2 March 2011 
Admiral announces another record profit coupled with continued strong growth. 
Profit before tax at  GBP266 million was 23% ahead of 2009, whilst turnover rose 
47% to  GBP1.58 billion.  The Board is proposing a record final dividend for 2010 
of 35.5p per share, to be paid on 10 June 2011. 
2010 Preliminary Results Highlights 
  * Group profit before tax up 23% at  GBP266 million (2009:  GBP216 million) 
  * Record final dividend of 35.5p per share, full dividend 68.1p (2009: second 
    interim 29.8p, full 57.5p) 
  * Group turnover* up 47% at  GBP1.58 billion (2009:  GBP1.08 billion) 
  * Number of Group customers up 32% to 2.75 million (2009: 2.08 million) 
  * Non-UK car insurance turnover up 64% to  GBP78 million with customers up 61% to 
  * Record return on capital of 59% (2009: 54%) 
  * Employee Share Scheme - shares, in total worth over  GBP12 million will be 
    distributed to over 3,500 staff based on the 2010 result 
 * Turnover is defined as total premiums written (including co-insurers' share) 
and other revenue 
Comment from Alastair Lyons, Group Chairman 
"With higher profits, a capital-efficient cash-generative business model, and a 
conservatively managed business, we are very pleased once again to be able to 
propose an increase in total dividends for the year of 18% to 68.1p per ordinary 
share.  This represents 94% of after-tax earnings." 
Comment from Henry Engelhardt, Group Chief Executive 
"For the seventh consecutive year, indeed every year since we became a public 
company, Admiral Group has reported record profits and record turnover.  We have 
now exceeded  GBP1.5 billion turnover which is a fantastic achievement. 
"I'm extremely proud of how hard everyone at Admiral has worked to achieve this 
result.  Does it make sense, however, to say that I am pleased, but far from 
satisfied?  In my view, 2010 was a mixed year for the Group.  There were some 
big triumphs but also some quite sobering moments and, in a lot of areas, it's 
too early to judge the quality of the work completed. 
"The big success was the UK motor insurance business.  It's a snowball going 
like a freight train.  Downhill.  Wow!  Throughout 2010 we experienced a flood 
of new business, with UK vehicle growth at over 30%.  Everyone in the 
organisation is focussed on providing great value and service to all our 
"However there is a lot of work to be done to create sustainable, profitable and 
growing businesses outside the UK.  There is no magic formula.  In 2010 we said 
goodbye to our German operation AdmiralDirekt and we wish the team there every 
success for the future.  Closer to home, we also have a lot of work to do with 
Confused which had a tough year in 2010." 
The Directors have proposed a final dividend of 35.5p per share which will be 
paid on 10 June 2011.  The ex-dividend date is 18 May 2011 and the record date 
20 May 2011. 
Management presentation 
Analysts and investors will be able to access the Admiral Group management 
presentation which commences at 09:00 GMT on Wednesday 2 March 2011 by dialling 
+ 44 (0)20 3059 5845 and using participant password "Admiral".  A copy of the 
presentation slides will be available at www.admiralgroup.co.uk. 
Chairman's Statement 
In my statement last year I reprised Admiral's strategy since becoming a public 
company in 2004, the first two elements being to :- 
  * Grow our share of the UK private motor insurance market 
  * Exploit the knowledge, skills and resources attaching to our established UK 
    businesses to promote our expansion overseas in both private motor and price 
2010 was a year of marked progress against these strategic objectives.  In turn 
this translated into strong growth in shareholder value, Admiral delivering a 
33% Total Shareholder Return over the 12 months ending 31 December 2010.  In 
accordance with our philosophy of giving all our staff a stake in what they 
create by making them shareholders, this excellent performance will mean 
employees will again realise the maximum award of  GBP3,000 free shares in 
recognition of the achievement in full of the 2010 objectives within the 
Approved Free Share Scheme.  Someone who has been employed since flotation now 
has the potential to hold 2,041 shares under this scheme worth  GBP34,000.* 
In the UK, Admiral's strength in price comparison and significantly better than 
market average combined ratio again gave us the flexibility to achieve material 
growth in both market share and average premium.  With a 32% growth in vehicle 
count during 2010 to some 2.5 million vehicles covered by Admiral brands we 
estimate that we are now one of the top three UK private motor insurers, holding 
around 10% of the UK market.  UK car insurance profits rose 33% to  GBP276 million. 
Our expansion overseas also made considerable progress during 2010.  Two days 
before Christmas saw the launch of L'Olivier, Admiral's new car insurance brand 
in France, following that of LeLynx.fr, our French price comparison business, 
early in 2010.  We now have this complementary dual presence of motor insurer 
and price comparison website in 4 out of our 5 chosen markets.  We have found 
that the price comparison launch helps stimulate growth in what are often 
immature price comparison markets to the benefit of the direct operation, while 
the direct operation provides a willing partner in markets where some players 
are resistant to the, in our view inevitable, emergence of price comparison. 
Admiral's non-UK car insurance turnover increased by 64% over 2009.  ConTe in 
Italy advanced strongly, whilst in Spain, Balumba had 40% more customers by the 
year-end, despite difficult trading conditions.  2010 was our first full year in 
the US with Elephant Auto and, as such, was a year of building capability and 
learning how best to position ourselves in this new market.  At the end of the 
year we announced the sale of our German insurance business, AdmiralDirekt.  We 
have made no secret of the fact that we have found the German market the most 
difficult of those entered under our international expansion strategy and there 
was not, in our view, an early prospect of further investment delivering the 
required return for our shareholders. 
The UK price comparison market continued intensely competitive during 2010 with 
very high levels of media activity from the four key players.  Both turnover and 
profitability for Confused were consequently markedly down on 2009. In contrast, 
Rastreator, our aggregator in Spain, achieved very good growth in the year. 
The strength of our advance in UK Car Insurance drove our Group result for 
2010, pre-tax profits at  GBP266 million being 23% ahead of the previous year. 
Admiral's capital-light business model, transferring a significant proportion of 
our underwriting risk to reinsurance partners, allows the majority of our 
earnings to be distributed as dividends.  This year we will distribute 94% of 
post-tax earnings, our full year dividends amounting to 68.1 pence per share, 
18% up on our declaration for 2009.  Our normal dividend, growing in line with 
our growth in profits based on a 45% pay-out ratio, amounted to 32.4 pence per 
share, whilst our available surplus, after taking into account our required 
solvency, provision for our overseas expansion plans, and a margin for 
contingencies, made possible a special dividend of 35.7 pence per share.  We 
have paid such a special dividend as part of every distribution we have made 
since becoming a public company - in total  GBP398m, 52% of overall dividends. 
We recognise that Admiral now represents a significant part of the communities 
in Wales where we are based.  We identify closely with these communities and are 
delighted to sponsor the Welsh Rugby Union strip for the next three years.  We 
continue to encourage our staff, wherever they are working, to play an active 
part in their local community and Admiral provides financial support to not-for- 
profit groups in which staff are involved.  In 2010 we sponsored organisations 
and activities as diverse as the Alzheimer's Society Swansea, the National 
Theatre of Wales, and the Cardiff Mardi Gras. 
Each year we undertake an appraisal of the working of the Board and the Board 
Committees, and of my effectiveness as chairman, and seek to identify how we can 
improve our Board process and its effectiveness in setting, and having oversight 
of the implementation of, the Group's strategy.  Every three years, of which 
2010 was one such, this takes the form of an external review of our 
effectiveness.  Whilst the overall conclusion was that the Board has continued 
to work very effectively in relation to most dimensions the review also 
identified clear areas of focus.  In particular we recognise that several of our 
Non-Executive Directors are due to reach their maximum term in the next four 
years necessitating an effective process of succession planning leading to the 
recruitment of new directors with generous overlap to maintain continuity of 
knowledge and Board dynamics. 
I am, therefore, delighted that Colin Holmes, until recently Tesco's UK 
Commercial Director for Fresh Foods and a member of Tesco's Group Executive 
Committee, has accepted our invitation to join the Board and provide succession 
to the role of Audit Chair when, in due course, Martin Jackson completes his 
three terms.  Colin already has non-executive experience having been a member of 
the board of Bovis Homes since 2006. 
The review also underlined the importance of the Board increasing its exposure 
to senior managers across the Group in order to assist the Board's assessment of 
the bench strength available to support the broader executive succession 
planning and the Group's continued expansion. Whilst the straight-forward nature 
of our business, being a monoline direct private motor insurer, means that 
Solvency II is less complex for Admiral than for more broadly-based competitors, 
we recognise the need to increase our depth in risk management to ensure that 
the models supporting Solvency II are appropriately embedded in our business. 
I am often asked what is the principal reason for Admiral's success : the answer 
is a simple one - our people, embracing our Board, our executive team, our 
management, and our staff in all roles and across all geographies.  It is they 
who develop the business models, have the creative intuition, and design and 
implement the processes that, when taken all together, engender success.  To all 
our people my thanks on behalf of the Board for another very successful year. 
(*based on the closing share price on 25th February 2011) 
Alastair Lyons 
Chief Executive's Statement 
For the seventh consecutive year, every year since we became a public company, 
Admiral Group has reported record profits and record turnover.  On the face of 
it I think most CEOs would be pleased with such results.  Does it make sense to 
say that I am pleased, but far from satisfied?  In my view, 2010 was a mixed 
year for the Group.  There were some big triumphs but also some quite sobering 
moments and, in a lot of areas, it's too early to judge the quality of the work 
The big success was the UK motor insurance business.  It's a snowball going like 
a freight train.  Downhill.  Wow! 
Admiral Group has a core business that is fantastic and appears to be getting 
better.  Trading conditions in the UK were more favourable than any time since 
2000.  And I'm pleased to say we were able to take full advantage.  Big price 
hikes in the market pushed consumers to shop.  We raised our rates some, but 
also took advantage of our combined ratio advantage in the market to gobble up 
market share.  We are now home to about 10% of the UK private car insurance 
market by value.  More details on this market and our performance are provided 
by David Stevens on the following pages. 
Besides UK insurance there were other areas in the Group that did well, 
  * Growth and development of ConTe in Italy 
  * The continued growth of Rastreator, our price comparison business in Spain 
However, there were also important businesses in the Group that underperformed 
or that ran into substantial challenges, including: 
  * AdmiralDirekt, our insurance operation in Germany, which we sold at the end 
    of the year 
  * Slow growth of Elephant Auto in the US 
  * Difficult trading conditions in Spain, which acted as a brake on the 
    development of Balumba 
  * The fall in Confused's profits aligned with on-going market share decline 
    (Kevin Chidwick gives more details on this business later in this report) 
Our other operations are all young and immature businesses that need to mature 
and improve.  The Board's decision to exit the German market after three years 
is a clear indication that 'young and immature' does not give even a new 
business carte blanche to underperform.  So 2011 will be dedicated to improving 
our operations in Spain, Italy, the USA and France.  There's no magic formula 
and success will definitely not be instantaneous, but our goal is to quickly put 
these businesses on a clear success trajectory.  I'm pleased to say that I 
believe we have the right people in place to do this.  I do believe that all of 
these operations will be successful, albeit, in time. 
Already we are successful at exporting our award-winning culture.  Our 
operations in Italy, Spain and the US all gained entry to their respective 
country or area lists that measure employee satisfaction.  It is a very good 
feeling to walk into an office, hundreds or even thousands of miles away from 
one's own, and know instantly it was cut from the same cloth.  Now all we need 
to do is continue to grow ConTe profitably, get some price hikes in the Spanish 
market and generate cheaper quotes in greater volume in the US! 
Here are a few highlights from 2010: 
  * Record profits of  GBP265.5 million 
  * 32% growth in customer numbers, from 2.08 million to 2.75 million 
  * Record turnover figure of  GBP1.58 billion 
  * Record dividend declared, 35.5 p/share 
  * 59% return on capital 
  * UK Children's Christmas Parties attendance tops 1,000! 
  * 41% growth in customers, from 50,300 to 70,700 
  * First annual profit of  GBP0.8 million, a change of  GBP2.1 million from 2009 
  * Did over 164,000 quotes from launch in February '10 
  * 86,500 customers at year-end, up 144% from 2009 
  * Loss ratio after 12 months was 28 percentage points better in 2010 than 2009 
Elephant Auto: 
  * Gained license and now trading in Maryland, as well as Virginia 
  * Loss ratio figures better than expectations 
  * Did over 250,000 quotes from launch on January 18 
  * 420% growth in quotes in the year from 254,000 to 1,320,000 
As you can see, on a lot of measures 2010 was a pretty good year.  As you may 
remember (actually quite unlikely, so I'll remind you), 2009 was the Year of the 
Ox: a lot of hard-tilling of the insurance soil.  I think 2010 goes down as the 
Year of the Puppy Dog.  It was the Year of the Puppy Dog because when one looks 
at those highlights it looks like an incredibly cute, cuddly year with a lot of 
moments that you'll treasure forever.  However, as with a puppy dog, sometimes 
it wee'd on the floor! 
In sum, this is a good business and a good organisation.  It will be better. 
Time to say 'Thanks'.  In particular I'd like to highlight the contribution of 
Andrew Probert, our former Finance Director, who, instead of being retired, was 
instrumental in achieving the sale of AdmiralDirekt.  Finally, as one does, I've 
saved the best for last.  Let me say 'Thanks!' to staff, partners and 
significant others, as those record profits and record turnover numbers didn't 
happen by themselves. 
Henry Engelhardt 
Chief Executive Officer 
Business Review 
Group financial highlights and key performance indicators 
                          2008        2009        2010 
 Turnover               GBP910.2m    GBP1,077.4m    GBP1,584.8m 
 Net revenue            GBP422.8m      GBP507.5m      GBP640.7m 
 Number of customers     1.75m       2.08m       2.75m 
 Loss ratio              64.7%       69.0%       69.4% 
 Expense ratio           21.8%       23.1%       19.9% 
 Combined ratio          86.5%       92.1%       89.3% 
 Profit before tax      GBP202.5m      GBP215.8m      GBP265.5m 
 Earnings per share      54.9p       59.0p       72.3p 
Turnover comprises total premiums written and other revenue 
In financial terms the Group enjoyed a very positive 2010, producing substantial 
top line growth, a significant rise in the number of customers and strong 
increases in pre-tax profit and dividends.  Three new businesses were launched 
in the year (two price comparison businesses - in France and Italy - plus a car 
insurer in France), while the decision was taken to exit the German car 
insurance market, with a deal to sell the AdmiralDirekt business concluded in 
early 2011. 
Favourable conditions in the Group's core UK car insurance market were the main 
driver of a 47% increase in turnover to  GBP1,585 million from  GBP1,077 million.  The 
UK Car Insurance business accounted for 90% of the 2010 total.  The number of 
customers across the Group increased by almost one third to 2.75 million, and 
2010 ended with over 195,000 vehicles insured outside the UK. 
Pre-tax profit increased by 23% to  GBP265.5 million, again strongly driven by UK 
Car Insurance where profits increased by one third to  GBP275.8 million. 
Significant increases in earned premium and ancillary profits were the key 
contributors to the increase. 
The Group's investment in young and new overseas businesses continued in 2010; 
total losses outside the UK (excluding pre-launch costs) amounting to  GBP12.9 
million, up from  GBP10.3 million last year.  Encouragingly, Balumba in Spain made 
its first full year profit ( GBP0.8 million, after making a loss of  GBP1.3 million in 
2009).  The Group operates seven businesses outside the UK - four car insurers 
(Balumba in Spain, ConTe in Italy, Elephant Auto in the USA and L'Olivier in 
France) and three price comparison websites (Rastreator in Spain, LeLynx in 
France and Chiarezza in Italy). 
Confused had a tough year in the UK price comparison market, and saw revenue 
fall by 10% to  GBP71.8 million and profit decline by 34% to  GBP16.9 million. 
Other Group highlights include: 
  * Group combined ratio at 89%, improved from 92% in 2009 
  * Net revenue up 26% to  GBP641 million 
Total dividends for the 2010 financial year will amount to 68.1 pence per share 
( GBP183 million in total), up 18% on the previous year (57.5 pence;  GBP153 million). 
The Group's results are presented in three key segments - UK Car Insurance, Non- 
UK Car Insurance and Price Comparison.  We summarise other Group items in a 
fourth section. 
