RNS No 9744x
4th November 1997

                           STOCK EXCHANGE REPORT
                       FOR THE THIRD QUARTER OF 1997

Data presented in this TVK Rt. report on Q1-3 1997 are non-audited and should
not be interpreted as final.


After consolidation the Group's profit increased by HUF 409 million.  The
effect of consolidation on the balance sheet total is HUF 352 million.  For
analysis, the IAS data of TVK were considered, since consolidation does not
represent considerable modifications.


Business Environment

The world market trends were altogether favourable for TVK Rt. in the first 9
months of 1997, from which the Company could benefit, due to the sensible
commercial and operational management.  During H1 1997 the main market price of
naphtha decreased continuously, then in Q3 it started to increase.  The average
main market price of naphtha was USD 174/t in Q3 1997 (Q3 1996: USD 177/t), in 
Q1-3 1997 it was USD 177/t (last year: USD 165/t).  During the period under
review the movement of world market prices of polymer products was marked by
stability, though in Q3 the tendency was slightly decreasing because of summer
holidays and planned shutdowns.

In Q3 1997 the previously continuous strengthening of USD rate against the DEM
stopped.  The Hungarian macro indicators developed favourably, the interest
rates on loans and deposits, both moderated smoothly.  During the period under
review inflation decreased continuously too.  During the period, average
domestic interest rates level on deposit were around 20%, this rate was 24%
compared to last year's same period. Average interest rates on HUF loans was 23%
(in the case of TVK that was 20%) in Q1-3 1997, down from 28% a year earlier. In
Q1-3 1997 interest on hard currency loans was LIBOR + 0.3% (in Q3 it was LIBOR
+ 0.2%), compared to L1BOR + 1.3% in the same period a year earlier, with
approximately the same average loans outstanding.  Depreciation of HUF against
USD was 21%, and against DEM 6.3% during the period under review.

Financial Analysis

Profit and Loss Account

In Q1-3 1997 TVK's sales revenue was HUF 59,667 million exceeding the Q1-3 1996
level by 35.3 % Domestic sales represented 46 % of net sales revenue, compared 
to 53% in Q1-3 1996.  This can be explained by two factors.  The first factor is
only a technical one, because the Ukrainian ethylene purchase and reselling do
not appear in the sales revenue.  If it was so, then the ratio of domestic sales
would be 49.4 % The other factor is due to price structure, because the export
prices continued to increase to a higher extent than the domestic prices.
Breakdown of export: Europe 86 % ( in Q 1-3 1996: 82 %), in which Central
Eastern Europe represents 8 % (in Q 1-3 1996: 6 %), Africa 5 % (in Q 1-3 1996: 
5%), the Middle East 6 % (in Q 1-3 1996: 9 %) and North America 3 % (in Q 1-3
1996: 2 %).

The direct sales cost increased by 30.2 % (HUF 41,349 million) which represents
69.3% of sales revenue.  This is due to the increasing feedstock prices.

Material cost represent 81.2 % of total cost, compared to the 78.9 % in 1996,
which reflects that the general and administrative cost decreased relatively in
the total cost structure.

The gross profit was HUF 18,318 million, which is higher by 48.4 % than last 
year's Q1-3 figure, which is the result of favourable trend of the input-output
prices.  The gross margin was 30.7 % compared to last year's 28 %

The general and administrative cost amounted to HUF 6,572 million, which means
only a 13.3 % increase compared last year's Q1-3.  Personnel expenditures 
amounted 8.1 % compared last year's same period 10.2 % This change can be
explained by the combined effect of the reduction of work force and the growth
of material cost. Depreciation was HUF 2,805 million, while capital expenditures
in Q1-3 1997 amounted to HUF 2,743 million.

As a result of these operating income was HUF 11,746 million, which is 79.4 % 
higher than in Q1-3 1996.

