31 Dec 
  GBPm                                2017     2018     2019     2018 
----------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
  Car insurance comparison             55.2     57.0     59.0    110.1 
  Other                                17.3     19.6     24.4     40.9 
  Total Revenue                        72.5     76.6     83.4    151.0 
  Expenses                           (70.1)   (74.0)   (78.0)  (144.4) 
  Profit before tax                     2.4      2.6      5.4      6.6 
  Confused.com profit                   4.5      5.8      8.7     14.3 
  International comparison result     (2.1)    (3.2)    (3.3)    (7.7) 
Statutory profit before tax             2.4      2.6      5.4      6.6 
  Confused.com profit                   4.5      5.8      8.7     14.3 
  International comparison result     (1.4)    (2.3)    (1.3)    (5.5) 
Group's share of profit before 
 tax(*1)                                3.1      3.5      7.4      8.8 
   (*1 Alternative Performance Measure -- refer to the end of this report 
for definition and explanation) 
   Whilst the UK comparison market remained competitive in the first half 
of 2019, Confused.com performed very strongly, with turnover increasing 
by 14% to GBP54.2 million (H1 2018: GBP47.7 million) as a result of 
growth in market share in both motor and household insurance. 
Confused.com continued to improve the customer and product proposition, 
and also saw increases in brand awareness and media effectiveness. 
Profit increased to GBP8.7 million (H1 2018: GBP5.8 million). The 
business also continued to invest in technology to support current 
projects and future growth opportunities. 
   Admiral operates several comparison businesses outside the UK including 
Rastreator (Spain), LeLynx (France), and compare.com (US). In addition, 
the 2019 comparison result includes Preminen, the Group's newest 
comparison operation, which was previously included in business 
development costs in 'Other Group items'. The Group owns 75% of 
Rastreator, with the remaining 25% owned by Mapfre. The Group owns 
59.25% of compare.com, with the remaining 40.75% owned by minority 
interests.  The Group owns 50% of Preminen, with the other 50% owned by 
   Admiral announced in April 2019 the proposed acquisition of Acierto, a 
digital insurance broker in Spain, by Rastreator in partnership with 
Oakley Capital. The joint venture is still subject to approval by the EU 
antitrust authorities, and hence the acquisition and subsequent 
accounting for the joint operation will be completed after approval. 
   Combined revenue for the European operations in the first half of 2019 
increased by 9% to GBP25.0 million (H1 2018: GBP23.0 million). The 
Group's share of the combined result for Rastreator and LeLynx was a 
profit of GBP2.1 million (H1 2018: GBP0.9 million). The result shows an 
improvement in both businesses whilst they continued to invest in a more 
diversified product range in the context of a competitive market 
   During the first half of 2019 in the US, Admiral's share of 
compare.com's loss reduced to GBP2.8 million before tax (H1 2018: GBP3.2 
million), partly as a result of Admiral's reduced shareholding (from 71% 
to 59.25%) with the total result being broadly flat. compare.com 
continued to experience challenging market conditions and the business 
subsequently downsized to a smaller team and more agile approach to 
adapt to these market conditions. 
   A non-cash impairment charge of GBP25.7 million was recognised in the 
first half of 2019 by the parent company in respect of its investment in 
compare.com. This followed the regular review of the carrying values of 
subsidiary companies and a review of the long-term strategy of 
compare.com, and reflects an impairment to the current net asset value 
of the business to reflect the considerable uncertainty over the timing 
and level of future profitability of the business. The impairment charge 
is recognised in the income statement of the parent company and has no 
impact on the Group's consolidated profit for the period or the Group's 
current regulatory capital position. 
   Preminen continues to explore the potential of comparison in new markets 
overseas, in partnership with Mapfre. Current operations include 
Rastreator.mx in Mexico, Tamoniki.com in Turkey, and GoSahi.com in 
   The combined result for International Comparison was therefore a loss of 
GBP1.3 million (H1 2018: loss GBP2.3 million) -- driven by an 
improvement in the performance of the European comparison businesses. 
   Other Group Items 
                                   30 June  30 June  30 June  31 Dec 
   GBPm                              2017     2018     2019    2018 
---------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------ 
   Share scheme charges             (16.9)   (21.6)   (26.2)  (49.0) 
   Admiral Loans loss before 
    tax                              (1.6)    (6.4)    (4.3)  (11.8) 
   Other interest and investment 
    income                             7.3      1.1      2.7     2.9 
   Business development costs        (4.3)    (2.0)    (0.4)   (4.3) 
   Other central overheads           (3.2)    (3.7)    (5.5)  (10.5) 
   Finance charges                   (5.6)    (5.6)    (5.5)  (11.3) 
   Group's share of other group 
    items                           (24.3)   (38.2)   (39.2)  (84.0) 
---------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------ 
   Share scheme charges relate to the Group's two employee share schemes 
(refer to note 9 in the financial statements). The increase in the 
charge is driven by an improvement in the vesting assumptions for 
variable awards in general due to strong financial performance and 
shareholder return, and a higher share price period on period. 
   Other interest and investment income in H1 2017 included a GBP5.4 
million realised gain from the sale of investments held by the Group 
which was not repeated in H1 2018 or H1 2019. The increase in income in 
H1 2019 compared to H1 2018 relates to a lower level of unrealised 
losses on forward contracts in H1 2019. 
   Business development costs include costs associated with potential new 
ventures. The costs associated with Preminen have been included within 
the Comparison segment above for the first time in 2019, explaining the 
decrease in business development costs in the period. 
   Other central costs consist of Group-related expenses, and include the 
cost of a number of significant Group projects, such as the development 
of the internal model, the Brexit restructure and IFRS17. The increase 
in the period is due to a higher adverse impact of foreign exchange 
   Finance charges of GBP5.5 million (H1 2018: GBP5.6 million) primarily 
relate to interest on the GBP200 million subordinated notes issued in 
July 2014 (refer to note 7 to the financial statements). 
   Admiral Loans 
                                      30 June  30 June 
GBPm                    30 June 2017    2018     2019   31 Dec 2018 
----------------------  ------------  -------  -------  ----------- 
Total interest income            0.2      5.1     13.3         15.0 
Interest expense(*1)           (0.1)    (1.2)    (4.1)        (4.3) 
Net interest income              0.1      3.9      9.2         10.7 
Other fee income                  --       --      0.9          0.4 
Total income                     0.1      3.9     10.1         11.1 
Expenses                       (1.7)   (10.3)   (14.4)       (22.9) 
Admiral Loans Result           (1.6)    (6.4)    (4.3)       (11.8) 
   *1 Includes GBP1.2 million intra-group interest expense (H1 2018: GBP0.3 
   Admiral Loans launched in 2017, and currently distributes unsecured 
personal loans and car finance products through the comparison channel 
and also direct to consumers via the Admiral website. 
   The Group employs a prudent test and learn approach regarding growth in 
customers and loan advances, consistent with other new business 
launches. Initial results are encouraging, and the business has grown 
significantly since launch, with loan balances increasing to GBP421 
million in the first half of 2019 (H1 2018: GBP214m, H2 2018: GBP300 
million). The Group continues to expect the business to make losses in 
its early phase as a result of the upfront accounting for acquisition 
costs as opposed to interest income earned on loans which is spread over 
the life of the loans. Admiral continues to be encouraged by the 
performance of the business and the credit quality of the loans 
   Admiral Loans is currently funded through a combination of internal 
funding and further external funding. The external portion funds 
approximately 60% of the current loans balance through the 
securitisation of certain loans via transfer to a special purpose entity 
("SPE") which remains under the control of the Group. The securitisation 
and subsequent issue of notes does not result in a significant transfer 
of risk from the Group. 
   Admiral Loans recorded a pre-tax loss of GBP4.3 million in the first 
half of 2019 (decreased from GBP6.4 million in H1 2018). The lower loss 
predominantly reflects the increased interest income in the period, 
offset to an extent by increased provisions against the loan book due to 
its growing size. 
   Capital structure and financial position 
   Admiral's capital-efficient and profitable model led to a return on 
equity of 47% (H1 2018: 54%) with the reduction in the ratio due to the 
impact of the Ogden change.  A continuing key feature of the business 
model is the extensive use of co- and reinsurance across the Group. The 
Group's co-insurance and quota share reinsurance arrangements for the UK 
Car insurance business are in place until at least the end of 2020. The 
Group's net retained share of that business is 22%. Munich Re will 
underwrite 40% of the business (through co-insurance and reinsurance 
arrangements) until at least the end of 2020. 
   Similar long-term arrangements are in place in the Group's International 
Insurance operations and UK Household and Van Insurance business. 
   The Group continues to manage its capital to ensure that all entities 
within the Group are able to continue as going concerns and that 
regulated entities comfortably meet regulatory capital requirements. 
Surplus capital within subsidiaries is paid up to the Group holding 
company in the form of dividends. 
   The Group continues to develop its partial internal model to form the 
basis of calculation of its capital requirement in the future, although 
does not expect to submit the application during 2019 and possibly not 
in 2020. In the interim period before submission, the Group will 
continue to use the current standard formula plus capital add-on basis 
to calculate its regulatory capital requirement. 
   The estimated (and unaudited) Solvency II position for the Group at the 
date of this report was as follows: 
   Group capital position (estimated and unaudited) 
--------------------------------------------------  ------ 
  Eligible Own Funds (pre 2019 interim dividend)      1.34 
  2019 interim dividend                             (0.18) 
  Eligible Own Funds (post 2019 interim dividend)     1.16 
  Solvency II capital requirement(*1)                 0.61 
  Surplus over regulatory capital requirement         0.55 
  Solvency ratio (post dividend)                      190% 
   (*1 Solvency capital requirement includes updated capital add-on which 
remains subject to regulatory approval.) 
   The Group maintained a strong solvency ratio at 190% (post-dividend), 
which has reduced from 194% at 2018 year end (H1 2018: 196%). Whilst the 
surplus over the regulatory capital requirement has increased since 31 
December 2018, increases in both Own Funds and SCR of a similar order 
result in a modest reduction in solvency ratio. The increase in Own 
Funds is the result of the strong generation of economic profit, in 
particular due to favourable movements of ultimate outcomes on prior 
underwriting years. The SCR increase is primarily due to the 
implementation of the new leasing standard, IFRS 16 as well as an 
increase in the capital requirement for the loans business. 
   The Group's capital includes GBP200 million ten year dated subordinated 
bonds. The rate of interest is fixed at 5.5% and the bonds mature in 
July 2024. The bonds qualify as tier two capital under the Solvency II 
regulatory regime. 
   Estimated sensitivities to the current Group solvency ratio are 
presented in the table below. These sensitivities cover the two most 
material risk types, insurance risk and market risk, and within these 
risks cover the most significant elements of the risk profile. Aside 
from the catastrophe events, estimated sensitivities have not been 
calibrated to individual return periods. 
   Solvency ratio sensitivities 
                                             30 June 2019  30 June 2018 
-------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
UK Motor -- incurred loss ratio +5%                  -22%          -27% 
UK Motor -- 1 in 200 catastrophe event                -1%           -2% 
UK Household -- 1 in 200 catastrophe event            -2%           -2% 
Interest rate -- yield curve down 50 bps              -8%          -12% 
Credit spreads widen 100 bps                          -8%           -5% 
Currency -- 25% movement in euro and US 
 dollar                                               -4%           -3% 
ASHE -- long term inflation assumption up 
 0.5%                                                 -7%          -10% 
   Investments and cash 
   Admiral's investment strategy was unchanged in H1 2019 and the Group 
continued to invest in the same asset classes as previous years. 
   The main focus of the Group's strategy is capital preservation, with 
additional priorities including low volatility of returns and high 
levels of liquidity. All objectives continue to be met. The Group's 
Investment Committee performs regular reviews of the strategy to ensure 
it remains appropriate. 
   Cash and investments analysis 
                                     30 June   30 June    30 June    31 Dec 
  GBPm                                 2017      2018       2019       2018 
-----------------------------------  -------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
  Fixed income and debt securities   1,496.4    1,542.5    1,827.6    1,568.6 
  Money market funds and other 
   fair value 
   instruments                         968.8    1,203.8    1,029.3    1,301.1 
  Cash deposits                        130.0      130.0       88.7      100.0 
  Cash                                 348.6      309.5      461.4      376.8 
  Total                              2,943.8    3,185.8    3,407.0    3,346.5 
   Total investment return in the first half of 2019 was GBP18.3 million 
(H1 2018: GBP17.2 million), which includes unrealised losses of GBP4.9 
million (H1 2018: GBP1.4 million). The underlying rate of return, 
excluding unrealised losses, on the Group's cash and investments was 
1.4% (H1 2018: 1.3%). Some rebalancing has taken place across some items 
to maximise portfolio outcomes in line with the investment strategy. 
   The Group continues to generate significant amounts of cash and its 
capital-efficient business model enables the distribution of the 
majority of post-tax profits as dividends. 
   The tax charge reported on a statutory basis is GBP37.0 million (H1 
2018: GBP34.8 million), which equates to 16.9% (H1 2018: 16.5%) of 
profit before tax. 
   UK Exit from the European Union ('Brexit') 
   Admiral adopted a prudent approach to Brexit and has set up new entities 
in Europe under which the European operations have traded since 1 
January 2019. All of the Group's European insurance business is now 
underwritten by a regulated entity in Spain, Admiral Europe Compania 
Seguros (AECS). The Group's European comparison businesses Rasterator 
and LeLynx have successfully been merged into comparison companies 
established in Spain (Comparaseguros Corredia de Seguros) and France 
(LeLynx SAS) respectively. 
   Brexit continues to bring risks, particularly the possibility of a 'no 
deal' Brexit, to the Group including: 
   -- The potential for market volatility, and the potential for the 
      uncertainty or the emerging terms of exit to trigger or exacerbate less 
      favourable economic conditions in the UK and other countries in which 
      Admiral operates (though it is worth noting that car insurance has tended 
      to be resilient to economic downturns; and Admiral Loans has adopted a 
      cautious approach to volumes and credit quality in advance of Brexit)As 
      part of the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment ("ORSA") process, the Group 
      has performed a stress testing exercise for its Brexit assessment of the 
      impact of a recession through 2019 on the UK insurance business, 
      including the increase in claims costs following a spike in inflation. 