UK Car Insurance 
Non-GAAP*1 format income statement 
  GBPm                                      2008      2009      2010 
 Turnover*2                             804.8     939.1   1,419.7 
 Total premiums written*3               690.2     804.7   1,237.6 
 Net insurance premium revenue          161.9     199.1     269.4 
 Investment income                       17.1       7.5       8.3 
 Net insurance claims                 (105.1)   (138.7)   (192.6) 
 Net insurance expenses                (26.0)    (30.3)    (32.4) 
 Underwriting profit                     47.9      37.6      52.7 
 Profit commission                       34.7      54.2      67.0 
 Net ancillary income                    89.0     106.3     142.4 
 Other revenue                            8.3       8.8      13.7 
 UK Car Insurance profit before tax     179.9     206.9     275.8 
*1 GAAP = Generally Accepted Accounting Practice 
*2 Turnover (a non-GAAP measure) comprises total premiums written and other 
*3 Total premiums written (non-GAAP) includes premium underwritten by co- 
Key performance indicators 
                                           2008     2009     2010 
 Reported loss ratio                      62.0%    66.9%    68.3% 
 Reported expense ratio                   19.0%    18.0%    15.2% 
 Reported combined ratio                  81.0%    84.9%    83.5% 
 Written basis expense ratio              17.0%    16.9%    14.4% 
 Claims reserve releases                  GBP38.0m    GBP31.3m    GBP23.5m 
 Releases as % of net premium             23.5%    15.7%     8.7% 
 Profit commission as % of net premium    21.4%    27.2%    24.9% 
 Vehicles insured at year-end             1.59m    1.86m    2.46m 
 Ancillary income per vehicle              GBP70.7     GBP72.0     GBP77.5 
UK Car Insurance - Co-insurance and Reinsurance 
One of the key features of Admiral's business model (in and outside the UK) is 
significant use of proportional risk sharing agreements, where insurers outside 
the Group underwrite a majority of the risk generated, either though co- 
insurance or reinsurance contracts.  All contracts include profit commission 
arrangements which allow Admiral to retain a significant portion of the profit 
The two principal advantages of the arrangements are: 
- Capital efficiency - the majority of the capital supporting the underwriting 
is held outside the Group.  As Admiral is typically able to retain much of the 
profit generated via profit commission, the return on Group capital is higher 
than in an insurance company with a standard business model 
- Risk mitigation - The co-insurer and reinsurers bear their proportional shares 
of claims expenses and hence provide protection should results worsen 
In 2010, Admiral underwrote a net 27.5% of UK premiums (in line with 2009 & 
'08).  45% of the 2010 UK total is underwritten by the Munich Re Group 
(specifically Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) Plc) through a long-term co-insurance 
agreement, with a further 27.5% being proportionally reinsured to Hannover Re 
(10.0%), New Re (10.0%) and Swiss Re (7.5%). 
The nature of the co-insurance is such that 45% of all motor premium and claims 
for the 2010 year accrues directly to Great Lakes and does not appear in the 
Group's income statement.  Similarly, Great Lakes reimburses the Group for its 
proportional share of expenses incurred in acquiring and administering the motor 
New arrangements for 2011 and beyond 
During 2010, the Group signed new contracts to come into force in 2011 with two 
new quota share partners.  Mapfre Re and XL Re will both underwrite 2.5% of the 
UK business in 2011.  The remainder is split:  Admiral's net share at 27.5%; 
Great Lakes (co-insurance) 40.0%; New Re 11.25%; Hannover Re 8.75% and Swiss Re 
The Great Lakes co-insurance contract will run until at least the end of 2016, 
and will see Great Lakes co-insure 40% of the UK business for the remaining 
period.  Admiral has committed to retain at least 25% for the duration, whilst 
the allocation of the balance is at Admiral's discretion. 
UK Car Insurance Financial Performance 
Commentary on UK market conditions is included in the Chief Operating Officer's 
Total premiums written in the UK increased by 54% to  GBP1,237.6 million (2009: 
 GBP804.7 million), whilst the number of vehicles insured at year-end rose by 32% 
to 2.46 million (2009: 1.86 million). 
Admiral's premium rates rose, on average, by just over 25% during the year, 
whilst the average premium for transacted business increased by around 16% year- 
on-year (the difference in percentages reflecting the timing of rate rises over 
the course of the year).  Our estimation is that our price rises lagged those in 
the market, the resultant increase in our competitiveness, combined with the 
continued growth of price comparison contributing to the significant growth in 
vehicles insured in 2010. 
The 2010 loss ratio, before the impact of reserve releases is 77%, an 
improvement on the 83% reported in 2009.  The reduction is predominantly a 
result of the positive impact of price rises on premiums earned in the year. 
The price changes in 2010 should continue to benefit the loss ratio in 2011. 
Reserve releases in 2010 equated to 9% of UK net premium revenue ( GBP23.5 
million), down from 16% ( GBP31.3 million) in 2009.  The reduction reflects the 
recent shift in contribution between releases and profit commission in respect 
of business written in prior periods (refer to the claims reserving note below). 
After taking the lower level of releases into account, the 2010 loss ratio was 
68.3% compared to 66.9% for 2009. 
Claims reserving 
Admiral's policy is initially to reserve conservatively, above independent and 
internal projections of ultimate loss ratios.  This results in a significant 
margin being held in reserves to allow for unforeseen adverse development in 
open claims and creates a position whereby Admiral makes above industry average 
reserve releases. 
As profit commission income is recognised in the income statement in line with 
loss ratios accounted for on our own claims reserves, the reserving policy means 
that profit commission income is also deferred and released over time. 
In determining the quantum of releases from prior years, we seek to maintain a 
consistent level of prudence in reserves (taken together with 'reserves' of 
profit commission) based on actuarial projections of ultimate loss ratios.  In 
recent periods the contribution to the total margin deriving from profit 
commission has increased significantly. 
The 2010 expense ratio of 15.2% showed a notable improvement on the 18.0% 
reported in 2009.  This was partly due to increases in average premiums, but 
also reflects continued efficiencies in operations as the business grows. 
Admiral's UK expense ratio is approximately half the market average. 
The combined ratio in 2010 was 83.5%, marginally better than the 84.9% for 
2009.  The improvement in expense ratio was in part offset by the slight 
worsening in the reported loss ratio.  The latest market information available 
for 2009 shows a total combined ratio of 123% (Admiral's advantage over this 
figure being spread relatively evenly between the loss and expense ratio 
Including investment income of  GBP8.2 million (2009:  GBP7.5 million), underwriting 
profit in 2010 rose significantly to  GBP52.7 million from  GBP37.6 million in 2009. 
Of this increase, around  GBP10 million relates to higher net insurance premium 
revenue, with the majority of the remaining  GBP5 million derived from the improved 
combined ratio.  Investment income is discussed further below. 
Profit commission income from co-insurance and reinsurance partners grew 
strongly in 2010, to  GBP67.0 million from  GBP54.2 million in 2009 (an increase of 
24%).  This equated to around 25% of net insurance premium revenue, largely in 
line with 2009. 
Strong growth in customer numbers translated into a significant increase in 
ancillary profit in 2010.  Net ancillary contribution (after overhead cost 
allocation), increased by 34% to  GBP142.4 million (2009:  GBP106.3 million).  The 
increase was ahead of vehicle count growth due to an increase in the 
contribution earned per vehicle ( GBP77 v  GBP72 in 2009).  Note that whilst the year- 
end vehicle count rose by 32% in 2010, the average number of vehicles insured 
(on which the income per vehicle KPI is measured) increased by 24%. 
Overall, the high level of growth and continued strong performance across the 
Group's core business led to a one third increase in pre-tax profits to  GBP275.8 
million (2009:  GBP206.9 million). 
Non-UK Car Insurance 
Non-GAAP format income statement 
  GBPm                               2008     2009     2010 
 Turnover                         29.7     47.2     77.6 
 Total premiums written           26.0     43.0     71.0 
 Net insurance premium revenue     7.9     12.8     18.7 
 Investment income                 0.7      0.2      0.1 
 Net insurance claims            (9.5)   (13.0)   (15.9) 
 Net insurance expenses          (6.2)   (13.0)   (16.5) 
 Underwriting result             (7.1)   (13.0)   (13.6) 
 Net ancillary income              2.8      3.3      5.3 
 Other revenue and charges         0.2      0.2      0.3 
 Non-UK Car Insurance result     (4.1)    (9.5)    (8.0) 
Note - Pre-launch costs excluded 
 Key Performance Indicators 
                       Balumba   AdmiralDirekt    ConTe   Elephant     Total 
 2010                                                         Auto 
 Total premiums ( GBPm)      23.6            13.5     30.5        3.4      71.0 
 Vehicles insured       70,700          32,100   86,500      5,700   195,000 
 Result ( GBPm)               0.8           (3.2)    (2.6)      (3.0)     (8.0) 
 Total premiums ( GBPm)      17.8            14.0     11.1        0.1      43.0 
 Vehicles insured       50,300          35,000   35,500        200   121,000 
 Result ( GBPm)             (1.3)           (5.2)    (2.4)      (0.6)     (9.5) 
Non-UK Co-insurance and Reinsurance 
Significant use of reinsurance is also a feature of the Group's insurance 
operations outside the UK. 
The arrangements in Europe are generally similar and involve Admiral retaining 
35% of the risks, the majority share of 65% being underwritten by Munich Re. 
The exception is France, where Admiral retains a net 30%, with 70% reinsured 
among three reinsurers. 
Following the sale of AdmiralDirekt in early 2011, all premium written and 
earned in 2011 in Germany is 100% reinsured to the acquiring company, Itzehoer. 
The only risk retained by the Group relates to the development of open claims on 
accidents prior to 1 January 2011.  The total exposure is not material. 
In the USA, Admiral's US insurer retains one third of the underwriting, with the 
remaining two thirds shared between two reinsurers.  Both bear their 
proportional share of expenses and underwriting, subject to certain caps on the 
reinsurers' total exposures. 
All contracts have profit commission terms that allow Admiral to receive a 
proportion of the profit earned on the underwriting once the business reaches 
cumulative profitability. 
The contracts in place for Germany, Italy, France and the USA include 
proportional sharing of ancillary profits. 
Non-UK Car Insurance Financial Performance 
Total premium written outside the UK rose to  GBP71.0 million in 2010 from  GBP43.0 
million in 2009 (+ 65%).  The number of vehicles insured also continued to rise 
strongly, moving to 195,000, 61% higher than the 121,000 at the end of 2009. 
Non-UK vehicles now account for 7% of the Group's total customer base. 
In performance terms, 2010 was a mixed year outside the UK.  Balumba, the 
Group's most mature operation completed its fourth full year of trading and 
recorded its first full year profit of  GBP0.8 million.  Whilst the headline result 
is positive, the combined ratio for 2010 remained around 150%, meaning Balumba 
still has work to do. 
There was further positive news with the on-time, under-budget launch of 
L'Olivier, the Group's French car insurer, in Paris in December.  As with other 
launches, business volumes will be small for some time whilst different 
marketing approaches are tested and pricing is calibrated.  ConTe in Italy also 
had a positive year, growing its customer base by over 140% and showing 
encouraging signs of becoming a sustainable business in the short-term. 
Elephant Auto in the US, which completed its first full year of operation in 
2010, generated a lower than anticipated level of quote volumes at reasonable 
cost, and ended the year with only 5,700 vehicles insured.  The low level of 
premium that followed resulted in a very high expense ratio (though the loss 
ratio is encouraging, albeit on small volumes). 
The decision was taken in 2010 to sell our German insurer, AdmiralDirekt which 
had started writing business in January 2008.  The German market posed a number 
of challenges for the Group, including conservative customers, a small number of 
dominant and successful incumbents and an operationally challenging 'busy 
season' leading up to 1 January renewals.  The Board therefore concluded that 
the chances of creating a sustainable business in the foreseeable future were 
not high. 
In aggregate, our Non-UK Car Insurance businesses made losses of  GBP8.0 million in 
2010, down from  GBP9.5 million in 2009.  In context, the 2010 loss is less than 
3% of UK Car Insurance profits.  Each business is considered in more detail 
Balumba grew the number of vehicles it insures by over 40% in 2010, closing the 
year with nearly 71,000 customers (its highest ever level).  However, conditions 
in the Spanish market were tough given the state of the Spanish economy, with 
very low levels of new or used car sales, very little movement in premium rates 
and no growth in the market share of direct insurers.  Excluding the impact of 
currency movement, total premium written increased by around 30% to  GBP24 
million.  Balumba's rates were broadly unchanged over 2010 as a whole. 
Balumba's focus on improving the loss ratio continues to yield positive results, 
with much more satisfactory loss ratio experience in the most recent periods: 
Balumba - loss ratio development 
                       Underwriting year 
                   2007   2008   2009   2010 
 After 12 months   137%   102%    83%    87% 
 After 24 months   135%   109%    89%      - 
 After 36 months   133%   111%      -      - 
 After 48 months   133%      -      -      - 
On an earned basis, the loss ratio for 2010 was 92%, down from 100% in 2009. 
Despite growing by 40% in volume terms, a focus on cost control led to Balumba's 
operating expenses falling in 2010, and this led to an improvement in the 
expense ratio. 
Taking the loss and expense ratios together, the combined ratio on a reported 
basis improved to 148% from 163% last year.  Despite the better outcome, the 
combined ratio is still materially ahead of where it needs to be and Balumba 
management continues to focus on its improvement. 
The positive contribution from ancillaries to Balumba's result continued in 
2010, with in excess of EUR75 in contribution generated per policy sold and 
renewed.  This was modestly higher than in 2009, and in total led to Balumba 
making a profit for the year of  GBP0.8 million. 
For reasons noted above, AdmiralDirekt was sold to a German insurer (Itzehoer 
Versicherungen) in a deal that concluded in early January 2011. 
The transaction involved a sale of the trade and certain assets of the business; 
the consideration for which was not materially different to the carrying value 
of the assets in the balance sheet at the year-end. 
The sale also involved signing a new reinsurance arrangement with Itzehoer, 
resulting in all premium earned from 1 January 2011 onwards being fully 
reinsured to Itzehoer.  All expenses incurred from January 2011 onwards are also 
borne by the buyer.  The only remaining economic exposure the Group has in 
Germany is the development of claims relating to accidents prior to 1 January 
2011.  At the balance sheet date, net reserves for these claims totalled only  GBP1 
AdmiralDirekt's result for 2010 was a loss of around  GBP3 million, notably better 
than the  GBP5 million loss in 2009.  The combined ratio was over 50 percentage 
points better in 2010 (183% v 238%), with the improvement being spread over the 
loss and expense ratios.  Earned premium was broadly flat at  GBP4 million across 
2009 and '10. 
There should be no material impact to the Group's income statement relating to 
the AdmiralDirekt business in the future. 
Market conditions in Italy were positive for ConTe in 2010, with significant 
increases in premium rates in the market being a catalyst for strong growth. 
ConTe's customer base increased from 35,500 at the start of the year to over 
86,500 at the end.  Total premiums (excluding currency impacts) increased by 
over 150% to  GBP30 million.  ConTe's base premium rates increased relatively 
significantly during the year, by around 16% on average across new business and 
This strong growth was accompanied by a positive loss ratio outcome on the 2010 
underwriting year, which was at 70% after 12 months, compared to 98% for the 
2009 year.  The 2010 ratio includes a significant allowance for incurred but not 
reported (IBNR) claims. 
ConTe - loss ratio development 
                   Underwriting year 
                   2008   2009   2010 
 After 12 months    87%    98%    70% 
 After 24 months   105%   103%      - 
 After 36 months   119%      -      - 
On an earned basis, the 2010 loss ratio improved to 84% from 98% in 2009. 
Operating costs were a key area of focus in ConTe, and expense ratios are 
developing positively as the business grows.  On a written basis, the expense 
ratio in 2010 improved to 45% (from 80%) whilst on an earned basis the 
improvement was to 70% from 145%. 
After net ancillary contribution of around  GBP1 million, ConTe made a loss of  GBP2.6 
million in 2010, broadly in line with 2009, but on substantially higher earned 
premium ( GBP6.7 million v  GBP1.9 million). 
Elephant Auto 
Elephant completed its first full year of operation in 2010, having launched in 
October 2009.  Although still early days for the business, volumes (in quote and 
sales terms) were below expectation and full year premium only totalled around 
 GBP4 million.  Elephant insured around 5,700 cars at the end of the year. 