Other income represented HUF 2,616 million, which means a 17.5 % decrease
compared to last year's figure.  Among them again the biggest item was the
exchange rate gain (HUF 1,043 million).  Within the HUF 2,515 million amount of
other expenditures the biggest item was the exchange rate loss (HUF 950

As a result of these facts the profit before interest and tax was HUF 11,847 
million, which is higher with 64.8 % than last year's Q 1-3 figure.  The
interest income (HUF 1,929 million) is by 61.4 % higher compared to Q 1-3 1996,
while the interest expenses were increased by 52 % during the same period.  Due
to these factors TVK's net interest income was HUF 1,359 million in Q1-3 1997.

TVK's profit before income tax amounted to HUF 13,206 million, which is higher 
by 64.9 % compared to the same period of 1996.  TVK's net profit was HUF 10,843
million, which represents a 59.3 % higher value than Q 1-3 1996.  The tax is
accounted according to the usual 18 % corporate tax.

(IAS, non-consolidated)                                         HUF
Description                       Q1-3 1996        1996      Q1-3 1997
Operating Income                     6,547         8,617       11,746
EBIT Extraordinary Items             7,187         8,063       11,847
Profit Before Income Tax             8,007         9,512       13,206
Net Profit                           6,806         7,693       10,843

Balance Sheet

The balance sheet total on September 30, 1997 was HUF 61,513, which means a 33.3
% increase over 1996 same date's figure, which resulted mainly from high extent
increase of current assets.  The 8.1 % increase of long term assets is due to
the purchase of own shares (HUF 4,349 million), which took place in December
1996. Current assets increased by 69 %, which is mainly the result of the 219 %
increase of securities and the 38 % increase of the net receivables.  The
increase of securities to HUF 14,520 million is due to mainly the approximately
HUF 6,000 million returns from the privatisation proceeds and to the investment
of the outstanding profit.  The growth of net receivables resulted flom
inflation and volume increase.  In the 23.8 % increase of short term debt the
main role was played by the 43.5 % increase of liabilities and the 34 % increase
of short term debt.  The value growth of liabilities was concluded from
inflation and volume micome just like in the case of net receivables, while the
increase of short term debts can be explained by the increase of the current
account with favourable interest rates.

The HUF 5,181 million amount of capital reserve is made up of the payment of
privatisation proceeds by APV Rt. in two part.

Cash Flow Statement

In the Cash Flow Statement the capital reserve increase from the receivables 
showed a significant change, which contains the sum of privatisation proceeds
(the first transfer was in July, the last was in September).  The Company
invested its liquid cash (including the privatisation proceeds) to short term
securities, which is reflected by an item of HUF 12,382 million.

Totally the Company's liquid cash increased by HUF 612 million, and its 
relatively small value can be explained by the above mentioned investment.


Organisational Structure

As part of the overall business strategy, in HI 1997 the Company made 
organisational changes in the area of technical services and it's fully owned
hotel was transferred into a joint venture.  On September 15, 1997 the
Forklift-truck Service Division was transformed into a 100 % owned foreign
enterprise, and the Vehicle Service Division was closed.

Senior Officials

There was no change in the Senior Management.

Work Force

As of July 1, 1997 the number of employees stood at 3436, the number of 
employee on September 30, 1997 was 3345.  The average number over Q1-3 was
3,471.  During Q1-3 337 employees were transferred to TVK Rt's related

Profit and Loss Account
(IAS, Non-Audited)

HUF millions                     Q3 1996     Q3 1997      Q3 1996     Q3 1997
                                  TVK Rt      TVK Rt          TVK         TVK
                                                            Group       Group

Sales Revenue                     44.112      59.667       45.705      60.824
Cost of Sales                     31.767      41.349       31.906      41.516
Gross Profit                      12.345      18.318       13.799      19.308
Selling, General and 
 Administrative Expenses           5.798       6.572        6.825       7.417
Operating Income                   6.547      11.746        6.974      11.891
Other Income                       3.172       2.616        3.120       2.642
Other Expense                      2.532       2.515        2.657       2.597
EBIT Extraordinary Items           7.187      11.847        7.438      11.936
Interest Income                    1.195       1.929        1.233       2.353
Interest Expense                     375         570          393         760
Profit Before Income Tax and       
 Extraordinary items               8.007      13.206        8.278      13.529
Income Tax                         1.201       2.363        1.260       2.442
Profit Before Extraordinary Items  6.806      10.843        7.018      11.087
Extraordinary Items                    -           -            -         170
Minority Share of Profit 
 After Taxes                                                  106           5
Net Profit                         6.806      10.843        6.912      11.252