      This includes negative movement in interest rates, currency, investment 
      yields, inflation, unemployment and GDP, which could be experienced under 
      a 'hard' Brexit scenario (i.e. no deal outcome). Given the results of the 
      stress testing the Group is comfortable that it is able to manage the 
      potential outcomes of such scenarios should they occur.Also as part of 
      the ORSA process, a specific economic stress test scenario which captures 
      the potential outcomes from a 'no deal' Brexit has been applied to the 
      Admiral Loans business in order to assess the potential impact. The 
      stress results in an increase in the loss provision that would be 
      required as a result of the deterioration in economic environment. As for 
      the UK insurance business, the Group is comfortable that it is able to 
      manage the potential outcomes based on the results of the stress test and 
      relevant management actions. 
   -- Potential changes to the rules relating to the free movement of people 
      between the UK and the remaining EU member states. The Group has followed 
      external advice on planning for the small number of EU citizens working 
      within the UK and UK citizens working in the EU, for the Group; 
   -- Potential for impact on the import of car parts with potential impact on 
      claims costs. A working group is in place to manage and review this risk, 
      with commercial negotiations ongoing to mitigate risks arising from a "no 
      deal" Brexit; 
   At present, the Group does not foresee a material adverse impact on 
day-to-day operations (including customers or staff). The Group 
recognises the potential economic disruption that may arise from a 'no 
deal' Brexit. Whilst the Group is comfortable that it is able to manage 
potential outcomes following the review of the stress testing noted 
above, it recognises the uncertainties that exist in relation to Brexit 
and the potential for adverse impacts to the Group's capital position 
and future dividend payments. Sensitivities to the Group's regulatory 
solvency ratio are presented earlier in this report, including a number 
of specific market risk sensitivities. The cost of the restructuring 
activity has not been material to the Group. 
   Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
   Admiral has performed a robust assessment of the principal risks facing 
Admiral, including those which would threaten its business model, future 
performance, liquidity and solvency. The result of this assessment is 
that the principal risks and uncertainties are consistent with those 
reported in the Group's 2018 Annual Report and Accounts, pages 52-57. 
   Disclaimer on forward-looking statements 
   Certain statements made in this announcement are forward-looking 
statements. Such statements are based on current expectations and 
assumptions and are subject to a number of known and unknown risks and 
uncertainties that may cause actual events or results to differ 
materially from any expected future events or results expressed or 
implied in these forward-looking statements. 
   Persons receiving this announcement should not place undue reliance on 
forward-looking statements. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, 
regulation or accounting standard, the Group does not undertake to 
update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of 
new information, future developments or otherwise. 
   Condensed consolidated income statement (unaudited) 
                                                       6 months ended   Year ended 
                                                      30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                                        2019     2018       2018 
                                                Note    GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
Insurance premium revenue                             1,080.4  1,002.6      2,079.6 
Insurance premium ceded to reinsurers                 (731.2)  (678.9)    (1,407.8) 
Net insurance premium revenue                      5    349.2    323.7        671.8 
Other revenue                                      8    233.1    223.4        449.2 
Profit commission                                  5     36.1     29.6         93.2 
Interest income                                          13.3      5.1         15.0 
Interest expense                                   6    (2.9)    (0.9)        (3.6) 
Net interest income from loans                           10.4      4.2         11.4 
Investment return                                  6     18.3     17.2         36.0 
Net revenue                                             647.1    598.1      1,261.6 
Insurance claims and claims handling expenses         (788.3)  (717.5)    (1,513.8) 
Insurance claims and claims handling expenses 
 recoverable from reinsurers                            588.3    537.3      1,163.7 
Net insurance claims                                  (200.0)  (180.2)      (350.1) 
Operating expenses and share scheme charges        9  (437.9)  (429.1)      (842.8) 
Operating expenses and share scheme charge 
 recoverable from co- and reinsurers               9    215.2    227.5        418.8 
Net operating expenses and share scheme 
 charges                                              (222.7)  (201.6)      (424.0) 
Total expenses                                        (422.7)  (381.8)      (774.1) 
Operating profit                                        224.4    216.3        487.5 
Finance costs                                      6    (7.5)    (5.6)       (11.3) 
Finance costs recoverable from co- and 
 reinsurers                                        6      1.3        -            - 
Net finance costs                                       (6.2)    (5.6)       (11.3) 
Profit before tax                                       218.2    210.7        476.2 
Taxation expense                                  10   (37.0)   (34.8)       (85.7) 
Profit after tax                                        181.2    175.9        390.5 
Profit after tax attributable to: 
Equity holders of the parent                            183.2    177.2        395.1 
Non-controlling interest (NCI)                          (2.0)    (1.3)        (4.6) 
                                                        181.2    175.9        390.5 
Earnings per share 
Basic                                             12    63.0p    61.6p       137.1p 
Diluted                                           12    62.9p    61.5p       136.8p 
Dividends declared and paid (total)               12    188.0    163.3        332.7 
Dividends declared and paid (per share)           12    66.0p    58.0p       118.0p 
   Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income (unaudited) 
                                         6 months ended   Year ended 
                                        30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                          2019     2018       2018 
                                          GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
Profit for the period                     181.2    175.9        390.5 
Other comprehensive income 
Items that are or may be reclassified 
 to profit or loss 
Movements in fair value reserve            29.6   (15.1)       (24.0) 
Deferred tax charge in relation to 
 movement in fair value reserve           (1.4)      0.4          0.7 
Exchange differences on translation 
 of foreign operations                    (0.7)    (0.8)          2.2 
Movement in hedging reserve               (1.3)       --        (0.3) 
Other comprehensive income for the 
 period, net of income tax                 26.2   (15.5)       (21.4) 
Total comprehensive income for the 
 period                                   207.4    160.4        369.1 
Total comprehensive income for the 
 period attributable to: 
Equity holder of the parent               209.5    161.8        373.7 
Non-controlling interests                 (2.1)    (1.4)        (4.6) 
                                          207.4    160.4        369.1 
   Condensed consolidated statement of financial position (unaudited) 
                                                        As at 
                                            30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                              2019     2018       2018 
                                      Note    GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
                                                     -------  ----------- 
Property and equipment                  11    163.0     28.1         28.1 
Intangible assets                       11    158.9    162.8        162.0 
Deferred income tax                     10      5.3      4.4          0.2 
Reinsurance assets                       5  1,885.9  1,608.5      1,883.5 
Insurance and other receivables          7  1,192.4  1,124.8      1,082.0 
Loans and advances to customers          7    420.8    214.2        300.2 
Financial investments                    7  2,945.6  2,876.3      2,969.7 
Cash and cash equivalents                7    461.4    309.5        376.8 
Total assets                                7,233.3  6,328.6       6802.5 
Share capital                           12      0.3      0.3          0.3 
Share premium account                          13.1     13.1         13.1 
Other reserves                                 57.7     37.0         31.4 
Retained earnings                             740.0    620.0        713.5 
Total equity attributable to equity 
 holders of the parent                        811.1    670.4        758.3 
Non-controlling interests                      11.5      8.3         12.8 
Total equity                                  822.6    678.7        771.1 
Insurance contracts                      5  3,929.1  3,543.5      3,736.4 
Subordinated and other financial 
 liabilities                             7    484.5    404.0        444.2 
Trade and other payables              7,11  1,811.1  1,664.0      1,801.5 
Lease liabilities                        7    143.0       --           -- 
Current tax liabilities                 10     43.0     38.4         49.3 
Total liabilities                           6,410.7  5,649.9      6,031.4 
Total equity and total liabilities          7,233.3  6,328.6      6,802.5 
   Condensed consolidated cash flow statement (unaudited) 
                                                               6 months ended   Year ended 
                                                              30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                                                2019     2018       2018 
                                                        Note    GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
Profit after tax                                                181.2    175.9        390.5 
Adjustments for non-cash items 
 --    Depreciation                                       11     12.3      6.1         12.0 
 --    Amortisation of software                           11      8.2      7.5         15.5 
 --    Movement in provision for loans and advances to 
       customers                                           7      6.0      4.0          8.9 
 --    Share scheme charges                                9     26.5     21.9         49.8 
 --    Loans: interest income receivable                       (13.3)    (5.1)       (15.0) 
 --    Loans: interest income received                           11.6      4.2         13.6 
 --    Investment return                                   6   (18.3)   (17.2)       (36.0) 
--    Finance costs, including interest expenses on f 
       for loans                                           6      9.1      6.5         14.9 
 --    Taxation expense                                   10     37.0     34.8         85.7 
Change in gross insurance contract liabilities                  192.7    229.6        422.5 
Change in reinsurance assets                                    (2.4)     29.1      (245.9) 
Change in insurance and other receivables                     (112.1)  (188.1)      (145.0) 
Change in loans and advances to customers                     (126.6)  (152.0)      (242.9) 
Change in trade and other payables, including 
 tax and social security                                          9.6     22.4        159.9 
Cash flows from operating activities, 
 before movements in investments                                221.5    179.6        488.5 
Purchases of financials instruments                           (905.9)  (538.2)    (1,830.2) 
Proceeds on disposal/ maturity of financial 
 instruments                                                    985.2    358.7      1,573.4 
Interest and investment income received                           8.6      4.0          8.0 
Cash flows from operating activities, 
 net of movements in investments                                309.4      4.1        239.7 
Taxation payments                                              (47.4)   (21.0)       (55.6) 
Net cash flow from operating activities                         262.0   (16.9)        184.1 
Cash flows from investing activities: 
Purchases of property, equipment and software                  (13.5)   (11.0)       (23.9) 
Net cash used in investing activities                          (13.5)   (11.0)       (23.9) 
Cash flows from financing activities: 
Non-controlling interest capital contribution                     1.6       --         19.3 
Proceeds on issue of loan backed securities                      85.1       --        168.3 
(Repayment)/proceeds from other financial 
 liabilities                                                   (46.5)    180.0         51.9 
Finance costs paid, including interest 
 expense paid on funding for loans                             (10.4)    (6.1)       (14.1) 
Principal elements of lease payments                            (5.5)       --           -- 
Equity dividends paid                                     12  (188.0)  (163.3)      (332.7) 
Net cash used in financing activities                         (163.7)     10.6      (107.3) 
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and 
 cash equivalents                                                84.8   (17.3)         52.9 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January                          376.8    326.8        326.8 
Effects of changes in foreign exchange 
 rates                                                          (0.2)       --        (2.9) 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                 7    461.4    309.5        376.8 
   Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity (unaudited) 
   For the half year ended 30 June 2019 
                                         Attributable to the owners of the Company 
                                      Share      Fair               Foreign   Retained 
                            Share     premium    value   Hedging    exchange    profit            Non-controlling   Total 
                            Capital   account   reserve   reserve   reserve    and loss   Total      interests      equity 
                             GBPm      GBPm      GBPm      GBPm       GBPm       GBPm      GBPm         GBPm         GBPm 
                                     --------  --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ------- 
At 1 January 2018               0.3      13.1      36.4        --       16.0      580.3    646.1              9.7    655.8 
Profit/(loss) for the 
 period                          --        --        --        --         --      177.2    177.2            (1.3)    175.9 
Other comprehensive 
Movements in fair value 
 reserve                         --        --    (15.1)        --         --         --   (15.1)               --   (15.1) 
Deferred tax charge 
 in relation to movement 
 in fair value reserve           --        --       0.4        --         --         --      0.4               --      0.4 
Currency translation 
 differences                     --        --        --        --      (0.7)         --    (0.7)            (0.1)    (0.8) 
Total comprehensive 
 income for the period           --        --    (14.7)        --      (0.7)      177.2    161.8            (1.4)    160.4 
Transactions with equity 
Dividends                        --        --        --        --         --    (163.3)  (163.3)               --  (163.3) 
Share scheme credit              --        --        --        --         --       24.9     24.9               --     24.9 
Deferred tax credit 
 on share scheme credit          --        --        --        --         --        0.9      0.9               --      0.9 
Contributions by NCIs            --        --        --        --         --         --       --               --       -- 
Total transactions 
 with equity holders             --        --        --        --         --    (137.5)  (137.5)               --  (137.5) 
As at 30 June 2018              0.3      13.1      21.7        --       15.3      620.0    670.4              8.3    678.7 
At 1 January 2018               0.3      13.1      36.4        --       16.0      580.3    646.1              9.7    655.8 
Initial application 
 of IFRS 9                       --        --       0.4        --         --      (0.4)       --               --       -- 
Adjusted balance at 
 1 January 2018                 0.3      13.1      36.8        --       16.0      579.9    646.1              9.7    655.8 
Profit/(loss) for the 
 period                          --        --        --        --         --      395.1    395.1            (4.6)    390.5 
Other comprehensive 
Movements in fair value 
 reserve                         --        --    (24.0)        --         --         --   (24.0)               --   (24.0) 
Deferred tax charge 
 in relation to movement 
 in fair value reserve           --        --       0.7        --         --         --      0.7               --      0.7 
Movement in hedging 
 reserve                         --        --        --     (0.3)         --         --    (0.3)               --    (0.3) 
Currency translation 
 differences                     --        --        --        --        2.2         --      2.2               --      2.2 
Total comprehensive 
 income for the period           --        --    (23.3)     (0.3)        2.2      395.1    373.7            (4.6)    369.1 
Transactions with equity 
Dividends                        --        --        --        --         --    (332.7)  (332.7)            (0.4)  (333.1) 
Share scheme credit              --        --        --        --         --       56.7     56.7               --     56.7 
Deferred tax credit 
 on share scheme credit          --        --        --        --         --        3.3      3.3               --      3.3 
Contributions by NCIs            --        --        --        --         --       11.2     11.2              8.1     19.3 
Total transaction with 
 equity holders                  --        --        --        --         --    (261.5)  (261.5)              7.7  (253.8) 
As at 31 December 2018          0.3      13.1      13.5     (0.3)       18.2      713.5    758.3             12.8    771.1 
   Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity (unaudited) 
   For the half year ended 30 June 2019 
                                         Attributable to the owners of the Company 
                                      Share      Fair               Foreign   Retained 
                            Share     premium    value   Hedging    exchange    profit            Non-controlling   Total 
                            Capital   account   reserve   reserve   reserve    and loss   Total      interests      equity 
                             GBPm      GBPm      GBPm      GBPm       GBPm       GBPm      GBPm         GBPm         GBPm 
                                     --------  --------  --------  ---------  ---------  ------- 
At 1 January 2019               0.3      13.1      13.5     (0.3)       18.2      713.5    758.3             12.8    771.1 
Profit/(loss) for 
 the period                      --        --        --        --         --      183.2    183.2            (2.0)    181.2 
Other comprehensive 
Movements in fair 
 value reserve                   --        --      29.6        --         --         --     29.6               --     29.6 
Deferred tax charge 
 in relation to movement 
 in fair value reserve           --        --     (1.4)        --         --         --    (1.4)               --    (1.4) 
Movement in hedging 
 reserve                         --        --        --     (1.3)         --         --    (1.3)               --    (1.3) 
Currency translation 
 differences                     --        --        --        --      (0.6)         --    (0.6)            (0.1)    (0.7) 
Total comprehensive 
 income for the period           --        --      28.2     (1.3)      (0.6)      183.2    209.5            (2.1)    207.4 
Transactions with 
 equity holders 
Dividends                        --        --        --        --         --    (188.0)  (188.0)               --  (188.0) 
Share scheme credit              --        --        --        --         --       28.0     28.0               --     28.0 
Deferred tax credit 
 on share scheme credit          --        --        --        --         --        2.5      2.5               --      2.5 
Contributions by 
 NCIs                            --        --        --        --         --         --       --              2.2      2.2 
Changes in ownership 
 interests without 
 a change in control             --        --        --        --         --        0.8      0.8            (1.4)    (0.6) 
Total transactions 
 with equity holders             --        --        --        --         --    (156.7)  (156.7)              0.8  (155.9) 
As at 30 June 2019              0.3      13.1      41.7     (1.6)       17.6      740.0    811.1             11.5    822.6 
   Notes to the financial statements (unaudited) 
   1.       General information 
   Admiral Group plc (the "Company") is a company incorporated in the 
United Kingdom and registered and domiciled in England and Wales. Its 
registered office is at T Admiral, David Street, Cardiff, CF10 2EH and 
its shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. 