One of the key positive features of the first year's performance was the loss 
ratio, which (excluding loss adjustment costs) despite being on gross earned 
premium of only around  GBP2.4 million, finished the year at around 60% including 
Elephant is currently focussing on its marketing activity in order to generate 
higher volumes at an acceptable acquisition cost.  Having only operated in 
Virginia in 2010, Elephant also started selling in adjacent Maryland in early 
2011 to improve the efficiency of its advertising. 
In 2010, Elephant made a loss of around  GBP3 million. 
L'Olivier Assurances 
The Group's new French car insurer launched in Paris late in 2010.  The short- 
term strategy will be based on test and learn and volumes are not expected to be 
significant for some time.  Pre-launch costs were well below  GBP1 million. 
The approach taken in the French market is different to other launches in the 
sense that much of the operational side of the business is outsourced to a 
specialist external company.  This means far greater certainty over expenses and 
should result in a lower combined ratio in the early stages of the business' 
Price Comparison 
Non-GAAP format income statement 
  GBPm                               2008     2009     2010 
 Motor                            52.9     62.2     59.6 
 Other                            13.2     18.3     16.1 
 Total                            66.1     80.5     75.7 
 Operating expenses             (40.5)   (55.6)   (63.6) 
 Operating profit                 25.6     24.9     12.1 
 Confused.com profit              25.6     25.7     16.9 
 Non-UK Price Comparison loss        -    (0.8)    (4.8) 
                                  25.6     24.9     12.1 
UK Price Comparison - Confused.com: 
In 2010, Confused endured its toughest year since launch, recording falls in 
market share, revenue and operating profit.  UK price comparison remains a 
fiercely competitive market, with substantial amounts spent on advertising by 
the four main incumbents.  Group Finance Director Kevin Chidwick, who has Board 
responsibility for Confused, comments further on the market and Confused's 
position within it in his review. 
Revenue at Confused fell by around 10% to  GBP71.8 million (2009:  GBP80.1 million). 
The key cause was a disappointing media campaign during the year which led to 
falls in market share in motor and home insurance comparison.  Revenue from 
products other than motor insurance totalled  GBP15.9 million (2009:  GBP18.3 
million), 22% of the total (2009: 23%). 
Operating expenses were broadly flat at just under  GBP55 million, meaning Confused 
delivered an operating profit of  GBP16.9 million, one third lower than 2009's 
result.  As a consequence of flat expenses and falling revenue, the operating 
margin percentage fell to 23.5% from 32.0%. 
Non-UK Price Comparison: 
Having launched in March 2009, Rastreator completed its first full year of 
operation in 2009.  Revenue totalled  GBP3.3 million, and the loss of  GBP1.0 million 
represented an encouraging result after just 22 months in business. 
Rastreator increased the range of products on which it offers comparison during 
2010, and now provides quotes on motor, motorcycle, home and life insurance. 
Motor insurance leads account for over 90% of Rastreator's total revenue. 
LeLynx & Chiarezza 
Having traded for less than a full year at the end of 2010, figures for these 
two new operations are not yet significant.  Combined revenue was around  GBP0.6 
million, and the two businesses made an aggregate loss of  GBP3.8 million as they 
developed market presence through advertising.  Further detail will be provided 
as the businesses become more significant. 
Other Group Items 
  GBPm                            2008    2009     2010 
 Gladiator operating profit     2.8     2.4      2.7 
 Group net interest income      6.6     1.1      1.1 
 Share scheme charges         (5.9)   (9.2)   (15.0) 
 Expansion costs              (0.8)   (2.0)    (1.1) 
 Other central overhead       (1.6)   (1.7)    (2.1) 
Gladiator is a commercial vehicle insurance broker offering van insurance and 
associated products, typically to small businesses.  Distribution is via 
telephone and internet (including price comparison websites). 
Non GAAP income statement and key performance indicators 
  GBPm                   2008     2009     2010 
 Revenue               9.5     10.6     11.8 
 Expenses            (6.7)    (8.2)    (9.1) 
 Operating profit      2.8      2.4      2.7 
 Operating margin      29%      23%      23% 
 Customer numbers   84,900   93,400   94,500 
Gladiator's customer base remained broadly flat over the course of 2010 as the 
van insurance market remained very competitive.  The business was, however, able 
to increase the amount of revenue earned from each relationship. 
Operating profit consequently increased to  GBP2.7 million from  GBP2.4 million, 
whilst the operating margin percentage was flat at 23%. 
Share scheme charges 
The charge in the income statement related to the Group's two share schemes 
increased to  GBP15.0 million from  GBP9.2 million for two key reasons: 
  * Higher share price at award:  The weighted average share price for shares 
    awarded in 2010 was  GBP13.90 compared to  GBP9.90 in 2009 (+40%) 
  * Higher number of shares awarded:  In 2010, a total of 2.4 million shares 
    were awarded under the Group's schemes - 10% higher than in 2009, reflecting 
    growth in Group headcount 
Investments and Cash 
Investment strategy 
Once again, there was no change in investment strategy, and the Group's funds 
were held either in money market funds, term deposits or as cash at bank. 
The key focus of the Group's investment strategy is capital preservation, with 
additional priorities being focus on low volatility of investment return and 
high levels of liquidity. 
Cash and investments analysis 
                                            31 December 2010 
                              UK Car         Car        Price 
                           Insurance   Insurance   Comparison   Other   Total 
                                   GBPm           GBPm            GBPm       GBPm       GBPm 
 Money market funds            333.8        29.8            -       -   363.6 
 Long-term cash deposits       283.0         6.6            -    10.0   299.6 
 Cash                           90.6        40.3         11.2   104.6   246.7 
 Total                         707.4        76.7         11.2   114.6   909.9 
                                             31 December 2009 
                               UK Car         Car        Price 
                            Insurance   Insurance   Comparison   Other   Total 
                                    GBPm           GBPm            GBPm       GBPm       GBPm 
 Money market funds             208.5        29.2            -       -   237.7 
 Long-term cash deposits        178.5         5.0            -       -   183.5 
 Short-term cash deposits           -           -            -    20.0    20.0 
 Cash                           112.9        21.3          9.0    48.6   191.8 
 Total                          499.9        55.5          9.0    68.6   633.0 
The allocation of funds between the two main investment types (money market 
funds and term deposits) has remained relatively stable over the year and all 
investment objectives continue to be met. 
Average balances held during 2010 were notably higher than 2009, mostly due to 
the significant increase in business written in the UK.  Total investment and 
interest income rose to  GBP9.5 million (from  GBP8.8 million).  The average rate of 
return on invested sterling funds (composing the vast majority of total 
balances) was just over 1% in 2010. 
Around 67% of the funds are available without notice (2009: 68%), providing the 
Group with satisfactory levels of liquidity. 
Strong cash generation continues to be a feature of the Group's businesses, 
enabling the distribution of the majority of post-tax profits. 
 GBPm                                                      2008    2009    2010 
Operating cash flow, before transfers to investments   251.5   286.4   522.0 
Transfers to financial investments                    (76.0)  (10.5) (240.8) 
Operating cash flow                                    175.5   275.9   281.2 
Tax and interest payments                             (56.9)  (49.1)  (69.5) 
Investing cash flows (capital expenditure)            (11.3)  (11.8)  (11.1) 
Financing cash flows (largely dividends)             (128.7) (142.2) (164.9) 
Foreign currency translation impact                      9.9   (5.3)   (0.8) 
Net cash movement                                     (11.5)    67.5    34.9 
Net increase in cash and financial investments          63.8    77.8   276.9 
The significant increase in total cash plus investments reflects the substantial 
growth of the UK business in 2010. 
The main items contributing to the significant operating cash inflow are as 
  GBPm                                                 2008    2009    2010 
 Profit after tax                                  144.9   156.9   193.6 
 Change in net insurance liabilities                37.6    51.1   129.7 
 Net change in trade receivables and liabilities   (5.8)   (4.6)   101.4 
 Non-cash income statement items                    17.2    24.1    25.4 
 Tax and net interest expense                       57.6    58.9    71.9 
 Operating cash flow, before transfers to 
 investments                                       251.5   286.4   522.0 
The key features to note are: 
  * Profit after tax increased by 23%, whilst operating cash inflow (before 
    movements into investments) increased by 82% 
  * Operating cashflow is significantly higher than prior years due to the 
    significant increase in the size of the UK Car Insurance business, coupled 
    with the fact that quota share arrangements are now largely on a funds 
    withheld basis, meaning the majority of reinsured premium cash remains 
    within the Group 
Other financial items 
The taxation charge reported in the income statement is  GBP71.9 million (2009: 
 GBP58.9 million), which equates to 27.1% (2009: 27.3%) of profit before tax. 
Earnings per share 
Basic earnings per share rose by 23% to 72.3p from 59.0p.  The change is in line 
with pre- and post-tax profit growth. 
The Directors have proposed a final dividend for 2010 of 35.5p per share.  This 
payment is 19% higher than the second interim dividend for 2009 (29.8p) and 
brings the total dividend for 2010 to 68.1p (18% higher than the 57.5p paid out 
in relation to 2009). 
The payment date is 10 June 2011, ex-dividend date 18 May and record date 20 
UK Car Insurance Market Review - David Stevens 
I'm told that in surfing slang, a 'double-up' occurs when two waves combine to 
create an extra powerful wave.  In 2010, Admiral enjoyed a 'pumpin double-up', a 
high adrenalin combination of continued rapid growth in sales via price 
comparison and a dramatic hike in car insurance prices. 
The ghastliness of the market results on 2009 (at 123% combined), the exhaustion 
of material reserve cushions for most players and the lack of investment income 
led some smaller competitors to exit and most bigger ones to increase rates 
dramatically during 2010.  HSBC closed down their largely broker business with a 
valedictory combined ratio of over 200%, and RBSI finally put their broker- 
distributed book of private motor out of its misery with the withdrawal of NIG. 
The pain wasn't limited to broker-sourced business.  Quinn, the higher premium 
direct specialist, went into administration in March.  More importantly, the 
bigger players concluded enough was enough and pushed through a series of rate 
increases.  Overall new business prices rose by well over 30%, and some 
segments, notably younger drivers, saw increases of over 50%. 
Our challenge throughout the year was to handle the resulting flood of new 
business that came our way, despite our own rapid, if slightly lagging, price 
increases.  Our own rates rose by just over 25% across new business and renewals 
during the year. 
The number of vehicles insured by Admiral rose by 32% during 2010.  That sort of 
growth carries risks in any business, but particularly in an insurance 
business.  Admiral employed 800 more people at the end of the year than at the 
beginning (itself a joy in these difficult economic times).  By year end, over a 
third of our staff had been with us for less than a year.  It is a tribute to 
the quality and enthusiasm of our managers, from team managers upwards, and of 
those new recruits, that the business has coped so well with this very 
substantial increase in its size.  An increase in our customer retention ratios, 
despite the substantial year-on-year rate increases, and a further reduction in 
the average time taken to settle a claim are two examples of the measures that 
reassure us that these new staff are reinforcing, and not diluting, our 
success.  Another source of reassurance is that we gained our highest ever rank 
in the Sunday Times Best Companies to Work For 2011 survey.  We came 9(th), up 
from 16(th) in 2010. 
The rapid growth of the business in 2010 fed through to the bottom line. 
There's a strong link between customer numbers and ancillary revenues, so a 
record number of policyholders led to our highest ever level of ancillary profit 
( GBP142m).  Higher volumes and higher average premium per policy (+8% on an earned 
basis; +16% on a written basis) helped us to our lowest ever expense ratio, and 
to a record underwriting profit of  GBP53m.  The time lag between our increases in 
average written premiums translating into higher average earned premiums, and 
our conservative approach to early year reserving means that the profit impact 
of an improving claims ratio is yet to impact fully our reported profits. 
Ultimately, waves always break - the rate of growth in price comparison sales 
will slow, the cycle will always turn.  Some of our competitors will rely on the 
market-wide cyclical turn to float them back to marginal, and probably 
temporary, profitability, but others may have used the shock of recent losses as 
a catalyst to reinvent themselves as leaner, cleverer competitors.  Our own 
challenge will be twofold.  Firstly, to be as efficient, as nimble and as 
pleasant a place to work while insuring one in every ten cars in the UK, as we 
were when we only insured one in every twenty.  The second will be to spot the 
next wave a-coming and line up the board in preparation. 
Confused.com Review - Kevin Chidwick 
Q: How did Confused do in 2010? 
Confused had a tough time in 2010.  The main story of the year was the success 
of our competitors TV campaigns and the disappointing results from our own.  The 
meerkat (Compare the Market) and the opera singer (Go Compare) both delivered 
well for their respective companies, whilst at the same time we rolled out 
arguably our least successful TV campaign since Confused began.  We pulled the 
campaign in the middle of the year once the results became apparent, but by then 
the damage had been done.  Towards the end of the year a new advertising 
campaign was working better and we enter 2011 in better shape than we were at 
this time last year. 
Less than 10 years ago, Confused pretty much created the car insurance price 
comparison market and so it was inevitable that its very high market share (and 
margins) would be reduced as new players came in.  And indeed, this is what has 
happened in the last couple of years.  But it is a source of disappointment that 
we lost as much share as we did and we have to hold our hands up and concede 
that at least some of that was of our own making. 
Profits fell from  GBP25.7m in 2009 to  GBP16.9m in 2010.  Margins declined as it 
became more expensive to get customers and we saw our market share of car 
insurance price comparison drop from 27% to 23% during the course of the year. 
Q: Is Confused still losing market share? 
Towards the end of the year it appeared that Confused's share of car insurance 
sales was holding steady.  It is not rising, but it has at least stopped 
falling.  But price comparison customers are demanding and can switch between 
price comparison sites easily, so it is a hard battle to hold on to or to win 
customers.  The quality and appeal of our advertising is important, but in the 
long term it is more important that we consistently deliver a product which 
gives customers a compelling reason to use Confused.  That comes from providing 
a comparison service that gives customers a comprehensive range of very 
competitive prices for the products they want to compare.  And it is also about 
providing a customer experience that is straightforward, quick, and easy to use. 
We are very focused on the quality of the customer experience with the Confused 
website.  We have a number of initiatives in place to improve that process and 
we hope our customers will notice the difference.  We are also actively working 
on improving the competitiveness of the prices our customers see when they get 
their quotes and also the breadth of providers on the panels. 
Q: How are non-car insurance products performing for Confused? 
The revenue from products other than car insurance is typically around 20-25% of 
Confused's total income, and they remain pretty stable at this level.  The main 
contributors are home insurance, other insurance lines and energy products. 
Q: How is the new marketing campaign doing? 
It is early days, but so far so good. We are encouraged by the results since the 
new Confused advertising campaign launched at the end of last year, but it is 
still too early to say whether it will be truly successful or not. 
It is fair to say that 2010 has been a tough year for Confused.  But the 
business remains profitable with good margins and a significant position in its 
market. It provides a great service for millions of customers every year and is 
a well known and well liked brand.  It is an important part of the Admiral Group 
and has, I believe, with good management and some luck, a great future. 