Balance Sheet
(IAS, Non-Audited)

HUF millions                 30.06.1996  30.06.1997     30.06.1996 30.06.1997
                                 TVK Rt      TVK Rt            TVK        TVK
                                                             Group      Group

Long-term Assets                 37.945      41.024         39.366     41.391
Net value of Tangible Assets     31.882      31.394         34.614     33.060
Net value of Intangible Assets      108         116            120        127
Investments                       5.880       5.099          4.557      3.779
Treasury Stock                                4.349                     4.349
Receivables                          75          76             75         76
Current assets                   21.507      36.418         22.809     38.460
Cash                              2.223       3.002          2.676      3.640
Receivables from APV Rt 
Receivables, Net                  8.514      11.764          7.865     13.058
Inventories                       4.790       5.054          5.391      5.483
Accruals and Other Receivables    1.429       2.078          2.218      1.560
Securities Portfolio              4.551      14.520          4.659     14.719
Short-term Debt                   9.497      11.759         10.197     13.268
Liabilities                       3.514       5.044          3.785      5.145
Short-term Debts                  2.811       3.776          2.851      4,012
Current portion of long-term 
 debt and lease obligations       1.214         396          1.214        396
Other                             1.959       2.543          2.347      3.715
Net Current Assets               12.010      24.659         12.612     25.192
Total Assets Less Current 
 Liabilities                     49.955      65.683         51.978     66.583
Long-term Liabilities             3.818       4.170          4.693      4.718
Long-term Debt and Lease 
 Obligations                      3.791       3.984          4.148      4.194
Other long term liabilities                                    508        338
Tax                                             160                       160
Early Retirement                     37          26             37         26
Net Assets                       46.137      61.513         47.285     61.865

Shareholders' Equity             46.137      61.513         47.285     61.865
Share Capital                    24.000      24.000         24.000     24.000
Net Profit                        6.806      10.843          6,912     11.252
Capital Reserve                               5.181                     5.181
Profit Reserve                   15.227      21.385         15.355     21.268
Revaluation Reserve                 104         104            104        104
Minority                                                       914         60

Cash Flow Statement
(IAS, Non-Consolidated, Non-Audited)

HUF millions                                                1996       Q3 1997

Operating Activities
Income Before Extraordinaries                              7.693       10.843
Default Interest                                               0
Increase in Profit Reserve                                     0        5.225
Depreciation and Amortisation                              2.893        2.805
Increase in Receivables                                   -2.676         -583
Decrease/increase in Inventories                             402         -554 
Decrease/increase in Other Current Assets                  2.753          -40
Increase in Accounts Payable                               1.758         -944
Decrease in Other Current Liabilities                     -3.433         -990
Decrease/increase in Other Liabilities                        14            0
Net Cash from Operating Activities                         9.404       15.762
Investing Activities          
Purchase of Intangible Assets                                -25          -19
Decrease/increase in Short-term Securities                 2.042      -12.382
Proceeds from Purchase of Long-term Investments           -3.508         -368
Purchase of Tangible Fixed Assets                         -7.152       -2.803
Disposal of Fixed Assets                                   1.294          311
In-kind Contribution                                           0          537
Net Cash from Investing Activities                        -7.349      -14.724
Financing Activities 
Proceeds from Borrowings                                   9.733        5.355
Repayment of Dept and Lease Obligations                   -9.775       -5.728
Dividends Paid                                            -1.770            0
Increase in Long-term Receivables                              0          -53
Net Cash from Financing Activities                        -1.812         -426
Increase/decrease in Cash                                    243          612
Cash at Beginning of Year                                  2.147        2.390
Cash at End of Year                                        2.390        3.002
Increase/decrease in Cash                                    243          612

Tiszaujvaros, November 3, 1997



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