   The condensed interim financial statements comprise the results and 
balances of the Company and its subsidiaries (the Group) for the 
six-month period ended 30 June 2019 and the comparative periods for the 
six-months ended 30 June 2018 and the year ended 31 December 2018. This 
condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance 
with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU, and should 
be read in conjunction with the Group's last annual consolidated 
financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2018 
("last annual financial statements").  They do not include all of the 
information required for a complete set of IFRS financial statements. 
However, selected explanatory notes are included to explain events and 
transactions that are significant to an understanding of the changes in 
the Group's financial position and performance since the last annual 
financial statements. 
   As required by the FCA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules, the 
condensed set of financial statements has been prepared applying the 
accounting policies and presentation that were applied in the 
preparation of the Company's published consolidated financial statements 
for the year ended 31 December 2018, except where new accounting 
standards apply as noted below. 
   The financial statements of the Company's subsidiaries are consolidated 
in the Group financial statements. In accordance with IAS 24, 
transactions or balances between Group companies that have been 
eliminated on consolidation are not reported as related party 
   The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 December 2018 
are not the Company's statutory accounts for that financial year. Those 
accounts have been reported on by the Company's auditors and delivered 
to the registrar of companies. The report of the auditors was: 
   1. unqualified; 
   2. did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew 
      attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report; and 
   3. did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies 
      Act 2006. 
   The accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis. In considering 
the appropriateness of this assumption, the Board have reviewed the 
Group's projections for the next twelve months and beyond. Further 
information is given in note 2 below. 
   2.                  Basis of preparation 
   The condensed set of interim financial statements have been prepared 
applying the accounting policies and presentation that were applied in 
the preparation of the Company's published consolidated financial 
statements for the year ended 31 December 2018, other than for the 
adoption of IFRS 16 as outlined below. 
   A number of other IFRS and interpretations have been endorsed by the EU 
in the period to 30 June 2019 and although they have been adopted by the 
Group, none of them has had a material impact on the Group's financial 
   The Group's assessment of the impact of standards that have yet to be 
adopted remains consistent with 
   that reported on page 129 of the Group's 2018 Annual Report. 
   The accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis. In considering 
this requirement, the Directors have taken into account the following: 
   -- The Group's projections for the next 12 months and beyond, in particular 
      the profit forecasts, 
   regulatory capital surpluses and levels and sources of liquidity; 
   -- The risks included on the Group's risk register that could impact on the 
      Group's financial 
   performance, levels of liquidity and solvency over the next 12 months; 
   -- The risks on the Group's risk register that could be a threat to the 
      Group's business model and 
   capital adequacy. 
   The Group's business activities, together with the factors likely to 
affect its future development, 
   performance and position are set out in the Strategic Report in the 2018 
Annual Report. An update to 
   the Group's principal risks and uncertainties since the 2018 year end is 
included in the review preceding these financial statements. In addition, 
the Governance Report in the 2018 Annual Report includes the Directors' 
statement on the viability of the Group over a three year period. 
   Following consideration of the above, the Directors have reasonable 
expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in 
operation for the foreseeable future, a period not less than 12 months 
from the date of this report, and that it is therefore appropriate to 
adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements. 
   The accounting policies set out in the notes to the financial statements 
have, unless otherwise stated, been applied consistently to all periods 
presented in these Group financial statements. 
   The financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis, 
except for the revaluation of financial assets classified as fair value 
through profit or loss or fair value through other comprehensive income. 
The Group and Company financial statements are presented in pounds 
sterling, rounded to the nearest GBP0.1 million. 
   Subsidiaries are entities controlled by the Group. The Group controls an 
entity when it is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from 
its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those 
returns through its power over the entity. In assessing control, the 
Group takes into consideration potential voting rights that are 
currently exercisable. The acquisition date is the date on which control 
is transferred to the acquirer. The financial statements of subsidiaries 
are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date that 
control commences until the date that control ceases. Losses applicable 
to the non-controlling interests in a subsidiary are allocated to the 
non-controlling interests even if doing so causes the non-controlling 
interests to have a deficit balance. 
   The preparation of financial statements requires management to make 
judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of 
policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and 
expenses.  The estimates and associated assumptions are based on 
historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be 
reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis 
of making the judgements about carrying values of assets and liabilities 
that are not readily apparent from other sources. 
   The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing 
basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in 
which the estimate is reviewed if this revision affects only that period, 
or in the period of the revision and future periods if the revision 
affects both current and future periods. To the extent that a change in 
an accounting estimate gives rise to changes in assets and liabilities, 
it is recognised by adjusting the carrying amount of the related asset 
or liability in the period of the change. 
   Adoption of new accounting standards: IFRS 16 
   During the year the Group has adopted IFRS 16 Leases with a date of 
initial application of 1 January 2019. 
   IFRS 16 introduced a single, on-balance sheet accounting model for 
lessees.  As a result, the Group, as a lessee, has recognised 
right-of-use assets representing its rights to use the underlying assets 
and lease liabilities representing its obligations to make lease 
   As permitted by the transitional provisions of IFRS 16 the Group has 
elected to use the modified retrospective approach, and as such has not 
restated prior year comparatives (which are presented, as previously 
reported, under IAS 17 and related interpretations). 
   The adjustments arising from transition are recognised in the opening 
balance sheet on 1 January 2019, and are set out below along with 
details of the changes in accounting policies relating to IFRS 16 as 
applied in the period. 
   a)              Definition of a lease and practical expedients applied 
   Previously, the Group determined at contract inception whether an 
arrangement was or contained a lease under IFRIC 4 Determining Whether 
an Arrangement contains a Lease.  The Group now assesses whether a 
contract is or contains a lease based on the new definition of a lease, 
which under IFRS 16 is where a contract conveys a right to control the 
use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for 
   The Group has also used the following practical expedients permitted by 
the standard: 
   -- the use of a single discount rate to a portfolio of leases with 
      reasonably similar characteristics; 
   -- the use of hindsight in determining the lease term where the contract 
      contains options to extend or terminate the lease; 
   -- the exclusion of initial direct costs for the measurement of the 
      right-of-use asset at the date of initial application. 
   b)      Impact of transition 
   On adoption of IFRS 16, the Group recognised additional right-of-use 
assets, and additional lease liabilities in relation to leases which 
were previously classified as 'operating leases' under IAS 17 Leases. 
The liabilities were measured at the present value of the remaining 
lease payments, discounted using the Group's incremental borrowing rate 
as of 1 January 2019. The weighted average incremental borrowing rate 
(discount rate) applied is 2.4%. 
   A reconciliation of the Group's lease liabilities to the operating lease 
commitment at 31 December 2018 as disclosed in the Group's consolidated 
financial statements is shown below. 
-------------------------------------------------------  ------------ 
   Operating lease commitments disclosed as at 
    31 December 2018                                            185.9 
Impact of extension options exercised before 
 the date of initial application*(1)                             12.7 
Impact of changes in relation to IFRS 16 treatment(*1)         (24.0) 
Adjusted operating lease commitments under IFRS 
 16                                                             174.6 
Impact of discount at the date of initial application          (25.4) 
Lease liability recognised at 1 January 2019                    149.2 
Current                                                          10.5 
Non-current                                                     138.7 
   *(1) Following a review of lease extension options and variable lease 
payments during the IFRS 16 transition process, the operating lease 
commitments disclosed as at 31 December 2018 have been amended to 
reflect the impact of a different treatment of inflation and VAT within 
lease agreements, and lease extensions that had occurred before the 
transition date but were not previously disclosed. 
   The associated right-of-use assets have been measured retrospectively, 
at an amount equal to the lease liability, adjusted by the amount of any 
prepaid or accrued payments relating to that lease recognised in the 
statement of financial position as at 31 December 2018. There were no 
onerous lease contracts that would have required an adjustment to the 
right-of-use asset at the date of initial application. 
   All right-of-use assets relate to property leases held by the Group. 
   The following adjustment was recognised on the date of initial 
                                                          1 January 2019 
--------------------------------------------------  -------------------- 
      ROU Lease Assets                                             136.7 
      Trade and other payables- invoice accrual                      1.1 
      Trade and other payables- rent free accrual                   11.4 
      Lease Liability                                            (149.2) 
--------------------------------------------------  -------------------- 
   c)              Accounting Policies 
   The Group leases various properties, with rental contracts typically for 
fixed periods of 5 to 25 years although these may have extension 
options. Lease terms are negotiated on an individual basis and contain a 
wide range of different terms and conditions. The lease agreements do 
not impose any covenants, but leased assets may not be used as security 
for borrowing purposes. 
   Under IAS 17, all Group leases were classified as operating leases. 
Operating lease payments, including the effects of any lease incentives, 
were recognised in the income statement on a straight-line basis over 
the lease term. 
   From 1 January 2019, for each lease a right-of-use asset and 
corresponding lease liability are recognised at the date at which the 
leased asset becomes available for use by the Group. 
   The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of 
remaining lease payments, which include the following: 
   -- fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments), less any lease 
      incentives receivable 
   -- variable lease payment that are based on an index or a rate 
   -- payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term 
      reflects the lessee exercising that option. 
   The lease payments are discounted using the interest rate implicit in 
the lease. If that rate cannot be determined, the Group's incremental 
borrowing rate is used, being the rate that the Group would have to pay 
to borrow the funds necessary to obtain an asset of a similar value in a 
similar economic environment, with similar terms and conditions. 
Generally, the Group uses its incremental borrowing rate as the discount 
   Subsequently, lease payments are allocated to the lease liability, split 
between repayments of principle and interest. A finance cost is charged 
to the profit and loss so as to produce a constant period rate of 
interest on the remaining balance of the lease liability. 
   The right-of-use asset is measured at cost, which comprises the 
   -- the amount of the initial measurement of lease liability 
   -- any lease payments made at or before the commencement date less any lease 
      incentives received 
   -- any initial direct costs, and 
   -- restoration costs. 
   The right-of-use asset is subsequently depreciated over the shorter of 
the lease term and the asset's useful life on a straight-line basis. 
   The Group does not have any significant leases which qualify for the 
short term leases or leases of low-value assets exemptions. 
   3.                  Critical accounting judgements and estimates 
   The Group's 2018 Annual Report provides full details of significant 
judgements and estimates used in the application of the Group's 
accounting policies. There have been no additional critical judgements 
or estimates applied in the period. Note 5 provides further information 
as to the changes in the estimates with respect to the calculation of 
insurance reserves. 
   4.                            Operating segments 
   The Group has four reportable segments; UK Insurance, International Car 
Insurance, Comparison and Other, as set out on page 132 of the Group's 
2018 Annual Report. 
   Segment income, results and other information 
   An analysis of the Group's revenue and results for the period ended 30 
June 2019, by reportable segment, is shown below. The accounting 
policies of the reportable segments are consistent with those presented 
in the notes to the 2018 Group financial statements. 
                                                      Half-year ended 30 June 2019 
                               UK Insurance    Insurance    Comparison  Other   Eliminations(*2)   Total 
                                   GBPm           GBPm         GBPm      GBPm         GBPm          GBPm 
                                             -------------  ----------  ------  ----------------  ------- 
Turnover(*1)                        1,338.8          319.5        83.4    14.5             (9.7)  1,746.5 
Net insurance premium revenue         264.7           84.5           -       -                 -    349.2 
Other revenue and profit 
 commission                           184.1           10.1        83.4    10.5             (8.5)    279.6 
Investment return                      15.9            0.9           -       -             (1.2)     15.6 
Net revenue                           464.7           95.5        83.4    10.5             (9.7)    644.4 
Net insurance claims                (130.1)         (69.9)           -       -                 -  (200.0) 
Expenses(*3)                         (79.7)         (28.3)      (78.0)  (14.3)               9.7  (190.6) 
Segment profit/(loss) before 
 tax                                  254.9          (2.7)         5.4   (3.8)                 -    253.8 
Other central revenue and expenses, including 
 share scheme charges                                                                              (32.8) 
Investment and interest income                                                                        2.7 
Finance costs(*3)                                                                                   (5.5) 
Consolidated profit before 
 tax                                                                                                218.2 
Taxation expense                                                                                   (37.0) 
Consolidated profit after 
 tax                                                                                                181.2 
   *1 Turnover is an Alternative Performance Measure and consists of total 
premiums written (including co-insurers' share) and Other Revenue. Refer 
to the glossary and note 13 for further information. 