Consolidated income statement 
                                                         Year ended: 
                                              31 December 2010 31 December 2009 
                                      Note:                  GBPm                GBPm 
 Insurance premium revenue                               574.6            386.4 
 Insurance premium ceded to 
 reinsurers                                            (286.5)          (174.5) 
 Net insurance premium revenue          5                288.1            211.9 
 Other revenue                          6                276.2            232.6 
 Profit commission                      7                 67.0             54.2 
 Investment and interest income         8                  9.5              8.8 
 Net revenue                                             640.8            507.5 
 Insurance claims and claims handling 
 expenses                                              (416.7)          (283.1) 
 Insurance claims and claims handling 
 expenses recoverable from reinsurers                    208.2            131.4 
 Net insurance claims                                  (208.5)          (151.7) 
 Operating expenses                   9,10             (151.8)          (130.8) 
 Share scheme charges                 9, 26             (15.0)            (9.2) 
 Total expenses                                        (375.3)          (291.7) 
 Profit before tax                                       265.5            215.8 
 Taxation expense                      12               (71.9)           (58.9) 
 Profit after tax                                        193.6            156.9 
 Profit after tax attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the parent                            193.8            156.9 
 Non-controlling interests                               (0.2)                - 
                                                         193.6            156.9 
 Earnings per share: 
 Basic                                 14                72.3p            59.0p 
 Diluted                               14                72.2p            59.0p 
|Dividends declared and paid (total)   13                164.7            142.4| 
|                                                                              | 
|Dividends declared and paid (per      13                                      | 
|share)                                                  62.4p            54.2p| 
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
                                                                 Year ended: 
                                           31 December 2010 31 December 2009 
                                                          GBPm                GBPm 
Profit for the period                                 193.6            156.9 
Other comprehensive income 
Exchange differences on translation 
   of foreign operations                              (0.8)            (5.3) 
Other comprehensive income for the 
   period, net of income tax                          (0.8)            (5.3) 
Total comprehensive income 
   for the period                                     192.8            151.6 
Total comprehensive income for the 
   period attributable to: 
Equity holders of the parent                          193.0            151.6 
Non-controlling interests                             (0.2)                - 
                                                      192.8            151.6 
Consolidated statement of financial position 
                                                                          As at: 
                                               31 December 2010 31 December 2009 
                                      Note:                   GBPm                GBPm 
Property, plant and equipment           15                 13.6             12.1 
Intangible assets                       16                 82.9             77.0 
Reinsurance assets                      18                357.0            212.9 
Financial assets                        17              1,004.7            630.9 
Deferred income tax                     24                 12.4                - 
Trade and other receivables           17, 19               47.9             32.7 
Cash and cash equivalents             17, 20              246.7            211.8 
Assets held for sale                  15, 21                1.5                - 
Total assets                                            1,766.7          1,177.4 
Share capital                           26                  0.3              0.3 
Share premium account                                      13.1             13.1 
Other reserves                                              4.2              5.0 
Retained earnings                                         332.7            281.8 
Total equity attributable to equity 
holders of the parent                                     350.3            300.2 
Non-controlling interests                                   0.4              0.6 
Total equity                                              350.7            300.8 
Insurance contracts                     18                806.6            532.9 
Deferred income tax                     24                    -              5.7 
Trade and other payables              17, 22              561.0            306.8 
Current tax liabilities                                    48.4             31.2 
Total liabilities                                       1,416.0            876.6 
Total equity and total liabilities                      1,766.7          1,177.4 
Consolidated cash flow statement 
                                                                     31       31 
                                                               December December 
                                                          Note     2010     2009 
                                                                      GBPm        GBPm 
Profit after tax                                           9      193.6    156.9 
Adjustments for non-cash items: 
- Depreciation                                                      4.6      5.1 
- Amortisation of software                                          2.7      2.2 
- Change in unrealised gains on investments                       (1.3)      0.2 
- Other gains and losses                                            0.9      2.9 
- Share scheme charge                                      26      18.5     13.7 
Change in gross insurance contract liabilities                    273.7     93.4 
Change in reinsurance assets                                    (144.0)   (42.3) 
Change in trade and other receivables, including from 
policyholders                                                   (152.9)   (41.1) 
Change in trade and other payables, including tax and 
social security                                                   254.3     36.5 
Taxation expense                                                   71.9     58.9 
Cash flows from operating activities, before movements in 
investments                                                       522.0    286.4 
Net cash flow into investments                                  (240.8)   (10.5) 
Cash flows from operating activities, net of movements in 
investments                                                       281.2    275.9 
Taxation payments                                                (69.5)   (49.1) 
Net cash flow from operating activities                           211.7    226.8 
Cash flows from investing activities: 
Purchases of property, plant and equipment and software          (11.1)   (11.8) 
Net cash used in investing activities                            (11.1)   (11.8) 
Cash flows from financing activities: 
Capital element of new finance leases                               0.4      1.4 
Repayment of finance lease liabilities                            (0.6)    (1.2) 
Equity dividends paid                                      13   (164.7)  (142.4) 
Net cash used in financing activities                           (164.9)  (142.2) 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                          35.7     72.8 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January                            211.8    144.3 
Effects of changes in foreign exchange rates                      (0.8)    (5.3) 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                 20     246.7    211.8 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity 
                                 Share  Foreign Retained 
                         Share premium exchange   profit Non-controlling   Total 
                       capital account  reserve and loss       interests  equity 
                             GBPm       GBPm        GBPm        GBPm               GBPm       GBPm 
At 1 January 2009          0.3    13.1     10.3    251.8               -   275.5 
Profit for the period        -       -        -    156.9               -   156.9 
Other comprehensive 
Currency translation 
differences                  -       -    (5.3)        -               -   (5.3) 
Total comprehensive 
income for the period        -       -    (5.3)    156.9               -   151.6 
Transactions with 
Dividends                    -       -        -  (142.4)               - (142.4) 
Issue of shares to 
interests                    -       -        -        -             0.6     0.6 
Share scheme credit          -       -        -     13.7               -    13.7 
Deferred tax charge on 
share scheme credit          -       -        -      1.8               -     1.8 
Total transactions 
with equity-holders          -       -        -  (126.9)             0.6 (126.3) 
As at 31 December 2009     0.3    13.1      5.0    281.8             0.6   300.8 
At 1 January 2010          0.3    13.1      5.0    281.8             0.6   300.8 
Profit for the period        -       -        -    193.8           (0.2)   193.6 
Other comprehensive 
Currency translation 
differences                  -       -    (0.8)        -               -   (0.8) 
Total comprehensive 
income for       the 
period                       -       -    (0.8)    193.8           (0.2)   192.8 
Transactions with 
Dividends                    -       -        -  (164.7)               - (164.7) 
Share scheme credit          -       -        -     18.5               -    18.5 
Deferred tax credit on 
share scheme credit          -       -        -      3.3               -     3.3 
Total transactions 
with equity-holders          -       -        -  (142.9)               - (142.9) 
As at 31 December 2010     0.3    13.1      4.2    332.7             0.4   350.7 
Notes to the financial statements 
1.         General information and basis of preparation 
General information 
Admiral Group plc is a Company incorporated in England and Wales.  Its 
registered office is at Capital Tower, Greyfriars Road, Cardiff CF10 3AZ and its 
shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. 
The consolidated financial statements comprise the results and balances of the 
Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the Group) for the year 
ended 31 December 2010 and comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 
2009.  The financial statements of the Company's subsidiaries are consolidated 
in the Group financial statements.  The Company controls 100% of the voting 
share capital of all its principal subsidiaries.  The Parent Company financial 
statements present information about the Company as a separate entity and not 
about its Group.  In accordance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 
24, transactions or balances between Group companies that have been eliminated 
on consolidation are not reported as related party transactions in the 
consolidated financial statements. 
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared and approved by the 
Directors in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 
as adopted by the European Union (EU).  The Company has elected to prepare its 
Parent Company financial statements in accordance with UK Generally Accepted 
Accounting Practice (GAAP). 
Adoption of new and revised standards 
The Group has applied all adopted IFRS and interpretations endorsed by the EU at 
31 December 2010, including all amendments to extant standards that are not 
effective until later accounting periods. 
There are a number of standards, amendments to standards and interpretations 
that were issued by 31 December 2010 but have either yet to be endorsed by the 
EU, or were endorsed shortly after the year end. These are as follows: 
  * IFRS 9 Financial Instruments 
  * Amendments to IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures 
  * Improvements to IFRSs (Issued May 2010) 
  * Deferred tax: Recovery of Underlying Assets (Amendments to IAS 12) 
  * Severe Hyperinflation and Removal of Fixed Dates for First-Time Adopters 
    (Amendments to IFRS 1) 
IFRS 9, Financial Instruments is the only new standard, all the others being 
improvements, amendments to standards, interpretations or revisions of current 
This standard was issued in November 2009 by the IASB and focuses on the 
classification and measurement of financial instruments. Under the new standard 
only two possible classifications arise, rather than the four existing 
classifications currently available under IAS 39, and will result in all 
financial assets being valued at amortised cost or fair value. This includes an 
option to measure equities at fair value, but with movements in fair value taken 
to the Other comprehensive income statement with no-recycling of realised gains. 
Based on the Group's current financial assets, which are all held at fair value 
through profit or loss which will continue to be a valid classification under 
IFRS 9, this standard is not expected to have a material impact on the Group's 
financial statements in future periods. 
In addition, it is not anticipated that any of the other improvements, 
amendments to standards, interpretations or revisions of current standards above 
will have a material impact on the Group's financial statements in future 
The following IFRS have been adopted and applied by the Group for the first time 
in these financial statements: 
  * Amendment to IAS 32 Classification of Rights Issues 
  * Revised IAS24 Related Party Disclosures 
  * Improvements to IFRSs (Issued April 2009) 
  * Amendments to IFRS 2 Group Cash-settled Share-based Payment Transactions. 
  * Amendments to IFRS 1 Additional exemptions for First Time adopters 
  * Amendments to IFRS1 Limited Exemption from Comparative IFRS 7 disclosures 
    for First Time adopters 
  * Amendments to IFRIC 14 Prepayments of a Minimum Funding Requirement 
  * IFRIC 19 Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments 
  * IFRIC 12 Service concession arrangements 
  * IFRIC 15 Agreements for the Construction of real estate 
  * IFRIC 16 Hedges of a Net Investment of a Foreign Operation 
  * IFRIC 17 Distribution of non cash assets to owners 
  * IFRIC 18 Transfer of assets from customers 
None of these standards or interpretations adopted for the first time have had a 
material impact on the consolidated financial results or position of the Group 
for the year ended 31 December 2010. 
Basis of preparation 
The accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis.  In considering the 
appropriateness of this assumption, the Board have reviewed the Group's 
projections for the next twelve months and beyond, including cash flow forecasts 
and regulatory capital surpluses.  The Group has no debt. 
As a result of this review the Directors have satisfied themselves that it is 
appropriate to prepare these financial statements on a going concern basis. 
The accounting policies set out in note 3 to the financial statements have, 
unless otherwise stated, been applied consistently to all periods presented in 
these Group financial statements. 
The financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis, except for 
the revaluation of financial assets classified as at fair value through profit 
or loss. 
Subsidiaries are entities controlled by the Group.  Control exists when the 
Group has the power, directly or indirectly, to govern the financial and 
operating policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities. 
In assessing control, potential voting rights that are currently exercisable or 
convertible are taken into account.  The financial statements of subsidiaries 
are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date that control 
commences until the date that control ceases. 
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with adopted IFRS requires 
management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the 
application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income 
and expenses.  The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical 
experience and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under 
the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of making the judgements 
about carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent 
from other sources. The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an 
ongoing basis.  Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the year in 
which the estimate is reviewed if this revision affects only that year, or in 
the year of the revision and future years if the revision affects both current 
and future years. 
2.         Critical accounting judgements and estimates 
In applying the Group's accounting policies as described in note 3, management 
has primarily applied judgement in the classification of the Group's contracts 
with reinsurers as quota share reinsurance contracts. A contract is required to 
transfer significant insurance risk in order to be classified as such. 
Management reviews all terms and conditions of the contract, and if necessary 
obtains the opinion of an independent expert at the negotiation stage in order 
to be able to make these judgements. 
Estimation techniques used in calculation of claims provisions: 
Estimation techniques are used in the calculation of the provisions for claims 
outstanding, which represent a projection of the ultimate cost of settling 
claims that have occurred prior to the balance sheet date and remain unsettled 
at the balance sheet date. 
The key area where these techniques are used relates to the ultimate cost of 
reported claims.  A secondary area relates to the emergence of claims that 
occurred prior to the balance sheet date, but had not been reported at that 
The estimates of the ultimate cost of reported claims are based on the setting 
of claim provisions on a case-by-case basis, for all but the simplest of claims. 
The sum of these provisions are compared with projected ultimate costs using a 
variety of different projection techniques (including incurred and paid chain 
ladder and an average cost of claim approach) to allow an actuarial assessment 
of their likely accuracy. They include allowance for unreported claims. 
The most significant sensitivity in the use of the projection techniques arises 
from any future step change in claims costs, which would cause future claim cost 
inflation to deviate from historic trends.  This is most likely to arise from a 
change in the regulatory or judicial regime that leads to an increase in awards 
or legal costs for bodily injury claims that is significantly above or below the 
historical trend. 
The claims provisions are subject to independent review by the Group's actuarial 
advisors. Management's reserving policy is to reserve at a level above best 
estimate assumptions to allow for unforeseen adverse claims development. For 
further detail on objectives, policies and procedures for managing insurance 
risk, refer to note 18 of the financial statements. 
Future changes in claims reserves also impact profit commission income, as the 
recognition of this income is dependent on the loss ratio booked in the 
financial statements, and cash receivable is dependent on actuarial projections 
of ultimate loss ratios. 
3.         Significant accounting policies 
a)         Revenue recognition 
Premiums, ancillary income and profit commission: 
Premiums relating to insurance contracts are recognised as revenue 
proportionally over the period of cover. Premiums with an inception date after 
the end of the period are held in the statement of financial position as 
deferred revenue. Outstanding collections from policyholders on deferred revenue 
are recognised within policyholder receivables. 
Revenue earned on the sale of ancillary products and revenue from policies paid 
by instalments is credited to the income statement over the period matching the 
Group's obligations to provide services.  Where the Group has no remaining 
contractual obligations, the revenue is recognised immediately.  An allowance is 
made for expected cancellations where the customer may be entitled to a refund 
of ancillary amounts charged. 
Under some of the co-insurance and reinsurance contracts under which motor 
premiums are shared or ceded, profit commission may be earned on a particular 
year of account, which is usually subject to performance criteria such as loss 
ratios and expense ratios.  The commission is dependent on the ultimate outcome 
of any year, with revenue being recognised when loss and expense ratios used in 
the preparation of the financial statements, move below an agreed threshold. 
Revenue from Price Comparison and Gladiator: 
Commission from these activities is credited to revenue on the sale of the 
underlying insurance policy. 
Investment income: 
Investment income from financial assets comprises interest income and net gains 
(both realised and unrealised) on financial assets classified as fair value 
through profit and loss and interest income on held to maturity deposits. 
b)                              Foreign currency translation 
Functional and presentation currency 
Items included in the financial statements of each of the Group's entities are 
measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the 
entity operates ('the functional currency').  The consolidated financial 
statements are presented in thousands of pounds sterling, which is the Group's 
presentation currency. 
Transactions and balances 
Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using 
the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions.  Foreign 
exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions, 
and from the translation at year end exchange rates of monetary assets and 
liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the income 
Translation differences on non-monetary items, such as equities held at fair 
value through profit or loss, are reported as part of the fair value gain or 
Translation of financial statements of foreign operations 
The financial statements of foreign operations whose functional currency is not 
pounds sterling are translated into the Group presentation currency (sterling) 
as follows: 
(i)                   Assets and liabilities for each balance sheet presented 
are translated at the closing rate at the date of that balance sheet; 
(ii)                 Income and expenses for each income statement are 
translated at average exchange rates (unless this average is not a reasonable 
approximation of the cumulative effect of the rates prevailing on the 
transaction dates, in which case income and expenses are translated at the date 
of the transaction); and 
(iii)                All resulting exchange differences are recognised in other 
comprehensive income and in a separate component of equity. 
On disposal of a foreign operation, the cumulative amount recognised in equity 
relating to that particular operation is recognised in the income statement. 
c)         Insurance contracts and reinsurance assets 
The proportion of premium receivable on in-force policies relating to unexpired 
risks is reported in insurance contract liabilities and reinsurance assets as 
the unearned premium provision - gross and reinsurers' share respectively. 
Claims and claims handling expenses are charged as incurred, based on the 
estimated direct and indirect costs of settling all liabilities arising on 
events occurring up to the balance sheet date. 
The provision for claims outstanding comprises provisions for the estimated cost 
of settling all claims incurred but unpaid at the balance sheet date, whether 
reported or not.  Anticipated reinsurance recoveries are disclosed separately as 
Whilst the Directors consider that the gross provisions for claims and the 
related reinsurance recoveries are fairly stated on the basis of the information 
currently available to them, the ultimate liability will vary as a result of 
subsequent information and events and may result in significant adjustments to 
the amounts provided. 
Adjustments to the amounts of claims provisions established in prior years are 
reflected in the income statement for the period in which the adjustments are 
made and disclosed separately if material.  The methods used, and the estimates 
made, are reviewed regularly. 
Provision for unexpired risks is made where necessary for the estimated amount 
required over and above unearned premiums (net of deferred acquisition costs) to 
meet future claims and related expenses. 
The Group has entered into certain co-insurance contracts under which insurance 
risks are shared on a proportional basis, with the co-insurer taking a specific 
percentage of premium written and being responsible for the same proportion of 
each claim.  As the contractual liability is several and not joint, neither the 
premiums nor claims relating to the co-insurance are included in the income 
statement.  Under the terms of these agreements the co-insurers reimburse the 
Group for the same proportionate share of the costs of acquiring and 
administering the business. 
Reinsurance assets: 
Contracts entered into by the Group with reinsurers under which the Group is 
compensated for losses on the insurance contracts issued by the Group are 
classified as reinsurance contracts.  A contract is only accounted for as a 
reinsurance contract where there is significant insurance risk transfer between 
the insured and the insurer. 
The benefits to which the Group is entitled under these contracts are held as 
reinsurance assets. 
The Group assesses its reinsurance assets for impairment on a regular basis, and 
in detail every six months.  If there is objective evidence that the asset is 
impaired, then the carrying value will be written down to its recoverable 
d)         Intangible assets 
All business combinations are accounted for using the purchase method.  Goodwill 
has been recognised in acquisitions of subsidiaries, and represents the 
difference between the cost of the acquisition and the fair value of the net 
identifiable assets acquired. 
The classification and accounting treatment of acquisitions occurring before 1 
January 2004 have not been reconsidered in preparing the Group's opening IFRS 
balance sheet at 1 January 2004 due to the exemption available in IFRS 1 (First 
time adoption).  In respect of acquisitions prior to 1 January 2004, goodwill is 
included at the transition date on the basis of its deemed cost, which 
represents the amount recorded under UK GAAP, which was tested for impairment at 
the transition date.  On transition, amortisation of goodwill has ceased as 
required by IAS 38. 
Goodwill is stated at cost less any accumulated impairment losses.  Goodwill is 
allocated to cash generating units (CGU's) according to business segment and is 
reviewed annually for impairment. 
The Goodwill held on the balance sheet at 31 December 2010 is allocated solely 
to the UK car insurance segment. 
Impairment of goodwill: 
The annual impairment review involves comparing the carrying amount to the 
estimated recoverable amount (by allocating the goodwill to CGU's) and 
recognising an impairment loss if the recoverable amount is lower.  Impairment 
losses are recognised through the income statement and are not subsequently 
The recoverable amount is the greater of the fair value of the asset less costs 
to sell and the value in use of the CGU. 
The value in use calculations use cash flow projections based on financial 
budgets approved by management covering a three year period.  Cash flows beyond 
this period are considered, but not included in the calculation. The discount 
rate applied to the cashflow projections in the value in use calculations is 
11.5 % (2009: 8.9%), based on the Group's weighted average cost of capital, 
which is in line with the market (source: Bloomberg). 
The key assumptions used in the value in use calculations are those regarding 
growth rates and expected changes in pricing and expenses incurred during the 
period.  Management estimates growth rates and changes in pricing based on past 
practices and expected future changes in the market. 
The headroom above the goodwill carrying value is very significant, and there is 
no foreseeable event that would eliminate this margin. 
Deferred acquisition costs: 
Acquisition costs comprise all direct and indirect costs arising from the 
conclusion of insurance contracts.  Deferred acquisition costs represent the 
proportion of acquisition costs incurred that corresponds to the unearned 
premiums provision at the balance sheet date.  This balance is held as an 
intangible asset.  It is amortised over the term of the contract as premium is 
Purchased software is recognised as an intangible asset and amortised over its 
expected useful life (generally between two and four years).  The carrying value 
is reviewed every six months for evidence of impairment, with the value being 
written down if any impairment exists.  Impairment may be reversed if conditions 
subsequently improve. 
e)         Property, plant and equipment and depreciation 
All property, plant and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated 
depreciation.  Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method to 
write off the cost less residual values of the assets over their useful economic 
lives.  These useful economic lives are as follows: 
 Motor vehicles                               -   4 years 
 Fixtures, fittings and equipment             -   4 years 
 Computer equipment                           -   2 to 4 years 
 Improvements to short leasehold properties   -   4 years 
Impairment of property, plant and equipment 
In the case of property plant and equipment, carrying values are reviewed at 
each balance sheet date to determine whether there are any indications of 
impairment.  If any such indications exist, the asset's recoverable amount is 
estimated and compared to the carrying value.  The carrying value is the higher 
of the fair value of the asset, less costs to sell and the asset's value in 
use.  Impairment losses are recognised through the income statement. 
f)          Leased assets 
The rental costs relating to assets held under operating leases are charged to 
the income statement on a straight-line basis over the life of the lease. 
Leases under the terms of which the Group assumes substantially all of the risks 
and rewards of ownership are classed as finance leases.  Assets acquired under 
finance leases are included in property, plant and equipment at fair value on 
acquisition and are depreciated in the same manner as equivalent owned assets. 
Finance lease and hire purchase obligations are included in creditors, and the 
finance costs are spread over the periods of the agreements based on the net 
amount outstanding. 
g)         Financial assets - investments and receivables 
Initial recognition 
Financial assets within the scope of IAS 39 are classified as financial assets 
at fair value through profit or loss, loans and receivables or held to maturity 
investments. The Group has not held any derivative instruments in the years 
ending 31 December 2010 and 31 December 2009. 
At initial recognition assets are recognised at fair value and classified 
according to the purpose for which they were acquired: 
The Group's investments in money market liquidity funds are designated as 
financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) at inception. 
This designation is permitted under IAS 39, as the investments in money market 
funds are managed as a group of assets and internal performance evaluation of 
this group is conducted on a fair value basis. 
The Group's deposits with credit institutions are classified as held to maturity 
investments, which is consistent with the intention for which they were 
Subsequent measurement 
Financial assets at FVTPL are stated at fair value, with any resultant gain or 
loss recognised through the income statement. 
Deposits with fixed maturities, classified as held to maturity investments are 
measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Movements in the 
amortised cost are recognised through the income statement, as are any 
impairment losses. 
Loans and receivables are stated at their amortised cost less impairment using 
the effective interest method.  Impairment losses are recognised through the 
income statement. 
Impairment of financial assets 
The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether any financial assets or 
groups of financial assets  held at amortised cost, are impaired. Financial 
assets are impaired where there is evidence that one or more events occurring 
after the initial recognition of the asset, may lead to a reduction in the 
estimated future cashflows arising from the asset. 
Objective evidence of impairment may include default on cashflows due from the 
asset and reported financial difficulty of the issuer or counterparty. 
Derecognition of financial assets 
A financial asset is derecognised when the rights to receive cashflows from that 
asset have expired or when the Group transfers the asset and all the attaching 
substantial risks and rewards relating to the asset, to a third party. 
h)         Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents includes cash in hand, deposits held at call with 
banks, and other short-term deposits with original maturities of three months or 
i)          Share capital 
Shares are classified as equity when there is no obligation to transfer cash or 
other assets. 
j)          Employee benefits 
The Group contributes to a number of defined contribution personal pension plans 
for its employees.  The contributions payable to these schemes are charged in 
the accounting period to which they relate. 
Employee share schemes: 
The Group operates a number of equity settled compensation schemes for its 
employees.  For schemes commencing 1 January 2004 and after, the fair value of 
the employee services received in exchange for the grant of free shares under 
the schemes is recognised as an expense, with a corresponding increase in 
The total charge expensed over the vesting period is determined by reference to 
the fair value of the free shares granted as determined at the grant date 
(excluding the impact of non-market vesting conditions).  Non-market conditions 
such as profitability targets as well as staff attrition rates are included in 
assumptions over the number of free shares to vest under the applicable scheme. 
At each balance sheet date, the Group revises its assumptions on the number of 
shares to be granted with the impact of any change in the assumptions recognised 
through income. 
Refer to note 26 for further details on share schemes. 
k)         Taxation 
Income tax on the profit or loss for the periods presented comprises current and 
deferred tax. 
Current tax: 
Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the period, 
using tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance 
sheet date, and includes any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous 
Current tax related to items recognised in other comprehensive income is also 
recognised in other comprehensive income and not in the income statement. 
Deferred tax: 
Deferred tax is provided in full using the balance sheet liability method, 
providing for temporary differences arising between the carrying amount of 
assets and liabilities for accounting purposes, and the amounts used for 
taxation purposes. It is calculated at the tax rates that have been enacted or 
substantially enacted by the balance sheet date, or that are expected to apply 
in the period when the liability is settled or the asset is realised. 
A deferred tax asset is recognised only to the extent that it is probable that 
future taxable profits will be available against which the asset can be 
The principal temporary differences arise from depreciation of property and 
equipment and share scheme charges. The resulting deferred tax is charged or 
credited in the income statement, except in relation to share scheme charges 
where the amount of tax benefit credited to the income statement is limited to 
an equivalent credit calculated on the accounting charge. Any excess is 
recognised directly in equity. 
l)          Government grants 
Government grants are recognised in the financial statements in the period where 
it becomes reasonably certain that the conditions attaching to the grant will be 
met, and that the grant will be received. 
Grants relating to assets are deducted from the carrying amount of the asset. 
The grant is therefore recognised as income over the life of the depreciable 
asset by way of a reduced depreciation charge. 
Grants relating to income are shown as a deduction in the reported expense. 
m)        Non-current assets held for sale 
Non-current assets that are expected to be recovered primarily through sale or 
distribution rather than continuing use are classified as held for sale. 
Immediately before classification as held for sale, the assets are remeasured in 
accordance with the Group's accounting policies, and thereafter are measured at 
the lower of their carrying value and fair value less costs to sell. Impairment 
losses on initial classification as held for sale and subsequent gains or losses 
on remeasurement are recognised in the income statement. Gains are not 
recognised in excess of any cumulative impairment loss. 
4.         Operating segments 
The Group has four reportable segments, as described below. These segments 
represent the principal split of business that is regularly reported to the 
Group's Board of Directors, which is considered to be the Group's chief 
operating decision maker in line with IFRS 8, operating segments. 
UK Car Insurance 
The segment consists of the underwriting of car insurance and the generation of 
ancillary income in the UK. The Directors consider the results of these 
activities to be reportable as one segment as the activities carried out in 
generating the income are not independent of each other and are performed as one 
business. This mirrors the approach taken in management reporting. 
Non-UK Car Insurance 
The segment consists of the underwriting of car insurance and the generation of 
ancillary income outside of the UK. It specifically covers the Group operations 
Balumba in Spain, ConTe in Italy and Elephant Auto in the USA.  None of these 
operations are reportable on an individual basis, based on the threshold 
requirements in IFRS 8. 
The results of our German car insurance business, AdmiralDirekt, which was sold 
in early 2011 are included in this segment. 
Price Comparison 
The segment relates to the Group's price comparison websites Confused.com in the 
UK, Rastreator in Spain, LeLynx in France and Chiarezza in Italy. LeLynx and 
Chiarezza were launched in 2010, and are therefore included in this price 
comparison segment for the first time. Each of the Price Comparison businesses 
are operating in individual geographical segments but are grouped into one 
reporting segment as LeLynx, Chiarezza and Rastreator do not individually meet 
the threshold requirements in IFRS 8. 
The 'Other' segment is designed to be comprised all other operating segments 
that do not meet the threshold requirements for individual reporting. Currently 
there is only one such segment, the Gladiator commercial van insurance broking 
operation, and so it is the results and balances of this operation comprises the 
'other' segment. 
Taxes are not allocated across the segments and, as with the corporate 
activities, are included in the reconciliation to the Consolidated Income 
Statement and Consolidated Statement of Financial Position. 
Segment income, results and other information 
An analysis of the Group's revenue and results for the year ended 31 December 
2010, by reportable segment are shown below.  The accounting policies of the 
reportable segments are consistent with those presented in note 3 for the Group. 
                                                                31 December 2010 
                       UK Car Non-UK Car       Price       Eliminations  Segment 
                    Insurance  Insurance  Comparison Other                 total 
                            GBPm          GBPm           GBPm     GBPm            GBPm        GBPm 
Turnover*             1,419.7       77.6        75.7  11.8            -  1,584.8 
Net insurance 
premium revenue         269.4       18.7           -     -            -    288.1 
Other revenue 
and profit 
commission              249.0        6.7        75.7  11.8            -    343.2 
Investment and 
interest income           8.3        0.1           -     -            -      8.4 
Net revenue             526.7       25.5        75.7  11.8            -    639.7 
Net insurance 
claims                (192.6)     (15.9)           -     -            -  (208.5) 
Expenses               (58.3)     (17.6)      (63.6) (9.1)            -  (148.6) 
Segment profit 
/ (loss) before 
tax                     275.8      (8.0)        12.1   2.7            -    282.6 
Other central revenue and expenses, including share scheme 
charges                                                                   (18.2) 
Interest income                                                              1.1 
Consolidated profit before 
tax                                                                        265.5 
expense                                                                   (71.9) 
Consolidated profit after tax                                              193.6 
Other segment 
expenditure               6.8        1.7         2.6   0.1            -     11.2 
amortisation             20.7        0.7         9.0   0.3            -     30.7 
*Turnover  is  a  non-GAAP  measure  and  consists  of  total  premiums  written 
(including co-insurers share) and other revenue. 
Revenue and results for the corresponding reportable segments for the year ended 
31 December 2009 are shown below. 
                                                                31 December 2009 
                       UK Car  Non-UK Car       Price       Eliminations Segment 
                    Insurance   Insurance  Comparison Other                total 
                            GBPm           GBPm           GBPm     GBPm            GBPm       GBPm 
Turnover*               939.1        47.2        80.5  10.6            - 1,077.4 
Net insurance 
premium revenue         199.1        12.8           -     -            -   211.9 
Other revenue 
and profit 
commission              188.6         4.2        80.5  10.6            -   283.9 
Investment and 
interest income           7.5         0.2           -     -            -     7.7 
Net revenue             395.2        17.2        80.5  10.6            -   503.5 
Net insurance 
claims                (138.7)      (13.0)           -     -            - (151.7) 
Expenses               (49.6)      (13.7)      (55.6) (8.2)            - (127.1) 
Segment profit 
/ (loss) before 
tax                     206.9       (9.5)        24.9   2.4            -   224.7 
Other central revenue and expenses, including share scheme 
charges                                                                   (10.0) 
Interest income                                                              1.1 
Consolidated profit before 
tax                                                                        215.8 
expense                                                                   (58.9) 
Consolidated profit after tax                                              156.9 
Other segment 
expenditure               6.3         0.7         4.1   0.7            -    11.8 
amortisation              9.9         0.5         4.3   0.2            -    14.9 
*Turnover  is  a  non-GAAP  measure  and  consists  of  total  premiums  written 
(including co-insurers share) and other revenue. 
Segment revenues 
The UK and Non-UK Car Insurance reportable segments derive all insurance premium 
income from external policyholders. Revenue within these segments is not derived 
from an individual policyholder that represents 10% or more of the Group's total 
The total of Price Comparison revenues from transactions with other reportable 
segments is  GBP15.0m (2009:  GBP13.3m). These amounts have not been eliminated in 
order to avoid distorting expense and combined ratios which are key performance 
indicators for insurance businesses. There are no other transactions between 
reportable segments. 
Revenues from external customers for products and services is consistent with 
the split of reportable segment revenues as shown above. 
Information about geographical locations 
All material revenues from external customers, and net assets attributed to a 
foreign country are shown within the Non-UK Car Insurance reportable segment 
shown above. The revenue and results of the three non- UK Price Comparison 
businesses, Rastreator, LeLynx and Chiarezza are not yet material enough to be 
presented as a separate segment. 