   (*2 Eliminations are in respect of the intra-group trading between the 
Group's comparison and UK and International insurance entities and 
intra-group interest.) 
   *3 GBP0.7m of IFRS 16 interest expense (being the Group's net share of 
IFRS 16 interest expense) included within Finance Costs in the Income 
Statement has been reallocated to individual segments within expenses, 
in line with management segmental reporting. 
   Revenue and results for the corresponding reportable segments for the 
period ended 30 June 2018 are shown below. 
                                                       Half-year ended 30 June 2018 
                               UK Insurance   Car Insurance   Comparison  Other   Eliminations(*2)   Total 
                                   GBPm           GBPm           GBPm      GBPm         GBPm          GBPm 
                                             --------------  -----------  ------  ----------------  ------- 
Turnover(*1)                        1,319.1           260.1         76.6     6.2            (10.5)  1,651.5 
Net insurance premium revenue         254.6            69.1           --      --                --    323.7 
Other revenue and profit 
 commission                           176.7             9.0         76.6     5.1            (10.2)    257.2 
Investment return                      15.8             0.6           --      --             (0.3)     16.1 
Net revenue                           447.1            78.7         76.6     5.1            (10.5)    597.0 
Net insurance claims                (129.0)          (51.2)           --      --                --  (180.2) 
Expenses                             (70.5)          (28.1)       (74.0)  (13.1)              10.5  (175.2) 
Segment profit/(loss) before 
 tax                                  247.6           (0.6)          2.6   (8.0)                --    241.6 
Other central revenue and expenses, including 
 share scheme charges                                                                                (26.4) 
Investment and interest income                                                                          1.1 
Finance costs                                                                                         (5.6) 
Consolidated profit before 
 tax                                                                                                  210.7 
Taxation expense                                                                                     (34.8) 
Consolidated profit after 
 tax                                                                                                  175.9 
   *1 Turnover is an Alternative Performance Measure and consists of total 
premiums written (including co-insurers' share) and Other Revenue. Refer 
to the glossary and note 13 for further information. 
   (*2 Eliminations are in respect of the intra-group trading between the 
Group's comparison and UK and International insurance entities and 
intra-group interest.) 
   Revenue and results for the corresponding reportable segments for the 
year ended 31 December 2018 are shown below. 
                                                       Year ended 31 December 2018 
                               UK Insurance   Car Insurance   Comparison  Other   Eliminations(*2)   Total 
                                   GBPm           GBPm           GBPm      GBPm         GBPm          GBPm 
                                             --------------  -----------  ------  ----------------  ------- 
Turnover(*1)                        2,575.7           538.7        151.0    17.5            (19.3)  3,263.6 
Net insurance premium revenue         523.9           147.9           --      --                --    671.8 
Other revenue and profit 
 commission                           389.5            18.6        151.0    13.3            (18.6)    553.8 
Investment return                      32.3             1.3           --      --             (0.7)     32.9 
Net revenue                           945.7           167.8        151.0    13.3            (19.3)  1,258.5 
Net insurance claims                (242.5)         (107.6)           --      --                --  (350.1) 
Expenses                            (146.5)          (61.3)      (144.4)  (26.9)              19.3  (359.8) 
Segment profit/(loss) before 
 tax                                  556.7           (1.1)          6.6  (13.6)                --    548.6 
Other central revenue and expenses, including 
 share scheme charges                                                                                (64.2) 
Investment and interest income                                                                          3.1 
Finance costs                                                                                        (11.3) 
Consolidated profit before 
 tax                                                                                                  476.2 
Taxation expense                                                                                     (85.7) 
Consolidated profit after 
 tax                                                                                                  390.5 
   *1 Turnover is an Alternative Performance Measure and consists of total 
premiums written (including co-insurers' share) and Other Revenue. Refer 
to the glossary and note 13 for further information. 
   (*2 Eliminations are in respect of the intra-group trading between the 
Group's comparison and UK and International insurance entities and 
intra-group interest.) 
   Segment revenues 
   The UK and International Car Insurance reportable segments derive all 
insurance premium income from external policyholders. Revenue within 
these segments is not derived from an individual policyholder that 
represents 10% or more of the Group's total revenue. 
   The total of Comparison revenues from transactions with other reportable 
segments is GBP9.7 million (H1 2018: GBP10.5 million, FY 2018: GBP19.3 
million) which has been eliminated on consolidation, along with GBP1.2 
million of intra-group interest charges (H1 2018: GBP0.3 million, FY 
2018: GBP0.7 million).  There are no other transactions between 
reportable segments. 
   Revenues from external customers for products and services is consistent 
with the split of reportable segment revenues as shown above. 
   Information about geographical locations 
   All material revenues from external customers, and net assets attributed 
to a foreign country relating to car insurance are shown within the 
International Car Insurance reportable segment shown above. The revenue 
and results of the four International Comparison businesses; Rastreator, 
LeLynx, compare.com and Preminen are not yet material enough to be 
presented as a separate segment. 
   5.         Premium, Claims and Profit Commissions 
   5a.       Net insurance premium revenue 
                                                30 June        30 June  31 December 
                                                  2019           2018       2018 
                                                  GBPm           GBPm       GBPm 
----------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Total insurance premiums written before 
 co-insurance(*1)                               1,474.0        1,401.1      2,754.1 
Group gross premiums written after 
 co-insurance                                   1,161.1        1,085.7      2,166.7 
Outwards reinsurance premiums                   (784.5)        (733.4)    (1,464.3) 
Net insurance premiums written                    376.6          352.3        702.4 
Change in gross unearned premium 
 provision                                       (80.7)         (83.1)       (87.1) 
Change in reinsurers' share of unearned 
 premium provision                                 53.3           54.5         56.5 
Net insurance premium revenue                     349.2          323.7        671.8 
   (*1 Alternative Performance Measures -- refer to the end of the report 
for definition and explanation, and to note 13a for reconciliation to 
group gross premiums written) 
   The Group's share of its insurance business was underwritten by Admiral 
Insurance (Gibraltar) Limited, Admiral Insurance Company Limited, 
Admiral Europe Compania Seguros, and Elephant Insurance Company. All 
contracts are short-term in duration, lasting for 12 months or less. 
   5b.     Profit commission 
                                         30 June      30 June      31 December 
                                           2019         2018           2018 
                                           GBPm         GBPm           GBPm 
                                   -------------  -----------  --------------- 
Underwriting year (UK car only) 
2014 & prior                                 3.8         13.8             61.1 
2015                                        10.1          5.9             11.0 
2016                                         9.7         11.1             22.9 
2017                                        11.4           --               -- 
2018                                          --           --               -- 
2019                                          --           --               -- 
Total UK motor profit commission            35.0         30.8             95.0 
Total UK household profit 
 commission                                  1.1        (1.2)            (1.8) 
Total profit commission                     36.1         29.6             93.2 
   5c.       Reinsurance assets and insurance contract liabilities 
   (i)       Analysis of recognised amounts: 
                                      30 June  30 June    31 December 
                                        2019     2018            2018 
                                        GBPm     GBPm            GBPm 
Claims outstanding(*1)                2,851.5  2,556.1      2,740.5 
Unearned premium provision            1,077.6    987.4        995.9 
Total gross insurance liabilities     3,929.1  3,543.5      3,736.4 
Recoverable from reinsurers 
Claims outstanding                    1,168.9    950.0      1,220.1 
Unearned premium provision              717.0    658.5        663.4 
Total reinsurers share of insurance 
 liabilities                          1,885.9  1,608.5      1,883.5 
Claims outstanding(*2)                1,682.6  1,606.1      1,520.4 
Unearned premium provision              360.6    328.9        332.5 
Total insurance liabilities - net     2,043.2  1,935.0      1,852.9 
   *1 Gross claims outstanding at 30 June 2019 is presented before the 
deduction of salvage and subrogation recoveries totaling GBP63.3 million 
(30 June 2018: GBP50.9 million, 31 December 2018: GBP56.4 million). 
   *2 Admiral typically commutes quota share reinsurance contracts in its 
UK Car Insurance business 24-36 months following the start of the 
underwriting year. After commutation, claims outstanding from these 
contracts are included in Admiral's net claims outstanding balance. 
Refer to note (ii) below. 
   (ii)            Analysis of gross and net claims reserve releases: 
   The following table analyses the impact of movements in prior year 
claims provisions on a gross and net basis. This data is presented on an 
underwriting year basis. 
                                           30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                             2019     2018       2018 
Gross                                        GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
Underwriting year (UK Motor Insurance): 
2014 & prior                                  12.1     38.4        123.6 
2015                                          20.5     35.8         50.9 
2016                                          19.0     42.1         70.6 
2017                                          63.6     24.0         25.4 
2018                                          24.2       --           -- 
Total gross release (UK Motor Insurance)     139.4    140.3        270.5 
Total gross release (UK Household 
 Insurance)                                    9.0      4.1          4.6 
Total gross release (International 
 Car Insurance)                               23.6     16.3         35.2 
Total Gross Release                          172.0    160.7        310.3 
                                                         30 June      30 June  31 December 
                                                           2019         2018       2018 
Net                                                        GBPm         GBPm       GBPm 
                                                     -----------  ----------- 
Underwriting year (UK Motor Insurance): 
2014 & prior                                                12.1         38.4        123.4 
2015                                                        20.5         27.3         42.5 
2016                                                        19.0         18.6         47.1 
2017                                                        43.6          7.5          8.0 
2018                                                         7.6           --           -- 
Total net release (UK Motor Insurance)                     102.8         91.8        221.0 
Total net release (UK Household Insurance)                   2.7          1.2          1.4 
Total net release (International Car 
 Insurance)                                                  9.0          6.0         13.5 
Total net release                                          114.5         99.0        235.9 
Analysis of net releases on UK Motor 
 --    Net releases on Admiral net share (motor)            50.0         56.6        111.4 
 --    Releases on commuted quote share reinsurance 
       contracts                                            52.8         35.2        109.6 
Total net releases as above                                102.8         91.8        221.0 
   Releases on the share of reserves originally reinsured but since 
commuted are analysed by underwriting year as follows: 
                                             30 June      30 June  31 December 
                                               2019         2018       2018 
Net                                            GBPm         GBPm       GBPm 
                                         -----------  ----------- 
Underwriting year: 
2014 & prior                                     6.1         21.7         70.6 
2015                                            11.9         12.4         21.3 
2016                                            11.1          1.1         17.7 
2017                                            23.7           --           -- 
Total releases on commuted quota share 
 reinsurance contracts                          52.8         35.2        109.6 
---------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
   The table below shows the development of UK Car Insurance loss ratios 
for the past five financial periods, presented on an underwriting year 
                             31 December        30 June 
UK Car Insurance loss 
 ratio development      2015  2016  2017  2018   2019 
Underwriting year (UK 
 Car only) 
2015                     87%   87%   83%   77%      75% 
2016                      --   88%   84%   77%      76% 
2017                      --    --   87%   83%      78% 
2018                      --    --    --   92%      88% 
2019                      --    --    --    --      95% 
   (iii)               Reconciliation of movement in claims provision 
                                               30 June 2019 
                                        Gross   Reinsurance    Net 
                                         GBPm       GBPm       GBPm 
                                                -----------  ------- 
Claims provision at start of period    2,740.5    (1,220.1)  1,520.4 
Claims incurred (excluding releases)     928.3      (623.9)    304.4 
Reserve releases                       (172.0)         57.5  (114.5) 
Movement in claims provision due to 
 commutation                                --        257.1    257.1 
Claims paid and other movements        (645.3)        360.5  (284.8) 
Claims provision at end of period      2,851.5    (1,168.9)  1,682.6 
                                               30 June 2018 
                                        Gross   Reinsurance    Net 
                                         GBPm       GBPm       GBPm 
                                                -----------  ------- 
Claims provision at start of period    2,403.2    (1,028.8)  1,374.4 
Claims incurred (excluding releases)     858.7      (585.5)    273.2 
Reserve releases                       (160.7)         61.7   (99.0) 
Movement in claims provision due to 
 commutation                                --        310.4    310.4 
Claims paid and other movements        (545.1)        292.2  (252.9) 
Claims provision at end of period      2,556.1      (950.0)  1,606.1 
                                              31 December 2018 
                                         Gross    Reinsurance    Net 
                                          GBPm        GBPm       GBPm 
                                                  -----------  ------- 
Claims provision at start of period      2,403.2    (1,028.8)  1,374.4 
Claims incurred (excluding releases)     1,786.2    (1,212.0)    574.2 
Reserve releases                         (310.3)         74.4  (235.9) 
Movement in claims provision due to 
 commutation                                  --        310.4    310.4 
Claims paid and other movements        (1,138.6)        635.9  (502.7) 
Claims provision at end of period        2,740.5    (1,220.1)  1,520.4 
   (iv)              Reconciliation of movement in net unearned premium 
                                                30 June 2019 
                                         Gross    Reinsurance    Net 
                                          GBPm        GBPm       GBPm 
                                                  -----------  ------- 
Unearned premium provision at start 
 of period                                 995.9      (663.4)    332.5 
Written in the period                    1,161.1      (784.5)    376.6 
Earned in the period                   (1,079.4)        730.9  (348.5) 
Unearned premium provision at end of 
 period                                  1,077.6      (717.0)    360.6 
                                                30 June 2018 
                                         Gross    Reinsurance    Net 
                                          GBPm        GBPm       GBPm 
                                                  -----------  ------- 
Unearned premium provision at start 
 of period                                 910.7      (608.8)    301.9 
Written in the period                    1,085.7      (733.4)    352.3 
Earned in the period                   (1,009.0)        683.7  (325.3) 
Unearned premium provision at end of 
 period                                    987.4      (658.5)    328.9 
                                              31 December 2018 
                                           Gross  Reinsurance      Net 
                                            GBPm         GBPm     GBPm 
                                                  -----------  ------- 
Unearned premium provision at start 
 of period                                 910.7      (608.8)    301.9 
Written in the period                    2,166.7    (1,464.3)    702.4 
Earned in the period                   (2,081.5)      1,409.7  (671.8) 
Unearned premium provision at end of 
 period                                    995.9      (663.4)    332.5 
   6.                  Investments 
   6a.       Investment return 
                                             30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                               2019     2018       2018 
                                               GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
                                             -------  -------  ----------- 
Investment return 
On assets classified as Fair Value Through 
 Profit and Loss (FVTPL)                         4.3      1.8          6.3 
On debt securities classified as Fair 
 Value through Other Comprehensive Income 
 (FVOCI)(*3)                                    14.9     13.0         23.8 
On deposits with credit institutions(*1)         0.9      1.3          3.0 
On government gilt assets(*1)                    2.1      2.0          4.1 
Net unrealised losses 
Unrealised losses on forward contracts         (0.4)    (1.4)        (2.3) 
Notional accrual for reinsurers share 
 of investment return                          (4.5)       --           -- 
Interest receivable on cash and cash 
 equivalents(*1)                                 1.0      0.5          1.1 
Total investment and interest income(*2)        18.3     17.2         36.0 
   *1 -- Interest received during the period was GBP8.6 million (30 June 
2018: GBP4.0 million, 31 December 2018: GBP8.0 million) 
   *2 -- Total investment return excludes GBP1.2 million of intra-group 
interest (30 June 2018: GBP0.3 million, 31 December 2018: GBP0.7 
   (*3 - Realised gains/losses on sales of debt securities classified as 
FVOCI are immaterial) 
   6b.       Finance costs 
                                               30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                                 2019     2018       2018 
                                                 GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
                                               -------  -------  ----------- 
Interest payable on subordinated loan 
 notes                                             5.5      5.6         11.3 
Interest payable on Lease Liabilities              2.0       --           -- 
Interest recoverable from co and re-insurers     (1.3)       --           -- 
Total finance costs(*1)                            6.2      5.6         11.3 
   *1 - Interest paid during the year to date was GBP7.3 million (30 June 
2018: GBP5.5 million, 31 December 2018: GBP11.0 million) 
   Finance costs include interest payable on the GBP200 million (30 June 
2018: GBP200 million, 31 December 2018: GBP200 million) subordinated 
notes and other financial liabilities. 