Segment assets and liabilities 
The identifiable segment assets and liabilities at 31 December 2010 are as 
                                                                31 December 2010 
                          UK Car       Car      Price                    Segment 
                       Insurance Insurance Comparison Other Eliminations   total 
                               GBPm         GBPm          GBPm     GBPm            GBPm       GBPm 
Plant, property and 
equipment                    8.6       2.3        2.1   0.6            -    13.6 
Intangible assets           76.0       6.8        0.1     -            -    82.9 
Reinsurance assets         324.7      32.3          -                      357.0 
Financial assets           947.3      47.4          -                      994.7 
Trade and other 
receivables                150.5     (4.7)      (0.9)   8.5      (105.5)    47.9 
Cash and cash 
equivalents                 90.6      40.3       11.2   3.1            -   145.2 
Assets held for sale           -       1.5          -     -            -     1.5 
Reportable segment 
assets                   1,597.7     125.9       12.5  12.2      (105.5) 1,642.8 
Insurance contract 
liabilities                752.1      54.5          -     -            -   806.6 
Trade  and other 
payables                   531.5      18.2        6.6   4.7            -   561.0 
Reportable segment 
liabilities              1,283.6      72.7        6.6   4.7            - 1,367.6 
Reportable segment 
net assets                 314.1      53.2        5.9   7.5      (105.5)   275.2 
Unallocated assets 
and liabilities                                                             75.5 
Consolidated net 
assets                                                                     350.7 
Unallocated assets and liabilities consist of other central assets and 
liabilities, plus deferred and current corporation tax balances. These assets 
and liabilities are not regularly reviewed by the Board of Directors in the 
reportable segment format. 
There is an asymmetrical allocation of assets and income to the reportable 
segments, in that the interest earned on cash and cash equivalent assets 
deployed in the UK Car Insurance, Price Comparison and Non-UK Car Insurance 
segments is not allocated in arriving at segment profits. This is consistent 
with regular management reporting. 
Eliminations represent inter-segment funding and balances included in trade and 
other receivables. 
The segment assets and liabilities at 31 December 2009 are as follows. 
                                                                31 December 2009 
                          UK Car       Car      Price                    Segment 
                       Insurance Insurance Comparison Other Eliminations   total 
                               GBPm         GBPm          GBPm     GBPm            GBPm       GBPm 
Plant, property and 
equipment                    6.3       3.8        1.2   0.8            -    12.1 
Intangible assets           71.8       5.1        0.1     -            -    77.0 
Reinsurance assets         190.9      22.0          -     -            -   212.9 
Financial assets           582.9      48.0          -     -            -   630.9 
Trade and other 
receivables                108.8       1.2       16.8   7.7      (101.8)    32.7 
Cash and cash 
equivalents                112.9      21.2        9.0   0.7            -   143.8 
Reportable segment 
assets                   1,073.6     101.3       27.1   9.2      (101.8) 1,109.4 
Insurance contract 
liabilities                497.0      35.9          -     -            -   532.9 
Trade  and other 
payables                   294.4       6.6        2.3   2.9            -   306.2 
Reportable segment 
liabilities                791.4      42.5        2.3   2.9            -   839.1 
Reportable segment 
net assets                 282.2      58.8       24.8   6.3      (101.8)   270.3 
Unallocated assets 
and liabilities                                                             30.5 
Consolidated net 
assets                                                                     300.8 
5.         Net insurance premium revenue 
                                                                  31       31 
                                                            December December 
                                                                2010     2009 
                                                                   GBPm        GBPm 
Total motor insurance premiums before co-insurance           1,308.6    847.7 
Group gross premiums written after co-insurance                738.5    439.9 
Outwards reinsurance premiums                                (380.0)  (207.4) 
Net insurance premiums written                                 358.5    232.5 
Change in gross unearned premium provision                   (163.9)   (53.5) 
Change in reinsurers' share of unearned premium provision       93.5     32.9 
Net insurance premium revenue                                  288.1    211.9 
The Group's share of the car insurance business was underwritten by Admiral 
Insurance (Gibraltar) Limited, Admiral Insurance Company Limited and Elephant 
Insurance Company.  All contracts are short-term in duration, lasting for 10 or 
12 months. 
6.         Other revenue 
                                      31         31 
                                December   December 
                                    2010       2009 
                                       GBPm          GBPm 
 Ancillary revenue                 174.6      129.5 
 Price comparison revenue           75.7       80.6 
 Other revenue                      25.9       22.5 
 Total other revenue               276.2      232.6 
Refer to the Business Review for further detail on the sources of revenue. 
7.         Profit commission 
                                     31         31 
                               December   December 
                                   2010       2009 
                                      GBPm          GBPm 
 Total profit commission           67.0       54.2 
Source of profit commission: 
                                 Financial year: 
                      2007   2008   2009    2010 
                         GBPm      GBPm      GBPm       GBPm 
 Underwriting year: 
 2006 & prior         20.6   26.2    6.0   (0.1) 
 2007                    -    8.5   33.1     7.6 
 2008                    -      -   13.5    20.4 
 2009                    -      -    1.6    28.2 
 2010                    -      -      -    10.9 
 Total                20.6   34.7   54.2    67.0 
8.         Investment and interest income 
                                                  31         31 
                                            December   December 
                                                2010       2009 
                                                   GBPm          GBPm 
 Net investment return                           8.4        7.7 
 Interest receivable                             1.1        1.1 
 Total investment and interest income            9.5        8.8 
Interest received during the year was  GBP1.1m (2009:  GBP1.1m). 
9.         Operating expenses and share scheme charges 
                                        31 December 2010        31 December 2009 
                                   Insurance Other Total   Insurance Other Total 
                                   contracts               contracts 
                                           GBPm     GBPm     GBPm           GBPm     GBPm     GBPm 
Acquisition of insurance contracts      20.9     -  20.9        17.3     -  17.3 
Administration and other marketing 
costs                                   28.0 102.9 130.9        26.0  87.5 113.5 
                                  ----------------------- ---------------------- 
Expenses                                48.9 102.9 151.8        43.3  87.5 130.8 
Share scheme charges                       -  15.0  15.0           -   9.2   9.2 
                                  ----------------------- ---------------------- 
Total expenses and share scheme 
charges                                 48.9 117.9 166.8        43.3  96.7 140.0 
                                  ----------------------- ---------------------- 
Analysis of other administration and other marketing costs: 
                                                 31         31 
                                           December   December 
                                               2010       2009 
                                                  GBPm          GBPm 
 Ancillary sales expenses                      26.9       20.0 
 Price comparison operating expenses           63.6       55.6 
 Other expenses                                12.4       11.9 
 Total                                        102.9       87.5 
The  GBP28.0m (2009:  GBP26.0m) administration and marketing costs allocated to 
insurance contracts is principally made up of salary costs. 
The gross amount of expenses, before recoveries from co-insurers and reinsurers 
is  GBP333.2m (2009:  GBP265.0m). This amount can be reconciled to the total expenses 
and share scheme charges above of  GBP167.2m (2009:  GBP140.0m) as follows: 
                                                              31         31 
                                                        December   December 
                                                            2010       2009 
                                                               GBPm          GBPm 
 Gross expenses                                            333.2      265.0 
 Co-insurer share of expenses                             (99.5)     (80.6) 
 Expenses, net of co-insurer share                         233.7      184.4 
 Adjustment for deferral of acquisition costs              (7.9)      (6.1) 
 Expenses, net of co-insurer share (earned basis)          225.8      178.3 
 Reinsurer share of expenses (earned basis)               (59.0)     (38.3) 
 Total expenses and share scheme charges                   166.8      140.0 
Reconciliation  of  expenses  related  to  insurance contracts to reported Group 
expense ratio: 
                                                    31         31 
                                              December   December 
                                                  2010       2009 
                                                     GBPm          GBPm 
 Insurance contract expenses from above           48.9       43.3 
 Add:  claims handling expenses                    8.5        5.5 
 Adjusted expenses                                57.4       48.8 
 Net insurance premium revenue                   288.1      211.9 
 Reported expense ratio                          19.9%      23.0% 
10.       Staff costs and other expenses 
Included in gross expenses, before co-insurance arrangements are the following: 
                                                                     31       31 
                                                               December December 
                                                                   2010     2009 
                                                                      GBPm        GBPm 
Salaries                                                           92.5     75.9 
Social security charges                                            12.7     10.5 
Pension costs                                                       1.3      0.7 
Share scheme charges (see note 26)                                 18.5     13.7 
Total staff expenses                                              125.0    100.8 
Depreciation charge: 
- Owned assets                                                      4.1      3.8 
- Leased assets                                                     0.5      1.3 
Amortisation charge: 
- Software                                                          2.7      2.3 
- Deferred acquisition costs                                       23.4      7.6 
Operating lease rentals: 
- Buildings                                                         6.4      5.7 
Auditor's remuneration: 
- Fees payable for the audit of the Company's annual 
accounts                                                              -        - 
- Fees payable for the audit of the Company's subsidiary 
accounts                                                            0.2      0.2 
- Fees payable for other services                                   0.2      0.1 
Net foreign exchange losses                                         0.8      0.2 
Analysis of fees paid to the auditor for other services: 
Tax services                                                        0.1      0.1 
Other services                                                      0.1        - 
Total as above                                                      0.2      0.1 
The amortisation of software and deferred acquisition cost assets is charged to 
expenses in the income statement. 
11.               Staff numbers (including Directors) 
                                 Average for the year 
                                   2010          2009 
                                 Number        Number 
 Direct customer contact staff    3,280         2,695 
 Support staff                      972           846 
 Total                            4,252         3,541 
12.       Taxation 
                                                                     31       31 
                                                               December December 
                                                                   2010     2009 
                                                                      GBPm        GBPm 
Current tax 
Corporation tax on profits for the year                            87.4     63.0 
Over provision relating to prior periods                          (0.7)    (1.2) 
Current tax charge                                                 86.7     61.8 
Deferred tax 
Current period deferred taxation movement                        (15.3)    (2.8) 
Under / (over) provision relating to prior periods - 
deferred tax                                                        0.5    (0.1) 
Total tax charge per income statement                              71.9     58.9 
Factors affecting the total tax charge are: 
                                                                  31       31 
                                                            December December 
                                                                2010     2009 
                                                                   GBPm        GBPm 
Profit before tax                                              265.5    215.8 
Corporation tax thereon at UK corporation tax rate of 28%       74.3     60.4 
Expenses and provisions not deductible for tax purposes        (0.1)    (0.6) 
Difference in tax rates                                          0.2        - 
Other differences                                              (2.4)      0.3 
Adjustments relating to prior periods                          (0.1)    (1.2) 
Tax charge for the period as above                              71.9     58.9 
13.       Dividends 
Dividends were declared and paid as follows. 
                                                                 31         31 
                                                           December   December 
                                                               2010       2009 
                                                                  GBPm          GBPm 
 March 2009 (26.5p per share, paid May 2009)                      -       69.6 
 August 2009 (27.7p per share, paid October2009)                  -       72.8 
 March 2010 (29.8p per share, paid April 2010)                 78.3          - 
 September 2010 (32.6p per share, paid October 2010)           86.4          - 
 Total dividends                                              164.7      142.4 
The dividends declared in March represent the final dividends paid in respect of 
the 2008 and 2009 financial years.  Dividends declared in August 2009 and 
September 2010 are interim distributions in respect of 2009 and 2010. 
A final dividend of 35.5p per share ( GBP95.3m) has been declared in respect of the 
2010 financial year.  Refer to the Chairman's statement and Business Review for 
further detail. 
14.       Earnings per share 
                                                             31          31 
                                                       December    December 
                                                           2010        2009 
Profit for the financial year after taxation ( GBPm)         193.6       156.9 
Weighted average number of shares - basic           267,827,176 265,712,457 
Unadjusted earnings per share - basic                     72.3p       59.0p 
Weighted average number of shares - diluted         268,221,829 266,062,457 
Unadjusted earnings per share - diluted                   72.2p       59.0p 
The difference between the basic and diluted number of shares at the end of 
2010 (being 394,653; 2009: 350,000) relates to awards committed, but not yet 
issued under the Group's share schemes.  Refer to note 26 for further detail. 
15.       Property, plant and equipment 
                                to short 
                               leasehold  Computer    Office Furniture and 
                               buildings equipment equipment      fittings Total 
                                       GBPm         GBPm         GBPm             GBPm     GBPm 
At 1 January 2009                    4.0      16.8       6.8           2.4  30.0 
Additions                            1.2       3.6       1.0           0.8   6.6 
Disposals                          (0.2)     (0.3)     (0.1)             - (0.6) 
At 31 December 2009                  5.0      20.1       7.7           3.2  36.0 
At 1 January 2009                    1.9      11.1       4.2           1.8  19.0 
Charge for the year                  0.9       2.7       1.1           0.4   5.1 
Disposals                              -     (0.1)     (0.1)             - (0.2) 
At 31 December 2009                  2.8      13.7       5.2           2.2  23.9 
Net book amount 
At 1 January 2009                    2.1       5.7       2.6           0.6  11.0 
Net book amount 
At 31 December 2009                  2.2       6.4       2.5           1.0  12.1 
At 1 January 2010                    5.0      20.1       7.7           3.2  36.0 
Additions                            0.7       5.4       1.2           0.4   7.7 
Disposals                              -     (0.2)         -             - (0.2) 
Transferred    to   'assets 
classified   as   held  for 
sale'                              (0.5)     (1.2)     (0.4)         (0.2) (2.3) 
At 31 December 2010                  5.2      24.1       8.5           3.4  41.2 
At 1 January 2010                    2.8      13.7       5.2           2.2  23.9 
Charge for the year                  0.9       2.4       0.9           0.4   4.6 
Disposals                              -     (0.1)         -             - (0.1) 
Transferred    to   'assets 
classified   as   held  for 
sale'                              (0.2)     (0.5)     (0.1)             - (0.8) 
At 31 December 2010                  3.5      15.5       6.0           2.6  27.6 
Net book amount 
At 31 December 2010                  1.7       8.6       2.5           0.8  13.6 
Assets classified as held 
for sale                             0.3       0.7       0.3           0.2   1.5 
Refer to note 21 for details of assets classified as held for sale. 
The net book value of assets held under finance leases is as follows: 
                                31         31 
                          December   December 
                              2010       2009 
                                 GBPm          GBPm 
 Computer equipment            1.2        1.6 
16.       Intangible assets 
                       Goodwill      Deferred   Software    Total 
                              GBPm             GBPm          GBPm        GBPm 
 At 1 January 2009         62.3           8.4        5.0     75.7 
 Additions                    -           8.6        5.2     13.8 
 Amortisation charge          -         (7.6)      (2.2)    (9.8) 
 Disposals                    -             -      (2.7)    (2.7) 
 At 31 December 2009       62.3           9.4        5.3     77.0 
 Additions                    -          28.9        3.4     32.3 
 Amortisation charge          -        (23.4)      (2.7)   (26.1) 
 Disposals                    -             -      (0.3)    (0.3) 
 At 31 December 2010       62.3          14.9        5.7     82.9 
Goodwill relates to the acquisition of Group subsidiary EUI Limited (formerly 
Admiral Insurance Services Limited) in November 1999. It is allocated solely to 
the UK Car Insurance segment. As described in the accounting policies, the 
amortisation of this asset ceased on transition to IFRS on 1 January 2004. All 
annual impairment reviews since the transition date have indicated that the 
estimated recoverable value of the asset is greater than the carrying amount and 
therefore no impairment losses have been recognised. Refer to the accounting 
policy for goodwill for further information. 
17.       Financial assets and liabilities 
The Group's financial instruments can be analysed as follows: 
                                                              31       31 
                                                        December December 
                                                            2010     2009 
Financial assets:                                              GBPm        GBPm 
Investments held at fair value                             363.6    237.7 
Held to maturity deposits with credit institutions         299.6    183.5 
Receivables - amounts owed by policyholders                341.5    209.7 
Total financial assets per consolidated balance sheet    1,004.7    630.9 
Trade and other receivables                                 47.9     32.7 
Cash and cash equivalents                                  246.7    211.8 
                                                         1,299.3    875.4 
Financial liabilities: 
Trade and other payables                                   561.0    306.8 
All receivables from policyholders are due within 12 months of the balance sheet 
All investments held at fair value are invested in AAA-rated money market 
liquidity funds.  These funds target a short term cash return with capital 
security and low volatility and continue to achieve these goals. 
The approximate fair value of held to maturity deposits is  GBP285.0m (2009: 
 GBP183.5m) based on a calculation to discount expected cashflows arising at the 
Group's WACC.  The amortised cost carrying amount of receivables is a reasonable 
approximation of fair value. 