   Interest payable on lease liabilities represents the unwinding of the 
discount on lease liabilities under IFRS 16, and does not result in a 
cash payment. Further detail on the transition to IFRS 16 is included in 
note 2. 
   6c.       Interest expense 
                                             30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                               2019     2018       2018 
                                               GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
                                             -------  -------  ----------- 
Interest payable on Loan backed securities       2.6       --          1.7 
Interest payable on revolving credit 
 facility                                        0.3      0.9          1.9 
Total finance costs(*1)                          2.9      0.9          3.6 
   *1 Interest paid in total during the year to date was GBP3.1 million (30 
June 2018: GBP0.6 million, 31 December 2018: GBP3.1 million) 
   Interest expense represents the interest payable on funding for the 
Admiral loans business, in the form of a credit facility of GBP200 
million, of which GBP25.0 million (H1 2018: GBP200 million; FY 2018: 
GBP71.5 million) was drawn down at 30 June 2019 and loan backed 
securities issued by an SPE with funding up to GBP400 million, of which 
GBP253.4 million (H1 2018: GBPnil; FY 2018: GBP168.3 million) was drawn 
down at 30 June 2019. 
   7.         Financial assets and Financial Liabilities 
   7a.       Financial assets and liabilities 
   The Group's financial instruments can be analysed as follows: 
                                                 30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                                   2019     2018       2018 
                                                   GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
Financial investments mandatorily measured 
 at Fair Value through Profit and Loss 
Money market and other similar funds             1,029.3  1,200.4      1,301.1 
Derivative financial instruments                      --      0.9           -- 
                                                 1,029.3  1,201.3      1,301.1 
Financial investments classified as Fair Value 
 through Other Comprehensive Income 
Debt securities                                  1,645.1  1,371.6      1,389.9 
Government gilts                                   174.8    170.9        170.9 
Equity investments                                   7.7      2.5          7.8 
                                                 1,827.6  1,545.0      1,568.6 
Financial assets measured at amortised cost 
Deposits with credit institutions                   88.7    130.0        100.0 
Total financial investments                      2,945.6  2,876.3      2,969.7 
Other financial assets measured at amortised 
Insurances receivables                             930.9    865.6        842.3 
Trade and other receivables                        261.5    259.2        239.7 
Insurance and other receivables                  1,192.4  1,124.8      1,082.0 
Loans and advances to customers                    420.8    214.2        300.2 
Cash and cash equivalents                          461.4    309.5        376.8 
Total financial assets                           5,020.2  4,524.8      4,728.7 
Financial liabilities 
Subordinated notes                                 204.1    204.0        204.1 
Loan backed securities                             253.4       --        168.3 
Other borrowings                                    25.0    200.0         71.8 
Derivative financial instruments                     2.0       --           -- 
Subordinated and other financial liabilities       484.5    404.0        444.2 
Trade and other payables                         1,811.1  1,664.0      1,801.5 
Lease liabilities                                  143.0       --           -- 
Total financial liabilities                      2,438.6  2,068.0      2,245.7 
   (* Lease liabilities of GBP149.2m were recognised on transition on 1 
January 2019. The movement to the balance presented of GBP143.0m 
reflects cash payments in the period offset by the lease interest 
expense recognised in the Income Statement.) 
   All investments held at fair value at the end of the period are invested 
in AAA-rated or AA-rated money market liquidity funds. 
   The measurement of investments at the end of the period, for the 
majority investments held at fair value, is based on active quoted 
market values (level one). Equity investments held at fair value are 
measured at level three of the fair value hierarchy. No further 
information is provided due to the immateriality of the balance at 30 
June 2019. 
   Deposits are held with well rated institutions; as such the approximate 
fair value is the book value of the investment as impairment of the 
capital is not expected. There is no quoted market for these holdings 
and as such a level two valuation is used. The book value of deposits is 
GBP83.0 million (H1 2018: GBP130.0 million; FY 2018: GBP100.0 million). 
   The amortised cost carrying amount of receivables is a reasonable 
approximation of fair value. 
   The fair value of subordinated notes (level one valuation) at 30 June 
2019 is GBP219.8 million (H1 2018: 
   GBP219.3 million, FY 2018: GBP211.3 million). 
   7b.       Cash and cash equivalents 
                                  30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                    2019     2018       2018 
                                    GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
Cash at bank and in hand*           461.4    308.9        376.0 
Short-term deposits                    --      0.6          0.8 
Total cash and cash equivalents     461.4    309.5        376.8 
   (* GBP4.4m of cash is ring-fenced via a bank guarantee. See note 11d for 
further details.) 
   Cash and cash equivalents includes cash in hand, deposits held at call 
with banks, and other short-term deposits with original maturities of 
three months or less. 
   7c.     Insurance and other receivables 
                                        30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                          2019     2018       2018 
                                          GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
Insurance receivables(*1)                 930.9    865.6        842.3 
Trade receivables                         245.3    246.9        227.0 
Prepayments and accrued income             16.2     12.3         12.7 
Total insurance and other receivables   1,192.4  1,124.8      1,082.0 
   *1 -- Insurance receivables at 30 June 2019 include GBP63.3 million in 
respect of salvage and subrogation recoveries (H1 2018: GBP50.9 million, 
FY 2018: GBP59.3 million). 
   7d.     Loans and advances to customers 
                                                    30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                                      2019     2018       2018 
                                                      GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
Loans and advances to customers -- gross carrying 
 amount                                               437.0    219.5        310.4 
Loans and advances to customers -- provision         (16.2)    (5.3)       (10.2) 
Total loans and advances to customers                 420.8    214.2        300.2 
   *1 -- Loans and advances to customers at 30 June 2019 include GBP34.1 
million in respect of secured car finance loans (H1 2018: GBP6.6 million, 
FY 2018: GBP16.7 million). 
   Loans and advances relate to the Admiral Loans business.  The table 
below shows the gross carrying value of loans in stages 1 -- 3 and the 
corresponding credit loss allowance.  There have been no significant 
changes to the expected credit loss methodology since the 2018 Annual 
                                                                                         30 June          30 June        31 December 
                                                                                           2019             2018             2018 
        Gross carrying amount  Expected credit loss allowance  Other loss allowance  Carrying amount  Carrying amount  Carrying amount 
                 GBPm                       GBPm                       GBPm                GBPm             GBPm             GBPm 
 1                      420.3                           (5.3)                 (0.5)            414.5            206.1            292.2 
 2                        7.2                           (1.6)                    --              5.6              6.6              7.5 
 3                        9.5                           (8.8)                    --              0.7              1.5              0.5 
Total                   437.0                          (15.7)                 (0.5)            420.8            214.2            300.2 
   An expense of GBP6.0 million has been recognized in the Income Statement 
in relation to the  movement in the credit loss allowance (H1 2018: 
GBP4.1 million; FY 2018: GBP9.0 million). 
   8.         Other Revenue 
   8a.       Disaggregation of revenue 
   In the following tables, other revenue is disaggregated by major 
products/service lines and timing of revenue recognition. The total 
revenue disclosed in the table of GBP269.2 million (HY 2018: GBP253.0 
million, FY 2018: GBP542.4 million) represents total other revenue and 
profit commission and is disaggregated into the segments included in 
note 4. 
                                                 Half-year ended 30 June 2019 
                                    UK Insurance   Car Insurance   Comparison  Other  Total 
                                        GBPm           GBPm           GBPm      GBPm   GBPm 
                                                  --------------  -----------  -----  ----- 
Major products/service line 
Comparison(*1)                                --              --         73.7     --   73.7 
Instalment income                           42.7             1.5           --     --   44.2 
Fee and commission revenue                  83.8             8.7           --    0.9   93.4 
Revenue from law firms                      15.6              --           --     --   15.6 
Other                                        5.9              --           --    0.3    6.2 
Total other revenue                        148.0            10.2         73.7    1.2  233.1 
Profit commission                           36.1              --           --     --   36.1 
Total other revenue and profit 
 commission                                184.1            10.2         73.7    1.2  269.2 
Timing of revenue recognition 
Point in time                              120.0             8.7         73.7    1.2  203.6 
Over time                                   17.0              --           --     --   17.0 
Revenue outside the scope of IFRS 
 15                                         47.1             1.5           --     --   48.6 
                                           184.1            10.2         73.7    1.2  269.2 
                                                 Half-year ended 30 June 2018 
                                    UK Insurance   Car Insurance   Comparison  Other  Total 
                                        GBPm           GBPm           GBPm      GBPm   GBPm 
                                                  --------------  -----------  -----  ----- 
Major products/ service line 
Comparison(*1)                                --              --         66.1     --   66.1 
Instalment income                           38.1             1.3           --     --   39.4 
Fee and commission revenue                  88.3             7.7           --     --   96.0 
Revenue from law firms                      15.8              --           --     --   15.8 
Other                                        5.0              --           --    1.1    6.1 
Total other revenue                        147.2             9.0         66.1    1.1  223.4 
Profit commission                           29.6              --           --     --   29.6 
Total other revenue and profit 
 commission                                176.8             9.0         66.1    1.1  253.0 
Timing of revenue recognition 
Point in time                              122.7             7.7         66.1    1.1  197.6 
Over time                                   17.2              --           --     --   17.2 
Revenue outside the scope of IFRS 
 15                                         36.9             1.3           --     --   38.2 
                                           176.8             9.0         66.1    1.1  253.0 
                                                  Year ended 31 December 2018 
                                    UK Insurance   Car Insurance   Comparison  Other  Total 
                                        GBPm           GBPm           GBPm      GBPm   GBPm 
                                                  --------------  -----------  -----  ----- 
Major products/ service line 
Comparison(*1)                                --              --        131.7     --  131.7 
Instalment income                           82.6             2.7           --     --   85.3 
Fee and commission revenue                 172.4            15.9           --    1.9  190.2 
Revenue from law firms                      30.5              --           --     --   30.5 
Other                                       10.8              --           --    0.7   11.5 
Total other revenue                        296.3            18.6        131.7    2.6  449.2 
Profit commission                           93.2              --           --     --   93.2 
Total other revenue and profit 
 commission                                389.5            18.6        131.7    2.6  542.4 
Timing of revenue recognition 
Point in time                              275.3            15.9        131.7    2.6  425.5 
Over time                                   33.4              --           --     --   33.4 
Revenue outside the scope of IFRS 
 15                                         80.8             2.7           --     --   83.5 
                                           389.5            18.6        131.7    2.6  542.4 
   *1 -- Comparison revenue excludes GBP9.7 million (30 June 2018: GBP10.5 
million, 31 December 2018: GBP19.3 million) of income from other Group 
   Instalment income and profit commission from reinsurers is not within 
the scope of IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers due to the 
nature of the income. 
   9.           Expenses 
   9a.         Operating expenses and share scheme charges 
                                                             30 June 2019 
                                                              from co- and 
                                                      Gross    reinsurers    Net 
                                                       GBPm       GBPm       GBPm 
Acquisition of insurance contracts(*1)                 67.6         (51.6)   16.0 
Administration and other marketing costs (insurance 
 contracts)                                           193.9        (149.6)   44.3 
Insurance contract expenses                           261.5        (201.2)   60.3 
Administration and other marketing costs (other)      135.9             --  135.9 
Share scheme charges                                   40.5         (14.0)   26.5 
Total expenses and share scheme charges               437.9        (215.2)  222.7 
                                                             30 June 2018 
                                                              from co- and 
                                                      Gross    reinsurers    Net 
                                                       GBPm       GBPm       GBPm 
Acquisition of insurance contracts(*1)                 62.1         (49.3)   12.8 
Administration and other marketing costs (insurance 
 contracts)                                           209.5        (166.3)   43.2 
Insurance contract expenses                           271.6        (215.6)   56.0 
Administration and other marketing costs (other)      123.7             --  123.7 
Share scheme charges                                   33.8         (11.9)   21.9 
Total expenses and share scheme charges               429.1        (227.5)  201.6 
                                                           31 December 2018 
                                                              from co- and 
                                                      Gross    reinsurers    Net 
                                                       GBPm       GBPm       GBPm 
Acquisition of insurance contracts(*1)                135.1        (103.8)   31.3 
Administration and other marketing costs (insurance 
 contracts)                                           381.6        (287.9)   93.7 
Insurance contract expenses                           516.7        (391.7)  125.0 
Administration and other marketing costs (other)      249.2             --  249.2 
Share scheme charges                                   76.9         (27.1)   49.8 
Total expenses and share scheme charges               842.8        (418.8)  424.0 
   *1 -- Acquisition of insurance contracts expense excludes GBP9.7 million 
(H1 2018: GBP10.5 million, FY 2018: GBP19.3 million) of comparison fees 
from other Group companies. 