The maturity profile of financial assets and liabilities at fair value is as 
                                                   < 1 Year Between 1 > 2 Years 
                                                                and 2 
Financial assets:                                         GBPm         GBPm         GBPm 
Investments held at fair value                        363.6         -         - 
Held to maturity deposits with credit institutions    197.3      54.5      33.4 
Receivables - amounts owed by policyholders           341.5         -         - 
Total financial assets                                902.4      54.5      33.4 
Trade and other receivables                            47.9         -         - 
Cash and cash equivalents                             246.7         -         - 
                                                    1,197.0      54.5      33.4 
Financial liabilities: 
Trade and other payables                              561.0         -         - 
Objectives, policies and procedures for managing financial assets and 
The Group's activities expose it primarily to the significant financial risks of 
credit risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk and foreign exchange risk.  The 
Board of Directors has delegated the task of supervising risk management and 
internal control to the Risk Management Committee (RMC) and non-UK equivalent 
committees. There is also an Investment Committee that makes recommendations to 
the Board on the Group's investment strategy. 
There are several key elements to the risk management environment throughout the 
Group. These are detailed in full in the Corporate Governance statement. 
Specific considerations for the risks arising from financial assets and 
liabilities are detailed below. 
Credit risk 
The Group defines credit risk as the risk of loss if another party fails to 
perform its obligations or fails to perform them in a timely fashion. The key 
areas of exposure to credit risk for the Group result through its reinsurance 
programme, investments, bank deposits and policyholder receivables. 
Economic and financial market conditions have led the Directors to consider 
counterparty exposure more frequently and in significant detail.   The Directors 
consider that the policies and procedures in place to manage credit exposure 
continue to be appropriate for the Group's risk appetite, and no material credit 
losses have been experienced by the Group. 
There are no specific concentrations of credit risk with respect to investment 
counterparties due to the structure of the liquidity funds which invest in a 
wide range of very short duration, high quality securities. Cash balances and 
deposits are placed only with credit institutions with a financial strength 
rating of A or above. 
To mitigate the risk arising from exposure to reinsurers (in the form of 
reinsurance recoveries and profit commissions), the Group only conducts business 
with companies of specified financial strength ratings. In addition, most 
reinsurance contracts are operated on a funds withheld basis, which 
substantially reduces credit risk. 
The other principal form of credit risk is in respect of amounts due from 
policyholders, largely due to the potential for default by instalment payers. 
The impact of this is mitigated by the large customer base and low average level 
of balance recoverable. There is also mitigation by the operation of numerous 
high and low level controls in this area, including payment on policy acceptance 
as opposed to inception and automated cancellation procedures for policies in 
The Group's maximum exposure to credit risk at 31 December 2010 is  GBP1,251.4m 
(2009:  GBP842.7m) being the carrying value of financial assets and cash.  The 
group does not use credit derivatives or similar instruments to mitigate 
exposure.  The amount of bad debt expense relating to policyholder debt charged 
to the income statement in 2009 and 2010 is insignificant. 
There were no significant financial assets that were past due at the close of 
either 2010 or 2009. 
The Group's credit risk exposure to assets with external ratings is as follows: 
                                                            31       31 
                                                      December December 
                                               Rating     2010     2009 
                                                             GBPm        GBPm 
Financial institutions - Money market funds       AAA    363.6    237.7 
Financial institutions - Credit institutions       AA    252.6     85.0 
Financial institutions - Credit institutions        A     47.0    310.3 
Reinsurers                                          A    104.4     96.0 
Interest rate risk 
The Group considers interest rate risk to be the risk that unfavourable 
movements in interest rates could adversely impact on the capital values of 
financial assets and liabilities.  This relates primarily to investments held at 
fair value. 
As noted above, the Group invests in money market liquidity funds, which in turn 
invest in a mixture of very short dated fixed and variable rate securities, such 
as cash deposits, certificates of deposits, floating rate notes and other 
commercial paper. 
The funds are not permitted to have an average maturity greater than 60 days and 
hence are not subject to large movements in yield and value resulting from 
changes in market interest rates (as longer duration fixed income portfolios can 
experience).  Returns are likely to closely track the LIBID benchmark and hence 
while the Group's investment return will vary according to market interest 
rates, the capital value of these investment funds will not be impacted by rate 
movements.  The interest rate risk arising is therefore considered to be 
The Group also holds a number of fixed rate, longer-term deposits with UK credit 
institutions rated 'A' or above. These are classified as held to maturity and 
valued at amortised cost. Therefore neither the capital value of the deposits, 
or the interest return will be impacted by fluctuations in interest rates. 
No sensitivity analysis to interest rates has been presented on the grounds of 
Liquidity risk 
Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that the Group does not have sufficient, 
available, financial resources to enable it to meet its obligations as they fall 
due, or can only secure them at excessive cost. 
The Group has traditionally been strongly cash generative due to the large 
proportion of revenue arising from non-underwriting activity.  Further, as noted 
above, a significant portion of insurance funds are invested in money market 
liquidity funds with same day liquidity, meaning that a large proportion of the 
Group cash and investments are immediately available. 
A breakdown of the Group's financial liabilities - trade and other payables is 
shown in note 22. In terms of the maturity profile of these liabilities, all 
amounts will mature within 3 - 6 months of the balance sheet date except for a 
minority of finance lease liabilities which will expire after 12 months. (Refer 
to note 23 and the maturity profile at the start of this note for further 
In practice, the Group's Directors expect actual cashflows to be consistent with 
this maturity profile except for amounts owed to co-insurers and reinsurers. Of 
the total amounts owed to co-insurers and reinsurers of  GBP327.4m (2009:  GBP154.4m), 
 GBP213.8m (2009:  GBP91.3m) is held under funds withheld arrangements and therefore 
not expected to be settled within 12 months. 
A maturity analysis for insurance contract liabilities is included in note 18. 
The maturity profile for financial assets is included at the start of this note. 
The Group's Directors believe that the cashflows arising from these assets will 
be consistent with this profile. 
Liquidity risk is not, therefore considered to be significant. 
Foreign exchange risks 
Foreign exchange risks arise from unfavourable movements in foreign exchange 
rates that could adversely impact the valuation of overseas assets. 
The Group is exposed to foreign exchange risk through its expanding operations 
overseas.  Although the relative size of the European operations means that the 
risks are relatively small, increasingly volatile foreign exchange rates result 
in larger potential gains or losses.  Assets held to fund insurance liabilities 
are held in the currency of the liabilities, however surplus assets held as 
regulatory capital in foreign currencies remain exposed. 
Fair value 
The carrying value of all of the Group's financial assets equate to fair value. 
For cash at bank and cash deposits, the fair value approximates to the book 
value due to their short maturity. For assets held at fair value through profit 
and loss, their value equates to level 1 (quoted prices in active markets) of 
the fair value hierarchy specified in the amendment to IFRS 7. 
18.       Reinsurance assets and insurance contract liabilities 
A)         Objectives, policies and procedures for the management of insurance 
The Group is involved in issuing motor insurance contracts that transfer risk 
from policyholders to the Group and its underwriting partners. 
Insurance risk primarily involves uncertainty over the occurrence, amount or 
timing of claims arising on insurance contracts issued. 
The key reserving risk is that the frequency and / or value of the claims 
arising exceeds expectation and the value of insurance liabilities established. 
The Board of Directors is responsible for the management of insurance risk, 
although as mentioned in note 17, it has delegated the task of supervising risk 
management to the Risk Management Committee (RMC) and its overseas equivalents. 
The Board implements certain policies in order to mitigate and control the level 
of insurance risk accepted by the Group. These include underwriting partnership 
arrangements, pricing policies and claims management and administration 
A number of the key elements of these policies and procedures are detailed 
i)          Co-insurance and reinsurance: 
As noted in the Business Review, the Group cedes a significant amount of the 
motor insurance business generated to external underwriters.  In 2010, 45% of 
the risk was shared under a co-insurance contract, under which the primary risk 
is borne by the co-insurer. 
A further 27.5% was ceded under quota share reinsurance contracts. 
As well as these proportional arrangements, an excess of loss reinsurance 
programme is also purchased to protect the Group against very large individual 
claims and catastrophe losses. 
ii)         Data driven pricing: 
The Group's underwriting philosophy is focused on a sophisticated data-driven 
approach to pricing and underwriting and on exploiting the competitive 
advantages direct insurers enjoy over traditional insurers through: 
  * Collating and analysing more comprehensive data from customers; 
  * Tight control over the pricing guidelines in order to target profitable 
    business sectors; and 
  * Fast and flexible responsiveness to data analysis and market trends. 
The Group is committed to establishing premium rates that appropriately price 
the underwriting risk and exposure.  Rates are set utilising a larger than 
average number of underwriting criteria. 
The Directors believe that there is a strong link between the increase in depth 
of data that the Group has been able to collate over time and the lower than 
average historic reported loss ratios enjoyed by the Group. 
iii)        Effective claims management: 
The Group adopts various claims management strategies designed to ensure that 
claims are paid at an appropriate level and to minimise the expenses associated 
with claims management.  These include: 
  * An effective, computerised workflow system (which along with the appropriate 
    level of resources employed helps reduce the scope for error and avoids 
    significant backlogs); 
  * Use of an outbound telephone team to contact third parties aiming to 
    minimise the potential claims costs and to ensure that more third parties 
    utilise the Group approved repairers; 
  * Use of sophisticated and innovative methods to check for fraudulent claims. 
Concentration of insurance risk: 
The Directors do not believe there are significant concentrations of insurance 
risk. This is because, although the Group only writes one line of insurance 
business, the risks are spread across a large number of people and a wide 
regional base. 
B)         Sensitivity of recognised amounts to changes in assumptions: 
The following table sets out the impact on equity at 31 December 2010 that would 
result from a 1 per cent worsening in the UK loss ratios used for each 
underwriting year for which material amounts remain outstanding. 
                                           Underwriting year 
                            2006   2007   2008   2009   2010 
 Booked loss ratio           75%    70%    74%    75%    78% 
 Impact of 1% change ( GBPm)    2.1    3.6    2.8    3.5    2.8 
The impact is stated net of reinsurance and includes the change in net insurance 
claims  along with the  associated profit commission  movements that result from 
changes in loss ratios.  The figures are stated net of tax at the current rate. 
C)         Analysis of recognised amounts: 
                                                              31         31 
                                                        December   December 
                                                            2010       2009 
                                                               GBPm          GBPm 
 Claims outstanding                                        434.2      323.5 
 Unearned premium provision                                372.4      209.4 
 Total gross insurance liabilities                         806.6      532.9 
 Recoverable from reinsurers: 
 Claims outstanding                                        165.2      114.1 
 Unearned premium provision                                191.8       98.8 
 Total reinsurers' share of insurance liabilities          357.0      212.9 
 Claims outstanding                                        269.0      209.4 
 Unearned premium provision                                180.6      110.6 
 Total insurance liabilities - net                         449.6      320.0 
The maturity profile of gross insurance liabilities is as follows: 
                                     < 1 Year   1 - 3 years   > 3 years 
                                            GBPm             GBPm           GBPm 
 Claims outstanding                     130.3         147.6       156.3 
 Unearned premium provision             372.4             -           - 
 Total gross insurance liabilities      502.7         147.6       156.3 
D)         Analysis of UK claims incurred 
The following tables illustrate the development of net UK Car Insurance claims 
incurred for the past five financial periods, including the impact of re- 
estimation of claims provisions at the end of each financial year. The first 
table shows actual net claims incurred, and the second shows the development of 
UK loss ratios. Figures are shown net of reinsurance and are on an underwriting 
year basis. 
                                         Financial year ended 31 December 
Analysis of claims incurred (net     2006   2007    2008    2009    2010   Total 
                                        GBPm      GBPm       GBPm       GBPm       GBPm       GBPm 
Underwriting year (UK only): 
Earlier years                      (36.0)   26.8    20.6     2.7     1.1 
2006                               (67.6) (53.1)    10.5     7.9   (1.0) (103.3) 
2007                                    - (67.3)  (42.0)    11.6     2.7  (95.0) 
2008                                    -      -  (89.5)  (57.7)    10.2 (137.0) 
2009                                    -      -       -  (96.9)  (66.9) (163.8) 
2010                                    -      -       -       - (130.2) (130.2) 
UK net claims incurred (excluding 
claims handling costs             (103.6) (93.6) (100.4) (132.4) (184.1) 
Non-UK net claims incurred              -  (2.8)   (9.5)  (13.6)  (15.9) 
Claims handling costs and other 
amounts                             (3.5)  (3.4)   (4.7)   (5.7)   (8.5) 
Total net claims incurred         (107.1) (99.8) (114.6) (151.7) (208.5) 
                                  Financial year ended 31 December 
 UK loss ratio development:         2006   2007   2008   2009   2010 
                                       GBPm      GBPm      GBPm      GBPm      GBPm 
 Underwriting year (UK only): 
 2006                                90%    87%    79%    75%    75% 
 2007                                       89%    80%    72%    70% 
 2008                                              88%    79%    74% 
 2009                                                     84%    75% 
 2010                                                            78% 
E)         Analysis of net claims provision releases (UK business only): 
The  following  table  analyses  the  impact  of  movements in prior year claims 
provisions,  in terms of their net value,  and their impact on the reported loss 
ratio.  This data is presented on an underwriting year basis. 
                                         Financial year ended 31 December 
                                        2006    2007    2008    2009    2010 
                                           GBPm       GBPm       GBPm       GBPm       GBPm 
 Underwriting year: 
 2000                                    1.1     0.7     0.4     0.4       - 
 2001                                    1.9     1.5     0.5     0.5       - 
 2002                                    2.3     1.3       -     0.3     0.3 
 2003                                    5.1     3.2     2.3     1.2       - 
 2004                                    7.9     7.6     6.4   (1.6)     0.8 
 2005                                    2.6    12.6    11.0     1.8       - 
 2006                                      -     2.6    10.5     7.9   (1.0) 
 2007                                      -       -     6.9    11.6     2.7 
 2008                                      -       -       -     9.2    10.3 
 2009                                      -       -       -       -    10.4 
 Total net release                      20.9    29.5    38.0    31.3    23.5 
 Net premium revenue                   145.0   142.2   169.8   211.9   288.1 
 Release as % of net premium revenue   14.4%   20.7%   22.4%   14.8%    8.2% 
Profit commission is analysed in note 7. 
F)         Reconciliation of movement in net claims provision: 
                                                     31         31 
                                               December   December 
                                                   2010       2009 
                                                      GBPm          GBPm 
 Net claims provision at start of period          209.4      178.5 
 Net claims incurred                              199.9      146.2 
 Net claims paid                                (140.3)    (115.3) 
 Net claims provision at end of period            269.0      209.4 
G)        Reconciliation of movement in net unearned premium provision: 
                                                               31         31 
                                                         December   December 
                                                             2010       2009 
                                                                GBPm          GBPm 
 Net unearned premium provision at start of period          110.6       90.5 
 Written in the period                                      358.5      232.5 
 Earned in the period                                     (288.5)    (212.4) 
 Net unearned premium provision at end of period            180.6      110.6 
H)         Other disclosures: 
The Directors are aware that the Ministry of Justice has been reviewing the 
discount rate used in the calculation of damages awards in bodily injury and 
fatal claims in the UK (the Ogden tables).  Whilst an announcement is expected 
imminently, at the date the financial statements were approved the discount rate 
used in these calculations remained at 2.5%. 
Including an allowance for the estimated impact of a significant reduction in 
the discount rate, the Directors remain satisfied that the selected reserves 
included in the financial statements provide an appropriate and consistent 
margin over projected ultimate loss ratios. 
19.       Trade and other receivables 
                                               31         31 
                                         December   December 
                                             2010       2009 
                                                GBPm          GBPm 
 Trade receivables                           47.9       32.5 
 Prepayments and accrued income                 -        0.2 
 Total trade and other receivables           47.9       32.7 
20.       Cash and cash equivalents 
                                             31         31 
                                       December   December 
                                           2010       2009 
                                              GBPm          GBPm 
 Cash at bank and in hand                 246.7      191.8 
 Cash on short term deposit                   -       20.0 
 Total cash and cash equivalents          246.7      211.8 
Cash and cash equivalents includes cash in hand, deposits held at call with 
banks, and other short-term deposits with original maturities of three months or 
21.       Non-current assets held for sale 
On 6 January 2011, the Group disclosed that following exclusive discussions, it 
had sold its German operation, AdmiralDirekt, to Itzehoer Versicherung 
('Itzehoer').  The insurance contracts generated by AdmiralDirekt and 
underwritten by the Group in 2011 will be fully reinsured by Itzehoer, and it is 
intended to transfer 2011 and prior year underwriting business to Itzehoer 
subject to regulatory and court approval. 