   The GBP44.3 million (H1 2018: GBP43.2 million, FY 2018: GBP93.7 million) 
administration and marketing costs allocated to insurance contracts is 
principally made up of salary costs. 
   Analysis of other administration and other marketing costs: 
                                                        30 June  30 June 
                                                          2019     2018   31 December 2018 
                                                          GBPm     GBPm         GBPm 
Expenses relating to additional products and fees          37.4     32.1              63.4 
Comparison operating expenses                              78.0     74.0             144.4 
Loans expenses (including movement on expected credit 
 loss provision)                                           14.4     10.3              22.9 
Other expenses                                              6.1      7.3              18.5 
Total                                                     135.9    123.7             249.2 
   Refer to note 13 for a reconciliation between insurance contract 
expenses and the reported expense ratio. 
   9b.       Staff share schemes 
   Analysis of share scheme costs (per income statement): 
                         30 June 2019    30 June 2018    31 December 2018 
                        Total    Net    Total    Net     Total      Net 
                         GBPm    GBPm    GBPm    GBPm     GBPm      GBPm 
                                ------          ------            -------- 
SIP charge (i)             9.4     6.5     8.6     5.9      18.1      12.3 
DFSS charge (ii)          31.1    20.0    25.2    16.0      58.8      37.5 
Total share scheme 
 charges                  40.5    26.5    33.8    21.9      76.9      49.8 
----------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  --------  -------- 
   The total share scheme charges of GBP40.5 million (H1 2018: GBP33.8 
million; FY 2018: GBP76.9 million) can be analysed between share scheme 
charges calculated in line with IFRS 2 of GBP28.7 million (H1 2018: 25.1 
million; FY 2018 GBP57.3 million) and other share scheme related costs 
of GBP11.8 million (H1 2018: GBP8.7 million; FY 2018 GBP19.6 million). 
Net share scheme charges are presented after allocations to co-insurers 
and reinsurers in line with contractual arrangements. 
   The consolidated cash flow statement also shows the gross charge in the 
reconciliation between 'profit after tax' and 'cash flows from operating 
activities'. The co-insurance share of the charge is included in the 
'change in trade and other payables' line. 
   10.              Taxation 
   10a.     Taxation 
                                                 30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                                   2019     2018       2018 
                                                   GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
Current tax 
Corporation tax on profits for the year             41.0     37.2         81.4 
Under provision relating to prior periods             --      0.4          0.2 
Current tax charge                                  41.0     37.6         81.6 
Deferred tax 
Current period deferred taxation movement          (4.0)    (2.8)          3.8 
Under provision relating to prior periods             --       --          0.3 
Total tax charge per Consolidated Income 
 Statement                                          37.0     34.8         85.7 
   Factors affecting the total tax charge are: 
                                                      30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                                        2019     2018       2018 
                                                        GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
Profit before tax                                       218.2    210.7        476.2 
Corporation tax thereon at effective UK corporation 
 tax rate of 19.0% (2018: 19.0%)                         41.5     40.0         90.5 
Expenses and provisions not deductible for 
 tax purposes                                              --       --          0.7 
Non-taxable income                                      (2.2)    (2.7)        (6.0) 
Impact of change in UK tax rate on deferred 
 tax balances                                           (1.0)    (0.6)          0.5 
Adjustments relating to prior periods                      --      0.4          0.6 
Impact of different overseas tax rates                  (3.7)    (4.1)        (8.2) 
Unrecognised deferred tax                                 2.4      1.9          4.7 
Movement on deferred tax asset on US losses                --    (0.1)          2.9 
Total tax charge for the period as above                 37.0     34.8         85.7 
   The outstanding corporation tax payable as at 30 June 2019 was GBP43.0 
million (HY 2018: GBP38.4 million; FY 2018: GBP49.3 million). 
   10b.       Deferred income tax asset 
                                Tax treatment               Carried 
                                   of share      Capital     forward  Fair value     Other 
                                   schemes      allowances   losses     reserve    differences  Total 
                                     GBPm          GBPm       GBPm       GBPm         GBPm       GBPm 
Balance brought forward at 
 1 January 2018                           6.1        (4.5)       2.9          --         (4.2)    0.3 
Tax treatment of share scheme 
 charges through income or 
 expense                                  3.2           --        --          --            --    3.2 
Tax treatment of share scheme 
 charges through reserves                 0.9           --        --          --            --    0.9 
Capital allowances                         --          0.1        --          --            --    0.1 
Other difference                           --           --        --          --         (0.1)  (0.1) 
Balance carried forward at 
 30 June 2018                            10.2        (4.4)       2.9          --         (4.3)    4.4 
Balance carried forward at 
 1 January 2018                           6.1        (4.5)       2.9       (4.6)           0.4    0.3 
Tax treatment of share scheme 
 charges through income or 
 expense                                (2.2)           --        --          --            --  (2.2) 
Tax treatment of share scheme 
 charges through reserves                 3.3           --        --          --            --    3.3 
Capital allowances                         --          0.9        --          --            --    0.9 
Carried forward losses                     --           --     (2.9)          --            --  (2.9) 
Movement in fair value reserve             --           --        --         0.7            --    0.7 
Other differences                          --           --        --          --           0.1    0.1 
Balance carried forward at 
 31 December 2018                         7.2        (3.6)        --       (3.9)           0.5    0.2 
Tax treatment of share scheme 
 charges through income or 
 expense                                  4.0           --        --          --            --    4.0 
Tax treatment of share scheme 
 charges through reserves                 2.5           --        --          --            --    2.5 
Capital allowances                         --        (0.1)        --          --            --  (0.1) 
Movement in fair value reserve             --           --        --       (1.4)            --  (1.4) 
Other differences                          --           --        --          --           0.1    0.1 
Balance carried forward 30 
 June 2019                               13.7        (3.7)        --       (5.3)           0.6    5.3 
   The UK corporation tax rate reduced from 20% to 19% on 1 April 2017. The 
average effective rate of tax for 2019 is 19.0% (2017: 19.25%). A 
further reduction to the main rate of corporation tax to 17% (effective 
from 1 April 2020) was enacted on 15 September 2016. This will reduce 
the Group's future current tax charge accordingly. 
   The deferred tax asset at 30 June 2019 has been calculated based on the 
rate at which each timing difference is most likely to reverse. 
   At 30 June 2019 the Group had unused tax losses amounting to GBP229.0 
million (H1 2018: GBP173.7 million, FY 2018: GBP217.5 million), relating 
to the Group's US businesses Elephant Auto and compare.com, for which no 
deferred tax asset has been recognized. 
   11.       Other Assets and Other Liabilities 
   11a.     Property and equipment 
                                to short                                             ROU Asset 
                                leasehold    Computer     Office      Furniture     -- Leasehold 
                                buildings    equipment   equipment   and fittings    buildings    Total 
                                  GBPm         GBPm        GBPm          GBPm           GBPm       GBPm 
At 1 January 2018                     28.7        57.2        19.7            9.8             --  115.4 
Additions                              0.2         2.3         0.9             --             --    3.4 
Disposals                               --       (0.1)       (0.1)             --             --  (0.2) 
Transfers                            (0.5)          --          --             --             --  (0.5) 
Foreign exchange movement            (0.1)          --       (0.1)             --             --  (0.2) 
At 30 June 2018                       28.3        59.4        20.4            9.8             --  117.9 
At 1 January 2018                     14.9        45.9        15.2            8.1             --   84.1 
Charge for the year                    1.2         3.3         1.1            0.4             --    6.0 
Disposals                               --       (0.1)       (0.1)             --             --  (0.2) 
Foreign exchange movement            (0.1)          --          --             --             --  (0.1) 
At 30 June 2018                       16.0        49.1        16.2            8.5             --   89.8 
Net book amount 
At 1 January 2018                     13.8        11.3         4.5            1.7             --   31.3 
Net book amount 
At 30 June 2018                       12.3        10.3         4.2            1.3             --   28.1 
At 1 January 2018                     28.7        57.2        19.7            9.8             --  115.4 
Additions                              3.1         4.9         1.9            0.1             --   10.0 
Disposals                            (0.7)       (0.1)       (0.2)          (0.2)             --  (1.2) 
Transfers                            (1.2)          --          --             --             --  (1.2) 
Foreign exchange movement            (0.1)         0.1          --            0.1             --    0.1 
At 31 December 2018                   29.8        62.1        21.4            9.8             --  123.1 
At 1 January 2018                     14.9        45.9        15.2            8.1             --   84.1 
Charge for the year                    2.8         6.5         1.9            0.8             --   12.0 
Disposals                            (0.7)       (0.1)       (0.1)          (0.1)             --  (1.0) 
Foreign exchange movement            (0.2)          --          --            0.1             --  (0.1) 
At 31 December 2018                   16.8        52.3        17.0            8.9             --   95.0 
Net book amount 
At 31 December 2018                   13.0         9.8         4.4            0.9             --   28.1 
At 1 January 2019                     29.8        62.1        21.4            9.8             --  123.1 
Initial application of IFRS 
 16                                     --          --          --             --          136.7  136.7 
Additions                              3.1         6.4         0.3            0.3             --   10.1 
Disposals                               --          --          --             --             --     -- 
Transfers                               --          --          --             --             --     -- 
Foreign exchange movement              0.1         0.1          --             --            0.4    0.6 
At 30 June 2019                       33.0        68.6        21.7           10.1          137.1  270.5 
At 1 January 2019                     16.8        52.3        17.0            8.9             --   95.0 
Initial application of IFRS 
 16                                     --          --          --             --             --     -- 
Charge for the year                    1.6         3.1         0.7            0.2            6.7   12.3 
Disposals                               --          --          --             --             --     -- 
Foreign exchange movement               --         0.1         0.1             --             --    0.2 
At 30 June 2019                       18.4        55.5        17.8            9.1            6.7  107.5 
Net book amount 
At 30 June 2019                       14.6        13.1         3.9            1.0          130.4  163.0 
   11b.     Intangible assets 
                            Goodwill      costs     Software(*1)  Total 
                              GBPm        GBPm          GBPm       GBPm 
At 1 January 2018               62.3          20.6          76.5   159.4 
Additions                         --          26.3           7.4    33.7 
Amortisation charge               --        (23.3)         (6.4)  (29.7) 
Disposals                         --            --         (1.1)   (1.1) 
Transfers                         --            --           0.5     0.5 
Foreign exchange movement         --            --            --      -- 
At 30 June 2018                 62.3          23.6          76.9   162.8 
At 1 January 2018               62.3          20.6          76.5   159.4 
Additions                         --          53.1          13.9    67.0 
Amortisation charge               --        (50.5)        (15.5)  (66.0) 
Disposals                         --            --            --      -- 
Transfers                         --            --           1.2     1.2 
Foreign exchange movement         --           0.2           0.2     0.4 
At 31 December 2018             62.3          23.4          76.3   162.0 
Additions                         --          27.2           3.4    30.6 
Amortisation charge               --        (25.5)         (8.2)  (33.7) 
Disposals                         --            --            --      -- 
Transfers                         --            --            --      -- 
Foreign exchange movement         --            --            --      -- 
At 30 June 2019                 62.3          25.1          71.5   158.9 
   (*1 -- Software additions relating to internal development are 
immaterial in both 2019 and 2018) 
   Goodwill relates to the acquisition of Group subsidiary EUI Limited 
(formerly Admiral Insurance Services Limited) in November 1999. It is 
allocated solely to the UK Car Insurance segment. The amortisation of 
this asset ceased on transition to IFRS on 1 January 2004. All annual 
impairment reviews since the transition date have indicated that the 
estimated recoverable value of the asset is greater than the carrying 
amount and therefore no impairment losses have been recognised. Refer to 
the accounting policy for goodwill in the 2018 financial statements for 
further information. 
   11c.     Trade and other payables 
                                                 30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                                   2019     2018       2018 
                                                   GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
Trade payables                                      44.0     34.3         37.9 
Amounts owed to co-insurers                        149.4    169.8        153.2 
Amounts owed to reinsurers                       1,093.9    967.5      1,122.7 
Other taxation and social security liabilities      82.8     74.4         60.4 
Other payables                                     180.9    198.6        196.0 
Accruals and deferred income                       260.1    219.4        231.3 
Total trade and other payables                   1,811.1  1,644.0      1,801.5 
   Of amounts owed to reinsurers, GBP963.7 million (H1 2018: GBP873.7 
million, FY 2018: GBP1,022.7 million) is held under funds withheld 
   11d.   Contingent liabilities 
   Rastreator Comparador Correduria Seguros ("Rastreator Comparador"), the 
Group's Spanish  Comparison business, has recently undergone a tax audit 
in respect of the 2013 and 2014 financial years.  As a result of the 
audit, the Spanish Tax Authority has denied the VAT exemption relating 
to insurance intermediary services which Rastreator Comparador has 
applied.  Rastreator Comparador will appeal this decision via the 
Spanish Courts and is confident in defending its position which is, in 
its view, in line with the EU Directive and is also consistent with the 
way similar supplies are treated throughout Europe. 
   The potential liability for the financial years currently subject to 
audit is approximately EUR5m, and, as identified in note 7, a bank 
guarantee has been provided to the Spanish Tax Authority for this 
amount.  If the exemption is also disallowed in respect of later years, 
the liability could increase to EUR19m.  No provision has been made in 
these financial statements in relation to this matter. 
   12.       Dividends, Earnings and Share Capital 
   12a.     Dividends 
   Dividends were declared and paid as follows. 
                                                 30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                                   2019     2018       2018 
                                                   GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
March 2018 (58.0 pence per share, paid June 
 2018)                                                --    163.3        163.3 
August 2018 (60.0 pence per share, paid October 
 2018)                                                --       --        169.4 
March 2019 (66.0 pence per share, paid June 
2019)                                              188.0       --           -- 
Total                                              188.0    163.3        332.7 
   The dividend declared in March 2018 represented the final dividend paid 
in respect of the 2017 financial year (August 2018 - interim dividend 
for 2018). The dividend proposed in March 2019 was the final dividend 
paid in respect of the 2018 financial year. 