At the balance sheet date, a disposal group consisting of property, plant and 
equipment assets belonging to the AdmiralDirekt operation were separately 
classified as held for sale.  The carrying amount of these assets is lower than 
the fair value of the assets less costs to sell and therefore no impairment loss 
has been recognised on the reclassification.  No other assets or liabilities of 
the AdmiralDirekt operation are included in the sale. 
The results of the AdmiralDirekt operation in 2010 are not material to the 
results of the Group and have not therefore been separately presented. The 
results and balances of AdmiralDirekt are included in the Non-UK Car Insurance 
segment in note 4. 
22.       Trade and other payables 
                                                            31         31 
                                                      December   December 
                                                          2010       2009 
                                                             GBPm          GBPm 
 Trade payables                                           13.3       10.7 
 Amounts owed to co-insurers and reinsurers              327.4      154.4 
 Finance leases due within 12 months                       0.2        0.3 
 Finance leases due after 12 months                          -        0.1 
 Other taxation and social security liabilities           16.5       10.9 
 Other payables                                           59.7       29.1 
 Accruals and deferred income (see below)                143.9      101.3 
 Total trade and other payables                          561.0      306.8 
Of  amounts owed to  co-insurers and reinsurers,   GBP213.8m (2009:  GBP93.1m) is held 
under funds withheld arrangements. 
Analysis of accruals and deferred income: 
                                                               31         31 
                                                         December   December 
                                                             2010       2009 
                                                                GBPm          GBPm 
 Premium receivable in advance of policy inception           82.3       53.9 
 Accrued expenses                                            46.2       35.3 
 Deferred income                                             15.4       12.1 
 Total accruals and deferred income as above                143.9      101.3 
23.       Obligations under finance leases 
Analysis of finance lease liabilities: 
                                 At 31 December 2010         At 31 December 2009 
                          Minimum Interest Principal  Minimum Interest Principal 
                            lease                       lease 
                         payments                    payments 
                                GBPm        GBPm         GBPm        GBPm        GBPm         GBPm 
Less than one year              -        -         -      0.3        -       0.3 
Between one and five 
years                         0.2        -       0.2      0.1        -       0.1 
More than five years            -        -         -        -        -         - 
                              0.2        -       0.2      0.4        -       0.4 
The  fair value of the Group's  lease obligations approximates to their carrying 
24.       Deferred income tax (asset) / liability 
                                                 31         31 
                                           December   December 
                                               2010       2009 
                                                  GBPm          GBPm 
 Brought  forward at start of period            5.7       10.3 
 Movement in period                          (18.1)      (4.6) 
 Carried forward at end of period            (12.4)        5.7 
The net balance provided at the end of the year is made up as follows: 
 Analysis of net deferred tax (asset)/ liability:             31         31 
                                                        December   December 
                                                            2010       2009 
                                                               GBPm          GBPm 
 Tax treatment of share scheme charges                     (6.9)      (4.4) 
 Capital allowances                                        (1.3)      (1.6) 
 Other differences                                         (4.2)      (0.6) 
 Unremitted overseas income                                    -       12.3 
 Deferred tax (asset)/ liability at end of period         (12.4)        5.7 
The UK corporation tax rate will move from 28% to 27% on 1 April 2011. Deferred 
tax has been calculated at 27% where the temporary difference is expected to 
reverse after this date. 
The amount of deferred tax (expense) / income recognised in the income statement 
for each of the temporary differences reported above is: 
 Amounts credited to income or expense:             31         31 
                                              December   December 
                                                  2010       2009 
                                                     GBPm          GBPm 
 Tax treatment of share scheme charges           (0.8)        0.3 
 Capital allowances                              (0.3)        1.6 
 Other differences                                 3.6        0.5 
 Remittance of overseas income                    12.3        0.5 
 Net deferred tax credited to income              14.8        2.9 
The difference between the total movement in the deferred tax balance above and 
the amount charged to income relates to deferred tax on share scheme charges 
that has been credited directly to equity. 
25.       Events after the balance sheet date 
On 1 March 2011, European Court of Justice (ECJ) gave a ruling that upheld the 
recommendation that Article 5(2) of the Gender Directive is invalid, due to it 
being incompatible with the general principle of equal treatment for men and 
women which is a fundamental principal under EU law.  Article 5(2) of the Gender 
Directive allowed insurers to use gender related information in determining 
insurance premiums and benefits if insurers could provide statistically valid 
data that proved gender is a determining risk factor.  As a result insurance 
companies will no longer able to use gender specific information in determining 
insurance premiums and benefits. 
The requirement for unisex insurance premiums and benefits will come into effect 
after a transitional period on 21 December 2012, by which time the Group's EU 
insurers will have gender neutral pricing and benefits in place. 
26.       Share capital and share incentive plans 
                                                 31         31 
                                           December   December 
                                               2010       2009 
                                                  GBPm          GBPm 
 500,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.1p            0.5        0.5 
 Issued, called up and fully paid: 
 268,571,725 ordinary shares of 0.1p            0.3          - 
 266,477,291 ordinary shares of 0.1p              -        0.3 
                                                0.3        0.3 
During 2010 2,094,434 (2009: 1,935,461) new ordinary shares of 0.1p were issued 
to the trusts administering the Group's share schemes. 
594,434 (2009: 751,513) of these were issued to the Admiral Group Share 
Incentive Plan Trust for the purposes of this share scheme.  These shares are 
entitled to receive dividends. 
1,500,000 (2009: 1,183,948) were issued to the Admiral Group Employee Benefit 
Trust for the purposes of the Discretionary Free Share Scheme.  The Trustees 
have waived the right to dividend payments, other than to the extent of 0.001p 
per share, unless and to the extent otherwise directed by the Company from time 
to time. 
Staff share schemes: 
Analysis of share scheme costs (per income statement): 
                                        31         31 
                                  December   December 
                                      2010       2009 
                                         GBPm          GBPm 
 SIP charge (note i)                   5.1        3.6 
 DFSS charge (note ii)                 9.9        5.6 
 Total share scheme charges           15.0        9.2 
The share scheme charges reported above are net of the co-insurance share and 
therefore differ from the gross charge reported in note 10 (2010:  GBP18.5m, 2009: 
 GBP13.7m) and the gross credit to reserves reported in the consolidated statement 
of changes in equity. 
The consolidated cashflow statement also shows the gross charge in the 
reconciliation between 'profit after tax' and 'cashflows from operating 
activities'. The co-insurance share of the charge is included in the 'change in 
trade and other payables' line. 
(i) The Approved Share Incentive Plan (the SIP) 
Eligible employees qualify for awards under the SIP based upon the performance 
of the Group in each half-year period.  The current maximum award for each year 
is  GBP3,000 per employee. 
The awards are made with reference to the Group's performance against prior year 
profit before tax.  Employees must remain in employment for the holding period 
(three years from the date of award) otherwise the shares are forfeited. 
The fair value of shares awarded is either the share price at the date of award, 
or is estimated at the latest share price available when drawing up the 
financial statements for awards not yet made (and later adjusted to reflect the 
actual share price on the award date).  Awards under the SIP are entitled to 
receive dividends, and hence no adjustment has been made to this fair value. 
(ii) The Discretionary Free Share Scheme (the DFSS) 
Under the DFSS, details of which are contained in the Remuneration policy 
section of the Remuneration report, individuals receive an award of free shares 
at no charge.  Staff must remain in employment until the vesting date in order 
to receive shares.  The maximum number of shares that can vest relating to the 
2010 scheme is 1,662,303 (2009 scheme: 1,438,426). 
Individual awards are calculated based on the growth in the Company's earnings 
per share (EPS) relative to a risk free return (RFR), for which LIBOR has been 
selected as a benchmark.  This performance is measured over the same three year 
For the 2010 (and 2009) scheme, 50% of the shares awarded at the start of the 
three year vesting period are subject to these performance conditions. 
The range of awards is as follows: 
  * If the growth in EPS is less than the RFR, no awards vest 
  * EPS growth is equal to RFR - 10% of maximum award vests 
  * To achieve the maximum award, EPS growth has to be 36 points higher than RFR 
    over the three year period 
Between 10% and 100% of the maximum awards, a linear relationship exists. 
Awards under the DFSS are not eligible for dividends (although a discretionary 
bonus is currently paid equivalent to the dividend that would have been paid on 
the respective shareholding) and hence the fair value of free shares to be 
awarded under this scheme has been revised downwards to take account of these 
distributions.  The unadjusted fair value is based on the share price at the 
date on which awards were made (as stated in the Remuneration Report). 
Number of free share awards committed at 31 December 2010: 
                                           Awards          Vesting 
                                 outstanding (*1)             date 
 SIP H207 scheme                          337,770       April 2011 
 SIP H108 scheme                          352,732   September 2011 
 SIP H208 scheme                          477,432       April 2012 
 SIP H109 scheme                          396,200   September 2012 
 SIP H209 scheme                          377,641       March 2013 
 SIP H110 scheme                          352,100      August 2013 
 DFSS 2008 scheme  1(st) award          1,306,081       April 2011 
 DFSS 2008 scheme  2(nd) award             87,202    November 2011 
 DFSS 2009 scheme  1(st) award          1,311,686       April 2012 
 DFSS 2009 scheme  2(nd) award            126,740      August 2012 
 DFSS 2010 scheme  1(st) award          1,543,203       April 2013 
 DFSS 2010 scheme  2(nd) award            119,100      August 2013 
 Total awards committed                 6,787,887 
*1 - being the maximum number of awards expected to be made before accounting 
for expected staff attrition. 
During the year ended 31 December 2010, awards under the SIP H206 and H107 
schemes and the DFSS 2007 scheme vested. The total number of awards vesting for 
each scheme is as follows. 
Number of free share awards vesting during the year ended 31 December 2010: 
                                      Original      Awards 
                                        Awards      vested 
 SIP H206 scheme                       277,387     234,532 
 SIP H107 scheme                       353,444     304,122 
 DFSS 2007 scheme, 1(st) award       1,210,781   1,065,964 
 DFSS 2007 scheme, 2(nd) award          26,350      19,430 
27.       Financial commitments 
The  Group was committed to total  minimum obligations under operating leases on 
land and buildings as follows: 
                                        31         31 
                                  December   December 
 Operating leases expiring:           2010       2009 
                                         GBPm          GBPm 
 Within one year                       0.2          - 
 Within two to five years             11.1        4.1 
 Over five years                      16.4       31.6 
 Total commitments                    27.7       35.7 
Operating  lease payments represent rentals payable  by the Group for its office 
In  addition, the Group had contracted to spend the following on property, plant 
and equipment at the end of each period: 
                                       31         31 
                                 December   December 
                                     2010       2009 
                                        GBPm          GBPm 
 Expenditure contracted to              -          - 
28.       Group subsidiary companies 
The Parent Company's subsidiaries are as follows: 
Subsidiary          Country of         Class of     % Ownership Principal 
                    incorporation      shares held              activity 
EUI Limited         England and Wales  Ordinary     100         General 
Admiral Insurance   England and Wales  Ordinary     100         Insurance 
Company Limited                                                 Company 
Admiral Insurance   Gibraltar          Ordinary     100         Insurance 
(Gibraltar) Limited                                             Company 
Able Insurance      England and Wales  Ordinary     100         Intermediary 
Services Limited 
Inspop.com Limited  England and Wales  Ordinary     100         Internet 
Elephant Insurance  United States of   Ordinary     100         Insurance 
Company             America                                     Company 
Elephant Insurance  United States of   Ordinary     100         Insurance 
Services, LLC       America                                     intermediary 
Rastreator.com      England and Wales  Ordinary     75          Internet 
Limited                                                         insurance 
Inspop Technologies India              Ordinary     100 
Private Limited 
Inspop.com (France) England and Wales  Ordinary     100         Internet 
Limited                                                         insurance 
Inspop.com (Italy)  England and Wales  Ordinary     100         Internet 
Limited                                                         insurance 
EUI France Limited  England and Wales  Ordinary     100         Insurance 
Admiral Syndicate   England and Wales  Ordinary     100         Dormant 
Admiral Syndicate   England and Wales  Ordinary     100         Dormant 
Management Limited 
Admiral Life        England and Wales  Ordinary     100         Dormant 
Bell Direct Limited England and Wales  Ordinary     100         Dormant 
Confused.com        England and Wales  Ordinary     100         Dormant 
Diamond Motor       England and Wales  Ordinary     100         Dormant 
Insurance Services 
Elephant Insurance  England and Wales  Ordinary     100         Dormant 
Services Limited 
For further information on how the Group conducts its business, refer to the 
Business Review. 
29.       Related party transactions 
a) Mapfre: 
In 2010, the Group participated in transactions with Mapfre S.A. during the 
normal course of its Non-UK Car Insurance and Price Comparison operations. 
Mapfre is a related party of Admiral Group due to its 25% minority interest in 
Group subsidiary Rastreator.com Limited. 
Details of the total transactions with Mapfre and balances outstanding as at 31 
December are given in the table below. 
                                                 31         31 
                                           December   December 
                                               2010       2009 
 Total transactions                             0.3          - 
 Balances outstanding at 31 December              -          - 
b) Other: 
Details relating to the remuneration and shareholdings of key management 
personnel are set out in the Remuneration Report (audited section). Key 
management personnel are able to obtain discounted motor insurance at the same 
rates as all other Group staff, typically at a reduction of 15%. 
The Board considers that only the Board of Directors of Admiral Group plc are 
key management personnel. 
30.       Statutory information 
The financial information set out above does not constitute the company's 
statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 2010 or 2009.  Statutory 
accounts for 2009 have been delivered to the registrar of companies, and those 
for 2010 will be delivered in due course.  The auditors have reported on those 
accounts; their reports were (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference 
to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without 
qualifying their report and (iii) did not contain a statement under section 498 
(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
Consolidated financial summary 
Basis of preparation: 
The figures below are as stated in the Group financial statements preceding this 
financial summary and issued previously.  Only selected lines from the income 
statement and balance sheet have been included. 
Income statement 
                                    2010    2009    2008   2007    2006 
                                       GBPm       GBPm       GBPm      GBPm       GBPm 
Total motor premiums             1,308.6   847.7   716.3  631.3   566.6 
Net insurance premium revenue      288.1   211.9   169.8  142.2   145.0 
Other revenue                      276.2   232.6   193.9  176.9   131.6 
Profit commission                   67.0    54.2    34.7   20.5    19.9 
Investment and interest income       9.5     8.8    24.4   24.6    14.5 
Net revenue                        640.8   507.5   422.8  364.2   311.0 
Net insurance claims             (208.5) (151.7) (114.6) (99.8) (107.1) 
Total expenses                   (166.8) (140.0) (105.7) (82.0)  (55.5) 
Operating profit                   265.5   215.8   202.5  182.4   148.4 
Balance sheet 
                                   2010    2009    2008  2007  2006 
                                      GBPm       GBPm       GBPm     GBPm     GBPm 
Property, plant and equipment      13.6    12.1    11.0   7.7   7.5 
Intangible assets                  82.9    77.0    75.7  69.1  66.8 
Financial assets                1,004.7   630.9   586.9 481.8 395.9 
Reinsurance assets                357.0   212.9   170.6 131.7  74.7 
Deferred income tax                12.4       -       -   1.6     - 
Trade and other receivables        47.9    32.7    25.5  22.6  16.9 
Cash and cash equivalents         246.7   211.8   144.3 155.8 191.2 
Assets held for sale                1.5       -       -     -     - 
Total assets                    1,766.7 1,177.4 1,014.0 870.3 753.0 
Equity                            350.7   300.8   275.6 237.6 219.1 
Insurance contracts               806.6   532.9   439.6 363.1 294.4 
Financial liabilities                 -       -       -     -     - 
Deferred income tax                   -     5.7    10.3     -   1.0 
Trade and other payables          561.0   306.8   270.0 239.6 215.1 
Current tax liabilities            48.4    31.2    18.5  30.0  23.4 
Total liabilities               1,766.7 1,177.4 1,014.0 870.3 753.0 
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Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
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Source: Admiral Group PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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