   An interim dividend of 63.0 pence per share (GBP179.5 million) has been 
declared in respect of the 2019 financial year. 
   12b.     Earnings per share 
                                                              30 June      30 June    31 December 
                                                                2019         2018         2018 
                                                                GBPm         GBPm         GBPm 
Profit for the financial year after taxation attributable 
 to equity shareholders                                           183.2        177.2        395.1 
Weighted average number of shares -- basic                  290,734,955  287,551,161  288,197,247 
Unadjusted earnings per share -- basic                            63.0p        61.6p       137.1p 
Weighted average number of shares -- diluted                291,401,887  288,172,467  288,845,845 
Unadjusted earnings per share - diluted                           62.9p        61.5p       136.8p 
   The difference between the basic and diluted number of shares at the end 
the period (being 666,932; H1 2018: 621,306, FY 2018: 648,598) relates 
to awards committed, but not yet issued under the Group's share schemes. 
   12c.     Share capital 
                                           30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                             2019     2018       2018 
                                             GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
500,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.1 pence       0.5      0.5          0.5 
Issued, called up and fully paid 
290,502,737 ordinary shares of 0.1p             --       --          0.3 
287,741,113 ordinary shares of 0.1p             --      0.3           -- 
290,949,880 ordinary shares of 0.1p            0.3       --           -- 
                                               0.3      0.3          0.3 
   During the first half of 2019, 447,143 (30 June 2018: 526,851; 31 
December 2018: 3,288,475) new ordinary shares of 0.1p were issued to the 
trusts administering the Group's share schemes. 
   447,143 (30 June 2018: 526,851; 31 December 2018: 988,475) of these were 
issued to the Admiral Group Share Incentive Plan Trust for the purposes 
of this share scheme. 
   No shares (30 June 2018: nil; 31 December 2018: 2,300,000) were issued 
to the Admiral Group Employee Benefit Trust for the purposes of the 
Discretionary Free Share Scheme. 
   12d.   Objectives, policies and procedures for managing capital 
   The Group manages its capital to ensure that all entities within the 
Group are able to continue as going concerns and also to ensure that 
regulated entities comfortably meet regulatory requirements. Excess 
capital above these levels within subsidiaries is paid up to the Group 
holding company in the form of dividends on a regular basis. 
   The Group's dividend policy is to pay 65% of post-tax profits as a 
normal dividend and to pay a further special dividend comprising 
earnings not required to be held in the Group for solvency or buffers. 
   Refer to the financial review for further information about the Group's 
capital structure and financial 
   12e.     Related party transactions 
   Details relating to the remuneration and shareholdings of key management 
personnel are set out in the Directors' Remuneration Report within the 
Group's 2018 Annual Report. Key management personnel are able to obtain 
discounted motor insurance at the same rates as all other Group staff, 
typically at a reduction of 15%. 
   The Board considers that Executive and Non-Executive Directors of 
Admiral Group plc are key management personnel. Aggregate compensation 
for the Executive and Non-Executive Directors is disclosed in the 
Directors' Remuneration Report in the 2018 Annual Report. 
   13.     Reconciliations 
   The following tables reconcile significant KPIs and Alternative 
Performance Measures included in the financial review above to items 
included in the financial statements. 
   13a.   Reconciliation of turnover to reported total premiums written and 
other revenue as per the financial statements 
                                                  30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                                    2019     2018       2018 
                                                    GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
Gross premiums written after co-insurance 
 per note 5a of financial statements              1,161.1  1,085.7      2,166.7 
Premiums underwritten through co-insurance 
 arrangements and true up of 2018 gross written 
 premium                                            312.9    315.4        587.4 
Total premiums written before co-insurance 
 arrangements                                     1,474.0  1,401.1      2,754.1 
Other Revenue                                       233.1    223.4        449.2 
Admiral loans interest income and other fee 
 income                                              13.3      5.1         15.4 
                                                  1,720.4  1,629.6      3,218.7 
Other(*1)                                            26.1     21.9         44.9 
Turnover as per note 4 of financial statements    1,746.5  1,651.5      3,263.6 
Intra-group income elimination(*2)                    9.7     10.5         19.3 
Total turnover                                    1,756.2  1,662.0      3,282.9 
   (*1 -- Other reconciling items represent co-insurer and reinsurer shares 
of Other Revenue in the Group's Insurance businesses outside of UK Car 
   (*2 -- Intra-group income elimination related to comparison income 
earned in the Group from other Group companies.) 
   13b.                 Reconciliation of claims incurred to reported loss 
ratio, excluding releases on commuted reinsurance 
                                                                                            Int.      Int. 
                                   UK Motor  UK Home  UK Other(*1)  UK Total    Int.      Other(*1)   Total   Group 
June 2019                            GBPm      GBPm       GBPm        GBPm     Car GBPm     GBPm      GBPm     GBPm 
Net insurance claims                  106.2     12.6          11.3     130.1       66.0         3.9    69.9    200.0 
Deduct claims handling 
 costs                                (6.1)    (0.5)            --     (6.6)      (3.6)          --   (3.6)   (10.2) 
Prior year release/strengthening 
 -- net original share                 50.0      2.7            --      52.7        9.0          --     9.0     61.7 
Prior year release/strengthening 
 -- commuted share                     52.8       --            --      52.8         --          --      --     52.8 
Impact of reinsurer 
 caps                                    --       --            --        --      (1.5)          --   (1.5)    (1.5) 
Impact of weather 
 events                                  --       --            --        --         --          --      --       -- 
Attritional current 
 period claims                        202.9     14.8          11.3     229.0       69.9         3.9    73.8    302.8 
                                   --------  -------  ------------  --------  ---------  ----------  ------  ------- 
Net insurance premium 
 revenue                              225.4     18.1          21.2     264.7       80.6         3.9    84.5    349.2 
Loss ratio -- current 
 period attritional                   90.0%    81.7%            --        --      86.7%          --      --    86.8% 
Loss ratio -- prior 
 year release/strengthening 
 (net original share)               (22.2%)  (14.9%)            --        --    (11.2%)          --      --  (17.7%) 
Loss ratio -- reported                67.8%    66.8%            --        --      75.5%          --      --    69.1% 
   *1 "Other" includes travel insurance (UK) and underwritten ancillaries. 
                                                                           Int.    Int.    Int. 
                                   UK Motor  UK Home  UK Other  UK Total    Car    Other   Total   Group 
June 2018                            GBPm      GBPm     GBPm      GBPm     GBPm    GBPm    GBPm     GBPm 
Net insurance claims                  104.1     13.1      11.8     129.0    49.7     1.5    51.2    180.2 
Deduct claims handling 
 costs                                (5.8)    (0.2)        --     (6.0)      --      --      --    (6.0) 
Prior year release/strengthening 
 -- net original share                 56.5      1.2        --      57.7     6.1      --     6.1     63.8 
Prior year release/strengthening 
 -- commuted share                     35.2       --        --      35.2      --      --      --     35.2 
Impact of reinsurer 
 caps                                    --       --        --        --     1.8      --     1.8      1.8 
Impact of weather events                 --    (3.7)        --     (3.7)      --      --      --    (3.7) 
Attritional current 
 period claims                        190.0     10.4      11.8     212.2    57.6     1.5    59.1    271.3 
                                   --------  -------  --------  --------  ------  ------  ------  ------- 
Net insurance premium 
 revenue                              221.1     14.7      18.8     254.6    66.2     2.9    69.1    323.7 
Loss ratio -- current 
 period attritional                   85.9%    70.7%        --        --   87.0%      --      --    83.8% 
Loss ratio -- current 
 period weather events                   --    25.3%        --        --      --      --      --     1.1% 
Loss ratio -- prior 
 year release/strengthening 
 (net original share)               (25.6%)   (8.4%)        --        --  (9.2%)      --      --  (19.7%) 
Loss ratio -- reported                60.3%    87.6%        --        --   77.8%      --      --    65.2% 
                                                                           Int.    Int.    Int. 
                                   UK Motor  UK Home  UK Other  UK Total    Car    Other   Total   Group 
December 2018                        GBPm      GBPm     GBPm      GBPm     GBPm    GBPm    GBPm     GBPm 
Net insurance claims                  189.2     29.3      24.0     242.5   104.1     3.5   107.6    350.1 
Deduct claims handling 
 costs                               (11.3)    (0.5)        --    (11.8)      --      --      --   (11.8) 
Prior year release/strengthening 
 -- net original share                111.4      1.4        --     112.8    13.5      --    13.5    126.3 
Prior year release/strengthening 
 -- commuted share                    109.6       --        --     109.6      --      --      --    109.6 
Impact of reinsurer 
 caps                                    --       --        --        --     4.5      --     4.5      4.5 
Impact of weather events                 --    (3.5)        --     (3.5)      --      --      --    (3.5) 
Impact of subsidence                     --    (2.5)        --     (2.5)      --      --      --    (2.5) 
Attritional current 
 period claims                        398.9     24.2      24.0     447.1   122.1     3.5   125.6    572.7 
Net insurance premium 
 revenue                              452.5     31.2      40.2     523.9   141.7     6.2   147.9    671.8 
Loss ratio -- current 
 period attritional                   88.1%    77.6%        --        --   86.1%      --      --    85.2% 
Loss ratio -- current 
 period weather events                   --    11.2%        --        --      --      --      --     0.5% 
Loss ratio -- current 
 period subsidence events                --     7.9%        --        --      --      --      --     0.4% 
Loss ratio -- prior 
 year release/strengthening 
 (net original share)               (24.6%)   (4.4%)        --        --  (9.5%)      --      --  (18.8%) 
Loss ratio -- reported*               63.5%    92.3%        --        --   76.6%      --      --    67.3% 
   (*The group reported loss ratio has been represented at H1 2019 to 
include the impact of weather events, in line with June 2018.) 
   13c.     Reconciliation of expenses related to insurance contracts to 
reported expense ratio 
                                                                Int.    Int.    Int. 
                         UK Motor  UK Home  UK Other  UK Total   Car    Other   Total  Group 
June 2019                  GBPm      GBPm     GBPm      GBPm     GBPm   GBPm    GBPm    GBPm 
Net insurance expenses       30.1      4.5       2.6      37.2   23.0     0.1    23.1   60.3 
Claims handling costs         6.1      0.5        --       6.6    3.6      --     3.6   10.2 
Intra-group expenses 
 elimination(*1)              5.7      0.4        --       6.1    3.6      --     3.6    9.7 
Impact of reinsurer 
 caps                          --       --        --        --    0.6      --     0.6    0.6 
Net IFRS 16 finance 
 costs                        0.3       --        --       0.3    0.1      --     0.1    0.4 
Other adjustment(*2)           --       --        --        --     --   (0.1)   (0.1)  (0.1) 
Adjusted net insurance 
 expenses                    42.2      5.4       2.6      50.2   30.9      --    30.9   81.1 
Net insurance premium 
 revenue                    225.4     18.1      21.2     264.7   80.6     3.9    84.5  349.2 
Expense ratio -- 
 reported                   18.7%    30.1%        --        --  38.4%      --      --  23.2% 
                                                                Int.    Int.    Int. 
                         UK Motor  UK Home  UK Other  UK Total   Car    Other   Total  Group 
June 2018                  GBPm      GBPm     GBPm      GBPm     GBPm   GBPm    GBPm    GBPm 
Net insurance expenses       27.0      4.0       1.5      32.5   22.1     1.4    23.5   56.0 
Claims handling costs         5.8      0.2        --       6.0     --      --      --    6.0 
Intra-group expenses 
 elimination(*1)              6.9      0.4        --       7.3    3.2      --     3.2   10.5 
Impact of reinsurer 
 caps                          --       --        --        --    0.8      --     0.8    0.8 
Other adjustment(*2)           --       --        --        --     --   (1.4)   (1.4)  (1.4) 
Adjusted net insurance 
 expenses                    39.7      4.6       1.5      45.8   26.1      --    26.1   71.9 
Net insurance premium 
 revenue                    221.1     14.7      18.8     254.6   66.2     2.9    69.1  323.7 
Expense ratio -- 
 reported                   17.9%    32.1%        --        --  39.4%      --      --  22.2% 
                                                                Int.    Int.    Int. 
                         UK Motor  UK Home  UK Other  UK Total   Car    Other   Total  Group 
December 2018              GBPm      GBPm     GBPm      GBPm     GBPm   GBPm    GBPm    GBPm 
Net insurance expenses       59.7      7.4       5.6      72.7   49.7     2.6    52.3  125.0 
Claims handling costs        11.3      0.5        --      11.8     --      --      --   11.8 
Intra-group expenses 
 elimination(*1)             12.3      0.8        --      13.1    6.2      --     6.2   19.3 
Impact of reinsurer 
 caps                          --       --        --        --    0.2      --     0.2    0.2 
Other adjustment(*2)           --       --        --        --     --   (2.6)   (2.6)  (2.6) 
Adjusted net insurance 
 expenses                    83.3      8.7       5.6      97.6   56.1      --    56.1  153.7 
Net insurance premium 
 revenue                    452.5     31.2      40.2     523.9  141.7     6.2   147.9  671.8 
Expense ratio -- 
 reported                   18.4%    28.1%        --        --  39.6%      --      --  22.9% 
   (*1 -- The intra-group expenses elimination amount relates to aggregator 
fees charges by the Group's comparison entities to other Group 
   (*2 -- Other adjustments relate to additional products underwritten in 
the Group's International Car Insurance businesses. The contribution 
from these products is reported as ancillary income and as such the 
amounts are excluded for the purpose of calculation of expense ratios.) 
   13d.          Reconciliation of reported profit before tax to adjusted 
profit before tax 
                                           30 June  30 June  31 December 
                                             2019     2018       2018 
                                             GBPm     GBPm       GBPm 
Reported profit before tax per the 
 condensed consolidated income statement     218.2    210.7        476.2 
Non-controlling interest share of 
 profit before tax                             2.0      1.0          3.1 
Group's share of profit before tax           220.2    211.7        479.3 
   14. Statutory Information 
   The financial information set out above does not constitute the 
company's statutory accounts. Statutory accounts for 2018 have been 
delivered to the registrar of companies, and those for 2019 will be 
delivered in due course. The auditors have reported on those accounts; 
their reports were (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to 
any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis 
without qualifying their report and (iii) did not contain a statement 
under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
   Alternative Performance Measures 
   Throughout this report, the Group uses a number of Alternative 
Performance Measures (APMs); measures that are not required or commonly 
reported under International Financial Reporting Standards, the 
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) under which the Group 
prepares its financial statements. 
   These APMs are used by the Group, alongside GAAP measures, for both 
internal performance analysis and to help shareholders and other users 
of the Group's financial statements to better understand the Group's 
performance in the period in comparison to previous periods and the 
Group's competitors. 
   The table below defines and explains the primary APMs used in this 
report. Financial APMs are usually derived from financial statement 
items and are calculated using consistent accounting policies to those 
applied in the financial statements, unless otherwise stated. Non 
financial KPIs incorporate information that cannot be derived from the 
financial statements but provide further insight into the performance 
and financial position of the Group. 
   APMs may not necessarily be defined in a consistent manner to similar 
APMs used by the Group's 
   competitors. They should be considered as a supplement rather than a 
substitute for GAAP measures. 
Turnover        Turnover is defined as total premiums written (as below), 
                 other revenue and income from Admiral Loans. It is 
                 reconciled to financial statement line items in note 
                 13a to the financial statements. 
                 This measure has been presented by the Group in every 
                 financial report since it became a listed Group in 
                 2004. It reflects the total value of the revenue generated 
                 by the Group and analysis of this measure over time 
                 provides a clear indication of the size and growth 
                 of the Group. 
                 The measure was developed as a result of the Group's 
                 business model. The core UK Car Insurance business 
                 has historically shared a significant proportion of 
                 the risks with Munich Re, a third party insurance Group, 
                 through a co-insurance arrangement, with the arrangement 
                 subsequently being replicated in some of 
                 the Group's International Insurance operations. Premiums 
                 and claims accruing to the external co-insurer are 
                 not reflected in the Group's income statement and therefore 
                 presentation of this metric enables users of the financial 
                 reports to see the scale of the Group's insurance operations 
                 in a way not possible from taking 
                 the income statement in isolation. 
--------  ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Total premiums       Total premiums written are the total forecast 
 written              premiums, net of forecast cancellations written 
                      in the underwriting year within the Group, including 
                      co- insurance. It is reconciled to financial statement 
                      line items in note 13a to the financial statements. 
                      This measure has been presented by the Group in 
                      every financial report since it became a listed 
                      Group in 2004. It reflects the total premiums 
                      written by the 
                      Group's insurance intermediaries and analysis 
                      of this measure over time provides a clear indication 
                      of the growth in premiums, irrespective of how 
                      co-insurance agreements have changed over time. 
                      The reasons for presenting this measure are consistent 
                      with that for the Turnover APM noted above. 
-------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Group's share of     Group's share of profit before tax represents 
 profit               profit before tax, excluding the impact of non-controlling 
 before tax           interests. It is reconciled to statutory profit 
                      before tax in note 13d to the financial statements. 
                      This measure is useful in presenting the limit 
                      of the Group's exposure to the expenditure incurred 
                      in starting up new businesses and demonstrates 
                      the 'test- and-learn' strategy employed by the 
                      Group to expansion into new territories. 
Underwriting result  For each insurance business an underwriting result 
 (profit or loss)     is presented showing the segment result prior 
                      to the inclusion of profit commission, other income 
                      contribution and instalment income. It demonstrates 
                      the insurance result, i.e. premium revenue and 
                      investment income less claims incurred and insurance 
Loss           Reported loss ratios are expressed as a percentage 
ratio           of claims incurred divided by net earned premiums. 
                There are a number of instances within the Annual Report 
                where adjustments are made to this calculation in order 
                to more clearly present the underlying performance 
                of the Group and operating segments within the Group. 
                The calculations of these are presented within note 
                13b to the accounts and explanation is as follows. 
                UK reported car insurance loss ratio: Within the UK 
                Insurance segment the Group separately present motor 
                ratios, i.e. excluding the underwriting of other products 
                that supplement the car insurance policy. The motor 
                ratio is adjusted to i) exclude the impact of reserve 
                releases on commuted reinsurance contracts and ii) 
                exclude claims handling costs that are reported within 
                claims costs in the income statement. 
                International Insurance loss ratio: As for the UK motor 
                loss ratio, the International Insurance loss ratios 
                presented exclude the underwriting of other products 
                that supplement the car insurance policy. The motor 
                ratio is adjusted to exclude the claims element of 
                the impact of reinsurer caps as inclusion of the impact 
                of the capping of reinsurer claims costs would distort 
                the underlying performance of the business. 
                Group loss ratios: Group loss ratios are reported on 
                a consistent basis as the UK and international ratios 
                noted above. Adjustments are made to i) exclude the 
                impact of reserve releases on commuted reinsurance 
                contracts, ii) exclude claims handling costs that are 
                reported within claims costs in the income statement 
                iii) exclude the claims element of the impact of international 
                reinsurer caps. 
Expense            Reported expense ratios are expressed as a percentage 
ratio               of net operating expenses divided by net earned 
                    There are a number of instances within the Annual 
                    Report where adjustments are made to this calculation 
                    in order to more clearly present the underlying 
                    performance of the Group and operating segments 
                    within the Group. The calculations of these are 
                    presented within note 13c to the accounts and explanation 
                    is as follows. 
                    UK reported car expense ratio: Within the UK Insurance 
                    segment the Group separately present motor ratios, 
                    i.e. excluding the underwriting of other products 
                    that supplement the car insurance policy. The motor 
                    ratio is adjusted to i) include claims handling 
                    costs that are reported within claims costs in the 
                    income statement and ii) include intra-group aggregator 
                    fees charged by the UK comparison business to the 
                    UK Insurance business. 
                    International Insurance expense ratio: As for the 
                    UK car loss ratio, the International Insurance expense 
                    ratios presented exclude the underwriting of other 
                    products that supplement the car insurance policy. 
                    The car ratio is adjusted to i) exclude the expense 
                    element of the impact of reinsurer caps as inclusion 
                    of the impact of the capping of reinsurer expenses 
                    would distort the underlying performance of the 
                    business and ii) include intra-group aggregator 
                    fees charged by the overseas comparison businesses 
                    to the international insurance businesses. 
                    Group expense ratios: Group expense ratios are reported 
                    on a consistent basis as the UK and international 
                    ratios noted above. Adjustments are made to i) include 
                    claims handling costs that are reported within claims 
                    costs in the income statement, ii) include intra-group 
                    aggregator fees charged by the Group's 
                    comparison businesses to the Group's insurance businesses 
                    and iii) exclude the 
                    expense element of the impact of international reinsurer 
-----------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
Combined           Reported combined ratios are the sum of the loss 
ratio               and expense ratios as defined above. Explanation 
                    of these figures is noted above and reconciliation 
                    of the calculations are provided in notes 13b and 
Return on          Return on equity is calculated as profit after tax 
equity              for the period attributable to equity holders of 
                    the Group divided by the average total equity attributable 
                    to equity holders of the Group in the year. This 
                    average is determined by dividing the opening and 
                    closing positions for the year by two. 
                    The relevant figures for this calculation can be 
                    found within the consolidated statement of changes 
                    in equity. 
Group              Group customer numbers are the total number of cars, 
customers           households and vans on cover at the end of the year, 
                    across the Group. 
                    This measure has been presented by the Group in 
                    every Annual Report since it became a listed Group 
                    in 2004. It reflects the size of the Group's customer 
                    base and analysis of this measure over time provides 
                    a clear indication of the growth. It is also a useful 
                    indicator of the growing significance to the Group 
                    of the 
                    different lines of business and geographic regions. 
Effective tax        Effective tax rate is defined as the approximate 
 rate                 tax rate derived from dividing the Group's profit 
                      before tax by the tax charge going through the income 
                      statement. It is a measure historically presented 
                      by the Group and enables users to see how the tax 
                      cost incurred by the Group compares over time and 
                      to current 
                      corporation tax rates. 
   Additional Terminology 
   There are many other terms used in this report that are specific to the 
Group or the markets in which it operates. These are defined as follows: 
Accident year            The year in which an accident occurs, also referred 
                          to as the earned basis. 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------- 
Actuarial best           A probability-weighted average of all future claims 
 estimate                 and cost scenarios calculated using historical 
                          data, actuarial methods and judgement. 
ASHE                     'Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings' -- a statistical 
                          index that is typically used for calculating inflation 
                          of annual payment amounts under Periodic Payment 
                          Order (PPO) claims settlements. 
Claims reserves          A monetary amount set aside for the future payment 
                          of incurred claims that have not yet been settled, 
                          thus representing a balance sheet liability. 
Co-insurance             An arrangement in which two or more insurance companies 
                          agree to underwrite insurance business on a specified 
                          portfolio in specified proportions. Each co- insurer 
                          is directly liable to the policyholder for their 
                          proportional share. 
Commutation              An agreement between a ceding insurer and the reinsurer 
                          that provides for the valuation, payment, and complete 
                          discharge of all obligations between the parties 
                          under a particular reinsurance contract. 
                          The Group typically commutes UK car insurance quote 
                          share contracts after 24 months from the start 
                          of an underwriting year where it makes economic 
                          sense to do so. Although an individual underwriting 
                          year may be profitable, the margin held in the 
                          financial statement claims reserves may mean that 
                          an accounting loss on commutation must be recognized 
                          at the point of commutation of the reinsurance 
                          contracts. This loss on commutation unwinds in 
                          future periods as the financial statement loss 
                          ratios develop to ultimate. 
Insurance market         The tendency for the insurance market to swing 
 cycle                    between highs and lows of profitability over time, 
                          with the potential to influence premium rates (also 
                          known as the "underwriting cycle"). 
Net claims               The cost of claims incurred in the period, less 
                          any claims costs recovered under reinsurance contracts. 
                          It includes both claims payments and movements 
                          in claims reserves. 
Net insurance            Also referred to as net earned premium. The element 
 premium revenue          of premium, less reinsurance premium, earned in 
                          the period. 
Ogden discount           The discount rate used in calculation of personal 
 rate                     injury claims settlements. The rate is set by the 
                          Lord Chancellor. 
Periodic Payment         A compensation award as part of a claims settlement 
 Order (PPO)              that involves making a series of annual payments 
                          to a claimant over their remaining life to cover 
                          the costs of the care they will require. 
Premium                  A series of payments are made by the policyholder, 
                          typically monthly or annually, for part of or all 
                          of the duration of the contract. Written premium 
                          refers to the total amount the policyholder has 
                          contracted for, whereas earned premium 
                          refers to the recognition of this premium over 
                          the life of the contract. 
 Profit commission      A clause found in some reinsurance and coinsurance 
                        agreements that provides 
                        for profit sharing. 
Reinsurance            Contractual arrangements whereby the Group transfers 
                        part or all of the insurance risk accepted to another 
                        insurer. This can be on a quota share basis (a 
                        percentage share of premiums, claims and expenses) 
                        or an excess of loss basis (full reinsurance for 
                        claims over an agreed value). 
Securitisation         A process by which a group of assets, usually loans, 
                        is aggregated into a pool, which is used to back 
                        the issuance of new securities. A company transfer 
                        assets to a special purpose entity (SPE) which 
                        then issues securities backed by the assets. 
Special Purpose        An entity that is created to accomplish a narrow 
 Entity (SPE)           and well-defined objective. There are specific 
                        restrictions or limited around ongoing activities. 
                        The Group uses an SPE set up under a securitisation 
Ultimate loss          A projected actuarial best estimate loss ratio 
 ratio                  for a particular accident year or underwriting 
Underwriting year      The year in which an insurance policy is incepted. 
Underwriting year      Also referred to as the written basis. Claims incurred 
 basis                  are allocated to the calendar year in which the 
                        policy was underwritten. Underwriting year basis 
                        results are calculated on the whole account (including 
                        co-insurance and reinsurance shares) and include 
                        all premiums, claims, expenses incurred and other 
                        revenue (for example instalment income and commission 
                        income relating to the sale of products that are 
                        ancillary to the main insurance policy) relating 
                        to policies incepting in the relevant underwriting 
Written/Earned         A policy can be written in one calendar year but 
 basis                  earned over a subsequent calendar year. 
   Responsibility statement of the directors in respect of the half-yearly 
financial report 
   We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: 
   -- the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance 
      with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU; 
   -- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
      required by: 
          1. DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an 
             indication of important events that have occurred during the first 
             six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed 
             set of financial statements; and a description of the principal 
             risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; 
          2. DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related 
             party transactions that have taken place in the first six months 
             of the current financial year and that have materially affected 
             the financial position or performance of the entity during that 
             period; and any changes in the related party transactions 
             described in the last annual report that could do so. 
   By order of the Board, 
   Geraint Jones 
   Chief Financial Officer 
   13 August 2019 
   We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of 
financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six 
months ended 30 June 2019 which comprises the condensed consolidated 
income statement, the condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive 
income, the condensed consolidated statement of financial position, the 
condensed consolidated cash flow statement, the condensed consolidated 
statement of changes in equity and related notes 1 to 14. We have read 
the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and 
considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material 
inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial 
   This report is made solely to the company in accordance with 
International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 
"Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent 
Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Financial Reporting Council. Our 
work has been undertaken so that we might state to the company those 
matters we are required to state to it in an independent review report 
and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do 
not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company, 
for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have 
   Directors' responsibilities 
   The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been 
approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing 
the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the Disclosure 
Guidance and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial 
Conduct Authority. 
   As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the group are 
prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The 
condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly 
financial report has been prepared in accordance with International 
Accounting Standard 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" as adopted by the 
European Union. 
   Our responsibility 
   Our responsibility is to express to the company a conclusion on the 
condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial 
report based on our review. 
   Scope of review 
   We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on 
Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 "Review of Interim Financial 
Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued 
by the Financial Reporting Council for use in the United Kingdom. A 
review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, 
primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, 
and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is 
substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with 
International Standards on Auditing (UK) and consequently does not 
enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all 
significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, 
we do not express an audit opinion. 
   Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to 
believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the 
half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2019 is 
not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International 
Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by the European Union and the 
Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's 
Financial Conduct Authority. 
   Deloitte LLP 
   Statutory Auditor 
   London, United Kingdom 
   13 August 2019 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 14, 2019 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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